jaskiersvalley · 1 year
Modern day Lambert would be a flat earther just to be contrary. He and Aiden have passionate arguments about it, leading to passionate "sword fights".
Geralt used to be a flat earther until he told Eskel there are flat earthers all over the globe and realised what he'd said.
By contrast, Eskel just doesn't care whether the earth is flat or round.
Cahir is a die-hard flat earther. He even manages to convince Jaskier.
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jay-arts-t · 1 year
Making Witcher character stickers for Redbubble, mostly the twn design (save for lambert since his twn design is pretty well liked from my understanding so he’ll have 2 versions)
I am in pain and agony but they’re all turning out really cute so I’m winning
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geraskierficrecs · 5 months
An Offer You Can't Refuse Update!
Hey look! I finally finished it!
Geralt’s lips were still cracked from the heat of the fire and they opened painfully on a near-silent word.  Immediately, Jaskier turned toward the tray of food Aiden had delivered to retrieve a bottle of water.  He gently helped Geralt raise his head from the pillow and guided the bottle to his lips, supporting him there as he drank deeply.  After a moment, Geralt turned his head away in a silent feature and Jaskier quickly set the water aside in favor of getting the alpha resettled on the pillows.
The other wolf licked his lips and attempted to clear his throat from the smoke still lining it.  “You’re here.”
Jaskier blinked, startled at the unexpected direction of Geralt’s thoughts.  He shifted his weight, trying to anticipate what Geralt meant by it.  “I…yes,” he said, “I didn’t want you to be alone.”
It was a dangerous sort of admission.  Far too close to acknowledging the bond that had been driving them together for weeks.
Geralt frowned at him and Jaskier felt his nerves turn into a wild thing, twisting and writhing within him.
He should have left while he had a chance.  He should have allowed Lambert to oversee Geralt’s healing.  Anything to avoid the rejection he knew was coming.  Anything to avoid hearing Geralt’s voice telling him to leave for good.
Jaskier leaned back to force himself to his feet, but froze when he felt Geralt’s calloused hand wrap around his wrist in a gentle shackle.  
All at once, he was terrified.  Terrified that perhaps it wasn’t love that moved within his chest each time he saw Geralt staring back at him.  That this love would become a knife twisting within his heart, sinking deeper with each new breath until death became the only release he could ever hope for.
In this moment, Geralt held the means to his destruction in a way Emhyr and Cahir never had.  A single word, a single syllable could erase every scrap of battered hope he possessed.  He stood at the precipice of calamity with one person holding on to the rope that kept him from sinking into the abyss.  He was–
Geralt’s fingers tightened around Jaskier’s fluttering heartbeat and his thumb swept over the delicate skin in a caress that made Jaskier shiver.  The alpha stared at Jaskier and his mouth shaped the word that made Jaskier’s wolf go quiet.
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bluedillylee · 1 year
🔥 7, 8 and 12! >:3
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Aiden. This is sort of funny because there isn't any canon of Aiden in the TV show or the books, he's just in the video game to my knowledge. My dislike is absolutely petty and not actually anything about the character. I just kept seeing Aiden/Lambert pop up in ao3 and I got annoyed that there weren't more Coen/Lambert fics. Justice for Coen!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that Jaskier had any opinions on the heroic qualities of witchers before meeting Geralt. My opinion is that Jaskier first approached Geralt because he looked interesting (and hot) and that he had prejudices and biases just the same as anyone else. I think a lot of Jaskier's morality is based around if he likes someone or not. He likes Geralt and began to see him as a friend and so he sings songs that praise him.
what's interesting about Jaskier is that essentially he is a selfish and hedonistic person who does things because he wants to but he's also capable of being deeply loyal. His friendship with Geralt adds this layer of complexity to his character that's very interesting to me.
I think it was all the time he spent with Geralt on the path, seeing people from such a varied walk of life that gave him the compassion to get involved as the Sandpiper and try to help.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
FRINGILLA!!!! everyone should be talking about her and I should be making more fanart of her!
She's fascinating. Her life is one tragedy and betrayal after another. She so obviously wants someone to be as loyal to her as she is towards first Aretuza and then Nilfgaard. And yet no one chooses her. Tissaia doesn't stand up for her when Yennefer charms the Vengerburg King. She's locked up in Nilfgaard and abused because she did the job she was given. Francesca turns her back on her after her baby is born, Emhyr turns on her and her Uncle insults and belittles her when she turns to him for aid. Her one friend is Cahir, the greasiest and smelliest looking little rat man!
