mymameisnotknown · 1 year
guys im blind someone please tell me what the hell his outfit is
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apokuhma · 8 months
auth thn periodo goustarw mia kopela pou gnwrisa otan ksekinhsame thn katalhpsh ths sxolhs thn prohgoumenh bdomada - euxaristw mazikoi agwnes, you do more for me than I would have imagined
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thestormposts · 1 year
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kalitor · 1 year
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george-argyrakis · 6 years
Μαραθώνιος της Αθήνας: Τι να προσέξεις στην κλασσική διαδρομή
Ο διεθνής Μαραθώνιος της Αθήνας αποτελεί ένα ξεχωριστό δρομικό γεγονός. Η απαιτητική διαδρομή, η ιστορία του Φειδιππίδη και το  Καλλιμάρμαρο Στάδιο, κάνουν τον αγώνα να ξεχωρίζει και να κατατάσσεται, όχι άδικα, στους καλύτερους μαραθώνιους δρόμους στον κόσμο.
Τι πρέπει όμως να προσέξεις λίγο πριν τρέξεις τον κλασσικό Μαραθώνιο της Αθήνας; Πως είναι η διαδρομή και που πρέπει να εστιάζεις τη…
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alivehouse · 4 years
grifters bone had it right i wisj i was getting torn limb from limb at a concert rn
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lipstickmata · 7 years
some good project news!
--recently i started working with this awesome artist/developer on a cool video game as the writer. she was looking for someone to write for a future-set nordic noir detective game involving cognition and androids and i swear i was like daedalus in that labyrinth comic from oglaf; this was me hearing that news:
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i know i’m biased but the game is coming along amaaazing yessss i think we’re looking to have a playable level out by december???
--also! i don’t know if any of you remember that neverland-based trilogy centered on the magic of girl’s narratives i was working on a few years ago but that is on a good tack to finish within the next halfish year i hope. (I took down the site but am considering putting it back up now that i don’t have to deal with the end of grad school / getting married / functioning in danish all at once anymore) SO HOORAY!! I hope i can share all the finished projects here soon.
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kadaryanto97 · 4 years
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Buku Ajar Preskripsi Obat dan Resep Jilid 1 Penulis : Umi Athijah,Liza Pristiyanty, Hanni P Puspitasari Penerbit : Airlangga Univeristy Press ISBN : 978-602-8967-30-3 Tahun : 2011 Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : x, 145 hlm Original Harga : Rp43.000 diskon 15% Rp36.550 Sinopsis TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Setelah mempelajari materi pada bab ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk: - mendefinisikan obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan penamaan obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan penggolongan dan penandaan obat mengidentifikasi karakteristik obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan penggunaan obat pada kondisi khusus menyebutkan dan menjelaskan rute pemberian obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan aturan pemakaian obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan penyimpanan obat - menyebutkan dan menjelaskan pemusnahan obat #prognosis #prognostikastoixima #prognostico #prognostika #prognostikastoiximatos #arxondasbet #diagnosis #arxondas #resepobat #health #medicine #usmle #doc #mbbs #medical #premierleague #education #doctors #nurse #paok #paokfc #syndrome #superleaguelive #disease #agwnes #superleague #superleaguegreece #superleaguenight #preskripsi #indostar_bookstore https://www.instagram.com/p/CADkmQlBd22/?igshid=12yphshuwqtin
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solmeister13 · 7 years
O koll mou exei agwnes k eimai pio anxomeni apo auton...
Να σκίσει!
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bpceventos · 5 years
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#BpcEventos #edecanes #gios #modelos #fotodeestudio #fashionlook #Eventos #goldenmodels #modeloscancun #edecanescancun #gioscancun #pasarelas #alfombraroja #cancun2020 #premiummodels #aaa #producciones #casting #publicidades #catalogos #audiciones #casting #mannequin (en Cancún, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64G3p-AGWN/?igshid=ebczzr7eshfc
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dagkoto · 5 years
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Την Κυριακή συμπληρώνουμε 1000 αγώνες Grand Prix! Τι είχε γίνει στην πρώτη αναμέτρηση στο Silverstone το 1950; https://www.bites.gr/post/thn-kyriakh-symplhrwnoyme-1000-agwnes-grand-prix-ti-eixe-ginei-sthn-prwth-anametrhsh-sto-silverstone-to-1950
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megaliciousblog · 8 years
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Stoixima NBA
Prognostika gia stoixima me simerinous agwnes NBA.
Milwakee Bucks - Indiana Pacers & Sakramento Kings - Wasington Wizards.
Sto prwto mats niki twn Indiana to opoio einai efikto me apodosh 2,25 kai sto deutero to opoio einai arketa tolmhro niki twn sakramento kings me apodosh 4,15.
