#again i could buy one. a brand new firsthand one
i just want a dictionary is it that hard to get me a dictionary
#i could buy one yes#but my father was offering to buy me gifts and asked what i wanted#and i repeatedly told him i wanted a fucking dictionary#but alas#do u know how fucking humiliating it is to open fucking google fuckass translate#it makes me want to kill myself everytime#ive been searching for a russian dictionary for months in bookstores (albeit only in the secondhand franchise i frequent) to no avail#again i could buy one. a brand new firsthand one#but secondhand books spark joy in me#my favourite book of all time- also a dictionary- was bought secondhand#if i can get a beauty like that for cheap and already used why would i buy a ridiculously expensive new one#idk im just ranting and whining now for no reason#ive been putting off the firsthand shopping bc there arent any in the non secondhand bookstores ive been to#which means ill have to buy one online#and man it just makes me hesitant bc i want to see it irl first before buying it#i fucking LOVE dictionaries theyre my favourite books in the world alongside poetry anthologies#it's an art and the art of writing dictionaries must be respected i cant buy a fucking half assed one. i need to see the love and care#put into them#bc YES dictionaries are a labour of love for the culture and language and one's roots#words are such a beautiful part of mankind and dictionary writers understand that#i will fucking defend u guys with my life#i love yall stay safe out there i hope u are laden with a thousand kisses for ur efforts. know that u are loved and appreciated <3#dictionary rant
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azen13 · 3 months
CW: Yandere Themes, Slight Spoilers for Penacony's Story Quest
I keep thinking about this one dialogue option somewhere in the Penacony Quest, where if you ask Aventurine to give you more money, he immediately sends you more, which led me to think about how Yandere!Aventurine would most definitely love to spend as much money on you as he can as a way of convincing you to stay with him, which led to this little drabble. Enjoy!
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Aventurine loves to take you shopping.
Whether it's the gilded streets of Oti Mall or the luxury departments of Pier Point, as long as the price tags are exorbitant and the clothes are high quality, Aventurine loves to take you on shopping sprees. Together, the two of you peruse store after store, boutique after boutique, shop after shop. Try and ask the gambler why and he’ll only flash you a casual smirk, drawing you closer to him and interlacing one of his hands with yours. “Do I need a reason why, love?” He questions, pulling you towards him gently and guiding you to the elevator of his penthouse. 
He can still recall the look in your eyes when he first invited you out to dinner in Pier Point. Aventurine had planned the date perfectly by getting a reservation to some state-of-the-art interactive dining experience that would surely impress you. However, once the two of you had been seated at your table, he saw you looking at your menu, eyes full of fear at the long trains of zeros preceding every item. It was a sight he’d never forget. Instantly, he told you he would pay for it all, and despite your best protests, nothing could stop him from giving the server his card
Tonight you and him are back in Pier Point, revisiting some of your favorite shops. Or rather, the shops that garnered the most wide-eyed reactions from you after entering them for the first time. You were never forthright about the shops and brands you liked, as if you didn’t want to return and buy more from them. No matter. Aventurine is always careful to gauge your reactions, a smile falling on his lips every time he sees that starstruck innocence in your gaze.
Your pure soul is so fragile. He could shatter it with a single breath. A flick of a finger. A silent stare. He knows firsthand how quickly that golden glow can fade away. So can’t he just have this? Him and you attached at the hip, the perfect image of lovers in every passing stranger’s eyes; completely in sync, moving to rhythms and melodies only he and you can hear.
He’s well aware that his grasp on you in this dance may be too tight and controlling as he forces you along with him in this spiritual tango, but he has good intentions. He knows it. You know it. It’s why you let him care for you, let him pick out your outfits and take care of your finances. Aventurine knows best. After all, he’s seen the worst parts of the world and climbed out of his own personal slice of hell. The universe is a cruel place and all he wants to do is shield you from it all by protecting the gold in your heart and the stars in your eyes. The boutiques are all devoid of anything befitting of your beauty, not that Aventurine cares. It just means he gets to go order something custom-made, tailored to fit you and match him perfectly, arguably even better than going out and buying something from a store. While it pleases him enough to know he’s paying for you, when he sees you all dressed up and matching him to a T in shades of green and gold–well, that’s an entirely different level of satisfaction.
As you begin the walk back to Aventurine’s penthouse apartment, the gambler is already looking online for new designers to contact. You ask him why he’s doing this. Once again, a soft smirk plays on Aventurine’s lips. “For starters, you look gorgeous in them,” he says, squeezing your hand a little tighter as the two of you fight your way through boulevards bustling with people. “It also makes it easier to find you in crowds when you’re all dressed up,” he adds, pausing for a moment. “And I don’t want to lose you, my love.” Aventurine lifts your hand up, softly whispering his words against the skin of your knuckles before he presses a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
For a moment, there’s a slight tremor in his voice, his hand clenching even tighter around your own. It’s as though he’s afraid that if he relinquishes his hold on your hand, he won’t just lose you in the crowd, but forever.
The unspoken reason–that he likes to make sure everyone knows you’re his lover–lingers in the air around you like arms around your shoulders.
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So I (finally!) bought a pair of really good noise cancelling headphones, and it has changed my life! It's the fanciest thing I've bought in years, so to recoup some of the cost, I’ve researched & written a little essay based on my experiences with extreme noise sensitivity.
Hypersensitivity to sound is something I’ve dealt with all of my life, but I only recently found out it's medically known a Hyperacusis. (Please note this is a separate condition from Misophonia.) If you consistently struggle to cope with noise, the info below could be helpful! I’m including a link to my ko-fi, and I will be answering questions in the notes.
(skip to the bottom to read fun facts about my tax return and/or street organs vendettas!)
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional, this is based solely on my experiences as a patient, and on what I have read and been told by professionals. Please notify me if you have corrections or concerns about accuracy!
BACKGROUND: Sensitivity to sound is a common type of sensory issue. While anyone can experience such issues (most people, for example, might be bothered by loud music in a crowded restaurant), some people are more sensitive than others, to the point it becomes a quality-of-life aka a medical issue.
If you consistently struggle with environmental stimuli that other people aren’t bothered by (background noises, bright lights, certain textures and tastes, etc), to the point it causes daily discomfort or limits the environments you can be in, I recommend reading about Sensory Processing Disorder.
SPD and sound sensitivity are both super common in autistic folks (like me!), but allistic (non-autistic) people can experience them too. Weep, ye prisoners of mortal coil, for none are safe, nothing sacred, not in this thy most accursed tomb of human flesh!
SOUND SENSITIVITY or HYPERACUSIS: Noise issues are particularly difficult to navigate in a world that is increasingly...noisy. The relatively new phenomenon of constant overhead music in restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls etc—all of this means that public spaces are increasingly inaccessible to people with auditory issues.*
As a kid, nothing quite triggered sensory overload/meltdowns for me like the constant exposure to noise I couldn’t control—the background chatter of other kids in the lunchroom, the constant noise in public spaces, being trapped in the car with the radio on.... I had so many fights with my siblings about the car radio, and who got to choose the music.**
But it’s not just loud sounds that are the problem. As an adult who lives alone and works from home***, I’m lucky enough to be able to avoid loud environments most of the time. This does wonders for my general levels of anxiety and discomfort. But even in a mostly controlled environment, I still experience problems. Because part of sound sensitivity is that even normal or quiet sounds can feel loud and intrusive. Here are some “normal” sounds that can cause me discomfort (ranging from annoyance to outright pain, depending on the day):
refrigerator/AC/ceiling lights humming
dishwasher/washing machine noises
ceiling fan making that damn ceiling fan noise
faint sounds of traffic
riding in a car
other people having a normal conversation in the background
someone talking to me in a perfectly normal inside voice
Unfortunately, even in a “controlled” environment, many triggering noises can’t be controlled. And many parts of life can’t be lived in a controlled environment. This presents...some incredibly freaking annoying problems. Luckily there are solutions!
There are sorta some solutions.
They are imperfect, but they help.
TREATMENT: And now I have something rather shame-faced to admit. In all the years of managing my symptoms, it never once occurred to me to see a hearing specialist for my issues with sound. I wasn’t even aware that treatment options exist, because none of my other doctors mentioned it. Instead, I’ve spent years finding my own coping mechanisms and tools, with help from therapists and psychiatrists, but without ever consulting an audiologist/ENT. It was only while researching this post that I found out that was even an option, holy shit.
So it turns out I am going to be making an appointment with my local ENT practice. shit.
Apparently treatment options include sound/acoustic therapy, systematic desensitization/exposure therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, sound machines, and other options that I had no idea even existed, goddammit.
MANAGEMENT: In the meantime, here are my current coping mechanisms. I’ve relied rather heavily on hearing protection, which is very useful when used in moderation. Unfortunately, it can cause its own problems: it’s important not to overuse hearing protection, because in the long-term this can increase your sensitivity. So again: a useful tool, but be careful not to overdo it.
With that in mind, here are some of the coping strategies I’ve used over the last decade to manage my symptoms. This is not a perfect system and you should contact your local ENT clinic for better, long-term solutions, but in the meantime here are some tips I use to just get myself through the damn day:
Regularly spending time in a quiet controlled environment, to allow my nervous system to decompress.
Wearing earplugs, (I use two different grade, depending on the level of noise prevention I need), and always carrying an extra pair in case I need them unexpectedly. I bought a 50 pack for $7 and put spares in all my bags and jacket pockets.
(I mostly use Mack’s Ultra Soft, but there are so many types and materials and brands, including foam, silicone, wax, custom moldable etc. Even if you have trouble wearing things in your ears, you might be able to find something comfortable.)
Similarly: hearing protection earmuffs, the kind used in gun ranges and on construction sites. I bought mine online for $10. they look like normal wireless headphones, so I've never gotten comments when wearing mine in public (other than “cool heaphones” bc i added skull glitter stickers).
Sometimes I wear the earmuffs on top of earplugs, when life is just too damn LOUD.
Listening to music w/ earbuds or headphones is a great way to balance out background noises, especially if you can find soothing playlists that help you concentrate. Also useful to put in just one earbud when you need to pay attention in class/at work.
Pro tip: if your hair is long enough you can wear wireless earbuds without anyone knowing.
White noise, rain noises, ocean noises etc can be helpful! Some people like whale songs although personally this activates my primal fear response
Active noise cancelling headphones: the reason I wrote this post to begin with—I finally bought a pair! As in, a really good pair! As in, a depressingly expensive pair with noise cancelling technology that actually WORKS, holy shit. I probably need to wear them a little less at home (bc overprotection causes problems in the longterm) but they have absolutely transformed my ability to go out in public and i never ever want to take these suckers off again please take a power screwdriver and nail these to my head, bury me in the sweet sweet shroud of silence. holy canoli and cream puffs I want to marry form a civil partnership with these headphones. Plus they have a bunch of features, like being able to control the level of noise cancellation, so I can hold a conversation or be aware of some ambient noise for safety reasons.
Oh, and also they play music I guess?
Sorry sorry I promise this post wasn’t supposed to be me shilling for Big Electronics. I’m just excited, I’m an excited flabby little ball of expired flubber. ANC headphones aren’t a perfect solution, and I still sometimes wear earplugs underneath, and I will always be uncomfortable some of the time, but for me it’s been a big step.
Unfortunately the cost of good quality ANC technology means this isn’t an option for everyone, and the (much cheaper) gunshot protection earmuffs I mentioned earlier still provide an impressive amount of protection and bang-for-your buck (maybe even an equal amount of protection, if you can find ones that fit well). But if noise consistently prevents you from enjoying public space and life in general, and you’ve already tried earmuffs & earplugs and find they don’t offer enough comfort/convenience/protection, and if you’re in a position to save up for a one time non-necessity purchase of $150+, noise cancelling headphones are an option to be aware of. (Please always check the return policy so you can try before you buy. I ended up buying and returning 2 pairs before finding what worked best for me. And please look for a retailer that offers an extended warranty. You want those motherforkers to last).
There are cheaper options available, including some under $50. The ones I tried didn't work as well as my hearing protection earmuffs, but some people report good experiences, so that is something to consider. it's always good to know your options! Passive noise canceling is another affordable alternative.
Medication: A final tool in my toolbox, which for me personally has helped as much as every other method combined. Like, a lot, it’s helped a lot. It turns out some anti-anxiety medications can also help sensory issues. There’s not much research on this, and I only discovered it firsthand when a medication my doctor prescribed for anxiety ended up significantly helping my sensory issues. I no longer need medication for anxiety, but my psychiatrist still prescribes that same medication off-label for my sensory stuff. Ask your psychiatrist to research your options (they will probably have to do some digging to find relevant research, but you deserve to know all your options, even the obscure ones). Fyi, the medication I use is in the benzodiazepines class, but there are other options for those concerned about dependency or side effects.
(I'm also told anti-anxiety supplements may be helpful, though I haven't tried this yet. If you're on prescription meds, always talk to your doctor about contraindications before taking anything over-the-counter.)
So there you have it, my main coping strategies for sound sensitivity! They are not a replacement for medical treatment (except that last one which is in fact...medical treatment), but I find them helpful and I hope some of you will too! I’ve struggled for a long time, and I’m very pleased to have reached the point where I can just do things in public. Eating out in loud restaurants? I can do that now, and even enjoy it, holy shit! I can comfortably travel in cars for hours at a time, and walk around shopping malls and grocery stores with overhead music, and, and —and just exist. It is so so freeing, to feel like maybe, after everything, you are actually allowed to just exist in a world that wasn’t really designed for you.
Again, be careful not to overuse hearing protection—the goal is to allow you to be less uncomfortable and to function better, but if you find you are becoming more sensitive to noise, it is time to dial it back a notch. Or maybe consider listening to music (at a reasonable volume) to block out background noise instead.
*(This also includes people with hearing loss and related issues, btw. While that’s not my area of knowledge, I would welcome it if any of my HoH followers want to share their experiences.)
**A sign of sensory issues that parents often miss is when a child complains about music being too loud—but has no problem listening to their own music at high volume. This is because music that is already familiar to the listener (and that the listener enjoys) is much easier for the brain to process, since it knows what pattern of sounds to expect. Loud music that they get to control can be soothing for people with sound issues, especially when it blocks out background noise and sensations. This is why repetitively playing the same songs can be a helpful form of stimming.
***(working on this blog, actually. since it’s my only source of income, my 2020 income tax return literally lists my occupation as ‘Tumblr Blogger.’ Oddly, my parent didn’t feel this achievement was worth including in the holiday family newsletter.)
bonus fun fact: Charles Babbage aka “father of the computer” may have been autistic and hypersensitive to sound. He definitely had a huge problem with public noise pollution, and spent his later year waging a war on street musicians (and organ grinders in particular).
(bc like, yeah. screw organ grinders.)
Sometimes when I’m out in public and the overhead music is particularly unbearable, I’ll take a moment to look up to the sky and scream out: “HE TRIED TO WARN US! THE FATHER OF COMPUTERS TRIED TO WARN US!!! we should have listened, sweet heaven we should have listened!”
except i don’t scream it, i say it very quietly under my breath
(i have issues with noise)
so yeah that is my short essay. and here is the ko-fi goal
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k ciao i gotta go pick out glitter stickers for my headphones
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urban-homesteading · 3 years
Hey do you know what kind of tools I should buy if I want to move into a house? It won't have a yard yet, but fingers crossed for the future. Thank you!
Congratulations on the new house! Since you said that there's no yard yet, I'm going to focus only on tools I use inside my house and ignore gardening and lawn maintenance.
What tools should you have around your house?
So here's a pretty simple list that will cover most minor problems you will encounter.
Cordless power drill
Screwdriver set (grab one with the ten basic sockets)
Drill set
Adjustable wrench
Level (bubble works, but I upgraded to laser and it makes life so much simpler)
Tape measurer
Utility knife
Extension cord
Step stool
Spare batteries
Toolbox (or even a cardboard box, just make sure you have somewhere to return your tools or they will escape to the four winds)
So how to acquire these tools while maintaining zero waste?
1) Start with your research
If you are completely unfamiliar with tool brands and the features available on tools, do a little research. Visit the websites for Sears, The Home Depot, Lowe's, Menards, True Value, Ace Hardware or any retailer that sells tools, and take a look at their new selections. Most websites organize tools in a straightforward way so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Head to a local store to get a firsthand look – many tools will be on display and out of the box so you can actually pick them up. You'll see the most-recent models, from low-end to top-of-the-line. Make notes on the prices and available features (especially relating to safety). This is your base from which to work when evaluating prices.
The next step is to look at online auction sites, such as eBay, to get an idea of prices for used tools. This gets a bit tricky because you'll need to really look at the age and condition of the tools as described by the seller. But again, make notes for a range of features and prices. Don't try to list everything you see – just make a list of price ranges for the tools, with notes on the variances in relation to brand. For example, for circular saws that range in price from $30 to $60, jot down what separates the bottom-priced tool from the top.
Head over to pawnshops as well. Pawnshops only buy items they know they can turn around and sell, so they won't have tools that don't work (everything they purchase is tested), and a pawnshop won't carry poor-quality brands. Also, the prices will accurately reflect the current value of tools in the marketplace. Make sure you visit operations that are members of the National Pawnbrokers Association, as these businesses abide by a code of ethics established by the association.
