viscerax · 1 year
Hello marble hornets tumblr.... I am... working on a 5+1 work rn on ao3 for pride month which involves trans Alex (and trans Jay) and its polyhornets!!! The first two chapters r already uploaded but there will be more and ill post the link here when its finished :3
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otomiyaa · 1 month
Jinshi's Surprise
Jinshi x Maomao ft. Gaoshun
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A/N: Happy birthday @ppystkposts, I think you're wonderful and wanted to write you something, so hopefully you'll enjoy this chaotic little thing^^ Have a lovely day!!
Summary: Jinshi has a surprise for Maomao, but things don't go as planned. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.9K
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Part 1. Jinshi POV.
Not here. Not here either. Jinshi was losing his mind. Where was she? This girl was avoiding him. That apothecary! The nerve!
"Master Jinshi. Please calm down."
"I am calm," Jinshi replied, but he indeed was not. "I just thought, you know. Maybe she got lost, or poisoned. Or abducted. One of those," Jinshi tried to reason calmly as he and Gaoshun headed back to his room.
It had been a while since he sent Gaoshun to summon Maomao for a special surprise.
"What exactly did you tell her?"
"What you told me to tell her. You have a surprise for her. She said she would be here soon."
Soon. Jinshi had always vaguely felt that Maomao respected Gaoshun even more than she respected him. A feeling he hated. But to think she would lie to Gaoshun's face too... Did she dislike Jinshi so much? To not even want this surprise from him?
His surprise stood ungifted on the table in his room. A foreign poisonous plant, she must like that.
He wanted to see the cute smirk on her face when he gave it to her. He wanted to hear her ramble about how extraordinary the gift was. He wanted her to ask him how he got it, and then listen to his casual explanation even though he put in quite some effort. He wanted her to show that rare genuine smile to him, with her eyes filled with love and joy...
Oof. He wanted so much. But she wasn't even coming when asked, and now Jinshi felt sad.
"If she doesn't want her surprise, maybe I should eat the plant and make her heal m-Hwah!" Jinshi yelped when Gaoshun poked his side.
"What! You wouldn't!" They just reached his room and Jinshi stumbled right in.
"We talked about it last time, Master Jinshi. Everytime you act like a child, I will treat you like one."
"I wahahasn't acting like a- hehehey no! Dohohon't!" Jinshi hurried towards his couch, with Gaoshun right after him, both his hands attacking his sides with the one thing that made Jinshi lose all control: tickling.
"That tihihickles! Nohoho!" Jinshi cackled, dancing and squirming around like a worm to avoid Gaoshun's determined fingers.
"I am aware it does. Maybe next time refrain from joking around about taking in poison," was Gaoshun's strict answer while he continued to tickle.
He was serious. Gaoshun would never go as far as tickling Jinshi as a joke. He seriously seemed eager to punish Jinshi for his behavior, so Jinshi laughed hysterically and tried to wriggle his way out with an apology.
"Ahahalright! I ahaham s-sorry! I won't- ahahah stohohop that! I wahahasn't- ehehe!"
Jinshi had collapsed on the couch and was squirming around. When he desperately clung to the backrest and tried to climb away from Gaoshun's prying fingers, he froze when he found a surprising presence kneeling right behind the couch. What.
"Hello, Master Jinshi."
The apothecary! Jinshi let out an unmanly shriek, and Gaoshun immediately stopped tickling him, gasping in shock as well.
"W-wha- Xiaomao?"
Maomao got up instantly and wiped the non-existent dust off her clothes - just to be clear, Jinshi's room was perfectly clean.
"W-w-what are you doing here?!" Jinshi huffed. Maomao looked at him, then at Gaoshun and she bowed politely.
"I was told you called for me."
Jinshi's eye twitched. Well yes, that was true but... Why was she hiding behind the couch?! What was she even thinking and... Jinshi felt as if the floor was collapsing beneath his feet.
She heard him... She heard Gaoshun tickle him. She heard him laugh like a, like a, like a what?
Jinshi breathed heavily at the realization that this was probably never going to leave that girl's memory ever. She was going to remember him as the helpless, uncool, ticklish Master Jinshi... Forever...
"Gaoshun. Hold her."
Maomao didn't seem at all alarmed when Gaoshun grabbed both her arms. She merely looked up at him with curiosity and slight confusion. But then Jingshi wiggled his fingers and she gulped.
Yes. There was only one way to avenge his dignity, or what was left of it.
"For sneaking around and seeing things she mustn't see. One is to be punished..." Jinshi said slowly.
He had to tickle her and make her remember that more than anything. He glared at Gaoshun. Yes. Gaoshun was going to allow it. He played a big part in his humiliation after all. Gaoshun gave a stiff nod, and Maomao let out a soft cry.
"No Master Jinshi- I can explain - I, eeek! What do you think you're- noooo! Nonono don't do that, aaaaaahh!"
Jinshi smirked while he reached out for Maomao's struggling body. Looked like they were in for quite the fun ride.
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Part 2. Maomao POV.
Such a turn of events. Maomao stared in horror as Jinshi's tall figure loomed over her while her arms remained stuck in Gaoshun's hold. Jinshi's wiggling fingers inched closer and closer, and Gaoshun's grip wasn't loosening.
Oh dear. Oh no. This was it. Instead of poison, she was going to die from hysteria and embarrassment. From tickling.
This was not what she signed up for! It wasn't her fault that she ended up, well yes, overhearing something private... Such as Jinshi giggling and laughing like a child as he was getting tickled.
Despite her predicament, Maomao almost felt a smug smirk coming up. Jinshi, giggly and ticklish. Who would have thought?
Earlier today when Gaoshun came to look for her to invite her into Jinshi's room for a surprise, this wasn't what Maomao had expected to find. Or well, it clearly wasn't the intended 'surprise'.
Maomao ended up getting caught up in studying some poisons so much that she ended up losing track of time. Then hours later, the moment she rushed towards Jinshi's room and didn't get a reply after knocking, she opened the door slightly to see if he was simply being pissy about her not showing up sooner and if he was ignoring her, or if he really wasn't here.
He really wasn't there.
In other cases she would've waited for him to arrive, really. But right after opening the door, she noticed a remarkable plant on Jinshi's table. There was also a subtle interesting scent lingering in the air. Her curiosity got the better of her and she slipped right in, without Jinshi being here...
The plant seemed foreign, poisonous and very rare. Perhaps it had caused a mysterious case of poisoning at the palace and the surprise was a new mystery for Maomao to solve. Hmhm.
Maomao couldn't fight her desires to smell it, feel it, taste it...
But then as soon as she had picked a leaf and put it in her mouth, she heard Jinshi and Gaoshun's voices and footsteps. They were coming back, ah! In panic, Maomao instinctively hid herself behind the sofa and nibbled on the poisonous leaf there.
She barely had time to regret her decision of hiding herself rather than reveal herself to Jinshi. Already very soon, Jinshi's surprising laughter sounded through the entire room, startling her.
"That tihihickles! Nohoho!"
Jinshi was ticklish... Maomao quickly spit some remains of the poisonous leaf out and listened carefully. Jinshi's laughter was quite something else. It sounded so sweet and bubbly.
Maomao had wished to listen to it some more, but then... she got caught. Her eyes made contact with Jinshi's, and she noted the subtle blush on his cheeks and the sparkle in his eyes from laughing so much.
"Hello, Master Jinshi," was all Maomao could say. She came out of her hiding spot and tried to explain herself to a very flustered Jinshi, when the order came:
"Gaoshun. Hold her."
But why? Maomao wasn't sure at first what to expect when Gaoshun really grabbed her. Was he going to stop her from tasting more poison? It wasn't the first time they would gang up on her like this to prevent her from munching on something poisonous. But then Jinshi started to wiggle those fingers towards her, and she knew she was done for.
He was going to tickle her.
"No Master Jinshi- I can explain - I, eeek! What do you think you're- noooo! Nonono please don't do that, ahahanything but- aaaaaahh!" She struggled and kicked with her legs, but nothing could be done. The moment Jinshi touched her sides, a tickly tingle shot right through her body, and laughter started to bubble up.
"Ehehehe no plehehease! It ihihisn't fahahair! Lehehet me goooo- naahaha!"
Cursed with a ticklish body, Maomao had suffered frequent attacks from her sisters, and was even a regular target at the Jade Pavilion. That was just the story of her life.
Jinshi was the last person she wanted to find out about it. To think Maomao didn't consider that when she thought she could get away with laughing about him being ticklish.
"Hehehe, how are you liking this, hm?" Jinshi chuckled while his fingers shamelessly tickled Maomao's exposed sides and ribs. What was he all smug for! As if he was getting her back for tickling him just now! It was Gaoshun!
Speaking of Gaoshun... What had gotten into him? Why would he assist with something like this! Maomao tried to pull her arms free, but even though Gaoshun seemed to put in minimal efforts, his grip felt tight and he wouldn't even budge when she continued to struggle.
"Good. Keep holding her like that, Gaoshun," Jinshi complimented. Maomao wasn't sure what was happening, but all she knew was that it tickled so, so, so bad!
"The punishment is working," Jinshi said proudly. Working how?!
Maomao wanted to growl, but she could only cackle hysterically. "Mahahaster Jinshi, nohoho! Fohohorgive mehehe!" She wasn't even sure what was there to forgive, yes maybe sneaking in and overhearing him getting tickled. But she felt that the punishment was a bit out of proportion. She was helplessly exposed to the relentless tickle attack, there was nothing she did that deserved such treatment.
Except, eh, maybe eat the very rare and precious poisonous plant on his table. But they wouldn't know she did that, right? She licked her lips. She could still taste it on her lips, and her throat was burning and tingling pleasantly. If the effect had been worse, she may have been spewing all over Jinshi by now. Luckily that wasn't the case.
"Enjoying yourself there, apothecary? I assure you, we are not done yet." Jinshi's fingers started to climb up further, and Maomao's eyes widened.
"Waha-wait ehehehe what are you...! Eyaaaahahaa!" Oh no. Not. Her. Armpits! Maomao threw her back and howled. She was done for!
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Part 3. Gaoshun POV.
Maomao's bright and unrestrained laughter was a rare and unique sound. Gaoshun had never heard her make such a voice before. She giggled, squealed and begged, and there were moments when he felt bad for her.
Jinshi was having way too much fun with this. But there were three reasons not to interfere, for now, as long as he sensed that Maomao wasn't going to die laughing.
Reason one: Gaoshun knew it was kind of his fault that Jinshi's childish, defenseless and ticklish side got exposed to the one girl he would probably never want to show this side to.
It just happened to be something between them. Gaoshun tickled Jinshi more than once in a while to teach him a small lesson anytime he acted like a child. It mostly involved Maomao whenever Jinshi deserved to be tickled. But he would never humiliate Master Jinshi in front of her. Not without his permission at least.
