#aisha yasin
nefariouscryptid · 6 months
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Much love to these 3
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
The Prophet Receives Permission For Migration
The Qurayshi polytheists had decided to kill the Messenger of Allah and started to do things to this end. Meanwhile, God Almighty gave the Messenger of Allah the order to migrate.
The Prophet used to visit Hazrat Abu Bakr in the morning or in the evening every day. However, when he received the order to migrate, he went to Abu Bakr’s house at noon, when it was very hot, by wrapping his head. When Abu Bakr was informed that the Prophet arrived, he was surprised and said, “By Allah, the Messenger of Allah never used to come at this time. There is something very unusual!” Then, he invited the Prophet inside and let him sit on the mattress and said, May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! What is the matter?”
The Prophet said, “Allah gave me the permission to leave Makkah and to migrate to Madinah.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr asked excitedly, “Will I be honored to accompany you, O Messenger of Allah?”
When the Prophet said “Yes…”, he became very happy and started to weep for joy.
Hazrat Aisha said, “Up to that time, I had never seen anyone to weep so much for joy!”, expressing the joy of her father at that time.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr made an agreement with Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was a polytheist then but who was well-known as a trustable person who always kept his promise, to guide them to Madinah. They gave him two camels and agreed to meet at the foot of the Thawr Mountain.
Then the Prophet left the house of Abu Bakr and returned home. 
Information Given by Hazrat Jibril
Meanwhile, Jibril (pbuh), the angel of revelation, came to the Prophet, informed him about the decision of the polytheists and instructed him what to do:
“Tonight, do not sleep in the bed that you used to sleep up to now!”
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah called Hazrat Ali and said to him, “Sleep in my bed tonight! Take this green cardigan of mine and cover yourself in it! Do not fear! Nothing will happen to you!”
He also told Hazrat Ali to stay in Makkah until he returned the goods trusted to the Prophet to their owners.
Makkans trusted the Prophet, whom they named “Muhammadu’l-Amin” very much and they entrusted their valuable goods, which they feared losing, to him. When the Qurayshi notables decided to kill him, there were many valuable goods entrusted to him. Despite this decision, he ordered Hazrat Ali to return the goods to their owners, showing his dignity and trustability.
The House of the Prophet is Surrounded
In accordance with the plan that had been made, about two hundred polytheists with their swords chosen from all of the tribes gathered in front of the house of the Prophet after one third of the night passed. Among them were protagonists and brutal people like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and Umayya b. Khalaf. The murderers were waiting for the night to end, the sun to rise and the Prophet to leave his house. According to their customs, it was a mean and cowardly act to kill someone in his house.
The Prophet leaves his House
The Messenger of Allah left his house while the murderers with swords were around his house. He picked a handful of soil and threw it toward their heads, reading the first eight verses of the chapter of Yasin. None of them could see him and he passed through them.
After a while, some of their fellow citizens went over them and asked them, “Why are you waiting here?”
When polytheists said, “We are waiting for Muhammad”, they said, “Muhammad threw some soil toward your heads and left a long time ago. Look at your heads and clothes!”, virtually mocking the murderers!
They looked at one another. They were covered with dust and dirt. They were surprised. They entered the house at once. They saw someone lying covered with a cardigan. They said, “There he is; Muhammad is sleeping!” and continued waiting until it started to dawn.
When they saw that Hazrat Ali got up from the bed instead of the Messenger of Allah, they were astonished and said, “By Allah, what was said to us was true!”
Then they asked Hazrat Ali, “Where is Muhammad?”
When Hazrat Ali said, “I do not know!”, they were astonished and did not know what to do.
God almighty stated the following in the verse that He sent down upon this event:
“Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out, (of thy home). They plot and plan and Allah too plans but the best of planners is Allah.” 
After leaving his house, the Messenger of Allah went straight to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. They prepared some things for the expedition and put some food in a leather bag.
Then, the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr left the house through the small door at the back of the house. They set off to Thawr Mountain, which is down in the southeast of Makkah, three miles (about an hour) away from the city.
Hazrat Abu Bakr walked sometimes in front of and sometimes at the back of the Prophet. The Prophet asked him, “O Abu Bakr! Why do you do so?” Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “In order to watch and protect you, O Messenger of Allah!” 
A Snake Bites Hazrat Abu Bakr
They arrived at the Cave of Thawr on Thursday night.
The cave was desolate. First, Hazrat Abu Bakr entered the cave. He cleaned the ground and leveled it. He blocked the holes in the cave with pieces of fabric torn off his garment. When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot on it. Then, he called the Prophet inside the cave. The Messenger of Allah put his head on the knees of Abu Bakr and fell asleep.
After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr felt a great pain in his foot that he had put on the hole. He realized that a snake had bitten him. However, he did not remove his foot. He did not even move lest the Messenger of Allah should wake up. He was in so much pain that tears fell down her face. When a few tears hit the face of the Messenger of Allah, he woke up and asked, “What is the matter, O Abu Bakr?”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, the symbol of loyalty, said, “O Messenger of Allah! Something bit my foot but it does not matter. May my father and mother be sacrificed for you!”
The Messenger of Allah rubbed the place that the snake bit with his spit. By the grace of Allah, the pain was eliminated and Hazrat Abu Bakr recovered.
A Spider Weaves a Web; Pigeons Build a Nest
Meanwhile, upon the command of Allah, a spider came to the entrance of the cave and weaved a web; and two pigeons came and built a nest. Those animals started to keep guard in order to protect the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr against Quraysh!
Makkah is searched thoroughly
When the polytheists could not find the Prophet in his house, they got very distressed and sad. They started to search Makkah thoroughly at once. They went to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. When they could not find them there, they got furious.
When they could not find the Messenger of Allah in Makkah, they hired a town crier, who shouted, “We will give one hundred camels to anyone who fetches or kills Muhammad or Abu Bakr!”
When the announcement was heard, all of the thieves, murderers and criminals took their swords and sticks; they went out of Makkah and started to run around.  
Some searchers hired two trackers from Banu Mudlij. They found the footprints of the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr. They reached the foot of the Thawr Mountain by tracking.
One of the trackers said, “By Allah, they did not go beyond that cave. The footprints cease here!”
Some of them went to the entrance of the cave together with Umayya b. Khalaf.
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s Sorrow
Meanwhile, the Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr could see the polytheists but the polytheists could not see them.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was in panic and sorrowful. He said, “O Messenger of Allah! I would not feel sorry at all if they killed me. I am only an individual. However, if they harmed you, it would cause the destruction of your ummah!”
The Messenger of Allah said securely, “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”, consoling him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah! If one of them bends down and looks, he will see us!”