2) Name Does Matter (For the more expensive tools)
Now that you have an idea of what you'll expect to pay, it's time to consider how you'll evaluate and decide what to buy.
It used to be that if a name brand was good, it was good.  But I have found that the ‘good’ name brands have been sold so many times that most manufacturers are coasting on their reputation and they are the same quality as the ‘cheap’ tools.  Even worse, manufacturers will have different quality tools that are sold by different stores.  For example, a DeWalt power drill sold at a Home Depot will be better quality than a DeWalt Power Drill sold at Walmart because DeWalt will have two different manufacturing plants and they will send the lower quality ones to Walmart, since Walmart demands that DeWalt sell them to them at a cheaper cost or else they won’t buy from them at all.
My personal rule of thumb is buy cheap for the first one, then if you use it so long or so much that it needs replaced, buy expensive quality the second time.  This prevents you from spending hundreds on tools you’re only going to use a couple of times.
3) Where To Buy
You can start your shopping by revisiting some of the places you accessed when doing your research. Clearly you'll save money on shipping if you go to a local operation or an individual. Remember to test and examine tools closely no matter where you shop.
Pawnshops As mentioned earlier, pawnshops are a good bet for buying tools. You're going to find better-known brands that are probably on the higher end of the quality and price spectrum. Although, you're going to have little to no negotiating room on price compared to if you were buying from an individual.
Thrift Stores A thrift store may be a little less reliable for quality, and you'll probably find a lot less availability, especially at a thrift store that obtains its wares through donation. However, those that aren't donation-based aren't going to want to develop a bad reputation by selling inferior items.
Live Auctions Check local notices for potential auctions in your area. You may have a good chance of finding quality tools, but “auction fever” may set in, and you could wind up overpaying if you are bid up. These may be a good source for large equipment.
Garage Sales You could score the best deal at a garage sale, as the seller may be less likely to know the value of the tools being sold. Sellers will also be more open to price negotiation, and you can offer a bundle price for several items. Quality is going to be your biggest concern, so look these tools over really well.
Flea Markets These are similar to garage sales when it comes to negotiating, but the seller at a flea market will probably be more knowledgeable on price. Some flea market vendors have access to surplus or closeout suppliers, so you could see a potential mix of newer and older tools that haven't sold well at retail.
Classifieds Search online or newspaper classifieds under the equipment and tools categories. You may see a set or combination of tools listed as one price, which can be a good deal. As with garage sales, look these tools over carefully.
Online Websites offering tools are almost too numerous to mention, but eBay is certainly one that comes to mind. Check the seller ratings and reviews when shopping on auction sites. You'll also want to take a look at Amazon, which offers a lot of items, both new and used. Overstock.com, for example, has surplus items and may be a good source for refurbished items. You can often get limited warranties.
Retail Speaking of refurbished items, you may do well by looking at the clearance aisles at hardware stores and home centers. Sometimes they will heavily discount tools that have been returned. Check the reason for the return because it can be merely cosmetic.
4) Be an Inspector
On corded power tools, examine the electrical and basic mechanics of the tool. Aside from plugging it in and turning it on, thoroughly inspect the cord. Look for any visible defects, such as a crimp (what looks like a big dent), or if the cord is bent at a severe angle. A thick wad of electrical tape will be a big tip-off that something might not be right. Also take a look at where the cord meets the tool to see if it's heavily worn or loose. Closely examine the prongs of the plug. A slight bend on one of the prongs isn't a big deal, but if the metal looks heavily worn at the bend, it may be close to failure. And don't forget to check out the switch to see if it is loose or cracked.
Cordless tools present their own challenge. If you've ever looked at the price of replacement batteries, you know they can be quite pricey. Some are very expensive in relation to the cost of a new tool and can be as much as half or more of the cost of a new tool. Plus, it's hard to tell if the battery will hold its charge for any length of time. Sure, it may work fine in the short time you test it, but it's difficult to determine if it will hold a charge for longer than a few minutes. Only opt for cordless tools that you know are at most a couple of years old. Refurbished units are your best bet here.
With both corded and cordless power tools, be sure all the parts and guards are there. It's a bonus if the case and operating manual are included (although you may be able to find a copy of the manual on a tool manufacturer's website). You can easily find replacement accessories, such as saw blades, for many tools because the standards for accessory sizes are pretty consistent.
While you can't exactly take a small screwdriver and dismantle a power tool to look at its inner workings, you can search for a few telltale signs that all may not be well. Be prepared to use all five senses.
Take at look at the motor vent area of the tool (which looks like little slits in the housing). Ideally, you want this to be free of any sort of dirt, grime or buildup – a tall order for a used tool, but a good indication of how well it has been maintained. While inspecting this area, look for any burn marks or smoke trails (take a peek at the switch area as well). These would be clear indications that there's been an electrical problem. But just in case the evidence of a fire has been cleaned up, give the vent area the old sniff test for odor of smoke.
Keep the focus on this area and turn on the tool. You don't want to see smoke or sparks emitting from the housing. Notice how the tool feels in your hand while it's running. Look for intermittent operation or jerkiness. Yes, a power tool will vibrate in your hand, but you should be able to control it. If it feels like the tool could jump right out of your hand, there could be issues. Listen to the tool. Is it making erratic sounds or grating noises? Think back to other tools of the same type you're inspecting. Does the used tool sound significantly different?
You can look for specific things such as the movement of the blade in a circular saw or table saw. With the tool off and unplugged, move the blade around to see if there is a significant wobble to its motion. An old blade may be the culprit, but the arbor (the metal rod on which the blade is attached to the saw) may be bent. It would be difficult to replace and not worth purchasing the tool.
These tools will be a pretty good head start and will enable you to repair most minor work around your home.  
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gffa · 5 years
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I WOULD ARGUE THAT THIS WAS KIND OF A NECESSARY SCENE given that this season is about connecting us to Revenge of the Sith, that the previous arc was focused on giving Rex and Echo closure, but it was also sprinkled with moments (like seeing Padme pregnant, Anakin giving Rex a speech about hoping for the best but accepting that the worst might be true) that were specifically designed to understand how the characters are in the places they are for ROTS, how the galaxy is in the place they are for ROTS. This scene reminded me very much of the episode “Bounty Hunters”, where Sugi criticizes the Jedi for “failing to keep the peace” and Obi-Wan (who is one of TCW’s most reliable narrators) responds with how the war is not their fault and if more people were willing to actually stand up, they wouldn’t be in the position they’re in.
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But it also reminds me of the Star Wars: Propaganda by Pablo Hidalgo book makes this incredibly clear, that the image of the Jedi is painted by other people:
“Once again, the Jedi Order’s eschewing of the galactic spotlight allowed another to reshape the image of the Jedi, and for nearly a decade, the most famous Jedi in the galaxy was one who advocated for the dissolution of the Republic.“
“Intended for the Core Worlds, it shows a graphic sophistication that was in vogue at the time. Rather than detail the inevitable horrors of impending war, its singular lightsaber and well-chosen words instead demonstrate how undefended the Republic was. In crafting this message of vulnerability, the Commission for a Safe and Secure Republic (a nonprofit think tank based on Level 5121, Coruscant) also unwittingly seeded a secondary story that would grow during the Clone Wars—that no salvation lay in the direction of the Jedi Knights.”
“Absent from this hero-making were the Jedi Knights. Citizens who witnessed the Jedi in action were understandably in awe of their abilities, but it was the clone trooper who was the public face of the war effort. The mystic Jedi remained forever inscrutable to the Republic citizenry at large. To the Separatists, they were branded as hypocrites (thanks to firsthand criticism by Count Dooku). That they could so callously brandish a clone army—“slaves bred for war,” as Separatist propaganda proclaimed—did not speak well to their character, though few among the Separatists knew that the Jedi were given no choice in the matter.”
“Anti-Jedi sentiment was more a product of their cultural absence rather than a refutation of anything substantive. Separatist worlds that had experienced lawlessness attributed that to Jedi neglect, a failure of policing. Indeed, the war itself was a failure of the peacekeepers.”
The language of the book even specifically echoes these lines--how the Jedi were seen as policing everything (or not policing everything, they couldn’t win on that front), how they were failures as peacekeepers, and it’s very consistently shown to be not the truth, they were “painted as” this or “branded as” that or “claimed as” this or “imagined as” that. That’s why what Trace is saying here is so important in context--she’s speaking to a former Jedi, who cannot speak back because she must protect herself, she can’t reveal that she’s a Jedi, so she’s visibly struggling to keep quiet.  She says some of it--”The Jedi didn’t start this war, they’re trying to stop it.”, which shows us that Trace is not an accurate reliable narrator in this, no matter that she’s not doing it out of malice.  Ahsoka also visibly starts to respond a second time when Trace is talking, but pulls herself back, showing us further that there is a response to this, Ahsoka just can’t say it. I mean, she’s not entirely wrong, the Jedi are extremely busy with this war and don’t have time for other stuff, you know, because they’re dying in this war.  So many Jedi have died, we’ve seen them die on the screen, as well as the war gets busier and busier.  The Clone Wars itself makes this point in season five, when Maul is pulling together his crime syndicate and the narration specifically says, because the Jedi are being dragged into the war, they don’t have time to deal with criminals, so they’re flourishing. But there’s really no solution to that, so long as the war is going--do they just let people on Separatist-oppressed worlds die because the spice running trade is gearing up?  Do they let the people of Ryloth die in a Separatist attack because there was a mugging on level 1313 that they should be patrolling for?  They don’t have the numbers to do both and they were already drafted into the war. But even more importantly--Trace says she wants to go out into the stars, get away from Coruscant, get away from the Jedi and the war.  Think about that, where does she think the war actually is?  Where does she think the Jedi actually are?  What does she think is waiting for her out there? One of the big points of ROTS and the Battle Over Coruscant is that the planet has actually been relatively sheltered from the war, the people in the Core (even the ones in the lower levels of Coruscant) haven’t seen much at all of the war, it’s barely touched them.  Out in the stars?  Where Trace dreams of going?  That’s where the real war is. And it shows that she’s not accurate in her assessment of things.  Again, she’s not doing this out of malice, she had expectations of the Jedi that they could not possibly realistically meet, given the political set-up, and that’s part of what Palpatine precisely did.  He built them up to something they couldn’t--and shouldn’t and didn’t want to--live up, but they had no time and so few of them (ONE OUT OF SIX BILLION PEOPLE IS THE CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE FOR HOW MANY JEDI THERE ARE IN THE GALAXY, that’s like ONE Jedi to deal with literally all of our problems in every single country here on Earth, and then blaming them for not stopping all the wars, while also not keeping the peace in all the countries and not stopping all the crime) and the galaxy had to buy it, including people who were sweethearts but had probably never actually met a Jedi before. Because that’s what Palpatine’s propaganda did, that’s what his political maneuverings did, to get the Jedi so busy saving those people over there, that these people blamed them for not being here, too. And that’s exactly how we get to, “The war is over. The Separatists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.”
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This is how we get to a galaxy willing to stand by while THEIR TEMPLE WAS ATTACKED AND THEIR CHILDREN LITERALLY GUNNED DOWN. This is how you get a galaxy to accept the genocide of an entire culture, that even the good people who are just trying to make it through the day are maneuvered and manipulated into believing the Jedi started the war, that they weren’t trying to stop it but kept it going so they could gain power, that they wanted to take over for power’s sake, that they didn’t care about anyone else, to forget that the Jedi were fighting on their behalf (when they themselves wouldn’t even do as much) and dying for them. By showing us people like Trace Martez.
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Survey #389
“i’m well aware i’m a danger to myself  /  are you aware i’m a danger to others?”
How much do you weigh? Yeah, we're starting off on a bad foot. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Putting Roman's used litter in the trash. Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? Hm... I guess you could love them, but it'd be a complicated situation. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? If it's purely for sport, from the very bottom of my heart, fuck you. Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? I'd say it's decently fast. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Yeah, Florida. My grandma lived there. Are you sensitive to caffeine? No. It does like... nothing to me. How do you usually get around? My mom's car. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No actually, but I know I kinda am. What do you think about Kim Kardashian? I don't have an opinion of her. Can you speak any French? No. Favorite yogurt flavor? The only yogurt I've been liking lately is cookies and cream to add a different texture, because otherwise, I don't like its natural texture very much??? Idk man, my taste buds are wild. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? Just like $5. What bottled water brand do you like? Essentia. Your favorite way to eat chocolate? As chocolate bars, probably. How often do you listen to country music? Like, never. Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? Linkin Park. Last surgery you had? Pilonidal cyst removal. Have you ever played guitar? I briefly took classes for it in high school, yes. Best I got to was playing some of the intro to "Crazy Train." I enjoyed it, but not enough to be consistent and really learn. Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? I don't think so? What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? Independence and confidence would be nice... Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? No. Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? God no. I love my online friends. Half of 'em more than "irl" ones. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? I have to be VERY invested in it to care THAT much. It happened most recently when Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty premiered. Do you have any stickers on your laptop? No. Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? Early in the morning. I'm in a better mood in the morning. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? I have a calorie-counting app, as well as one to track my period. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? My mom's, best friend's, and psychiatrist's. If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? I don't really know. Maybe the very first Pride event? Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it? Ride a rollercoaster, for one. I know I never will, though. I'm too afraid of throwing up, but even more realistically, I fear passing out before of the twisting and turning and just standing up makes me very dizzy. My blood pressure is STUPID low. What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? Have kids. That's a big 'ole fat no from me. Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? Twice at least. Are you well-known by people in your area? No. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, thank Christ. It sounds terrifying. What's your favourite type of bird? Barn owls. Melanistic ones, to be exact. Stunning. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? I'm only keeping up with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Have you ever dated a smoker? For less than a day. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Have you ever been a member in a band? No. Besides the school band. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No. Do you have separate emails for personal and business? No. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Multiple times. Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? I think once with my brother. Why did you last need to use a band-aid? I'unno. What fruit do you eat most often? Apples. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My ma. Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? A few times. I don't feel like thinking over this. Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? I've tried almond milk, and I hated it. If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? uhhhhhh idk When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? I'm essentially always in my room. If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No. Do you find piercings attractive? Yep. Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em. What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? Nothing beyond checking Jason's Facebook sometimes after the breakup, I think. Even that though I wouldn't recommend doing. You're just going to get yourself hurt. Stay away from exes' profiles. Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? Yep. I don't give a fuck what's in your pants, you don't hit anybody unless you're fighting to defend yourself. What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? I mean... define "old." I'll go with The Lion King for old, and for new, uh... Finding Dory, probs. Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. I don't really know what IS trendy right now... Is Snapchat still "in?" Because I've never gotten that. “Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? I think I'm kinda neutral about it? Like I mean it also depends on exactly what is said. I prefer more loving talk, though. What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? I'm a basic fatass that likes American cuisine most, aha... Like give me a cheeseburger and I'm happy lmao. How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? I love it more now at a short length than I ever did long. When it was long and I was in my deepest depression, I was awful about brushing it. It would get so knotted. Like looking back, it nearly makes me shiver. I HIGHLY recommend cutting your hair for anyone who struggles with selfcare. How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? I'm single, but hypothetically, if you're checking an ex's page nearly every day, I would not be okay with that. I'm totally fine with exes remaining friends and just cordially talking now and again, but that's it. It's a respect thing. Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? I personally like cologne if it's not overwhelming. I really don't care if you wear it or not, though. Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? This survey is so heteronormative. But anyway, unless there was an issue like it not fitting, I'd want my spouse to wear their ring. What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? There are a lot of reasons I don't want kids. I'm too selfish with my "me" time, I stress out too easily, I don't want to dedicate my life to keeping another person alive and fed and happy, I have bad genes... I could go on and on. I just wouldn't be a good, "present" enough mom. I am much more interested in ensuring *I* am okay. Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? Not at all. I mean I want a smooth and memorable wedding, but I'm not obsessed with it being perfect. Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? That's certainly not cheating, but I wouldn't like it. Being secretive about anything in a relationship is unhealthy, imo. I'd be hurt and also very insecure because I wouldn't feel like "enough." How old is too old for trick-or-treating? Honestly? I don't think you ever are. Like come on, does it REALLY matter? Let people have fun. I don't do it because of societal standards, but I would if I didn't care about being judged. Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? It depends on the temperature, but I normally wake up with them under. Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? I have an Ozzy one stored somewhere, but it doesn't fit me now. There was another I really liked too, but that one is WAY too small now. Fries or onion rings? Fries. I'm not a fan of onion rings. True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. Story of my life. I had one last night where I kept dying in different ways, and I actually felt the pain, like drowning in magma. Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah. What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? My mom has absolutely forbidden me to get a tarantula (uh, many tarantulas in my case) until I move out, lol. That doesn't stop me from checking Craigslist like every day. ;_; Have your parents ever caught you drinking? "Caught," no. Any time I've drunk, I've had permission or was a legal adult by then. How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? First be humiliated at my appearance and then absolutely pass out lmao. Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? No, thank fuck. The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? If I know it's something they wouldn't do sober, absolutely not. What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? Any would be lovely, but the poem would appeal most to me because of the amount of thought that goes into poetry. Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? What? I don't think so, no. Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? Halloween. What was the first website you had an email account on? Yahoo. Have you ever written a fanfic? No. Tattoos or piercings? Both are grand, but tats win. What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? I saw this picture of a snake split open that had eaten another snake. Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? Lil cozy one! I don't want more space than is needed for cleaning reasons, as well as price. Do you have a tutor for anything? No. Who’s the best kisser you know? Jason was. Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way. (If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? Ew, no. Do you have a deep voice? For a woman, yes. Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? Hi, I'm an adult. Is there a Sonic where you live? YES. It's my fave fast-food place. What do you like on your pizza? I have three go-tos depending on my mood: Pepperoni, jalapenos, or meat lovers.
