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alternity01 · 2 years ago
Violet Hands & The Vermilion Masks of Pale Men
Chapter II. "Blood in the Garden."
Leonardo-Nawa escapes the unconscious grip of Aidan by rolling out and falling onto the floor into a plank. Instead of nudging him awake, he decides his best course of action will be retrieving a steel folding chair from the corner of his room and placing it at the end of the bed. Kicking off of it, he soars through the air and lands on top of the redhead below. His ass lands square on Aidan’s chest, and his face lands by his lap.
With his hearing aids now absent from his ears, Leo-Nawa is forced to turn around and sit up, signing “It’s eight in the morning, I’m not in the mood to shout.”
Instead of signing back, despite being more than proficient, Aidan has him read his lips. “Exactly. It's eight in the morning. Why jump?”
Looking down at him, hair obscuring his vision, he gestures for them back. They return to his hand and then his ear.
Satisfied with the fact that he can finally let out his voice in all its melodic baritone goodness. “Wake up”—
“Already am.” Aidan yawns.
“We’ve got to train, we’re starting Silenzio today.” Leo shimmies from side to side.
“Right. Please get off of my chest.” Aidan gives light taps to the outside of Leo’s left thigh.
He rolls back, lands on his lap, rolls back once more and lands on the floor. From there, he continues on his way to the door before getting up. He’s barely outside of Aidan’s bedroom door, and likewise his own, when he slides the glass —tinted and untinted, transparent, translucent and opaque all at the same time—open.
The gym behind them is on par with some of the finest private establishments in Ncana. In the centre of the room are the grounds for many forms of combat: a mat primarily used for amaetur wrestling, a boxing ring, a professional wrestling ring, and a cage for mixed martial arts. All alphabetised and categorised by which muscle group they're meant to target. Their exercise equipment line the mirrorless walls, only broken by the entrance to the locker room and adorned with their athletic achievements.
Standing on the standard regulation mat, acting as referee despite being dressed in the least appropriate attire—silk pyjamas—is Leonardo-Nawa’s dad, his ndate. His big salt-and-pepper beard is a bit wet from the drink he holds in a mug with ‘Big Boys Drink Coffee’ written opposite the handle.
“Good morning, Ndate.” He hugs him.
“Morning, Little Lion.” His ndate wraps his barrel arms around him, tapping his back no more than three times. “Did you sleep well?”
“The Champions of Kuatoñembe would be jealous of my rest.”
“Then you must win like they did.”
“Yesterday didn’t count.”
“It did to me,” Aidan says from the doorframe.
“Aidan, my boy. How did you sleep?” He goes over to embrace him and they meet in the middle of both of their strides.
“I slept well, Uncle.” He releases the hug.
“I hope Leo didn’t keep you up too long last night.”
“No, but he tried to make sure I woke up worse.” Aidan gives him a sideways glance.
“False accusations.” Leo lets his tongue slip through his smile.
“Regardless, you two should get ready.” He says. “Especially you, Little Lion. Aidan’s been on a streak.”
“I’ll make you proud, ndate.” Leonardo-Nawa says on his way into the other room.
In it are lockers, a row of showers, an ice bath, and a sauna. Leo-Nawa turns left into the lockers and left again to come face to face with what’s been his locker for as long as he’s remembered. Private instructors, friends and lovers have come and gone through this space. He taps on the translucent screen that forms its door and swipes past all of his sports attires: wrestling, basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo, and jiu-jitsu. Once it's open, he pulls out purple and silver trunks with a matching pair of trainers. Turning around, he takes a moment to look at Aidan as he dresses, already completely stripped down from his awful shirt and average shorts. They’ve practically eaten and trained the same since puberty, but damn does that muscle look better on Aidan than it ever has on himself. It doesn’t help that he’s half a head taller than him. His eyes dart between his own attire and his friend changing, although he knows he doesn’t have to focus on himself to change properly. Regardless, they stretch together and make their way to the mat.
“You both have read the rule book, but just in case you’re a little bit rusty, I'll say everything. Show respect before and after the match. Each match has two five minute rounds. You win by making the other person submit, pinning both of their shoulders to the mat, or by gaining the most points by the end of both rounds. You gain points via takedowns, reversals, exposure, penalties, escapes, and if your opponent gets fouled.
“We all know what gets you fouled, but it must be said that there will be no scratching, no pinching, no pulling tails; and no biting ears, noses, lips, necks or balls. Leo.”
“That was one time and I was five, ndate.”
“It wouldn't be the last time you've had balls in your mouth,” Aidan comments.
“Aidan,” he responds in shock.
“One time too many.” Ndate says before taking an exaggerated deep breath. “Got all that?”
They both nod.
Their fists touch, becoming open palms and gliding past each other. With the proper respect shown, they trace an ill-defined circle within the larger circle of the mat. Never letting the other leave his gaze, Leonardo-Nawa sidesteps in-sync with him for a few seconds more, before cinching him in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. An attempt to hook his leg and drop him to the ground fails. He moves as if shoved back and drops into a squat-walk, manoeuvring behind him. With his arms around Aidan's waist, he attempts another sweep. Aidan falls. He’s firm behind the redhead now on his hands and knees. A quick shift brings him to his front where he’s a hair’s width away from getting him within a guillotine choke. He’s dropped onto his back during an attempt to get up. His leg is trapped, and he turns and flips.
“Round one is over,” Ndate calls out. “Take a minute to rest.”
They hug and sit down before sitting down in different corners of the mat.
“Close but no cigar.” Leonardo-Nawa taunts in-between breaths.
“I’ll be smoking that Ngela-Machiavelli pack.” He wipes his sweat through his hair.
“You can try.”
“Back to the centre, boys.”
Doing as they’re told, they perform a second handshake. Afterwards, they sidestep across from each other in another ill-defined circle. Aidan attempts to grab him by the shoulders. Leo shoots under and slithers behind. With a tight grip around his waist, he attempts to hook his leg. He shifts it right before he can, pushing the offending appendage to the side and further lowering his stance. His grip remains. In retaliation, he pushes his arms under and spreads them out to break it. Once again, they face each other. Another circle, another attempt. This one from Leonardo-Nawa, dropping to one knee. He clenches his right leg and attempts a sweep with the other. Aidan falls. He mounts him to stop any attempt at getting up, before transitioning into an armbar attempt. Disappointingly, Aidan moves his forearm down his torso and tears it from his grip. Once off his torso, he runs it up his thigh and grabs hold of Leo-Nawa’s ankle. He turns him onto his stomach from that anchor point. Aidan's legs wrap around his, ending at his lower back, and he secures the hold. He can feel his ankle twist past natural points, and as much as he doesn’t want to, as much as he wants to work his way out, the pain becomes too much. He’s forced to tap. One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three. Finally, he releases.
“You’re off your game, champ.” Aidan smirks at him.
He sucks his teeth and says “Fifty to forty-eight now. You’re catching up.”
“And you’re still standing.”
He flashes him a smile and shakes his head, looking down.
His ndate chimes in with “You two have been training thirty-two/eleven; eleven days a week after graduation. I’m proud of you boys.”
“Thank you, Ndate.”
“Yeah. Thanks, uncle.”
“No problem, boys. No problem. Now go hit the showers.” He pats them both on the back and leaves with his never ending supply of caffeine in hand.
In the locker room, already stripped down to everything the Greater Pantheon supplied them with, Leo-Nawa runs his water hot, but Aidan runs his scalding. He lets his hair cover his face for a few minutes and lets out a post-match groan.
“Should I get your tail?” Aidan asks.
He holds out the shampoo bottle. “Thank you, darling.”
He flicks his hair back.
“Ptuh. You hit me in the mouth.” He pulls his hair.
“Ah! Fuck you,” Leo-Nawa responds.
Aidan slides his hands around his tail, holding it outside of the reach of the water to allow a lather to form.
“Do you think Bri’s going to make us watch the Drifter franchise again?”
“I can’t wait, honestly. It never gets old.”
“Together… anything is possible.” Aidan does a purposefully scuffed impression of Street Queen, Aroa Rico.
“It’s shlock, but it’s good shlock.” He receives the shampoo once again. “Turn around for me, darling.”
“Sure,” he responds.
With Aidan’s tail in his hand, Leo-Nawa gives it a tug before asking “What about Ayesha?”
“Ngh. Playing through Capsule Creatures again.”
“As usual. Looking at her posts on Thought Bubble, it's four again.”
“You've memorised?”
He hands him his fluffy bicoloured tail back. “We've all known each other for what? Twenty odd years? Of course.”
They make their way outside and onto the large stretch of concrete typically used as a parking lot.
“We’re ready to start, Ndate,” Leonardo-Nawa says.
“Wrong daddy, mate.” Ash turns around, machine gun in hand.
Foam pellets fly at them at speeds immeasurable at the moment. Nevertheless, platinum bends and links together around his neck. Before the chain can close, amethyst grows crystalline structure by crystalline structure before him and slides onto it. He accumulates a percentage of excess potential energy into his feet and propels himself forward, moving Aidan a metre away before reaching Ash. The gun is in his hands. He presses it onto her neck.
“Good job, Nardo.” She gives him a handshake. “Looks like you’re still fast at everything you do.”
