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طلوع جهانشمول احرار، خط بطلانی است بر استعمار مغز ها -کانال تلگرام
#ahrar#جهانشمولیسم#یونیورسالیسم#logo#جهانشمول احرار#سازمان جهانشمول احرار#صلح جاودان#صلح پایدار#جهان وطنی#تکامل بزرگ#احرار#جمهوری جهانی#نسل زد
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#shayan akbari#سازمان جهانشمول احرار#سازمان احرار#ahrar universal org#جهانشمول#احرار#shayan saoshyant#گلوبالیسم#ahrar
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Exiles (Exils), Tony Gatlif (2004)
#Tony Gatlif#Romain Duris#Lubna Azabal#Zouhir Gacem#Lila Makhlouf#Habib Cheik#Latifah Ahrar#Francisco Javier Rodriguez Vega#Mohamed Harrari#Céline Bozon#Delphine Mantoulet#Monique Dartonne#2004
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"Bir kimsenin gökyüzünden düşmesi bir gönülden düşmesi kadar zararlı değildir."
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Latifa Ahrar...une nomination qui dérange
PAR : ABDERRAFIE HAMDI « Wa âatiqou errouh, nari jabha fi rasou ! » Ces paroles ne sont pas l’introduction d’un discours officiel prononcé par une haute responsable à l’éloquence de Molière. Non, elles proviennent d’un célèbre spot de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière, incarné avec brio par la regrettée grande dame du théâtre marocain, Thouria Jebran. Bien qu’il remonte à plus de 25 ans, ce…
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شام کی صورت حال اور ترکیہ
مشرقِ وسطیٰ کے ملک شام جس پر بعث پارٹی اور ا��د خاندان جو گزشتہ 50 سال سے زائد عرصے سے برسر اقتدار تھا آخر کار اپنے انجام کو پہنچ گیا ہے۔ بشار الاسد اپنے والد حافظ الاسد کی موت کے بعد 2000 میں اقتدار میں آئے تھے۔ انکے والد نے 29 سال تک ملک پر حکمرانی کی تھی اور اپنے بیٹے کی طرح ملک پر آہنی کنٹرول رکھتے تھے۔ بشار الاسد اور اُن کے والد علوی فرقے سے تعلق رکھتے تھے ۔ یوں ایک سُنی اکثریتی ملک پر ایک ایسے فرقے کے پیروکاروں نے لگ بھگ 50 برس تک حکمرانی کی، سنی عوام پر ظلم و ستم کا سلسلہ جاری رکھا۔ بشار الاسد کو ہمیشہ ایک ایسے ڈکٹیٹر کے طور پر یاد رکھا جائیگا جس نے اپنی حکومت کے خلاف 2011ء میں پُرامن مظاہرین پر تشدد کر کے انھیں منتشر کیا۔ اس صورتحال نے خانہ جنگی کو جنم دیا جس میں پانچ لاکھ لوگ ہلاک، 60 لاکھ بے گھر ہوئے اور چار ملین سے زائد پناہ گزینوں نے ترکیہ میں پناہ لی تھی۔ شام کے صدر بشار الاسد کے خلاف برسر پیکار جنگجو جن کی قیادت ہیئت تحریر الشام یا ایچ ٹی ایس کررہی ہے 10 دن کی تیز ترین پیش قدمی کے بعد شام کے دارالحکومت دمشق میں داخل ہو گئے ہیں اور بشار الاسد شام سے فرار ہو کر روس کے دارالحکومت ماسکو میں سیاسی پناہ لے چکے ہیں۔
ہیئت تحریر الشام یا ایچ ٹی ایس، پہلی مرتبہ جبھہ النصرہ کے نام سے 2010ء کے اوائل میں منظر عام پر آئی تھی جو القاعدہ کی ایک ذیلی تنظیم تھی لیکن پھر جولائی 2016ء میں ابو محمد الجولانی نے القاعدہ سے علیحدگی کا باقاعدہ اعلان کر دیا تھا اور پھر سنہ 2017ء میں انہوں نے اپنی اس تنظیم کو ہیئت تحریر الشام یا ایچ ٹی ایس کے نام سے متعارف کروایا۔ شام کے صدر بشار الاسد کی حکومت کا تختہ الٹنے والی تنظیموں میں سیرئین نیشنل آرمی یا ایس این اے شامل ہے جسے ترکیہ کی مکمل حمایت حاصل ہے۔ ایس این اے دراصل شمال مغربی شام میں 2017ء میں ترکیہ کی حمایت سے قائم ہوئی تھی اور اس تنظیم نے 2018 ء اور 2019ء میں ترکیہ کی مدد سے علاقے میں موجود ترکیہ کی دہشت گرد تنظیم پی کے کے اور وائی پی جی کے خلاف بڑے پیمانے پر فوجی آپریشن بھی کیا تھا۔ ترکیہ نے حالات سے استفادہ کرتے ہوئے ہیئت تحریر الشام یا ایچ ٹی ایس کی قیادت میں جنگجووں کی پیش قدمی کیلئے بڑے پیمانے پرسر مایہ کاری کرتے ہوئے جنگجووں کے ساتھ اپنے تعلقات کو بڑے پیمانے پر مضبوط کیا ہے۔
