#ahh this is hard and i make it much harder by overthinking everything
thatsgonnaleaveamark · 4 months
whyy are concerts so expensive and not close to me ಠ╭╮ಠ
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dragon-queen21 · 15 days
I like to think AlHaitham is a little due to his lack of a true childhood. but he hides it from people because he finds it embarrassing. Even Kaveh. He’s always been a solitary child, so staying locked up in his room reading when he’s in littlespace isn’t that bad for him, but sometimes his loneliness hits a lot harder and he gets distressed…and he thinks so hard about it that he ends up pulling himself out of the mindstate.
Then Kaveh finds out about his regression, and helps him little by little. Keeps his door open in the night. Makes sure there’s some easier books for AlHaitham to read. Gets him a cute little falcon stuffed animal so he doesn’t feel so sad. Cute stuff.
Ahh this is so cute! So, so cute! You are spot on anon.
~Rationally Alhaitham tells himself he doesn’t need a caregiver to regress and while he doesn’t the poor boy ends up making himself nearly sick with loneliness.
~Just overthinking about everything. Like he could come out of his room and just exist in the same space as Kaveh. Surely nothing will go wrong. Then just spirals over all the ways it can go wrong- like if he’s asked a question and forced to talk, or gets to clingy, or is being annoying…
~Oh gosh and trying to read anything of importance small would just give him a headache and he’d probably cry too.
~Kaveh definitely introduces him to the world of picture books :3
~I think Alhaitham would enjoy being read allowed to a lot and once he finds a favorite book he has Kaveh read it to him over and over again despite having the pages memorized
~Kaveh gave him a plush saying something like “See? Now you can have a friend to keep you company.” And the poor boy takes that as Kaveh not wanting him to cling so much to him while little and leads to whole misunderstanding
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escapewithbts · 3 years
hiii I love your writing! It’s so good! So I was wondering if you could write one with Jin (he’s my bias, I love him 🥺) where y/n and him are in a LDR and it’s hard and she thinks he’s going to break up with her but it has a happy ending? They work it out somehow? I am an international army and think this would be so sweet. Thank you! xxx ^^
The Inevitable - Seokjin
Ahh I loved this request! Thank you! Hope you enjoy :)
You sighed as yet another call to your boyfriend lead straight to his voicemail. Despite the fact that you both had agreed on this time of day to call, he didn’t answer. You knew he had work today, probably finishing around 7pm as usual, but the time difference was killer for your relationship. You were on your way to work yourself; busy at your job for a solid 8-10 hours after that. Lately Seokjin had been going to the studio in the afternoons, sometimes staying as late as 12 or 1am, then crashing immediately when he got back home. He was busy, you were busy, and it was proving more difficult to find time for each other.
Long distance really sucked.
As you pulled into the parking lot of your work building, your phone’s FaceTime ringer went off.
“Hey, jagiya.” A tired looking Seokjin appeared on your screen as you accepted the call.
“Hi.” You responded curtly, turning off your car.
“How are you today?” he asked.
“I’m fine.”
He instantly noticed your short replies and sullen facial expression.
“What’s wrong, jagi?”
You couldn’t help but notice his tone sounded more annoyed than concerned.
You rolled your eyes.
“We were supposed to talk half an hour ago, Jin. I have to go into work now.”
Did you sound needy and dramatic? Maybe. But this was how it had been so often recently. You couldn’t even recall the last time the two of you spoke for more than 5 minutes.
He sighed and ran a hand through his dark black hair.
“I know, (y/n), but what do you want me to do? Practice went over again. I can’t exactly stop everyone else just to call my girlfriend.”
His words stung; making you sound so unimportant. You know he didn’t mean it like that, but you still didn’t like to hear it.
“I know you can’t, Jin. I would never ask that of you.”
He continued,
“It’s not easy. I have six other people that rely on me, and all the staff. I can’t just ask to get away randomly. It’s a lot harder for me than you. I’m important.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes again.
“I know, Jin, you’re an idol, you’re in the biggest band in world right now, the show can’t go on without you. The world revolves around Kim Seokjin.”
You cringed internally after those words slipped out.
Jin shut his eyes tightly and put a pair of crooked fingers to the bridge of his nose.
“That’s not what I meant, (y/n), come on.”
You let out a deep breath and stared into his chocolate brown eyes. They looked sad and defeated.
“I know. I’m sorry.” you paused then went on softly, “I just feel like this time difference has really been messing with us the past few months. We’re both busy.”
Jin rested his head in his palm.
Then his head shot back up.
“Hey, maybe you can come visit soon! I’ll have some time off in a few weeks.”
You frowned and shook your head at him, glancing over at your workplace.
“I can’t just take random vacations. I have a job too, you know.”
He cocked his head.
“Yeah, a job you hate,” he retaliated.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him.
“So not the point, Jin.”
All of a sudden you heard a door open and close on Jin’s end of the call.
“Jin-hyung! There you are!”
You immediately recognized the cheerful voice of Jung Hoseok.
“Oh, are you on the phone? Who is it? Is it (y/n)?”
His wide heart-shaped smile and bleach blonde hair popped into view from the side of your screen next to Jin. He waved at you.
“Hiiiii (y/n)-ah!!!! We miss you so much!”
You grinned at sweet j-hope.
“Hi Hoba. I miss you guys, too.”
“Come visit soon, okay??”
You nodded.
“I promise.”
“Did you need something from me, j-hope-ssi?” Jin spoke in Korean to his fellow member.
“We have dinner with Bang PD in a few minutes, I came to get you. The other members are waiting.”
Jin threw his head back.
“Aiiishh, I forgot that was today.”
You watched as more people shuffled into your work building.
“I have to go into work now anyway. Have a good dinner with your boss.”
Jin looked back down at you.
“And have a good day at work. We… will talk later, okay?”
You nodded.
He gave you a small smike.
“Bye, jagiya.”
You smiled back weakly.
“Bye, Jin. I love y-“
But before you could finish, his face disappeared and all you heard were the beeps of the call ending.
Later that night the sound of your phone ringing woke you up from a deep slumber. You groaned and picked it up off your nightstand to see who was calling at such an ungodly hour.
It was Jin.
You sat up and turned on the lamp next to your bed. It took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the change in lighting. The clock read 2:24am.
“Jin?” you croaked out, your voice raspy from sleep.
“(Y/n)… I’m sorry to call so late.”
You yawned.
“Is everything okay?”
Jin hesitated.
“Yes. Well, no. Not exactly. We need… to talk.”
Immediately your heart started pounding in your chest, you breathing getting more rapid. You swung your legs over the edge of your bed. You felt wide awake now.
You knew this was it. You couldn’t say you didn’t see this coming. It had been weird between you two lately, you both knew this. A break up was inevitable.
Still, you weren’t ready. Couldn’t you at least try to work it out? You loved Jin. Didn’t he love you, too?
Your mind was already going a mile a minute.
“O-okay.” You squeaked out.
Jin sighed.
“This is hard. Us being apart.”
Tears started to prick the corner of yours eyes.
“Mmhmm” was all you could muster out.
Jin went on,
“I’ve been thinking of how to fix it, make it easier on us so there isn’t so much stress from not being in the same place.”
“I thought and thought… coming up with no answers.”
You held your breath, hot tears falling down your cheeks now.
He sighed again.
“There seemed to be only one solution.”
You were full on crying now, little sobs escaping your chest.
“Jinnie…” you whimpered, grabbing your pillow and holding it to your chest.
“(Y/n)… I think… you should move here. With me.”
You instantly stopped crying.
“Wait… what?”
“Jagiya, hear me out before you say no! Just imagine, we could come home to each other everyday, I can cook you sooo many dinners, we would see each other all the time… no more trying to figure out times to talk! And I could hold you every single day. And I know you don’t like your job, so this would give you the opportunity to find something else here that you love, or not, I don’t mind supporting you, I just… I need you here.”
You burst into tears again, tiredness mixed with this emotional roller coaster taking over.
“(Y/n)-ah? Are you crying? Wh-why are you crying?”
“Jin!” you exclaimed, throwing your free hand in the air, “I thought you were breaking up with me!”
You couldn’t see him, but you could tell both his eyes and mouth widened in shock.
“What?? Shit, Jagi, no! I’m trying to do the opposite! I want you closer to me! Did you really think that’s why I was calling??”
You nodded even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
“Yes. I was terrified, Jinnie.”
Jin inhaled a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. But why would you think that? Do you-do you want to break up?”
You heard the worry in his tone.
“No! No not at all,” you quickly reassured, “it’s just… our conversations have been so short lately and I feel like I annoy you sometimes and-and you didn’t… say I love you after our call earlier today…”you mumbled the last part, slightly ashamed you knew now it was probably just something you were overthinking.
“Aiishh, no, I didn’t say it because Hoba was in the room. You know I’m weird about that stuff. I’m… bad at being cheesy and I get embarrassed easily.”
Relief washed over you.
“And you don’t annoy me. I think our lack of being able to talk a lot has been annoying me. I miss you, (y/n).”
You sniffled.
“I miss you, too Seokjinnie.”
“Which is why I asked you to move here!” He suddenly exclaimed, “So we can be with each other all the time! I know, you have your job and your family and everything, and I know I’m asking a lot I just thought-“
“Jinnie,” you interrupted him, smiling.
“Yes. I want to. I want to move to Korea. To be with you.”
“Ohwaaa, really?”
You stood up from your bed out of excitement.
“Yes! I’m tired of this, too. No more scheduling calls or short conversations. I miss you, I want to be with you together, in the same place. And I am miserable at my job, you’re right. It’s not worth it anymore. Being with you will be worth it. And I can start a new career there. I’ll figure it out.” you took in a deep breath, “is this… for real, Jinnie?”
You could hear his smile as he spoke.
“It’s real, jagi. Yah I’m so happy. I love you.”
Your face hurt from smiling.
“And I love you, Jin.”
Then you paused and looked around your room.
“Sooo is it too early to start packing?”
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om-headcanon · 4 years
☆ mc catching the obey me brothers crying
i believe its fair to assume mc has seen at least one of the boys cry. here is what i believe happened. (if you want me to do undateables, let me know! tw for low self worth, panic attacks, and survivors guilt/death mentions)
without a doubt the most embarassed to be caught crying
he had just gotten into an argument with diavolo, and he questions his importance in diavolos life
he goes into the study to get some extra work done late at night to reassure himself he is useful
with all of the stress from the situation at hand and some stress from supporting the family on his back, he cant help but shed a few tears
all he wants to do is keep those around him happy and healthy... and it tears him apart when he cant
if i cant make the ones i love happy then... what can i do...
he doesnt notice your presence, as he has hands over his eyes and is breathing slowly in order to relax himself
you call out his name softly to get his attention
lucy jumps and tries wiping his eyes and playing it off as if he was never crying
you walk closer to him and he keeps inquiring if theres anything you need
you dont say anything, you just place your arms around him and hold him in a tight embrace
and he starts crying again on your shoulder... harder, this time. holding you tighter and closer in the embrace
because of his pride, its hard for him to admit what he needs the most: someone to show they care for him
mammon is the type to not cry often but when he does, its a lot
while his brothers dont really have bad intentions, the daily degradation they execute against mammon really gets to him
he can only put up his confident front for so long, and not long after a fight with asmo, it recedes
he lay on his bed sobbing heavily into a pillow to muffle the sound for nearly a full hour
his mind cant help but insist all the words his siblings tell him are true... and he wishes more than anything that you were there to tell him they werent
he looks up to the door every once in a while with blurry vision, mind convincing him theyre at the door, but you not being there makes him cry even harder
maybe they just think the same as the rest of my brothers
he hears the doorknob, but convinces himself its his mind again. ironically enough, this makes him cry even harder
except its actually you this time
you run over to his bed to sit down next to him and rub his back reassuringly, asking if hes alright
he jolts up, shocked youre actually here. he closes his mind and smiles sadly with a tear stained face
he pulls you into an embrace and whispers a soft thank you... your presence helps him more than you will ever know
you hold him for a few minutes and tell him how awesome the Great Mammon really is
its been a long stressful day at rad, and he cant help but overthink every single action he has made
every single glance hes made, every single word hes said ... just everything
most days he would resort to playing a game or watching an anime he loves in attempt to distract himself, but other days its not that easy
he starts spiraling, thinking of not only everything hes done that day, but actions hes done in the past too
eventually hes past the point of no return, and starts having a panic attack
levi cant seem to catch his breath and with the thoughts still rushing through his head at full speed, he cant attempt to calm himself down
he envies those who dont feel the way he does right now because god, what he would do to not feel like this
you were just wondering why your gaming buddy hasnt come looking for you so naturally, you go to him
you knock on his door waiting for him to ask you for the entry code... but theres no response
you enter and are quite shocked to see levi shaking on his bed
this is familiar to you... whether youve had to guide a friend through a panic attack or have been through one yourself, you know what to do
you reassure him this will all pass and knowing how hard school is for him, you tell him he did well today
you get him to regulate his breathing and gain some composure
hes embarassed you had to see him like that... but he lets you know hes so thankful that you came to help him
he just wants to be his own person but with how his life was set for him, its almost as if thats a tall order
its very rare he cries from happiness or anything like that, but sometimes he gets so sad that he gets angry... and then he cries a lot
no one dares to go near him like that
and that hurts him too... that nobody could or would ever dare to console him because they fear what hed do to them
he acknowledges this is a justified fear as he is after all the representation of wrath itself, but it still hurts nonetheless
belphie decided to poke fun and tease satan reminding him of how hes lucifers shadow
he didnt take it well... and retreated to his room to handle his emotions
he knew his family didnt want anything to do with him while he was angry... and that made him feel like a burden
but he grew used to everyone expecting he handle his emotions himself even if every once in a while he desired some reassurance
satan sat in a corner of his room crying to himself waiting for this to pass because he didnt believe anyone else would care to check on him
but you were curious as to why he wasnt in his usual 4 pm reading spot, so you decided to check his room
he was just sat completely still staring into the distance while tears fell down his face
he didnt even notice your presence until you sat down next to him
you didnt want to pry, so you just asked if he wanted to talk about it
he shook his head, laid on your shoulder, and just said “this is all i need”
ahh... while self love is so easy for him, self value isnt
its easy for him to believe people want to be around him solely with lustful intent rather than because they genuinely love him
he doesnt really believe anyone could ever love him
so he overcompensates through self love because he believes hes the only person who could ever love him
hes great at hiding it but sometimes, this gets to him... especially after some quick encounters with others at the fall
he thinks maybe there is no depth to him.. maybe i really am just a pretty face and nothing else
asmo cries pretty often, but he only lets people see him cry when its over something material (ie, he couldnt get a new bag hes been wanting for weeks)
he cries quietly too in effort to make sure nobody sees him
he seemed to have forgetten that you two were planning to go shopping today so you went to his room to see if he was ready
you werent expecting to see him rolled over in bed softly crying to himself
you startled him when you said his name
“oh, mc, i didnt see you there!” he chuckles lightly to himself in effort to change the mood of the atmosphere as he wipes his eyes
you ask if hes okay and his sad smile falls slightly
he asks you if you genuinely think he could ever be lovable
your heart breaks a little knowing that he even has a moment of self doubt, but you reassure him that hes a lovable person inside and out
you hug him tightly while another tear falls down his face
you two decide shopping is best for another day... for now, you just want to talk and do facials
beel loves his family a lot
more than he loves food (also a lot)
he hates conflict between them and would do absolutely anything to avoid it
what he hates the most about himself is how hungry he gets... hes aware its poorly timed but theres really nothing he can do about it
but the feeling hes being an inconvenience to those he loves hurts him
beel is great at smiling as often as possible, but if theres any tension between the family, he wont stop crying until its resolved
once he was so hungry it wasnt possible to control himself and he ended up going on a rampage
he earned scolds from lucifer, mammon, and satan for this
it tore him apart knowing that he had caused his family trouble for even a second and he started crying because of the guilt
he couldnt even find enough energy to make it back to his room, so he just sat in the kitchen with tears on his face
you had decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack when you saw him
he apologized for being in the kitchen and offered to move if you wanted his seat, but you declined
beel didnt even bother wiping the tears from his eyes... he wore them like they were a punishment for his own behavior
when you asked him what was wrong, all he said was that he was a bad brother
you tried to tell him otherwise, but then he went into detail about the situation and how all he does is cause the family distress
you told him that isnt true at all and he continues to bring light and happiness to all those around him
hearing that his brothers will come around and know he meant no harm is all he needed to hear
“thank you, mc... i feel less hungry when im with you”
he has lots of survivors guilt
its been millenia but he still wishes that it was him instead of lilith
because of this he cries quite often, but never in front of anyone other than beel
this feeling that lilith and him should have traded places haunts him often, and its not always so easy to sleep it off
as fore mentioned, he usually finds comfort in talking to his older twin but beel isnt always there
beel was at one of his clubs at rad and belphie didnt want to bother him, but he really did need someone right now
unlike his older brothers, belphie actually makes an effort to find you
he doesnt find you in your room nor the kitchen, so he continues to search around the house in hopes youre around here somewhere
he happens to find you by yourself in the study on your d.d.d.
