#agere windbreaker
natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ Wind breaker Agere HCs໒ ˚⁎
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could you please do some headcannons for a regressor choji tomiyama and caregiver jo to togame both from windbreaker? thanks!!!!
Age Regressor Chōji Tomiyama
•Age regressed Chōji has a few comfort items that he clings to when regressed, like a plush toy or a soft blanket. He prefers things that are soft and cuddly
•Favorite Activities : He loves simple, calming activities like coloring, playing with building blocks, or watching cartoons. These help him relax and forget about his worries
•Little Tomiyama prefers simple, easy-to-eat foods like fruit snacks, sandwiches cut into fun shapes, and warm milk. He finds comfort in familiar, kid-friendly foods
•In his regressed state, Chōji becomes more shy and clingy, often seeking reassurance from Jō. He tends to communicate more through actions than words, like tugging on Jō’s sleeve or giving him a gentle nudge
•Sleep Routine : He has a bedtime routine that helps him feel safe and secure. This might include a bedtime story, some soft music, or a nightlight to keep the room from being too dark
Caregiver Jō To Togame
•Jō is incredibly patient and understanding with Chōji’s regression. He never makes him feel bad about needing to regress and always ensures he feels safe and loved
•Activities : Togame plans activities that are both engaging and soothing for Chōji. He might set up a little art station, organize a movie night with Chōji’s favorite cartoons, or even arrange simple outdoor activities like blowing bubbles
•Jō is always there to provide reassurance and comfort. He’s quick to offer a hug, a kind word, or a gentle touch whenever Tomiyama needs it
•Dada Jō maintains a consistent routine to help Chōji feel secure. He makes sure meals, nap times, and bedtimes are at the same time every day, providing a sense of stability
•He encourages Chōji to express his feelings, whether through drawing, talking, or playing. Jō understands the importance of letting Chōji process his emotions in a safe space
•Jō always makes sure the environment is safe and comforting. He childproofs areas as needed and ensures there are plenty of soft, cozy spaces for Chōji to relax in
•Whether it’s a small reward for good behavior or lots of praise and encouragement, Jō helps build Tomiyama's confidence and sense of security
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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larryland · 7 years
Lauren Gunderson is the most-produced living playwright this past year.  Her work has been seen in this part of the world at WAM Theatre (Emilie,) Shakespeare & Co. (The Taming,) and Aglet Theatre Company (Silent Sky.)  Chester Theatre Company in Chester MA is currently presenting her I and You, filled with laughter and poignancy.
Caroline (Lilli Hokama,) a high school senior in need of a liver transplant, is confined to her home, preferring to stay in her bedroom.  Having suffered through a series of illnesses her entire life, she is a fatalist and has willingly accepted that she will soon die.  She is paid a surprise visit by another student, Anthony (Paul Pontrelli,) whom she does not know, and who informs her that they are supposed to be working together on a project about the poet Walt Whitman for their American lit. class.  Due tomorrow.
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Their initial meeting is adversarial, she being contentious and rude, while he tries to be sociable and charming, but his main concern is to finish a triptych poster and to prepare oral presentations (which she will record.)  The assignment is to explore Whitman’s use of the pronouns “I” and “you” in his classic Leaves of Grass.  Paul reads excerpts from the book, and Caroline, being virtually ignorant of Whitman, reluctantly allows herself to be touched by his poetry.
Throughout the book, which is constructed of several poems he had written over many years, Whitman’s thoughts change as he grows older.  Though he extols the body and the material world in some works, he also praises the role of the mind or the spirit.  A perspective Anthony holds dear.
“Clear and sweet is my soul, and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.”
He is concerned with living the life one now has, something Caroline has unwillingly accepted.
“There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor anymore youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.”
And he muses over life and death, events that Caroline has pondered.
“Has anyone supposed it lucky to be born?
I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.”
As the day goes on Caroline and Paul slowly reveal their lives to each other… their beliefs,  family structures, the music they prefer, what the future holds for them.
