#aim institute of stock market
ismdelhi01 · 1 year
Institute Of Stock Market
The Institute of Stock Market (ISM) is a renowned educational institution that specializes in providing comprehensive and high-quality training programs in the field of stock market and financial trading. The institute aims to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools required to navigate the complexities of the stock market and succeed as traders or investors.
At the Institute of Stock Market, participants can enroll in a wide range of courses and programs tailored to different levels of expertise, from beginner to advanced. These courses cover various aspects of the stock market, including fundamental and technical analysis, derivatives trading, risk management, and portfolio management.
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The institute takes a practical approach to education, emphasizing real-world applications and hands-on experience. Participants have access to cutting-edge trading platforms, software, and market data, allowing them to simulate trading scenarios and gain practical insights. Additionally, the institute may offer live trading sessions or virtual trading competitions to enhance participants' skills and decision-making abilities.
The faculty at the Institute of Stock Market consists of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the financial markets. They bring their expertise and industry knowledge to the classroom, providing participants with valuable insights and practical strategies. The faculty members may include experienced traders, analysts, portfolio managers, and industry experts who offer a wealth of knowledge and practical wisdom.
In addition to classroom-based instruction, the Institute of Stock Market may offer online courses or webinars to cater to a broader audience. This allows individuals from different geographic locations to access the institute's training programs conveniently.
The Institute of Stock Market may also provide career support and networking opportunities to its participants. This can include job placement assistance, industry connections, and mentorship programs. Such support can be invaluable for individuals looking to enter or advance their careers in the stock market or related fields.
Overall, the Institute of Stock Market is dedicated to providing high-quality education and training to individuals interested in the stock market and financial trading. Through its comprehensive programs, experienced faculty, practical approach, and industry connections, the institute aims to empower participants with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic and competitive world of stock market trading.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.5.6 Why are mutual credit schemes important?
Mutual credit schemes are important because they are a way to improve working class life under capitalism and ensure that what money we do have is used to benefit ourselves rather than the elite. By organising credit, we retain control over it and so rather than being used to invest in capitalist schemes it can be used for socialist alternatives.
For example, rather than allow the poorest to be at the mercy of loan sharks a community, by organising credit, can ensure its members receive cheap credit. Rather than give capitalist banks bundles of cash to invest in capitalist firms seeking to extract profits from a locality, it can be used to fund a co-operative instead. Rather than invest pension schemes into the stock market and so help undermine workers pay and living standards by increasing rentier power, it can be used to invest in schemes to improve the community and its economy. In short, rather than bolster capitalist power and so control, mutual credit aims to undermine the power of capitalist banks and finance by placing as much money as much possible in working class hands.
This point is important, as the banking system is often considered “neutral” (particularly in capitalist economics). However, as Malatesta correctly argued, it would be “a mistake to believe … that the banks are, or are in the main, a means to facilitate exchange; they are a means to speculate on exchange and currencies, to invest capital and to make it produce interest, and to fulfil other typically capitalist operations.” [Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas, p. 100] Within capitalism, money is still to a large degree a commodity which is more than a convenient measure of work done in the production of goods and services. It can and does go anywhere in the world where it can get the best return for its owners, and so it tends to drain out of those communities that need it most (why else would a large company invest in a community unless the money it takes out of the area handsomely exceeds that put it?). It is the means by which capitalists can buy the liberty of working people and get them to produce a surplus for them (wealth is, after all, “a power invested in certain individuals by the institutions of society, to compel others to labour for their benefit.” [William Godwin, The Anarchist Writings of William Godwin, p. 130]). From this consideration alone, working class control of credit and money is an important part of the class struggle as having access to alternative sources of credit can increase working class options and power.
As we discussed in section B.3.2, credit is also an important form of social control — people who have to pay their mortgage or visa bill are more pliable, less likely to strike or make other forms of political trouble. Credit also expands the consumption of the masses in the face of stagnant or falling wages so blunting the impact of increasing exploitation. Moreover, as an added bonus, there is a profit to be made as the “rich need a place to earn interest on their surplus funds, and the rest of the population makes a juicy lending target.” [Doug Henwood, Wall Street, p. 65]
Little wonder that the state (and the capitalists who run it) is so concerned to keep control of money in its own hands or the hands of its agents. With an increase in mutual credit, interest rates would drop, wealth would stay more in working class communities, and the social power of working people would increase (for people would be more likely to struggle for higher wages and better conditions — as the fear of debt repayments would be less). By the creation of community-based credit unions that do not put their money into “Capital Markets” or into capitalist Banks working class people can control their own credit, their own retirement funds, and find ways of using money as a means of undermining capitalist power and supporting social struggle and change. In this way working people are controlling more and more of the money supply and using it in ways that will stop capital from using it to oppress and exploit them.
An example of why this can be important can be seen from the existing workers’ pension fund system which is invested in the stock market in the hope that workers will receive an adequate pension in their old age. However, the only people actually winning are bankers and big companies. Unsurprisingly, the managers of these pension fund companies are investing in those firms with the highest returns, which are usually those who are downsizing or extracting most surplus value from their workforce (which in turn forces other companies to follow the same strategies to get access to the available funds in order to survive). Basically, if your money is used to downsize your fellow workers or increase the power of capital, then you are not only helping to make things harder for others like you, you are also helping making things worse for yourself. No person is an island, and increasing the clout of capital over the working class is going to affect you directly or indirectly. As such, the whole scheme is counter-productive as it effectively means workers have to experience insecurity, fear of downsizing and stagnating wages during their working lives in order to have slightly more money when they retire (assuming that they are fortunate enough to retire when the stock market is doing well rather than during one of its regular periods of financial instability, of course).
This highlights one of the tricks the capitalists are using against us, namely to get us to buy into the system through our fear of old age. Whether it is going into lifelong debt to buy a home or putting our money in the stock market, we are being encouraged to buy into the system which exploits us and so put its interests above our own. This makes us more easily controlled. We need to get away from living in fear and stop allowing ourselves to be deceived into behaving like “stakeholders” in a Plutocratic system where most shares really are held by an elite. As can be seen from the use of pension funds to buy out firms, increase the size of transnationals and downsize the workforce, such “stakeholding” amounts to sacrificing both the present and the future while others benefit.