I love how Mimi gives us these moments of vulnerability with her eyes. The ways she portrays Fingilla is perfect. I am desperately hoping we get a lot more Fringilla scenes in S3. I didn't get a glimpse of her in the trailer but there was a photo released and she looks so good!!!!
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limerental · 7 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💕💗
I have a few of these sitting in my inbox because I have had such trouble deciding tbh but time to stop being indecisive!! i have posted 210 fics (!!!) on ao3 since i got it in 2017 and I like basically all of them because they are a thing I created and put into the world so it's very difficult to choose.
lilacs and dandelions
this was my first longfic, my first oneshot that got away from me, my first serially published I actually finished, and in general one of the first yennskier fics that really took off in the fandom, and it was really deeply fun and indulgent to write and had some great engagement at the time. so even if it's not my best crafted fic and there are things I would change or do differently or expand on, it's forever one of my faves.
2. how light carries on
this is the sequel to my weird 80s trucker mcd fic and is actually more special to me than the first part (though the first part's up there too). just the way it handled the life after loss messy parts of grief are deeply personal and important to me, and i'm still really pleased with the structure and tone of the fic.
3. in the city of golden towers
i poured a lottttt of silly goofy energy into this fic and its sequel and honestly I love them so dearly and fringilla & cahir's dynamic in them and those versions of these charactes will live forever in my brain. i think they can be enjoyed even if you didn't like s2 of twn because I tried to bring their characters at that point toward book canon (jossed by s3 of course). the sequel to this includes the hansa and the lodge and is a book canon fix-it and is really silly but serious and. idk like 5 people have actually read it wahh
4. then send down the storm
i can't say whyyyy my singular lambert/aiden fic sticks in my head so strongly but i'm still really pleased with this one and return to read it often. i'm not a huge lambert person and barely ship this (unless it's very good) but something about this fic (and of course some_star's original "prequel" which you should also read!) keeps sticking with me
5. caught now in two minds
to rec a non-witcher fic just because i posted the first chapter of this exactly a year ago(!!), this is the steddie fic that gripped me for several months last year and that actually turned into something really fun and deep and cool and unique within the fandom i think.
honestly this was really hard don't make me do this again
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continentcakeshop · 1 year
Reverse casting time!!!! Cakeshop peeps as Witcher characters. Go!!!
ALRIGHT I spent like 2 hours on this and the shenanigans that happened with everyone laughing and helping out... BUT ITS LONG. So it's behind a cut. It's not complete, because oh man I gotta go do errands, but we did our best!
@on-a-lucky-tide is immediately our Eskel @hungarianbee as Erland @lookoutrogue is Coen @major-trouble is the best Valdo ever but countered with @sometimesiwrite as Essi (she LIVES THO) @trickstermoose67 is Ciri ... but @so--many-fandoms is Baby Ciri (from W3, with the freckles) @jayofolympus is Serrit @frenchkey is Auckes @tumbleweedtech I'm claiming Keldar thanks @angry-cajun-lady is Gaetan @lohrendrell is Ivo @thirstyforred is Jacques de Aldersberg @stellecraft is Nenneke @round--robin is Arnaghad @piranhaincaps is Gezras @greenbirddraws is Letho @anonymousblueberry is Ves @cylin-aka-ankamo is Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy @liaonyxrayne is Dettlaff @jlyarts is Kiyan @justhereforeskel is Lil' Bleater @justleaf is Iorveth @zzzett is Isengrim @whysowlowl is Philippa @heyriel-art is Vesemir @eyesofshinigami is Shani @lokibus is Geralt (complete with horse pics) @straysinfiltrator is Meve @iboughtaplant is Gascon (she has the BEST boy) @pressedinthepages is Angoulême @jaskiersvalley is Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach obscure potato is Reynard @Towelapocalyse is Aiden @andtosatvrn is Ivar @disaster-imp is Lambert @resident-beekeeper is the beekeeper that Regis thinks is a werewolf? sdorim is an npc who wrote punny letters to Geralt @winter-fir is a farmer NPC. Her rakes are not broken, and if you press X you get an 🍎 And who you've probably been waiting for? @skaldingrayne would be Jaskier.
