#aisling mahariel
greypetrel · 5 months
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OC in Symbolism - part 1
Alyra almost got Hope as a feeling in direct quote to Miranda Priestley. The other blorbos will be updated soon, I am VERY normal about cohesive palettes.
Part 2 with Hawkes and Shepard
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layalu · 2 years
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i finished the thing >:]
Aisling Lavellan @greypetrel | Ixchel Lavellan @dreadfutures | Gareth Hawke @daggerbean
Natia Brosca @quakingbirch | Da'Revas Mahariel @a-drama-addict | Ji'vi @bearsizedant
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nilesdaughter · 1 year
Dragon Age Characters
In reformatting my blog, I "lost" the page that had the list of my plethora of Dragon Age characters, so I made a post about them, instead.
Dragon Age: Origins
Aidan & Aisling Tabris | Fraternal Twin Rogues - Aidan & Zevran - Aisling & Leliana
Milah Brosca | Female Warrior - Alistair Romance
Orin Surana | Male Mage - Morrigan Romance
Ranalle Mahariel of Clan Sabrae | Female Rogue - Paired with Tamlen
Regan Cousland | Female Warrior - Alistair Romance
Rosalind Aeducan | Female Warrior - Paired with Gorim
Canon Playthrough: Veleda Amell | Female Mage - Zevran Romance
Dragon Age II
Aileen | Female Warrior - Sebastian Romance
Diana | Female Mage - Merrill Romance
Katherine | Female Rogue - Anders Romance
Reona | Female Rogue - Isabela Romance
Canon Playthrough: Sylvia | Female Mage - Fenris Romance
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Asera Adaar | Female Mage - Paired with Cullen
Desta Lavellan | Female Rogue - The Iron Bull Romance
Eldrian Hernando Trevelyan | Male Mage - Cassandra Romance
Canon Playthrough: Elera Lavellan | Female Mage - Solas Romance
Elizabeth "Liza" Trevelyan | Female Warrior - Josephine Romance
Self-Indulgent Self-Insert: Enansal "Nan" Lavellan | Female Mage - Cullen Romance
Esme Trevelyan | Female Rogue - Cullen Romance
Hana Cadash | Female Rogue - Blackwall Romance
Havva Adaar | Female Warrior - Sera Romance
Sarel Lavellan | Male Mage - Dorian Romance
Sulahn Lavellan | Female Rogue - Paired with Krem
Original Characters
Sonya Barros | Female Qunari Mage from Rivain
Nicolette Fabre | Female Elf Mage/Rogue from Orlais
Zahra Tahan | Female Elven-Blooded Rogue from Nevarra
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moodybidoof · 6 years
📩 ur mahariel kvetching about solas
Aisling Mahariel this time, I guess in an AU where she came to Skyhold with Morrigan.
Oh good, someone new to complain to. Morrigan has already heard this particular diatribe one too many times and my love has never been known for her patience. But where do I start?
Let’s get the low hanging fruit out of the way first: he’s ugly as a druffalo’s backside and dresses as if he’s never actually seen clothing before - though perhaps a spirit described the concept to him in the Fade. He apparently cannot spare a moment to find a single shirt in a color other than dull beige - despite the fact that he is at the Inquisitor’s side at all times - but I would bet 50 sovereigns that he shines his bald head like an expensive shoe. I swear, I saw him in the garden once at noon and the sun reflecting off of him nearly blinded me. I had to cover Kieran’s eyes, lest they be permanently damaged.
And of course, the picture only gets worse once he opens his mouth.
He’ll go on and on and ON to anyone within earshot about how wise and incredible he is - oh you poor plebeians, you’re like children to me! If only you know what amazing secrets I hide in my enormous! fat! head! - but when he’s asked to share some of that incredible wisdom, one shouldn’t expect more than some vague poetry about nothing and an empty excuse as to why you simply wouldn’t understand anyway. (I use the word poetry very purposefully. He has a strange way of speaking sometimes - almost in rhyme - and when it happens I’m never sure how to respond. He almost reminds me of the The Grand Oak from the Brecelian Forest, though he’s not nearly as pleasant to chat with.)
I asked him once why he refused to reach out to the Dalish, if he believed he knew so much more. He told me he had been turned away by the People before, and apparently that was enough to deter him. I don’t claim that he’s lying - I know well enough that some of my kinsmen can be harsh to outsiders, even other elves. But the man claims to know truths that have been hidden for eons, and he keeps that knowledge to himself simply because some might not listen? How arrogant can a person be, to stay silent simply because they do not have the attention of the whole world?
Though perhaps I should be grateful that he only saw me and the other Dalish as petulant idiots; the way he spoke of the city elves was far worse. Truly, I believe that to him they are not people at all. The Dalish - to him - require his help, but he spoke as if the elves in the alienages have no agency, no minds of their own! And worse, he seemed to think there was simply nothing that could be done to help them! Even Velanna, at her most vitriolic, at least tried to help in her own somewhat terrifying way.
He’s unbelievable! I’ve heard him moralizing to every member of the Inquisitor’s inner circle and yet he does absolutely nothing - nothing! - to help anyone else but himself. Honestly, I can’t even imagine what brought him to the Inquisition at all. And don’t even get me started on the way he talks to Morrigan!…..
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sunshinemage · 7 years
Warden Rinnariel, I hope this letter finds you well. This is a strange time for our order, and we could all use a little luck. I know this is an odd request, particularly from a stranger, but word has it that you're close with the Inquisition and I'm looking for some information about a recent guest of theirs. If you've heard anything about a witch named Morrigan, please let me know. She's impossible to get a hold of. Ma serannas, and may the Creators keep you safe. - Aisling Mahariel
Warden Constable,
I have indeed heard of a Morrigan, though I don’t know if she’s a witch or not. I’ve been told she used to be arcane advisor for the Orlesian court, but judging by the description I got of her, ‘witch’ sounds about right. I can ask for more details if you wish, but I’m sure you could reach the Inquisition directly.
One thing: she’s got a child with her.
Another thing: she’s apparently determined to stay at the Inquisition’s side for a little while still, so you should probably take that chance.
I wish you luck, as you said, we all could use it.
Stars guide your steps.
- Rinnariel Haurasha
Thank you
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inkprintedfox · 4 years
- My OC Masterlist -
Because I really need one if I want people to know who the hell they are, but also mostly for my own reference.
List constantly under construction and updated as I post things and do more stuff with them.
All OCs are fair game for any ask or tag game anytime! Honestly I don't care how long ago I rebloged any ask game, just copy and paste the question you want! If you're asking about one of my favorite things in the world (*hint* my OCs) you are never bothering me! 💚
OCs with their own tag mean you can also search my blog for their content. Not much original content yet aside from asks or tag games lovely people asked me to do, but it's a work in progress. Tagged OCs may tend to be more developed but don't count the nontagged ones out completely! They likely have personalities too but I just don't have as much reason to play with them. (You can always give me one *wink*wink*)
Full list below the cut to keep it neat.
Dragon Age
Feiell Tabris - Commander of the Grey/Hero of Feledan
#My OC: Feiell Tabris
Profile / OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Body Language / OC Fighting Style / OC Can Do / OC + Fears / If They Were A Deity
Taydwin (Mahariel) Amell - The (Human) Dalish Mage
#My OC: Taydwin Amell
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Negative OC Traits / OC Stats
Lelenah Mahariel - Tayd's Big Sis The Dalish Hunter
#My OC: Lelenah Mahariel
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Aarion Brosca - The Castles Archer
#My OC: Aarion Brosca
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do
Aiden Hawke - The Champion of Kirkwall
#My OC: Aiden Hawke
Profile/ OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Fighting Style/ OC Can Do / OC + Fears
Aisling Hawke - Aiden's Big Twin Sis
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Jynn Hawke
#My OC: Jynn Hawke
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: Negative OC Traits
Jameson Hawke
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Maxwell Trevelyan - The Inquisitor
#My OC: Maxwell Trevelyan
Profile / OC Study / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Stats / OC Fighting Style / OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Ascetic Search
Herah Adaar - Mercenary Mage/Arcane Enthusiasts
#My OC: Herah Adaar
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears
Mercy Cadash - The Carta Muscle
#My OC: Mercy Cadash
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games: OC Can Do / OC + Fears / Negative OC Traits
Rayla Trevelyan - Max's Mage Cousin
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Mass Effect
Jaxson Shepard - Commander Shepard
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Thad "Scott" Ryder - The Pathfinder
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Savanna "Sarah" Ryder - Thad's Big Sis
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
(Less developed, aside from my main Dragonborn/Vessage. Some I only remember names for and a couple details.)
