#aha. this took me an hour to write
hikayunas · 2 years
HIHI I don’t know much about HikaYuna as a ship but I would like to know more about why ppl like them together, pls just ramble at me about them
hello hello o/ you've come to the right place, lol. i'll try to keep this as concise as possible, but there's a lot that goes into it (for me, at least) and i've always got a lot to say about these two. i won't be pointing out every moment between them that fuels it, so there's things i'm leaving out here that you can pick up on just by combing through the main story, events, etc.
disclaimer; i’m not fully caught up with arc 2 quite yet
to get the obvious out of the way; hikaru has a crush on yuna. to my knowledge it isn’t outright stated anywhere, but the implications are there and they are heavy. yuna doesn’t reciprocate to the same degree, but she doesn’t pointedly not reciprocate, either. yuna is open to hikaru's affections and isn't shown to dislike or try to prevent hikaru from acting on them. there are quite a few moments where they are mutually affectionate with each other in a way they aren't with anybody else
adding on to that -- hikaru is wholly dedicated and devoted to yuna. her wish was to find something to become passionate about -- and that 'thing' ends up being yuna, as hikaru realizes in her magical girl story. hikaru's devotion to yuna is something that takes over a major part of her life and affects much of what she does and how she does things. there are moments when hikaru vehemently reinforces and insists that she is dedicated to yuna and yuna alone. in crimson resolve, hikaru refuses to leave yuna's side even for her own safety, declaring that yuna is 'all hers', and so doesn't have a say in whether hikaru leaves or not. there is so much that can be said about hikaru's loyalty to yuna -- i could probably make a whole post talking about it by itself. bottom line, it's all-encompassing, and a big part of hikaru's character
hikaru's devotion and feelings for yuna are shown in her doppel quote -- her cry of 'don't take her away from me…!'; hikaru's despair is the thought of yuna being taken away from her
hikaru and yuna know each other better than the other promised blood members, and have known each other the longest -- since before the bloody tragedy and any of the events in futatsugi took place. as mentioned, there are multiple moments where it is shown and mentioned that they are uniquely affectionate with each other in ways they are not with any of the other characters (handkerchief scene, yuna fixing hikaru's uniform button, etc.). which leads me to --
-- in the beginning chapters of arc 2, hikaru can calm down an enraged yuna and bring her back to her senses. when yuna's burning thirst for vengeance clouds her mind and her logic, and she resorts to pure emotion and instinct, hikaru can pull her from the depths of her rage and pacify her. and quite easily, too. (see; arc 2 chapter 1, 'you're getting too heated, yuna.' / 'hikaru…')
lastly, and i intentionally saved this for the end (it's what got me into shipping them); their promise to die together, no matter what happens. in crimson resolve, when yuna is sending away all the members of torayamachi to join ryuugasaki for their own safety, hikaru stays. hikaru stays, claims that yuna is 'all hers' and so she has no say in if hikaru leaves. yuna says it's cruel, to herself, to her family, to everybody. to which hikaru responds by saying that if she dies, she will be waiting for yuna in hell. and that if yuna dies, she will follow her. with a content smile, yuna asks if they shall walk down the path to the land of the dead together
in the bad end version of this scene, hikaru even says that if she joins ryuugasaki, she'll lose the most important thing in her life. no -- she will lose her life itself. ('that's why…yuna…you're my life.') yuna says it's touching, but cruel, and that people will be devastated if hikaru dies. hikaru says she'll be doomed to turn into a witch if yuna dies, anyway, and they make that same promise to die together
there are countless other, smaller scenes and exchanges between them or them and other characters that reinforce these ideas or otherwise fuel the ship --
hikaru embracing yuna to soothe her and prevent her from killing juri at the end of crimson resolve. yuna's speech toward the beginning of crimson resolve describing hikaru so gallantly, so confident in hikaru's abilities. hikaru insisting that she 'isn't interested in anybody but yuna.' hikaru whining about how if she 'doesn't experience yuna's affection soon' when forced to be separated from her for one of promised blood's plans. hikaru gets jealous over dogs for getting more praise from yuna, and then tries to prove to yuna that she's better than those dogs. there's even the end of hikaru's magical girl story, where yuna teases hikaru with the idea of a rumor about them circulating if people find out hikaru has yuna's handkerchief (and gives it to her anyway).
but, these are essentially the main 'concepts' behind hikayuna and why i like them as a pairing (and why they've quickly become my favorite pairing in the series). there is so, so much more that can be said -- i really could talk forever about these two, lmao. thank you for the ask and for indulging me, have a wonderful day <3 (and if you've read this entire thing, thank you for your time \o/)
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
this is a pass to do a couple things:
finish the manga!!! u can do it so u can follow all the other blogs without getting blindsided by a spoiler
do the ship ask thingy for amoneki :]
Gahh I'm trying !! I'm so busy with school and life stuff so it's hard to squeeze in time to read but I'm trying! I'm getting through volumes very slowly but hey, I'll get there ! Just. Well. There's 16 volumes so. Okay it might take a bit orz
For now I'll just be in my little fandom limbo corner I suppose orz, as for the ask thingy:
when I started shipping it if I did: Several months ago, probably a few months short of a year? It's a bit complicated, Basically I decided to rewatch the anime (because my original exposure to tg was. the anime :') ) and vaguely remembered that I really liked Amon (honestly the encounter at Kanou's Lab/Cochlea was one of the scenes I remembered the most), and after rewatching and seeing Amon and Kaneki's interactions they piqued my interest again. Then I got into the manga and. Yeah that interest turned into insanity and now i'm here
my thoughts: Well I have a 119-slide 15K+-word google slideshow for starters. But I'm taking that to my grave so I guess I gotta condense that somehow. On one hand I feel like everything needs to be said about these two to the point that there's too much to talk about but also nothing needs to be said at the same time. They parallel each other in just about every way possible, it's impossible to ignore the ways that they foil each other. They also have had irreversible effects on the others' character. Kaneki finds resolve in Amon's words ('the world is wrong'), and turns to them at pivotal moments (when he leaves Anteiku, Kaneki's own mantra is also basically a derivative of Amon's, wishing to take out the "bad/wrong" things in the world, and he basically takes them to his grave, "The world is wrong", Amon's own words, being his opening to his final dialogue in the last chapter of the original series)
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Similarily Amon is just haunted by Kaneki. Like. In general. He thinks about him constantly (even under more mundane circumstances, in the novels he gets reminded of Kaneki just by staring out a window because it reminded him of the Aogiri raid. lmao). Kaneki is basically the catalyst to his character development, and Amon is constantly bothered by his presence/existence, and even comes to recognize how they always encounter each other at important moments. Amon is so haunted by This Guy (creature) it's both a little funny but also makes me very insane. He's basically being a failure of a ghoul investigator, and it's even more ironic, given his hatred of himself for being raised by and potentially caring about a ghoul (also he's catholic, something something religious guilt), yet he seems to have a lot of faith in Kaneki, even to a faulty degree (I'd daresay it's almost to the point where he puts Kaneki on a bit of a pedestal/idolizes him to an extent. I have a whole other ramble about Just that on the self-rb'ed half of this post. Like I'm sorry but Amon definitely fell hard for this guy I'll die on this hill and I'm going to poke fun at him endlessly for it, he could've done so much better, he starts off the manga hating ghouls with a passion and his mentor's disdain for ghouls runs ten times as deep but nope now he's chasing after the dangerous somewhat unhinged (/affectionate) half kakuja guy and it's not even to fight/kill him like okay, sure.) They have affected each other in irreversible ways. They reflect each other so much even if they don't know it. They just want to sit down and have a conversation. They didn't get to. And instead They Killed Each Other (okay not really but it was very close and they absolutely could, not that they want that) ((It's also partially Kaneki's fault for losing control of himself and he feels awful for that (sidenote but any scenario with Centineki and Amon make me lose my mind))). They're also married by first-encounter marriage bite, apparently. I think we should talk about that more that's kinda?? Donato approves btw
What makes me happy about them: Everything that makes me miserable about them makes me simultaneously happy about them because I am an Angst Guy but honestly just how much they clearly respect each other. While they're not allowed to understand each other because of their circumstances they still very much Want to. They recognize that they probably share a lot of views and could really have a meaningful conversation with each other, and it really shows, even if they're fighting. Amon again has a surprising amount of trust in Kaneki (not assuming he's fighting for Aogiri when he saw him during the ward 11 battle, having faith in Kaneki as a person even if he just saw him potentially killing his superior and being presented with the possibility that maybe he was just being fooled all along, when he's nearly dying at Kaneki's own hands but says he won't die because that would make Kaneki a murderer, having faith still that he hasn't turned into one). They recognize that they're equals (well technically they're not, obviously Kaneki is much stronger objectively, being a ghoul, and a kakuja at that), but they treat each other as equals and that's what really matters. I just think it's a very neat dynamic and their roundabout way of caring about each other despite their positions makes me happy :)
What makes me sad about them: I was gonna put images but then I quickly realized that I'd basically be pasting almost all of chapter 133-134 just uh. The fact that Kaneki really lost control of himself and the parallel with him biting Amon's shoulder escalates to him cutting off his entire fucking arm, the way that Amon's first thought in regards to that is simply that Kaneki is strong, how he doesn't reprimand him for it whatsoever (also Amon's blow pretty much takes out the entire area of where Kaneki's kakuhou should be, which is a detail I find Extremely Interesting and I think it should genuinely be talked about more). This fucking line that happened literally the panel before all of that despite their mutual wishes for the other to simply Not Die:
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Amoneki divorce. Absolutely life ruining :thumbsup:
(Also just. Again Amon Please. This guy bit your shoulder (probably gave Amon rabies honestly) and almost ate one of your colleagues; when he loses control of himself for the second time you just tell him to take a break, and now he's cut off your whole damn arm and you're Still not complaining and are instead praising him by calling him strong. I just. Yeah that's Not Normal. It's kind of impressive, really /derogatory)
Oh yeah also the fight at Kanou's lab also kills me and takes over my brain constantly but I wouldn't classify that as making me sad I would classify that as making me lose my mind, laugh hysterically and start climbing up and clawing at the walls (like Centineki, actually)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Maybe I'm just extremely picky but I feel like people tend to fumble Amon's characterization a lot. It's kind of a fine line, and Amon has a lot of conflicting feelings as is, so I get it, but I'm especially bothered when Amon is written as way too harsh. When he's first introduced he has a strong hatred for ghouls, and it's not like that just goes away, but when he's written as especially harsh or even cruel towards Kaneki, especially if it's just because for him being a ghoul it feels like it kind of defeats the point, as Kaneki is supposed to be the reason why Amon starts changing his mind. When Amon sees him for the second time he doesn't think about fighting him at all, even that early on he decides he wants to talk instead, 'cause He's Different. I don't see this kind of characterization too often but I don't really vibe with it at all when I do (Also this is definitely just a me-thing but I wish there was more angst in the tag. Which is ironic considering these guys are surprisingly normal most of the time and have so much potential to be actually Happy but uh *vague hand gestures*, hurt-comfort would also be a decent compromise)
things I look for in fanfic: I love pre-:re fics that explore the complicated-ness of their dynamic. I'm really fond of fics where they kind of dance around each other in a sense, they won't just straight up completely directly interact because that's Still a bit dangerous but they see each other in passing, maybe Kaneki watches over Amon sometimes, etc. Also you probably saw this coming a mile away but yeah religious references mean instant bonus points from me. I could go into some (too much) detail but. uh. stares down at my feet look I'm normal I swear
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  Saying Amonhaise is definitely cheating but I'm not really invested in any other Amon ships. I'm not particularly against any I'm just neutral. As for Kaneki, like I mentioned in a previous post, I see potential with Etoken, and it's pretty hard to go wrong with Hidekane, though neither drive me to insanity like these two do at the moment
My happily ever after for them: Let them finally officiate their marriage ghsfdljbhf
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Well that's pretty easy huh. Kaneki small spoon he is a Little Guy just let him feel comfortable and secure y'know? Kaneki is probably someone who runs very cold and Amon is very warm so it works out :) If he's super tired he very carefully (and cautiously) wraps his kagune around Amon he will now be Trapped there until Kaneki wants to get out of bed (good luck)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Well I would say that Kaneki loves cooking for Amon probably. He makes food at home and tries to make new sweets following recipe books. It's a bit of a mess because y'know, he's a ghoul, and at first Amon tries to hide that, unfortunately, his previous experience with cooking does Not, in fact, hide the fact that he cannot taste or smell human food, but eventually Kaneki is able to get a hang of it (with Amon's help) and it's very nice :) That's what I would say but. well. Amon is Also a Ghoul now so that doesn't really work :')
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anothermonikan · 10 months
'In 33 hours this will all be over, whether you do it good or not you wont have to worry about it anymore, cmon Andy, you got this! You got this!' <<< trying to do their last assignment
#I have not been able to focus today. I'm half way through the writing but itsa presentation video thing#so I gotta film it! I would just take the easy way out with a presentation but....#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone#and it's gonna be easier to get to that 12 minute minimum limit if I can like insert clips and stuff.#so I'm doing like an ACTUAL video. so I gotta edit it as well#I hope I reach that 12 minutes because IDK what I'm gonna do if I write this all and put all the clips in and what-not and it's under#make my title cards longer IG??#asdshsddsds#Ugh. I'm not like tired or anything but I know I'm gonna be later because I made plans....#so idk whether to bite the bullet finish this paragraph. sleep for a bit more. and then go back to work after#but considering idk how long I'm gonna be out for.....I'm gonna guesstimate like 3 hours#That leaves me with. 20 something hours after I go out if I pull an all nighter which I will almost definitely have to do#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better#also my brains like bugging me because I really want to spend time with bby aha#is 20 hours enough time for me to finish a script. film a video. find all the clips and materials I need for it. edit it all together.#Space out my transcript correctly. and hope there's no issues with the upload process#I'm dual uploading onto two platforms in case one of them fails but how long does a 12 minute video take to upload...#wahhhh#I think I should sleep a lil more maybe#yeah I'm starting to get tired again oops#one last thing and then I'll take another nap#Android.txt
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
just a little drunk - hoo boys
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content: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace and frank zhang x drunk!reader, best friends to lovers
warnings: mortal!au, alcohol consumption, dirty jokes, weed consumption, probably cursing.