The real enemies are not working people who take part in such pension schemes. It is the people in power, those who manage the pension schemes and companies, who are trying to squeeze every last penny out of working people to finance higher profits and stock prices — which the unemployment and impoverishment of workers on a world-wide scale aids. They control the governments of the world. They are making the “rules” of the current system. Hence the importance of limiting the money they have available, of creating community-based credit unions and mutual risk insurance co-operatives to increase our control over our money which can be used to empower ourselves, aid our struggles and create our own alternatives (see section B.3.2 for more anarchist views on mutual credit and its uses). Money, representing as it does the power of capital and the authority of the boss, is not “neutral” and control over it plays a role in the class struggle. We ignore such issues at our own peril.
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unpluggedfinancial · 3 months
The Future of Bitcoin in the Global Economy
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As the world grapples with economic instability, Bitcoin is emerging as a beacon of hope, promising to reshape the global financial landscape. Our current economic system, plagued by inflation, currency devaluation, and a growing distrust in central banks, desperately needs an alternative that offers stability and security. Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature and finite supply, stands out as a revolutionary force poised to transform the way we understand and use money.
Unlike traditional fiat currencies, which can be printed at will, Bitcoin's supply is capped at 21 million coins, making it inherently deflationary. This scarcity, combined with its decentralized structure, positions Bitcoin as a robust hedge against inflation and a reliable store of value. As more individuals and institutions recognize these unique attributes, the adoption of Bitcoin is set to surge, integrating it further into the global economy.
The transition to a Bitcoin standard will profoundly impact how we price assets and conduct transactions. In a true free market, prices are determined by supply and demand, free from government intervention. Bitcoin embodies this principle, as it is immune to manipulation by central banks or governments. As Bitcoin becomes more ingrained in our financial system, we will witness a significant repricing of assets. Real estate, commodities, and even stocks will be evaluated in terms of their value in Bitcoin, leading to more transparent and accurate pricing driven solely by market forces.
Moreover, Bitcoin's decentralized nature promises to enhance financial inclusion. In regions with unstable currencies or limited access to banking services, Bitcoin offers a way for people to participate in the global economy. This increased participation will drive economic growth and spur innovation, breaking down barriers that have long hindered progress.
Transaction costs are another area where Bitcoin stands to make a substantial impact. Traditional banking transactions can be slow and expensive, whereas Bitcoin transactions are typically faster and cheaper. This efficiency will lower costs for businesses and consumers alike, boosting economic activity and productivity.
However, the path to a Bitcoin-dominated economy is not without challenges. Regulatory uncertainty remains a significant hurdle, as governments worldwide grapple with how to regulate this new form of currency. Clear and consistent regulations are essential to ensure safe and widespread adoption. Security is another critical concern. As with any digital asset, safeguarding Bitcoin wallets and exchanges from theft and fraud is paramount. Additionally, Bitcoin's infrastructure must scale to handle increased transaction volumes, a challenge that technological advancements like the Lightning Network aim to address.
The future of Bitcoin in the global economy is undeniably promising. By harnessing the power of free market dynamics, Bitcoin can lead us to a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive financial system. The repricing of assets, enhanced financial inclusion, and reduced transaction costs are just a few of the myriad benefits Bitcoin offers. As we stand on the brink of this financial revolution, it is essential to address the challenges ahead and ensure that the transition to a Bitcoin standard benefits all.
The journey towards embracing Bitcoin is not without its hurdles, but the potential rewards make it a path worth pursuing. Staying informed and engaged will be crucial as we navigate this transformative period. Bitcoin is not just a digital currency; it is a symbol of economic freedom and a testament to the power of decentralization. As we move forward, let us embrace the possibilities it offers and work towards a future where financial stability and security are accessible to all.
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hoursofreading · 11 months
To do a modest bit of good while doing nothing about the larger system is to keep the painting. You are chewing on the fruit of an injustice. You may be working on a prison education program, but you are choosing not to prioritize the pursuit of wage and labor laws that would make people’s lives more stable and perhaps keep some of them out of jail. You may be sponsoring a loan forgiveness initiative for law school students, but you are choosing not to prioritize seeking a tax code that would take more from you and cut their debts. Your management consulting firm may be writing reports about unlocking trillions of dollars’ worth of women’s potential, but it is choosing not to advise its clients to stop lobbying against the social programs that have been shown in other societies to help women achieve the equality fantasized about in consultants’ reports. Economistic reasoning dominates our age, and we may be tempted to focus on the first half of each of the above sentences—a marginal contribution you can see and touch—and to ignore the second half, involving a vaguer thing called complicity. But Cordelli was challenging elites to view what they allow to be done in their name, what they refuse to resist, as being as much of a moral action as the initiatives they actively promote. Her argument is not that every bad thing that happens in the world is your fault if you fail to stop it. Her claim, rather, is that citizens of a democracy are collectively responsible for what their society foreseeably and persistently allows; that they have a special duty toward those it systematically fails; and that this burden falls most heavily on those most amply rewarded by the same, ultimately arbitrary set of arrangements. “If you are an elite who has campaigned for or supported the right policies, or let’s suppose that you are not causally complicit in any direct sense,” she said, “still, it seems to me that you might owe a responsibility or duty to return to others what they have been unfairly deprived of by your common institutions.” The winners bear responsibility for the state of those institutions, and for the effects they have on others’ lives, for two reasons, Cordelli said: “because you’re worth nothing without society, and also because we would all be dominated by others without political institutions that protect our rights.” To take each of those in turn: She says you are worth nothing without society because there can be no hedge fund managers, nor violinists, nor technology entrepreneurs, in the absence of a civilizational infrastructure that we take for granted. “Your life, your talents, what you do could not be possible if they weren’t for common institutions,” Cordelli says. If the streets weren’t safe or the stock markets weren’t regulated, it would be harder to make use of one’s talents. If banks weren’t forced to offer a guarantee of guarding your money, making money would be pointless. Even if your children attended private school, public schools very likely trained some of their teachers, and publicly financed roads connected that island of a school to the grid of the society. Then there is the fact that absent a political system of shared institutions, anyone could dominate anyone. Every person with anything precious to protect would be at constant risk of plunder by everybody else. To live in a society without laws and shared institutions that applied equally to all would be, Cordelli says, to live “dependent on the arbitrary will of another. It would be like a form of servitude.” Think of the person who seeks to “change the world” by doing what can be done within a bad system, but who is relatively silent about that system. Think of the person who runs an impact investing fund aimed at helping the poor, but is unwilling to make the connection, in his own head or out loud, between poverty and the business practices of the financiers on his advisory board. Think of a hundred variations of this example. Such a person, for Cordelli, is putting himself in the difficult moral position of the kindhearted slave master.
