#aight this movie was gold
majycka · 1 month
Megumi stans....we won, I guess? maybe just for now..
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Aight megumi enjoyers, at least one of us has been in the trenches when Megumi was getting SHOVELED PILES OF SHIT ON for losing his will to live when he's a traumatized 15 years old boy having a valid reaction to a death of a loved one (aka who may I repeat, HEAVILY REITERATED in the manga is someone whose his entire desire to live hinges on). As of from the currents chap, I'm considering Yuuji's acknowledgement/understanding to Megumi's actions a W for us or idk maybe that's just me because he gives Megumi the empathy and understanding he needs in his crazy ass suicidal life, and it raises the question of whether this is gonna fully push Megumi for his comeback moment?
More yapping under the cut
In order to explain why the magnitude of this chapter is such an important development for Megumi, his trauma needs to be discuss first and, there's four people we need to go through to reflect his stages of life. Toji, Tsumiki, Gojo, aaaannd Yuuji! :D
TOJI, the dad who left for milk.
Although we barely see any interaction with these two (only one fight scene from them), Toji no doubt kickstarted the trauma of Megumi the moment he decided to left for milk and never return again. He's traumatized by the Zenin's which explains why he acted out in that way and abandoned his child. All he's life he's treated as the outsider for being the odd one out. He lashed out from it as he got stronger, calmed down when meet Meg's mom who then died, and went back to lashing out again, forgetting that he has a tiny son waiting for him at home. Big L for Toji.
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I know that Gege reiterated in his interview that he wants to craft a story where there's no right and wrong people, but I'm gonna proceed to be harsher towards Toji here because he's the ADULT situation. Yes, a traumatized adult who's fucked up and not perfect, but I still hold him accountable in perpetuating Megumi's trauma because Toji proceeded to repeat the cycle of trauma that moment he decided to leave, thinking that turning over Megumi to the Zenin is the best option cuz he got The Ten Shadows Technique. From Toji's perspective, it seemed the better option because he was raised knowing his no cursed energy made him an outcast in his family. It's drilled to him that cursed technique was everything for Zenins, so of course, he thought that his son with a valued technique will make the Zenins, olympic gold medal holder of abuse, treat him better. But, heck no! Just look what happened to that Naoya, who despite being raised differently as Toji or Maki and Mai, ended up as a piece of shit. In the end though, I gotta give him the bareeeessst minimum because he kinda pushed Gojo to interfere with Megumi being sold off to the Zenins(which has another set of problems discussed for the later part of discussion).
I try to stay true in including Gege's intention in writing here, and also other nuanced perspective cuz that's the type of series JJK is that yes, Toji DID care for his son in the barest minimum and in his most emotionally stunted way.
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However, the damage is done, and Megumi is left with no prime adult caretaker to protect/guide him with only an older sis to have any resemblance of it .
2. TSUMIKI, the manic pixie dream girl sister.
To define the term (as I've stolen from Google) , manic pixie dream girl (MPDG) means "a type of female character depicted as vivacious and appealingly quirky, whose main purpose within the narrative is to inspire a greater appreciation for life in a male protagonist." They are often associated as love interest in movies, BUT I AM NO WAY SHAPE IN FORM ENDORSING MEGUMI SEES HER THAT WAY. Instead, I am using MPDG as a loose term to describe Tsumiki because like most MPDG, we barely know ANYTHING about her actually and we only saw her through the eyes of Megumi which is being pretty and dead.
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Not essentially dead and not essentially just pretty because Megumi described her to be the model of a kind person and someone that Megumi wishes to protect, aka his greater purpose of life, which is yah, great, but we are stuck with this perception of Tsumiki. We don't know her, and I think the closest thing we got an unbiased perception of her is when she chucked a cartoon of milk to Megumi (she will call out his BS). This connects back with Megumi's trauma because who else are you gonna hinge your will to live on when the prime adults in your life failed you? He sees her in a brighter light in order to survive. A way of coping mechanism even.
AND YET, despite all his talk appreciating her kind traits and killing people in the culling game to get back to her, you would be surprised that instead of apologizing to her that he was all emo about, he was a dick to her when they reunited. 💀💀
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And in fact, the narrative punishes him for this flaw.
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To the point that when Sukuna took over his body, he "killed: Tsumiki in his hands which didn't just left Megumi the guilt and shame of being a dick to his sister before she dies but also the impression that Megumi was the one who "killed her." This makes Megumi an active participant to his own tragedy, and it serves a big slap on his face that he's also at fault here.
3. GOJO, the traumatized bro who tried his best.
This is definitely the raging hot debate of the fandom which is their dynamic, and my take breaks this perception of the uwufied Gojo a lot of the fandom seems to like. Yes, I do see Gojo as another perpetrator to Megumi’s trauma, another adult that failed him but not in such of a black and white way thinking of Gojo’s the wholly bad guy here. Believe it or not, he’s still a part of the chain of generational trauma, being a "chain" as in he's a victim AND perpetrator of the system. I called him the traumatized bro who tried his best here because as much as Gojo knows how cruel the jujutsu system is for the kids, he still unintentionally passes over the core mindset of such cruel system to Megumi since Gojo still did grew up in this system normalized in his eyes.
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"Jujutsu Sorcerer is an individual sport."
I say "unintentionally passes" because no, Gojo doesn't have the same intention as Zenins/majority of the system who drills "strength is everything" in the most fucked up way possible. Yes, he enjoys Megumi’s company and treats him nicely. Yes, he sticks his neck out for him. Yes, he wants them to be strong so they can change the system. But this isn't about Gojo. It's about Megumi who still undeniably suffered from the accumulation of the few adults in his life failing him which includes Gojo. Gojo offers protection to Megumi. KEYWORD: Offers. It’s in exchange for Megumi working under Gojo as a jujutsu sorcerer. Now, for smol Megumi here, who truly going through the horror show of abandonment from his dad, agrees to it because apparently, according to Gojo, it’s the only way to protect his sister.
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"I'll take care of things! But you're gonna have to work extra hard. I'm countin' on ya."
Annnd thus the cycle repeats! Although it wasn’t as bad as Zenin’s abusive environment Toji was raised, Megumi is still pushed in the same cutthroat environment of the jjk world that Gojo believed he can survive just because Megs has a valued powerful technique if only he himself fullfills his potential, like Gojo’s Six Eyes. BUT Gojo, who delights in his power, forgets a crucial part that…..Megumi isn’t like him!
Check out what Megumi has to say. (aka bud doesn't want any of that sorcerers shit and just wants a domestic life)
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So the thing is, was Megumi ever asked his input in choosing to be a jujutsu sorcerer? Well, yah….and all it circles back to just protecting his sister and people like her. There’s a set of problems that comes with this mindset though that Gojo was valid to point out and that is Megumi doesn’t think about himself enough. “It’s ok to be selfish!” Gojo said in the context of being a stronger sorcerer.
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But at the same time, he also gave Megumi the idea to that if he doesn’t work as sorcerer, then he won’t be able to protect his sister when he was a mere 6-7y/o boy.
You know that circulating meme of Megumi pulling Mahogora for minor inconvenience? Well, guess what that tells his suicidal tendencies in protecting anyone but himself. Kid got no sense of self-preservation because his self esteemed has completely tanked itself due to his abandonment issues, and now that he’s expressing how it emotionally and physically paralyzes him, he has every valid reason to do so.
Why, yes, Gojo was 19/20 at the time he first met Megs, still a kid, doesn't know shit, and has unaddressed issues being treated as The Strongest Weapon(here’s a dedicated gojo-centric meta I wrote previously about Gojo and his issues cuz he's one complicated fool). I describe this whole situation as an unaware traumatized kid taking in another traumatized kid which is not a fun mix to have, and I understand that Gojo ain’t exactly prepared for that kind of job.
HOWEVER, I’m way harsher to point out Gojo’s failure as an adult in Megumi in the later part of the series because at this point, Gojo's a grown adult, he waxes poetry in being responsible for the next gen , and we get to see his priorities throughout the series especially with the Sukuna’s fight, like seriously he had one legitimate fun fighting someone on par with him.
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Gojo DELIGHTS in power no doubt, he chooses kids with most potential, he gets excited finding those kids, and this is the type of the closest dependable adult Megumi has in his life.
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Yes, financially supported but Gojo isn't around much when he's working and on demand sorcerer almost 24/7. That's why growing up sure do sucked ass for Megumi especially when no one’s really there to guide and to keep an eye on your development AS A PERSON AND NOT JUST A SORCERER which the latter part is what unfortunately Gojo’s more eager to do.
4. YUUJI, the guy who just wants Megumi to know he matters to him as a person.
Yuuji and Megumi were definitely the highlight of this chapter because in the bleak world of JJK where everyone seemed to be succumbing to the repeated fuck ups of the previous gen (like that Yuta-Gojo situation), this chapter actually offers that THERE IS HOPE that the new gen can do better like what Yuuji just did that the adults in Megumi's life are too emotionally stunted to do. Yuuji take the time to listen to Megumi's emotional thoughts, what he feels as a person, and not just listen, but to understand and empathize. It even took lots of attempts for Yuuji to make Megumi open up.
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He responds to Megumi's vulnerability with care and love, and Yuuji understands the pain Megumi is going through from losing his sister. With someone in pain like that, Yuuji knows he can't just go around saying "just live" to someone who's practically suicidal.
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The treat of this all is when this scene comes next. Yuuji also shows his vulnerability and expresses that Megumi matters to him!
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"It's lonely without you..Fushiguro."
This scene clearly parallels Gojo and Megumi's first meeting, so I'm gonna try to throw my two cents here and explain why Gege choose this direction. Remember what I said about Yuuji giving us the hope of the new gen escaping from the shackles of generational trauma? Well, I think this parallel is a way in saying that what Megumi needed when he was so young was someone to see him and his pain who's just a kid abandoned and forced to fend for themselves because the prime adults decided to to dip out. This is Megumi we are talking about here who's unaddressed issues stays hidden beneath all the pressure of him being The Ten Shadows Technique. He's valued for his technique. That's why Gojo showed up to meet him in the first place. That's also what the jujutsu system looked after for their child soldiers. Yuuji tries to break this chain of trauma their mentor unknowingly repeats. He'll show up for Megumi again and again because he's his dear friend even if Megumi's being difficult to be pulled out of Sukuna. And the beautiful thing is Yuuji didn't had some grand inspiring speech or grand offer to convince Megumi, he wasn't even sure Megumi will be up for it. Yuuji simply want to say that he matters to him. That understands him. That he's important to him so much he'll be sad when he dies, and it mattered.
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"This is...Fushiguro Megumi's...!!"
And now that Megumi is showing signs in taking his body back, it's now his turn to save himself. Yuuji did his part, and for someone whose future has been controlled by everyone but himself, this time Megumi gets to decide what comes next.
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afranticsonicperson · 11 months
Tails and Maria parallels.
I decided to gather up a bunch of stuff tails and maria share in common. why? well, I just think it’s neat considering shadow and tails’s growing bond (maybe shadow could have flashbacks due to it?) and how fucking SIMILAR this fox is to maria.
before we start, I am NOT trying to prove that tails and maria are related in any sort of way. no “tails and maria are siblings”! shtick here whatsoever, aight? just wanted to clarify.
1) Appearance:
now this one’s probably the most obvious when you look at the two.
tails has golden/yellow(ish?) fur with vibrant blue eyes (leaning into cyan)
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(mostly gathered 2D official art here so lighting won’t clash with anything!)
as you can see, mostly a blue/white/yellow colour pallet for the fox!
..now who also has a blue/white/yellow colour pallet?
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maria robotnik.
tails and maria’s colour pallet, and not to mention looks (notice how they both have doe, innocent eyes?), is SCARILY similar to eachother, to the point where you could probably convince someone who knows little to nothing about sonic that maria was the “human version” of tails.
2) Personality:
now, this one’s probably the most abundant cause holy SHIT
tails (mostly described) is very sweet, selfless, gold-hearted and resourceful, and can be gentle when he needs to. and especially in tmosth, very optimistic and empathetic, aswell compassionate and curious.
…these traits are also very similar to maria’s, especially in the shadow and sa2 game.
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notice the eerily similar traits?
both are cheerful, optimistic and show kindness and see the good in (most) people, all while maintaining a strong spirit.
3) Mannerisms:
ohh boy do these two have paralleling mannerisms
tails is noticeably very smiley, laughy while pointing and waving a lot!
examples! :
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as you can see, his mannerisms and attitude has that optimistic and energetic yet gentle kid-like quality to it.
and maria’s.. is practically the same!
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see how she smiles, points and waves a lot? her gestures have that same quality.
they both have that approachable, friendly gestures attitude, additionally, they both maintain very child-like and cheerful mannerisms. kinda “saccharine”, y’know?
So, overall?
these two’s personalities, looks and attitudes are eerily similar, yet it could make sense in a way. tails’s parallels to her could and most probably give shadow MAJOR flashbacks with the fox’s bright positivity, curiousness and general kindness. it’d be interesting to see in action! maybe tails would be the one to get shadow to finally warm up to his friends, and see the good in him after so long? it could genuinely be a concept taken to canon! (paramount, c’mon, give us the parallels and shadow & tails bonding in the 3rd movie im BEGGING)
tails, in the end, is his own person though, and his unique qualities should be appreciated as much as the major ones!
man, it was fun to make this. thanks for reading!
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vyglitchcraft · 2 years
Hi! I see ur requests are open, so if u feel like writing some OG roach x GN!reader HCs for what they might do together on Valentine’s Day or their anniversary to celebrate I’d eat that shit up, there fr ain’t enough roach content 🙏 please — 🍄
Aight sure
Gary "Roach" Sanderson x GN!reader
Bug's Date Night
Btw send me more Roach pics, i can't keep using the same damn pictures
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Your boyfriend promised he'll be home for your anniversary and well...he came home with some led in him but honestly, what did you expect?
You're his first partner, he doesn't know shit about dating or however this is supposed to work besides some stuff he's seen from movies, he's inexperienced and confused.
You two made a deal, Roach didn't really care where the date takes place but some simple rules were set in place, inexpensive, not full, and you're the one socializing.
