#ahhh precious
nikkipettt · 7 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon!~🧧🏮🍊🐉
Oh gosh it's been so long since I drew these two wahh
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thestirringpot · 4 months
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more [wips] chuga chuga!!!
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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happy 30th birthday lewis james pullman !!
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cowardlykrow · 6 months
I was scrolling to see your NPMD art (I came here from the adorable sleeping lautski art you made) and your Tinky drawings are giving me life
he’s a menace. he’s just a little guy. he’ll haunt your family. he’s the funkiest creature you’ve ever seen. he’s got cute little eyes that go both directions. he’ll bite your fingers if you give him the chance. I love him so much
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He is truly a menace, the tiniest terror, a bastard through and through!
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elizabethlailolsenfan · 5 months
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First look at Elizabeth Lail as Quinn in the series “Elsbeth”
Elizabeth’s episode comes May 9th on CBS
I can’t!!!
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roxannewolf11 · 8 months
"You idiot! Don't you understand how I've been feeling for the past week? I was afraid you'd never come back. I thought about this a hundred times. Then I thought you might come back a hundred and one times. It was never going to end! I was going crazy! So I had to make a decision. I decided last night that I would wait for you forever, no matter how old I became. And then... you came back! Just when I made my decision! You idiot! Say that you love me!" - Amy Rose in Episode 52 of Sonic X (Japanese Version)
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glitterdustcyclops · 2 months
exciting update friends, last night i tried to watch the first ep of fantasy high for the 3rd time
and idk if there was some special alchemy in circumstances or i've just gotten used to how dimension 20 "works" after watching enough episodes of never stop blowing up but i was finally able to get past the character intros
i had to stop right before the assembly cuz i had to go to bed but omg i love everyone??? i cannot wait to watch more???
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mrgriffiths · 6 months
And that's definitely a Happy St.Patrick's Day indeed!!🍀🥹🫶
Thomas Ian Griffith on Instagram!
Find me on X and Instagram!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Silent But Giggly (Wind Breaker)
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Heyo! Guess who's here to wreck our darling Sugishita? This girl! (This girl being Suo and Sakura but shhhhh details) Listen, I'm kinda obsessed with silent laughs and the idea of Sugishita having one; so I made this :D I hope you like it!
Summary: Suo points out Sugishita and Sakura have much more in common than they realize. One thing leads to another and Sakura discovers an interesting tidbit about Bofurin's fanatic.
“What are you looking at? You wanna go?” Sakura growled almost immediately upon meeting Sugishita’s eye, puffing up with his fists raised.
“Calm down, Sakura!” Nirei pleaded, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back. Suo smiled on, unfazed at their daily antics. “He didn’t even say anything!”
Verbally, anyway. The mentioned boy turned back to his desk, opting to ignore them while the blonde dragged them towards the back.
“That guy really pisses me off!” Sakura huffed as he was forced to sit down, crossing his arms like a toddler having a fit. “Where does he get off looking at me like that!”
“Same way you get off looking at him. You’re not exactly trying to be buddy buddy with him yourself.” Suo shrugged, his attention drifting to the long-haired student. “I feel bad. I think if you two brawlers actually sat down and got to know one another, you’d find you’re more similar than you think.”
“Si-Similar?” Sakura gaped, looking between Suo and Sugishita. “There’s no way-”
“You guys do have much in common.” Nirei pointed out with a flick of his notebook, eyes shining the way they did when he was about to drop some info. “You’re both quick to anger but intentional with your fists; neither of you are afraid to protect someone you barely know- oh, neither of you barely have any apps on your phones-”
“You’re both hilariously expressive.” Kiryu added without looking up from his phone.
“You're both unsure of what your virtue’s are!” Tsugeura threw in.
“You’re both super ticklish.” Suo chimed.
That last one made the entire group pause- turning to stare at the one eyed student.
“Who the hell-” Sakura began, blushing red.
“Sugishita’s-” Nirei paused and lowered his voice, realizing he was being too loud. “He’s ticklish?”
“How’d you find that out?” Kiryu asked with a head tilt, Tsugeura nodding along. Suo merely smiled.
“I have my ways. In fact…would you like me to show you?”