Reason two: Maomao wasn't supposed to be hiding in here. What was she even thinking? Sure, he knew she was a free spirit. Smart and cunning even. But he never imagined she would sneak into Jinshi's room and hide there. What if she did this again and overheard other things, such as the truth about Jinshi's identity?
With different circumstances, this could've been really dangerous. He agreed with Jinshi, Maomao deserved to be punished for this. And while tickling her wasn't necessarily what would've come to his mind first, Gaoshun couldn't help but let Jinshi get away with this for now, with some minor support from Gaoshun himself.
Reason three: They were having fun. It was truly a rare and remarkable sight, but despite laughing her head off, and despite feeling embarrassed and worked up, both Maomao and Jinshi appeared to be having fun. Even when Maomao's laughter was forced by the tickling, Gaoshun had never sensed so much joy between them.
He smiled fondly. Perhaps, if Maomao wouldn't curse Jinshi for the rest of her life after getting tickled like this, there was a chance it might even cause them to grow closer. Knowing each other's weaknesses wasn't a bad thing. Especially if that weakness was being ticklish, which would cause the other to crumble and giggle adorably.
"Mahahaster Jinshi- not thehehere ahahah!" Maomao squealed when Jinshi tickled her under her arms. Gaoshun snapped out of his thoughts and looked back down at Maomao's struggling figure in his arms. The poor girl seemed to be even more ticklish than Jinshi and was making quite the scene.
"Yes, apothecary. Since you ask so kindly, this is exactly where I will tickle you," Jinshi said in a formal tone. There was a happy grin on his face and he appeared to be completely cured from his embarrassment. Gaoshun could understand that. Maomao's laughter was that contagious.
"Is everything alright over here? Oh dear." Gaoshun looked up to see Suiren peeking into the room.
Gaoshun nodded. "Everything is fine." Suiren smiled fondly at the unique sight, shook her head and left again. Meanwhile Jinshi was taunting Maomao with some fake tickles.
"Hayah! Hayeh!" Jinshi made weird sounds as he feigned some pokes, making Maomao twitch and squeak.
"S-stohohop thahat!"
"I'm not even tickling you. But, now I am."
"AAHahah not agaaaaain Mahahaster Jinshi wahahait!"
Jinshi had a lot of fun switching between her armpits and ribs, and when he wiggled his fingers towards her hips, Gaoshun was about to interfere since at this stage Jinshi was getting a little too handsy with her. But then... Jinshi froze all of a sudden, and Maomao gasped for air.
"Is that...?" Jinshi pulled something off Maomao's robes and he studied it. It was green and looked like...
Gaoshun's eyes widened. "Xiaomao tasted the plant," he said immediately, knowing her very well. Maomao yelped in surprise.
"I-it was only one leaf, I swear!"
Jinshi huffed and wailed dramatically: "GET HER SOME WATER! ANTIDOTE! MAKE HER THROW UP!"
"There is no antidote," Maomao said dryly, but still Gaoshun and Jinshi dragged her away to clear her throat. At last that did conclude the tickling party.
"What is this plant doing here anyway?" Maomao asked after she had some water. Despite tasting poison, she seemed as unfazed as ever. Meanwhile Jinshi still appeared in shock.
"I w-was going to give it to you. To study. Not to eat."
Gaoshun remembered he had warned Jinshi before that Maomao might eat it, and he covered his mouth and chuckled. Stubborn as ever, Master Jinshi was.
"You would give that to me? Is there something wrong?"
"No, nothing is wrong. It is a gift."
Jinshi was sitting on the couch and Maomao was standing behind the table as if no tickly business had happened just now. Gaoshun observed their formal conversation.
"A gift... for me?" Maomao asked, squinting her eyes. It was as if she didn't believe it.
"Yes, for you. As long as you promise not to eat it."
...... Maomao continued to glare, and for a moment Gaoshun really pitied Jinshi. But then Maomao's eyes sparkled and she smiled brightly. She jumped towards the plant and hugged it.
"Thank you! Master Jinshi, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Jinshi blushed and seemed happy with her response. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and smiled.
"A-and consider eh, that punishment just now..." Jinshi said, and he eyed Maomao carefully. "As my way to request your silence. W-what you heard earlier, is to be kept a secret. If not, I will punish you again, and I will show no mercy."
Maomao blinked and nodded. "Understood." For someone threatened with tickle torture, she appeared completely aloof.
"To add to that, I also request that you not sneak into Master Jinshi's room again," Gaoshun said. "If we catch you again, I too will show no mercy."
Maomao gulped. Gaoshun was surprised to see her take him more seriously than Jinshi, but all was fine as long as the message was clear.
"U-u-understood!" she squeaked. She bowed with the plant still in her arms and slowly stepped back.
"Thank you again! I will work hard to repay you!" With that, Maomao fled the room in a hurry. She was flustered after all. Gaoshun glanced at Jinshi who stared in front of him for a while as if he was zoning out. He then suddenly fell back and let out an uncharming wail.
"Aaaaaaah!" Although his expression and sounds were weird, Gaoshun was certain that Jinshi was feeling happy, and this made him smile.
"Good for you, Master Jinshi," he spoke softly, and for the next few minutes he continued to listen to Jinshi's little breakdown of happiness.
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mythica0 · 1 month
Doctor tickle monster
🎂: Fop: A new wish (cause I’m hyperfixating WOO)
🧁: Dev
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev is being sad. Sadder than usual. Peri helps.
A/N: my hyperfixations changing faster than life’s trajectory (I haven’t even finished the loud house yet here we are🫡) I needed some Lee Dev in my life so *yeets this fic in your general direction* (P.S we’ll say this takes place after the finale in an alternate timeline but I don’t think there’s any spoilers in here)
Doctor tickle monster
Dev was sad. That much Peri knew. I mean, not really ground-breaking; the kid was sad all the time. [even though he usually hides it behind anger, annoyance or apathy. Pushing people who try to help away because he never learned proper emotional regulation skills or how to communicate with people]
But it was a little.. more than usual. He had been pouting all day, hiding his sad eyes behind his sunglasses. When Peri Asked him what was wrong, at first the kid pushed him away- as he tends to do- but after a while he caved.
“It’s nothing, Peri- it’s stupid.”
“Your feelings aren’t stupid, kid. No matter what your dumb, pea-brained father says.”
That got a small huff of amused breath from the kid. “I know that, it’s just- there isn’t really a reason for me to be sad. Which is just making me more upset because I don’t know why I’m upset.”
The two fell into a small silence. Dev looked down at his shoes, embarrassed by the fact that his eyes were forming tears. Peri was thinking.. ‘how in the world do I cheer him up if there isn’t a problem for me to fix..?’ He thought for a moment, and then seemed to get an idea.
He made a ringing sound, and put a hand up to his ear in a phone gesture. “Brriiing, Brriing,” Dev looked up at his godfather, confused.
“Hello? Doctor? We have a level 5 situation here.”
‘What in the world is he doing?’
“What’s that? You’ll be here right away? Excellent! See you very soon.” He let his hand fall away from his ear, and then he turned around suddenly wearing a stethoscope, and spoke in a slightly different voice.
“Hello, I was called about a level 5 case of the blues?”
Dev raised his eyebrows and looked at him. “What?”
“Ah, you must be the patient! Your godfather gave me a call- said you had a case of the blues for no identifiable reason! So I’m here to help!
His curiosity officially peaked, Dev spoke, almost sarcastically. “And how are you gonna do that?”
“Simple! But first, I have to tell you something..” the ‘doctor’ gestured for Dev to come closer, and he did. Then the ‘doctor’ whispered to him,
“I’m no ordinary doctor- I’m Dr.monster-…” he paused for a moment, before scooping the kid in his arms and starting to vibrate his hand in his stomach “- Tickle monster!”
Dev burst into giggles at the touch, squirming slightly in the hold. “Peheheheheri! Whyhyhy thihihihis!!”
“I’m not Peri, I’m Doctor tickle monster- and because this is the number one treatment for cases of the blues! They do say laughter is the best medicine, after all!”
Although he wouldn’t admit it, even to himself, dev laughed slightly harder at the silly act his fairy godfather was putting on.
“Cohohohome ohohon! Quhuhit ihihit!!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that- not until you are officially cured! And there’s still a ways to go until then!”
Dev kicked and pushed at Peri’s arms, but it was half-hearted at best. [Dev knew that he could wish for Peri to stop if he really wanted him too. Not that he would say he was enjoying himself]
“And there’s that precious smile! And you do have quite an adorable laugh if I do say so myself!”
Dev’s face went red at the comment, and he frantically tried to deny it. “I ahaham nohohohot cuhuhuhute!!
“Well, your giggles say otherwise~” Peri was having fun teasing and tickling his kid to pieces. It was nice to see him smiling and laughing and full of joy. Lord knows he needs it.
He could tell that the kid was having fun. If he wasn’t, Peri would’ve stopped. His goal was to cheer him up, not make him resentful or more upset.
Meanwhile, Dev was in such ticklish bliss agony, Giddy giggles and laughter poured out of him non-stop.
“Pehehehrihihi! Ihihihit tihihihickles!!”
“Well, duuuuhhh, that’s the point of me tickling you, kid.” At the words, Peri decided to up the ante a bit, moving his hands to his sides and squeezing gently, then moving his head to give the kid a massive raspberry right on the tummy.
Dev squealed, much louder laughter erupting from him without his permission. It tickled so BAD!
“Aww really~? Good! OM NOm” Peri nibbled the kids tummy and made silly noises as he continued to tickle him silly.
Dev laughed and laughed. “Heheheheheee peheheriii StahahahaPpp!”
Peri relented for a moment, not entirely stopping, but moving to much gentler tickles, just lightly scribbling on the kids ribs.
“You cured? Are the blues allllll gone?”
“Yehehehes! Ahahall gohohone!”
“Are you suuuuureee~”
“Yehehehes! Yehehes ihihim suhuhure plehehase stohohop!” The kid giggled out, causing Peri to stop and set him back on the floor, the stethoscope gone.
Dev continued to giggle for a moment, leftover tingles still plaguing his torso.
But, he couldn’t deny the facts. He felt significantly better. He was smiling, and he found that even if he tried he couldn’t stop.
Peri flew next to him. “Feeling better?”
Dev blushed slightly, but still sighed out a “… yeah.”
“I’m glad. I’ll just have to give the good doctor a call every time you’re sad! ”
“Noooooooo” Dev whined, but he was still grinning ear to ear.
“Yes~,” Peri mocked, “new rule- no sadness allowed!! If I see a sad Dev- he gets alll the tickles until he feels better! I have a feeling we’re gonna see a lot more of that smile~~”
“Ugghhhhh” Dev whined again, clearly embarrassed.
Dev was smiling for a long time.
———THE END————————————————
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 7 months
I'm seriously pissed off there's no fluffy AdamsApple tickle fics. It's like one of my favorite ships! So... Eat up, fuckas
Like the Garden
Switch!Adam, Switch!Lucifer
Adam had been brought back as a sinner, to... no ones surprise really. He knew it was bound to happen himself. What surprised everyone was that he went to the hotel and fucking APOLOGIZED!