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rqs-arcade · 3 months
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🕹️ ⸻ c!techno/cc!techno mixtive name suggestion
ft; russian and irish names with animal and warrior themes
borisyuk / bori (wolf or snow leopard) medvedev (bear) volkov (wolf) renata (born again) rodion (hero's song) rostislav (usurper of glory) sergei (protector)
aiden (little fire) aodh (flame) cahir (soilder) cathal (ruler of battle) conchobhar (lover of dogs) devlin (fierce courage) fallon (leader) farrell (hero) fearghal / fergal (brave) garvan (rough little one) phelan (wolf) phelim (like a wolf) reamon (protecting hands)
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ao3feed-witcher-dddne · 11 months
by Graymuse42
“White Wolf,” the man rasped as the Witchers stopped just before the table, “I have come to re-” he broke off in a cough, a painful sound that had Triss already out of her seat, hesitating just to the side of the man, ready to help when permitted. “To request asylum,” he continued, pushing off from the guards helping him and sinking to his knees, though whether in submission or pain, Geralt couldn’t be sure. “My name is Julian Alfred Pankratz,” he continued haltingly, struggling to get the words out, “I request sanctuary from Redania and Nilfgaard…” he stopped talking, swaying where he knelt, and Geralt hastily glanced to Eskel for advice.
Or: Geralt's the Warlord, and some random noble (Jaskier) comes walking in, badly injured, before collapsing in the main hall and leaving a FUCK ton of questions in his wake.
Words: 24976, Chapters: 18/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of All hell and its fire waits for us
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Eskel (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Triss Merigold, Gweld (The Witcher), Witcher Aubry (The Witcher), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Vizimir II (The Witcher), Sigismund Dijkstra, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Jaskier | Dandelion's Mother, Jaskier | Dandelion's Father, Priscilla (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Triss Merigold/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion & Priscilla, Priscilla (The Witcher)/Dragonfly (The Witcher)
Additional Tags: Work In Progress, Temporary Amnesia, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Underage Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Character Death, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Slow Burn, Whipping, Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Permanent Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Inspired by The Accidental Warlord and His Pack Series - inexplicifics, Haunting, Ghosts, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship
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thedovecollector · 1 year
The Collector’s Kink List
This is not comprehensive, and will likely change multiple times. And, as usual, Your Kink Is Not My Kink (and that’s okay)
I also, at this time, exclusively write for The Witcher.
Hell Yes: Beastiality (dogs/wolves), con noncon, dubcon, incest, grooming, daddy kink, AOB, knotting, breeding kink, age gap, small cocks, mpreg
Alright: Omorashi/piss kink, non-con (non-violent), beastiality (not dogs/wolves), RPF, monster-fucking - harkness and non-harkness passing, feminization (forced or otherwise), masculinization (forced or otherwise), virginity kink, necrophilia, cockwarming, public sex, pet play, cum inflation, stuffing, eating disorders
Meh: Non-con (violent), blood and gore, cheating, humiliation, sex pollen
No thanks: Spanking, vomit, little space, lactation
Fuck No: Somno, scat, spitting, hanahaki, choking
Yes, I take prompts! Yes, it might take me a while to write them! This is my secondary account. I focus mainly on non-doves right now, just cause that’s where my muses are. 
Characters I love to write for: Geralt, Jaskier and/or Dandelion, Aiden, Eskel
Characters I will write: Yennefer, Ciri, Triss
Characters I don’t care for: Lambert
Character I will Not write: Vesemir, Emhyr
Characters I just don’t know/uncategorized: Fringilla, Cahir, lots and lots of game characters
Favorite ships: Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt/Eskel, Jaskier/Aiden, Jaskier/Eskel, Jaskier/Lambert, Jaskier/Yennefer, Jaskier/Ciri, Jaskier/Jaskier, Geralt/Ciri
Not for me ships: Geralt/Yennefer, Geralt/Triss, Eskel/Triss, Eskel/Lambert
Any ship that includes Jaskier includes Dandelion as well, though I write them differently.
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thisstupidrock · 2 years
I posted 16 times in 2022
That's 8 more posts than 2021!
16 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 16 of my posts in 2022
#the witcher - 10 posts
#wip wednesday - 7 posts
#the witcher aiden - 6 posts
#the witcher netflix - 6 posts
#jaskier dandelion - 5 posts
#the witcher jaskier - 5 posts
#the witcher lambert - 5 posts
#cat witcher aiden - 4 posts
#the witcher fanart - 4 posts
#aiden x lambert - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#the witcher cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Wip - Jaskier and Eskel
92 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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See the full post
135 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Gentle affection- Aiden and Lambert
“What’re you-!?”
