#again if you've ever tagged me in a tag game or a post or truly anything
lorelune · 5 months
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(aventurine x reader /// continuation of this concept)
"explain to me," the good doctor demands, "why do you need my help?"
"because." you fumble around you're words. your lips feel cold. herta's space station, especially this deep in it's bowels, is an unpleasant place to have any conversation, let alone one that is also unpleasant. "i don't have time."
"and you assume i do?"
"partially?" you rub a hand over your cheek. "throw me a bone here, doctor."
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ratio has been sizing you up for the better part of half an hour, scrutinizing your intent in any way he can. you have been skillfully attempting to dodge most of those attempts, but veritas ratio is as diligent a man as he is intelligent. which is to say that he is not letting up until you divulge the truth.
you sigh.
"you will explain to me," he says outright, gaze piercing. "how one of the intelligentsia guild's most esteemed researchers needs help with an algorithm that is far below both of our skill levels. it's insulting to both myself, and yourself."
you sigh again, deeper and harder, "i, once again, do not have time. i have the 'full time job' of handling aventurine's odds, and those calculations don't run like any other odds i've ever worked with, and he is a variable constantly in motion. i need help making this algorithm so i can have some assistance with my main job at hand."
the doctor scoffs, and walks a circle around you, "i'm sure he's just thrilled with the company."
"we— he manages."
more than. but, veritas doesn't need to know that. you're sure he'll figure it out eventually.
veritas tagged the briefcase on a nearby table. it's gleaming, with a discreet ipc logo embossed on the side. the sight of it makes you nauseous with anxiety.
"is this bribe from him?" he asks.
"no." you've stopped aventurine anytime he has tried to intervene and make things easier for you. he rarely listens, but your relationship with ratio and the guild make him somewhat neutral territory. "higher up."
"i assume diamond wouldn't bother to dirty her hands. so, jade?"
dr. ratio, for the first time, seriously considers your offer. then scowls. "it would be a waste of my time."
you sigh. there was a 67.22% chance of this outcome. luckily, you have gamed out the conversation from here.
"so you can't?"
"you know i can."
then, you laugh, and shake your head. "yes, i do. sorry to tease. i'm quite tired."
"you should go find your gambler." veritas crosses his arms, looking sidelong at the briefcase.
"i will, eventually." you turn your back to veritas as you begin to leave the open atrium. the air is hollow and frigid. "i'll just ask some other intelligentsia guild members about the project first. i'm sure they'd be happy to help."
you only take a few steps before dr. ratio grabs your arm. his grip is far too strong.
(chance of failure to secure dr. veritas ratio's assistance: decreased by 31%.)
"don't bother them."
"someone needs to help." you turn back to look at him, expression schooled. "and if you won't, i'm very sure someone else will be happy to work beside 'one of the intelligentsia guild's most esteemed researchers'. or, does such a title not truly apply considering i've been ousted from my previous position?"
he frowns, but before he can speak, you interrupt him. you haven't seen veritas since being tied down to your current post. you haven't let him have it. he deserves it, maybe.
"i heard from jade that i received a glowing recommendation from another well-respected scholar. apparently, the position was being considered for either one of us. somehow, with that recommendation, i drew the short end of the stick and now play handler for a man with a death wish and a statistically measurable chaos quotient that's ever-changing in multiples of three."
veritas's face is unmoving. unchanging. but you know you've struck something. it was to be him or you in this position. and you don't have the pride he does. you place your hand over top of his, posed to speak, to tear him apart—
a shrill ringtone shatters the tension. it's yours. you already know who it is.
you flip your phone open with one hand, still staring at ratio.
"hello," aventurine's voice beckons from the other side, smug and smooth. "where is my favorite, most brilliant mind hiding out? we're due to leave soon."
"sadly, with another one of your favorite, brilliant minds. i'll be finished up shortly and meet you at the docks."
"aw, did he not get onboard? that's quite the choice for him to be making. do you want me to give him a talking to you?"
"no, it's fine. i'm working something out."
"you sound upset."
"i'm tired." you rub at your eyes and break away from veritas with a yawn.
"you can nap on the ship. we have quite the journey."
"that we do. i'll see you in a bit?"
"see you there." you can hear the smirk in his voice.
sending you down to veritas alone was aventurine's gamble. one that is working out, predictably. never mind the damage your reputation will take after these next moments. you close the phone with a sigh and begin toward the grand elevator.
"veritas," you call his name. "i forgive you, for what it's worth. try not to do it again."
"i couldn't."
you laugh and shake your head as you ascend. by the time you arrive at the docks, the ipc's premier vessel is packed away and priming its engines. lights and sirens echo from it. aventurine's idles outside, waiting for you. he beams when he sees you.
"so," he whistles, guiding you with a hand on your lower back. you let him. "was the good doctor as prickly as ever?”
"if not more so" you admit. aventurine gestures with a sweeping hand to your shared quarters for the time being. there's a single bed, but you're used to this. you've come not to mind it. "i think i bruised his ego."
with a genuine laugh, “i don’t think that's possible."
"want to bet on that?" you ask.
your phone's text tone chimes and you shoot aventurine a sharp smile.
aventurine's odds are ridiculous. ever changing, constantly moving. none of your perceptions and calculations that are usually steadfast and unmoving can keep up with him. not with efficiency, anyways. it's exhausting work. however, the likelihoods of everything but aventurine? the predictions of a man like ratio?
easy. simple. you could do them in your sleep.
aventurine squishes against your side as you open your newest message.
[SENDER: Doctor Ratio <intelligentsia guild>]
> here is a first draft. forgo payment. i do not need to be in the stonehearts’ pocket.
[file attached: STONE ALGORITHM DRAFT 1.0.spqxxxiun.pqo]
aventurine laughs, muffling it against the side of your neck. his teeth are sharp and his breath is warm. it settles something in you. you lean into him and deflate, sliding down into your lap so your head is pillows there. a gloved hand cards through your hair.
"you're quite good at the game, when you choose to play." aventurine reminds you. he tells you this often.
"i know." you turn your face into his hand as the ship rumbles. "but it's your job."
aventurine pauses his pets, then thumbs over your lips. he looks sour, only for a moment, before resuming his motions, a bit rougher this time. you relish the feel of it, sinking into it.
"one of us has to, right?"
"and the other," he taps your lips. your sputter, indignant. "plays support."
"one of us has to." you remind him.
it's silent between the two of you as the ship whirs and bellows, taking off from herta's space station without reverie. onto your next destination, wherever aventurine is deigned to be needed, with you by his side, dutifully.
you press your face into his stomach, letting the smell of linen and his cologne envelope you.
neither of you have a choice to play this game. the cards are stacked, and you best not loose count from aventurine's side. you'll be damned if you do.
(there is a 98.769% chance that you are damned regardless.)
at least, at least, you have each other, you think as aventurine bundles you up closer, and you wrap yourself around him. you'll take that, for as long as it lasts.
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mithrilhearts · 26 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
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Look at me getting to this 500 years later (I'm so sorry!!) Anyway.
Thank you both so much, @cilil & @laurfilijames for sending me this ask game thingy!! I figured I'd just do it in one post, so I hope that's okay, but here we go!
I think picking my "favorite fics" of mine is like, asking a parent to pick their favorite child - not easy, in most cases I guess lol...but I will do my best and explain why! These are all based off of fics I've COMPLETED, and by no means reflects on my love and affection for the other stories I've written. I love them all for their own reasons, otherwise I wouldn't have written them.
In no particular order...
May Your Forge Burn Bright - This is THE original longfic from me. I started this back when I was creeping my way out of RP and into fanfiction, and was nothing more than an independent baby writer. (Been writing a long time, just never like this), and the story means so much to me, as well as the commentary from readers along the way. It's still my longest fic to date, and I love a good "alternate first meeting" fic. It's the OG, and you can't replace that.
