#ahs s9
applestruda · 2 years
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Famcy elf man
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the-daily-male · 13 hours
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Dungeon Master TangoTek
Johnny Silverhand
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khyann · 1 year
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Sorry i havent updated since April. Had been doing my thesis from January to like 2 weeks ago and around April it killed my creativity, the whole complexity of this composition didnt really help either (if you listen closely you'll hear my sanity been slowly and painfully killed by this page, specially in the castle)
But anyway, Champions AU is back baby!
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travelers-gaming · 1 year
if panacea had been recruited into the s9 jack slash would have died instantly. broadcast can't protect him from amy having a panic attack and turning him inside out after her first kill
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
I'm not sure how much of it is intentional, but in between the lines, Endeavour contains a denouncement of the police in a way that's wholly absent in e.g. its sister show Lewis.
For one, authorities and other departments are portrayed as coarse, corrupt and bigoted every time they show up. 'Division' for example is never once a force of good, while DS Lott in the pilot, DI Box/robbery in S5, as well as County as a whole comprise the lateral examples.
But even leaving that aside, our guys - the supposed good guys - bury evidence and break rules time and again. S9 drives this home like a knife (ha) but it's there in every season. And while innocuous enough in isolation (until it isn't) it is rather chilling when taken together---how casually they are willing to work outside the system and how willing we are to excuse them because there is always some reason to what they do.
(One further example below the cut from Colours, which you can skip and not lose the gist of the post)
Colours, oh boy, where does one start. With how eager Strange (and even Thursday tbh) are to pin their army base murder on a random private because Sam is the other potential suspect? With Sam telling Fred that other kids would spit ACAB on his face at school and he would get a thumping sometimes for being Fred's kid but he never said anything because he was afraid of what Fred would do to them?
But perhaps the most apt example is that of the racial equality protest that turns violent---a lot of people who were there, who did absolutely nothing wrong including Joan are arrested and word comes down that Division wants to make an example of them, everyone who was arrested will be charged.
Except Strange swoops in and makes it such that "Joan was never there"---a sweet gesture---but this time around it left me thinking 'but what about everyone else who was in her place and did not have family and friends in the police? Who protects them?' The answer is nobody. There is one set of rules for the police and another for the rest of us and keeping order is often not serving justice.
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beastsovrevelation · 8 months
Every time I see Xantana, I wish it was Millory
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stopthefeeling · 9 months
On the tenth anniversary of Matt Smith regenerating into Peter Capaldi, I'm thinking of my relationship with the doctors - my reaction to their casting announcement and my feelings once they showed up on screen.
With Matt Smith's announcement, I was bereft. I was out for a family dinner in Glasgow on the night he was announced and specifically wanted to avoid my day being ruined by the announcement. Of course, one of those electronic screens with breaking news in the town centre told me anyway. He was so young, so odd, but of course anyone would've been wrong. David was my doctor, the first doctor I watched live, and so it wasn't an issue with Matt himself but in the possibility of change.
When David regenerated, as a stubborn ten year old I refused to accept the new doctor. Series 5 won me over, of course, and a new age of love for the show began, one with countless rewatches at sleepovers and theorising in Morrisons over what the resolution to That Cliffhanger could possibly mean.
By series 7, I was jaded. The resolutions to Those Cliffhangers were never nearly as clever or as exciting as I'd thought up in my head, and the trailer for series 7a was dire. Despite my love for Asylum of the Daleks, A Town Called Mercy brought the first ever episode I didn't watch live, and didn't bother catching up on for many years. Watching The Angels Take Manhattan, I discovered true disappointment. This was the first episode where every minute felt like a betrayal, everything wrong with the world. I rewatched for the first time a couple of years ago and unfortunately I still feel the same! Then came Clara. I disliked her intensely, to the point where I was banned from watching the show after The Rings of Akhaten (I snuck round to my friend's house to watch Cold War) and didn't watch again until Name of the Doctor.