He honestly just planned on taking you somewhere quiet like a park to star gaze but he wanted something special and he isn't sure what places you like.
Restaurant maybe? No, too boring...movies? No, too full...museum? Well he likes it but what if you find it boring? He's overthinking everything that is until you interrupt his thinking session. Mall and buy each other gifts. The budget was anything below 100 pounds.
And that's exactly what you two did. Roach is pretty competitive so making it a game sounds fitting enough.
You two split up and in an hour, you already have your gifts
Roach bought you some hair pins, even if you're not fem, you can clip it onto your tie or book. It was shaped like those bug brooches. Gold in colour with yellow (probably fake) stones. He wanted to have something on you that reminded you of him and so, something bug related was a pretty obvious choice.
You bought him a small notebook, the paper was water resistant so he could use it even in missions. The pen that came with the book was pressurized and so, can be used everywhere. You knew that he had trouble communicating with others, mainly because not everyone could understand sign language
His reaction? Oh absolutely adorable, Roach was clapping his hands which you learned from Soap, was his "happy stim" he was smiling and running his hand through the paper, seems like the texture made him happy too.
"You did this...for me? Its amazing!" He wrote down in his new book. And you nodded
The day was ending and Roach had an idea, you two went to the park. Away from the city, quiet, private, it's what you two enjoyed. "If there was a shooting star flying across the sky right now, what would you wish for?" You asked
"That i'll always come home to see you smiling for me"
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unluckycryptid · 14 days
Rise of Red!Miraculous Ladybug AU Ch 2 Notes
I wanted to elaborate a little more about the outfits I gave each character in their civilian and superhero form. I also wrote some other notes about the other characters I'm putting in the AU as well as some of my thoughts on writing the last chapter. Check it out :)
See Part 1 of the Headcanon -> Here Read the story on Ao3: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Let's start with Red's outfits
Civilian form:
So for both Red and Chloe, I gave them outfits more lowkey and doesn't necessarily scream MAIN CHARACTER from what they were wearing in the movie just so they can blend into the background a bit more.
For Red, I went with more of a loose/baggy fit to contrast from her Ladybug outfit.
Top: Like a typical bisexual, Red has a flannel (black majority with red plaid pattern) over a solid black crop shirt
Bottom: Gave her some maroon cargo pants and a pair of doc martens.
Hair: Stays the same in the movie where she has little heart shaped buns
Accessories: Didn't mention them so far, but Red wears a gold heart shaped locket.
Ladybug form:
Literally the first outfit that we see her in, in the movie.
The only real changes are: the mask is solid red with black spots for the ladybug feel, and then I changed her shoes to some knee high red boots (also spotted) just to give her a more superhero feel.
Next up is Chloe:
She has a lot more changes to her outfit in between her civilian form and her Chat Noire form.
Civilian form:
I imagined this to mainly be largely inspired by a school uniform since I mentioned in the latest chapter that Chloe was a transfer from All Girls Academy from Cinderellasburg. And sure she goes to Auradon prep now, but old habits die hard.
Top: Gave her a baby blue polo (inspired by clips of Malia in Are You Afraid of the Dark), and then I gave her Chad's letterman from the first movie
Bottom: Alternates between a pair of khakis and a white skirt. For shoes I gave her a pair of white hightop converse
Hair: Biggest difference lies in her hair in civilian form. Some have already picked up on it but as a civilian, Chloe basically keeps her hair up/styled and never loose and free like it is in the movie. I did this bc I wanted to play into the aspect of her being a lot more restrained/"perfect princess" in her civilian identity
Accessories: I also gave Chloe a hat because I saw the rehearsal with Malia in a white hat and I was like, aight, Chloe's civilian identity gets a hat. Plus it helps a little more with the keeping her hair in line/covered to further separate from the Chat Noire identity. Additionally, I gave her a pair of silver reading glasses cuz she's a nerd who read too much in the dark as a kid. Finally, she gets to keep her choker from the movie.
Chat Noire form
Her Chat Noire form is actually just a black/dark grey version of her outfit in the movie except for a replacement in the jacket. Instead of the padded material we have from the movie, I'm replacing it with a cropped leather jacket kind of like what Claw Noir wears in the Miraculous World movie.
Her choker gets a little bell :D
Can't forget the cat ears and mask. But instead of green eyes, I'm giving her eyes a dark shade of blue tint instead.
Finally, her hair is basically the same as it is in the movie where its all wild and free to show her freedom in the Chat Noire persona.
--Other Notes--
I haven't fully decided yet whether I want to make Chloe and Red actual princesses yet or just a modern equivalent to a princess. I'll figure that out by the next chapter or so.
Like the Power Rangers!AU that I wrote, I'm going to separate Ella, Bridget, and Charming's characters from their Cinderella, King Charming, and Queen of Hearts counterparts
Cinderella -> Cindy Charming (This one is pretty easy)
King Charming -> Reginald Charming (This comes from the Brandy Cinderella movie where the Prince has a long list of names so I just picked one out that sounded like a king's name)
Prince Charming -> Christopher Charming (again, comes from the movie, but he'll take the first name since it sounds more prince-ly) Also, like the Power Rangers AU, he is Chloe's cousin
Queen of Hearts -> Reina Hearts
lol yeah I didn't want to replace her name with Queenie or something but Reina means ruler so I went with that. I'll mention her character a little more later but like we all knew with Gabriel Agreste, Reina Hearts is the Card Queen
Card Queen stuff:
I didn't really see a proper way to fit the butterfly themes/akuma into her aesthetic and I didn't want to just say she's the female version of Hawkmoth
She's loosely inspired by Hawkmoth let's just say.
I switched out the term akuma with card/card soldier (akumatized -> Carded) to better play with her Card Queen theme
We'll find out later how the Card Queen's deck of cards play into the existence of the miraculous.
Thoughts about writing the last Chapter
So the process for writing out this chapter was pretty rough ngl. I knew I wanted to establish what a typical adventure with Ladybug and Chat Noire looked like, but its a lot easier said than done. First, I had to figure out the villain and I was thinking a more Animan inspired chapter so I went with the Jabberwocky. I initially wanted Red!bug to mimic the scene of Marinette jumping into the akuma's mouth and have Chloe!Noire freak out but the physiology of a jabberwocky wasn't making it work. At the very least I wanted to establish Red!bug's "elaborate"/out of the box schemes that put her more in line with the canon ml Ladybug to offset her sassy attitude as civilian Red.
I know I have it tagged as frenemies to lovers, but the enemies part hasn't necessarily shown up. I'm probably going to write a spin off for the series in terms of their origins and how they didn't start out on the right foot in the beginning. Luckily, we have the Jabberwocky line and its gonna start out like the original Adrienette misunderstanding until we get to where I started with their dynamics in the first chapter.
I currently have 11 (maybe 12) chapters planned out for this fic. In the rest of the chapters, I'm probably not going to write out their fight scenes as Ladybug and Chat Noire as detailed as I did in this second chapter, in favor of more internal monologue/character exploration. I'm someone really big on writing dialogue and I love writing Chloe's lines for the flirting scenes, but we'll see how much I can write before everyone understands that Chloe puts the charm in Charming.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!! Until the next chapter :)
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vultures1review · 6 months
Vultures 1 Review: Kanye and Ty Dollar $ign Deliver
Kanye West and Ty Dollar $ign kinda ate with their last collab album. As a self-proclaimed Kanye connoisseur who even made the trek to Phoenix for the exclusive listening party, you can just assume that you should take my opinions seriously. Don't think, just trust.
Let's dive right into this Vultures 1, track by track:
STARS: Kicking things off with a celestial vibe, this track sets the tone with its angelic intro. It's like Kanye and Ty are gently guiding us into their musical universe, and I'm here for it.
KEYS TO MY Life: Ah, the keys to my musical heart. The production here is quintessentially Kanye, with lush instrumentals that serve as the perfect backdrop for Ty's smooth vocals. It's a match made in musical heaven.
PAID: Time to hit the dance floor because this track is pure fire. It's got me grooving like nobody's business, and I'm loving every minute of it.
TALKING: Move over, Kanye, because North West is stealing the spotlight on this one. In Phoenix, when she performed this song, she announced she will be dropping an album entitled "Elementary School Drop Out" How adorable!
BACK TO ME: At first, I was a bit thrown off by the random movie sample, but upon further reflection, I realized it's pure genius. Kanye's ability to turn the unexpected into musical gold never ceases to amaze.
HOODRAT: This one didn't quite hit the mark for me. It felt a tad repetitive, but hey, not every track can be a winner.
DO IT: Ty Dolla $ign goes all out on this one, and I'm living for it. It's definitely a personal favorite that's going straight into my rotation.
PAPERWORK: Giving me major mob ties vibes, this track is a smooth ride from start to finish. It's like a musical journey through the underworld, and I'm here for every second of it.
BURN: Kanye takes us back to his roots with this slow jam that oozes classic vibes. It's like a modern-day "Slow Jamz" with a dash of Jamie Foxx flair.
FUK SUMN: Things get a little freaky with this one, but hey, isn't that what Kanye is all about? It's catchy, it's provocative, and it's sure to get stuck in your head for days.
VULTURES: Warning: not for the faint of heart. This track pushes boundaries with its racey lyrics, but hey, that's just Kanye being Kanye.
CARNIVAL: A classic in its own right, but thanks to TikTok, it's starting to feel a bit overplayed. Let's show some love to the other tracks, shall we?
BEG FORGIVENESS: Kinda sad, kinda haunting, but ultimately a solid addition to the album. Not my favorite, but it's got its merits.
PROBLEMATIC: It's aight, but it doesn't really add much to the overall vibe of the album. Still, it's worth a listen.
KING: Closing out the album on a high note, this track embodies everything we love about Kanye. It's bold, it's brash, and it's the perfect ending to our musical journey.
So there you have it, folks! My take on Vultures 1, straight from the mind of a die-hard Kanye fan. Whether you're nodding along in agreement or ready to duke it out in the comments, one thing's for sure: this album is a feast for the ears that's sure to leave you hungry for more. Can't wait until Vulture 2!
Let's give these tracks the love they deserve! Let's keep the discussion fun and respectful, folks!
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arjaandsimoni · 6 months
A Penthouse in Cincinnati Ohio
It was all planned out.
The prince held a meeting of his advisors every week like clockwork, and after the meeting was over he liked an hour of privacy to mull over what had happened. He sent away all his servants and guards so he could enjoy solitude. That was when they’d strike! He was just one old dried up corpse, what could go wrong?!
Well, he found out when they ambushed him from the closets of his room… and he moved like a blur and tore off Brian’s head, then grabbed the stake he’d brought in and drove it through Skeeter’s heart before turning around and punching a hole straight through Chris. Nate tried to grab him from behind but he had him by the leg before he knew what was happening and threw him through the window to crash into the streets below… and finally all that was left was him.
The prince stalked towards the surviving assassin, looking not even murderous but more annoyed as if he’d walked into his office and found a cat had gotten sick on the carpet. “Really now, did you think I wouldn’t know about some loudmouthed neonate planning my demise? Do you think this is the first time someone has tried this boy?” he sneered. He wasn’t a very tall man, infact the attacker was taller, and he was dressed in an outfit that would have looked more at home in a puritan meetinghouse than it would have in a modern penthouse (he wore it for official functions to remind those of just how ancient a vampire he was, and thus how powerful,) “You’re William’s childe aren’t you. The one he embraced for money. He’ll have a lot of explaining to do once we’re through here…” he smirked, and the shadows seemed to deepen around him.
The attacker was dressed in a baggy basketball jersey, long loose jeans hanging down to expose the top of his boxers, and designer sneakers. He had on some gold chains that jangled when he moved, and held a stake ready, and yet… he was terrified. This brought back memories of another night, when he had experienced his first real threat to his life. “Ain’t fuckin’ afraid of you Dracula!” he hissed between his fangs, but his trembling legs didn’t show it, “Humans know alla ‘bout weird shit now! We should just roll with it ‘n take over!” he spat. He tried to sound tough, like a ‘gangsta’ type, but this vampire was clearly nothing of the sort. The clothes were too new and clean, the chains polished and well kept, and clearly the only ‘gangstas’ he ever saw were in movies and on TV. A well-to-do white guy pretending to be tough by emulating what he saw as a teenager on MTV.
The prince smirked, his fangs extending, then suddenly he gasped and fell to his knees, then forward onto his hands as his eyes widened! His veins tightened within his body, the muscles locking up. “W-what…” he hissed, his eyes swiveling around as he felt his limbs rebel against him!
Then he heard in his ear, gentle as a moth’s wing brushing his flesh…
So sorry Archie, but after tonight’s little pow-wow we have a feeling this one will be a lot more open to our ideas than you were…
The vampire prince snarled, he knew that voice… “Traitors…” he growled under his breath, but his attacker saw him fall and rather than question it he raced forward and body-checked him onto his back, then sat and slammed the stake home!
The prince flailed and thrashed in pain, but couldn’t co-ordinate his limbs enough to move properly, as the young vampire looked confused. “Wait, that’s supposed to make ya freeze, right?”
Then he snapped his fingers and pulled it out, “Guess that wasn’t ya heart eh? Uh… uh…”
The prince heard an annoyed voice in his ear.
Ugh, neonates… I’ll do it myself!
Then the young vampire felt his arm suddenly move as if of it’s own accord and slam the stake down in the middle of the prince’s chest, just to the left of his sternum. Archibald, prince of the vampires of Cincinnati, trembled and fell still as his eyes rolled back in their sockets.
“Aight… now…” the young vampire leaned in and bared his fangs, then thrust them into the prince’s neck and began to drink deeply.
From there, instinct took over as he drew out the prince’s blood, pulling on the ancient vampire as Archibald’s vision began to darken. As he lost consciousness, he thought…
You fools… you put the jester on the throne thinking he’ll make a more pliable king… the vampire court will be in ruins by this time next year, mark my words…
Into his mind came the response, the same voice as before.
We’ll take our chances. See ya in Hell, Archie… oh wait, no we won’t.