Dragonhearted - The Hobbit & Beauty and The Beast are my two FAVORITE stories, and mashing them together like this was perfect for me. Dragon!Thorin is such a fun concept for me, and badass Bilbo is another. This setting just WORKS. (Also, did you know @i-did-not-mean-to had a BLANKET made for this fic???)
Kurdu 'abadaz - That's right, I finished this one just recently, and it has easily stolen my heart to being a favorite. The Fix-it fic that I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to write, that went under a LOT of rehashing and had a huge overhaul in the story early on when planning. It turned out so much better than anticipated, and the love for this fic from readers/friends has been overwhelming.
Fuck Thy Neighbor - A VERY FUN ROM-COM STYLE MODERN AU!!! This really had me cackling the entire way through, and like a few other fics of mine, it spawned from a writer's ask game/tag game thing that I can't quite remember. Accidental marriage & neighbors? I love it. It's so funny, and I enjoy rereading it frequently for the laughs.
When Darkness Shines Brightest - Did you know that anything can be made into a Bagginshield Fic? Did you know that this fic spawned from a joke/conversation between @starthecozy and I and then erupted into this really original Hades/Persephone, Nightmare Before Xmas, blended style fic?? Various worlds and environments, powers over elements, and saving homes from a dragon?? The Onion Fic sprouted, and blossomed into one of my favorite stories, and I got to collaborate with Star the entire way through it, and we had SO MUCH FUN!!! Go give it a read, it's really neat!!
Honorable Mentions:
(Take Me Back To) The Night We Met - My entry for THAUC22 (partnered with the amazing @consultingpacha), and one of my FAVORITE concepts. Yet again, another "alternate meeting" style fic, featuring small kids Fili and Kili, rather than adults. What it sets up to at the end of the fic blends into the OG Hobbit story, but with a few small changes that I kind of want to explore one day in a sequel. 👀
Between Vices and Virtues - My entry for TRSB22 (partnered with @mysandwichranaway!!) First of all, I love working with Sandy, it's truly one of my favorite things on this good planet, and I can't wait to do it again - hopefully soon. Secondly, this was my take at a modern royalty AU, and learning about how to connect with the people around you. I have two sequels planned for this universe (even if this fic kind of felt like a let-down in terms of reception? but idc about that lmao) it was so fun for me. A light dusting of magic superstition in a modern au setting? Sign me up!
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silenzahra · 2 months
Hello everyone. I'm back ^^
I'm honestly not so sure about how to approach this post. I just wanted to let you all know that, well... I'm here. I'm not 100% fine, but I'm doing better. I've taken this week off to rest and focus on myself, and it's done wonders. I've been going out as much as possible, not only to go to work but also to spend a good time walking my doggies and playing with them, and I've also been watching some shows and trying to slowly get back to reading and gaming.
Regarding my previous post, there's really not much I can do except learn to live with it. I know it's gonna be a long and hard process, but I have to look after myself and my mental health, and it really warms my heart to know you're all there for me. I checked Tumblr yesterday before going to bed and felt so touched to find all your comments and advice. Again, you made me feel so supported and loved. I just can't thank you enough for being there for me. @itsavee4117 @megamagimugi @roscolate @keakruiser @stripetkattelalala54
@peaches2217 @bberetd @ask-rosalina-and-her-family @c-lavanda, thank you so much for all your love and support on my previous post, for taking the time not only to read but also comment to make me feel better. I'm really so sorry that I worried you, but truly, knowing that you're all there for me really means the world to me and makes me feel so warm inside. You've all given me precious advice that I'm definitely taking and showered me in love with your kind and sweet words. I hope you know how amazing you all are and how lucky the people around you are to have you 💖
Also, @multicolour-ink, I'd like to especially thank you for the valuable advice you gave me. Last night, after reading your comments, I searched and called a free helpline in my country and, again, it's done wonders. It was simply amazing to have someone there who listened to me and never judged my emotions, and then offered some advice on what to do to handle my situation. It was such a relief to, you know, actually talk to someone and feel supported also in real life. Thank you so so much, truly 🫂
And of course, @vulpixfairy1985, my dear friend... How can I even start to thank you. You immediately reached out through Instagram and have been there every single day, sharing your wisdom and offering your advice, and you even made me feel joy again after two days of only feeling bad things. It's thanks to you that I've been able to feel happiness and excitement again, to reignite my spark of joy that I thought I'd lost, and I know no matter what I do, I can never thank you enough. You truly are a gem, my dear friend, and I thank life every day that I met you and our wonderful friends. I know I've said this before, but this community is truly the best, warmest, healthiest one I've ever been in. And I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
I'll still take things easy. I'll take my time to check all my tags and PMs, and I'll probably be active only on evenings (Spain's time). Thank God, I can enjoy again the things I love, so I hope to see all your content eventually. Only that, well, I'll be slow. I wanna keep focusing on myself and taking those walks with my dogs. And this Friday I have a concert and I finally, FINALLY, feel excited about it. It's my favorite band, after all. I was worried I wouldn't get to enjoy it due to my mental state, but I'm actually so eager!
So yes, guess I can say I'm back, even if I won't be as active ^^ I know I have yet to finish checking the doc, and I'm extremely sorry that I'm taking forever, but of course, I appreciate all the effort you made to help me build up this new blog. As well as, of course, your support on the three posts I've fixed/redone so far. Hopefully soon I can get back to it and fix the rest of my old content.
But we'll see. Right now I'm just happy I can be back with you. I hope you've all been doing fine, dear friends ^^ I love you all so much 💖
Also, if you wanna see the little fella who's been with me this entire week, just click below to meet my beloved Baloo ^^
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(Now I look a bit different btw, I went to the hairdresser yesterday, but I'll show my new hair another time.)
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vermillionsappho · 1 year
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"Leave with my head hung, you are the only one Who seems to care"
-Still reeling from meeting Ellie at the party, and seeing her again, Y/n now is dealing with complicated feelings and thoughts of Ellie, all while getting closer and forging a friendship with her.
2.0k Words | sfw
Content Warning: Cursing, drug use, anxiety, slight homophobia, lmk if I left anything out!
Tags: @pillowprincessleia @milahnoz (reply to post to be added <3)
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“You want me to stay with you, hon? I can stay for like an hour or two.” Oliva offers with a small smile, and you shake your head before smiling wryly.
“It’s okay, Liv, I’m okay. I’ll see you around.” You say softly, turning around to walk up the steps of your house. Olivia watches you go up steps, your feet heavy and your head hung and she frowns, but still begins to reverse out of your driveway, waiting for you to get inside before pulling off.
The house is dark when you get inside, and the air is still, which is expected; but it always throws you off anyways no matter how used to it you are.
You lie out on the couch, thoughts racing.
Is Ellie a lesbian?
Is Ellie a lesbian that’s interested in me?
Does Ellie want to have sex with me?
You’ve heard things about Ellie before, but they’ve never stuck in your head, and you never been one to truly engage in gossip and drama; not to mention you had your own shit going on.
You heard your friends whisper about her, you heard neighbors and parents talk about her and condemn her.
The things they say about her are awful; and it’s all because she’s a lesbian.
And now she’s a lesbian that’s possibly interested in you, which could make sense actually. No one’s done anything nice for you out of the goodness of their heart since freshman year. Everyone’s always trying to work an angle with you, play the long game, figure you out and use you. It would make a lot of sense if Ellie defended you, and was so nice to you to get into your pants.
But you’re not a lesbian, though.
You’ve been dating Grayson since you were both thirteen (courtesy of your mom and his); but even then, you’ve never even thought about another girl in a romantic way. You know who you are- and some random girl you just met can’t uproot that and  “turn you out”.
But still, you can’t stop thinking about it, or her in particular. Ellie is pretty, to say the least. Truth is, she’s gorgeous, even with the mullet; and the tattoos, scarred pink lips and slit brows only add to her charm. Ellie’s not like any girl you’ve ever met…she’s not like any person you've ever met either. If there’s a slither of a possibility that Ellie defended you because she’s a good person and is being friendly to you because she wants to be your friend, a part of you wants to believe that.