Freya of Skyrim - Dragonborn/Vessage
AKA Freya the Nord (Or, a Khajiit from Skyrim)
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Dar'sei - The Argonian Mage
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Ammiittue - The Warden
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
Arrow-Heart - Argonian Nighblade
Profile / Answered Asks
Tag Games:
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asexualvega · 7 years
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Doodled Aisling instead of doing my work cause I've been thinking about her. Specifically, the long term effects of her slapdash Joining. She wasn't recruited by Duncan, but met Malka and co. when they returned to Ostagar. She'd been tainted by the Eluvian and had been seeking the Wardens for help, so Malka and Alistair tried to help her using whatever supplies they could pull together; they knew the ingredients of the mixture to-be Wardens had to drink and were lucky enough to find things leftover from Malka's own joining, but they didn't knew the measurements or other specifics, and Aisling had already been tainted for days. It worked, and later on Malka was able to help Aisling further using blood magic and help from Avernus, but I think Aisling's condition was still noticeable different from the other Wardens. During the Blight it was just that her nightmares were worse, but as the years went on she began to show physical signs of the taint much sooner than Malka or even Alistair. She ends up having to leave Amaranthine partly to help Malka on her search for an end to the Calling, but also just because by that point her looks make it difficult for her to carry out her duties as Arlessa.
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witchdoodle · 7 years
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aisling tabris is a scrapper from the denerim alienage raised by her father after her mother was killed. when a human noble interrupted her wedding to kidnap the women, she had to fight her way out of his estate, but not before he and his cronies brutalised her friends. she slaughtered them all like dogs, then turned herself over to the watch to spare the alienage from being purged for her crimes. the grey warden recruiting in the alienage invoked the rite of conscription to save her and brought her to ostagar, where she became a grey warden.
falon mahariel is a dalish hunter who was exploring old elven ruins with his crush tamlen when they discovered an old mirror. after tamlen touched it and triggered some kind of magical explosion, falon passed out, waking up later in the safety of his clan where he was told that he had contracted the darkspawn taint and would die unless he became a grey warden. extremely reluctant as he was, the grey warden recruiting among the dalish was forced to invoke the rite of conscription and take him against his will to ostagar, where he met aisling tabris and adopted her immediately.
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5lazarus · 4 years
BTV OC question time! What would a demon of desire be able to offer your character that might actually have a chance of tempting them into accepting the offer? and What is the stupidest thing your character has ever done? Either because someone said they couldn’t, or on a dare.
Thanks for the ask! :) these are fun ones What would a demon of desire be able to offer your character that might actually have a chance of tempting them into accepting the offer? Arana Mahariel Getting to go home and die in her own time. Marian Hawke Giving their mother peace. Imladris Ashallin Lavellan Living despite the Anchor. What is the stupidest thing your character has ever done? Either because someone said they couldn’t, or on a dare. Arana Mahariel Tried to outdrink Oghren. Sigrun told her the next morning she tried to mop her up vomit with her own shirt...while still wearing it. Marian Hawke Wore white to the Viscount’s niece’s wedding and showed up late, accidentally upstaging the bride by dodging into the Chantry right before she walked down the aisle. Imladris Ashallin Lavellan Slept with SolasShe and her first husband as students of archaeology and music respectively broke into the University of Orlais and stole the coronation stole for the Dalish kingdom and sent it to Clan Hawen, which would have been fine if they hadn’t written a song bragging about it. Both were expelled from their program, spent six months in prison, and Briala had to maneuver very delicately to make sure she wasn’t sent to the White Spire. Also she laughed at Divine Justinia’s funeral fete and stormed out of the hall after being insulted by the Arl of Edgehall.
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In-Character Interview
1. Choose a character
2. Answer as them
3. Tag 5 people!
I consider myself tagged by @allisondraste because yes.
I will probably be returning to this later on because, honestly... I have too many OCs and love to talk about them all.
I’ll tag: Uhhhhhh I don’t actually know how tagging works?? (RIP me). An also I feel like I’m so late to this that everyone has done this already, so... I’ll tag whoever wants to be tagged! Because honestly that’s how I ended up doing this so might as well, right? Spread the OC love! <3
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Elisse Cousland is up first~!
What is your name?
"Elissora Eleanor Valerie Margaret Cousland! Or, um, Elisse for short. Yes, Elisse will do just fine! Honestly...”
Do you know why you are named that?
"Father had a penchant for overly long and complicated names, I suppose? I do notknow, to be honest. Fergus likes to tease that he, Aedan, and I were all named this way so our first initials spell FAE, but... That cannot be true, right? Right?”
Are you single or taken?
"Umm both? Maybe? I am uncertain. It’s... a tad strange, being in a relationship with a spirit-- Ah, former spirit, sorry Cole! Still, I would not trade him for the world. Whatever the state of our relationship, I am quite content with it.”
Have any abilities or powers?
"I can shoot really well! It’s funny, I picked up a bow after the whole ordeal with Arl Howe because it reminded me of Mother, but after a while I felt... empowered? Yes, that is the word. It feels good to be able to protect yourself for a change, and protect others, too. I will not be a child in need of a rescue again.”
Stop being a Mary Sue!
"Why, I would never! What has Mary done to you, anyhow!? You leave her alone this instant! If you have a bone to pick with me, that is one matter, but I will not have you dragging some poor girl’s name through the mud! Humph!”
What’s your eye color?
"Blue. Mother used to say that mine looked like a calm midsummer lake, while Aedan’s looked like ice. ...Fergus has brown eyes. Teehee.”
How about your hair color?
"Hazel brown, thank you very much! All Couslands are brunettes, though I happen to have the lightest shade of hair between my siblings. Too much time spent in the sun, Mother used to say.”
Have any family members?
"Plenty! Is... what I would like to say, but at this point... It’s just Fergus and me. He’s doing rather well with his new wife, so maybe there will be more little Couslands running around soon? It would be lovely to hear children’s laughter in the old castle.”
How about pets?
"Leo offered to give me Aedan’s old Mabari, Pup, but somehow that doesn’t feel right. He chose her as his new master, you know? I wouldn’t want to break that bond. But she did promise me a puppy as soon as the new litter is born, so hopefully someday soon!”
That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
"Tight spaces. Dungeons. Fire... Those things bring back some bad memories. I’m sorry.
Also, Queen Anora. I really, really hate Anora. Humph.”
Do you have any hobbies/activities that you like to do?
"I practice my archery skills quite often. Sometimes Sera and Varric join me, and Mahariel showed me a few neat tricks that one time. Other than that... Pulling pranks with Sera is quite a bit of fun, though it does get us into trouble a lot... I spend much of the remaining time in the infirmary. I may not have magic, but my first aid skills have improved considerably since I joined the Inquisition.”
Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before?
"I... hope not. I’ve tried my very best to leave no reason for anyone to be upset with me, and yet... I am certain there is someone, somewhere, who was hurt by something I - or the Inquisition - have hurt. Inquisitor Adaar says it’s unavoidable, but still, it’s not a pleasant thought.”
Ever…killed anyone before?
"Yes. Out of necessity only, and never out of selfishness or greed. I will not allow myself to sink to the level of Howe and his men.”
What kind of animal are you?
"A hawk. Aim far, strike fast, spread your wings and fly away from things that hurt you.”
Name your worst habits.
"I, uh, may stick my nose where it does not belong... I just can’t help it! What if someone is hurting and I don’t know about it? What if someone is upset at me!?”
Do you look up to anyone at all?
"Oh, plenty of people, of course. I am still young, still inexperienced, and thus I have much to learn from people greater than me. My parents and my brothers were my greatest source of inspiration growing up - and still are, in many ways. Warden-Commander Amell is another, and so is Inquisitor Adaar, and the Hawke twins, and Lady Vivienne, and Dorian, and... Oh, but I’m rambling, am I not. Sorry.”
Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?
"Neither. I am proudly asexual, thank you very much. After everything that happened to me in Howe’s dungeon... I think I would prefer to relationships of the mind and soul, and not the body.”
Did you attend school?
"When I was a girl, I was taught by Aldous, the old historian in my parents’ employ. After the Blight, Cousland sent me on an exchange program to a girls’ school in Orlais. The education was... decent, but the company rather horrid. They thought me strange when I refused to wear a mask and went out to practice my archery! Hmph! Stuck-up aristocrats!”
Ever want to marry and have kids some day?
