#aight assignment done we are so back
coalitiongirl · 4 months
Regina lets out a little puff of laughter, then looks annoyed again. “No sense of self-preservation,” she says, frowning. “How am I going to get you to activate all that magic if you can’t even do it to save your life?” She considers for a moment. Then her eyes light up with an idea. It’s a little frightening. “It’s not your imminent death that gets you moving,” she says slowly. “It’s saving people.” And without hesitation, she throws herself off the side of the ravine. Emma lets out a cry, panic flooding her as she rushes to the edge. Regina drops peacefully, as though she’s already resigned to her fate. Emma has to do something, she has to help, she has to– She is in the air before she can think about it, but she hasn’t thrown herself off a cliff. No, she’s floating a few feet below Regina, magic warming her entire body as she throws out her hands. Regina lands in her arms, cradled against her, and Emma jolts from the force of the catch. Slowly, she tells herself, and they descend to the bottom of the ravine, Emma flushed with the effort of controlling her magic. “There we go,” Regina says softly, her eyes on Emma. Emma stares back at her, their gazes locked, flushed with magic and victory. Her whole body feels like it’s humming, like she has been given an infusion of energy that makes everything feel so alive. “Do you feel it?” Emma breathes. She thinks that she could probably summon one of Regina’s fireballs right now with just a thought, that she could move worlds with a blink. But she doesn’t, because Regina is still in her arms. She feels so small like this, not a legendary evil queen but only a woman, soft and warm. “Yeah,” she says, trembling with the force of the magic. “Yeah, I feel it.”
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qin-ling · 1 year
aight, time to whip out a wip so i can finish it
for context: this is the one in which slider starts flirting with mav to make ice jealous in the hopes that ice’ll finally do something about his dumb crush. absolutely 100% not to be taken seriously
Slider has always wanted to be a fighter pilot.
And sure, maybe he switched tracks back in Pensacola, and maybe it hadn’t been entirely out of his own volition. But it’s not all bad, ‘cause in the end he got assigned to the Iceman, and when all’s said and done it’s probably the closest Slider’ll ever come to fulfilling that childhood dream of his.
Shit’s fucking fantastic, actually. Ice flies like no one else, his hands steady as granite and his focus as unerring as the horizon. You’re never really safe at FL two-niner-zero in a metal death machine, but Ice makes you feel safe, the way he’s unhesitating, calm, always communicating. He’s a born leader, a king on a throne, and he knows it, and everyone around them knows it, too, and up there in the air with him, Slider gets a slice of the glory.
So yeah, shit’s great. Life’s good. Folks like Goose can jab all they want; Slider’s making the best of what life’s thrown at him.
This, though. This is some black magic fuckery.
“Better chop chop, Kazansky,” says the black magic fuckery, his smug little face contorted in a sneer. “Keep waiting around in the air like that and you’re gonna get real cozy with second place.”
“Mav,” says Goose, but Ice grins, wolfish, and snaps his gum in Maverick’s face.
“Gee. Wouldn’t want that, would I.”
“Sure wouldn’t,” says Maverick, eyes curved and glinting beneath the harsh overhead lights, and Slider wants to punch his stupid crooked teeth in. He might’ve, too, but Goose gets in there just in time with an exasperated sigh. He slaps a hand on Maverick’s shoulder and steers him out of the lockers.
Ice watches them go for a single, calculated second, and Slider knows it’s calculated ‘cause it’s the fifth time in as many days that he catches Ice peek at Maverick’s ass on Maverick’s way out. Jesus fucking Christ. Slider hopes Maverick sits on some wet paint later.
Then Hollywood bounds into the aisle, flimsy standard-issue towel dangerously close to slipping off and baring everything, hair wet and scraggly. “Alright, Ice, my dude,” he says, propping his hands on his hips, and Ice glances at him with just the proper amount of polite attention before he turns back to his locker. “You gotta leave some points for the rest of us. At least make it look like a competition. My pride’s on the line, here.”
Slider snorts. “Not his fault you suck.”
“Hey, yo, not cool.”
“Besides, it is a competition,” says Wolfman, appearing from behind Hollywood. He hits the latch on his locker and it opens with a deafening clang. “Just not between you two. What we really need is popcorn, what with the show going on between you and Mav.”
Slider catches Ice pause in his periphery. It’s quick, barely noticeable, just like the way he’d tracked Maverick’s ass in his way-too-tight khakis. Then he resumes unzipping his flight suit, cool as a cucumber.
“And a betting pool,” says Hollywood. “Bet you my ass Viper and Jester are running one.”
“No one wants your ass, Wood,” says Slider.
Wolfman whistles. Hollywood rolls his eyes. “Wow, Slider,” he says. “Woke up this morning and chose violence, huh?”
Slider pats him on the shoulder. “Every day. Now put on some goddamn pants.”
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lvieee · 1 year
late night things | 沈泉锐
pairing : collegestudentricky! x reader
genre : fluff
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it was alredy 8.30 pm, you were about to chill in bed after doing assignments for the past 2 hours when you got a notification.
quanrui 🤍 : darlingg i sent you something, the app says that it has already arrived can you check?
you blushed at the nickname, everything this guy does can quite literally make you go crazy. you then quickly replied to his message
you : ricky?? it’s the third time this month
ricky loves sending you things randomly. it has always been like that ever since you two started doing long distance. not that you didn’t like him sending or buying you things, you just don’t want him to spend too much money on you. you then went out of your room to look at what he’d sent. you opened your front door and saw him standing there with his luggage and a bag of snacks. “missed me?” he said with a big smile on his face.
it has been 6 months since you had seen him because he now lives in another country for college. he opened his arms pulling you into an embrace. “gosh i’ve missed you” you hugged him back. you then welcomed him in “why didn’t you tell me that you were gonna come?” you asked while closing the door. “i wanted it to be a surpise silly.” he replied while taking off his shoes “have you eaten dinner?” you asked him “no..” he answered with an akward smile.
you then got an idea then told him to put his things in the room and wait for you while you change. he was confused but he decided to just go with it.
you were done changing now. you got out of your room. “were going out” you said while grabbing your wallet and keys. “aight let’s go” you say excitedly.
the night sky was aglow with bright city lights. this wasn’t what you’ve planned on doing earlier. but here you are walking hand in hand with your boyfriend. you didn’t expect him to visit you all of a sudden but nonetheless you were happy.
after about 20 minutes of walking you two reached your destination. this used to be the place where you two would hang out after school when you were still in highschool. “ooh i miss this place i wonder if they still have the wraps we used to get” he said feeling a wave of deja vu.
you two then walked around the stalls and ordered whatever you two wanted. now that all the food’s ready, you two then started eating “how’s it like there?” you asked before stuffing your mouth with the wrap you ordered. he took a bite out of the wrap “ah hot hot” he said while trying to chew without burning his tounge too much. he paused before answering cause there’s still food in his mouth. “it’s ok i guess, not much going on there honestly.” he replied while trying to blow on the food. you giggled at the sight. how could someone look so cold on the outside but is actually a big cutiepie. “oh yeah, how did the test go?” he asked you “still waiting for results” you replied.
you two then stayed silent while eating your food. when he reached his hand to your face and wiped the sauce on the corner of your mouth. “你脸红了”<you’re blushing> he said. you understood what he meant, he’s said it before. “no im not” you say while hiding your face. he then laughed.
he finished his wrap before you, then he pulled a polaroid camera out of his bag “babe smilee” . you were surprised but then posed. the polaroid came out he smiled at the pic, “hey show me it i wanna see” you say while trying to reach for the polaroid. he held it further away from you so couldn’t reach. you gave up but he then showed you the pic. “see you look like a 12 yo” he said teasing you.
you two were talking when you saw a notification come up from ricky’s phone. but that wasn’t what caught your attention. it was his background. a pic of you two when he surprised you on your birthday last year.“heyy why didn’t you send me that photo” you asked.
you then finished your food and the two of you got up to leave. now wandering around the streets at night talking, laughing, and holding hands just being happy with each other’s presence. you couldn’t ask for anything better.
note : ricky speaking chinese?? 😵‍💫
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eijirousbestie · 2 years
AHH THANK YOU SM hearing someone thought abt my story in their day to day life is actually insane so thank you for reading!! Love to see a fellow art major around here🤝🏽I hope this story is to your liking i tried my best😭<33
“Can I draw you?”
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this is kinda long (I got too into it lol)
pulling at the heartstrings a bit here
he’s a willing participant???
unorganized dishes
golden hour
* * *
Being an art student had its perks. For one thing you didn’t have “real” homework like other classes and you could spend majority of your time creating something new. In other cases, being an art student was dreadful, and today proved that to be true.
Walking into class and setting your bag down, you sit at your easel and scroll on your phone as your professor waits for other students to trickle in before he takes attendance. The sound of a chair scooting can be heard as your professor makes his presence known and calls role. He finishes and places his clipboard down, clapping his hands together with enthusiasm.
“Good morning guys! First things first, I just wanted to say you all did a great job at critique this past Tuesday. I was very impressed with the outcome of all your pieces. Now for those of you who have checked the class schedule, you’ll know we have our Portrait 1 assignment due at the end of next week. I’ll give further instructions and we’ll go ahead and get started on those today.” He grabs a stack of papers, assuming to be said detailed instructions for your next assignment. As soon as he hands you a copy, you skim through the premise of what you’re going to be doing.
Portrait 1 Assignment
1. Pick a subject you will be referencing to for your portrait. (No you cannot use a reference online. It has to be someone you can poke).
2. Arrange a time outside of class to meet with your subject to begin your sketch.
3. Pick a feature of your subject to enhance in your final drawing. You can add color, darken line weight or distort the feature you chose, but the rest of the portrait should be in the style of a sketch.
This drawing should be done on an 18x24 sheet of paper from your sketchbook and no smaller.
You internally cringe at the thought of having to snatch someone from campus to sit with you for hours just so you can draw them. You instantly begin to think of people you know who you can draw. You take your phone out and begin typing up a message to a friend of yours, asking when they’re free. Much to your dismay, they inform you that they have work directly after class all this week and won’t be able to help. You understand, but now you’ve got yourself stuck and you absolutely refuse to ask a stranger. For the remainder of the period, all you can do is mindlessly write a list of names and the pros and cons of their potential availability.
* * *
Sitting in the living room after getting back to the dorms, you rest after having no success trying to recruit anyone to be your reference. The dorms are practically empty as everyone is out doing something. Working, training, shopping. Everything you don’t do. Essentially losing hope for the day, you resort to lounging on the couch. Cozy pajamas nearly lulling you to sleep. However before you can slip into the best nap of your life, clanging from the kitchen startles you awake. Whispered curses soon follow, ultimately giving away who caused the noise. Getting up from your oh so comfy spot, you make your way to the kitchen to investigate. Peeking a head in the doorway, you see a rather frazzled Bakugou picking up pots and pans that had fallen to the floor.
Looking at his bent form, you speak up. “You aight?” He picks up the last pot and places it on the counter before responding, fully facing you.
“I’m good. My bad if I woke you.” You give a shrug and lean your hip on the doorframe, arms crossed over your chest.
“Nah you’re fine. Wasn’t fully knocked out anyway. What were you doing in here?”
“Reorganizing. For whatever reason, idiots around here can’t understand that stacking dishes causes shit to fall. Just proved my point too.” His eyes fall on the various pans on the counter he was in the process of arranging. You give a chuckle and move to help put them away.
“Say it louder for the people in the back.”
“Yeah well apparently they ‘don’t respond well to yelling.’ Whatever the fuck that means.” He nags as you both place each dish in their respective places.
“Gotta give em a glare or side eye to get the message across,” you joke.
“Shit only goes so far. But if looks could kill everybody here would be on their deathbed.”
“Jesus man, gruesome much?” You let out a heartier chuckle, actually entertained by his empty threats.
“S’called being self-aware.” He leans against the now empty counter and folds his arms across his chest. A silly thought crosses your mind. A glimpse of hope even. You decide to pursue it.
“Speaking of looks,” you start off tentatively, “I could really use yours if you’ll let me.”
He gives you a half-curious look, left eyebrow slightly raised as he side eyes you. “The hell’s that mean?”
You’re not sure whether it’s the desperation talking or the fact that you’re half asleep, but you immediately hit him with your dilemma.
“Well… can I draw you?” It seems like minutes that go by before he responds with a sharp click of his tongue.
“Lay off the drugs huh? Shit’s got you talkin outta your ass.”
“Bakugou please! I need a reference for an assignment and I’d really appreciate if you’d let me draw you. It won’t take long I swear I’m fast!” Your hands are clasped together as you ask for his cooperation.
“The hell’d you wanna draw me for? Plenty other people you could ask.”
You don’t have it in your heart to mention nobody else was available to help you. It’d be like blatantly telling him he was the last option and you don’t want to potentially upset him by saying that. It’s not necessarily true either, you just didn’t think he would be up for it in the first place so you didn’t want to bother him. He was your saving grace really, never the last option.
“Well you’ve got great eyes. And perfect eyebrows too. So it’s kinda hard not to want to draw you. But seriously, if you’ll let me, I’ll do my very best to capture the best parts of you. Please?” If you hadn’t known any better, you could’ve sworn you saw his hands clutch the counter in a death grip. He’s quiet for a moment. Two moments. Then he shakes his head in disbelief and his eyes sweep to look at anything else but you.
“Fine. Just don’t make me look like shit got me?” A light look of embarrassment covers his face. It’s endearing.
“I promise.” You smile a wide grin, relief relaxing your shoulders. “You mind if we get started tonight? I’m kinda behind as it is.”
He gives a nod and a hum in response. You tell him to stay put as you grab your sketchbook. He takes a seat on the couch and watches the slow sunset. It’s golden hour and the living room is filled with warm oranges and yellows as the sun is close to calling it a day. You come back, supplies in hand and before you can put your things down, you catch Bakugou as he gazes out of the window, the setting sun casting onto his face. With his hand propped under his chin, he looks ethereal. His red eyes now a vermilion as the rays reflect on them. It highlights his jawline, casting shadows that make the edges prominent. His hair aglow in the light, tufts of blonde now appearing marigold. You don’t realize how silly you must look staring at him until his eyes flicker to your frozen form. His gravelly voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Got your stuff?” He doesn’t move from his spot as he asks. You gather your bearings and nod.
“Yeah uh I got everything I need. We can start now if you’re ready?” You walk over to the couch where he sits, setting up your easel right in front of him.
“Mmh go ahead. Is there a certain way you wanna do this or?”
“No no what you’re doing now is fine. It’s actually better if you’re comfortable. We might be here a while, but let me know when you need a break.” He gives a nod of approval and you’re off, hands sketching and eyes darting back and forth between easel and subject. Soft scratching noises from graphite on paper filled the silence. By this point you were detailing the features of his hand holding up his face. Neat nail beds and cleanly trimmed. Bruised and scarred knuckles from countless hours of training. A strong neck that connected to an even stronger jaw, probably chiseled by the gods themselves.
