#aim emoticons
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shishka · 1 month ago
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Flavor-blasting the SHiSHKA blawwwg ⭐🤟👽
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the-crystal-femmes · 9 days ago
Who the fuck taught my wife the ":)" emoticon??
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fenneykindlefire · 10 months ago
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Since Sharp released the oldest emoji set from 1988, could Aim have released the oldest emoji set in color from 1997?
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bkfisher · 2 years ago
:3 is one of my most used emoticons :D
reblog this post if you're strong enough to :3 in 2023
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photo-roulette-wheel · 1 year ago
AIM emoticons
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rongzhi · 4 months ago
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How it works
➣ You submit proof of a monetary donation to a Gaza aid charity or a Go Fund Me campaign in aid of persons in Gaza ➣ I translate a video from Mandarin Chinese to English for you and post it on this blog!
What you can request
Videos up to 5 minutes in length**, sourced from Douyin, Tiktok, Bilibili, or Instagram.
I would prefer to translate videos that are directly uploaded by the creator (not reposts to other sites), but I know there are a lot of reposts to other platforms that may be more accessible. I will try my best to track down the original video if so.
**I will not translate a video that contains offensive content (racism/colorism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, ableism, etc). If you submit a video for translation which contains something of this nature, I will reach out to you to let you know the request has been rejected. You will be able to submit another video request of the same length.
What to Submit
Photo proof of a donation corresponding to the exchange rate (see below). You may black out the Donor Name on your receipt. The date of the receipt must be at least November 2, 2024. I will not accept past receipts.
A working link to the campaign or charity you donated to, so I can share it under the video as well.
A working link to the video you would like translated.
Let me know if you DON'T want to be @‘ed in the caption. By default, I will write “Translation request for @…”
For funsies, you can also request what emoticon I place after the “English added by me” part of the caption. If you don’t request anything, I will add the usual :)
I will send you an inbox or DM to confirm that I have received the request.
Where to Donate
Any personal GFM for Gazans in need of aid. Please check out some of the campaigns I have posted in the past (☚check them out while you're here!)
You can also find campaigns at Operation Olive Branch, Project Watermelon, or click on https://gazafunds.com/ for a randomised spotlighted campaign.
The Sameer Project
@/helpgazachildren (https://gofund.me/38650f5e)
Donate eSIMs (https://connecting-humanity.org/, https://chuffed.org/pay/campaign/105356, or others)
You can just submit RECEIPTS for any of the above. Remember to crop out or black out any personal info such as your name or any card/account info.
Exchange Rate
Because I am one man running this blog and translating in my free time, I have decided to tier the request per donation to guarantee that the video gets translated. You may send multiple receipts if you chose to break up your donation across several campaigns.
Video length … Minimum Donation
➣ 0 - 1:00 … $5 USD ➣ 1:01 - 1:30 … $10 ➣ 1:31 - 2:00 … $15 ➣ 2:01- 2:30 … $20 ➣ 2:31 - 3:00 … $25 ➣ 3:01 - 3:30 … $30 ➣ 3:31 - 4:00 … $40 ➣ 4:01 - 4:30 … $50 ➣ 4:31 - 5:00 … $60
Feel free to send me an Ask if you have any questions. All of this info will also be on a page linked through my pinned post going forward.
This event will be ongoing for the time being. Please understand if there is a longer turnaround, but I will definitely aim to translate requests within a week.
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ninainthetardis · 5 months ago
Just something I need to get off my chest
I really think that series like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, fantasy novels with high stakes focused plots addressed to children, should be romance free. They would be so much better without any romance in it.
I mean, as a young reader, I was just there for the action, the magic, the adventure, the plot twists, the plot itself, the characters as individuals, some of their friendships... that kind of stuff in general. I didn't give a sh*t about romance, not even when I grew up and became a teenager. And those are books meant for children and younger readers, right? So, I'm going to share the opinion I had when I was younger (the one I have now would be much harsher, not to mention much longer).
Now, all the romance in HP bored me to death; most of it didn't even make sense. I just wanted to know Voldemort's back story and then proceed to see how they were going to destroy the horcruxes, you know? And yes, I get it, they're teens at that point and it's realistic they have love interests, etc etc etc, except it felt like that author (*insert disgusted emoticon here*) only chose those couples to make all the characters related by the end of the series and none amongst the relationships was really developed to make any sense or look good. Take Hermione and Ron. They'd have zero chances to work irl. Be honest. But mostly, they're lame, boring, casual, rushed pairings with no development whatsoever (thankfully, I dare to add), usually involving characters who are not compatible at all/in the long run.
This is about the canon, but moving on to the fanon ships (Dramione/Drarry), I don't think that that author would have been able to write enemies to lovers properly (I'd add the plus: involving an LGBTQ+ couple, for the Drarry). The sole idea of any of it gives me the ick. Like no. Thanks, but no thanks.
