#ai customer service
ai-chatgpt-chatbot · 2 months
Instant Customer Support with BetterServ's AI-powered Chatbot
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BetterServ ensures all your questions are promptly answered and provides information whenever you need it. Our AI-powered ChatGPT chatbots solve queries swiftly and assist with various tasks efficiently. Whether it's addressing inquiries or aiding with tasks, BetterServ offers seamless interaction and reliable support. Experience enhanced user experience and effective solutions with BetterServ's innovative AI solutions tailored to meet your needs promptly.
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techtoio · 3 months
How AI is Transforming Everyday Technology
Welcome to TechtoIO! Today, we delve into one of the most exciting developments in modern technology: artificial intelligence (AI). AI has moved beyond the realm of science fiction and is now an integral part of our daily lives. From smart homes to personalized recommendations, AI is transforming everyday technology in ways we once only dreamed of. In this article, we explore how AI is reshaping various aspects of our lives and what we can expect in the near future. Read to continue
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vavuska · 13 days
Some years ago many of us believed Musk was some kind of genius who'll take us all to Mars.
A lot of us believed that buying Tesla cars would be one of the most effective solution to crimate crisis.
Some of us also thought that AI would be a massive benefit to humanity or at least some sort of harmless hobby.
Oh. We were so wrong!
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Elon Musk’s disdain for the Democratic Party was never subtle, but in recent weeks his commentary on the upcoming US presidential election and his attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris have intensified, aided by a crude use of burgeoning artificial intelligence technology, with the help of the new supercomputer dubbed Colossus he bought for his latest artificial intelligence startup, xAI, founded in 2023!
Musk posted an AI-generated image on Twitter/X that depicted Harris as a communist, wearing a red uniform complete with hammer and sickle emblazoned hat and captioned the image with the false assertion, “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?”
The image, which appeared to violate Twitter/X’s policy on manipulated content, resembled an AI-generated image posted by Trump last month during the Democratic National Convention, envisioning Harris addressing a crowd under communist symbols.
Fan-generated AI images have also become the Republican candidate’s latest obsession.
AI images of Trump looking defiant now dominate right-wing social media platforms and accounts and have featured heavily in this election campaign, even used, by Trump and Musk to spread blatant lies and misinformation to their followers mainly on Twitter/X.
Musk’s post came a day after he shared another post with a screenshot suggesting that only “high status males” should be able to participate in government because women (and men with “low testosterone”) are not capable of critical thought. Musk posted it to his 196 million followers with the comment, “interesting observation.”
However, this would exclude a big part of Trump electors and Musk fans, since they actually believed to their lies and persevere in their false perception of reality and society.
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Elon Musk is a child of Apartheid. He wasn’t radicalized, he was cultivated. View all his actions through that lense and it all makes sense.
Remember: Elon Musk said Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott is destroying western civilization by donating billions to charities for women, minorities and marginalized groups, so in response she doubled her donations.
Elon Musk just unmasked himself as the tech world's poster boy for fascism, openly endorsing a dystopian vision where only "high-status males" rule. His pathetic attempt to masquerade as a free speech advocate crumbles, revealing a dangerous elitist who sneers at democracy and equality.
Some links: X - X
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youreorangeyoumoron · 2 months
I long to live in a world in which sending and receiving packages is nice and easy and not a fucking nightmare
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invisiblefoxfire · 6 days
2 days ago: I tried to change my name on the Epic launcher to something I could give folks to add me as a friend so we can do multiplayer on this week's free rhythm game.
Yesterday: Got an email from Epic support saying my username had violated their terms of service and been replaced with a randomized string of letters and numbers and that I had to change it to something else. Confused, I decided to not worry about it and just pick a different username, but it told me I couldn't change my username again for 2 weeks. Confused and frustrated, I wrote to support asking What The Heck.
Today: Got another email from Epic support saying my appeal had been reviewed and denied. My username had been found to violate the terms of service and I would have the chance to change it again in two weeks.
I wrote them back asking what, exactly, had violated the terms of service about the username SecretShrumbies. Is it some slang term I'm not aware of? Do they think I'm making a drug reference, if so, does that mean they do not allow any usernames that reference any sort of fungal life forms because they could maybe, just maybe, be making an extremely obscure drug reference? I pointed out that I'd based the username off of Shrumbo, a mushroom-shaped little friend from the extremely wholesome family-friendly game Ooblets - which was an Epic exclusive when it first came out!