belphie feels bad bothering you, and enters the room quite quietly
“mc, can we talk?”
he sits down next to you and lays his head on your shoulder
contrary to what he stated he wanted, not much talking is being done
he just lies there quietly crying with no explanation why
he realises he may not be as ready to talk about it as he thought... but thats okay
you tell him that youre going to listen whenever hes ready to talk about it
that makes him feel a lot better
he falls asleep right there with a thankful smile placed on his face
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eonghwa · 3 years
ahh i really would love to read halahala!sh being soft or protective of reader, maybe someone hurts reader and he goes nuts
halahala!sh being soft with reader
requested by 🌷 anon ♡ ty
a/n: i didn’t want this to be too angsty so i apologize for the lack of context also i’m sorry if that’s not what you had in mind ㅠㅠ – i came to the conclusion that i just struggle A LOT writing about him no matter the genre so please let’s just pretend this is not lame. 
halahala!sh profile
cw: gn!reader. slight angst, mention of injuries (reader is clumsy), FLUFF
you had a pretty bad day at work, the argument with one of your friends about some silly stuff not helping at all with your mood and it didn’t help either when you slid on your way home bumping your hand on a sharp edge. hand that was now hurting like crazy. 
so when you get home you just slump on a chair exhausted, letting your mind get the best of you. overthinking and indulging in things that, you know, won’t do you any good. 
halahala sees you deep in thoughts looking down with a sad expression, you don’t hear him entering the room and don’t acknowledge him and this is what concerns him the most since you usually are very attentive. you always greet him no matter his indifference, no matter how many times he ignored you. he hates himself for his lack of sympathy towards you and he hates not being able to be more friendly with you, blaming himself every time he comes off as rude. he sees the hurt in your eyes every single time, even though you try your best to hide it, he knows and he despises himself for it. 
he really wishes he could be more open like the others who have no problem in making you smile or even laugh. you rarely look at him like that and this pains him a lot more than it should. he cares about you but sometimes he fears hatred is truly the only thing he knows and the only thing he’s capable of.
he keeps staring at you from the door in silence trying to muster his courage to approach you. his eyes are trained on you so he notices how you squeeze your eyes shut in pain and when he lowers his gaze he finally notices your wounded hand.
hovering at the door for one last second before his feet move towards you, startling you when he stops right before you but you don’t say anything too dumbfounded to do anything. you just watch him puzzled, your heart speeding up in your chest as he kneels in front of you. he takes a deep breath and hesitantly takes off his gloves. his gaze was always intense and piercing but he never looked at you with such… care?   
you gulp as he moves his hands closer to yours, when he’s just an inch away he wavers. he’s scared and wants to run away from you and from himself, from this fool crouched at your feet, but he’s too caught up in his stupid feelings to back out now. he grabs your palm letting out an almost inaudible exhale and you feel his hands slightly trembling but his grip is firm. 
he checks the injury clearing his throat as he gently rubs the bruised skin “are u okay?” the unfamiliar kindness in his voice startling you again, not used to seeing him this vulnerable. you nod a bit flustered “y-yes.” you mumble suddenly very aware of his probing eyes “i fell and bumped my hand. it’s nothing.” he looks at you skeptical “you were crying.” he states with a cold voice but excuses himself when he realize how harsh he sounded “i mean i saw you... you look sad.“ he says again stuttering, and you have to hide the tiny smile trying to creep up. he’s still gently holding your hand brushing ever so slightly his fingers in soothing motions. 
“i just had a bad day, it’s fine.” your gloomy tone giving away your lie and you both know that but he understands and doesn’t press you any further. he keeps staring at you trying so hard to find something else he can say to lighten up the mood. he curses at himself for being so awkward and helpless. 
he hates hearing his own voice and he’s not much of a talker either but right now he would do anything to be with you and help you so he just stand up and pulls you in, dragging you into the bathroom. 
he rummages through the cabinet looking for something to clean your wound. you tentatively strike up a conversation, saying anything just to break the ice and he catches up after a while, you swear at some point you even heard him laugh at something you said. eventually you end up telling him about your day and getting it out of your chest helps you relieve some stress. he may not be the best at comforting people but you know he’s listening, taking in every word you say, engrossed and eager to learn something more about you, and for you that’s enough.
he bandages your hand and leaves a light kiss on the still exposed skin looking at you with a genuine smile now that he loosened a bit and you blush. “cute” he mutters to himself chuckling, making you blush even harder. but it feels nice to finally see him truly smiling as his eyes light up. 
halahala places a hand on your back and clears his throat “you… wanna lay down with me?” he stutters almost cringing at himself for asking such sappy things, something he never thought he would say, you raise an eyebrow at him teasingly and this time he is the one flustered.
now that you’re in his room and you’re making yourself comfortable on his bed he feels uneasy, suddenly very aware of what is about to happen, how your bodies will be touching, warm and vulnerable next to each other. it’s not like it’s the first time given the many times he had sex with you but this is nothing like that and he’s not sure he can do it. 
eventually he climbs on the bed next to you. he still feels nervous but he wants to at least try. at first it’s awkward, he doesn’t know what he is supposed to do, fidgeting as he tries to find a somewhat comfortable position. everything feels wrong to him. “ah fuck it– i should just go” he burst out as he stands up. 
you look at him with a fond smiles and he can’t help it but return it starting to profusely apologize for his coldness and for being a hopeless fool but you interrupt him. “you know, we don’t have to touch if that makes you feel uncomfortable” you speak searching for his eyes to reassure him but his gaze lowers down avoiding your eyes, disappointed at himself for letting you down. “being next to each other is enough.” you pull him down by his shirt and he lets you, staring at you in awe. 
you end up staying together in bed for a long time, his fingers brushing lightly against yours way too often for it to be accidental. your heart feeling somewhat full just as much as his, being with each other like this for the first time basking in each other’s company. him not quite familiar with this bubbly feeling inside but feeling content nonetheless with your unusual way of cuddling. 
﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ ː into the #seonghwa-verse — intro + masterlist ː
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Linked Awakening
I’ve been reading a lot of Linked!Universe AU fanfics and was listening to a cover of the Ballad of the Wind Fish and... I just had to write this:
Legend hating switching. Then again, no one enjoyed the sensation of crossing over from one world to another. But there were various members of their little group that seemed to hate it more than others.
Four always had a headache (which sometimes turned into a migraine and on the rare occasion, unconsciousness), Twilight always ended up on the ground like he was going to start crawling (Legend assumed it was the Wolfie side acting out), Time always checked his clothing and stature, and Wild always mumbled something that sounded like a bunch of names under his breath. Everyone had a routine that no one asked about.
Legend would first check he was not a painting. That also confirmed he was not a pink bunny (thanks for that, Twi). Then there was the standard “anything look familiar to anyone” question. Everyone would look around which gave Legend time to pinch himself in the arm.
An inch of skin and flesh clumped up and then twisted. The pain would shoot up to his brain, snapping his thoughts into focus and most importantly, confirming he was not asleep. He did this three times whenever they landed by the sea... just to be safe. The pain was a reassurance that they were in reality.
Then again, the monsters on Koholint island had hurt him plenty. He is ninety percent certain that one of the scars on his back is from one of them-- although he might have also received it during the shipwreck. It was hard to say. But to keep his sanity, Legend chose to not overthink it and stuck with the pinches.
This particular switch was a rather annoying one because not only were they on a beach but there were seagulls. Legend pinched himself four times.
“Wind?” Time asked for everyone.
The youngest member ran to the waves. He pulled out his telescope and looked out at sea for any signs of other land. Wind turned back to the beach, looking for landmarks. After a minute he slowly shook his head, “There’s a mainland way off in the distance... I think. It’s a little hard to see. It could be a land I haven’t seen before.” He shrugged. “So it may be my world. May be not.”
“I found a sign!”
Legend turned to find Wild waving the group over. Wind dashed forward, already pulling out his sea map. The rest of the group slowly made their way to join them (Four’s head was acting up again and Twilight was having more difficulty getting to his feet than usual). Legend was waiting for Twilight when Wind yelled to the group, “Not my written language!”
Not a big deal. Legend had seen plenty of languages over his adventures. It’s what happens when you cross between multiple worlds. So forgive Legend for not being able to breath when Twilight and him finally joined the group.
It was his Hylean. That was his Hylean. And to make matters worse, Legend knew that sign was impossible. It couldn’t exist.
“Mabe Beach-- Mabe Viliage Ahead”
The group was talking but they sounded miles away. Time was asking if anyone knew what the sign said and Hyrule was commenting about some symbols looking familiar. Warriors was asking Legend something and he knew he had to speak.
But all he could do was stare, the shock fading into pure terror. He couldn’t do this again. Not again. The pinching hadn’t helped, he was trapped in a dream that he could wake up from but did he want to wake up no, not again, he couldn’t bear to see anyone again, especially not her, no, not again, not again--
“-nd? Legend!”
Legend found himself on his knees, hands pressed into the sand. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think--
Someone tried to put a hand on his shoulder but Legend jerked away. This wasn’t real. He was in a dream, just a dream-- had this whole adventure been just a dream? That didn’t seem right but Legend’s thoughts were too jumbled to know for sure.
More voices entered Legend’s head but he ignored them. This wasn’t real, it was just a dream, nothing was real and he’d wake up back at sea alone with a stupid fish flying away.
“Breathe, Link!”
“Hylia, what do we do?”
“Legend, can you hear us?”
Legend pressed his hands over his ears, now face first in the sand. Why wouldn’t the dream just leave him alone? He wanted to wake up, that was all he wanted to do was wake up.
Hylia must have heard his plea because a very familiar tune faintly began to flutter into his ears, getting louder and louder. Legend felt something wet slide down his face as his breathing started to steady out. That stupid song that caused so much pain... was actually helping. He’d wake up soon and then he’d go back to the road. Find some Moblins to take his anger out on. Seemed like a solid plan.
The song continued to get closer and louder.
“Ah-ah-aahh, Ah-ah-aahh, Ahh-ah-ahhh-ah.... Ah-ah-aahh, Ah-ah-aaah, Ah-ha-haaaaa...”
Legend’s eyes snapped open. That wasn’t instruments. That was a voice. A very human, very beautiful, very familiar voice. He sat up on the sand, ignoring Hyrule’s “eep!” as the healer leaped back in surprise.
A few of the others moved back to give Legend space, calls of concern and worry mixing together. Legend hushed them loudly, his eyes narrowing towards the road to the supposed Mabe Village. The voice was close. It was also impossible.
Legend’s group seemed to hear the tune for the first time, their own gazes turning to the distant voice. 
“Ah-ah--- AHHH!”
Impossible or not, Legend didn’t care. He sprang to his feet, sword in hand and sprinted down the path. Someone shouted in surprise with another order to wait but Legend didn’t care or stop. All he heard was that voice screaming.
Marin walked down to the beach for lunch every day for over a year. Her father never asked her about the sudden habit, which she was eternally grateful for. She was unsure of how to even start explaining her actions. After all, most people who went through a near-death experience  would avoid the thing that caused it.
It hadn’t been the waves or the wind. It had been the lightning. Of course, no one believed Marin when she said such things. No one survived being struck by lighting. And even if they did, you would think she had burns from the experience.
All she had was an imaginary world of Koholint Island and a boy with blonde hair.