You’d be lying to yourself if you thought drawing him would be a chore. It was actually enjoyable. There was no need for trivial conversation. Just you sitting there, drawing him as he let you. Him trusting you to capture his very being with only a pencil. It was a beautiful experience and you couldn’t be more grateful that you both were a part of it.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 7 months
y'all getting a whole ass series of these at this point
Aight it's been a LONG WHILE since Ben has been mentioned in TPP, so when I tell you I REALLY wasn't expecting this one :')
(yes I am relating this line to Nureyev bc everything is plot foil plot foil plot foil)
When Nureyev (Glass) finds out about Juno's brother being dead, he eventually apologizes in a moment of calm for asking about Juno's past. In which Juno offers up information that their mother, in fact, killed Ben... and this is what he says about that info:
Nureyev (Glass): "I'm... so sorry, Juno."
Juno: "I'm not telling you so you'll be sorry. I'm telling you that, so you won't ask me anymore goddamn questions about it. Just— drop it, alright? It's done. It's over."
Nureyev (Glass): "...of course! If that's what you'd like."
Having this mirrored with the s5 phrase of them ending their relationship together (yeah y'all know the one)
Nureyev: "I do not want to see you anymore, Juno."
Juno: "...what?!"
Nureyev: "You said it would just take those words to excise you from my life entirely, didn't you? Well, I've said them. I have no interest in seeing you any longer. None. I am done. We are finished. Do you understand me?"
Juno: "...yeah, I— get you... So, I guess I'll just go now."
Just something about how finale these two moments are in which both Nureyev and Juno are pushing back this great loss as if it isn't destroying them inside, just once again them acting SO SIMILARLY without realizing. And also how both immediately agree to the other's terms. Even if Juno is aching to process Ben's death, even if Nureyev is aching to keep Juno by his side. They both back off from the other.
In fact, it isn't until Nureyev backtracks when Juno tries to leave that Juno starts to question how much Nureyev really meant it. Juno assigned the conditions, yes, but he does know Nureyev. Enough to know that he'd played this game before, especially in protection of someone.
And whether it be with Ben and the mental fuckup of whatever the heck s2's The Monster's Reflection or with Nureyev and his fear of being understood/loved, Juno knows that sometimes, your business with someone just isn't over yet.
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kinn/porsche fic rec
Fake Dating AU
Tell Me That You Love Me (even if it’s fake) by @whitewalkers [luuuuuv me a fandom as ripe with fake dating trope as kp, it never quite loses it’s charm innit. kinn has a high school reunion to attend, and of course why not use it as a ploy to sway his most annoying bodyguard into confessing his nascent feelings... well-done, tis a rec]
Vigilante/Special Agent AU
Deep Like a Coastal Shelf by @Lilla_Torg [aight so this is an author with the very distinguished storytelling pattern, that i can not help but appreciate, their world-building and characterization is usually top notch, and this particular babie is not an exception: porsche and chay were brought up by someone from the syndicate that targets organized crime, and now that people, who used to call themselves their parents, are gone, Porsche is left with the ominous List, and a black leather vigilante suit, to keep their legacy alive. korn and gun are dead, Main and Minor fams are combined, tankhun has taken over as the Leader. kinn handles their overseas ops. amazing quality of storytelling, as always. DNI if you can’t handle pairings other than kp, as this is a multi-pairing piece, as it is customary for this author. but again, the story is so good, i didn’t even skip kimchay/vegaspete bits, which is a feat on it’s own. max kudosssssss]
the house don’t fall (when the bones are good) by @bytheriveriwept [i often say that i luved some works, but there are works i luved, and then there are works i LUVVEEEEEEDDDDDDDD with my whole-ass heart, this bit of genius masterpiece is the case of the latter. kp are special agents, colleagues, parts of the same organization, cohesive unit, and all that. only until porsche decides to take on risqué assignment, and go undercover. will they still be them, when he is back....? what can i say, this was sooooooooo up my alley in so many ways, i don’t even wanna say no more, if you haven’t read this.... what the hell is you even doing]
Third person POV
First Impressions by @AirgiodSLV [oooohhhhh how i luv me some piece of delicious 3rd person pov, yummmmm, Bank is a new hire for the Major fam, and this is the first time he is present at the meeting between the families.... yumm👌]
Alternative Meeting AU
stumbling to the edge by @FireRisingOverTheHills [absolutely delightful and underrated series for those who is not looking for heavy feels: it is light-hearted, sweet, well-written and entertaining, all without being angsty or plot-twist-heavy. despite the alternative meeting, it is still pretty much in-universe compliant. kp meet at a bar under different circumstances, but end up pretty much in the same compromising position that we all love to see them in. much kudos🙏]
the less i know the better by @mslunita [yummmmm, delicious morsel of tinder hookup-turned-softness, i really enjoyed this one: kp initially meet on the apps, and yet, being themselves, immediately turn this motha all soppy and lovey-dovey, - extremely canon-complaint, if you ask me. exactly the kinda content i am here for🙏 super-well done]
For Want of Fighting by @Mara [this fandom sure does luuuuuuv it some alternative meetings aus, huh, and i ain’t about to complain. great short piece, Businessman AU, first meeting is not too drastically different to canon, but the context does slightly differ. very entertaining and def a rec]
Sports AU
Salt by @ronadnhermy [oh. my. god. what a fucking catch, luv luv luved ittttttt, so well-written, so entertaining, there is plot, there is emotional turmoil, morally dubious kinn, maybe the younger versions of them is not exactly my jam, but with such quality, who cares... porsche is like 18-19 and on the Thailand National Taekwondo team, kinn is in uni, and sees something he likes, thangs spiral from there... super recommend, ah-mazing, allllllll the kudos]
bar owner!porsche AU
like real people do by @motherfleckers [Kinn is a celeb, Porsche owns a tiny bar in a tinier fishing town, simple premise with a delightful resolution: eyebrows, usual canon levels of audacity, motorcycle rides, and, most importantly, kinn’s dick is not small. it’s very very good (the fic, not kinn’s dick, although that too). major kudosssssssss]
Now make your bed (now lie in it) by @deliciousblizzardshark [2-for-1 tropes sale, apart from bar owner!porsche, you get accidental babie acquisition, my beloved <33333 fair warning, one must brace themselves for being gutted with longing, as well as general adorableness of kinn going “i’ve only had this random babie for 1,5 days but if something happens to her imma end everyone in this establishment and then myself”, adored this one sooooo much, prolly one of my personal faves, sooooooo many kudosssssss]
Cabin crew AU
before i leave, i want it a thousand times by @mslunita [despite somewhat disparaging reputation real-life cabin crew have acquired in my city, i clearly have no issues reading porsche being one slutty flight attendant, and hey, when your client is kinn anakinn theerapanyakul, who could actually blame him for slightly loosening his morals up on occasion, right? certainly not me, you go boiiiiii]
Historical AU
Love and the Art of War by @fortunehasgivenup [oooooowwwwww yassss, this is sooooo far up my alley it ain’t even funny. first of all, this author is everything, man, love all their fics, must reads, all of them. this specific babie is sooooo precious though: set in some nebulous middle ages, it’s a war camp setting, kinn has been away from home for months, and upon returning from some battle or other, gets an unexpected visitor waiting for him inside his tent. ngl, i would have read 200k of this, but author gave me 4, and i lapped them up like a man starved. perfection, truly. not to mention the use of “anakinn” in any context just does it for me🤷‍♀️]
Sex worker adjacent AU
escort AU by @Oscarian_Flame [Porsche joins the same agency kinn has been a long-term client of, and the universe expands from there. well-written and fun to explore, with interesting oc’s, worth a read for sure!]
Cliff Jump by @AirgiodSLV [ooohhhhh yeahhh babie we talking with this one💅 soooo.... vegas is using the same agency, and it kinda triggers kinn’s competitive side, earning him a certain...  reputation. once every twink is bangkok is so exhausted that ain’t noone is able to deal with his over-the-top shite no more, the agency sends someone who has enough stamina to withstand the lengthy bounds of athletic... interactions. yeahhhhh, you guessed it. so very entertaining and plot-twisty. so very delightful]
even though you’re not mine, you’ve got that look in your eyes by @fortunehasgivenup [highly highly doubt there are people left in this fandom who have not read this masterpiece, and yet could not exclude it from the recs, it’s that spectacular. if one must create escort-by-misunderstanding AU.... do it to such level. spectacular work, allllll the kudos]
Night Call by @ziusik [one of my fav pieces in this fandom no cap, if you know this author, you know, i obvi adore every single word of both mileapo and kp this author has everrrrr written, and this particular stripper!porsche au with absolutely helplessly besotted idiot-kinn is outa this worldddddddd great. it’s like if “under the influence” by cb was a fic, the vibe is simply immaculate]
Wilderness Camp by @housseao3 [wholesome and endearing piece of fun, i lichrally cackled multiple times, i meannnn, tankhun with his rompers, chan/tay, sugarplum/chicken, unforgettable ken/groundskeeper....? adorable, entertaining and praise-worthy attempt at light-heartedness and humour, super-well done]
School/Uni AU
let there be no barriers (between you and i) by @anakinn [being both adorable and hot is a general qualifier for ending up on my rec page, so here it goes as well. porsche has had a crush on one of his classmates for the better part of their university journey. one day being bored in class, he decides to test some random online advice, and see whether anyone of his mates is a mind-reader.... you guessed it folks, one particular person just might be. short and to the point delicious morsel of general canon-appropriate kp horniness for eo <3]
i gave a second chance to cupid by @haeseolar [omnomnomnom *chomps down on this fic with gusto* you know the feeling you get while consuming media, this overwhelming regret that the magnificent piece of work you’re currently devouring has already been perceived by you, and you never get to experience it for the first time ever again...? big time my energy while reading this one, what a mind candy, i reeeeeeeeeally enjoyed it🙏🙏🙏 kinn is 39, he is teaching lit at a private school, when the new 24yo PE teacher joins their roster fresh off uni... i dunno what to tell you, this author just gets it, when i say all the kudos, i quite literally mean all the possible kudos for this one]
Various in-universe AUs
The One Where Porsche and Kim Are Gym Buddies by @fortunehasgivenup [oooiiii, what fun, what funnnnnn: kim and porsche are both in the fights, and occasionally meet at the gym... reluctant comradery ensues. they talk to each other about their respective crushes, none the wiser that they have been railing each other’s nong and phi... what else is there to say, the author is so good i even attempted to read kimchay, which is practically unheard of, lich-rally all the kudos]
Here With You by @Yeetyeetbroski [daaaaaaaamn sonnn, the tension, the tensionnnnnn..... “scrumptious” is an understatement for what a treat it was. thank you dear author, much much MUCH kudos p.s. while you’re at it, i’d recommend to go through this author’s whole catalogue, their rendition of kp dynamic is a delight to read]
The Aftermath by @Yeetyeetbroski [yippy, the softness <3333333 So this is an Ep 6 aftermath, an AU for Ep 7. absolutely lovely and adorbs. soft besotted kinn is universally accepted as one of the fandom fav versions of kinn, so in regards of delivering on this front this fic is def up there. awesome read]
Storm to Weather by @archay [it was soooo good, i luv this typa vibe, bitter-sweet, but hopeful <333 the theerapanyakul empire is done for, and kinn and porsche are out to fend for themselves in a real world. tis a rec]
Whittled Down by Another War by @rageprufrock [i... are there even words... abso-fucking-lutely legendary piece, the way theerapanyakul bros dynamic is portrayed in this.... damnnnnnnnnnn, if there is anyone, literally anyone left who has not read this yet... what the fuck are you doing with your life, GO READ THIS ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING FIC]
fell in love with the fire long ago by @builtempires [wieeeeeeeeeeee, what a tasty treat: kinn is away on business, and a certain head of the minor family decides that sending his partner some racy pics while separated by thousands of miles would help the situation... it both does and doesn’t. very entertaining, super hot, much kudos]
Magic AU
Instinct by @the-wayside [ohhhhh this bloody gorgeous muthafuckin thang.... i remember being so overwhelmed after reading initial chapters that i even dmed the author, cause it was cloying at my skin, the story is superb. not everyone, but many people got an instinct living inside of them, and what do you think happens when kinn goes to some random underground fight held at some random seedy club and his instinct meets porsche.... yeppp. something about reading how the most animalistic, primal part of kinn wants and longs for what is his is just.... maaaaaaaan, If you haven’t read it yet and there is still an opportunity for you to experience it for the first time, i am so fucking envious no cap]
Poring Down Crimson Fire by @Lilla_Torg [whatttttttt, this was fucking insane, like...??? the world-building??? i fucking can’t, off the charts, insert chief kiss emoji size of a sun. i don’t even know how to rec something like dat, just... insanely devastatingly interesting story, and yeah, technically it’s not even kp fic per se, cause the whole fucking gang be giving off main character vibes. must read]
disclaimer: realizing how tricky the whole topic of rpf might seem, i myself have not dipped a toe in this pool in a long, long time, therefore do completely understand and accept any potential discomfort anyone may have with using names/likeness of real people for fanfiction writing purposes. kindly, if you are uncomfortable with the topic, do not proceed any further, thank yew. p.s. also, as it has been noted so many times before, if you didn’t want us to write/read fanfiction about you, maybe you shouldn’t look at your work colleague like dat, bruv, just saying
Starting Ambitions by @iffervescent [abo rpf, fucking masterpiece, luv this story sm]
Marked by @oliviacirce [yeahhhhhhhh... this. this was... an experience. they are about to film the scene in pete/porsche’s room, but the special effects person is out with the stomach flu, and there is no one to apply the fake hickies to apo’s neck. mile comes up with the brilliant idea that saves the day. no words, only squeals and cheers]
Whole New Kinds of Weather by @archay [short, sweet, hot and to the point 👌 after the NYE 2023 the whole team comes back to Tong’s for an after-party (for the live of me, i dunno why is it always Tong in the fics, tis has become some kind of established fanon by now), and thangs transpire in his bedroom (sorry, phi!!! pls don’t kill them)]
obviously, every single word @ziusik has ever written, especially Limerence, your lips in the street lights, and of fucking course, just a step away, which is definitely one of my fav ma fics everrrrrr and forever fandom classic
and finally...
said you’d be coming back this way again, baby by @concernedlily [this is what i’d call an ultimate ma fic, jokes aside, if there would be a limited amount of fics a person is allowed to read in they lifetime, this would make the cut every time for me. no matter how many wonderfully written, extremely talented ma works are out there, this would always be the ma fic for me, absolutely fandom-forming, i can never praise this work enough]
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mazyb0i · 7 months
Other RnM fans?