Anand Giriharadhas
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pilawturkey · 1 year
Investment Opportunities in Turkey
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Overall, this article aims at highlighting growing investment opportunities in Turkey.  In doing so, this paper will also clarify the effort of Pi Legal Consultancy family to meet increasing enquiries made by foreign companies. 
Does Turkey offer a resilient business environment to investors? 
It is necessary to make a reference to several advantages of setting up a business in Turkey:
rapidly increasing young population,
growing value of currency rates,
and thus decreasing production and labor costs.
So far, Turkey has attracted the foreign direct investments around the globe. Particularly since the 2000s, total capital stock of Turkey has risen gradually. 
Having said that fragmentation of regulatory framework and legal obligations focusing on investment impose reverse impact. Accordingly, it is critical to benefit from investment advice for a successful investment project in Turkey. 
Do foreign investors have the same investment opportunities in Turkey as Turkish citizens? 
Article 48 of the Turkish Constitution stipulates that everyone has the freedom to work and conclude contracts in the field of his/her choice and the establishment of private enterprises is free. Under Article 10 protecting the right to equality, there shall not be any limitations for foreign entrepreneurs in Turkey. Coupled with the provisions of the Constitution, Article 3 of the Foreign Direct Investment Law provides that foreign investors shall be subject to equal treatment with domestic investors.
What is the most critical city to invest in Turkey? 
Definitely Ankara, the capital of Turkey, is one of the most important destinations for all ongoing and future investment projects. The basic reason is that Ankara hosts leading competent national authorities. The organization and the provision of proper assistance by public institutions is of great importance in managing investment programs. Ankara law firms have a particular role upon providing legal guidance to entrepreneurs. 
What makes Istanbul different for investment opportunities in Turkey?
Undoubtedly, Istanbul is deemed as the most leading city in the facilitation of foreign investment projects. Hence, we should examine the special role of Istanbul city to manage and facilitate long-term business engagements.  From the geographical point of view, it has the main connection between Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. Istanbul is also among one of the developed cities owing to its modern infrastructure, roads and communication lines. 
What is the role of Istanbul city for foreign investors? 
In the light of the foregoing, foreign investors prefer to establish their start-ups projects in Istanbul at first stage in terms of their Turkey projects. Therefore, Istanbul is such an appealing city to not only employers but also employees. Indeed, Istanbul hosts numerous alien citizens living or working. The idea behind this inspiration lies in the fact that Istanbul plays a critical role in better and proper management of any investment project with its geographic, strategic, demographic and cultural importance. Most foreign companies open their main headquarters, namely their central offices in Istanbul.
New Step from Pi Legal Consultancy Investment Working Group
Despite the negative impacts of global financial turmoil in Turkey, Pi Legal Consultancy continues to grow its operations step by step. After a detailed overview of our client profiles, our service quality, satisfying nature of our articles and papers together with our marketing and branding efforts, we have been recently chosen by the London-based Prestige Awards Group as the international law firm of 2022/2023. Accordingly, bearing in mind growing interest and requests by foreign investors, Pi Legal Consultancy, as a Turkish law firm, has newly opened up a workplace based in Istanbul. In this way, Pi Legal Consultancy family takes its fundamental role for investors among international law firms in Istanbul. It is also inspiring that Pi Legal Consultancy is deemed as one of the best law firms in Turkey by international organizations.
Pi Legal Consultancy Investment Advice Working Group, including investment advice team, develops strategies now more efficiently and more closely for entrepreneurs in the light of changing trends of the Turkish marketplace and investment laws and regulations in Istanbul. 
In a nutshell, this article concentrates on analyzing the investment environment in Turkey. In doing so, this paper has also shed light on the significance of Istanbul’s role in designing the models of and the scope of foreign direct investments. Pi Legal Consultancy family is very glad to take an effective step by establishing a new office in Istanbul. Now Pi Legal Consultancy is more well prepared to offer legal and business guidance to entrepreneurs as an Istanbul law firm.
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stockdog · 1 year
A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market: Demystifying the Basics
Welcome to the exciting world of the stock market! Investing in stocks can be a rewarding venture, but for beginners, it can also be overwhelming. This blog post aims to provide you with a solid foundation and demystify the basics of the stock market, so you can embark on your investment journey with confidence.
What is the Stock Market?
The stock market is a platform where individuals and institutions buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies. It serves as a marketplace for investors to trade stocks and other securities.
Understanding Stocks:
Stocks represent ownership in a company. When you purchase shares of a company's stock, you become a partial owner of that company and may have the right to vote on certain matters and receive dividends.
Types of Stocks:
There are different types of stocks, including common stocks and preferred stocks. Common stocks offer voting rights and the potential for capital appreciation, while preferred stocks provide fixed dividends but limited voting rights.
Setting Investment Goals:
Before diving into the stock market, it's crucial to establish your investment goals. Determine your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial objectives. This will help shape your investment strategy.
Conducting Research:
Thorough research is essential before investing in stocks. Analyze company financials, industry trends, and market conditions. Utilize fundamental analysis to assess a company's performance and technical analysis to study price patterns.
Diversification is a key principle to mitigate risk. Spread your investments across various sectors, industries, and even geographic locations. This helps reduce the impact of individual stock volatility on your overall portfolio.
Investment Vehicles:
There are different ways to invest in stocks, such as individual stock picking, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio, while ETFs are passively managed funds that track specific indices.
Risk Management:
Understand that investing in the stock market involves risks. Educate yourself on risk management techniques such as setting stop-loss orders, understanding market volatility, and staying informed about your investments.
Long-Term Approach:
Stock market investing is best suited for the long term. Avoid making hasty decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Adopt a patient approach and focus on the underlying fundamentals of the companies you invest in.
Learn from Mistakes:
Investing is a continuous learning process. Embrace the fact that mistakes may happen, but use them as opportunities to learn and refine your investment strategy. Seek knowledge from experienced investors and financial resources.
As a beginner in the stock market, remember that education and patience are your allies. By understanding the fundamentals, conducting research, diversifying your portfolio, and managing risks, you can embark on a successful investment journey. Stay disciplined, stay informed, and enjoy the rewards of long-term investing in the dynamic world of the stock market.