About the PJ ships, on the other hand... they are a mess. None of them is even remotely good. They're all just a total mess, featuring the following problems:
Weird/creepy age gaps
Toxic behaviour
Emotional abuse
Physical abuse
Disrespectful behaviour
Judgemental behaviour
Disregard/dimishment of other characters' trauma
Isolation of characters from other characters they care about/may meet and befriend
Pairings of characters who are not exactly compatible/would never work in long term relationships
Glossing over problematic stuff, which is a big problem considering the audience the books are aimed at
Also, when they get together, some of them are still KIDS. KIDS!
(Fanon ships also fall under some of these points)
In both cases, it's not even like they are necessary to the plot. The funny thing here is that these stories would flow much better without those parts. What's the point of forcing romance into a story where so much is already going on, which leaves little to no space to develop things properly, and in which such romance has actually no purpose?
No romance at all is better than sloppily executed romance. And not every story needs romance in it to be compelling. Especially if they're meant for kids and are full of magic, action and adventure.
A better exploration of the characters and their trauma would have been much more interesting for me to read as kid who became a teenager while the series were coming out, instead of reading cheap romance while the characters were, well, you know, fighting wars and dealing with tons of sh*t.
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wings-of-ink · 10 months ago
Pls I love how you answer angst and it's all dark and gloomy and then there's this cute emoticon at the end ^_^ and suddenly it makes all the worry go by sheer power of cuteness, you are so real for that
I'm gonna pull the "chaotic neutral" on an angst galore and humbly ask for ROs reacting to MC coming to them looking all pretty (gn) and asking RO how do they look only for the RO to find out MC is going on a date.
...and what if MC after seeing ROs reaction smiled gently and said "Well... It's for our date, actually. If you would have me"
(hehe did I got ya? Thought I'd ask some irredimible angst?)
Okay, you did actually get me with that! LOL Totally turned it around at the end, and I made a very unglamorous noise.
I don’t know why, but I always gotta get my little smile in there somewhere, lol. Even if my eyes are a bit watery. ^_^
As for your adorable ask (assuming at least some feelings or romantic words have been exchanged between RO and MC of course):
Big lump in his throat off the bat. MC looks wonderful, and they're going on a date with someone else? He smiles through it and nods emphatically. “You look amazing. The lucky person will be well-pleased.” Has he misread everything between them?
At the reveal:  His knees actually buckle. “Our? Our. *OUR* DATE!?” His heart is absolutely pounding. “What do you…what should I wear?” MC will need to help him out with that one.
There’s some genuine enthusiasm there when they tell MC they look gorgeous - because they do. They’ve always thought that about MC. They shine inside and out. Maybe that’s why they confused the things stirring between them. But they’ll be happy for MC and cheer them on.
At the reveal:  Zahn has a smile that would make the sun jealous. They run and grab MC’s hand. “Let’s go! Let’s go right now!” They have zero idea where they’re going…
“Well that’s hardly fair. Are you trying to tease me? It won’t work.” *pouts* (it’s working) *Walks around MC studying the outfit. “You look delicious as ever, but is this person really deserving of such a feast? Never fear, I have just the thing. We’ll borrow Zahn’s ratty cloaks - trust me on this - you’ll still make a statement.” *If MC allows this to run its course, Duri will deck them out in the most atrocious outfit they can make with the items on hand. MC is probably wearing a basket on their head.
After the reveal:  They go quiet for a long moment. “Well, of course, I knew that. You can’t fool me - ha! …What in the stars are you wearing though?”
Swallowing their feelings. Checks MC out, straightens their collar (it wasn’t crooked), smooths the wrinkles (there weren’t any), and gently fixes their hair (it was fine). “You should already know how fabulous you look as well as I do. You’d be enchanting even if you wore robes of grass and leaves.” They fidget. “If…if you aren’t sure about this person - be careful…and I’d also like to take you out too, if you’ll allow it. I apologize for asking like this.”
After the reveal:  The smile takes over before they can stop it. “Well played, I’ll admit it. I suppose that’s a yes to my request then?” MC gets a nervous laugh out of them. Is that a tinge of red on their cheeks?
“Date!? Well, that isn’t fair, I’ve been flirting with you for ages and we haven’t been on a date yet.” He takes a flower from a vase and slips it into the outfit or tucks it in MC’s hair. “Here’s an idea - I go with you and you can show me how a date works. I’ll make some notes and I promise not to glower menacingly at your date.” *He’s lying* “And…yes, for the record, you are a vision. Always.”
After the reveal:  “No need to change your plans on my account, MC! Go on then, and have your fun - tell me how it went tomorrow.” He pushes MC to the door. “Don’t stay out too late, aim for the throat if they get too fresh with you.” *Door shuts, MC is made to wait a few minutes before ??? comes back out with a big stupid smile.
