#aglionby memes
wring-wraith · 4 months
im sure aglionby memes go crazy
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kelliealtogether · 1 year
Plain ass purple for the WIP meme? 💕
Thanks, Rachel!
Plain Ass Purple teacher AU, which could also be known as Unacceptable Workplace Behavior:
Before even setting foot inside, Adam looked at home in Ronan’s home, and it hurtled Ronan past the point of no return. Inviting Adam to the Barns was turning into one of the worst ideas he’d ever had, and Ronan had had plenty of those in his twenty-seven years. But this bad idea wouldn’t be struck from his record. This bad idea couldn’t be swept under the rug after paying a fine. This bad idea— It was one he wouldn’t easily come back from. He was so fucked. “What are you going to do when it snows in two months?” Ronan asked in lieu of greeting as he nodded to Adam’s motorcycle, propped on its kickstand beside Ronan’s BMW in the gravel parking area in front of the house. Then he pushed the screen door open, holding it for Adam as he stepped into the front hall.  “I guess it’ll be a tough commute,” Adam replied, “walking a hundred yards to work.”  “Shithead,” Ronan muttered, and Adam surprised Ronan with a laugh, louder than any Ronan heard from Adam before. The temperature in the entryway skyrocketed as Ronan gestured for Adam’s leather jacket—an offer his mother would have been proud of him for—and after Adam shrugged off his jacket and handed it to Ronan, Ronan asked, “You tied to campus? Aglionby the center of your universe?” 
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vexedtonightmaare · 1 year
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
There are major spoilers ahead for The Raven Cycle and some for the Dreamer trilogy. Ronan has the ability to take objects or beings (or sometimes entire forests) out of his dreams. There's no real limit to what he can take--if it works in the dream, it works in real life, beyond the bounds of reason or physics--but he must be on a ley line to use the power, and he'll die if he leaves the line for too long. He guards this secret ferociously, so there is no chance your muse would know about it unless they're a fellow canon in the know or it's been heavily plotted ahead of time. What they are welcome to notice is that he's often surrounded by improbable objects or that he constantly hums with dream energy if they're supernaturally sensitive to that sort of thing.
I typically pull my portrayal from some time after he's graduated from Aglionby, while Adam is away at college, and Ronan is fucking around dreaming things, taking care of the Barns, and generally being a menace. I take some elements from the Dreamer trilogy, including Ronan's friendship with Jordan and their investigation into sweetmetals (made objects or art that keep dreamed things awake even after their dreamers die, otherwise they fall into an unwakeable sleep). In addition to the intricate tattoo on his back, Ronan also has the chainmail tattoo on one arm that's made of sweetmetal ink to keep him awake off a ley line. However, I typically don't include Ronan's friendship with Bryde, their bout of ecoterrorism, or the plot with the Moderators.
wanted connections:
Per canon, he's a hostile jerk to most people, so please do not interact if you're not prepared for that. Likewise, your muses are welcome to respond in kind, since being an asshole has consequences. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Ronan with other TRC characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
Please note that I write Ronan as homosexual, as supported by his canon, and I only ship him with male muses, with the exception of a polycule that includes Blue Sargent (because imo the canon also supports all of them being in love with each other). He doesn't consider this as much a secret as it used to be, and while he's come a long way in terms of acceptance, that Catholic guilt is hard to shake, and he still struggles to be open about it. There may be some internalized homophobia in his threads.
OTPs: Adam Parrish, Richard Campbell Gansey III, Noah Czerny, Blue Sargent, Joseph Kavinsky NOTPs: Anyone on the family list (it should go without saying, but you'd be surprised), Bryde Family: Matthew Lynch, Declan Lynch Other: Jordan Hennessy, Opal, any supernatural/powered people because he feels very alone in that secret
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Ronan's main verse, with any events that take place post-Aglionby.
horror!verse: Any crossover verses with other paranormal/horror fandoms.
multiverse!madness: Ronan dreams an object that can take him to alternate dimensions and back and stays out of curiosity. Crossover/duplicate friendly!
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tyrianlynch · 3 years
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Ghost boi
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percxbetx · 4 years
Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Blue Sargent is canonly A GENDER
Literal words of Blue's POV in TRB: "It had never been a large kitchen to start with, and by the time three boys, four women, and ONE BLUE were in it..."