Bebaia to fobero einai h problepsh gia prwta8lhth NBA tous Houston Rockets me apodosh 25 gia mikro pontarisma ofc!
To teleutaio to erixa... ante na doume!
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george-argyrakis · 5 years
Ιωάννινα: Ο γύρος της όμορφης λίμνης
Ιωάννινα: Ο γύρος της όμορφης λίμνης
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Τα Ιωάννινα γνωστά και ως Γιάννενα ή Γιάννινα είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη της Ηπείρου με πλούσια πολιτιστική ιστορία και ξεχωριστή ομορφιά. Η πόλη είναι κτισμένη στις όχθες της λίμνης Παμβώτιδας ή λίμνη των Ιωαννίνων σε υψόμετρο 483 μέτρων.
Στη λίμνη των Ιωαννίνων λαμβάνει χώρα ο αγώνας δρόμου “Γύρος Λίμνης Ιωαννίνων”με διαδρομή που απλώνεται γύρω από τη λίμνη της πόλης και έχει συνολικό μήκος…
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orfeasaggelou · 8 years
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Prognostika Stoixima - 15/3/2017 
NBA Agwnes gia Stoixima
Detroit Pistons - Utah Jazz
Chicago Bulls - Memphis Grizzles
Washington Wizards - Dallas Maverics
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diamond-news · 8 years
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Prognostika gia stoixima!
Krata thn tuxh sta xeria sou! Des analutika se poious agwnes aksizei na pontareis ta xrimata sou k na vgeis kerdismenos. Osoi paizoun kseroun na koitane k ta prognostika. Kaneis den afinei ta lefta tou tuxaia k na ta xasei.
Mpes twra kai des korufaia
prognostika stoiximatos
Liga k kala gia sigoura kerdh!    
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ngirl64 · 4 years
Similar Interests Part 16
Dark Pit:  *they reach the dining hall. Pit and Palutena just finished preparing the food*
Pit: Oh, great timing!
Rose: *still not trusting her words completely she waves*
Palutena: *she puts the food on the table* Foods ready to eat
Dark Pit: *he sits at the table*
Rose: *She sits next to Dark Pit*
Pit: *he and Palutena also sit at the table. He begins to eat but after a moment remembers what Dark Pit said in the Underworld. He then goofily smiles at him*
Dark Pit: *ignores Pit*
Rose: *she notices and blushes bright red.* S-So, th-thanks for m-making dinner.
Palutena: You’re welcome
Pit: No problem. Hope ya like it, hehe
Dark Pit: Mhmm.
Rose: *She takes some of the food and starts eating.*
Pit: Sooooooo. You two, huh? Ya dating?
Dark Pit: *sighs* I was waiting for that
Rose: *Face flushed she nods.* Uhh, y-yeah we are. *She faces Pit* But don’t you start teasing us about it. Ok?
Pit: Hehe, ok. Just funny to see Doom and Gloom Pitto find someone he loves
Dark Pit: Don’t call me Pittoo
Palutena: *she giggles a little* Well, i think it’s sweet
Rose: *She hides her face and mumbles* I’ll slap you if you try anything Pit
Pit: Heheh… Don’t worry, i won’t do anything
Dark Pit: Except keep that goofy look on his face
Rose: *She keeps eating and doesn’t look at anyone, too embarrassed to say a word*
Pit: *Doesn’t take long to him to finish eating, as usual*
Dark Pit: *continues eating, eventually finishing*
Rose: *After finishing her meal she sat there for a while, waiting for everyone else to leave so she could talk to Palutena alone*
Palutena: *after they’d all finished eating she began to clean up*
Pit: I’ll clean up today, Lady Palutena *takes over the cleaning*
Palutena: Oh thanks, Pit
Dark Pit: *He stands up from the table, stretching his wings*
Rose: *She looks over to Palutena her expression clearly asking to talk with her*
Palutena: *she notices and walks with Rose to a different room* What is it you want to talk about?
Rose: *A tear falls from her eye* I wanted to apologise for everything not just attacking Pit. The fact that you found out about my job. But most importantly I wanted to know, have there ever been any times where a mortal has dated an angel? I just don’t wanna mess things up for us.
Palutena: Rose, don’t worry. It’s ok. If it makes you feel better, i’ve put Pit into some seriously dangerous situation. And i went through a similar situation of being controlled. I even turned Pit into a Ring from it. As for your job, while it may not be the greatest, i can understand the reasons to it. But, for a mortal and angel dating, i don’t recall there ever being a time like that. You and Dark Pit are the first ones. All i can really say is to follow your heart and it’ll lead you on the right path in your relationship.
Rose: *She rubs her neck and laughs nervously* Heh, yeah.