The suggestion was both exciting and scary- depending on who you asked. Sakura couldn’t help but look at the long haired teen again, finding him slumped over in his chair asleep. Him? Ticklish? It wasn’t that big of a shocker, he knew; but still…
“Is he gonna swing at you if you try it?” Sakura asked, narrowing his eyes as Suo smiled bigger.
“Concerned for little ol’ me? You’re too sweet.” He reached out, jabbing him in the side and making Sakura jump. “Don’t worry, just watch.”
“I-I’m not sweet!” Sakura argued, but did what he was told. The group watched with eager eyes, curious about what’s to come.
Suo approached Sugishita’s desk, gently shaking him awake. “Sugishita…are you free?” He whispered, his gentle touches doing nothing. With a sly grin towards the group, he jabbed a finger into Sugishita’s ribs.
The reaction was instantaneous.
A flash, a flail- and the taller teen was on his feet to fight. He looked a bit frazzled, half asleep and growing more alert by the second. Seeing Suo, he narrowed his gaze, suspicious.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Do you mind if I show the guys something?” He gestured to Sakura and co. Meeting his gaze, Sugishita glared, gritting his teeth. Sakura did the same in return. 
“Ah, ah, ah. That’s not what we’re doing here.” Suo teased as he closed the distance, poking at Sugishita’s sides. “You two need to stop mean mugging each other. It’ll make the team look like a bunch of wild animals. Can’t have that, can we?”
The taller of the two backed up at each poke and prod, doubling over some with a strained expression. He looked like he was in pain- but Suo’s pokes were light. Sakura would know. “Are you sure he’s ticklish? He’s not even laughing.”
“Some people don’t have loud laughs.” Kiryu shrugged. “Or maybe he’s holding it in?”
“Oh, here we are! Sugishita Kyotaro- yeah, no one’s ever heard him laugh before. Maybe the occasional huff, but not a proper laugh.” Nirei noted, any previous fear fading for excitement as he began scribbling away in his notes. “Here’s an opportunity to learn even more about him!”
“Huh.” Sakura hummed, curious now. What did Sugishita sound like when he laughed? Was it louder than anything he’s ever said? Was it scary sounding? He could see him having the laugh of an evil wizard; cackling with lightning booming behind him, the wind blowing his hair around and his hands raised in claws.
No- far too much. The thought alone was almost enough to make him smile though.
“Sugishita~ Don’t run away from me!” Suo laughed as he darted behind him, grabbing onto his sides and pressing in. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~”
“EEH!” Sugishita let out a huff of noise before hitting the ground, falling to his knees and doubling over. His body was shaking, arms tightly pressed against his torso and hair hiding his expression. Sakura furrowed his brows, suddenly concerned.
“Hey, is he alright?” Without thinking about it, he got up to the pair. “Suo, leave him alone;  he’s not even laugh-”
Only then did he finally understand what was going on. Sugishita was laughing! It was just so quiet- like someone hit the mute button or lowered the sound to single digits. His mouth was open with a clear smile, but no sound came out. “Oh my god, you’re kidding? That’s your laugh?”
Sugishita went to swat at him, but Suo gently nudged him onto his side, still tickling. He let out what Sakura could only describe as a static sound before covering his face with his hands, kicking his feet at the touch. “Isn’t he adorable? Our Sugishita here doesn’t make noise when he laughs!”
Sakura was amazed. He never met someone with a silent laugh before! He’s had moments when he laughed so hard he couldn’t breath, leaving him mute for a second or so, but this? This was new!
“Hey, you said he was as ticklish as me, right?” Sakura tugged at his jacket, the same way he always did when he was about to get physical. “Need a hand?”
“Please.” Suo grinned.
“Noohoho!” Sugishita whimpered out through his mirth as Sakura attacked his ribs, putting into practice the lessons he learned upon coming here. He kept his touch gentle as he tapped into the taller boy’s sides, Suo focusing his efforts into the back of his neck and armpits.. Sugishita just kinda flopped, squirming between the pair as he laughed on.
“Hey, Sakura- watch this.” Suo winked. He leaned forward so he was close to Sugishita’s face, gently pulling at the hands hiding it. Once he had him for the world to see, he began.