And then in TDT Gansey says "she is not a girl" then he adds that she is but different BUT I'M JUST SAYING-
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kevindayenjoyer · 3 years
medicore memes as gangsey part 2
ronan baptising opal
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noah because the helicopter is already stuffed
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noah + pynch
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gansey going for a swim
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blue and henry dressing up as kavinsky for halloween
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sarchengsey on their roadtrip
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ronan anytime he's in aglionby
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+ bonus: kavinsky
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inspiredbyabook · 7 years
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YA LIT MEME: Locations [1/6] → The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
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foxyaggie · 7 years
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catch me outside hunting for dead welsh kings ✌🏻
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theravenkin · 3 years
Idk if you're doing hc requests atm but do you have any hcs about the gangsey either romantic or platonic or both?
hmmm im just gonna braindump about the gangsey here i guess
blue and ronan are really good friends: i know basically the whole fandom agrees on this but like. i think they develop a relationship sort of similar to what ronan and noah's relationship was, but ronan sort of treats blue like a sister
blue teaches him (and the other boys) about antiracism, feminism, queerness, etc. and they all take really well to it, but ronan the most so
he's already a leftist by principle so like. he's like yeah fuck the status quo
the one who takes to it the least well...adam. dont hate me im not saying he's a bad person by any means, but he's the most independent thinker of them all, imo, and so he's like ok that may be true but i'm going to come to my own conclusions about things and form my own opinions. the only downside of this is that he doesn;t take the perspectives of other people into acount, so he bases his conclusions off of his own experience as a cishet-passing white man
i think he and blue fight somewhat often post-canon because blue tries to get him to think like her and he doesnt like it and purposefully says stuff to piss her off in response
i also think adam has some internalized ableism and homophobia so blue will say things like "but you're queer/disabled/poor, therefore you should think this way or that way" and it'll just alienate adam further
sorry that was kind of depressing. um. anyway
my original point was that i think blue turns ronan into a raging feminist, not necessarily because he has a strong sense of justice but more because he thinks it's fun to fuck the status quo
she has a harder time convincing him to buy into antiracism and like the land back movements and stuff. but she still tries and he doesn't fight it too hard, he's just stuck in his own mindset
speaking of ronan and feminism something that's really funny to me is that before blue, ronan has basically never interacted with a real female
like aurora was real, she was a real person, yeah. but she was also a woman created in the image of a man (which i think was an intentional move by maggie and i think it will come up later but that's a whole other post)
so basically ronan has been surrounded by maleness his whole life so like, of course the first time he set foot in fox way it was like a devil entering a church
post-canon, when they hang out at fox way, ronan gets to really experience that potent femaleness for the first time and he almost short circuits cus he's like huh
the others think it's hilarious
they have to constantly explain simple things about womanhood and femaleness to him and his entire world flips upside down every goddamn time
"why is it weird for you to not shave your armpits, are you supposed to shave them? like what the fuck" "ronan...while appreciate that attitude, i have to wonder: have you ever met a woman that's not me, ever? in your life?" "not really"
"what the fuck is a tampon" "im not sure you wanna know"
they have to explain to him finally that orla has been flirting with him this whole time and he is disgusted, he is revolted, he dedicates his life to his lord and savior jesus christ and this is the thanks he gets
um speaking of which. can you imagine the memes that circulate among that friendgroup
sometimes they interact entirely by quoting memes at each other it's beautiful
blue and ronan bond over meme songs that the other three hate
gansey and adam are trying to do homework and blue and ronan bust in rapping all the lyrics to "jesus is the one (i got depression)"
those two also are huge fans of insane clown posse. adam is terrified, gansey is endeared, henry is just along for the ride
henry! lets talk about henry
i hc henry as pretty unashamedly queer, he already was kind of an outcast at aglionby so why not
i hc that most of vancouver crowd is queer
ronan at first doesn't like henry at all because hes like, intruding the group
but also because henry is very comfortable in his gender and his queerness and that scares ronan
it scares adam too at first but then intrigues him, which scares ronan more
at some point ronan and henry have a really deep late-night talk where they talk about henry's queerness and his journey with that, and then henry tells ronan about his trauma and his relationship with his mom; ronan tells henry a little bit about his family trauma and he doesn't have to say much for henry to understand what he's trying to say and what he's feeling
henry tries to get him to talk about him and adam and is sort of successful--ronan blushes hard until henry lets up and quits teasing him
they have a much better relationship after that <3
one time henry and blue bond over being bi and the other three are like blue what the fuck you like girls
she gestures to her entire self and she's like yall hadn't figured that out already?