Thank you for the Ask, Anon! This one was a lot of fun! ^_^
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torahoes · 9 months ago
(IDOLiSH7) Nagi Rokuya - RabbiTube mini Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Nagi Rokuya: This is Rokuya. Currently taking a break in the green room. Report your status. Over.
Torao Mido: This is Mido. Currently in a car, on the move. Haruka looks sleepy and is nodding off. Over.
Nagi Rokuya: Iori, how's your situation? Ignoring me even though we made eye contact is not acceptable. Over.
Iori Izumi: This is Izumi. We're in the same green room so there's no need for a status report. Out.
Torao Mido: He just cut the transmission
Nagi Rokuya: Iori is a cool boy, so he might just be feeling a bit shy. X-D
Torao Mido: Hm. So he's still wet behind the ears, huh?
Iori Izumi: I'm neither wet behind the ears nor shy (angry)(angry)
Iori Izumi: Rather, Mido-san, seeing how you've managed to keep up with Rokuya-san's energy, you must've trained quite well over the past few days.
Torao Mido: Well, there's nothing I can't do. And I've watched enough movies to understand how this stuff works
Iori Izumi: Ugh, so I'm outnumbered....
Nagi Rokuya: Iori, come over to our side! キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! [1]
Iori Izumi: What's with that emoticon? Please don't assume I've joined your side.
Nagi Rokuya:
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Iori Izumi:
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Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi, send a sticker too.
Torao Mido: Uh
Torao Mido:
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Nagi Rokuya: Nice choice! It fits right in.
Torao Mido: I'm glad I got it right…
Iori Izumi: And this is how people get trained…
Iori Izumi: More importantly, Rokuya-san, aren't you forgetting the main topic? You contacted Mido-san to schedule the airsoft game, right?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! That's right! ;-P
Nagi Rokuya: About the airsoft game we discussed the other day, how does next month sound? If we do it early next month, I can adjust my schedule.
Torao Mido: Roger. I'll check my schedule as well
Torao Mido: Do you have a place in mind?
Nagi Rokuya: I'll start looking for one now 📝 It might be difficult, but if we're going to do it, I'd like a serious match, so a field of about 10,000 tsubo [2] would be ideal!
Torao Mido: 10,000 tsubo, huh. If that's all you need, there's a place on our property we could use.
Iori Izumi: Wai- wait a minute. Are we still talking about airsoft?
Torao Mido: In Japan, there should be more than ten such locations from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
Iori Izumi: More than ten!?
Torao Mido: Yeah. It's land we bought but haven't started construction on yet. Apparently, they've been putting it off.
Nagi Rokuya: Buying land in prime locations is like a game of musical chairs, so it's common for corporations to purchase it in advance. But if we consider taxes, it's quite scary.
Iori Izumi: You two are probably the only people who would discuss land on Rabbit Chat. This is very different from Yotsuba-san or Nanase-san's carefree chats.
Torao Mido: Oh yeah, we also own mountain land. Would that be better for airsoft?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! If it's in the mountains, playing with a large group would be better. Shall I summon Northmarea's elite force? 😉
Iori Izumi: Please don't say scary things like summoning Northmarea's elite force!
Nagi Rokuya: Fufu, it's just a joke 😉 Even I'm not crazy enough to do something like that 😎👍
Nagi Rokuya: Although I aimed high, realistically, a decently sized indoor field would be best!
Torao Mido: So indoor was fine all along?
Nagi Rokuya: Good question, Mido-shi.
Nagi Rokuya: What month is next month?
Torao Mido: Is this a riddle…?
Iori Izumi: It's July.
Nagi Rokuya: Yes. Basically, that's what it means.
Torao Mido: What does it mean!?
Iori Izumi: I'm sorry for the confusion, Mido-san. Rokuya-san is from Northern Europe, so he isn't accustomed to Japanese summers.
Torao Mido: I see. Japan does have high humidity.
Torao Mido: I thought so during the shoot too, but you're quite level-headed for a high schooler.
Nagi Rokuya: YES! He's my pride and my cute younger brother ;-)
Iori Izumi: Who are you calling your cute younger brother?
Iori Izumi: There is another level-headed high schooler in ŹOOĻ as well, isn't there?
Torao Mido: Yeah, Haruka is also ŹOOĻ's pride.
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Now that we're getting coordinated, let's assign roles for the airsoft game.
Torao Mido: Sure. This is getting fun.
Nagi Rokuya: I plan to assign Iori as the scout and Mido-shi as the attacker!
Iori Izumi: I see. So I will handle reconnaissance and Mido-san will be on the front lines.
Nagi Rokuya: Iori can calmly locate the enemy and relay the situation to allies, no matter the circumstances. He was calm even during today's chat.
Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi has the physical strength to lead the charge and clear the way for his allies. The way he fearlessly challenged himself when using stickers shows he's perfect for the front lines.
Torao Mido: Were you analyzing us all along? No way... could it be that all our previous messages were setting the stage for this?
Iori Izumi: That's… wait, but knowing Rokuya-san, he actually might have been…
Nagi Rokuya: Fufufu. And I will be the commander, leading everyone to victory! X-D
Nagi Rokuya: It's time to put the tactics I've mastered — such as time management, optimal route planning from store to store, and winning various merchandise wars — to the test… (dark smile)
Torao Mido: What's with that last part?
Nagi Rokuya: OH, it's "darkness smiling." 😏
Nagi Rokuya: It's a slang term said to be reserved for use only by the chosen ones. But since you have the potential, Mido-shi, I shall impart it to you specially.
Torao Mido: Does that mean I'm one of the chosen ones? (dark smile)
Nagi Rokuya:
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Nagi Rokuya: Wonderful!!! Mido-shi!!!! You have exceeded my expectations!!!!
Torao Mido: Thanks. (dark smile)
Iori Izumi: Mido-san...
Iori Izumi: Please don't teach Mido-san weird things!!!
Nagi Rokuya: Iori is also so moved that he's trembling with emotion right now!
Torao Mido: Really? Then you should use it too, Izumi.
Iori Izumi: !?
Torao Mido: You showed some great expressions during the shoot. You must be one of the chosen ones too.
Torao Mido: If you use what has been imparted to us, I feel like it would strengthen our bond.
Iori Izumi: Can a phrase like that really strengthen our bond…?
Nagi Rokuya: Mido-shi is right!!! Our bond is deepening!!!
Torao Mido: Right?
Iori Izumi: I'm not convinced at all though!?
Nagi Rokuya: But Iori, see how happy Mido-shi is. It's definitely important for our communication!!!
Iori Izumi: Ugh…
Iori Izumi: Dark
Iori Izumi: Smile
Iori Izumi: ↑ This is merely to ensure smooth communication moving forward, alright??!!!
Nagi Rokuya: キタ――(゚∀゚)――!!
Nagi Rokuya: キタ――(゚∀゚)――!!
Torao Mido: It's finally starting to feel like we're a team.
Iori Izumi: Just do whatever you want.
Nagi Rokuya: YES!! We are a wonderful team!!! I'm so excited I might not be able to sleep tonight!!!!
Torao Mido: Thanks. You guys made what was supposed to be a boring car ride enjoyable.
Iori Izumi: I might not to be able to sleep either but for different reasons.
Nagi Rokuya: Hoo!!!! I'll send you the details later. Be on standby until then. Out!!
The End.
[1] The "キタ" at the beginning of the emoticon literally means "it's here," as in "here it comes." This emoticon is used to express anticipation or excitement for something that's about to happen. Iori's reaction, "Don't assume I've joined your side," is because Nagi's use of "キタ" makes it sound like Iori has already come over to their side.
[2] Tsubo: A traditional Japanese unit of area measurement, commonly used in real estate and construction. One tsubo is equivalent to approximately 3.3 square meters or about 35.6 square feet.
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springypaws · 4 months ago
Literally haven’t posted in what feels like forever but I’ve been mumbling Arcane theories and symbolisms nonsensically in the corner of a private discord server since it came out and I haven’t seen ANYBODY talk about which I doubt is the case because I only noticed this because it was super apparent by the second watch
Okay, so, in the end scene of season 1, the show made sure to SPECIFICALLY show that the bomb was aimed directly at Mel’s back— realistically speaking, there was a literally no way she was going to survive that hit, especially looking at the damage (most) everyone else had— and yet she didn’t even get a scratch, and neither did Jayce, which Jayce himself states clearly.
Every other character in that room was HEAVILY damaged, and yet the people who should have been some of the most hurt weren’t? Again, it doesn’t make sense when you think realistically/logically.
Yet, I noticed, at the very beginning of the episode, we see Mel and Jayce wrapped around one another; everything is dark, a lot of the light from outside covered by ash and debris, and yet Mel’s golden accessories glow— and I’m talking GLOW glow, not just a reflection, like I thought it was the first time. In fact, you can see literal rays coming off of it as Jayce begins to get up (ignore that the picture’s taken from my phone, my Netflix was being weird)
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Anyways, long story short, I highly suspect that that gold somehow kept her, and in addition, Jayce (since she was clinging to him physically), from being injured at all. If this is the case, it’ll obviously be mentioned later (… probably), and I’m really intrigued by what it’ll spark relationship wise.
We already know that Jayce is more than upset about the fact that he left that situation unharmed and Viktor wound up… well, Y’know. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was, understandably, equally (if not more) upset to know that the reason he came out unharmed was because Mel grabbed onto him, not Viktor (which honestly makes sense for Mel considering she appears more connected with Jayce than Viktor for obvious reasons).