The Messenger of Allah said in a safe and trusting voice, “O Abu Bakr! What do you think will happen if the third person who is present here along with two of us is Allah? Do you think you will be caught?” Then, he prayed Allah to make Hazrat Abu Bakr relieved. 
Allah indicates the incident in the Quran as follows:
”If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”: then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.”
The Spider and the Pigeons Keeping Guard
The polytheists who came close the Cave of Thawr said, “Let us search this cave.”
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr could hear what they were talking.
One of them approached the entrance of the cave but he returned without looking inside the cave.
The others asked, “Why did you not look inside?”
He said, “I saw two wild pigeons had built a nest on the entrance of the cave. I never think they can be inside!”
Umayya b. Khalaf, a ferocious polytheist, shouted at his friends furiously,
“Why do you still walk around that cave? Do you not see that a spider had woven a web? By Allah, I think that web had been woven before Muhammad was born!”
Thereupon, they moved away from the cave.
Thus, God Almighty protected His Messenger against Quraysh through the spider and the wild pigeons He appointed!
Days in the Cave
Our beloved Prophet, who entered the cave of Thawr on Thursday night with Hazrat Abu Bakr, stayed in the cave on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. They stayed in the cave for three days and nights as a precaution. During this period, the polytheists would think that they had left Makkah and would loosen the search. And it happened like that.
During the period when they hid in the cave, upon the instruction of the Prophet, Abdullah, the son of Hazrat Abu Bakr, walked among the Qurayshis during the day and found out what they were talking and thinking about; at night, he went to the cave and told the Messenger of Allah what he had heard. He stayed in the cave and returned to Makkah at dawn.
Meanwhile, Amir b. Fuhayra, the slave of Hazrat Abu Bakr, were herding sheep nearby and erasing the tracks of Abdullah; he also took some milk to them.
Thus, three days and nights passed. The search of the Qurayshis for the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr had loosened. That was the news brought by Hazrat Abdullah.
Meanwhile, as they had agreed beforehand, Abdullah b. Urayqit arrived at the foot of the Thawr Mount with the two camels delivered to him beforehand and his own camel on Monday morning at dawn.
Hazrat Asma Brings Food for the Journey!
A sheep was slaughtered and cooked for the Prophet and the people on the journey. Asma (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr, put the meat in a leather bag and took it to the cave along with a leather bottle full of water.
Hazrat Asma had forgotten to bring a band or rope to tie the mouth of the leather bag and bottle. She looked around but could not find anything to tie the bags. Then, she took off her waistband and divided it into two. She tied up the leather bag with one piece and the leather bottle with the other. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said, “There are two bands for Asma in Paradise!”
Therefore, Hazrat Asma is called “Dhat an-Nitaqayn [The One with two Waistbands]”.
It was the fourth Monday of the month of Rabiulawwal.
It was time to leave the cave.
Hazrat Abu Bakr presented the better one of his two camels to the Prophet and said, “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “I will not get on a camel that I do not own!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “It is yours! May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “No, I won’t” “I will not get on it unless you tell me the price you have paid for it!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr had to tell the price of the camel and the Prophet accepted to pay for it.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr got on the camels. Hazrat Abu Bakr also let his freed black slave Amir b. Furayha get on the back of his camel so that he will serve them on the way.
Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was very good at leading the way, was in front of them. They left the Cave of Thawr.
The Prophet Calls out to Makkah
The Prophet was about to leave the holy city he was born in and grew up. He stopped his camel near the place called Hazrawa. He looked at the holy city sadly and said, “By Allah, you are the best place that Allah created. You are the most beloved one in the sight of Allah. There is no city more beloved and beautiful than you for me. If I were not forced, I would never leave you and would not settle anywhere else.” , expressing his love toward Makkah. 
Thereupon, God Almighty sent down the following verse to console His Prophet:
“Verily He Who ordained the Qur'an for thee, will bring thee back to the Place of Return.” 
They followed an unusual way toward Madinah in order to make it difficult for the enemies to follow them and to deceive them. First, they rode south, toward Tihama, which is near the Red Sea. Then, they turned north. They proceeded on the way parallel to the coast. They rode the camels until Tuesday noon without stopping. They stopped to have a rest on Tuesday in a shade. The Prophet started to sleep. Hazrat Abu Bakr was waiting like a guard next to him. He also watched around. He saw a shepherd at a distance. He went over to him. He took some milk from the shepherd and brought it to the Prophet. He gave it to the Messenger of Allah when he woke up. The Prophet drank it thirstily. 
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manhajsalafiyyah · 7 months
-Some people praise the *evil, *filthy and lying Huthis, may Allah fight them.
-Do you think the one who killed the Sunnis and insulted our mother Aisha رضي الله عنها & conqueror of Al-Aqsa Umar Ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه, can liberate Al-Aqsa? No Never.
May Allah destroy the Huthis.
🎙️Abu Aisha Shamsi حفظه الله
📝Translated by Yasin Ibn Jamal حفظهما الله
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lightdancer1 · 6 months
One of the interesting bits of subtext in Islamic history is the dual treatment of Aisha and Khadijah:
Khadijah was the first wife of Muhammad and his sole wife for most of his lifespan. She was the woman who very much made him, having established money where Muhammad had to earn his as a merchant, and was a key part in assuring him that the revelations he heard were genuine ones and not those of demons or indeed insanity. She was also the mother of his sole living child, Fatima, where none of his later wives were.
And yet in the history and memory of the Islamic world she lingers much less than Aisha, who led (but ultimately lost) the Battle of the Camel against Caliph Ali, which was both a defeat in the short term and what was in truth a family feud between two branches of Muhammad's family and the end of the Rashidun era. There is no small irony in all this and Aisha's life and the various elements around it linger not least because where Khadijah was much more the conventional Arab woman of her time, Aisha was in every way not this at all.
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diver5ion · 7 years
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Let's go. No, something’s not right. C’mon.
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thetudorslovers · 3 years
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Khadija and Aisha were two of many wives the Prophet Muhammed was married to over the course of his lifetime. Fatima was one of Muhammed's daughters upon his first marriage with Khadija. 
After the death of Khadija, Aisha was married to Muhammed though she never felt that he was moved on from Khadija. Aisha was known as a very smart women. She spread Muhammed's message greatly and even for an additional 44 years after Muhammed passed away. Surprisingly Aisha was said to have married to Muhammed at the age of six. She cherished her marriage with him for nine years until his death. Muhammed was said to have stayed at Aisha's apartment for his last moments before his death and found her to be is most favored wife.