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dbfsfinvestmentor · 1 year
Best Mutual funds Firm In Kerala
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Mutual funds are one of the most popular investment tools available to individuals and institutions alike. A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from various investors to invest in a collection of stocks, bonds, and other securities. These funds are managed by professional managers, who aim to generate returns for investors by buying and selling assets on their behalf.
One of the primary advantages of mutual funds is that they offer diversification. Diversification is the process of spreading your money across different types of investments to minimize risk. Mutual funds invest in a wide range of assets, which helps to reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. Additionally, mutual funds allow investors to access a broad range of investments that may not be accessible to them otherwise, such as international stocks or bonds.
Another significant benefit of mutual funds is their liquidity. Mutual fund shares can be bought and sold on any business day at the current net asset value (NAV), making it easy for investors to access and sell their assets quickly. This is particularly important for investors who may need quick access to their money in case of an unforeseen emergency.
Mutual funds are also cost-effective, as they offer economies of scale. Since mutual funds pool resources from multiple investors, they can spread the costs of managing the fund over a much larger base, which means that each investor pays a lower investment management fee. Additionally, mutual funds are required to disclose their expenses and fees, providing investors with transparency and clarity.
Apart from identifying these benefits, it is essential to devise strategies that utilize them to stimulate success. This is where our 30-year expertise comes into play. We help you identify the best mutual funds in Kerala and build beneficial wealth, making you financially secure.
Despite the many benefits of mutual funds, they are not without risks. Like all investments, mutual funds are subject to market risks, including the potential for loss. While diversification can help mitigate this risk, it does not eliminate it entirely. Additionally, mutual funds are subject to fees and expenses, which may vary depending on the fund's investment strategy, and can have a significant impact on an investor's returns.
In conclusion, mutual funds are a well-established investment vehicle that offers many benefits, including diversification, liquidity, and cost-effectiveness. However, they also come with risks, and investors should carefully consider their investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation before investing in mutual funds. Seeking professional advice or consulting with a financial advisor can help investors make informed decisions about their portfolio and ensure they are investing in the right mutual fund for their needs.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Cryptocurrency has a serious problem: The party’s over. Fresh dollars from naive retail buyers aren’t coming in anymore after the crashes in May and June, despite a round of advertising during the Super Bowl in February reaching every consumer in the United States. Without those fresh dollars, the holders can’t cash out.
Crypto trading firms hold large piles of assets whose “market cap”—their alleged mark-to-market value—supposedly adds up to a trillion dollars. But this number is unrealizable nonsense because the actual dollars just aren’t there. Everyone in the system knows it. What to do?
The regulated U.S.-based exchanges are just the cashier’s desk for the wider crypto casino. The real trading action, as well as price discovery, is on the unregulated offshore exchanges. These include Binance, OKX, and Huobi. Until Tuesday, Nov. 8, they also included Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX, which cut off customer withdrawals around 11:37 a.m. UTC on Nov. 8 and then revealed around 4 p.m. UTC that it was suffering a “liquidity crisis.” FTX is just the latest casualty in a series of collapses that began with Terraform Labs’s UST stablecoin; that took out Celsius Network, Voyager Digital, and many other crypto trading firms; and that is now gradually driving the price and trading volume of cryptocurrencies to what they should be: zero.
FTX desperately sought more funding, but to no avail; at press time, FTX had been shut down by its Bahamian regulator and put into liquidation, as well as was filing for bankruptcy in the United States and Bankman-Fried has resigned as CEO. But the fall of FTX has been particularly remarkable in part because its founder was unusually feted.
Sam Bankman-Fried, often referred to as SBF, was born in 1992 to parents who were both academics at Stanford University. After gaining a physics degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he was introduced to the “effective altruism” quantified charity movement by “longtermist” William MacAskill, and he took a job at quantitative trading firm Jane Street in 2014 with the aim of “earning to give,” a buzzword among effective altruists who believe that the most effective way to do good is to make a lot of money first—even in ethically dubious ways—in order to give it away.
After three years at Jane Street, Bankman-Fried started his own cryptocurrency hedge fund, Alameda Research, during the 2017 bitcoin bubble. He has said that he made the money to start FTX from an arbitrage opportunity. In 2018, bitcoin cost more in Japan than it did in the United States; everyone could see this, but for unclear reasons, only Alameda was in a position to exploit it.
FTX was founded in May 2019. Alameda could trade there and served as the exchange’s market maker. In most regulated markets, this would not be allowed because of the obvious conflicts of interest and the incentives to trade against your own customers—but offshore crypto is unregulated. FTX rapidly became very popular, offering complex products such as options trading, perpetual futures, and tokenized stock market shares, and it was perfectly placed for the 2021 crypto bubble, when bitcoin rocketed to $69,000, the volume of trade soared, and ordinary people the world over were sold hard on getting into just a bit of crypto. FTX did not allow U.S. customers but started a separate exchange, FTX US, in May 2020.
During the 2021 crypto bubble, Bankman-Fried started promoting himself as a billionaire public thinker with big ideas and a deliberate mystique. He posed for the front covers of Fortune and Forbes. He was invariably photographed in shorts, a T-shirt, and untied shoes. He reportedly said, “I think it’s important for people to think I look crazy.” This worked on the venture capitalists, such as Sequoia Capital, which bought his pitch—hook, line, and sinker—with a writer on its website saying: “And, since SBF is obviously a genius, I should simply assume that, compared with me, SBF will always be playing at level N+1.”
High-profile visitors would be scheduled to arrive when Bankman-Fried was asleep in the office beanbag. He spoke to the media about his charitable mission—even if the charities’ goals sometimes seemed odd, such as fighting risks from hypothetical future artificial intelligences.
FTX marketed itself heavily. It got Larry David to do a Super Bowl ad this year in which his character’s skepticism turned out to be completely correct. Bankman-Fried bought a 7.6 percent share in popular day-trading brokerage Robinhood. FTX sports sponsorships included the Miami Heat’s FTX Arena, MLB umpire patches, the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula 1 racing team, and athletes such as quarterback Tom Brady. FTX even advertised in fortune cookies. FTX worked hard to paint itself as a trustworthy, fully capitalized institution run by smart and sensible people—even as it was operating almost entirely outside any regulation and was a hollow shell.