Then came the news Matt was regenerating. An excerpt from a note of my thoughts at the time "I can't say I'm too surprised, but I don't know how I feel about it. I guess I'm disappointed but I won't miss him too much. I have mixed feelings. I guess if it was the Pond era then I would've been really sad but not so much with Clara." Of course, the rumours of his replacement quickly began, and Peter Capaldi was the frontrunner from very early on. I hadn't seen him in anything (other than Doctor Who but I don't remember having any opinion on his performance there) but I was okay with the rumours. Watching him come out of the doorway on Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor, something settled within me. It was instant - this was the doctor. Despite my lack of knowledge about him, everything in me screamed that he was born to play the doctor. The future was in safe hands.
I won't bother going over my feelings about Day of the Doctor, that's for another day if ever, but I was suitably excited to see Peter's eyebrows, and went on about them for ages after the episode. In the end, when Matt regenerated, I was sad. It was an emotional episode and despite my opinion souring by the end, he had been such a big part of my life and shaped the way I consumed media and shared my love of television with friends after the primary school playgrounds were left behind. And then we met Twelve and saw a preview of series 8, and all my sadness faded into sheer excitement.
Series 8 brought a trip to Cardiff for the premiere of Deep Breath. Fifteen year old me was captivated by the red carpet and all the actors who we were yet to meet (Samuel Anderson! Michelle Gomez!) and Peter and Jenna themselves! (Jenna especially in that red dress, how I didn't know I liked girls from that day is truly a mystery.) The episode itself was... bad, even if it took me several years to admit it, but my love for the show felt as though it was at a peak all over again - and actually the red carpet experience was probably a foundation for going to soap awards and comic cons going forward. Waiting 3 weeks for the second episode was agony, as was the two week wait to talk about the episode itself - the clockwork droids had relatives! The gatekeeper of nethersphere showed up in the first episode?!?!?!? Was the half-face man pushed or did he jump? (Still waiting on the answer to that one Moffat.)
To cut a long story short, series 8 was everything. Series 9... not so much. My disappointment and anger over series 7 was back, in a limited way after Zygon Invasion/Zygon Inversion, but after Heaven Sent in a massive way. I felt the show was ruined again. Then came series 10 and, to put it bluntly, any companion that wasn't Clara was a win in my books. Bill did more than win me over though! Series 10 was a triumph and is still my favourite series. I was devastated at the thought of losing Peter. He was my second favourite doctor, next to David (he was joint favourite even then really but I was still so in love with the tenth doctor that I wasn't willing to admit it to myself and honestly it's only been in the last two years that I've admitted to myself and others that he's now my actual favourite).
The Kris Marshall rumours began and continued relentlessly, and I hated it. Despite my misgivings over a female doctor back in 2013, I was now in favour of a more diverse doctor. I could not handle another white man. It was with trepidation that I watched the dreadful Wimbledon final (nothing against Wimbledon, everything against RF), praying that Kris Marshall wasn't about to appear in front of my screen. I had a shrine next to me, dressed up and filmed my reaction, it was all very cute. Jodie emerged from under the hood and my relief was immense. Some of my tumblr tags from that day "I've never yelled so much in my life, she was outstanding in broadchuch and I just??? It hasn't sunk in yet, I've been watching this show since I was 7 and never in my wildest dreams did I actually believe we'd get a woman doctor, and someone as amazing as her. I can't believe my fave character as a kid is now a girl, she was already an icon but now she can be an inspiration to thousands of little girls like I was". It was a breath of fresh air and despite how sad I was to lose such an amazing doctor, I knew the future was in safe hands - mostly. Privately, I worried. Jodie had been amazing in Broadchurch but I'd only ever seen her act miserable and I wasn't sure she had the range to pull off the light hearted, fun aspects of the doctor that were so central to the doctor. Still, I was so hopeful.