I’m also curious as to what the origins of this gold might be, if this theory of mine really is the case. I’m not sure how it would be connected to magic like the Hexcore and wild hex are, or if it would even make sense in this world’s programming for it to be magical, but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (god I love that emoticon)
Anyways don’t mind me blubbering this nonsense out loud here cause I’m way too into Arcane right now and will go insane if I don’t talk about it somewhere
Edit: now that I’ve posted this I’ve seen this idea literally everywhere and then DEEPER explored upon in ways I couldn’t so uhhhhhhh pretend this post is mind blowing and not one among dozens okay
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simsandchesscrossover · 6 months ago
More in-depth descriptions of the kids for my kidswap below the cut!
At the start of the story, JOHN has recently been abandoned by his brother, who has given up on training him to save the world. He now resides in a foster care facility. In the first act, he has a rather violent breakdown as a result, and decides to express any and every emotion he pleases. This results in a unique typing style where he often forgets to add punctuation and emoticons to his texts and adds them on later.
Contrary to Rose’s passive-agressive battles with her mother, JADE is frequntly and plainly aggressive. She lives in the woods outside her house and refuses to go inside unless pre-planned and mutually agreed upon- as she puts it, she and her mother have their own territories, and their relationship relies on them staying out of each other’s way. This mindset means that she is exceptionally frustrated when her mother is sober and tries to convince her to come back, saying that “children aren’t supposed to live out in the woods” and “it’s dangerous”. Can’t she see Jade is being the bigger person here?
On the subject of ROSE, she is both more secure and far more paranoid. Actually interacting with other children, the majority of whom found her pretentious and strange, has made her overly defensive, and she has taken refuge in what she views as her areas of superiority. Given her father’s more balanced approach to parenting, she doesn’t believe everything he does is an attack, but when she encounters something odd enough that it seems like one, she spirals.
DAVE deals with his enviroment perhaps the worst out of any of the children. He doesn’t cope well with what he phrases as “living on this bumfuck island with my grandpa until he shot himself because taking care of me was just that bad i guess”. On top of that, he’s constantly hounded (ha!) by a dog-like creature that he used to think was the one that killed his grandfather. Now, he isn’t sure if it’s even real or some sort of grief-induced hallucination. This has made him exceptionally anxious, and although he tries to hide it, his very limited social skills aren’t up to the task.
The Alpha session is a bit more complicated. JANE was raised on a series of recordings from her brother, all intended for a boy named Dirk. Given that she was entirely alone, she had no reason to think that that wasn’t her. Rose gets a vision of the changes to the timeline just in time to send out one final message explaining the truth. A key component of Jane’s worldview is that she deeply resents Dave for that and not being there, and is completely aware that it’s irrational. Conciously or not, she rebels against his post-ironic movie star lifestyle by leaning into suburbia. She sews dapper suits out of t-shirts and practices comedy. Once she discovers that she is not, in fact, Dirk, her idea of mild-mannered perfection shifts slightly. It’s undeniable that this house wasn’t made for her, but some aspect of being a “cool dude” still calls to her more than her new matronly ways… (it’s the transgender)
JAKE CROCKER is the heir to the Crocker corporation, and he’s also a media darling. Despite his father’s attempts to keep him out of the public eye (mainly due to the assassination attempts), the PR department has taken their chance, and his celebrity status is sure to make the population of Earth unwilling to resist their new Empress. Besides, Jake’s got his crackshot aim, a dashing smile, and two-inch-thick bulletproof windows, through which he can wave to his adoring populace before going about his business. What could go wrong?
ROXY spends her days chatting online and experimenting in her grandmother’s laboratory. She may be the only human left on her island, but she’s far from the only creature! Her beloved Gcat is always by her side, at least when he’s hungry. The rest of the island’s animals are wild, but the ones she makes love her. They barely try to eat her even a quarter of the time. But mostly, she wants to figure out a way to get off the island- just for a quick vacay!- and explore the world, meeting all the people and seeing all the sights.
Roxy-DIRK-Lalonde-Strider- whatever his name is now, it doesn’t matter- is wrong. There was some great cosmic error, and he came to this city of carapacians instead of a single apartment in the middle of the sea. He’s always known he didn’t belong here, but he assumed it was just some innate, destructive quality of his. Ever since the day he killed his own pet cat (in an unfortunate robotics accident), he’s known he was a monster. He’s done his best to counteract that, helping the carapacians in any way he could, but it isn’t enough. Everything in this home reminds him of his mistakes, and he makes no effort to change that.
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thescaryhyperfem · 2 months ago
[PT: Lapfort!]
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A mix of Lapfox Trax and Team Fortress 2, two things that in really hyperfixated on. Honestly it's not a AU as I cannot even produce music or mods or whatever. I can just draw.