But Bankman-Fried was also keen to sell himself as a philanthropist. Bankman-Fried formed a super PAC, Protect Our Future, to lobby for political candidates in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections, spending over $39 million. Several million dollars went to sponsoring his fellow effective altruist Carrick Flynn in a Democratic primary for the House of Representatives, but Flynn lost his primary to Andrea Salinas.
Bankman-Fried aggressively lobbied in Washington, D.C., for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to control crypto in the United States. He was photographed with its commissioner, Caroline Pham. Bankman-Fried’s policy proposals upset many of his fellow crypto institutions, most notably offshore crypto exchange Binance and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, who felt that Bankman-Fried was setting the rest of the industry up for failure.
Bankman-Fried’s media promotion served to distract attention from what was going on inside FTX. Occasionally, warning signs would leak: His Forbes billionaire list entry included a cautionary note that most of his claimed wealth “was tied up in ownership of about half of FTX and a share of its FTT tokens.”
FTT was the internal trading token of FTX—like supermarket loyalty points for frequent traders, who could get discounted trading fees and free withdrawals. The token was also traded in the wider crypto market. On Nov. 2, a balance sheet was leaked showing that a third of Alameda’s claimed assets were a large volume of FTT. It was as if the Tesco supermarket chain was solvent only if you counted its own made-up Clubcard points as assets. Alameda had also used this pile of FTT as collateral for loans from outside companies.
Binance had been an early investor in FTX. It divested in July 2021; FTX paid Binance for its share in $2.1 billion of FTT and stablecoins. On Nov. 6, when FTT was at $25, Zhao started dumping Binance’s FTT holding on the open market. Alameda offered to buy Binance’s FTT at $22, but Binance continued dumping.
Bankman-Fried had always maintained that Alameda and FTX were separate entities, but the market considered them closely entwined. The possibility of trouble at Alameda led FTX users to withdraw funds as fast as possible—a bank run. FTX paused all withdrawals on Nov. 8.
A few hours later, Binance and FTX announced that Binance would buy FTX to resolve its “liquidity issues”—pending due diligence. Zhao announced the next day that FTX’s books showed that, rather than just a lack of liquidity, the exchange was insolvent by at least $6 billion. The Bahamas, where FTX is incorporated, has frozen all assets and has appointed a provisional liquidator.
Alameda’s liabilities included substantial loans from FTX. It came out later that FTX had lent over $10 billion in customer assets to Alameda and had accepted FTT—its own internal-trader loyalty points—as collateral. Alameda had been in a hole months before, when the crash in May of Terraform’s UST had quickly been followed by the collapse in June of Celsius Network and Three Arrows Capital. Bankman-Fried had bailed out Alameda with customer funds, secured by Alameda’s FTT holding. FTX and Alameda worked in tandem as a risky shadow bank, using customer funds.
Bankman-Fried was quick to reassure customers that FTX US was not affected and that it was “fully backed 1:1.” FTX US was also attempting to buy the remains of the bankrupt Voyager Digital—another victim of Three Arrows Capital—though the deal is on hold until the status of FTX US is sufficiently clear; withdrawals are operating, but deposits have been blocked. The Texas State Securities Board had previously wanted to stop FTX US’s purchase of Voyager on the grounds of problematic activity by the international branch of FTX.
It’s clear now that FTX and Alameda had been hollow shells for many months, even as Bankman-Fried was presenting himself to legislators as a serious regulation-minded crypto proprietor. But there is no reason to presume any other crypto institution is any healthier while the fresh dollars aren’t coming in. In May 2021, FTX’s erstwhile savior Binance appeared to be trading against its own customers. Binance was also used by Iran to evade sanctions with bitcoin. There was, after all, no regulator to stop the exchange from doing anything it felt like.
Legislators have occasionally proposed rules for sensible crypto trading in the United States. The problem for regulation is that the cryptocurrency industry is intrinsically all but unregulatable as long as the trading volume and price discovery happen in the unregulated offshore casinos and the U.S. entities in reach of the law are just the cashier’s desk for the casinos. This is how the crypto world likes it: a trash-fire trading environment, but being able to cash out with real dollars. This is why it bitterly fights the faintest regulation, every time.
This is not just a concern for consumers but a concern about broader financial stability. The Financial Stability Oversight Council’s 2022 Report on Digital Asset Financial Stability Risks and Regulation covers in detail the collapses of UST-Luna and Three Arrows Capital, as well as the cascade of failures that ensued.
The upside for regulators is that the collapse of cryptocurrency didn’t affect the wider economy. The consequences for retail investors in Celsius Network and Voyager Digital were horrifying, but the wider economy hasn’t been put at systemic risk—yet.
The cryptocurrency collapse will be easy to unwind: The crypto traders will go broke, and everyone in crypto will finally admit to their losses. Sequoia Capital has marked its FTX investment down to $0—and deleted from its website its previous hilarious paean to Bankman-Fried’s mysterious genius. The crash victims that FTX was going to bail out, such as BlockFi, have realized their rescuer is not coming.
The crypto bag-holders all actually lost their money long before, when they bought the bitcoins. In the time since, they’d been telling themselves and everyone else that their magic beans were worth money and never mind the lack of buyers. But this was not the case. The beans were always worthless, and the only way to make money from them was to sell them off before other people caught on.
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sandraps · 14 hours
Asset management companies in dubai
Asset Management Companies (AMCs) are firms that manage investments on behalf of individuals, businesses, and institutions. Their primary function is to invest clients' money in a diversified portfolio of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and other financial instruments. These companies employ professional fund managers and analysts who make investment decisions aimed at generating returns while managing risks.
Key Features of Asset Management Companies:
Professional Expertise: AMCs have experienced fund managers who research, analyze, and make investment decisions on behalf of clients, ensuring optimized returns based on market conditions.
Diversified Portfolio: They create diversified investment portfolios to minimize risk by spreading investments across various asset classes and sectors.
Risk Management: AMCs implement strategies to manage risks, ensuring that clients’ investments align with their risk tolerance and financial goals.
Customized Solutions: Depending on the client’s financial goals (retirement, education, or business growth), AMCs offer tailored investment strategies.
Access to a Range of Investment Products: Clients can access a variety of mutual funds, hedge funds, ETFs, and private equity options that might be difficult to invest in individually.