The regeneration episode came and I fell head over heels from the moment the ring dropped to the floor. I remember thinking how lucky I was, that I could love a show so much that I was so devastated to lose such an amazing character, but know the future was so bright. In a way thirteen would put it eventually - two hearts; one happy, one sad. I had nothing to be worried about after all. Her era brought the brightest and happiest time of my life as a doctor who fan - I finally met the doctor! I engaged properly with the fan community and made amazing friends. I got to see a sapphic doctor who relationship front and centre. Flux brought my second favourite ever series, and gosh, Yaz is just my favourite companion ever, joining Bill and Rose as the companions that have my entire heart. I've never felt so loved by a show.
Bringing us (mostly) to now. Jodie announced she was leaving on the day I left my job which was mostly very funny to me but honestly the whole thing wasn't terribly unexpected - she'd filmed three series like the previous three doctors, and I'm sure there were rumours going around before that she was going. It was almost a year before Ncuti was announced and my reaction was very ?????? because it was all so lowkey and weird. But I was excited! I hadn't seen Ncuti in everything but it was about time we had a doctor of colour and he's Scottish so that was enough for me! A little disappointed it wasn't a woman again but I know we'll get more chances to be the doctor. And he's great so far! I love his energy and he's such a fantastic advocate for the show. I'm so excited to see his take on the doctor properly and I'm sure that once again, the best is yet to come.
Peter Capaldi, though, I've never had such an instant reaction to a casting announcement, with no worries, no sense of disappointment, nothing but pure joy. And my goodness, was I right to be so sure. Peter, I adore you. Happy ten years, my love.
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crowley actually wasn't the only person who insisted sam not blame himself for kevin's death, dean did that too
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
JOHN: look, man. i just go there to get my zoloft.
JOHN: gonna be honest, dude, this is kinda new for me.
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tvckerwash · 3 months
I like to think that during pfl (using his s9 characterization, not s10) wash is the guy you go to when you want to know something (ah la a line in the fall of reach novel I believe where chief says the enlisted personnel always seem to know stuff bc wash is clearly enlisted).
he's in a position where he's privy to information from the higher-ups, and he's friendly enough with the lower rungs that he knows the gossip going around. as a bonus though, wash ain't no narc, so if you want that information you need to offer him something of equivalent exchange (consequently fueling the 'guy who knows things' thing). for example, north had to tell him about using equipment in the field in order to get him to tell him what his meeting with internals was about.
wash isn't the only guy who knows things, of course, but he's the guy who has the widest base of general knowledge. ct is also someone who knows things, but she's a lot more specific, and what she lacks in scale she more than makes up for with how in-depth her knowledge is. wash is where you learn about something from, ct is where you get all the juicy details (to the point of it almost being tmi). she also has an equivalent exchange policy, but people tend to be a bit more reluctant to get information from her because of what her knowledge is (and the borderline 'insane conspiracy theorist' energy doesn't help either).
florida? well...you don't wanna know what he knows. the cost is simply too high.
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nemesyaaa · 1 month
i really need an 80's slashers au based on the s9 of ahs (1984) but not only the murdering thing, i need the 80's vibes too. do you know what i mean ? i want man in slutty shorts/knee high socks, with hot crop tops above their sweaty abs, man in aerobic session full of women, the music too ?? (because the music was hella fire), the gas station is also an important part of this core, and yes, i want the killer things too. let's go have fun in a camp where someone want to kill reader, and he's pretty obsessed about this. i want gore, blood, violence, fear. i want HALLOWEEN BLESSING ! (NEED this with rafe or jj) i need creepy asshole🤤🤤🤤🤤
i know @shawtycoreee and @drudyslut and the ahs fandom got me for now. but it's a matters of time.
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life-winners-liveblog · 8 months
Watching Last Life- session 5
Part 2
Grian: What's with other me and sneaking around in your tunnels? This has to be at least the third time it happens.
Martyn: If you had a tunnel that leads you under your enemies base wouldn't you use it too?