Palutena: You’ll both do fine. I can tell you both really love each other, so whatever bad things that may happen will just make your relationship stronger
Rose: *She sighs* Ok, thank you Palutena. *She stands up and hugs her*
Palutena: *she hugs back, smiling* you’re welcome
Rose: *walks off to find Dark Pit.*
Palutena: *goes back to Pit to make sure he hasn’t boke anything*
Dark Pit: *was walking along the corridors of the Temple and sees Rose. he then flies over to her* Hello
Rose: Hey Dark Pit, *She yawns* I was wondering if you wanted to go and lay down for awhile.
Dark Pit: Sure. you seem tired
Rose: *She nods* I am.
Dark Pit: Then let’s go sleep
Rose: *She walks to a bedroom with Dark Pit*
Vallerie: *Walks to Pit and holds up a messy drawing for him* I mwde thith! I mwde it for wou!
Pit: *he kneels down and looks at the drawing* Aww, wow. Great drawing Vallerie! Thank you!
Vallerie: Pwt, I fink Cawol mwy wike wou. But shw no wanwa twll wou.
Pit: H-huh?? *he slightly blushes*
Vallerie: ywp. Shw swys wou a nwce pwrson. Swys tat wou would bw nwce to hwlp me.
Pit: A-aww. Well, she’s really nice too. And i’ll always help you when you need it, Vallerie
Vallerie: *She reaches up to hug him* Whw wou rwd? Cawol gets rwd when I twlk abwut wou. Dw wou wike Cawol?
Pit:*he hugs back and blushes a bit more from her question* u-uuhhh… heheh… s-she’s very nice and w-well… i-i guess so, heheh…
Vallerie: *She pokes at Pit’s cheeks and giggles* Wou showld twlk wif hwr! Wou two would be cwte twogefer!
Pit: H-heheh… i-i guess i could talk to her. *his blush darkens once more, covering more of his face now*
Vallerie: Yay! I go gwt hwr!!!! *She runs off*
Pit: *realising the situation more, he covers his face with a wing*
Carol: *A few moments later Carol comes up being pushed by Vallerie* Vallerie, please. *She runs into Pit and she blushes* Ah, s-sorry.
Pit: *moves his wing away from his face* i-it’s ok. *he shyly smiles to her*
Carol: *She blushed* I-I’m s-so sorry about V-Vallerie sometimes sh-she t-tries to d-do a lot of things. Sh-She knew about Rose and D-Dark Pit. S-So she’s been t-trying t-t-to g-ge
Vallerie: I been gwtting wou a bwyfirnd!!!!!
Pit: heheh… s-she’s p-pretty determined in what she does, huh?
Carol: *She rubs her neck* Y-Yeah She is.
Pit: s-so… is w-what Vallerie said, true? Y-you l-like me?
Carol: *her face gets even more red.* H-Heh. Y-Yeah. I-I do.
Pit: *his blush darkens* W-well, i-i l-like you t-too
Vallerie: Yay! I go tw fwnd Palutwna! *She runs off*
Carol: Vallerie No!
Pit: Oh boy *he covers his face with his wings, his whole face red*
Carol: *Spreads her wings and flies after Vallerie*
Pit: *he follows and runs after them*
Carol: *Catches Vallerie and stops flying.* Vallerie you can’t do stuff like that. 
Vallerie: Bwt wou alwys swy to be twue to pwple.
Carol: I do say that, but you need to know. *She kneels to her height* Something certain things need to stay between people. 
Pit: *he catches up to them* Oh, you caught her. *he sighs of relief*
Vallerie: *She looks at the ground and sniffles* I sowwy, I no do agwn
Pit: Alright. *he kneels down to her* 
Vallerie: I just wan a mommy and daddy. Mine went on a trwp awd never came bwck. Pwople wan to twke me awy bwt i frought mommy and daddy would com home. Den I mwt Cawol! Shw was a mommy to me. *She looked at Pit* Pwt do wou know where my mommy and daddy are?
Pit: U-uhhh….. Well… I’m sorry, Vallerie. But i-i… don’t think they’ll be coming back *not wanting to break the news but tires to say in a different way*
Vallerie: I kow thith. Bwt if wou find them. Twll thwm I wove thwm.
Carol: *She wiped a tear from Vallerie’s eye.* It’s ok Vallerie. We’ll let them know. 
Pit: *His wings dropped a little* Yeah. We will
Vallerie: *She hugged Pit and yawned* I trwed can I sweep?
Pit: *He hugged back* Of course. Let’s get you to bed
Carol: *She sends a grateful look to Pit.*
Vallerie: *She yawned again and reached up for someone to pick her up*
Carol: *Bends down and picks up Vallerie* After you Pit.
Pit: *he nods and walks to the bedroom for Vallerie*
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