Khadija was Muhammed's first wife. At first Muhammed was hesitant to the idea of marrying as he was not sure he was ready to support a wife based on his financial status at the time. However his uncle had convinced him to consider it as Khadija was very capable of supporting herself. Khadija learning from her father had become a very successful merchant and trader. Many said that Khadija's trade caravan had equaled the same as all the others combined. However Khadija never went along with her caravans to make trades. Instead she always used servants to do the heavy lifting. Believing greatly in her husband, Khadija was the first to convert to be a Muslim after Muhammed started to preach his first revelations. Khadija died later in 620 CE during Ramadan, at the age of around 65. Muhammed called this year "the year of sorrow", as many of his other close companions later died that same year including his uncle.
Fatima was one of Muhammed's daughters from his first marriage with Khadija. Unlike most kids she grew up in the comforts of her own home being nursed there rather than sent off. She was said to be most loyal to Muhammed and always cared for him. She was admired for her humble personality and characteristics. After getting married she lived a simple life in a regular house unlike her sisters and did manual labor the same as the working class would. She also cared and attended her husbands and her fathers wounds during time of war. She was deeply saddened to hear of the death of her father Muhammed however carried on to spread his spirit and religion after his death.  
All of these women were import factors for unifying the Muslim religion as it spread because they all contributed to spreading Muhammed's revelations and educating everyone. They were all highly regarded figures and seen as very noble not for their wealth but for their principles and humble characteristics. All of these women helped Muhammed unify with the religion and all the people.
Sources: Andrew Briert; https://worldhistoryriseofislam.weebly.com/khadija-aisha-and-fatima.html
Al-Jibouri, Yasin T. "Khadijah, Daughter of Khuwaylid, Wife of Prophet Muhammad." Al-Islam.org. N.p., 12 Sept. 2003. Web. 24 Feb. 2015.
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yasxgamal · 4 years
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Basic Information
Full name: Yasin Gamal Pronunciation: ee-ah-ceen gah-mah-l Nickname(s): Yas, E. Birthdate: November 20th, 1986 Age: 34 Zodiac: Scorpio Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him/his Romantic orientation: Panromantic Sexual orientation: Pansexual Nationality: English Ethnicity: Egyptian Current location: London, UK Living conditions: Yas' place is a one-bedroom mess. It's a good flat, spacious and in a good location, all things considered, but he's not the best at decorating. Apart from the very odd artwork or two hanging crookedly on the walls, there isn't much more to it. He keeps his space clean and tidy when he has the time to do that, but it's not a very personal place. Also probably smells like smoke most of the time -- or, air freshener if he's trying to impress you.
Birthplace: London, UK Hometown: London, UK Social Class: Wealthy if you count the parents' money, Middle if you consider his own money and lifestyle currently, and his tendencies to waste it all on cigarettes. Educational achievements: A really fancy degree in Computer Sciences and Computer Engineering at the most expensive college in the UK Father: Omar Gamal Mother: Safiya Gamal Sibling(s): Samir Gamal and Aisha Gamal. Birth order: Samir, Yas, Aisha is the youngest. Pets: Ramen, the stray cat that crawls in through his window and occasionally spends weeks sleeping inside, and then disappears for months on end. Previous relationships: One big relationship in college for 3 years, a miserable breakup. Then mostly only casual things after that, none he would consider true relationships. Arrests: N/A Prison time: N/A
Occupation & Income
Current occupation: Programmer for the Time Machine project Dream occupation: Programmer for the first working Time Machine Past job(s): College Era: various internships, waiter, freelance photographer for kids' parties, freelance I.T., tech teacher for the elderly, tech teacher for children, coder and manager for a pornographic film company's website. Post-College Era: has helped coding and programming several apps and softwares independently, then a stable job at GoodCore Software Ltd. as SQA Lead. Spending habits: Yas spends a lot on cigarettes and technology, but everything else he doesn't care enough for. In debt?: No Most valuable possession: Emotionally, his own laptop or phone, and all the photos and memories stored in them, as well as his work. Legally and monetarily, though, it's the BAFTA statuette from his sister, which he now gets to keep for a year because he won a bet (it's fine, she has more than one).
Skills & Abilities
Physical strength: Average Speed: Average Intelligence: Above Average when it comes to all things technology, Average on some other subjects. Accuracy: Average Agility: Above Average Stamina: Above Average Teamwork: Great in environments where everyone is delegated a certain job and he gets to do his thing in his corner to add to the mix. When it comes to people wanting to mess with his codes, he gets a bit stubborn and difficult to deal with. Shortcomings: often lets his pride ruin things, a bit of an inflated ego when it comes to his work, bad at communicating. Languages spoken: English, Arabic Drive?: Yes Jump-start a car?: No Change a flat tyre?: Yes Ride a bicycle?: Poorly Swim?: Yes Play an instrument?: If you count the guitar lessons in his childhood (he does) Play chess?: Yes Braid hair?: No Tie a tie?: Yes Pick a lock?: No Cook?: Yes, the very bare minimum, and he hardly does it.
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Faceclaim: Rami Malek Eye colour: Greyish green Hair colour: Black Hair type/style/length: Shaved on the sides, originally short on top but it grows out too fast and he can't be bothered to get a haircut, so it grows out curly. When it starts to become a mop and look like he has a helmet of hair on, he cuts it short again, and repeats that cycle. Glasses/contacts?: No, but they're needed. He has shit eyesight and no one ever forced him to get glasses so he never did. Don't ask him to read any signs that are far away. Dominant hand: Right Height: 5'9 / 175cm Weight: 154 lb / 70kg Build: Slim Exercise habits: Nonexistent, but he does a lot of walking Skin tone: Olive (Type IV) Tattoos: The initials of his siblings, A.S. in a simple font, on the bottom of his ribs on his right side. They all have matching ones. He continuously tells them the joke that they should get a fourth sibling with an S name, so he can get A.S.S. tattooed instead. Piercings: None Marks/scars: Several small scars around his legs and arms, from climbing around and getting into trouble as a middle child desperate for attention. A more notorious scar runs up behind his left elbow from a night in college when he got wasted with his friends and had an accident with a knife (don't ask). Clothing style: Black, a lot of black. The most colourful thing in his closet might be a dark grey jumper. Very minimalistic in the sense that he never wears patterns or colours or graphic tees, it's always just very dry and kind of bland. He probably could get into fashion if he wanted to, but he feels bad spending so much of his hard-earned money on the high-fashion stuff. Also he can frequently be spotted wearing those compression gloves/braces on his hands, for carpal tunnel syndrome Jewellery: A couple necklaces that have no emotional attachment besides "I thought they were cool so I bought them", but he's never without them, even when they mostly just hang inside his shirts. Dabbles in rings if he's feeling fancy. Allergies: None Diet: Consists of mostly snacks. He occasionally buys the healthy kind, like a couple granola bars or some fruit, but if he's going through a big project, he'll only snack. Anything easy to eat with one hand goes. He does, however, understand the value of nutrition and that he needs to fuel his body properly every once in a while; when that happens, he resorts to ordering food from some healthy restaurant nearby. It's basically a couple salads a month and then nothing but Doritos for days straight. Physical ailments: Carpal tunnel syndrome happens often enough that it's almost chronic, because he doesn't usually take breaks or stretch his wrists out like he's supposed to. Back pain from sitting all day (and bad posture) is also so present that he barely notices it anymore.