“Sugishita~ Can you speak up for us, dear? We can’t hear you. I want to hear your cute little noises.”
Another staticy noise, and to Sakura’s deep satisfaction, Sugishita blushed. Blushed! A pretty red color too!
“Wow, you must be really ticklish, huh? Is it bad if I do this? Or this? Or this?” Sakura tried mimicking Suo’s own teasing voice as he dug into the other boy’s hips, feeling him squirm harder beneath him. He wanted to see how red he could make the other. “Aww, what’s the matter? Are you too ticklish for your own good, mop head? Huh? Huuuuh?”
“Wow, Sakura- you’re better at that than me.” Suo mused with a snicker, making Sakura blush as red as Sugishita.
“S-Shut up! I’ll kick your ass!” He looked at Sugishita, finding him struggling to curl himself up like a bug. His ears and neck were bright red, and he shook with even more silent giggles. “How do we tell if he’s had enough? I don’t want to kill the bastard.”
“Hmm.” Suo released him, gestured to him to pause a he leaned down again. Once there, he began gently tapping on Sugishita’s hands. “Sugi~ Can you let me in?”
The other huffed, gasping for air as he glared through his fingers. Suo laughed.
“Do you wish for us to stop? We can if you want.” He offered. “Tell you what- if you want us to stop, just grab onto one of our wrists like this, okay?” He mimicked the gesture, waiting for Sugishita to nod. When he did, he gave a thumbs up to Sakura.
“He’s fine. Go for his knees whenever you’re ready.”
“What-” Sugishita yelped, any complaints immediately dissolved when Sakura did just that. Back to flailing and muted giggling; the long haired teen could only twist and turn beneath their hands. He could only throw his head back in laughter, the occasional squeak leaving his smiling lips.
“Damn, he really is bad.” Sakura laughed, stopping when he saw Sugishita grab onto Suo’s wrist. He released his leg, watching him curl up in a tight ball on the ground. “Good to know in case you ever piss me off, Sugishita.”
The other boy groaned lowly, the sound like a frustrated cat. Sakura snorted, slapping a hand over his mouth while Suo grinned.
“Given you two fight like alleyway cats, I’d say that’d be more than often. Don’t forget though.” Suo gave his neck a tickle on his way back to the gang, making him shutter and laugh. Sakura mock-flipped him off before turning back to Sugishita, finding him taking slow tired breaths. “Your laugh really is odd, huh?”
Sugishita glared, pausing when Sakura finished. “I like it. Your odd silent laugh. It fits you.” At the other boy’s stare, Sakura felt his entire face burn. “B-But only cause I don’t feel like my ears are gonna burst! Have you heard Nirei’s? It’s like a freaking mouse orgy!”
“Pfft-” Sugishita puffed, eyes watering at the comparison. Sakura felt his lips start to twitch.
He watched Sugishita double over in a new fit of silent laughter, shoulders shaking as he snorted. Sakura couldn’t hold back a chuckle after a while, shaking his head and lightly shoving at Sugishita’ shoulder. “Ugh, I can’t stand you.”
“Sahame.” Sugishita gave in, something warm in his rare but easy smile. “You’re alright, Sakura.”
The other boy thought about that one sentence the rest of the day, even after Sugishita went back to napping at his desk.
Thanks for reading!
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nanakorobiyaokii · 2 years
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cutest sanrio collab pair💜🖤
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ugartecoco · 1 year
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mun vs cry 26.09.23
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helianthus21 · 1 month
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oh i am unwell.
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cementcornfield · 2 years
hey, here is ja'marr's live :) https://twitter(.)com/dpainclain/status/1612206799012384768?s=20&t=RjWfMoI5uT7KVuJ42-jkPw
ja'marr's immediate mood change after hearing that from joe is adorable
I played like shit today, I gotta do better for you guys
Listen…you good, trust me you good. 
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inkclover · 1 year
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I'm perfectly normal about her-🌟☀️ TW: eyestrain, spooky eye peepers👁️
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messy sketches over the pass week or so
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elizabethlailolsenfan · 5 months
Elizabeth in the teaser for the CBS series “Elsbeth”
Her episode airs May 9th on CBS
She’s so AAHHHH!!!
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months
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