Anyways, the RED and BLU team are now RAGGA and BREAK teams.
Note: Parentheses are formatted by Name, then explanation why I chose those characters.
OFFENSIVE: Pyro - NegaRen (Shipwrecker - No explanation. They just... Fit.), Scout - The Quick Brown Fox (The Quick White Boy - Seriously, they're the exact same thing.), Soldier - Truxton ('Mericound - And Zhanna is Eugene. For reasons I won't tell.)
DEFENSIVE: Demoman - Darius (Stankman - Originally supposed to be Mayhem, but I thought skunk fart explosives were funnier.), Heavy - Adraen (DED! - Two reasons. One of them include this album cover.), Engineer - Furries In A Blender/Emoticon (Mercs In A Sentry/Wrench - Yeah.)
SUPPORT: Medic - Renard Queenston (Doktor M - Medical Malpractice.), Sniper - Kitsune² (Aim² - I don't know. They look similar.), Spy - Azrael-II (NET-II - Which means, "Not Even Trying-II". He's just wearing an Azrael-II mask. That's it.)
ADDITIONAL: Zhanna - Eugene (Brawnl - Still won't tell.), Miss Pauling - Mayhem (Payhem (unoriginal, I know.) - Originally supposed to be BANDETTO.), Saxton Hale - Futret (not exactly a Lapfox alias BUT!) (Stagger - He gives me stag vibes)
Auhhhh okay whatever this is all you're getting. Feel free to, I don't know, draw designs or something . I'm sleepy.
Update: Changed Pyro - NegaFlame to Pyro - Shipwrecker, in reference to the track "Spaceship Warlock".
Update: Changed Zhanna - Boxerboss to Zhanna - Brawnl (Brawn + Brawl)
Update: Switched Sniper - JAQL with Sniper - Kitsune²
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sailorbowie · 1 year ago
Abel Gideon/ Bedelia I think could be an interesting pairing, especially with their banter with Hannigram I can imagine them together, also Francis Dolarhyde and Randall Tier would be such a chaos duo! (just random thoughts)
As for your prompt (it doesnt have to be those pairings) au where the FBI finds out about a serial killer dating app and makes Will Graham go undercover on it and all the serial killers try to match with him and are completely besotten. (one of wills pictures does include him with a fish)
Okay go off!!! I could see it kinda. On the other hand, Dolarhyde and Tier would have been a beautiful powder keg to see on fire. I think even if they saw each other the way they would want to be seen by the other, they would still be beasts ripping at each other's throats by the end of it. They would have fucked nasty tho I'd love to have seen it.
2. Based on your prompt~
Matching With Killers
Will Graham never expected to get involve in covert work, not even like this, for God's sake. He wasn't even supposed to be out in the field, that was what the actual agents were for. But Jack insisted his input was important.
One of the investigators had discovered a suspicious platform called 'Collectors 4 Love'. On the surface, it looked like a dating app for collectors, and people who liked collecting various kinds of items. Upon further investigation, it was found that some of these 'collectors' were people that fit various profiles of serial killers they were looking for. Their preferences of 'collecting' needed no elaboration.
It seemed the actual collectors were able to differentiate themselves from casual, unassuming users with different emoticons. They also took photos with few identifiers, and used pictures of people that were definitely not them.
This had to be a place where the Ripper was lurking, thought Jack Crawford. And so Will Graham was nudged, (or rather, forced) to make an account on C4L.
Will's profile was pretty simple. He avoided using his real name, going instead as 'Holden'. Like the other users, Will mostly avoided photos of his face, instead using pictures of the woodland scenery near Wolf Trap, the lake, one of his dogs. He included one where he held up one of his larger catches of the day, and included a very brief and concise bio: "I like fishing, collecting fishing flies, and my dogs. I reel in the big ones, and never let em' get away. Maybe the next one is you?" Will felt himself die inside as he put this all together. The aim was to have a semi-legitimate looking profile to look into the other users, but it worked a little too well.
A week later, and Will was gritting his teeth responding to what must have been the 20th user matching with him. He spoke with a myriad of profiles, ranging from genuine hobby collectors to the actual less than savory collectors of lives. It seemed the killers were all too pleased to find a common kindred soul in 'Holden', who thoughtfully listened and offered assurance to the killers. Will Graham was successfully able to build 12 criminal profiles from the 12 suspicious users he spoke to, not one being the Chesapeake Ripper. Not that he'd think someone like that would have the gall to use such a ridiculous app, but the chance was always there. The other remaining 8 people he'd spoken to were either inconclusive or were too legitimate to be considered suspicious. Everyone at the BAU was delighted to hear these results, and to hear about Will's results. Some were surprised Will could keep a conversation that long, let alone have the charisma to do so. And some weren't that surprised. Jack was satisfied with the results. "I never want to do that again. I never want to be asked to do something like that again. It was nice when they asked about the fish I caught, I'll admit. But it got very annoying when I was asked about how capable my 'rod' was outside of the lake," Will explained, during one of his weekly sessions with Hannibal. The doctor across from him tilted his head slightly. "You were approached with interest by many interested parties, a lot of whom were the very killers you chase every day. How does that make you feel, Will?"