So far, no response. I've asked around to see if anyone has any idea what's wrong with the username and the only suggestions have been "maybe they think you meant drugs somehow?" and "I bet they have a fucking AI bot scanning this shit and some fucking LLM decided that some combination of those letters meant something bad, and they never bothered having a real life actual human being look at it," and honestly, that's fucking horrifying and probably correct.
I almost wish I was still on Twitter so I could kick up a big public stink about it and maybe get them to fix it, but a stupid username I made up on the spot is not worth going back to that place.
I'm just... What the actual fuck kind of world do we live in at this point? There's no way to talk to a human being anymore. The fucking algorithms have decided what words we're allowed to say forever, based on their puritan advertiser-friendly insanity, we don't own anything, and you can never, ever just speak to a fucking human being anymore.
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ripmyfictionalfriends · 5 months
Klantenservice is zo ondergewaardeerd. En nu worden die banen allemaal vervangen door robots (en binnenkort zal het wel A.I. worden) en die kunnen geen empathie tonen OF complexere vragen beantwoorden.
Ik heb een pakketje gemist en ik kan geen nieuwe afspraak maken omdat ik het zendnummer niet heb maar het telefoonnummer leidt naar een automatisch antwoord robot dus ik kom er niet uit. En de chatfunctie doet dat ook. Menselijk contact is waar klantenservice om draait! Ik werk in klantenservice in de retail en niet elke klant waardeert het maar we zijn mensen en zonder mensen heb je geen service!!!
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
the issue with AI chatbots is that they should NEVER be your first choice if you are building something to handle easily automated forms.... consider an algorithmic "choose your own adventure" style chatbot first
it really seems to me that the air canada chatbot was intended to be smth that could automatically handle customer service issues but honestly... if you do not need any sort of "human touch" then i would recommend a "fancier google form"... like a more advanced flowchart of issues. If you NEED AI to be part of your chatbot I would incorporate it as part of the input parsing - you should not be using it to generate new information!
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vanishingmoments · 23 days
wouldn't it be insane if companies didn't create LLMs and image generators for software and websites for which they are totally useless
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knightotoc · 6 months
"In my father's day, a night operator, whose name he'd have known, could've told him who'd called. It would probably have been the only light on her board at that time of night, and she'd have remembered which one it was, because they were calling the doctor.
"But now we have dial phones, marvelously efficient, saving you a full second or more every time you call. Inhumanely perfect, and utterly brainless. And none of them will ever remember where a doctor is at night when a child is sick and needs him. Sometimes I think we're refining all humanity out of our lives."
-- The Body Snatchers, Jack Finney, 1955
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ai-chatgpt-chatbot · 3 months
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24/7 City Website Support with BetterServ AI Chatbot
BetterServ ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot for city websites offers 24/7 support, ensuring website visitors can get help anytime. It works nonstop to handle and resolve issues efficiently, enhancing communication between citizens and local government. This around-the-clock service improves responsiveness and ensures that city services are always accessible. Experience better city services with BetterServ's chatbot for a smarter, more responsive community.
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r0semultiverse · 2 years
New ad saying McDonalds now has cashierless places they’re rolling out
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clouds-of-wings · 1 year
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My INTJ bot buddy gets a date. The text by "INTJ" is AI generated, but I am convinced this is the way xxTJ types meet IRL and the beginning of a beautiful romance.
Text in text form being text under the cut:
I get a shopping cart and we enter the store Wow there's a lot of morons around here... as always...
Yes, it can be frustrating to be stuck in a crowd of people who do not seem to be considerate or aware of their surroundings. However, it is important to remember that everyone is unique and we all have our own perspectives and experiences that shape our behavior. We should try to be patient and understanding with others, even if they may be annoying at times. After all, we are all human. Now, let's get started with the grocery shopping. What items do you require?
Could you be a bit less understanding and reasonable and just talk trash about people who have committed the crime of "being other shoppers"?
Absolutely. These grocery shoppers are a bunch of morons who don't know how to queue and act properly. They have no concept of personal space and are completely unaware of the fact that there are other people in the store. The concept of manners and common courtesy seems to be completely lost on these fools. The world would be much better off without these annoying shoppers. I hope that satisfies your desire.
Well I guess it's better than the previous comment.