She hadn’t known it was a dream, at least at first. It felt like home with her father and neighbors. The monsters had been a new, but Li--... he had taken care of them. The Wind Fish was something of a fairytale from her childhood. So waking up on the beach, storm long gone and the creature flying away overhead had been a shock. It did not take long to realize everything had been a dream. Especially when no one remembered... him. That hurt the most. And the only ones who knew was herself and the beach.
So Marin went to the beach, lunch in hand, and sang to the waves. It was a call, a prayer, a wish to the Wind fish. What kind of wish was impossible to put in words. She did not know what had been real and what had been in her head.
Koho Island was peaceful. So the Moblins had been a surprise and a half-- Marin had only seen them in dreams.
She screamed, throwing her bag at the closest monster, turning and running for the trees. She wished for Lin-- his sword or at least a fishing knife. She managed to grab a stick before backing up against a tree. Marin held the stick up like a weapon, “St-stay back!”
The Moblins drew closer, growling and snarling and apparently all to happy for their new meal. She swung at one, only for the monster to grab her stick and swing it over his head. She screamed again as she flew over the group, before slamming into the ground.
The monsters growls turned into shrieks. Marin tried to get up but her vision swam and pain shot through her right arm, causing her to hit the ground again. The shrieking grew louder and Marin turned to look at her attackers. She must have hit her head harder than she thought: it almost looked like he was holding them at bay.
Marin attempted to get to her feet again. This time, she found her footing and started to stumble towards the beach--
--only to leap out of the way of eight sprinting warriors with weapons drawn. She hit the ground with another painful yelp. Marin moaned and rolled onto her back. One of the boys was kneeling over her, concern laced on his face. “Are you alright?”
Marin found herself unable to speak at the moment. He looked a lot like--
The boy held up three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Th...three?” Marin managed.
A particularly loud screech from a dying Moblin caused Marin to sit up and look past her medic. There were eight, blonde haired, boys finishing off the last of the monsters. A few wore armor, some were older, she swore two of them couldn’t be more than twelve, and the one that was pulling his sword free of the last moblin--
Marin found herself unable to breathe.
The monster’s body fell to the ground, leaving only a very angry, panting, Link. His eyes were angrier, he looked a tad taller, not the mention the orange sword, and yet... there was no doubt in her mind that it was him.
His gaze flicked upward and found hers. The anger burned away into surprise.
“--miss? Miss?”
Marin’s eyes snapped up to her medic. “What?”
“Were you injured?” he said it like he was repeating himself.
Her mind went blank. Was she injured? That was an excellent question because her dream boy was standing right over there which was impossible--
The sound of a sword hitting the ground followed by a choked, “Marin?” cut her thoughts off.
Marin’s head jerked back to Link. He looked afraid, which almost made her smile. Link, afraid? She had watched him take down enemy after enemy without even flinching. And yet, there he stood, hands trembling, sword laying useless on the ground, and shining eyes.
She found the will to stand and tried to steady her own hands. “Link?”
He nodded slowly, the trembling growing worse. Marin’s hands flew up to her mouth and tears began to well up in her eyes. “But-- but how--? How are you--?...  I thought you were a dream!” And then she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Her knees gave out but Link was suddenly there, pulling her into his arms. His tears joined hers and she gripped his tunic like her life depended on it.
Link’s companions were doing something but Marin didn’t care. She just cried and cried, thanking Hylia, the Wind Fish, just anyone who was listening for bringing Link to her.
Well, that was fun. I just feel so bad for my boy Legend and I just wanted him to be happy for a moment. So when I found a fanfic in which Marin was also someone who had been pulled into the Wind Fish’s dream, I latched onto it and couldn’t let it go. So yay! Reunion! Maybe I’ll write more, maybe I won’t. It just wouldn’t leave me so here I am.
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lorei-writes · 4 years
Match-Up #25
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AAAH LITTLE NORI @datenoriko​​  I MISSED YOU TOO! I hope you have more free time now! And ahh, sorry, I wanted to rush this in time, but oh well... Very late happy birthday? ^^”
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Starting off with curiosity, I presume that warlords similar in this attribute could be a nice pick. Now, I wouldn’t necessarily say strictly book-smarts suitors or those who tend to be intellectual themselves - I think that for curiosity alone, I’d rather go with people who can lead stimulating discussions or just like to explore life.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Masamune (+1) Shingen (+1)
Helping around... Hmm... Well, I’d like to consider it in combination. Surely, by itself it would be plenty approved by characters who tend to overwork themselves (read: Hideyoshi), however, when put side by side with empathy and patience, it leads me to believe that it could perhaps stretch a little into realm of emotional support? I don’t mean solving problems for the other person, but much rather just being there.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Masamune (+1) Ieyasu (+1) Shingen (+1)
Seeing good in everything... Well, I think it could be appreciated a lot by those who tend to focus on the negatives or who tend to view world as a cruel place. Perhaps those who see themselves as weak or otherwise undeserving?
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Masamune (+1) Ieyasu (+1) Kenshin (+1)
Patience! Hmm... Well, it certainly helps plenty when waiting for some of the warlords to open up. However, I think it may not be enough by itself in few cases? As in, a dash of stubbornness may be necessary to start bonding with some suitors too. Hmm...
Mitsuhide (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Masamune (+1)
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Hmm... We shall start with forgetfulness. I can’t see it being an obstacle in most cases, save for one - Mitsunari. He tends to get lost like so as well, so yeah, it could be a bit too much all at once. It could be hard to handle, although still manageable with some more adjustments. However, given how it could increase stress levels and worsen the anxiety... Let’s go for more reliable suitors.
Hideyoshi (+1) Mitsunari (-1)
I’d honestly want to focus on this quality a bit more. I suppose there could be few ways of mitigating its effects, one being the partner trying to compensate for it with their mental resources (read: remembering stuff for you), and the other one... Supporting you to get some idea how to handle it yourself? Now, it is not a given it would happen, but we’ve seen suitors encouraging MC to learn something new or to allow herself to experience something.
Mitsuhide (+1) Masamune (+1)
Now, to being a ‘yes man’. I thiink it could go rather poorly with warlords who tend to be very dominating or otherwise mothering themselves and who do not have their partner’s autonomy at the very top of their priority list. Now, this isn’t to say they do not value it - it’s just that, in their routes, they didn’t necessarily perceive MC as her own independent person at first and had to break this sort of mindset.... Or were just too overbearingly nagging.
Nobunaga (-1) Mitsuhide (-1)
Lastly, let’s consider being easily stressed, anxious and overthinking all in one point. It honestly made me take a step back and think at first, as I suppose it may tie with... Honesty and being let down? Allow me to explain. You’ve listed being curious, and that involves exploring new things. So when thinking what could ease this sort of anxiety, I ended up believing that it could perhaps happen if the person was honest about their intentions and anything they’d do, giving them a certain sort of “predictability” (as in, they will stick to their promises and do not treat their words lightly. This way, even if an event is scary, there is something to soothe you). I thought that if this expectation was upheld numerous times, that then perhaps it would be easier not to feel so stressed and anxious. At the same time, I believe the reverse may worsen it? If the partner was to keep you in the dark about their plans, sometimes even lying to you? Joke cruerly or force you into stress-inducing situations? I think anxiety could make it harder for trust to form in such conditions. 
Nobunaga (-2) Hideyoshi (+2) Mitsuhide (-2) Masamune (+2) Kenshin (-2) Shingen (-2)
1st Summary:
Masamune (+7) Hideyoshi (+5) Mitsuhide (+3) Ieyasu (+2) Mitsunari (+1) Kenshin (-1)
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Points distributed for likes:
Nobunaga (+3) - arts, travelling, acts of affection Mitsuhide (+2) - arts, travelling Hideyoshi (+2) - pets (his monkey gets a special spot, because of how close they seem to be), acts of affection Ieyasu (+1) - animals (WASABI. HE RESCUED HER) Masamune (+2) - acts of affection, animals (close with Shogetsu + I’ll be always gushing about the meowing scene) Shingen (+3) - animals (rescue bear! rescue! it doesn’t just appear or serve a purpose, it took him a conscious effort to save it!), acts of affection, night sky
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Points distributed for dislikes:
Nobunaga (-1) - alcoholic drinks Mitsuhide (-2) - dishonesty, alcoholic drinks Kenshin (-1) - alcoholic drinks Shingen (-2) - dishonesty, alcoholic drinks
2nd Summary:
Masamune (+9) Hideyoshi (+7) Mitsuhide (+3) Ieyasu (+3) Nobunaga (+2) Mitsunari (+1) Shingen (+1) Kenshin (-2) 
Only characters with positive value by their names will be considered in the final stages of the match-up.
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Nobunaga (+2) - a mix of too pushy and overly controlling (at the very least at first, which is enough to prevent a relationship from developing, I believe)
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Hmm... I believe none of the remaining suitors meet this criteria any more than others. Although I presume it would annoy Ieyasu too.
Ieyasu (+1)
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Ahh, Masa-mini, that’s quite a lucky charm! Adorable!  Also, please, take better care of yourself.
Hideyoshi (+1)
Final Ranking
Masamune (+9) Hideyoshi (+8) Ieyasu (+4)
Confessed first: It’s hard to tell. It perhaps safe to say you’ve shown him with care while he put it in words eventually, although the word ‘love’ wasn’t spoken out just then? It didn’t seem to be enough.
Makes tea in the morning: You.
Hogs blankets at night: Niether of you. Unless it’s winter. He can freeze then.
Is the little spoon: Usually: you.
Possible points for conflict: At times, his bad habits do make themselves known and so, Masamune reverts to hinding his pain and hurt all again. It can be frustrating, but can be solved with enough communication. 
Free time ideas: Cooking together, going on hikes, playing with Shogetsu, strolling through the gardens after nightfall. 
Favourite date spot: Riverside at night.
A secret you share: Some days just are harder than other ones - and it may (or may not) sometimes happen that a certain man doesn’t hold back tears anymore. Plenty different tears - of joy, of relief, stress, fear. Regardless, it’s just a rumour, one which nobody can confirm, right?
His favourite thing about you: He adores how expressive and lively you can be. He finds it especially adorable when you hum to yourself, thinking that nobody can see it.
His message to you: “Open your eyes, Noriko. It’s scarier when you can’t see it -- Now, hold you head up and go. You will do well, I know it.”
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Sally McKenna Playlist
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I listen to this playlist so much it’s just ahh. As of the time I’m writing this, this bad boy is almost exactly 3 and a half hours long
Occasional little blurbs under the songs that are... interesting
Playlist link
“R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys
I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be And satisfaction feels like a distant memory And I can't help myself, all I Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?" Well, are you mine?
How could I not put some Arctic Monkeys for Sally. They scream Sally vibes.
“The Cult of Dionysus” by The Orion Experience
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus
At first this song might seem a little weird, but it is quite the banger once you get into it
“I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Want To Die” by Waterparks
I miss having sex but at least I don't wanna die anymore And I think that's pretty cool I miss seeing the red on your face when I made you blush, hey But I think it's fine, it's cool
This song is such a mood I can’t even. 
“summer depression” by girl in red
Pretty face with pretty bad dreams No one knows i cry in my sleep Waking up feeling like shit It's a normal thing to feel like this
I don't care I'm feeling down I wanna stay home Never go outside Summer depression comes every year I just want to disappear
Do you listen to girl in red because I sure do
“OK” by Wallows
I'm getting too close You say you love me most It's hard to trust it even though I want to Need to get this shit out of my head Before I flip this on myself instead
I’m in an unofficial girl band called Sugar Tits and this is one of the songs we’re going to cover. I feel like Sally would appreciate this.
“505″ by Arctic Monkeys
I'm going back to 505 If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive In my imagination you're waiting, lying on your side With your hands between your thighs
Stop and wait a sec Oh, when you look at me like that, my darling What did you expect? I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck Or I did last time I checked
This song SCREAMS Sally and I stand by that
“Gold Dust Woman - 2004 Remaster” by Fleetwood Mac
Did she make you cry Make you break down Shatter your illusions of love And is it over now do you know how Pick up the pieces and go home.
I can’t not put a Fleetwood Mac song
“Dontmakemefallinlove” by Cuco
I don't think I'm meant to be with you I don't wanna make you sad All the time just feeling bad Girl, don't make me fall in love with you I don't think I'm right for you I'm just disappointing you
Angsty Sally not feeling good enough
“Prom Queen” by Beach Bunny
Teach me how to be okay I don't want to downplay my emotions They say beauty is pain You'll only be happy If you look a certain way
Sally vibes, man
“3 Nights” by Dominic Fike
Three nights at the motel Under streetlights In the city of palms Call me what you want, when you want, if you want And you can call me names if you call me up
Hotel Cortez love affair with our girl Sally
“Marlboro Nights” by Lonely God
I don't wanna go to school tomorrow I can't study Thinking about you And you know I always do I don't wanna go to sleep tonight when I can stay up Thinking about you And you know I always do
This is teen Sally and it is not up for debate
“Paper Thin Hotel” by Matt Maltese
I listened to your kisses at the door I never heard the world so clear before You ran your bath and you began to sing I felt so good I couldn't feel a thing I stood there with my ear against the wall I was not seized by jealousy at all In fact a burden lifted from my soul I learned that love was out of my control
A lot of these songs I have cried to and thinking about angsty Sally makes it even harder not to cry. Picture poor Sally being trapped in the Cortez and having to witness someone she love be with another person. How can you not be sad thinking about that?
“Lonely Eyes” by The Front Bottoms
You've got me stuck to where I'm sittin' Lookin' at your eyes And I know I'm so pathetic I wouldn't move to save my life And they tell me that you're lonely It's no surprise When you walk around all day wearing those Lonely, lonely, lonely eyes
Lonely bb
“me & ur ghost” by blackbear
I'm not alone It's just me and your ghost And this cripplin' depression I thought I learned my lesson But, I threw out my phone And I burned all your clothes And now I'm not alone It's just me and your ghost
You could take this literally or metaphorically. I’d argue that it works either way.
“Cigarettes On Patios” by BabyJake
I was smoking cigarettes on patios I was throwing money in the air Maybe I should pick that shit back up Bet my night on love Here we go again
This song is extremely repetitive, but the vibe fits.