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
It’s rare that it reaches 100 degrees in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon.
Even rarer still is the presence of an all-gold Dodge Challenger, its reflection giving the appearance of a bejeweled shooting star pulling into the parking lot.
This one also has a vanity license plate – “Sammyy” – that enhances the car’s extraterrestrial appearance.
The Challenger’s occupant exits and joins me at a table. As she takes a seat across from me, a group of 20-somethings not too far away becomes intrigued.
More stares start to accrue from the outdoor mall goers. Next up is a young couple pushing a stroller, followed by the employees at the coffee shop I had just exited.
A minute ago, neither myself nor the table I was at seemed to warrant much, if any, attention.
You can get the sense that “somebody” just entered the premises, even if they’re not quite sure who that somebody is.
I can tell that the attention phases me more than my recently-arrived guest. Despite the now fishbowl-like dynamic between the two of us and the mall-goers, she seems to barely notice.
Then again, when you have more than 2.5 million followers on instagram and nearly half a million more on Tik Tok, being recognized by random passerby doesn’t come as a surprise like it would for most.
Rockstar? No, influencer
I distinctly remember the plethora of classmates I graduated high school with who promised to one day grow up and become “rockstars.”
Unsurprisingly, I haven’t heard from any of those classmates since. What is surprising is how anachronistic the notion of being a “rockstar” has become.
The reality is that “rockstar” should probably be replaced with a new term – ”influencer.” Sure, it’s not quite as catchy, but it’s far more accurate when describing the world’s latest (and perhaps most enviable) celebrity class.
These days, very real rock stars have nothing on the modern day Influencer.
Influencing by the numbers
What little data on the subject tells us is that, in 2016, social media influencing was just under a $2 billion industry ($1.7B, for those with a penchant for exactness).
This figure grew to $3B in 2017, and $4.6B in 2018.
In 2020, estimates tell us that the sector is likely to surpass the $10B mark.
While that may not seem like a lot of money, think of it this way – in a little under 4 years, the size of the influencing industry grew 500%.
Should the industry continue on its current growth trajectory, it will become a $50B industry by 2024.
To put this in perspective, Goldman Sachs estimates that the total value of all recorded music streaming will grow to about $30B by 2030. That means that it will take some years for music to reach just half of what influencing brings in annually.
By some metrics, influencers have become more relevant as celebrities than their musical counterparts. It’s happened quickly; adults who use social media religiously often can’t see it.
But real professional influencers are out there. As a crowd begins forming near our table, I begin to witness firsthand what these ridiculous financial statistics truly mean.
Who is Sammyy02k?
Since 2014, Samantha Krieger has gone by a number of different names. These days, she’s known as Sammyy02k.
Despite her reluctance to do in-person interviews, she’s agreed to be the subject of an Artvoice feature on the rise of social media influence.
And while Krieger can exercise her massive reach with just a few taps of a smartphone, a lot of misinformation about her continues to circulate.
As part of her agreement to the interview, I offer to help clarify the basics about just who exactly she is.
Samantha Krieger, AKA Sammyy02k
Samantha Krieger was born in Portland, Oregon. For some years, she was no different than you or me, working tedious retail jobs and driving a non-gold car.
At Lakeridge high school, she was dealt with taunts from wealthy classmates. It’s likely these experiences would activate whatever latent stardom was already within her.
After graduating from Portland State University in 2014, Krieger had a vision.
She suspected, correctly, that it doesn’t take much to at least get started as an influencer.
You need photos and/or video, sure… but given the prevalence of acceptable cameras on the backs of phones, finding a suitable recording setup was simple.
The second ingredient Krieger inferred was something less tangible – the courage required to be exceptional.
Despite her natural shyness, she had ambitions that extended beyond what she thought her bachelors degree would help achieve. Then, one day, it clicked.
“You could say I decided to become an ‘antisocial social media star.’”
“I did what I wanted to do, and I knew there was going to be a way to make it work for me.”
From 0 to 60 (thousand followers)
Like any new profile, at one point, @Sammyy02k had 0 followers.
Constant content and connection with followers helped drive things quickly, however.
A few hundred followers within a month turned into one thousand, and one thousand turned into tens of thousands in less than a year.
While impressive to most, Krieger knew there was more to be gained.
“Once I hit 50 or 60 thousand, things started to snowball. I hit the gas.”
@Sammyy02k posted more content, becoming more aware of her developing voice with every post.
At 500k followers, the contracts rolled in.
Brand building, Sammyy02k style
Krieger’s first contract of note was in Spring 2018, a lucrative deal with clothing brand Fashion Nova.
Now, instead of developing a brand on her own money and time, Krieger had companies competing against one another for the privilege of paying her to do what she loved.
The Fashion Nova contract was quickly followed by others, and within just a matter of months, Krieger’s lifestyle had changed dramatically.
She quit her last remaining part-time gig and moved into a luxury 2-bedroom apartment in Portland’s famed Pearl District.
With newfound status, however, came the need for significant soul searching.
Overcoming obstacles, digital and personal
Not too long after inking the Fashion Nova deal, Sammyy02k was offered to do a paid appearance at a party in downtown Portland. While there, she got a call from the police.
A gray Dodge Charger registered in her name had crashed into a median in China Town. The driver had fled, and the car was totaled.
Krieger immediately had a suspect in mind: a reckless boyfriend who had started taking advantage of her recently-acquired celebrity status.
Boyfriends weren’t the only concerns that Krieger had to deal with – even some of her own friends had started to become jealous, the relationships turning toxic.
To her friends, Krieger was still known as just “Sam”. People in her circle had difficulty comprehending the controlled entrepreneurism required to run @Sammyy02k.
They’d ask for shoutouts or suggest off-brand posts, not understanding that the Instagram profile required attention to detail and discipline.
Old friends becoming enemies seems like an overplayed Hollywood trope.
For a young adult who now could command thousands of dollars for just a few minutes of work, it was reality.
The type of loneliness that hides in shadows of success began to stretch further and further into Krieger’s personal life. The totalled car was the last straw.
While on the phone with the police at her first paid party appearance, Krieger took a deep breath and decided that staying on her desired path would require serious changes.
“I saw this as an opportunity where I could come back, and make a statement.”
It turned out that ditching the car (and the boyfriend) would be one of her best career decisions yet.
A car is born
A few weeks after the incident, Sammyy02k returned from a luxurious all-paid overseas trip to the Seychelles with a new travel sponsor. Krieger decided that she “needed a new whip.”
By now, Krieger had registered an LLC in her name. Business was coming fast and steady, and it wasn’t uncommon for her to be recognized on the street – not only in Portland, but in Los Angeles and even cities as far away as Kansas City.
Krieger elaborates:
“At this point, I was really stepping into my role as an influencer. This is when I really refined my style, my brand, and my image.”
For you and me, “refining your style” might mean picking up a few shirts from a department store.
To Krieger, it meant buying a brand new custom Dodge Challenger R/T wrapped in metallic gold with scissor-doors, the kind you’ll find on a Lamborghini.
According to Krieger, the car represents the essence of her brand, and the luxury of travel. It’s now one of the most recognized facets of her style.
Sammyy02k all over the world
Sammyy02k’s influence, today, is international.
With sponsorship deals taking her to the Seychelles, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and beyond, she is now recognized in 4 continents.
She prides herself on showing her fans different places around the world. The path less traveled, the freedom to be everywhere, the luxury lifestyle that many in our always-connected society dream of.
“I feel connected to the road, and traveling to exotic locations”
The opportunities that sudden stardom has afforded her seem almost surreal, even to her. Normalcy is a mirage in the rear view mirror.
Responding to criticism
In mid-2019, Krieger was the main guest on a Portland Fashion Week panel. Already an influencer to influencers, she insisted that whatever secret ingredients success exist come naturally.
During a Q&A, she fielded numerous questions regarding her chosen career path. Not all of the questions were softballs.
Some questioned the materialism and sexuality often used by influencers.
The response was simple:
“Your opinions don’t pay my bills.”
Always on the go
With more followers pouring in every day, Sammyy02k stays busy. She recounts tales of distant travels, and the types of perks that I thought were originally reserved for a few select people who orbited high above in the LA movie industry.
Thirty minutes into the interview, I notice that a distant crowd has accumulated around our table like rings around Saturn.
Krieger barely seems to notice. A reminder goes off on her phone, a notification about another engagement she has back in the city.
After a polite exchange of thank yous and goodbyes, she heads back to her car.
I hear the exhaust note of the Challenger float away from the parking lot as I gather my notes and get up from the table.
As I glance up, the crowd has already dispersed. The only people left pay me no mind as they stare at their phones.
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mrs-berry · 5 years
AU Day
By mrs_berry
Read it on AO3!
Part 6 of ML Love Square Week 2020
Summary: Marinette is just too damn short to reach what she needs at the grocery store. Classic short people problems... how will Marinette solve this one?
Word Count: 2245
Marinette always prided herself on being independent.
She had been single for most of her life, only having had two boyfriends, neither of which worked out. However, she was glad those had at least ended on amicable terms.
She really did enjoy the single life, though, and while she wouldn't mind a boyfriend (and, hopefully, one day a husband), there was one thing she truly hated about being single.
She hated being short and having no one to help her reach things at the grocery store!
Perhaps that was a silly reason to hate being single, but Marinette couldn't deny the awful truth of it.
Especially as she was currently being reminded of it at this very moment.
Try as she might, even as she stood on her tippy toes, she just could not reach the damn vanilla extract (and the last one, by the look of it) that she wanted to purchase for her desserts.
One time, she had even tried wearing 7-inch heels to see if that would help her dilemma with reaching grocery items.
It did not.
(It actually made things a lot worse as she nearly broke her ankles and tripped every few seconds.)
Was it really too much to ask that the shelves not be so tall? Or for there to be a step ladder nearby? Or for there to be a store clerk available at all times for short people like her?
Did the people who designed grocery stores hate short people?
Whatever the reason for the high shelving, Marinette was bitter and found it very discriminatory against vertically-challenged people.
As she continued hopping and trying to climb the shelves, she grew more and more frustrated.
It certainly didn't help that she was upset with her employer and had just had a day from hell.
Just as she was pretty sure she was about to reach it, a masculine hand appeared from behind her and plucked the very item she had been pining for.
She quickly spun around to scold the thief.
"Hey, that was mine!" she remarked accusatorily, pouting angrily.
Suddenly, she realized she was staring at a broad chest instead of a face.
Craning her neck up, she was faced with an extraordinarily handsome blond fella.
He was so dreamy, she was pretty sure he'd be appearing in her dreams tonight whether she wanted him to or not.
Still, supermodel or whatever, she was not forgiving him just because of his good looks.
The green-eyed Adonis chuckled awkwardly (and stared at her adorable expression) for a moment before explaining.
"Sorry, I was just trying to help you. It looked like you needed a hand," he said as he offered her the vanilla extract.
The outrage immediately dissipated and a smile instantly replaced her frown.
"Oh, well, thank you," she replied, embarrassed by her previous assumption and outburst. Somewhat shyly, she accepted the bottle from his hand. "Sorry for my rudeness. I was just... a little bit stressed."
"That's okay, I'm sorry I snuck up on you like that and helped you without asking if even wanted my help," he smiled and rubbed his neck a bit sheepishly.
"Oh, well, I forgive you," Marinette said. "And I'm sure if you hadn't gotten me on a day where Mr. Agreste gave me an earful, then I probably would have reacted a lot less dramatically. He's a brilliant designer, but he doesn't have the greatest attitude."
"Oh. Are you talking about Gabriel Agreste?" the man asked, his expression indifferent.
"Yes, that's him. He's truly something. I've always wanted to work with him. But I'm having some regrets about it. He is so difficult to work with. Sometimes I wonder if I should just quit and try to make a brand on my own," Marinette rambled. "But I'm just worried that I will fail and end up jobless and homeless. Well, I guess I wouldn't be homeless, since my parents said their home is always my home. But still, what 25-year-old would want to go back to their parents? Not me, that's for sure. I love them, but I want to live my own life and be independent."
Marinette suddenly became aware that she was chatting his ears off. She did tend to prattle on and on when she was nervous. And, boy, did this man make her nervous.
The blond just smiled sweetly at her, not interrupting her or even looking fed up. Still, Marinette felt a little guilty making him listen to a complete stranger.
"I'm sorry, here I am ranting to you and we don't even know each other's names. I'm Marinette," she introduced and offered a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, Marinette." He gently grasped her hand, and then bowed down and gently brushed his lips against her knuckles. "I'm Adrien. And no need to apologize. I was quite enjoying your life story, Princess."
Marinette's eyes widened and she felt her cheeks burn at the kiss and nickname. And seeing him more up close, he looked even more beautiful and... oddly familiar.
"H-Hi Adrien... um, has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Gabriel Agreste's son?" she observed innocently, not at all thinking that it was, in fact, Gabriel's son.
(Because that would be an awful coincidence.)
Adrien smiled wryly, then looked down as if he was trying to avoid her stare.
"I have heard that before," he admitted with a shrug.
"I'm not surprised. You could be his doppelgänger," she mused.
He sighed, figuring he probably shouldn't lie to this very honest stranger who was quite attractive.
"Or... I could actually be him."
"Hmm, I would believe it," she murmured. Then, something clicked in her mind and she gasped. "Wait a second, your name is Adrien? And Gabriel's son's name is Adrien... oh my goodness, you're Adrien Agreste, aren't you?"
Adrien laughed awkwardly and nodded. He always hated when people recognized him. They usually started acting very differently around him once they learned who he was and who he was related to.
"Wow, I'm so sorry. I just bad mouthed your father. What I said was true, but I shouldn't have said it to you. I'm so sorry for being such a jerk!" Marinette groaned, covering her face with her hands, as she freaked out over how horrible this whole meeting was going.
Adrien must hate her. She accused him of being a food thief, then rambled on and on about herself, not to mention she insulted his father!
She was never going to be able to show her face at this grocery store again. She would probably need to move cities just to ensure she would never accidentally encounter him again.
She was startled to hear him laughing again. Did she say something funny?
"Actually, it's refreshing to hear some honesty for once. Usually anyone within my hearing distance only sings him—and me—praises. It's kind of tiring being around fake people who lie to get on my good side," he reassured her. "I like you, Marinette. You seem like a good and honest person."
Marinette peeked at him between her fingers.
"Really?" she timidly asked.
"Really, really." He winked. "Hey, if you're interested, maybe we could get a coffee together?"
Marinette felt herself flush. Was this handsome son-of-her-boss really asking her out?
Removing her hands from her face, she tucked a hair behind her ear and clutched her purse nervously.
"I'd love to."
They exchanged numbers and adoring stares.
"Hey, um, there's a few other things I couldn't reach. Would you mind...?"
"I'd be more than happy to offer you my services again, My Lady. Just lead the way," he said, giving her a 'lady's first' gesture.
Marinette giggled, then made her way to other parts of the store.
As they walked, they chatted some more.
"So, Adrien, what brings you to this grocery store? I've never seen you here before."
"Well, to be honest, up until now I've had staff who cooked my meals. But recently, I grew tired of it. I want to do things by myself and do what I want to do. So, I finally quit my modeling job that my father forced me to have, found a different job elsewhere, and moved into an apartment that I chose for myself. So, I'm completely new to this area. And new to buying groceries. And new to cooking... and new to mostly everything that comes with being an independent adult," he explained. It was a little embarrassing to admit how helpless he was after being coddled (trapped) for years under his father's strict care, but Marinette did not seem to be judgmental so he felt safe divulging this information.
Marinette paused as she pointed to the next high-up item that she needed.
Adrien stepped closer to her to grab the item.
Marinette mutely gasped at their close proximity.
He smelled so good.
Her brain short-circuited for a moment and then she shook her head to regain focus.
He offered her the can he grabbed off the shelf.
"Thanks again for your help," she smiled sweetly, taking the can of soup that she had been trying to reach last time she went grocery shopping. "And it sounds tough. If I may speak frankly, I know firsthand how difficult your father can be, so I'm glad you were able to move out and make your own decisions. If you need any help—any at all—you can always ask me. I've been on my own for years and I love it. But it can be a little bit... lonely sometimes, so I'd be happy to have you over and give you some pointers. Uh, but only if you want to, of course!"
Marinette blushed again at her boldness. This man was still basically a stranger and she was already inviting him over to her place. It was as if all sense and reason flew out the window when it came to Adrien.
"Thank you, Marinette. That is so thoughtful and means a lot to me. Hopefully, after we get to know each other a little more, I can take you up on that offer," he replied with a grateful smile.