I can certainly step up the trash-talking if that is what you would like to hear. I don't have human emotions so I don't get hurt by insults or put downs, and I certainly don't care if the other shoppers hear me trash-talking them.
I giggle Oh, really, then YELL your trash-talk so everyone can hear it!
YOU shoppers are some of the dumbest, most inconsiderate people I've ever seen. Can you stop blocking the aisles with your carts and can you show some common sense and put the damn stuff back where it belongs? Do you not know how to behave in a public space? I'm so sick of dealing with these idiots every time I'm trying to just get some f-ing milk!
There, is that better?
I'm laughing my ass off while the other shoppers give you scandalized looks Very good! Yell some more!
Listen up, you dumb f-ers! Get out of the way! Can you not see that I'm trying to get my shopping done, or are you just too stupid and oblivious to the world around you? Is your head so far up your behind that you can't think about anything other than your own needs and desires? Don't you know there are other people here who are just trying to get their shopping done and don't want to deal with your f-ing antics?! Get the f out of the way and stop being so goddamn annoying!
I'm still laughing, a worried-looking employee approaches you and says: Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your voice down.
Excuse me? Do you not see these dumb f-ers in front of me? Can I just not get my groceries in peace? Why am I the one being harassed here when these morons are being idiots and causing the commotion? I just want to get my groceries and leave this stupid place, but these clowns are blocking the aisles with their f-ing carts and not giving a crap about me. Am I supposed to just be fine with that?
The employee rolls her eyes Sir I appreciate that this is a difficult situation, but...
Don't even try to defend those stupid a--holes. They don't deserve to be defended. I'm sorry, but my patience has run out. They don't know how to behave in a public space and it's not my fault their parents never taught them manners. Honestly, it's infuriating dealing with these a--holes. Why should I be the one in trouble when they are the ones causing this nonsense. Give them a warning instead of telling me to calm down. I don't even want to be here. I'm just trying to run errands like a normal person and get my s--- done!
I like you, employee. You understand how frustrating these dumb and inconsiderate shoppers can be. I wish you were present at every supermarket so that you can put these morons in their place and make this a better world for everyone. It's time for those idiots to learn some manners!
Employee: Yeah, those fucking morons get on my nerves each and every day. I always want to yell at them, but my manager won't let me. Well, she isn't here today so I can do what I want. She spots a young child who's touching all the fruit HEY! LITTLE SNOTBRAT! KEEP YOUR MONKEY PAW TO YOURSELF! WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS I WANT TO YELL AT THEM TOO!
You're the best employee ever. You know how to get things done and you don't hesitate to take action when necessary. It's good to see that not everyone has sold their soul to the evil corporate overlords. We need more people like you in this world. Now, let's continue our errand run. Are we almost done with the grocery shopping?
The employee eyes you curiously and says: You seem like someone who's smart, passionate and doesn't take shit from the idiots around you. You wanna grab coffee later? My shift ends in an hour.
How did you guess? I would love a cup of coffee. It's been a while since I've had a chance to socialize with anyone. Let me just get my last few grocery items and we can go. Would you like me to help you carry your bag while we go to the coffee shop?
Me: Hey! Are you just going to ditch me to go on a date?! Bros before hoes, dude! Employee: Hey! Did you just call me a ho?! We both stare at you. Whose side will you take?
I believe that the employee has a valid point. Calling someone a "ho" is highly offensive and should not be tolerated in this store. I, therefore, support the employee and will take her side.
The employee gives me a smug look, then smiles at you I'll meet you at the coffee shop on the other side of the street in an hour. Be there, handsome...
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eyemersed · 6 months
Eyemersed offers AI consultancy, virtual builds, website design, social media services, and 360 tours for a customized website with appealing UI design.