The young vampire kept pulling and felt something else entering him. It wasn’t blood… it wasn’t anything physical… it was like that book he’d found said, it was whatever a vampire had that passed for their soul, and it was… indescribable. He felt powerful, he felt like he could do ANYTHING!
He leaned back as he finished and the prince’s body crumbled to dust under him… then suddenly the door to the prince’s chambers burst open and three men rushed in.
“Prince Archibald! We heard what sounded like a fight!” he shouted. He wore a dress shirt with pinstripes and suit pants, a pair of black leather shoes polished to a mirror shine. His tie was pinned in place, and it red patterned with gold… though if one looked close the gold made out odd rune like symbols on the material. He had glasses and slicked back hair.
“Dear god…” whispered another, this one was dressed as a dockworker might have back in the 1920s. A linen shirt and pants held up by suspenders, sturdy boots on his legs. He wore a flat cap and his muscles bulged against his outfit. “He… he killed the prince?! This neonate killed him?! HOW?!” he stuttered out, though... it sounded off, as if he was reading it from a script.
The young vampire froze as he saw them, then quickly stood and dusted off his clothes. “Yeah! That’s right! I killed the fucker, that means I’m in charge now, right?!” he demanded.
The three looked between themselves, sharing a grin, then one of them walked forward.
He was dressed in a suit that would have been popular in the disco era, a colorful jacket and pants with a wide tie. “Yeah, yeah that’s right boss. You took out the prince, so now you take his place.” he grinned, “What do we call you Prince…?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
The young man grinned widely; his fangs still wet with the former prince’s blood. “Al. Ya call me Al, and Boss works too.” he nodded.
Thus, in the shadows that evening, the fate of the undead of Cincinnati was decided.
Covington Kentucky
Across the river in Kentucky however, happier events were afoot.
Stephy sat before his computer in the Smith household, in his room across from Tex’s. Tara had insisted. She didn’t mind them being intimate, but sleeping together… well, in some ways she was a bit more traditional than her acceptance of her son and… gender undefined child… would suggest. Maybe when they were adults, but for now Stephy was just shy of his fifteenth birthday.
Stephy had decided to go with what Loren did regarding pronouns in the end. He? She? They? Stephy knew who they were, what they liked, and how they felt. What did they care what someone called them? Though, most of their classmates went with ‘she’ by default. It was hard not to at this point. Stephy’s time in Arcadia over the past few years had left him downright androgynous, with long blonde hair and eyes the color of the sky on a cloudless day in Winter, so the only way they could guess was by what he wore… and it was a rare thing to see him ever not wearing a skirt or dress these days. He was currently wearing a white nightdress under a matching robe as he looked through a website for prom dresses, the school hosting a Fall Dance soon.
There was a knock at the door and he looked up from the computer, idly tucking some hair behind his now rather prominently pointed ear. Mortals couldn’t see it, but those who knew him well could.
“Hey filly, mind if I come in?” came Tex’s voice.
Stephy giggled, “I never mind that, go ahead.” he smiled.
Tex walked into the room, wearing just a teeshirt and flannel pajama bottoms. His blonde hair was a bit shaggy, due for a haircut eventually, and he had the beginnings of a mustache and small beard on his chin now. The changes he got in the Nightside following Roger Fullmoon’s demise had ensured that he had the body he’d wanted, and it was aging just as such a body would have. In time he might even get a full beard, but for now it gave him a sort of rouge-ish charm that Stephy found quite delightful.
“Ya’ll pick yer dress yet Princess?” he asked, leaning in and kissing Stephy’s forehead.
The changeling boy let out a little squeal at that, then shook his head, “Ugh, no! I just can’t decide… and everything I have back in Arcadia is far too formal! I’d be the only person there dressed like I was doing Disney cosplay!” he sighed, flipping through the designs again.
Tex chuckled, “Well, mom found a few dress shops local. Maybe actually tryin’ some on would help?” he suggested, “We got a couple weeks left, why don’t we try that on Saturday eh?”
Stephy thought, then nodded and closed the browser, “I suppose its worth a shot, and you know I’ll never turn down a chance to dress up.” he grinned.
Tex smiled back at him, “It’s a date then.” he nodded.
Thus, on an evening of joy and excitement for two of our friends, and blood and plotting for one who would be a future foe did a new Supernatural Adventure begin.
Next Story
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wolftails-funkin-arts · 9 months
Aight here it is (which is technically Canon since we can intrpet the ending)
Boyfriend was impaled through the chest both him and Girlfriend were dead M cackled and turns to normal and grabbed both corpses He threw them on the floor but did something......odd
He grabbed two one ups and fed it to both coming back to life They two bolt up and noticed M and start shaking and sweateming
M:....Good job AIGHT THAT'S A WRAP
Boyfriend and Girlfriend look confused
M:Good job on the movie guys
The two look shocked and see Secret History Mario holding a camera
SH Mario:Yep the recording is perfectly safe.....wow you did good
MM:Thanks I admit for a dictator you sing well
SH Mario:There's alot you don't know about me
MX walks up besides M M and MX fist bump
M:Good job dude but dang did you have to rip her in half?
MX:You turned her corpse into a zombie like puppet
M:That's fair
Boyfriend and Girlfriend look at eachother and back at them
M:Oh...wait weres the other one?
MR L walks up carrying Pico and throws him besides the two
Pico:OW gentle
MR L:Oh shut up
M:I admit I was impressed with you. That scene was improv
DJ Hollyboo appears:Do we release him?
M:Eh sure
DJ Hollyboo gives the thumbs up and IHY Luigi and John open a door and SMG4 Mario bursts out
M:Sorry but we didn't want you screwing up the whole thing
DJ Hollyboo pulls out spaghetti
SMG4 Mario takes the spaghetti and runs off
M sighs:Finally he'll be busy for a bit
Horror Peach and Yoshi.exe arrive too
Horror Peach:Good job babe
M:Thank you
Pico:Can someone tell us what's going on?
M:Oh....well me and the guys decided to make a movie
MX:Yeah and we figured that you three could be the perfect victims
Horror Peach:Originally you three were gonna be trapped but after talking with M we figured that it can be decided how well you fight
IHY Luigi:And you did pretty good
Pico:So this was a movie?
M nods:Yep congrats
Pico:So.........like why us?
M:Like I said to get revenge on Dearest but we thought that why not punish him ourselves
Chris Pratt appears:Sooooo I admit I'm glad that you gave me the chill part
M:Why not your one of the few non scary ones here
Somari and Grand Dad arrive
M:And you two
Beta Luigi is seen eating with Turnmoil
M:Anyway just about everyone here you fought was apart of our movie......you three can go
M summons a portal and throws the three through it
The three land in the living room and its night time
Pico:That was......odd.....
Pico hears sniffling and turns his head seeing Boyfriend and Girlfriend hugging eachother crying and shaking looking traumatized
Pico:You poor......guys Pico is furious in his mind since Girlfriend's dad is the reason why the three went through that
Pico:I'll be back
A few moments go by and Pico returns with a blanket and pillow seemingly wanting to spend the night Pico sats it down
Pico:I'll help you two change
Boyfriend and Girlfriend change into pajamas and return still crying and hugging messes
Pico sits besides them in pajamas and wrapped a blanket around them
Suddenly M"s arm reappears from the console with a bag and a note attached
Pico grabs the note and it reads: "Sorry for traumatizing you three..I hope this helps and thank you for playing in our movie"
Pico opens the bag ands it's filled with gold coins
Pico turns the note around "And P.S the money is safe
"Pico sighs and looks at the two
Pico:Wanna watch a movie?
The two nod and they watch a movie
In the morning Dearest and Mearest bust in and see the three
Pico growls:What are you doing here?
Dearest:Our daughter was missing
Pico:Because another one of your victims wanted to hurt them Dearest growls
Suddenly M"s are grabs Dearests and pulls him into the console Dearest lands on the ground
Dearest looks up and notices M holding his knife with the others smiling devishly
Dearest tries using his powers but is suppressed
M:Hehe....consider this your punishment for not just me but for all the people you've hurted
Dearest starts sweating:Uh oh
Back in the real world
Mearest:I'm......sorry your father is responsible for this......call me when he's released....and Boyfriend? You have my approval Mearest walks out the door
Pico smirks:Hehe
Pico turns to the three Pico wraps an arm around them both
Pico:I won't leave you three again....I promise The three smile and group hug and continue watching TV
Feel free to ask any other questions about this
No questions. I do like this ending better :>
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beth-march · 3 years
hey! if you’re still taking requests at all: I loved the way you handled Lexi’s insecurity around being sexually inexperienced and her worry over Fez potentially losing interest because of it. I would be really interested to see you handle Fez’s possible insecurity around people thinking he’s not as smart as her (based on the stuff Rue and Nate said about him in season 1 + the new info about his head injury)
“You’re not stupid, Fez. You’re the furthest thing from stupid,” she says. He’s reminded of a maths teacher with kind, pitying eyes, talking about his potential and how he needed to be better with homework if he wanted to meet it.
Of course, this was a memory from the days before his memory was vulnerable to loss. A memory from the days before a scar curved around his scalp.
Hi! I'm definitely still taking requests. Thanks so much for your prompt, this is such a good one too! I hope you enjoy!
Read under the cut or on Ao3:
There is a specific intimacy involved in talking like this. In the quiet, in the dark. In a place where nothing exists in the world but her voice, and he doesn’t even have the jumble of their limbs to moor him to reality. Where his mind fills in the gaps.
He can picture her in her bed, enveloped by her dusky pink sheets. Her face scrubbed clean of makeup, fresh and dewy with moisturiser and rosehip oil. Her phone pressed against her cheek, smiling in that bright, sparkly way she reserves for him.
A subdued version of it, to be sure, when Lexi is so sleepy. But Fez is confident that her smile is no less dazzling for it, and he envies the pillow she smothers her face in.
“Cassie won’t stop talking about the graduation party next weekend,” Lexi is telling him softly. “You’d think the world was ending, the way she talks about the class having one last night together, how they have to make it count.”
“Shit, I can’t believe half them kids even got through to graduation, to be honest.”
“It’s like a miracle, right?” she giggles.
“For real,” Fez says. “A fuckin’ miracle.”
“I was wondering if you might want to come to the party?”
“You was wonderin’, or your whacked out friends was wonderin’?”
Lexi laughs. “No, I was wondering. I do get the appeal of having one last hurrah, and I am excited to go, but I don’t think it’d be nearly as fun without you.”
They have been in a relationship since January. It should not be so staggering to hear her say sweet things about him anymore, but the novelty is unyielding. Her affection is so foreign he cannot bring himself to expect it, no matter how many months pass.
Fez fumbles for an appropriately appreciative answer, and somehow lands on, “The fuck is ‘hurrah’ about? Why you always talkin’ like you in a black and white movie, huh?”
“Fez!” Lexi huffs. His mind traces what his eyes cannot see - the indignant crease between her eyebrows, the rosy flush on her scrunched cheeks. She probably has a hand over her face, trying to hide her embarrassment. He grins at the thought.
“I’m only playin’, Lex, you know you cute.”
“I know no such thing,” she mumbles.
“Well, I know you cute,” Fez amends. “’Course I’ll come to the party. No selling or nothin’, I’ll just be with you, aight? Watchin’ all the crazy shit go down.”
Fez has no doubt that it will be a tumultuous night. A last hurrah, indeed. There’s a lot of appeal in the idea of stowing away in a corner somewhere with his girl, watching it unfold like a pair of flies on the wall.
“It’s going to be such a mess,” Lexi says, but she seems more excited than worried, and Fez finds that he’s sharing in her excitement.
When Fez thinks of the first night that he spent with Lexi, the memories play out in golden hues. He recalls the fire dancing in the window behind them, and the lamplight glistening along the weavings of her braids, and the glimmer of sunshine in her smile.
That night is a haze of gold. It splinters with crimson at the end, but this is a disruption, an incidental blip, something he rarely thinks of, amidst all the warmth.
This party is cold and blue. A scene written by moonlight.
If this is an omen for something, Fez is not sure what.
The party has barely begun, and it has already dissolved into chaos. People bustle around in drunken deliriums, dancing and yelling and laughing, swinging back bottles of alcohol, puffing from joints. Smoke blurs the edges of everything.
“A new record?” Lexi suggests, as they take in the calamity.
“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with these kids,” Fez says, pulling Lexi to the outskirts of the crowd, carrying her through the sea of people. “I ain’t never seen another group so mad fucked. The hell was going on the year they were born?”
“It must’ve been something in the water,” Lexi says, amused.
There’s a loud commotion from outside, and she turns around in time to see Cassie clambering atop a table in the backyard, beer bong in hand. The wind whips her skirt as she begins to chug, while the rest of the girls - Maddy, Kat, Jules, and Rue - cheer her on, dancing around and hollering as the foamy alcohol slips down the funnel.
“Case in point,” Lexi says, but her exasperation is clearly fond.
By the time they’ve joined the others, Cassie has pulled the tube from her lips with a gasp, and beer froths over the top, slips out of her mouth and all over her dress.
“You can’t chug for shit, kid,” Fez calls.
“Don’t be mean, Fez!” Cassie cries, laughing as she bats at her wet face.
All of the others whirl around with big smiles, squealing their greetings. Fez doesn’t relish giving up his hold of Lexi, but he relinquishes her so that she can be swept up in hugs from her friends. It’s nice to see them so excited to see her - relatable, really.
Once the girls have made their rounds, Lexi is drifting back towards him, and Fez is grateful that this is her reflex. He likes to have her by his side. Except, standing paired together like this, he becomes aware that they are being stared at, judged as a unit.
Maddy’s face is alight with a devilish grin.
“You brought Fezco!” she exclaims. “Bitch, I love you.”
“Don’t get any ideas! He’s here as my boyfriend, not your drug dealer.”
“Are you saying he can’t multitask?!”
It seems that everyone is staring at him now, and Fez isn’t surprised, except for the fact that he probably should’ve prepared for this better. Lexi had talked about bringing him along to keep her company, and he hadn’t thought twice about compliance. He hadn’t thought about sales, or the fact that his very presence around parties like this one implies that he’s dealing. He realises he’s been stupid not to bring anything at all.