Rick n Morty fan creator/artist here, trying to make friend brohs with ppl who are also obsessed with the show. I have a hard time reaching out due to my anxiety. (proshippers DNI)
tldr; you're also a neurodivergent queer artist nutjob that makes crackpipe art an shitposts, heavily kins a character at one point or another, and we should be friends because we can be insane together LMFAO
Fav show ships: BP x Rick all day, (I love flesh curtains, and their dynamic is just so yes... I...) Morty x Alaska (i named the vat of acid gf Alaska because the Alaska trip..) Summer x that one girl... Morticia X Jessica, Rickcest/ Rick selfcest is aight, I obsess over Miamicop. I think selfcest in cloning / multiuniverse theory is harmless, but don't come at me with any of that proshipper/inc3st/rickorty shit. I will block you, report you, and put you on a DNI beware list; this is a threat & a warning. That shit is never EVER ok.
if we become friends/wanna know about;
I'm diagnosed Audhd, I'm a transmasc demiboy, I like to be referred to as nonbinary and a transgender male with He/They pronouns. Panromantic Demisexual.
I'm a rick kinnie, just means I identify with rick, in another universe I could be him XD, I relate to him, we share the same personality literally (ENTP 7w8); he's my self identifying comfort character. But my big interest with this show/comic is probably due to some kind of autistic hyper fixation and imprintation.
Hobbies: Crafting, Digital illustration, Fursuit /Costume making, Youtube, 3D designing, Making silly video skits, Writing, Character design, Shit posting, Creating ai voice bots for fun n fandom purposes (will make le memes), Trying to be a youtuber like Imbrandonfarris and Britany Broski, collecting stuff, VRchat, Collecting fluffy soft shit like stuffies, pillows, blankets, and hoodies. I SLEEP IN A NEST OF ALL OF THESE
Personality?: Chaotic, Unhinged, Tired and fed up with this shit, All the Energy AND NO ENERGY, I'm so tired please god help me, i'm an enigma. Ambiverted. If ur looking for a cool crazy cat dude broh who draws weird ass digital art and is always tired but jacked on coffe, adderall, and Naproxen i'm your guy.... :'}
I do alot of art and have alot of burnouts due to my adhd- I've been told I'm  innovative, clever, and expressive. I can jury-rig your glasses easily with a paperclip if you're screw comes out and loose frames causes the lens to pop. I'm very detail and idea-oriented, i come up with thousands of ideas, questions, and theories. Because of this, I tend to come up with one idea after another without actually going forward with plans and actions because i get so overwhelmed with my massive brain XD
Even tho I'm socially awkward, I love people, I want to make friends. I like being alone a lot but I hate feeling lonely. :C When I get to know you I'm very very chatty; as long as I'm not too tired or piled with heaps of assignments. I would say I'm pretty laid-back and easy to get along with, I get so stuck up in my personal world up in my head that I lose sight of important things around me, I blame the adhd. I'm an observer, I like to watch and see how things happen, I am a very hands on person.
I'm constantly learning, i love science with a passion. I got hyperfixated on evolution of different animal clades a while back. I am immensely curious and focused on understanding how the world operates and functions. I'm looking for mental and intellectual stimulation, lettuce skip casual conversation about wheather- whats your favorite dinosaur? (fuck ignore my dyslexia) and before you say a pterodactyl let me stop you right there- they aren't dinosaurs. if you like understanding the world through learning various things about science, technology, or culture, I'm your guy. but I'm also just a silly hoo hoo aah smart ass.
god this is finally done... I've been writing this for an hour......
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Gives Sephiroth a Cuahl kitten. It's a kitten, it's a monster, they could spar and take sun-naps together.
Dhhdhxhzhdh YES!!!! JUST YES!!
*BOTW cooking theme as she writes*
Aight so this got dark quickly. Ain’t that fun <333 But I promise it’s only an uphill movement!
Sephiroth stumbled upon this little guy while on a mission. It is a monster extermination assignment—an easy, swift transition between Wutai updates and Avalanche sightings. The assignment itself went just as swiftly. The area was cleared within minutes, not a materia needed. It was over. Done. Time to return to HQ.
Until he heard the mewing.
What laid behind a rock, nestled in the grass like a feathery cradle, was a baby Cuahl. It couldn’t be any bigger than two fists side-by-side, its fur sandy and speckled with tiny black stars. And it was alone.
The color drained from Sephiroth’s face.
One of the monsters… it had been a Cuahl. It had been the most aggressive out of all of the monsters—and now for good reason. It had a kitten to protect. It had. Sephiroth gaze rattled down to the animal, hovering in his body. He had orphaned it. He had taken away its… its mother.
Oh dear Gaia… its mother.
The thought was so cruel, so unbelievably visceral in his chest. Sephiroth dared to look back at the kitten, into its eyes… two shining emeralds, two slit pupils that quivered in the water.
No… NO.
He… he had made a mirror of himself, had passed on his pain like a baton—if he didn’t he mean to, he did.
He felt like the monster.
No… no he had to fix this. He couldn’t leave this animal here, all alone and orphaned. Not as a SOLDIER. Not as a person. He knew that pain all too well—the hollow cavern in his chest whenever he walked through the city, the yearning call for protection that wailed and clawed at his heart. It was all he ever wanted as a child. Maybe he still did. The Cuahl’s mewing continued to ripple through the air.
Sephiroth lowered to his knees, scooping the quivering kitten into his arms.
“Shh… It’s okay. I will take care of you.”
(Can we, like, change the music around here? Ok? Ok cool!)
Sephiroth was unwaveringly protective of his new friend. He never let him out of his sight, collecting days upon days of vacation time in order to nurture him, keeping him sheltered in his room. A blankie sufficed as a bed for a few days, until Sephiroth ultimately had to bite the bullet and head to the pet store—to which he returned with the softest, squishiest bed they had, a little baby bottle, and a whale’s worth of toys. Something glows inside of Sephiroth’s chest as he sat on the edge of his bed, holding a bottle of warm milk in one hand as Kitty sips away. There’s a fondness in his eyes that had never been there, a ripple in the Mako-green that he didn’t know was possible. And when his friend curled up to him afterward, purring into his chest, the mews ebbing away like cinders… Sephiroth didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. Days melt by in a similar fashion, kitty sleeping most of the day while Sephiroth works from a laptop—although most of the tabs are dedicated to The Proper Care and Feeding of Monster Cats. It was time for wet food soon!
“Kitty… Dinner.” Sephiroth shook the bowl of food, trying to get his buddy’s attention away from… was that his book? He set the bowl on the floor and slid the book from under his feet, watching as Kitty plopped onto his bed as a result. As Sephiroth chuckled, stroking his head, it occurred to him that “Kitty” probably wouldn’t do forever. Kitty deserved a proper name. Just as anyone else. He glanced down at the book in his hands—The Art of War, of course, a staple for any self-respecting man of combat. One did not need to be Wutain to follow in the great geneal’s footsteps.
Sephiroth hummed thoughtfully, keeping his hand tangled in the velvety fur.
“Would you like your dinner, Sunzi?”
With Genesis and Angeal as friends, nothing is a secret for very long. Genesis came slamming at the door, demanding to know where he was, demanding to know why he skipped sparring on the Sister Ray, demanding—
Oh. Sephiroth’s standing in the doorway cradling a cat and smelling like canned fish and lint. They see.
Genesis initially cackled, while Angeal almost melts at an embarrassingly fast rate. And Sephiroth honestly just wanted them out there. He took a step back as Genesis came closer, clutching Sunzi tighter. No one had ever touched Sunzi besides him. He didn’t know if he was ready. Eventually, though, both his friends calm down, and they end up being a huge help to the kitty. Genesis found an especially glamorous collar for him to wear (with a bell, thank you!) and Angeal offered to make some home-cooked fish. There was still one thing nagging Angeal’s mind, however.
“Sephiroth… you are aware that this is a monster, right? Why not get a domestic cat?”
Sephiroth went silent. “Coming, Hojo!” he shouted suddenly, and left his friends to be with the cat.
More days go by, then more weeks, then more months. Sunzi grew at a rapid rate, growing from collar to collar, and it became apparent that he couldn’t simply be a housecat anymore. He needed more space. More adventure. And he was capable of it too! By the time a year passes, Sephiroth began training Sunzi personally—carefully sparring and battling simulations of other monsters. It wasn’t long until he is a skilled, trained warrior cat, who ended up assisting Sephiroth on every mission they go on. He was exceptional at scaling surfaces to find Materia stones and can chase down any spy they come across. Photos are flashed and articles are written, and Sunzi’s domestic class quickly escalated to that of a hero. ShinRa tried to capitalize on the fame, but Sephiroth STRICTLY refused. No one else would ever receive the cruel mascot treatment as he had.
One night, when Sephiroth is in bed, Sunzi smushed against him, he swore that he saw what looked to be the vague shape of a mother Cuahl. She was standing at the foot, all green and translucent, bowing her head. And if Sephiroth didn’t know any better, he would say that she was smiling.
Even if it was just a dream, the man smiled back. “Thank you.”
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sukratyaropia24 · 9 months
Withered Love(part 2/3)
Something I cooked up for a performance output of mine for school. If my teacher somehow saw this, you do not know me nor do I know you, aight?
Summary: Two guys fall for each other, one is too early whilst the other is too late as both come to a misunderstanding that leads to the death of one under the petals and flowers, thinking that the other doesn't feel the same way.
Chiluc Modern!Au
Warning/s: Might be occ but Idc, hanahaki disease, mentioning of star tear disease, heartbreak, miscommunication, death, 'So close yet so far'.
Ajax sighed heavily as he catched his breath, one hand on his knee and the other on his chest as his heart pounded and thump through his chest like a drum. As this was happening, one thing was the only thing on his mind as the red head look at where Ajax was last seen and thought of the same exact question, heart softly thumping on his chest as they thought….
'Who was really that guy?'
Ajax didn't know who the red head was, that is until the next day rolled around and that's when he realized how badly he almost screwed himself up as the teacher introduced to him and other sophomore students one of the senior students of the college. The teacher introduced the President of the known Student Goverment, Ajax eyes widened at the sight as the same exact red head entered the room in such formality.
"Hello to you all, sophomore students… My name is Diluc Ragnvindr, and I am known as the President of the Student Government of this college campus." the red head, now Ajax know as Diluc spoke in such manner and tone of voice. Just as Diluc finished his speech, he suddenly gained eye contact with Ajax and winked. Ajax wanted in dissolve right then and there.
And after that, Ajax had never been so embarassed at such realization.
[Time Skipped: Near the end of the first semester]
'Shoot, shoot, SHOOT!' Ajax thought as he forgot once more the amount of written works he needed to pass that has already went past the due date which resulted in him coming closer on failing the semester. The orange haired man mentally cursed as he was now in the office of the school.
"We noticed your massive dropping of scores and missing work this semester… As much as you've done this in your freshman years, we can't let this pass… It's either you come back up or you'll fail the semester…" the principal explained as Ajax mentally cursed once more, his own arms gripping tightly on his arms. But this is karma, of course.
The principal sighed, making Ajax look up, "We have decided to make sure you will pass this semester and to make sure you're back in your track by the end of the second semester…" the principal explained once more. Ajax listened, that is, until the door to the office opened. He turned around, and he swore his heart just skipped a beat. The President of the student government, Diluc himself, entered the office, "W.. What?" Ajax asked, utterly confused at the sight of the handsome man infront of him once more.
"You may already know of him, Diluc Ragnvindr, Student Government President. The teachers and I had agreed to let him be your tutor." The principal explained as Diluc nodded, Tutor? His mind went completely blank, he's going to be his tutor????
After that, Ajax had to stay on campus for a few more hours as he had to be helped by Diluc. They were not so good in terms during the period as of the fact that Diluc focuses more on the academic standard needed whilst Ajax remained the same, skipping class and procrastinating many many assignments and college work, alongside teasing Diluc out and not focusing on the matter at hand which was the works he needed to achieve to pass.
Over time, feelings started to appear within Ajax's mind as he entered another empty classroom to which where he and Diluc would meet up for the tutoring thing and there he was, as magnificent and handsome as ever. It's no wonder many would want him, but what conserns him is that he ever feels the same. They only talk and converse during the tutoring time, and also does Diluc even like the same gender, much so, a troublemaking man like him.
As the two converse once more on Ajax's needed work, a strong ache bubbled in his chest. He clutched his chest before dropping it. It was probably those times when people overthink to the point that they hurt their own feelings. But it wasn't until Ajax reached his dorm before suddenly getting the feeling of puking and rushing towards the washroom.
His chest somehow hurts again as he coughs out whatever he felt, he was confused as to why this is happening until he sees what he coughed out on the sink below.
Petals. Blood. His lips and mouth tasted like that strong metal taste of blood.
'No, no, no…' Ajax thought as he stared down onto the bloodied petals on the sink, this can't be happening, right? Yet, he knew exactly what this was, the Hanahaki Disease.
He knew of it, but he never knew it could be real, a myth. It was until it got worse when he felt tears brimming his eyes as they sounded like crystalline breaking. He looked up to look at the mirror and saw another disease he thought of as another myth. Star Tear Disease. His tears fell, glowing yellow, shaped like stars as they created crystalline breaking sounds.
Now this is bad, real REAL bad as he felt more petals coming up his throat alongside the strong taste of blood that made him even more nauseous.
[Time Skipped: Weeks later]
Everything hurts, his throat, his lungs, his mouth always tasting the strong iron from puking what was once petals to now almost bloomed flowers, it's worse that it's Diluc's favorite flower, how did Ajax know? There is one thing about the hanahaki disease, the flower that forms within your lungs is the favorite flower of the person who did this to you, and it is clear in Ajax's case, that it's Diluc, his crush, much so he had to see him every end of the day to be tutored. After the classes were finished, he didn't even try to go to the appointed tutor like before, Ajax immediately went to his dorm room and lay in his bed. Beside his bed was a trash can filled with bloodied tissues and nearly fully bloomed flowers of Diluc's favorite flowers. He can't do anything, how can he? It's either he gets them out surgically but also removes all of his emotions, even love, or he confesses with a chance of being rejected and dies. He can't do either, it will either result in death one way or another.
Meanwhile, Diluc stayed in their usual place where he tutors Ajax, but the orange-haired man didn't come. Weird as Diluc thought, usually, no matter what, the man would still come to be tutored. Although they often debate over something stupid, despite being in denial, he likes the man. He liked his annoying, cheerful personality, completely contrasting with his own. Maybe one day, he will confess. But not right now, not when the man wasn't here, and yet, Diluc didn't dare to go find his dorm room and ask why hasn't gone.