a/n: i just discovered that i have a massive problem with writing. i literally took half an hour (at least) to write EACH one of those. terrible. just terrible. but i swear im trying to write more, it’s just cause i don’t have much creativity to write 😭
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now playing… party in the USA - miley cyrus
Percy Jackson
He was at the party. Of course he was at the party. Everyone says a party without Percy Jackson is not a party. But he was the DD of the night, so he was completely sober - which was a hard task for the party king.
That, until he saw you. On top of a table. Striping down- wait. Striping down?! Jesus Christ, he left you alone for five minutes- oh, you’re taking your shirt off.
Of course there’s a bunch of assholes standing there, telling you to keep going and screaming obscenities at you. But Percy didn’t have the time to be mad right now, he was too focused on you.
If he got there one second late, he and everyone else in that room would see the black lacy bra you was wearing, but thank goodness he got there before you did it.
“Alright, that’s enough for today, isn’t it, sweetheart?” He said, hugging you from behind and taking a very giggly you off the table. All the boys in the room started ‘booh’ing him, and he just flipped him the finger.
“Perce! I was having funnn!!” You complained, your words sloppy and smudgy as he basically dragged you back to his SUV. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.
“Y/n/n, you were about to strip in front of a lot of people. I’m sure you’d kill me tomorrow if i let that happen.” He said as he pushed you onto the car and pulled the seat down so you could lay against it.
“Hmm.. Yeah, i’d probably do that.” She said, the smile never leaving her face as she started mumbling random words.
He closed the door and walked towards the driver’s seat. He knew he couldn’t drive you back to his house now, since he had to wait for his friends, so he just turned the air conditioning on and pulled a blanket over you shoulders.
“Sleep for a little. I’ll take you to my home, hm? I’ll take care of you.” He said, taking the loose strands of hair off your face. You were just so pretty it was unbearable.
“Fine.. Thanks, Percy.” She said and drifted off to slumber.
After a few minutes of watching you sleep, he remembered that you’d hate to sleep with make up on, so he looked into the glove compartment and- aha! Of course you had left a few of your wet wipes there.
He started softly running the cloth against your face, cleaning it. When he was finally over, he kissed your nose slightly and smiled to himself, waiting for his friends so he could drive you home aswell.
Jason Grace
He was sleeping, as any normal person would at 2 am. But he was a light sleeper, and he woke up suddenly with his phone raining in his nightstand. He groaned and searched for both his glasses and the phone so he could see who was calling him so late in the night.
When he looked at the phone screen, he frowned in confusion. Why was Kayla calling him, out of nowhere? She usually didn’t call him, unless-
“Kayla?” He said as he picked up the phone, sitting in his bed and rubbing his eyes so he could try and forget the sleepiness that was threatening to win him over.
“Hey, Jason.. uh… i’m sorry for waking you up but, uh… i’m in a party with y/n-“ Y/n and parties? Never ever a good combination. “-And she doesn’t accept to go home unless it’s with you. She’s… drunk. Maybe high, too. Can you pick her up?”
Oh boy, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to do that. “I’m on my way. Just… send me the address and i be there as soon as possible.”
“Fine- shut up, y/n! Stay here, no-“ And then the call was over.
My god, he thought, what’s she gotten herself into this time?
Kayla sent him the adress and he got into his car - a Lambo, gift from his absent father trying to make up for it - and got in the place the party was happening in less than ten minutes.
The first thing he noticed was the loud noise in the party. The second was you, laid down and making a snow angel in the grass. Funny sight.
“Y/n/n? My god, what in hell are you-“ He got cut off with you getting up and jumping on his arms, hugging him.
“Jase! I didn’t think you’d come!” You said, smiling brightly at your best friend. “Come on, let’s go to the party!”
You tried pulling his hand towards the house, but you weren’t already the strongest while sober, and drunk… e didn’t even flinch.
“No, honey, im taking you back to your house. You got enough drinking for today.” He said, pulling you by the waist towards him and placing you inside the car as you tried your hardest to get back to the party.
“As, come on! Buzzkill!” You whined, crossing your arms and pouting at him.
“Come on, i’ll buy you a slushee. What’d you think?” He asked. You immediately smiled. Drunk you was a very easily distracted person.
“Fine. But we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He said, squeezing her shoulder softly as he drove towards the gas station.
“Whatever you say. Buzzkill.”
Leo Valdez
He was home watching a dumb tv show. He didn’t really bother with sleeping, since he knew his best friend was going to a party. And you plus party equals to a very drunk mess.
So when he finally got a call, he already knew it was you. It happens that he was right.
“Yes, cariño?” He asked, a smile plastered on his lips as soon as he heard your drunk giggles.
“Can you pick me up, fireboy?” You asked, your voice groggy and smudgy. But he knew it would probably be like that, so he was already expecting it.
“Course i can. Send me the address and i’m on my way.”
“Fine. Bye Valdeeezzzz..” You said before hanging up the phone with giggles and smiles.
He got where you were and you were being supported by one of your friends, who seemed pretty annoyed with the drunk version of you, all smiley and clingy to anyone around.
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I can’t stand her anymore.” Your friend said before basically dragging you towards the boy. “She’s all yours now.”
You were all smiles as you held Leo’s neck and pulled him close to you. “Leooooo! I missd’ ya!”
“Hey, cariño. You’re kinda drunk, aren’t you?” He asked before supporting your weight and taking you towards his car.
“What? Me? Nooo…” You said, giggling. You clearly smelled like pure alcohol.
“Sure you aren’t. Get in there, i’m taking you home.” He said, opening the passanger’s seat for you and placing you inside.
He put on your seat belt and kissed you forehead before walking towards the driver’s seat.
When he got inside the car, you were almost completely dozed off in sleep, trying your hardest to stay awake. He chuckled and turned the air conditioning on so you could rest more comfortably.
“Sleep, y/n/n. I’ll call you when we get home.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
Franz Zhang
He’s dead worried that you haven’t gotten home yet. Of course he didn’t knew where you were, cause you didn’t tell him.
Come on, you knew that, if you did tell him, he’d try to stop you.
So why bother?
You were having fun. A really, really good time. That was until your best friend came by with a weird cocktail, which was nothing more than a mix of different types of alcohol and syrup. Really fun.
And that’s when you got drunk and wobbly and you just had to call Frank. Common drunk mistake, isn’t it?
He picked up on the third ring.
“Y/n? My god, are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. He was so worried about you, cause you weren’t home and you didn’t pick up the phone and just called him out of the blue.
“Frankie!” You said and he could hear the smile in your voice. His concern only grew once he realized you were drunk.
“Y/n, where are you? I’m going to pick you up.” He said, already getting up with the car and house keys in his hand.
“I’m at Louis’ house! We’re having a birthday party!” You said, giggling and smiling brightly at absolutely nothing.
“Fine, i’ll… i’ll be there in ten. Just… don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me, outside the house. Don’t drink anything else and please, for the heavens sake, don’t do drugs.” He pleaded.
“I’m not- Frankie! I’m not on drugs. Please.” You said in a fake annoyed tone and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed, driving towards where you were.
When he got there, he immediately saw you on the backyard, playing probably Pokémon Go and yelling when you finally found a pokémon. He smiled at the sight, and then remembered why he was there.
He walked towards you. When you finally saw him, you smiled widely and jumped in his direction, trying to hug his neck. Which wasn’t easy, as he was a little taller than you.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned down so you could hug him properly.
“Heyyy!!! I missed you!” You said, voice muffled by his shoulder. “Can you take me home? Please? I’m tired.” You said smiling cheekily.
“No.” He said, simply. “I’m taking you to my house today, kay? There’s some of your stuff there, and i can borrow you a shirt so you can sleep. But i’m not leaving you alone in this state.”
“Yay! Sleepover!” You cheered excitedly.
He couldn’t deny that the drunk version of you was very cute.
a/n pt2: did you see what i did there? i cut almost all of them in the middle. two reasons: one, for this not be too big and second i have inspiration to write more. lmk if u want a part 2 of those!!
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gracieheartspedro · 1 year
Part 3 of "How Long"
pairing: f!reader x brother-in-law!joel miller
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find part 1 and 2 here!
dedication: @jenispunk <3 I love you sm jen. thank you for always supporting my writing and being the best wife a girl could ever dream of. you make my heart so happy. thank you for helping me edit and being the first to read this and encouraging me no matter what! love you love you love you!!!
description: a weekend escape with joel and sarah, kinda. the bed situation is a little confusing. luckily you and joel make it work. when sarah's not around, of course.
word count: 5.5k
warnings: MINORS DNI! this is 18+, pre!outbreak joel, there is smut in this part!! unprotected p in v, oral sex (f receiving), joel is a CONSENT KING AGAIN, dirty talk, daddy kink (aha), hotel sex?, begging? lmao I think that's it.
author's note: finally. it's here. I feel like I've been staring at this doc for 7 years. thank you all for your patience. I want to continue this series but I have to sit down and really brainstorm what I'd like the next parts to be. let me know your thoughts! THANK YOU FOR READING!
“My favorite Millers!” 
Your face was beaming, seeing Joel hop out of his truck with Sarah in tow. The truck was still running, the diesel engine chugging louder than any truck you had been in before. Joel always had a nicer, newer truck. He made great money and he was always having to go into construction zones that needed an all terrain vehicle. They always got pretty banged up with dirt and rocks, but he took excellent care of the interior. 
Joel grabs both of your bags, taking them to the backseat where Sarah would be crammed in with all the luggage. You give him a nod, silently thanking him. Sarah wraps her arms around your waist, giggling with excitement. 
“I’m so happy you’re coming with us! It’s going to be a great weekend,” She explains while you two walk over to the tall truck. You always found climbing into a truck unnatural and awkward yourself, but it was hot watching Joel hop in with ease. You agree with Sarah, all the while opening up the door for yourself. Sarah springs up to her seat, and you struggle to crawl up into the cab. It makes Joel chuckle. 
“I’m making you lift me into this thing next time,” you joke, easing back into the fabric seats, “Especially since you think watching me struggle is funny.”
Joel looks back in the rear view to see if Sarah’s paying attention, “‘s no problem at all, darlin’. I will gladly help you next time.”
You knew he was flirting. It makes your stomach bubble with excitement. He makes sure you two are buckled and starts on the two and half hour journey to Houston. Once you leave your neighborhood, Sarah taps your shoulder and holds out her new CD player. It’s purple and covered in sparkly stickers. 
“Looks like your Dad is supplying you with all the ways to listen to music,” you observe, glancing over at Joel. He’s just watching the road, one hand on the steering wheel, the other propped up on the shifter. He looks younger, the dusk sky the perfect back drop for his pronounced nose and beautiful eyelashes. You couldn’t help but stare, even as Sarah’s talking your ear off. He just nods along to her, making sure she knows she’s heard. 
“Think I’m gonna listen to my Kelly Clarkson CD this time,” Sarah explains, putting her earphones over her voluminous curls, “So don’t try to talk to me!”
You and Joel giggle, shaking your heads at her comment. It’s not like you were the one’s talking before, you both think. 
It gives you both a moment without a kid’s ears nearby. 
“How was the rest of your work week?” He asks, tapping the shifter to the soft hum of the radio.
“Boring,” You mumble, “Think one of the guys in marketing has a crush on me and he’s making it impossible to avoid him. I can’t even go to the break room without him bothering me.”