“It’s called affection”
“Disgusting……do it again”
411 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
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What could have been….
AAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
556 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Sleepy Bard - Eskel and Jaskier
654 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ohnomybreadsticks · 3 years
19. with Aiden (any romantic interest is fine) pretty please?
Thanks for sending this one in Anon!! It makes a nice wrapup to my song prompts, cause it’s such a good opportunity for fluff <3 I hope you don’t mind a bit of indulgence on my part in a very rare pair
I found what I’d been looking for in myself; Found a life worth living for someone else; Never thought that I could be, I could be; Happy, happy - Aiden/Cahir
(Rated G, canonverse, platonic Aiden & Lambert friendship, hinted at Lambert/Eskel, mentions of past canon-typical bad things, falling in love, fluff, Aiden finding happiness and love)
In Aiden’s life, people were divided into Witchers and Other Folk. Certainly, other folk had lots of distinctions between them - from royalty to nobility to peasants to magic users. But it didn’t really matter, because in the end they were fundamentally different from Aiden. They had never gone through the things he went through, and they never would. On nights when he was feeling generous, he felt thankful for that on their behalf.
The only people Aiden had ever truly bonded with were other witchers. And that had been a slow process, mostly driven by Lambert. He was an unstoppable force, after all, wether that was for chaos or for good, or even selfish gain. Lambert though, he was only ever selfish for others, and Aiden knew that. Eskel knew as well, watching carefully from his place at Lambert’s side. Which is why it was somehow less surprising to find that one winter when Aiden accepted Lambert’s invitation to stay at Kaer Morhen, there was a stray soldier living there as well.
Cahir mawr...something something was as ordinary as could be. A simple human, with a simple human story about being in the army and losing his homeland. He was so terrible Other and yet so terribly not that Aiden found himself unable to look away. Cahir moved through life without pretense, blunt as could be about the evils and hurts of the world, but just as willing to see the beauty and kindness in it. Cahir made things simple. Easy.
And falling for him was just as easy.
With him, Aiden found that love was within his grasp, the same love as Other Folk had. Certainly he had known that witchers could love as well, but he had never thought the same could apply to him. But Cahir loved him, and loved him as simply Aiden, the man who would juggle knives just to get a laugh and who never let himself be taken advantage of. And in return, Aiden was shown how to love Cahir, just Cahir, the man with far too many names and hands that shook when he thought about home. It wasn’t a life Aiden had ever envisioned for himself, but gods above he was happy to have it.
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Yoga. Just Yoga.
The text from Cahir came out of the blue and Lambert couldn’t help but laugh at the poor man’s misfortune.
I’ve been roped into helping with the new yoga class. You need to come and do this with me. Trust me.
When he showed Aiden, there were now two of them snickering over the idea of Cahir helping run a yoga class. The man was merciless in running his spin classes at the gym but yoga? That was almost beyond imagining.
“Do we go?” Aiden asked.
“Fuck yeah! I want to go laugh at him.” Smirking, he gave Aiden a kiss on the cheek. “Odds on us getting thrown out within the first half of the class?”
Aiden’s eyes darkened. “I think we’ll make it to the second half. Loser gets to top tonight and I want you to fuck me silly.”
“Only if we bring Cahir back with us,” Lambert mulled. “It’s been a while since he joined us.”
Deal struck, they made arrangements, phoning up the gym and booking their places on the new yoga course. It was mildly disappointing that it was called ‘Yoga’ plain and simple. Nothing fancy, nothing that they could quietly mock or make guesses about who ran it. They had jostling bets about whether it would be a young guy with fake glasses and a man-bun or an older woman who has aligned her chakras on a post-retirement tour of the world. Needless to say, Lambert and Aiden were as crass and indulging stereotypes as they could be. Mostly it was at Cahir’s expense - the man had expressed quite a strong dislike of the young, slender and overly happy types, especially when they wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. He had a type and they were not it. However, Lambert and Aiden were a much different story. What they had was more of a fuckbuddies with hesitant emotions kind of thing going on. Which meant that Cahir happily tumbled into bed with them, even made breakfast in the morning but none of them had quite hit the stage yet where they wanted to have a conversation about making things a little more exclusive.