Regular Monitoring and Reporting: AMCs regularly track and adjust investments to ensure they perform according to client objectives and provide regular reports on portfolio performance.
Importance of Asset Management Companies:
Expertise: Investors benefit from the professional expertise of fund managers, who can navigate complex markets.
Time Savings: Clients don’t need to spend time managing individual investments, as the AMC handles the daily management.
Cost Efficiency: With pooled resources from many investors, AMCs can access investment opportunities at a lower cost than individuals might be able to on their own.
Risk Mitigation: A well-managed portfolio reduces the risk of significant losses by diversifying investments across various sectors.
Asset management companies play a critical role in helping individuals and organizations grow and preserve wealth. Through professional expertise, diversified investment strategies, and a focus on risk management, they offer solutions tailored to client goals, enabling investors to achieve long-term financial success.
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Option Chain Analysis Strategies for Successful Trading
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Option chain analysis is a crucial tool for traders and investors seeking to understand market sentiment, price movements, and volatility in the stock and derivative markets. It involves analyzing the data of call and put options at various strike prices for a particular underlying asset, typically displayed in a tabular format known as an option chain. This analysis helps traders make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell options contracts based on the available information regarding open interest, volume, implied volatility, and premiums.
ICFM (Institute of Career in Financial Market) offers specialized training in option chain analysis as part of its broader financial market education programs. Through its expert-led courses, ICFM aims to equip traders with the knowledge and skills required to interpret option chain data effectively. This helps individuals understand market sentiment, identify potential reversals or trends, and plan their trades accordingly. The training provided by ICFM covers essential aspects like open interest analysis, strike price selection, and how various factors such as time decay and volatility impact option prices.
One of the primary focuses of ICFM s option chain analysis training is teaching participants how to use data from the option chain to gauge the strength of market trends. For example, a high level of open interest at certain strike prices may indicate strong support or resistance levels, giving traders valuable insights into price action. The course also covers the relationship between put-call ratios and market sentiment, offering practical strategies for both bullish and bearish market conditions.
In summary, option chain analysis is a powerful technique for making data-driven trading decisions, and ICFM provides comprehensive training to help individuals master this skill. Whether you're an experienced trader looking to refine your strategy or a beginner seeking to understand the complexities of options trading, ICFM s programs offer the knowledge and practical insights needed to succeed in the financial markets.
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collegedunias · 20 hours
Why International Institute of Business Studies Is the Perfect Choice for Your MBA
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If you're a student aiming for a successful career in business, choosing the right institute for your MBA is critical. The International Institute of Business Studies (IIBS) offers a comprehensive management program designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s competitive world. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of studying at IIBS and give you insights into the International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore fees so you can make an informed decision.
Why Choose International Institute of Business Studies (IIBS)?
The International Institute of Business Studies is one of the top-ranked business schools in India, known for its holistic approach to management education. Located in the vibrant city of Bangalore, IIBS offers a unique learning experience, combining academic excellence with real-world application. With a focus on practical learning, leadership development, and affordability, IIBS ensures students are well-prepared to take on the challenges of the global business environment.
Industry-Focused Curriculum
One of the main reasons students choose the International Institute of Business Studies is its industry-focused curriculum. The MBA program at IIBS is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of key business areas, including finance, marketing, human resources, and operations. The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest industry trends, ensuring students stay ahead of the curve.
At IIBS, learning goes beyond the classroom. Students participate in case studies, internships, live projects, and industry interactions. These practical learning experiences enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world business settings, making them job-ready upon graduation.
Affordable Fee Structure
Affordability is a major concern for many students when choosing an MBA program. Fortunately, the International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore fees are highly competitive, making it accessible to a wide range of students. Despite its affordability, the institute does not compromise on quality. The value students receive in terms of education, placement opportunities, and personal development far outweighs the cost.
Additionally, IIBS offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help deserving students reduce their educational expenses. This ensures that financial limitations do not prevent talented students from receiving a world-class education.
Modern Campus and Infrastructure
The International Institute of Business Studies campus in Bangalore is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the learning experience. Modern classrooms, fully equipped computer labs, a well-stocked library, and comfortable accommodation make IIBS an ideal place for students to focus on their studies and personal development.
The campus also provides ample space for extracurricular activities, which are encouraged to help students develop soft skills like teamwork, leadership, and communication—qualities essential for any business professional.
Experienced Faculty
One of the key strengths of the International Institute of Business Studies is its faculty. The institute boasts a team of experienced educators and industry professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. The faculty members not only teach academic subjects but also mentor students, guiding them on their career paths.
Through their real-world experience, the faculty ensures that students are exposed to current business challenges and opportunities, making the learning process relevant and engaging. This direct connection to industry also helps students build a professional network before they even graduate.
Strong Placement Support
One of the biggest advantages of studying at the International Institute of Business Studies is the strong placement support provided to students. IIBS has a dedicated placement cell that works closely with top companies across various industries. The institute has an impressive track record of placing students in well-reputed organizations, both in India and abroad.
Students graduating from IIBS are recruited in sectors such as banking, finance, IT, consulting, and more. Thanks to the strong relationships IIBS maintains with leading companies, the institute consistently achieves high placement rates.
The competitive International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore fees combined with strong placement support means that students receive excellent returns on their educational investment. Graduates can often recoup their educational costs quickly due to the high-paying jobs they secure after completing their MBA.
Comprehensive Student Development Programs
At the International Institute of Business Studies, education is not limited to academics. The institute emphasizes the overall development of students through various student development programs, leadership workshops, and personality development sessions. These programs aim to hone the leadership, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills that are essential for success in the business world.
Through participation in student clubs, sports, and cultural activities, students get opportunities to network, collaborate, and enhance their teamwork and leadership capabilities. IIBS ensures that its students are not only academically sound but also confident and capable business leaders.
Transparent and Competitive Fees
When it comes to understanding the cost of your MBA, the International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore fees are clearly outlined and offer excellent value for the education and services provided. The institute maintains a transparent fee structure, so there are no hidden costs or surprise charges. This clarity helps students and their families plan their finances better.
For students worried about managing their finances, IIBS provides multiple payment plans and financial assistance options. Scholarships are available for meritorious students, helping to reduce the financial burden even further.