For another hour, you drive yourself insane thinking of Ellie before you turn the tv on to drown out your thoughts of her.
Until you flick the tv onto another channel, and your once favorite show is on.
And you start to think of her, your mother.
All of sudden, the television isn’t interesting anymore, and you quickly turn the tv off, before stalking off to your room; burrowing in your bed and forcing the heavy duvet over your head as you will yourself to take a nap.
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You dream of Ellie while you sleep.
You dream of her freckles, the dots on her creamy skin, and her skin against yours. Her scarred lips on your lips, and her tattooed arms and hands, holding yours. Ellie laughs in your dream, a soft laugh, and it brings a smile to your face.
But somehow, it sends a chill down your spine, and you’re shooting up from the bed like it’s on fire, covers splayed across the floor and a sheen of sweat on your forehead and chest.
You’re panting, and panicking, sitting down on the floor as you swipe your hand through your messy hair, gripping at the strands as you try to think clearly but to no avail.
You dreamt of her.
You dreamt of her kissing you, holding you, smiling at you and it sent the butterflies in your stomach in a tizzy.
“Fuck no, fuck no. That was a nightmare, right?” You whisper to no one, trying to gather yourself, but the panic isn’t subsiding. You sit up on your knees, trying to lean and reach your phone, feeling for it and pulling it off the cord when it’s finally in your hand.
You unlock your phone with shaky hands, and you’re incessantly tapping on contacts as you search for Ellie’s.
You call her, without any hesitation, and when she picks up, you switch to speakerphone, your breathing heavy and audible.
You think of what to say for a moment, but it doesn’t matter, because nothing can stop the words from flying out of your mouth when you finally speak.
“Do you want to have sex with me?” You ask heavily, the words said quickly and the moving on the other side of the phone pauses.
“Pretty girl? What the hell are you talking about?” Her raspy voice finally fills the space in your room, and you can’t ignore the flash of weirdness you feel at the sound of her voice.
“Why do you call me that, Ellie?” You ask, exasperated and she chuckles.
“I don’t know, ‘cause you’re a pretty girl. You don’t like it?” She asks and you close your eyes for a second before sighing.
“No, I- I didn’t say that.” You say softly and you can hear slight crackles from her end of the phone before her voice becomes clearer.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Ellie asks, her voice softer now, a tint of concern in it and you lean your head against the wall.
“I don’t know, really. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I shouldn’t have called, I’m sorry, I’ll go now.” You say, about to hang up the phone but she interrupts you.
“No, stop. Don’t do that, I told you to call. I’ve got a joint, I can come over and we can smoke if you’re comfortable with that?” She suggests and you smile a little, taking a deep breath before responding.
“I thought you told Grayson you don’t let just anybody smoke your stuff?” You ask and she chuckles.
“You’re not just anybody, Y/n.”
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You open the door for Ellie, and she steps in smoothly. She’s wearing a wife beater, and a pair of shorts, her muscles on display, and you get that feeling in your chest that you had the first time you saw her, all over again.
“Make yourself at home.” You say quietly and she nods and sits down on the couch, before reclining, propping her feet up.
You hover, not really sure what to do or how to move, your body rigid and she looks at you and laughs, before patting the empty space next to her.
“I’m not gonna bite you, I promise.” She says with a grin and you nod before plopping down next to her, glancing at her for a quick second before averting your eyes to a random wood spot on the coffee table.
“So, what was all of that about on the phone? Are you okay?” She asks and you groan, moving your hands over your face.
“That was so stupid, I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I called, but I definitely don’t know why I asked you that. I let my friends and Grayson get in my head, or whatever.” You say, panicked, and she leans forward before turning to face you.
“What did your friends and Grayson say?” She inquires and you finally meet her eyes.
“Grayson said that I shouldn’t hang around you…I guess because you’re a lesbian or whatever; and my friend said that you probably want to have sex with me or something, I don’t know, it’s stupid.” You say quickly, shaking your head and Ellie laughs before scoffing.
“Y/n, I’m not blind, you’re a pretty girl, why do you think I call you that? But I’m not some creep trying to get into your pants. I want to be your friend, if I wanted to fuck you, I’d literally just ask if you wanted to fuck.” She says, shrugging and you nod slowly, her words seeping into your brain.
“I swear, people in this town are so bored. Still talking about me being a lesbian like it hasn't been years since I came out.” She says and you put a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t care…if you like girls or anything. You’re a nice girl, Ellie, what you like doesn’t change anything for me.” You say softly, and a blush blooms beneath her freckles and you smile at the sight.
“I appreciate that, pretty girl. Now, ready for this?” She asks, pulling a baggie out of her pocket and a lighter.
Ellie helps you like she did the first time, placing the joint between your lips and lighting it for you, while she coaches you through the process so you don’t hurt yourself. When you finally get the hang of it, she takes it back to take a hit herself, and you finally get comfortable on the couch, spreading out.
“How’d you get this scar?” You ask, lazily moving your hand up to touch at the scar, hands moving on the soft skin of her lips, sending shivers down Ellie’s spine.
“I-I got into a fight. He got me good, but I kicked his ass.” She says softly and you hum at her response.
“Are you always fighting people?” You ask, scanning her face with lidded eyes and she gazes at you before blinking.
“Only people who deserve it.” She says, taking another hit of the joint before giggling absentmindedly.
“Why are you so nosy?” She teases and you giggle yourself before cocking your head to the side.
“Just curious about you, that’s all.” You say softly and she nods slowly, eyebrows furrowed like she’s deep in thought.
“Everyone already seems to know everything about me.” She says quietly, and you shake your head before moving closer to her, closing the space on the couch.
“Fuck everyone, Ellie. Everyone’s full of shit, they don’t even try to get to know you.” You say wholeheartedly and she leans her head back against the cushion of the couch, her eyes closed.
“You’re my friend now, Ellie. You were the first person I called, and I know I called for a stupid reason, but it means something to me.” You say softly and she opens her eyes again, turning her head towards you.
“That means you have to beat people up for me, now. Like I was going to do for you at the party.” She jokes, a small smile on her face, and you nod your head profusely.
“I am so ready; I will beat everyone up for you if I have to!” You say, giggling and she passes the joint back to you, to which you accept, taking a hit.
“Nah, but I’m just joking. I don’t want you getting in trouble and shit for me; only one of us can be a fuck up.” She says, smiling softly and you blow the smoke out.
“You’re not a fuck up. Ellie, trust me when I say this, you can go and leave all of this shit behind. It’s never too late.” You say earnestly, before passing the now short joint back to her. Ellie doesn’t respond, only getting up to dispose of the joint, and you sigh.
“This was fun, but I should head home; but I really did have fun, seriously.” She says, hovering by the door and you smile, biting your lip softly as a swell of affection grows in you.
“I’m glad you had fun, but should you be driving right now? Aren’t you high?” You ask, concerned and she shakes her head.
“No, my tolerance is pretty high, and you’re not a smoker so I didn’t bring anything strong. I’m fine, I promise.” She says and you lean over the couch, putting your hand out.
“Pinkie promise? Don’t make me worry about you, Ellie.” You say, sticking your pinky out and she chuckles, smiling warmly as she approaches you.