You didn’t know why you felt the urge to tell Joel about the situation. It wasn’t even a real situation, it was just an annoying thing happening in your life.
“Hmph,” he ponders for a moment, “Want me to kill him?”
His tone is serious, but you know he’s just messing. You grin, nudging his arm with your elbow gently, ensuring it doesn’t move the steering wheel. 
“My hero,” You comment as you watch a smile crack across his face, “No, thank you, though. If it starts to get to stalker status, I will call you.”
“Seems like stalkin’ already, baby girl.”
The nickname makes your stomach flip. You purse your lips, contemplating his words. Sure it was creepy, but the guy was scrawny and you could probably snap him in half with two fingers. He had nothing to really worry about. Right?
Joel steals a glance over at you. 
“Maybe, but I’ll handle it.”
You wanted him to think you were strong enough to deal with unwanted attention, but to be honest, you weren’t sure how to say no to most men. You only ever had Tommy and he scared everyone away. Now everyone around town knew you were on the market, and men were drawn to your natural beauty and somewhat sassy attitude. 
Little did they know, you were hung up on the other Miller boy. 
“You let me know if you need me to talk to him,” He doesn’t take his eyes off the road, just reaches his right hand out to rest on your thigh, “Man to man.”
His hand is so warm, you feel it through your black leggings. He was almost always like a furnace, but it was okay, because you always ran cold. But every time he touched you, you felt that warmth trail up your arms and legs. He made you feel different. Every fiber of your being became electrified when he was around. It was a sensation you never noticed when you were with Tommy. You begin chalking it up to just being nervous because he was older and larger and… well, hotter. 
“Again, my hero,” you respond sarcastically, letting your hand rest on top of his. It makes him more confident, gently massaging that area. You watch as his hand creeps closer and closer to the crack between your legs. You practically gasp at the contact, but you catch yourself before you do, remembering there’s a child behind you. 
So you smack his hand away, shooting him a glare. 
“What are you doing?”
“Nothin’ just… sorry.”
You didn’t want him to pull away, your leg already missing his touch, but you knew what would happen if you did stuff like that in front of Sarah. She’s a teenage girl. She’ll talk. It’ll find it’s way to someone’s ears. 
You wanted to act like you didn’t care if Tommy found out, but deep down you knew it would be a disaster. You didn’t feel like being the talk of the town. You didn’t feel like explaining yourself to Tommy. You didn’t feel like watching Joel deal with the flack from his family, especially his mother. 
If you two wanted to continue this… game… you would have to keep it secret. That included keeping it away from Sarah’s eyes and ears. You and Joel would just be friends. You would just be her aunt. That’s it. 
“Don’t apologize,” You whisper, “Just not here.”
You two let the radio take over the rest of the trip, occasionally chatting about a song or what the newscaster says about the weather. Once you get into Houston, it’s already 8:30 at night. Joel pulls into the parking garage to the Marriot and you already start craving the bed that awaits you inside. 
“I call the bed near the window!” Sarah throws her stuff down, jumping straight onto one the huge queen size duvet. The room was nice. A large television set catches your eye immediately, proving that this was probably an expensive room if they were giving you free cable tv. The curtains were open, giving a beautiful view of Houston’s skyline. 
One thing you notice, too, is the fact that there was only two beds. You knew this, but it still made your stomach sink a bit. 
You realize you three hadn’t discussed the sleeping situation. You didn’t care where you would sleep, honestly. You just knew Sarah was a restless one, having slept next to her in a tent when she was 9. Family camping trips entailed you, Tommy, Joel, and Sarah sharing a 6 person tent and being absolutely miserable the whole entire time. Between Tommy’s snores and Sarah practically flailing all around the tent at night, you remember not getting a lick of sleep. 
“Go get a shower, Sarah. We will figure out who’s sleeping where.”
She groans at Joel, like usual. 
“Shower,” he throws his bag down on the ground near the dresser, “No arguin’.”
Sarah sulks, her bag in hand, straight to the bathroom by the front door. You don’t say anything. You just start following Joel’s lead by putting your bags down next to his. You stand a bit too close to him, waiting for him to say where you’d be sleeping.  
He clears his throat, “I will take the recliner, if you want the bed.”
“Of course I want the bed, but I don’t want you to have to sleep in the recliner.”
It makes him laugh, how matter-of-fact you are. 
You hear Sarah start up the shower. You wouldn’t have to fear she hears you and Joel talk about the possibility of sleeping with one another. Again.
“It’s not a big deal,” He explains, unzipping his bags to grab his pajamas, “Sleep on the couch all the time.”
“But you have a nice plush couch,” You gesture towards the hard and structured looking recliner, “That doesn’t look comfortable at all.”
For a girl who didn’t want Joel touching you in the car, you were practically begging him to sleep next to you in the big comfortable hotel bed. 
“So, where do you want me to sleep?”
“Just take the bed.”
“But you want the bed.”
You swallow, not even looking up at him, “We both can have the bed.”
He’s silent, gripping onto his sweatpants and t-shirt. He slowly looks down at you, his eyes carry a curious glint in them. You cock your head, giving him a mischievous smirk.
“You and Sarah?”
“No, you and Sarah.”
He groans, “You are a fuckin’ tease.”
You giggle, watching him brush pass you to position himself close to the closet. He opens the closet door, slipping in like he’s looking for something in there. 
“What are you doing?”
“In the closet?”
He grabs his shirt from the nape of his neck and pulls it off smoothly. You can’t peel your eyes away, partially seeing his right peck from how he’s standing. It was like the morning after having sex with him. Your eyes were glued to him, his tanned skin practically asking to be touched and licked. 
You horny bitch. 
“Joel, get out of the closet.”
He chuckles, “Why? You want me to give you a show?”
Why yes, I really do, Joel. You think to yourself. You hum a response, peeling your eyes away. You needed to find your pajamas, a pair of Nike sports shorts and a black tank top. Lately, you’ve been sleeping completely naked, but that was obviously not an option here. 
Sarah finally leaves the bathroom as soon as Joel slides his pants up. She has her hair wrapped in a towel, which makes you smile. She looked so grown up, it’s hard to believe you met her when she was 6 years old. You wordlessly walk into the bathroom, beginning to change your outfit for your sleep wear. You splash some cold water on your face, your cheeks still blushed from seeing Joel shirtless. 
You hear the door outside open and close. You peak out, your traveling clothes wrapped up in your arms. Joel stands in the middle of the room, fiddling with the remote for the TV. 
“Where did Sarah go?” You question, packing your clothes back into your duffle. 
“She wanted to go get ice from the ice machine,” He grumbles, “Said she wanted to see if any of her teammates were awake or nearby.”
“Is her whole team staying here?”
“Yeah, pretty much every team gets a floor. Last year it was a like a huge sleepover. Fuckin’ nightmare,” Joel mutters, flicking through different channels, before landing on some westerns. You smirk, deciding to plop down on one of the beds. As soon as you lay back, Sarah comes back in, bucket in hand. 
“Can I go stay in Amelia’s room? Her mom is there, just two doors down.”
Well that solves the bed problem. 
Joel rolls his eyes, you can tell he’s already annoyed. “Is Amelia’s mom okay with that?”
“You want to go talk to her? I promise Dad, we will get up at 5:30 like we need to. Pleas-”
“Let’s go talk to Amelia’s mom.”
You hear them leave the room without saying anything else. 
You were tired from a long day at work and the long drive. But some excitement blooms in your stomach when you realize it may just be you and Joel, all alone in a hotel room. 
Before you have time to ponder all the wonders that may be in store for you, Joel comes back with a frustrated huff. 
“She staying over there?”
“Yeah, Amelia’s mom said it was fine. Then she started askin’ who you were. Guess they saw us in the hotel lobby.”
Your stomach twists, nervous at what his response was.
“Told her you were Sarah’s aunt. She gave me a weird look.”
“Great, now the soccer mom’s will be oogling me tomorrow.”
“Well they will anyway,” Joel responds, finding a spot next to you on the edge of the bed, “Single ones won’t leave me alone.” 
You know he’s really just seeing if you’ll get jealous. But you don’t play into his little game. You just let out a loud hearty laugh. 
“The ladies just love a Miller.”
He grumbles something inaudible, nudging you with his elbow. “You do, don’t ya?”
“Sure do.”
His face softens, his eyes flicking down to your lips. 
You grin, “She’s 14 and super goofy. Loves to play socc-”
“You’re truly testin’ me today, ain’t ya?”
You can’t help yourself at that point. The way he’s flirting only gives you more reason to taunt him. 
“Is Sarah seriously going to be gone from the room all night?”
“Yeah,” He nods, leaning back on his palms. He acts like he’s watching TV, ignoring your not-so-subtle hints that you want his eyes on you. 
“So, I can finally ask you why you think it’s okay to tease me in the car?”
“Don’t know what you’re on about, darlin’,” He smirks, he knows.
You tilt your head to the side, finally lifting your hand onto his lap. You immediately start toying with him the same way, your hand creeping towards his crotch. His eyes peel away from the TV. He watches you closely, his eyes trailing from your gaze down to your fingers dancing on his pant leg. 
“You put your hand on my thigh and started inching closer and cl-“
“Are you tryin’ to make a point or pose a question?”
He was getting annoyed with the games already. But you’d only just begun. 
“I’m just trying to explain how you can’t do things like that to me in front of Sarah,” You remark, flicking your eyelashes up to his glare, “Especially when you can’t finish it.”
“Who said I ain’t gonna?”
You huff, “Well here we are, all alone in a hotel room. No kiddo in sight. Still not touching me.”
“Don’t think you deserve it cause you’re a tease.”
“How am I a tease, Miller?”
“You exist and that’s enough. Walkin’ around in a tank top,” He gestures to your chest, “Just beggin’ to be touched.”
Your skin is set alight. The words go straight to your core. 
You’re cut off. His hands work quickly, pulling you by the nape of your neck, right to his eager lips. You begin to realize you had been longing for this moment for so long. He couldn’t resist anymore, his whole body buzzing at the fact that he finally has you again. 
His lips are soft and slow as they make their way around yours. His hands eventually trail down to your butt, his hands cradling both cheeks. He lifts you forward, sliding you up and onto his lap. 
“Been wantin’ this for months, baby.” 
Butterflies erupt in the pit of your tummy. You can feel them travel up to your chest as you look down at him, his eyelids heavy and his lips pursed.  
He waited for you to respond to his calls, knowing you needed time. He needed to be patient. You would come around, he knew it. After months, here you are. 
He thinks back to every time he was touching himself late at night, he would imagine the night you two shared. Your soft curves and needy dripping pussy. It drove him wild imagining you like this again. 
“I think it’s been more than wantin’, Joel,” You grind down on his prominent bulge growing in his sweatpants, “Think you need it.”
He grins, finally getting out of his own head.
“Such a little tease, damn it.”
You lean down, mindlessly speckling kisses behind his ear and neck. Your boobs rest right in front of his face, and you’re right, he needs it. His hands leave your behind, reaching up to the straps of your tank top. He tugs them down your biceps, allowing your cleavage to spill out more. 
Your hands find his dark peppered curls at the nape of his neck, pulling downward. You needed him closer and he obliged. He starts to kiss your collarbones, wandering down to the swell of your breasts. You can feel yourself staining your sports shorts with anticipation. 
You rock your hips, craving more. He takes the hint, reaching back down to lift you from your ass. He switches spots, laying you on your back on the plush white duvet. He’s leaning over you now, which gives you a great view of how spent he looks already. His gray sweatpants are hanging lower, tenting where his cock has grown hard. 
He smirks, taking off his shirt the same way he did earlier. With one hand, it slips right over his head and onto the floor. 
“Jesus,” You huff out, using the time to remove your top, “I need you, Joel.”
The smirk never leaves his lips. He leans down, pushing your legs apart with his pointer and middle finger. You open up for him, wanting nothing more for him to dive into you in every possible way. You watch as he slides his fingers up your thigh, past the openings of your shorts. 
He realizes you aren’t wearing underwear. He sighs as he swipes the pads of his fingers across your wet slit. 
“I know you do,” He drawls, watching you writhe under his touch, “You need me as much as I need you.”
He practically tears off your shorts, not wasting any time fighting with the fabric. 
You adjust how your laying to accommodate him laying between your thighs. He lays down on his stomach, bringing your hips close to his mouth. You watch as he kisses your inner thighs, his breath hot fanning against your skin. 
You remember the last time you were in this position. You spent night after night remembering the best head you’ve ever gotten, from the one and only, Joel Miller. And you could tell Joel was not going to go another moment without making you cum on his tongue. 
When his tongue hits the top of your slit, you whine at the contact. He presses his face in, diving deeping into your lips. As soon as he finds your clit, he puts all his attention there. His nose is pressed against your mound as he hums against your sensitive bud. 