“Sorry, y’all,” he says, with a shrug. “I ain’t got shit on me to offer.”
A cacophony of groans follows, but the way the girls exaggerate their whining is humorous, and Fez keeps hold of his smile, knowing they’re only joking.
But then - “Dude, are you for real?”
There’s sincere annoyance in the voice. Fez glances up and finds a teenage boy loitering just outside the group. He’s got that disdainful look about him, the ease of arrogance in a boy brought up to believe he’s entitled to everything. Fez is a good judge of character, but realises Kat must not be, for the way that she slips over to take his arm.
“Hey there, Greg,” she starts to say, something playful in her gaze, but he ignores her.
“Fezco?” he says expectantly.
“I’m for real, bro,” Fez answers. “What other reason I got to say it?”
“What other reason do you have to come here?”
The silence that overcomes the group seems improbable, given the raucousness of the party that continues so close by. Misguided as they are, Fez knows these girls to have good hearts, and it’s evident in this moment, with all of their stricken faces.
Lexi is the exception. She is positively livid. She surges forth, and for a ludicrous moment Fez thinks she’s actually going to try to hit the boy, but she’s only angling herself closer to him, as though she is trying to shield him with her body. A hilarious thought, given how much smaller she is than him, but Fez is appreciative of her devotion, regardless.
“Shut the fuck up, Greg,” Lexi says coldly. “Fez has every reason to be here.”
“Oh, who are you kidding, Lexi? We all know there’s only one reason Fez hangs around high school parties, and it’s to deal drugs. That’s all the retard is good for.”
For Fez, it’s like water off a duck’s back. Having lived the life he has, he doesn’t have room for softness, and he barely notices insults being hurled in his face. But Lexi is nothing if not soft, and when this softness is prodded, she becomes hard.
He doesn’t react in time to restrain her - she strides towards Greg until she’s in his face.
“Excuse me?!” she seethes. “What gives you the right to be so fucking rude? If you want to go there, we can fucking go there, Greg, but everyone knows the truth about how you became valedictorian, and just how badly you fried your brain in the process.”
Greg chuckles, the kind of low chuckle that’s supposed to be unbothered, but Fez can see that he’s been thrown by Lexi’s accusation, for the way he backs away from her, the tremble at the corner of his mouth. He doesn’t blame the guy - Lexi can be scary.
“C’mon, Lexi, you’re a smart girl,” Greg says. “Way too smart for fuckin’ Fez. We both know that it’s only a matter of time before you wake up and see what everyone else does.”
A harsh, brittle laugh escapes her. It sounds nothing at all like Lexi.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a fucking response,” she declares. “It’s ludicrous, and you’re a fucking idiot. Now leave, and stay the fuck away from us.”
From there, the standoff is brief.
“Psycho bitch,” Greg mutters as he scampers away.
This is what brings Fez back to reality. An urge to defend Lexi rises with a throbbing sort of insistence, because nobody gets to disrespect his girl like that, but he stifles it, because he doesn’t want to make a bigger deal of this than what is necessary, and he doesn't want to ruin these girls’ night, and he knows Lexi doesn’t need him to fight her battles. Greg is already gone, anyway, tail between his legs, darting inside the house for refuge in whoever’s leaving him so unchecked.
As they watch him leave, they are quiet. Everything is charged, and Fez knows why.
There’s an element of truth in what Greg has said. Everybody knows it, and nobody speaks it aloud, but now it has been voiced and they’re unsure about what to do with the shape of candour in the air. Fez is embarrassed, though he knows nobody could tell, his poker face is so firm. It is withstanding a lot - a whole group of people staring at him and reflecting on how much smarter his girlfriend is than him.
Lexi spins to face him, and her eyes are full of despair.
“Fez,” she says, with ardour. “I’m so sorry - ”
“Well, that was a strung out adderall kid if I ever fuckin’ saw one,” Fez drawls. “What the fuck, man? Those eyeballs gonna twitch outta his skull soon, he best watch himself.”
It has the intended effect - Lexi’s friends burst into laughter. The tension is undone, and in its place they giggle with conspiracy, whispering about Greg. It takes very little time for the subject to change entirely, and for that, Fez is grateful.
But Lexi’s gaze doesn’t waver. Not for the whole night. Nor does her anguish.
Last to arrive, first to leave - Fez isn’t sure that he expected to be that type of couple, but he doesn’t think any of the girls blame him for offering an early reprieve to Lexi.
It is clear that she is miserable, stewing in anger so lurid it places her well beyond hope of having a good time. The hold she has on her red solo cup is so fierce it keeps pinching in the middle, leaving dents in the plastic every time she smooths it out.
So Fez places a hand on her waist, leans in close. “You wanna just cut, baby?”
Lexi nods. The gesture feels intimate when they’re pressed together in a room full of bustling people, so close he feels the bop of her head against his face.
They don’t even make it all the way out the front garden before Lexi is whirling on him, eyes glistening with tears. “I can’t believe what that asshole said about you. I’m so, so sorry. He has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about. You know that, right?”
“S’all good, Lex,” Fez tries to assure her, with a smile that doesn’t reflect the ugly twist of feelings in his gut. “It wasn’t nothin’ I hadn’t heard before. It’s chill.”
“What do you mean?” Lexi asks. A golden glow ripples along her hair as they pass a street light, but she must see something in his eyes that concerns her, because she grabs hold of his elbow and pulls him back somewhere shrouded in darkness.
Fez sighs. She’s found a shadowy corner to interrogate him on, and he’s probably going to cave, because she’s so insistent, and he’s so indulgent.
“What are you talking about?” she prompts, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It’s not like he said no out of pocket shit,” Fez murmurs.
“He called you a retard! He said I was too smart for you!”
“He said what everybody already knows.”
He hears her sharp exhale, watches the horror come to life in her eyes. Lexi looks devastated, a familiar expression, reminiscent of a mirror, before Fez learned not to let himself dwell on such things. Being in love is a terrible sort of empathy, he’s found.
“Do you really believe that?” Lexi whispers.
He says nothing. He only stares, and does his best to cope with what flares in her eyes.
“You’re not stupid, Fez. You’re the furthest thing from stupid,” she says. He’s reminded of a maths teacher with kind, pitying eyes, talking about his potential and how he needed to be better with homework if he wanted to meet it.
Of course, this was a memory from the days before his memory was vulnerable to loss. A memory from the days before a scar curved around his scalp.
“Look, Lex,” he murmurs. “It’s real sweet you care, but I ain’t tryna deny shit. It is what it is. Even Rue said somethin’ about it before.”
Fez has no idea why he mentions this. He’s so unguarded with Lexi that he often finds himself spilling things he knows he shouldn’t, for once thoughtless in his conduct.
The way that Lexi stiffens concerns him. Fez thinks he might have to sort the girls out of another fight, and he doesn’t like to do this, because Rue always gets upset whenever she’s reminded of how his ultimate allegiance has changed.
“What did she say?” Lexi demands.
“It don’t matter. I wasn’t sellin’ to her, she was pissed.”
“If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have brought it up,” she insists. “What did she say?”
You’re a fucking drop out drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells!
Later, Fez told Rue that he hadn’t paid attention to what she said, that he never does when it comes to drug addicts. The thing is, he does pay attention to friends.
Lexi is still looking at him expectantly. So Fez relents, telling her, “She was just talkin’ shit, tryna find an in, y’know? Said I only had seven brain cells, said sorry for it like a week later. Ain’t no big deal.”
He can tell that Lexi disagrees with this assessment. “I’m going to fucking kill her.”
“Lex - ”
“No!” she says, flinging her hands out, silencing him. “No, this is not okay! I’m not going to just stand by and let people talk to you like that! It’s not right!”
Things are rarely right, in Fez’s world. He doesn’t know how to tell Lexi this - he would never call her naive, but he knows she would be appalled by some of the things he has heard, he knows that she would be shaken to her core.
And he knows that she would not be deterred, if she knew. She would try to fight for him, no matter what she was up against.
“You’re easily one of the smartest people I know!” Lexi continues. “I have never known another person who is as deliberate in what they do as you. Everything you do is calculated, strategic, I see it, I see how careful you’re always being. You can pick your battles in this way I don’t understand, like you can give up your own feelings in favour of doing what’s practical, and that’s so impressive. Not to mention how perceptive you are, you can watch any person for five minutes and you’ve just figured them out! You know what to expect from them, you know how to deal with them. You know what to say to make me stop freaking out about whatever they did to me.”
This happens sometimes. Lexi loves to babble with enthusiasm about things she’s passionate about, but she also likes to ramble with vigour over the things she gets angry about. Before Fez, she had no real avenue to do either of these things - but now, he finds himself being a listening ear for her rants every other week.
He’s never minded, because he cares about the things she cares about, and he always agrees with everything she says. It’s only now that he finds himself doubtful of her, and doubtful less because she’s defending him but more because she is making sense.
It is bewildering. Lexi is making valid arguments about his intelligence. She doesn’t talk about academia, she doesn’t shroud her sentiment with vague denial, with but of course you’re smart - she’s giving him specifics, telling him things she’s observed. Fez knows how careful he has to be in his thinking, in his actions, but it’s never occurred to him before that this is a strength, a sign of intelligence - he’s only ever seen it as necessary.
Fez is gaping at her, like a fish, really countering everything she is saying, because he can imagine how vacant his expression must be. “Lexi…” he mumbles.
“It’s true, and you know it,” she insists, sniffling, because she’s worked herself up. “I’m just so sorry that anyone could be so cruel to you.”
“I don’t want you worrying about this no more, okay?” Fez says, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m tellin’ you, shit like that don’t bother me. I got a tough skin. I don’t give a fuck if they starin’ at me, thinking you smarter than me.”
His intention is to calm her down, but this only sets her off again.
“Who the fuck is anyone at my school to say a thing to you?” Lexi demands. “You were running a business and a family at the same age that they were trying out for little league football and calling each other slurs over online video game servers!”
“Okay, baby, okay,” Fez says, and he realises that he’s biting back a smile. Lexi is all of five foot four, and anger looks so funny and pouty when scrunching up her sweet, pretty face, and she’s stomping around and practically writhing with anger. He slips his arms around her, letting her muffle her grumbles into his chest.
“Do you honestly think that a stupid person could run a drug business from the age of twelve and still have it running this many years later?” she continues.
“Okay, Lex,” Fez repeats, a bit more insistently, jostling her. “I get it. I ain’t stupid.”
He’s trying to play it off like he’s humouring her, like he’s laughing at her, like she’s gotten overworked and it’s something for them both to be amused by. But he just doesn’t know how to thank her. He smothers the crown of her head with kisses, and hopes she might understand what he cannot say - that nobody has been on his team like this before. Nobody sees him like she does, nobody cares.
“No,” Lexi says adamantly. “You aren’t.”
Returning home is a quiet affair. It is a peaceful quiet, punctuated by something pensive, because neither can stop thinking of what the other has said. Affection resides, too - Fez places his hand atop her knee, runs his thumb over the groove as he drives.
Lexi takes hold of his hand once they’re both out of the car, so that they have to amble through the doorway together. She makes straight for the kitchen, and Fez can’t help but smile - only Lexi would come home from a party of such debauchery and immediately make a cup of herbal tea. She pulls out the hot chocolate for him, which he appreciates, because however much he’s tried, he doesn’t share in her love for peppermint tea.
Her hands are shaking when she pulls mugs from the cupboards. Fez notices the shake in her wrists and frowns. He realises that she’s still thinking about it.
“What’s goin’ on up here?” he asks, brushing his fingers over her temple.
He catches the hair there, tucks it behind her ear. She looks up at him as he does so, and the ardour in her eyes is beautiful. She loves him, he knows, and he never thought he could trust this, but he does. He knows she loves him.
“Nothing,” she tells him. “I was just thinking about that time you helped me with my maths homework. I would’ve failed that test if you hadn’t shown me how to do it.”
If Fez didn’t have such confidence in her sincerity, he thinks he’d be annoyed by her transparency in trying to reassure him. As it is, he only chuckles. He finds himself understanding why it is that she’s always so flustered whenever he peppers her with compliments - the attention is a startling, overwhelming thing.
“You’re really good with numbers,” Lexi adds. “With the business and everything, too.”
Lost in thought, Fez is silent. He watches as Lexi unlaces the string of the teabag, admires the deftness of her fingers as she tugs it along the ceramic.
“You know, in school… I did real good with numbers,” he admits.
Her hands go still. She turns towards him, and he meets her eyes, grateful to find the warmth written there. He feels enveloped by her, even when they aren’t touching.
“Yeah. Before… you know…”
Lexi places a hand on his scalp. Her fingers, her sweet fingers, run along his scar.
Fez shudders.
“Sorry,” she says, yanking her hand away, but he grabs hold of her wrist, keeping her in place. He isn’t sure why - his reflex is always violent, if this territory is ever so much as skirted by another. He never imagined inviting someone to linger in the splay of ugliness. But her touch is like a balm, a remedy he never knew to want.
“I dunno if it actually fucked my head up for real,” Fez says quietly. “Nobody ever told me for sure. Maybe I’m just tryna find an excuse.”
“You don’t have anything to find an excuse for,” Lexi answers. “But if you feel a difference in yourself from before it happened, maybe it’s worth checking out.”
“That shit went down a long time ago. I couldn’t even tell you how I used to be. I know I didn’t always get so many fuckin’ migraines, but…”
He trails off. He doesn’t know what he’s trying to say.
It’s a lucky thing that Lexi always understands him so well.
“It doesn’t matter,” she says softly. “It hasn’t made you any less smart.”
Fez wants to make a joke. He wants to do something to dilute the muchness of what he feels. But he is helpless to the ache of his relief, helpless to resist his urge to express it with love. It is all he can do to wrap her in his arms, to bury his face in her hair.
He thinks of the mind resting beneath these pretty curls. Lexi is the most intelligent person he has ever met, and he knows she doesn’t do anything without reason. There's a reason for her presence here, in his kitchen, in his arms.
He holds onto the comfort of this, and holds her all the closer.