“Pinkie promise. I’ll text you when I’m home, okay pretty girl?” She says, locking your pinkie with her and you nod. She grins at you, waves, and walks out the door, leaving you more confused than ever.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
WHOOO CHAPTER THREE YAYY! I'm actually excited because things are finally picking up and going in a good direction. I'm so excited to expand more on Y/n and Ellie's personal lives and add more to their friendship!
lmk if you enjoyed this chapter, and like always, like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed this chapter <3
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#Ellie Williams x reader##Ellie Williams smut#lesbian#the last of us fanfiction#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams#ellie tlou#ellie x reader#ellie x you#ellie williams #wlw fiction#ellie x fem!reader #bisexual #vermillionsappho #vermillionsapphoworks
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puppy-phum · 3 months
tag game ✨
thanks for tagging me zey @thasorns ♥ i teared up at your addition about me, that is so sweet :( i miss our dff talks too! idk what you're into these days but would love to talk about some show with you again :')
1. why did you choose your url?
bc am obsessed with one (1) man who belongs to another amazing guy ♥ (been thinking about an url change lately tho bc i'd like to put last twilight and the hurt it caused behind me but haven't found something else to tie myself to yet. maybe we are and phumpeem if the ending delivers?)
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
not really. the only side blog i have is my og url vishcount saved for nostalgia purposes but there's nothing on that blog
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
started on this hellsite (affectionate) on the lord's year 2013 and it shows
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don't use the queue much so no. you will only catch me reblogging like ten posts in a row when am online/in the mood and then going back to lurking again
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? 
i was into a bunch of animes and tumblr was filled with amazing fanart. i wanted to be able to look at them in peace
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
to show who my url is about ♥ mork my beloved
7. why did you choose your header?
wanted it to fit the theme. also i adore the last twilight rooftop kiss, it's one of the brightest spots of the show
8. what’s your post with the most notes? 
most likely this the untamed edit from 2020. i was truly living my peak back then :'D tbh i feel like the whole of tumblr was living its peak when the untamed was airing and when we all lost it together for the longest time after
9. how many mutuals do you have?
way too many and i adore all of them, tho i probably forget or cannot recognize most of them. especially if you've changed your url/main fandom OR i have, we might not even know each other anymore haha
10. how many followers do you have?
more than i deserve and idk what all of you are even doing here but i like feeling like i'm part of some type of crowd ♥
11. how many people do you follow?
quite recently i unfollowed some inactive blogs and blogs about things i don't really care for anymore so my follow count is a nice number of 205
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
uh. i don't really know? do some posts from my finnish tumblr (suomitumppu) era count? :'D
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
am chronically online and i open this app like a fridge
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no, not really. am not really one to share strong opinions, especially negative opinions, publicly online which i think is the cause of most arguments ppl have here. i'd rather just keep my peace and be nice
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts 
mostly i don't like doing things when am told to do them
16. do you like tag games?
yes! it always makes me happy to know that someone is thinking about me and i do find these a lot of fun to do ^^
17. do you like ask games?
also yes. i just don't often reblog those bc i don't really have a lot of interactions on this site. if i find an ask game with very interesting questions, i might forward it to kiddo @i-am-just-a-kiddo and we do it together privately to enjoy it like that ♥
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
the first one that comes to mind is hanyi @ruanbaijie who i think deserves all the recognition for her absolutely amazing giffing skills ♥ she's also the sweetest so idk what's not to follow, make her even more famous if you can!
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope. idk if i function like that tbh. i have some huge friend crushes tho and want to be closer with some ppl a lot! not mentioning names bc am shy haha
but i want to say that monica @stormyoceans is very important to me these days. she brightens up my days and makes my whole fandom experience so much better by simply being her enthusiastic and authentic self ♥ never change!
and also jessi @oswlld who i still cannot believe is someone i can call my friend and bestie on this site. i am so happy we've gotten to share bad buddy, vice versa, and last twilight together! also happy to hear about your life at times and to just share silly things with you ♥
third one i want to mention is shannen @icouldhyperfixatehim who always manages to stand out in a positive way. we don't interact much but i cannot help but feel very giddy about their presence on my dash. they leave the best tags and every time they reblog any of my edits with their tags, they manage to make me feel like i've made it and my edit was worth the effort :'D so thank you!
20. tags?
want to tag at least @psychic-waffles @foxofninetales @hils79 @sherrymagic @srnileforme and @thitiponqs ♥ also the ones i mentioned before are free to join and anyone else who wants to do this!
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
Tennis AU anyone?
I took a break from writing anything for the past week and my brain appreciated it because it started giving me cute ideas for these boys again :))) Sorry I took so long! This is inspired by my tags on this amazing post
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Part 1 | Part 29 | Part 31
Part 30
Daniel walked across the desolate hospitality peppered with news crews giving updates even though it was ass o clock in the morning. They had been at the paddock all day. Literally all day. 20+ hours so far. Daniel felt like his brain was bordering mush. Manic was the only thing he knew. Delirium was up next.
Vegas had been great til this point. Amazing, truly. He'd had a few media commitments of his own, oddly enough. Someone somewhere found out about his love for the UFC and that turned into a whole thing where he was meeting Bruce Buffer and simulating a call up to the octagon. And then he got to spar with Max Holloway. It was surreal and kinda crazy and he was going to be in a video game ad???? 
The ‘opening ceremony’ had been weird and chaotic– very Vegas minus the party drugs. And overall, cold. Daniel burrowed deeper into his borrowed Alpha Tauri jacket. He hoped Pyry didn't need it back any time soon.
Max had said he could leave at 1am when the place was emptying out. But they didn't hadn't known when FP2 would actually start and he truly didn't want to leave Max all bored and alone for the whole time. It was more fun to pass the time together than Daniel trying to stay awake in their hotel room and texting Max who may or may not be napping or filming content.
Which brought him back here, he'd gone for a walk, leaving his boyfriend sprawled out on the tiny couch as he took a nap. Max needed it, because when the next practice session finally happens, he'd be in the car for ninety odd minutes. And if Daniel's brain was currently mush…he couldn't imagine having to actually focus on his job after this.
Daniel smiled and waved to Charles who was stood outside the Ferrari hospitality, chatting with Pierre. Carlos and Esteban were both fine thankfully, and the extra time was helping the teams fix the cars in time. Max had been pissed when he'd heard all that was going on. Daniel knew he said as much to the press but they truly hadn't seen the brunt of it. Not Max pacing the garage or his driver room, gesturing wildly and cursing loudly.
Either way, Daniel had been able to calm him down a bit. Surprisingly the little couch could withstand the pressure of two grown men fucking frantically on its shallow cushions. Daniel's thighs still burned a little from the impromptu exercise.
Fist bumping Genty and a few other mechanics, Daniel made his way back into the garage. He took a left down the little hallway and let himself quietly into Max's driver room. He expected to see his love still asleep, maybe. Or watching some endurance racing. 
He hadn't expected to see Max dressed up in a white race suit that looked like an Elvis costume… complete with gold belt and a red sparkly cape.
Daniel's jaw dropped in his surprise but that was quickly discarded for the loudest laugh he could ever remember making once he saw the sour look on Max's face. That was the only description of the surly pout that drew Max's cute face in.
Daniel couldn't even make it through the door before he was folded over gasping for breath. His body was wracked with those belly clenching laughs that sounded like painful spasms of a gasp. He couldn't get air into his lungs. This was how he was gonna die; on the floor in Vegas. Not in a hotel room, possibly overdosing on a good time. No he was gonna pass away from laughing so hard he suffocated.
Tell my mama I love her, because this is an unholy death.
“Daniel, you are being ridiculous, of course.” Max was unamused. Which was fine because Daniel was equally amused for the both of them.
“Maxy, you've killed me!” Daniel gasped in a ragged breath only to look up at his boyfriend again– he stood silently in the middle of the small room with his hands on his hips, the cape flared out. Daniel dissolved into helpless giggles once more. He bounced where he stood and clapped his hands. There were tears running down his face. Real tears. Max's pout only became more pronounced.
“You are overreacting, I think.” Max rolled his eyes before taking up some folded up dark fabric and chucking it at Daniel's head. That surprised him enough out of his giggles to be able to breathe and collect himself a little.
Daniel chuckled involuntarily and wiped at his eyes with the heels of his palms. His cheeks hurt, his chest hurt. He looked down at the fabric crumpled on the ground and raised his brow when he saw identical stars to Max's suit.