MBTI type: INTJ Enneagram type: Type Five Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Temperament: Somewhere between Phlegmatic and Melancholic? Element: Water Emotional stability: Who is she! Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert Obsession(s): Outdoing his siblings, no matter how much he loves them Compulsion(s): Working to the point of forgetting to take care of himself Phobia(s): Acrophobia and atychiphobia Addiction(s): Cigarettes/Vaping Drug use: Sometimes wrongly and terribly pops an Adderall when pulling all-nighters. Has smoked weed before, but he doesn't love the slowness of when he gets high. Alcohol use: Not very often nowadays, but the occasional blackout still happens. He's known to become a completely different person when he drinks, much more loose and fun and happy, so he does it sparingly Prone to violence?: No Prone to crying?: No Believe in love at first sight?: Yes, but doesn't think he's the type to ever experience that, since it takes a while for him to get close to people, so he believes in it as an abstract concept
Accent: RP English Speech quirks: A lot of pauses between words and sentences, since he often thinks a lot before he speaks. The occasional ums and uhs and some stuttering if his mind is working faster than he can speak, too. Hobbies: Photography, playing video games, reading novels (graphic or otherwise), finding passive-aggressive memes to send into the Gamal siblings groupchat Habits: Stealing wifi, smoking and vaping, ordering delivery of everything instead of getting it himself Nervous ticks: lip chewing, tapping fingers, bouncing one knee, scratching his neck/jaw or touching his nose Drives/motivations: It's all for the glory, babey Fears: Never achieving anything grand Sense of humour?: It goes as far as memes and roasting his loved ones, but not much further than that. He's usually not comfortable enough to crack jokes, but you might get a sarcastic comment or two if you're lucky. Deep down, he can be sharp and quick-witted, but it doesn't come out often, unless he's having drinks. Do they curse often?: Hecc yes, probably as a form of rebellion against his posh parents
Animal: Tarsier Beverage: Strong black coffee with two spoons of sugar Book: Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes Colour: Green Food: Zalabya Flower: Jasmine Gem: Peridot Mode of transportation: Walking, and if not, the metro Scent: Oranges Sport: Tennis Weather: Rainy enough that he doesn't feel anyone's judgement for staying inside all day Vacation destination: Japan
Greatest dream: Finally being famous for his work Greatest fear: Never achieving anything big enough to make him happy, and being forever miserable because of it Most at ease when: Left by himself or enjoying someone else's company that he's truly comfortable with, probably in silence, doing his own thing Least as ease when: Forced into environments where he has to put on fancy clothes and pretend to be enjoying himself when he's not. Alternatively: when he's going on hour 32 without any sleep and he's denied more coffee Worst possible thing that could happen: Achieving greatness but realising he needs something else in order to feel fulfilled and be happy Biggest achievement: His degree and hopefully the first working Time Machine Biggest regret: He doesn't like to say he regrets things, so there's nothing he'd call a huge regret. But if he had to say something, he'd probably say it was not telling that one high school crush that he liked them.
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : Some Other Important Incidents of the 9th year of the Migration
Urwa b. Mas’ud Becomes a Muslim and then he is Martyred
Urwa b. Mas’ud was one of the notables of Taif. When the Prophet besieged Taif with his army, he was in Jurash, Yemen. He was learning the art of making catapults, etc for the defense of Taif.
After the Prophet lifted the siege, he returned to Taif. After a while, God Almighty placed love of Islam in his heart and he went to Madinah. He became a Muslim in the month of Rabiul-Awwal in the 9th year of the Migration.[ Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 182; Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 5, p. 503. ] The Prophet became very glad when he became a Muslim.
After staying in Madinah for a while, Urwa b. Mas’ud said to the Messenger of God, “O Messenger of God! Let me go and invite my tribe to Islam.”
The Messenger of God knew that the people of Taif were the captives of their conceitedness and hence avoided becoming Muslims. Therefore, he said to Urwa, “They will kill you.”
Urwa said, “O Messenger of God! They love me more than their own children.” He repeated his wish to go.
The Prophet said again, “They will kill you.”
Urwa trusted in the love and respect of the people of Taif to him.
He said, “O Messenger of God! Let alone killing me, they will not even awaken me when I am asleep.”
Then, he repeated his wish for the third time.
Thereupon, the Messenger of God said, “All right! Go if you want to go.”
Urwa set off to go to Taif at once. He invited the people of Taif to become Muslims.
The people of Taif, who were the captives of their conceitedness, threw arrows at him and martyred Urwa b. Mas’ud, whom they loved very much.[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 182; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 312. ]
When the Prophet heard that he was martyred, he said, “His situation in his tribe is like the one with the person of Yasin. The person of Yasin had invited his tribe to believe in God but his tribe killed him.” Then, he said, “Thank God; He sent a person like the person of Yasin to my ummah.”[ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 182; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 504. ]
Death of Umm Ruman, the wife of Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s wife, Umm Ruman, whose real name was Zaynab, became a Muslim in Makkah in the first years of Islam and paid allegiance to the Prophet. She was the mother of Abdurrahman and Hazrat Aisha.
Umm Ruman died in the 9th year of the Migration. The Prophet entered her grave and asked forgiveness for her from God Almighty.[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 8, p. 277; Ibn Athir, Usdu’l Ghaba, Vol. 7, p. 331; Ibn Hajar, al-Isaba, Vol. 4, p. 451. ]
Mash over Khuffs(Leather Socks)
During the Expedition of Tabuk, the Prophet ordered the Muslims to wipe over their khuffs while making wudu.[ Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 6, p. 27. ] The period for the validity of mash was three days (seventy-two hours) for travelers and one day (twenty-four hours) for non-travelers (residents).
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There are endless of hadiths that ridicules us woman. That says that we aren't rational, intellectual etc. Many of them are of sahih. For instance the hadith in which asmaa bint Yazid was talking to the prophet sws and he and his companions were amazed that a woman could express herself as she did (which means that they normally doubt woman's intellect). Then you got the straightforward ones that says woman are stupid, inferior etc...