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gar-trek · 3 years
riker centric movie synopsis. please. ok go.
OKAY THIS IS HARD OKAY. Establishing scene. Bridge crew shore-leave to Risa 🤪🤪🤪 it’s like a fucking anime beach episode up in that bitch. Everyone chilling in their bathing suits. Comedic scene where like, data wears one of those 1920s mens bathing suits and just sinks to the bottom of the pool when he tries to swim. Everyone is like “oh data!! 😂” it’s really camp. OMG worf wears something really slutty which everyone finds shocking and he’s just like “what this is traditional Klingon warriors swimwear 😳” but it’s like the gayest speedo known to man. Um like Riker wears a Hawaiian shirt 😁. OKAY I DIGRESS. while everyone is having fun there are suspicious characters creeping around. Dinner scene, everyone talks about how life is awesome and they love their job or whatever. Everyone is still ready to have some more fun after dinner but Picard is like “I think I better turn in for the night, I’m not as young as I used to be 😉” and everyone is like “bbyyyeeeee 😁” BUT THEN, scene of Picard entering his dark room. It’s eerie in there. Suddenly PICARD IS ATTACKED!!!! AND KIDNAPPED BY SHADOWY FIGURES 😱😱😱😱😱next day, crew wakes up like “ughhh what did we do last night? Lol” breakfast time…. But… PICARD IS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN ?? 😳🤨🤔. They go to his room and it’s been ransacked 😱😱😱 WORSE the enterprise won’t be back to pick them up for another 3 days!! Riker contacts Starfleet and they are told to Start doing a preliminary investigation…. In the room, data and Geordi uncover evidence that it was Ferengi who took the captain. THOSE BASTARDS. But what Ferengi?? Who???? Where??? The gang splits up, Riker, worf and Troi go to find information about the Ferengi and Data Geordi and Crusher go to find transportation because they assume they took Picard off-planet. They get word that the Ferengi were spending most their time playing card games with a greeblite. Gang ent. seedy Risian casino/bar. They approach the greeblite and Riker is like “can you tell us any information about your ferengi friends 😁” and the greeblite is like “perhaps…. For some time in the holosuit with your friend there😏😏” nasty alien smile. And Riker is like “do not speak about Deanna like that😡😡” and the alien is like “I wasn’t talking about the female….” And Worf is like “😳😳😳my honor” and yeah the joke is kinda tasteless but it’s the 90s okay. And then Riker is like,,,, “how about ill play you in a game of Greeblarian quickdraw, I win you tell me what I wanna know, you win… you get holosuit time with worf” and the alien is like “aight” BUT THE THING IS greeblites are masters of Greeblarian quickdraw it’s their fav game and worf and tori are like “RIKER!!! How are you gonna win this…..” And hes like.., “don’t worry guys,,,,,, Greeblarian quickdraw is just like poker😏😏” OKAY in the meantime Geordi Data and Bev have found a ship to rent but its gonna cost them 1 thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum!! Geordi is like “dammit guys!! Where are we gonna get that kind of money??” And then crusher who is standing slightly away from them is like “… I think I have an idea 😏😏” *Pans over and she’s looking at a poster that says “Talent show, tonight! Grand prize 1000 bars of latinum”. And then Geordi realizes what’s going on and hes like “uhhh check please”. BACK TO RIKER who is like sweating as he tries to beat the greeblite, its insane, Riker is losing, its all coming down to one hand. Worf is like gripping the back of his chair like please dont make me give this man sloppy, everyone is sweating, some kind of cool dialogue between Riker and the greeblite, and then it all comes down to,,,,, RIKER WINNING VIA HIS POKER FACE SKILL!!! Yippie everyone clapped. Back to the others, crusher choreographss a super fucking camp musical number for Geordi and Data to perform. You think it's gonna be shit because Geordi is so nervous he's about to die, but data takes the lead and they kill it!!! They win the competition!!! Okay the gang meets back up now, they have the ship and they know where they gotta go. Its like some kinda super shit alien ship and Riker
is like “We need to get this things to the neutral zone, thats where Picard will be” and Geordi is like “the neutral l zone?!?! I’ll be surprised if this bucket of bolts can get us half way to the beta quadrant😳” us as the audience laugh. The ship is like constantly on the verge of exploding and Geordi and data are running around the whole time but they make it to the neutral zone. PRETTY MUCH the Ferengi are going to hand over Picard to the Romulans and the exchange is gonna happen on some moon. The Romulans want Picard because they are going to steal his brain for federation information. Whatever the idea was thought up by Sela. Yeah we bringing back fucking Sela for this movie. OKAY the plan is that Worf and Riker and data are gonna beam down to the planet, scoop up Picard, and then they are gonna fly away. This obviously goes to shit. On the planet's surface, they are prematurely detected and get shot at by both the Romulans and the Ferengi, since the Romulans are now aware the federation is around they find the ships hiding place and start to attack. The shitty alien ship our heroes got has like no weapons and is literally about to esplode. The Ferengi are like “peace out” and go to transport back to their ship, but just then Riker gets a good idea and LUNGES on a Ferengi right as they are being beamed up. Now he's on the Ferengi ship and he's going sicko mode and like fistfights like 5 Ferengi, worf and data still on the surface think he DIED and now are also captured by the Romulans. Back on the ship with the rest of the gang, Geordi is like “btw our warp core is about to ESPLODE” BUT JUST THEN they get hailed by the Ferengi ship and its RIKER?!?! WAHHH and he's like “BEAM ABOARD THIS SHIP I TOOK OVER AND ALSO SEND YOUR SHIP RAMMING SPEED INTO THE ROMULANS SO IT EXPLODES THEIR SHIP” and they are like “aye aye sir” and the Romulan ships explodes and the explosion is green for some reason which is awesome and then Riker has help on the Ferengi ship to fully take over and the Romulans still on the surface are like “lol our plan worked perfectly” but when they go to contact their ship to beam up they don’t get any response and then Riker beams back down and also during this time he got the Ferengi to turn on the Romulans so he beams down with like 5 Ferengi and hes like “uhhhhh actually you guys are our prisoners now and your coming with me lol” and then Picard who like had a bag over his head this whole time or something is like “ummm is anyone gonna take this bag off my head?” And everyone laughs and its awesome 😁😁😁😁
This movie takes place before generations btw and also the whole Picard kidnapping plot happens because I don’t want him in the movie a lot lol this is about RIKER who is the hero in this movie and its called STAR TREK: ESCAPE FROM RISA ?!
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justcallmeano · 2 years
Aight so.. I've been into fanfiction for a while now and certain fandoms soo I kinda wanna join in. Never done it before but once i get used to it and I work on spelling and grammar more often, then I can totally do way better descriptions ♡♡
Moving on, Hi! My name is Alexis or Britt. I prefer my actual name tbh but either way, Im fine with Britt too! This is a writing/art blog where i post my own art of my oc and possibly other characters
Who will I write for?
The lost boys(1987) : David, Marko, Micheal, Star, Laddie(PLATONIC ONLY), Dwayne, Paul, Sam, Edgar, Alan, Max
Bill and Ted; Excellent Adventures : Princess Joanna , Bill, Ted, Princess elizabeth
Beetlejuice (movie only) : Beetlejuice, lydia
OUAT : Peter pan, Wendy, Mr. Gold, Killian Hook/Captain hook, Henry Mills (Older or Platonic) , Felix, Devin
Teen Wolf : Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, Derek hale, malia tate, isaac lahey, liam, Garrett, Peter, Kira, Ethan, Erica, Daany, Mason, Corey
Stranger things : Eddie, Steve (for now, But i will add on!!)
What will I write?
I can write for poly or well.. try to, still new to writing
Bc im new to writing, I will mostly do drabbles and headcanons but I will update this when I feel as though Im ready to write even more than just drabbles and Headcanons
IM SO SOREY BUT .. female reader or gn reader only, Im so fucking sorry! Gn is still pointing to anyone of the gender 😕😅
Smut(maybe, I will practice on it ofc)
Different Aus (Alternate Universe)
I will add on to this later on in the future but for now.. Looking crispy uwu
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st-hedge · 3 years
When it came to your Sleeping Tomb AU, where did the character designs stem from? Any major inspirations behind Link, Zelda or Ganon?
Aight so. The au came to mind cuz I was watching ghibli movies and I was thinking about the theme of characters who are kickass elderly ladies and just thought how amazing would it be if there was a Zelda like that. And then I remembered that botw Zelda was inspired by nausicaa and thought to take inspiration from that movie for how this au’s Zelda would look like (clothes, hair, facial features).
Link is actually based on a design I previously did for OoT link (u can find it if u scroll thru the OoT tag) and I decided he needs his own au. The wolf cloak is inspired by princess mononoke (the white wolf pelt and boar pelts of the hunters) but his outfit is a remix of barbarian armour (the arm wraps) and SS link’s clothes but warmer. His outfit is not that different from what we have seen in canon, it’s just made warmer for desert nights and steppe winds
Ganon…. Oh goodness. I didn’t want to put him in dark colours (to break away from that tradition) and I wanted to make him look noble, so I thought the patterned blue-red fabric that is associated with OoT Ganon and the twinrova and remembered that it looks like the aesthetics of the robots from the desert in SS. I know u guys haven’t seen him fully coloured in yet I basically want him in pale sandy colours, golds, and those block-y bold patterns. I don’t know why the shape of his clothes/armour looks Roman but it does. I had originally wanted him to look older but he decided to be younger *shrugs*. His “crown” is a remix of prior designs and the locks stemmed from me grinding my teeth at ALBW
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Sunrise, Sunset
switching it up with a franklin and lamar centered fic (not exactly as a ship buuut more or less some one sided feelings?) jus a silly little idea i had that was originally gonna be a one shot sorta thing or whatever,, changed my mind tho n i’m jus gonna split it up, this is part one !!
i feel like lamar would be very oblivious about his feelings towards frank tbh LMFAOOO
Lamar and Franklin sometimes drove out to the highest point in Los Santos to watch the sunrise. Well, more Lamar than Franklin, seeing as Franklin preferred to sleep in. He often dragged him out of bed to go take Chop out and see the sun peak up from the horizon, lighting the city up with natural reds and yellows.
“C’mon you lazy fuck, we gon’ miss it!”
“Lamar, the sun rises every fuckin’ day! Trust me, it’ll be there tomorrow.”
“You jus’ a lazy bum who don’t wanna get his lazy bum ass outta bed. Man get up already!”
Chop barked, and Lamar nodded to him.
“Yeah, you right Chop. This muhfucker don’t wanna budge, huh? Don’t even wanna take his precious dog for a walk. You oughta be ashamed of yoself Frank.”
“Chop wasn’t even my dog to begin with!”
“Man fuck you, you became co-parent of him when you had to take him in!”
Franklin could only groan into his pillow, missing the blissful sleep he had been shaken awake from.
“Just go away Lamar! Damn!”
He felt the taller man looming over him, grabbing his shoulders to shake him further awake.
“We’re running outta time, fool. C’mon, I’ll let you ride shotgun this time.”
Chop barked in protest.
“Chop, it’s the only way we might get him out the house.”
Accepting that arguing would get him nowhere, Franklin sat up right, glaring at Lamar.
“For fucks sake man, fine. I’ll go. Jus’ lemme throw on some clothes that ain’t the shit I wore to bed.”
Lamar grinned widely at him.
“Fuck yeah! Chop, let’s go wait in the car.”
The small dog trotted not too far behind Lamar’s long legs. Franklin wondered what force he disturbed that landed him in this position. He sighed, knowing that he wasn’t exactly a saint, so there wasn’t much to wonder at all. If this was his punishment then so be it. The car ride wasn’t too long, especially not after Franklin moving out of Strawberry to Vinewood Hills, making it easier for them to get there. Minimal traffic because of how early it was helped too. Lamar never dropped his grin, just happy to do his favorite thing with his favorite person. Who wouldn’t love watching the sunrise with their best friend? Especially seeing the way the sun lit his face up, a delicate smile on his face seeing an excellent sunrise and- Woah. Where’d that come from? Lamar figured it was just his excitement to see a particularly gorgeous sunrise, using that as an excuse for the feeling that sat in his gut. As soon as they pulled up to the spot, he bounced out of his seat, keeping the door open for Chop.
“We here homie!”
“Mhm.. so where the fuck’s the sunrise?”
“Patience Frank, patience.”
“But you jus’ fuckin’ bitched at me for the last half hour about how we was gon’ miss it! Fuck you mean patience?!”
“It’s coming! Don’t ruin a moment that’s gon’ be special, F.”
He grunted in Lamar’s direction, turning around to go play with Chop for the time being. The sunrise crept up, a ray of sunlight hitting Lamar in the eye. He blocked the light with his hand, hitting Franklin with his free one.
“Ay Frank, look!”
The sunrise that crawled up from the depths of the horizon shone in glimmers of gold and pretty shades of orange. Lamar smiled again.
“Man.. look at that. It’s beautiful ain’t it-“ He turned to face Franklin, who was caught in a trance. The sun hit his face just right, and he looked incredible. Like some sort of focused statue or whatever. It was alright to admire your homies like that, right? Nothin’ wrong with admiring a dude. Franklin turned back to answer him.
“Yeah, it sure is.. you good man?”
Lamar coughed slightly, shifting his weight onto one of his feet.
“Uh.. yeah man, just thought I saw a bug crawling on yo face or sum’. But damn, I’m glad we caught this.”
“Me too. But I’m still pissed you dragged me outta bed so fuckin’ early.”
“Man what’d I say? Don’t bitch while we havin’ a moment!”
Franklin only laughed and Lamar felt something in him stir. It was good to hear him laugh.
“So now what?”
“Well, if we leave now by the time we get back into the city some of them diners should be open for breakfast.”
“This early in the day?”
“Believe it or not Frank but the rest of society does their shit earlier than you. So ya, people eat this early.”
They went back to the car, with Chop riding shotgun this time. Franklin wanted to rest his eyes until they got to whatever food place Lamar was taking them to, earning a snarky comment from him. Lamar wanted to pick a decent place to eat and eventually settled on an old diner they went to as kids. He poked Franklin, reanimating him back to life.