“Vicky figured you'd get a kick out of it. Had I known you would be killing yourself laughing, I would have told her not to bother, I think.” Max muttered, hands squarely on his hips again.
“Oh Maxy, don't be like that.” Daniel teased with a small grin. He unfolded the fabric to see that it was a black race suit, Oracle Red Bull Racing, with all the sponsors. The pattern was identical to Max's just opposite coloured complete with golden Elvis belt and glitter (because it wasn't an fia compliant race suite to be raced in). Daniel's mouth dropped open and he looked from Max's face to the suit in his hands a few times, before his eyes zeroed in on his name and flag on the hip.
He fingered the letters and swiped his thumb unconsciously over the southern cross of the flag. Sure he and Max had joked about putting him in one of Max's race suits, joked about roleplaying that Daniel was a racer even. But he truly hadn’t expected to get one of his own…with his name on it.
“You should try it on. So we match.” Max smiled at him softly and Daniel grinned back, finally stepping fully into the room and closing the door. 
Max helped him put on the race suit, complete with boots and matching fireproofs. The look Max gave him when he put that on was filed away for later. Daniel zipped up the black suit that fit him snugly and twisted and turned in the mirror– he looked good. It was surreal.
“C'mon, your laughing made us late.”
“Late for what?” They left the room together and Max flicked his cape at Daniel who cackled again. They walked into the garage, and everyone turned to look at them. Max rolled his eyes at the grins that formed on his mechanics’ faces. He was going to kill Vicky. Thankfully Checo walked out of his driver's room at the same time– in a red version of the suit, complete with white sparkly cape. That set Daniel off again, which set Micheal and Brad off and then everyone in the garage was giggling. The mutual delirium was peaking.
“Do I get a cape too?” Daniel fingered Checo's cape. A tuft of fabric hit him in the side of the head. He turned to flip Blake off, knowing it was him. The man's phone was up, no doubt taking more blackmail photos. 
The fabric opened to show a gold and black sparkly cape and Daniel eagerly put it on. He twirled this way and that before flicking his finger guns.
“Thank ya, thank ya very much.” He did in a poor imitation of Elvis’ accent. Checo giggled and Max snorted a laugh, Daniel counted it as a win.
They ended up having an impromptu photoshoot and Daniel got to live his race day dream for a little bit while Max was whisked away to do some more videos for tiktok. Daniel had kissed the scowl off of his lips. Daniel was chatting to Blake in a corner, race suit turned down at his waist like a sexy banana, when they heard that FP2 would be in an hour. That galvanized everyone into action with a sense of ‘work to be done’. Max shuffled back in quickly after that in his regular race suit and immediately went to stand with GP. Daniel and Blake watched it all happening around them like a factory production line.
“You drive your truck like shit but if Red Bull needs a PR merchant, I told Vicky she can call you.” Blake teased. Daniel snorted and threw Max's balaclava at him.
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oldworldwidgets · 6 months
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(sorry this is two days late ive been very lacking on spoons BUT) this has truly been one of my favorite years ever.
i started this blog because i had so much love for deacon railroad rattling around in here and i didnt know how to contain it. i'd finally finished atom bomb baby after months of work and i was desperate to share it and get other deacon girlies' opinions on how i did, but after i made this blog, i still chickened out of posting it for almost two weeks. i lurked and scrolled until i finally got the courage... and the rest is history. i thought my playlist was going to be My Only Thing. i would post it and never be heard from again.
extremely loud incorrect buzzer
i have met so many incredible, creative, inspiring, wonderful people this past year that i truly can no longer imagine my life without. yall have inspired me to write hundreds of thousands of words, make my darling ocs, get a damn fo4 tattoo, break out of my shell, and interact with more people than i ever couldve imagined. mutuals ur some of my favorite people in the world and i mean that so sincerely. hell even if we're not mutuals and ur reading this im so thankful you've stuck around. thank yall for always tagging me in your picrew/oc/writing tag games, i love seeing everything yall have created so so much. i promise i will always be insane in ur tags so long as i live and breathe 🫡
particularly i wanna mention @typecastwritesssss, @spaceratprodigy, @mae-peachie, and @happyhappysparkle for constantly being so kind to and supportive of me. yall are so talented and inspirational and thoughtful and aaaaaaaa im just so thankful for yalls influence on my life <3 <3
ok thats all!!!! happy late birthday oldworldwidgets!!!!!!!!
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legitalicat · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers.
Thank you to @foxyanon for both tagging me and giving me a clean copy of the questions so this did not have to wait until after work.
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Just one, it's old and unimportant. I'm actually about to private it as I no longer like writing fanfic for real people.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
Since I don't really post to AO3, I'm going to try to guess my word count from Word.
I would guess, just knowing the size of some of my larger works and how many things I fucking have in there, it would be at least 500k. Probably more. Y'all see the length of shit I post and I don't have nearly everything posted.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, HOTD, TLK, Assassin's Creed and Skyrim. Check out my requests to see which fandoms I'm willing to write for!
4. top five fics by kudos
So, my top 5 fics on here are probably
Sweet Sister (Aemond x Reader x Jace, canon)
Keeping Up With The Targaryens (SMAU Aegon x reader)
Player 3 Found (SMAU Jace x reader x Aemond, no targcest)
we can't be friends (Aemond, modern)
Forged From Death (Sihtric x reader, canon era)
This is a guess, but I know Sweet Sister and Keeping Up are my most popular ones.
5. do you respond to comments?
I try, unfortunately most of my time online is also while I'm working so things do slip by me. However I do try to stay on top of my asks and my inbox, so if you ever need to make sure I see something, those are the best ways. Unless you are in my discord server, then just message me on there.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's no where close to the end, but just for what I have planned, I think my angstiest thing will be "Dragon of Valhalla".
For one shots, either "Too Sweet" (a personal favorite) or "we can't be friends"
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What I have planned for the future of Out of Time is probably the happiest. Mostly because that is my "fix it fic".
Although when I post Alisanne's fic, that will get happy ending. Also a fix it fic.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've not received hate, thankfully, of any sort.
This is not an invitation to start my friends are crazy (lovingly) and they will ride in battle for me before I even notice it's happened.
9. do you write smut?
Yes! Maybe not well. But I do write it.
10. craziest crossover?
"Dragon of Valhalla". It's combining a fantasy show, a historical fiction drama show, and a historical fiction fantasy video game. Truly, the deepest of brainrots.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. But again, not an invitation. See above.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge! If anyone is interested, ever, please reach out so I can consider it!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Many times in fact. It was a lot easier as a high schooler who had no life otherwise.
14. all time favorite ship?
Fuck. Y'all asking the wrong person, I'm full of bi panic and my favorite ship changes A LOT because of it.
Some of my favorites though would be
Fred Weasley x Hermione Granger (back when I read HP fanfic and participated in the community)
Jess Mariano x Rory Gilmore
Robb Stark x Margaery Tyrell x Danerys Targaryen (crackship yes do I care no I love them and they should have met and dominated)
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It's a private project that few people know about. I intend to finish all my things, but brain doing brain things is hard.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think I can "emotion" really well. Make you understand it as a reader, make you feel it, without necessarily giving a name to it.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I only speak English so you'll probably never catch me include it unless it's High Valyrian. I don't trust Google translate. HOWEVER, I do genuinely think it's a beautiful thing.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter 💀
20. favorite fic you've written?
Probably, legitimately, "Out of Time". It was my first genuine dance into HoTD fandom creating. It was my first idea in years.
I had originally written it as an Alisanne fanfiction, actually. But I didn't think anyone would read OC content and so I made it x reader, and lost passion for it in the process.
Idk who has done this, but here are some no pressure tags.
@zaldritzosrose @thenameswinterfics @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites @alexagirlie
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fanfiction recommendation: drarry edition
You know how sometimes you read the first chapter of a fic and you just know that its going to be an all time favorite? That was this fic for me.