"That’s... I know it’s expected, me being a noble and all, and if Fergus cannot produce an heir then it will be up to me to fill that role, but... I would rather not. Have kids, that is. At least not at this time. There is too much turmoil in the world, and I would not want my children to suffer the way my brothers and I did simply because the world is not a kind place. As for marriage... Maybe, someday. I admit, the thought of walking down the aisle in a while gown does make my stomach fill with butterflies...”
Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"Do supporters of the Inquisition count? I know those are not strictly mine - if anything, they cheer most for Inquisitor Adaar and Felandris - but still. I have received several offers of marriage recently, but those hardly count, no?”
What are you most afraid of?
"Sometimes I think that this is all a dream. That one day I will open my eyes and I’m a little girl again, alone in Howe’s dungeon. Except this time, Leo doesn’t come barging in through the door to rescue me, and my brother doesn’t kill the Archdemon, and I will just die in that dungeon, without anyone ever knowing where I am or what became of me...”
What do you usually wear?
"If there is anything good about Orlais, it’s their scout uniform. It’s so sleek and yet so practical!”
What is one food that tempts you?
"I would die for just one more taste of Nan’s home-cooked pig roast. No one makes it quite like she used to.”
Am I annoying you?
“No, of course not! What would make you think such a thing?”
Well it’s still not over!
"I’m ready and willing to answer all your questions!”
What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"Technically, the second highest after the King and Queen. The Cousland family is quite renowned, and quite close to the Crown, after all. Especially after all Aedan did to save Ferelden from the Blight. We live in a castle, we have servants - all the typical assets of a noble family.
“But as for myself, I would like to think I can live a middle-class lifestyle quite well. I don’t much care for the fanfare and ceremony of the upper class. Especially the Orlesian upper class. Ugh.”
How many friends do you have?
"Good question... Does the entire Inquisition count? They are all such good people, and they have been so kind to me this entire while... And of course there’s Leo, and Alistair-- er, King Alistair, and all of Leo’s Warden recruits, and... even Teyrn Loghain, I suppose. Okay, I know he supported Howe and what he did to my family, but still... He died a hero. And that’s what counts. Aedan believed in him, I think, so I will too.”
What are your thoughts on pie?
"Mmm, pie... Oh, dear me, I didn’t mean to drool!”
Favorite drink?
“Lemonade! It’s so refreshing in the scorching heat of summer.”
What’s your favorite place?
"Back in the day, there was this tree in the back of Highever Castle. The branches up high were bent in a weird way, almost like shelves. I used to climb up there and watch the servants scurry around trying to find me for hours. Aedan was the only other person who knew about how I hid up there, and he used to sneak me snacks and random things to play with. It was almost a second room to me.
“Nowadays, I like to sit on the roof of Haven. Watching the Inquisition members from up there is just as entertaining. Aedan is gone, of course, but... Sera and Cole bring me snacks now.”
Are you interested in anyone?
"W-Well, I...! Maybe...? It’s... quite complicated, but... A-Ahem, might we change the topic, please?”
That was a stupid question…
"Aww, don’t feel bad! It was a cute question! i’m just... not good with being caught off-guard, you know?”
Would you rather swim in the lake or an ocean?
"A lake. I’ve done so quite a few times when visiting Redcliffe, too! The ocean, on the other hand, looks quite terrifying, and far too deep for me to ever hope to find a foothold. What if it carries me off? I am quite fit, but not to the point of being able to swim for days!”
What’s your type?
"The slim kind with feathers at the tip to silence its movement through the air! You look confused. We are talking about types of arrow, aren’t we?”
Any fetishes?
"Nope. End of topic.”
Camping or outdoors?
"What fun! I can run around outside for hours! Or, at least, until I trip over something, or a branch whacks me in the face... But I do love to camp.”
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shannaraisles · 6 years
The Rose In The Crown - Chapter 3
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Summerday is always a day of joy, a day of marriages made and love affirmed. And for Ferelden, this Summerday is one to be remembered. King Alistair, ten years a king with no heir in sight, will finally marry his chosen bride.
Sequel to A Rose By Any Name.
Featuring the winners of my giveaway! Marguerite Dujardin appears courtesy of @puddle--wonderful; Namari Lavellan appears courtesy of @savvylittleminx; Kira Mahariel belongs to @agentkatie; Kallak Brosca appears courtesy of @ironbullsmissingeye; Eirlys Amell appears courtesy of @ladymdc; Maeve Aeducan appears courtesy of @solverne-02; and Solona Amell appears courtesy of @skyholdherbalist! Also, huge thank you to @inquisition-dragonborn, @ladymimz, @inquisitorsmabari, and @fade-touched-obsidian for helping me with the selections from the Chant of Light!
[Read on AO3]
Chapter 3
Princess Felicita Amalia Braulia Salome Campana of Antiva looked at her reflection, and barely knew herself.
Her raven-black hair had been left long for the most part, with only a simple braid crown encircling her head and woven with seed pearls to hold the curled mane out of her face. A simple string of pearls encircled her throat, a teardrop of ruby hanging from that string to grace her skin just above the swell of her breasts. Matching pearls adorned her ears with the glimmer of matching rubies. And the gown itself ...
The elves of Denerim had outdone themselves.
Despite the disgust of human tailors and seamstresses, the princess had insisted that her wedding garments be designed and made by the elves of Ferelden. After all, she was a human; the crown was being crafted by the surfacer dwarves of Ferelden;it was only right that the elves should have a hand in the making of their queen. The call had gone out across the land - skilled seamstresses from many alienages made the often treacherous journey to the capital to join their labor to those already hard at work on the gown the Antivan princess would wear to become a wife and queen. Everything they requested was provided, from Antivan satin to Nevarran silk thread, to soft white hide from Orlais, and fine ruby and salt crystal beads from Rivain. Alistair had been so fascinated by these requests that he had belatedly asked the elves to make his wedding garments as well, enthralled by the variety and intricacy of the work being done well below the generous budget he had insisted be set aside to pay for both the materials and the labor. Indeed, the excess would still be paid out - a generous, unexpected bonus for the elves who had put so much into the beauty they had created.
What Fabs now wore was a true masterpiece, the result of six weeks and forty elves' hard work. The chemise was sheer white silk; the stays constructed from layers of white silk brocade to create a stiffness that would support without overheating her in the latter hours of the celebration. Delicate silk stockings in crimson encased her legs to above the knee, fixed in place with embroidered ribbon garters; on her feet, fine-stitched slippers in soft white hide. But these were all details that were only for the princess and the seamstresses to know, intimate secrets of the wedding trousseau that others would never guess at - beautiful, but hidden by the glorious gown that covered them all.
A gown that bore echoes of Antiva in the full shoulders and fitted bands of the sleeves that flared at her wrists; a gown that embraced Ferelden in the snugly fitted bodice and the natural fall of a full skirt allowed to sway without the artificial plumping of petticoats so favored in Imperial circles. Ivory satin hugged the ample curve of her bosom and slender waist, flaring at her hips, embroidered in gold and silver silk with the royal mabari of Ferelden, the rose of Antiva, and the griffon of the Grey Wardens. Beads of ruby and salt-crystal accentuated the fitted bands of her sleeves and cuffs, and trimmed the long train that was yet to be affixed. The train itself was in matching ivory satin, long enough to skim the floor for several feet behind her, trimmed with those same sparkling precious beads, emblazoned with a single large golden mabari nestled in the petals of a ruby-red rose.
"Now then, highness, aren't you a picture?" Andra beamed at her mistress over her shoulder, fluffing the dark curls one last time before turning away to help Golda with the last piece.
A small hand inserted itself into Fab's palm, drawing her gaze down to Maria, who was to be her only bridesmaid. Indeed, the attendants for the bride were very small in number for a royal wedding - just Ciara and Maria. Anora had been asked, but had laughingly declined and, of course, the princess had not had the first idea that Marguerite would be there at all. Maria had been garbed in dusky rose pink, all silks and satins trimmed with gold, a basket of white rose petals waiting for her to carry down the aisle of the great hall.
"You look very pretty, princess," the little girl told her solemnly.
She squealed as Fabs suddenly knelt to wrap her up in a warm embrace, woman and child giggling together for a long moment.
"You look very pretty too, Maria," Fabs promised her in return. "Alistair will be so happy to see you."
"And I got to sit next to Ceri and Ciara, because there’s no room for me next to the big chairs," Maria said in a confident tone, nodding to herself. She had been drilled on the details of the ceremony many times over, just as Fabs and Alistair had themselves.
"Yes, little one. And the ceremony may be very boring, but there will be a party afterward," the princess assured her. "And Alistair and I have a present for our very special guest who is also family."
Maria beamed happily, hugging her arms about Fabs' neck once again. "And you're going away after?"