It was the start of a great friendship :]
Soon, Lucifer and Adam ended up figuring out that their old feelings, new for Luci, were coming back/starting. Adam always had a slight crush on the fallen angel, even back in Eden, but at that time he had a wife... That Luci stole. (Tbh, he was more upset about losing Luci)
Some shit happened and accidental confessions were made. Bringing us to now!
Adam and Lucifer were relaxing in Lucifer's room at the hotel. Adam strumming his guitar mindlessly and Lucifer making a rubber duck. (BECAUSE ITS LUCI)
"Duckling? I'm fucking bored." The first man whines as he sets his guitar down.
"And what am I supposed to do about that?" The king of hell asks with a slight smile and an eyebrow raise.
"I don't know..." Adam mutters, slouching on the couch. He then looked over at his... boyfriend? He wasn't sure, yes, they confessed feelings but they never really put a title on what they had...
"Take a picture, lamb, it'll last longer~" Lucifer says, when he catches the sinner staring.
"Fuck off..." He replies, blushing a bit. He then got an idea. He smirked and stood up, sitting in the chair next to the fallen angels, he then wrapped his arms around him and pulled Luci close.
"Ah!..." The king of hell yelped in surprise, then looked up at the lamb sinner, "Since when are you a cuddler..?"
"Since now." The sinner responds with a smirk. The fallen angel shrugged it off, until he felt his... partners..? Fingers graze over his sides.
"A-Adam..." Luci stutters, holding back the giggles that threatened to spill.
"Huh? Whatcha so squirmy for, Luci?" Adam asks with a smirk, but he knew very well why. He then dug his fingers into the kings tummy and his grin widened when he heard the squeal it caused. "No fucking shot! Are you ticklish?~"
"Yohohou knohow that!" The fallen angel responds, trying to curl up, while simultaneously kicking his legs. It didn't work very well.
"Aww, y'know, this is pretty fucking cute" The sinner says, his smirk turning into a soft smile. He kept tickling for a good while, just relishing in the bright and bubbly giggles that came from his partner.
"Ahahadam! Plehehease! Noho more-" Luci begged through his giggles, pushing at the sinners hands.
"Oh fine, you pussy~" The first man says with a playful eye roll and stops his "torture". "Hmm, who knew you had such a cute laugh~"
"S-Shush." The fallen angel mutters, a blush forming on his already red cheeks. It wasn't often that the sinner got to make the king blush, but when he did... He definitely relished the victory.
The king of hell calmed down and playfully glared at his boyfriend, that was all the first man needed to know to fucking RUN. While the king was very ticklish, he was a fucking tickle monster! Having a daughter does that to a guy...
"Looks like I've got a lamb to slaughter~ Its all in good sacrifice, hon!" The king says as he manages to jump onto the sinners back and knock him over.
"FUCK- Wahahait!! I'm sohohorry!" Adam says, but Luci was already attacking his ribs and sides. He was gonna be here a while.
"Hmm, I dont think you are, apple. But you will be~" Luci sing songed, flipping over the sinner and tickling his tummy. He smirked at the squeal it caused and his grin widened at the sight of the Lambs wagging tail.
"You're enjoying this aren't you, Addy?"
"Ahaham NOHOHOT!"
"I think you are~ How cute! Awe, and look at that pretty blushy face~"
Sometimes it really felt like Eden all over again, and while they miss it... These two wouldn't change a thing.
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Sisterly Love
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Request: hi! could you do a fic with nat and yelena? i’ve been missing these sisters sooo much lately. maybe yelena is having a bad day so natasha gives her cheer up tickles (which yelena secretly loves) or something like that? with some gentle back tickles? if not, no worries! love your fics so much, you’re an amazingly talented writer!
Note: Thank you so much for the kind words and for this request! I appreciate you being patient with me getting this fic out. Nat and Yelena are so cute, and I love writing for their close sister bond. Enjoy!
Word Count: 857
Yelena was having a rough day. It seemed like luck wasn’t on her side at all. First, Fanny pooped inside the house this morning, then Yelena found a bug in her cereal, and then she had stubbed her toe while walking to dump out her bowl.
The blonde was now on the couch, pouting and not doing anything to avoid any more bad luck scenarios. However, Natasha had noticed and was concerned since her sister was usually goofy and planning mischievous pranks. 
“What’s wrong Yelena?” Natasha asked softly, taking a seat next to her.
“It’s nothing Natasha,” Yelena said flatly, as Natasha knew something was wrong since her sister usually referred to her as ‘Poser.’
“Yelena, I know you better than anyone and I know something is up. You can trust me with whatever it is,” Natasha said, softly placing a hand on her sister’s shoulder.
Yelena knew it was true, but the only thing holding her back was embarrassment. It seemed silly to dwell over the small things that had happened today. Most of them were inconveniences but not anything that had hurt her or others. 
Yelena just shook her head and scooted away from her sister, much to Natasha’s dismay. However, being the excellent spy she was, Natasha could feel and sense the mischief coming off of her sister. She wasn’t in her grumpy mood anymore. She was in her ‘tough act’ mood.
“Guess I have to cheer you up somehow right?” Natasha said, following her sister.
The slight hitch in breath from Yelena was all Natasha needed to know that her sister was trapped and knew she was in for some form of tickling. 
“Natasha don’t!” Yelena gasped, as Natasha poked her ribs.
“Oh so she speaks!” Natasha teased, gently spidering her fingers up and down her sister’s sides.
“Nahahahat stahahahap,” Yelena giggled, squirming on the couch, but not pushing her sister’s hands away.
“You like this don’t you?” Natasha asked, as Yelena struggled to hold in her giggles.
“I wanna hear that happy laughter from my baby sister again,” Natasha cooed, as she gently dug into Yelena’s ribs. Despite it being gentle tickling, this made Yelena belly laugh.
“AHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHATASHA PLEHEHEHEASE,” the blonde cried, half-heartedly swatting at Natasha’s hands.
“Please what?” Natasha asked.
Yelena continued laughing without saying anything, which Natasha knew that meant that her sister was enjoying this and didn’t want her to stop. She knew the minute she wanted her to stop she would be very adamant about it. 
“Are you all cheered up?” Natasha asked, skittering her nails over Yelena’s feet. 
“YEHEHES IHIHI AHAHAM,” Yelena cackled while trying to kick her sister.
After letting her sister recover, Natasha finally asked what was bothering Yelena.
“It’s dumb…I just had so many minor inconveniences that it put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day,” Yelena explained.
“Is that why you were moping on the couch?” Natasha asked.
“I wasn’t moping. I just didn’t want to have any more negative things happen to me today,” Yelena insisted.
“I understand why you felt that way, and I’m sorry all those things happened to you. But luckily those seem like isolated incidents, so they probably won’t happen too often,” Natasha reassured her.
“I guess so,” Yelena agreed.
“Come here and snuggle with me. It’ll make your day better,” Natasha said, patting a spot next to her. Yelena quickly crawled over and snuggled into her sister.
“You know what else was an isolated incident today?” Yelena asked after a bit. 
“You being right,” Yelena said, as Natasha used one arm to trap Yelena and the other to scratch and tickle Yelena’s back.
“POHOHOSER NOHOHO,” Yelena squealed, jerking and squirming on the couch.
“What? I’m just giving you back scratches,” Natasha said innocently. Most people would see it as back scratches, but with Yelena, she was so ticklish that any trace or scratch would elicit giggles and laughter from her. 
“Don’t move,” Natasha teased, as she continued to scratch her nails up and down Yelena’s spine, causing the younger sister to shriek with laughter.
“Well you moved so I guess I have to punish you even more,” Natasha said, as she now focused on doing quick wiggles over the back of Yelena’s ribs. The blonde absolutely lost it, falling into hysterical laughter that could be heard from outside.
“Geez, your back is that bad?” Natasha asked teasingly, occasionally tickling her sides.
“Say I’m right all the time and it’ll be over,” Natasha stated, as she continued to drag her nails all around her back.
“FIHIHINE yohohou’re alwahahahays rihiHIHIGHT,” Yelena barely managed to squeal out.
“Now was that so hard?” The redhead asked, knowing that Yelena loved to say certain things just so she would get tickles.
Yelena pouted and returned to her position to cuddle Natasha.
“Feeling better?” Natasha asked.
“Yes,” Yelena said, stopping herself from calling her sister a poser for once.
The two sisters cuddled on the couch and napped. Eventually they were woken up by the sound of Yelena’s stomach growling, which they both knew what that meant. It was time for macaroni and cheese. With hot sauce.
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tobysbliss · 1 year
summary: nothing, just c!sbi
we pretend the lore didnt happen here
c switch!tommy(he/xey/they), switch!revivedbur(he/they), c switch!technoblade(he/him/they) c switch!philza(he/him)
strictly platonic THEY ARE FAMILY. SHIPPERS & N$FW DNI
word count: 4,034
this is my first time writing a fic including techno since june 14 2022
this is ALSO my LONGEST fic ive ever written! After 5 months it is FINALLY HERE🥲
THIS IS THE C! CHARACTERS!! except it isnt really lore based
c!sbi my beloved
Phil could, for the first time in what felt like forever, say he felt at peace.
All three of his children —technically, only one was actually his son, but he treats them all as such— were in the other room, and Phil could vaguely hear what was going on as the door was cracked open. He could hear them messing around and laughing like they were kids again. Phil had been so stressed lately, but his family being together again had wiped it away. There was a small smile on his face, he hadn’t even noticed.
It was a very loud shriek that broke the avian from his thoughts. He quickly rushed to the room, swinging the door open with a look of panic. It was quickly switched with relief as he realized what was happening.
Wilbur had Tommy trapped in his lap, the blonde squirming and kicking relentlessly as his older brother scribbled all over his stomach while Techno gently squeezed up and down his thighs. “GUHUHUYS!”
Phil stood in the doorway, waiting to see if he’d have to step in or if any of them would notice he was there. He watched as the youngest tried, and failed, to push away the hands of his brothers through his pleas.
“Something wrong, Toms?” Wilbur smirked, switching to pinching up and down Tommy’s sides.
“Yeah, you’re laughing an awful lot. Did we say something funny?” Techno’s smirk matched Wilbur’s.
“YOHOU’RE TIHIHICKLING MEHE!” The blonde went limp in Wilbur’s lap, then realizing Phil was in the doorway. “PHIHIL, HEHEHELP!”
And there was his cue. He stepped into the room, spreading his wings to get the attention of the twins. It worked. They both ceased the tickling, looking up at Phil. Tommy just curled up and hid his bright red face behind his hands.
“Oh, hey Phil!” Wilbur grinned innocently, elbowing Techno in the ribs as a silent way of saying to do the same. Which he did, after flinching with a muffled “ow.” He slightly waved to Phil.
“Hello Wilbur, hey Techno,” Phil crossed his arms, looking down at his sons.
“Mind explaining this?” The avian gestured to Tommy, who was still curled in a ball and giggling —assumingly from the ghost tickles.