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3jax · 2 years
anyway heres some self indulgent angst because i feel bad lol
warnings: death, blood, angst, descriptions of violence, poor writing
phoenix burned bright. he brought warmth to the coldest of souls, smiles to the tensest of rooms, yet he yearned to burn brighter. he yearned for more.
each day, pushing himself to the limit, and then a bit further, just for the slightest of improvement. he would not give up, not until his body turned to ash and he could hold himself up no more.
each mission he was assigned was harder then the last, but each time phoenix did his very best, gritting his teeth and giving it his all. having the ability to become reborn was great, but it didn’t come without a cost to his body. often after these missions, he was a shell of his former self. he was silent, exhausted, and understandably so.
on one mission, phoenix and the strike team, consisting of skye, sova, yoru, cypher, and himself, were sent to a new site. they had the same objective as always. retrieve the spike, disarm hostiles, and leave. they’d done it time and time before.
yet this time was different.
the strike team fought their hardest, but they were losing. the spike was planted, and they had seconds left before all hell broke loose. the team had exhausted most of their utility, so there was little they could do.
phoenix gathered all the strength he had left in him,
and he burst into flames.
burning bright, he dashed onto the site, providing a distraction for his team to get on site. he drew the mirror agent’s shots towards him, firing back at them, hitting a few.
skye was defusing the spike, the others were watching every angle as she worked, the spike was almost defused, they were almost safe.
then there was a bang, and phoenix’s light dimmed.
he fell to the ground, his body disintegrating.
the spike was defused, they were safe.
phoenix was reborn again, right where he left off. his team was busy scanning the perimeter and calling for a ride home, their job was done.
phoenix collapsed where he stood, holding his hand to his side and letting out heavy breaths. eventually, yoru came looking to take him to their pickup site.
“didya see that? i stopped ‘em, dead in their tracks…” phoenix smiled up at yoru, still struggling to catch his breath. yoru would’ve replied with a witty response, as he always did, but something was off.
“aight, let’s go home..” phoenix struggled to lift himself off the ground. yoru offered him a hand, pulling him up and holding his arm over his shoulder. thats when he noticed the growing red stain on phoenix’s jacket.
“we need to get you to the ship.” yoru frowned as he held phoenix. with every step he took, the man felt heavier. and heavier.
“yoru…why is everything…cold..?” phoenix’s voice was barely above a whisper. he was freezing, yet his body burned and ached. he could barely keep his eyes open.
yoru ended up carrying him on his back, moving as fast as his body would take him. phoenix was cool to the touch.
“don’t you fucking dare die, jamie, don’t you dare!” yoru’s voice trembled and cracked as he yelled, hot tears threatened to spill down his face.
phoenix smiled against yoru’s neck.
“i just…need a minute…i’m so cold…”
then phoenix stopped.
and he was not reborn.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Fred meets the perfect girl at the beginning of his seventh year; although he is reluctant to ask her out, the universe keeps throwing her into every place Fred finds himself in, even in the most unexpected one; the Quidditch pitch.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: mostly fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: language and a little tiny bit of slut shaming (?) and making out
A/N: I was on the subway listening to Sweet Dreams and my brain went 'hOLd oN— bEAteR ReAdER 👁️👄👁️!' so here we are. Kinda long but worth it. Enjoy this <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
Tumblr media
It was the first Saturday of the scholar year, and the first ten days tended to be the definition of chaos, so I had volunteered to help my House's prefects with the first years; I was in sixth year, so my first two weeks were mostly free anyway.
I was on my way to the dungeons to pick up the group of kids the prefects had assigned me when I bumped into my Ravenclaw friends, and I decided to chat a bit with them to catch up.
I had my back against one of the hallway's walls, therefore I saw the pair of towering, lean, redheaded figures jogging towards my friends to give them a jump scare.
"That's about it real— AAH!" My friend jolted at the infamous' twins, bumping them for scaring her. "Idiots!"
"Sorry, love." One of them passed his arms over two of my friends' shoulders, while his twin brother's eyes roamed over the circle, tilting his head in confusion when he reached me. "Hello?"
"Hey." I gave them a subtle wave and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh, right!" My friend turned to me and pointed at the boy whose arm rested on her. "This is George and that's—"
"Fred Weasley." He introduced himself, offering me his hand to shake with a half smile that promised everything but boredom.
Giving his hand a firm shake, I responded, "Y/n Y/l/n." Our eyes locked; we didn't even attempt to hide the fact that we were measuring one another, and I knew I would have to endure the teasing on my friends' behalf later, but there was something in Fred's gaze that made me extremely curious about his intentions.
I let go of his hand, only for him to take a couple of steps in my direction to stand closer. "And how is it that I've never seen you before, Y/n Y/l/n?" He inquired, leaning on his shoulder against the wall.
"I reckon you don't look much at the Slytherin table?"
His body tensed. "Oh?"
"Oh." I chuckled at his shock. "Scared much?"
The corner of his lips twitched up again. "Should I?"
"Guess that's on you to decide." We lingered on each other's gaze for a bit too long. "I think I'll get going." I was the one to avert my eyes in order to talk to my friends, who were already giving me that look. "See you lat— Oi!" Fred swooped the bag I was carrying off my shoulder and hung it on his.
"I'll carry this for you."
"I'm heading to my House."
"Where else would you be heading?" I turned to my friends in confusion, but they only shrugged; I didn't even have time to ask them what was he up to. "C'mon, Miss Slytherin!"
My eyes got big at the name and I spun around, rushing to catch up with him. "I can carry my own bag, you know that right?"
"But then I wouldn't have an excuse to walk with you." I quirked a brow at him when the ginger winked. "Tell me something."
"Like what?" I questioned, a confused yet amused grin dancing on my lips.
He shrugged, averting his gaze to nonchalantly look to the front "Dunno," He changed my bag to his other arm so it wouldn't be between us. "What do you think about Umbridge?"
"Well, she's got terrible taste in clothing." He laughed, and so did I. Just like that, we fell in a quite fluid and enjoyable conversation.
"—And not only that, she's so smart—" I groaned burying my face in my bed's pillow, very aware that I had been talking about Y/n to George and Lee for at least fifteen minutes. "Yesterday she held my hand and I think my face turned red."
Lee's snort was followed by George's words. "So are you gonna ask her out or...?"
I grimaced. The last couple of weeks, somehow I had managed to bump into Y/n everywhere. It was as if the universe was throwing me towards her, but there was a voice in the back of my head that stopped me from making a move. "What if she says no?"
"Freddie, she blantantly flirts with you every time you see her." George stated with his eyebrows raised. "Just ask her out, mate."
"Aight," I nodded. "I'll do it next time I see her."
When Adrian Pucey informed me that Crabbe wouldn't be able to play in the upcoming Quidditch match, I instantly regretted accepting my friends' dare of showing up at Quidditch tryouts.
Though I didn't put much effort on it, I got in the team as a reserve, and the moment had come for me to shine. How lovely.
I couldn't really back out of that one, so that's how I ended up in the Slytherin changing room before a match that would be played in the worst conditions. Since I was in deep already, I thought I might as well go for the win with everything I had.
"Oi, Malfoy!" I gestured the kid to come closer, which he did with reluctancy. "Don't give me that look— I don't like you either."
"You're not half as good as Potter—" Before he started the rant of insults, I spoke again. "Shut it. You're not half as good but you're faster." My words were clear and slow, making sure he would understand. "Keep your eyes on Potter— if he moves, you move."
He seemed to hesitate, weary of my advice, but then he gave me a subtle nod and walked away.
"C'mon, on your feet everyone!" Our captain called us and we obeyed; as we approached our entrance to the pitch, thunders could be heard louder and louder. "We're not only for the win, we're gonna crush them." He shouted, partially so we could hear him over the racket of the storm and the muffled hubbub of the crowd, but also because he wanted us to know how serious he was about it. "Glasses!" I took a deep breath, grasping the bat "Broomsticks!" The gate opened as I mounted my broomstick. "UP!"
"AND HERE COMES SLYTHERIN!!" We heard Lee Jordan's voice as we took off to go around the pitch in formation.
Even before we flew over the Ravenclaw stands, obnoxiously loud cheers of my friends could be heard, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"The hell are they cheering on?" I frowned at the Ravenclaw stands going nuts when our rivals passed over them. "It's bloody Slytherin!"
My brother, who was waiting besides me for the match to start, scanned the stands, and then the opposite team; in an instant, he stood upright and nudged me with his bat. "Oi, look!" George called my attention over the roaring crowd after the Slytherin team had passed over our heads. "The beater! Number 6!"
I looked for their number 6 in the pitch, only finding what George was talking about when they stopped at their starting points. Squinting my eyes, I managed to read through the rain the back of the robe. "Y/l/n— Y/n?!" George laughed loudly, following Angelina's cue and flying to his respective mark in the circle.
"Move!" Katie yelled, flying past me and snapping me out of my awe. Had she always been a beater?
When I reached them, I saw Y/n meticulously making sure she had everything secured.
Our eyes, despite the glasses and the pouring rain, managed to meet seconds before Madam Hooch's blowed her whistle, and I would have sworn she gave me a smile.
"FRED PAY ATTENTION!" Not even Angelina's yells were enough to bring my mind back to the match, something I regretted instantly; a bludger had been beaten in her direction and nearly knocked her out of the broom. "FUCK!" The quaffle fell from her arm, only to be picked up by one of the Slytherin chasers. "I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!"
"Freddie what the hell!" George had flown to us, probably in hopes to stop the bludger from clocking Angelina. "Will you focus?!"
"Yeah— Sorry!" I apologised again— well, it was more like a grunt rather than an apology. "Go back to Harry!"
"Defend our bloody chasers!" He scolded me before heading off.
I forced myself to keep my eyes on the bludgers and not on Y/n.
The rain kept getting heavier; not even the Impervious charm seemed to work repelling the water from the glasses anymore.
I was cold, drenched, tired and befuddled; my legs were stiff and my arms numb, so I definitely did not see it coming; for that matter, I thought it was a strong blow of wind at first, so the shock that struck me when I was knocked off my broom was a big one.
I heard loud gasps and a scream or two coming from the stands, followed by Lee commenting something about the beater being beaten; in another situation —one where it wouldn't be fucking pouring and I could climb back up to my broom—, I would probably have laughed at it.
But right now, with the hand I held my bat in slipping off the broomstick, the last thing I wanted to do was laugh.
Once I had dodged the bludger away from Pucey, my eyes roamed around looking for the other one. which had just been beaten away by Goyle and, intentionally or not, the bludger went straight to Fred.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw his broom flip due to the hit, leaving him clinging onto it.
My eyes went straight to his brother, who was way to far to help, and then to their captain, who was adamant to score points.
"Fuck." I groaned through gritted teeth as I turned my broomstick and flew towards the Gryffindor beater in distress.
"Y/L/N STRAYS FROM HER POSITION AND— FLIES TO WEASLEY?" Jordan's commentaries reached my ears right when I got to Fred. I stretched my arm and grabbed his hand just in time for him not to slip off the broom. He gripped onto my hold for dear life as I used my broom as a leverage to pull him back up, a groan escaping my lips. "LOOKS LIKE NOT ALL SLYTHERINS ARE ARSES!"
I waited until he was steadily secured to let go of his hand. "Next time let go of the bat!" I advised with a teasing grin before flying off to my previous position.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, Y/L/N" I knew I was going to get shit for what I had just done, but I was expecting my captain to wait until the match had ended.
"HE WAS GONNA FALL OFF!" I yelled, louder than necessary.
"WELL LET HIM FALL THE FUCK OFF!" The captain retorted, venom dripping off his tongue. "WITH ANY LUCK HE'LL KILL HIMSELF OFF!" I didn't expect those words to come out, not even from that mouth.
"YOU KNOW WHAT?" I beat an incoming bludger away from us before shouting, "SUCK MY METAPHORICAL DICK, YEAH?!" And with that, I flew off to defend Malfoy, who was rushing to Potter. Surprisingly enough, he had followed my advice. I flew on Malfoy's track, dodging a bludger away twice until he gave a final sprint and caught the snitch.
The team started to celebrate as soon as we landed, and I thought I would take advantage of that and change into dry clothes, but I didn't have the chance before someone called my name from the entrance.
"Psst— Y/n." I turned around to see Fred standing there.
"Do you have a death wish?" I spoke quietly, though a smile appeared on my gaze as soon as I saw him. "What on earth are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me out there." His cold fingertips brushed my wet cheek as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and he leaned on to place a kiss there. "Aw you're blushing!"
"I'm not blushing, I'm cold," I excused myself, averting my eyes from him.
Maybe it was his loud snort, or maybe the fact that I was missing, but the changing room fell silent as my team's attention was directed to us.
"Oi!" My captain looked Fred up and down, stepping to where we stood. "You're not welcome here."
"Chill," Fred shrugged, his hand lingering on my forearm. "I was congratulating her on her victory." His tone foreshadowed chaos. "Since, you know, it's obviously her doing." I glared at the ginger my hand going to his forearm, silently warning him to stop. "Can't command your own team, can you?"
his arm folded so his palm would be on my forearm too, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
"She should've let you fall off that hand-me-down broom of yours." Fred's grip on my forearm tightened; by the look on his face and the way his jaw clenched, I could tell my teammate had successfully hit a nerve.
"Shut the hell up, will you?" I snapped. "Can't you enjoy the victory without being an arse?"
"You fucking slut—"
"Imaginative." I cut him off, unbothered. "Want a cookie for the effort?"
"Listen now—" Just as he went to grab my bicep, a large hand pushed my captain away, making him stumble back.
"C'mon, mate, give me a reason to beat the shit out of you." Fred said, pulling me to stand besides him instead of between them. Fred's switch was about to flip, and I was desperate for a professor to step in.
As if I had summoned them, i caught a glimpse of Snape and McGonagall walking in my direction from the stairs of the teachers's tower.
"I'd love to see you try." The boy in front of us scoffed. "There's already too much ginger scum besmearing the pure blood, I'll be glad to send you straight to the hosp—"
It was far from expected it would be me punching that asshole strong enough to make him trip and fall.
"Miss Y/l/n!" Oh, right. McGonagall. "Ten points from Slytherin!"
"And fifty points for Slytherin." Snape added in his usual unimpressed tone. "Due to the comradeship you've shown during the match." I widened my eyes at the statement. "Though I can't ignore this, so Y/l/n, turn up in my class tomorrow morning for your punishment. Now, shall we, Minerva?"
"We're leaving too." I informed Fred in low voice, grabbing my bag before pulling him out of the Slytherin changing room.
"That was one hell of a punch." He observed with a chuckle once we were out. "Remind me not to mess with you."
I breathed out a laugh and we fell silent as we walked under the stands towards the exit, the only noise being the rain ricocheting on its structure.
"Thank you." He whispered, his fingers brushing against mines and consequently sending shivers down my spine. "For sticking up for me."
"I expect a reward at the least." I replied, playfully bumping his shoulder before letting my fingers intertwine with his.