Grian: ... True I guess, but he is always getting caught so it can't be worth it.
Martyn: "Why does this feel like a horror game"? Really?
Scott: That's how it felt like!
Pearl: Probably because It's been 10 minutes and you already had 2 run ins with reds?
Scar: Not a very good way to start a session.
Martyn: ... Still dislike the name Scottage.
Pearl: Deal with it.
Martyn: He just mixed his name with cottage.
Grian: I mean thats the same process that brought me to create the name Grumbot-
Scar: Ah! Grumbot! The rift robot himself!
Grian: ...the what.
Pearl: Oh, I heard of him!
Scar: Oh in s9 Grumbot emerged from this rift in spacetime and he tried to destroy Empires -
Grian: WHAT, why is my child traveling trough portals???
Scott: Wait, your what? Wait HE TRIED TO WHAT?!
Scar: Oh! I tought he was Mumbos son, the mustache and all...
Grian: He's mine and Mumbos son, you should know we created it to defeat you in the elections-
Martyn: YOU have a child? I...what?
Pearl: Maybe Olive can meet him? she needs more friends her age...
Scott: You and Mumbo? ....I tought it was you and Scar-
Grian: It wasn't romantic! It was just a robot I created to help Mumbo win.
Martyn: Does...does that imply you and Scar are romanti-
Grian: SHUT.
Scar: Spoiler he didn't win the election, I did!
Pearl: Scar don't gloat.
Grian: Scar I'll go full mother spore on you.
Scar: ... sorry.
Scott: Can we go back to Grians son trying to destroy Empires? My home?
Martyn: No one cares.
Scott: Rude.
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cammiluna · 3 months
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For maybe half a year, I wanted an Android tablet with a pen after hating the idea for almost a decade because Android's tablet ecosystem is garbage and it lacked good art software for a while.
Currently, there's a 2024 Galaxy S6 Lite refresh that's exclusive to Amazon at around $250, and I jumped on that to try out the Android artist space again.
Since I already have a tablet PC and an ipad to do my main art projects, I didn't need a high end android tablet. Just something I can take on my regular commutes for notes and doodles which the other two devices are too bulky for.
I can tell you though, that this is pretty slow. Takes a while to load anything, charges maybe half as fast as modern phones or tablets in the $500 range, and while Clip Studio ran fine for drawing, I've had slight lag using the Concepts App. I suspect you can't make print-resolution comics with this thing, but it draws, and i do all my media consumption on other devices anyway.
Another thing to note is that the pen (which is included, yay) looks exactly the same as the S-pens that come with the normal Galaxy S models (at least my S7 from a few years ago), but it's not as weighted because there's no bluetooth hardware inside. I'm drawing with it fine, though I do switch pens sometimes.
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If anyone is interested, I can write a long info post one of these days about all the S-Pen alternatives I know of and tried. At first, I was gonna save up extra money to get the new XP-Pen android tablet, but I like the flexibility of Wacom-powered EMR pens where i can choose between things like comfortable grip or something that magnetically attaches to the device or something. It's also easier to get cute cases and screen protectors for samsungs since they've been around forever!
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There's three versions of the S6 lite. The new one has a slight spec bump and runs Android 14, so it should last a few years (both the XP Pen and Huion Androids are permanently stuck on Android 12). I believe the 2020 version is still supported, upgradeable to Android 13 and the third version is the 2022 version. All three are exactly the same in size and features- they just have different processors and android versions out of the box.
I won't call this a beginner's tablet. If you're a beginner artist who hates apple and wants a standalone drawing tablet, but you also happen to have $500-700 standing around, splurge in getting a better tablet. If you don't like it for drawing, it can still be used for media consumption.
I don't regret this purchase because it does what I need it to in the most basic sense, but I would only recommend it if your needs for an android drawing tablet are the same as mine (super casual art and being able to try out android versions of drawing apps), or you are on a super tight budget. I believe the Galaxy S9 FE and the XP-Pen Magic Drawing Pad are good mid-tier models while the normal Galaxy S9/Plus/Ultra are the high tier.