He chuckles as he responds “And it looks like you’re still a shit shot.”
“I’d rather miss than shoot blanks.” Ash ruffles his hair.
“Good to see you, Ash.”
“Same to you, cunt.”
“Hey, Natasha.” Aidan waves at her.
“Aidan, you tall bastard. How's the weather?”
“Good. You?”
“I’ve been alright.” She takes the gun back and puts it away. “Are you fuckers ready to start?”
They both nod.
“Good. Nardo’s already used his zeka, so now it’s your turn. Stand four metres away.”
Leonardo-Nawa watches Aidan do just that, standing back himself in case he’s sure of what comes next. Natasha pulls out a large, red flamethrower.
“Is that new?” Aidan asks.
“Yeah, I just got it. Absolutely ace, ain’t it.”
“Very, very nice. But… not as good as my lighter.” He flicks the metallic-blue gift Leo’s father got him open.
“It’s all about firepower.”
“Good things come in small packages.”
Natasha turns her head to Leo, asking him “When did you start calling him ‘Good Things’?”
He tilts his head slightly to the right. “Apparently the second you assumed I was ‘Small Packages’.”
��Don’t worry, mate. It’s not about your dick this time.”
“It’s ‘cause you’re short as shit.”
“Anywho, Lucky Liu. I need to burn Aidan alive.”
“Aren’t you a sniper?”
“Have you used that beforehand?”
“Yet you’re aiming and firing that directly at Aidan?”
“Relax. Your pet won’t get hurt too bad.”
She pulls the trigger and a ball of flame bursts out from the muzzle. Although it may look like Aidan’s been burnt to a standing crisp, upon further inspection and half a sidestep, Aidan’s spread the fire away from him. In an instant, the flame dulls despite Ash’s ever-insistent trigger finger, and she lets the flamethrower leave her hands. “Good job, boys. Next it's yumbu.” She puts the guns into a duffle bag behind her. “Follow me to the big, fuck off maze your dad made you.”
“You’ve been here for a while, haven't you?”
“Just long enough to put shit in there.”
Together they stroll through the floral rainbow known as the bushes and hedges comprising the garden of the Machiavelli Estate. It’s a death trap for anyone with a pollen allergy, but Leonardo-Nawa loves it all the same, spending time to stop and smell them as they make their way to—as Ash described it—the ‘big, fuck off maze’ his ndate had constructed for his tenth birthday party. Unlike the rainbow of everything else, the structure at the centre is formed from nothing but different shades of his favourite colour.
Ash sits down on the ground. “You really like Zalunga violets, don’t you?”
“It’s all purple in general,” Aidan comments.
“It helps that grass is violet too,” he admits to people who've known this his entire life. “Zalunga violets are just more so.”
“What are we doing?” Aidan looks over to her.
“Team-building, boys.”
“With a catch?” Leonardo-Nawa asks.
“Yep. Catch.” She tosses objects at the both of them simultaneously.
“Aren’t these”—
“Shitty walkie-talkie toys I took from work? Yes.”
“Is this how you teach your students too?”
“Less swearing, but similar.” She mentions. “Anywho, Aido runs around in there, puts his messages, leaves and directs you from outside.”
“How many?”
“However many you really want, honestly.”
“And how does my yumbu come into play?” Leonardo interjects.
“This is more about your zeka, but you’ll see.” She explains. “Are you ready, Aido?”
He nods. Prior to entry, all the components necessary to make a gas mask float onto his face.
“Contact me when you need me.” Aidan adds.
“Got it.”
It’s not too long before he returns, maskless.
“Your phones, boys.” Ash sticks her hand out.
“Natasha.” Leonardo-Nawa protests.
“That's Mrs. Blackheart to you, mate,” she says in the tone she doesn't even use with her students.
“Who made you a Mrs.?”
“If you keep talking, it'll be your boytoy over here.”
Aidan turns to her and squints.
“Don't act like you weren't thinking it.”
Leo-Nawa sighs and slaps his phone into her hand, followed by Aidan doing the same.
A single step in, he hears the first message.
Audio Checkpoint: “One.”
Leonardo clicks the button at the side of the toy, saying “What’s first, darling?”
Audio Checkpoint: “Now two.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Right, forward, left.”
Audio Checkpoint: “Three. Keep going.”
“You’re on your own by seven,” Aidan explains.
“Perfect. Absolutely perfect.”
“Prep your head to take everything down; double right.”
Audio Checkpoint: “You’ve found four. Nice.”
“I’m going to give you the first half, Leo,” Aidan warns him.
“Go ahead, darling. I’m ready.” He makes small bounces from left to right.
“Forward, right, left, forward, left, forward, right, left, and triple forward.”
Audio Checkpoint: “Five. Third of the way.”
“Here’s the second half: double left, forward, double right, double left, double right and forward,” he explains further.
“Wait… what was the first one again?”
“Leo, are you—”
“I’m only joking, darling.” He laughs to himself. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
Audio Checkpoint: “Six. You’re doing good so far.”
For the first time this entire challenge, Leonardo-Nawa has been untethered. The only memories he can allow himself to draw on are those of a few seconds ago. He breathes—truly breathes—in the air around him. It’s untouched now. He dare not light a cigar here—not anymore. There is too much this place holds for him to sully again. He steps.
Audio Checkpoint: “Seven. I should still be connected now.”
“Are you still there, darling?” he asks into the toy.
“It was worth a shot.”
He puts it back into his pocket and follows instructions, segmenting and throwing away any previous movements to make it easier for himself to go through. Run? Walk? Jog? He has to go fast, but he must remain measured and without mistakes.
Audio Checkpoint: “Eight. I hope you’ve found these in order.”
So far, so good. He moves with the grace and elegance he carried in his ballet days. Not a foot out of place. Not a breath misplaced. He can see the faint remnants of streamers and decorations, riddles even. They fade from his vision like a guide out of a video game. Ndate put too much love into this.
“Left, forward.”
Another section to be deleted.
Audio Checkpoint: “Nine. I wonder what the others are doing now.”
Music from times long past entered his ears, repeated many times before.
“You live, you laugh
Your time won’t pass
Today’s your day
(It is your day)
Only your day
(Only your day)
So we are here to say Happy Birthday.”
He hums it to himself, taking a small break to dance. There’s no point in escaping the memories.
Audio Checkpoint: “Ten. You are now two thirds of the way in.”
He never knew he’d be this tall. Halfway up the walls that looked like vine monoliths chose to rest beside him not too long ago. Tall enough to reach the top shelf, but not tall enough to dwarf his ima like he wished to and made joking threats about. Tall enough to hold someone, but not tall enough to stop being held. He runs his hands against them as he makes his way over. Up and down as they touch them, making invisible zigzags. High knees, and exaggerated lean and swaying to entertain him as he goes. His hair flows through the wind alongside the tassels on his jacket. Throughout, Aidan’s instructions sound far shorter than they feel. One third left. What will he find in the middle?
Audio Checkpoint: “Eleven. I wonder… Am I running out of words of encouragement?”
“You’re doing great, darling,” he responds.
Even though he knows for a fact that he can't hear him, it’s nice to hear his voice. With all its expressionless worth. It’s like a still life piece from a beyond talented artist. Although, it could easily be from his own deep infatuation. Some would call the two of them brothers, but he doesn’t like that. It isn’t true, nor is it favourable. They’ve lived with each other since they were two, yet his parents never adopted him. He never wanted them too. They never wanted to. Maybe he knew he’d fall in love with him, and maybe there was an instance or two over the years that he did too. His parents said it was to make sure he never forgot his original ones—they were close—so their interests aligned.
Audio Checkpoint: “Twelve. I don’t think I am. You’re doing really well so far.”
“I know you aren’t, darling. Thank you.”
He strokes the cigar in his pocket with his thumb to resist the feeling. He’ll smoke when he’s done. When’s done with both halves, he’ll smoke. Maybe he won’t. He shouldn’t. A drink? Maybe. Nice and cold, sweet too. One over rocks and a low alcohol content. Something that goes good with a brownie like some Maula. A reward for himself.
Audio Checkpoint: “Thirteen. I have definitely been disconnected at this point. You’ve got this, Leo.”
“Yes you have, darling.”
He’s tempted to stand still, he’s so close. No doubt it won’t affect his time. His passive use of his zeka no longer impresses him. It’s all natural. Until the next fever—provided that it comes.
The inside of his head becomes a forest after a fire. Not a single thought can live anymore.
“What did he say? What did he say?” he whispers to himself. “Which inconsequential words left his beautiful lips? Speak to me, darling. Speak to me.”
“Left, right,” his memory responds.
Audio Checkpoint: “Fourteen. You’re too close to turn back now. There’s a surprise in the centre.”
The final stretch. There are no drums or shouting in near-forgotten tongues. Instead, he hears snoring. It’s not even there, he’s sure of it, but it also is. Leonardo-Nawa is unsure of whether he’s a centimetre away or a kilometre. Even if, he knows exactly who it is. Why is she here? The fact that she’s sleeping is the most normal thing about this scenario. This reality he’s in.
“Right, forward.”
He walks in accordance.
“Ayesha?” Leonardo tilts his head, standing outside of the arc.
There she is, sleeping on a marble bench in the centre of the maze. Before he can say anything to her, another message begins to play.