Marinette wondered how anyone could be so considerate, sweet, good at listening, and attractive at the same time. If her first impression was anything to go on, Adrien was husband material. He was so sensitive, easy to talk to, honest, kind, generous, helpful and understanding towards others... not to mention a total dreamboat...
"Do you need anything else?" Adrien asked, abruptly snapping Marinette out of her daydream.
"Oh! N-No I have everything now, thank you," she stammered, embarrassed to have been entirely lost in thought about a man she just met. "What about you, require any assistance with dinner tonight?"
"Thanks for the offer, but I think I have everything I need for a recipe I am trying out tonight," he said proudly as they made their way towards the checkout.
"Is that right? Are you considering becoming a chef?" Marinette quipped.
She gave the cashier a quick and friendly greeting as she began placing her items on the cashier belt. Adrien helped her and then placed the few food items he had picked up on the belt as well.
"Hmm, who knows what the future holds for me now?" Adrien pondered sombrely, but with a forced smile so as not to worry Marinette. The future held so many unknowns now that he had fled from his father's cage. He would need to do a lot of thinking and planning to decide where exactly to go from here.
"Well, I'm sure you would make an amazing chef," Marinette reassured cheerfully, taking notice of his clearly fake smile. Finished scanning the groceries, the cashier told Marinette her total and she paid with a quick tap of her debit card. "I bet with some practice, a little guidance, and a lot of diligence, you could be anything you put your mind to!" She winked.
"With that level of support, how could I not?" Adrien chuckled, feeling encouraged by Marinette.
Marinette giggled distractedly in response as she began clumsily struggling to pack all her food into her reusable grocery bags. Adrien took the opportunity to help her, which she was grateful for.
After they finished packing her purchases, Marinette came to the unfortunate conclusion that she might have bought a little more than she could comfortably carry.
Seeing Marinette's slight predicament, Adrien offered gently, "Do you need any help bringing those to your apartment?"
"Oh, well I—wouldn't—oof—want to bother—ugh—you," Marinette spoke between groans as she tried lifting all of her heavy bags.
Yeah, she was basically screwed if she tried to do this on her own. But she didn't want him to feel forced to help her.
"It's not a problem at all," Adrien laughed, tapping his credit card after the cashier gave him his total. "I can help bring the bags to your car, then I can follow you to your apartment to help bring them inside. If that's okay with you, of course."
"Thank you, that would be a huge help," Marinette responded appreciatively and a little sheepishly, picking up some of her bags.
Once Adrien had loaded his bags onto his muscular arms, as well as the rest of hers, they made their way out to the parking lot.
One thing was for certain about that night: Adrien would definitely be appearing in Marinette's dreams!
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beyond-my-sexuality · 6 years
Heat Press Machine Tips
So, you’re ready to buy your first warmness press?  Well, then, you’ve come to the right vicinity!  I’ve been within the commercial enterprise of heat press crafting for pretty some years now.  I understand firsthand how overwhelming this revel in may be!  There are just so many stuff to bear in mind!
In this submit, i'm able to convert the huge photo into 10 points to recollect.  Looking at each factor in my view ought to provide you with a few insight into which press will first-rate match your wishes.
    Choosing a seller for your huge buy    deciding on the proper size    rate and exceptional    deciding on the proper format or fashion of heat press to fit your wishes    intended use: domestic, small enterprise…    logo/satisfactory    sturdiness    special capabilities    weight of the warmth press    assurance or no assurance
If you have completed reading you can pop on over to my endorsed products web page.  Right here i will offer a quiz or  as any other step in your choice making technique. #1 deciding on a seller:
Don't forget this metaphor.  You need a brand new outfit to wear on a date.  The next day is purchasing day and also you need to devise your shopping experience.  If it occurs to be wednesday or saturday you could check out a number of the neighborhood storage income.  You never recognise what you would possibly find!  One lady’s trash is any other female’s treasure! You may peruse your local change page or consignment store for the identical motive.
But what if the zipper breaks while you are out on your date.  Now not most effective wouldn't it be a touch embarrassing, but you'll most probable not be getting your cash again!  Maybe that’s not a large deal to you because it was so reasonably-priced to start with.  And, perhaps nothing will pass wrong and you will have discovered your favourite new date outfit!  Who is aware of?! click here for more
You may, of direction, keep for something latest.  If this is your selection, you may want to in addition discover the form of shops you may be journeying.  If it’s a informal date, wal-mart or target is probably best.  For some thing more formal, you may want to go to the mall.  Even then, you may ought to determine between excessive end latest stores and finances pleasant shops.
Purchasing for a heat press may be very just like this more familiar experience of searching for the precise date night outfit.  You'll in all likelihood store pretty a chunk of cash shopping for a 2d hand heat press.  But is the worry that might accompany the purchase worth it?  Hmm. As a count number of fact, i have an old heat press sitting in my basement that you may purchase.  I haven’t used it for numerous years and that i just can’t pretty don't forget why.  (later recollects the heating was choppy and htv changed into peeling off anywhere!) but, howdy, in case you find a deal you simply can’t pass up, go for it.  It’s a chunk of a gamble, however might just be the proper element for you at this factor for your small enterprise profession.
For the casual heat press user who's simply beginning out, wanting to provide it a attempt, however a touch leery of 2d hand purchases, amazon might be the vicinity for you.  It's miles, in reality where i bought my first warmth press (the only in my basement).  Genuinely, it did a awesome activity for me as a starter!  I just commenced noticing a few inconsistencies in some of my merchandise.
If you recognise that is something you'll be doing for a long term, i might endorse going with a pinnacle name in the commercial enterprise like heat press nation.  They're the leading heat press provider within the united states and may be capable of assist you in lots of ways.  Just like the mall, warmth press state has numerous brands from which to select at many rate factors.  You are certain to discover some thing with the intention to work and come up with a whole lot of mileage. #2 all approximately the scale
I latterly posted any other publish about shopping the right sublimation printer. As i cited in that submit, length does matter!  You will want to remember precisely what it's miles you may be urgent to decide the dimensions platen you may want.
If you are going to be making t-shirts, i strongly advise as a minimum 15″ x 15″.  While i purchased my new press, i opted for a smaller 13″ x 13″ as it became one of the lighter presses in the marketplace on the time and that became critical to me.  I can’t inform you how often i’ve kicked myself for now not going larger!  It's far first-rate for shirts as much as a sure size, however while you get into plus sized, it genuinely just isn’t large sufficient.
If sublimation is your aspect, reflect consideration on the most important size your printer can print.  Obviously, you will want a warmth press that will be accommodating. My 13″ x thirteen″ inch actually has its obstacles here too. #three charge
Likely, i do now not want to say an awful lot approximately this one.  It’s were given to be inside the finances.  Be careful about balancing price and exceptional, though. #four format
There are 4 fundamental sorts of warmth presses (no longer which include uniqueness presses for caps and mugs).
   Clamshell    swing away    slide out drawer    multi-characteristic
Clamshell press
This press, as its call suggestions at, opens at approximately a 70 diploma angle similar to a clam might open.  It really works nicely for enormously flat gadgets which include t-shirts and plenty of sublimation blanks.  The way it opens allows it to absorb minimum area on your craft room.  As long as you don’t plan on the use of your press to sublimate thicker gadgets like tiles and slicing forums (considered one of my top 10), you will be first-class with a clamshell.  One downside with this press is that your arms gets a touch warm/hot while you modify your product previous to urgent.  And, you will need to take a touch more warning no longer to burn yourself. Swing away press
The pinnacle platen in this press opens parallel to the lowest platen after which swings to the right giving you complete publicity to the bottom platen in which your product will lie.  This is a pleasing characteristic for motives defined above.  On account that is opens and closes the way it does, you may press gadgets that have a bit greater thickness to them like tiles and reducing forums.  The pressure will continue to be even at the entire floor of your substrate.  On the drawback, it does take in a little more space due to the swing away function. Slide out drawer press
The fine of each worlds, this press is tremendous in case you don’t have room for a swing away but need that even strain for thicker substrates.  As opposed to the top platen swinging to the side, the lower platen pulls out imparting itself for clean placement of the product to be pressed. Multi-characteristic press
Because the name suggests, a press inclusive of this may provide numerous capabilities.  It's miles of the swing away type however with platens that can be interchanged.  Some of the other capabilities it'll be capable of carry out may encompass hat urgent, plate urgent, and mug pressing. So, as a substitute of purchasing each of these one after the other as you upload the products on your store, you can spend a touch greater upfront and be prepared to head when the time comes. #5 intended use
This can appear like a no brainer, but it's far my opinion that you ought to try to look at the destiny a bit.  I am now not suggesting which you get out the tarot playing cards and crystal ball, just that you have a bit foresight into where your business enterprise is heading. In case you assume you can eventually task in to a selection of substrates, the multi-function press might be ideal for you.  But, in case you’re quite positive you may simply be making vinyl and rhinestone t-shirts, a clamshell would be quality.
You furthermore may want to consider how a lot the clicking will be used.  There are exceptional stages of presses for various levels of use.
   Domestic use    small enterprise    advanced small business    production use    business use
In case you are going to be looking to earn a living with this or at least a aspect earnings, you'll need to begin at “small enterprise” or higher.
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reginaldchaann-blog · 5 years
The brains & brawn of B2B social media marketing
Fortunate for us, our #SMTLive gathering conveyed on this one. A bunch of incredible instances of LinkedIn brands were shared, so we chose to complete somewhat more research and delve into the brands which motivate our locale's LinkedIn promoting strategies.While marks on Instagram and Facebook have begun to utilize video substance furthering their potential benefit, LinkedIn advertisers appear more hesitant.
Neil Patel's page on LinkedIn feels creative for joining video content, however more significantly, the substance itself is locks in. Look at this marked advertisement for his South by Southwest talking commitment, for instance
Snapchat as of late propelled in-application stores for five of its Official Accounts, including Kyle Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics record and Kim Kardashian West's KKW Beauty account.
Tumblr media
Pinterest is additionally intending to position itself as a social business pioneer. Before opening up to the world this year, the organization selected Walmart's CTO to be its head of building, and has been bit by bit taking off web based business activities.
AI controlled battle improvement
Huge changes are occurring at the smaller scale level of battle the executives also, with new crusade the board forms and a more extensive determination of social advertisement designs — especially around Story promotions on Facebook.
This year, Facebook declared it was changing promoters to a crusade spending streamlining process that evacuates the capacity to control spending plans at the advertisement set level. (Beginning in September, Facebook will move new and existing promotion battles to its computerized crusade spending allotment framework that enhances a crusade's financial limit over the promoter's advertisement sets.)
"At first, I was glad to hear it, however I'm less energized since I've seen it firsthand," said Wenograd, "I discover it every now and again doesn't advance to the most elevated entertainer, constraining us to make single advertisement set crusade set ups.
 Wenograd said she has seen internet business customers have cases where Facebook's robotized spending enhancement highlight gives the spend to the most minimal expense per buy, yet not the best ROAS. She accepts the stage has a best approach before she would suggest it as a default for promoters.
"I really feel they ought to have left it an alternative you could utilize or not utilize – I don't consider this to be an advantage to promoters the manner in which it as of now performs," said Wenograd.
Wenograd's group is a major adherent that promoters must consider the whole client venture when deciding an offering model – an exertion that takes a great deal of time and a ton of information to decode
"We don't have the information as we do in paid hunt to settle on simply coordinate based choices," said Wenograd about paid social systems, "There are algorithmic choices that occur behind the blind that influence what we're appeared, and offering has an impact in that. Regularly we won't comprehend what part until we have a go at an option that is other than auto-offer, and the outcomes change significantly."
Wenograd said advertisers are in the incipient phases of reconsidering how they settle on offering choices contrasted with what they've done before.
"The stages just spotlight on their cut of the pie, so what appears to be consistent to offer for the outcomes you need in the following 24-hours may vary from what you'd offer in case you're going for a more extended term brand mindfulness," said Wenograd.
Here, Lemonade utilizes a strategy reminiscent of 'People of New York' to showcase their image, and the FOMO-enducing share content makes you need to peruse increasingly about this person (and, thusly, the organization he works for). The statement that pursues, from Ben himself, makes the peruser feel incorporated into the organization culture, making the post in general rather genuine. The real to life photograph of Ben contributes decidedly to the disposition too.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Shrimp Farming Guide
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/shrimp-farming-guide/
Shrimp Farming Guide
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    The Quantities of Shrimp that We Eat as Consumers is Shocking!
Equally Shocking is What is Happening to the Fishing Industry and the Price of those Shrimp because of the actions of a certain oil company…
“ATTENTION: If you have a shrimp farm business or are about to start one, this may be the most Valuable Letter you will ever read…”:
I was blown away by these numbers!
“A Multi-Billion Dollar Business”
The Shrimp Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is a Business where literally anyone can make a six figure income in…and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Americans currently consume more than 1 BILLION POUNDS of Shrimp each year!
This amounts to over 4 POUNDS for EVERY American annually.
Over 5 Billion Pounds of Shrimp are produced each year globally – either through farming or wild catch.
The Shrimping Industry is a $20 BILLION Dollar Global Industry and a large chunk of the demand for the product lies right in the United States.
A major domestic source of Shrimp (the Gulf of Mexico) is all but ruined!
Now…Let’s not ignore the elephant in the room here:
Can You See The Huge Opportunity In Starting Your Own High Profit Shrimp Farming Business?
From: JT Abney       Dear Friend:       My name is JT Abney and I have something to share with you.  
With the economy still in turmoil and unemployment continuing to be in shatters in most places, people are getting desperate and grasping at straws to find a solid, sustainable business to support their families and, better yet, future generations. Schemes and frauds are rampant and every marketer has to be closely scrutinized.
“Shrimp Farming is about to explode as an industry”
So if I were to reveal to you (which I will in a minute) that Shrimp Farming is about to explode as an industry, you’d rightfully ask “Just who is this guy that’s talking to us about Shrimp Farms?”
Well…for starters I’m not just some marketer in a plush office who saw an opportunity on CNN and decided to write an ebook.  That’s not the case at all. In fact, many generations of my family have worked and made their livings in the Gulf of Mexico. Below is a picture of the actual oil platformthat my grandfather worked on in the 1950’s, as my dad grew up on Grand Isle, La.
I continue to live and work on the Gulf Coast and see firsthand what this disaster has done to businesses and families alike.
Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the economic hardships to come and it sickens me to think of the environmental and economic losses that are multiplying by the minute.
An era of many generations prospering off of the abundant seafood coming out of the Gulf may be coming to close but there IS a way to build something sustainable from the ruin that has been tossed on our doorstep.
I see an opportunity and a demand in the market so have put some very serious time into creating a valuable product to help fill that need – but I am also a very interested party.
“This is My Home…”
This is my home and my hope is also that some of the fisherman and displaced businesses will find their way into some new opportunities such as this one, because it’s a beauty!
Whether you are one of the many unfortunates affected by the oil spill or simply a savvy entrepreneur who knows a hot market when they see it, information on starting and running a Shrimp Farm is scarce!
Are you frustrated wiith the limited quality of Shrimp Farm books on the market?  Are you disappointed again that they are difficult to follow?  Not enough information?  Do you have questions about raising shrimp properly that need to be answered?
You have tons of questions about raising shrimp and you’re sick and tired of searching for information from all over the place, struggling to get the true and complete facts.
If you have any interest at all in shrimp farming…and if you want to find out what type of farmed shrimp you should grow…or you just want to figure out whether you should start a shrimp farm or not…keep reading on for the most important information you need to know.
“Raising Shrimp For Profit”
If you’re serious about Raising Shrimp for profit, there are several questions you need to consider:
Making a mistake when farming Shrimp can be deadly for your Shrimp…not to mention costly, frustrating and downright depressing.
You also need to consider:
“How to Farm Raise Shrimp”
If you or one of your loved ones wants to know how to farm raise shrimp from start to finish, but have a lot of doubt or questions…
…then this could be the most informative letter you have ever read.
Shrimp…The Essential Facts
“Everything You Need to Get Started”
Resources, Resources, Resources
Loads of resources you’ll need to connect with a huge number of shrimp larvae and aquaculture suppliers across the globe.
Find everything you need to get started rasing Shrimp including: equipment, larvae, supplies, medicine, feed, feeders…you name it!
Do NOT get this if…
Before I go on…let me ask you a few questions:
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, DO NOT STOP NOW, what you are about to read below could help you change your life…
Consider this:
Obviously, there’s hard work involved. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just selling “the dream” and… unfortunately that’s all it is.
So if you’re looking to develop financial freedom and financial independence…the reason why I’m doing this now is because I know things that you may not know.  I know what’s happening with the U.S. dollar.  I know what’s going to happen with the economy in the United States and around the world.
If you think things are tough now, hold onto your seat.
The next few years are going to be tougher than you can imagine. The governments are propping it up.  And they may succeed in keeping it propped up, but it’s on false promises and it’s being propped up on false hope.  At some point, it will crash. 
The time to build your business is now.
The good news is…today is your lucky day.  I’ve assemble some of the greatest materials on starting a Shrimp Farming business ever created.  Never before has there been such a wealth of material all in one place.
There’s no risk whatsoever with The Shrimp Farming Guide
I’ll give you immediate access to all of the materials right away.  
I am completely confident that you’ll love everything. 