“Look where we at dog.”
“Ohh shit, this that diner we used to go to after school everyday! It’s still in business?”
“Guess so man. Let’s go!”
“Wait! What about Chop?”
Shit. Right. Chop looked at the two men, tilting his head sadly.
“You wanna jus’ bring the food back to yo crib?”
“Eh fuck it. Why not.”
They decided on some basic breakfast food and brought it back to Franklin’s place. The big windows in his kitchen would illuminate the room well enough, and Lamar could value the view from there.
“So tell me Lamar, why’s it you only wanna go see the sunrise? You never mention watchin’ the sunset dog.”
“Ion really know myself homie. One day I just started gettin’ up early wit’ Chop to go walkin’ n shit.”
“Can we watch the sunset sometime then? I am tired of gettin’ up at the asscrack of dawn.”
“That’s cuz you ain’t get yo 9 hours dog.”
“Man, shut the fuck up. Who the hell gets 9 hours at our age? Bozo.”
“I’m just sayin’ maybe if you got some normal sleep for fuckin’ once you wouldn’t be such a GD grouch.”
“Whatever you say bro.”
The two finished their food in comfortable silence, with Franklin scolding Lamar at least once or twice for feeding Chop table scraps.
“So whatchu wanna do now?”
“We could always go catch a movie or sum’, maybe go see that Meltdown movie ya boy Mike was talkin’ ‘bout.”
“Yeah, I never did get the chance to go see it, with all the chaotic bullshit goin’ on.”
They left Chop at home after a long goodbye from Lamar, telling him that as soon as they got back that he would get all the treats in the world and all that other mushy shit. Franklin mocked the high-pitched voice he used to speak to Chop, earning a smack in the arm from Lamar.
They arrived for a matinee showing at the the theater closest to Franklin’s house, getting a bunch of complimentary snacks and some drinks. The movie was awful, but in a way that it was enjoyable to watch. A movie so bad it was good. Franklin kept leaning in to whisper to Lamar how corny the whole thing was, saying that it was definitely right up Michael’s alley. He ignored the closeness between him and his friend as best as he could, but he still shuffled in his seat awkwardly.
“Hey uh, Frank. I’mma go to the bathroom real quick, stretch my legs n shit.”
“Aight, see you in a minute homie.”
His walk to the bathroom felt stagnant, and when he got there all he could do was look at himself in the mirror. What the fuck was his problem right now?
“Get it the fuck together LD. It’s just Frank, it’s nothing weird. Chill out.” He spoke aloud to himself.
He splashed water in his face and walked back to the room showing Meltdown. The movie was almost over and Franklin didn’t make anymore comments. Lamar sighed inwardly, just wanting to get out of there already, despite the whole going-to-see-a-movie thing being his idea to begin with. He didn’t know why he was feeling the way he did right now, and he didn’t know how to make it go away. Franklin leaned over to whisper in his ear once more, sending a chill down Lamar’s spine.
“Dog, this movie sucks and it’s almost over anyway, you wanna just get out of here?”
“Uh.. yeah, yeah. Chop’s prolly missin’ us right now anyway.”
Lamar drove them back this time, driving a lot faster than he should’ve been.
“Woah, homie slow down! What’s the fuckin’ rush for?!”
“I jus’.. Ion know I’m not feelin’ too hot right now and I really jus’ wanna get back to yo place. Maybe lie down or sum’..”
“That ain’t gon’ happen if we get in a fuckin’ car wreck though!”
He slowed it down a bit hearing Franklin’s concerned tone, frustrated by that feeling again. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. They pulled up into Frank’s driveway, Lamar nearly knocking over his recycling can, earning another disgruntled comment from Franklin.
“You been actin’ so weird bro, what’s goin’ on?”
“I honestly don’t know. Maybe the food we had jus’ not sittin’ right wit’ me.”
“Well, like you said go lie down or sum’. You wanna sleep in my bed for now? I’ll go take care of Chop or-“
“Uh sure, aight. I’mma go.. do that.”
Franklin looked at him like he had two heads, lifting a brow up in suspicion.
“Aight then, holla at me when you feel somewhat better.”
Lamar basically ran down the stairs to Franklin’s room, closing the door tight behind him. He slid down the door, looking straight ahead. Why did he feel so- so weird right now? He had a pleasant day overall with his best friend, what could possibly be bothering him?? He tossed his head back, making a small thud sound against the door. Groaning out loud, he did a walkthrough of today. He drove to Franklin’s, wanting to see the sunrise. Nothing unusual, this was a common thing they did. The sunrise was pretty, and lit everything up wonderfully. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. Franklin wasn’t entirely a buzzkill when they made it there, if anything he looked tranquil, the sun making his brown eyes glow. Then what? They got food, which tasted just like how he remembered from when Frank and him were just teens. Went to a movie which they basically talked the whole way through, Franklin continuously whispering in his ear. His voice so low and close made him feel hot all over, but it was just because whispering was like that no matter who was doing it. So what the hell was his problem right now? He must not have noticed how long he was in there, because he heard a light tap at the door.
“Lamar? You good homie?”
He rushed to stand up, pretending like he just woke from a short nap.
“Uh, yeah dog, doin’ just fine. Think layin’ down helped.”
“Good. You want me to take you home or do you wanna stay here?”
Part of Lamar wanted to stay just to be around Franklin a little while longer. The other part of him wanted to run right out the door. He thought it over, and figured he might need time to himself. He didn’t think he had it in him to be around Franklin after such a strange day. At least, a strange day for him. Franklin was thankful for the fact they had one normal day to hangout without shenanigans on Lamar’s part… besides the way he had been acting up to now.
“I think I’mma jus’ head back.”
“Aight then.”
The car ride back was silent. Lamar felt like the air was suffocating him, like any minute he’d pass out. He shifted in his seat to look out the window, familiar streets coming up. He didn’t want to look at Franklin for some reason, turning away from him.
“Hey, we here.”
He sat up, getting ready to get out of the car, until Franklin grabbed his wrist. Lamar felt like he was burning him with the contact.
“Ay man, what the fuck’s your problem today?”
“I already told you, it was the food or sum’, chill out dog.”
He loosened his grip, looking unsatisfied with his answer.
“Man fine, but if you hidin’ somethin’ from me I wanna fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not, I promise you.”
“You better not be, you mysterious bitch. Remember, you dragged me out of bed to hangout today.”
He winced, feeling guilty somehow.
“Yeah F, I know.”
Lamar looked back at his house, not wanting to get caught in Franklin’s death stare.
“I’ll see ya later or sum’ Frank.”
“See ya homie.”
He turned back, watching Franklin drive away. Torn between a relieved mood, and a pang of loneliness. As he walked inside his house, he slammed the door in frustration. Franklin and him were on the same page- he didn’t know why he was acting the way he was. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he went to a last resort to get an idea of something. That stupid psychic shoutout website that was growing in popularity. At least it was free.
Hello. What brings you to Miss Marcy’s site?
fuck you think, lady. help me out here
What with?
some fuckin explanation for why i feel weird rn
Were you just with a friend?
uh yeah
kinda why i’m here to begin with
I see. How close are you to said friend?
well, he like a brother to me ig? idk
never thought 2 deeply abt it.
A family friend? Hmm… I’m seeing the letter F, or T.
damn, you kinda good. it’s f
Wait a minute, I’m getting another letter. L!
yeah! my name starts with l!
You wouldn’t happen to be… I see it now… Lamar?
woah, you really fuckin good lady.
Well, I know I’m a psychic, but I have a feeling I spoke to your friend already.
you did?
Since when did Franklin visit stupid sites like this? He felt a blush creeping onto his face, wondering if Franklin might’ve been in the same boat as him at some point.
Yes. I think I have the answer to your problem, Lamar
anything’ll help
Are you absolutely sure you want to hear it?
When I spoke to your friend, he didn’t seem too pleased with what I had to say.
c’mon lady don’t be a cocktease rn i need help
Well… okay.
You love him.
uh duh
he’s my best friend
why wouldn’t i?
No, I mean
You’re… *in* love with him.
His jaw went slack. He stared blankly at the screen. What?
the fuck?
uh no
ain’t no way.
I’m seeing a long time friendship. Lots of pining.
you ain’t seeing shit lady
u got it wrong
I knew you would say this - you can be mad at me all you want, but think it over
seriously, just think it over.
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself.
He tossed his phone across the room onto his worn down couch. That didn’t solve his problem. If anything, it just made it worse. Love? Franklin? Him? What the fuck was that bitch smoking? He threw his palms over his face, groaning. He didn’t wanna think about what the fuck she meant. Because there was no way in hell he was in love with Frank. He couldn’t be. That was his day one. His best friend. That would be wrong, right? He paced around his living room, mind racing too quick for his liking. That couldn’t be the explanation for today. No way. That’s just ridiculous. There’s no way… no way he-
Then he thought about it. Like, really thought about it. The gears in his head were running at full speed now.
“Oh shit.”
//end of pt 1!!!!! this is already long as is, and i think i’m gonna finish it in another part or so. apologies for any grammatical errors ofc 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
watch me
✖ previously: best behavior
✖ pairing: daichi sawamura x fem!reader
✖ rating: mature, read at your own risk
✖ synopsis: college frat boy daichi’s world is turned upside down when he learns his classmate is actually a very popular cam-girl.
a/n: this part is written out, i felt it would be best for the story line to have it written rather than in smau format. thanks for all the support and patience! 
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As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you let out a shaky sigh. You looked good, great actually. The costume fit perfectly. But that didn’t stop the anxiety from bubbling up inside you. It was just a party, what was the big deal? Well the big deal was Daichi was there waiting and making a fool of yourself was not a part of the night’s agenda.  
An unexpected knock was heard at the door. You hurried to open the door, only to be greeted by Kenma, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He was wearing a toga with a gold rope cinching at his hips. Peaking from his high tops were his favorite pair of neko-printed socks, so he wasn’t completely out of character.  
“C’mon, I don’t want to be seen in this while in the dorms.”  
You squealed and hugged your best friend.  
“You’re really coming?”
“No, I just put on this bed sheet on for fun.”  
You laughed and grabbed your things, stuffing them into a small backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. After locking the door behind you, you linked elbows with Kenma as he sighed.  
“At least one of us look good. I look like a deflated Michelin Man.”  
“Oh no you don’t,” Y/N answered with a giggle, trying your best not to sound like you were agreeing.  
You reached Kenma’s car, hopping in. You poked the Pokémon ball shaped air freshener and smiled. His car smelled like an orange dreamlike mixed with the scent of the leather seating.  
“Kuroo called me asking if I was coming and he sounded pretty out of it already.”  
You raised a brow and looked at the time on your phone screen.  
“It's not even 11 yet...”  
Kenma chuckled as he began to drive towards the frat house.  
“You know how Kuroo is. If he’s not doing a keg stand battle against Bokuto by the end of the night, it wasn’t a party.”  
The drive to the house was short, to your dismay. Seeing the house with students trickling in and out of it, laughing and drinking caused anxiety to surge through your body fiercely.  
“Hey,” Kenma spoke softly as he parked on the street. “It's going to be fine. You’ll have me with you.”  
A soft smile crept on your face at his surprisingly kind words. It wasn’t like Kenma to be so affectionate, but when he was, it was always with sweet words. You took another deep breath, nodded, and got out of the car, then walking alongside Kenma to the doors of the mansion-like home.  
A “bouncer” stood at the door, peering down at the two from under a bucket hat.  
“Aight, its $3 entry, ladies free if they show their-”  
“Knock it off Atsumu, they’re on the list.”  
Shoving the bouncer to the side, Kuroo greeted you, a red solo cup in hand and olive branch crown resting on his black hair, snug on his bangs.  
“Y/N! Kenma!”  
He enveloped you both in a hug, a wide smile on his face. His cheeks were red from the alcohol he had already consumed, causing the tips of his ears to appear almost pink.  
“Hey Kuroo!” You beamed at him.  
Your eyes darted around the crowded house. Colorful lights hung from the ceiling, fake ivy covered the walls, and the floor felt like it was vibrating from the music coming from the basement. You couldn’t help but smile softly at the nostalgic feeling. It had been a while since you had gone to a party. Cherry Baby occupied much of your time out of class and there was always a small fear that you would be found out. The fear caused your face to sour, but you quickly shook your head to rid your face of the expression.  
You followed behind Kenma and Kuroo, ducking and slipping behind many sweaty and drunk college students.  
“Well well well, who do we have here?”  
A smirking Terushima stood before you.  
“Teru!” You laughed and grinned. Another familiar face, even if he was a bit annoying. He simply shook his head before putting an olive branch crown on your head. He gave you a soft smile as you adjusted it shyly.
“It looks good on you. Now, I’m sure you’re not interested in talking to me, hm?”  
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as Terushima snickered. He always knew how to push your buttons.  
“He’s over there,” He pointed to Daichi, who was talking to a silver haired boy with small fake ivy leaves in his hair. Daichi looked almost too good in that make-shift toga. The fabric was draped over his shoulder loosely, and he had a piece of rope tied tightly around his waist. He had a similar crown on his head, the branches sitting in his soft brown hair. You eyed his muscles, which were decorated in faux gold tattoos that resembled branches.  
“Go say hello,” Terushima’s said, his low voice bringing you out of your daze.  
“What? He’s clearly talking to someone-”
“Thats just Sugawara, c’mon.”  
Terushima grabbed your arm, dragging you over to where Daichi and Sugawara stood.  
“Daich! Look who’s here!”  
Daichi turned to see you, an instant smile hitting his face.  
“Y/N! You made it!”  
You smiled up at Daichi, a sudden sense of shyness overwhelming you.  
Daichi didn’t seem to notice your nerves.  
“You just got here? Cool, let me get you a drink.”  
“Oh, I don’t really-”  
“Chill,” Terushima cut you off as Daichi stepped into the kitchen to pour you a drink. “Let him play host for the night.”  
You chuckled at his comment as Daichi walked back over, handing you a red solo cup filled with a dark punch and chunks of fruit.  
“Trust me, it's good, I didn’t let Kuroo or Bokuto near it while Oikawa and I made it.”  