“Joel,” You cry, reaching down between your legs to grab the crown of his head, your hands lacing into his locks, “Right fuckin’ there.”
He continues his movements, only increasing in speed in which he flicks his tongue. He wraps his lips over the swollen area, sucking and lapping your sweetness. He pulls away, the slick between your thighs missing him instantly. He brings his fingers up to his mouth and wets them with saliva. He glances up at your completely dazed face. 
“‘M gonna fuck you with my fingers first,” His voice is deep and hushed, “Make you cum. You gonna cum for me like a good girl?”
You don’t even know where it comes from. But you say it with your chest.
“Yes, Daddy.”
You never expected the moan to come out of his mouth. It’s deep and guttural. He couldn’t believe his ears, and he can’t believe the words came from your mouth. His good girl? That fuckin’ flithy?
He slips his fingers into you without resistance. His mouth finds it’s way back to your core, fucking you in unison. 
You reach up to your chest, cradling your own boobs. Joel’s still only in sweatpants but they are riding low on his hips. As he’s giving you his all, he’s grinding his hips into the bed, trying to get whatever friction he can. Watching the motion alone is driving you wild, sending your hips rotating on his tongue. You knew the release was coming, you could feel it in your fingertips. 
And when it comes, it’s like fireworks inside your stomach and chest. You lurch forward, crying out his name. You knew it was probably way too loud for the thin hotel walls, but you couldn’t help yourself. The orgasm sends stars speckling across your vision. 
Joel fucks you through the comedown. You are the hottest thing he’s ever laid eyes on, he thinks. When your body rests back, you’re panting, trying to ground yourself for a second. Joel pulls his fingers out and sucks each digit. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” You mewl, reaching out for him. You just need to touch him. 
He shimmies his sweatpants down and off his legs. He’s sitting back on his knees, smiling down at your desperate eyes. He crawls on top of you, his dick prodding at your thighs. He leans down, trapping your lips into another longing kiss. His hands trail down your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He pulls back after a couple seconds, gazing into your eyes. 
“You still on that birth control?”
You hum in response. 
“Need me to pull out still?”
You smirk, lacing your arms around his shoulders, “No. Need you to cum inside me.”
He shakes his head, sitting back to line himself with your entrance.
“My dirty girl,” He runs his cock head between your swollen red lips, triggering your hips to move closer to him, “You drive me insane.”
“Come on, Joel. I’ve been waiting for ages for you to fuck me. Need you. Now.”
He chuckles darkly, still not giving you what you want. “Waiting ages, huh?”
“Joelllll,” You beg, smacking his chest, “Please.”
“Mmm,” He pushes forward just enough to relieve your ache, “Love it when you beg for it.”
He practically splits you open when he snaps his hips. You both groan simultaneously, unable to hold back this sick fantasy you’re both playing into. You feel more full than you ever did before. You don’t remember it hurting this good. 
“Holy fuck,” you whine, “So fucking full, Joel.”
He slowly pulls back, “You tell me if it’s too much, ‘kay?”
You shake your head, throwing your head back as he sets a cautious pace. He’s watching all your facial expressions, making sure he’s not hurting you. You wince when he starts to pick up the pace, which causes him to halt completely. 
“No,” You plead, “More. Faster. Please, just please.”
He says nothing, just pushes up your thighs so the back of them are flush with the front of his. He leans over you, his elbows on each side of your head. He grinds into you while his dark curls fall into your face. You tilt your head up, finding the crook of his neck again. 
His cock felt so good dragging in out of you. You felt like you could stay in this position forever. You molded so perfectly around him. He treated you like this beautiful mural, taking his time with delicate strokes. His hands wrapped around the back of your head, holding you in the curve of his body.
You latch your lips onto his neck, peppering lovebites everywhere. You didn’t even think about if they could be seen later. In the moment, you only thought of him as yours. He was yours and everyone would fucking know it. 
He’s starting to get more greedy. He pulls back, his warmth moving away from your perked up nipples. His upper body the best view you could get, so you couldn’t complain too much. He grabs behind your knees, using them as leverage as he starts to pound into you. 
Your eyes meet and for fuck’s sake, he’s perfect. You never knew you could see Joel Miller like this. Like someone who fucked you so good, but also cared so tenderly for you. He wanted to see you in the throws of pleasure, not even worrying about when he’d get his rocks off. He got his rise out of seeing how much you enjoyed yourself.
His ravenous drive to bring you to the edge is causing the headboard to slam against the wall which each stroke. He brings his left hand up to your bouncing tits, grabbing your nipple and tugging on it. He knew what touching your boobs did to you. He remembers watching your visceral reactions to him toying with them before. It brings a smile to his face. 
“I’m gonna-”
You don’t even finish your sentence, you just gasp as you feel his cock head hit the deepest parts of you. A place no other man has made it to. 
“I don’t want anyone else,” He musters out, his teeth clenching as your pussy restricts around him. He means it. He may be drunk on you, but he feels those words down to his bones. “I only ever want this.”
It was never just about the sex. Joel cared for you. Fuck, maybe he even loved you. 
You swallow, propping yourself up on your elbows. You glance down, watching his cock slip so perfectly, in and out of you. 
“I’m yours, Joel,” You manage to peep out before the orgasm you’ve been holding back builds to a maddening point, “I’m yours.”
The words make his cock twitch. He can’t help himself, he needs you to cum right this very moment. He doesn’t say anything, just unhooks your legs and uses his right hand to put pressure on your clit. Tears start to prick in your eyes as he lazily rubs circles, humming in satisfaction. He feels you tightening up, he knows your close. 
Your vision goes white. You body starts to vibrate, the pure bliss he’s sending you into takes you to a whole other dimension. You want more. More. More. More. 
As he watches you seize up, he can’t resist his own orgasm. The explosion sends him into a moaning mess. He fucks into you, painting your walls with his cum, not letting a drop go to waste. 
He collapses on top of you. You don’t even care, you feel like jello anyway, he could melt right into you.
He rolls off after a minute. 
You always miss him when he’s not near you. 
You stare at the ceiling, pondering the right words to say to him. Nothing comes to mind. He gets up, walking naked to the bathroom. He grabs a rag from the shelf above the toilet, running it under some warm water. 
When he returns, you let him clean all around your body. You make sure he doesn’t wipe away the wet kisses he left all over you, though. 
“You okay?”
You finally look at him. 
You want to say yes, because you were okay. Physically. But your heart wanted to pulsate out of your chest. 
“I will be,” You state simply, “Just tired.”
He slowly starts grabbing all your articles of clothing off the floor, dressing you once he collects all of them. He’s careful with you. Gentle. 
“Do you want to sleep in the same bed?”
The question rings in your ears. Of course you did. 
��As long as you get up at the ass crack of dawn and move before Sarah comes in.”
He chuckles, pulling his sweatpants back over his waist. He doesn’t even bother to put on his shirt.
“Will do, baby.”
When you wake up, you realize the overheard light flickered on. You contort your sleep dazed body, Joel’s upper body practically laying over you. You try to blink the haze out of your eyes, but your tired mind is completely shocked when you see an outline of a girl. 
You fling your body upward, rattling Joel awake. He’s startled, his arms flinging off of you. 
“I knew it!” Her voice is piercing. “I knew it! Holy shit!”
“Are you two dating? Or are you just… wait, ew!”
She’s rambling, her words clashing together in confusion. Your heart is about to hammer out of your chest. 
“Sarah, we aren’t dating,” You declare, your voice shaking. 
“But you’re sleeping together?”
You could cut the silence with a sword. It’s so thick and awkward. 
A 14 year old girl shouldn’t know you’re sleeping with her Dad. Let alone walk in after you spent all night tangled up in him. 
“Sarah,” Joel’s voice is buttery and raspy after he wakes up. You hold the comforter up to your chest. You had your tank top on, but it hangs so low on you, you don’t want to risk anything. “Grab your uniform, get dressed. We can talk about this later.”
“Does Uncle To-”
“Sarah! Stop!”
It scares you since it’s so close to your ear. His voice changes so abruptly, it makes you cringe a bit. 
Hearing the question from Sarah’s lips makes you feel queasy. Having the girl who you always considered your niece ask if her uncle knew you were sleeping with her dad... God what a fucking mess. 
You watch her storm across the room, grabbing her backpack and race to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. 
Joel groans next to you as he slams back into the plush pillows. 
“She will be fine. We will talk about it later,” Joel says under his breath. 
You open your mouth but nothing comes out. 
You hadn’t thought much of this through. Ever since you and Joel first slept together, you pushed your harbored feelings to the side. Sometimes they creep in, which would send you into a panic. Because deep down, you knew you felt something for Joel. Something you hadn’t felt since you first started dating Tommy. Maybe even ever. It was exciting. He made you feel special. After everything he said to you last night, you knew he possessed some similar emotions and feelings.  
You felt crazy for believing this could work. 
You knew this would be complicated. Now Sarah is involved. How do you explain these emotions to a child? You don’t. 
You think about all the horrible outcomes to this situation. Tommy wanting to fight Joel. His mom never accepting you back into the family. Who knows, maybe Sarah gets so upset at the situation, she never treats you the same again. 
But then you think about Joel. How he’s a night and day difference to what Tommy was to you. He wore his emotions on his sleeve. He wanted to protect you. He wanted to take care of you every chance he could. 
You start to think back to the times when you were still with Tommy. Joel defended you when you two had a blowout fight. He always made sure to have a watchful eye on you when you all went out to bars. He was even there when you graduated college, giving you a bouquet of beautiful daises he swore up and down Sarah picked out. But you knew the truth. Joel loved daisies. He even had his Mom plant some in his front yard last year. 
You were just so scared. You didn’t want to be hurt again. You did not want your feelings to be wrong. 
You glance down at him, your back still turned. He could read your face, he knew you were overthinking everything. Your mind was working overtime, trying to muster up some excuse to run away and forget everything that happened between you two. There was nothing normal about this situation. 
But fuck, you both really wanted it. So bad. You couldn’t keep lying to yourself. 
His hand creeps up your back, resting a reassuring palm on your aching shoulder. 
“Stop thinkin’ for a minute,” he whispers, “You don’t need to make any decisions right this minute. We will just take it one second at a time. Ain’t no way ‘m lettin’ you go. I want you here.”
You didn’t know if he meant here in general or in the figurative sense. 
He meant it both ways. 
Maybe it was crazy, but that feeling was deep in your chest. This palpable inkling that this could evolve into you being his. 
This being more than sex? More than a crush?
Being Joel’s sounded like a fever dream.
He wanted nothing more but to wrap you up into his arms, hold you and kiss your head, reassuring you that you two can figure it out together. But instead, Sarah walks out in her soccer uniform, squashing the moment. She stands in front of the bed, finally making eye contact with you. 
“You guys gonna get up and watch me kick ass, or are you gonna to lay in bed all day?”
You smile at her. You silently prayed this girl would stay in your life forever.
“I know my answer.”
Joel smiles, “’s go kick some ass.”
again thank you for reading!! let me know your thoughts!
find part 1 and 2 here!
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
I don't have much time but I wanted to share this with you while I can! I can't draw but I can write and this is the only way I can share this imagery with you!
The world is passing by in a flurry of colors.
Which usually isn’t that unusual for Clark…usually though it’s because his flying of his own accord. Now…now it was because he was hurdling who knows how fast in piece of metal that was more of a mobile armory then an actual RV then it supposedly was.
There were no support handles to hold on to for just a bit of comfort, no, that was replaced by a handle that would pull down and release a fog horn sound.
So all he could do was pull his knees up to steady himself against the front console, using his size to squeeze himself into a cannonball form in hopes he didn’t get dislodged on a particular rough bump.
Then again if he did, maybe he could get propelled forward and through the front and take the engine out on his way.
Wishful thinking…at least he was doing better then Bruce.
Who was currently sprawled out on the floor of the RV looking like a disheveled cat hanging on to whatever and however he could. Maybe it would look more natural in his Batman outfit but at the moment both if them were in civilian wear and seeing the ‘Prince of Gotham’ doing an impression of a deranged starfish just added on more to today’s bizarreness.
Jack Fenton was giving him a large smile as he drove through another wall, “Don’t you guys worry! I’ll get us to our boys! No speed limit or any barrier can stop a Fenton!”
Clark could only let out a groan of despair as a response...
AMG THIS IS LOVELY LMAO!!! Bruce just imitating one of his sons to keep himself from being thrashed around.. or worse... throw up. ahhhh imagine they both slump out of the rv when they arrive, shaking and so grateful to touch the ground. Bruce is definitely calling for a private jet after this and Clark might agree to ride with him just to have a slower ride.