The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by @thecouchsofa is a story about Draco and Harry traveling around the British Isles while healing and falling in love. After the war Harry is lost, and his friends don't know how to reach him. Enter Draco Malfoy who has the bright idea for Harry to tag long on his road trip which turns out better than either could have ever imagined.
The way this fic explores the depths of Harry's depression and PTSD after the war is both heartbreaking and honest. It is done with such care for these characters and the lives they have lived. And, the set up of the story allows for the relationship between Draco and Harry to develop slowly (peep the slow burn tag - and take it seriously). They build a genuine friendship while Harry gets to a place where he could even have a healthy relationship.
And Draco? Oh, I adored the characterization of Draco in this fic. He's still prickly, and a little uptight, and hesitant to let anyone in. He cares so deeply, but doesn't want anyone to know it. But, he also wants to do better, to be better. And he wants to help Harry because he realizes that he is the only one who can.
Honestly, these two tags really sum up the fic quite nicely: Draco is down bad, Harry is just doing bad. But, there is also so much joy in this fic as they heal and learn to trust each other.
If you are looking for a post-war Drarry fic that you can really sink into you've got to give this a read. It's got Draco reading muggle maps, arcade games, a plethora of bookstores, a campervan named Bessie...but, most importantly it's got a truly lovely happily ever after. Seriously, the epilogue had me crying and smiling in equal measure.
The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls (E, 256K) by thecouchsofa
Harry doesn’t know how to cope after the War. The only things that make him feel even remotely normal again are taking risks while flying and fighting with Malfoy. It’s not likely to end well. Or, Draco becomes obsessed with ‘Wonderwall’, reads Muggle books, and drives a campervan, while Harry slowly falls in love with Draco. A story about travelling around the British Isles in the late 90s while healing deep scars.
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jo-harrington · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Thank you for the tags @the-unforgivenn @wroteclassicaly @onegirlmanytales @word-wytch
It's always fun to learn more about friends through these games.
1) How many works do you have on A03? - 10, technically.
2) What's your total AO3 word count? - 206k
3) What fandoms do you write for? - Currently Stranger Things. I used to write for The Vampire Diaries. I have a lot of half-abandoned never published fics for a bevy of fandoms though.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? - The Store Manager Verse, Freaky Friday, Heaven, Hymns, Hell
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - Uhm...AO3 is pretty new to me...so I haven't responded to them on there yet really. On Tumblr I try to respond/reblog most comments. Lately I've fallen off the wagon, see my earlier post about my brain being broken.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - I would say As Above, So Below is pretty angsty as a whole. All 3 prequels- Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - As of now, Freaky Friday because it's the only fic that has an ending, truly.
8) Do you get hate on fics? No.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? - Yes, I'm very poetic with it. I'm not writing smut for the sake of smut. There are writers on here that do it very well. Smut as a plot device, smut for symbolism...that's me. We're about to get into 3 smut-heavy chapters of AASB and sorry but every time someone cums, it's going to have a lot of meaning behind it. Earth shattering orgasms can also potentially shatter the earth here.
10) Do you write crossovers? - Yes, a long time ago a friend and I tried to flesh out Auror Ron Swanson (Parks and Rec/HP). It never went anywhere.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Not that I’m aware of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? - Again, not that I'm aware of.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? - See #10. I am also currently (i.e. have been since 2017) co-writing a original story with an IRL friend. It's a passion project kind of situation/escapism. We don't get together very much and she is very much the type to want to rewrite every scene 4 times and that's not my thing.
14) What's your all time favorite ship? - It’s a tie between Steddie and Ronance.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? - My Vampire Diaries Fic that sits at 500k in a Word Document somewhere and no longer exists online. I even made a TikTok about it once upon a time. FUNNY HOW THAT WORKS.
16) What are your writing strengths? - I don't know. I'm not too critical of myself in this work. I know when I'm doing something right? How about that. My confidence. It isn't misplaced. When I strike gold and I can really mine that vein and I am always proud of my work when I hit post. (Cut to my friends who are like "really Jo? you asking me about xyz at 3am isn't very confident.")
17) What are your writing weaknesses? - I don't edit anything. Probably more than that. Like I said, I'm not too critical of this work.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - Is it integral to the story? Are you using that dialogue to emphasize something in the story? Do you know the language? Do your readers know it? Something something, I could talk about this more in-depth, if you're really interested in my thoughts on it it's gonna have to be on another day. I've used a handful of non-English words in AASB as a whole, but there's a reason for them. Lets just leave it at that.
19) First fandom you wrote for? - YuGiOh.
20) Favorite fic you've written? - As Above, So Below. It's my baby, it means a lot to me. Once it's done, I'm going to be incredibly sad. It doesn't get a lot of love now, and honestly I'm kind of ok with that. Because the love it does get...I know the people who are reading it are aware of all the weight it holds, and they're able to pick up on all of the complexity of it. It isn't fanfiction in the traditional sense, I don't think. Our favorite characters just happen to be in it.
No Pressure Tags: @deathbecomesthem @dr-aculaaa @deadboyfriendd @abibliophobiaa @loveshotzz @pinkrelish @icallhimjoey @wheels-of-despair @shenanigans-and-imagines
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jgyapologism · 2 months
tag game 🫧
tagged by @icouldhyperfixatehim - thanks for thinking of me <3
1. why did you choose your url?
i don't even remember what my url was before this honestly wow. umm so about 4 years ago i was introduced to the untamed by a close friend and we binged all 50 episodes in a week and then i proceeded to be obsessed with it for like. a year and a half after. i chose THIS url b/c [untamed spoilers incoming] jgy = jin guangyao, who is by all accounts a little meow meow who has done nothing wrong ever *wink* and who i will protect against the haters at all costs. jgyapologist didn't have the same ring to it, and i have MULTIPLE apologisms for him so. jgyapologism was born
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i used to have a fandom one but deleted it in a fit of rage back in 2012. no i will not divulge which fandom it belonged to.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
this blog specifically since 2016 i think, but i've been on tumblr since 2010.
4. do you have a queue tag?
honestly i've never much gotten into queuing. i should. i should do that
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i mean. because tumblr
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
ah yes. my current hyperfixation is bnha and he (bakugou katsuki) is one of my favorite characters.
7. why did you choose your header?
cherry blossoms!! it's a shot from bnha again. and cherry blossoms signify new beginnings in japan. i think it's sweet.
8. what is your post with the most notes?
i am tumblr illiterate, despite how long i've been on here. i don't really make posts, and i don't often check how popular they are. so, idk. i'm just here for the posts man.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
no idea. room for more?
10. how many followers do you have?
i am but a meager blog. a tiny ant in the sea of crumbs searching for its place. (198)
11. how many people do you follow?
219. so my follow/follower ratio is actually pretty level.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
idk probably. who hasn't?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
how often do i pick my nails? how often do i yawn? how often do i walk into a room in my house and forget wtf i went in there for? <<< keeping this b/c it's too perfect of an answer
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
hahahahha on a side blog once yeah. all the time. i've been here for over a decade. have you truly experienced tumblr if you haven't been in a blog war?
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i've done it. you've done it. we've all done it. you do you, man.
16. do you like tag games?
i do!!! they're fun and i like that people think of me when they're tagging people to play them. it makes me warm and gooey inside.