Audio Checkpoint: “Fifteen. Congrats. You found all the checkpoints. Pick up Ayesha and get out. Be careful.
Having heard this, he moves further into the centre. After a flutter of her wings, she sits up and yawns.
“Oh. Hi, Nana.”
“Eesh? What are you doing here?”
Picking up her Ricochet Fusion, she replies “Sleeping.”
“Of course you were.” He hands Ayesha her custom walking stick, squatting down in front of her.
She hops onto his back. “Go, Nana!”
“Do you want to go on my shoulders instead?”
“They’ll see me over the things.”
“You’re tiny, and who are they?”
She covers her mouth as if she wasn’t supposed to say a word.
Leonardo-Nawa tosses Ayesha up and she lands onto his shoulders. Asking her to fly around would be a useless endeavour, even though after all these years he's always the first to consider it. With her cane in hand, he knows why. It would be up to him to navigate in either case. In his head, he's traversing the treacherous landscape that is his own mind, hoping to step on a memory as he makes his way out. Everything seems to be going well in his opinion: he's retrieved his kundo care package, and she's safe playing video games on the top of his well cared for curls. Leonardo-Nawa’s search has yet to bear fruit. After all, it's just started. He assumed the process would be a bit faster. Mainly because he already passed the centre where he used to stare into the sky and think of nothing. There it is, fading in the rearview. If only he could speed up his brain power with his zeka. Maybe if he's lucky, he'll have a zeyugo fever during the downtime between missions. Although, that does mean he would've changed significantly. For better or for worse.
“Ah shit,” Ayesha blurts out.
“What’s wrong?” asks Leo-Nawa, turning his gaze towards the gremlin on his shoulders.
“Wild encounter, and I can't run.”
When he turns back towards the trail, he’s met with a low energy scare in the form of a “Boo.”
His face contorts into a horror beyond his own comprehension via involuntary use of his yumbu. The living afro below him smacks him upside the head repeatedly with a shotgun he prays is empty around five hits in.
He leaves the hideous mask it formed behind in favour of his zeka, so he can maintain consciousness for long enough to finish the maze. “It's gone, Bri.”
“What did I say about using that shit on me?” Brianna asks, staring daggers at him from her wheelchair.
“I didn't know it was you.”
“Who did you think it was?”
“Sentient black truffle?”
“That's new.”
Leo-Nawa and Brianna hug in greeting, Ayesha waving from his shoulders as they do. On their way out, he steps on a memory—or more a collection of them. Countless nights where Aidan and himself would run away from the aunties and the uncles and his parents to avoid going to sleep at reasonable hours. They hid in the exact spot Bri popped out of in fact. Too many years ago. Whether it was after events which ended late enough as is, or a little four day period officially starting the second their seven day school week was through known as the week’s edge. One day it was them, next cousin Luna was added whenever she came to visit, and more typically it was the entirety of a group readying themselves to undertake the name of Silenzio. The sounds of Capsule Creatures 4: Through Wind & Water comprise the soundtrack of their short journey. He whistles along, finding solace in how it interacted with the breeze around them. Nothing else seems fitting. Her choice to play the 15-year-old game reminds him of simpler times, harder times, and just last month. He holds out a purple stuffed cigar between his finger tips, yet he neglects to light it for now.
“Rah,” shouts a voice deep beyond comprehension.
As Leonardo-Nawa’s face contorts, he’s pulled into someone's chest, ceasing the process entirely. “Okay, Gi-Gi, I missed you too. Now, please let me out of the black hole that is your chest.”
He's released and meets the smiling face of Giueseppe, a person who couldn’t be described as less than a mountain that can hug. A warm mountain, a caring mountain, being the joint youngest in the group, an innocent mountain as well, one that asks “How was your holiday?”
“It was great. Did you manage to get your licence?”
“Driving or temple?”
“Both licences.”
Giuseppe nods in response as Ayesha flies onto his shoulders and hugs his face.
In the next section, whatever it may truly mean, he sees the spots where he got pinned down by and pinned down former partners and lovers. A paradise away from paradise. Scraps of protection and contraception all cleared up by now. It's truly as clean as the first day. If he listens over the soothing melody for just a moment, his mind can bring their voices back to him. A mixtape he's burnt through too many times before. Even the worst of them were always good at what they did. However, when his parents were away, he barred off his floor and found the sheets more fitting for the role. Those and the locker room. A movie of his own making—seldom with lights, never with cameras, and never ending action.
A question knocks on Leonardo-Nawa’s mind, and he must let it in: “When did you guys get here anyway? Ash wasn't clear.”
“09:00,” responds Brianna, polishing one of Ayesha’s knives as she rolls.
“Rehearsing your little, spooky song and dance, I assume.”
“Napping,” Ayesha.
“She was. Giuseppe and I were talking to Ash about how we're doing this.” She sheathes the blade.
With his question answered, he scurries back into his mind, finding footing on the far more wholesome memories of ‘Dr. Leonardo-Nawa & Dr. Aidan: Explorers of Everything!’ A multiple season adventure drama they constructed all with their own minds. It's a proud achievement: using their imaginations so effectively. Their toys and plushies comprised the cast, and it aired between once their homework and lunch was done and way past their bedtimes. Sometimes they'd talk to their friends about it as if it was something they actually watched. Anything for the sake of a good story. They made their first ansi that way. A picture they took of them holding their earnings sits between all of Silenzio being each other's prom dates and him wearing his first pair of hearing aids.
“Sorry if I scared you guys a bit too much.” Leo-Nawa snaps back to reality.
“Eh. Your dumbass didn’t know we were here anyway,” Brianna replies.
“I managed to avoid it.” Giuseppe beams.
“Yes you did, big guy.”
He jumps up to pat him on the head, before continuing with their walk through memory maze. Having them all around him—here, after so long—reminds him of his first arrival in this place. His tenth birthday. It was wonderful. The secrets hidden in every crevice this place holds, the race to the finish, the bouncy castle waiting for him and friends long forgotten at the end. All of it is just wonderful.
Aidan and him got a little tent of their own—set it up themselves too. It’s what inspired them to start their stories in the first place. One day, a storm raged on in less time than it took either of them to blink. Ndate and ima called out their names, having started off into the maze to find them. Leo-Nawa clutched his hand and they ran towards his parents together—they were sick for the week after, but it was worth it.
They’re reaching the end, he can feel it. Memories are coming to an end. The spots where he used to drink outside of his parents' view, maybe a little too much, stare at him on their way out. Sanctuary.
It’s only now when he considers how long it’s taken for them to make their way out. They’ve kept a good pace so far. No running, but a good stride.
Aidan and Ash stand out in front of them. He tosses the walkie-talkie over to her.
They’re out.
“Congratulations, Nardo.” She starts a small applause for him. “You did well. You got five minutes.”
“Is this when the whole class gets snacks?” Leonardo-Nawa snickers.
“Well, you’re the leader. Do we?”
“Snacks sound good.” Ayesha yawns.
“First, we complete the first mission Ndate gives us. Then we can eat.”
“Group hug, everybody,” says Giuseppe in half a suggestion and half a command.
They find themselves in a warm, albeit brief, six person embrace where Ayesha makes sure to wrap her wings around everyone’s heads, giving his ears a light crushing.
While still inside, Leonardo-Nawa asks “Would you guys like to stay the night?”
“Yeah. That would be great.” Giuseppe sets Ayesha down from his shoulders.
“Sure, but I get to pick the movie.” Bri adds.
“It’s drifting time. Vroom.” The blind kundoba runs circles around the group.
“Should I order some food? I’m fucking starving.”
Aidan flicks his lighter from one hand to the next. “Meeting first.”
“Right, right, number two. The meeting.”
Leonardo-Nawa’s ndate, Don Machiavelli, sits at the head of the table. Rather than his robes from earlier, he’s placed himself in his favourite piece of formalwear: a black pinstripe suit with notch lapels over a white dress shirt and paired with black suede shoes that he bought back in Avitura. His olive skin is yet to truly feel the effects of wrinkling. A trait that—if he wasn’t his son—would be quite intimidating to him, knowing how old his ndate really is.
“Good afternoon, Silenzio.” He raises a glass of ice cold water.
“Good afternoon, Don.” Ash and Aidan.
“Good afternoon, Don Machiavelli.” Giuseppe.
“Afternoon.” Brianna.
“Good good, Uncle A.” Ayesha.
“Afternoon, ndate.” Leo-Nawa.
They all do.
“Reach into the centre.”
Together they wash their hands in the bowl placed on the palm of the violet hand pyrographed into the centre of the table. One by one they grab plates loaded with a pillowy lump of nshima, imperfect cuboids of golden–brown meat drowning in their own personal oasis of thick gravy, sitting next to some diced cabbage. Silenzio feeds each other, only ever receiving from the plates outside of their control. They’re done before they know it, stacking their plates and washing their hands in new water.
“You can sit now. From now on, you have become Silenzio. A brilliant name, if I do say so myself.”
Once they’ve all sat back down, he continues “In front of you, you will see dossiers with your roles and information on your first mission. Everything should play into your strengths.”
Ayesha raises her hand.
“Yes, yours is in braille, sweetie.”
It goes back down.