This made the other man pause, and let out a very long sigh. "I'm....flattered? I think? I mean, it's really hard to know what to feel when someone who thinks of killing you might want to take you out to dinner first. Uhm, I still don't think I'd ever want to do that again. Even for casual means, no. I don't think I could ever do that again. Never again....." Will's eyes stared off into space again, his body shuddering at the thought of trying to talk to some stranger again on a virtual space.
To this response, Hannibal nodded softly. He took out his phone, and his lip twinged with regret as he tapped the 'delete application' button.
Maybe they'd get the Ripper next time.
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captainnait · 10 months ago
Go ahead, infodump about Bob from Headrush. No one is stopping you
3:11 pm, 5/20/2024
You will not believe how big of a smile I got when I first saw this ask 😭😭 Like I'm genuinely so happy to talk about him, thank you,,,
Anyway, you don't need to ask me twice 💥
(Yeah, a lot of rambling under the cut, hehe)
— One of my favorite canon facts about Bob is that he REALLY hates emoticons. He mentions it two times: one time in a question, where he refuses to read out loud the category name, that is just an emoticon, and instead just calls it "that. . . thing" or smth, and the other time is in the "Don't be afraid to express your emoticons" Headrush category, where he just straight up tells players to be cautious of people who use emoticons 😭
Either he had a terrible experience with someone who used emoticons. . . Or his old man brain just doesn't understand them. Or both idk.
— I don't know if it's just an Andy Poland thing or not (it's probably is, but still—), but I just really like the way he can change up his voices so quickly. My man can literally go from "uwu im so silly" type of voice to LITERALLY the most brutal and manliest voice imaginable in just a span of a few seconds, and I think that's INCREDIBLE.
If we talk about Bob specifically though, I really like how silly his voice sounds at the end of the round, when he says "bye-bye" or other similar to that lines. It just makes me giggle, okay,,
— I don't remember the full context behind this image and the question it is from, but. Yeah. Huh.
[For some reason Tumblr just doesn't let me put this image in, but it just a screenshot of the game with red words written on the screen, saying "Bob has a "thing" for Barney"]
It's also pretty funny, since a few rounds later I got another Barney question ("Even Purple Dinosaurs Have to Die... Someday"), and Bob didn't sound really amused by it lol
— There are a lot of lines in the game, where Bob jokes/admits that he feels pretty lonely and/or isolated, which is very interesting, considering that he doesn't seem as a very introverted person or someone who doesn't go outside much.
I don't have any specific speculations on why he is like that, but I think (headcanon, I guess) that it's something that he grow up feeling like and, perhaps, still haven't grown out of it.
— In "None of the Smoke & All of the Cancer", Bob says that he finds smoking to be "sexy". It isn't very clear whether if he meant it as a joke or not, so. Eh.
— A lot of people said it way before me, but. . . This man has major dog vibes. Like, I can't pin down specific things that make me think like that. It's— It's just the overall vibe I get from him lol
— I'm pretty sure I've seen someone already make a post about it (I'm not sure though), buuuut it's pretty fascinating to me how little sexual interest Bob shows in women (compare to other hosts in the series, at least) and how little he cares for "mushy" stuff in general, valuing friendship/platonic bonds a lot more.
This probably could stem from what type of game Headrush is, since it's aimed for a younger audience - teens, who probably don't really care about love in that young age. But yeah, just an interesting thing to thinking about while in a shower.
— His relationship with Old Man is pretty weird, because he both shows extreme violence and, yet, somehow, some type of respect towards him? Like, there are moments were he shouts, yells and doesn't mind kicking Old Man for his annoying shenanigans, maybe even having a way easier time with it than other hosts. But then there are a few rare moments, where he actually doesn't mind Old Man at all and would even listen to his stories with a genuine interest.
Of course it's not something completely new to the series, but it is also makes me fairly curious, since I feel like this is the game where we get to see a lot of Old Man's personality and how he influences those around him (in the case of this game (99% of it) - Bob lol)
. . . That's it, ig. For now, i feel satisfied)
I also would really like ranting about Milan and his weirdly homoerotic relationship with Bob, buuut I need to get all the TTwM clips first, so. Yeah. That'll have to wait 💥
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project-do-over · 7 months ago
Bookwyrm1982 has logged in
Bookwyrm1982: Hi :)
Violet_M00n: Hello again 💜
Bookwyrm1982: what's that?
Violet_M00n: huh?
Bookwyrm1982: after your message there's like an empty box, what does that mean?