Danny gives them pity pats when he learns... Jon and Damian like how bad could it be. Damian thinking his father been in a space ship and Jon like we fly that fast every- Only for them to be overheard by Jack by their curiosity, so they all end up being drove back by him. Which bruce and clark like OH GOD please- which becomes a little relief when it turns out Jack drives safer with children.... still deranged but one they can handle. Damian still doesn't see what got their fathers so twisted up. Danny knows though and then asks dad how long it took them. "Regrettably 3 hours son. I was hoping it would be two." Damian frowned and done the math then asking if there was a flying feature in the... rv? "AHA! Nope, but I've been trying to convince Mads to let me install one. She said it would cost too much in gas though, and take up room for the ghost scanner." Damian does the math.. then realizes why his father and clark are shaking in the rv.. even by the tiniest of amounts. "That's my dad! :D" Danny grinning. "He's cool." Jon says innocently enough, not realizing the horror of that statement until it takes them over five hours to get home. Jack decided to play it safe and follow SOME speed limits and road signs. Jack is never allowed to drive again next time they hang out. Bruce or Clark always gets the keys =w= or has limo. ahh sorry got inspired. I LOVE this snippet ;w; !!!! <3 Thank you for writing this. <3<3<3
Link to prompt
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slutforitoshi · 1 year
sae and rin itoshi - aphrodisiac *:・゚✧
Tumblr media
ft. sae itoshi x f!reader x rin itoshi, 18+ minors dni
cw: threesome, rin and sae literally fight over your body, f!masturbation, oral m!receiving and f!receiving, fingering, unprotected sex, cumming on face
synopsis: your hangover leads you to make the best mistake
wc: 3k
A/N: so fucking feral for this duo <3 also as for requests, i’m open to prompts but it’s not a guarantee i’ll write it T-T (please send in ideas though i’m always looking for inspo!)
you woke up with your head pounding incessantly, mimicking the music from the clubs you hopped the night before. you don’t even remember how you got home. fuck, why did you think it was a good idea to drink like you were still a freshman?
you fumble for your phone at the edge of your bed, hoping you remembered to charge it before you passed out. near the top of your notification stack was a text from your roommate.
roomie: headed back home for the weekend! i was gonna say bye but you were still knocked out lol. introduce me to your new friends again sometime, they were cute ;) 
what was she talking about? as far as you remembered you came home alone after a night out with some old high school friends that your roommate already knew. well, as far as you remembered was around 6 shots in, barely past the 1st club. 
you laid a bit longer in bed, trying to recall the events that ensued after your old friend challenged you to match her. how were you supposed to know she could outdrink any frat guy multiple times over? the night started coming back to you in flashes, like you were watching a compilation of embarrassing clips that got increasingly worse.
dancing on a table, throwing up in a bush, getting close to kissing the bartender for free drinks…was there anything you didn’t do??
the pounding in your head grew in intensity, pushing you out of bed and straight to the medicine cabinet. tylenol, tylenol, tylenol…aha there. you grab the white bottle and pop the cap open, downing two at once, dry (that’s how desperate you were for the migraine to subside).
the couch was your next destination. you felt the soft cushions and way too many pillows and plushes rest against you, giving you immediate relief from the aches in your body. see? i told you it was a good idea you said internally at your mom who was complaining how the couch decor was “excessive”.
you waited for the pills to kick in, to give you any relief from the persistent pressure that surrounded your temples. and it did…only to move down lower. it starts off as a slight pressure on your abdomen, then blossoming into heat. you weren’t innocuous at this point in life, and recognized exactly what it was: you were horny.
and the heat only grew, morphing into a roaring fire, with the incinerator located right between your thighs. you could already feel the dampness, threatening to leak past your folds onto cloth. this cannot be right. who gets aggressively horny during a hangover??
you begrudgingly hoist yourself up from the soft plushes, and make your way back to the medicine cabinet, starting to wonder if the tylenol might’ve been expired or something. the bottle itself looked normal, until you looked inside it. tylenol isn’t supposed to be pink.
you fish a pill out, looking for any engravings that might tell you what the fuck you ingested half an hour ago. libido-max. from the name of it alone (along with your still intensifying symptoms) you should’ve realized what it meant. nonetheless you resort to good old google to help explain.
“libido-max is an over the counter sex enhancement pill for women complete with a warming formula for maximized pleasure” your hand clasps over your mouth as you continue reading, “the recommended serving size is one pill as the dosage is quite strong.”
it dawns upon you that you took double the recommended amount. shit. you were definitely never drinking like that ever again. you contemplate texting your roommate why tf did you switch out the tylenol for female viagra, but decided against it. technically it was on you, too. leave it up to your dreadfully hungover self to swallow bright pink pills without thinking twice.
as you felt the temperature in your body continue to rise, there was only one method you could think of for relief. switching to incognito you pull up a porn site, settling on a video you thought would do. you skipped through all the bad acting in the intro, right into the action, desperate for some release. 
“harder…fuckk” the woman through your screen moans, and you could feel your clit throbbing in response. reaching down, you’re met with more slick than you’d ever encountered touching yourself. squelching noises echoed your room, growing louder than the sinful moans coming from the speaker of your phone.
your small fingers slid easily into sopping entrance, and the sensation was more than welcomed. small moans began to escape your lips as well, harmonizing with the other woman’s. you synchronized your fingers with the thrusts in the video, imagining it was you getting pounded, fucked so mercilessly by a thick cock.
after a particularly loud moan through your phone, you can feel it. like you’re at the edge of a cliff ready to drop before-
knock knock.
aand you lost it. grumbling, you exit out of the tab and pull up your already drenched panties. if it was another old lady trying to recruit you to join a pyramid scheme, you weren’t sure if you could resist slamming the door.
“look i’m not interested in-” instead of a short old woman with a fake smile, you’re met with a pair of teal eyes. two actually, now that you noticed the second figure behind him. 
“oh my gosh i’m so sorry, i thought you were- well nevermind um can i help you?” you stumble over your words, half out of embarrassment and half because you realized the two guys standing in front of you were attractive. 
“we stopped by to return your jacket” the one with light maroon colored hair says, holding up the familiar coat you left your house wearing last night. 
“shoot, thank you so much” you take the coat out of his hands, noticing that they’re veiny with long fingers. you try to ignore the flash of heat the observation causes.
“how did you know it was mine though?” you cautiously ask.
“oh she must not remember” the taller one says softly. your mind starts racing. what the fuck did you do in front of them?
“it wasn’t anything that bad” the one in front reassures you, seeing the panic settle on your face. “you just passed out in our apartment and we had to carry you here.”
wasn’t anything that bad??? you were mortified. you knocked out in some random (really attractive) guys’ apartment and they had to bring you back. well that explains how you got home last night then.
“oh my gosh i’m so sorry,” you replied, clearly flustered. the guys don’t give much of a response though, simply shrugging. you noticed that they were pretty expressionless.
“it’s ok, we live next door anyways” the green haired one says, looking to the right. “we were taking out the trash and came back to you on our couch. your roommate called you a bit after so we knew where to take you.”
ah, they must be the cute new friends your roommate texted you about.
before you could respond, a pair of cold hands were on your cheek (or maybe you thought they were cold because you were still under the effects of the pills).
“are you sick?” the owner of the cold hands was the maroon-haired one. you flinched away from his hands, turning an even deeper shade of pink. 
“n-no, probably just a bit hungover though” you nervously laughed, hoping they’d just accept that.
“you look like you’re burning up, maybe a fever?” the other one steps forward, taking a closer look at your flushed appearance. yeah it’s because you feel like a fucking dog in heat and having two insanely hot guys in front of you is not. helping. 
“no i promise i’m fine” you try harder to convince the duo, “i probably just need to rest up from last night…”
neither of them move from the front door, and the green haired one cocks an eyebrow. they clearly don’t believe you. 
“do you need any medicine? we should have flu medicine-” the green haired one starts.
“nope no flu medicine needed here” you let out a nervous chuckle, trying not to let your knees buckle. the knot in your abdomen grew significantly since you answered the door. you needed to cum, and soon.
“hey we don’t mind getting you some. i think your roommate mentioned she was leaving this weekend and you shouldn’t be home alone without medicine-” this time the maroon haired one is cut off.
“i promise i’m not sick” you exasperate, now having to lean against the frame for support (clearly not a good look for your case). the shorter guy’s eyebrows furrow in concern. both pairs of feet were still planted in your doorway, and you realize they weren’t leaving until you either accepted the medicine or told them the truth. 
looking back, the other option was clearly the more logical and less embarrassing one. you’d blame the hangover for the words that spilled out of your mouth next.
“it’s not because of a fever. i…i accidentally mistook sex enhancement pills for tylenol and took way more than the recommended dose,” your bit your lip, hoping they’d leave now that you were honest. the two look at each other, and the teal glint in their eyes served as a signal that they were thinking the exact same thing.
“there’s still a way we can help you though”
“rinn” you moaned as his fingers ghosted over your already pebbled nipples through the thin tank you had on. 
pleasantries and introductions were quickly exchanged as they kicked off their shoes and began undressing. you could hardly believe your ears at their suggestion, but you weren’t exactly in the position to refuse such a tempting offer. in fact, you were more than eager to accept.
now, you were draped over the couch, your head facing who you now knew as rin. sae was on the opposite end, marveling at the mess you made through your cotton shorts. 
“it’s like a fucking flood down here,” and he starts pulling at the waistband. 
rin continues to tease your nipples, never giving you enough friction. you were so responsive, even the slightest touch had your back arching. please, more, you beg internally. rin seems to recognize your pleads though and finally pulls your tank down to reveal the hypersensitive skin.
his lips are upon them immediately, sucking harshly, causing an exceptionally loud moan from you. from your half-closed lids, you could see sae’s eyes darken. as if unhappy how his brother could emit such a reaction from you. he was determined to do better.
you were fully exposed waist down now, and sae slowly runs a finger down the soaked slit, taking note of how you shivered from the action. he presses two fingers and is amazed at how easily they slip in, prompting him to add a third.
“fuck sae…so full” you moan out, which sae responds with a smirk before he starts moving his digits. in and out, in and out, and you could feel yourself tiptoeing the side of the cliff again. what does it for you is rin though.
“stop hogging her pussy” he says, rising from your chest. one of his hands move down, pausing precisely at your clit. as soon as he’s circling them you feel the push over the edge. 
“i-i’m cumming!” you scream out, followed by waves of intense moans. you weren’t sure if you’d ever cum so hard before. it took a minute for you to recover, only to see the brothers’ hands had left you.
“what the fuck rin. that was my moment” sae spat, clearly pissed he wasn’t the catalyst to your orgasm. 
“you should’ve been faster then” rin responds, a glare settled on his face. the warmth in your stomach was still growing, and you were still desperate for their touch.
“i want another” you whine, and teal orbs immediately snap back to you. right, the match was far from over. that was just the first goal.
they assume their old positions, except sae intends to use more than his fingers this time. it felt like fireworks the moment his lips hit your heat. the soft muscle of his tongue circled your clit, then moved down to dip inside the leaking hole. the added combination of the pill’s effects along with the sensitivity from your last orgasm had you bucking your hips which sae quickly restricted. he pins down your lower waist with his arm, and you could feel how strong he was. 
rin’s lips instead sought out yours, messily kissing them as he fumbled with his belt buckle. then his lips were off yours. a light push causes you to fall onto your back, and he pulls you forward abruptly so that your head is left hanging off the side of the couch. sae’s tongue never leaves you, moving forward with the pull. 
you see your first cock of the day, and it’s pretty. long and curved upwards, towards an insanely handsome face. you instinctively open your mouth, tongue slightly hanging out against your bottom lip.
“fuck, i could cum to this view” rin sighs before pushing his length into you. it almost immediately hits the back of your throat, but he pushes further. tears prickle from the invasion, but you refused to push him off you. not when he’s making such sounds.
breathy moans leave his mouth as he thrusts harshly. you could swear that alone made you grow even hotter. the sight of the bulge that forms at your neck every time he pushes in makes him delirious.  
sae utilizes his fingers with his free hand again, pressing three fingers into the entrance that happily welcomes them as he laps up the slick that continues to flow out. he curves his fingers just right, hitting the spot as if he’d known the exact blueprint of your body. and the second set of waves come.
“that’s right, cum hard for me”
even sae’s arm couldn’t hold you down as your next orgasm shook you, not that he minded. your move rin he mentally said, but rin had other concerns. your throat had gotten tighter, and the vibrations from your moans were pushing him to his own threshold. 
your mouth is hit with a new heat, coming from the man positioned above you. as much as he tried, he couldn’t contain it, and thick white ribbons hits your throat which you struggled to swallow all of. 
as he pulled out of your abused cavern though, his length still remained. it was as if the pill’s effects were contagious. 
sae had risen from his position, taking the time to free his own cock. thick was the first word that came to mind. it no doubt had a wider circumference than his brother’s, although a bit shorter. he uses his strong arms to flip you over, pulling your ass up near him. what a sight. he aligns himself at the entrance, eager to chase the next crash of waves.
usually rin would object to letting his brother take such a pretty girl first, but frankly, he had to take a break; fucking your throat left him breathless. instead he focuses his attention back towards your lips, laying more gentle kisses against them this time. 
sae was still full of need though, and rin’s soft kisses were starkly contrasted with the abrupt stretch of sae’s girth into you. your mind went into a haze, not knowing where to focus your consciousness as rin begins to knead at your hanging breasts. 