“You are looking for two people: Nosiku and Mukatimui. A kundoda and kundotu who—while they look very similar—are not related. They’re members of Cielo indaco, made-women. Publically, they’re very close to Ardito and Boniface. You may not remember but they were once members of Viola Mano. We have reason to believe that they cut a deal with them: information for money. Those pieces of trash decided it was a good idea to spit in the face of me and my family, this family, by doing so. You must figure out where they are. And… if you need any extra motivation, they’re nothing more than filthy perverts. Grabbing whatever and whoever they deem fit.”
“That’s immoral,” Giuseppe cries.
“Exactly, Giuseppe.” Ndate raises his glass.
“Scum,” Ash comments.
Brianna lets out a low growl.
Aidan huffs.
Ayesha shakes her head in disapproval.
“They will be dealt with accordingly, Ndate.”
“Any questions, Silenzio?”
“Well, guys? Anything?”
They don’t respond.
“Anything else you may need is there in the dossier.” He drinks more of his wine. “Now, please, read out your roles.”
Leonardo-Nawa reads his role out loud. “Kutalifa Machela, a little known but very rich and lonely bachelor with hands in various businesses around the world. He searches the hottest spots for his next fairytale ending.”
“Samhradh Kearney, an underground fighter with a flame zeka and an undefeated streak.”
“Lan Su Chen, a silent waiter with a maroon ponytail, a pension for emeralds and a strawberry pin.”
“Lola Avia, a flashy bartender at Maids & Mugs.”
“Liam Silver, an intimidating yet friendly bouncer at Maids & Mugs.”
“Lea Cruise, a university student who finds silence in even the loudest places, choosing to study and work from clubs and parties to avoid noise complaints from neighbours. Despite this, she’s a quiet person, keeping to herself.”
Ash raises her hand.
“Yes, Natasha?” Ndate looks over to her.
“With all due respect, Don. You really want me to be quiet?”
He sips on some wine before saying “All complaints should be directed to your caporegime. He wrote all of that down.”
“Nardo, mate. Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Talent Never Dies ‘92.”
“You know what? Fair.” She sits back down.
Leo-Nawa leans forward before asking “Anyone else?”
A collective silence is their response for him.
“Good. Do we need anything else, Ndate?” He sits back.
“Everything you need is there, little lion,” he responds before adding “Weren’t you all theatre kids? This should be nothing for you.”
“We were, and we can all handle this. We’re done for the day, Silenzio.” He stands.
The rest of them follow suit one by one, his ndate remaining seated. They deliver their byes to him, before heading out of the door to watch all ten Drifter movies. Leonardo-Nawa is the last, his mind already trained on the intricacies of the mission.
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shinobi-illuminator · 9 months ago
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NeverAfter AU: Brother Aidan as Brother Grimm. Bard
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pupsmailbox · 4 months ago
do you have any names similar to these? it doesnt have to be all of them, but mainly Edgar, Pierce, Rigorre and Grimm. ive been looking around for some and this'll be great help :)!
Edgar, Grimm, Rigorre, Cain(e), Ozzy/Ozul, Onyx, Dice, Throne, Viper, Vesper, Heron, Nyx, Spector, Harker, Talyn, Dorian, Pierce
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EDGAR︰ adler. albert. alexander. alfred. alice. archibald. arthur. atlas. august. barnabas. beatrice. benjamin. charles. charlotte. clarence. dior. eddie. eder. edmund. eduard. edward. edwin. edyn. eleanor. elijah. elmer. ember. emerson. emmett. ernest. esther. eugene. evelyn. everett. ezra. felix. ferdinand. finn. franklin. gilbert. harold. harper. hector. henry. humphrey. iris. irving. isaac. jack. jagger. james. jasper. leo. leonard. leopold. noah. oliver. oscar. penelope. rowan. rupert. sebastian. silas. theo. theodore. tiger. vincent. violet. walter. william.
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GRIM(M)︰ august. axel. brennon. charlie. dax. dean. declan. delilah. demetri. enver. evangeline. ezra. felicity. finn. foster. fox. gaerwn. garan. garima. garin. garran. garren. garron. geranium. gereon. gerianne. germain. germaine. german. geronimo. gerwin. gianni. giovanni. gordon. goren. graeme. graham. grainne. gram. grannia. granny. green. greyden. grian. griffin. grina. gurnam. gwern. iris. joaquin. jude. kevin. kyra. leah. loki. millie. parker. rain. rogue. sage. silas. spencer. tristan. viktor.
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CAINE(E)︰ abel. aidan. aiden. aleks. amelia. amory. andreas. aries. asher. aurora. ava. axel. azriel. bane. bartholomew. bonanza. cade. caden. cael. caiden. cain. caine. cale. caleb. cam. camden. cameo. cammie. camo. cana. canaan. canan. cane. cannan. cano. canyon. carter. case. casey. cash. cassim. cato. cawny. cayden. cayman. ceanna. ceona. chahna. chaim. chan. chana. chance. chaniya. charlotte. chase. chayan. chazmyne. chen. chesmu. chesna. cheyenne. cheyne. chiazam. chima. chimene. chin. china. chione. chosen. chukwuma. chumani. chyna. chynna. cian. cinna. cinnamon. cluny. cohen. cole. conn. connie. conway. cosmo. coyne. craig. cuan. cuno. cwen. côme. d'arcy. dane. dash. declan. dewitt. duran. edelynn. elijah. enoch. evelyn. gabriel. gage. gardeenia. genevieve. grayson. gwendelyn. gyles. hadrian. hesh. iain. icarus. jane. jermyn. kace. kade. kaelynn. kaidan. kaiden. kailyn. kain. kaine. kale. kane. kate. kaydin. kaydon. kayne. kedar. ken. knox. koen. lane. layne. liam. liliela. loch. lucifer. lucy. mattheo. nicollette. raiden. rayne. roddy. romilda. ryder. sawyl. scarlett. shane. thane. tyre. violet. wayne. zain. zaine. zane. zayne.
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OZZY / ONYX︰ adi. archie. aria. arlo. asher. aspen. atlas. aurora. autumn. avi. axel. beck. bijoux. blade. bodie. bowie. caelum. cora. cy. daisy. davi. declan. draco. dune. echo. elton. elvis. ember. ezra. ezri. falcon. finn. fleet. garnet. gavin. genevieve. harper. hazel. imre. indigo. ivy. jade. jagger. jasper. jem. jet. jinx. johnny. joplin. josiah. joziah. kai. kaiya. kano. karter. kavi. khari. knox. lennox. leo. luca. luna. lynx. mac. maddox. mazi. mercury. millie. milo. morrissey. neptune. night. nirvana. nixie. nova. nyx. oak. oakes. ocean. ocheckka. ochoa. ohanzee. ojai. ojas. oke. oki. oliver. omega. onika. onix. onnika. onnix. onyekachukwu. onyx. ooko. oonagh. opal. opaline. orion. oscar. oscosh. oshae. osias. osiris. ossie. otto. owen. oyku. oz. ozzie. penelope. penny. peridot. phoenix. quinn. quint. rami. raven. ravi. remi. reno. river. rocky. roux. rowan. sage. salem. santana. sebastian. silas. sophie. storm. sunny. theo. topaz. uziel. violet. willow. wren. wyatt. zaki. zephyr. zeppelin. ziggy.
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VESPER / VIPER︰ ace. aeron. akiva. antares. apollo. arcana. archer. asher. atlas. atticus. aurora. calista. callaway. cardin. cash. cason. chai. chancellor. charlotte. cora. cordovan. coriander. corisande. cruz. denarius. draven. elaina. elixir. elowen. elyse. ember. enfys. evangeline. felix. ferelith. finn. genesis. glade. hadley. halcyon. harbor. hazel. ivy. jaguar. journey. kaemon. kailo. kanon. katia. koa. kobe. kodiak. lainey. lazare. legacy. luna. lyra. magic. majesty. mystique. nora. obsidian. ocasio. oceane. oliver. opaline. ophelia. pax. peregrine. phaedra. phoenix. piper. quinn. rasmus. regulus. reverie. rohmer. rowyn. royce. rule. sage. salome. scarlett. sebastian. shyla. silas. sorcha. summer. tatiana. thorin. titan. vale. vallis. vance. varro. vega. velvette. vera. verity. vesper. vespera. violet. viper. von. vyra. wren. xavier. yvaine. zander. zephyr.
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DORIAN︰ adrian. adrien. ambrose. amelia. andrea. appoline. arian. armani. asher. audrey. aurora. basil. benno. bloom. cassius. charlotte. cornelius. damian. damien. dante. darcy. darena. darian. dariana. darien. darin. darina. darion. darius. darren. darrin. darrion. darwin. daryan. datherine. davian. davion. dawson. dayaram. declan. derion. deron. derron. derwyn. dharma. dhiren. dominic. doreen. dorin. dorona. dorsey. dreama. dren. drian. duran. durham. durin. emrys. ethan. evander. evelyn. evleen. ezra. florian. gabriel. gilda. gordon. hadrian. heidy. jackie. jordan. julian. korbin. leander. liam. lorcan. lowri. lucian. lysander. marian. marion. mars. morgan. muse. naoma. oberon. oliver. orion. pallas. penelope. peregrine. quianna. rian. sebastian. shawnee. soren. theodore. tori. umber. violet. warren.