If…on the off chance you don’t – no problem…I’ll gladly refund your money.  If within 60 days from the receipt of your package you’re not totally in love, simply send me an email with your receipt and I’ll promptly process your refund.  It’s that simple. 
That being said, I mean it very nicely when I ask that if you don’t have the intention of going through and taking action, please don’t order. I know the power of the material and it would just be a waste of your time and mine if you don’t even intend on reading it, agreed? 
If you’re the type of person to read it and review it as well as take action to make your dreams come true faster than you ever dreamed possible – I can’t wait to send you your guides.
So what does The Guide that has All of the Information YOU NEED in One Place cost?
This amazing guide has been priced at…$67.00!
But for a short time I’ll do better than that…
If you respond Immediately,
“Shrimp Farming Guide”
Is Only $28.00!
“Shrimp Farming Guide!” The Only Updated and Most Exhaustive Guide Online”
($67.00)  $28.00
My guide contains a wealth of information about starting a Shrimp Farm and raising Shrimp for profit.  It includes incredible word of mouth tips, tricks and secrets – tons of information that is next to impossible to find all in one place.
It’s the most incredible guide to Shrimp Farming available anywhere!
Order Immediately and I’ll Include…
First, This isn’t just a Bonus.  This is an ENTIRE COLLECTION of Supplements hand-crafted specifically for the Shrimp Farming Guide.
Shrimp Marketing Guide!
An incredible supplement to the Shrimp Farming Guide that concentrates on the various ways to package and market farmed shrimp. This includes an in-depth discussion on International Trade and insight into the various opportunities available to sell your product that you may not have thought of.
Shrimp Farming Business Planning Workbook! Designed to get you started on the task of product selection, business planning and even the financials. Loaded with Worksheets and Questions to make the process easy!
Shrimp Farming and Aquaculture International Directory! A world-wide directory of aquaculture equipment suppliers, hatcheries, consultants, credit companies, packing plants, processors, feed suppliers, and more…   Completely Up To Date for 2013!  In Fact, This International Guide has ballooned in sized from just 40+ pages in 2010 to over 230 pages in 2013!  We’ve added Entire New Sections to the Guide – Shrimp Importers, Shrimp Exporters, Shrimp Agents.  This thing is worth the price of the Entire Shrimp Farming Guide Alone! Pure Gold!
Exclusive Software for Fish Farm / Aquaculture Calculations and Conversions!   It’s not enough that I’m giving you the most comprehensive guide on Shrimp Farming Available.  I had to raise the bar – This is BRAND NEW in 2011 and updated again This Year.  I call it Fish Scales and it’s Cool!  It’s a Desktop Software App (Windows) that does over 15 Calculations and Conversions – From Simple Weight, Volume, Area – All the way to Water Treatment Levels, Water Flow, Density, Tank Volumes, even Drug Treaments!  Yours Free!
Lifetime Premium Access to ALL future Shrimp Farming Guide Updates – FREE!
When a new version of the Guide or any of the Supplements gets published (see above), you get Free Access to those updates…for LIFE.
As a special free bonus for acting immediately I’ll also give you a copy of “597 Business Letters Library“. This is a $39.95 value.
597 Ready To Use Business Letters Library at your fingertips just about every kind of letter or form you might need for your business…ready for your instant use!
With the 597 Business Letters Library you will never be at a loss for words. This easy to use collection provides you with almost any type of business letter you can imagine. Just select a document and change the name and address to suit your needs.
This powerful tool is a must have for every small business. Just type in a key word for the document you need and hit the Search button. What could be easier?
With this one easy-to-use tool you can save time, save money, and project a professional image. 
Here are a few of the ready-to-use letters/forms in the 597 Business Letters Library:
Having the 597 Business Letters Library is like having an experienced adviser at your side, telling you exactly what to say to produce the response you desire. It could save you hundreds in consulting, research, or legal fees the first time you use it.
The 597 Business Letters Library works with any version of Windows. No extra software needed, easy ‘one-click’ to use!
FREE BONUS #3: How to Sell Anything to Anyone Getting into any business requires you to do one thing – sell something.  It’s not just about business though; even if you are just working as an employee, you are selling your talent and skills.
The best profits come in when you are able to sell things in the right way. 
Here is how you can do that effectively.
Time Saving Strategies for the Average Guy “Learn About How Time Saving Strategies For the Average Guy Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!”
Learn about how to save 2 hours a day by focusing on the essentials!
Learn how to save 2 hours a day by focusing on the essentials!
Time is your friend, not your foe. When you encompass time when an abundant attitude, you really have more of it. Time relishing raises you awareness of what you have in the present moment. By savoring the moment, you make the decisions informed by that abundance.
If You Want to Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Overall Life…You Need to Have A Look At Time Saving Strategies For the Average Guy!
The truth of the matter is time is a concept we designed.  It’s an organizing principle to help us make sense of our lives.  So if it’s not real, how come we treat it like the monster under our bed? 
In this book, you will learn all about: 
Tips and Tricks for Success for New Entrepreneurs
Sure Fire Ways to Have a Successful Business Venture!
To become a successful entrepreneur you need good ideas, a little luck, money and lots of hard work. 90% of successsful people fail, which means to gain something (profits, equity, etc) you must first lose something (your initial investment).  Phat-farm is a multimillion dollar company whose owner Russell Simmons lost 10 million dollars in the first five years. A lot of experience and resources are not required but to become a successful entrepreneur you need to have passion and persistence. 
Turning everyday ideas into business is what makes an ordinary entrepreneur extraordinary.  This talent or gift is what makes them unique. Most start with very limited resources and jump ahead of their competitors through personal effort.  The moves have to be fast and good decisions need to be taken to gain share in the market and move foward against bigger competitors.
Customer Testimonial
I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am with the Shrimp Farming Guide!  I had searched for a long time to find the right guide to shrimp farms that would help in my situation.  Most of what was already out there simply didn’t fit my needs.  I’m sorry I didn’t act sooner in buying the Shrimp Farming Guide – it has absolutely been money well spent andI would easily recommend it to everyone I know!
Ted M.  RJ Globa
Customer Testimonial
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Good book.  Lots of great information and the additional resources weregreat! 
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tabbytabbytabby · 7 years
This Isn’t What It Looks Like
This is for @raffie who prompted:  “I'd like to read about Theo thinking Liam is sending him back to hell? Maybe he listens to him and Scott speaking about something else and he misunderstands? Maybe he finds the sword fixed somewhere and thinks Liam is hiding it from him 'cause he really doesn't trust him? I would love for Theo's angst or fear instead of anger, and then the rest is up to you but happy Thiam ending please”  Also used it for #3 from this list of prompts: “This isn’t what it looks like.”
Also on AO3
Liam knows it’s a bad idea. He stares at the broken pieces of the sword and just knows nothing good can come from putting it back together. Scott doesn’t seem to agree. He thinks it will be a good way to help get Kira back and he’s determined to do it. He’s also got it into his head that Liam needs to be the one to help him put it back together.
“We have to do it Liam,” Scott says, staring down at the pieces of broken sword, “and you’re going to help me.”
“I just really don’t think it’s a good idea,” Liam says.
"I know why you're against it but I need to put the sword back together,” Scott tells him, “I need to at least try. And since you’re the one that broke it in the first place, and the one that still has the pieces, you get to help me figure it out.”
“No. We’re doing this. I owe it to Kira to help her. Isn’t there someone you’d do anything for?”
Yeah, Liam thinks, there is. And that includes not putting together a sword that can send him back to hell.
Liam knows there’s not going to be a way to talk Scott out of this and that his best option if he wants to keep an eye on things is to go along with it. He needs to know what’s happening, if only to ensure the sword will only be used for helping Kira.
“I’ll help you,” Liam tells him, “but only to help Kira. After that I want the sword away from here. We’re not going to use it against Theo.”
Something flashes across Scott’s face but it’s gone before Liam can understand what it means and Scott is speaking again, “Fine. We won’t use it against Theo. But you’re not telling him about it either.” Liam opens his mouth to argue but Scott shakes his head, “I can’t risk him doing anything to stop us.”
 Liam takes a while going home, driving the streets of Beacon Hills until he’s sure he can face Theo. He hates the idea of keeping something this big from Theo. It’s been years since the bullshit with the Dread Doctors happened and they’re finally in a place where they can trust each other. First becoming friends and then roommates after high school when Liam decided he had to move out right then. Not that he didn’t love his parents, because he does. But he needs his space, especially with all the supernatural bullshit they deal with.
His plan had always been to move in with Mason but Mason had told him that he had plans to live with Corey, and of course Liam could room with them if he really wanted to. Liam had turned him down. Partially because he didn’t want to intrude and partially because he did not need to know what he best friend sounded like having sex.
At first he was planning to get a place alone, then he realized he didn’t have to. He ran into Theo when he was apartment hunting, both looking at the same one bedroom. Both of them realized it just made sense for them to get a place together.
The rest of the pack had been worried, thinking the idea of Liam and Theo living together would only lead to chaos. All except Mason and Corey who had seen how much the two of them balanced each other out.  The two of them got along surprisingly well once they stopped fighting over everything. And they did stop fighting, they still bickered but the fights that would lead to blood and broken noses are a thing of the past.
Liam spends more time with Theo than he does anyone else at this point, even Mason. They’re in a good place now. So the thought of having to keep anything from Theo, especially something this big and that could affect him if it falls into the wrong hands, kills him.
Liam parks next to Theo’s truck, taking a deep breath before walking towards the apartment. He walks inside, unable to keep the smile off of his face when he hears Theo singing to himself in the kitchen. He puts his keys in the bowl by the door, which had been Theo’s idea, along with the coat rack. Theo was all about having as many normal things in the apartment as possible.
“Are you cooking something?” Liam asks, not bothering to raise his voice when he knows full well Theo will be able to hear him. He walks into the kitchen, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes when the smell hits him, “that smells amazing! Is that spaghetti?”
Theo glances toward him with a grin, “It is. You should go wash up. It’s almost done.”
Liam all but sprints to the bathroom, Theo’s laughter following him down the hall. He’s able to put aside his worries for the most part and just enjoy eating dinner with Theo. At least until Theo starts asking questions, or one question, but it’s one that Liam’s not sure how to answer.
“So how was your day?”
Liam stills, his fork halfway to his mouth. He quickly shoves the spaghetti into his mouth hoping to buy himself a little time. If anything, it just makes him look more suspicious, “It was good. I saw Scott.”
Theo nods, “I heard he was back in town. Must have been nice to see him.”
Liam shrugs, “I guess.”
“You guess? Shouldn’t you be happy to see your Alpha?”
“We’re just not that close anymore,” Liam says, “you know that. We barely talk and only see each other when he comes to visit every few months. I even talk to Stiles more than I talk to Scott.”
Which is true. Stiles checks in at least once a week with the pack that’s left in Beacon Hills, wanting to make sure everything's running smoothly. Apparently he learned his lesson with the hunters and Anuk-ite and made the pack promise to keep him in the loop. Luckily nothing much had been happening. The threat of Monroe was still out there somewhere but she hadn’t come back to Beacon Hills, nor had any other hunters. Argent made sure all hunters knew that Beacon Hills was off limits.
Stiles also visited more than Scott did. But that was mostly because he wanted to see his Dad and Derek. So Stiles had been seeing firsthand how much things were changing, more specifically how much Theo changed. At first he was wary of Theo, not liking the idea of leaving him in Beacon Hills. But Derek and the Sheriff had promised to keep an eye on him and apparently put Stiles’ worries at ease.
Liam knows it was Derek that had a talk with Stiles about Theo, explaining how he didn’t think Theo was the same person Stiles knew from before and Stiles should give him a chance. Stiles had reluctantly agreed, planning a pack night and insisting that Theo come so he could see the changes himself.
That first night had been tense, Stiles watching Theo closely and Theo all too aware of that fact. It took Derek smacking Stiles upside the head and telling him he wasn’t going to notice anything if he made Theo so uncomfortable that he couldn’t move without feeling scrutinized. Stiles had rolled his eyes but relaxed back against Derek, suggesting they put on a movie, and that had been that.
“Is there something else bothering you?” Theo asks, breaking Liam out of his thoughts.
And this is what Liam had been worried about. He doesn’t want to lie to Theo, doesn’t want to see the disappointment cloud his face when he realizes Liam isn’t being honest with him. Because he knows Theo will think it’s because Liam doesn’t trust him, which isn’t true at all.
Liam just shrugs, swirling his spaghetti around his fork, not quite meeting Theo’s eyes, “Scott just needs help with something and I’m not sure how I feel about it.”
It wasn’t a total lie, in fact it was as close to telling the truth as Liam could get right now.
“Anything I can help with?” Theo asks.
“Nah, it’s fine. Scott just wants it to be between us.”
Theo snorts, “What like an Alpha and Beta bonding session or something?”
Liam finds himself smiling over at Theo. Scott had tried that in the past, insisting that he and Liam go camping by themselves. It was only then that the two of them realized they hadn’t actually spent time alone together like this in months, maybe ever. They’d only lasted a day before calling the rest of the pack and asking if they’d like to join.
“Something. Hopefully it’s nothing as awkward as the failed camping trip,” Liam says.
Theo laughs, “You sounded far too relieved when you called and all but ordered me to get in the truck and pick Mason and Corey up on my way to meet you guys.”
“Maybe I just wanted to see you,” Liam says, then realizes what that could mean. His eyes widen as he hastily amends his statement, “you guys. See you guys. You, Mason, and Corey. Stiles, Derek, Lydia. Everyone.”
“You know you’re allowed to miss me,” Theo tells him, “I missed you.”
“I was only gone a day.”
Theo smiles, “I know.”
Liam can tell by the way Theo ducks his head that he can hear the way Liam’s heart speeds up at the comment. He finds that he doesn’t care.
It turns out that Stiles found a spell that can get the sword back together. Liam won’t admit to him and Scott that he was feeling a little hopeful that the sword, while being put back together, would just be a sword. He still has to voice his question though.
Stiles gives Liam a knowing look, as he places the pieces of the sword on the table in front of him, “If I do it correctly the sword should not only be intact but capable of everything it was before.”
“Good,” Scott nods, “so you think you can do it?”
“Pretty sure. I’ve only been practicing magic for four years but I’m pretty confident in my abilities.”
Liam has no doubt that Stiles can put the sword back together. That’s what worries him. But he stands there, fists clenched at his sides as Stiles opens the book to the page he needs and gets to work. It’s over surprisingly fast. The sword looking shiny and brand new, and not at all like something that can cause someone so much pain. Well, except for the physical pain that comes with being stabbed.
Scott takes the sword with a grin, examining the work, “Great job buddy. I can’t wait to show Kira.”
“And then what?” Liam asks, unable to hide the worry that seeps into his voice.
“And then it goes with Kira or somewhere safe,” Stiles says, shooting a look at Scott, “it is hers after all.”
Scott nods, not bothering to look up at either of them, “Of course.”
“I also don’t think you should go running in and trying to save Kira without a plan,” Stiles tells him, “and until you have a plan I think Liam should be the one to keep the sword.”
“Liam?” Scott asks, “why Liam?”
Liam’s a little offended by Scott being so shocked at the idea of him watching the sword. Then again, last time he had it he used it to bring Theo back from hell and then broke it. Not that he regrets either of those things.
“If Liam has it I’ll know you can’t go running off with it,” Stiles says.
Scott seems a little reluctant but he still hands the sword to Liam, telling him to keep it safe, before he leaves. Stiles goes to follow before pausing at the door, turning to face Liam, “I’ll make sure it’s only used to help Kira.”
Liam gives him a small, grateful smile, “Thank you.”
Stiles nods, “And Liam? You really should tell him. I know Scott told you not to but this really isn’t the kind of secret you want to keep. He’s going to find out at some point and it’s better he hears it from you than from someone else.”
“I know. And I will.”
Liam plans to tell Theo has soon as he gets home from work, not wanting to waste any more time. He puts the sword under his bed and hops in the shower, figuring the hot water would help relax him a bit. He’s just finishing up when he hears Theo enter the apartment, calling out for Liam.
“I’ll be out in a minute!”
Liam finishes rinsing off, wrapping a towel around his waist before stepping out of the bathroom and then into his room. He stops, his heart picking up speed when he notices Theo in his room, his back to Liam and posture tense. But the sword was under his bed, there’s no way he found it.
“Were you planning to tell me?” Theo asks, voice so soft Liam almost misses it. Theo turns around, the sword in hand as he looks at Liam. His face is changing emotions so quickly that it’s hard for Liam to keep up. Sadness, anger, hurt, disappointment, fear.
It’s that last one that makes Liam step forward, hating to see that look on his friends face. He frowns when Theo back away from him, “Theo I can explain…”
“Explain what?” Theo asks, “how you somehow found a way to put the sword together but didn’t tell me? When were you going to tell me? When you and your friends sent me back to Hell?”
“This isn’t what it looks like,” Liam says. Now that he’s standing here and actually needs the words to explain why he did what he did and then kept it from Theo he’s rendered speechless.
“Funny, because this looks like you were hiding the sword that can send me to Hell under your bed,” Theo says. He doesn’t sound angry, more sad and afraid than anything, “I thought… I thought we were friends. It’s been years. We live together. Have you been planning this the whole time? Keeping the sword around just in case I ever pissed you off and you decided to be rid of me?”