ترکیہ کی اس تنظیم کے علاوہ شام میں حکومت کے خلاف لڑنے والے کئی دیگر گروپس بھی موجود ہیں جن میں احرار الشام، اسلامسٹ گروپ 'نور الدین زنگی موومنٹ بھی شامل ہے۔ 11 روز قبل شام کے صدر بشار الاسد کے اقتدار کے خاتمے کے لیے ابو الجولانی کو یہ تاریخی کامیابی دس دنوں کے اندر اندر حاصل ہوئی جس کی ترکیہ نے بھر پور طریقے سے نہ صرف حمایت کی بلکہ تمام ممکنہ امکانات کو استعمال کرنے کے اختیارات بھی ابو الجولانی کو سونپ دیے۔ ترکیہ بشار الاسد کے اقتدار کے خاتمے کو اپنی بہت بڑی کامیابی بھی تصور کر رہا ہے اس کا ثبوت صدر رجب طیب ایردوان اور حکومتِ ترکیہ کے سینئر حکام کے حالیہ بیانات ہیں۔ انہوں نے شام کے مخالفین کو مبارکباد دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ اس وقت شام کے علاقے میں موجود ترکیہ کی دہشت گرد تنظیم پی کے اور وائی پی جی کو بھی اسی طرح علاقے سے نکال باہر کیا جائے گا۔ ترکیہ کے وزیرِ خارجہ حقان فیدان نے کہا کہ شام میں اپوزیشن رہنماوں کی کامیابی کو بیرونی دخل اندازی کی نگاہ سے دیکھنا ایک غلطی ہو گی۔ (ترکیہ پردے کے پیچھے رہتے ہوئےشام میں اپنی گرفت مضبوط کر رہا ہے) انھوں نے اپنی اس تقریر میں نہ صرف اتحاد قائم رکھنے، شام کی خودمختاری اور استحکام کی بھی مکمل حمایت کی۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ ماضی میں ہم نے اسد کو مذاکرات کی دعوت دیتے ہوئے مل کر شام کا مستقبل طے کرنے کی تجویز پیش کی تھی لیکن بدقسمتی سے انھوں نے ہمیں کوئی مثبت ردِعمل نہیں دیا تھا۔ بشار الاسد مخالف باغیوں کے ایک دھڑے کے سابق سربراہ عبدالباسط سدعا نے کہا کہ شام میں اپوزیشن گروہوں کے ترکیہ کے ساتھ بڑے گہرے تعلقات ہیں اور ترکیہ ان تمام گروہوں کی ہر ممکنہ مدد بھی کرتا چلا آیا ہے، بشار الاسد مخالف گروہوں کو ہتھیار اور احکامات بھی ترکیہ سے ہی موصول ہوتے رہے ہیں۔ ایران، حزب اللہ اور روس کی طرف سے براہ راست فوجی امداد روک دیے جانے کی وجہ سے بھی شامی فوج کا مورال نمایاں طور پر گرا جبکہ ایران کو حزب اللہ کی مدد کرنے اور اسرائیل کے ساتھ جنگ کرنے سےشدید دھچکا لگا ہے اور وہ شام میں بشارالاسد کی حمایت اور مدد کرنے سے قاصر رہا ہے جس کا ترکیہ کی حمایت کردہ اپوزیشن نے بھر فائدہ اٹھایا۔ اس صورتِ حال سے سب سے زیادہ خوش اسرائیل نظر آتا ہے اس نے 1974 میں اقوام متحدہ کی نگرانی میں شام کے ساتھ طے پائے معاہدے کو کالعدم قرار دیتے ہوئے گولان کے پہاڑی علاقے میں اپنے فوجی دستوں کو بھیجنے کا سلسلہ جاری کر دیا ہے۔ اگر شام میں موجودہ حالات میں کوئی قومی حکومت قائم نہ ہوئی توپھر ملک تین یا چار حصوں میں بٹ سکتا ہے۔
ڈاکٹر فر قان حمید
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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Samidoun Network:
17-year-old Palestinian liberated prisoner Fahmi Faroukh returns to his home in Silwan, Jerusalem, liberated by the Resistance after a night of occupation forces besieging his family home.