You nodded and took a sip; the heavy taste of vodka being numbed by the strong punch. Your face scrunched up as you swallowed.  
“Whew,” you giggled, as Daichi watched you with a slight blush. Probably the alcohol.  
“I’m really glad you came,” he said before taking a swig out of his own cup. It seemed to be a large sip since he swallowed hard. “You look really good by the way.”  
You blinked at the unexpected compliment as heat rushed to your cheeks. You wanted to blame the alcohol for how Daichi was talking, but you had to be honest with yourself. Daichi was not the kind to drink excessively. So, he meant it.  
“Thank you,” you answered with a smile. Daichi gave off the energy of an excited little boy who was seeing a puppy for the first time. He was bobbing his leg with every word he spoke and biting his lip while listening intently to yours. It was like he was to afraid to reach out and touch your or even get close.  
“So, how do you think the test went-?”  
“Do you wanna dance?” Daichi cut you off. It would’ve seemed rude if it wasn’t for how eager his eyes seemed. There was no malice or ill intent behind them either.  
“Oh? Sure,” You smiled and turned to Terushima who was talking to a few girls. 
“Hm?” He hummed and looked over at you.  
“Can you watch my drink? And my stuff?”  
He sighed and looked over at Daichi who was practically pleading from behind you.  
“Yeah yeah, just give it here.”  
You quickly shoved your phone and drink in his hands and tossed him the backpack.  
“Thanks, Teru!” You sang, while turning back to Daichi.  
Daichi gave you a soft grin and extended his hand.  
“The dancing is in the basement and its pretty crowded...I don’t want to lose you.”  
You nodded slowly at his words. Out of context they seemed much more romantic than they truly were. You took his hand as he guided you toward the steep rickety staircase that led to the basement. He was right, it was incredibly crowded. You held his hand tight as you squeezed through the crowd. Students grinding and dancing, singing loudly and waving their hands in the air. It felt straight out of a movie. Daichi eventually led you to a less crowded area of the dance floor. The music was so loud, you could barely hear what he was saying, so you attempted to read his lips. You squinted under the blue and green strobing lights and watched his lips.  
“Are you okay?”  
You nodded and gave him a grin, followed by two thumbs up. He laughed and mirrored your action before beginning to jump lightly on his feet, which seemed to be his attempt at dancing. You giggled as he jumped and moved his arms to the music.  
“You need rhythm Daichi!”
It was clear shouting over the music wasn’t working, so you gently extended your hands to Daichi. He looked at them curiously before taking them in his, and you nodded with approval. You set his hands on your waist and turned around, so your back was against his chest. HIs large hands drifted against your skin as you turned, almost as if he was afraid to fully put the weight of his hands on you. You felt the vibrations of the music through the soles of your shoes and smiled as a new song came on. You slowly began to sway your hips to the beat, Daichi following suit. He didn’t seem to be catching your drift, so with a sudden surge of alcohol filled courage, you pressed your butt against his crotch and continued your swaying motion, essentially grinding against him. You looked back at him to see his reaction, to see if he was okay with this. But under the blue lighting, you couldn’t see the bright red that had covered Daichi’s face, but you could see his lips as they mouthed out the word fuck.  
Upstairs, Terushima was still plagued with holding your drink. He sighed, as the conversation from the previous girls had gotten boring, so he was standing beside Kuroo and Bokuto who were playing cup pong. Without thinking, Terushima absentmindedly took a sip from your cup.  
“Shit,” he mumbled realizing his mistake. He walked off and into the kitchen to pour you a new glass. He poured the rest of the juice down the drain, setting your phone and bag on the counter. As he tossed the cup in the already full garbage, a familiar ping!  was heard from your phone. Terushima, gripped by curiosity, grabbed your phone to look at the notification.  
@STEPONMECHERRY: day 120849283 of getting @thecherrybby to notice me  
Terushima’s eyes narrowed at the screen. Why would you know about Cherry Baby and why was this notification coming up as a tag? He leaned against the counter, the kitchen empty now that the basement had become the center of the party. Attempting to unlock your phone, he put in your birthday.  
Wrong password.  
He tried Kenma, Kuroo, and even his name.  
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.  
He sighed. He wasn’t as close with you to know your phone password. He furrowed his brows trying his last attempt.  
Terushima rolled his eyes, mumbling a ‘dumbass’ as he opened the Twitter app. There seemed to be no notifications when he went to the profile, which just appeared to be your private. He opened to view your other profiles, and lo and behold, there it was. Cherry Baby’s profile.  
He blinked, making sure he wasn’t blacked out and actually staring at Cherry Baby’s profile.  
Y/N was Cherry Baby, you were Cherry Baby. Terushima was presented with the truth. Rather than run right back to Bokuto and Kuroo to tell them his discovery, he set your phone down, poured your new drink, and walked back over to the pong table.  
“Hey! Why were you gone for so long?” Kuroo asked while Bokuto tossed the ping pong ball into a cup. He grinned as he watch a far too drunk Oikawa grab the cup.  
“Drink up buddy boy!”  
Oikawa grumbled as Iwazumi patted his back while chugging down the beer.  
“I was just getting Y/N a new drink,” Terushima said while turning to Kuroo. Kuroo nodded and smiled, waiting for Iwazumi to toss his ping pong ball. Terushima’s attention shifted as he saw you walk up the stairs, holding Daichi’s hand. Terushima’s eyes narrowed seeing what appeared to be a hickey on your collarbone. Not to mention the fact that Daichi’s olive branch crown seemed to be falling apart.  
You looked up at Daichi, finally able to see his red face. He was beaming, his fingers laced with yours. Nothing had really happened.  
Except for the fact that he kissed you. Kissed you and pushed you up against the cold cement wall of the basement and gave you a hickey.  
Truly nothing.  
But if it was nothing, why did it feel like your stomach was doing back flips?  
“Teru! Thanks for watching my stuff!” You smiled at him, grabbing your drink, phone and backpack.  
“No problem,” He mumbled, eyeing you up and down. It was hard to fathom that you were the one he looked forward to every Thursday. That you were the one he has such lewd thoughts about. That he had seen your body splayed out for a camera, convulsing and moaning. He couldn’t fathom that that was you. But there you were, sitting beside Daichi in the dark living room, chatting about who you thought would win the cup pong.  
But there was a different game on Terushima’s mind. Cat and mouse. And clearly, this mouse had been caught.
taglist [CLOSED]: @jr-j-j @thebatwrangler @johariameil @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsushimaa @moonlightinsanity @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @@hay-leeeah @bby-chloe1999 @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum @izuku-sakura @thegalxe @kiddiegore @xizimagines @lunabby010 @unknown-jpg @marigoldthoughts @himurayuumi6 @ihatemyselfbutthatsok @pensysto @boosyboo9206 @dekumiya @aristatrois @nekoma-hoe @paranoid-borderline-insane @issueswithhaikyuu @alltimeluw @cashmakozume @eroujo @taxkuu @whyamihere-bro @shoutosteakettle @alchemykitten @bigdickdaichi @hofortendou @skyguy-peach @8zmingi @kingkagss @tetsuswhore @ceo-of-daichi @emiawa @cloudykarasuno @ushiwakaismybae @btssintrash @konohasoftgf @axolotleyeliner @fangeekkk @denkisdurag​ 
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jangofctts · 4 years
Keida what do your boys think about aftercare habits?!? like snuggles/cuddles or clean up orrr 💘
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blanche: blanche likes to hug you to his chest and just run his fingers over your skin, memorizing everything from freckles to scars to birthmarks or stretchmarks. he won’t tell you he loves you (not yet at least) but you can feel the care and the love through the way he looks at you while he traces your skin. eventually he’ll get up and ask if you’d likeanything to eat/drink and maybe offer to clean up the mess he left between your legs (sometimes he offers with his tongue ;) gdjsbs) but anyway, he isnt always the best person to talk to afterwards just bc he knows he might cave and tell you how much he loves you, but he likes cuddles!
blue: he’s very open to anything you want!! like he’ll hold your hand and sweetly ask you what will make you feel cherished and loved afterwards. he cares so much about you, almost to the point where he forgets that he also needs aftercare so make sure you take care of him too!! even tho he do be a little skinny he wants you to fully lay on him or hug him tight with exactly 1000 blankets and pillows surrounding you both. he likes to be coMfy
jaws: jaws is an absoLUTE SLUT for snuggle time after sex, like after you get cleaned up he wants you in his arms iMMEDIATELY. like he’d literally glue himself to you if he could and so expect him to be cuddled very close, just running his hands over your bare skin or massaging out any sore muscles. jaws likes to talk about the future while he’s in your arms, or you in his--mostly about how when the war is over he wants to get married (hopefully to you) and have kids on some nice planet like Naboo. again, this baby is a hopeless romantic and just imagines the perfect fairytale ending ok?? 
sweets: he can get a little overwhelmed after sex, so he'd really appreciate it if you just spoon him/cradle him and play with his hair and whisper praise. honestly like he’d love to take a bath or hot shower with you but if that’s not possible then he’s ok with a warm washcloth. he’s a bit quiet after sex but he’s not shy about telling you he loves you!! he likes to cling to you and cuddle AND SO it would be the perfect time to watch a holodrama or some other holofilm!! he’s very open to whatever you wanna watch—esp the nature documentaries (but uh be aware that he might cry if his favorite baby animal gets eaten or smthn rhdjdn)
kami: he’s ALWAYS gonna make sure youre all good 100%. he knows he can be intense and so to lighten that load he cracks jokes and gets you to smile/laugh. super giggly cuddles and dumb jokes, sweet smooches and maybe a tickle fight shsksn. he’s a clown but he’s yOUR clown. he likes to snack afterwards too so he’ll sneak in snacks and drinks and he’ll put on a movie maybe rhjdbd. but if you just want to cudddle he’s cool with that too!! he’s the most talktive after sex and so he’ll like to chat about anything and everything like “would you rather” questions or like “is cereal a soup?” verY good at convos and will most certainly proclaim is undying love for you
fuse: terrible aftercare until you teach him rhdkdb like he’s the type of guy to just be like “aight. cool. bye thx for coming, close the door on the way out.” like it’s only bc he’s used to one night flings so he’s not used to cuddling or basking in the afterglow. bUT once he meets you he’s willing to hold you in his arms or his in yours. if you play with his hair he will absolutely MELT, and esp with that paired with gentle praise?? boy he might cry (he does sometimes)
bruiser: he knows he’s a big boy!! and is fuLLY willing to get you icepacks/bacta/heating pad whatever!! he doesnt mind if you want to just lay on his chest or have him tuck you into a nice spooning position dhdjdb. though he might fall asleep like this and will start to snore but dgsks he looks so adorable when he sleeps so no biggie. if he doesn’t fall asleep he does tend to get hungry so he’ll just pull out a bag of chips and start munchin and offer you some dhdjdn. he has a heart of gold and if you want him to do a particular thing for aftercare he’ll do it immediately!
void: no matter how tired he is after fuckin the absolute light out of you he always makes sure you’re alright afterwards. he’ll grab you some water or a warm washcloth, maybe massage out some of your sore muscles and would nOT mind if you returned the favor. he’s not really a talker afterwards but only bc he’s literally about to conk tf out. he’ll mumble that he loves you or will thank you, but no huge convos!! when he wakes up he’s more willing to chat and maybe share a snack with you, offer you some bacta if you dont wanna keep the hickies or fingertip bruises but i oFC you tell him you wanna keep em dhdkbd
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sincerelynamkook · 4 years
Hennessy (01)
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Latina Y/N x Jungkook
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Warnings: alcohol/drunken behavior (drink responsibly friends), mentions of smoking, sexual tension 
Word Count: 2.6k
Playlist: “Yo Perreo Sola” by Bad Bunny // “Frikitona” by Plan B // “Te Extrano” by Xtreme // “Imitadora” by Romeo Santos”
Series Masterlist
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“You ready?” I roll my eyes with a pout instead of verbally answering my best friend’s question. I’m still lowkey butthurt she not only forced me to get up from my umpteenth day in bed, but also forced me to get dressed and put on makeup. I’m barely into my 30th day of getting over a breakup, I had plans to dive deep into the pits of my depression and despair for another month or two. 
“Stop being a brat and get over it. It’s not like you were in love with the guy.” Britt sasses back.
“Maybe so. But I really gave that fucker 6 months of my life thinking he would eventually be the one only for him to go out and cheat on me...let me be depressed, damn bro.” 
“Dude, c'mon. Tony said this would be the party of the year and you know how Latinos love to throw a party.” She grabs my hand and drags me up the driveway to the front door. I could hear the loud blast of Merengue music all the way from where we parked down the street. Serves us right for being 2 hours late to this damn party. But we were running on Latino time. 
“Bitch did you forget I’m Latina?” I ask her. Of course I know what Latin parties are like. 
“Really? You sure ain’t acting like the bad bitch Latina I know you are.” 
“I-...whatever.” I mumble, not having a retort. 
She giggles and opens the front door, coming fact to face with Jimin who has the brightest smile on his face. “Finally bitches! I’ve been waiting for y’all for over an hour.” 
Music, laughter, singing, mixed with conversations from every direction bombard my ears. Jimin drags Britt and me to the back of the house, bee-lining straight to the kitchen counter that's covered in alcoholic beverages. He goes around to stand next to Tony who’s behind the counter, dressed in an all black fit, gold chain around his neck, nose pierced with a stud and a septum, and small black rectangular framed glasses perched on his nose. 
“What, you on your Bad Bunny phase or something?” I ask him as Jimin hands me a cranberry vodka, knowing it’s my favorite drink. 
With a smile, he sticks his tongue out and places his pinky fingers near his glasses doing the iconic Bad Bunny pose, “You already know babyyyy,” he says garnering a laugh from me. “I made sure to stock up on cranberry and vodka for you babe. Britt warned me so we on that ‘Bring Y/N back to life’ gang shit tonight.”
“Oh god,” I grimace. When Britt and Tony get together on their “missions” there is no hope for us. “Well you got food around here? I ain’t getting shitfaced on an empty stomach.”