“taking cock so well” sae grumbles as the sounds of slapping skin grows “like you were fucking made for it.”
sae’s pace is merciless, and it persisted. you couldn’t fathom the extents of his stamina, seeing as how he didn’t even break a sweat. your voice began to grow hoarse from the repeated moans, and sae’s pride grew knowing he was the cause. 
“hey, mind sharing?” rin deadpans, growing impatient at his brother’s greed. he’s met with a glare, but sae begrudgingly pulls out, leaving you empty. you began to protest, but rin quickly reassures you.
“i’m right here. gonna fill you up real quick” he picks you up with ease, placing himself under your figure. his cock twitches as the tip prods your entrance, reveling in the way your slick coats him. he swiftly bottoms out in one push. sae’s previous work makes it easy for him to quickly pick up the pace, and you’re left an incoherent mess once again.
“f-feels so good rin” you stammer between thrusts. 
“wanna make you cream on my cock. need to feel you cum around me” he mutters
sae’s taken rin’s old position, lining his girth directly in your line of vision. you know what he wants and you happily open your mouth once again. sae begins his attack of new bruises against the back of your throat, relishing in the feeling as you hum in pleasure from rin’s length. 
harder, faster you think, desperate to dissipate the pool of heat in your abdomen.  
even with your mouth full, rin seems to understand you perfectly, hands gripping harder at your waist to help him reach new depths in you. your muscles began to involuntarily clamp around rin, a sign that you were looking over the cliff again. his thrusts also grow erratic as he’s close to his high. 
“f-fuckkk!” you exclaim, losing strength in your lower body. rin continues to pound through your climax, increasing his speed even more until he inevitably shoots strips of white into another tunnel of your body.
sae follows soon after, except he opts to pull out and mark your face instead. 
the three of you collapse on your couch, utterly exhausted from the intensity of the session.
before you could catch your breath though, you felt a familiar warmth start to pool once again down below. 
“still..still hot” you pant, overheating by the second. 
“you heard her rin,” and the brothers shift towards you again, ready for another match.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
wondering if you could include ranpo in your caught making out p2 fic, if you do id deeply appreciate it!! <3
consider it done<3
๋࣭ ⭑ caught making out. p2. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: short imagine/scenario
characters: ranpo, poe, and yosano<3
warnings: lowercase writing, short, make-out sessions, suggustive writing!!
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo smirked upon hearing your sentence. "can i have a taste?" you asked, pointing to his candy in his hand. he was seated ontop of a work desk in the middle of the agency. "of this~?" he teased, and with a nod he jumped to his feet. as your hand was out and ready for him to give you the sucker, you felt him take your hand instead, the candies in his mouth. "ranpo-" you suddenly felt his lips connect to yours, his tounge licking your lips. couple seconds of him kissing you felt like hours, but when you felt his tounge push itself into your mouth with the candy now in your mouth, you blushed hard. your face full-on red. he pulled back, grinning at you. "how's it tastle, hm~?" he asked, and you stuttered out a sentence. before he could kiss you again, the sound of someone hitting a wall and a "OW" caused both you and ranpo to turn your heads to see atsushi on the flor rubbing his head, papers scattered all over the place. "ow- uh..." he looked back at you both and chuckled nervously. ranpo looked back at you to see you hide your face into his neck and your arms wrapped around his torso. quickly, atsushi ran out of the room, leaving the papers on the floor. ranpo felt himself blush slightly, but he lept his composure. "well...did it taste good?" he shrugged.
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๋࣭ ⭑ poe kissed your lips gently, unsure if what he was doing was correct. he was just wanting to complete his novel, but the way your hips moved on his lap made him...desprate. he messaged his fingers up and down your spine, his hands going into your shirt every now and then. you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, trying your best not to fall with how far he's making you arch your back. giggles escaped your lips when his fingers reached your sides, "ticklish?" he smiled at your nod. he placed his hands on your hips while his lips kissed a sweet spot on your nech he's recently discovered. mid-moan, you covered your mouth whe you heard the door suddenlu open and ranpo's figure caused you to fall onto your ass on the floor, "y-y/n!" poe cried, blushing when he noticed ranpo standing at the door. "weeell~ i was going to read your newest novel, but i can see you have other plans. i will come back later~" ranpo smirked, closing the door as he walked out. poe was speechless, karl sitting on his head as he looked back down at you, "did-did you want to-" "moment as passed, babe."
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๋࣭ ⭑ yosano licked her lips, gripping onto your hips and pinned you into the desk of her office. all you did was gently tap her ass as she was looking through files, causing her to almost instantly pin you. "how bold you are, y/n~ tapping my ass like that out of no where..." she licked your neck, wetting it before going in and kissing the living hell out of it. you moaned, arching your back and grabbed her shirt, gripping it tightly. "a-akiko-" you tried your best to not scrunch your neck, causing her to move to your lips. she slid her hands up your shirt, untugging it from your pants and let her hands roam free-"oh nonono, don't mind me.." dazai's voice caused yosano to bite your lip, pulling away from you to look at the man. she removed her hand from your skin and held your shoulders. "d-dazai!" you stutter out, looking at him look for papers by his desk. "just neeeeed, aha! here it is~" he smirked at you two before turning on his heels to leave, "you may continue~ it took a while to notice me in the first place you two could've kept going like i was never here~" yosano grabbed her heel and threw it hard in dazai's direction, however he closed the door in time for the heel to hit the wodden door instead of his face. the woman sighed, attention back to you, "yosano..this bump on my lip wasn't always here.." you whined.
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bendycxmet · 9 months
My, What Beautiful Hair You Have!—Vash the Stampede
summary: on a boring Sunday, you decide to get Vash's attention through some head scratches
content: 771 words. mostly fluff but suggestive towards the end, head scratches, needy reader kinda ngl (but who isn't for Vash's attention), one (1) hickey, written with tristamp vash in mind
a/n: saw this fanart and immediately wanted to write this. his hair looks so nice. anyway something soft before i post my first smut piece. aha
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You should be thankful. Its been a long week of nonstop travel from dusty town to dusty town. You stopped remembering what the town names were, every stop melding into one as the exhaustion from the constant Tomas riding got to you. But finally, the week reached its end, producing a lazy Sunday for you and Vash to recuperate at the latest town you stopped in. 
Both of you were lounging on the motel bed, sunlight creeping in from the second-story window, dust flurries apparent from the rays pouring in. You were lying sprawled out on the mattress, Vash sitting at the end of the bed, cleaning his gun. You feel your eyes shut, not from sleepiness. No. Boredom. You sigh loudly, hoping Vash can give you some attention. Silence meets your ears. You sigh again, this time much more slowly and drawn out. Nothing. Wondering what is so interesting about that damn gun of his, you open your eyes and stare longingly at his back.
“Vashhh,” you whined. He hums questioningly, continuing his ministrations against the metallic piece in his hand. That’s not the answer you wanted. You wanted him to turn around and pay attention to you. A conversation. A wrestling competition. Anything to drive away this boredom that’s consumed you.
Your eyes land on the back of his head, outlining where his scruffy brown undercut meets the soft gentle waves of his longer, blond hair. 
When does he find the time to cut his hair? Why does it look so nice? He should let me cut it for him…
What stands out to you the most, is how fluffy it looks. You feel your hand moving on its own before your brain can even register the action. You feel your fingertips reach his head, and just as you expected. Soft. You trail your fingers up from the undercut and into his blond tresses.
Vash is used to you touching his hair. What he isn’t used to is you actually using your nails to scratch his scalp. A pleasurable shudder runs down his spine, whipping around to face you as he lets out a squeak.
“Uhh…” He doesnt even know what to say, only averting his eyes and trying to distract you from the blush that’s fallen on his cheeks.
“Oh, sorry, did I scare you? I can stop.”
“No, no. It’s fine… just took me off guard.” Vash glances at you, shooting you a quick smile before turning back around. Assuming he’s ok with it now, you sit up straighter, reaching your fingers back to softly scratch at his hair, admiring the way it shifts back into place, covering your path.
“How the hell is your hair so soft? We live in a dry desert!” 
“I just take showers with whatever soap we have. Other than that, mostly water when we come across a fountain and I wanna wash the dirt off me.” Vash shrugs, peeking at you over his shoulder, his gun forgotten. You smile. 
I win. You thought. You finally got his attention.
“I don’t know what pisses me off more: the fact that you’re blessed with this hair, or the fact you don’t even realize. Ugh, I hate men.” You tease, a slight quirk in your lip.
“Mayflyy, you love meee though, right?”
“Yeah yeah whatever you say hot stuff.” You can’t let him think he’s got the upper hand after ignoring you for an hour. The way his brown undercut trails into a peak at the slight bend of his neck triggers an impulsive thought. You lean in, trailing your lips across his neck, giving light kisses along the way. You feel Vash stop his movements suddenly, his breathing becoming shallow.
Got you right where I want you.
Just as Vash begins to relax into your gentle kisses, he gasps, eyes shooting open as you abruptly bite into the soft skin, suckling slightly after. You pull back, leaning on the palms of your hands as you stare admiringly at your work. 
The satisfying grin falls away as Vash doesn’t turn around after a minute. Thinking you may have crossed the line, you offer a white flag in surrender.
“Heh, hey sorry I didn’t mean to stop you from working on your gun. If you want, we can go out and get din-” 
His gun clatters noisily on the ground near his feet. Looking up, you meet Vash’s swimmingly hot gaze. 
“Not tonight. You started something you have to finish now, Mayfly.”
You scoot backwards, inviting him further up the bed as he crawls his way to you. 
This was gonna be a long night.
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bunji-enthusiast · 9 months
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Today was a good day — Yuuta Okkotsu
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• Sypnosis || He can’t help but just recall all the things about you that made today a good one.
• warnings || sfw, first attempt at writing this boy, fluffy to the MAX.
• pairing || Yuuta/GN!Reader
• Note || I got inspired by Ice Cube’s song It was a Good Day, sue me.
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He can’t help but just smile at the way you can talk, hold yourself accountable or simply just even do things for people. Even if it was something you didn’t realize you did. He notices all of it.
Your hair, even if you didn’t have any. He’d still see you line your body was the very things sculpted by the god of the sun. Made so perfectly he felt like he’d taint you with his touch.
Yuuta can’t help but crack up whenever you think, having a very cute and certain expression ingrained into his brain when he prefaces that very expression whether on missions or even on regular occasions.
Oh goodness, even your mannerisms are so adorable. He can’t get enough of you, even in ways he didn’t realize… you really do make his day a little better.
To be a little more truthful, Yuuta does feel somewhat embarrassed if he is unwillfully a little obvious about his tiny crush on you. Sometimes even Panda or Inumaki would point out the barely visible blush dusting the shell of his ears to the front of his cheeks.
In a way, Yuuta finds comfort in your presence. Sometimes going out of his way to help you with errands or even just to go shopping if that had been a thing of yours.
If you had a particular thing for taking pictures, even of yourself or scenery. He’d be happy to partake in your hobby! Yuuta thinks it’s pretty neat how photography can be a form of art, divulged with messages you can interpret yourself at first look.
Yuuta loves your hands, no matter the size. His own hands are unfortunately calloused to the touch, not as smooth as to the touch they had used to be. He doesn’t exactly know how to take care of his hands properly.
He loves your voice, the dulcet and varied tones it can carry depending on the time of the day. Yuuta can simply listen to your voice for hours on end if he had the chance to.
“You alright?” You spoke, waving your hand for a few moments to gain Yuuta’s attention once more if it was possible. “You kinda been staring off into the distance my dude.” You snorted with a smarmy grin.
Yuuta looked up and gained eye contact with you, blinking for a second to get the blurried traces of the sleep he had been ripped away from before. “Ah, sorry.. just thinking about something.” He smiled gently, rubbing the nape of his neck as he would. At times you have seen Yuuta be so particularly serious and poised in combat and even out of combat. This was a rare occurrence where he had been so shy, reminiscent of when he had first joined Jujustu High.
You nodded and crossed your legs, thinking of what else to say as you had forgotten what you had been talking about before when you had noticed Yuuta not paying attention. “Man, what was it I was talking about?” With a groan you facepalmed your head.
“I think you were talking about how you had liked those.. videos that had made you laugh so much.” Yuuta spoke, within a bit of a nod that had indicated he was trying to spark an idea as he wasn’t too sure of what it was himself. His own fault, he had thought.