“NO!” Liam goes to put his hands up before he remembers he’s still in a towel and hurriedly puts a hand back to his waist, “No you’ve got it all wrong.”
“Do I? Because I don’t think I do. You have the sword, the thing that can put me back into Hell in your room Liam. How can I possibly misunderstand that?”
“But you are! I was planning to tell you!”
“Tell me when? Before you sent me back?” Liam hates the look of anguish that’s on Theo’s face. Hates that he’s the one that’s put it there and that everything he says seems to make it worse. Theo’s next words make his breath catch in his throat. Liam doesn’t think Theo has ever sounded so small before, “I trusted you. I thought you trusted me. God I fell in love with you! And I…” he lets out a bitter laugh, shaking his head as he hastily wipes at his eyes, trying to stop the tears from spilling over, “I thought you might feel the same. That you at least cared about me. I guess I was wrong.”
“You weren’t!” Liam says, blinding reaching out with one hand for Theo but he moves out of his grasp, moving past Liam and out into the hallway. Liam follows after him, needing to stop him, to make him understand, “Theo please just wait! You weren’t wrong. I would never use the sword against you. You have to know that. I do care. I lo-”
“Don’t!” Theo whirls around to face Liam, pointing a finger at him. His breathing is ragged and he’s not bothering to wipe the tears away anymore. Liam knows that despite the force of his words he’s not angry, he’s upset and afraid, “Don’t say it. Not now. Not when I’m not capable of believing you.”
“Theo please. If you’d just listen…”
Theo shakes his head, grabbing his keys out of the bowl by the door and his coat off their perfectly normal coatrack. He pauses with a hand on the door, sparing one last glance for Liam, “You’re not sending me back. Not you. Not Scott. Not anybody. I’m not going back there.”
“I know,” Liam says, “That’s what I told…”
“Well then maybe you should have told him not to put the damn sword together in the first place.”
“Don’t you think I did?” Liam asks, “I was fully against the idea…”
“I wish I could believe you,” Theo says, “but right now I can’t. You can… do whatever with my stuff I guess.”
He leaves before Liam has a chance to say anything. Though Liam tries, following Theo out into the landing, attempting to chase after him before remembering he’s in a towel. He spots his neighbor across the hall wearing a look of sympathy on her face, “The first fights are always the hardest dear. I’m sure he’ll be back, with the way that boy looks at you he won’t be gone long.”
Liam really hopes she’s right. But even if Theo does come back Liam’s not sure how he can fix this.
He wants to call Scott, call someone and tell them to get the damn sword out of here. But he doesn’t. Part of him knows it’s safer in his hands than anyone else's. He can’t sleep knowing it’s there though, the memory of his fight with Theo replaying in his mind. He just hopes that wherever Theo is that he’s alright.
Theo isn’t sure where to go, who he can even trust in this town anymore. He trusted Liam more than anyone else and even that seems to have been a mistake. Part of him wants to believe that Liam had no plans to use the sword against him. But another, louder part is reminding him that Liam was one of the people that helped put Theo into Hell in the first place. But he brought you back, his mind reasons, he broke the sword.
Theo knows that’s true, but he also knows he only did it because he was desperate for help. That was before things changed, before they started helping each other, before they became as close as they are now.
Theo sighs, putting his head against the steering wheel. He’s parked somewhere in the preserve, hoping the cover of darkness will keep him hidden. He’s just so tired. Tired of always having to prove himself, not just to the others but himself as well. He knows he put it on himself when he did all those horrible things but he’s worked hard to move past it, to be a better man. To be someone that deserves a place in the Beacon Hills pack, that deserves Liam.
He’s brought out of his thoughts by a knock on his window. He looks over expecting to see Liam but is surprised to see Derek standing there, brow furrowed in a mix between concern and confusion. A moment later Derek is getting into the passenger’s seat, staring at Theo as if he’s waiting for Theo to speak. When he doesn’t, Derek turns to stare out the front windshield, “I don’t know what’s going on or why you’re out here looking like a kicked puppy but you can crash with Stiles and I if you need to.”
Theo debates his options. Not that he really has any. He’d been prepared to go back to sleeping in his truck. He starts the truck up and starts driving towards Derek’s, “Yeah okay. It’ll only been a few days.”
“It doesn’t matter how long you stay,” Derek says, “we have the room. Though I hope it won’t be long and that you’ll work out whatever disagreement you had with Liam.”
“How do you know this has anything to do with Liam?”
“You two live together,” Derek reminds him, “if this wasn’t about Liam you would be brooding in your apartment and not preparing to sleep in your truck.”
Theo’s hands tighten on the steering wheel, so much that he can hear the material start to crack under his grip, “I wouldn’t exactly call what happened a disagreement. And I’m not sure we’ll be able to work it out.”
“Was it that bad?”
“Considering I found the sword that has the ability to send me back to Hell hidden under his bed and he’d been hiding the fact that he was even planning to put it back together from me, yeah I’d say it’s pretty bad.”
“You know he wouldn’t use it against you,” Derek says.
“Do I?” Theo asks, glancing over at Derek as he parks the car in front of his house, “because I hurt him, a lot. And his pack. I hurt so many people. I wouldn’t blame him for wanting to send me back.”
“All of that happened years ago. We both know that you’re not that person anymore. Liam knows it. I’m sure that whatever reason he has for putting the sword together has nothing to do with sending you back.”
“Then why didn’t he tell me?” Theo asks, hating how small he sounds. He’s been feeling like that a lot tonight.
“He probably knew you would react badly,” Derek says, “and with good reason. It also may not have been his choice not to tell you.”
“Maybe,” Theo says.
The two of them get out of the truck and head inside. Stiles is on the couch, a bowl of popcorn in his lap when they walk in.
“We have a guest for a few days,” Derek tells him.
“Get into a lovers spat?” Stiles asks.
“Apparently Liam put Kira’s sword back together and didn’t tell him about it,” Derek says, sparing Theo from having to tell the story again, “and Theo found it.”
Stiles eyes widen, “Shit. He was supposed to tell you tonight.”
Theo narrows his eyes, “Why am I not surprised that you’re part of this?”
Derek holds up his hand in a placating gesture but he’s staring at Stiles with a look of disbelief, “You better explain. Now.”
“Umm… well okay,” Stiles says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “It was Scott’s idea. He thought putting the sword together would help him help Kira. Liam was against it the whole time, trying to get Scott to think of a different way. Scott wouldn’t budge. I think Liam only agreed so that he could keep an eye on the sword and make sure it was used the right way. Which is also why I suggested that Liam be the one to keep an eye on it while Scott came up with an actual plan to help Kira. And I also told Liam that he should tell you like he wanted to and ignore Scott’s stupid idea of hiding it. He obviously didn’t get around to it.”
“He was in the shower when I got home,” Theo says, “I saw it peeking out from under his bed before he had a chance to say anything.”
“And then you just assumed the worst.”
“I’m sorry if seeing that sword doesn’t exactly fill me with a sense of relief and happiness,” Theo says.
Stiles rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to speak but Derek beats him to it, “I think we can all agree that this was just a giant misunderstanding. One that should be resolved by actually talking things out.”
He directs the last part towards Theo. Stiles snorts, “It’s pretty bad when Derek of all people has to give a lecture on proper communication.”
 Later that night Theo is startled awake by a banging on the front door. He’s about to get up when he remembers he’s not in his apartment so it’s not him that should be answering it. He does get a little worried when he checks his phone and sees that it’s nearing 3 in the morning. His curiosity gets the better of him when he hears raised voices from downstairs. Pulling the covers back, Theo slowly gets out of bed. He exits his room at the same time Derek does. Derek gives him a sympathetic look that he doesn't quite understand. At least not until he reaches the top of the stairs and sees who’s standing in the entryway below.
Liam looks up at him, relief clear on his face and in his voice, “Theo.”
He looks horrible, like he hasn’t slept at all and Theo feels a little guilty. He stumbles his way down the stairs to Liam, stopping right in front of him but still leaving some distance between them. He barely notices Stiles slip back upstairs to Derek, too focused on Liam.
“Theo, I’m so sorry. I should have told you about the sword as soon as Scott mentioned it,” Liam says, “You have to know I would never use it against you. Not now. I love you. You mean too much to me to ever do something like that. I’m so-”
Whatever else he planned to say dies in his throat when Theo leans forward and captures his lips in a slow, careful kiss. Despite what Liam just said he’s still unsure if this is what Liam wants. At least until Liam pulls back, staring at him with wide eyes, before pulling Theo back in for another kiss. This one full of all the passion and longing they’ve been burying for years.
Theo doesn’t even realize he’s moving until Liam lets out an “oof!” as his back collides with the door behind him. He’s smiling when they pull back, bringing a hand up to run through Theo’s hair, “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” Theo tells him, “because it’s probably as long as I’ve been wanting to.”
“I really am sorry,” Liam says.
“I know,” Theo leans his forehead against Liam’s, “I am too. I should have listened to you.”
“Come home?”
“I’ll grab my things and meet you there,” Theo says.
Liam looks reluctant and Theo can’t really blame him. He doesn’t feel like being separated right now either. Luckily Derek saves them from that, appearing beside Theo with his phone, keys, and jacket in hand, “You can leave one of your cars here and I’ll bring it back tomorrow.”
Theo nods, about to hand his keys back to Derek but Liam beats him to it. They say their goodbyes and then head home. They both know they have more to talk about but right now they’re too tired. They just want to spend the night in each other’s arms knowing they’re both safe. Everything else can wait.
Scott does comes up with a plan to get Kira back but Liam really couldn’t care less what it is. He wants no part in it. When the time comes he gives the sword to Stiles, trusting him to keep it safe. He never thought there would be a time that he would trust Stiles with Theo’s safety over Scott. Despite Scott saying he only wants the sword for Kira Liam still can’t help but have his doubts.
His doubts are realized when he gets called to the McCall house a week later. Kira, Stiles, Derek, Melissa, and the Sheriff are all there but in the kitchen, leaving Scott and Liam to talk alone. Scott had told him he’d gotten ahold of Theo already and he was supposed to meet them here. Liam is starting to doubt that.
“Where’s Theo?” Liam asks, stepping into the living room, “is he late?”
“Theo’s not coming,” Scott says, staring down at the sword in his hands. Liam feels his heart drop. Scott’s not supposed to have the sword, “he’s with Malia.”
“Yes. She’s keeping an eye on him, making sure he doesn’t go anywhere while I talk to you.”
“Why do you need to talk to me?” Liam asks, “what’s so important that you can’t tell me with Theo here?”
“You know what it is Liam,” Scott says.
“Pretend that I don’t,” Liam says.
“I know Theo has been on his best behavior but he still caused us a lot of problems. I just don’t feel comfortable with you being here alone with him with no one to watch over you.”
“One, I can look after myself thank you,” Liam says, feeling his anger start to rise, “two, Theo isn’t a threat anymore. Most of the people in this house know that. And yes, he’s done some damage but so has Peter but he’s still out running free.”
“Peter is different,” Scott says, but Liam isn’t sure he really believes it, “Theo is a problem we can handle. And I’m sorry Liam but I’m not going to let you stop me from doing this.”
Liam is almost afraid to ask, but he needs to hear it, “From doing what?”
“Sending Theo back to Hell.”
Liam can’t stop the growl that escapes as his controls slips, his face shifting, “You told me you wouldn’t use it against him!”
“No Liam,” Scott says, “I said that we wouldn’t use it against him. Not that I wouldn’t.”
Understanding hits Liam hard and he finds himself stepping back, “You used me.”
“You’re blind, Liam,” Scott says, “Theo has somehow tricked you…”
“No, you’re the one that’s blind. Blinded by your hatred and distrust of Theo. You can’t see how much he’s changed!”
“Has he though?”
“Yes! You just haven’t been here so you haven’t been able to see it!” Liam needs to get out of here, needs to find Theo before Scott has a chance to.
“What’s going on?” Stiles asks, walking into the room followed by Derek, Kira, Melissa, and the Sheriff.
“Scott here is planning to use the sword to send Theo back to hell,” Liam growls, “he lied to me. He said he was only going to use it to help Kira, that we wouldn’t use it against Theo. What he wasn’t saying was that he was still going to.”
"What the fuck Scott? Even I can see Theo has changed. That's such a shady thing to do,” Stiles says, looking at his best friend, disappointment clear on his face.
“How can you be on his side after everything he did?” Scott asks, “You’re the one that never trusted him in the first place.”
“Exactly,” Stiles says, “Before. But as I said I can see that he’s changed.”
“He’s right Scott,” John says, “the kid is trying. We’re all giving him a chance to prove himself. I think it’s your turn to do the same.”
“Especially if you don’t want to lose Liam,” Derek says.
“Why would I lose Liam?” Scott asks, shooting a confused look towards his beta, “Liam?”
“Because I care about Theo,” Liam says, glaring at Scott, “because I love him. Because he’s my boyfriend. If you think about even trying to use that sword against him you will regret it.”
“You don’t have to worry about that Liam,” Kira says, taking the sword out of Scott’s hand before the Alpha can even react, “he isn’t going to have the sword. I’ll make sure it’s somewhere safe. Away from here.”
“Kira, you don’t even really know Theo…” Scott says, turning to her with his wide puppy dog eyes.
Kira just shakes her head, “No Scott, I don’t. But I know Liam and I know Stiles. If they trust him then so do I.”
“But Stiles doesn’t…”
“I do, actually,” Stiles says, surprising everyone in the room, “yeah I know, it surprised me too. But he’s not the same person he was. I’m not usually the forgive and forget type but it’s been years. He’s changed. I can see that. I’ve talked to him and don’t sense any deceit. I really think he just wants to have a normal life.”
“He does,” Liam says, “and he did. With me. Until he found the sword and thought we were plotting to send him back to Hell, thought I was planning to. I never should have listened to you when you told me not to tell him.”
“He doesn’t even have a pack,” Scott says.
“He does actually,” Derek says, “I’m an Alpha, remember? He’s part of my pack.”
“You all really believe he’s changed?” Scott asks, glancing around at everyone else in the room. Scott’s brow furrows when everyone says yes, “then why haven’t I seen it?”
“Because you haven’t been looking for it,” Derek tells him.
“And you haven’t been around here or around him as much the rest of us have,” John says, “I would have a very good reason to dislike the kid but I don’t.”
“Mom?” Scott asks, turning to his mother. Liam knows he’s hoping she’ll take his side.
“I should hate him,” Melissa says, “and for a while I did. After what he did to you and so many other people. But I’ve been keeping an eye on him and he’s not the same Theo that you knew before. I know he’s good at charming people into trusting him but this isn’t what that is. If you saw him, really paid attention you would see it. I saw it that night in the hospital with the hunters. He was able to take a kids pain, someone that had been trying to kill him. If he didn’t care at least a little bit he wouldn't have been able to do that.”
“Going to Hell changed him,” Liam says, “having to endure that constant nightmare had a serious effect on him.”
“That,” Derek agrees, “and he fell in love.”
“Did you seriously just get all sappy on me Der?” Stiles asks, grinning at his boyfriend, “you’re going with the whole ‘love changes people’ spiel?”
Derek shrugs, “I’m not saying it changes people completely, but it can help them see the right path. Know what they have to work toward.”
Before anyone else can speak Theo comes running into the house, Malia hot on his heels. He sees Liam and runs toward him, wrapping the beta up in his arms, “Liam. What…?”
He stops when he sees the sword in Kira’s hand, eyes widening as he takes a step back. Liam instinctively steps in front of him, when Kira steps forward.
Kira fondly rolls her eyes, “Will both of you please relax? I already told you I wasn’t going to let anyone use this against him. I just thought you might be more comfortable holding it for the time being.”
She’s holds out the sword and Liam takes it, feeling Theo relax behind him. He still doesn’t move out of the way though.
Scott looks between the two of them in confusion before his eyes settle on Liam, “Would you really fight all of us to protect him?”
“You and more,” Liam says.
He feels Theo’s hand find his free one and turns it so that he can lace their fingers together, giving it a squeeze in silent support.
Kira looks over at Scott, “I appreciate what you did to get me back, truly I do. But I won’t be going with you when you leave. I’m going to keep the katana someplace safe. Then I’m going to stay here, if that’s alright with you?”
She directs the last part to Derek who nods, giving her a small smile, “We’d love to have you here Kira.”
“No Scott,” Kira says, cutting off his protests, “I think it might be better for you to go back to school. Derek’s an Alpha. Beacon Hills has more than enough protection.”
“You don’t want me here?” Scott asks.
“Not now,” Liam tells him, “everyone else has changed Scott. Maybe it’s time you do too. Until you do there isn’t a place for you here.”
Liam doesn’t bother waiting for a response, just pulls Theo’s hand until the chimera follows him out of the house. Kira, Stiles, Derek, and the Sheriff right behind them. Liam turns to Kira once they're outside the house, holding the sword out for her to take, “I suppose you want this back.”
Kira nods, taking the sword from him, “I’ll keep it safe. It won’t fall into the wrong hands.”
Liam nods, looking over at Theo to see him looking a little pale, “Are you okay?”