"Tomorrow morning, yes. But only for a week." She raised one long finger to tweak the little girl's nose affectionately. "So you only have a week to throw wild parties and build a zoo in our absence."
The giggle that erupted from Maria was enough to draw the attention of the rest of the little bridal party - Ciara and Fulgeno, the princess' father. Marguerite had shown amazing forbearance in sacrificing her own peace of mind to remove the mother of the bride before anyone started crying. The unexpected, but most welcome, Orlesian guest had been instrumental in keeping the bride from flying into a panic around breakfast-time, too. Indeed, Marguerite had spent the morning treating everyone in the princess' rooms like skittish, wayward animals that needed a firm hand to be calm, and surprisingly, it had worked. Thanks to her, there had been no tantrums, no tears, and - most importantly - no last-minute declarations that the bride could not go through with this. Fabs knew she was going to have to do something spectacular for her friend to thank her for this morning's work.
"Shall we go and find our flowers, Maria?" Ciara suggested, holding out a hand to the excited little girl.
Her answer was a cheery nod as her hand was seized. Maria was likely more excited about the wedding today than anyone else was, but no one minded that so much. It was a joy to see her smiling and happy, unafraid of the future ahead of her because it would not contain judgment and cruelty from those who were supposed to care for her any longer. Fabs rose as the two of them swept away in their own wedding finery, catching the nod from the steward at the door. It was time.
Her father, King Fulgeno of Antiva, stepped forward, laying his hands on her shoulders as he smiled at his daughter.
"You look every inch the rose, pequeña," he told her, the pride in his gaze warming her heart as she beamed in response. "Your Alistair is a very lucky man."
"Thank you, Papa."
She surged forward to embrace him once more, kissing his cheek as he chuckled. And for a moment, Fabs faltered. This was her last embrace with her father as his little girl, the last time she would be just his daughter. In just a few hours, she would be a wife, her first loyalty no longer to her father but to her husband. The thought carried more pain than she had thought it might. But Fulgeno seemed to know the moment that pain struck, drawing back to tap the end of her nose, as he had done so many times in her childhood.
"Ah, ah, pequeña," he told her warningly. "No tears. You have love - the love of your father, and the love of your husband. I can see no circumstance where we will ever ask you to choose between us. Now, stand straight for the last piece to be put in place."
Fabs laughed a little, glancing over her shoulder as Andra and Golda approached, their arms full of embroidered satin - the train that needed to be attached before she was permitted to show herself publicly. It was just a blessed relief that she would be able to take it off soon after the wedding; it was heavy.
"You always know what I am thinking, Papa," she accused him, straightening her back to allow better ease for her assistants to work.
Golda's hands gathered her hair carefully, and Andra settled the train at her shoulders, neatly pinning it in place with a pair of silver brooches - griffons, for her beloved Alistair's Grey Wardens. Both women stepped back, spreading the train over the floor, their smiles bright and proud not only of the woman who would soon be their queen, but of their honored role in preparing her for these moments.
"Espléndido," Fulgeno declared, his gesture taking in not only his daughter, arrayed in ivory, gold, and silver, but also the blushing ladies who had taken such pains to prepare her this morning.
"Thank you," Fab added, twisting to look at Andra and Golda. "Truly. I do not know how to begin to thank you."
"Just you have a happy day," Andra told her, Golda still being a little in awe of the princess who had brought so much sunshine into Denerim palace in just a few short months. "And next time I see you, I shall be so proud to call you your majesty."
"I hope I shall always make you proud," the princess answered softly, laughing as the two maids, elf and human, scoffed at the thought that she could ever disappoint them.
She turned back to her father, smiling at the vague incredulity in his eyes - servants in Antiva were certainly not as plain-spoken or forthright as they were in Ferelden. But he said nothing to embarrass the two women, glancing up as the steward opened the door. Fab straightened her shoulders, taking her father's arm as they moved toward the doorway and the wide staircase beyond. The train spread across the floor behind her for several feet, drifting down the stairs in her wake with only the barest of tugs against the brooches that held it secure to her shoulders. It truly was a masterpiece of tailoring.
The hum of voices within the Great Hall rose as they reached the ground floor antechamber, where Ciara and Maria were waiting. By tradition, the little bridesmaid was carrying a basket of rose petals, clearly looking forward to covering the aisle to the dais in them as she lead the procession. They had already anticipated the natural fear Maria might feel in walking through the Great Hall first, hence the fact that Anora and Callista were going to be clearly visible along the aisle. Having a couple of familiar friendly faces to focus on as she passed by would keep Maria from feeling overwhelmed before she reached the dais and Alistair, and could find her seat next to Ceri in the front row.
The steward bowed to the King of Antiva and his daughter. "With your permission, your majesty?"
Fulgeno smiled. "Let us begin."
Beyond the doors, heralds blew their fanfare trumpets, announcing the arrival of the bride. Fabs could hear the rustle as men and women rose from their seats to look back at the doors swinging open to reveal little Maria, ward of the crown of Ferelden, all but skipping forward, tossing handfuls of her rose petals ahead of herself as the gentle tone of the mixed minstrel band played a familiar Andrastian hymn. Moments later, Ciara followed, but all eyes remained turned toward the open doors, and the princess who was soon to become a queen.
Nerves settled over the bride in a gentle rush, bright color flushing her cheeks. Her fingers tightened on her father's arm, softening only when he covered her clenching grip with his other hand. Her murmured apology was gently deflected with a squeeze of his hand and another gentle smile, a last nod before they began to walk forward, traversing the first few steps to the central aisle before turning to face the grand dais and the worthies awaiting them there.
The sunlight poured in through the high set windows, lancing down in sharp rays of soft gold over the rich blue of the carpet that adorned the aisle itself, illuminating the king and his daughter as he escorted her toward her new life. A wide circle of that same golden sunlight shone down on the honor guard that stood at the foot of the steps to the dais - Grey Wardens, there to honor their brother on this rare day for one of their order. She had met them all the day before - Kira Mahariel, a Dalish elf whose red hair blazed in the sunlight; Kallak Brosca, a fierce-looking dwarf with a surprisingly gentle manner; Eirlys Amell, a quiet human mage who seemed to radiate calm; Maeve Aeducan, a former princess among dwarves, her well-earned confidence shining through; Solona Amell, another human mage, a little more warily withdrawn than her comrades; and Demelza Tabris, bright grin shining, murmuring her orders to her fellow Wardens. In a single motion, weapons were drawn and raised high, an arch of blades for the bride to pass beneath in order to reach her groom, their brother in arms.
And there he was, her Alistair, resplendent in crimson velvet trimmed with gold, his eyes fixed to hers as she made her way toward him. Her nerves faded away, soothed by the smile that made his handsome face stunning and urged an answering smile from her, bright and warm and loving, heedless of anyone who saw how much she adored this man who was about to make her his wife. She barely even noticed the crown on his head, barely heard the murmur of the nobility behind her as she and her father reached the honor guard of Wardens.
How had it come to this? What had she done to be so blessed as to gain the love of a good man who needed her love almost more than he desired it? To be invited to share his life in a role he had not been born to, to be welcomed into his heart almost without thought? Yet no matter how unworthy she might feel, Fabs knew Alistair loved her. She could see it in the glimmer of his earthen eyes, in the tilt of his smile; feel it in the gentle tremor of his touch as he took her hand to lead her up onto the dais, in the warmth of the kiss he pressed to her knuckles as she released a little of her faded nerves in a soft giggle.
"You are so handsome, mi amor," she whispered to him, gratified to see him blush to the tips of his ears as he grinned in delight at the compliment.
"You beat me to it," was his whispered complaint. "I was supposed to tell you how handsome you are." He blinked, realizing what he had said. "Beautiful. You're beautiful, not ... Maker's breath, why did I have to becoming a raving idiot now?"
Swallowing down her laughter behind her smile, Fab leaned into him, squeezing his hand. "You are yourself, my darling," she murmured, as the hymn came to a close. "There is no one else I would rather stand here with."
His answering grin was all she needed to whisk away the last of those nerves, to know that this was where she was meant to be. Her whole world was in that smile, that beaming expression of incredulous, loving delight that she was standing with him and about to make vows that would bind them together for life, oblivious to the faces watching them, the indulgent smiles on the faces of friends and family, the quiet respect from allies, the unspoken resentment from those who had originally had other plans for their king.
"Are we ready?" a soft voice asked from nearby.
Fabs blushed a warm shade of rose as she tore her eyes from the king of her heart, embarrassed to belatedly realize she was keeping the Divine waiting. Surprised, too, to find the First of Clan Lavellan standing with Divine Victoria, but pleased at this inclusion. Leliana's smile was forgiving as the couple before her straightened their expressions, turning a little more to face the woman who would join them in the Maker's eyes.