“AH! That was it,” With a snap of your finger, your lips curled into an enlightened smile. “Thank you.” Yuuta had nodded, somewhat in a way to encourage you to keep going. Then you perked up again, and took out your phone teeming with a sort of laughter when you remembered what the video you were thinking of specifically was called.
“Aha.. all the keywords baby.” Yuuta raised a brow at this, waiting for your elaboration. “One sec, I almost have it. I swear.” He looked at you with a curious smile, his brows flattened and curved. His eyes just teeming with a type of joy that could never truly be explained, never described.
You then turned the screen of your phone to the raven-haired boy, the video now playing on screen. “Ple-pfft.” It was a clip from a stream displaying Fanum and his friends, trying to keep themselves from losing it which in turn had failed at the near end of the clip. The clip was ridiculously popular, in its own right of course.
Yuuta let out a chuckle, then erupted into laughter. Causing you to laugh as well, you simply couldn’t help it. Too good!
“Thank you, you find some pretty interesting stuff.” Yuuta said, still chuckling a little bit from the post-high euphoria. You nodded with your very iconic grin, being the proudest best friend that you were. Sometimes you just liked to be a little dramatic.
“What can I say?” You laid a hand on your chest, wiggling your finger slightly with your other hand as you displayed a dramatic scene, “I live to be the best.”
Yuuta let out another breathy laugh, leaning back on his rear slightly as he let out a hum.
Yeah, this was a damn good day.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic | march 27 birthday | words: 780
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY!!! i had fun writing this one so i hope y’all have fun reading;3
tw: walburga appears, suicidal tendencies (it’s brief and probably not many of you will think of it that way but still)
Regulus wasn't the type to make grand romantic gestures; it was always James.
For example, when he took Regulus on their first date—not just a meeting in the middle of the night at the Astronomy Tower, but a real date—James’ found this beautiful meadow in the Forbidden Forest, near the Black Lake. Regulus thinks it must have taken the other boy at least half a day to get the place ready, because when they arrived, there were Christmas lights hanging in the trees, a record player was standing next to one of them, quietly playing some Elvis song, and in the middle there was a warm-looking blanket with candles, flowers, steaming food, fruit, and something that looked like a bottle of elvish wine. It is safe to say Regulus was in complete awe.
The other time was just a few weeks later, when it was Regulus’ birthday. James did not buy it, but he made him a little crooked silver ring with antlers engraved on it. When the younger boy asked how exactly he did it, James just shrugged and said, ‘Dad thought me’ like it was the most obvious answer in the world. And, okay, they were wizards, so it wasn’t the hardest thing for them to transfigure something into something else, but when Regulus later tried to reverse any spells cast on the ring, nothing happened, which meant not only did James make it himself, but he also made it without any magic. What a guy, that one.
When James and Sirius came to Grimmauld one night that summer to rescue Regulus and Walburga caught them, threatening to kill all three boys, Potter straightened up, holding his wand out in front of her confidently.
"Leave them alone; if you want to kill someone, try me." As he said this, the woman raised her hand to cast the killing curse, but James was faster; with one smooth gesture, he had her stunned and bound. After they disapparated, landing in Potter Manor, both Blacks started shouting at him for his recklessness and stupidity, while they hugged him tight.
Regulus could talk about every amazing thing James did to prove his love for hours—there were so many. But when it came to his own grand gestures, the list ended at one: when he sent Avery and Mulciber to the Hospital Wing with the skin melted off of their faces after throwing two Bludgers at James at the same time. So, he made exactly zero romantic gestures for almost a whole year of dating James.
Fortunately, the 27th of March was approaching, and with it, his boyfriend’s birthday.
On Friday morning, while the whole Great Hall was having a rather loud breakfast, Regulus scanned the Gryffindor’s table to find—aha!
Spotting that bright smile on the other side, Regulus pulled out the big box he had hidden beneath the bench and sent it flying through the whole room with one flick of a wand. Everyone was looking at it in almost complete silence, waiting in anticipation to see where it would land. Regulus stole one glance in the direction it was going and noticed three different expressions: James looked like he would burst out crying any second, Sirius' face twisted into something between admiration and disgust, and Remus and Peter looked like one was having the time of his life and the other was about to choke from laughing.
As the package landed carefully in James’ laps, everyone went so quiet you could hear a fly buzzing. The Gryffindor opened the box with shaky hands, looking right back up when he saw what was inside. His mouth kept opening and closing while looking at Regulus. The whole student body turned to look at him, but his eyes were trained on James’. Still to this day, Regulus has no idea what got into him at that moment, but he stood up and strode to James with a smug expression.
Reaching the birthday boy, Regulus leaned forward, took his face in his hands, and kissed him softly on the lips; James immediately reciprocated. The kiss was nothing like what they shared in the broom cupboards, in the Come-and-Go Room, or even at the Astronomy Tower; this one was the best of all of them—slow, sweet, and, oh, so full of love.
When they parted, Regulus could finally hear the whispers echoing throughout the room, making it seem as if someone had locked him in a hive. He didn’t care. All he cared for was the handsome man in his hands.
“Joyeux dix-huitième anniversaire, amour de ma vie,” Regulus whispered against James’ lips, feeling the other smiling broadly. Yeah, he thought, this one counts as romantic.
translation: happy eighteenth birthday, love of my life
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fakesimp · 1 year
Drunk and Love, With Ren Zotto
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Warning !
Fluff ; Clingy! Drunk! Ren ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Aha. Clingy Drunk Ren. Don't worry Renvaders, I still remember what I said.
One night, both of you decided to hangout, alcohol is out, multiple movies have been chosen.
Ren sat on the floor in between your thighs, you sitting on the couch. Your fingers running through his hair locks, sometimes you would poke his horn.
Both of you sometimes would share a drink as you both watch the movie throughout the night, you glanced down at how many cans have been drank, and it is quite a lot. To say the least.
In the middle of the second movie, you felt Ren's fingers drawing shapes on your thighs, it felt ticklish. By instinct you moved your legs away, only for him to whine slightly and pulled your thighs back.
"Ren, it's ticklish." You said as you tried to move your legs away, but his grip on your thighs tighten and he tilt his head slightly to see you.
And that is, when you noticed, his cheeks are flushed red. His eyes seems to be in a haze, him smiling at you oh so innocently. "But I just want to touch your thighs" he said, almost slurring. "Ren-" You paused for a moment as you examined him, he hummed softly as he glance back at you. Smiling again.
"Are you drunk?" He pondered for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, "I don't know, maybe." He replied before letting out a small laugh. You let out a sigh and smiled gently at him, "Then let' stop drinking, I don't want you to get a bad hangover in the morning."
. . .
As soon as the second movie ends, both of you went to bed. And for the love of God, he did not let you go. He refuses to let go. His arms wrapped around you, whenever you tried to get out from his arms, he tightens up and pull you even closer.
In the middle of the night you needed to go to the bathroom, but your Beloved Alien here still refuses to let you go. It seems like the effect of the alcohol is still on him, "Where are you goinnngg" he asked as he pouts slightly while looking at you.
"Toilet-" "No" "Ren." "Noooo" He hugged you tighter, "Don't go, stay with me" he pleaded.
And yes, both of you didn' go to sleep. Well, you tried. But he doesn't let you, both of you just cuddled on the bed in silence. Sometimes he woulf start a conversation, but it was a short one before the silence went back.
Now you wanted to go to the toilet, this man refuses to let you go take a toilet break. "Ren, I'll come back" "Noo, don't leave meee" He said as you tried to loosen his arms around you.
It took you almost 30 minutes to convince your drunken Alien Lover to let you go, but in the end he is still sticking with you. You literally had to push him out from the bathroom due to how close he is, he was pouting when you closed to door on him.
He stood there by the door, waiting for you to finish. After like a minute you opened the door to see him sitting on the floor, his back facing you. He then looked up at you, blinked once before smiling widely at you. "Baaabeee I miss youuu" he gets off from the floor and held your hand, "Are you done? Let's go back please?" He said, you reciprocate his hold.
"Okay, but we're going to sleep alright?" "But it's just 5:50 Am." "Ren, we need sleep." He pouted slightly when you scolded him, but in the end you manage to get both of you some sleep.
When he woke up after a few hours, he was getting a heavy headache, that you have to take care of him. And when you told him how clingy and cute he is last night, he was quite embarrassed, but he chuckled in the end, sheepishly though.
".. Sorry, I didn't realize how clingy I was, ..But I hope you don't mind about it though.."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There. Aha, Cutie. I don't know why, but I'm in awe as I write this fic. It's cute.
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salty-croissants · 8 months
Hey! If your still taking requests, I was wondering if you can do Rayman/Ramon being a father to him and His S/os kids? I can see Rayman being his kids to work, like bring your kid to work day, that would be so cute
Thank you for the request !
I’ve been struggling to get back writing for quite a few days now , had a massive writer’s block phase … I’m really sorry I took so long to get this done ! Hopefully I’ll finish the next request a bit faster ;-; 
Anyway , I really enjoyed writing this one : I love the idea of Rayman being a sweetheart to his kids … it brings me joy :,) 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
And again , sorry about the inconvenience ;( 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
Two words : Best Dad . 
Rayman has always had a soft spot for children , so now that he has a family with you , the love of his life , he truly feels like the luckiest man alive .
He knows that he can’t be around all the time , but whenever he’s there he wants to be as present as possible and make everyone smile … that’s probably the most important thing for him .
Rayman is more than happy to bring his children along to work when he is allowed to , and the sheer enthusiasm he has when talking to them and answering their questions is surely something to behold …
< Ohh - what is that , Dad ? > 
< That is the television production studio , sweetie : it’s the place from where the things I say get filmed and then put on tv . 
It’s one of the most important rooms in this building , and the one where I spend more time into . > 
< That’s so cool !! 
Can we go in there now Dad ? Can we ? Can we ? Can we ? > 
< Hehe , alright , let’s go !
Just be careful and stay close to me , okay ? > 
< Okay ! > 
Rayman isn’t bothered in the slightest by the fact that his coworkers and staff members could see him and his kids , and if anyone has complaints about it ?
Well , he is ready to have an hours long argument with them if necessary , so most people don’t even try to talk about it … at least not out loud . 
When he comes back home , despite how tired he may be , Rayman is pretty much always down to see what his children have been up to while he was away : 
they crafted something or made a drawing ? He will see it .
They want to tell him all about something cool that happened today ? He will give them his full attention .
< Dad ! Dad look , it’s you ! We made it together ! > 
< Wow - that’s such a good drawing you made there ! I love it ! > 
Rayman makes sure to keep every little thing they gift him , and sometimes you can find him sitting somewhere , smiling while staring at something they made …
< Aw , is that a new one Ray ? > 
< Mhm …
Y’know y/n , sometimes I look at you and our family and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have all this .
I can’t thank you enough for staying with me … I love you , I love you so much ~ > 
< I love you too sweetie … I’m so lucky to have you as well ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
Saying that Ramon will do anything to keep you and your kids safe is an understatement …
He is ready to throw his life away to ensure that , and that often brings him to make many , many dangerous decisions .
< y/n ? Is … is Dad okay … ? > 
< Don’t worry hun , he just needs some rest and he’ll feel better soon …
Still Ram , that’s not an excuse for doing stuff like that . 
Please , please promise me you’ll never do it again … > 
< I … hnn … I’m sorry … I just - I forget myself sometimes …
I’ll try to be more careful , I promise . > 
Ramon’s softer side is especially visible when he is spending time with your children , playing with them …
< Aha ! We got you ! >
< Heh , you got me … >
< And now you’re trapped , forever !! >
< Noo - how could I be so easily defeated ?? >
You can’t help but smile whenever you see your partner like that , at this point only ever smiles when you’re all together : it’s the one thing that keeps him sane . 
Since he doesn’t want to make your kids worry about how bad things actually are , with Eden constantly on the hunt for him and his beloved family , Ramon most likely confides  to you at night , when his tormented thoughts prevent him from getting some much needed rest …
< y/n … ? > 
< Hey love … can’t sleep … ? > 
< … yeah … 
This is just such a huge mess … I really have no idea how we’re gonna make it through this with those assholes constantly looking for us .
You deserve better … our children deserve better … maybe the both of you should - > 
< No . I know what you’re about to say , and I’ll never leave you , no matter what happens .
I know that … things aren’t easy right now , and I honestly have no idea what’s gonna happen next … but I know we’re going to get through this , and we will be happy , all three of us … I promise . > 
Your loving words always manage to give Ramon some reassurance , and with a momentary sense of peace he eventually manages to fall asleep in your arms , grateful to have you and your kids by his side . 
He will do everything in his power to keep you safe , no matter what it takes . 