“Hm? Oh, we were just messin’ with our little brother, ‘s all,” Techno smiled, bringing one hand to prod Tommy’s side which caused xem to flinch and giggle even more.
“Yohou tried to kihihill mehe!” Tommy whined, getting up and speed-walking to stand next to Phil, who wrapped his non-damaged wing around the teen.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Tommy! Besides, we all know you like being tickled anyway.” Wilbur’s innocent smile turned into a smirk when the younger blonde’s face went bright pink. Xey opened their mouth to protest, but they couldn’t seem to find words to say so he just shut his mouth.
“Well, they’re not wrong on that one, mate.” Phil smiled, bringing up his wing to brush along the back of Tommy’s neck for a second. Xey ducked away and went back to sit in between Techno and Wilbur, light giggles pouring from their lips.
“You aren’t exactly safe here, either, Tommy,” Techno spoke flatly, but he had a smirk on his face as he gently spidered across Tommy’s stomach, emitting a squeal from the younger.
“Why ahaham ihi always the taharget!?” He whined, scooting closer to Wilbur and curling in on himself. It took everything in Wilbur’s power to not coo out loud.
“Probably because of how ticklish you are,” Wilbur stated like it was an entirely normal sentence. Tommy sat up straight and immediately started yelling.
“Everyone in this fucking house is ticklish, not just me!” Tommy exclaimed, exaggerating xeir statement by talking with their hands. Phil shrugged, silently saying “fair.” Techno, however, gave a look of disagreement.
“Everyone?” Techno repeated. “I’m not. I don’t even react to it.” Tommy tilted his head like a confused dog.
“Bullshit! Look!” Tommy sprung up and tackled Techno down. The pinkette immediately started fighting back, the two of them rolling on the ground trying to get the upper hand while Wilbur and Phil watched. It ended with Tommy keeping Techno pinned down, holding his wrists away so he couldn’t fight back.
“Tommy, don’t evEN-“ Techno cut himself off, pursing his lips and squirming as Tommy clawed at his upper ribs through his shirt, the fabric doing absolutely nothing for protection. Tommy had a wide grin, Techno’s struggling being very evident.
“Laugh for me, Techno!” Tommy yelled before ducking xeir head down and blowing a raspberry on Techno’s neck. That broke the damn, high pitched huffs of laughter emitting from the pinkette below the teen.
“Tohohohommy! Gehet awahahay!” Techno pressed his arms down more, trying to scrunch up his shoulders but failing with Tommy’s head in the way.
“You really walked right into that one, mate,” Phil commented with a small chuckle, Wilbur giggling at the scene next to him. He snuck a few pokes to Techno’s side every now and then to see him jolt and complain, “Wihilbur!”
Techno free’d his hands, pushed Tommy off and scooting to sit 5 feet away. “That wahas not necessary.”
“It was very necessary, in my humble opinion,” Wilbur grinned and brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around themself. “Seeing the big, tough Technoblade get taken down so easily by tickling will always be amusing.”
“Big talk for someone who screams from a mere poke to their ribs,” Phil piped up, walking over and kneeling next to Wilbur to poke at his upper ribs— to which Wilbur, well, screamed at.
“PHIL! Fuhuck off!” Wilbur backed away, moving closer to Tommy and “hiding” behind xem.
“You think I’ll protect you?” Tommy turned to look at Wilbur. “Hell no! It’s your turn, dickhead!” Tommy quickly turned around and pushed Wilbur down, easily pinning them and digging xeir fingers into his ribs. Wilbur shrieked, grabbing onto Tommy’s wrists and trying to push them away.
“TOHOHOMMY, NOHO!” Wilbur threw his head back, their body jolting when he felt a hand start squeezing at his side. It was Phil.
“I think it’s time you’ve had a turn, yeah? Come on, mate. You were just making fun of Techno for how ticklish he is, but I’d say you’re even worse.” Phil spoke casually, bringing his hand down to pinch and drill his thumb just barely above Wilbur’s hip bone. Wilbur screamed louder than any of the other three boys had ever heard, and again when they felt another hand scribbling under one of his knees.
“NOHOHO! NOHOT AHAHALL OF YOHOHOHOU!” Wilbur covered his face with his hands, trying to hide the growing red hue that spread quickly across his face and muffle their laughter at the same time. “PLEHEHEASE!”
“Aw, Wil, you’ve gone all red!” Tommy exclaimed, which made Wilbur’s face become an even darker red. Xey snuck a hand under Wilbur’s shirt, and lightly traced the scar on the brunette’s stomach. Wilbur squealed, grabbing onto Tommy’s arm and actually getting them to stop. The blonde slightly jumped, suprised that Wilbur actually got him to stop. At the pause, Wilbur quickly turned the tables on Tommy and got xem on the ground. The two started wrestling, both of them fighting for the upper hand as Phil and Techno now watched.
“I’ll bet a stack of emeralds Tommy loses,” Phil muttered. Techno turned to look at the older.
The two watched as Wilbur and Tommy wrestled, both very dead set on getting the upper hand. It ended with Tommy being pinned down, followed by shrieks of laughter as Wilbur started scribbling all over xeir stomach.
“NOHOHO!” Tommy grabbed Wilbur’s wrists as he threw his head back. “PHIHIHIL! TEHECHNO! HEHEHELP!”
The two men in question looked at each other, back at the scene in front of them, and each other again. They gave each other a look that said “Oh, we’ll help alright.” And then, they both waited a second before pouncing. Techno tackled Wilbur, and Phil went for Tommy. This is not what exactly Tommy had in mind when xey called for help, but at least Wilbur was getting what he deserved at the same time.
Wilbur was caught entirely off guard, landing on the ground next to Tommy with a yelp. “Techno-!? What the fuhuck are you dohoing?”
Techno quickly pinned Wilbur’s hand’s under his knees, but he was careful enough not to hurt them. Techno didn’t speak a word, yet. Phil did the same to Tommy.
“Well, Tommy asked for help. So we’re helping,” Techno deadpanned with a small smirk before vibrating his fingers just above Wilbur’s hip bones, getting a loud shriek out of the brunette.
“I meant both of you go for WilbuhUHUHUR— PHIHIL!” Tommy shrieked at near the same pitch as Wilbur once Phil snuck a hand under Tommy’s shirt, started spidering all over xeir stomach and brushing his wings up and down their sides.
“TEHEHECHNOHO! FUHUCK OHOHOFF, MAHAN!” Wilbur pulled for his hands to be free, but they were weakened from the tickles, therefore failed inevitably.
Techno pretended to think for a moment, as if considering the “request.” “Hmm.. Nah, I think I’ll pass. This is quite adorable, to be honest. Might do continue for a while.”
Wilbur felt the heat rise to his face, he swore it had gone bright pink just then. He whined in embarrassment through his loud laughter.
Tommy was stuck in his own tickly heaven hell. Phil had his wings targeting their neck and ears, which alone would make him melt and giggle away. But Phil also had a finger dipped and wiggling around in Tommy’s navel, the other fingers digging and scritching around it, and his other hand scribbling and squeezing xeir hips. It was torture. Did they love it? Yes. Was he still gonna call it torture? Also yes.
“THIHIHIS IS TOHOHOHORTUHURE!” Tommy tried to free xeir hands, he really did try. But he was weak from the tickles and how hard he was laughing, so he made no progress in freeing them.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it, Toms~!” Phil grinned, bringing a hand to pinch at his ribs for a few seconds before returning to their hips. Tommy’s face was the same shade of pink as Wilbur’s.
Wilbur struggled through shrieks of laughter, trying to free his hands. Techno laughed at him, but then Wilbur actually free’d his hands. They immediately grabbed Techno’s forearms, pushing him off and pinning him down. Well fuck.
“YEHEHES, WIHIHIL! GEHET HIHIHIM- AAHAHAH!” Tommy shouted, shrieking as Phil blew a raspberry directly on xeir navel.
“Let’s see how you like it!” Wilbur exclaimed, vibrating his fingers in the gaps between Techno’s upper ribs.
“WihihIHILBUhur!” Techno whined through laughter. Now, Techno wasn’t insanely ticklish— the least ticklish one out of SBI. But it was still pretty bad, to him.
“TechnoOooO!” Wilbur mimicked, giggling to himself as he suddenly shot his hands to Techno’s underarms, drilling into the hollows to elicit a small scream, small snorts following after.
“That will never get old,” Phil commented, smiling as he noticed Techno’s ears go red. Then he got an idea. “Say, Tommy, do you snort like that?”
He knew the answer; yes. But he wanted to torture the kid.
“NOHOHO!” Tommy lied, trying to get Phil off of xem before he could do anything. Phil raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Alright, so I’ll go ahead and just—“ Phil cut himself off as he wiggled a finger in Tommy’s navel, causing the younger to squeal as snorts peppered through his laughter. Phil grinned, “Jesus, you and Techno really are brothers, aren’t you? So cute, honestly.”
“Shuhuhut uhup, Phihihil!” Techno thrashed around, desperate to get Wilbur off. But now he was more determined— to get Phil for that ��cute’ comment. He’s Technoblade! He isn’t cute, he’s intimidating! Scary! Mean! Not cute!
“Christ, Techno, I thought you were a pig, not a buhull.” Wilbur laughed, struggling to keep the pinkette pinned down.
Techno reached over, squeezing Phil’s side which caused the eldest to fall off of Tommy out of surprise, giving xem a break.
“Gotcha!” Techno grinned, pushing Wilbur away and tackling Phil before he could escape. “Laugh for the laugh god, old man!” Techno exclaimed before digging his fingers into Phil’s stomach, scribbling and pinching around the spot and smirking as the man fell into a fit of high pitched laughter. Tommy snickered at the sight before him.
“Yeah, how do you like it, bitch!” Tommy exclaimed, leaning over to poke Phil’s side, but xey were pulled back before they could do anything. Damnit.
“Isn’t this nice, Toms? Those two are busy, now I can get some quality time with my little brother!” Wilbur exclaimed over Phil’s cackles before tasering the younger blonde’s sides.
“WIHILBUR! Nohoho!” Tommy attempted to squirm out of Wilbur’s grasp, but was quickly weakened as the brunette blew a raspberry on the back of xeir neck.
“Why not? Does it tickle too much? I’ve barely done anything,” Wilbur teased, sneaking a hand under Tommy’s shirt to scribble at his bare stomach, relishing in the squeal that emitted from his brother.
Phil was having his own “problem” with Techno, desperate to escape this tickly heaven hell, but Techno was stronger than the man and so he was trapped. “TEHEHECHNOHO!”
“Yeah? What’s up old man? Something botherin’ you?” Techno’s voice was monotone as always, but there was a slight tease to his tone as he vibrated his fingers between the gaps of Phil’s ribs.
“YOU KNOHOW WHAHAHAT’S WROHOHONG!” Phil cackled, slight wheezes escaping from how much he’d been laughing.