This is probably the cheapest EMR Android tablet that comes with a pen and oh boy does the pen write so smooth!
I wish i can retire from using an ipad for art, but I need to learn how to use Clip Studio first since I've become overly-dependent on Procreate.
ah well!
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cxhleel108 · 3 months
LITG S9 Thots for this week
• Starting off the volume already annoyed cuz Melissa talking bout “GiRLS neED tO sTIck tOgeTheR”…Bitch you stole my nigga the minute you walked in the villa I don’t wanna hear shit you got to say!
• So yeah I take back saying that it would be funny if Kat was in here and her and Finn had some little relationship drama. I forgot Snoozebox can’t write for shit anymore.
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• You like the fact that your ex-girlfriend acts like a child…YOU ARE 28!!!
• Literally offered to lend Hamish a hand and be a nice person and he still gon have the nerve to diss me??? No shade to my mutuals but I need some of y’all to please STAND. UP.
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• She is so lucky I don’t want him cuz I woulda fucked her up real quick otherwise after this shit😭😭😭
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• Mind you he was the one that told me to sleep with Henri last night.
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• Miss “Girls need to stick together” everyone!
• That shower scene was hot lowkey🤭🤭🤭
• If Chen and Kat were actually fucking in there, why would y’all purposely walk in on them???
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• This would be so cool if she wasn’t lying❤️
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• Ah yes, the type of quality coding we can always expect after 2 weeks between each season release😁
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• Omg the way I clocked that I’m so good at this. Initially thought he was a Taurus but then I was like he also gives Libra and considering we’re both Venus signs, basically the same thing. That explains so…so much.
• Them saying we did bits even though…we didn’t. Omg once again quality coding🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
• Now you telling me Melissa, Kat, and Hamish had a threesome in the closet wtf is happening???
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• Her first spill.
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Yeah uh ngl gang this shit already lame asf. Like from the bad hairstyles to the mid clothes to the even MORE subpar writing to the ungodly amount of coding mistakes…chile. They got like a week or two to fix this or I fear I won’t have anything to post about pertaining to this season anymore😭😭😭
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fishfingersalad · 9 months
Shout out to the rvb s9 and s10 outtakes for having lines that get stuck in my head. Most notably: "Hmm, handsome woman" *Director voice* "I feel pretty todahy" "And that's my sister, South. We're twins, ... We Ah Twiyns!" "Oh, mah bahd" "You were special,,, yOu WeRe sPeCiAl" "Oh hey ladies,,, heeeey~"
and the funniest one to quote in a videogame voicechat with a bunch of cis guys you only kinda know: "Outside of human breast milk and aspirin, there's nothing that will keep me from doing my duty!"
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alienssstufff · 5 months
Hiya Stufff!
I've been scrolling through your art again (as one does) and I'm here to remind you that what you do is absolutely incredible!! Your style is like nothing I've seen before, it's so unique and lively! The way you design characters, environment, little logos and details, the shapes, the colors and feel of it all... Ah. So inspiring and admirable..!!
(Also your apocalypse au makes me go :O every time I come across it. So glad it appears on my tl recently)
Anyway. You're fantastic, hope you're having a wonderful day <3
Ohmygawrsh.. I should be sayin the same thing about you!! I love you art sm!!!!!
There always such a fluidity in your lines no matter how much detail is in it, the movement in your compositions are so easy on the eyes to follow because of it. And the colours and pencil-crayon textures you use are like .. the combo ever . Obsessed. It’s like looking at a whimsical picture book every time. I study it and take notes 📝
An-knee-wayz here to tell YOU what YOU do is absolutely incredible ùwú. Big fan of it ever since u posted that Day In The Life of s9 Bdubs on Twitter lovely to see you stop by!
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