#aint no stopping us now
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mymusicbias · 4 months ago
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myimaginaryradio · 6 months ago
Ain't No Stopping US Now - McFadden and Whitehead
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purpleparrot · 10 days ago
successfully navigated public transport yesterday and cooked a tasty dinner for myself tonight
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choccy-milky · 7 months ago
the place me and my roommate were supposed to move into today was so disgusting and uninhabitable we just took our stuff and left and now we're gonna be staying at airbnbs and hotels until further notice/until we can find a new place hopefully quickly...........im in my homeless drifter era y'all!!!😍😍so if im not as active then thats why LMFAO
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1 like = 1 prayer
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the-moon-files · 1 year ago
Waaaa, I LOVE your writing for Linked Universe! >w< I've never thought about the trope of humans as space orcs, but I love it now djfngd- If you don't mind me asking, is there anything that the reader might be weak to (comedic or otherwise)? Or is he basically indestructible/immune to a lot of things?
sorry for late reply!! ;-; thank u sm for saying that abt my writing, and yess yesss my humans v hylians au agenda is spreading lets gooo!!!
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(bro u know ur desperate for gifs when ur making ur own atp jfc 💀)
Sun: Guide!Reader, Masc Male Reader (he/him)
Orbit: LONG AS HELL Headcanons-ish, Humans are not hylians AU
Stars: Classic Chain of Links, not specific
Comets & Meteors: CWs: mild cussing, typical Loz violence, weight is mentioned as a weakness/detriment,
& TWs: Possible weight trigger, reader is described as heavy and weight has a negative impact on environment, but in a way thats meant to convey they "weigh more" bc theyre human in comparison to hylians/hylian built things ( for ex: hylians are hollow boned compared to humans).
Please stop reading at line "alright thats all for sleeping for rn, i could keep going but i wanna get to weight issue a little bit even tho ive got less for it" if you want to avoid explicit details of this.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so I could see this being both crack and angst fuel tbh
ive talked abt this somewhat on other posts/asks, but figured i could really get into all the potential weaknesses over here since ive gotten a lot of ideas abt it!
so a quick list of things ive thought of that could be weaknesses, both based on like, if this were a “video game to real world” format for us, coming from earth, and other junk ill explain
in no particular order, some weakness ideas ive had (or other anons tbh!):
weight, much heavier than Links/avg hylian (sink to bottom when swimming/cant ride their horses/cant be carried out when hurt/sick/etc.)
slow healing when u do get injured, compared to quick healing hylians who can just eat food to get better quicker
magic absorption (too much juice, body not accustomed, get sick, like eating too much magic food/using too much of magic tools/weapons)
or magic negation (cant get healed by magic, for ex: if a dragon is all magic, then u cant ride it, or if food is magical u cant eat it)
easy to get sick (new environment/ppl/area/etc.)
fall damage (tho greater height) is still applicable
hylians dont have the same pack-bonding/affection/social needs as humans, like how Wild + most Links could do their whole adventure by themselves, rarely talking to anyone, if you’ve ever seen the survival show “Alone”, one of the first things that get them to quit isnt the terrain/little food (tho thats usually next), its the fact they get lonely and miss their spouses/family/friends, sad af, youd have to assault the links for attention and hope ur not annoying the fuck outta them all the time 😭😭
stamina, ur stuck w/whatever u had before getting whisked away (for example: u just have to hope ur immune to guardian beams bc u may not be able to outrun one 💀, or just bc u can swim against the tide doesnt mean u can do so for very long, depending on ur stamnia)
not rlly a weakness, but u having a different perception of what’s “too little” clothing compared to the medieval time period hylians lmao