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rorichuu · 1 year
raaah! i love your acc layout /gen omg >:O !!
anyway, if it’s not too much to ask for could i request sniper x fem(or gn) reader who’s basically miss paulings assistant? (lol the asisstants-asisstant), like miss pauling is out of work one day and reader takes her place ^^
thanks sm! it can be hc’s, or a fic or like, whatever u want basically cuz i think it’s a pretty complicated req :’) it’s 100% okay if you can’t complete the req/don’t feel comfortable doing so :D
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close eye — sniper x assistant!reader
pairing: sniper x fem!reader
authors note: omg hello! and thank you so much! :D this is such a fun request, i seriously loved writing this! also omg this might be a bit jumbled cuz it's 2:51 AM heheh so please bear with me :) — thank you for the request, friend!
disclaimer: none besides the use of sniper's real name (mick, mundy, etc.)! enjoy!
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when you were introduced by miss pauling right before she had to leave was pretty brief.
she's a busy woman! and you accepted the temporary position happily!
but as you greeted everyone, one man stayed behind; observing.
as curious as you were, you tried to advance, but was sorely interrupted by a chatty scout.
as politely as you could, you tried to pry from the conversation, only to find the tall new zealander to be far gone.
with a defeated huff, you began the day as you previously intended.
honestly, this man is kinda nervous around you in some sorts.
he probably hasn't interacted with a woman outside of miss pauling (merely because of his job, he's obviously greeted women before)
but as much as he had thought of coming up to you, he always kinda of scurried away before you could catch sight of him
a little nervous and very skeptical...
The horrid sun beat down on your skin as you frustratingly looked through the papers clipped on Miss Pauling's board. You were biting your lip in concentration to finally catch what you were looking for. "Aha!" You exclaim in victory. You look up, eyes immediately squinting at your forgetfulness. You held the clipboard with one hand as the other lifted to your forehead to dismiss the sun the best you could, to finally catch sight of Sniper's van. "Can't hide from me..." You whisper to yourself before you march over.
You come to a stop at the van door, lifting your hand to raise a loud knocking sound to catch his attention. You waited patiently before hearing the sound of his boots hitting against the paved wood. You were then greeted by the man's presence. His eyebrows furrowed, lips forming a thin line in observation of your awaiting figure. His red sleeves were rolled up, one hand on the door handle, the other on the door frame. Sniper leaned out, his figure shadowing yours as he waited expectantly. "Yes?" His voice spoke low, informing you he had possibly just woken up from a nap.
You caught yourself staring, cheeks flushed red at his ruffled hair and button-down shirt. (Although, it could very well be the heat...) You clear your throat. "Yes! I know we haven't properly met... but I have a job that requires you," You said, noticing the man sending you a curt nod. "Uhm, right. And, of course, these are all confirmed by Miss Pauling! I'm simply her messenger and advisor for the day." You happily said, lifting the mood as the man took in your words. With a small acknowledged hum, his arm begun to pull back; and the door then closed.
"Sure, mate." Bam.
? ? ?
"What?" You muttered out, stepping back a bit before looking around rapidly. What just happened!? "M-Mr. Mundy! I haven't even explained what the job pertains to!" You tried to reason, but as time slowly started to slip by, he gave you zero sign that he was interested.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. 3 hours after y/n's introductions .
Sniper held his gun close as he observed you quietly. With one eye shut and the other following you.
Sniper was admittedly suspicious.
Of course, Miss Pauling had directly introduced you to everyone... but occasions like this were rare. So he did what no other merc even considered doing.
He observed your every move.
Sniper's lip curled in a small scowl, ripping away from his scope as he noticed you chatting away with Medic over some job, he was sure. Now listen, Sniper wasn't trying to find some dirt on you, he was just cautious. He had to be! That's what part of his job entailed! But your bubbly presence made it hard to suspect you. Desperately, he tried to let it go. But he couldn't help but have his mind think about just you.
Why couldn't he stop thinking about you?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. the present .
"Mister Mundy, if you don't take this job, Miss Pauling will be quite upset with the both of us! God forbid the administrator gets involved... Ugh, Sniper get out here right now!" Of course, this didn't work. Sniper was snickering in his van as he leaned against his seat near the door. His arms were crossed and one leg lay limp on his knee. Mick wore a cocky smile that left you raising your hand and bickering with a shut door, this was quite entertaining.
You huff, hand resting on the top of your head now as you admit defeat. The sun began to drunken your mind as you swayed slightly, leaning against the vehicle, you began to fan yourself with the clipboard. You just accepted the fact you may get in trouble with this.
... Slowly, time passed, it had been a short minute that Sniper began to grow suspicious of the sudden quietness that lurked outside his door. He then heard a small thump and a sliding noise erupt from beyond the wall he sat against. He began to stand, hand now wrapped against the handle as he leaned outside to find the sun taking it's unruly toll on you. "Mind if I come in?"
"Yeah yeah, don't kill yourself out here, mate..."
While his thick accent invited you in, begrudgingly, you nearly ran inside with how fast you wanted to escape the unforgiving heat. He looked over his shoulder to find you faced directly in front of his fan, watching you slump thankfully against the breeze. He scoffed, grabbing two mugs to start a new coffee pot.
"The job," this had caught your attention immediately. "Tell me about it." With a low rumble of his voice, you found yourself watching his back as he grabbed coffee beans and his small machine... which lay in the back of his remote kitchen. Your eyes lit up in clear relief.
"Mhm, right, of course," You cleared your throat, remaining professional the best you could. "There's obvious suspicion up in Teufort... you and the others are needed to scope the enemy in hopes of eliminating any future advances." You snicker. Sniper turns around.
"Was that... a pun?"
"Cripes..." Sniper's lips fall into a small smile, turning back to aid to the coffee before walking back over. "Drink." He replies shortly, hand out while he offers the hot coffee. You take it before he leans back and sits right where he was before. You take it graciously after you thank him.
The van keeps quiet for a while, a comfortable silence as you made some notes and read the rest of Miss Pauling's clipboard. "You done then?" Your ears twitch at the sudden sound, you take a second to respond.
"Pardon?" You turn, facing him as your eyes follow up to his. He's looking down at his mug before maintaining eye-contact with you.
"After this. You're gone?" This time his question is much more clear. You can tell Sniper doesn't like eye contact, keeping his space and eyes wandering. You notice this. You let out a small huff.
"Ah, I'll be outta your hair before you know it." You joke, although your shoulders slump in a saddened way. Sniper looks at you in the corner of his eye before taking another slug of his coffee.
"Yes, I know. You'd best be celebrating soon- ... uh, hm?" Your head lifts from your papers to see the man swirling his mug before looking at you.
"I said bummer." He repeats himself before he's left getting another cup. You can feel your cheeks getting red... and you being. Very confused. Your hand twitches, almost losing your pen before regaining your composure. "They need'ja out there, best get goin', mate." He announced before turning around and leaning on his counter, looking at you over his mug. You flush once more.
"Right, I appreciate your time and patience, Sniper," you send a quick smile before brushing down your skirt and handing your mug over. "Thank you for the hospitality." You said quietly, nervous around the Australian. He takes it and nods. “See ya’ around miss.”
Taking that as your sign to leave, the click of your heels are soon echoed and left with a small click of his trailer door. Sniper looks at the handle for a while, anxious to see you again.
You were lovely company.
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astr0exe · 7 months
Ch.1 , Ch.2 , Ch.3
reader is transmasc and autistic cause i said so :3
(again super scared to post my writing)
(hope you guys enjoy!!)
(again projecting cause reader is so me)
SUMMARY : Reader and Bucky go to the gym, ignoring the flush they feel when their co-workers pay attention to them
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Chapter 3 :
First person POV:
I opened my eyes, momentarily confused by my surroundings, then remembered last night, heat rushed to my face as pain blossomed in my head. I look over at my bedside table and notice a cold bottle of water, what looks like paracetamol or aspirin and a note. I picked it up and noticed the almost chicken scratch handwriting.
Hey K9, you fell asleep on the couch and we know how uncomfortable it can be so Ghost carried you into your room. There is paracetamol for you and I think Gaz is cooking breakfast later (well for you it will be now) so get your arse to the kitchen before you don’t eat.
~ Soap
I quickly took the paracetamol, got out of bed and threw a band tee on (silly lil SOAD shirt /lh:AN). Smiling as Bucky sat by my feet. I haven’t trained since I got here so I decided to just do that. Placing Bucky’s harness on, I walked through the compound. When I got to the large training area I noticed how barren it was and breathed a sigh of relief, not enjoying working out in front of people.
The room was huge, rows of work out equipment ranging from weights to treadmills and in the centre a boxing ring. There was also a gun range and knife throwing area through a door on the far back wall. I walked around a little and decided to go over to the punching bags as Bucky entertained himself by napping further away. I wrapped my hands up, made sure to put my headphones on turning my loud workout music on and shuffling it. My eyes closed for a second as Melanie Martinez’s Class Fight came on (AN: I am currently listening to this song and I forgot how good it was), I got into my stance and started going through my combinations.
I keep punching till my lungs ache and sweat is formed on my forehead. Not even hearing when someone came in and started watching me curiously. As I grab my water bottle I notice Ghost staring at me. I accidentally make eye contact with his dark eyes before quickly looking down sheepishly, feeling uncomfortable. I walk over to Ghost, my water bottle still in my hand. I look up at him not speaking for a few seconds, “Uhm hey.. Lt, hows it going?” I look down at his sweatpants before averting my eyes again. He nods slowly, “Good good, hows your head K9? It hurting?” He laughs, mocking me slightly. Before I can answer Soap bounds in, having too much energy for such an early start.
“Hey Lt., Pup! Hows your headache?” He walks over to us smiling wearing a tight grey t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I gaze over at him smiling politely, slowly realising he called me pup. I blush slightly before replying “Uh, its okay aha.. Happy it isn’t too bad, guess I got lucky or.. something.” I answer awkwardly, before hearing Bucky pad over towards me sensing my slight change in stress level. “I’m really hungry, been working out for.. Shit for a while-“ I look and turn to the clock on the wall noticing its been a few hours, “I might just go grab some food, see you guys later?” I ask, feeling the pit of hunger in my stomach grow. Before I can leave the gym, the Captain walks in explaining that we are needing in a briefing room, oh for fucks sake.
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prettiestboyev · 8 months
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FAN ( 4 ) coffee date
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After posting your outfit of the day, you giggled at the comments your fans (or fandom name clouds!) left for you, looking away and back at your coach.
You were currently in vocal practice, yet texting Felix every single second of the day, excited for your little "date." Minsun sighed at this. "Lord, just go Y/N."
Your eyes light up. "Really?! Can I?!"
Minsun nodded, a giggle and chuckle coming from the other members as you grab your bag and waved at them, running out of the room.
You chose to walk there, since it was close, though having to stop every few seconds for a fan. Comes with being a famous idol.
Stepping foot at the café, you look around, finding Felix rather quickly as you sat down with him. Flashing a smile at him and he did aswell.
You were in the back of the café, so nobody really noticed you except the people who saw you when you walked in, but thankfully not one recognized you. At least not one with the balls to walk up to you.
"Hey." You said sweetly as he greeted you back. "I already ordered for us, so don't worry." He told you, as you look at him with curiousity. "Aha, what did you get me?"
"Your favorite." He said, in a jokingly romantic way. "Oh? How do you know my favorite?" You said, returning the energy back.
"Well, I watch your interviews, you know." You looked at him shocked. "You do?!" "Don't you watch ours?"
"Yong Bok!" The barista yelled.
He stood up, going to the counter and grabbing the drinks he had ordered beforehand. Setting them down, he started to talk with you again.
"So about that collab.."
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You laughed with him in the car. "Seriously? I never took Minho as the type of guy to do that." He shrugged. "You'd be quite shocked, honestly, and plus, I never took you as the type to be the same person on-camera."
Looking at him, though his eyes were fixated on the road, you tilted your head. "Really? Why?"
"Mostly because what happened at the ceremony a few days ago." You felt bad at the comment.
Stuttering, you let out, "ugh, again, I'm so sorry about that. I'm just glad you forgave me.", looking at the floor.
He chuckled. "It's fine, [nickname = n/n]."
Your eyes light up. "N/n?" You repeated.
"Ah- I'm sorry" He laughed. "I just usually refer to you as-" He was the one stuttering now.
You giggled at his state. "It's okay! If soo, can I call you lixie?" You said, as he giggled aswell.
"Sure, n/n."
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a/n would you guys believe me if i said i forgot about this ? if you said no, you're right. i was worrying my balls off all weekend about this story and ended up writing this SHIT but this also means skz and y/n are finally getting along yay! ><
also! self promo time! im working on a hyunjin fanfic so watch out for that :3
taglist @luvyeni @tenmii @jiisungllvr @xrvrqs @realrintaro
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