Stepping into the studio, Lambert rolled his eyes. Why Aiden insisted on always being early was beyond him. To make things worse, Cahir had messaged to say he’ll be late, something about a first aid incident in the aerobics class. Thankfully, they weren’t the first ones there though. There was already a guy sitting on a bench at the edge of the room in a hoodie and joggers, seemingly engrossed in his phone. He made the yoga class to very worth coming to already and Lambert made a beeline for him, sitting down heavily to make the bench bounce to announce his presence.
“You here for the yoga shit too?” he asked.
“Yep.” The man didn’t look up from his phone and, a less than subtle glance revealed he was watching a video of baby goats. Lambert was torn between being outraged that a goat video was more enthralling than him but also a little enamoured. After a longer silence when it became apparent that the man wasn’t going to say anything more, Aiden piped up.
“Us too. I’m Aiden, that asshole next to you is Lambert.
So the man wasn’t very verbose. He was still pretty, even with the scars that Lambert somehow only just noticed marring half his face. He had to try again with the whole talking thing. “So, goats. That your thing?”
Slightly irritated, the man shoved his phone in the pocket of his hoodie. “I find watching them helps with my anxiety.”
“Oh don’t be nervous!” Aiden chimed in, being less than helpful with such an exclamation. “You stick with Lambert and I, we’ll look after you. And you won’t be worse than us, we’ve never done this before. Though I must warn you, we’ll probably get kicked out.”
That at least got a raised eyebrow from Eskel. “That so?”
Just as he seemed to maybe start opening up, more people entered the room and the mood to chat seemed to disappear. Eskel pulled his phone out again after a glance at the new arrivals. Much to Lambert’s surprise, Jaskier and Geralt were there too, Jaskier in lurid green, skin tight pants that left nothing to the imagination.
“The fuck you doing here?” Lambert asked, pulling Geralt in for a hug.
Grunting, Geralt shoved him away and jerked a thumb at Jaskier. “We’re here for the show.”
As the clock hit the hour, Cahir strode in, looking a little harried but imposing. And damn if Lambert didn’t wish they could skip out on the class in favour of a fumble in a supply closet.
“Welcome everyone,” Cahir announced. “This is our brand new yoga class with a new teacher who has joined our team. Please be kind and welcoming to Eskel.”
The man in question ambled up to the front of the class and gave a small wave. “Hello everyone, thank you for joining. A few ground rules, this is meant to be a fun class for all abilities. I don’t kick anyone out, if someone wants to leave, they do it under their own steam.” His eyes were fixed on Lambert and Aiden as he spoke. “Now, let’s do a gentle warm-up.”
If Lambert thought he was in trouble before, this was ten times worse. Attractive, witty and oh so fucking flexible, Eskel was a walking wet dream. He glance to Aiden who grinned and leaned in as they stretched.
“So glad my joggers aren’t tight. I’m half hard already.”
Lambert snickered and nodded along. Next to Eskel, Cahir rolled his eyes at them at tipped his head towards Eskel in a less than subtle manner. Lambert winked at him with enthusiasm which, unfortunately, Eskel caught and turned to look at Cahir who did the worst impression of innocent stretching. Somewhere on the other side of the room Jaskier coughed to hide his laugh.
It turned out yoga was actually really fucking difficult. While Eskel made it seem easy, showing poses and walking through the class to help adjust postures, Lambert was quaking by the end and Aiden was on his back staring at the ceiling. The rest of the class filtered out, Jaskier giving Aiden a friendly kick to the foot as he passed all while snickering.
“So,” Eskel asked as he wandered over. “You didn’t get kicked out.”
“I wouldn’t kick you out of my bed,” Lambert shot back, not even caring that it didn’t make much sense. “Just please only bring your flexibility to the bedroom, not this quiet sadism you bring to class.”
“Seconded,” Aiden whined. “You’ll have to carry me to bed, I can’t walk.”
Snorting, Eskel sat down next to them and peered up at Cahir who, after glancing at the clock, plopped down next to him. Aiden rolled onto his stomach to peer pitifully up at them from his spot.
“Brave of you to assume I’m taking you anywhere near a bed,” Eskel grumbled.
His words had Lambert whining pitifully. “But you’re so pretty. Tell him Aiden. He has a free pass to our bed.”