“Sex n’ Drugs” by Abhi The Nomad
Born faceless Please save me My soul's tainted It's how I've been born I've worn patience Please save me I'm more tasteful than ever before
Sally’s theme song and overall lifestyle
“Foreplay” by Jalen Santoy
First they tell you that they love you Then they ask where you coming from Like you the only one feeling how you feeling Then you lie just to make it sound appealing
I love you The things that cross my mind while I'm by myself I hate you These things go through my mind while I'm by myself I fuck you These things run through my mind while I'm by myself Well fuck you It's always on my mind, think I need some help
Find me vibin’ to this. Sally dealing with fake ass bitches.
“hot girl bummer” by blackbear
Fuck you, and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too I'm through, I'm through, I'm through This that hot girl bummer anthem Turn it up and throw a tantrum
Hot girl summer Sally
“1 SIDED LOVE” by blackbear
You're too busy talking over me to hear what I'm saying You're too high to realize I see Through the smile that you're faking You're so into yourself Everyone else is overrated And everything's changing Is your heart worth breaking?
I could cry to this. Actually now that I think about it, I have cried to this and Sally would too.
“Easier” by 5 Seconds of Summer
Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change And you know you don't want it any other way
An angry vibe
“Wrong” by Ally Hills
I can't keep on living with a delicate mind If I make a coffee, can we act like we're fine? When we were tangled in the sheets And waking up in our bed 'Cause now you strangle me in my sleep And I wake up with you in my head
Oh oh Oh oh I thought you loved me
A sad post break up vibe
“Space” by Ally Hills
You don't even care that my clothes aren't there. You needed the hanger space. You don't even mind 'cause you don't waste time Filling in all the blanks.
I wish you were sad for a day so you would know how it tastes to be lonely I wish you would stay in for a night to see what it's like fading slowly
Another sad post break up vibe
“Liability” by Lorde
Baby really hurt me Crying in the taxi He don't wanna know me Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm Says it was poison So I guess I'll go home Into the arms of the girl that I love The only love I haven't screwed up She's so hard to please But she's a forest fire
Ok, but try to listen to this song while sad and not cry??? I could cry to this even if I’m not sad. It just comes on and I’m like “yeah bitch I am a liability.”
“All Girls Are The Same” by Juice WRLD
Ten minutes, she tell me it would take ten minutes To break my heart, oh no she didn't Fuck livin', I'ma drown in my sorrow Fuck givin', I'ma take not borrow And I'm still sinnin', I'm still losin' my mind I know I been trippin', I'm still wasting my time All the time given, am I dyin? Am I livin'? It's fuck feelings, my sorrow go up to the ceilin'
Heartbroken gal
“The Louvre” by Lorde
I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Drink up your movements, still I can't get enough I overthink your p-punctuation use Not my fault, just a thing that my mind do
A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you're the one to blame, all that you're doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
“Writer In The Dark” by Lorde
Break the news, you're walking out To be a good man for someone else Sorry, I was never good like you Stood on my chest and kept me down Hated hearing my name on the lips of a crowd Did my best to exist just for you
Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark Now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark
Angsty song writer Sally
“Sims” by Lauv
I wish that you and I lived in the Sims We could build a house and plant some flowers and have kids But we're both at some trashy Halloween party downtown And I'll probably never see you again I wish that we lived on a VHS I'd erase the things I said and that I'll probably say again Hit rewind on all the times I got lost in my head But I guess I'll never see you again I'll probably never see you again
Ok hang with me for a second here. Sally leaving the Cortez in her one night of freedom. She meets someone at a Halloween party and they hit it off, but she doesn’t think to get her contact information or anything, so she spends the next year thinking of seeing the mysterious girl again.
“Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees
It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chit chat Take me to your love shack Mamas always gotta back track When everybody talks back
Sally can take me to her love shack anytime
“prom dress” by mxmtoon
I can't help the fact I like to be alone It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know I tend to handle things usually by myself And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help
I'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress I'd be the prom queen if crying was a contest
The last line screams teenage Sally, but also Sally now too?
“i hope your whole life sux” by blackbear
The truth yeah, is I've been up for days on cocaine The truth is I've been up for days tryin' not to think about you I hope that I'm the reason that you can't sleep I hope that your whole life sucks without me The truth is I've been up for days thinkin' 'bout you
Unhealthy coping mechanisms from our favorite druggie
Please don’t do cocaine. Cocaine ruin yo brain.
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer
Some days, you're the only thing I know Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold Can't look away, can't look away Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah Sometimes, you're a stranger in my bed Don't know if you love me or you want me dead Push me away, push me away Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay
Spicy Sally
“Fuck Up” by Tana Mongeau
'Cause I'm a fuck up, and I'm so fucked up And all these voices in my head won't shut the fuck up 'Cause I'm a fuck up, and I'm so fucked up And it's 5 p.m. and I just woke the fuck up
This song is me, but also Sally. 
“hell is where i dreamt of u and woke up alone” by blackbear
I'm in need of moderation Nah, I need a fucking break 'Cause I just railed down enough lines tonight To spell your first and last name
And it's all because I dreamt of you And woke up alone What a wonderful tone To bring you back home
I don’t even do cocaine, but this shit strikes something within me
“Idfc” by blackbear
Tell me pretty lies Look me in the face Tell me that you love me Even if it's fake 'Cause I don't fucking care, at all
Just tell Sally you love her
“Weekend” by Club House
I know you always say that you're alright But then you want to talk on the low And if you wanna a break, baby we can Hit the rooftop all alone Let me make you smile, baby all night Fuck around maybe get stoned You know that we can do it every weekend But you just wanna talk on the low
Care free loving with Sally
“Supplier!” by Crisaunt
Baby girl All of this fighting got me tired All this love that you desire All this effort you require I cannot be your supplier
I’m pretty sure I put this on here for vibes
“Model Student” by Grady
Growing up, i got used to laughs Suddenly JanSport really had my back I came into the world an outcast I didn´t dress the same I didn´t act the same But the popular kids Peaked around 17 And the only peaking i did Was looking for a fuck to give
Sally doesn’t give a fuck
“Life Inside” by Verzache
My life inside Wish I could get out and go ride a bike Head in the wind, and know what it's like And wear my ones like we did all the time Please, don't remind me 'bout my life inside I waste on my phone, sleep most the time Wake up to texts from girls I used to like Try not to text back, the light hurts my eyes Smoke 'til I'm knocked out
Trapped in Hotel Cortez Sally
“Haunt You” by Social House
Better off this way but I want you, want you, want you Sometimes I just wanna fucking Call you, call you, call you Never thought something beautiful could Haunt you, haunt you, haunt you
Shout out to @make--your--life--spectacular​ for telling me about this song because it is really good and fits Sally’s vibes
“if i could i would feel nothing” by blackbear
Underneath it all the truth is that I Really feel like shit I'm so sick of being tired I'm so tired of being sick
Post breakup Sally
“Crash and Burn” by Marc E. Bassy
Girl, we got some dangerous minds Every time we bring them together Nothing can take us off this ride Maybe we'll crash and we'll burn together
Sally is a crash and burn together kind of gal
“STFU” by mansionz, Spark Master Tape
Shut the fuck up right now and let me breathe Shut the fuck up right now, let me do my thing Slow down, slow down, slow down Quit hitting my phone up, quit hitting my phone up Quit hitting my phone, slow down
Annoyed Sally vibes
“fuck, i’m lonely” by Lauv, Anne-Marie
Fuck, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I'm lonely as Fuck, come hold me, come hold me, come hold me It's been me, myself, and why did you go, did you go? Oh, fuck, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, lonely, 
I miss those nights when you would come over Spent all night just tryna get closer That was June and now it's October I don't want, don't wanna get over
Fuck, Sally’s lonely
“If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” by The 1975
"Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I'm not playing with you, baby I think that you should give it a go" She said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I wanna see, and stop thinking If you're too shy, then let me Too shy, then let me know"
Sally is the “she” you speak of
“Instead of My Room” by Charlie Burg
We are simpatico Don't wanna let you go I wanna get to know (I wanna go out and see the new Star Wars with you) Play me another song I want to sing along Give my a melody (I heard the Hunger Games wasn't as good as the book)
Teen vibes, but also parts of this are talking about music and music is definitely a love language for Sally
“pharmacy” by Isaac Dunbar
Mmm, hurt me I kind of developed a taste for it Mmm, hurt me I want the pain between my lips
Feed it to me softly From your purple and blue fingers Constricted to only you To whom I seem to linger See me climb too high You cut the vine you had to hinder me
Prescribe yourself to me You're the only remedy Have me begging on my knees You're my pharmacy
Sally is into this and you can’t tell me any differently
“Daze Inn - Acoustic” by Carlie Hanson
We spent last night trippin' at the Daze Inn Lost in time like we got on a spaceship Tell me all your dreams when you wake up Carry me from the pool to the bathtub
Daze Inn = Hotel Cortez
“Last Nite” by The Strokes
Last night, she said "Oh, baby, don't feel so down Oh, it turns me off When I feel left out" So I, I turned round Oh, baby, gonna be alright It was a great big lie 'Cause I left that night, yeah
“Lonely Times” by Hot Flash Heat Wave
Lemme tell ya a little story fresh out of my dormitory I didn't know where things were going City lights felt like drowning in the ocean Late nights lying in my bed with all these thoughts swimming through my head Lonely times drifting in my dreams, I feel alright when I'm drifting, I’m drifting
Sally reminiscing on her times before the Cortez
“blackboard.edu” by Arlie
Don't listen to me I just need a good night's sleepAnd you keep me up all night Can't talk right I'm fallin' in my clothes And even though I'm feeling like death I can't be upset 'Cause I finally know
If you can’t tell, I love teen AUs
“7PM” by Lilacs, Lizzy McAlpine
I'm losing my mind I'm reading the news for the hell of it I'm wondering if she's on your mind Losing track of time I'm learning to cook for the hell of it And I'm wondering if she's by your side Tonight
Trapped in the Cortez and can’t go out and be with anyone
“i’m so tired...” by Lauv, Troye Sivan
I'm so tired of love songs, tired of love songs Tired of love songs, tired of love Just wanna go home, wanna go home Wanna go home, whoa
Sick of them damn love songs
“So Alright, Cool, Whatever” by The Happy Fits
How could you ever really know? If you never look You don't know what you'll find I've got an effervescent glow If you'd show me all the dark parts of your mind.
I wanna be with you. I wanna be with you. I wanna be barely hangin' on. 
Sally falls HARD
“Kilby Girl” by The Backseat Lovers
I overheard that she was 19 with a fake ID and a nose ring Those kind of girls tend to know things better than I do And I'm dying to figure out what she's hiding She's playing it cool but she's lying, better than I do
“New Girl” by FINNEAS
I wanna scratch your surface I wanna feel your groove I wanna be your needle I wanna lick your wound You wanna play with fire? Stick and poke tattoo? You wanna play, my new girl? I wanna play with you
The energy, the presence, the vibes
“Chicken Tenders” by Dominic Fike
We settled but it never felt right 'cause we can't keep still And we try to fight the way everything feels When we step out of line I met your gaze and it was love that we were makin' And she spoke a different language There was no need for translation And I ordered chicken fingers to my room, girl But we got some things to do first
This song is something that’s for sure
“no friends” by mazie
I don't have no fucking friends Don't have fun, I don't break hearts I don't have no fucking friends
If less is more then I'm doing the most I'm so bored, and I feel like a ghost I don't wanna smoke no more 'cause I'm broke And my window won't open God, my life is a joke
Sally is lonely and needs love
You might like:  Poems that Remind Me of Sally McKenna or Cordelia Goode Playlist
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kmelanin · 6 years
explosion pt 2
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A/N: So a lot of people have been asking for this so here it is!!! 
You gave him some of your larger joggers that was for men. Mens clothing was just so comfortable. You put on some cotton shorts and a larger sweat shirt that matched the sweats that you gave Taehyung. You grabbed the extra comforter that was folded nicely at the top of your closet. You let Taehyung choose the movie sense he offered to make the popcorn. You took off all of your makeup and threw your hair up, then you make your way back downstairs.
You found him sitting in the middle of the couch with a big bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. He was flicking through Netflix. He had the joggers on, and he had on a black zip up jacket that was unzipped a little showing that he had nothing on underneath. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight of his chest. His body always made you blush, you thought he was so perfect.
“Give me a idea for a movie at least, it's your birthday.” He says looking at you, he moves a pillow over from next to him making you room. You plop down next to him, shaking your head.
“No, no. Just choose, you made the popcorn.” You smile at his kindness.
“No choose YN.” He says handing you the remote. But you give it right back to him.
“Tae-” You start to laugh. But he cuts it all off when he quickly brings his face close to yours, you were caught off guard and backed away causing him follow. Your heart practically stops when your eyes were stuck in his.
“Choose. I don't know what to watch.” He says softly, he hands your the remote which you quickly take.  His eyes trail down, but he quickly pulls away. You take a deep breath remembering that he said he will tell you what’s wrong when is ready. You were just so worried for him.
You finally choose something, not really knowing what it is. You knew that you wouldn't be able to pay attention to it. So you made sure to choose something you knew would catch his attention.
Everything was so weird, usually you both would be cuddled up, with the blanket and his arms would be wrapped around you. He would feed you and himself popcorn. You would always complain saying that you could feed yourself but he would refuse saying he didn't want your hands buttery so you could play in his hair.
But now, he was just sitting next to you, with his hands in his lap and his eyes stuck on the tv. Maybe just didn't want to cuddle. Which you were fine with, it's not like you guys were dating. But you were just so used to it, you still had a slight feeling that you did something wrong. But maybe you were just overthinking it.
You repositioned yourself to a position that would be a little more comfortable. You scooched away a little to move your legs from underneath you. You leaned against the arm of the couch away from Taehyung. You tried to focus on the movie, but you just couldn't.
You didn't know, but neither could Taehyung. He kept his eyes on the tv, but from his peripheral vision his sees you. How you keep taking glances at him, and you looked down at his lap, at his hands. He watches as you move and lay the other way. He didn't know what to do. He is so scared to tell you, his doesn't want to ruin what you to already have. If he loses you, he would lose himself.
As the movie came to and end, Taehyung not knowing one scene from it, he watches as you exit out of the credits.