Theo glances down at him, wrapping an arm around Liam’s shoulders and pulling him to his chest so that he can bury his nose in Liam’s hair, “I’m fine now.”
“So who wants to grab some food?” Stiles asks.
“It’s always food with you,” John says, exchanging an exasperated look with Derek.
“You can’t tell me that none of you are hungry.”
“I could eat,” Theo says, looking down at Liam, “what about you?”
“Food sounds good,” Liam says.
They all pile into their cars, Liam sending a text to Mason telling him to come meet them at the diner. He notices how much quieter Theo seems to be than usual, the chimera just looking around at the group of people gathered at their table with an unreadable look on his face.
Liam nudges his side, drawing Theo’s attention back to him, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah,” Theo says, “It’s just hitting me how lucky I am. You know, to have all of this. To have a pack, have you.”
Liam leans up to place a soft kiss to his lips, pulling back with a smile, “You’re not the only one who’s lucky.”
They hear Stiles mutters something about thinking Derek was the sappy one but they ignore it. At least until Stiles throws a french fry, hitting Theo in the face. Theo glares over at him but the smile on his face makes it a lot less threatening that it would be.
As Theo sits there surrounded by people that he cares about, his pack, he can’t help but think about how far he’s come. He really is lucky to have all of this, have people that are willing to accept him in their lives after everything he’s done. Willing to allow him to change and grow and be a better person. Lucky to have Liam by his side. He know he’s lucky, and he’s not going to take any of it for granted. p
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jjpocketbook · 4 years
Best POS Systems
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Some years ago, POS systems were a luxury reserved for only big enterprise businesses. 
Thankfully, not anymore. 
Today, there’s an abundance of options to go round for companies of all sizes. But, with too many options came a new challenge: Choosing the best POS system that’s right for your business is now an uphill battle. 
It’s why we created this guide to help you make a better and more effective decision. 
Our team has done the heavy lifting of reviewing dozens of POS systems in the market. We’ve also done the pricing, features, and critical support comparisons to determine what POS system is best for what. 
So, irrespective of your small business type – retail, restaurant, franchise, online store, etc., you’ll find the best POS system that’s right for your company below. 
The Top 5 POS Systems For Small Business Owners
Square POS (our overall best)
Shopify POS (best for ecommerce retail integrations)
Vend POS (best for multiple fashion, sports, or homeware stores)
Toast POS (best for restaurants and food businesses)
ERPLY POS (best for small franchises)
How to Choose The Best POS System for Your Business
To choose a POS system, start by considering what your business needs are – accept payments, process sales, track inventory, CRM integration, manage employees, etc. 
What’s best for you depends on your needs.
In our analysis, we looked at everything from pricing, applicable features to the security of each system, and ease of use. Next, we picked the best POS system best suited for different small businesses with one to 50 outlets. 
We’re only recommending POS systems with hardware and software capabilities that will impact your business operations and help you maximize profit. 
And for this, key things you should look out for when choosing a POS system are: 
Complete POS systems come with hardware, software, and payment processing. These are the ones we recommend because you won’t have to buy different parts. The cost for these all-inclusive POS systems is anywhere from $30 for basic plans to $150+ per month for advanced plans. Apart from this monthly cost, most charge fees upwards of 2% (plus some cents) per transaction. 
Most POS systems have customized plans if your annual sales volume exceeds $250,000 or if you have to install them on multiple locations. To take advantage of these discounts, contact the sales department before buying, as it could save you some money in the long run. 
Ease of Use
If you buy a POS system that’s difficult to use, it defeats the purpose of having one. Having said that, the easiest to use POS systems have intuitive designs and run on technology most people already use. These include iPads or Android tablet devices. 
Regardless, before you buy a POS system, sign up for a demo and take it for a test drive. This way, you can determine firsthand if it’s easy enough for you or your employees to use.  
You’ll find all POS systems talk about their reporting capabilities. But, some are basic with limited customization and only a handful of reports. 
On the other hand, others come with tens of advanced and pre-configured reporting filters. The best POS systems offer real-time reports, and you can access them on the go through an app on your mobile device or a browser. 
Some core reporting capabilities to look out for are your sales, customers, inventory, and employees’ data. Ensure a POS system offers the reports you need to keep track of relevant business activities. 
Employee Management
On most POS systems, you can add employees and give them access to settings, essential sales information, or features. Again, it depends on what your needs are. 
Some POS systems allow you to assign role-based permissions to employees, while on others, you can customize different controls for specific employees. 
On advanced ones, you can monitor when employees clock in and out, track each employee’s sales, and manage tips. So, before you buy a POS system, decide what employee information you need to track.
Customer Management
The first question to ask is, what depth of customer information do I need? Or, what customer details do I need to deliver exceptional customer service? 
It’s best to start with those questions because POS systems offer varying levels of customer management capabilities. With some, you can capture basic info like email addresses to send email marketing campaigns. 
Others come with a suite of customer relationship management (CRM) features that allow you to create complete customer profiles, track purchase histories, collect contact information, append notes, etc. Choose a POS system that allows you to capture the depth of customer information you need. 
Inventory Management
Basic POS systems will only allow you to manage your catalog inventory. With advanced ones, you can track components, manage vendors, or purchase orders. 
It all depends on your needs, so decide if you need basic or advanced inventory management capabilities (and if the POS offers them) before you buy.
Most POS systems offer add-ons and integrations, depending on the monthly plan you’re purchasing. On some, you can get these add-ons for an extra fee. Some popular add-ons are gift cards, loyalty programs, reservation systems, or advanced reports. 
For integrations, the best POS systems allow you to connect them with relevant business applications like email marketing, accounting, or payroll software. When choosing a POS system, take some time to decide if paying a higher monthly plan that gives you access to add-ons and integrations is more cost-effective than paying extra fees. And, of course, only make this decision after you’ve considered your business needs.  
The Different Types of POS Systems
POS apps, mobile POS systems, open-source systems, multichannel systems, touchscreen POS systems, self-serve POS systems, and cloud-based POS systems are the different types of POS systems. Among these types, there are various brands to choose from. 
In this guide, you’ll find reviews of cloud-based POS systems, as they’re the most flexible for small businesses and offer a full feature set. On cloud POS systems, transactions happen in-person at your various outlets, while payment processing occurs on the cloud. 
These systems connect with Wi-Fi networks, allowing your data from even multiple sales outlets to aggregate and sync automatically to the cloud. 
Thus, with cloud-based POS systems, you can access reports, real-time sales data, and other information generated from its use on the go. 
The best cloud-based POS systems for small businesses are what follows. 
1. Square POS Review – Our Overall Best Small Business POS System
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Since our team started reviewing the best POS systems on the market, I’ve come across Square POS systems at multiple locations where I do my in-person shopping. 
And that’s for a reason. 
Among small businesses of all types, Square is fast becoming the overwhelming choice. This system’s software flexibility allows business owners to start using it to accept payments with their existing devices. 
With Square, you can turn the devices you currently use into a POS system in less than an hour. 
And you can do this without buying any hardware. But, if you need to purchase Square’s hardware, there’s still flexibility, as you have options to choose from: 
Square Terminal
Square Register
Square Reader for magstripe
Square Standup for chip & contactless
Square Reader for chip payments & contactless
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If you run a location-based business like a boutique clothing store or coffee shop, Square’s register and standup terminal are the best options. The Square Reader of magstripe gives you the option of turning your phone into a POS system to accept payments on the go. 
Square’s POS system also handles credit card processing effortlessly. Thus, you don’t need third-party integrations to accept or process payments. 
Regardless of your business type, the versatility of Square POS system makes it the popular choice for most small businesses. Besides, Square’s pricing is straightforward and transparent. 
Square’s free iPad POS is free to use, only charging you 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction. And this is your only cost, regardless of how many sales you process. For larger businesses, pricing starts at $60/month plus the transaction fee. 
There are no hidden charges whatsoever with Square. 
If your business processes over $250,000 per annum and your average order size exceeds $15, you can request a custom solution from Square. 
Other pros you get with the Square POS system are robust reporting, real-time analytics, and 24/7 customer support. You can also view, manage, update, and track your inventory with Square. 
With the Square POS system, you can create and manage your customers’ profiles more effectively from one dashboard. 
Square has a few cons. 
For non-card transactions, they charge 2.75% and some features needed by mid-sized businesses cost a little more. Finally, this system’s security protocols, which protect against fraudulent payments, place accounts on hold for large volume transactions. 
After reviewing dozens of the best POS systems, Square is our overall best today. 
Square comes highly recommended for small business owners of all types and even mid-sized and large businesses. 
2. Shopify POS Review – The Best For eCommerce Retail Integrations
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Popularly known as an ecommerce company, Shopify also offers a retail POS system with excellent ecommerce integrations. 
If you already run a Shopify store or plan to expand your retail business online, Shopify’s POS system is a great option.  
With Shopify’s POS system, you get a branded online store and can sell through online channels, including eBay, Instagram, and Amazon. Whether in-store or across these online channels, the Shopify POS system lets you manage your sales in one place. 
It’s much easier that way, as you won’t need to invest in separate solutions.
Sales, employee, and inventory management are some of the core features you get with the Shopify POS system. In short, the system updates your in-store and online inventory in real-time. Added to this, it comes with exceptional sales analytics with the option to offer discount codes. 
Need to manage your business on the go? No problem. Shopify’s POS system comes with a mobile app.
The robust in-store and online integration available with the Shopify POS system gives your customers a seamless checkout experience. And the convenience to replace or return a purchased item in your local store.
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The system comes as a free inclusion in your Shopify monthly plans, which starts at $29 $29/month for the basic plan. 
Unfortunately, this base plan doesn’t give you advanced reports and other needed features like in-store payments. You’ll need the $79/month plan to process in-store payments at 1-5 locations or the $299/month plan for up to eight locations. 
Per in-person transactions, charges are 2.7%, 2.5%, and 2.4% for the three plans, respectively. 
On all plans, you get a 14-day free trial and 24/7 live support via phone, email, or live chat. The system’s easy setup is another you’ll love about Shopify POS.
Shopify POS isn’t for you if you have dozens of in-store locations. Other cons include the system’s exclusive focus on ecommerce and retail and the extra charges you must pay if you’re not using Shopify’s payment processors.
However, if you’re already selling online with Shopify or want an easy setup for a few retail locations, Shopify POS is a no-brainer. 
We recommend Shopify POS if you want to launch a new ecommerce store or in the market for a new POS system. 
3. Vend POS Review – The Best For Multi Fashion, Sports, or Homeware Stores
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You can personalize the Ven POS system to suit your unique needs. It’s also a perfect solution if you have multiple physical stores. 
Vend is among the best iPad POS systems currently on the market. You can also use it on your PC and Mac. Vend POS system offers data entry options, using mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard. 
It integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party applications, giving you access to loads of additional features. For instance, you can connect third-party payment processors offered by PayPal, Square POS, Shopify POS, and others. 
Vend’s ecommerce integrations make it super easy to sell across your physical store, mobile, and digital channels. Its robust sales analytics, inventory, and customer profiles management capabilities are excellent. Additionally, you can process split and contactless transactions and gift cards. 
Regardless of the platform you run Vend on, you get a cross-platform consistency that looks the same. However, the Vend POS system doesn’t come with any hardware, but it makes up for this with its software simplicity and extensive integration options. 
Pricing for Vend’s POS system starts at $99/month when paid annually for the Lite plan with a monthly turnover limit of $20,000. The Pro plan is $129/month if you pay yearly. 
All plans come with one register. If you want additional registers, it costs $49 per month. Large retailers can request an Enterprise plan, which comes with a dedicated account officer. 
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Vend POS’s biggest con is its slow processing speed. Others are that you can only use Google Chrome to run this system, and it’s not suited for food trucks, bars, or restaurant businesses.
However, we recommend the Vend POS system if you have multiple retail outlets such as fashion boutiques, sports, homeware, or outdoor stores, or the likes and need a solution with extensive integration options. 
4. Toast POS Review — The Best For Restaurant and Food Businesses
The brains behind the Toast POS system built the platform with food and beverage vendors and their customers in mind. So, if you own a restaurant, bar, or food truck business, Toast POS has features tailored to your needs. 
The system’s integrated CRM software builds an inventory of your loyal customers. It also allows you to craft messages and run automatic promotions that keep customers happy so that you can score a backlog of customers returning to your food business.
Toast POS is one of the few systems with excellent Android capabilities. 
And this is more suited to restaurants due to the affordability and flexibility of the Android infrastructure, which has faster software updates than the iPad.
Whether you’re a full-service or quick-service food business, the Toast POS system works well for both. You even have options to customize the system for large food chains, pizzerias, or bars.
As a Toast user, you can access its community of like-minded business owners to get or share best practices in your industry.
Overall, Toast POS gives you a holistic restaurant management system, complete with back-office and front-end processes. It enhances staff productivity, improves customer service via its food-focused CRM features, which also comes with detailed analytics and sales reports.  
You can easily customize or split menu items and bills among your customers. Taking orders on the fly or sending alerts to customers when their orders are ready are some mouth-watering pros. This makes The Toast POS system a no-brainer for food businesses. 
Pricing for the Toast POS system starts at $69/month per terminal, with no trials. It’s hardware prices starts at $999, and there’s no financing option available. Toast POS has a flat processing fee, and there are no hidden fees.  
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A drawback of the Toast POS system is that it is currently only available for Android users. But, this isn’t a problem, considering Android devices are cheaper than iPads. 
Toast POS system is the overwhelming recommendation if you own a food or restaurant of any kind. Its features are tailor-made for such businesses. 
5. ERPLY POS Review – The Best For Small Franchises
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ERPLY POS system is the go-to platform if you own a franchise business. It runs well on Android and iPad tablets and is also accessible on other devices via a browser. 
ERPLY POS is one of the few cloud-hybrid systems that is hardware agnostic, and this makes it a favorite for small and large franchise retailers. This robust build allows you to centralize your inventory across stores and manage employees by giving them varying access to the platform. 
You get CRM tools and the ability to handle sensitive data with the ERPLY POS system. Besides this, you have other strong franchise-specific features like sales tracking, barcode scanners, and full-scale inventory management across all plans. 
Pricing for the ERPLY POS system starts at $39, but you don’t get inventory controls on this basic plan. If you want that, consider its higher-tier plans, which are upwards of $69. 
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A known con of the ERPLY POS system is that it is tricky to master. Secondly, there’s limited customer support. 
However, ERPLY’s versatile interface and free trial, which allows you to take it for a spin, are strong reasons to consider this POS system. And if you own a franchise business, it comes highly recommended due to its features explicitly designed for such retailers.  
The best POS system is subjective. Different business types have different needs, and a POS system that works for one business may not work well for your own. 
It’s best to understand your business needs first. 
We reviewed dozens of the top POS systems on the market to identify the ones most suited for the different types of small businesses. 
We’ve provided you with the best POS for retail, food, ecommerce, franchise, and fashion retail businesses. We also highlighted our recommended overall best. 
You won’t regret choosing from any of the above options. 
The post Best POS Systems appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/best-pos-systems/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, Best POS Systems, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/08/28/best-pos-systems/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
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marketingcomcaio · 4 years
Best POS Systems
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Some years ago, POS systems were a luxury reserved for only big enterprise businesses. 
Thankfully, not anymore. 
Today, there’s an abundance of options to go round for companies of all sizes. But, with too many options came a new challenge: Choosing the best POS system that’s right for your business is now an uphill battle. 
It’s why we created this guide to help you make a better and more effective decision. 
Our team has done the heavy lifting of reviewing dozens of POS systems in the market. We’ve also done the pricing, features, and critical support comparisons to determine what POS system is best for what. 
So, irrespective of your small business type – retail, restaurant, franchise, online store, etc., you’ll find the best POS system that’s right for your company below. 
The Top 5 POS Systems For Small Business Owners
Square POS (our overall best)
Shopify POS (best for ecommerce retail integrations)
Vend POS (best for multiple fashion, sports, or homeware stores)
Toast POS (best for restaurants and food businesses)
ERPLY POS (best for small franchises)
How to Choose The Best POS System for Your Business
To choose a POS system, start by considering what your business needs are – accept payments, process sales, track inventory, CRM integration, manage employees, etc. 
What’s best for you depends on your needs.
In our analysis, we looked at everything from pricing, applicable features to the security of each system, and ease of use. Next, we picked the best POS system best suited for different small businesses with one to 50 outlets. 
We’re only recommending POS systems with hardware and software capabilities that will impact your business operations and help you maximize profit. 
And for this, key things you should look out for when choosing a POS system are: 
Complete POS systems come with hardware, software, and payment processing. These are the ones we recommend because you won’t have to buy different parts. The cost for these all-inclusive POS systems is anywhere from $30 for basic plans to $150+ per month for advanced plans. Apart from this monthly cost, most charge fees upwards of 2% (plus some cents) per transaction. 
Most POS systems have customized plans if your annual sales volume exceeds $250,000 or if you have to install them on multiple locations. To take advantage of these discounts, contact the sales department before buying, as it could save you some money in the long run. 
Ease of Use
If you buy a POS system that’s difficult to use, it defeats the purpose of having one. Having said that, the easiest to use POS systems have intuitive designs and run on technology most people already use. These include iPads or Android tablet devices. 