Chuckling, Alistair squeezed his bride's hands, nodding to the old friend before him. "Ready and waiting."
Leliana beamed a benevolent smile, raising her hands. Fabs felt the full attention of the entire hall turn to them, and the woman who held the Chantry in the palm of her hand.
"Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here to witness the joining in marriage of two good hearts, an alliance of like minds in the formal bonds of love. Love is the gift of the Maker, a force that binds us despite our differences. You have come together today so that Andraste may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Maker. Andraste, who is herself the Bride of the Maker, shall strengthen you both, that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity."
Namari Lavellan then spoke from the Divine's shoulder, the lilt of her voice carrying with ease to drown out the few grumbles from the mostly human gathering.
"A good marriage must be created," she told them, speaking only to Fabs and Alistair, despite the hall full of people. "It is standing together and facing the world. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is not only marrying the right person - it is being the right partner. Love is a good beginning. The gods will smile upon it."
Fabs felt Alistair's pleasure at including a Dalish blessing in their wedding, and her own heart swelled with pride for the king who had simply asked a Dalish elf to bless his marriage, rather than asked for permission to do so from the many humans in his court who would have argued against it. Integration, racial and religious tolerance, an end to superficial division between peoples; these were all so close to his heart, a lesson learned in his few years as a Warden and brought over to his tenure as the King of Ferelden. No one within his borders need fear that their king did not care for them, no matter their race. It was simply one more reason to love the man beaming down at her in these moments, as the Divine's voice floated over their heads once again.
“In the name of the Maker, who brought us this world, and in whose name we say the Chant of Light, I offer the blessing of Andraste to this promised pair. As Andraste knew the love and duty of marriage to a mortal man, may you share in her faith and fidelity; and as she knew bliss as the Maker’s chosen Bride, may you, too, find joy in your union."
Before the eyes of the Fereldan nobility, as well as the unique guests invited from all walks of life, Divine Victoria took the hands of King Alistair Theirin and Princess Felicita Campana into her own grasp.
"Alistair, you have chosen to wed this woman in the eyes of mortal man. Will you swear by the Maker and Holy Andraste to honor her as your lawful wife, as long as you both shall live?”
Fabs let her gaze return to Alistair without even a moment of hesitation, unable to disguise her smile as he turned her hand in his grasp, pressing her palm over his heart. She could feel the steady beat within his chest, the way it thudded just a little faster as he drew in his breath to speak.
"I swear," he declared, "unto the Maker and Holy Andraste to love this woman the rest of my days.”
Somewhere behind him, Fabs heard Maria let out a cheer, tilting her head to let the child see her laughing smile as she shushed herself in acute embarrassment at having broken the reverential silence. Ceri was chuckling as the little girl hid her face against the Kirkwaller's shoulder, the ripple of amusement sweeping through the hall quietly before Leliana raised her hands for silence.
"Felicita, you have chosen to wed this man in the eyes of mortal man. Will you swear by the Maker and Holy Andraste to honor him as your lawful husband, as long as you both shall live?”
What could she say? Fabs' heart was throbbing in her chest as she looked into Alistair's eyes, never more certain of anything in her life than she was of the decision she had made that had brought her to this moment in time. The official words felt strange and unwieldy in her mouth, but they were the only ones she could use in this time and space. There would be time enough for softer words ... a lifetime, in fact.
"I swear unto the Maker and Holy Andraste," she said, feeling her voice tremble in the ringing stillness around them, "to love this man for the rest of my days."
There was a pause as they held one another's gaze, knowing that there was a recitation looming that could easily become utterly unintelligible to anyone listening if they didn't concentrate. Fabs could feel herself trying not to giggle, though whether it was nerves or the sheer release of knowing that they were almost there urging that laughter to rise, she couldn't say. But she could see Alistair's eyes dancing, his lips twitching, and she knew he was having just as much trouble as she was staying composed. It was all so serious and solemn, a far cry from the couple they made away from the eyes of the masses.
Thank goodness for the Divine. Leliana squeezed their hands sharply, pulling Fabs, at least, back from the brink of embarrassing giggles, giving the couple their cue to complete their vows together.This, at least, had been rehearsed - these words spoken in tandem, clear and calm, in matching cadence.
"For You are the fire at the heart of the world; And comfort is only Yours to give."
At Alistair's back, Fergus stepped forward, offering a band of gold engraved with roses into his king's free hand as Leliana released her grip on the couple. Fabs swallowed, her smile flickering brightly in response to his as the cool metal found a home at her knuckle to the accompaniment of his own chosen words, taken from the Chant of Light itself.
"My hearth is yours, my bread is yours, my life is yours." And though they may have been the sacred words of the Chant, on Alistair's lips, in this moment, they belonged to him alone.
As his hands encompassed hers, pulling her closer, Fabs couldn't help the surge of soft delight, eager for what now would come. From the corner of her eye, she saw Divine Victoria raise her hands in benediction.
“I bear witness, in the name of the Maker, and Blessed Andraste, whom He loves, that these vows are binding and lawful,” Leliana declared, and in her tone was a challenge to everyone here present. If anyone dared to raise an objection to the marriage completed before them, they would have to go through the Divine to do it. "May no one seek to tear them down, for they are made in faith and love.”
She lowered her hands, and for a moment, all was still. Only the small group on the dais could hear the soft benediction spoken in indecipherable elvhen, calling down a blessing on a royal pair who truly wanted to take the danger out of the lives of their subjects. As Namari's voice died away, Leliana's smile brightened.
"Your majesty ... you may kiss your wife."
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather do that for me?" Alistair asked with a playful glimmer, beaming as Divine Victoria spluttered out a very inappropriate laugh and had to turn away for a moment.
Fabs poked him with a low laugh, rolling her eyes as he chuckled. She felt his hands slide to her back beneath the hang of the train, her own curling her fingers to the soft velvet of his sleeves as he bent his head to hers. Smiling lips touched smiling lips, and she felt, more than heard, the sudden eruption of polite applause and dignified cheering in the hall. And beyond that, an echo from outside the palace itself, as the crowds in the square took up the sound of celebration with greater enthusiasm. The King was finally a married man. Very soon, they would meet their new Queen.
Alistair's lips moved as he gently drew back from their first married kiss, his breath warm against her mouth as he whispered, "I love you, Fabs."
She beamed up at him, certain she must be glowing with happiness. "Te amo, mi amor. My lord and king."
He groaned at that teasing addition to her own declaration, kissing the tip of her nose as she giggled. "Just you wait," he warned. "A whole day of wearing the crown is going to give you a headache as bad as mine used to be. You have to train your head not to feel it."
"Oh, I am very glad I shall have you to train me," she countered in amusement, watching as he realized he was preaching to the choir, somewhat. His expression of slow, sheepish comprehension was adorable.
"Princess," he said, nodding. "Right. You know about that."
"Only a little, my darling."
She leaned close to kiss his cheek, drawing in a slow breath. They were married. She was Alistair Theirin's wife; he was her husband. And in just a few moments ...
She glanced up at a scraping sound to her left. The coronation throne was being set down by a pair of guardsmen on the dais, in front of the traditional thrones themselves. Others were coming forward with velvet cushions on which were set the queen's ring and the newly crafted crown, and quite suddenly Fabs knew that this was real. In a matter of minutes, she would be Queen of Ferelden, crowned by her husband and raised to his rank, a ruler in her own right.
Alistair seemed to sense her moment of realization, squeezing her hand gently as he turned to lead her to the coronation throne. The Divine had stepped away, no longer an active part of this ceremony but simply a witness. Namari, too, had stepped down from the dais. The Grey Wardens stood at the foot of the dais, not subjects but willing witnesses to the crowning of a queen.
As she sat slowly on the uncomfortable throne, Fabs' gaze found Marguerite and Josephine in the crowd for the briefest of moments, biting down a laugh at the encouraging nods and smiles her friends threw toward her. She flicked a glance toward Maria, finding the little girl holding tight to Ceri and Ciara's hands, her expression intense as she watched Alistair pick up the ring from the purple cushion presented to him. Across the hall, the silence fell once more, all eyes turning to the crowning of a queen.
"Felicita," he intoned, and she knew in an instant that Anora had been rehearsing him for this. "Do you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Ferelden, regardless of race or creed, in accordance with the laws and statutes of this land? Will you, in your power, give justice and mercy to the supplicant in all judgments? And will you serve this land at my side, as wife and queen, and guiding hand?"