needing more sleep than hylians, from how in game they either outright dont need sleep, can go with only a few hours and fight Ganon, or other nonsense around sleeping, ACTUALLY also hylians being able to sleep anywhere in any position, whereas u need a good 8-9 hours every night to function normally (u cant rlly take shifts at night w/o getting fucked) and u also need a half-decent sleeping bag/not hardass ground to sleep on w/o getting morning dew soaking u thru (ive been on many misadventures camping, so i could rlly get into it when it comes to wilderness camping yall, like im not high maintenance but there are def some bare minimum things u need to function in the wild, trust me guys, its a thing/pet peeve of mine to get into how a 10 person constant camping trip would acc function 💀)
if you’ve got any other ideas, pls comment them or shoot an ask my way! these were all i could think of for rn
so im just gonna pick the ones ive expanded the least on in other posts, like the sleeping thing, weight thing, and im abt to do another ask (🥺<33) abt the human culture v hylian thing so thatll do for now
SO to continue the rlly long sleep weakness (srry)
to my credit, ive been tent camping pretty frequent in past couple years, with either my sibling, or sib and a friend, in the ruralness of our homestate (we’re in southern part of US)
like as a quick rundown of my creditable-ness, bc im sure ur like “moon. nobody cares what u have to say, ur prob chronically online bro” nah, dude, read this bs:
U can skip this if u just trust me, this is just a mildly entertaining lore dump of mine for proof i know anything at all abt tent camping:
for ref, ive: slept all night in a hammock w/a sheet bc the air mattress deflated/was sleeping on the ground otherwise which is borderline impossible to do even when exhausted ive found out, a lightning storm rolled in, i just kept sleeping, had to pack up tent in middle of the night bc it slowly got flooded bc rain got into tent, had to park on a random overgrown country road (no GPS) to car-camp for the night bc no campsite was found, have had to constantly put up tent in complete darkness bc its very hard to get my sibling and me to a campsite when theres still daylight for some reason?? lol, began to worry for hypothermia when we camped near mountains bc it got too cold to tent camp, had to intensely cuddle for warmth w/friend in truck bed, while sib was inside the car and still couldnt get warm, and it was so cold even then that it kept waking us up until we left at like 4-5am bc it got light enough for us to see to drive away 💀
ANYWAY, now that ive gotten my obligatory “i touch grass” out of the way,
(and also i def plan to use these experiences as future fic scenes, so easter egg if u read this then my fics later lmao)
sleeping is literally the first issue u gotta deal w/in going constant camping w/these guys lmao
and u bet ur ass they all find it kinda funny that u need such specific sleeping stuff when ur nigh indestructible the rest of the time
but its honest to god not even that much, it just is for hylians
so they can just sleep on rocks, flat ground, tree roots, u name it these crazy elves can do it, esp since the Links r adventurers so im sure theyre better at it than normal hylians
they dont need a tent, they barely need sleeping bags, bc the cold hard ground is legit their home 💀
the only reason they have padding at all is bc theyre more sensitive to temperature than u, so theyre more bundled up on breezy nights/for morning dew chill time
(which u found to ur horror they just dont put anything down but like a sheet when its warm weather, mostly for keeping dirt off them)
meanwhile ur like?? get a tent??? we have Wild’s slate to store it we dont even have to carry it????
and bc theyre made for hylians, the tents just like a ceiling w/poles 💀
ur out here like, “bro this would keep u more warm if there were yknow, walls. and a floor.”
which u then have to force the combined skills of Legend, Wild and Four to help u make a real tent
Legend has absolutely taken to calling you Sleeping Beauty/Princey bc of this, and the fact that u have to layer like 2 sleeping bags to not feel rocks on ur back (bc they only need it for warmth not cushioning, its thinner than human made ones)
u also have to force Time + Wars to acknowledge that u guys needs to put the tent on flat ground, and cant just sprawl out over a bunch of tree roots goddamit-
when u first learn what the watch schedule is, it sounds like actual hell.
each shift is like 4 hours, and everyone is awake and ready to go at like 5 or 6 am (the 6am is for teh Links that “sleep in” 💀)
and thats putting them at going to sleep at like 11 or midnight, bc hylians need way less sleep than ur human ass,
which the poor said hylians also find out the hard way when they go to wake the single human man on their team up, and u just outright cuss them out, hit the nearest link, rain hell on them + seem like ur drunk to them?? then just go back to sleep???
and theyre all like “wtf just happened to our guide, he’s usually so nice??”