"What would that be?" He inquired, that half smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
I shrugged, looking ahead of us with a grin of my own. "That's up to you."
"Will a kiss do?" He mused.
"Depends on how good the kiss is." I begged for my cheeks not yo turn bright red.
In a swift movement he spun me around and his lips landed on mines. His free hand, initially on my cheek, travelled down to my hips, pulling my flush against him while my own hands tangled on his damp hair.
Probably it wasn't a short kiss, but it felt like it when his mouth left mine, and I couldn't help the sight of displeasure that escaped my vocal cords.
He chuckled, our eyes fluttering open at the same time. "Was it good enough?" He teased with a quirked brow.
"Dunno." I muttered, my eyes falling on his lips again. "I think you'll need to try again—"
"To be sure." He finished, and I could only nod; I wouldn't mind the teasing as long as his lips came back to mines.
This time the kiss was deeper, my hands roaming over his wet robes and his over mines; it was only when my back was met with a post that I realized he was backing me into the darker part of the framework, which I did not oppose to.
Quiet moans began to be breathed into the kiss when he nibbled on my lower lip or my hands tugged on his locks.
We had to pull away when steps and voices where heard coming from both changing rooms.
"I think we should kiss more often." He suggested breathless against my lips.
"I think you should go out with me too."
I had to bite back a laugh. "Agreed again."
"Well, that was easy." The surprised on his gaze was way too amusing.
"Did you think I'd say no?"
"You're an idiot, Fred Weasley."
"Aw but you love it." He wiggled his brows at me and I smacked his chest.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Day In The Life
requesred by this genius anon: “Aight imma hit you with a good one: Literally everything as platonic, but a day in the life of reader in high school with the minor gang (too my, tubbo, ranboo) and all the faculty at the school are dreamsmp members”
Platonic! Minors gang (tommy, tubbo, ranboo and purpled) x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: a day in the life of a student at the DSMP public high school 
{with all the shit that goes on the smp there's no way it could be anything but a public school}
{also if I do things slightly off or something its cause my high school is weird, we only have four blocks a day, but I think most have seven, so we’re going with that}
{also the dream/george thing, is based on two of the sciences teachers at my school being suspected of having an affiar}
{Full teacher list:
English: Mr. NotFound
Drama: Mr. Soot
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
Gym: Coach Sapnap and Coach Punz
Home ec: Miss Nihachu
Music: Mr. Quackity
Chemistry: Mr. Halo}
Home room: Mr. Callahan
You sighed, trudging toward the school entrance, god it was way to early for this. 
The halls were already crowded with people heading to there home rooms, and Mr. Minecraft, the principal, was standing outside the admin offices, greeting everyone with a smile. 
“Good morning, (y/n).” 
“Good morning Mr. Minecraft.” You grumbled as you passed. 
You hurried through the foyer and up the stairs, toward Mr. Callahan’s room. 
“Hey!” Tubbo called, hurrying down the hallway, “(y/n)!”
“Hey Tubbo.” you yawned.
He fell into step with you, “You think Callahan will actually show today?” 
The one good thing about your home room teacher is that none of the kids ever seemed to have seen him. It meant that some days, while other home rooms had lectures of bullying or something, your class got to hang out for 30 minutes. 
“I don’t think he even exists.” Purpled said, falling in on your other side. 
“He definitely doesn’t.” You agreed. 
History: Mr. Blade
“Hey (y/n)!” Ranboo called from his seat at the front of the room as you came in. 
He was lucky enough to have moved homerooms and ended up getting the same room as his first block. 
“Hello Ranboo.” you sighed, sitting down in your seat next to him. 
Tommy came in and plopped down behind you, “Well you sound like shit.”
“No swearing in my classroom, Tommy.” Mr. Blade chided, hardly looking up from the book on his desk. 
You turned to look at Tommy, “It’s too early for this.” 
“You say that everyday!” He laughed. 
“Yeah! Cause this class starts at 7:45 in the god damn morning!” You half exclaimed. 
“Bloody hell you’d think you’d get used to it-” 
“Tommy, what did I say about swearing?” Mr. Blade cut Tommy off. 
“But you didn’t yell at (y/n)!” Tommy yelled, “That’s not fair Tech!” 
Me. Blade glared at his brother, “Do you want me to send you down to Phil’s office Tommy?” 
“I didn’t even do anything!”
After a moment under Mr. Blades glare, Tommy sighed, “Please don’t send me down to Phil.” 
The teacher didn’t respond, instead standing up and moving to stand in front of the board, queuing up the intro slides for the day, “All right everyone, settle down. Today in our ‘tour of the ancient world’ or whatever, we’re going to start our mini unit on Greece.”
Statistics/Math: Mr. Was Taken
After a class that ended mostly in a rant about the myth of Heracles, you said goodbye to Ranboo and Tommy and met up with Purpled to head to math. 
Mr. Wastaken was already passing out the notes when you two got there, sliding into your seats at the back of the classroom just as the bell rang. 
“You’re late.” He chided, dropping the papers onto your desk, then Purpleds. 
“Purp needed to refill his water bottle.” You explained. 
“Seriously?” Mr. Wastaken questioned, “Dude, it’s second block, why the hell was your water already empty?” 
Purpled shrugged, “P.E?” 
“Ehh, wrong, Sapnap doesn’t have you till sixth period.” 
“Stairs... are murder man.” He fumbled. 
You nodded, “First floor to the fourth floor is tough Mr. Wastaken.” 
Rolling his eyes, the teacher moved back to the front of the room, “Alright, last nights homework was a bit of a flop so we’ll be more review for the quiz tomorrow.” 
You groaned internally, pulling out your pencil. 
Purpled nodded, “I fuckin hate review days.” 
“I can hear you, you know!” Mr. WasTaken half yelled. 
Chemistry: Mr. Halo
After Math you and Purpled headed down to the science hall to meet back up with Tubbo to head to Chem. 
“Welcome back everybody!” Mr. Halo greeted cheerily, “Good to see smiling faces for chemistry!” 
How he managed to stay so upbeat, no one would ever know.
You sat down at your lab table with Tubbo, “You think we actually make it to doing the lab today before he starts talking about Mr. Skeppy again?” 
“Oh no chance.” 
You chuckled, pulling out your notebook as Mr. Halo pulled up the opening review before the lab. 
Twenty minutes later found you elbow deep in the lab, quite literally. 
“It was supposed to just be a small scale elephants toothpaste!” Mr. Halo cried. 
Purpled grinned, “You should’ve taken my wildcard factor into account sir.” 
You laughed, wiping the foam off your apron (thank god for lab aprons), “That was brilliant!” 
A few minutes earlier, Tubbo had helped him do out the math to scale up the experiment by 20%, and you had willingly given up your own materials to help.
Now most of the classroom was covered in the foam, and Purpled and the girl who had been unfortunate enough to be partnered with him were knee deep in it. 
“I sent the video to the groupchat.” Tubbo whispered.
“Good.” You chuckled again. 
Mr. Halo groaned, “You three start cleaning this up, Elizabeth, dear, why don’t you join a different group.”
“I volunteer to switch with her!” Drista yelled, “they look like fun!” 
Mr. Halo sighed, “No- no absolutely not- I can’t deal with you added to the mix.” 
Drista pouted, the rest of the class went back to there work, and you, Tubbo and Purpled began to clean up the foam. 
Drama: Mr. Soot
As Purpled left for his history class, you and tubbo headed twoard the music/performing arts suit, where you met up with Ranboo. 
“Tommy said he wished he could’ve been there to see the foam.” Ranboo reported as Tubbo peeled off into the band room, and you both continued on to the green room. 
“Hello, Hello, Hello!” Mr. Soot greeted in an aussie accent (you know the one). 
“Oh god please say were not doing accents today.” Ranboo muttered. 
Mr. Soot laughed, “Nah, we’re going to do some more rounds of improv.” 
“Oh thank god.” You said as you moved to take a seat at one of the side tables. 
“That would have been hell.” Ranboo agreed. 
More people poured into the room, take seats all around as Mr. Soot began to dig through on of the closets. 
As the bell rang he let out a triumphant cheer, turning around and brandishing a very large bowl of paper slips, “I found the prompts!” 
“Oh dear lord.” Ranboo muttered.
“Mr. Soot can we please do like, anything else?” You asked, “Like scenes, or hell I’d even take monologues, you know we’re all shit at improv!” 
The teacher sighed, “I suppose we could do something else. I guess we can begin our next topic, you’re all going to be assigned scenes and given time to practice them, we’ll present on Friday!” 
The entire class breathed a sigh of relief that you had managed to change his mind. 
~~ English: Mr. NotFound 
After a very chaotic lunch full of Tubbo retelling a bunch of jokes Mr. Quackity had told during music,  you trudged off to the one class that didn’t have any of your main group of friends in. 
The one good thing about having Mr. NotFound as a teacher was that he had no clue what he was doing. 
More often then not you would be left to do essays or read the required books, and then watch the movies that went along with them.
And, just your luck, your English block happened to take place during Mr. Wastaken’s prep period. 
“Right, everyone, today’s a work day, finish up anything you need to for this class, or another, and I’ll put on a movie.” Mr. NotFound said as soon as everyone was seated. 
Ten minutes into the movie the teacher had left, and you pulled up the group chat.
(y/n): Mr. NotFound has yet again suspiciously left during class. 
Purp: sus
Purp: just went by WasTaken’s room
Purp: he’s not there
BooBoy: I saw him down in the science hall ten minutes ago
BeEs: Science hall is oposite to English isn’t it
(y/n): yeah it is
BooBoy: very sus
Purp: I swear their having an affair
BeEs: defintly a lesbian
BeEs: *leassion
BeEs: lesion
BeEs: le-a-zon
BeEs: you know what I mean!
BooBoy: take your time Tubbo
You chuckled quietly, putting your phone down to look back up at the movie on the screen. 
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
“AYYYY kids!”
You groaned as your Spanish teacher burst into the room.
“What is with this guy?” Tommy muttered. 
“ayy man not cool.” Mr. Dream said. 
“Mr. Dream your ten minutes late!” Someone pointed out. 
“SHut up man. And I told you just call me Mexican Dream!” The teacher said. 
You frowned, “That doesn’t make sense, theres no way your first name is ‘mexican’.” 
“Well its not,” He explained, “But its cause I’m the Mexican version of that math teacher!” 
“Why couldn’t I have taken French like Boo and Purp?” Tommy asked the ceiling quietly.
~~ Home ec: Miss Nihachu
The last block of the day was always the best, but not just because school would be over soon. 
There were three main reasons why everyone agreed it was the best. 
1. Miss Nihachu was the nicest teacher in school
2. baking was done often, and everyone always got to take some home
3. it was the one class you, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled all had together. 
Soon your found yourself crowded into one of the tiny kitchen areas with all your friends, as Miss Nihachu gave instructions. 
“Now, if you make a mess you will be cleaning it up! I’m looking at your kitchen a!” She said, half threateningly.
Ranboo pushed away from the group, “I’m not with them I swear!” 
Miss Nihachu rolled her eyes playfully, “Sure your not.” 
Surprisingly, a mess was not fully made. 
Somehow between Tommy wanting to taste the cookie dough at every step from butter to flour, Tubbo trying to add as many chocolate chips as he could, and Purpled all but refusing to move from where he was sitting on the counter, you and Ranboo managed to get the cookies into the oven with no real disasters. 
As you wiped down the empty counter space you sighed, “That wasn’t too bad.” 
“Yeah.” Tubbo agreed. 
Tommy only nodded, still eating the large glob of cookie dough he’d stolen. 
Ten minutes before the bell rang and when everyone was supposed to be finishing cleaning up you sniffed the air suspiciously, “Why do I smell burning?” 
Tubbo took a deep breath, “I smell it too.”
“Oh yeah, something is definitly burning.” Ranboo agreed. 
You whirled to face Purpled, who was absently scrolling through his phone, “Purp you did set a timer right?” 
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teruthecreator · 3 years
okay. thoughts on the grad finale
gonna slap it under a readmore bc i’m Sure i’m gonna ramble. 
uh spoiler warning for the finale of taz graduation, as well as spoilers for the season in general.
also, these are my own thoughts of how the season went, what the themes were, etc! if you don’t agree with me, that’s fine! but i don’t wanna have a convo w you in the replies about it i’ll be honest. if you want to share your opinion so badly, make your own post, alright? that good? we cool?
aight. so. finale thoughts.
to make it short: i think the finale was a satisfying end of a very good arc. 
to expand upon that, let me share what i think the themes of graduation were and why the finale satisfies those themes. 
i made a post about this a while back (here it is if you want) but my honest belief was that the theme of graduation was self-reliance: the concept that you don’t allow yourself to be governed by forces that go against your own beliefs. this concept was coined by essayist ralph waldo emerson to talk about how the american people shouldn’t allow the government to create laws that go against the will of the people. now, understandably, this feels very anti-capitalist which is what i think a lot of fans believed was reflected through the season. 
but, in reality, self-reliance has more to do with being active in your government and making sure you’re being represented the way you want to be by your representatives. that’s sort of the vibe emerson was going for in his essay, and i think. in a sense? that translates to graduation. but i took self-reliance in the more metaphorical about breaking away from those things that are controlling you. which, in graduation, was A Lot Of Things. 
the way i saw it, there were two major groups that inflicted order upon the world and the thundermen--conveniently separated as order and chaos (not the deities though, just the concepts). 
the order half of control existed mostly through the school and the HOG. the HOG created the economic reliance on the heroes and villains system, which removed all literal meaning from those terms and turned them into bureaucratic titles. society existed under these very strict checks and balances; heroes and villains supplied money to the kingdom in terms of entertainment, which then boosted that kingdom’s creditability and allowed them to contribute more to nua’s economy, which then led heroes and villains to have a higher demand, thus perpetuating the cycle. it’s important to note that this term does not represent the sort of morality we expect for heroes and villains--hell, even the term “evil” turned into an arbitrary term used to show those heroes and villains who failed the system. this is the more prominent representation of control that the thundermen break away from in achieving their own self-reliance. they don’t see the value in a system that holds no real moral code (fitzroy Especially, but i’ll get into that in a bit), and can’t help the public when there’s actually a serious situation. as we saw with althea in the beginning, the HOG had no way to help the thundermen when they were dealing with the whole Demon Prince situation (as he had already placed some of his own people in there, proving these kind of systems are easily corruptible). so this wasn’t a system meant to Actually create heroes and villains--it was just a way of boosting the economy. 