17-year-old Jerusalemite Rose Khweis, who developed a severe heart condition inside occupation jails, is home with her family after being liberated by the Resistance in Toufan al-Ahrar!
17-year-old Qassem Jaafreh returns to his family home after hours of delays by the occupation, liberated by the Resistance despite all of the schemes of the occupation to prevent his family from celebrating.
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efendim ben, bir zaman kalbin bedenimizin içinde olduğunu sanıyordum. gaflete bakın ki her şey onun içindeymiş.
| ubeydullah ahrar hz
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Ahrar al-Sham conquered territories as of December 1, 2024
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(RNN) "I have not lost hope for 24 hours that the resistance will liberate me… and I still have hope that the resistance will liberate those we left behind."
Liberated prisoner Wael Al-Jaghoub, free after 24 years in captivity, freed in the Toufan al-Ahrar prisoner exchange!
#palestine#free palestine#gaza#free gaza#jerusalem#current events#yemen#israel#tel aviv#palestine news
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Shuaib Abu Snina was kidnapped and sentenced to life imprisonment for 99 years by Israeli occupation forces on Oct. 25, 1998. After spending 13 years in prison, Shuiab was among the prisoners to be released in Wafa al-Ahrar. But he was also among the prisoners exiled to Gaza. Shuaib was devastated that the faces of his children, Sumira, Mimona, Khaled, and Qtayiba, and his wife, Manal, would not be the first things he would see after being freed. Manal managed to meet her husband after trying several times. She visited Gaza three times, returning to Jerusalem to take care of her children in between each visit. Every time she visited Gaza, she faced harassment and inspections by the Israeli occupation forces. Shuaib reported that Manal gave birth to a child named Mou'taz in 2012. Israeli occupation refused to issue his birth certificate for 10 months. The occupation also prevented the family from traveling back to Gaza. "Israeli forces detained Manal and raided our house and stole the money that I sent for my children," he said. "After several arrests and home raids in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation told Khalid, my eldest son, that they 'will not deal with your [family] as citizens with rights in Jerusalem unless your father divorces your mother,'" Shuaib explained. With a lump in his throat and a voice full of sadness, Shuaib said: " I was forced to go to court in Gaza and divorce my wife in a sham divorce, but the occupation returned the divorce document. I was compelled to formally divorce my wife." He divorced his wife because he loves her, and he wants his family to live as citizens with rights. "After more than 30 years of patience, is this the reward for her kindness?" he lamented.
#palestinian prisoners' day#free palestine#genocide#prison abolition#palestinian prisoners#zionist colonization#settler colony of israel
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What's the difference between a Shia & Sunni? And why do they hate each others? (I'm an atheist so I don't know shit about religions)
Keep in mind that this is no way trying to shame or denounce my Sunni siblings, but I do believe it's important to highlight a historical fact and how it's detrimental to the current geopolitical situation, since we're embittered by historical events, while at the face of imperalism and colonialism.
Shi'as are a political group of people who iunitially held that Ali (a), the cousin of Muhammed (pbuh&hf) was the successor of the Prophet. This is evident in numerous hadiths, such as Hadith Ghadeer Khumm, the Hadith of Mubahila and the Hadith at Thaqalayn. Nevertheless, the issue steems from the incident at Saqifa, which was a council met by some companions by the Prophet, who held an abrupt meeting, discussing who'd lead the Muslim nation following the Prophet's death. The meeting was held without consulting Ali (a) and they chose Abu Bakr to become the caliph. As a result, Ali (a) did nor approve of the selection and did not pledge his allegience to Abu Bakr. the incident at Saqifa serves as a catalyst to the incidents that would befall the Muslim community, such as Fatimah's (a) miscarriage and the subsequent wars against Ali (a) by some of the Prophet's companions, Ali (a) and his sons Hassan (a) and Hussain's (a) martyrdom.
This caused the rift in the nascent Islamic community, the Shi'as were any Muslim who held that Ali (a) was the successor by divine right, and swore their allegience to Ali (a), while the rest of the Muslims were nonpartisans. Sunni Islam is the standardization of Islamic scholastic and jurisdictional opinions which were formed in the Abbasid caliph. So it's errounous to assume that there was a split between Sunnis and Shi'as, when Sunni Islam was formed a few centuries later.