Our conceptualization of Islam comes from the Quran. The Quran is our program and our guide in life, and it doesn’t contain any of the things you describe.
As for hadith, hadith exists on a second tier, it is there to provide us with an example of the Prophet’s efforts to follow the Quran. Everything in hadith is considered z̧anni, meaning of doubtful certitude. Imam Malik and Abu Hanifa recommend skepticism toward hadith, including authentic ones, whenever they deviate from the Quran or from well-established practices of the Sunna. Therefore, for example, Imam Malik refuses to act by various hadith narrations even though they were considered authentic, because the narrations go against the well-established practices of the people of Medina (see The Origins of Islamic Law: The Qur'an, the Muwatta' and Madinan Amal by Yasin Dutton).
Imam al-Bukhari himself rejects an authentic hadith because it contains a prophesy that does not come true (the Prophet peace be upon him says this thing will happen, but 200 years have passed and it has not happened, so al-Bukhari concludes the hadith is false). For more examples of scholars rejecting authentic narrations see the (freely available) paper How We Know Early Ḥadīth Critics Did MatnCriticism and Why It’s So Hard to Find by Jonathan Brown.
There is an authentic narration (in Sahih Muslim) that says if a woman, black dog or donkey passes in front of a person praying, their prayer is invalidated. In a different narration, also in Sahih Muslim, it is recorded that when Aisha (wife of the Prophet peace be upon him), may God have mercy on her, hears this hadith (this is after the Prophet’s death), she angrily retorts “You have compared us to dogs!” Instead of sitting quietly and accepting the hadith, she challenges it because she finds it ridiculous and insulting.
You can do the same. Instead of submitting to other people’s visions about what Islam should be, do your own research and build your own vision of Islam based on a wide variety of sources. If someone uses some random hadith to belittle you, challenge them using the Quran’s principles, or research the hadith and you will usually find that there are other hadith narrations that contradict it. 
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nefariouscryptid · 2 years
Umm, mayyybe I annoy you with this, but since nothing of importance was said or drawn about Aisha may I ask what would become of her during and after the Morgan story? Is she ret-gone or still present? Just curious. 😇
You’re not annoying at all! I actually want to draw her way more I’m just busy.
She got married as well like her brother did, and she lives close by Tariq and Leslie to help with their family. She’s still close with Brenda as well, considers her a best friend. She also comes by to help her out after Morgan died. In all honestly she just has her cushy little life that she’s been wanting, especially after all the shit thats went down. So nothing extremely interesting, but I think that’s good. Sometimes settling down is like a reward.
Her husband is someone she met after the “war” so we don’t get to see him interact in that way. His name is Shahmeer. Being that she got married in her early 50s she was too old to have kids. It’s not something that bothers her too much though
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lifeofresulullah · 1 year
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
The Prophet Receives Permission For Migration
The Qurayshi polytheists had decided to kill the Messenger of Allah and started to do things to this end. Meanwhile, God Almighty gave the Messenger of Allah the order to migrate.
The Prophet used to visit Hazrat Abu Bakr in the morning or in the evening every day. However, when he received the order to migrate, he went to Abu Bakr’s house at noon, when it was very hot, by wrapping his head. When Abu Bakr was informed that the Prophet arrived, he was surprised and said, “By Allah, the Messenger of Allah never used to come at this time. There is something very unusual!” Then, he invited the Prophet inside and let him sit on the mattress and said, May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! What is the matter?”
The Prophet said, “Allah gave me the permission to leave Makkah and to migrate to Madinah.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr asked excitedly, “Will I be honored to accompany you, O Messenger of Allah?”
When the Prophet said “Yes…”, he became very happy and started to weep for joy.
Hazrat Aisha said, “Up to that time, I had never seen anyone to weep so much for joy!”, expressing the joy of her father at that time.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr made an agreement with Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was a polytheist then but who was well-known as a trustable person who always kept his promise, to guide them to Madinah. They gave him two camels and agreed to meet at the foot of the Thawr Mountain.
Then the Prophet left the house of Abu Bakr and returned home. 
Information Given by Hazrat Jibril
Meanwhile, Jibril (pbuh), the angel of revelation, came to the Prophet, informed him about the decision of the polytheists and instructed him what to do:
“Tonight, do not sleep in the bed that you used to sleep up to now!”
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah called Hazrat Ali and said to him, “Sleep in my bed tonight! Take this green cardigan of mine and cover yourself in it! Do not fear! Nothing will happen to you!”
He also told Hazrat Ali to stay in Makkah until he returned the goods trusted to the Prophet to their owners.
Makkans trusted the Prophet, whom they named “Muhammadu’l-Amin” very much and they entrusted their valuable goods, which they feared losing, to him. When the Qurayshi notables decided to kill him, there were many valuable goods entrusted to him. Despite this decision, he ordered Hazrat Ali to return the goods to their owners, showing his dignity and trustability.
The House of the Prophet is Surrounded
In accordance with the plan that had been made, about two hundred polytheists with their swords chosen from all of the tribes gathered in front of the house of the Prophet after one third of the night passed. Among them were protagonists and brutal people like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and Umayya b. Khalaf. The murderers were waiting for the night to end, the sun to rise and the Prophet to leave his house. According to their customs, it was a mean and cowardly act to kill someone in his house.
The Prophet leaves his House
The Messenger of Allah left his house while the murderers with swords were around his house. He picked a handful of soil and threw it toward their heads, reading the first eight verses of the chapter of Yasin. None of them could see him and he passed through them.
After a while, some of their fellow citizens went over them and asked them, “Why are you waiting here?”
When polytheists said, “We are waiting for Muhammad”, they said, “Muhammad threw some soil toward your heads and left a long time ago. Look at your heads and clothes!”, virtually mocking the murderers!
They looked at one another. They were covered with dust and dirt. They were surprised. They entered the house at once. They saw someone lying covered with a cardigan. They said, “There he is; Muhammad is sleeping!” and continued waiting until it started to dawn.
When they saw that Hazrat Ali got up from the bed instead of the Messenger of Allah, they were astonished and said, “By Allah, what was said to us was true!”
Then they asked Hazrat Ali, “Where is Muhammad?”
When Hazrat Ali said, “I do not know!”, they were astonished and did not know what to do.
God almighty stated the following in the verse that He sent down upon this event:
“Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out, (of thy home). They plot and plan and Allah too plans but the best of planners is Allah.” 
After leaving his house, the Messenger of Allah went straight to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. They prepared some things for the expedition and put some food in a leather bag.
Then, the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr left the house through the small door at the back of the house. They set off to Thawr Mountain, which is down in the southeast of Makkah, three miles (about an hour) away from the city.