She raised her chin, looking out over the hall, still able to hear the jubilant cheers of the people gathered outside celebrating the marriage only just sealed with a kiss. The oath was solemn and binding, yet it was not a difficult oath to swear. She believed in Alistair's vision for his country, in the equality of all the races if they could possibly encourage it. It would be an honor to help guide Ferelden to a new era of prosperity and tolerance.
"I solemnly swear so to do."
She raised her right hand as he reached down, feeling the significantly heavier weight of the queen's royal signet ring find its resting place against the knuckle of her second finger - a weight she would have to grow accustomed to over the months and years to come. Alistair's callused fingers gripped hers for a moment, drawing her eyes to his in time to catch the reassuring flicker of his wink before he turned away once more to lift the crown above her head. A more delicate version of the king's crown, the surface dwarves of Ferelden had done themselves proud with the sparkling gold and exquisitely polished rubies that Alistair now held aloft.
"Felicita Theirin, in the name of the Maker and Andraste, before the Divine and the eyes of the court, I crown you Queen of Ferelden," the king declared, gently setting the crown onto the braid that looped her head and had been settled there just for that purpose.
He took her hand once more, raising her to her feet, bending to brush a tender kiss to her lips once more, wreathed in smiles. They had made it through the ceremonies. Now all that remained was the celebrations. With a last kiss to her forehead, Alistair turned to present Fabs to her new court. The herald's staff thumped on the flagstones, calling for a last moment of silence.
"All rise, and honor King Alistair and Queen Felicita of Ferelden. Long may they reign!"
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greypetrel · 7 months
WIP (not) Wednesday
Tagged by @plisuu, thank you so much! :) This week has been hectic work-wise, but I scraped some time to work on a couple of things...
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Kieran is a very spoiled child on some accounts, but Karens never last long in Amaranthine, for unknown reasons. Something in the water, clearly.
Some more Whale Au which is not an AU anymore, working on the gals. Darkened Aisling's hair a little to see how it is. Raina got a little in the sun, and her shirt is not correct for the time period (I forgot Edwardian shirts had detachable collars) and it should be corrected. The books is titled "Whales are better than you" and in this universe too she doesn't wear neither black nor white if she can help it. While Raina only wears black, white and red.
Tagging: @salsedinepicta @ndostairlyrium @shivunin @melisusthewee @dungeons-and-dragon-age @theluckywizard @whimsyswastry @hollytree33 @pinayelf @dreadfutures @transprincecaspian and YOU!
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Revarien Mahariel, Commander of the Grey
I’m no artist, but I think this turned out okay! I’ve been dreaming of getting into digital art for ages now and this is my first step into it!! A very small step, but a step nonetheless.
I think I might do Aisling next.
(I did not expect this to take me 10-11 hours to draw :0)
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nilesdaughter · 6 years
Dragon Age Trust Spectrum - Dragon Age companions and OC’s from most to least trustworthy.
I was tagged by the awesome @motherofgriffins forever ago. The actual scale is beneath the cut, because just including my OCs alone made this way too long lol
Not all of the Awakening companions are included, because I haven’t finished it yet. Sebastian is not included, either, because I’ve only played vanilla DA2. Inquisition advisors are also excluded since this is only supposed to be for the companions.
This is also only based on first impressions, because I grew to love almost of my companions after getting to know them.
Trust with my life
Dog (Both in the DAO and DA2 sense.)
Asera Adaar
Bethany Hawke
Enansal Lavellan
Alistair Therein
Aveline Vallen
Sylvia Hawke
Veleda Amell
Esme Trevelyan
Varric Tethras
Rosalind Aeducan
Regan Cousland
Aileen Hawke
Cassandra Pentaghast
Elizabeth Trevelyan
Elera Lavellan
Katherine Hawke
Zahra Tahan
Aidan Tabris
Carver Hawke
Nicolette Fabre
Diana Hawke
Desta Lavellan
Havva Adaar
Sonya Barros
Sulahn Lavellan
Aisling Tabris
Eldrian Trevelyan
Sarel Lavellan
The Iron Bull
Dorian Pavus
Ranalle Mahariel
Milah Brosca
Reona Hawke
Hana Cadash
Zevran Arainai
Orin Surana
Vivienne de Fer
Nathaniel Howe
Loghain Mac Tir
Wouldn’t trust with a houseplant.
I tag @battlefox, @battyhatter, @tyishi, @ariannadi, @amariahellcat, and other other DA fans that follow me (I know I have a lot of you lol)! As usual, please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t want to :)
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moodybidoof · 6 years
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The benefit of being stuck in the suburbs is I finally got around to answering this questionnaire. It’s really long and unedited and I don’t expect anyone to read it lol, but it was fun to do. 
If nothing else you should look at the question “What stories does the clan have with moral lessons?” bc I literally just copied my favorite childhood fairy tale and it’s raw af. 
Where in Thedas does the clan reside?
Until relatively recently they stayed close to the Frostback Mountains, mostly towards the south near the Arbor Wilds. During a lean winter in 8:82 Blessed, while settled in the Frostback Basin, they were attacked by a group of Avvar warriors who aimed to appease their gods with a live sacrifice. Several of the elves were killed, including the clan’s Second, and the Keeper was seriously wounded, so Marethari took charge and had them flee into the eastern lowlands.
They moved around the Korcari Wild and Brecilian Forest up until the start of the Fifth Blight, when they took a ship to the Free Marches and, as we all know, got stuck outside Kirkwall for years. After Marethari’s death and the chantry explosion, some of the clan members joined up with Merrill and the Kirkwall city elves to get to safety, and they continue to use the name Sabrae for their hodgepodge clan.
They stayed near Kirkwall and were offered a permanent home outside the city by Viscount Tethras in 9:44 Dragon - a gift for aiding in the reconstruction of the city.  
What are the dangers of living where they live?
The Veil is thin around Sundermount, though that’s not so much of a problem as long as the clan is careful. Templars and apostates were obviously an issue soon after the chantry explosion, and not long after that there were red templars to deal with. Forces from Starkhaven also tried their hand at conquering the city, and all this chaos attracted looters, bandits, and the like.
Needless to say, things were a mess for a while.
Nowadays they still have to worry about the creatures that share Sundermount with them, but things have calmed down considerably. The biggest issue is finding game to hunt. The clan had already been in the area for several years and they're competing with the indigenous predators of the Vimmark Mountains. Also, the whole thin Veil issue was only exacerbated by all the death and magic that dominated Kirkwall for the last almost decade.
What are the benefits of living where they live?
In the years after Corypheus’ defeat, Varric’s boone to the elves went a long way to normalize their presence and give them the recognition they deserve, and of course they also have a friend in Guard-Captain Aveline. All things considered, the clan has very much made itself part of the city in a way that few elves of any origin have before
Since Kirkwall has once again become a trading hub, Clan Sabrae has access to goods from all across Thedas. Also, they’re settled right near a trove of ancient elven artifacts.
In what ways has their location shaped their culture and way of life?
Like I said before, they’re a part of the surrounding community to an extent that’s really unique to Dalish elves for sure, and even city elves; probably the only thing that’s comparable is Wycome’s city counsel, after the Inquisition got involved there. Many of the clan members are former city elves, so they still keep up close relations with those that chose to remain in the Alienage, and the clan is more attuned to the problems of their city cousins. It won’t be a surprise if within a generation, the Dalish children of Clan Sabrae grow up hearing a mix of traditional and modern elven stories.
Going back a bit, living in the Frostbacks for so long created a culture very much focused on preparing for the worst. They farmed and hunted when it was warm, then pickled and tanned anything they didn’t immediately need for the winter. If push came to shove, they would trade with trusted Avvar clans. Resources were scarce so they were very practical about how they used everything, and while they encouraged resourcefulness, they avoided anything that seemed like an unnecessary risk. There was a certain way of doing things, so that was the way it was done.
Halla can’t survive in the cold climates of the Frostbacks, so the clan hearded and bred harts instead - greater frostback elks, specifically - to use as draft animals. They didn’t start keeping halla again until they settled further east.  
The wheels on their aravels could be switched out to sled runners.
Living near the Avvar and then in the Brecilian Forest meant that the clan had up close experience with spirits and hedge magic. Prior to the incident with Tamlen and Mahariel most of the clan members had a healthy suspicion of such things (for example, traditionally putting up wards in the doorways of their aravels and around camp to guard against spirits) but it wasn’t something that was taboo either. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for the mages to create and work with docile sylvans to aid and protect the clan.