17. do you like ask games?
same as above! i feel honored that anyone would want to grace my ask box
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ummm i know of one that's pretty well known but idk their follower count so how can i truly know whether anyone is tumblr famous?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of you ;)
20. tags?
you get a tag! you get a tag! you all get a tag! otherwise @muqingapologist @original-robin @autisticbokutoenthusiast @jimmysea @burnsuncomet @khaostache
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neondiamond · 11 months
✨ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨
Thank you @disgruntledkittenface for tagging me! I always enjoy this kind of tag games! 🩷
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
259,349 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Direction
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’d Walk Through Fire For You (Just Let Me Adore You), Sounds like love to me, Find Me in the Kitchen, Sweet like candy, and On Thin Ice
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do my best to answer all comments I receive, because they truly make my day every time I get one, and I want readers to know I appreciate them. ❤️
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
none? I seem to be incapable of writing anything but happy endings…
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Now this I'm good at lol. Happiest is hard to pick though... maybe Here You Come Again? I feel like the angst that comes in the middle makes the happy ending even sweeter with this one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
It's happened once or twice that I’ve gotten a mean comment on a fic, yeah, but not regularly. I've also gotten a few comments I would qualify as stupid specifically on my ace fics, though I think those are coming from a place of ignorance more than from a place of hatred (or at least that's my hope...)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do sometimes write smut, but not very often, because I find I have to be in a very specific mindset to do it that doesn't come often, and frankly because I don’t think I’m very good at it. But when I do write smut, I write whatever kind I feel will fit best into that fic.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never actually written one!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! One of the Christmas fics I wrote last year was stolen and posted on AO3 for a different fandom. 🙃 The person had simply changed Harry and Louis’ names to different characters... Someone pointed it out to me in the comments and it got taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My Ace Omega Harry fic series was translated into Russian earlier this year.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Predictably, Larry. I love reading other pairings, but as far as writing goes, I think Larry will always remain my favourite.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I've been meaning to write a sequel to Chasing Feelings where Harry and Louis get to work together again, but I keep getting distracted by other ideas and at this point I'm not sure when or if it's actually going to happen lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm quite good at portraying feelings and emotions, even in few words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long fics feel kind of impossible to me, and i don’t think I’m the best at writing dialogue either.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've never done it myself, just because I don't think I've ever written a fic where a character spoke another language, but I don't mind it when reading. It can be fun to try to decipher it sometimes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
One Direction
20. Favorite fic you've written?
If you ask me the same question tomorrow, I'll probably have a different answer because my favourites change all the time, but a recurring one has to One for the Books. I just love writing Christmas fics and this one feels extra cosy to me.
Tagging: @onlythebravest @crinkle-eyed-boo @sun-lt @homosociallyyours and whoever else feels like doing this!!
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silverraes · 8 months
when you get this you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same
tagged by @supanuts tyy <3
(I am seconding all of your Pit Babe OSTs and No More (Ma Boy) by Sistar19 btw so I won't include those in here again lmao)
my favorite songs change so often, this is a near-impossible tag game so I'll just randomly pick some songs I've been listening to a lot recently and use this as my chance to show y'all how truly all over the place my taste in music is <3
TXT - Back for More
I still have this entire album on repeat, TXT's music truly is like crack to me asjhdfgas
I'm usually kinda meh about kpop groups doing a lot of music in English but the vibes with this one are just simply exquisite (I think it's bc, while in English, this kinda music still fits them really well and I really, really pray that if Hybe is gonna insist on making them sing in English more they'll at least stick to this kinda music for them instead of pushing them into that typical radio pop stuff but that's a discussion for another day ashjgdas)
Marina - Bubblegum Bitch
I've been listening to Marina so much lately that this list just simply wouldn't be complete without her. Why this song specifically? Iykyk
I've been listening to this a lot lately, just something about the combination of the rap and the choir scratches my brain just right, 10/10 no notes
Eisbrecher - FAKK
if you've only ever seen Ghost be the heaviest group I post about... I'm sorry ajshdajs
but I actually listen to a lot of metal and this list wouldn't have felt complete without it. and I've been listening to a lot of Eisbrecher again lately (so really, you're still getting the less heavy side of my metal playlist here lmfao)
Crywolf - Windswept
I AM A CRYWOLF ENTHUSIAST FIRST AND A HUMAN SECOND seriously I could fill this entire list with just Crywolf songs agshdfa
okay now that that's out of the way, I've been listening to his 2015-2017 music a lot again lately and it's still all just so 👌👌👌
the things he does with his voice and the instrumentals are truly indescribable. most of his music from around this time just sounds so beautifully haunted, idk how else to describe it - and this song is a whole 6 minutes of that what more could you possibly want
tagging (as always, no pressure): @befuddledcinnamonroll @infinitelyprecious @mysterygrl20 @sunshinechay and whoever else wants to do it really
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Ship: Kazuha x April | Word Count: 1506 | Warnings/Tags: food mention (again like vague), so sappy, proposal <3
A/N: surprise? ehe~ this is the official announcement I suppose that we're also engaged <3 I'll post the art in a few minutes~~ (and come back and link where it goes in the fic, I like when I did that for scara's :3 -- also this is set in-canon around the Irodori Festival for those who have game knowledge ^-^ I hope you enjoy it~ 💞
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"Well, isn't this nostalgic?" April asks softly as she takes in the dark, mystical ambience of the Chinju Forest. "I almost forgot what this place was like…"
"I know what you mean," Kazuha murmurs, a small smile on his lips. "Remember that one time we played hide and seek here and you got so upset that you couldn't find me?" His tone turns teasing and April huffs, though there's a playful sparkle in her eyes.
"You cheated! I never said you could hide up in one of the trees!" If she weren't so keen on holding one of his hands, she'd cross her arms in childish indignation. As it is, she's fighting to keep from giggling.
"Ah, but you never said I couldn't, dove. Besides, I gave you that dango to cheer you up, remember?" Kazuha asks, his smile widening a little.
"Right! I'd forgotten about that… Huh, seems you've spoiled me from the beginning," April teases, grinning when his cheeks go red, barely able to be seen in the atmosphere of the forest.
Kazuha doesn't speak, instead he leads her through the forest until they reach one of the cliffs overlooking the ocean. They sit down together and Kazuha smiles at the automatic way April curls into his side, her warmth always a welcome one.
"Honestly… I'm surprised we didn't get together sooner," Kazuha murmurs after a while of silence, drawing a little curious sound from April. "You're right. I have been spoiling you since we were kids. Mainly because I knew there was something about you… something I had to keep in my life no matter what."
"I know what you mean," April says, her heart fluttering at his words. "You caught my attention immediately and I just knew we had to be friends. Sure, I didn't imagine it would end up like this, but… I'm happy we found each other."
"Mm…" Kazuha hums, turning to press a kiss to her temple. "I am as well. I don't know what life would have been like without you, but I know it wouldn't have been as sweet as it's been. As for now… I can't picture a future without you in it. One without you by my side… it just doesn't make sense."
April laughs softly, her face heating up. Somehow even after all these years, it still takes just a few pretty words from him to make her blush. "It's the same for me. That's why I plan to stick beside you. No matter what you plan to do."
"Mm…" Kazuha trails off, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "C'mon. The wind calls for us to head into the city for a bit."
"Hah, are you sure you're not hungry?" April teases and Kazuha chuckles.
"Maybe so… Then I was thinking we visit Araumi one more time before returning to Ritou."
"Sounds good."
The two stand up and work their way back out of the forest and down towards Inazuma City. Once there, they stop at a food stall and grab something to eat as well as some desserts for the visit to Araumi.
They eat together before setting off. "You know… it is strange to be back here. I know we have been back during the end of the Vision Hunt Decree but we didn't stay this long…" April murmurs.
"I know. It is odd to be here without having to be on edge as well," Kazuha says. They're always so in sync. He'd been feeling the exact same way the whole visit, even before when they were simply staying in Ritou for the Irodori Festival. It doesn't surprise him that they felt the same way. Not when they know each other so well.
"Exactly! It is nice, though, to see everything. It hasn't changed much…" April lets out a soft laugh, both of them knowing that that is due to their archon.
Kazuha chuckles as well. "It truly hasn't… Do you ever see yourself coming back here and settling down?" He asks quietly.
"Hmm. I could see it. But only if that is what you would want. I'd settle anywhere in Teyvat so long as we're together," April muses. "Or even if we never quite settle down. So long as I'm with you… life will be perfect."
"And you say I'm the one with a way with words…" Kazuha murmurs with a soft laugh.
