#air misses not me
laurenkmyers · 7 months
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local-fire-dumpster · 4 months
I had to mute all chainsawman related words on twitter today bc jfc how are you people so ILLITERATE.An entire week of joking about cutting of denji's dick and discussing how he is hypersexual only to start clutching your pearls at this? Yes what Yoru did was wrong but that's the point! What she is doing is no different then Makima!She wants to get Chainsaw Man out of denji and fight him even if it's at the expense of hurting Denji!
Some of y'all will screech about how it's only ok to portray dark or touchy subject if it's done "appropriately" and then still get butthurt when the author does as you want bc you are bunch of puritan shitheads who need everything to be spoonfed to them
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astrolavas · 1 year
my art style is too simple for this but just know that when i draw post-ttt hunter, in my mind he has central pink-brown heterochromia. like this, kinda:
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florsdelluna · 6 days
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The High King of Elfhame 🧚🍷👑🖤✨ #thecruelprince
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finncakes · 1 year
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I came here to say, if you are there, maybe you can talk to my friend Orym and try to say that we're okay and we're alive and hopefully we'll see you soon.
A Prayer Answered
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pippinscribs · 2 months
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Started watching campaign 3 again recently and remembered my fancy Bell’s Hells from nearly 2 years ago now. I’m still pretty proud of these and some of the designs.
Think I might do a Dorian to finally finish the collection
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madockisser · 2 months
since the fae have their own language, cardan is bilingual …
can u imagine him calling jude nicknames in his native tongue like ?!? he already refers to her as his “sweet nemesis,” and his “darling god,” but can you IMAGINE. pet names for jude in his own language… the possibilities .. and her being like “?? wtf does that mean are u insulting me” and he’d just smile at her bc he loves her sm but obviously has problems showing affection.
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
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been staring at this for an embarrassing amount of time i'm ngl
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
I love how Din and Cobb's first encounter is clearly supposed to be a tense standoff between two space cowboys because there's only meant to be room for one of them in this town, so we as the audience are meant to be on the edge of our seats, worried for Din and wondering who's going to shoot first... but instead everyone collectively decided that moment was full of homosexual tension and they should just kiss instead.
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spiritsong · 3 months
After seeing @felassan's post about there being two different versions of Neve and Taash's cards, I needed to sate my curiosity and went digging to see if I could different versions of the other companions as well.
Lo and behold, there are! I found them for every companion except for Emmrich. There's no way to say with absolute certainty which is the old version and which is the new; hopefully we can get some confirmation on this.
For the time being, I went ahead and marked the differences for those who have trouble spotting this sort of thing. Hopefully it's not too overwhelming for the ones that are very marked up, but I wanted to include some of the more mundane changes as well.
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Neve — The biggest changes are the crossed leg (making her prosthetic more visible) as well as the metal rivet detailing on her outfit (see: the collar, the shoulder pads, the sleeves, the skirt portion). Some of what I'm calling the more "mundane" technical changes include the lighting and shadows on her staff, her nose, and her chest.
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Taash — The most notable difference here is the coins (I didn't circle all the individual coins but you get the point) and the dragon in the background. In one version, the eye is more distinct, and a bottom row of teeth have been added to the dragon's jaw. There have also been changes made in the shading of her face. Her body shape (namely, the torso and her arms) have also been changed, as well as the general shape of the "spikes" on her hips and her shoulders.
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Harding — Just a couple changes here. Her eye is more white/ghostly looking in one version, and the shading on her face and neck have changed.
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Lucanis — LOTS of differences. They're pretty inconsequential, by which I mean there hasn't been any added/removed/changed symbolism in his card. The shading on his nose has changed, as well as the shading on his collar, hand, forearm, armpit (didn't circle this one oops), hips, and hip dagger. The purple "wisps" have changed in shape here and there. One of the orbs in the upper left have moved, and there is another orb above that one which has been removed/added.
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Davrin — Just a few changes with Davrin, though they are big ones. His face/head has been changed, and the vallaslin has been redrawn. The scar on his eyebrow has also moved slightly.
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Bellara — Bellara's head has shifted and her neck elongated/shortened. There are stars in the background and around her arm in one version.
As for Emmrich, I mentioned I could only find one version. I did compare the image we currently have with what I believe is the earliest Emmrich art that was shared with us (a cropped version of his card) by overlaying the two on Photoshop and didn't see any differences.