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PIERCE︰ asher. audrey. ava. beckett. bennett. brooks. callan. charlotte. claire. cole. colton. dean. emerson. emmett. eros. everett. finn. fisher. fitz. flint. foster. gavin. grant. grayson. harper. harrison. hawk. hazel. heath. henry. hiro. hudson. ivy. jack. james. kane. kyra. landon. leo. liam. mason. miles. miller. mira. noah. oliver. olivia. owen. pace. paprika. paras. paresh. paricia. paris. parish. park. parker. parks. pauric. pearce. pearson. peers. percy. perez. perga. perris. perry. perseus. persia. persis. piers. pierson. piroj. porsche. powers. prakash. prayaksh. precia. preciosa. precious. price. prince. prisca. prissy. pryce. pyrrhus. quinn. reese. reeve. reid. rhett. ridge. rowan. sawyer. scarlett. sirius. slater. spencer. theo. theodore. vince. violet. wren. wyatt.
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gefdreamsofthesea · 2 years ago
On the Wheel of the Year being a mess
I thought I would elaborate on this outside of a single reply.
Obviously if you find meaning in the holidays (and many do) then continue to celebrate. I'm not trying to be like "no one observe the WotY anymore, I just think it's important to be honest about its history and implications.
The Wheel of the Year is neither ancient nor Celtic, of the eight festivals, most have Irish names, but at least three are Germanic (Ostara, Midsummer, Yule, and Lammas if referred to as such and not Lughnasad) no single culture celebrated all of them, and yet they are often presented as "ancient Celtic festivals".
In addition, despite claims that these festivals are ancient, the ways that Wiccans and other Pagans celebrate often bear no resemblance to how the same festivals are celebrated in their home countries. Beltaine is not a wild sex party, it's a fire festival concerned with protecting people and livestock. Ostara is probably made up, it's based on bad etymology (from Grimm) based on a single reference from a monk (Bede) who was like "this month is named for a goddess" and there's absolutely no evidence this goddess ever existed. The other holiday I'm suspicious of is Mabon, if only because we know the name for the festival came from Aidan Kelly. Individual holidays often get mashed together simply because they occur around the same time (Beltaine/May Day and Lughnasad/Lammas for instance) and treated as basically the same thing despite....being different holidays.
So my one issue with the Wheel is that it's taken festivals from multiple characters and run them through a blender, but there are lots of posts written on this already. I think it's also important to discuss the implications when we act as if the WotY is a universal "Pagan" calendar.
The Wheel of the Year really only makes sense if you're in certain parts of Europe (okay, the U.K.) and bits of North America with four distinct seasons. If you live in an area with two seasons, if you live in a desert climate, if you think I'm making stuff up when I talk about snow, heck, if you live in an area that doesn't herd sheep or grow wheat, parts of the Wheel of the Year will just not have any relevance to you. I complain every year that Imbolc is the most nonsensical holiday because where I live everything is still under five feet of snow and I am not thinking about spring or lambing season (as I do not own sheep). Yes I know "Oh it's anticipating spring!" Anticipate the snow I am throwing at you.
I also feel like there's such a focus on the Wheel that people think they *have* to observe it instead of whatever's going on in their local area, or traditions their ancestors might have observed. This is something I can understand because who wants to be alone celebrating Mârtişor when you could wait and celebrate Ostara with everyone?
I think where this becomes especially annoying is when you have folks who get pissed because they're celebrating Samhain and how dare you eat candy and have fun on my sacred holiday! Your ancestors are probably annoyed with you because you aren't giving them sweets. You might be celebrating a holiday that is actually quite old but how dare you do something different than they do on their frankenfestival!
Some food for thought on the subject is the book Walking the Tides by Nigel G. Pearson. It is a very British book talking specifically about the year in that part of the world, so while it might not be relevant to you, it does make some good points about observing nature, how folklore ties into celebrations, and the like. As I said, it's specific, but it's still interesting.
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isharaneith · 1 year ago
Whumptober 2023 Masterpost
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No 1 – Stargate SG-1 – Jonas Quinn
No 2 – Eureka – Zane/Jo
No 3 – Being Human US – Josh Levison, Josh & Aidan
No 4 – Alice (2009) – Hatter
No 5 – Stargate Atlantis – John & Ronon
No 6 – Dark Matter - Raza crew
No 7 – Firefly - Mal Raynolds
No 8 – The Bastard Son & The Devil Myself – Annalise, Nathan, Gabriel
No 9 - Travelers - Core Traveler Team
No 10 – Lucifer – Lucifer Morningstar
No 11 – MCU – Bucky Barnes
No 12 - Dollhouse - Topher Brink
No 13 – Primeval – Captain Hilary Becker, Becker & Matt
No 14 – Killjoys - Alvis Akari, Alvis & D'avin
No 15 – Timeless – Wyatt Logan
No 16 – Forever – Henry Morgan
No 17 – Shadow & Bone - Kaz & Inej
No 18 - Farscape - John Crichton
No 19 – Supernatural – Dean Winchester
No 20 – Grimm – Nick Burkhardt
No 21 – Being Human UK – Hal Yorke
No 22 – The Boys – Frenchie/Kimiko
No 23 Alt 1 – Fringe – Peter/Fauxlivia
No 24 Alt 12 – Once Upon a Time – Killian Jones, Killian/Emma
No 25 – Warehouse 13 – Claudia & Steve
No 26 – Sense8 – Will Gorski
No 27 – Carnival Row - Rycroft “Philo” Philostrate
No 28 – Babylon 5 – Marcus Cole
No 29 – Wednesday - Tyler Galpin
No 30 – The Wheel of Time - Moiraine & Lan
No 31 – Daredevil – Matt/Claire
I'll be updating this post with links and new entries throughout October.
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yanxioustrikas · 2 years ago
my “non-main characters in supa strikas” series
where i showcase the diverse minor / background characters the show has to offer! this post will also be in my pinned intro post!
majority of the characters listed below have no canon names, so many of the names are my headcanons!
raj (first eliminated supa strikas tryout candidate)
sigrun (staff from mount kilimanjaro)
rosalind (older astronaut studying asteroid 237)
calvin (random cognito benchwarmer from rookie season)
becca, alain, maurice (super league coaching license coordinators)
larry, alice and ralph (oasis staff trio)
kat (cat burglar whose comic counterpart is shakes's (ex-)girlfriend)
ichika, kokoro, conway, haruto (more zazz staffs)
claude, olivier, cassandre, nathanaël (alien enthusiasts)
ginerva (iron tank female scientist)
nisha (pilot from the swiss insitute)
ursula (del aqua's assistant)
salma (egyptian tour guide)
aileen / sarah (oasis mindee who believes in robots taking over the world)
riccardo, alexandra (el matador's lawyers)
alyx, hack (game developer and video gamer, respectively, and headcanoned siblings)
ellen (younger astronaut studying asteroid 237)
sonya (statistics girl hired by iu)
devon (ms altivo's assistant)
bastiaan (award ceremony staff who usually deals with el matador's car)
ms altivo (reality tv expert and boss of altivo entertainment)
diego (supa strikas tryout player)
yvonne / clawdia, fang, mort (grimm fan club trio)
erasyl (ms altivo's fired assistant from live and kicking)
sonny haelström (klaus's favourite weatherman)
aidan (from one of the chek-icoast advertisements)
the aces (main sepak tekraw team that shakes joined)
helena, norman (rookie coaching applicants)
thumi (altivo staff(?) from the beginning of your latest trick)
otto von dukslaer-drake (illusionist who helped iu become the cleanest team)
p.s. — for every minor / background characters i post, i also give them headcanon nationalities and ethnicities, and of course headcanon names if their names are unknown
p.s. 2 — some of the headcanon contributions are from others too so it is only proper for me to credit them!
p.s. 3 — these are just my own headcanons therefore there is no need to use them, although everybody is more than welcome to do so!
* = working on it !!
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mashitandsmashit · 10 days ago
AGT All-Stars: Preliminaries 1
...Which is basically AGT Champions 3, since the rules are exactly the same, and none of the acts from the previous ones are returning...I guess they just decided to change the name because “Champions” didn't really make sense, whereas “All-Stars” is what they totally should have called it from the beginning...
Just like the “Champions” seasons, there are a LOT of deserving finalists, and so VERY few spots...I guess everyone and their mom has complained about the “superfan” system by now, so there's no real point going into that again...But just know, it still sucks...
I can see that Sophia is missing from the judges' desk for this...While I don't know the exact situation with her, I hope she's not permanently leaving AGT, not just because I actually kinda like her as a judge, but also because we need to pave the way for the MALE judges to start getting ready to leave...
Anyway, let's not waste anymore time...Onto the list!
10: Lioz Shem Tov. I think his early auditions several years ago were funnier, when he was more tongue-in-cheek. I saw several of these punchlines coming a mile away...The one part that DID give me a nice chuckle was the “Who was I talking to backstage?” joke...Otherwise, it was more silly than funny...
9: Aneeshwar Kunchala. So, is this a TED Talk or something...? I guess his talent is poetry, but it kinda came off more like a preachy speech about saving the whales...Oh well, I admire the cause, and he's very well-spoken for a 7-year-old...Nonetheless, I highly doubt he put this whole campaign together without help from Mom and Dad (or some other adults...)