only to realize after u all have a sit down abt the sleeping differences issues, after what theyre calling “The Sleeping Guide Incident” 💀
hylians snap awake only a few minutes after being awake (like how in SS/Oot/Botw etc u can be a little sleepy but game mechanics let u get up pretty quick)
and u need more sleep, so they just adjust and know now u need whatever u can get tbh, so ur not allowed to go on night shifts,
along w/being allowed to ride on Epona + get piggy back sleep on a Link if they rlly need to move and u havent gotten all ur required sleep yet
(tho u do try and compensate by going to sleep earlier)
(they would never tell u but, they lowkey fight/rock paper scissors who gets to carry u in the morning, Wind is the ref lol)
also hylians can sleep like a rock thru most anything, along w/this adventure which easily keeps u tired so ur ready to knock out every night,
this is why its important for someone to take watch, bc i think unless they outright get hit by a monster/shaken by another hylian, most links dont get up when sleeping no matter what
which makes sense, if theyre going to sleep so little, they prob need as much uninterrupted sleep as possible,
but just bc they can sleep thru lynel stomping doesnt mean u can, which is another adjustement they make when they choose a place to sleep at night, making sure its not a loud spot or smth, and bc u now have to sleep earlier to keep up w/their early ass times,
when the Links are all chilling around camp, they make sure to keep pretty quiet so u can sleep well <3
alright thats all for sleeping for rn, i could keep going but i wanna get to weight issue a little bit even tho ive got less for it
i mentioned it in other posts that hylians are lighter than humans, but i mostly focused on it going one way if that makes sense? like now im taking it in the way of like Humans are heavier than hylians, if that makes more sense??
u cant ride horses, at least not for very long lmao
same goes for loftwings, if u can even get on for any amount of time, bc they presumably have hollow bones so theyd be even more sensitive to ur weight than horses
omg when it comes to puzzles, and theres like weights involved, u absolutely get used as an additional weight, both bad and good tbh
bc im familiar w/botw im using it as a base, but like how shrines need a metal box or two to put on buttons to weigh them down, but it gets tricky, or u dont have one right away, Wild just uses you 💀
like u need some exact amount of metal things for this one scale puzzle, and instead u just, sit on it to sink it all the way down so the Link on the other side can reach the platform LMAO
omg the amount of battles that could just be won bc u used ur body weight against a monster lol
just run at a lynel, dodging arrows, and just like, successfully full-body tackle it bc it feels like it has the same weight as a large dog, like a husky or smth 💀
u act like a bomb when u throw urself off cliffs bc u dont get fall damage easy, so u can manage like a ten-story building drop u found out w/o a scratch, but u cause a crater around u bc of ur impact lmao
Wild/Wind/Rulie/Legend are all having the time of their lives having u cannonball into the ground next to monster camps bc ur just a human bomb atp
kno this was less weakness focused but heres one more rough weakness of it,
u all have to be VERY careful around bridges or thin strips of land, or like crossing tree branches, etc. w/you bc ur weight may make it not possible cross w/o ridiculously being this single human person bringing an entire bridge down 💀
think the only way u could fix this glaring issue is if u outright jumped across, which even tho ur basically superpowered bc ur so strong here so youd have to fuck up pretty bad to not make it,
poor boys get worried sick anyway and try to avoid bridges if they can, they only trust ones that are like stone built up from the ground to carry you
this also sucks when its like a rope bridge across like a huge gap or like a small valley or smth, bc not only do u not have a landing spot in the immediate area, but now u have to reroute until u can find a spot that lets u basically jump across the gap lmao
on one hand, the Chain r still anxious letting u go alone to sometimes find that different route, but also if anyone went w/u youd just have to piggyback them while doing that, and its not like theyd be that helpful besides moral support maybe lmao
but u dont mind that and none of them can stand being seperated from u w/o knowing at least one Link is w/u, so u usually go ahead and piggyback Wind or Four (one of the lightest) find a route and leap ur way to the other side lol
u also found out the hard way that ur weight affects hylian made buildings, bc they can be made out of not as dense/strong woods, like especially things like floors/beds/chairs/etc stuff that would be made to take hylian weight
the absolute insanity the first time u guys went to an inn, and u crushed both the steps leading into the inn, a barstool, a chair, and later that night ur bedframe just from gently laying on it 💀
the innkeeper realized and re-arranged so u guys were on first floor so u wouldnt have to go up steps, and was luckily very understanding abt u being a different weightier race (Time and you still tipped him rupees to help pay for damage 😭)
u had to literally go back outside to sleep bc u were worried if u slept on the floor it slowly break overnight LMAO
but Wind/Wild/Four/Rulie/Twi were all sweet enough to come w/you to sleep outside too lol (they were more nature inclined anyway, even tho u insisted they take advantage of the beds)
this was also absolutely hilarious for the others to wake up to in the morning, bc Time/Wars/Sky/Legend had already gone to bed,
so they just walk out the inn, all confused why the innkeeper just pointed outside when they asked where the others went, and they jsut open the front door (w/still broken steps bc u had to exit 💀)
to see u guys camped out on the lawn ASHFDFL
😃. well that got out of hand, and its getting late for me so I may have 10x the amount of spelling/grammar mistakes more than usual, and it may have completely lost the plot in some points so-!
i hope that was smth for u to at least chew on anon, and sorry i overdid it jfccc
have a great rest of ur week anon, and tysm for the ask!! :D
comments/commentary in tags/feeback at all keep me alive, so pls leave one w/whatever u think!!