Hazrat Abu Bakr walked sometimes in front of and sometimes at the back of the Prophet. The Prophet asked him, “O Abu Bakr! Why do you do so?” Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “In order to watch and protect you, O Messenger of Allah!         
A Snake Bites Hazrat Abu Bakr
They arrived at the Cave of Thawr on Thursday night.
The cave was desolate. First, Hazrat Abu Bakr entered the cave. He cleaned the ground and leveled it. He blocked the holes in the cave with pieces of fabric torn off his garment. When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot on it. Then, he called the Prophet inside the cave. The Messenger of Allah put his head on the knees of Abu Bakr and fell asleep.
After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr felt a great pain in his foot that he had put on the hole. He realized that a snake had bitten him. However, he did not remove his foot. He did not even move lest the Messenger of Allah should wake up. He was in so much pain that tears fell down her face. When a few tears hit the face of the Messenger of Allah, he woke up and asked, “What is the matter, O Abu Bakr?”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, the symbol of loyalty, said, “O Messenger of Allah! Something bit my foot but it does not matter. May my father and mother be sacrificed for you!”
The Messenger of Allah rubbed the place that the snake bit with his spit. By the grace of Allah, the pain was eliminated and Hazrat Abu Bakr recovered.
A Spider Weaves a Web; Pigeons Build a Nest
Meanwhile, upon the command of Allah, a spider came to the entrance of the cave and weaved a web; and two pigeons came and built a nest. Those animals started to keep guard in order to protect the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr against Quraysh!
Makkah is searched thoroughly
When the polytheists could not find the Prophet in his house, they got very distressed and sad. They started to search Makkah thoroughly at once. They went to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr. When they could not find them there, they got furious.
When they could not find the Messenger of Allah in Makkah, they hired a town crier, who shouted, “We will give one hundred camels to anyone who fetches or kills Muhammad or Abu Bakr!”
When the announcement was heard, all of the thieves, murderers and criminals took their swords and sticks; they went out of Makkah and started to run around.  
Some searchers hired two trackers from Banu Mudlij. They found the footprints of the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr. They reached the foot of the Thawr Mountain by tracking.
One of the trackers said, “By Allah, they did not go beyond that cave. The footprints cease here!”
Some of them went to the entrance of the cave together with Umayya b. Khalaf.
Hazrat Abu Bakr’s Sorrow
Meanwhile, the Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr could see the polytheists but the polytheists could not see them.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was in panic and sorrowful. He said, “O Messenger of Allah! I would not feel sorry at all if they killed me. I am only an individual. However, if they harmed you, it would cause the destruction of your ummah!”
The Messenger of Allah said securely, “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”, consoling him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah! If one of them bends down and looks, he will see us!”
The Messenger of Allah said in a safe and trusting voice, “O Abu Bakr! What do you think will happen if the third person who is present here along with two of us is Allah? Do you think you will be caught?” Then, he prayed Allah to make Hazrat Abu Bakr relieved. 
Allah indicates the incident in the Quran as follows:
”If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us”: then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.” 
The Spider and the Pigeons Keeping Guard
The polytheists who came close the Cave of Thawr said, “Let us search this cave.”
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr could hear what they were talking.
One of them approached the entrance of the cave but he returned without looking inside the cave.
The others asked, “Why did you not look inside?”
He said, “I saw two wild pigeons had built a nest on the entrance of the cave. I never think they can be inside!”
Umayya b. Khalaf, a ferocious polytheist, shouted at his friends furiously,
“Why do you still walk around that cave? Do you not see that a spider had woven a web? By Allah, I think that web had been woven before Muhammad was born!” 
Thereupon, they moved away from the cave.
Thus, God Almighty protected His Messenger against Quraysh through the spider and the wild pigeons He appointed!
Days in the Cave
Our beloved Prophet, who entered the cave of Thawr on Thursday night with Hazrat Abu Bakr, stayed in the cave on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. They stayed in the cave for three days and nights as a precaution. During this period, the polytheists would think that they had left Makkah and would loosen the search. And it happened like that.
During the period when they hid in the cave, upon the instruction of the Prophet, Abdullah, the son of Hazrat Abu Bakr, walked among the Qurayshis during the day and found out what they were talking and thinking about; at night, he went to the cave and told the Messenger of Allah what he had heard. He stayed in the cave and returned to Makkah at dawn.
Meanwhile, Amir b. Fuhayra, the slave of Hazrat Abu Bakr, were herding sheep nearby and erasing the tracks of Abdullah; he also took some milk to them.
Thus, three days and nights passed. The search of the Qurayshis for the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr had loosened. That was the news brought by Hazrat Abdullah.
Meanwhile, as they had agreed beforehand, Abdullah b. Urayqit arrived at the foot of the Thawr Mount with the two camels delivered to him beforehand and his own camel on Monday morning at dawn.
Hazrat Asma Brings Food for the Journey!
A sheep was slaughtered and cooked for the Prophet and the people on the journey. Asma (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr, put the meat in a leather bag and took it to the cave along with a leather bottle full of water.
Hazrat Asma had forgotten to bring a band or rope to tie the mouth of the leather bag and bottle. She looked around but could not find anything to tie the bags. Then, she took off her waistband and divided it into two. She tied up the leather bag with one piece and the leather bottle with the other. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said, “There are two bands for Asma in Paradise!”
Therefore, Hazrat Asma is called “Dhat an-Nitaqayn [The One with two Waistbands]”. 
It was the fourth Monday of the month of Rabiulawwal.
It was time to leave the cave.
Hazrat Abu Bakr presented the better one of his two camels to the Prophet and said, “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah! Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “I will not get on a camel that I do not own!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “It is yours! May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Get on it!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “No, I won’t” “I will not get on it unless you tell me the price you have paid for it!”
Hazrat Abu Bakr had to tell the price of the camel and the Prophet accepted to pay for it.
The Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr got on the camels. Hazrat Abu Bakr also let his freed black slave Amir b. Furayha get on the back of his camel so that he will serve them on the way.
Abdullah b. Urayqit, who was very good at leading the way, was in front of them. They left the Cave of Thawr.
The Prophet Calls out to Makkah
The Prophet was about to leave the holy city he was born in and grew up. He stopped his camel near the place called Hazrawa. He looked at the holy city sadly and said, “By Allah, you are the best place that Allah created. You are the most beloved one in the sight of Allah. There is no city more beloved and beautiful than you for me. If I were not forced, I would never leave you and would not settle anywhere else.” , expressing his love toward Makkah. 
Thereupon, God Almighty sent down the following verse to console His Prophet:
“Verily He Who ordained the Qur'an for thee, will bring thee back to the Place of Return.” 