Gunderson’s dialogue sounds prosaic, especially in this case where the central characters are teen-agers.  But the exchanges, as pedestrian as they may be, move the play and characters forward.   The banter between them is realistic and is typical  of what one would hear in a high school corridor, including the four-letter words.  But that, too, defines these two young people.
The actors are flawless. Pontrelli’s Anthony is charming with an ingratiating smile and winning personality.  Yet he is earnest in his need to complete the assignment and to make it easy for Caroline to participate, but she has built huge walls around her.  Hokoma’s Caroline fights to protect her solitude and to maintain her distance, trying not to allow Anthony or Whitman to touch her emotions or intellect.  Indeed, the poet is an unseen character.
The play has been directed by Kristin van Ginhoven, artistic director of WAM. The pace never flags as we are caught up in the adolescents’ evolving relationship.  She makes sure their conversations, which bounce between lightness and profundity, are examples of sharp timing and show growing emotional awareness.  Van Ginhoven moves her actors easily within the confines of Juliana von Haubrich’s typically cluttered teen-age bedroom.
Stella Giulietta Schwartz has the actors in contemporary dress… she in sweats, he in windbreaker and jeans.  Lighting by Lara Dubin and sound by Tom Shread add to the reality of the moment and the surprise ending that will leave you with an emotional jolt.
This is a beautifully written, affecting production.
I and You runs through July 9.  For tickets: 413-354-7771
Chester Theatre Company presents I and You by Lauren Gunderson; Directed by Kristen van Ginhoven; Cast: Lilli Hokama (Caroline), Paul Pontrelli (Anthony); Scene design: Juliana von Haubrich; Lighting design: Lara Dubin; Costume design: Stella Giulietta Schwartz; Sound design: Tom Shread; Stage Manager: Keri Schultz; Running Time: Ninety minutes; no intermission; Chester Theatre Company, Town Hall Theatre, Chester, MA; From 6/28/2017 – 7/19/2017
  Lauren Gunderson is the most-produced living playwright this past year.  Her work has been seen in this part of the world at WAM Theatre (
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natsuki-bakery · 1 month
⁎˚ ఎ Wind breaker Agere HCs໒ ˚⁎
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Saw your togame n choji agere headcanons and IM BEGGING to have some with Umemiya caregiver.
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•Umemiya brings his characteristic cheerfulness and energy to his caregiving role. He approaches the task with enthusiasm, using his positivity to uplift and encourage those he is caring for, making even challenging situations feel more manageable
•He is highly practical. He’s the type to fix things around the house, prepare simple but nutritious meals, or handle tough situations with a level head. He’s reliable and ensures that your basic needs are met efficiently
•As a caregiver, Hajime takes on a mentorship role, he’ll teach you the ropes, whether it’s about bike racing, life lessons, or just how to stand up for themselves, all while being a steady presence in your lives
•In a world where winning can sometimes tempt racers to cut corners, Umemiya stands as a role model of integrity. He teaches his little one the value of honesty, fair play, and the importance of earning respect through hard work rather than taking shortcuts
•Despite his energetic demeanor, Umemiya is a good listener. He provides a supportive ear for anyone who needs to talk, offering empathy and understanding while still keeping a hopeful outlook < 3
•If someone he cares for is in danger, Umemiya wouldn’t hesitate to put himself on the line for them. His sense of duty and loyalty is strong, making him a caregiver who’s always ready to go the extra mile, even at personal cost
•His caregiving style includes a touch of playfulness. He might organize fun activities or create light-hearted distractions to brighten the day of those he’s caring for, making the experience enjoyable and less stressful !