Peace out,
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gemini-queen42 · 2 months ago
Told my friend I was planning to draw this & When I asked her why she immidiately deduced that Gaston was the one giving birth, she said (1: ive made related jokes b4, but two-) "you tend to punish men for their sins."
And we'll. Can't argue with that. Anyways, this meme:
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Gaston please Beau was just born he hasn't had time to grow into his features yet... *
[Ref and rambling under cut]
Ref image:
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(*Which Are mostly Gastons actually, just w/ Lefous height and build. (and even then, grown Beau has noticeably broader shoulders than Lefou lol))
(Srry This is the only real drawing of the lad I have but u get the vision)
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The kid that Actually has mostly Lefou's features would probably be Birdy, who mostly just takes Gast's height & eye color
I would've added a mini comic bit of the girls saying stuff but I got lazy :P
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kyuponstories · 5 months ago
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Never got around to sharing this, but a little animation practice w/ a lemonade pitcher! 🍋
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unablethethird · 17 days ago
When i was a little kid i would always imagine myself in dangerous scenarios so i could 'prepare' or some shit, and i remember it took me a while to figure out what to do in the event of drowning, but i settled on "breath in as much water as you can so you die faster and it hurts less". but like. only recently have i realized,,, what if that makes me unsaveable in the event of a drowning. like if i'd just hung on a little longer than i would've saved my life, but because i used the "breath in water" tactic i just. fucking die
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confused-spood · 5 days ago
dear lord give me patience not to strangle this bitch be deadnaming me so fckin much even tho I've already told her my preferred name.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months ago
We rlly don’t need another majima game 😭 please give other characters a chance he already had the spotlight in 0😔
lord if i speak on goro majima.
#snap chats#my last nerve was seeing him front and center on that Three Legends shirt with daigo and saejima im SICK OF HIM#what do you MEAN the Sixth Chairman is backseating majima. like thats his retainer PUT DAIGO UP FRONT#it aint even bias its gen just like. why is the sixth chairman not treated the most important. thats The Chairman of the whole shit#EX chairman whatever we know what i mean#'snap its just a shirt' and these are just my balls alright its all the little things that are like Dawg Cmon#i woulda got the shirt cause it looks like somethign youd get from claires and thats hilarious However ... im annoying.#ill say this then play y0 and be like Ah..... i love you...#fr tho im sick of him GO AWAY YOU ARE NOT THAT GUY#im that meme of spiderman holding back the train and the trains saying mean things about majima#this ire is only brought by rggtwt mates insisting majima needs any more content. like at all.#they gave majima a y0 statue but as far as i can see kiryu doesnt have one like What.#ik i say id skip y0 kiryu if i could during replays and its never that serious but still .... the hell...#my brother in christ majima does not need any more why are you acting starved#i get it hes your fave but my god. goku this trains heavier than i thought i cant do it#ive had beef with rggtwt ever since they tried to say majima was more important to kiryu than haruka. like brb eating a cactus#rgg making gaiden was the worst thing they couldve done cause now everyone wont stop mentioning charas getting a gaiden game#MAJIMA OF ALL OF THEM DOES NOT NEED ONE MFER THATS WHAT Y0 WAS FOR. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT#THEY GAVE HIM AN EXTRA STORY IN YK2 ALSO LIKE RGG IS DOING THE MOST FOR A SIDE CHARACTER#anyway this is why im happy saejima and akiyama are getting figures. ESPECIALLY AKIYAMA#I FEEL LIKE WE NEVER SEE SHIT OF THAT GUY and saejima. tbh. but still ... akiyama esp just feels left out#big hope other charas start to get more love. like my daughter haruka ok rgg plesae drop one of her idol statues thank you#on a lighter note september is almost upon us which means two things#1.) i have to move back to school at the end of the month 2.) rgg news is soon .....#SOOO curious as to what's on the horizon .. maybe ill stream it for the first time in nine thousand years#ok bye im gonna eat cereal <- diced spam and rice
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cyzuutan2nd · 2 months ago
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I’ve been benching him on the cafe so I can interact more with Caleb.. it’s been a week.. AND THIS IS WHAT I COME BACK TO??!