If you're a student aspiring to pursue an MBA, the International Institute of Business Studies in Bangalore offers everything you need to succeed—high-quality education, affordable fees, a modern campus, and strong placement support. With its focus on practical learning and holistic student development, IIBS ensures that students are fully prepared to excel in their careers.
The affordable International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore fees, coupled with the institute’s comprehensive curriculum and strong corporate connections, make it one of the best choices for students seeking a successful career in business. By choosing IIBS, you're not just enrolling in an MBA program; you're investing in a future filled with endless opportunities.
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biguull · 21 hours
Bigul’s AI Powered Stock Advisor
Bigul’s AI-powered stock advisor is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to provide stock market insights and recommendations.By analysing a vast amount of financial data, comprising 12 million parameters, the tool can build and manage a personalised portfolio while featuring a 24/7 risk management system that minimises potential risks to the portfolio. It helps users make informed investment decisions by analyzing large amounts of financial data, trends, and patterns.It provides services such as real-time market analysis, personalized stock suggestions, and risk management tools aimed at maximizing returns for individual as well as institutional investors.
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miguel-artur · 1 day
Miguel Artur Explores the Investment Potential of Meta AR Glasses Orion
In the context of an increasingly complex global economic environment, the latest releases from tech giant Meta undoubtedly inject new vitality into the financial market. Miguel Artur believes that Meta unveiling the Quest 3S virtual reality (VR) headset and the upcoming Orion augmented reality (AR) glasses at its annual developer conference not only showcase the possibilities of technological advancement but could also influence stock markets and financial investment trajectories in the future. Particularly as Meta continues to ramp up its investment in hardware development, the success of its products will directly affect its stock price and market confidence. Miguel Artur notes that the performance of tech stocks is closely tied to consumer acceptance of new technologies, making Meta new product launches worth watching.
The Interplay Between Meta Quest 3S and the Financial Market
Quest 3S of Meta, launched at a price of $299, aims to compete with Vision Pro of Apple. Miguel Artur points out that the competitive strategy of Meta in the VR field will impact its market share and ultimately influence investor confidence. With the multitasking capabilities of Quest 3S, Meta attempts to position it as a computing device rather than just a gaming console. This shift could attract more enterprise clients to Meta, potentially driving up its stock price. Furthermore, Miguel Artur mentions that the success of Quest 3S will also promote the development of the VR ecosystem, boosting the stock prices of related companies. In a time when global tech stocks face volatility, Meta performance is particularly crucial, and investors should closely monitor the market feedback on its products.
Market Potential of AR Glasses Orion
At Meta launch event, Orion, as a fully functional prototype AR glasses, garnered significant attention. Miguel Artur analyzes that although Orion is not yet available on the market, its technological potential is undeniable. Zuckerberg indicated that Orion could be controlled via neural signals, offering users a more intuitive interaction experience, which could bring new opportunities to the financial industry. Miguel Artur believes that as AR technology matures, financial services could conduct more complex and efficient transactions through virtual environments. Investors should pay attention to the application of AR technology in the financial sector, especially its potential in real-time data analysis and decision support.
Impact of Multimodal AI Models on Fintech
Miguel Artur notes that the latest multimodal AI model of Meta, LLAMA 3.2, provides users with a more natural interaction method. As this technology becomes more widespread, the fintech sector will encounter new development opportunities. Through voice interaction with AI, users can access information and conduct transactions more conveniently, enhancing the efficiency of financial services. Miguel Artur analyzes that the application of AI in the financial industry will help institutions better understand market trends and formulate investment strategies. Moreover, as AI technology becomes more prevalent, individual investors in the financial market will also be able to use AI tools more effectively to make decisions, thereby promoting the democratization of the market.
The latest product releases of Meta not only reflect technological progress but also offer profound insights into their potential impact on the future financial market. Miguel Artur emphasizes that with the launch of Quest 3S and Orion, Meta is actively shaping new consumer tech trends. Simultaneously, the application of multimodal AI models will further drive the development of fintech. Despite existing market risks, investors should focus on the new opportunities brought by these technological changes and adjust their investment strategies accordingly. Looking ahead, innovative products of Meta may not only drive global economic growth but also alter investor decision-making processes and market dynamics.
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forblogmostly · 2 days
Standard Capital's Bold Initiative: Expanding Green Energy Funding and Offering Zero-Cost EMI for Sustainable Projects
In a landmark move aimed at accelerating India's transition to renewable energy, Standard Capital Markets Limited, a leading non-banking financial company (NBFC), has unveiled an ambitious funding initiative designed to support the nation’s green energy and electric vehicle (EV) mobility projects. On September 25, 2024, the company announced the launch of this comprehensive initiative through a press release, which was shared with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), as well as on its official website.
This initiative aligns with Standard Capital’s broader strategy of promoting sustainable energy solutions and contributing to India’s efforts to build a greener, more energy-efficient future. As the country continues to focus on renewable energy as a critical component of its energy infrastructure, Standard Capital’s financial backing comes at a crucial time. India has already made impressive strides in the clean energy sector, with over 68 GW of solar capacity installed as of 2023. As the country aims for a target of 500 GW of renewable energy by 2030, initiatives like this will be key in driving progress.
The centerpiece of Standard Capital’s new program is the introduction of Zero-Cost EMI financing for renewable energy projects, a feature that has the potential to revolutionize how schools, residential societies, and other institutions adopt clean energy. The Zero-Cost EMI plan is designed to ease the financial burden on organizations looking to install solar panels and other renewable systems. By offering an interest-free repayment structure, Standard Capital removes one of the most significant barriers to entry—high upfront costs—thus making sustainable energy solutions more accessible.
This financing option is not only an innovative financial product but also a critical step in supporting the wider adoption of green energy at grassroots levels. Educational institutions and residential societies, which often face financial constraints, now have a feasible and cost-effective way to shift towards renewable energy. This move aligns well with national goals to reduce carbon emissions and dependency on fossil fuels.
To ensure the scalability and impact of this initiative, each project funded under the Zero-Cost EMI scheme is valued at approximately ₹50 lakh. This strategic allocation allows institutions to access the resources required to implement sustainable energy solutions without financial strain. Already, companies like Quicktouch have jumped on board, announcing plans to install solar panels in schools, demonstrating that the initiative is already making waves.
In a statement reflecting the company’s broader vision, Gaurav Jindal, Managing Director of Quicktouch, emphasized how this initiative not only helps companies reduce their carbon footprint but also supports India’s national energy goals. "This initiative will empower companies to reduce their carbon footprints, contributing to a greener economy while aligning with national energy goals," said Jindal.