that's what makes ronan start feeling a little more comfortable--he's kinda like well if blue can do it i can do it, idk i just feel like he looks up to her in a lot of ways (would never admit it to anyone else or himself though)
while blue and adam do fight a lot, they're also very close friends
they make a lot of tiktoks together! i hc that adam really likes learning tiktok dances he's just too shy and proud to do it, but blue convinces him to when the others aren't around and those two are very good
like. the bi panic those two would cause, are you kidding me?
adam gets confident enough that he'll jokingly dance when they're all just hanging out and playing music
ronan is like "this is so dumb he's so cringy i hate him"
but adam is also very cute and attractive when he doesn't look miserable and he's loose-limbed and smiling sheepishly so. ronan is very conflicted
adam and blue dance and sing unplanned karaoke together. they have very similar music taste
adam constantly tries to make ronan playlists and play him songs that remind him of ronan...but ronan is like bro your music taste sucks
(it's actually immaculate, ronan is just silly)
that's all i have for now, thank you for the ask!!!
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crushpdf · 2 years
ronsey - 10 for Spotify ask :) also accidentally unfollowed D:
2021 Spotify Wrapped Fic Meme
“…has a tradition of excellence in its students,” the teacher was saying, but Ronan wasn’t listening. He’d heard this spiel every September since junior high. Instead, Ronan was looking at the new kid.
Broad shoulders. Shining caramel hair. The corner of a jaw, the hint of dark lashes, a fraction of a smile he could see from this angle.
Ronan was beginning to notice these kinds of things on other boys. He was beginning to like them.
“…to be great men: politicians, CEOs, athletes,” the teacher continued.
The boy, Ronan noticed, was taking diligent notes, pen moving furiously across his notebook. Why anyone would need to record this lecture Ronan didn’t know, but the boy was obviously eating this shit up.
Ronan pulled a face and turned toward the window. The new kid was just another buttoned-up asshole, boring and nice and proper.
“Now, we have a sister school on the other side of Henrietta,” the teacher said with a knowing smile. The room started to slowly fill with appreciative sounds, boys stretching out in their seats and passing each other smirks. “Far enough away so you don’t get distracted from your studies, yes? But Aglionby hosts a mixer once each semester, and you gentlemen are encouraged to ask a lady to the dance.”
A hand went up. Every eye turned toward the new kid.
He was still scribbling away, and Ronan considered that he might not be taking notes; maybe he was doodling. The teacher cleared his throat and asked, “Yes, Mr. Gansey?”
The boy slowly looked up, and Ronan noticed that handsome jaw clench. “And if we want to ask another gentleman to the dance?”
The noise in the room grew, but this time it was a rumble of disgust and laughter. The boy kept staring at the teacher. The teacher was at a loss for words, blushing deep red and struggling to respond.
Ronan snorted. “Let me know if you find a boy at this school who’d say yes, and then ask him before I do,” he said.
He was beginning to notice things like jaws, and shoulders. He was beginning to like them, and beginning to not care what anyone else thought.
Mr. Gansey turned back to him with clear surprise, and the expression—so open and loose and somewhat goofy—made heat bloom in Ronan’s stomach.
“Thanks for the advice,” he grinned, giving Ronan a once-over that was more than friendly. “I might just enjoy high school after all.”
My daddy put a gun to my head Said, "If you kiss a boy I'm gonna shoot you dead" So I tied him up with gaffer tape and locked him in a shed Then I went out to the garden and I fucked my best friend
parents - yungblud
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cheeeryos · 3 years
ronan lynch❣️
thank you! @catboyadamparrish also asked about ronan...predictable twinsies
favorite thing about them is his loyalty! and bravery - he’s so willing at any moment to just throw himself into danger to save his friends.
least favorite thing about them is his susceptibility to cults?
favorite line is
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brOTP is bronan ❤️
OTP is adam, obviously
nOTP hmm I am pretty much a pynch only shipper, so I’m not into ronsey or any other combinations of ronan & the gang.
random headcanon is ronan actually WAS the shave-headed boy adam saw in the grocery store that pushed him to go to aglionby. he had a fake ID to drive cars under 16, not just to buy alcohol.
unpopular opinion idk if I have one? unpopular in some circles is that he was actually attracted to both gansey and kavinsky before he came to terms with being gay
song i associate with them is the boxer
favorite picture of them is this one from chuck the goon
character meme
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ephemeraltea · 4 years
Ronan! For the character ask meme!