8: Caly Bevier. Well, I ALMOST didn't recognize this young lady, but through the longer hair I recognized her Cecily-Strong-looking face...Along with growing out her hair, she snipped down her first name...I will admit, I wasn't the nicest to her back in Season 11, and her voice still didn't blow me away or anything...But her original song was pretty nice, and I can see a nice stage presence to her. I wish her the best in her music career!
7: Bello Sisters. I remember being very impressed by these young ladies with their original audition back in Season 15...But I kinda feel like they've stagnated since then. I honestly don't see what was so different this time around; There was one moment where I thought “Ouch!”, and that was the only real stand-out moment...I'd say this is the second time their advancement over certain other acts (especially a certain ventriloquist) baffles me so...
6: Alan Silva. Like the Bello Sisters, I don't think Alan gave us much that we haven't seen before...And just know, I really liked him by the end of Season 15! I guess it was just missing the danger elements he added to his previous performances...It was still fairly compelling, but I still think Aidan Bryant is the best aerialist we've seen on this show (and I'll be rooting for him when he performs next week!)
5: Jeanick Fournier. Not too much to say about this lady...She had a solid voice, and seemed like an early contender tonight, but I guess it was just a little too stacked...
4: Jimmie Herrod. Howie calling this guy the best male singer in the history of this show is a pretty big claim...But then I think of his biggest rivals in that category: Michael Grimm, Brian Justin Crum, even Kodi Lee...As great as those other guys might have been, Jimmie does have one of the purest voices I can recall ever hearing on this show...All I can say is, if he IS the best male singer on the show, it's ironic that he kinda sounds like a woman...
3: Berywam. Aww, snap! Who needs a turnstyle when you got THESE guys!? They were one of my favorites ever since they first auditioned back in Season 14, and they only stepped it up even more since! I found it really sad, because I knew they didn't have a chance against most of these other acts, ESPECIALLY since they had to go right after the amazing Golden Buzzer act! But they still managed to rival the Top 2 in this list, and I guess that's all I can really ask for!
2: Terry Fator. Well, it's beyond sad that he didn't make the Finals...But then again, Darci Lynne didn't make the Finals back in the first Champions season either, and then she got brought back as a wildcard and made Second! (Well then, I know who I'M rooting for to get the wildcard this year!) As amazing as Darci is, Terry really is the OG of taking ventriloquism to new heights, and he has very much earned his legacy as the most successful AGT contestant of all time! On top of all that, he has mastered pretty much every type of singing voice you can imagine, and can do it all with nothing more than his throat muscles visibly moving! I'd probably say the only thing that kept the “superfans” from putting him through is the usual recency bias we see in these All-Star seasons...I mean, you don't get much farther back than this guy (and they already used Bianca Ryan)! Despite everything, this is very much Got Talent royalty, and he should feel no shame not making the Finals...If this was a regular season, he'd win in a heartbeat...And he did, fifteen-and-a-half years ago!
1: Light Balance Kids. Building off of what Simon said, not only was this the best performance I've seen from these kids, but the best performance I've seen from EITHER of the Light Balance acts! (Of course, I'm sure they had a lot of help from the adults performing with them...) This was pure electrified magic from beginning to end, and shall join the ranks as one of my favorite performances in the history of AGT! And with the hardships of the people of Ukraine being more relevant than ever these days, they may actually have a legitimate shot at this game, even against several winners from recent seasons, particularly a certain autistic singer who's bested them before...(Though granted, he's still the #1 act to look out for this season!) Here's to besting their parent act!
Well, this show started off slow, but picked up around the halfway mark! I could see almost all of these acts making it on a weaker night than tonight! But it is what it is; My favorite act of the evening still got a well-deserved Golden Buzzer, my second favorite at least came close to making the cut, and my third favorite had the odds against them to begin with! I'll count my blessings here...I guess I'm still in a generous mood with this show after the last main season's results...
Let's see who Terry gives the GB to next week...It looks like Dustin Tavella will be there...
0 notes
theultimatefan · 12 days ago
‘Avatar,’ ‘Justice League,’ ‘One Piece’ Among Voice Acting Talent At FAN EXPO Cleveland
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The voice acting section of the FAN EXPO celebrity area continues to grow in popularity. Today, 19 talented performers who are behind fans’ favorite characters in the worlds of animation, anime, and gaming have joined the lineup at FAN EXPO Cleveland, set for March 21-23 at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, bringing to life voices from hits like “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” “Hazbin Hotel,” “One Piece,” “Final Fantasy,” and dozens of other franchises.
From the world of animation, fans can meet “Avatar” standouts Michaela Jill Murphy, Grey Delisle, and Dante Basco; “Hazbin Hotel” stars Blake Roman and Amir Talai; “Justice League” headliner George Newbern; and “DuckTales” leader David Tennant.
“One Piece” has become a phenomenon in the live-action and anime versions, and with Michelle Rojas and Stephanie Young on board, Cleveland fans will have plenty to celebrate on the voice side. “My Hero Academia” is well represented with Chris Wehkamp and Leah Clark, while other well-known voices like Brittney Karbowski and Mallorie Rodak (“Fairy Tale”), Kyle Hebert (“Dragon Ball”), and Nicholas Roye (“Jujutsu Kaisen”) will also be on hand.
Gaming properties such as “The Last of Us” (Troy Baker); “Final Fantasy” (Newbern, Tyler Hoechlin); “Batman: Arkham” (Delisle); “Far Cry” (Giancarlo Esposito); “Street Fighter” (Hebert); Justice League Heroes” (Michael Rosenbaum); and “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!” (Young) are also well represented.
They join a celebrity lineup already bursting with live-action talent, including: • Tennant, Jenna Coleman, and Catherine Tate (“Doctor Who”) • Jared Padalecki, Mark Sheppard, Mark Pellegrino, Alexander Calvert, Ruth Connell, DJ Qualls, and Samantha Smith (“Supernatural”) • Adam Savage (“MythBusters”) • “Smallville” stars Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Erica Durance, and Laura Vandervoort • Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch (“Superman & Lois”) • Grant Gustin, Danielle Panabaker, Tom Cavanagh, and Candice Patton (“The Flash”) • Charlie Cox (“Daredevil”) • Esposito (“The Mandalorian”) • Aidan Scott (“One Piece”) • Corbin Bleu and Lucas Grabeel (“High School Musical”) • David Giuntoli (“Grimm”) • Brandon Routh (Superman Returns) • James Phelps and Oliver Phelps (Harry Potter)
FAN EXPO Cleveland features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, and cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom.
Adult, Youth, and Child Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, Family Passes, and Ultimate Packages for FAN EXPO Cleveland are available now at www.fanexpocleveland.com. Advance pricing is available until March 6. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for additional headline celebrities, comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
Cleveland is the sixth event on the 2025 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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thejewitches · 2 years ago
A transcript:
Let’s talk about...
Debunking Myths about Ostara & Easter
Origins of Ostara
In the 725 AD, a Churchman named Bede wrote about a supposed European goddess named "Eostre"--well after the Christianization of the area. 
A Northumbrian monk, he wrote, "Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated "Paschal month", and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance".
That's it. Nothing about her symbols, her stories, or who she was, what she was goddess of, or anything of the kind...She wasn't even called Ostara--But then came the Brother's Grimm.
Ostara & the Brother's Grimm
Folklorist, anthropologist, lexicographer, and academic, Jacob Grimm wrote of 'Ostara' in 1835, 'Deutsche Mythologie'. In Deutsche Mythologie, Grimm took Bede's word for law & expanded on her with no evidence but etymological suspicions. "We Germans to this day call April ostermonat, and ôstarmânoth is found as early as Eginhart. The great Christian festival, which usually falls in April or the end of March, bears in the oldest of OHG remains the name ôstarâ ... it is mostly found in the plural, because two days ... were kept at Easter. This Ostarâ, like the [Anglo-Saxon] Eástre, must in heathen religion have denoted a higher being, whose worship was so firmly rooted, that the Christian teachers tolerated the name, and applied it to one of their own grandest anniversaries"After the publication of Deutsche Mythologie, stories of Ostara began to pop up. 
Ostara & The Hare
One of the most common facets of the myth relies on the idea that Ostara's symbol was a hare...In 1874, Adolf Holtzman published his own Deutsche Mythologie with a developed narrative about Ostara and her hares:"The Easter Hare is inexplicable to to me, but probably the hare was the sacred animal of Ostara; just as there is a hare on the statue of [the Celtic goddess] Abnoba.”And seven years later, "Wackernagel...already had a specific story in which Ostara “rode over the fields in the spring in a wagon drawn by hares.” Stephen Winick, PHD folklorist who published research on Ostara and the Hare, points out that no single discussion of Ostara and rabbits predate Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie, but less than 30 years later, people were publishing articles that cited this story as ancient without any provedance or evidence.  An Egg At Easter: A Folklore Study concludes, "The Hare, on grounds that are not clearly established, was said to be sacred to her. In fact, we know virtually nothing of this goddess."