“Do I?” The pinkette smirked, leaning down to blow a raspberry on Phil’s neck, eliciting a squeal.
“Wihihil! Lehet mehe gohoho!” Tommy whined through giggles as Wilbur traced shapes into the sides of xeir stomach.
“I’m hardly doing anything,” Wilbur chuckled, “But I can do worse. I think I will, actually!” Without warning, Wilbur blew a raspberry onto Tommy’s neck and dug his fingers into xeir stomach, scribbling and spidering around the sensitive skin. Tommy screamed.
“WIHIHIHIL! NOHOHO THIHIS ISN’T FAHAHAIR!” Tommy squirmed, trying to wiggle their way out of Wilbur’s hold, but it was no use. Wilbur was far stronger than xey were, especially right now.
“Are you trying to escape from me?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think so, giggles. You’re trapped in my tickly, tickly grasp~!” Tommy’s voice went bright red, the brunette’s teasing tone was insanely flustering.
Wilbur rested his chin on Tommy’s shoulder, blowing air on the blonde’s ear before whispering, “Tickletickletickle!” Tommy’s ears flushed the same shade of red their face had, letting out a whine at the tease.
Tommy’s arms were trapped, but they could somewhat reach behind him. And he did, latching onto where Wilbur’s back meets their sides, and lightly squeezed the spot as much as he could. Wilbur let go of Tommy to remove xeir hands, and Tommy fell forward. “TOHOMMY!”
Wilbur looked up at Tommy, narrowing his eyes at the younger. “Oh you want to fight? I’ll give you a fight, you little prick!” Wilbur exclaimed before tackling Tommy down, the two of them rolling around on the ground and fighting for the upper hand. Both poking and prodding different spots to attempt to weaken the other, high-pitched giggles emitting from the both of them.
The fight did not end, however, it switched to the two of them tickling each other at the same time. Tommy scribbled over Wilbur’s back, occasionally pinching at the backs and sides of their ribs, and Wilbur was poking and squeezing around Tommy’s stomach and sides. The two shrieked out curses and protests at each other, wide smiles on their flushed faces.
Techno looked over at the two rolling around on the floor together and grinned, “You two are adorable.”
“Ihi wihIHIHILL KIHIHILL YOHohou TOHOHOMMY! Bahastahard!” Wilbur squealed, getting hold of one of Tommy’s wrists and holding xeir arm above their head before using his free hand to vibrate his fingers on Tommy’s underarm. Tommy shrieked, immediately falling defenseless and bringing xeir free hand to push away Wilbur’s— which resulted in Wilbur now having hold of both of Tommy’s hands.
Wilbur quickly pinned Tommy by sitting on xeir legs, holding their arms above their head with one hand. “You messed with the wrong person, Toms~” Wilbur teased, grinning evilly as he saw the teen’s widened eyes and bright red face. “Now you will face my wrath of tickles, you little prick!” He quickly lifted Tommy’s shirt, blowing a long raspberry right in the middle of xeir stomach. Tommy screamed, and Techno paused his torture to Phil to look over.
“Are you trying to murder him?” Techno questioned, a smirk on his face when he saw the state of the demon hybrid below Wilbur.
“I said I would!” Wilbur exclaimed before leaning down to blow another raspberry, directly on Tommy’s navel.
“FUHUHUCK, WIHIHILBUHUR! NOHOHOHO!” Tommy shrieked, squirming left to right and bucking xeir hips as much as possible. It was torturous. He loved it… but torturous.
Phil had practically melted on the floor, being given a break by Techno. He himself was unsure if he could take anymore tickles; he was pretty tired by this point. He noticed the pinkette about to start again.
“Tehechno- nohoho mohore..” Phil was quiet, luckily Techno had very good hearing and he let up, getting off of Phil and sitting next to him. Maybe the good hearing wasn’t very good for Techno himself, given the high pitched screeching coming from Tommy right next to him as Wilbur continued to wreck the youngest of the four.
“PLEHEHEASE WIHIHIL!” Tommy bucked his hips more as Wilbur brought down their hand to pinch and drill his thumbs into both of xeir hips. Tommy started trying to push Wilbur away, so the brunette quickly pinned Tommy’s hands under his knees. He was careful not to hurt Tommy in the process.
“Aww, is it bad?” Wilbur teased, “Thought you were a big man, Tommy! Surely you’re strong enough to handle a little bit of tickling, right~?” Tommy shook his head frantically through shrieky laughter and giggles, kicking his legs as much as he could with Wilbur sitting on them.
Wilbur brought up one hand to dig their fingers into Tommy’s ribs, vibrating his fingers in the gaps and pinching at the bones. His other hand switched between pinching at Tommy’s hips to scribbling over xeir stomach. “THIHIS IHIHISN’T FAHAHAHAIR!”
Wilbur smirked, “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish.” He leaned down to blow a raspberry on xeir neck before whispering in their ear, “Tktktktk~” The brunette’s smirk turned to a grin as he watched Tommy’s blush spread to his ears and down his neck.
“Flustered, Tommy?” Techno commented from beside the two, gently pinching Tommy’s side and chuckling when xey flinched with a small squeal.
“FUHUCK OHOHOFF!” The youngest shrieked as Wilbur blew another raspberry on their stomach.
“That’s not very nice, Toms. Be nice to your brothers,” Phil spoke up with a small smile on his face. Tommy whined as now everyone in the room was against him.
“THEHEHEY’RE BEHEING DIHIHIHICKS!” Tommy tried to free his hands to bring his arms down. Xey were desperate to defend themself from this torture. Wilbur had his free hand scribbling and digging his fingers into Tommy’s stomach, he wasn’t being too rough so that it wouldn’t hurt, only tickled. Badly.
The demon hybrid squeaked as there was a soft, feathery feeling on his neck— Phil’s wings. The mixture of gentle and rough tickles were almost unbearable. “OHOhoh fohOHOR FUHUCKS SAHAKE! PHIL!”
“You haven’t once said stop, Tommy, we know you love this~” Techno teased lightly, smiling at the flustered state of the younger as he delivered a few pokes to xeir side.
“Look at him, all red and flustered! Awh,” Phil cooed, scribbling his fingers against the side of Tommy’s neck.
“Xey’re so ticklish, it’s just so adorable. I may not be able to handle it, I might explode from the cuteness.” Wilbur joked to Techno and Phil, slowing the tickles as the three of them talked about Tommy as if he wasn’t even there. This flustered Tommy more than it should have.
“Ihihi aham RIHIGHT hehehere!” Tommy giggled out, finally freeing their hands to push Wilbur’s away and cover his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry Tommy. Do you need all of my attention on you? You need more tickles? Is that it? Hmm~?” Wilbur teased, poking at Tommy’s stomach and allowing xem to keep their hands free. Under one condition.
“How about we play a little game,” Wilbur grinned, eyeing Techno and Phil. The two immediately understood what he was about to have Tommy do. Wilbur gently grabbed Tommy’s wrists, focusing back on him as he lifted their arms. “You keep your arms up like this, and you can’t let them down. Or else.” They spoke in a teasing tone, his grin forming more into a smirk when the look on Tommy’s face mixed with panic, excitement, and flusteredness. Xey nodded, already trembling at the sight of Wilbur, Techno, and Phil with their hands in the shapes of claws. He’s so dead. A dead man. Gone.
Wilbur looked at him with a look that said, “Ready?” Tommy nodded again, squeezing his eyes tightly shut and taking in a sharp breath to brace himself, but it wasn’t much help as he immediately shrieked at both of Wilbur’s hands digging into xeir stomach, scribbling and pinching and tasering against the sensitive skin. Techno soon followed, squeezing up and down Tommy’s thighs and occasionally scribbling beneath their knees. Not a good day for Tommy to wear shorts. Phil joined in, his wings brushing against Tommy’s neck and ears while he used his hands to pinch and scribble on xeir sides and ribs. This was entirely TORTURE.
“GUHUHUHUYS!” Tommy screamed, his arms shaking as he struggled to hold them up. How was he expected to do this!? They could have at least made it easier for him!
“THIHIS IHIHIS UHUHUNFAHA- AAHAHA WIHIHILBUHUR! NOHOHOHO!” Tommy shrieked, kicking his legs as best as he could and bringing down their arms to shove at Wilbur’s head as he blew a long raspberry on xeir navel, then taking a breath before going back to nibble on their stomach. Tommy’s laughter fell silent for a second as he threw his head back, immediately screaming again before falling into laughter once again. He could hardly speak, really only making out the words “FUHUHUCK!” and “NOHOHO!”
Wilbur obviously noticed that Tommy brought his arms down, but he also noticed how his laughter had fallen silent for a moment then grew to be raspy as the boy could barely even speak anymore. He wasn’t going to continue, not roughly. He gestured for Phil and Techno to stop as he let Tommy go. Wilbur immediately pulled Tommy to a hug, gently rubbing his back as a gesture of comfort and resting their chin on xeir head. Tommy breathed heavily as he buried his face against Wilbur’s chest, taking in big gulps of air as he began to relax in Wilbur’s hold. Phil cooed out loud at the two.
“Did I, or, we, go too far, Toms?” Wilbur asked, his voice gentle. Tommy shook his head no.
Eventually, Tommy looked up at Wilbur. His face was bright red, dried tears on their face, now with a small smile and still squinted eyes. Wilbur couldn’t help himself;
Tommy hid his face again out of embarrassment, yelping as Wilbur stood up and moved Tommy to carry xem bridal style. Techno placed a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder as he got a look at the teen in the brunette’s arms. He smiled fondly.
The four men all silently agreed on just relaxing in the main room of the house. Tommy stayed huddled close to Wilbur, clinging to him like a koala to a tree branch.
He may have been tired —all four of them were, honestly, but Tommy especially—, but that didn’t stop him from delivering a few pokes to the three men he was surrounded by, smiling at the small yelps and muffled giggles from each of them.
He deserved at least a little revenge for all of that, right?
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bimobuddy · 9 months
Three Taps (tadc)
SFW tickle fic
Lee!Jax, Ler!Ragatha (platonic)
It gets a little angsty near the end, sorry, but it's not too bad
Summary: Jax and Ragatha have worked out a system for Jax to subtly ask for tickles since he's too stubborn and shy to just outright ask.
Jax's yellow eyes flicked from one side of the room to the other as he grinned and approached Ragatha. He popped up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder once. "Oh hey, Dolly, thought you might wanna know something," a second tap to the shoulder, "I maaaay or may not have slipped a spider into your room and now it's loose in there somewhere."
After the third tap to her shoulder, he took off running down the hall toward her room. Ragatha, playing along, chased after him. "Jax!"
Over the years of living in this hellscape together, Ragatha had learned two things about their youngest member.
One: Jax was ticklish as hell, and he didn't hate it. In fact, he liked it. He never admitted this of course, Ragatha only found out due to her usually using it to get back at him for his pranks, yet he never stopped doing them. In fact, they only seemed to increase. What really confirmed it was when he had pranked her, and then stood there for a moment waiting for her to start chasing him.