“This ain’t the first time at the rodeo, Y/N.” Hoseok says as he appears behind Tony with a platter of appetizers on a plate for me. “We take care of our favorite girls around here, Y/N, c'mon now, especially when you're my girlfriend’s best friend” he winks at Britt and she giggles. Gross. 
“My hero.” I respond sarcastically, inspecting the chips and guac. With a raise of a brow I ask, “This better be some legit guac boys, not that store bought kind y’all got that one time at Costco.”
“Omg get over it! I didn’t realize it was expired!” Jin yells from behind me. He gives Britt a kiss on the cheek before pinching my arm. I stick my tongue out before giving him a genuine smile. “I wasn’t even the one who bought it. It was Jimin!” 
Jimin giggles, “Well that’s what y’all get for sending me grocery shopping when I’m hungover.”
“I was sick for days! I almost died!” I yell back. Not gona lie, this guac is hella good. “Dude, who made this guac. It’s legit, I’ll give you that.”
“I asked my sister to make some for us. She also made some tamales for you and Britt, you know she loves y'all more than me.” Tony says as he pours me another drink. Tears start to well in my eyes, food being the only thing that weakens my tough exterior. 
“Tony...tell your sister to divorce Jackson and marry me. I’ll treat her better!” I exclaim making the group laugh. 
“Y’all lets move this party to the den.” Hoseok says, grabbing Britt’s hand and leading us to the next room, away from the bigger crowd. 
We each take our usual seats. Being a tight knit group since our college days, we have our traditions, one being movie night at Tony’s every weekend, thus leading us to have our own unofficial assigned seats. 
The music can still be heard from the den, albeit not as loud as it was in the main rooms. 
“So we getting Y/N shitfaced tonight right?” Jimin asks with a smirk in my direction. 
“Hell yeah. I can’t believe you skipped out on movie nights this whole month.” Jin responds with a shake of his head. “I thought we were family.”
I roll my eyes at his dramatics. “Whatever. Y’all know how I get when I’m in my moods.”
Hoseok stands and comes around the couch to hug me from behind. “I know you’re not a hugger but accept this quick hug and let go of your sadness friend.”
 I giggle and hold back my witty remark, knowing his heart is in the right place. “Thanks Hobi. Give me a few more drinks and I’ll be begging for your hugs.”
He jumps at that and runs to the kitchen yelling, “You don’t have to tell me twice!!” Brittany gets up and follows him, muttering something about going to make sure he doesn’t get dragged into dancing. 
“But in all seriousness, Y/N, are you okay?” Jin asks next to me. 
“Not gona lie, I’m hurt because y’all know how I feel about cheating. But it is what it is right?” I exhale and gulp down my third cup of cranberry vodka. 
“You’ll be okay babe, c'mon lets go get more drinks.” Jimin takes my hands and drags me out the den, just as Yoongi and Joonie were walking into the den. 
“Hey fuckers. I brought the Henny!” Yoongi announces with a smirk. At the sound of Henny I turn around and walk back into the den, grabbing the Hennessy bottle from Yoongi’s grasp and opening it to pour myself some shots. 
“Oh so that’s what we doing huh?” He smirks and I just wink at him raising my shot glass at him. 
“The night is young my friend.” I say as I raise up my second shot in a toast. Joon takes the bottle from me and pours me another one, clinking his own glass with mine. 
“Let’s get this bread!” he says to which I grimace and retort back, “Grandpa, don’t ever say that again.” He chuckles with a roll of his eyes and downs his shot. 
The heat from the alcohol going down my throat and coursing throughout my body has me removing my jacket. Jin whistles saying “aight mami, you sure you're getting over a break up?”
Giggling, I look over at him to see him checking me out. I’m donned in black ripped skinny jeans, black platform Jadon docs, and a green satin tank top; meaning my tattoo covered arm is out on display. “Boy please, be quiet before you get me in trouble with Tree. Where is she anyway?”
“She had to work tonight. She’s gonna come after her shift which should be soon.” He says checking the time on his phone. 
Another shot is placed in my hand by Jimin, “bottoms up bitch!”
I down my shot just as I hear the sounds of “Yo Perreo Sola” by Bad Bunny start to play. “Oh shit! This my song!!!” I yell, clearly feeling the effect of the alcohol contents fueling my body. I grab Jimin’s hand and drag him over to the crowd dancing in the large living room. 
Jimin positions himself behind me, holding my waist as we start to dance to the song. We grind up on each other, perreando like the song describes, screaming the chorus together with the crowd. I turn around to face him and push him backwards, ready to perrear sola. The other girls around me start to hype me up and start to grind against me. We put on quite the show but the crowd goes even wilder when the song switches to “Frikitona” by Plan B. Jin dances up next to me with Tree on his arm and hands me two more shots, “double fist time babyyy” he yells over the crowd. I take the shots all the while I’m dancing, I don’t even notice when the two empty glasses are replaced with new full ones by Jimin, knowing it's him with the pink hair on his head, but I down those two. I vaguely notice Hoseok and Brittany dancing not too far from me, practically making love on the dance floor. Wouldn’t surprise me if they disappeared upstairs real soon. The reggaetón bops keep going and Jimin and I keep dancing amidst the crowd. Whoever picked this mix deserves a reward because it got all the throwbacks. I smile big when I hear Don Omar’s “Dile.”
I’m sweating, pushing my hair back from my face every few seconds, regretting not bringing a scrunchie with me to put it in a bun. The reggaetón mix fades off into a bachata mix with “Te Extrano” by Xtreme being the first song to play. Not wanting to go back into my feels, I decide to take this time to grab water and sober a bit. Now that I’ve stopped dancing I realize just how drunk I really am. I lean against the counter and grab a cool water bottle from the cooler, snickering when I see Yoongi making out with some girl across the kitchen. 
The bachata mix turns sensual, as “Sobredosis” by Romeo Santos starts to play. I sway softly in my spot against the counter, singing along to the song as I try hard to sober up. 
I hear Tony yell a “Look who finally made it” and the crowd starts to shout their greetings at whoever just walked in. I turn around to see what the commotion is all about and see Jungkook walking in holding two bottles of Hennessy, one in each hand.
“What the fuck” I whisper softly, but not soft enough when I hear Taehyung reply, “yeah, he’s back.”
“Whoa when did you get here TaeTae? And when you say ‘he’s back’ you mean cause of summer break right?” I ask without turning back around to look at him, my attention at one man and one man only. 
“I got here a while ago with Janet, we were outside smoking though.” Ahh that makes sense. “And no, he’s back for good. He graduated last week.” He says with a smirk in my direction. 
My eyes go wide, muttering a soft, “fuck.” I turn around to face the kitchen, hands in my hair in exasperation. How did he graduate already? He’s like three years younger than me! I close my eyes and focus on doing the math only to realize that he in fact was graduating college this year. Shit. 
Tae pats my back, “what’s got your panties in a twist love? It’s not like you fucked the guy on his 21st birthday and never spoke to him again even though he’s one of your best friend’s, Yoongi’s to be exact, younger brother.”
I open my eyes and face Tae. He yells an exaggerated ‘OW!” when I twist his nipple. 
“Kim Taehyung what the fuck?! I told you never to mention that again.” I exhale and make the decision to continue my “getting shitfaced” mission. Pouring a line of shots, I start to take them one after the other until Tae decides to take the last 3 himself earning a “fuck you” from me. 
I lean against the counter, facing the living room only to see Jungkook walking towards me. I roll my eyes at him when I see his smirk directed at me. He walks up next to me and opens the bottle of Hennessy, not saying a word. Taehyung chuckles and leaves with a “have fun lovebirds.” Jungkook pours two shots and hands me one. But he doesn’t just give it to me like any decent person would, no way, he has the audacity to bring the shot glass to my lips , softly nudging my lips open with it to make me drink. Not one to back down from a challenge, I hold his hand holding the shot glass against me and throw my head back to down it. His big brown eyes, those that were so full of innocence, are now full of lust and focused on my lips. I don’t miss the way they subtly move down to look at my neck when I swallow the alcohol, or the way his hand still near my lips slightly twitches when my tongue flicks out to lick my bottom lip, making sure I take every drop of alcohol he gave me. 
He leans closer to me, his scent which now surrounds me making me even drunker. My hands go up to his chest instinctively, as if I had the willpower to actually shove him away. I could feel his heart beating faster against my hands, his pecks feeling tight...woah when did that happen? 
I feel, rather than see, his face lean closer to my ear where he softly whispers, “wana show me what else you can swallow?” His deep melodic voice has me closing my eyes and gulping in a millisecond, feeling a rush of wetness pool at my core.  
I open my eyes, reminding myself who I’m talking to and laugh the nerves away. I shove him back, needing some room to breathe and he chuckles at my antics. 
The playlist starts to play “Imitadora” by Romeo Santos and I can feel a change in the atmosphere. Jungkook takes a step closer to me, arm going around me to softly push me against him. He leans close to my ear again to whisper “dance with me” but I’m too high off his scent and to the beat of his heart that’s vibrating against where my hands rest on his chest to answer. He takes it as a yes and walks us backwards to the center of the makeshift dance floor. 
I bring myself back to the present and raise an eyebrow at him, “You sure you can keep up Korean boy?” I feel his chest softly vibrate from his chuckle.
“I have a few tricks up my sleeve preciosa” he answers with a smirk as he twirls me around. I swoon at his honey like voice calling me “preciosa,” with the subtle hint of his accent. But I feel my pussy clench when he dances bachata like a Latin born man. 
My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest when he starts singing the chorus of the song in perfect Spanish close to my ear. Hitting every note like if he was Romeo Santos. 
He must've heard my swift intake of breath by the way he smiles. A smile I feel on my neck as he leans even closer to me to drop a kiss at my nape, sealing it with a lick. 
The song comes to an end, quickly transitioning to a more up tempo bachata song. Jungkook drops another kiss on my neck and whispers “wana see what other tricks I got?”
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char-lotteral · 3 years
SS fandom went mad because NH got The Last movie, and just went on to attack NH fandom and act superior. Then SS calmed down with the news of the Gaiden featuring their ship. Then went mad again after the Gaiden finished because it didn't picture their ship like they wanted it to be, attacking other ships especially NH for no good reason. If you were there in 2014/2015 you would have seen how toxic SS fandom was towards others it's crazy.
O-O okay wow. I dont want to seem biased with my fandom and I also do not intend on starting ship wars but damn if im being honest, even on twitter you can tell how rabid some of their fans are. These are all my personal experiences and observations so please dont take it seriously :[] I also really wanna share this type of behavior and say that this isnt healthy AT ALL nor is it funny or whatever the fuck some fans intend it to be. No one should go through these lengths for a bunch of pixels.
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Say one wrong thing about their ship, you'll most likely get death threats on your cc. A mutual of mine interacted with this big ss account (negative interaction yaddayadda), they stalked her account and got sent death threats. ALSO there was this one time trinity (bkgsbby) held this sort of narutwt confession thingy where you get to post anonymous confessions and it gets posted on her account. There were a ton of negativeity towards SS (also NH) and they were LOSING IT. This one acc fucking ATTACKED TRINITY and called her out for "being biased and only picking the bad stuff for ss boohoo" when none of those confessions were even trinity's😩 Its like youre BANNED from saying anything negative against SS or else they'll come for you. Like really come for you.
Idk but from what ive noticed, they also have this need to compare The Last and Sauce Retsuden, they downplay NH with the same argument "they only fell in love because of genjutsu! Forced ship! Shitty development!" Lol okay, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Not gonna lie, not one single canon ship in Naruto was developed properly (maybe shikatema but you already knew that) but SS and NH fans calling each other underdeveloped ships will always be COMEDIC GOLD.
For some fucking reason it is illegal to ship sasuhina and or sasunaru over there. Not kidding. Say anything about Sasuke being gay and they'll come for your head. "Sasuke was intimate with Sakura!! Sasuke isn't gay!!!! 😡😡😡" "Sasuke never interacted with Hinata!!! How dare you ship Sasuke with another woman that isnt Sakura😡😡😡😡" Now im not saying this behavior only applies to their fandom, but it's pretty rampant over there. I dont want to seem passive aggressive.
I shit you not, my mutual and I were making these fun little headcanons of Sasuhina and they started popping out of nowhere. They were pissed lmao. "Sasuke doesnt even know Hinata's name wtf"
No but whats WORSE, is when this sh artist on twitter was having this ship discourse sh vs ss and they just started calling her art "ugly" and "that it gave off deviantartvibes" and that sasuhina artist was untalented blahbah. Like say whatever the fuck you wanna say about the ficitional characters but attacking real people REAL PEOPLE all because they said something bad about your favorite drawing is low as fuck. Whatever fandom youre from be it ss nh ns sh sns, god knows how many fucking fandoms there are in Naruto, never NEVER attack artists for their art or talent because wtf
They also have this sort of pact with the NS stans just so they could shit on NH, the exact same people who call naruto "an ugly blond orphan" or "third wheel" for their SS ship lmao aight. They'll say anything just to downplay NH for god knows what reason. "Naruino and Narugaa had more chemistry than Naruhina!" "Naruhina had a forced marriage ahAhAha!!" "Sasuke Retsuden>>>>>>>> The Last". Trust me, no one GIVES A FUCK.
If im being honest, theyre one of the main reasons why I hate narutwt so much. They take SS to the heart, they start ganging up and attack any person on sight who shits on their ship with death threats and other harrassments. Its so unhealthy and toxic that they ruin everything for the other fans. Dont do this please. Whatever fandom you come from dont follow this type of behavior. Its perfectly fine to be passionate about something but always draw the line between an obsession and pure enjoyment. Honey, take a break from your phone for a while. Sasuke and Sakura arent real. Theyre not going to pop out of the screen and thank you.
Now i believe there are bad apples in every fandom but from what ive observed in my twt acc (biggest mistake of my life was making one in the first place) their fandom has the most noticeable negativity and toxicity on twitter. Its like when you see these two emojis together 🍅🌸 your first instinct would be to run and you'll be getting war flashbacks or something.
This is on twitter. I dont know any ss stan outside of twitter, im not generalizing the fandom
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