Eskel glanced to Cahir, an eyebrow raised. “I see your point.”
A wicked grin flashed across Cahir’s face. “There’s some changing room that I’ve conveniently shut for cleaning just round the corner.”
“I’ll carry Lambert.”
Just like that Eskel bridal style hefted Lambert up who let out a happy whoop while Cahir snagged Aiden and threw him over his shoulder in an undignified fireman’s carry. He did pat him consolingly on the butt as they went, knowing that he would be forgiving the moment he was set down on a bench in the changing rooms and he spotted a lube and condoms conveniently left within reach.
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ladycibia · 3 years
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ok maybe don’t let them out
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geraskierficrecs · 1 year
An Offer You Can’t Refuse Update!
New chapter here.
Jaskier stared at the blank screen and tried to swallow down the bile rising in his throat.
It had been years since anyone had called him by his name.  He closed his eyes and fought through the grief and instinctive panic at the reminder of the last night he’d been Julian.  
It’s better this way, Julian.
Cahir had sounded almost fond even with the blood dripping from the tips of his claws.  Jaskier could still see the reflection of the flames in his eyes.
That boy had deserved to die, he thought now.  He’d been a spoiled brat.  Weakened by the belief that his world could never be toppled or changed.  Julian would never have survived the world outside of his pack.  Likely, he would have turned into one of the obnoxious, self-absorbed pricks like the Slater boy.
“What did Geralt say?” Aiden asked, coming up behind him to drop a cup of coffee onto the table beside him.  When Jaskier gave him a curious look, the wolf shrugged.  “I stole it from the counter because the lady who bought them was rude to another customer.”
Jaskier nodded and took a slow sip to avoid answering immediately.  “He doesn’t believe me.”
There was no way to hide the hurt the simple statement caused.
“Did he…say anything about Lambert?” Aiden asked, aiming for casual and missing by a mile.
“No.  He didn’t say much.”
Everything you told me was a lie.
“We could try again.  Maybe Eskel or Lambert could–”
“No,” Jaskier said, shaking his head and taking a deep breath.  “We focus on the plan.  Nilfgaard has to burn.”
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jaskierswolf · 2 years
Last one ;) Modern AU Cahir has always been very serious. He is at a small town market when he sees a stall selling warm, fuzzy hats with animal ears. It's tempting, especially when there's a seriously cute guy manning the stall. But he's too grown up and adult to buy a knitted hat with animal ears. Then another guy returns to the stall with hot dogs, also wearing a silly hat. Judging by their conversation, they're called Lambert and Aiden. Cahir is about to move on and forcefully forget the hats and the lovely couple but there's a solid, warm wall behind him that talks, "You can go touch you know. They're softer than they look. And the hats are nice too. Nice to meet you, I'm Eskel."
awww look at them! WItchers and their Nilfgaardian! Very soft and lovely and fluffy! @jaskiersvalley you spoil me love! 🥰
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I’m new to watching Witcher I’d appreciate out of context character description for the Witcher! (So far it’s only Geralt the tiddy man)
special thanks to @kuripon @funkylittlebard and @dapandapod for the helps 
geralt: brooding ass man
jaskier: donkey who left his cat on the stove
yennefer: sexy but insane witch 
ciri: rip ur eardrums 
lambert: snarky angy boi
aiden: Not Dead Cat Man
eskel: tiddy man
renfri: angry pretty girl
vesemir: Dad
stregobor: no beta we die like stregobor fucking should have
triss: nice healing lady
tissaia: sugar mommy 
calanthe: nice armor lady with tragic racist flaw
dara: cinnamon roll my beloved
pavetta: screamy bride
cahir: netflix does not equal book
istredd: backstabbing bastard
doppler: ass man two, steal your face bugaloo
fringilla: taboo? what taboo??
roach: best girl
sabrina: tiddy lady
duny: spiky man 
mousesack: not impressed by the sad silk trader
chiredean: friendzoned 
borch: there's a surprise inside 
tea and vea: Not Impressed™
eist: probably gets pegged
filavandrel: luteless and landless
marilka: wants to be a witcher
valdo marx: did not die of apoplexy 
djinn: djinny djinn djinn
countess de stael: heartless
geralts sword: having a good time
vilgefortz: magicy stab stab
lil bleater: precious troublemaker baby
filavandrel’s lute: tossing coins to witchers
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