•While he’s energetic, Dada Ume is also practical and organized. He ensures that all the necessary tasks are handled efficiently, from managing schedules to ensuring that basic needs are met, all while maintaining a cheerful attitude
•Emphasizing his love for cycling and physical fitness, Hajime encourages healthy habits. He might suggest group activities like cycling or other forms of exercise, integrating fitness into daily routines as a way to promote well-being
•When faced with challenges, Umemiya uses his creativity and enthusiasm to find solutions. He approaches problems with a can-do attitude, thinking outside the box
•While he is energetic, Umemiya also knows when to be calming and reassuring. He provides comfort during stressful times by being a reliable and steady presence, offering both practical help and emotional support
•He makes a point to celebrate milestones and achievements, no matter how small. His celebratory nature helps reinforce positive behavior and keeps morale high, making those he cares for feel valued and appreciated
•Just as he celebrates the milestones of his littles, Hajime also makes a point to celebrate the successes of fellow caregivers
•Umemiya’s experience and optimism make him an excellent mentor for other caregivers. He offers practical advice on everything from managing tantrums to creating engaging activities, always with a smile and a word of encouragement
•He teaches other caregivers how to set boundaries and enforce rules in a way that is both loving and effective, helping littles feel secure while also understanding limits
•Care Giver Umemiya might offer a distraction, like suggesting a fun activity or offering a favorite toy or snack, to help you shift your focus away from whatever is causing the tantrum
•If you prefer comfort, he might offer a hug or simply stay close by to provide a sense of security
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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natsuki-bakery · 11 days
⁎˚ ఎ Wind breaker Agere HCs໒ ˚⁎
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hiiiiii i really love your work!! especially the wind breaker ones. while i love the idea of caregiver!umemiya, i have a feeling that he could also be a little given how much pressure he’s always under and always the ‘big brother’, maybe sometimes he wants to be the one coddled and spoiled ^^
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•Despite his tough exterior and role as the "big brother" in The Front of Armament, Umemiya has a secret side that only Hiragi knows about. After particularly stressful days or intense fights, Umemiya regresses and retreats to Hiragi’s room, where he feels safe enough to let go of his responsibilities
•Hiragi knows exactly how to help Umemiya when he’s regressed. He’ll make Umemiya’s favorite comfort food or give him a warm blanket to cuddle with. They often watch old cartoons or play simple games, things that allow Umemiya to escape the pressures of leadership and just be taken care of
•Hiragi often providing the quiet reassurance that Umemiya needs. When Hajime is in his little space, Hiragi will pat his head, give him soft hugs, and call him by endearing nicknames, making him feel valued and loved without the weight of expectations
•Hiragi secretly keeps a small stash of toys, like a plush bear or a set of building blocks, that he pulls out when Umemiya regresses. These toys provide a simple distraction that helps Umemiya focus on something innocent and comforting, rather than the stress of his usual life
•After a tough day, Hiragi has a routine to help Umemiya transition into his little space. It usually starts with a calming bath where he adds bubbles and maybe even lets Umemiya play with bath toys. Afterward, he’ll wrap him in a big, soft towel, dry his hair gently, and dress him in comfy clothes
•Storytime : When Umemiya’s little, Hiragi often reads to him. It’s not just about the stories, but the sound of Hiragi’s voice that calms him. Hiragi might read old adventure books or even manga with lighter themes, something that lets Umemiya drift off to sleep peacefully
•Despite being the "big brother" most of the time, Umemiya knows he can be vulnerable around Hiragi. Hiragi helps Umemiya understand that it’s okay to need support and care, balancing the toughness of his daily life with moments of softness and affection
•Hiragi understands when Umemiya doesn’t want to talk, especially when he’s regressed. Instead, they communicate through actions, like Hiragi handing him his favorite snack or simply sitting beside him, offering silent comfort. These moments help Umemiya feel grounded without needing to explain himself
•Protection and Comfort : Even when regressed, Umemiya sometimes worries about his role as a protector. Hiragi reassures him that it’s okay to rest and that the others can take care of things for a while. Hiragi’s steady presence reminds Umemiya that he doesn’t have to carry everything on his own
•Hiragi is perceptive of Umemiya’s emotional state. When Umemiya’s little, Hiragi encourages him to express his feelings in healthy ways, whether it’s through drawing, talking, or just being held. Hiragi ensures that Umemiya knows it’s okay to feel vulnerable and that he doesn’t have to face his emotions alone
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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