The reason for the hate is because of fundamentalist attitudes toward Shi'as. Some Sunnis and Salafis believe that Shi'a Muslims are heretics, because of their veneration of saints and the importance of Shrine visitations, the other reason is because Shi'a Muslims practice the doctrine of dissociation, which is the belief that any of the enemies of the Prophet's household should be cursed, thus some of the personalites of the Sunnis are cursed by Shi'as. Ancient scholars, suchs as Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim placed some fatwas declaring Shi'a Muslims to be heretics. These scholars' opinions are still popular today and used as pretext for prejudice against Shi'as.
In a geopolitical context, Iran is often considered to be rivaling power to Saudi Arabia's Wahhabism, and have often threatened the Saudi hegemony. Because of the Axis of resistance and their growing influence in the SWANA region, the Gulf States have attempted at all cost to undermine the growing sympathy for Shi'as. Bahrain is upholding an apartheid against it's Shi'i majority, The Saudi refuses to ackowledge the Shi'i Houthis in Yemen, but supported the Hadi government, thus imposing a devastating blockade. The Iraqi war saw the Shi'as gain power, while the Sunnis were often a disenfranchised group following the Blackwater massacre, which contributed the rise of various militias and terrorist groups, such as ISIS. While in the Syrian Civil War, Shi'as mostly made up the bulk of resistance fighters that sided with Assad against the Free Syrian army and Salafi Islamist groups, such as, Tahrir al-Sham, Jaysh al-Sunnah, Islamic front, Ahrar al-Sham and etc. These have contributed to the increase of tension between Sunnis and Shi'as. However, the fight against Israel have united Muslims, but the biggest obstacle the Muslim community must get through are the Salafist and Wahhabi clerics, espousing tayyafiyah (sectarianism)
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"Allah'ın rızasına giden bütün yolları inceledim; en kestirme yolun, insanları sevindirmek olduğunu gördüm.
Allah'ın rızasının olmadığı bütün yolları inceledim; en fazla Allah'ın rızasının olmadığı yolun kalp kırmak olduğunu gördüm."
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Ahmed Emir Buhari hazretleri
Buharalı olup, Peygamber Efendimiz'in torunlarındandır. Tasavvuf yolunda yükselip hilafet aldıktan sonra İstanbul Fatih'te yıllarca talebe yetiştirdi. 922 (m.1516) yılında vefat etti. Küçük yaşta Hâce Ubeydullah-ı Ahrar Hazretleri'ne talebe oldu. Kısa zamanda mertebeler aşarak hilafet aldı.
✨Nakşibendî tarikatı Anadolu’ya Abdullah İlâhî Hazretleri ile girmiş, Seyyid Emir Buhârî Hazretlerinin İstanbul’a gelişiyle de gelişip yayılmıştır. Böylece Abdullah İlâhî Hazretleri Anadolu’da ilk Nakşî Şeyhi, Emir Buhârî Hazretleri de İstanbul’da Nakşibendî tekkesi tesis eden ilk Nakşî şeyhi olarak tarihe geçmiştir.
Not: Bence kesinlikle gidin
Ortamı, kokusu, manevi hissiyatı, bir başka
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Israel constantly speaks about the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7. But, what is often forgotten, is the motive behind Hamas' attack - one which sought to free Palestinian hostages taken by Israel, currently over 5000.
In a 2022 interview with Al-Jazeera, the chairman of Hamas' political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, stated: “Hamas's foremost goal is the release of prisoners, particularly the six (soldiers) currently held. Just as we successfully liberated our detainees in the Gilad Shalit Prisoner Exchange (Wafq Al-Ahrar), we have the capability to achieve this again. If our adversaries doubt our capability, we will compel them to recognize our ability to act.”
#israelis are war criminals#فلسطين#free gaza#israelis are terrorists#israeli terrorism#israeli war crimes#israel is a terrorist state#israel is committing genocide#israel is an apartheid state#free palestine#palestine#gaza#jerusalem#israel#i stand with palestine
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The Will of Yahya Sinwar:
I am Yahya, the son of the refugee who turned exile into a temporary homeland, and turned the dream into an eternal battle.
As I write these words, I recall every moment that has passed in my life: from my childhood in the alleys, to the long years of imprisonment, to every drop of blood that was shed on the soil of this land.
I was born in Khan Yunis camp in 1962, at a time when Palestine was a torn memory and forgotten maps on the tables of politicians.