However, Standard Capital's commitment to sustainability goes beyond just renewable energy. The NBFC has also set its sights on supporting the rapidly growing electric vehicle (EV) sector, another vital component of India’s green energy ambitions. The Indian government has set a target of achieving 30% EV penetration by 2030, a key milestone in reducing the country’s transportation-related carbon emissions, which account for 14% of total emissions. As part of its initiative, Standard Capital is extending financial backing to companies focused on EV mobility solutions, helping to drive the nation’s transition towards cleaner transportation.
India’s EV market is projected to be worth $150 billion by 2030, with the potential to reduce vehicular emissions by nearly 35%. This transition is not only critical for the environment but also presents significant economic opportunities for companies involved in the EV ecosystem. Standard Capital’s strategic investments in this sector will play a pivotal role in ensuring that the necessary financial infrastructure is in place to support this massive market shift.
Standard Capital’s dual focus on green energy and EV mobility solutions positions it as a crucial player in India’s clean energy future. By removing financial barriers through innovative schemes like Zero-Cost EMI and backing the country’s burgeoning EV market, the NBFC is doing much more than providing financial services—it is actively shaping a sustainable and energy-efficient India.
This comprehensive funding initiative is not only beneficial for the stakeholders of Standard Capital, but it also has the potential to impact the broader society. As more educational institutions and residential societies are empowered to adopt green energy solutions, and as the EV market continues to grow, Standard Capital is poised to make a lasting contribution to India's environmental and economic landscape. This move further cements the company's reputation as a leader in the financial services industry, with a forward-thinking approach that embraces sustainability and innovation.
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pilawturkey · 1 year
Investment Opportunities in Turkey
Pi Legal Consultancy 
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Overall, this article aims at highlighting growing investment opportunities in Turkey.  In doing so, this paper will also clarify the effort of Pi Legal Consultancy family to meet increasing enquiries made by foreign companies. 
For our work and all legal services on the matter of corporate governance, please click our “Practice Areas”, titled “Investment Advice”.
Does Turkey offer a resilient business environment to investors? 
It is necessary to make a reference to several advantages of setting up a business in Turkey.  Rapidly increasing young population, growing value of currency rates and thus decreasing production and labor costs play a critical role in the business sector. So far, Turkey has attracted the foreign direct investments around the globe. Particularly since the 2000s, total capital stock of Turkey has risen gradually. 
Having said that fragmentation of regulatory framework and legal obligations focusing on investment impose reverse impact. Accordingly it is critical to benefit from investment advice for a successful investment project in Turkey. 
Do foreign investors have the same rights as Turkish citizens? 
Article 48 of the Turkish Constitution stipulates that everyone has the freedom to work and conclude contracts in the field of his/her choice and the establishment of private enterprises is free. Under Article 10 protecting the right to equality, there shall not be any limitations for foreign entrepreneurs in Turkey. Coupled with the provisions of the Constitution, Article 3 of the Foreign Direct Investment Law provides that foreign investors shall be subject to equal treatment with domestic investors.
What is the most critical city to invest in Turkey? 
Undoubtedly, Ankara, the capital of Turkey, is one of the most important destinations for all ongoing and future investment projects. The basic reason is that  Ankara hosts leading competent national authorities. The organization and the provision of proper assistance by public institutions is of great importance in managing investment programs. Ankara law firms have a particular role upon providing legal guidance to entrepreneurs. 
What makes Istanbul different from every other city?
Undoubtedly,  Istanbul is deemed as the most popular city in the facilitation of foreign investment projects. Hence, we should examine the special role of Istanbul city to manage and facilitate long-term business engagements.  From the geographical point of view, it has the main connection between Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. Istanbul is also regarded as one of the developed cities owing to its modern infrastructure, roads and communication lines. 
What is the role of Istanbul city for foreign investors? 
In the light of the foregoing, foreign investors prefer to establish their start-ups projects in Istanbul at first stage in terms of their Turkey projects. Therefore, Istanbul is such an appealing city to not only employers but also employees. Indeed, Istanbul hosts numerous alien citizens living or working. The idea behind this inspiration lies in the fact that Istanbul plays a critical role in better and proper management of any investment project with its geographic, strategic, demographic and cultural importance. Most foreign companies open their main headquarters, namely their central offices in Istanbul.
New Step From Pi Legal Consultancy Family 
Despite the negative impacts of global financial turmoil in Turkey, Pi Legal Consultancy continues to grow its operations step by step. Based on a detailed overview of our client profiles, our service quality, satisfying nature of our articles and papers together with our marketing and branding efforts, we have been recently chosen by the London-based Prestige Awards Group as the international law firm of 2022/2023. Accordingly, 
Bearing in mind growing interest and requests by foreign investors, Pi Legal Consultancy, as a Turkish law firm, has newly opened up a workplace based in Istanbul. In this way, Pi Legal Consultancy family takes its fundamental role for investors among international law firms in Istanbul. 
It is also inspiring that Pi Legal Consultancy is deemed as one of the best law firms in Turkey by international organizations.
Pi Legal Consultancy Investment Advice Working Group, including investment advice team, develops strategies now more efficiently and more closely for entrepreneurs in the light of changing trends of the Turkish marketplace and investment laws and regulations in Istanbul. 
In a nutshell, this article is dedicated to analyzing the investment environment in Turkey. In doing so, this paper has also shed light on the significance of Istanbul’s role in designing the models of and the scope of foreign direct investments. Pi Legal Consultancy family is very glad to take an effective step by establishing a new office in Istanbul. Now Pi Legal Consultancy  is more well prepared to offer legal and business guidance to entrepreneurs as an Istanbul law firm.
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thewisebucks · 2 days
Best trading institute in Chandigarh
If you are looking for the best trading institute in Chandigarh, The Wise Bucks stands out as the best choice. Through a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on approach, Wise Bucks equips beginners and advanced with the skills needed to succeed in the stock market .Their courses cover important areas such as technical analysis, risk operations and marketing concepts, and ensures that students not only understand market trends but also learn how to make informed decisions in real time. Whether you aim to improve your trading skills or start a business in the financial markets, Wise Bucks is the best trading institute in Chandigarh that offers a supportive learning environment with courses designed to help you achieve financial success.
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