They knew many stories about ancient elven magic and old myths about Thedas’ wilder places, but after Marethari became Keeper she began telling those stories with a darker edge to them. After the Avvar attack, a trek through the Fallow Mire, and run in with feral sylvan and other demons, her view of wilder magic was tinged with fear - and then there was the incident with Tamlen and Mahariel. Marethari’s time as Keeper shifted the clan’s culture, but Merrill is trying help them shed their fear of mysterious magic.
Have they always been here, or did they come from elsewhere?
Oops I already wrote their whole story in the first question. So yeah, they’re from the Frostbacks originally, then southern Ferelden, before settling where they are now.
If so, where were they from before, when did they leave, and why?
Long story short, Avvar attacked the clan, the Keeper was injured and the second killed so Marethari had to make split-second decision as the clan’s First and lead them into the lowlands to the east. They traveled towards through the Korcari Wilds, where Marethari tracked down Flemeth and made a deal with her to secure the clan safe passage. They moved around the Wilds and the Brecilian Forest for almost 50 years until fear of the Blight and mounting suspicion from local Templars forced them north.
Are they nomadic? Semi-nomadic? Or do they have a permanent settlement? How has this affected them?
They used to be semi-nomadic, staying in roughly the same area but moving around enough to make sure they wouldn’t overuse the resources in one place or outstay their welcome with any nearby human settlements. Especially when they were in southern Ferelden, they were dogged by rumors of walking trees and “demon elves” (which weren’t entirely untrue), which attracted attention from the Chantry, so they had to make sure the Templars never caught up with them. This was just all the more reason for them to be as practical and cautious as possible, especially around the Chantry.
Their hunters had seen anything and everything you could think of; lurkers, giant spiders, demon trees, templars, the walking dead - you name it and they’ve probably had to fight it while they traveled through some of the weirder parts of Thedas. As a result, most of the clan members are trained to fight in some capacity, just in case.
They’re still getting used to having a permanent home now. Even the original Sabrae clan members among them have been around Kirkwall for ages at this point, but being in limbo is very different from settling in for the long haul. Though they are an independent settlement, they’re fairly involved in what’s going on in Kirkwall proper and obviously have strong connections with its people.
If they are nomadic/semi-nomadic, what are their migration habits like?
While they lived in the Frostbacks the clan moved as the weather changed, going further north in the winter and back south in the summer. They followed wild harts to ensure they always had game to hunt and pastures for their own animals. While they were settled in for a season they would set up tents covered in furs and skins to provide space to rest outside their aravels.
They ended up moving more often when they starting living further east because the land was far more unpredictable and they had to make sure they didn’t attract attention from any nearby human settlements. As a result they mostly lived out of their aravels and clearly had two types - ones to transport stuff, and ones that were homes.
In what ways does the clan sustain themselves? What do they have for resources, and how do they acquire/use/maintain them?
The nearby caves are full of nugs, mushrooms, and various ore, and even the giant spiders and deepstalkers can be used for the webs, venom, and scales.
The mountains themselves are home to august rams, hares, coyotes, and black bears, which provide the clan with meat, furs, leather, and (in the case of the rams) horns which can be carved into most anything. There’s also plenty of herbs and flowers native to the area, including a clearing of ironbark trees not far from the camp, which is of course an incredible resource.
In a pinch the clan could also always send a hunting party to the Planasene Forest or simply peruse the Kirkwall market stalls.
The problem is that almost everything in and under the mountains is dangerous, so scouts and hunters try to prepare themselves for anything from wild animals to darkspawn. Though, ideally, they won’t have to fight at all - instead preferring to use traps, poison, and stealth to their advantage. Clan Sabrae also has an abundance of mages from the fallen Circle, and having a magic on your side always makes things a little easier.
Imagine a spirit looking down at their site. What would they see?
Banners hung from stones at the city-side entrance to the camp, both a welcome and a warning to those arriving for Kirkwall. It’s a familiar shade of red, emblazoned with the white face of a halla.
Large aravels wrapped around the edges of an alcove in the mountain, forming makeshift walls. Some are flat-topped and covered in warm furs and skins; others look more like the landships humans expect to see, their red-orange sails wrapped tight for now. The camp itself has grown since the elves first arrived in Kirkwall, expanding further into the VImmark Mountains to accommodate the elves who’ve arrived from cities, Circles, and other Dalish clans. You can see from their mismatched clothing and the number of bare faces among the crowd that these elves all come from very different backgrounds, but the atmosphere of the camp is undeniably warm.
A shop is set up, where an old elf is chastising his young apprentices for the way they’re handling their ironbark tools. A red-headed elf sits among the halla, who’ve been penned just outside the camp; she looks at them like they’re her own children. A hunting party armed with wooden bows and ironbark blades returns from their adventures further into the mountains; they leave their catch - a deer - with another elf, before settling down by the campfire to listen to the stories a harhen is telling. The world was turned upside down, and these hunters know they must protect their clan from much worse than wild animals, but for a moment, in this place, they are safe.
What is their typical style of dress?
Furs and leather to keep them warm and protected, but otherwise it’s a hodgepodge. There are elves from all over that have joined the clan, and while a Circle mage might not want to keep wearing her robes, it’s easy enough to use to reuse the fabric and turn it into something new. They wear more shem-style clothing than you’d expected from a Dalish clan, but it’s all layered underneath typical elven armor, embroidered with elven style patterns, and tailored to better suit their tastes. Also, they wear closed toed shoes! They live on a mountain, they can’t just walk around barefoot.  
What are their interactions/relations with outsiders/other Dalish like?
Like everything with this clan, it’s a mixed bag. They’ve welcomed elves from all over and even helped human mages, plus Keeper Merrill is obviously pretty on top of what’s happening with people in Kirkwall, so the clan itself is pretty open to outsiders but that doesn’t mean everyone is comfortable trusting shem yet, or that the shemlen are thrilled to have a Dalish clan right outside the city. If nothing else, the arrangement’s been good for trade.
As for other Dalish, there’s some tension there. Word has spread about Marethari’s death and Merrill’s eluvian, and while some people are thrilled to Clan Sabrae to share what they’ve learned at the next Arlathven, others seem to think that there might be some truth to the rumors of demons in their midst. There are also clans that disapprove of how many city elves they’ve taken in, but that’s something the clans have always disagreed about.
If strangers were to approach them, how do they react?
With a welcoming smile and dozens of elven arrows trained on the stranger from afar. Like their Keeper, the clan is warm and friendly, but they’re not naive. In addition to the usual dangers that the Dalish face, they’ve also had to deal with people looking for apostates among their ranks or elven servants who’ve been “stolen” from their homes, and obviously Clan Sabrae isn’t going to give up anyone who comes to them for protection.
What are their interactions/relations with each other like?
Like any family, there’s ups and downs. 8P
It was rough at first. After Marethari’s death the clan was leaderless, and those that chose to stay near Kirkwall did so mainly just because they had no idea where else to go. Even more fled after the Chantry explosion, and not all who stayed to help the city were willing to work with Merrill until it became clear that no one else could be the leader she’d become. It was hard to hold on to their fear of her when they saw her risk her life to protect them and the city elves; saw in her the familiar young woman many of them had grown up with, more willful and loving than ever - not some abomination.
There’s still some tension around the mages, and of course arguments arise around day-to-day cultural differences but at the end of the day they’ve all got each other’s backs.
If a clan member wanted to leave the clan, how do they react?
There’d be a kerfuffle as they said their goodbyes and the clan would send them off with some supplies for the journey ahead, but no one’s gonna stop them. At this point they have a lot of elves coming and going, but even clan members who’ve been around forever are always free to leave if they wish.
What roles does the clan have, and what do they consist of?
Ofc there’s the Keeper, with her First and Second.
Master Illen is the master craftsman, and he trains many apprentices in creating armor, weapons, aravels, furniture, and even overpriced trinkets to sell to shemlen. After living so close to Kirkwall for so long they’ve started sending dedicated merchants into the city, many of whom are former city elves. With more mages in the clan they’ve also started enchanting amulets and such, though they mostly keep those for their hunters.
Maren is the head groom and Halla Keeper, and there are others who tend to the horses and mules they now keep as well.
A Hearthkeeper tends to things at home along with many of the other haren, keeping watch over the young children while their parents go about their daily duties.
There’s a healer whose versed in both healing magic and herbal remedies.
In recent years two Master Huntsmen have taken up training everyone in the clan to defend themselves, in addition to running more intensive drills with the hunters and scouts. There are always guards posted around the camp at all times - day and night - and those who venture from the camp always travel in tight-knit groups. The clan’s Second has also become involved in training the hunters who are mages, taking special care to make sure they can defend themselves against templars (both human and red).