Ronan Niall “No, I thought you were dead in a ditch” Lynch
ask meme in question  
how differently he works, and yet how perfectly human he is. (in case you didn’t know, i resonate DEEPLY with Ronan, but mostly in the human parts.) like, when he creates in his dreams, he creates these things that are just to the left of reality. you know what they are, and often what they are meant to do, but they do it a different and wild way. like Adam’s motorcycle! like the ORBMASTER. in his humanity, he creates things to love, and because he loves them, and cannot help loving them, they love him back, something he generally fails to understand. you see this with Chainsaw and Matthew and Opal, especially. Opal used to be someone who protected him- yet he only brought her out when he was in a position to protect her. i don’t think any of them love him because he created them- in fact, with Matthew, that may well be a sticking point- but because, in loving them, he becomes the kind of person you can’t help loving back. his fallacies honestly make him so relatable to me that it hurts.
it’s shockingly similar to my previous answer. his self-destructive depression is so awful for me, personally, in that i see so much in his feelings that mirrors my own brain pains. that he tries to isolate himself by being nasty so that he can be alone, and even when he doesn’t succeed, he’s so lonely and tired and hurting that all he can think of is hurting himself further, whether through alcohol or ill-advised racing or rendezvous or letting his dreaming take him to darker places. i want to see him get better so MUCH, and i know at least a little of that is because i want to know that someone like that can get better.
“I guess now would be a good time to tell you,” He said. “I took Chainsaw out of my dreams.” (from The Raven Boys)
it’s a fucking crime that we never get to see his perspective of this moment. god. he’s been keeping this secret, this lonely secret from his friends for SO LONG. how did he decide it was time? did he think, finally, these are people who won’t leave me, so i can trust them with this? was it spur-of-the-moment with his heart jammed so far up in his throat he was amazed the words came out clear? maggie please
Ronan and Blue. just. every interaction of theirs from The Raven King. my babies.
Adam and Ronan, always, 100%.
Ronan and Kavinsky, at least in any kind of context even vaguely related to canon. even if you look beyond the shit that K specifically pulls on Ronan, they are fundamentally bad for each other. i do love stories that explore that, though, in a historical senses. like, they were together and It Was Bad. because i have problems, i guess
if Ronan and Blue had met as children, like pre-aglionby and shit, they would be terrible and amazing besties. just. the worst influence on each other in the best way. part of me always wants to write that up.
uhh i just trolled through Call Down the Hawk to make sure it was never explicitly stated he didn’t finish high school, and while it’s implied... i kinda think he did. by the skin of his teeth and Gansey’s interference, perhaps, but he did. what he did not do is attend graduation.
I’m Not Calling You A Liar by Florence + the Machine
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creativefiend19 · 4 years
For the meme for fic writer: 15. ♡
Hi! Thank you for Asking - it’s a wonderful question. I answered it here as well.
My other fic that I think would work well on film is the one where Adam is figuring out his sexuality and feelings for Ronan: Adam Parrish was unknowable.
I see all my fics as films in my head anyway, and just write down what I see. 
So I can totally see the camera following Adam round to his many jobs and Aglionby and St. Agnes, and you can hear his whole internal monologue that basically goes: Ronan, Ronan, Ronan ...  LOLLL
Who needs a Raven Cycle TV series when you can actually just follow Adam Parrish around amirite?
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thecorvidrotation · 5 years
Some aglionby boy is going to be driving about, minding his own business, when all of a sudden he is faced with Richard Campbell Gansey III, THE Dick Gansey, former King of the school halls, chained to a tree with his two lovers.
honestly he’s living his best life and i am SO happy for him and that Aglionby boy can go out and spread the news that Aglionby’s own extra-weird golden boy has found the carefree joy he so rightly deserves 😭🙏💖
(i think this is in response to these incredible sarchengsey memes)
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allroundlostcause · 7 years
‘ You’re fucked up, professor. But you’re cool. ‘
American Gods sentence meme
This fucking school. Maybe if Alaric’s life had taken a different path, he might not have so easily read the signs, but there is some weird shit happening in this school, and in this town.
Anywhere else, Alaric would have been the weirdest thing you could find in a place of this size, sporting fangs and all, but no. He’s got an eye on at least a dozen students, and top of the list is Kavinsky. Sociopathic gleam in his eye. That’s only for starters. He calls out, when students are gathering their things. “Just a minute of your time, Mr. Kavinsky,” he says, smiling, and he knows there’s no warmth in his eyes.