Taehyung takes a deep breath and he reaches for your ankles and he twists them a certain way to not hurt you, and to make you lay on your back. Your face gave away your sudden shock.
“Taehyung!”You laugh at the fact that he scared the shit out of you. He looks at you deeply and gives you a small smile. He leans down and lays on top of you, between your legs. His arms push their way between your back and the couch wrapping them around you. His head laid right under your boobs. You smiled at his sudden need to be close. Like usual, you bring your hands up to his hair and you start to run your fingers through his hair. You looked down loving his hair color now. You recently got your hairs done, so you were able to scratch his scalp just a little. And just like you expected, as soon as your nails pushed a little harder, you felt his arms squeeze a little around you, and he stuff his head into your chest.
You use both of your hands in his hair. His hair was always so soft and bouncy, so shiny and healthy, even though he dyes it so much.
“Fuck.” You hear a little groan escape his mouth as your went further down, playing with the hair closer to his neck. Your body betrayed you, as your heart beated faster and your stomach did parkour.
He gives up.
Taehyung suddenly pulls his hands from under you and pushes himself up a little. His cheeks were red and his eyes seemed darker.
“Taehyu-?” He scooches himself up a little and plop back down, but this time his head in buried into the side of your neck and his arms pulled your legs up and wrapped them around himself so he could lay nicely.
You didn't know what to say or what to think. His was so close, his breath was hitting your neck. It was so warm. You reached up to reach his hair again, but you could only reach the back of his neck. So you just graze your nails on his skin, hoping to relax him further. But you felt his body tense up, and before you could stop he grabs your wrist with his left hand and with his right he pushes himself up. He folds your hand and he looks at your nails. He laughs at little to himself.
“These will be the death of me, if you don't kill me first.” He looks back down to you, and his tongue poke out and he licks his bottom lip. He drops your hand he his grabs your waist pulling you closer. You didn't expect him to push himself down harder though. You felt his hard on through his joggers right between your legs. The sensation forced a slight moan out, and it trigger Taehyung. It was like his body was on autopilot, finally letting his heart take over his body. His mouth was on yours in a blink of an eye. So many emotions went through you, his lips were so soft against yours. Making you want to kiss him back. When he felt your lips recuperate, he felt instant relief and he couldn't help but to smile.
He pushes himself against you again, you thin cotton shorts not helping anything, and once again a airy moan escapes.
“Tae…” And in two seconds his face went from happy and giddy to a serious stoned face. You heard a little growl when he came at you again, connecting your lips back together. You took a deep breath before you both connected. You were glad you did, but he didn't let you go. He kissed you deeper and deeper, loving and needing you against him like this forever. His tongue pushed itself into your mouth, and you happily let him. Moans and groans were singing through the living room.
His body felt so light from the release of stress he had building up. His body twitch and shivered under your hands when they went up his shirt. His body was so hot, his lips were getting bigger as time went on, from how much he was kissing you. You pulled away needing to breath a little. But Taehyung didn't want to stop. He gave you a little whine and he trailed down your neck. His lips were going crazy doing what he has always wanted to. Sucks and nibbling at you skin. Your nails drag up and down his back. Your breathing pattern was heavey against his. He started to suck on a certain spot that just made your whole body tingle.
“Taehyung…” You mona out, your hands come out of his shirt and puts them on his shoulders. “Tae.” you say again and push against his shoulders. A couple of thoughts came to your mind. You needed to know what is going through his head. Everything just happened so fast.
He gives you one last little kiss on the spot his was working on the most. He leans up and he looks down to you.
“Mhm?” he groans. Your eyes widen a little when he look away and you see his cheeks turn pink right in front of you. “I'm sorry.”
“What for? Why do you keep apologizing today.” You say softly, you were trying to keep a smile off your face when you see how swollen his lips were.
“I couldn't help myself. I've been wanting to tell you about my feelings for you for so long. I was going to tell you at dinner but then all of that happened. Ahh.” At the end he rubs his face with his hand. “I didn't want you to find out like this. I wanted it to be simple and cute, because I don't even know if you feel the same.”
“Taehyung we literally just made out for the longest time. I don't just kiss anyone.” You say smiling a little as you sit up. Your face was inches from his face. He was frozen for a second until you started to lean in just a little but he met you the rest of the way. He attacks your lips like a mad man. He pushed you back on to your back and he kisses you deeper and deeper.
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dearskz · 6 years
i don’t like him pt. 1
Genre: school au, fuckboy au, angst, fluff + bullet points
Pairing: reader x changbin
Length: 1,458 words 
Warning: profanity
Description: How not to fall in love with your school’s #1 fuckboy.
Part 2 (masterlist)
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okay hehe this is another new thing for me
so it might be crap SORRY!
but i wanted to write something spontaneously that i wouldn’t overthink bc I do that a lot
ANYWAYS onto the story :)
there was one thing that you hated more than calculus
and seo changbin was the ultimate fuckboy
he would flirt with anyone and anything
ngl, he was pretty good at it
not that you would admit it tho
bc WE ARE NOT falling down that hole
but you kind of understood why everyone at your school fell into his trap???
he was quite articulate with his words
one of the top students of your year
the star of multiple sports teams
not to mention an amazing rapper and singer
and wow have you seen him?
fucking gorgeous
^another thing you would not admit to
no stop, stop thinking that, get a hold of yourself y/n!
i don’t like him
it’s not like you hate him tho
he was your childhood best friend growing up
you used to do everything together
you just hate what he’s become
which is why you decided to distance yourself from him
but, after hitting puberty LIKE A TRUCK, people started noticing him more
he became cocky, flirtatious
the sweet and adorable changbin you knew started to disappear
or so you thought
watching him slowly change from someone you loved to be with 24/7 into someone that you couldn’t stand makes it that much harder to be around him
��HEY Y/N!!!” your best friend chaeyoung scared you from behind
“holy shit chaeyoung, please save my eardrums, i don’t plan on needing a hearing aid until I’m a 70-year-old raisin. ”
“you’re so fucking dramatic. i’ve called you 10 times, why didn’t you pick up? daydreaming about what could’ve been with changbin again?”
“you’re going to regret saying that when you have to walk home in the rain today.”
“SORRY jeez. it’s just that whenever you zone out, you’re usually thinking about him. you even say his name in your sleep sometimes.”
you felt yourself blushing
there is no way i say his name in my sleep
“i don’t like him.”
“i didn’t say you did.”
you glared at her, “oh my gosh you’re so annoying, just tell me why you called me so many times.”
“there’s a rumour going around that changbin is taking finally taking someone to the formal this year!”
“and you wanted to tell me this beecaausee???...”
“becauseeee it sounds like he’s finally settling down! isn’t that great? maybe that means he’s gonna stop being a fuckboy.”
you rolled your eyes
“woohoo, should i give him an award?”
chaeyoung sighed in defeat
“okay, fine. i know you don’t care but i thought it would’ve been good news because you could possibly become friends again… the break is about to end, i’ll see you after school y/n. bye!”
“bye, see you!”
you began walking back to class
maybe chaeyoung was right
maybe he’s trying to change
i mean it would be nice to be friends again, i miss him so much
2:34 pm
it was your last class of the day, school ends in less than half an hour
you were trying to finish your homework so you could binge on vlive videos
(y’all know who u are, aka me)
it also happened to be the day before formal tickets went on sale
it was so hard to hear yourself think because your obnoxious seatmate was batting her eyelashes at changbin
“changbinnie~ are you excited for the formal? are you taking someone this year? who?? i still need a date you know….”
“that’s a secret, but hopefully it’s someone as pretty as you” he winked
wtf gross, can class end faster?
suddenly you got a text from student council
                      [2:40] woojin: emergency meeting in rm 214 right after school!
shit, i have to tell chaeyoung that I can’t drive her home today
                      [2:29] y/n: hey, sorry but an emergency council meeting came up!                       [2:29] my bae chae: np, i’ll catch a ride with dahyun! be careful tho, it’s raining rlly hard later today!!                       [2:30] y/n: dw i will! luhh u bish                       [2:30] my bae chae: luh u too biiishh
4:35 pm
the meeting took a long time bc yall needed some last minute DJ’s for the formal
long story short: it took a lot of phone calls
but don’t worry, it’s gucci now
after saying bye to your fellow council members, you began making your way to your car
it began pouring right before the meeting ended and you were hoping that it would die down soon
but it didn’t
just then you saw changbin waiting at the front entrance
ahh it’s monday, he usually walks home on mondays
wait why do i know that
you felt guilty
i guess i could offer him a ride??? he does live across the street…
“HEy chANgbIn!” just came out of your mouth
that was a fucking croak, i just sounded like a toad what is wrong with me
“oh hey y/n”
“..uh.. so... why are you still at school?”
“i was giving some basketball pointers to our freshmen.”
“wow, smart, attractive, and a saint? what else can you do seo changbin?”
i did not just say that out loud, save me 
he chuckled and gave you a warm smile
you forgot how much you missed that beautiful smile of his
“apparently i can make you flush like a red tomato too.”
that only made you blush harder
you tried to hide your face from any more embarrassment
“d-do you want a ride home? i don’t want you to be caught in the rain…. we live on the sam-”
“yes y/n, i very much appreciate a ride home from you, thank you.”
“no problem… let’s go”
impulsively, you grabbed his hand and ran through the rain towards your car
i’m just continuously surprising myself today, aren’t i?
still, his hand fit so nicely in yours
holding his hand brought back so many memories
perhaps it was seeing his gentle smile again
or talking to him for the first time in a year
that made you forget that you weren’t best friends anymore
you got to your car in no time but you were both drenched
“i should have a few clean towels in my gym bag, so we can dry off when we get inside.”
“cool, thanks. but y/n?” he faced you
“yes changbin?” you stared into his eyes
“i can’t get inside if you’re still holding my hand” he smirked
“OH R-RIGHT. sorry aha.”
you quickly ran to the driver's side and slammed the door
you both quickly dried your soaking wet hair before heading home
you sat in silence for the first few minutes
“hey you can play some music if you want,” you said handing him the aux cord with one hand
“ah, thanks.”
a familiar tune began playing
“omg is this-”
“1AM BY TAEYANG,” you both said at the same time
you looked at each other and laughed
“i guess we still have the same taste in music.”
“you acquired your taste of music from me. remember all the mixtapes i would make for you?”
“i guess i did. they were really good mixtapes. i guess i owe it to you, thanks, y/n!”
“what do you mean?”
“for kinda getting me into music… .and encouraging me to pursue a music career a few years ago before… before we stopped talking…”
“oh… right…”
even the music couldn’t help the awkward silence in the car the rest of the way home
you pulled into his driveway just as the rain cleared up
“thank you again for the ride home y/n. it was nice talking to you. I miss you.”
you missed the last part because you spent the entire time thinking about how selfish it was to cut off your best friend just because of a silly thing like popularity
why did i even care back then? so what if more than half the school swoons over him? it’s not like i care right? he was my best friend
i didn’t like him
i don’t like him
“y/n? are you alright? did you catch a cold?”
changbin put his hand on your forehead
you weren’t sick but you could feel butterflies in your stomach
did i have milk today ahahaha silly me, i always forget that i’m lactose intolerant ahhaah
“N-NO! sorry, I just zoned out for a bit. i’ll see you at school changbin.”
he withdrew his hand and began to step out of the car
“yeah, right. see you at school y/n.” he said without looking back
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princesskitty5 · 5 years
Return daddy
Title: return daddy
Word Count: 1,999
Author: princesskitty5
Warnings: fluff,SMUT, ddlg
summary: Sam and the Reader used to date and he left her for Jess. He wants her back and her little side too.
Sam and Y/n had a special relationship they dated 3 years before Jess and him. They are best friends Sam loves y/n little side . Shes been a little since 16 and discovered its apart of her. She loves being little.
Sam and Y/n were currently in there motel room. There is currently two beds in this one motel room Dean sleeps alone because hes known to get
a bit touchy in the past. Sam and Y/n sleep in one bed as being bestfriends that have dated in the past. They all don’t mind sharing a room it
seems more easier somehow with research and safety. Currently Dean was sat at the table with Sam packing to leave for tomorrow when Y/n
walked out the bathroom door with just a towel around her Dean wolf whistled and Sam hit him in the arm not liking his brothers action.
Dean said "Hey!" in a shocked voice his brother threw him piercing eyes. Y/n walked back into the bathroom with her clothes on her hip as
soon as the bathroom door shut Sam said "Stop making passes at her you know how I feel about her!" Dean said "Sammy I know your in
love with her you need to tell her before its too late! I’m trying to push you to her." "What do you mean by before its too late Dean?." Sam said
in a stern voice. Dean put his hands up in defence "Hey Sammy i’m not gonna steal her from you okay. I just mean that we don’t get many
chances of happiness so if you have a chance snatch it up. Don't wait Sam or before you know it it'll be to late and you'll regret it." Dean
cleared his throat and said " Anyway no chick flick moments." Sam let out a chuckle scratching the back of his head and said "Yeah ha. I
think I will tell her Dean your right I want to tell her I just want it to be special like her...." dean said jokingly "Get her drunk ha!." Sam rolled
his eyes at Dean. They became silent when Y/n entered the room all dressed in her pink frille pj’s with the words little princess on the left breast
with pink frille knee high socks. She tried so hard to cover up everything but you still seen it in her eyes. She gave them a smile Dean said while
putting on his jacket "Right i’m gonna head to the store anybody want anything?" Sam had a thought what if he did something special for her
to tell her so he let Dean know he was coming. Y/n shook her head "no thanks" Sam knows Y/n has been dieting he knew that she hated the
fact she was a size 18 instead of size 12. Every time he seen her look in the mirror he seen the disappointment in her eyes and the pain but he
thought she was beautiful no matter what. She always acted tough and never let her guard down but he knew she was so deeply broken. so
broken it could be impossible to fix but he didn’t want to fix her she didn’t need improving she just needs love and to be cherished. She needs to
know how beautiful she is. Even if it took forever he didn’t care she was worth it.