Two: He was stubborn about it. He could not bring himself to just ask. Even after Ragatha had confronted him about it, he would not admit to it. So she finally went, "Fine. But instead of throwing a bowling ball at my head, next time just tap my shoulder three times, and I'll give ya what you want, without judgement."
And so that's what they've done ever since.
Ragatha chased Jax into her room and slammed the door behind herself. She gave the younger a playful look. "A spider? Really? You didn't have to come up with a story, Jax, just the taps are fine, I still got the hint."
"Who said I made it up?" He asked, fishing out a spider from his pocket with a shit-eating grin. Ragatha yelped and slapped it out if his hand and watched as it slipped under the door, out of the room.
"Oh you want it bad this time don't you?" She narrowed her eye at him. This caused his ears to fold down as he backed up a little. "What, no I don't- shut the [bonk] up."
Ragatha rushed forward and pushed him onto the floor, wrestling with him a little to keep him down. Another thing he always did was 'fight' back, yet inevitably let himself loose. And when he did, she wasted no time in targeting the spaces under his arms that were left uncovered by his overalls.
Jax tossed his head back with a giggly yelp, clamping his arms down. "Rahahag-!" He cut himself off with a snort as she started to scritch. He tried to curl up on his side, but when he realized he couldn't, he let his head toss back as his feet drummed against the floor frantically.
"Oh Mr. Funny-Bunny, you think you're sooo hilarious-" "I ahaham!" "You're not, but I'll give you a reason to laugh."
Ragatha pulled her hands out from under his arms and dug into the sides of his belly. Jax shrieked started pushing at her hands, kicking even harder. "RAHAHA! RA- HAHA DOLLY PLEHEASE SOHOMEWHERE EHELSE-" As soon as the words left his mouth, his face heated up, realizing they were basically a verbal confession that he didn't want it to stop.
Ragatha grinned. "Oh somewhere else? You want me to move tickle spots? I'll let you choose where then." She lifted her hands. "Ears or feet, Bunny."
Jax groaned. Both were pretty bad.. But he didn't want her touching his feet at the moment. "Ugh.. Ears." Ragatha reached up and gently took hold of one of his long purple ears. It twitched the moment she held it, and when she rubbed a thumb against it, she heard Jax immediately break into soft giggles. She would have 'awwed' had it not been Jax, their resident bastard.
She took an ear in each hand and gently rubbed them, watching at how Jax covered his face and scrunched his shoulders up, giggling like a little kid. She suddenly remembered just how young he was. 22. He had barely gotten to be an adult before he was sucked into this hellscape of a world and had adulthood ripped away from him. No wonder he enjoyed this, it was probably the only close physical affection he got here.
Ragatha heard him hiccup and decided to let him rest a bit. She stopped tickling him and squished his cheeks to plant a kiss on his forehead before she was pushed away.
"Gross don't kiss me. What was that for?" He huffed, looking up at her. She smiled. "Don't worry about it. Wanna sleep in here tonight? I can probably get Zooble and Gangle in here for a sleepover."
Jax tilted his head and shrugged. "Eh sure, why not?"
"But you have to be nice to them."
"I don't think I will."
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thebest-medicine · 1 month
#27 for TOH blight sibs tickle fight if you’re not too overwhelmed with prompts.
Prompt 27 - "I just hope you know this means war."
A/N: aw yes I love this!
Amity should’ve seen it coming, she’d gotten sloppy, she knew it. She’d been sitting on Emira’s forearms just a moment ago, having successfully tricked and tackled her with the help of her older brother. Edric’d been straddling her waist, tickling wildly up and down her sides. Amity’d had both hands in her armpits. Neither of them had a view of Emira’s hands, and she was skilled in using magic under this type of duress.
After a quick stunning spell, she’d collected herself quickly, glaring between her siblings. “I hope you know… This means war.” Emira declared, lunging after her twin brother and younger sister.
“No! Waitwaitwait- it was Amity’s ideHEHEHEA!” Ed screamed as Emira caught him around the waist and began tickling him with the same arm.
“Ed! What the heck, dude! Not cool!” Amity scolded him as she sprang out of the way of Emira’s arm.
“WAHAHAHA– NO! DOHOHON’T LEHEHEAVE ME!” Edric wailed as Amity sped away and Emira focused both hands entirely on tickling him to pieces. “AHAHAMITY!”
Amity sped out of the twins room and back to her own, starting to conjure an abomination or two for her own defense once they inevitably teamed up and came after her. She heaved a few nervous breaths and steeled herself.
It was only another minute or two before the door was thrown open and her sibling sped back, headlong, into a dangerously ticklish battlefield.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further TOH drabbles on ao3]
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someone1348 · 1 year
I've been stuck in a lee mood for a while so we're writing to fix it!
This is another turtle tots fic! Because I love them and I miss rise so much!
People in this: Lee!Leo, Ler!Donnie
This is kind of a spoiler for the last episode so if you are not finished with the series here's your warning in advance
You'll see what I mean in a minute :]
Tw: none this is adorable!
I hope you all enjoy!
-K :]
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Body Language
It happened by complete accident! Donnie and Leo were hanging out in their shared room when Leo laughed a little too hard at a funny memory and started glowing! It wasn't too bright, but it was enough to see that he was indeed glowing. every mark on his body, and shell started to glow. Donnie blinked as he looked at his twin in surprise.
Leo's laughter went down and so did his glow "Y-You were glowing for a second Lee Lee!" Leo blinked even more confused than Donnie "That's silly Dee Dee I can't glow that's not a thing" Donnie growled and protested "You did you were glowing! Hold on!" He cleared his tiny throat as he brought up another funny memory and sure enough there was the light again! Donnie held up his arm to show him,
"See! You're glowing!"
"Woah!" His laughter stopped, but he kept glowing, This fascinated Donnie, He had to experiment.
"It seems to be staying even after you stopped laughing,,,intresting" He spoke softly to himself as he traced the markings over Leo's arms
"DeHehe Dee! What are you doing?"
Donnie smiled at him "I'm collecting Data now shush you'll ruin the flow of my genuis"
Leo blinked again confused "Data?"
Donnie sighed "Yes, I am observing this phenomenon with all of my senses to study this interesting endeavor"
"Big words Don"
Donnie sighed again as he adjusted his glasses "I'm testing out what's making you glow"
"Oooohhh okay!"
"Now stay still!" Donnie walked around the back of him to his shell as he traced his fingers around the markings in it
"EE! DOhOhoNnie! CAhareful!" Leo said as his face started to tint red and Donnie raised a drawn on eyebrow at him
He seemed to be glowing more now this turned Donnies confusion into a smirk
"What's the matter Lee Lee?~ I thought your shell wasn't ticklish?~" He gently tapped the area as Leo lightly chirped
"IhIt's nOhot!"
"Oh?~ then what's so funny giggles?~ is something tickling you?~" He ran a few fingers gently down the sides of his shell
"DehEEE! NOhO! FaHair!" He covered his face as the brightness of his shell and markings increased "oKaHay! I lied iHIhit ReHeheally Tihickles!"
Donnie gasped jokingly "Lyings not good Lee Lee~ you know the rules~" he smirked before scribbling all over his twins ribs
"DOHOHONNIEHEHE NOHO! NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!" He fell backwards into his twins arms as Donnie smirked at him moving the hands out of his face to see the markings around his eyes glowing the brightest
Donnie smiled before he went back to scribbling all over his twins tickle spot "Tickletickletickletickle~ Coochie Coochie Coo Wittle Lee Lee~"
"DOHOHONNIEHEHE! LEHeheT mE gOHoHo!" He chirped as he tried to get away but nothing worked
"You are enjoying this huh?~ barely even trying to fight back"
"AhAHaM nOHot!"
"Well your body language says otherwise~" he smirked referring to the ever so bright green hue that gave it all away with every giggle out of his mouth
The turtle tot in purple giggled before blowing raspberries all over his ribs "You have the most amazing laugh little brother"
"Okahay okay you're free now you gigglebug!"
Leo giggled as he caught his breath and tried to rub away the ghost tickles "ihihi think the glowing made me more umm you know"
"Yeah that!"
Back in the present time after discovering their nimpo and that they can glow Donnie smiled to himself thinking about that memory as he looked at Leo
"Whatcha' thinking about bro bro?~" Leo teased before Donnie swiped a finger down Leo's now glowing shell
'I guess some things never change~'
This one is short but sweet! I hope you all enjoyedd! Definitely more to come very soon since it's summer!
I'm so proud of you! Drink water! Eat something yummy! Treat yourself, Take care of yourself and remember that you are loved, appreciated, valued and valid no matter what! You will always be more than good enough! /p /gen /pos
-K :]
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skzdiary · 10 months
Hello! I loved your first fic, so glad to see so many new writers, including myself.
I really like minchan, so i thought you could maybe write about them. The plot could be something like Minho annoying Chan on purpose (or maybe because he wants to get wrecked) and then getting it.
Chan and Minho are commonly the lers, so it’s very cute to see them attacking eachother.
You can choose which one is the lee and the ler, honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lee!Chan and ler! Minho, but it’s up to you.
Thank you and have an amazing day🙂❤️
Omggg of course! I’ve had this idea in mind for a while! Since you’ve never seen a lee! Chan and ler! Minho, why don’t I do a switch? Thank you for your idea!
Requested by: @soap143
lee!minho and chan
ler!minho and chan
Tw: if you don’t like these fics feel fre to scroll! ☕️
~Troublesome Kitty~
Chan and lee know we’re sitting in their dorm because the rest of the boys went out for lunch. Both of them felt being extremely lazy today because why not. The 2 oldest were sitting at opposite ends of the bedroom, the dancer scrolling on his and the leader doing work on his laptop.
The younger eventually became bored. He sat up and glanced around the room choosing what he could do to satisfy his boredom. There wasn’t much to do since none of the other members were here. The wolf did not seem to be bored whatsoever because he was so focused on doing his work, god knows what he’s doing on that computer of his.
Minho was in that that mood to annoy someone; someone like his hyung. Only the leader can tolerate his annoyance, no one else. He leaped off his bed and waddled to the other side of the room to his hyung.
“Hyunggg, I’m boreddddd. There’s nothing to dooo” the cat groaned and he plonked next to him.
“Not my fault you decided to stay home and not go out. Now let me work.” He laughed and rolled his eyes as the cat started to zone out. “Goho and read a book or something! stop being anohohoying.” The vocalist immediately brought his attention to his hyung.
“What did you just call me?” Lee know replied as chan turned his head. “Did you just call me annoying?” he laughed and gave him the death stare.
Chan closed his laptop and put it in the draw beside him “Yeah I did! In fact, you annoy me more then the rest of the boys.” He started to become a bit nervous because he didn’t want to get into a messy situation with the younger.
“Right that’s it, you asked for it!” He leaped onto the wolf’s waist and started to go in for the kill. “This is what you get for calling me annoying.” minho jabbed his hands into his hyungs sides and he started to go hysterical.
“IHIHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORY, PLEHEHEHEASE.” the older shouted as the rabbit would not listen. “I SAHAHAHAID SORRY, NOHOHOW LEHET ME GOHO.” he stopped and gave the wolf a break. He was being a bit dramatic don’t you think? “Jehehezus! You nearly kihihlled me!” usually the wolf gets the rabbit, not the other way round. It was the olders turn now…
Chan helplessly pushed lee know off of him, sat on his legs and pinned his arms above his head. Minho became very nervous
“Wait- please, you don’t need toho dohohoho this! You know how sensitive I ahaham.” he nervously giggled as the older was gazing down at him. “I’m behehehging you!” chan didn’t listen and he started to massage the younger neck and collarbones.
“Your so cute when you laugh! Just do it for me!” The younger blushed and was trying his best to hide his smile so it wouldn’t satisfy the older.
“Stohohop, I’m nohot cute!” The rabbit tried to break free out of the leaders grip but he was too strong. he started to squirm as chan started to move his fingers on his right side.
“Does this tickle?” lee know was doing quite good for the fact he hadn’t laughed yet. Chan started to make his way to his underarm and that’s when he got a bit of a laugh out of him
“Mhmhmhmhmmhhm” he giggled and he could feel the tickliness overcoming his side. That was until he started to attack his left side and underarm… who knew one side was more ticklish than the other?
“NAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEHEHEHEHEASE, NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE.” The wolf was shocked and laughed along with him. “IHIHIHITS SOHO BAHAD!~” chan accidentally let go of his right arm and lee know drilled his fingers into his rib cage.
“HEHEHEY, NOT FAIHIHIHIR!” the older screamed and he still continued to tickle the sensitive cat. both of them stopped occasionally and were both left laughing to their hearts content.
“You bored now?” Chan laughed as lee know was still gasping for air. “I’m gonna admit, you are really cute when you laugh.” the bunny’s face started to turn red from the compliment.
“I mean…thank you?” chan looks at him confused and laughs
“Why are you sahaying thank you?”~
“What else am I supposed to say? Your half 50?” Minho giggled and the wolf gave him the death stare. The younger fell asleep with his head on his lap and the older smiled with his warm heart. “love you hyung, I wish we could do this more.” he sighed
“We can, and I’d love to.” Chan smiled and dozed off to sleep too.
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cookiegirlsstuff · 8 months
hiii i would like to request a fic where basically Jungkook is wondering if Taehyung is ticklish and he finds out he's like extremely ticklish
I'm not ticklish
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Lee: Taehyung
Ler: Jungkook
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
Jungkook was bored. Very bored in fact. The other members were at the manager's to plan the upcoming comeback and now he was alone at home. Well….almost alone.
Taehyung was also here. However, Jungkook didn't know if his bandmate was asleep or otherwise busy. He definitely didn't want to disturb him because everyone was already stressed about the comeback anyway.
However, Jungkook knew that the elder wasn't very busy when Taehyung came through the door into the living room.
"Hey Jungkook, what are you doing?" V asked curiously.
"Not much," replied Jungkook, looking around the room bored.
Taehyung, who looked rather tired by the way, sat down on the sofa next to the maknae.
Jungkook then had an idea and began to smile mischievously. He had been wondering for a while if his hyung was ticklish and now was the perfect time to find out.
"V hyung?", he asked innocent.
"Yes?" the older boy replied questioningly.
"Are you ticklish?" asked Jungkook, watching with amusement as his hyung shook his head eagerly..
"Of course not!", Taehyung lied with confidence.
But his bright red face revealed the truth. But that was something Jungkook wasn't supposed to know, of course. Taehyung felt embarrassed to be tickled.
"Then we can test it out, can't we?" asked the youngest with a sweet smile.
Taehyung knew he had no choice here, so he just sighed. "Okay", he said and gulped.
And with that the maknae descended his hands towards the older’s sides, skittering and scribbling his fingers up and down them.
“WAHahahahaha Koookiee.” Taehyung immediately let out a bout of giggles, even though he tried to suppress them.
“Why are you laughing suddenly? Either i’m really funny, or you are ticklish.” Jungkook teased.
Jungkook's teasing made the situation even worse for Taehyung and he desperately tried to free himself from the younger one's grip.
“Can you please stay still for me?”The bunny laughed along with his friend.
"I caaaan't", Taehyung managed to say between his giggles.
Jungkook found it absolutely adorable how ticklish his hyung was.
"Naw you are such a ticklish boy." Jungkook smirked and travelled his hands down to the tigers tummy drawing light circles on it.
"STAHAHAHAP", Taehyung shrieked but it was no use. Jungkook had a tight grip on him and he couldn't do anything but laugh.
"Not yet", Jungkook hovered over the helpless lee and attacked his hips.
"IT TIHIHICKLES!” Taehyung laughed and trashed around as best as he could.
"Oh, so you are ticklish?", the maknae asked and pretended to be clueless.
"YEEES I AHAHAM", the older one confessed.
"Too bad", Jungkook said before blowing a raspberry on Taes belly button.
IHIHI CAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT!" he squeaked through his adorable laughter.
Jungkook continued to blow long raspberries for a little bit before he finally showed mercy.
"Yoou could haaave just told me you wahahanted to tickle me," Taehyung giggled exhaustedly.
"But it was fun," Jungkook pointed out, rubbing Taehyung's back.
Taehyung just stayed quiet until he finally fell asleep in Jungkook's arms.
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Thank you for your request. I had so much fun to write it and I hope you'll like it 😉 and sorry that it's so late
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mystwrites · 1 year
Hey friend! Would you mind if I ask for lee!Gyomei and lers!tenrenmitsu team? With number 11 (a.k.a “How can someone not be ticklish??”)
Don't pressure yourself! I can wait!
HELLO MY FRIEND!! ofc i will write this!! i love the tenrenmitsu team and gyomei deserves a good laugh from time to time☺️i LOVED writing this btw!!
(sentence starters are closed)
“Let’s get him!” Mitsuri whispered, cracking her fingers. “I wanna see Himejima smile!!”
“Yeah!! Look at him, he’s so down in the dumps! Our surprise tickle attack will surely make him laugh!” Tengen added, giving Mitsuri a high five.
“Let’s sneak over to him!” Rengoku added, gesturing for the two to follow behind him.
Ever so carefully, the three snuck up on Gyomei, their steps silent and quick. Gyomei was with Genya and Muichiro, giving them a lesson on whatever it was he was teaching them before the three suddenly pounced, a battle cry escaping. Genya and Muichiro got scared and screamed before running off in opposite directions, Gyomei hardly phased despite being blind.
“Oops…we scared the boys!! Sorry!!” Mitsuri squeaked, feeling bad for the two.
“What is with this??” Gyomei asked, raising an eyebrow as he turned to look at whoever was squeezing his sides. “Kyojuro Rengoku? Is that you?”
“Haha! It sure is my friend!!”
“Why are you squeezing my sides?”
“We want to make you laugh!”
“I’m not ticklish…”
Tengen scoffed, his eyes rolling before he dug into Gyomei’s ribs. His face screwed up in shock as Gyomei simply shrugged, no hint of ticklishness on his face.
“W-what?!? How can someone not be ticklish??” he exclaimed, looking at his partners in crime for assistance.
Rengoku went for his armpits, Gyomei not trying to protect himself and not bothering to put an end to their shenanigans.
Mitsuri however stopped, her thumb and index finger rubbing her chin. Deep in thought, she scanned Gyomei’s body to map out all the tickle spots a human could have. So far they got Gyomei’s ribs, armpits, hips and belly. There was no way Mitsuri was going to tell the boys to go for Gyomei’s feet knowing he might kick but the neck seemed enticing.
“Ren, Ten! Lift me up! I wanna try tickle Gyomei’s neck!” she exclaimed, giggling when the two immediately helped her with her task.
Without hesitation, Rengoku and Tengen hoisted her up, waiting for the moment of truth. She gently walked her fingers up and down the sides of Gyomei’s neck before she skittered them all over.
Finally, there was a reaction, a small inhale. Then Gyomei shrugged his shoulders up. Then came the soft huff of suppressing laughter. And just when Mitsuri was about to give up, Gyomei burst into laughter, trapping Mitsuri’s left hand.
“WE DID IT!!!” Mitsuri squealed, her other hand spidering all over Gyomei’s neck and shoulders. “We knew you were ticklish!!”
“I ahaham no…ahahaha!! Stahahahap!! Ihihi’ll get you threehehee back for thihis!!” Gyomei playfully threatened, squirming as Rengoku and Tengen had their turn.
“Yeah, yeah!” Tengen scoffed. “But right now, let’s see if tickling his neck unlocks more tickle spots!”
“Yes!! We shall make Himejima laugh himself silly!!!” Rengoku shouted, squeezing Gyomei’s hips, laughing as the Stone Hashira finally doubled over, allowing the real fun to begin.
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anzynai · 5 months
Haiiiii :3
For the 300 event can I maybe request a lee!riddle X ler!reader and it’s like during a study break for the scenario maybe :]
thanks for sending in a request. i made this romantic, i hope u dont mind teehee enjoy <3
“wahahahahait!” riddle giggles, his defenses collapsing the second you start tickling his sides. you smile at him, chuckling.
“don’t tell me you’re already regretting this,” you say and he averts his eyes, a bright red blush on his face. you had been studying with riddle, your boyfriend, when you suggested a break. he responded that you two had just begun studying and you said that if you made him laugh, he would let you go on a short break. he had no idea what you were planning, but being unable to truly say no to you, had agreed.
“t-thihihis is cheheheheating!” he cried, his arms flailing about, though it didn’t seem as if he was making a real effort to escape.
“i’m making you laugh, aren’t i?” you ask, innocently as you scribble your hands over his tummy, gently tracing around his bellybutton.
“weheheheell, yehehehes! b-buhuhut not lihihike thihis!” riddle laughed, a crooked smile planted on his lips. he was so cute.
“you’re just mad you cracked immediately.”
“ahaham nohot.” you snorted at that, but stopped a few seconds later, feeling that he had had enough. you felt satisfied and positively delighted at how cute and ticklish your boyfriend was. he, on the other hand, seemed embarrassed but not upset.
“so.. that study break then?” you say, when he had finally caught his breath. he sends you a half-hearted glare.
“i think that was enough of a break for you.” he replied, opening a page from the alchemy textbook in front of you. he pointedly ignores your groan, but you suppose he was right. it was quite a pleasant break for you.
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gh0--st · 1 year
Summary: When Luz accidentally explodes abomination goo onto Amity, she figures out how to get her back.
Lee: Luz
Ler: Amity
This is a tickle fic, if youre not into that kind of stuff, dont read this.
It was a sunny day in the boiling aisles. Luz and Amity hung outside The Owl House. Luz had agreed to help Amity with a project on abominations.
Amity walked over to Luz with a small remote. "Okay, see this button? I'll tell you when to press it, alright?" She said. Luz nodded, "Got it!" She responded.