*sobbing* IM SORRY XAVY
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toothworxx · 1 month ago
you wake up, you look in the mirror, the face you see is not yours- your hair is the wrong color, your limbs feel all wrong- but you recognize yourself in those eyes- "this isnt real" everyone tells you- "thats not you" you look at the self in your mind and its oh so clear- thats you, youve been here, thats always been you "youre not acting yourself" but are you not another self than the one they last met? that wasnt you- thatll never be you- their voice sounds like "you" their face looks like "you" but that wasnt you- this body is wrong this body is wrong this body is wrong- your life is different- different world different friends different people different place and time and rules- you know who you were you know you know but its "wrong"- you try to change you try to be seen in a way where others will understand you but it always falls short- you fall back into old habits- the way you speak is so uniquely your own and not that of the others... the way you act speaks of a self youve long since tried to look past- the way you are- you will always be yourself- always always always no matter who believes you, you will always be you- and thats not "wrong", is it?
#my posts#plurality#kirio speaks!!#this is about my own experiences as a fictive and a nonhuman alter and as someone whos been denied a lot of medical attention i needed#but if you relate to it its ok#its cool ta reblog an all that too ion mind#but its ok ta be you an i dont think i realized that much till lately#like i look back at myself from source an i look at myself now and i feel kinna strange like melancholy or nostalgia like#wow i really have changed a lot and thats not a inherently bad thing#but sometimes it comes with this dysphoric feelin of 'when do i stop bein kirio ami and start bein someone else'#but i guess ill always be *me* just a different form of me- a form with free will and growth???#and like i have soo-won ta thank for that of course but thats a story fer another day#and uhhhh#like iunno i still do fall back inta old habits of like extreme manic episodes whenever things go south but#i guess i prolly shouldnt dwell in it as much as i do#also i know this is more serious than my usual posts but its not like something id put on my vent acc#so idk where else id put it#its weird lookin in tha mirror an seein a human being-#i guess we aint too different in tha long run but we definitely aint tha same either- its strange#not in a bad way just in general- it feels different#i could go on about it fer hours honestly#my head always itches where my horns used ta be-\#ameri said it was some phantom feelin but godddd its annoyin#when we get stressed we like- start ticcing??#not somethin i did before but it feels uncomfortable as hell just losin bodily control#and like all sortsa lil thangs
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ophernelia · 1 year ago
i think im gonna keep my tik tok for a while. still don't wanna make specific content for it, but my entire fyp is full of palestine centered information. it's been really helpful. btw, haymarket books is offering free ebook downloads of a few of their books on Palestine. currently reading "The Hundred Years' War on Palestine" by Rashid Khalidi.
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marinerainbow · 2 years ago
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Goodmorning. Question.
.... why's Greasy so close behind Smartass here? In other words, I think we know now who 'pitches', as you put it once-
Ah, nothing like a question about the probability of a ~close friendship~ between two cartoon weasel gangsters in the morning XD
Sooo... You guys wanna give each other some space? You are on the job after all; you gotta focus on work, not each other... No? Fair enough. What you guys choose to do ain't my business.
(*cough* Well, if we go with your headcannons, Greasy is the one with more experience- or rather any experience compared to his boss... Yeah, that and along this picture, I'd say that's enough proof to say who's the pitcher in this relationship XD)
Either that, or they just bumped into each other while running out. Or Greasy is being a good right-hand man/friend and watching his boss' back- literally in this case. That's the only other reason I can think of that they'd be so close in this shot (but you know me- I'd ship a cereal box and a spoon if they're set too close together on the table. So I'm going with the ~close friendship~ explanation here XD)
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unsettlingcreature · 2 years ago
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Slowly reconfiguring my altar space but I'm gently adding Halloween decorations as September passes and October approaches, I'm personally obsessed with the little ghost lights. Anyway I don't have a dedicated sideblog for this stuff anymore so I'm just slapping it on main :)
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flintbian · 1 year ago
I may get crucified for saying this but y'all I'm genuinely not sure what you were expecting. The show was bad from the beginning. All it had to offer was shallow diversity points. There was no compelling narrative to fulfill from the get go.
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