Ostara as a Holiday
In the 1960's, Aidan Kelly decided the equinoxes needed names...The celebration of the equinoxes did not begin within Wiccan circles until the time of the initiation of Doreen Valiente, with some scholars asserting that her joining gave pretense to Wiccans to begin their celebrations (she lied to her family & claimed to be a Druid & they did celebrate these days). Indeed, he held out on giving the equinoxes full status and equal observation as celebratory days until 1958.In San Fransisco in the late 1960s, an American named Aidan Kelly gave name to the equinoxes. In a calendar of their creation in 1974 the spring equinox became Ostara. He is also responsible for Mabon (which was previously a Welsh mythological figure). Gerald Gardner, the founder of Wicca, had no part in this due to his death in 1964, but the names were quickly absorbed into the Wiccan community. "By the opening of the 1980s, most Wiccans, let alone Pagans outside the Wiccan tradition, had lost any realisation that the pattern concerned had been established in the 1950s. It was, rather, accepted as an intrinsic feature of what was regarded by many, following Gardner's claims, as a surviving ancient faith."For many, the celebration of the spring equinox continued under the name Ostara, but traditions are often given a false history to fabricate a history of Ostara as a holiday; falling prey to the fallacy that things must be old to valid or worthwhile. Quickly, the lie spread that Ostara was the origin of Easter and that Easter had stolen all of its traditions from the celebrations of Ostara.
Easter Isn't Pagan
The myths surrounding Ostara rely heavily on the idea that Easter must be stolen from pagans. This Eurocentric worldview completely ignores the fact that we know for a fact that Easter is correlated to the Jewish Passover; the dates are inherently linked.We also know that Easter has been celebrated consistently throughout history; far before there was any evidence of Ostara. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Easter was stolen from a other holiday rather than created by early Christians: largely drawing from Jewish origins hence the fact that the majority of the world refers to the holiday with a ‘P’ word relating to Pesach (Passover). Even Bede references the Paschal month when discussing the naming of Ostermonat. Even Aidan Kelly, the person who named the holiday Ostara, acknowledges this--, "Easter,” which, almost everywhere else, is called something like “Pasch,” derived, of course, from Pesach."Certain Easter traditions have their roots in paganism; but that doesn't mean that the entirety of the holiday was plucked from paganism. For example, Ukrainian pysanky, pre-dates Christianity but is now associated with Easter by many as the tradition lived on through assimilation. This idea is to erase how groups kept their traditions alive through syncretism.The idea that the holiday must have been stolen from European pagans presents an extremely Euro-centric worldview that sees Western European pagans as the only originators.
Christian Eggs
But aren't Easter Eggs stolen from Paganism? Eggs don't just belong to pagans. Jews have been eating eggs at Passover for thousands of years. There are theories that the first eggs were eaten at Easter because of the tradition of Jews eating eggs at Passover (one egg being ceremonially included on the Passover Seder plate). The notion that eggs must have been stolen from pagan tradition relies on stereotypes and misinformation. For a short history of eggs & Christianity: by the first century A.D, the phoenix egg had become a Christian symbol with St. Clement mentioning the legend in his first Epistle to the Corinthians. Ostrich eggs were placed in early Christian graves to represent resurrection. In 1662, ostrich eggs were documented hanging directly above the Sepulchre. Ostrich egg shells also house the relics of multiple saints. St. Rupertus who died in 718 had a basket of eggs on his emblem. Eggs are also associated with Lent. In During the reign of Pope Gregory the Great, eggs were included in forbidden foods for Lent; in Germany, it was outlawed to even sell eggs at this time.  There is also a history of egg tithes across the Christian world which were given at Easter. Naturally, after the end of Lent, eggs became an important part of Easter celebrations; with references to coloured Easter eggs as early as 1290.For centuries, an antisemitic mythos that Jews ate eggs as a celebration of the murder of Christ fueled the idea that it was righteous to eat eggs. Not to mention multiple antisemitic mythos such as Jews pelting Jesus on the cross with eggs, Mary attempting to bribe the evil Jews torturing Jesus with eggs onto which his red blood ran, etc. 
Easter Rabbits
But aren't rabbits stolen from Paganism?
The European Brown Hare has a rather miraculous feature: it can be pregnant with two litters at once; giving them the appearance of being capable of virgin births. For this reason, they became associated with the Virgin Mary. They also represent lust in traditional Christian art. Imagery of Mother Mary/the Virgin Mary/The Madonna with rabbits dates back to the middle ages, honoring her virgin birth and triumph over lust. One very popular painting is that of the 1530's Madonna of the Rabbits by Titian.
Predating any mention of Ostara & the Hare, in 1682 we have the first textual evidence of rabbits and Easter in  Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus published nearly two hundred years before any mention of Ostara and hares.
There are also traditional rabbit hunts celebrated around Easter, not to mention several traditions around creating and eating rabbit dishes.
Why is this Lie so Harmful?
Who does it hurt to perpetuate this misinformation?
In 1905, former monk Joself Adolf Lanz founded the right-wing magazine Ostara, which published antisemitic, racist, esoteric, and 'Aryanist' theories. Believed to have been read by Hitler, "Many of the ideas contained in Ostara formed the basis of later Nazi ideology."  From 1933-1945, a local folk tradition in the town of Lügde involved the "rededication" of an Easter custom to Ostara--"As night falls, six enormous oak wheels (Osterräder) are filled with straw, set ablaze, and rolled down the slopes of the Osterberg or “Easter-mountain.” Each wheel has a unique Christian message carved into the rim" but in order to rededicate it to Ostara, the Nazis "carried slogans in praise of the Reich, while torchbearers formed a huge blazing swastika on the slopes of the Osterberg." The locals opposed this desecration of their tradition.
This lie upsets so many marginalized groups because what you are doing is erasing the real history which we know to create a false victimhood. Rather than getting up in arms every year about this false history, rather focus on the genuine harm that has been caused by appropriation by the church.
For centuries, Easter has been a time of extreme violence against Jews by Christians. Rather than create infographics about Ostara's supposed theft, combat genuine bigotry or talk about actual history.
Misinformation that sounds cool or serves your rhetoric is still harmful. Full stop.
An Egg At Easter: A Folklore Study, Venetia Newall
From Easter to Ostara: the Reinvention of a Pagan Goddess? Richard Sermon
Modern Pagan Festivals: A Study in the Nature of Tradition Author(s): Ronald Hutton Source: Folklore, Vol. 119, No. 3 (December 2008), pp. 251-273
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Every single year, without fail, we deal with the fact that the internet is obsessed with promoting the misinformation that Ostara must have been stolen from Easter.
People will argue until they’re blue in the face…But they won’t provide citations or evidence to the contrary and the reason why is simple: there isn’t any.
If you find that celebrating Ostara brings you joy: we aren’t here to rain on your parade or stop you in the slightest.
But misinformation, even misinformation that sounds cool and serves to further rhetorical goals, is still wrong and harmful.
So, after years of promising it, we’ve finally delivered: Easter isn’t stolen from Ostara.
Have questions? We’re happy to answer!
Make sure to follow our Instagram @jewitches for the ongoing discussion!
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wilddwcrds · 1 year ago
JACKSON JONES: Focused on finding Teddy and Sophia at this moment in time, and for the revision of the three day grace period. Slightly dipped in his responsible and level head and is back to his sparkier self, seemingly undoing three years worth of growth bit by bit. Is more argumentative for or against things, and makes his opinions known loudly. In particular, he will be more demanding with the Crosses / Wolf on telling him where they took Jack.
CARINA ARAYA: Is a busy bee with everything happening in the town. She's worried about missing pack members, and will do anything to make sure they're found, even bending rules if she has to. She's also passionate for the revision of the three day period, and also focused on the expansion of the town. And is a mom. Toby turns 1 on March 6th IC so big deal there that I forgot about lol.
MICHAEL ROSE: Is reluctant to search for Dominic and his reasoning is purely selfish because if his son is held somewhere, there could be other Rose pack members with him and Michael isn't prepared to face the consequences. I would like to do more with him in general and I think it makes sense for Michael to try and round up wolves with no pack or small ones to try and join his. So there's an opening there for new characters if anyone wants.
AZIZE DENIZ: Is still looking for her brother and sister and helping Aidan search for Rae and Brendan. Is pretty much still floaty around the town doing odd jobs here and there and whatever she can get her hands on. Will probably offer to help the Crosses look for their missing members too.
ESJE GRIMM: Wants to help look for Thorin and Egil and will be putting her name forward to join searches. Other than that she's still training and spending most of her time doing that and doesn't particularly care about the work needed around the town.
LOGAN CROSS: Will probably be teaming up with Roxy to look for Dominic in exchange for her helping him look for Scarlett. Is also working a lot through the town and joining searches that look for Cross wolves. Could be noticed that he spends more time looking for Rose wolves though.
DRIFA FREYSSON: Is helping work toward Rineike and Roan's visions and will not be much of a team player for things in Hollow Cove. Still wants some more Sprite. Will probably join searches for Egil and Thorin with Hati or other Jansen wolves.
MEI KOJIMA: Is noticing the tension in her coven currently and is working out the smartest place to align herself during the disagreements about Felix. She's unsure where she stands currently. Will be working a lot through the town, wants the three day grace period to be revised and will be very vocal about it.