They followed an unusual way toward Madinah in order to make it difficult for the enemies to follow them and to deceive them. First, they rode south, toward Tihama, which is near the Red Sea. Then, they turned north. They proceeded on the way parallel to the coast. They rode the camels until Tuesday noon without stopping. They stopped to have a rest on Tuesday in a shade. The Prophet started to sleep. Hazrat Abu Bakr was waiting like a guard next to him. He also watched around. He saw a shepherd at a distance. He went over to him. He took some milk from the shepherd and brought it to the Prophet. He gave it to the Messenger of Allah when he woke up. The Prophet drank it thirstily. 
Milkless Goat Gives Milk
Strange incidents took place during the journey.
They went over to the shepherd and asked for some milk. He said, “I have nothing with me that can give milk except that goat. It is pregnant and went dry.”
The Messenger of Allah reached his hands out to the udders of the goat. He rubbed them with his hands. The udders got full of milk. They all drank the milk.
The shepherd was astonished. He said, “Tell me for Allah’s sake, who are you? I have never met someone like you!”
The Messenger of Allah said, “I will tell you if you keep it a secret!”
When the shepherd said, “OK. I will.”, the Prophet said,  “I am Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah!”
The shepherd was more astonished now. He said, “So, you are the person that the Qurayshis say, ‘He went astray. Is that right?”
The Prophet said, “That is what they say!”
Thereupon, the shepherd said, “I witness that you are a prophet! What you have brought is true. Only a prophet can do what you are doing. I will follow and obey you.” Thus, he became a Muslim.
The shepherd said that he also wanted to go with them. However, the Messenger of Allah said, “You cannot do it today. When you hear that I become successful, then, come and join us.” 
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The benefits of Surah Yasin
The Benefits of Yasin, al Waqiah, and al Mulk
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Imaam Nawawi says, “One should be especially observant in reciting Surat Ya Sin (36), Surat al Waqia (56) and Surat al Mulk.(67)”
The Benefits of Yasin (36)
1. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’an is Yasin. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people'[Bazzar]. (S.Muhammad Ali Sabuni, Tafsir-al-SabuniVol.2)
2. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘Whoever recites Yasin once Allah will record the reward of reciting the Qur’an ten times.'[Maqal, Tirmidhi 2812/A & Dhahabi]
3. It has been reported by Aisha (radiAllahu anha)that the Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said that there is a surah in the Qur’an that intercedes for itsreciter and forgive its listener. Know! It is Surah Yasin. It is called ‘Mu’amma’ in the Torah. It was enquired, what is Mu’amma? The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘it embraces the person with the goodness of this world and removes the dismay of the Hereafter’[Hashiya of Tafsir Jalalalayn , pg 368].
4. The Prophet said, ‘Whoever recited Surah Yasin in the night seeking Allah’s pleasure, Allah would forgive him'[Ibn Hibban, Darimi 3283/A, Abu Yala, Tabarani, Baihaqi & Ibn Mardawaih]
5. Ma`qil ibn Yasar (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, his family, companions, andfollowers) said,”Ya Sin is the heart of the Qur’an. No one reads it intending thereby Allah and the Next Abode except that Allah forgives them. Recite it for your deceasedones.” [Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i (this wording is his), and Hakim, who deemed it rigorously authenticated (sahih)]
6. Imam Ghazali explained that this is because soundness of faith rests on acknowledging Resurrection and Judgment, and Surat Ya Sin details this in the most emphatic of ways. Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi concurred.
7. Imam Tibi explained in his commentary on Mishkat al-Masabih that Surat Ya Sin was called ‘the Heart of the Qur ‘an ‘ because of what it contains of overwhelming proofs, decisive signs, subtle spiritual meanings, eloquent admonition, and stern warnings.
The benefits of Surah al Waqiah (56)
8. The Prophet said, ‘Whoever recites surah al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty’ [Ibn Sunni 620]
9. The Prophet said, ‘Surah al Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children'[Ibn Asakir]
The Benefits of Surah al Mulk (67)
10. The Prophet said, ‘There is a surah in the Qur’an which is only thirty verses. It defended whoevere\recited it , until it puts him into paradise ‘ i.e.Surah al Mulk[Fath al Qadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Tabrani inAl-Awsat & Ibn Mardawaith]
11. The Prophet said, ‘Surah al Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave ‘[Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Hakim 2/498 & Nasai]
12. Jabir (radiAllahu anhu) said it was the custom of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam not to go to sleep until he had read Tabarakalladhi Biyadihil Mulk and Alif Laam Meem Tanzeel. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Darami]
13. Anas (radiAllahu anhu) reported Rasulullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wasalam) as saying, “There is a Surah which will plead for its reciter\till it causes him to enter paradise (Tabarakalladhi Biyadihil Mulk).”[Tabrani
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lightup0nlight · 4 years
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[Tafseer Juz 30] 113 Surah Al-Falaq
In this surah, we are taught by Allah through Rasulallah ﷺ to seek refuge in Him subhanahu wa ta'ala from all types of evil creations. The surah begins:
🌸 قُلۡ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ٱلۡفَلَقِ ❝Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Rabb of the daybreak.❞
This is actually a beautiful ayah to reflect upon. In another surah, Allah says: ❝(He is the) Cleaver of the daybreak.❞ [Al-An'aam 6 : 96] meaning, He is the Creator of light and darkness. Allah, who creates the light, has the Ultimate Power to extinguish all types of darkness - all types of difficulties, all types of dangers, and all types of hardships in life that one faces in life. So seek His Help in all matters..
🌸 مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ ❝From the evil of creations that He has created.❞
The word [مَا] here refers to all evil creatures. There are generally two types of evil creations that we seek protection from in this surah:
1. Creations that are always evil, that always bring about evil; eg. Iblis, shaytan, people who are dominated by evil such as criminals, pedophiles, etc.
2. Creations that have the potential to do evil, such as animals, winds and storms, etc. This can also include people around us - our family, friends, children. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says: ❝And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial...❞ [Al-Anfal 8:28]
🌸 وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ ❝And from the evil of the darkening when it comes.❞
We seek protection from this because a lot of evil and mischief happen in the cover of the darkness.
🌸 وَمِن شَرِّ ٱلنَّفَّـٰثَـٰتِ فِى ٱلۡعُقَدِ ❝And from the evil of the women who blow upon the knots [for sorcery].❞
We seek protection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from those who practice sorcery / black magic. Why are women who practice sorcery emphasized here, not men? Scholars have two opinions:
1. There were a lot more women who practiced sorcery in that time when the surah was revealed.
2. Sorcery from women was more severe, because their malice / enmity toward the object of their hatred was far more extreme than that of their male counterpart.