And that's it! You might have also noticed that some of the versions on the right hand side have a white line at the top of the image. Make of that what you will.
(People viewing this post on PC will have an easier time quickly clicking back and forth between the images to spot the difference. If you're on the mobile app and care enough to do so, you might have an easier time saving the images and flipping through them in your photo album. At least I know it's easier if you have an iPhone, I don't know about other models.)
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
hey so friendly reminder
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stede gives *full body* kisses
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shopcat · 1 year
i think in the hamster wheel of my mind a big part of where people go wrong with eddie and his shitty garage band as an extension is that they for some bizarre reason think he's gene simmons metal when he's jack black metal. heavy metal. he's tenacious d metal. he's school of rock. he's stoner lord of the rings metal he nearly wore blue jeans and plaid. jack black literally in real life once said eddie was the best character bc he's heavy metal like him. LOOK AT THIS
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#🍦#answer it's bc people think he's some mishmash of all alternative scenes without any actual knowledge of where the mashing occurs 😭#eddie is . a heavy metal guy. A cool one. a nice one even. he likes rock and roll#it's so funny when ppl try and describe it and they've never heard the stuff he actually listens to in their lives for some reason#literally so much of the appeal of eddie's character within his subculture is that its theatrical and dramatic but its still grounded#he's very alternative and Out There but he's still just some guy. he's not wearing spiked leather jackets#in fact he's not wearing any of the other kinds of leather jackets i've seen people say he would ... TO ME#sts#if u haven't seen the clip he then proceeds to air guitar the MoP melody then shouts heavy metal is everywhere#i don't even know how to explain this bc it's like ... okay#the general .. VIBE? aestheticsm? is kind of similar to what people sometimes portray but they're missing thst it's tongue in cheek#like it's like that buff poster of him being this anachronistic homage to heavy metal album covers#fire and satanic imagery and skulls and lightning and big drama and ROCK AND ROLL#it's rock and ROLL man...#and people r making him this weird sanitised dork LOL 😭 when he's a dork in a different more fun way.. imo#and it's not that those types of people don't exist and that they're not cool in their own way cuz they are sure but that's not THIS GUY#he is an 80S METALHEAD... and yeah i try and ground him in thinfs and poke and prod at it until it fits my own understanding of alternative#scenes better but that's bc i've had a hand in the punk scene for years and years#i dunno sometimes i feel like ppl r just not doing the full potential and then going way too hard in this super specific direction#and he ends up first of all usually just a massive douchebag not sure what that's about. But a guy who he would in canon HATE 😭#YOU ARE MAKING HIM A POSER. is what i'm saying#he is alwyas some guy before he's anything else and before he's that he's a 20 year old loser#you need to reflect this... You need to bottle it. ugh. ugh#so much of this reminds me of the time someone was like he would never wear PLAID#like are you kidding me. are you actually kidding me rn#ppl have this weird arstheticised mostly modern and mostly literallt just eboy Idea of what he'd wear it's crazy to me sorry#also it's ugly#i also think. this is so long lol . anyway . i also think going too ''authentic'' in the 80s metalhead direction also lands u w different#problems. my advice to people trying to write or draw alternative characters is they are People. before they are anything else#🍏
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carnevol · 6 months
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On their cockpit competition:
"And Austin is very agile and glided through" "He let me win" "I climbed out like a bulldozer coming through"
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thekhaninglass · 3 months
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The truth - as we have painstakingly established across the previous chapters - is this. There is no idea so grand that it may not be murdered one day in the slumber of its own complacence.
There is no tool which may not be repurposed, no meaning which will not turn to nonsense - given time.
Time is the cruellest and the kindest deity, for it mocks those who seek to triumph from it; for it suffers no power, humours no tyrant; it topples every great justice, dismembers reason, rots progress, forgets the stories we laid down at its feet.
@thesiltverses - Chapter 41
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finncakes · 1 year
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saw this tweet and immidiately thought of these two and their wanted posters
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corvidcleric · 6 months
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[start i.d.: a drawing of junior year kristen applebees. she is kneeling, defeated, looking up to the sky with her hands in her lap. she is drawn in vivid yellows and oranges, while the backdrop is twilight purple, with orange poking through. end i.d.]
don’t have no god to / teach me no lessons
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