Violet_M00n: Oh, sorry, that's an emoji. It's like a little picture you can send, like an emoticon.
Violet_M00n: I think they technically exist already but they're really only in Japan.
Bookwyrm1982: oic
Violet_M00n: so... Did you have any questions for me?
Bookwyrm1982: yeah, lots. Is it okay if I ask them now?
Violet_M00n: of course, fire away!
Bookwyrm1982: OK, well, first of all, how does time work for you?
Violet_M00n: :')
Violet_M00n: I tell you we're a girl now and that's your first question?
Bookwyrm1982: Is that OK?
Violet_M00n: yeah of course, and I really shouldn't have been surprised, but lol!
Violet_M00n: The short answer is, I'm not entirely sure. I just downloaded this app that promised to let you talk to your past self, the actual mechanics are proprietary.
Violet_M00n: To be honest, I just assumed it was going to be an AI I would talk to.
Violet_M00n: But you seem to know things that no AI could know. So I guess I actually am talking to my past self?
Violet_M00n: From what I can gather by googling, it looks like the company was set up in 1985 and has been working on this tech ever since.
It involves quantum entangled particles, and the reason you can only go back as far as 1985 or so is because that's when the "reference block" was first set up.
Bookwyrm1982: oic. I really meant more, is an hour for me an hour for you?
Violet_M00n: Pretty much, except I think the chat client can skip forward when chat is idle.
Violet_M00n: so like, if I log in it will jump ahead to the next time you log on too, even if it's days or even years after the last one, without me having to wait.
Violet_M00n: I think it works the other way around too.
Bookwyrm1982: interesting. The app I'm using is ICQ, is that the same for you?
Violet_M00n: actually it's just one program that links into MSN and AIM and a bunch of other apps too. I just picked ICQ mostly for nostalgia's sake. And because I still remembered my ICQ number heh.
Bookwyrm1982: oic. Interesting.
Violet_M00n: Do you have any other questions? Maybe something about *gestures vaguely at me being a woman now*
Bookwyrm1982: I mean, I do, but... I'm not quite ready yet.
Violet_M00n: that's okay, I understand. It's a lot to take in all at once. We can talk about something else if you want. What do you want to know about the future?
Bookwyrm1982: Do we have flying cars?
Violet_M00n: lol no! You can't trust most drivers in a two dimensional plane, you really want to add altitude to that? Haha!
Violet_M00n: We do have self-driving cars though, at least they're being developed.
Violet_M00n: We live in the Bay Area now so we sometimes see them on test drives, but you can't buy them or anything.
Bookwyrm1982: We live in San Francisco!?
Violet_M00n: Well, South Bay, but yes. We moved here four years ago. Just before the pandemic.
Bookwyrm1982:... There was a pandemic? The future sounds awful.
Violet_M00n: yeah, it could be better. But some things are better. For one, LGBTQ+ people are less discriminated against. Though the fight is still ongoing.
Bookwyrm1982: What's that, like a club?
Violet_M00n: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, etc.
Violet_M00n: What we are, basically.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't think I'm gay...
Violet_M00n: You learn a lot of things about yourself. But most importantly, you learn being gay is okay actually. I fsct, it's pretty dang awesome. You should really think about it.
Violet_M00n: Although by "gay" you'd technically be saying you're into women, which you already know.
Violet_M00n: But men can actually be okay too, you really should give them a try.
Bookwyrm1982: Thanks, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. And besides, I can't even ask a girl out, could you imagine trying to ask out a guy?
Violet_M00n:... I'm picturing it now. It's adorable.
Bookwyrm1982: *blush*
Bookwyrm1982: Sorry, dinner time again. Can we talk later?
Violet_M00n: I'll be here. Literally any time you want.
Bookwyrm1982: Thanks. Cya!
Violet_M00n: toodles!
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kisunyot · 27 days ago
The doodles that started the Kot art series.
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When I was learning how to tattoo, I needed quick doodles to practice over and over. I also needed inspiration, and instinctively looked to my boy, my baby, the light and pride of my life: Oleander, the Tuxedo Cat.
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(Pic: the scronkly little criminal man in question in a signature weirdo pose. I have 1 thousand photos of this man and he looks confounding in every single one he wasn't asleep for)
Anyway, this dude lives with us and I see him every day doing wacky goofball shenanigans, and it got to me, and I drew him in some fancy sunglasses!
I remember it being fun to draw, but it took more effort than a quick doodle (like I was aiming for) should, so I simplified the design to make it both more cartoonish and quicker to draw.
The doodles to the right of Ur-Kot of a more modern looking Kot design are the first times he was ever drawn like that, and I liked how easy they were to repeat and iterate so much that it ended up being his final form!
I even have a (crude) little stick+poke of him! 😁
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(the emoticon in my logo is a further simplification of the same design!)
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