However, according to Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah, this ayah actually refers to nafs that are evil, and not specifically women (i.e. an-naffathat).
This surah confirms that witchcraft does exist and that it can cause harm by Allah’s Will. As such, it is legislated to seek refuge with Allah from witchcraft and its evildoers.
🌸 وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ ❝And from the evil of the envier when he {envies | hasad}.❞
And lastly we seek protection with Allah from the one who has hasad (envy / jealousy). Hasad is already part of evil, right? So why is hasad mentioned exclusively in this ayah?
Because hasad is a dangerous disease of the heart that is easily inflicted in many of us. At times it can even be inflicted onto those who are near and dear to us - our family, our close friends, someone who we trust - yet that person has extreme jealousy towards us.
Hasad is the first sin to be committed in the heavens, and the first on earth - between Iblis and Prophet Adam 'alayhis-salaam, and between the two sons of Prophet Adam that ended with murder. Remember too that the brothers of Prophet Yusuf 'alayhis-salaam had such extreme hasad towards him, that they ended throwing and abandoning young Yusuf in a well.
These histories tell us that hasad can lead to serious physical oppression, and that it can even happen within one’s own family. What more by people who have no relation ties with us?
What exactly is hasad? The simple meaning of hasad is jealousy / envy / hatred towards someone who receives a ni’mah, a blessing, or happiness. Just that hatred of seeing someone else receiving a blessing from Allah is hasad.
What is worse than that is when that hatred also comes with the wanting for that blessing to be completely removed from the receiver.
And what is even worst than all of these, is when the person not only wants that blessing to be completely removed, but to be transferred only to himself. He is envious of seeing someone with a blessing, he wishes for a musibah / calamity to hit that person so that the blessing be removed, and he wishes for that blessing to be given to him instead. This is the worst degree of hasad.
Aside from the prophets and those whom Allah subhana wa ta'ala protects, almost all of us are susceptible to hasad. Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah wrote in his book entitled Diseases of the Heart: “Nobody is free from hasad, but the noble person hides it whilst the base person shows it.” Therefore, this is something that we should always be alert of, so that the heart can be treated swiftly.
When we are afflicted by this disease, we must first strengthen our iman in the qadr of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Allah is the All-Knowing, and does not bestow and withhold blessings without reasons. We must not express our displeasure, or deprecate the receiver of the blessing. We should neutralize hasad within oneself as much as possible, and one of the beautiful ways to remove hasad is to exercise ihsan to the person who we envy - such as giving gifts, or saying charitable things about him.
Protect our aqidah, especially our iman in the qadr of Allah, and always be careful not to oppress others.
The Virtues of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas
🌸 1. Rasulullah ﷺ said Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas are two of the best suwar (pl. for surah) for us to recite.
'Uqbah bin 'Amir narrated that Rasulullah ﷺ said: ❝Shall I not teach you two of the best suwar that the people recite? ‘Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Rabb of the daybreak' and 'Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Rabb of mankind.❞
Then the call was given to begin the prayer and Rasulullah went forward (to lead the people), and he recited them in the prayer. Afterwards he passed by me and said: ❝What do you think, O 'Uqbah bin 'Amir? Recite these two suwar whenever you go to sleep and whenever you get up.❞ [Sahih An-Nasa'i 5437]
🌸 2. Rasulullah ﷺ said that Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas are the best for those who seek protection.
Abu 'Abdullah narrated that Ibn 'Abis Al-Juhani told him that Rasulullah ﷺ said to him: ❝O Ibn 'Abis, shall I not tell you of the best thing those who seek protection with Allah use for protection? ‘Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Rabb of the daybreak’ and ‘Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Rabb of mankind’ - these two suwar (are the best protection).❞ [An-Nasa'i 5432 | Graded Hasan]
Surah Al-Falaq, An-Naas, and Al-Ikhlas are three most frequent suwar that Rasulullah ﷺ used to recite asking for Allah’s protection from the evils of men and jin. [Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Jazaairiy; Aisar Al-Tafaasir]
🌸 3. Rasulullah ﷺ used to recite these two suwar when he was suffering from an ailment.
‘Aisha narrated: ❝Whenever Rasulullah (ﷺ) became sick, he would recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas, and then blow his breath over his body. When he became seriously ill, I used to recite (these two suwar) over him, and take his hand, and wipe it over himself seeking the blessing of those suwar.❞ [Sahih Al-Bukhari 5016]
Alhamdulillah, this ends the tafseer on Surah Al-Falaq.
Written and Compiled by Aida Msr | Light Upon Light __________ References: [1] Ustadz Dr. Firanda Andirja’s tafseer class [2] Tafsir Ibn Kathir [3] Tafsir As-Sa’di [4] Tafsir Al-Furqan, by Ustadz Dr. Abdullah Yasin
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khutbahs · 5 years
Did Muhammad (pbuh) beat his wife Aisha? Q&A - Sh. Khalid Yasin
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ao3feed-orphanblack · 7 years
faith, trust, and pixie dust
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w827Wx
by cosimamanning
“I want to run, someday, faster than anyone in the whole world.”
She doesn’t mention that she knows it’s not possible.
Words: 2768, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of clone relationships appreciation week
Fandoms: Orphan Black (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Charlotte Bowles, Rachel Duncan, Art Bell, Kira Manning, Maya Bell (Orphan Black), Aisha Yasin, Cosima Niehaus, Beth Childs, Marion Bowles, Susan Duncan
Relationships: Charlotte Bowles & Rachel Duncan, Charlotte Bowles & Cosima Niehaus, Charlotte Bowles & Kira Manning, Charlotte Bowles & Art Bell, Charlotte Bowles & Beth Childs, Charlotte Bowles & Maya Bell, Charlotte Bowles & Aisha Yasin
Additional Tags: Bad Parenting, Found Family, Struggles with Disabilities, Canonical Disabled Character, Beth Charlotte Parallel, Yusef the Uber Driver Strikes Again, #LetCharlotteRun2kForever, Clone Relationships Appreciation Week
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w827Wx
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remindsmuslim · 7 years
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Narrated `Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) Hamza bin `Amr Al-Aslami asked the Prophet (peace be upon him), "Should I fast while traveling?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, "You may fast if you wish, and you may not fast if you wish." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 30, Hadith 50) #allah #swt #Muhammad #saw #life #islam #picoftheday #bestofthebest #likeforlike #followforfollow #follower #following #follow4follow #like4like #religion #islam #photooftheday #like #ummah #muslimah #muslim #follow #hadith #traveling #fast #ramadan #2017 #followme #followforlike (at Yasin Masjid Shahberi)
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