ALANA VAISMAN: Will be trying to stay as close to Kenzie as possible. Possibly might try and make a run for it before the actual escape takes place, and perhaps how far she gets before she's brought back is why she joins the better escape plan? Anything is possible with her because she'll be difficult and agitated at this time but also calculating.
ARIC VISSER: He's always calm but will be helping formulate escape plans but also pulling his weight around the camp to keep guards off his back. I haven't written him yet so that's all I got!
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aidangrimm · 7 years ago
When The Lights Go Down (Interlude)
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alternity01 · 1 year ago
Violet Hands and the Vermilion Masks of Pale Men
Chapter I. “Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund.”
Word Count: 1469
Blurb: Aidan Grimm has spent almost his whole life with the Ngela-Machiavelli family. They've eaten together, drunk together, bathed together, and they've even killed together. That's a bond not many can have—a bond not many deserve—but they're not family. And sure there's more than the Machiavellis, more than Leo and Aunty Ciseko and Uncle Fernando. There's Silenzio: Ayesha, Natasha, Giuseppe and Brianna. All great in their own right, all people he's grown with, but they were never his family.
His family is no more. A mission from his dear Aunty and Uncle led to them being snuffed out like the indigo flame from his indigo lighter and his home to burn. It is for that very reason that they must be extinguished alongside his best friend, his companion, his… Leo.
The buzz of Aidan’s phone kicks him out of his restless rest. As his eyes welcome the new day, he turns his attention to his nightstand. Sunlight crept onto it as he slept for its own break, finding his phone comfortable enough, causing the screen’s brightness to match. With this almost divine call to action, he reads:
X: Do not disappoint me.
He doesn’t bother to open the chat itself and respond. He knows what he must do. Having sat up to sleep, his tail drags behind him on his way to their shared bathroom—a crescent at the back rightmost corner of the house. There—hanging in a plastic sleeve off of the towel warmer—is a dress. The dress in fact. Woven from darkness only found under the coldest of beds, one paired with gloves covering an area from his paws to halfway up his biceps. Acknowledging it with an expressionless nod, he runs himself a bath Leonardo-Nawa would consider scalding.
‘How can I say goodbye?’ he thinks, sitting from the edge of the bathtub. As if he didn’t spend the past couple of years contemplating and organising it all.
Aidan's hand dances within the water during his thoughts, guiding his whole body into the depths of the clear liquid. As if to cleanse himself of his vices one last time, he glides the gel against the skin of his chest and face and the wine–red fur of his limbs with strength and vigour. All while laying down in a way that mimics those experiencing eternal slumber. Whether it's Leo’s parents or his own parents he's mimicking more is unknown even to him. 
It’s not long before he finds his way back into the dress, a snug fit. Sliding his paws into flats, he fixes what he’s been told resembles a smile onto his face, and walks through Leonardo-Nawa’s bedroom door.
“You live, you laugh
Your time won’t pass
Today’s your day
(It is your day)
Only your day
(Only your day)
So we are here to say Happy Birthday,” Aidan sings softly to the sleeping kiweli, his voice moulding to add Aunty Ciseko and Uncle Fernando’s in perfect harmony.
Leonardo-Nawa dances around to the sombrely sung tune. It is only after it is done that he hugs him.
“I thank you with all my heart, darling. You understand this time has been hard for me,” utters Leonardo-Nawa in a loving whisper. “Might I add, you look absolutely stunning. As stunning as the day we met.”
“We met when we were barely able to speak,” he comments.
“Details, details. I… cared for you all the same. As you have cared for me. Thank you dearly.” He guides him into a miniature waltz.
“It’s nothing.” He keeps his steps.
Hand in hand, he spins him out despite his shorter build—an act that never fails to impress Aidan. He reverses it in a way that Leo finds himself into his open chest.
“With you, I’ll celebrate every moment as if it’s my last.” Leonardo-Nawa raises his head from his chest. “Till death do us part.”
Aidan found himself in the play pit nestled in the centre of the Ncana Institute for Education and Extracurricular Experience’s kindergarten section. His pale skin had already grown purple from the fall. Specifically, his chest—one he’d rather have torn out than receive anymore pain in that moment. And his arms—with his fur torn out in patches. At that point, what’s now a phantom of a memory stood above him, readying to deliver more punishment. That is until Leonardo-Nawa pounced on them, causing cuts to form.
“Who’s next?” he roared to the stunned crowd. His paintbrush-esque tail decorated the air around him with its rapid movements.
Aidan looked up at Leo in awe. His—at the time—short chocolate curls flowed in the wind. His stance was like the icons of legend, turning his unimpressive figure statue-esque in his eyes.
He turned to him and nodded to himself as he asked “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he whispered in response, bruised and aching.
“Listen up! I’m sick and tired of the way you guys treat, Aido.” Leo proclaimed, stepping on the chest of one of his attackers. “Quit messing with my love, or I’ll keep messing with you. Nothing can get between us. Till death do us part.”
It was then that he pressed his lips against his cheek in what the young one thought was nothing more than the cementing of the friendly gesture at the time. A far more naive Aidan felt himself grow rosy, having held onto Leo’s waist in a warm embrace.
A smile pops onto his face.
“Now, darling. How long must I wait for your surprises?”
“It’ll all be over soon.” Words he nearly chokes out.
“Are you alright?”
“Clearing my throat.”
“Go drink some water, darling. I’ll be waiting in here.”
“Freshening up?”
“Naturally.” He kisses him on the cheek.
Aidan slinks away, his expression flattening before he’s able to even open the door he came in from. His strides are wide, never spending longer in there than he needs to. Turning around, he tests his lock. The door shakes and scratches and fails to move. Perfect. He squats down by his bed, his primary exit already closed. Under it rests a duffle bag so dark it would be safe to assume his dress and it were woven from the same fabrics. Within it are hemp gloves, hiding the skeleton of a flash drive and a palm-sized remote. Aidan’s wallet, Aidan’s phone, Aidan’s bedroom keys. The ones for the bathroom follow once his gloves are on.
Once out of the room, halfway down a corridor he could’ve sworn was a quarter of its current length last night, he hears “Aidan, darling?”
“Yes?” He neglects to turn around.
“I miss you already.”
His heart stretches the skin of his chest forward with every beat. He tastes iron. He turns his head to face the ceiling.
Keeping his eyes to the sky, Aidan responds “I’ll miss you too.”
Finally, past their rooms and past their home gym, he exits the hallway. Air returns to his lungs. He turns right. The spiral marble stairway awaits him below, so he borrows the movement of an accomplished gymnast to carry him down. Nary a breath nor movement goes to waste.
Now off of the stairs, an incessant bitter fog clings to the back of his throat, diffusing into him. Forbidding himself any water, he makes his way across the polished wooden floor towards a seldom visited elevator tucked behind the folds of plain sight. Not a sound as he goes down, and not a sound as he comes out.
Doors sparsely litter the suffocating, outwardly unfinished hallway. Aidan never understood how a place so beautiful could house something so ugly. The room itself, its back wall lined from top to bottom by a giant monitor, is quite modern. In the middle of it is a decagonal table, and while he isn't the tallest—nor is he the shortest—member of Silenzio, it reaches his knee. Squatting, he inserts the corpse of the usb into the primary tower. That's all it really takes. Eleven days. An entire week of thirty two hours each gone like the memories of an ageing patient. Cyber security the likes of which both Ayesha and Giuseppe would show their disappointment with. Back into his glove it goes.
Having left the room without a trace, he takes a moment in the elevator to recognise that the air doesn’t taste the same anymore. However, he doubts he'll ever be able to tell what it is, nor does he think he wants to. Aidan takes his last steps into the foyer, ready to breach the threshold between now and the rest of his life.
By the door is a picture of them all. One taken too long ago for him to remember, but he does recognise it. He only looks at it for a second, yet he can feel Leo’s violet eyes stare through him all the same. This is not the time to be plagued with tears. One step with the force of a million.
Despite the heat, the wind nibbles on his skin. Awaiting him is what can only be described as an armoured family minivan. Aidan enters. Whereas his mind scratches and claws at him, his body alone leads the drive out of the estate, proving to him the husk he’s become. Faster than Leo’s suspicions, but slow enough to ensure they don't creep up on him. The house is now a mere smudge within his rear view mirror, and the remote finds itself in his rigid hand.
“I'm sorry, I loved you,” he whispers, finger flicking the switch.
If only Bri could see the fireworks, because at least in her ignorance she could enjoy the show.
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habition · 7 years ago
they scream in my brain everyday.
produced by aidan grimm.
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highlyincorrect · 2 years ago
Hey y’all
I’ve got way too many incorrect quotes and shitposts in general in my notes so I guess it’s time to share them with the world! Expect content for;
- Umbrella Academy
- Marvel (MCU, don’t know shit abt the comics)
- Good Omens
- Doctor Who
The list goes on! I have an art account too! It’s called TwoBraincells-Art and I’ll reblog a lot of my posts here
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tundrakatiebean · 2 years ago
Ok made a spreadsheet about who I want contacted if I kick it and gave access to my brother along with a list of accounts that would need to be closed.
Putting it together seems morbid and weird but after dealing with all that for two different people in less than ten months I think it’s the kindest thing to do.
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set-phasers-to-whump · 5 years ago
sebastian 😢😢😢😢😢
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