They fall silent again until they reach their destination. They settle under one of the sakura trees and begin snacking on the dessert they'd bought.
Kazuha's eyes sparkle as he leans closer, brushing a stray bit of syrup from the corner of April's lips. He holds eye contact with her as he brings his thumb to his mouth, licking it clean while she blushes. "Sweet. But you're sweeter."
"Kazuha," April whines, her face feeling hot.
"Yes, my sweet? You know it's true," Kazuha murmurs, his eyes sparkling playfully. April whines and hides her face in his shoulder.
"You are dangerous," She murmurs softly. The only problem about knowing each other as well as they do is that they also know the best, most effective ways to fluster the other.
Kazuha simply chuckles and they finish the dessert with no interruptions. "Come here. Let me hold you a little while before we go back." Kazuha opens his arms, pleased when April easily settles into his lap and snuggles in close.
"You know… your words have got me thinking…" Kazuha murmurs, brushing his fingers through her hair softly. "I had already been tempted, but now… I really would like to ask you something. All I request is that you don't interrupt until I'm done."
"Kazuha?" April asks, but he simply looks at her expectantly. "I… okay."
"Good. Now, my precious dove, this whole trip has my thoughts all awhirl… As I mentioned earlier, I cannot see a feasible future without you in my life. You have been there for me when no one else was and you have seen every side of me that exists, yet you love all of me without question. You know I love you the same. For all your flaws, you are perfect in my eyes. You are my muse, my best friend, my lover, the reason I wake up every day, and more…"
While he speaks, Kazuha keeps gently playing with her hair, his eyes never straying from hers. And the longer he speaks, the more her stomach is filled with butterflies, anticipation lighting up every nerve as it builds.
"April, darling, I already have some semblance of an idea what your answer will be. But I find it remiss if I did not ask you this trip. It feels like fate has led us here for a reason, for this reason… So, my dearest, my most beloved…"
Kazuha has kept her attention so solidly on him, on his eyes, that she hasn't noticed him pulling a small bag out of one of his satchels. His fingers tug open the little drawstring bag and empties its contents into his hand.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming your husband? Would you marry me?" Kazuha asks, holding the ring up between his fingers, finally catching her attention with it.
The ring itself is relatively simple: a silver band with a pretty ruby as the centerpiece. But April recognizes it. "Kazuha… have you really had this since then??" She asks quietly and Kazuha chuckles softly.
"But, of course. This ring caught my love's eye. I just knew it had to be your engagement ring…"
"When did you? You didn't buy it when we were together…?" She asks softly, her eyes widening as he chuckles again.
"You got it. Beidou distracted you the next afternoon while I went back to the stall and bought it for you." Kazuha looks so proud of himself that it makes her smile. "As for your answer?"
"Of course, I'll marry you!" April says, tears pricking her eyes at how sweet this whole thing is.
Kazuha smiles at her, a soft little thing that takes her breath away. His fingers are gentle as he lifts her left hand and slides the ring into place, taking her hand and brushing a kiss over the ring.
April's breath catches in her throat and she loops her arms around his neck, pressing their foreheads together. "I'm getting you a ring," She says softly.
He simply chuckles. "If that's what you wish. I'm simply happy you said yes."
"As if I'd say no. You're it for me, Kazuha, you know that."
Kazuha brings her in for a soft kiss at that, his eyes sparkling with delight once the kiss is over. "Now, my dove, it is up to you when we return to Ritou. We can stay here as long as you'd like… or at least until sundown." He lets out a soft laugh at that.
"A little longer. I want you to myself a bit more."
"That sounds perfect, my dove."
And so, they stay there cuddled up, relishing the joy of holding their fiancé.
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orbitalpirate · 5 months
I was tagged by the brilliant incredible awe-inspiring endlessly-talented wonderful @sighonaraa in the following tag game, thank you so much <3
(All Ted Lasso works referenced can be found in my pinned Tumblr post I'm too lazy to add all the links)
1. How many works do you have on ao3
17 (when did it get that high????)
2. What's your ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Ted Lasso.... though something else might be in the works
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Daft Pretty Boys (multiship)
All Night (Always) (jan/richard)
Am I So Obvious? (Jan/Richard)
I Wanna Deserve You (Jan/ Richard)
Burning Like There's Always Been (Jan/Richard)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
No because I am so bad with compliments and I'm worried me being all bashful and saying "noo I'm bad" is annoying lol
6. Whats the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably back when I wrote Dungeons and Daddies fic (which I don't know if I'll ever return to sorry to my followers from that Era but maybe??) My fic A Boy Of Disparate Parts is pretty soul crushing to me
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's between I Wanna Deserve You and Am I So Obvious? but I'd probably give it to AISO
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in a while, I've had some homophobes send me anon asks before but I don't let it bother me, I always answer with kindness and education and it kind of takes the wind out of their sails
9. Do you write smut and if so what kind?
So I tried to write a poly smut scene once and got so embarrassed I abandoned it BUT I am considering it again so we'll see
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I'm writing my 1st one ever now bc an anon requested it and I enjoy having fun lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. Long story. I worked it out though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I would be so honored lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before
I have an old ao3 account that was me and my sister writing an anime group chat fic together. It is very cringe but we had fun.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
This is so cringe but I have a pinterest board dedicated to basically every ship I've ever had and I welcome anyone who wishes to explore it lol. The ship I come back to the most is Jenson and Cougar from the comic The Losers so probably that
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My abandoned fic for Dungeons and Daddies. I had so many ideas but then I got so so far behind in the podcast and I can't write without being caught up and it feels like I lost the chance to continue it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am bad at being nice to myself but I like to think I'm a funny writer
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too much of my greatest strength. That was a joke. It's a lot of things.
18. Thoughts is writing dialog in another language for a fic?
Do whatever you want forever. I've experimented with form while writing bilingual characters and I think there's no one right way to do this
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
This is so embarrassing but when I was 13 I wrote rpf on Wattpad for YouTubers Jack and Dean
20. Favorite fic you've ever written
Rubberband Man has truly been such a wonderful journey for me and I can't wait for you all to see where it goes next <3
Tagging @fanficfanattic @yorkshire-rockchick and @carolinemathildes no pressure <3
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blondiest · 2 years
tag game!! i've been really terrible about checking notifications of late (and haven't been on Tumblr a ton in general tbh) so sorry to anyone who tagged me in something i missed ❣️
Tagged by: @sharpenote
3 ships: hellcheer, always always always. also, meronia (mello / near from death note) which is more of a recent thing but something i was fascinated by a good 10 years ago too. uhhh that's pretty much all i've been thinking about for the last 3-6 months (depending on which ship i'm referring to) but there is 1 other ship that i have written for, which is from a fucking dress up mobile game (I KNOW). it was the first ship i ever actually wrote for (in the last 10 years anyways)! i am not going to try to explain myself i am just going to link my first ever published fic (& i reserve the right to delete this part of this post later 😂)
first ship: honestly ariel / prince eric from the little mermaid lol, i loved that movie as a baby child. probably also tombo / kiki from kikis delivery service tbh, at a similar age.
currently consuming: the second arc of the death note manga, for media. for food, i had rice with a sweet spicy sauce and a smoothie 🥰
last movie: phantom thread (again lol). last new movie was glass onion, first watched with my family over christmas and then watched with my best friend and husband around new year's.
last song: i'm currently listening to primadonna by MARINA bc we're back in 2012-2013 in my household rn
currently reading: pretty much nothing save for technical documents for work & my own old writing in search of inspiration to continue writing 🫣
currently craving: honestly, i would kill for shin ramen w a ton of lime or red curry tofu 🥰
tagging: again, i have been awful at keeping up lately, so sorry if any of you've already done this, but: @khaleesa @darcylightninglewis @bisexualchrissycunningham @boxingcleverrr @chrissyslipgloss @152glasslippers and anyone (whomever! truly) might want to participate ❣️
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