Sam’s pov: I am currently out with dean picking up Y/n up her favourite snacks, drink, sweets and a special teddy saying "daddy loves you" Dean came
up to me asking "Have you gotten everything you want to give her?" I nodded saying "I think so... its been so long dean what if I screw this
up? What if she doesn’t want to be with me like I want to be with her? I was so horrible to her in the past who could blame her." Dean sighed
rubbing a hand over his face saying "Dude stop overthinking this u need to tell her otherwise ill sleep with her." he said with a smirk I threw
him angry eyes again and said "Dude I know your joking but your pissing me off!" Dean smiled "But its pushing you to confess to her isn’t it?"
I say sighing "Yes you jerk" Dean replied "Bitch". Me and dean are driving back to the motel its quiet when I start to day dream of the life I
can have with Y/n if she says yes. In my mind I pictured getting married to her, the beautiful women of my dreams, seeing her walking down
the aisle brought a smile to my face. I felt so at peace but suddenly my thought broke off when dean turned his music up louder making me jump
a little earning a protesting groan from me. I thought to myself if she says yes ill spend everyday of my life making sure she is always happy.
I’m so terrified she will say no.... We just arrived outside the motel when I stopped and asked Dean if he could somehow get Y/n out of the room
for a while so I could set up everything he agreed he would try. After a lot of protest from Y/n she finally agreed to go to the fast food place to
choose her order.
Y/n pov 'Why was the boys acting so strange', 'Why was they being so secretive' you thought to yourself as they left for supplies. 'I miss Sam I wish he
was here with me'. 'I miss being more then friends with Sam. Hes the love of my life'. 'I miss the kisses, the cuddles, hell ha even the sex god the
sex was good' you though to yourself getting slightly wet and throbbing just thinking about it. Your feelings have never left for Sam but they
got stronger the more he opened up he made your heart skip beats. Just as your thoughts trailed off Dean and Sam walked through the door.
Your smile shot so bright when you seen Sam and he seen your smile and you blushed cursing yourself for letting that smile slip. Dean walked
up to me begging me to go get some fast food with him as Sam was staying to shower  I whined "Deannnnnn come on I just got in my
jammiessss" Dean chuckled "come on please ill buy you anything you want." I sighed "ughhh fine but when we come back i’m eating then
sleeping." Dean muttered under his breath while turning "don’t count on it" I rolled my eyes thinking hes being bitchy. I ran to the bathroom and
put on my chequered dress with my long baby pink sleeved top under it forgetting panties and a bra shoving on my  flat pink shoes i love so
Sams pov Y/n walked out the bathroom looking so beautiful. Dean and Y/n left within a matter of minutes as soon as they was gone I lit some candles, I
made the bed with a pink hello kitty blanket I found while shopping. The snacks I got her where on the bed, and I set the tv on her favourite
movie and waited. Y/n walked through the door about twenty minutes later.
Y/n pov We pulled outside the motel room and Dean said hes going to the bar for a while I said "ok" not thinking much of it he didn’t get food so it
wasn’t weird. With mine and Sam’s food in hand I walked through the door and seen the lights where off I thought Sam is just asleep I took of
my shoes and walked through properly to see Sam standing there with an awkward smile while his arms where on a teddy bear I giggled a bit
and said "what is this?" Sam scratched the back of his neck and said "Y/n I love you and I want to be you daddy again." I was in absolute
shock with my mouth wide open he said "I’m sorry I wanted to say it another way but i’ve waited to long to tell you." I smiled and ran up to
him he dropped the bear when I started kissing his soft pink lips licking his bottom lip asking for entrance he let me enter his mouth with my
tongue. He put his big rough hands on my shapely curved hips moving to the back of my thighs lifting me abruptly into the air. The kiss turned
rough and very passionate I started to grind my hips against his needing him so bad and for the first time in a while finally being able to have
him. I squeaked in shock when I felt Sams hands on my bare ass completely forgetting I wasn’t wearing underwear. He flipped us so my back was
towards the wall he pulled my dress off over my head moaning against my mouth when he realised I was completely naked underneath. He
pulled away smiling and told me "Your so fucking gorgeous baby I promise ill never hurt you again" I let a tear fall from my eye I quickly
looked away hoping he missed it. He gently put me on my feet and wiped the tear from my eye he put both hands on the side of my face and
said "Leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life. And ill never make that stupid mistake again." I nodded with a smile I kissed him this
time fast I needed to be fucked hard I needed him inside me. Sam pushed me down on the bed ripping of his shirt off while pulling his pants and
boxers down of his legs his rock hard cock was standing to attention wanting to be touched. I moaned at the sight "Daddy please...fuck me like
you used to..." he smiled slightly remembering the good old days then said "get on your knees for daddy baby girl" I nodded suddenly being
shy. hearing him say he was my daddy made me so happy. I happily climbed to my knees begging for it. Sam climbed on the bed behind me
lined his rock solid cock to my entrance and pushed in. feeling him fill me made me moan so loud Sam had to put a hand over my mouth and
shhhed me. Sam wrapped a hand in my hair pulling on it yanking my head back, pounding his hard cock into my throbbing hot wet pussy I
felt every inch of him filling me up making me scream daddy over and over again. I suddenly felt Sam start to pulsate and his moans started
getting louder he was about to cum when I felt that familiar feeling building in my pussy I was throbbing just when me and Sam was coming
over the edge dean walked in saying "Hey guys you awak---ahh" dean covered his eyes me and Sam stopping at the motion dean was gone as
soon as he seen us Sam carried on slamming harder at each thrust I screamed squirting all over our motel mattress Sam came seconds later we
both collapsed on the bed panting I sighed "Jesus Sam I forgot you could make me do that now the beds all wet" I whined Sam said "To be
honest baby I never forgot" he winked I slapped his arm while giggling "Uhm guys I really hope your done cause i’m freezing my balls off out
here and i’m not sleeping out here come on!" I got up and Sam said "Ill join you in the shower but first...... I got you this" he gave me the bear he
was holding when I walked in I read it and smile "Omg Sam... I love this so much" he smiled putting sweat pants on I ran to the bathroom
with a sheet around me while Sam let dean in. My life just got so much better. except we will definitely be sleeping on the floor tonight.
This took so long to write ha I really hope you all like it.
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yummybubbletae · 7 years
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Here you go, babe!
I hope this was okay! I really liked the request, but I’m not sure if I like how it came out of my head.... #writerproblems
Kim Seokjin
He was hesitant to bring it up. He didn’t want to force anything on you and he knew you worked tomorrow, but he didn’t want you to have to walk home alone in the dark. “Do you want to stay the night?” He asked. You had just slipped your shoes on and seemed to be stalling, not wanting to walk out into the night air. You both stared at each other for a moment. Trying to read each other, though you both wanted the same thing. “If that’s okay with you.” Jin nodded, probably a bit to eagerly.
He threw a spare pillow and blanket onto the couch for himself, flipping the main light off. After struggling for a bit, trying to turn the water on, he now heard the bathroom door opening, signaling you were done. “Find everything okay?” He asked. He could hear your feet padding down the hall and turned towards you, smiling at the look of you in a pair of his sweats and a tshirt. “Thanks for letting me spend the night.” “Anytime. You can just sleep in my bed tonight. It’s all clean.” The way you stared at him made his heart thump in his chest. He felt almost giddy. You moved over to the couch and sat down flat out refusing to claim his bed for the night. He wasn’t going to argue with you anymore, but he wasn’t going to cave either. He slid down onto the couch with you and let you slouch into him, pulling your legs up under you. The room was quite, your breathing deep and soothing. He could smell his shampoo in your hair, the mix of his own smell, with the remaining sent of your own making him smile. he’d press his lips to the top of your head and whisper an, “I love you.”
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Kim Namjoon
You had been waiting for him to get home from practice and it ended up being much later than the two of you had anticipated. You had school early the next morning and you knew, at this rate, you wouldn’t make it home and have enough time to shower. So you just decided to do it at Namjoon’s place. He wouldn’t mind and if you were going to stay here till he got back in needed to be done.
 You’d shower quick and figured you could just throw one of his shirts on when you were done. Problem was, you heard him calling your name while you toweled off. “Y/N?” He was in the adjoining room. You slid across the tiles, placing your hand on the doorknob before he could open in. “Sorry. It was getting late and I had to shower.” You peeked your head out the crack in the door, cheeks burning as you gripped the towel to your chest. He just stared at your dripping wet hair for a moment, his own cheeks turning a slight shade of pink before he moved to his dresser, getting out a shirt for you. He’d leave you in peace to get yourself dressed, but when you’d step out he’d pull you towards him, kissing your temple, taking in your fresh scent. “You smell nice.” He’d mumble, arms snaking around your waist. “Why don’t you just spend the night?”
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Min Yoongi
You were falling asleep against his shoulder, making it harder for him to type at his laptop. A movie was playing quietly in the background, holding neither of your attentions. Small snoring sounds came from your nose, though you’d always insist you didn’t snore. Yoongi found his attention wasn’t on his work anymore. His eyes were locked on your sleepy form.
Something sounded through the speakers of the tv, he jumped and your head flew off his arm. You looked confused and disheveled, running your hand through your hair. Not fully awake. He didn’t speak, hoping you’d give in to your dropping eyes and fall asleep against his arm again. “Oh, I’ve got to get home.” You’d say, pushing yourself up. “No.” He’d reply, catching your swaying arm. “Stay here.” You’d stare at him for a moment, blinking away the sleep. “I can’t. I have an interview early tomorrow. I haven’t even showered.” He’d push his laptop off his lap and stand up, leading you towards the bathroom. You’d receive a towel from him and the water would be on before you had another chance to protest.
 For someone you hadn’t wanted to go in the first place, you were sure taking a long time in the bathroom. He contemplated checking on you but then the doorknob turned and you stepped out. “Okay. Now home.” You’d say, waving your arms towards the door. He’d shake his head and pat the bed next to him. You hardly protested and crawled in next to him. You’d rest your head on his chest and he’d wrap his arms over your shoulder. “I smell better now.” You’d whisper. That’s when he’d notice it and he’d smile, liking the sent of him on you.
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Jung Hoseok
It started off as him showing you a new dance he was learning. He was quite proud of it and insisted that you learn with him. Him actually teaching you only lasted a couple of minutes. You two were soon swinging each other around his living room, table and chair pushed out of the way. You dropped to the floor, panting and sweating, laughing as he stumbled back onto the couch. 
“You’re a pro.” He’d say, trying to catch his breath. You’d both sit in silence for a bit, the only sound being your heavy breathing as you cooled down. “Oh gosh. It’s late. I need to get home.” You’d say, pushing yourself up from the floor. You two were having so much fun, neither of you noticed as the clock crept past one. Hoseok glanced at his phone, eyes bugging out as he noticed the time. He seemed to contemplate something for a moment before pushing himself up. “Just spend the night.” He’d say with a shrug. “I have to get home. I smell.” He’d laugh and nudge you to his bathroom. “Go shower. It’s late and I don’t want you walking home tonight.” You’d give in and he’d supply you with some clean clothing.
Hoseok would be lying in bed, eyes closing on him, the sound of the shower lulling him to sleep. He never heard you come out. He felt the bed dip next to him and he turned, wrapping himself in your warmth. It wasn’t your usual smell that enveloped him. But as he settled against your chest, pressing a kiss to your collar bone, he found himself enjoying your scent mixed with his own. “I love you so much.” He’d murmur before falling asleep.
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Park Jimin
You two had just finished working out. Well, he just finished working out. He had gotten you to hop onto the treadmill at the very end, but it didn’t last very long. You had both returned to his place, both a little hungry and both very sweaty. It was late already, you two had gotten a late start and by the time you had dragged yourself back, the sun had set and Jimin, your ride, seemed a bit tired as he made some food in the kitchen.
“I should just call a taxi. You look exhausted.” He’d turn to you, lip jutting out into a pout. “I don’t want you to go.” He’d reply, moving over to wrap his arms around you. You’d try to pull away, whining about being smelly but he’d just laugh at you. “How about,” He’d start, glancing down, feeling a bit shy to bring the topic up. “You spend the night here? We can watch a movie and then I can bring you home in the morning?” You’d agree but insist on a shower, leaving him to start a movie up while you cleaned up.
You moved out into the living room, feeling refreshed but tired as the day came to an end. You’d settle on the couch by him, wrapping an arm around his waist. He’d run his fingers through your hair, noticing the smell of his body wash on you as he bent over to kiss your cheek. “Ah, Jagiya. You smell amazing.” He’d say, enjoying his scent on you for the rest of the night.
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Kim Taehyung
You were in your car, in Taehyung’s driveway. He was standing in the doorway, arm raised, waving goodbye. The rain was pelting down at the car, making it hard for you to see him. You stuck your keys into the ignition and turned, waiting to hear the car purr to life, but it didn’t happen. It made this horrible whirling sound and stopped. You tried again, but the same thing happened.  With a sigh, you pulled your keys back out and opened your door. “What’s wrong?” Tae called from the house. You shrugged and popped the hood, shivering as the cold rain seeped down your shirt. You weren’t quite sure if the problem would be coming from there, but checking was your best bet. “Y/N! Come inside.” He yelled and you slammed the hood down, grabbing your bag before locking the car back up. You stood dripping in his hallway as he threw a towel over you. “I guess its a sign. Lets get you in the shower and we’ll figure it out in the morning.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him, ready to complain about your stupid, piece of junk car, when he’d press his nose to your neck. “Ahh, you smell so good, Jagi.” He’d say, causing you to chuckle. “I smell like you.” He’d pull away a bit. “But it smell so much better on you.” Up until you both fell asleep, he’d be sniffing you constantly.
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Jeon Jungkook
It was late. You two had been playing games in his room. You were proud of yourself for actually beating him a couple of times, but as it got later, and the day started to catch up to you, you found yourself leaning against Jungkook. Remote clutched feebly in your hands as he beat you again. “I give up.” You murmur, rubbing your face into his sweatshirt. “You have me at an unfair advantage.” He’d chuckle, leaving the game at the character selection screen as he stretched. “What time is it?” He’d ask, answering his own question as he checked his phone. “Late.” You’d reply. He sat in silence for a while, seeming to contemplate something. He’d wrap his arms around you and fall back onto the bed. “How about you just stay here tonight?”  He’d ask, trying to seem chill about it, but you could here the strain in his voice. “I’m okay going home, I don’t want to impose.” His voice wasn’t quite as shaky this time. “No. Stay.”