the chaos half of control existed primarily through grey and Chaos. grey represented how chaos could be controlled, through various means. he planted that tree for the centaurs to fight over because he knew it would constantly create conflict, which he enjoyed. he kept the school under a watchful eye to prevent anyone from stepping out of line with his grand ideas, and used several manipulation tactics to try and get his way (most notably, his own admittance of grooming fitzroy into joining his side, which didn’t work). grey was the perfect example of how chaos does not automatically mean a lack of control. he was very controlling in how he did things because he had an endgoal: find hieronymous and have a war. but he didn’t even realize he was contributing to a greater idea, that being Chaos’s insistence on causing general disarray. as we realize now, Chaos’s plan was both for them and Order, but i’m leaving Order out for a second because they only really rear their head in towards the end. for the most part, audiences were led to assume that Chaos was the Big Bad(TM); they were the one pulling the strings, allowing things to happen to cause general chaos and disarray. them supplying random mortals with their endless power was a way to plant chaos into the world of nua; but it was a chaos they controlled. fitzroy resisting them was not simply a refusal to bend to Chaos, but it was resisting the control put on him through his magic. 
these systems were constricting the thundermen on both sides. when they thought they’d find help in one side, they were disappointed to find that there was nothing anyone could do. the only people who could fix their problems were...them. so they forged a new path, set new ideas, and became self-reliant. that’s what i think is the most important aspect of graduation; not the anti-capitalist implications of turning over the economic and political systems in place, but the idea that if nothing that is supposed to help you is actually helping that you can just...do your own thing! 
and i think that’s what the finale really shows, at the end of the day. that these forms of control were not doing anything helpful, and were in fact ruining the fabric of space-time! that’s where i think Order comes in because Order is really...the ultimate culmination of control. they are aware that Everything being done will benefit their cause. the HOG? well, they make sure everybody’s so incompetent that they can do their work. grey? well, he’ll contribute to the plan without even realizing it. they even manipulated Chaos and enacted their own form of control over Chaos to make sure that they had no reason to believe that this plan couldn’t go wrong. but Order knew. Order always knew there was a chance for error, and that chance was very great. but they didn’t care! so long as they had control of things, they could try a hundred times to get it right. they had no care for mortals, unlike Chaos. 
the thundermen showing Chaos the truth is the final jenga piece that collapses this tower of control. which is why the finale is so great. 
travis does a phenomenal job of incorporating chaos (general chaos) into the battle mechanics. it may be stupid and slightly arbitrary, but having them change forms randomly and having to adapt to those new circumstances really does exemplify the season!!! the thundermen were constantly forced into new situations (being sidekicks/henches, fitzroy becoming a villain, being let in on the heiro dog situation, the unbroken chain trial, joining forces w grey, etc.), and in all of them they simply found a way to adapt and keep working their way. which made the finale generally interesting and also thematically interesting! 
i think my favorite part of the entire fight scene is right at the end, when argo chucks the shark’s tooth necklace at Order. and time stops. and they’re given a choice. 
the fact that they leave it to a coin toss?? oh my god...how fucking FITTING!! like, that’s disorderly. that’s going your own way. it’s new, it’s terrifying, it has DIRE UNKNOWNS ON EITHER SIDE, but it’s what they do! and...it ends up working out! i think it would’ve worked out either way, but the fact that they left it up to chance really shows how they aren’t allowing anything to control their actions. 
first off, i loved hearing how Nua adapts to losing this very significant form of government/economic contributor and turns to more people-based work. citizens uniting together, fixing things, making amends, THAT’S SELF-RELIANCE BABEY!!! THAT’S THE WHOLE EMERSON SHIT! HAVING A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT THAT ACTUALLY HAS THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AT LARGE!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH THAT’S THE WHOLE SELF-RELIANCE THING!
now, i’ll break it down by characters: 
GOD. LOVE IT. FIRST OFF, absolutely ADORED how his character arc involved him stripping himself of these self-assigned titles because he actually has an identity that is all his own and he doesn’t NEED arbitrary titles to prove his worth because HE HAS IT IN HIMSELF. not to self-plug or anything, but that’s ssoss!fitzroy’s WHOLE SHIT. I’VE ALREADY BEEN ON THIS TRAIN, BITCH, AND TO KNOW I GOT IT SO RIGHT...GOD. FEELS GOOD. 
but also, i just really enjoy how his ending went in general. the fact that he doesn’t really know what he wants to do, so he just...does stuff he likes to do? that’s so good! because, if you remember, fitzroy had a Very set schedule of life events when the campaign started. he was going to get his wiggenstaffs degree, go back knight school, get his knight school degree, and then go to goodcastle. but all of that was based on a very limited understanding of himself. 
fitzroy’s character arc has primarily focused finding himself, specifically in terms of identity. for someone who was bullied for his past, the present formation of himself was Extremely important to fitzroy. he thought that shutting out his past and taking on this grandiose title of knighthood would make him something more than himself. he would no longer be fitzroy; the poor, country kid trying to make it in a big world. he’d be Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt; respected, honored, revered, with a title to prove it. 
he explains to fauxronymous (pre-reveal grey) that the reason he wanted to be a knight was because he wanted to assist in doing good. morally good. fitzroy has Always had a very clear sense of his morality; this comes through when he refuses Chaos on the basis of many people having to die if he agreed. but being a knight also had the added of bonus of a very respectable title that no one would want to look beyond, which fitzroy felt he needed because...i don’t think he Saw anything beyond that. in himself. he wasn’t himself for a very long time, and i don’t know if he ever thought he would be again. he’d wear this new identity, start a new life, and be happier....he hoped. 
then, things changed! and he started to realize that arbitrary titles don’t do shit because plenty of people with Big Important Titles ended up being Awful People! so he started to value himself For Himself; his wit, his humor, his strength, his magical prowess. and, i think, he started to wonder what knighthood was Really about. was it about upholding a moral good? or was it just another bureaucracy filled with people who won’t do shit when things get bad. 
i think this is why him becoming a lawyer is fitting. especially because of the reasoning he gives sylvia nite. now for A LOT OF PEOPLE, i’m sure they hear lawyer and assume some corporate hotshot who doesn’t give a shit about people. but fitzroy is Not applying to be a corporate laywer. he SPECIFICALLY telsl sylvia that he wants to help people who cannot help themselves, and he wants to do good in that way. THAT kind of lawyer is more of the pro-bono, district lawyer. the ones that don’t make crazy amounts of cash, but help those who cannot afford lawyers and represent them when the government is fucking them over. those lawyers don’t rely on title, they rely on principle. 
that’s the perfect representation of fitzroy’s growth. holding his identity within himself, while still trying to do good by those who need it. 
firbolg (aka gary) 
i think the firbolg’s ending is so unique but so...right for him. his character arc has really been focused around finding his family. he had one, in the beginning, in his clan. but that didn’t end up, y’know...working out that much. so he had to go out into the world alone--something that firbolg’s are rarely--and try and navigate these foreign spaces all by himself. 
we see very early on how he latches onto the idea of groups. he likes being considered a part of the thundermen; he very much hoists himself upon the CFO title and wears it proudly. i think, where fitzroy needed to find identity within himself, the firbolg needed to find it within other people. which is completely okay! he’s still an individual, but you can tell he finds comfort in numbers because that’s what he is used to. 
him going back to his clan was, i believe, his finally severance with his identity as “firbolg”. he would never be welcomed back to his clan, and one of the few people in his life who supported him was now dead. but his father was proud of him; his father was happy he seemed to find his own clan, even if it wasn’t with other firbolgs. from that moment on, i think the firbolg begins to try finding himself within the thundermen. within his friends.
so his epilogue is neat! it definitely captures the loneliness he feels on his own, and how he feels lost with himself without others. i think it might seem silly to some that he would become a gary, but i think it’s fitting. the garys were always present in his time at school, and they were always helpful. they didn’t mind how long it took him to talk because the gary’s are stone gargoyles--what the fuck do they care about time? it was a group that the firbolg saw as familiar to him--always willing to help, slow, stony, and attuned to a larger group. 
and i think the way gary takes this idea of unity and family and puts it into financial assistance just...it just ties everything together! we saw how attached he got to the concept of finances, thanks to his very confusing accounting class. so he had all of this new knowledge--this knowledge that represented a separation from firbolgs--and this new clan. and he used it to help other clans and families!! i think the fact that the Garys financial advice works specifically with groups is what makes this so fitting. because gary wants families to feel stable within themselves; he understands how finances can create struggle and divides, and he wants to provide relief. 
giving financial advice to communities so they rely on themselves and not the government (aka inviting them to be controlled once more) is a VERY self-reliant concept. not that i think gary’s goal is to have no social networks to exist, but he wants to give communities the ability to rely on one another and foster that feeling of togetherness. so groups aren’t fighting over things, but are trusting and loving and relying. 
just like gary’s always wanted. and just like what he has with the thundermen.
argo’s ending is probably the funniest, but also the sweetest. i think that argo’s character arc revolved around finding his place. we see how argo’s early personality and motivations revolved around his past. he very much had a revenge story since the start; he wanted to enact revenge on the commodore for murdering his mother, no matter what it took. which made him very limited!! in terms of the self. he saw himself less for what he was now, and what he was then. and what he couldn’t do then. 
we see how much he finds comfort in being a part of the thundermen, but also how he feels...out of place. i think this is because a part of him is still attached to his past and doesn’t think he can do anything beyond his set plan. the unbroken chain certainly contributes to this, by not only separating him from the trio but also reinforcing his connection to his past through his mother’s involvement in the unbroken chain. 
the commodore also being a part of the unbroken chain is, i think, what causes the shift from past to present within argo. his life’s goal is standing right in front of him--attached to the group his mother once was a part of--with his friends at his side. letting the thundermen in on his history is the start of bridging these two halves of argo. and the fact that the thundermen are so willing to helps makes argo feel more a part of the team and more a part of this reality. 
when he kills the commodore, it isn’t intense. it isn’t overly dramatic (minus the fight prior, which was BADASS), it isn’t crazily staged. it is argo, staring down the commodore who lies prone on the ground. 
he kills himself unceremoniously and completes his life-long mission. 
what becomes of him in the epilogue is the culimination of both past and present. he takes what he knows and loves (the sea, the mariah, sailing) and blends it with what he’s come to love now (his friends, this adventure, and making people happy). there are SO many instances where argo uses performance to his advantage. this man is piloted by clint mcelroy, of COURSE he’s going to have a flair for the dramatic. 
so for him to open up a themed cruiseline, based on the stories of him and his friends? SO FITTING. and it isn’t forcing himself to leave his past behind or to completely ignore his present circumstances. because he’s found a place in the now, in the merging of these two sides. and by merging them, he paints a bright future for himself. a future that is partially known, partially not. partially old, partially new.
but it’s all his. 
after that, i think their final scene is just...sweet. a nice, jovial, joking send-off to a nice season. it proves these people have grown and will continue to grow, even when we no longer see their story. it does exactly what graduation does--shows you a struggle, a triumph, and a glimpse into the future. 
i’ll miss it so much, but there’s nothing more i could’ve asked of this ending. it was exactly what it needed to be; nothing more, nothing less. 
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
Because I woke up and chose violence, let’s have some jealousy hc’s! 🙂
So you know the “What’s good, shawty? Yo man still around?” TikTok prank? Well, rather than it be a prank, let’s have an actual guy say this Y/N. She’s FaceTiming a male classmate for a project and after they discussed enough ideas on the assignment, he gets bold and asks Y/N if her man’s is still around. Now our girl is happy and in a beautiful relationship with her man’s but before she could tell him that he is, her bae decided to have perfect timing cuz he swiper no swiped tf outta that phone to let the chump know “So you’ve chosen death”.
For this request, I’d like to have hc’s of Bakugo, Hawks, Dabi, and Shinsou reacting to such tomfoolery cuz why not? ☺️
TUH- couldn’t be me, but these pranks had me dead 😭✋🏽.
Headcanon: “What’s good shawty? Ya man’s still around?” Reactions.
Katsuki Bakugou:
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Okay, now you were just doing this assignment and tryna slay with yo A+ right?
You were partnered up with one of your male classmates, y’all didn’t really talk like that but a grade is a grade, right?
Your amazing, yet bold and brash, angry hedgehog lookin’ ass boyfriend, Katsuki laid in your bed, scrolling through his phone as he ate some of your hot fries.
No matter how bad you wanted them hoes, it was the only thing keeping him quiet until you were finished.
“Aight, so I think we should close off the presentation with a short conclusion, maybe add some additional facts and we’re in the clear.” You said with a sigh, ready to cuddle with your boyfriend after y’all were done with this cuz your head was starting to hurt.
But, this was when lil’ homie was starting to get bold bold.
“Okay, cool.. but can I ask you something before we close out?” He asks, a smirk forming on his face.
“Wassup?” You ask, yawning as you stretched.
“Is your man still around?”
You could not believe your ears, and you know damn well Katsuki heard that shit because you could feel that aura creeping up on your back.
“Boy, who in the he-“
Mans was real quiet then, lookin’ like he shit himself after realizing he fucked up.
“L-Look man, I was just-“
And with that, he hung up and dragged you to the bed, wrapping his around around you and locking you close to him.
He was still pissed off but he was still a big baby, and you know it’ll pass until y’all go to class the next day.
Keigo Takami [Hawks]:
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You were laying across the bed, your legs across Keigo’s lap as he sat up against the headboard, reading a nice little book as he ate some chicken nuggets y’all shared.
You were on Skype with one of your classmates, one that you never really talked to but had to do the project with him.
Y’all exchanged notes, helped each other with flash cards, took turns with the slides, etc.
You were just about to end the call so you could touch up the project before submitting it until you were caught off guard.
“Okay, good thinking today, [Y/N], but I just have one question if that’s okay?”
“Oh yeah, what’s on ya mind?” You respond, finishing the rest of the notes.
“Is your man still around?”
You dropped your pencil and made the most disgusted look.
You knew Keigo heard that shit when he slammed that book shut and used plenty of his feathers to pick up your laptop and float before him.
You could tell he was dead serious when he had that frown, those stern eyes. He wasn’t playing no games today.
“Listen here, you pathetic dollar store playboy. My dove isn’t going anywhere, she doesn’t want you, and I’ll be damned if any girl would want to even take a peek at your little pecker. ‘Cause that’s real small dick energy right there pal. She’s happy here, and here is where she’ll stay. You could never compare to me, so stay in your fucking place..”
“I-I’m sorry man! I won’t try it aga-“ call ended.
If that wasn’t the hottest thing he’s done, you don’t know what was.
Keigo sighed, closing your laptop and setting it to the side before lifting you up and placing you on top of him.
With his arms wrapped around you, kissing your forehead, he mumbles, “You let me know if that jackass tries that shit again. I’ll give him a personal ass whooping.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes as you pressed a soft kiss against his bicep.“You do your thang, bae.”
Dabi [Touya Todoroki]:
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Dabi laid on your bed, dozing off after a day of villainy.
He dozed to the sound of you working with your classmate over the phone, just over simple homework that he had oh so much trouble with.