How many people are part of the clan on average?
About 40 and growing. They’ve been stationary for a long time, which made it easy for other elves to find a join them. While many members fled after the Chantry explosion, new elves joined them seeking protection, especially mages who were fleeing the Gallows. Now that their home has been officially recognized by the Viscount they’ve attracted that much more attention.
What is the history behind the formation and building of the clan?
Sabrae was an elven lord during the time of the Dales, and a friend of the Emerald Knights Mahariel and Talas. During the Second Exalted March, Sabrae and Talas fled into the Arbor Wilds, leaving Mahariel and the other Emerald Knights behind to fight in Chantry invasion. As the Andrastian forces moved even further south, the newly formed clan continued into the Frostback Mountains.
The clan is obviously named after Sabrae, and Talas’ ancestors remained with the clan right up until recently; the line ended with Marethari. (Mahariel went on to found a different clan, where Mahariel’s name and mother are from. The ancient history between the clan founders is part of the reason why Mom’s elders didn���t want her to be with the Keeper of Clan Sabrae.)
What stories does the clan have with moral lessons?
The Halla and Her Three Kids, a fairy tale in which a halla mother goes out to forage, and warns her children not to leave the aravel while she’s away. She sings them a song and tells them to only open the door when they hear it. A servant of the Dread Wolf hears this and uses his wicked magic to change his voice and trick the kids into letting him in - only the youngest child is clever enough to be suspicious, and he hides while his two brothers are gobbled up.
When the mother halla returns she’s of course devastated, but her grief and rage are a powerful motivator. She calls upon Mythal as both a mother and as one seeking justice, Falon'Din to guide her lost children, and thanks Sylaise for keeping at least one child safe - and then she and her youngest begin to work on a trap.
The mother cooks a rich meal, and sets a special seat over a hidden pit, which is filled with embers and slow-burning firewood. She then invites the wolf to come to her home and mourn with her, as if she doesn’t know he is to blame. As he eats the chair grows heavier and heavier, until it collapses and he falls into the fire below. As he burns and pleads for his life, the mother tells him that she does as the gods have taught her: “a death for a death and a burn for a burn”. She and the child then finish off their enemy with a stoning, and all the halla in the clan celebrate with a real feast.
(This is an actual story I grew up with.)
What legends does the clan have about their people/history?
Clan Sabrae tells the story of a skilled hunter named Harralan, whose clan once lived in the Brecilian Forest. Harralan was arrogant and full of anger; he resented the life his people lived and dreamed of returning to the days when his people ruled cities and nations of their own. Though his wish was understandable, he thought of little else and allowed his heart to be clouded by his bitterness; so full of hate was he, that he attracted the attention of a rage demon.
The demon transformed him into Mythallen - a child of vengeance. Though he espoused concern for the future of the People, and for the injustices they have suffered, in truth he understood nothing of sympathy, compassion, forgiveness, or true leadership. Instead, he enslaved, yoking others to his revenge, transforming them into little more than weapons, extensions of his will.
The clan was able to destroy Mythallen, but too few of them remained to continue on as one. The remaining elves joined other clans, while their dead were remembered in legend.
How do clan members spend their leisure time? What do they do for fun?
They’ve picked up some games from humans - Wicked Grace being a particularly popular one. They also have their own gambling game that involves a four sided top, and some clan members have started combining both games.  
The harens don’t like it, but rock climbing is becoming the entertainment of choice for the younger members of the clan.
Also, reading! Many of the mages brought books with them from the Circle, plus Clan Sabrae now has unprecedented access to books that human and dwarven traders brought with them to Kirkwall.
What kind of laws/rules does the clan have?
Aside from the obvious, “be a respectable member of society” stuff, hunters and craftsmen are taught to respect the balance of the land and to use every part of the animals they hunt.
Everyone has a job to do, and every job is important. Whether you watch the children, whittle trinkets, or are the Keeper, every role is equally important to the survival of the clan.
Members of the clan are obligated to give mythvhen - a word that literally translates to righteousness, or righteous heart. This means to help others simply for the sake of helping, without receiving or expecting any recognition in return.
There are all sorts of rules associated with specific holidays and religious practices.
If a clan member breaks these rules, what punishments are there?
Depends on the severity obviously. A scolding from the Keeper (and probably every hahren, just for good measure), extra community work, exile at the worst. Unless something really terrible happens, the focus is less on punishment and more on understanding why the rule was broken, and explaining to the clan member why it’s important.
What is the clan’s culture surrounding birth?
During the first three months of pregnancy, couples and the healer won’t tell anyone else about the birth, to protect the baby from the evil eye. Even after the pregnancy is revealed, parents won’t even discuss naming the baby and nothing is prepared aside from what the child will need right after it’s born (so no toys and things like that).
Wards on the family’s aravel should be inspected, to make sure that spirits are being kept out.
A mother usually prays more often to Mythal, and a father to Elgar’nan. They pray to Sylaise to make their home safe and welcoming, and Andruil to keep the Dread Wolf at bay.
The birth itself is a joyous occasion, and the whole clan gets involved. A week after the child is born, the clan celebrates with a feast and welcomes them into the family. This is when the child is named, and the Keeper will say the first prayer for them using their new name, asking each god to watch over them.
What is the clan’s culture surrounding death?
When a clan members dies, the burial process begins immediately.
The dead is covered until they are with the Keeper, at which point they are uncovered and washed with water from a mountain stream. They are then dressed in simple burial clothing - white cloth, nothing more - and a sash is wrapped around their waist and tied in a way that represents the god of their vallaslin. (If they were too young to have been tattooed yet, the sash represents Falon'Din.)
From death until burial the dead is never alone, and those with them regularly recite prayers to Falon’Din, asking for safe passage into the beyond.
No more than a day after the death, the body is brought to the graveyard at the top of Sundermount and laid to rest alongside their ancestors. A tree is planted to mark their grave, and the Keeper asks Mythal to watch over her people even in death - the prayer directed towards the statue of Mythal that stands in the graveyard.
The deceased’s family mourn for a week, rarely leaving their aravel and putting vanity aside to allow themselves all possible space to grieve and process. Clan members will take care to bring them food and drink, keep them company, and take over their daily duties. After the week is up they return to work, but of course the clan is mindful of the pain they are still feeling.
What are the most monumental parts of life for clan members?
Receiving their vallaslin is an obvious one, as it means they are now an adult in the clan’s eyes. Young elves spend the day in contemplation, meditating on which vallaslin is most suited to them. Once they’re ready, they will wash and purify themselves, then don a traditional shawl that has likely been passed through their family. At sundown the Keeper will begin applying the vallaslin, during which time the young elf must make sure not to make a sound.
In what ways does the clan honor and revere the Elven Pantheon?
In every way? Lol
By which I mean, there are prayers for literally everything. Before a hunt, after a hunt, when skinning an animal, when purifying a home, when setting magical wards, when eating a meal, when making an herbal remedy. A prayer for an elven birth, a different prayer for a halla birth. A prayer to keep a secret, and a prayer to reveal hidden knowledge. And so on.
Some are longer than others, some are more formal, some are made up on the spot, but the gods are woven into everything. The clan doesn’t pray with the intention of being heard, but they want to acknowledge their heritage and give thanks that they can carry on these traditions.
What practices does the clan have in regards to vallaslin? How is an elf determined to be ready? How is the design chosen?
Oops I already talked about this a little bit. To add on from question 27, elves receive their valasllin soon after their 17th birthday. The Keeper and the hahrens discuss among themselves whether or not a child is ready, based on how mature they are; in other words, how ready they seem to take on the burden of being an adult in the clan.
What is the clan’s vallaslin like?
Just the normal vallaslin from DA:O.
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nerdfordragons · 7 years
Meet Aisling Mahariel
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Warden Commander of Ferelden, Aisling Mahariel is committed to her brothers and sisters of the Order.
In 9:31 Dragon, she and her lover Tamlen came across a tainted mirror that left her sick and Tamlen corrupted. Desperate to save her life, Aisling was forced to leave her clan and join the Grey Wardens against the coming Blight. 
Aisling found a new family in her companions, finding love again in the Antivan Assassin that followed her after learning the truth of what happened to her beloved Tamlen. She would do anything to keep them safe and they always have her back while she has theirs.  She currently maintains her role and rank among the Grey Wardens and has an information network all through Ferelden with a few informants in other neighboring countries. Origin: Dalish
Class: Rogue
Specialization: Ranger/Assassin
Weapons: Dragonbone bow, Dragonbone sword/dagger
Main Party: Dog, Sten, Zevran
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