He had showered first, offering you one as an afterthought. He paced around the room, overthinking every little thing he could as he waited for you. All his thoughts went down the drain as you stumbled out of the bathroom, giving him a smile before moving over towards the bed. “Goodnight.” You’d say as you pulled the covers up. He’d just stare at you, causing you to blush a bit. He noticed the smell of his shampoo on you and was embarrassed to admit just how much he liked it on you. “Is this too weird?” You’d asked and he’d just shake his head, finally crawling into bed with you, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
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I may have gotten a little carried away with this. I’m sorry it took so long to get up, I’ve been very busy lately. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
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rhnuzlocke · 8 years
Episode 15
Scene 6:
[Ren is lying on her back in the grass with Tāraki laying next to her and the rest of her pokemon scattered around nearby. Kai and Wally are off somewhere else at the moment and Ren seems to be enjoying her nap. Her nav buzzes and she grasps for it blindly and brings it up to her eye. The screen informs her that Steven is video calling her. She snaps upright, staring at the screen, heart suddenly pounding.]
Ren: [muttering quietly to herself] It’s probably no big deal. He’s probably calling you because of Magma stuff. If he was in imminent danger he wouldn’t bother with video. Just breathe.
[Ren takes a deep breath, pushes her hair behind her ear and answers the call.]
Steven: Hi Ren.
[Steven appears to be sitting in the grass leaning against a stone wall. He looks far more disheveled than usual and there are dark circles under his eyes.]
Ren: [concerned] Hey Steven. Is everything okay?
Steven: Hmm. How to answer that? Yes and no, I suppose. [seeing her look of panic] Nothing life-threatening! No Magma or Groudon or asteroids involved. I just wanted to talk to you about something and I can’t talk to Rire, so…
Ren: No, go ahead, what’s up?
Steven: [rambling] Well, we had a League meeting this morning. I stayed up the night before working on the agenda because of—you know—and I admit I looked like crap because I forgot my concealer and I was tired, but that can’t be the reason. It doesn’t make sense. They obviously planned this ahead of time. This was not a spur of the moment thing.
Ren: Steven, back up a minute. You’re not making sense.
Steven: Oh. Sorry. [clears throat] So, we went through the whole agenda and I was about to call the meeting but then it turned into like… an intervention… for me.
Ren: [confused] What?
Steven: They all said that I was taking too much on myself and had to delegate. And they wanted me to get more sleep and keep them updated and coordinate stuff with them. Not just regular League things, the Magma stuff too. They obviously talked it all out beforehand. All of them! I didn’t think they knew about… I don’t know. But who started it? I would say it Wallace, but…  
Ren: You know, maybe ambushing you like that was a little much, but all of that stuff sounds good. It’s nice that they care about you and want to be more proactive.
Steven: You don’t understand. It’s like a conspiracy. Everyone is in on it! Wallace talked to Bes and now they have the rest of my pokemon in on it too. I’m supposed to take the rest of the day off. Damascus won’t fly me anywhere and Anthy insists on keeping house now and is trying to learn how to cook. I have Ptilometra in there making sure she doesn’t burn the place down. Alwyn and Komatsu are planting a garden—Oh, Alwyn likes her gift very much and wanted me to tell your sandslash thank you. I think she may be working on something to send back? I’m not sure. Anyway, she roped my excadrill into into helping her plant all of those seeds.
Ren: That’s good. I’m sure Kōtai will be happy.
Steven: But you see what I mean, right?
Ren: That does sound like a lot, but maybe it’s for the best?
Steven: I know. What’s really been driving me crazy is how this all started. Wattson was sort of the ringleader, but I don’t think it was his idea. I’ve hardly seen him at all lately and he’s such a workaholic himself. He’s usually the one that tells Wallace to get off my case. It doesn’t add up. But I know it wasn’t Wallace because I grilled him already. Wattson called him. But who called Wattson? You know them a little right? Got any idea who it might have been?
Ren: [Her face twitches because by this point she actually does have a pretty good idea.] Um, no. I can’t say that I do.
Steven: Dammit.
Ren: Steven, I think you should take a deep breath and try to relax a little. Otherwise all of this effort is for nothing. And I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. Maybe you’re overthinking this. And I do know how you feel. I hate being forced to do things, even stuff I like doing. But you do need to take better care of yourself, like we talked about. And the more people working on the Magma thing the better. They are all League members, right? They are not going to blab and they can all handle themselves if something happens.
Steven: [sighing] You’re right. I know you’re right. And I know I’m being a baby about this. Today has just been very surreal. Thank you for listening. It helps a lot. I feel a little calmer now.
Ren: That’s good. That’s really good.
[He rests his head back against the stone wall and while he is looking away, Ren smiles fondly at him. She rests her head on her free hand and her eyes go soft and her expression dreamy. There is stomping on his end and Ren snaps out of her reverie. He looks over at the source of the noise.]
Steven: Yeah, I’m okay now… No, Bes, I’m not working, I’m just talking to Ren.
[A huge metal leg edges into the corner of the screen and pushes gently up against Steven. He leans away.]
Steven: Whatever. You are still on thin ice. I know perfectly well this is all your fault somehow.
[Ren chuckles as Bessemer continues to nudge Steven both physically and mentally until he gives in and leans against his pokemon. Steven readjusts himself so that more of Bessemer is in the frame.]
Steven: Sorry about that. Bes says hello.
Ren: Hi Bessemer.
[She can hear them rumble. Steven leans back against them, looking almost peaceful when something occurs to him and he starts.]
Steven: It was you.
Ren: What?
Steven: Bes talked to you and you must have told Senri, he’s your father. So it was Senri who called Wattson and all of this was really your doing.
Ren: [guilty] All I said was I was worried!
Steven: [loud and theatrical] Here I was, confiding in you, and you were at the root of my problems all along!
Ren: [defensive] That’s hardly fair. And I didn’t plan any of this, I swear.
Steven: I know. It’s just funny. I just—
[He starts laughing and covers his face with his free hand. Ren laughs a little too. Steven stops himself abruptly and tries to look stern, but he is still smiling underneath.]
Steven: No. This is serious. [a stray chuckle] How dare you. [stifled snort] I'm—I’m disappointed. Don't you trust me?
Ren: [trying not to laugh] With most things…
Steven: Well I hope you're happy because now, thanks to you, the Hoenn League Champion has a strictly enforced bedtime.
[Ren loses it and starts laughing really hard, almost dropping her nav. Steven laughs too but tries to fight it.]
Steven: This is my life, Ren! It’s not funny!
[Ren just laughs harder. She falls over and drops her nav so that all Steven can see is the sky. Ren can still hear him laughing on the other end before he quiets a little, distracted by something.]
Steven: [still laughing intermittently] No, Bes! I'm not going to say that! You can tell her yourself when you see her. No! Get off me!
[Ren rolls over onto her stomach and grabs her nav to see what is happening. The camera on the other end is going a bit haywire as Steven flails around, but it seems as though Bes has him on the ground. From the strangled giggles it also seems likely that they are tickling him.]
Steven: No please! [snort] Ahh! [giggles] Stop! [wheezy laugh] Okay! Alright!
[Steven pops back up and swats the hair out of his face, aiming the camera at himself again. He takes a moment to catch his breath, then sighs.]
Steven: Bes says thank you.
Ren: [stifling giggles] Is that all?
Steven: And a lot more besides that they will tell you [directed at Bessemer through gritted teeth] when they see you.
Ren: [chuckling] Okay. You're welcome, Bessemer.
[Bessemer rumbles happily. Steven shoves them away and sits back against the wall.]
Steven: You know, I would never have pegged Senri as the instigator.
Ren: Well, he may not be the best dad, but he is still a dad.
Steven: At least the mystery is solved.
Ren: I wish I could say I was sorry for accidentally siccing the League on you, but I’m kinda not.
Steven: Well, at least you’re honest. I forgive you.
Ren: That's very generous of you.
Steven: It is.
Ren: [chuckling] Yeah, just go ahead and pat yourself on the back.
Steven: Will do. [He lets out a long sigh and readjusts himself against the wall.] So, we already talked about me. What have you been up to lately?
Ren: Pretty much training non-stop. I got my sixth badge.
Steven: Very good.
Ren: Oh, and my taillow decided to stay and train with Winona. Do you, uh, know her very well? I asked otōsan about her already, but he's not always great about… personality. He pretty much just talked about what kind of trainer she is, which was helpful but… I mean, I'm not too worried. She promised to let Māia stay a taillow and keep the stones you gave her and everything. I just, yeah, I can't help it.
Steven: No, I get that. Hmm, where to start with Winona? Is it safe to assume you know about the whole amnesia thing?
Ren: Yeah.
Steven: Well, I think that is a big part of the reason she doesn’t always give the best first impression. As I understand it, she spent a lot of time after the accident trying to be the person she was before and please all of these people who, for all intents and purposes, she didn’t actually know. So, at some point, she abandoned her old self and became someone new. I think the whole thing made her very uninterested in what anyone thinks of her. And losing all of one’s formative memories definitely shows, though it’s a little hard to pinpoint how exactly. It’s made her a singularly present person. She can’t dwell on the past and it makes her throw everything into whatever she is doing at the moment. She’s incredibly focused and tenacious, just maybe not the best people person.
Ren: She actually sounds like a good fit for Māia. Thank you, Steven. That helps a lot.
Steven: Happy to be of service.
[He smiles and yawns. He slumps against the wall and blinks slowly.]
Ren: Maybe you should take a nap.
Steven: I haven’t napped since college.
Ren: Well, you’re already falling asleep. I’m just saying maybe it should be on a couch or a bed.
Steven: I am not.
Ren: At least lie down in the grass. I know you love rocks, but that wall can’t be comfortable.
Steven: Alright.
[He edges away from the wall and out into the full sun. He lies down on his side in the grass and turns his nav so that he is still upright in the frame. Ren rolls onto her side and follows suit.]
Ren: Better, no?
Steven: [sleepy] Hmm.
[They smile at each other for a moment and his eyelids drift shut. Her face fills with warmth as she watches him fall asleep. It isn’t long before Kai and Wally can be heard returning, but it doesn’t really register until]
Kai: We’re back!
[Ren starts and looks up to see them approaching.]
Ren: Bye Bessemer, if you’re still there!
[There is a rumble on the other end.]
Ren: [quiet] Goodbye Steven.
[She snaps her nav shut just as Kai and Wally reach her.]
Wally: Who were you talking to?
Ren: Uh… my parents?
Kai: Ren, you’re red as a slugma.
[She rolls over onto her face and whines.]
Wally: [bouncing up and down, hands hovering near his mouth] Was it Steven?! Oh my goodness! What was he calling about? What did you talk about? What did he say?!
[Kai can’t help but smile a little at Wally’s excitement. Ren tries to melt into the turf.]
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Barbara and Francesca's Tour of the City
Rated: PG for some trauma references.
Pairing: Barb/Fran or Barb/Mel; up to interpretation.
A/N: You know what? I’m going to post this story here, too. While Barbara still can be explained/redeemed, and all... Enjoy, and review if you want...?
Summary: Since Barbara is heartbroken about her previous relationship, Francesca has decided to take her on a tour of the city to cheer her up. Meanwhile, Mel spends the holiday with someone else, unaware of the true reason his wife left, and Bob does his best to escape the hospital!