Amity smiled and walked back to the project. She crouched down in front of a metal plate, summoning abomination slime and placing it down.
"Let me put the cover on, and then you can press the button!" She called over her shoulder. Luz, who hadn't been paying attention, only heard the last part. "Press the button? Okay!" She said cheerfully.
Amity's eyes widened as she whirled around, "Wait- Luz, not yet!" She tried to say, but it was too late. Excitedly, Luz pressed the button.
Amity whirled back around as she saw the slime grow bigger, and before she could react, it exploded, covering her from head to toe in the muck.
She stood in shock for a second before snapping her head back at Luz, who chuckled nervously, "Heh.. whoops?" She said.
Luz hurried over to Amity, who gave her an angry look, "I said I had to do something else!" She spat. Luz rubbed her arm, and Amity then felt guilty.
"Im sorry, I wasn't really paying attention." Luz looked down. Amity sighed, "It's okay, im sorry for getting mad, but you need to pay more attention next time."
Luz soon smiled, relieved her girlfriend wasn't mad. "Let's go and try to clean you up." Luz grabbed her hand and dragged her inside the Owl House, leaving her in the living room while she ran to fetch something.
Amity waited until Luz hurried back, a rag in her hand. Amity glanced at the rag, then back at Luz, "That's not going to work."
Luz blinked, "Sure, it will! Just let me try, at least." She walked over to Amity, grabbing her arm and trying to wipe the goo off.
Like Amity said, it didn't work. The rag actually got stuck to her, and Luz nearly fell, trying to pry it off.
As Luz struggled, Amity was trying to think of a way to get her back. By the time Luz got it off, Amity had gotten an idea.
Luz sighed, "You know how to get it off, right?" She asked. Amity nodded, "Yeah, but I think I deserve to get you back." A grin appeared on her face.
Luz looked up at her, about to question her before squeaking as Amity poked her side. "Yohou dont have to do that!" She backed up nervously.
Amitys grin got bigger, "Do what, exactly?" She raised an eyebrow. "Tickle me!" Luz smiled nervously.
Amitys eyes brightened, "Tickle you? Okay!" Without warning, she gently tackled Luz to the ground, rubbing up on the girl as she squeezed her sides.
"Ahack- AhahAmity!" Luz squirmed around, "Ihi sahaid Dohont!" She whined. Amity shook her head, "Actually, you said, 'tickle me', and with all this goo, I might as well be an abomination, so I gotta do what you asked for!" Amity snuggled closer to Luz, smearing the goo onto her.
"YohoOur gehetting mehe DihIHIRTY!" Luz cut off with a squeal as Amity spidered her fingers around her neck.
Amity chuckled, "Good! We can be abominations together!" She joked, planting tiny kisses on Luz's neck every now and then.
Luz just kept squirming, letting out snorts as she kept laughing. She kept trying to scrunch up, but it was no use.
Amity just hummed, taking in a breath and blowing a raspberry onto Luz's neck. Luz let out another squeal before bursting into more giggles, "BAHAH- AHAMI NOHO!" She tried to kick at Amity, failing miserably.
Amity rolled her eyes, "Fine, we'll try here instead!" She moved her hands down and dug her fingers into Luz's ribs.
Luz let out a shriek at that. She pushed at Amity's hands, "AhaHamity! Quhihit!" She whined. Amity just smiled, "Okay!" She let go happily.
Luz sat up, still giggling before looking at Amity, confused. "Really? That easy?" She tilted her head.
Amity just shrugged, "Im an abomination, I do what you say. All you had to do was tell me to stop!" She chuckled a bit.
Luz just blinked at her before looking down at her own clothes, "I guess we both might as well be abominations, huh?" She joked.
Amity smiled and shook her head, "I guess it's a good thing. it's easy to get off." She muttered, making a spell circle.
The goo easily slid off, melting into nothing. "Huh, really was easy!" Luz looked at her now clean clothes, then back up at Amity with a smile.
Amity nodded, "Yeah, I just wanted to have some fun." She winked at Luz, who rolled her eyes.
"Want to try the project again?" Luz asked. Amity stood up and nodded, "Yeah, let's go!" She grabbed Luz's hand and dragged her outside.
This time, Luz made sure she was paying attention.
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hi that was me asking for the tanjiro and inosuke fic, no i meant tanjiro as the ler lmao. sorry!!
Don't worry, it usually happens hahahaha. But it's okay! Gompanchiro will take care of our beloved Inosuke
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Tanjiro Kamado
Lee: Inosuke Hashibira
'Hey Gompanchiro!' 'Oh, Inosuke, what's wrong?', Inosuke ran over, looking excited or intrigued, it was hard to tell.
'Today I saw Shenubo doing something with Manao! I do not know what it means!' 'You mean Miss Shinobu and Kanao?' 'That's what I said! Don't contradict the great mountain god Monjiro!', Tanjiro laughed, still Inosuke was in the process of learning names, but unlike previous ones, this one was better
'Okay, so you were telling me that Miss Shinobu was doing something with Kanao, what was it?' 'She was crushing her around the waist! But instead of screaming in pain, she laughed! They are rare! Mhpm!', Tanjiro wanted to laugh, but he avoided it, what he said was to ask Inosuke what it feels like to turn his back and how would he explain better
'You say what she was doing this?', Tanjiro positioned his fingers on Inosuke's neck, massaging it gently, smiling when Inosuke seemed to squirm.
'HEY?! This feels strahahange! Why I ahaham lauhuhughing?' 'It's because I'm tickling you, and laughing is a common response to these sensations', Inosuke although he felt strange, he didn't push Tanjiro away, it was new to him and in the end, he would try that Tanjiro also did the same
'Mohohonjiro! Quihihit ihihit! I lehehearned!' 'Already so fast? Oh my, I thought you could take more than that', Tanjiro slowly stopped, when Inosuke turned to look at him angrily.
'What do you mean I can't stand it?! Are you challenging me Kamaboko?!' 'Nono, there's no need for you to worry, I was new and I knew you couldn't resist hahaha', Inosuke snorted and smacked Tanjiro's head.
'I can take it! You're talking to the great Inosuke! I am the king of the mountain! This is not an obstacle for me!'
With that, Inosuke returned to his old position, slightly offended by Tanjiro's comment. 'If it's too much say it!', Tanjiro's fingers this time went down, kneading the lower part of his ribs, Inosuke pulled his arms away from there, he wanted to show Tanjiro how wrong he was
'*pig snort* GOHOHONPANCHIHIRO!! THIHIHIS-!!!' 'You give up?' 'NEHEHEVER!!! I CAHAHAN TAHAHAHAKE IT!!', well he and Sanemi look alike, neither of them want to admit defeat. 'Good! So cochie cochie coo~!'
'WHAHAHAT?! WHAT DID YOU DOHOHO?! IT'S WOHOHORSEE NOHOHOW!!', Inosuke this time tried to push Tanjiro away, but every time he got closer, he withdrew and kept letting Tanjiro tickle him
For 3 minutes the situation did not change anything, Inosuke refused to accept his failure, kicking and almost crying, but he did not do more, he wanted to continue until the end, until what...
'KAHAHAMADO!!!' 'Ohhh you said my name! Is... Ohh~ your thighs are so ticklish?' Tanjiro squeezed Inosuke's thighs lovingly, though he had to climb on top of him so he wouldn't kick or hit him.
'DAHAHAHAMN IHIHIT!! *pig snorts* YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN!! *squeals* I GIHIHIVE UP!!' 'Okay!', Tanjiro got off Inosuke, who just lay there for a while
Tanjiro fell into the trap, as soon as he got closer, Inosuke rammed him and well, we already know what happened
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gingerlee-holds · 2 years
Pillow Fort Pick-Me-Up
this is a sanders sides ficlet for @jinleebelee! i hope they have a great birthday and a great year ^^
Lee!Virgil x Ler!Patton (interpret how you wish)
Virgil jolted awake, breathing fast, the nightmare sticking in his mind. He quickly looked around to make sure he was not still in danger.
'Nope,' he thought. 'Still in Patton's pillow fort-'
The six sides had all spent the day building a pillow fort in Patton's room, and towards the end, it was getting pretty late, so they each fell asleep one by one. Roman and Logan dozed off first, mid-argument. Janus thought he would be sneaky and pretend to fall asleep to trick everyone, but then he drifted off. Goober. Remus somehow fell asleep with his butt in the air, leaving only Patton and Virgil awake. Patton gave Virgil one more comforting hand squeeze before he drifted into dreamland, making Virgil the last to fall asleep, as usual.
Now, he found that he was the first one awake, except that this time, he hated the loneliness that came with it. Virgil looked over at Patton, still asleep. Then, nudging him gently, he mumbled, "Pat…?"
The morality side mumbled and rolled over. "Yeah, kiddo?" He opened one eye sleepily and grinned.
"I had a nightmare…"
"Well, makes sense, ya didn't put sugar under your pillow! No wonder you didn't have sweet dreams!"
Virgil smiled softly. "Pat…"
Patton sighed playfully. "Okay, kiddo, c'mere!" He pulled Virgil closer, wrapping his arms around him. "Green, yellow, red?"
By this point, this had become a routine for the two. Whenever Virgil was upset, Patton adored using a particular method of cheering him up.
"Perfect~!" Patton wasted no time, gently tickling Virgil's soft belly, sending the anxious boy into giggles. "And now it's time for Thomas' Giggly Side to make an appearance~!"
"Nohohohohooo, shuhuhut uhuhuhup!" Virgil smiled and felt his fears and the nightmare slip away as he allowed himself to become putty in Patton's hands.
Patton leaned in close, whispering, "Shhh~ You don't wanna wake up the others, do you~?"
Virgil whined softly and was about to cover his mouth with his hands before Patton swirled a finger into his belly button, causing his arms to shoot back down. "W-WahahaAhAIT-!!"
"IhIhiHiT TIhiHihickles!!!!!"
Patton grinned, his fingers moving to tickle Virgil's armpits. "Good! That's the point, kiddo!" He leaned in to place a quick raspberry to his neck.
Patton gasped indignantly. "Those are fighting words, kiddo!" His scribbling over his belly focused on Virgil's belly button, eliciting squeals and cackles from the anxious side.
"Take it back!"
"And~? What else?"
"Atta boy!" Patton's tickle attack ceased, and he hugged Virgil close. "Feelin better?"
"Yehehehheah, Ihihi ahaham!"
Patton hummed softly as he rubbed Virgil's back, and they fell asleep soon after.
"That… was adorable. I am without words." Logan, and all the other sides for that matter, had long since been awoken by Virgil's laughter, but none of them interrupted the moment.
"Oh, yes, it was absolutely horrible, I hated watching every second of it." Janus was smiling warmly at the sight of the two boys cuddling.
"Alright, gang, let's let the cuties rest, and we can tease them plenty about it tomorrow," Roman said. So they all snuggled closer together, and soft snoring once again filled the little pillow fort.
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