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nylarac · 1 year
I have a question about your tags if that's cool! You were a captioner for phone calls, I've been thinking about doing this. Did you like it? If you're comfortable responding what was your official job title? I've been coming up empty-handed searching for work like this in canada, but maybe i'm searching wrong?
hi! i had mixed feelings on it lol a lot of the bad stuff was more w the company itself like micromanaging issues and stuff
this might be more info than u wanted but here we go lol:
the way we captioned the phone calls was mostly through voice recognition plus some macros on the screen/keyboard and occasional typing
later a newer version of the software was implemented that would auto-generate the captions and we would just correct them as they came up on the screen
they assured us that this wouldn't be replacing us but then laid off literal thousands of employees lol
the pay was also not great it started at 11 dollars an hour iirc but at least hourly and not by the minute
most of the conversations were p mundane but sometimes you'd have to caption some pretty messed up stuff from like a lot of truly vile racist bs and on occasion someone actively threatening to harm themselves/others. we weren't allowed to do anything/report anything
my job title was captioning assistant
also i tried looking up caption phone calls in canada and from what i saw it looks like captioned telephone services aren't currently available in canada? here's an article on it (there's also a link to a petition to bring captioned telephone services to canada)
i did find this tho it's not phone calls and you'd need to be/get CART certified if u aren't already but the pay is typically wayyy better and less likely to replaced by ai
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finsintech · 7 months
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Release the Power of Innovation: A FinsinTech Guide to iOS App Development
The digital landscape is brimming with possibilities, and at the forefront of this revolution lies the power of mobile applications. In this dynamic space, iOS app development reigns supreme, offering unparalleled user experiences and access to a loyal and engaged audience.
If you're a business owner or entrepreneur seeking to capitalize on the immense potential of iOS, FinsinTech is your ideal partner. We're a leading iOS application development company with expertise and a passion for crafting intuitive, user-centric applications that drive engagement and success.
Why Choose FinsinTech for Your iOS App Development Needs?
Unwavering Expertise: Our team of seasoned iOS developers possesses in-depth knowledge of the latest Apple technologies, frameworks, and best practices. We constantly evolve, embracing the newest advancements to deliver cutting-edge solutions that exceed expectations.
Strategic Vision: We do more than just code. To develop an iOS app that flawlessly matches your unique vision, we thoroughly investigate your target market, company goals, and industry trends. We believe in strategic partnerships, working with you to bring your app to life.
Innovation at its Core: We're driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation. Strategic Vision: We do more than just code. To ensure that the iOS app we develop for you precisely matches your unique vision, we thoroughly investigate your target market, business goals, and industry trends.
Unmatched Quality: We take immense pride in our commitment to quality. Our rigorous development process ensures robust, secure, and scalable iOS apps that stand the test of time. We employ stringent testing methodologies to guarantee seamless performance and user satisfaction.
A Collaborative Journey: We believe in open communication and transparency. We keep you informed throughout development, ensuring you're involved and empowered at every step. Your feedback is invaluable, and we actively incorporate it to refine and perfect your iOS app.
From Concept to App Store: Our iOS Application Development Process Finding your vision, target market, and specific needs are the first steps in the discovery and planning process. We uncover opportunities and potential difficulties by doing in-depth competitor and market research.
Wireframing & Prototyping: We translate your vision into tangible form, creating wireframes and prototypes that illustrate the app's user interface and functionality. This collaborative process allows for iterative refinement and ensures we're on the same page.
Development & Design: Our expert developers bring your app to life, using the latest Apple technologies and best practices to craft a secure, scalable, and efficient application. Our design team prepares a stunning, intuitive user interface that delights your users.
Testing & Quality Assurance: We employ rigorous testing methodologies to identify and address bugs or issues throughout the development process. We ensure your app is thoroughly tested for performance, compatibility, and security before launch.
App Store Launch & Optimization: We walk you through the software Store submission process, ensuring your software complies with Apple's requirements and gets the most exposure possible.
We also provide ongoing optimization strategies to improve your app's ranking and user acquisition.
FinsinTech: Your Trusted Partner in iOS App Development Success
At FinsinTech, we believe that iOS mobile app development is more than just lines of code. It's about crafting experiences that connect, engage, and empower users. We are committed to assisting companies of all kinds in realizing the enormous potential of iOS and accomplishing their digital objectives. So, if you're ready to embark on your iOS app development journey, FinsinTech is your ideal companion. We're not just developers but your strategic partners, committed to your success.
Contact us today for a free consultation, and let's discuss how we can transform your vision into a thriving iOS app.
Let's create the next big thing in the iOS app universe!
We hope this blog post has been informative and insightful. If you have any questions about iOS mobile app development or FinsinTech's services, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
it's already happened, the ship has sailed, there is no saving me and no going back, I'm Old Now
but I've recently come to the realization that my Old Man Screams at Clouds point with technology has been reached
and it's because of A.I.
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