Barbara, a tall beautiful woman with short green hair spoke to Francesca, a black-haired Italian woman she'd met outside a comedy club. Both women were now separated from their husbands, but they were once the respective wives of Sideshow Mel and Sideshow Bob, the current and former sidekicks of a TV clown. Francesca had been separated for a long time, but Barbara had just separated and the wounds were still fresh. She'd not only been emailed evidence that she'd been cheated on, she'd also been told what to do over the phone by a mystery voice. She'd left a letter on Mel's chair and had to leave the house with her possessions. The voice had started off neutral, but it had taken on a threatening tone. She could never look Mel in the eyes, she just left. It was better that way. "And on top of everything else, the cops have finally arrested my sister, Lucille." The tall, green haired woman said. Francesca listened to Barbara talk, as they both stood waiting for the tour bus together. The former nodded as she spotted their bus. "There it is! Now, Barbara, come with me, and I will-a make you smile! This tour will-a cheer both of us up!" ... Now, Krusty the Clown once mentioned his sister. He'd felt kind of sorry for Mel, so he decided to let his sister spend the holidays with him. Little did Mel know, Krusty was sort of shifty, and he'd much rather Mel spend the holidays with his sister, than with some prissy journalist wife with a perpetual rod up her spine. (How nice did he really have to be in order to not get a negative rating from her?!) Krusty's sister, whose name was Judy, helped Mel move the new bean bag chairs to the sides of the couch. The new chairs were a gray-green colour and just big enough for one person to sit on each one. Mel's kids had chosen them. Some kids dreamed of starting a rock band, his kids dreamed of bean bag chairs. Judy got a text from her brother, Krusty. "Hey, Jude. I'm frying in here. What should I do?" She answered, typing, "Turn down the temperature of the hot tub." Krusty, who was currently on stage, looked taken aback. A few audience members laughed at his expression. Krusty noticed. He texted back to his sister, "Ha-ha. Will try that." He may as well use that joke, while he was at it. Judy glanced over at Mel, now relaxing on the couch. His kids slumped down on the bean bag chairs. She smiled at them, before looking back at her phone. "Krusty- it's not the same without you. Can you drop by later?" After about three seconds, he responded. "Sure. Since Mel's ball-and-chain's gone, sounds like a blast." ... Francesca had heard of Bob's being in the hospital. He'd slipped on the ice and injured his leg when buying a present for Bart, of all people. The two had made a truce ever since the summer, when Bob decided to go clean. Bob also had a new girlfriend. The ex-wife imagined Bob in that hospital room with that woman, and her heart couldn't help feel a pang of envy. She drummed her fingers on the metal windowsill of the bus. As much as she wanted to convince herself she was over Bob, she still missed him. She couldn't help imagine Bob and that woman sharing a New Year's kiss. As upsetting as it was to think about, the gentle sound of the finger drumming helped calm her thoughts. She looked over at Barbara, hoping for a distraction. The other woman was wearing a slim lavender jacket, light indigo pants, and black boots. Francesca wore a blue-green jacket, a grey skirt/pantyhose and fluffy white boots. "It's no use. Everything reminds me of him." Barbara admitted. On the bus, there were a few men carrying strangely shaped cactuses, which looked exactly like Mel's curly 'up-do' hairdo with a bone in it. "Come on, dearie, smile," Francesca coaxed. She put her arm around her waist. "There is so much to smile about!" At noticing Barbara's skeptical expression, she motioned out the window. But right at that moment they rode by a poor, shady neighbourhood. "Oh." Barbara saw, and turned away, crossing her arms around her waist. She looked glum as ever. Francesca had to keep trying. They got off at their first stop. It was a small area, with a small park. It had over a foot of snow on the ground. The trees were bare of any leaves, skeletons of their former selves. Francesca decided that maybe starting out here and then working their way towards the city would be good. A few kids were making snowballs. Hmm. Maybe a snowball fight would lighten things up, Francesca thought. Before she could hatch any more ideas, the kids pointed at Barbara. "Hey," A brown haired boy, around eight, said accusingly. "Aren't you the potty-face that left Sideshow Mel?" "Yeah!" The other kids said. Not waiting for an answer, the kids pelted the woman with snowballs. "Ahh! Ooh!" She cried, ducking for cover. Francesca saw, and ran over. They hid behind a tree. "Hey!" Francesca shouted at the kids. "A woman has-a every right to leave her husband if he sleeps with the other women!" The kids threw another arsenal of snowballs. It hit the tree the women were hiding behind, hard. That did it! Francesca made a snowball with her mittened hands and jumped out from behind the tree. "You just-a proved my point!" She yelled. She threw the snowball and it hit a tree next to one of the kids, even harder. The bark had a small dent in it. The kids dropped their snowballs and ran for it. Francesca was about to run after the kids, but Barbara held her back. Still looking fierce, the brunette yelled after them. "And don't-a come back!" ... Sideshow Bob was in the hospital. The pain in his leg from when he slipped on the ice was getting better. His girlfriend had visited him, and that had cheered him up, but now visiting hours were over and he was all alone. He didn't care if he had to walk in order to get out of here. He'd show them! He was strong as steel and three times as tough! There was nothing he wanted less than to spend the holidays in a hospital room!! Bob moved to the side at a 45 degree angle. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and began to walk. The pain enveloped him and he collapsed to the floor. Too fast. He'd gone too fast. The shooting pains in his leg prevented him from making another try. His face contorted in agony. He slowly pulled himself back up into bed. His chest rose up and down as he caught his breath. He would try again later. ... The women stopped by next to a department store. In the center-stage there was a performance going on. It was an all-female, slapstick version of Hamlet. They even had the original stick that made a comedic slapping sound when it hit someone, without inflicting any real damage to the actors. Francesca and Barbara stayed for a while, enjoying the performance. 'It's too bad Roberto wasn't here to see this,' Francesca mused. 'He would have loved this...' 'Mel loved Hamlet...' Barbara thought. 'Oh, if we were still together and I was in something like this... he'd swoon.' After it finished, the women clapped, along with the other spectators. The performing women were selling the slap-sticks in a booth next to the stage. Barbara and Francesca talked it over, and decided to buy a couple. You know, just in case. Meanwhile, Gil was having trouble making a sale on a broken snowblower. Barbara decided to help him out, and bought it from him. Maybe she could fix it in the garage, at home. Well, in any case, it was good to help out a man who needed the money. His grateful smile was thanks enough, she decided. Gino tugged at his mother's skirt, pointing to a stuffed toy he wanted. Francesca was surprised. "An elephant? Since when do you like elephants?" Gino replied, "Is not for me. Is for her." He pointed to Barbara. He must have noticed the woman's sadness too. So Francesca bought the toy for Gino to give to their friend. Barbara beamed. She wasn't expecting any gifts, let alone being supported by anyone. She thanked them gratefully, holding the stuffed elephant in her arms. Her grin, the Italian woman had to admit, was rather cute. Almost childlike. Their next stop, after exiting the department store, was the hospital. Barbara knew that the Terwilligers still missed Bob and wanted to wish him a Merry Christmas. So, they walked together to go meet with him. ... Bob got up again, his toes peeking out from under the blanket. The pedicurist had been so kind as to do his toenails. She'd added paint; it was a simple clear coat, but still nice. Made his toes look shiny. Sliding out of bed, he began to walk. With each step he realized it was easier than before. He couldn't wait to tell the nurses! His Lady would drop by again that day. The thought of her long black hair with silver shines through it made him sigh happily. He noticed someone at the door. It was a woman with long black hair. She entered through the doorframe. Eep! He suddenly made a step and pain shot throughout his leg. He collapsed, more startled than in pain. Okay. He didn't mean /that/ woman with long black hair. "F-Francesca. I wasn't expecting you." Using the bed as support, he pulled himself to his feet. He tried showing emotional distance and nonchalance. "Bob." She used his stage name. It must have taken him by surprise as his emotional nonchalance melted away. "Yes?" Should he use 'my dear,' or shouldn't he? They weren't married anymore, but it was only polite. Would she see it that way...? Perhaps his pain made him overthink it? "M-my dear...?" She rolled her eyes. "Don't look nervous, Roberto. I am merely checking up on you. Here, I brought you a gift. Merry Christmas." It was a triple-size green and red striped candy cane, with a red ribbon tied around it. "Thank you. I'd have bought you something from the gift shop, but, as you can see..." He winced from stepping on his hurt leg again. Francesca supported his weight and helped him into bed. "Roberto... you really should rest now. Don't try to walk on that until it heals more." Bob saw her stern eyes, and nodded. "And don't disobey, or I spank you with this." She showed him one of the slapsticks that she and Barbara bought. Gino, who'd been pretending to be asleep in her arms, chuckled. Bob noticed, and couldn't help smile as well. "Don't worry, Francesca. I promise." He took her words seriously and rested for now. Barbara walked into the room all of a sudden, to meet with Bob too. He looked taken aback. "B-B-Botz???" She put up her hands, trying to explain. "I was. Wait, you don't understand. I'm not Lucille. I'm the younger sister, Barbara!" "Oh." Bob got a close look at her, and saw that she indeed wasn't the famed Babysitter Bandit. "I came here with Francesca. I just wanted to wish you happy holidays, too." Bob nodded. "Happy Holidays to you, Barbara. Hope you don't think I'll of me for fearing your sister." He glanced over at the newspaper article on his desk, which had made her VERY scary. "She and I might actually have made a good team, once." "I've heard about you, Sideshow Bob," Barbara admitted. "And I believe you would have." "Indeed." Bob agreed. His hand reached out for a glass of water next to his book, which was a copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince." After sipping his water and putting it back, Bob sat up. He reached up to hug his son, who was no longer pretending to be asleep. A fatherly warmth spread out in his heart. He also hugged his ex-wife. Then he shook the hand of his tall, green-haired new acquaintance. "It's been a pleasure." He said, as he watched the clock indicate that visiting hours were now up. He waved to the group of three as he pondered on the fact that his friends made what could have been his worst Christmas ever into one of the best. ... Barbara spoke to Francesca outside the hospital room. "And now I get to meet with my husband." Barbara said, matter-of-factly. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" She nodded. "It's only polite to. And besides, it isn't like Krusty will be there. My kids will be there, though." Francesca took her hand, holding her son with the other. "If he stresses you out too much, my dear, come right back outside. I had planned a big family reunion dinner for us all, but it looks like Bob can't come thanks to that hurt leg of his. But you are free to come back to Italy with me and Gino, for the holidays." ... Barbara arrived at Mel's door. She hesitated about ringing the doorbell. A snowball was thrown at her from off-screen, she ducked, and it hit the door; narrowly missing her head. Wiping the snowball off the door, she took a peek inside the house through the big window. She spotted Mel smiling happily with cocoa in his hands, and the children screaming carols at the top of their lungs. There was a woman as short as Mel, green-haired as Krusty, with yellow skin and a somewhat homely look to her. She sat down next to Mel, smiling and holding a cup of cocoa of her own. Barbara turned back to the door. She didn't care who the woman was. She needed to do this. The knock was loud. Luckily, Mel was the one who opened the door. Surprise and confusion mounted in his voice. "Barbara...?" Not wasting a single second, she threw her arms around him. Her cold melted into his warmth and vice versa. The snow blew in from outside. Mel noticed, and closed the door behind her. "What are you doing here?!" Mel asked. Barbara released him. "I came back to wish you happy holidays." Mel felt mixed confusing feelings arise in him. Judy noticed and retreated back to the kitchen. She thought, 'How dare that woman show her face around here again?! After the way she'd broken his heart!' But she saw the look in Mel's face, and a similar look in his wife's face. Was she just seducing him, or did she feel the same way? Judy looked inside her own heart. Did she start to fall in love with Mel, or did she just want happiness for him? It had been a long shot, even thinking they had a chance together, but she'd always hoped... She sat down, cross-legged, watching the inevitable unfold in front of her. Barbara took something out of her purse, and handed it to Mel. "If you would allow it, I brought you a present. I hope you enjoy it." Mel unwrapped the gift in red paper on the spot. It was a blue dreamcatcher. She half-grinned. "I hope you have only good dreams from now on." "Thank you." he muttered. She looked over at her kids. They came running up to hug her. A stream of tears involuntarily began to flow down her cheeks. ... The green-haired clown, Krusty, arrived outside the door of the Van Horne residence. He grinned widely at the prospect of seeing his sister - and also Mel - this Christmas. Well, he'd already spent the first part of the holidays with his daughter Sophie, so spending the other part with Mel and Judy meant more fun and gifts!! He knocked loudly on the door and immediately burst in. "Hey, hey, everyone! Guess who's got more presents for ya!" The kids ran immediately to him for some presents. He handed them out, grinning. But he stopped grinning when he saw a familiar sea-green-haired, liposuction-butt, can't-take-a-joke journalist standing in the room. She glared at him. Oops. Uh-oh! Krusty thought. "Sorry, Judy, looks like the plan didn't work!" He high-tailed it to the kitchen, where his sister stood. "What plan?" she asked. "The plan to split up Mel and his broad, so he'd be all mine for the show!"   Judy looked back at Mel and Barbara. Everyone looked uncomfortable. Barbara saw Krusty think to himself about how to go about plan B of getting rid of her. Suddenly, flashbacks of how much she'd been threatened, intimidated, and harassed all throughout Mel's sidekick career, came back to her. This clown was vicious, and he wouldn't stop until he had his man. Barbara hugged her husband tight and whispered, "No matter what anyone else says, I'll always love you, Mel." She released him and looked so broken up inside that Mel wanted to pull her close again and tell her things would be alright. She was fast for him. She turned around and turned the doorknob of the door, and stepped outside into the cold again. Seeing Francesca waiting for her in the car, she nodded. She got into the car and they drove to the airport. ... Mel ran outside. "Barbara, wait!" He called out, squinting through the windy snow that blew at him in the night. Her car had driven off. Judy hopped inside her car and called out to Mel. "We can still catch them!" Mel nodded and hopped into the passenger seat. They drove to the airport, fast yet cautiously because of the wind and snow hurtling at them. When they arrived they heard the radio announcer say that all flights for Salcissia are about to take off. They ran as fast as they could to try and tell the radio announcer to cancel that flight! "I'm sorry, guys, but I can't stop an entire flight every time one person's lover is about to get away." "Please?" Mel said, smiling. It was the familiar cute smile he made right before he's about to hear crushing news. "No." The man said. "But you can still catch them if you're fast enough." ... Mel and Judy rushed to catch the plane, but it already started on the runway and took off before their very eyes. Mel looked absolutely crushed. She was gone, again. He reached out to something now way out of his grasp. His voice cracked like broken glass. "Oh, Barbara..." Seeing the man put his face in his hands and start sobbing, Judy ran over. She put her arm around him, and comforted him as they walked slowly back to the car. It had the small effect of making Mel's sobs softer as they drove home. The darkness coupled with snow and wind was even more eerie than before. ... Back at the house, Krusty opened the door to one sad woman and one heartbroken man. "Hey hey, don't look at it like losing someone, look at it like getting better at your job..." The clown grinned, a bit pathetically. Judy frowned. "YOU were the one responsible for this!!" The clown glanced away, tugging at his collar. Judy continued. "How could you, Krusty? I hope you're going to make it up to him." "Oh, believe me," the clown said. "Tomorrow we'll visit the hospital to see Sideshow Bob, and I'll get you some ice cream on the way back." Mel shrugged. "It's better than nothing." ... In the hospital, Bob was walking on his leg again. The nurse congratulated him for healing so quickly. Soon he'd be fully recovered! "Hey, hey!" Bob almost tripped himself up. He growled at seeing Krusty again. That clown had betrayed him at their most recent reunion special and he still loathed him for that. Oh, he was reformed alright, but he still loathed and couldn't trust that clown. "Hello, Krusty..." The clown had brought Mel and Judy along for the trip. Bob slipped back into bed and relaxed. "And hello there, Mel, how's life treating you?" "Not well," the man admitted. "His wife left him, came back, then left him again, thanks to me," the clown explained. "Ah." Bob said. "I sympathize, Melvin. He's done the same thing to my early romances." "Really?" The redhead nodded. "Sideshows can't work and love at the same time, in his eyes." "I see." "Anyways," Bob continued. "I've been healing quickly, so I might get out of here sooner than they predicted. I intend to spend the rest of the holiday with my girlfriend, and then call my ex-wife and son to check on how their holiday went." "Wait." Judy said. "You have their phone number?" Bob nodded. Mel perked up. "Can you write it down for me? Barbara's spending the holidays with her!" "Oh, certainly, here." Bob wrote it down and handed Mel the paper. "How can I ever thank you?" Mel said, smiling. He tucked the piece of paper into his pocket. "For one, you can help me walk. I intend to spend as little time in this hospital room as humanly possible." Mel helped him stand, and helped him take his first few steps. Bob could take it from there, and finally was able to walk without falling. "Thank you Melvin, that was a big help to me! I mean it!" Bob grinned. "As was what you did for me!" Mel grinned. Bob began to wobble a bit, but Mel caught him. He put his arm around him for support. Krusty crossed his arms, pouting. Judy smiled. Mel looked up at Bob. "Robert, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."        
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