“Found your art project.” It’s not an art project. Alaric has no fucking clue what it is, but it looks like an actual, real, government-issued passport for fucking Narnia, in Kavinsky’s name. He tosses it on the desk. “Very well done. I have a talent, you might say, I tend to notice things that are out of place.” He unlocks his desk, and a dragonfly escapes. Alaric had expected the thing to run out of juice, eventually, but it’s been buzzing intermittently or over a week, now, tiny cameras readjusting to the dark every time Alaric checks to see it’s still there, tiny servos adusting eight legs and four wings. “Don’t know where that came from. Gee.”
He reaches into the desk and pulls out a handful of identical coins. Identical. Identically worn, identically scratched, except for the one with two heads and no tail. He drops them on the desk ahead of him.
“Seems like a dangerous town. I guess I was surprised.”
Kavinsky’s expression never shifts, not even when Alaric lets his eyes darken, and his fangs descend just enough to appear from beneath his upper lip.
“I’m gonna be watching for the safety of all my students, of course.”
Should have known that not even this would faze the kid, and it hasn’t. But at least he knows. And he knows there’s no margin in trying to spill a secret this absurd.
At last, Kavinsky smiles, the kind of smile that would frighten a dog, and make a cat piss in your shoes. The kind of smile that eventually gets described on the seven o’clock news, if a person survives that long. I always knew there was somethin’ about dat guy. Way he smiled, or somethin’. Like he weren’t really there.
“You’re fucked up, professor,” he says. “But you’re cool.”
All Alaric really needs. As long as Kavinsky knows he’s had fair warning.
“Enjoy your lunch,” Alaric says, letting his features settle back to human, as Kavinksky struts out of the classroom.
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
300 Pages into Blue Lily, Lily Blue
So thankfully these last 100 pages have been a lot less strenuous on the old stress glands
Every conversation with Jesse Dittley radiates some kind of energy and I can’t really decide what energy that is
I still love Greenmantle and Piper. There’s so batshit crazy in the best way
A completely different way to the batshit crazy that is Gwenllian
Idk if it’s just me or if it’s just a ~womanly~ thing to relate to every mad lady in anything ever. Like Gwenllian started shouting about having three boobs and the ability to impregnate Gansey and both me and my friend were like wow mood
The Mortal Instruments has had too much of an effect on me. Gwenllian mentioned Artemus licking her away and I was theorising about Artemus maybe being Glendower making Blue his daughter and then Gwenllian turns to Gansey like ‘and you’re Glendower’s...’ and in that moment I was hit with both certainty and fear that she was about to declare them siblings
Can we call this the Cassandra Clare effect
I really didn’t need any information about Gansey’s testicles but thanks I guess
I’ve been reading too late into the night, and have finally come to that conclusion when, as Ronan was described to be getting out of a car at Aglionby, my brain provided me with that scene in Twilight when Emmet is standing in the truck, and instead of questioning it I was like yeah that’s exactly what I just read
Can Adam’s dad, like, die
Ronan is such a dramatic bitch lmao when he pulled a grossly dying version of himself from his dream just to make a point to Adam aksjska he’s so overly dramatic I love it
Adam is also dramatic but he’s like the dramatic that bores me. Like a cat meows or some shit and he’s like “the forest,,,,,,,,it has come for my lonesome soul,,,,,,,” go listen to MCR
Gansey being upset when they thought they’d found Glendower because the aesthetic was wrong akdjsksja
I can’t believe the women of 300 fox way just let Gwenllian walk around at night. Like she could STAB you
‘Sometimes Gansey forgot how much he liked school and how good he was at it” shut the fuck up
If I finish these books and unblock the tags and see one (1) meme of ‘Finding Nemo’ with ‘Nemo’ replaced with ‘Maura’ I’m cancelling the whole fandom
Overall, I’m glad there was less stress this time lol. Although I feel that is something I will not be saying by the next update, which will be when I finish the book
I only have 100 pages left of this one and then one more book, and that’s it. I don’t want that to be it. Why aren’t all series as long as Throne of Glass
I want to read but at the same time I don’t because I know at least one person who dies (I’m not referring to Gansey idk wtf is going on there) in the last book and also I just don’t want it to end hhhhhhhhh
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