I am the man who wove his life between fire and ashes, and realized early on that life under occupation means nothing but permanent imprisonment.
I knew from a young age that life in this land is not ordinary, and that whoever is born here must carry in his heart an unbreakable weapon, and realize that the road to freedom is long.
My will to you begins here, from that child who threw the first stone at the occupier, and who learned that stones are the first words we utter in the face of the world that stands silently in front of our wound.
I learned in the streets of Gaza that a person is not measured by the years of his life, but by what he gives to his country. And that was my life: prisons and battles, pain and hope.
I entered prison for the first time in 1988, and I was sentenced to life imprisonment, but I did not know the way to fear.
In those dark cells, I saw in every wall a window to the distant horizon, and in every bar a light illuminating the path to freedom.
In prison, I learned that patience is not just a virtue, but a weapon.. a bitter weapon, like someone who drinks the sea drop by drop.
My advice to you: Do not fear prisons, for they are only part of our long path to freedom.
Prison taught me that freedom is not just a stolen right, but an idea born from pain and refined by patience. When I was released in the “Wafa al-Ahrar” deal in 2011, I did not leave as I was; I left stronger and my faith increased that what we are doing is not just a passing struggle, but rather our destiny that we carry until the last drop of our blood.
My advice is that you remain committed to the gun, to the dignity that is not compromised, and to the dream that never dies. The enemy wants us to abandon the resistance, to turn our cause into an endless negotiation.
But I tell you: Do not negotiate what is rightfully yours. They fear your steadfastness more than they fear your weapons. Resistance is not just a weapon that we carry, but rather it is our love for Palestine in every breath we take, it is our will to remain, despite the siege and aggression.
My advice is that you remain loyal to the blood of the martyrs, to those who departed and left us this path full of thorns. They are the ones who paved the path of freedom for us with their blood, so do not waste those sacrifices in the calculations of politicians and the games of diplomacy.
We are here to complete what the first ones started, and we will not deviate from this path no matter what it costs us. Gaza was and will remain the capital of steadfastness, and the heart of Palestine that never stops beating, even if the earth becomes too narrow for us.
When I took over the leadership of Hamas in Gaza in 2017, it was not just a transfer of power, but rather a continuation of a resistance that began with stones and continued with guns. Every day, I felt the pain of my people under siege, and I knew that every step we took toward freedom came at a price. But I tell you: the price of surrender is much greater. Therefore, hold on to the land as a root holds on to the soil, for no wind can uproot a people who have decided to live.
In the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, I was not the leader of a group or movement, but rather the voice of every Palestinian who dreams of liberation. I was led by my belief that resistance is not just a choice, but a duty. I wanted this battle to be a new page in the book of Palestinian struggle, where the factions would unite and everyone would stand in one trench against an enemy that had never differentiated between a child and an old man, or between a stone and a tree.
The Flood of Al-Aqsa was a battle of souls before bodies, and of will before weapons. What I left behind is not a personal legacy, but a collective legacy, for every Palestinian who dreamed of freedom, for every mother who carried her son on her shoulder as a martyr, for every father who cried bitterly over his daughter who was assassinated by a treacherous bullet.
My last will and testament is that you always remember that resistance is not in vain, and it is not just a bullet fired, but rather a life that we live with honor and dignity. Prison and siege taught me that the battle is long, and that the road is difficult, but I also learned that peoples who refuse to surrender create their own miracles with their own hands.
Do not expect the world to do you justice, for I have lived and witnessed how the world remains silent in the face of our pain. Do not expect justice, but be justice. Carry the dream of Palestine in your hearts, and make every wound a weapon, and every tear a source of hope.
This is my will and testament: Do not surrender your weapons, do not throw stones, do not forget your martyrs, and do not compromise on a dream that is your right.
We are here to stay, in our land, in our hearts, and in the future of our children.
I entrust you with Palestine, the land I loved to death, and the dream I carried on my shoulders like an unbending mountain.
If I fall, do not fall with me, but carry for me a banner that has never fallen, and make my blood a bridge for a generation to cross that is born from our ashes stronger.
Do not forget that the homeland is not a story to be told, but rather a reality to be lived, and in every martyr a thousand resistance fighters are born from the womb of this land.
If the flood returns and I am not among you, know that I was the first drop in the waves of freedom, and that I lived to see you complete the journey.
Be a thorn in their throat, a flood that knows no retreat, and will not calm down until the world acknowledges that we are the owners of the right, and that we are not numbers in the news bulletins.
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