While you sat at your desk, he had the nerve to try to be bold while your boyfriend.. your TERRIFYING boyfriend who has NO problems with killings mfs.
“So, can I ask this one question for clarification?” He said.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“Is your man still around?”
Your eyes widened, your brow raised and you were ready to lose your fucking mind. How DARE he try to spit some whack ass game?
Dabi’s eyes shot open, awake and pissed.
He got up and snatched your phone, small flames sparking against his cheek.
“Now, you fucking listen and you listen good, you shrimp dick motherfucker. I am [Y/N]’s man, and I will continue to be her man until the end. She has no time for thirsty wannabes like you. If I ever catch you trying to flirt with my woman.. you better hope I don’t see you in the streets..”
With that chilling threat, he hung up the phone and placed it on the desk, sighing as he calmed down.
“That’s enough books for one night.. now, come cuddle with me, I’m tired.”
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aclosetfan · 3 years
ask game number 10?
(ask game) thank you so much for asking!!!!
YESSSS YESS haha yessss someone chose 10!!!!!! So pumped for this one. For new fandom members (lmao I’m like a damn fandom historian), battle of the band fics got really popular for half a second b/c of the punks. I outlined my own where the punks are included but with a twist. No powers au, multi chap fic.
My outline is really detailed because I know I’m going to be writing this one!! It’s just too much fun, but I’m only gonna give you the jist, I don’t want to spoil too much :))) I’ve got like six pages of notes and I’m still not done mapping it all out. It’s supposed to be goofy as well as a big s/o to everyone who watched cringy amvs on youtube in the early 2000s <3
Brick (lead guitar), Butch (bass), and Boomer (drums) are three brothers with a shitty garage band. They think they’re hot shit. They’re not hot shit (not yet). They’re good at playing their instruments but they don’t have a big following (or any good songs). On a good night, Mojo (their adopted father) indulges them and brings the crowd to a stunning total of 1.
One day, Boomer gets it in his head that he doesn’t want to be a punk rocker anymore. It’s dumb, he’s bored, and obviously, he is the next Picasso, so he quits the band. Brick all but disowns him as a brother. Butch is like dude I’d be cool staying in the band and Brick goes “you don’t have a choice!” Butch is like “aight, but now that Boom’s gone, can we maybe play a song I wrote?” Brick’s like, “no!” Butch is like “aight. That’s fair it’s dumb anyway. No harm, no foul bro. How are we going to get a new drummer as good as Boomer?” Brick’s like, “we’ll find someone better!” They won’t because, to give credit where credit is due, Boomer is quite a good musician.
Butch is like well this still sucks though cause we just got all those t-shirts. Like we’re broke af and they’ve got Boomer plastered on the front of them too. We can’t just replace them. Brick’s like “we’ll find someone better and someone who looks like him nbd.”
Brick and Butch don’t know any other drummers and they certainly don’t know anyone who drums and also looks like Boomer, so they make flyers~  
“Annnd,” Brick chirped, grabbing the page from the printer, “done. There. Perfect. We just need to make like a thousand more of these and post them around the City.”
Butch yanked the flyer from his hand with a frown, his eyes jumping around it before he grimaced, “Man, I dunno.”
“Must have blonde hair, blue eyes,” Butch looked up, “reads kinda neo-nazi-ish.”
Brick ripped the page from Butch with wide eyes, rereading the flyer. After a second he hissed, “Ah fuck. Fucking Boomer.”
“He ruins everything.” Butch solemnly agreed.
“Fascist can’t even be punk.” Brick huffed, glaring at the flyer.
Together they sat back in their chairs and regarded the flyer before turning their attention back to his cracked computer screen. After a few moments of hmm’ing and haa’ing, Brick snapped his fingers and leaned over his keyboard. He made the font big, bold, and red so it couldn’t be ignored at the bottom of the flyer:
“Dude,” Butch nodded, reading over his shoulder, “it’s beautiful.”
And then the boys post the flyers everywhere. Including their school, where most people ignore them regularly. Their flyers however become popular scratch paper for the art department where one Ms. Bubbles Utonium stumbles upon them. She takes it as a sign. She’s a bit of a drum hobbyist, but her dad has had enough of the racket and she needs to find a new place to play. She’s not practiced or anything, but she fits the four requirements to a “T”. She has blonde hair. She has blue eyes. She can play the drums. And she isn’t a skinhead! She thinks it’s silly they even had to clarify that. She’s not too into punk music but even she knows fascists can’t be punk! So on the day of auditions, she shows up with her drum sticks and gets in line!!
Brick and Butch are floored when Bubbles Utonium comes strutting in. They only know her because she’s a popular cheerleader at their school and shares an art class with Boomer, who only ever complains about the perky upbeat girl. Their first thought is to laugh, but when she starts playing, they’re like “oh?” She’s inexperienced, but she’s got a knack for it, and (as Butch points out) she is not a skinhead. Since she’s the best they’ve seen all day they offer her the position on the condition that she dresses like a dude when they play because of their t-shirt dilemma. She tells them that’s no problem, she likes playing dress-up, but they’ve got to work band practice around her cheer schedule. They agree.
The RowdyRuffs are a band once more.
Boomer btws is NOT AT ALL jealous. Not at ALL. Nope. (he totally is and he’s very obvious about it). In one of the early band practices that he barges in on to “check out the new drummer,” he’s ten shades of betrayed when he sees Bubbles of all people in his seat. He does not like Bubbles. Bubbles thinks Boomer is the bees-knees. He doesn’t like her because she’s good at just about everything he wants to be good at—except for drumming, which he proves then and there and is like “your new drummer sucks, later losers, you wish you still had me, by the way, dad wanted me to tell you he’s making tacos and they’ll be ready in ten.” Bubbles is not deterred by his behavior, thinks how he plays is really cool, and wants him to teach her, which he continuously refuses to do, but that doesn’t stop her from pestering him. (eventually, he does tho just a fyi; Bubbles is hard to resist)  
Jumping forward in time, Princess becomes involved as their PR manager and decided that Bubbles shouldn’t act as Boomer anymore. They need “horny old man money” and everyone’s like ooooh yeah, horny old man money, neat! So, in all her genius, Princess decides to make Bubbles “Brat.” And boom! Here’s our first powerpunk girl.
It’s a hit with the crowd that the band is slowly starting to amass. After accidentally hearing Butch goof around on his bass, Buttercup ((((Bubbles’ sister, who at the beginning of the story takes pity on Butch and Brick and volunteers to help teach her sister how to be “punk rock”. She is also forced to drive Bubbles to and from band practice (because Buttercup is being punished for failing math)))) encourages him to pitch his songwriting to the rest of the band. He refuses. Brick’s the guy who writes the songs, who’s very bad at it.
However, after another shitty song about some mystery girl Brick swears he doesn’t have a crush on, Bubbles has enough and assigns the boys some songwriting homework. Butch writes a banger and their little band gets more recognition. They’re now playing sizeable gigs, but wait! OH NO! Bubbles and Butch aren’t going to make it to the show on time. Boomer’s like, “shit Brick! The show must go on, dude, but where are you going to find two people who know how to play the exact same instruments as Butch/Bubs, know all their cues, and all the songs in the next ten minutes????” Brick looks at Buttercup (plays bass like Butch/almost at all the band practices/has a lovely voice despite what she says) and Boomer (who was Bubbles before Bubbles) and goes “huh, genius, I wonder.” Buttercup’s like “oh no, wait wait! I’ve got stage freight!” To which Brick says, “get over yourself and join my shitty fucking band!”  
And that’s how we get our Brute <3 (named by Brick). She’s a hit!
They just keep getting bigger and bigger as a band, and record labels are starting to take an interest, so after Brute debuts, everyone’s like welp, Brick needs his counterpart too. And it’s eventually Blossom, but that comes about in a roundabout way because Brick’s feelings are still hurt (she’s the girl he was crushing on, but she rejects him). Eventually, Bubs is like “listen, Brick, we need a Berserk (Butch name’s this imaginary person), and it's coming down to the wire. Blossom can do it. I know she can. It’s for the band.” So, he sucks it up and Blossom hesitantly accepts (she’s very much preppy pop to whatever Berserk is lol so it’s difficult for her at first). After a heart-to-heart with Brick, they make amends (I think I’ll leave it platonic for now tbh) and their first show altogether is a hit!
As always, there’s a happy ending :) They get their record deal lol.
I can’t write songs. I’m shit at poetry, but I was thinking about just choosing irl music and mashing them up, so the music is still “original” but people can also be like omg I remember that horrible song from my emo “phase.” I have to find a good song list first. If anyone’s still reading send me some recs. The music I like is too embarrassing.  
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Subaru Sakamaki–⁠ (Chapter 2)
[Chapter 1]
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Place: ??? (BG black)
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Yui: (nng…)
(Huh, what time is it…?)
(Last night, I was having difficulties in sleeping so I couldn’t sleep well…)
(...? Oh no...I can’t move my body…! Bu- but why…!?)
???: ….Zzz
Yui: (Someone...is here...!?)
Place: ホテル•モーントシュタイン  客室 / Hotel • Mortstein,Guest room
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Yui: 一Su- Subaru kun!?
(Lemme think? Why’s he sleeping on my bed…!?)
(Could it be I accidentally fell asleep here…? ...Nope, it’s no way…)
Subaru: nnh…
Yui: (Wa- What should I do! He is about to wake up…!?)
*Subaru gets up*
Subaru: ….ah?
Yui: Err...that’s...Good morn- ning?
Subaru: ...Yeah….hm?
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That’s, Yo- you!? Uwaa! Why are you here!? *blushing*
Didn’t I warn ye’ not to enter on the other side!?
*Subaru backs off*
Yui: You misunderstood! This is my portion…!
Subaru: Haah!? That’s not一
Yui: Then look! My Rosary is on this bed-side…
Subaru: ……
Yui: (What can I do, he isn’t saying anything…)
*Subaru stops blushing*
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Subaru: Oh...I see now...yesterday…
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...How’s your health today?
Yui: Eh…? Health? I haven’t felt anything recently though…
Subaru: ...Then, it’s good.
Yui: (Why does that mean…?)
Saying that...why were you sleeping on my bed-part…?
Subaru: ...kh...that’s ‘cuz…*blushing*
...Shuddup! That doesn’t even matter!
Yui: Eeh...but I’m curious…
(Because...he strictly prohibited not to enter on the other side…)
Subaru: ……
Yui: ……
Subaru: ...Tch! Aaah, damn it!
Got it, if you’ll be satisfied if I say it, then I’ll!!
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...You’re...having a nightmare last night.
Yui: Eh…?
Subaru: When I was sleeping on my side, I heard you making painful noises and...
That’s why...I go there to check out your state.
...Was it my bad?
Yui: Oh…
(Last night, it wasn’t a dream that I felt my chest hurt…)
(Because of that, Subaru kun has...slept…)
You were worried for me, right?
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Subaru: Wha...I didn’t really worry or something like…*blushing*
Yui: Fufu…
Subaru: Shit, don’t laugh!
*Screen shakes + Subaru gets closer*
Yui: Kyaa…!?
Don’t pull off my arm so suddenly…!
Subaru: Shuddup! I’m gonna sleep twice.
Yui: Eeeh…!?
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Subaru: Just be quiet and embrace me…!
*Hugs her tighter*
Yui: (Oh come on. We must have to get up by right now...but…)
(Last night, I am sure he had been concerned for my health all the time…)
(Just a little bit...should be fine, no?)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: The antique art dealer that you’ve mentioned yesterday...do you know where he is?
Subaru: Yeah...but saying the truth, I don’t wanna drag myself near him…
Yui: Is he such a weird person…?
Subaru: Weird you say...He’s a narrow-minded guy who always comes up with a disagreement for some reasons.
Even for the father, he is a damn crap old-uncle who always shows-off around. 
Yui: You didn’t have to explain it in such a cruel manner…
Subaru: Hmph…
Subaru: However...this old uncle is the only guy who can resist my father. 
By putting it that way, that guy is incredible, I think.
Yui: Oh...I see now…
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(The one who can resist Karl-Heinz san...then he should be a pretty amazing right…)
(I wonder what kind of person he is…)
Subaru: I am sure he lives around this area…
Oh, here it is...let’s enter.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/ アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一 Oi, Ye’ here?
Antique Art Dealer: Hmm…?
Ooh! You’re the youngest kid of the Sakamaki.
Yui: (This person is the artist of the antique…)
Antique Art Dealer: You were so small in the past…
Now you’ve grown up so much, like walking in the future carrying a woman huh.
...I think she looks like a young girl having a plugged-nose though.
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Yui: Pu- pugged nose…!?
(How awful…)
Subaru: Tch…
...Don’t care about him that much. I told that he's narrow-minded and has a disagreement with everything, right?
Yui: Y- yes…
Antique Art Dealer: So, what’s up today? For you coming in this place is rather rare.
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Did Karl-Heinz assign you any mission or something? Heheh…
Subaru: Ye’ aren’t even close, that old man has no connection with it.
...Do you know that guy called Earl Walter?
Antique Art Dealer: Hm….
Subaru: I had smashed several furnishings of his castle yesterday.
Antique Art Dealer: ...You did?
Subaru: Yeah.
Antique Art Dealer: Ho...you see...the furnishings of the Walter are…
Pfft….Hahahah! Oh my, I see! You breaked them huh!
That was the masterpiece thing you did!
Yaay, you did well, youngest kid of Sakamaki!
Yui: Eh…
(He seems to be laughing so much…!?)
Subaru: O- oi…?
Antique Art Dealer: What are you trying to hide? I strongly hate that guy.
Yui: Is that so…?
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Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, absolutely. For telling the truth, he has stolen my treasures in the past.
Since then, I just continued hating and hating him…
For this, I become overjoyed hearing this, you know!
Yui: (I get it...so that was the reason…)
Antique Art Deal: I think I can repair the implements in his castle other than the goods in his treasure house.
Subaru: You mean it!?
Yui: That’s a relief….!
Antique Art Deal: Since you had blown up the hell out of that guy then...I shall help you.
Which stuff do you wanna repair?
Yui: A jar, sculpture and a painting…
Antique Art Dealer: I get the point. If that's the case then I can manage somehow I think. Hold on a sec.
*Walks away*
Yui: Looks like at the end we can come up with something, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: Yeah, I believe so…
*Pulling something big*
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Antique Art Dealer: I appreciate your waiting. What about this thing?
These things are quite similar with those types of implements, right?
Subaru: Yeah, almost like that.
Yui: Then...if we give these to Earl Walter, he may pardon us…!
Subaru: Yup, we appreciate it. Then We’re takin’ out leav一
Antique Art Dealer: Hold ittt!
*Slaps Subaru*
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Subaru: Ouch…! What the hell are ye’ doin’!?
Antique Art Dealer: Who said I’ll do these for free!
Subaru: Haah!? Did you say you’re gonn’ help us out!?
Antique Art Dealer: If you sound like having complaints then I won't hand these over to you.
Subaru: Ghh…
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...Oh! Then I am gonna go to the human world and get some money from that old father.
That’s why...let us make an exchange with these.
Antique Art Dealer: Hmph, I don’t even slightly agree that Karl-Heinz will take out money for such things.
Subaru: ….kkh….
Yui: Then...what can we do for the charge…?
Antique Art Dealer: Let’s see…
If you can hand me three things that I’ll order, then I am gonna exchange these things.
Well, if I put in other others, those things should be close to my hand-maid things.
Yui: Hand-maid…
Subaru: Tch….annoying but...that’s the only way.
一一Understood. We’ll get them for you.
Antique Art Dealer: ...Told you, right? Then, let’s tie up our discussions here.
Yui: What should we search to begin with?
Antique Art Dealer: ...The head-mask of a clown. That should be an antique item.
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Subaru: HAAH!? Why the heck you need such a thing!?
Antique Art Dealer: That’s because I want that, so you can’t blame it.
If you don’t want to then you don’t have to, ya’ know? Since I am not allowing exchange if so. 
Subaru: ...Told ye’ that I am gonna do it! I’m gonna search for that right away so wait!...What a shit!
Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yui: It’s much crowded that I’ve thought…
Subaru: Ahh...ear sore…
Yui: (It's a parade after all so we have to endure these…)
一Ah! There is a clown right ahead! I think there’s gonna be a performance onward.
(It was a great decision for visiting the amusement park. Because, after it if we ask about the head-mask to the clown, then一)
Vampire Child A: Oh! It’s a clown! Hurry up and come 一!
Vampire Child B: Hold on一!
Clown A: There, there. Don’t push each other, okay~!
Yui: (Wah, it’s a huge crowd...I can’t get near him at all…)
Subaru: Oi, what are ye’ gonna do? There’re so many kids so we can’t get to him.
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Yui: Umm...at this rate, the performance is gonna begin soon…
(What shall we do…)
Clown B: ...What shall we do?
Clown C: I can’t answer even if you ask...it’s a weekend after all…
Yui: (Hm? Over there are…)
Look, the clowns are getting prepared over there. Let’s talk with them.
I think they are having some kind of trouble…
*Walks over there*
Yui: Excuse us…
Clown B: Yes?
Yui: Did something happen? You look somehow troubled…
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Clown C: Oh...that’s...the clown who was supposed to play main role in this performance,
Cannot show up for getting an injury…
Vampire Child A: So we can’t start!
Vampire Child B: I am getting sick of waiting!
Yui: (Ah...there children are…)
Clown A: ...Kh, We can’t buy ourselves time anymore! What should we do!?
Yui: Tell us! Is there anything we can do to help you?
Clown B: Eeeh!? But…
Subaru: Ha? Oi, what are ya’ sayi…
Clown C: No...maybe you can. If you lend us a hand in the fountain-show then…
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...Certainly...if you do that much then...At this moment, that’s the only way.
Subaru: What’re ye’ thinking? It’s now way...we can help ‘em!
Yui: Sorry for deciding all of these even if you’re refusing to….
But, if we help, then we can have a talk with them as early as possible…
Subaru: ………
Clown A: Can you please do it for us?
Subaru: ...Certainly...we won’t have a delay talking with ‘em if we do so…
...Understood, we’ll do it.
Clown C: That’ll be a great help! But...we’re lacking time so, please get ready right away.
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Yui: Yeah…!
*After a moment*
Clown A: Alright, dear people! Thank you so much for your long wait!
Clown B: After a moment, we’re going to show everyone in a fantasy world.
Yui: (Aight...let’s do my best…!)
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Words Subaru said in the game 一
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What're you doing? Get started.
Looks like we’re done.
If you win 一
*Audiences’ claps *
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Yui: (Have we done it...perfectly…?)
Vampire Child A: Ohh! Wonderful!
Vampire Child B: The fountain-show was so incredible, right…!
Clown A: Thank you very much! You succeed so well!
Yui: Really….!? We did it, Subaru kun!
*Yui hugs Subaru*
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Subaru: Uwaah…!?
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: (What a relief...we get that right…!)
Subaru: O- oi! Lemme go!
Yui: Eh?
Vampire Child A: Look! It’s a couple, a couple!!
Vampire Child B: Right~! A lovely-dovely one~!
Yui: ...kh…!
(I was so happy that I….!)
Yui: Ah, Subaru kun, that’s...err, I didn’t mean to do it…!
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Vampire Child B: Couple~! Couple~!
Subaru: Tch…! Ya’ll are being damn noisy!
Vampire Child A: Uwaa! We got him mad! Let’s escape!!
Subaru: Fuck…!
Yui: (Uuh...and also, what was I doing….so embarrassing….!)
*CG Fades*
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Yui: S- sorry, I did something weird so suddenly…!
Subaru: Geez…
Clown C: Phew, thanks to you two, the show has ended up smoothly.
Furthermore, you absolutely deserve larger congrats than I’d expected!
Clown B: Honestly, thank you a lot!
Yui: (I’m glad that we’ve come out handy to them.)
Clown A: 一Once again, we’re expressing our gratefulness for supporting us.
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Clown B: As a thank you, please recommend to us what can we give you as a present.
Yui: Err...Actually, if you could manage us a thing that we have been searching…
Subaru: 一 This one. Can you recall seeing something like this?
Clown C: This is…
Yui: (Ah...that photo was…)
Subaru: It’s a head-mask used by a clown. If you have it, then please give it to us.
Clown A: Oh...it looks like an old-modeled head-mask. I hope it is left out in the warehouse...
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However, you have helped us so much after all, so we’ll search up the warehouse for you.
Yui: You mean it!? Thank you…!
Clown A: Then, we’re gonna go there to search….can we request you to wait here for a while?
Yui: We’re counting on you!
*Goes away*
Yui: That’s good right, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: If they find it, then yes…
Yui: (...Looks like we’re having a freetime. What can we do…)
Oh...tell me Subaru kun. We’re having some time so let’s play something cool?
Subaru: Huh?
Yui: It’s boring if we just wait here plus…
Subaru: ...What do you wanna ride?
Yui: Err...let’s see….Oh, what about Merry-Go-Round?
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Subaru: HAAAH!? Which fool is gonna ride such a childish thing!?
Yui: Ah…
(So we can’t huh...I really wanted to ride something together…)
Subaru: ……..
*Walks away*
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...What’re ye’ standing like a statue for? Hurry up.
Yui: Eh...hurry up but why…
Subaru: Huh...you wanna ride, no? Come along before I change my mood to ride.
Yui: ...Mhm!
*After a while*
Yui: Haa, it was fun…!
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Subaru: Which side was fun….such stuff was just embarrassing! *blushing*
For starters...You ended up choosing that horse-drawn vehicle…
For making me ride on like a clerk...of that horse…!
If ye’ make me do so next time, then I’ll blow ye’ up…!
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Yui: (Certainly it was embarrassing of two of us riding together but…)
I enjoyed riding with you, thank you for that.
Subaru: …ngh…*blushed*
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Well...if you’d enjoyed it then it’s okay but….I won’t gonn’ face such a ride next time!
Clown A: 一Sorry for making you wait!
Yui: Oh, you are…
Subaru: You’ve found that?
Clown A: It was...expectedly way much old, so it wasn’t left in our warehouse.
Subaru: Haah!?
Yui: S- such…!
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Clown A: However, if I take the correct conjecture then you may find it in the dress shop of this town.
Yui: Dress shop…
(Then we should go there I think.)
Thanks a lot for giving us valuable information. We’re going to that shop then.
Clown A: Yup. Take care…!
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Subaru: 一Where can we find that dress shop?
Yui: Umm...according to the map we received earlier, that should be around here.
Right ahead of that crowd, I guess…?
Subaru: Crowd….I’m sick of that.
Yui: Ahaha, you’re right…
(By the way, I wonder if it’s just my imagination to have a bad feeling about it…)
Place: Dress Shop /ドレスショップ
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Yui: ………
Subaru: ………
Why is it crowded here too…!
Yui: Y- yes…
(The bad-feeling that I was having was true after all…!)
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Umm...excuse me. Anything going on here?
Vampire Woman A: Yeah, there’s going to be a fashion show.
Yui: Fashion show!?
If the fashion is gonna start then I bet the workers in this shop are busy…
Subaru: Ahh...crowds are annoying too. So, let’s wait until it’s over.
Yui: Right...let’s wait then…
(Fashion show of the Demon World huh, I am bit interested一)
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???: 一Ah! Hey you there!
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: (Hm…?)
???: I want you to follow me!
*She pulls Subaru*
Subaru: Aaah? What’s so sudden!?
Dress shop owner: I am the owner of this shop. I’ll explain everything inside that room. Anyway, come!
Subaru: Oi, hold it!
Yui: Ah, wait….!
(What on this earth going on…? I should just follow them…)
Place: Dressing Room / 試着室
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Yui: (She has brought us very inside this shop…)
Dress shop owner: My apologies for bringing you here so suddenly but please get changed into this costume.
Subaru: Haah!? You’re doing these so abruptly! Why the heck is going on!
Dress shop owner: ...Right, I was forcing you way much…
For here on, we’re going to perform a fashion show here, however…
It was frustrating that there wasn’t a single model out there to wear my masterpiece costume.
I was able to find substitutes from the time being but none of them were perfectly suitable.
However, in the meantime you show up! You’re an ideal model for this.
Yui: (Subaru kun….a model…)
Subaru: Stop fussing around! Who’s gonna do such a shit!
Dress shop owner: No refusal! I’ll make you to be the model by any means!
I bet you’re gonna be pleased with the costume that I created.
Subaru: Hmph, what an absurd one. Oi, we’re going back.
Yui: Ah, but….
(We must have to ask them about that head-mask…)
(Above that…)
*BGM stops*
(I am very interested in seeing Subaru kun participating in the fashion show…!)
Tell me, Subaru kun...it’s a great offer so please participate in it?
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Subaru: AAAAH!? You’re also saying these!?
Yui: ….Please do!
Plus...please lend me your ear a bit?
*Subaru gets closer + Yui whispers*
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Yui: You see, it may be the right chance for us to ask them about the head-mask…!
Subaru: ...gh…
Dress shop owner: I have no clue what you’re mumbling for…
But I am begging you too. Because you can be the supreme model for sure.
Subaru: ………
….Lend that thing. I’m gonna wear it.
*Starts putting on*
Yui: Subaru kun…!
Dress shop owner: Woo! Thanks a lot! Then come here please!
Yui: (I am looking forward to the upcoming…!)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
*Shutter sounds of taking photos*
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Yui: (Every single model has so cool styles. I can’t help but to admire them…)
(Subaru kun’s turn hasn’t come yet…)
Dress shop owner: Alright, so our last display will be this costume of our pride!
Yui: (Ah, he shows up…!)
*Louder Applause + Shutters* 
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The appearance of Subaru who modelled was looking so cool that anyone’d get caught in his enchantment.
...It was rather a displeasing mood for me though.
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He was in an unusual appearance or for something else, I was feeling like he was refreshed.
The shop-owner who stood by this Subaru kun 一一
She is so beautiful too.
I was just curious that...two of them who were getting captured in photos taken by others, what conversations they were having while having short distance in between them.
End of Monologue
Dress shop owner: The visitors are congrating us so much…!
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Come on, you also shake your hand with these audiences.
*Swats her hand*
Subaru: 一Don’t you freely touch my hand.
||気安い means actually friendly or familliarly. However, I thought ‘freely’ would go smoothly with the sentence. However, the more literal concept would be “Don’t touch my hand treating so friendly / familiar with me.
Yui: (Ah…! Subaru kun just shook off the shop-owner’s hand.)
Subaru: I’m engaged. Hand-shake with someone else.
||Spoilers! 予約済み means engage / reservation. I am pretty much sure he meant engaged. Because it reflects a clue about ‘engaging’ to the dress-shop owner. :p But some translators may also translate like “I am reserved here. Touch other else” x’D However it would sound weird or logicless since ‘reservation’ has nothing to do with ‘touching hand’. The next sentence, it makes it more obvious :’)
Dress shop owner: Oh my…
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...Fufu, it’s that girl over there huh.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Yui: (I hope he won’t fight over this time…)
*After a moment*
Yui: 一Subaru kun!
Subaru: ...Oh, you come huh.
Yui: Oh...you have got back to normal appearance huh.
Subaru: Absolutely! Who’d wear that damn cloth for a long time.
Yui: (I want to...tell him about my impressions of that show...How should I describe that?)
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面白かった / You looked interesting
かっこよかった / You looked cool (+correct)
Yui: Subaru kun, you looked so cool!
Subaru: I- is that so? I haven’t really done anything. *flushed*
Yui: It’s not like that. That costume also suited you pretty well and…!
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Subaru: ...Thanks.
Dress shop owner: Thanks for the earlier. For you, we really hit a huge profit.
Subaru: I’d acted just as you said. This time, listen to our request.
Dress shop owner: What is it? It will be a pleasure to help you with anything I can.
Subaru: ...Have you seen something similar to this photo? We’re searching for that.
Dress shop owner: ...Oh, it’s inside our warehouse. I’m going to bring that so wait please.
*After a while*
Dress shop owner: 一I think it’s this one.
Yui: Yeah, it is!
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Dress shop owner: No one has been using it since it was just left there...You can have it if you need it.
Yui: Thank you so much! We did it, Subaru kun!
Subaru: Hm...I have no clue what he's planning to do with this worn-out thing…
That’s fine. Let’s get back to that old uncle anyways!
Yui: Right. Ah, really thanks a lot!
Dress shop owner: Whether it’s useful to you or not comes first. If it’s possible then stop by here again.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一Here, ye’ haven’t gotten any complaints right!?
Antique Art Dealer: Oooh! This one indeed! I haven’t imagined you’d really give it to me.
Subaru: Geez, my head hasn’t just got that why do ya’ need such a thing.
But...with this we’re done with one of the assignments I hope.
Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, you sure did. I’ll count on you tomorrow as well.
Place: Diamante Fountain / ディアマンテ泉
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Subaru: Haah...I’m tired…
Yui: The first day was tough…
Ah, I got churro from the Wagon. Wanna eat?
Subaru: Yeah….mmn…
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...The saying that “Sweet things taste more tasty the time you’re tired”, not a lie after all…
Yui: Fufu…
(But, today we really had to face many things.)
(I hope we’ll be able to hold out tomorrow as well…)
Subaru: Don’t make such a depressed face…I’ll be with you.
Yui: Right…!
(That’s true, if Subaru kun’s with me then we’ll be fine…!)
(Alright, let’s do our best tomorrow!)
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一The END of Chapter O2
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