Regardless, before you buy a POS system, sign up for a demo and take it for a test drive. This way, you can determine firsthand if it’s easy enough for you or your employees to use.  
You’ll find all POS systems talk about their reporting capabilities. But, some are basic with limited customization and only a handful of reports. 
On the other hand, others come with tens of advanced and pre-configured reporting filters. The best POS systems offer real-time reports, and you can access them on the go through an app on your mobile device or a browser. 
Some core reporting capabilities to look out for are your sales, customers, inventory, and employees’ data. Ensure a POS system offers the reports you need to keep track of relevant business activities. 
Employee Management
On most POS systems, you can add employees and give them access to settings, essential sales information, or features. Again, it depends on what your needs are. 
Some POS systems allow you to assign role-based permissions to employees, while on others, you can customize different controls for specific employees. 
On advanced ones, you can monitor when employees clock in and out, track each employee’s sales, and manage tips. So, before you buy a POS system, decide what employee information you need to track.
Customer Management
The first question to ask is, what depth of customer information do I need? Or, what customer details do I need to deliver exceptional customer service? 
It’s best to start with those questions because POS systems offer varying levels of customer management capabilities. With some, you can capture basic info like email addresses to send email marketing campaigns. 
Others come with a suite of customer relationship management (CRM) features that allow you to create complete customer profiles, track purchase histories, collect contact information, append notes, etc. Choose a POS system that allows you to capture the depth of customer information you need. 
Inventory Management
Basic POS systems will only allow you to manage your catalog inventory. With advanced ones, you can track components, manage vendors, or purchase orders. 
It all depends on your needs, so decide if you need basic or advanced inventory management capabilities (and if the POS offers them) before you buy.
Most POS systems offer add-ons and integrations, depending on the monthly plan you’re purchasing. On some, you can get these add-ons for an extra fee. Some popular add-ons are gift cards, loyalty programs, reservation systems, or advanced reports. 
For integrations, the best POS systems allow you to connect them with relevant business applications like email marketing, accounting, or payroll software. When choosing a POS system, take some time to decide if paying a higher monthly plan that gives you access to add-ons and integrations is more cost-effective than paying extra fees. And, of course, only make this decision after you’ve considered your business needs.  
The Different Types of POS Systems
POS apps, mobile POS systems, open-source systems, multichannel systems, touchscreen POS systems, self-serve POS systems, and cloud-based POS systems are the different types of POS systems. Among these types, there are various brands to choose from. 
In this guide, you’ll find reviews of cloud-based POS systems, as they’re the most flexible for small businesses and offer a full feature set. On cloud POS systems, transactions happen in-person at your various outlets, while payment processing occurs on the cloud. 
These systems connect with Wi-Fi networks, allowing your data from even multiple sales outlets to aggregate and sync automatically to the cloud. 
Thus, with cloud-based POS systems, you can access reports, real-time sales data, and other information generated from its use on the go. 
The best cloud-based POS systems for small businesses are what follows. 
1. Square POS Review – Our Overall Best Small Business POS System
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Since our team started reviewing the best POS systems on the market, I’ve come across Square POS systems at multiple locations where I do my in-person shopping. 
And that’s for a reason. 
Among small businesses of all types, Square is fast becoming the overwhelming choice. This system’s software flexibility allows business owners to start using it to accept payments with their existing devices. 
With Square, you can turn the devices you currently use into a POS system in less than an hour. 
And you can do this without buying any hardware. But, if you need to purchase Square’s hardware, there’s still flexibility, as you have options to choose from: 
Square Terminal
Square Register
Square Reader for magstripe
Square Standup for chip & contactless
Square Reader for chip payments & contactless
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If you run a location-based business like a boutique clothing store or coffee shop, Square’s register and standup terminal are the best options. The Square Reader of magstripe gives you the option of turning your phone into a POS system to accept payments on the go. 
Square’s POS system also handles credit card processing effortlessly. Thus, you don’t need third-party integrations to accept or process payments. 
Regardless of your business type, the versatility of Square POS system makes it the popular choice for most small businesses. Besides, Square’s pricing is straightforward and transparent. 
Square’s free iPad POS is free to use, only charging you 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction. And this is your only cost, regardless of how many sales you process. For larger businesses, pricing starts at $60/month plus the transaction fee. 
There are no hidden charges whatsoever with Square. 
If your business processes over $250,000 per annum and your average order size exceeds $15, you can request a custom solution from Square. 
Other pros you get with the Square POS system are robust reporting, real-time analytics, and 24/7 customer support. You can also view, manage, update, and track your inventory with Square. 
With the Square POS system, you can create and manage your customers’ profiles more effectively from one dashboard. 
Square has a few cons. 
For non-card transactions, they charge 2.75% and some features needed by mid-sized businesses cost a little more. Finally, this system’s security protocols, which protect against fraudulent payments, place accounts on hold for large volume transactions. 
After reviewing dozens of the best POS systems, Square is our overall best today. 
Square comes highly recommended for small business owners of all types and even mid-sized and large businesses. 
2. Shopify POS Review – The Best For eCommerce Retail Integrations
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Popularly known as an ecommerce company, Shopify also offers a retail POS system with excellent ecommerce integrations. 
If you already run a Shopify store or plan to expand your retail business online, Shopify’s POS system is a great option.  
With Shopify’s POS system, you get a branded online store and can sell through online channels, including eBay, Instagram, and Amazon. Whether in-store or across these online channels, the Shopify POS system lets you manage your sales in one place. 
It’s much easier that way, as you won’t need to invest in separate solutions.
Sales, employee, and inventory management are some of the core features you get with the Shopify POS system. In short, the system updates your in-store and online inventory in real-time. Added to this, it comes with exceptional sales analytics with the option to offer discount codes. 
Need to manage your business on the go? No problem. Shopify’s POS system comes with a mobile app.
The robust in-store and online integration available with the Shopify POS system gives your customers a seamless checkout experience. And the convenience to replace or return a purchased item in your local store.
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The system comes as a free inclusion in your Shopify monthly plans, which starts at $29 $29/month for the basic plan. 
Unfortunately, this base plan doesn’t give you advanced reports and other needed features like in-store payments. You’ll need the $79/month plan to process in-store payments at 1-5 locations or the $299/month plan for up to eight locations. 
Per in-person transactions, charges are 2.7%, 2.5%, and 2.4% for the three plans, respectively. 
On all plans, you get a 14-day free trial and 24/7 live support via phone, email, or live chat. The system’s easy setup is another you’ll love about Shopify POS.
Shopify POS isn’t for you if you have dozens of in-store locations. Other cons include the system’s exclusive focus on ecommerce and retail and the extra charges you must pay if you’re not using Shopify’s payment processors.
However, if you’re already selling online with Shopify or want an easy setup for a few retail locations, Shopify POS is a no-brainer. 
We recommend Shopify POS if you want to launch a new ecommerce store or in the market for a new POS system. 
3. Vend POS Review – The Best For Multi Fashion, Sports, or Homeware Stores
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You can personalize the Ven POS system to suit your unique needs. It’s also a perfect solution if you have multiple physical stores. 
Vend is among the best iPad POS systems currently on the market. You can also use it on your PC and Mac. Vend POS system offers data entry options, using mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard. 
It integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party applications, giving you access to loads of additional features. For instance, you can connect third-party payment processors offered by PayPal, Square POS, Shopify POS, and others. 
Vend’s ecommerce integrations make it super easy to sell across your physical store, mobile, and digital channels. Its robust sales analytics, inventory, and customer profiles management capabilities are excellent. Additionally, you can process split and contactless transactions and gift cards. 
Regardless of the platform you run Vend on, you get a cross-platform consistency that looks the same. However, the Vend POS system doesn’t come with any hardware, but it makes up for this with its software simplicity and extensive integration options. 
Pricing for Vend’s POS system starts at $99/month when paid annually for the Lite plan with a monthly turnover limit of $20,000. The Pro plan is $129/month if you pay yearly. 
All plans come with one register. If you want additional registers, it costs $49 per month. Large retailers can request an Enterprise plan, which comes with a dedicated account officer. 
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Vend POS’s biggest con is its slow processing speed. Others are that you can only use Google Chrome to run this system, and it’s not suited for food trucks, bars, or restaurant businesses.
However, we recommend the Vend POS system if you have multiple retail outlets such as fashion boutiques, sports, homeware, or outdoor stores, or the likes and need a solution with extensive integration options. 
4. Toast POS Review — The Best For Restaurant and Food Businesses
The brains behind the Toast POS system built the platform with food and beverage vendors and their customers in mind. So, if you own a restaurant, bar, or food truck business, Toast POS has features tailored to your needs. 
The system’s integrated CRM software builds an inventory of your loyal customers. It also allows you to craft messages and run automatic promotions that keep customers happy so that you can score a backlog of customers returning to your food business.
Toast POS is one of the few systems with excellent Android capabilities. 
And this is more suited to restaurants due to the affordability and flexibility of the Android infrastructure, which has faster software updates than the iPad.
Whether you’re a full-service or quick-service food business, the Toast POS system works well for both. You even have options to customize the system for large food chains, pizzerias, or bars.
As a Toast user, you can access its community of like-minded business owners to get or share best practices in your industry.
Overall, Toast POS gives you a holistic restaurant management system, complete with back-office and front-end processes. It enhances staff productivity, improves customer service via its food-focused CRM features, which also comes with detailed analytics and sales reports.  
You can easily customize or split menu items and bills among your customers. Taking orders on the fly or sending alerts to customers when their orders are ready are some mouth-watering pros. This makes The Toast POS system a no-brainer for food businesses. 
Pricing for the Toast POS system starts at $69/month per terminal, with no trials. It’s hardware prices starts at $999, and there’s no financing option available. Toast POS has a flat processing fee, and there are no hidden fees.  
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A drawback of the Toast POS system is that it is currently only available for Android users. But, this isn’t a problem, considering Android devices are cheaper than iPads. 
Toast POS system is the overwhelming recommendation if you own a food or restaurant of any kind. Its features are tailor-made for such businesses. 
5. ERPLY POS Review – The Best For Small Franchises
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ERPLY POS system is the go-to platform if you own a franchise business. It runs well on Android and iPad tablets and is also accessible on other devices via a browser. 
ERPLY POS is one of the few cloud-hybrid systems that is hardware agnostic, and this makes it a favorite for small and large franchise retailers. This robust build allows you to centralize your inventory across stores and manage employees by giving them varying access to the platform. 
You get CRM tools and the ability to handle sensitive data with the ERPLY POS system. Besides this, you have other strong franchise-specific features like sales tracking, barcode scanners, and full-scale inventory management across all plans. 
Pricing for the ERPLY POS system starts at $39, but you don’t get inventory controls on this basic plan. If you want that, consider its higher-tier plans, which are upwards of $69. 
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A known con of the ERPLY POS system is that it is tricky to master. Secondly, there’s limited customer support. 
However, ERPLY’s versatile interface and free trial, which allows you to take it for a spin, are strong reasons to consider this POS system. And if you own a franchise business, it comes highly recommended due to its features explicitly designed for such retailers.  
The best POS system is subjective. Different business types have different needs, and a POS system that works for one business may not work well for your own. 
It’s best to understand your business needs first. 
We reviewed dozens of the top POS systems on the market to identify the ones most suited for the different types of small businesses. 
We’ve provided you with the best POS for retail, food, ecommerce, franchise, and fashion retail businesses. We also highlighted our recommended overall best. 
You won’t regret choosing from any of the above options. 
The post Best POS Systems appeared first on Neil Patel.
Best POS Systems Publicado primeiro em https://neilpatel.com
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remelitalia · 4 years
Best POS Systems
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Some years ago, POS systems were a luxury reserved for only big enterprise businesses. 
Thankfully, not anymore. 
Today, there’s an abundance of options to go round for companies of all sizes. But, with too many options came a new challenge: Choosing the best POS system that’s right for your business is now an uphill battle. 
It’s why we created this guide to help you make a better and more effective decision. 
Our team has done the heavy lifting of reviewing dozens of POS systems in the market. We’ve also done the pricing, features, and critical support comparisons to determine what POS system is best for what. 
So, irrespective of your small business type – retail, restaurant, franchise, online store, etc., you’ll find the best POS system that’s right for your company below. 
The Top 5 POS Systems For Small Business Owners
Square POS (our overall best)
Shopify POS (best for ecommerce retail integrations)
Vend POS (best for multiple fashion, sports, or homeware stores)
Toast POS (best for restaurants and food businesses)
ERPLY POS (best for small franchises)
How to Choose The Best POS System for Your Business
To choose a POS system, start by considering what your business needs are – accept payments, process sales, track inventory, CRM integration, manage employees, etc. 
What’s best for you depends on your needs.
In our analysis, we looked at everything from pricing, applicable features to the security of each system, and ease of use. Next, we picked the best POS system best suited for different small businesses with one to 50 outlets. 
We’re only recommending POS systems with hardware and software capabilities that will impact your business operations and help you maximize profit. 
And for this, key things you should look out for when choosing a POS system are: 
Complete POS systems come with hardware, software, and payment processing. These are the ones we recommend because you won’t have to buy different parts. The cost for these all-inclusive POS systems is anywhere from $30 for basic plans to $150+ per month for advanced plans. Apart from this monthly cost, most charge fees upwards of 2% (plus some cents) per transaction. 
Most POS systems have customized plans if your annual sales volume exceeds $250,000 or if you have to install them on multiple locations. To take advantage of these discounts, contact the sales department before buying, as it could save you some money in the long run. 
Ease of Use
If you buy a POS system that’s difficult to use, it defeats the purpose of having one. Having said that, the easiest to use POS systems have intuitive designs and run on technology most people already use. These include iPads or Android tablet devices. 
Regardless, before you buy a POS system, sign up for a demo and take it for a test drive. This way, you can determine firsthand if it’s easy enough for you or your employees to use.  
You’ll find all POS systems talk about their reporting capabilities. But, some are basic with limited customization and only a handful of reports. 
On the other hand, others come with tens of advanced and pre-configured reporting filters. The best POS systems offer real-time reports, and you can access them on the go through an app on your mobile device or a browser. 
Some core reporting capabilities to look out for are your sales, customers, inventory, and employees’ data. Ensure a POS system offers the reports you need to keep track of relevant business activities. 
Employee Management
On most POS systems, you can add employees and give them access to settings, essential sales information, or features. Again, it depends on what your needs are. 
Some POS systems allow you to assign role-based permissions to employees, while on others, you can customize different controls for specific employees. 
On advanced ones, you can monitor when employees clock in and out, track each employee’s sales, and manage tips. So, before you buy a POS system, decide what employee information you need to track.
Customer Management
The first question to ask is, what depth of customer information do I need? Or, what customer details do I need to deliver exceptional customer service? 
It’s best to start with those questions because POS systems offer varying levels of customer management capabilities. With some, you can capture basic info like email addresses to send email marketing campaigns. 
Others come with a suite of customer relationship management (CRM) features that allow you to create complete customer profiles, track purchase histories, collect contact information, append notes, etc. Choose a POS system that allows you to capture the depth of customer information you need. 
Inventory Management
Basic POS systems will only allow you to manage your catalog inventory. With advanced ones, you can track components, manage vendors, or purchase orders. 
It all depends on your needs, so decide if you need basic or advanced inventory management capabilities (and if the POS offers them) before you buy.
Most POS systems offer add-ons and integrations, depending on the monthly plan you’re purchasing. On some, you can get these add-ons for an extra fee. Some popular add-ons are gift cards, loyalty programs, reservation systems, or advanced reports. 
For integrations, the best POS systems allow you to connect them with relevant business applications like email marketing, accounting, or payroll software. When choosing a POS system, take some time to decide if paying a higher monthly plan that gives you access to add-ons and integrations is more cost-effective than paying extra fees. And, of course, only make this decision after you’ve considered your business needs.  
The Different Types of POS Systems
POS apps, mobile POS systems, open-source systems, multichannel systems, touchscreen POS systems, self-serve POS systems, and cloud-based POS systems are the different types of POS systems. Among these types, there are various brands to choose from. 
In this guide, you’ll find reviews of cloud-based POS systems, as they’re the most flexible for small businesses and offer a full feature set. On cloud POS systems, transactions happen in-person at your various outlets, while payment processing occurs on the cloud. 
These systems connect with Wi-Fi networks, allowing your data from even multiple sales outlets to aggregate and sync automatically to the cloud. 
Thus, with cloud-based POS systems, you can access reports, real-time sales data, and other information generated from its use on the go. 
The best cloud-based POS systems for small businesses are what follows. 
1. Square POS Review – Our Overall Best Small Business POS System
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Since our team started reviewing the best POS systems on the market, I’ve come across Square POS systems at multiple locations where I do my in-person shopping. 
And that’s for a reason. 
Among small businesses of all types, Square is fast becoming the overwhelming choice. This system’s software flexibility allows business owners to start using it to accept payments with their existing devices. 
With Square, you can turn the devices you currently use into a POS system in less than an hour. 
And you can do this without buying any hardware. But, if you need to purchase Square’s hardware, there’s still flexibility, as you have options to choose from: 
Square Terminal
Square Register
Square Reader for magstripe
Square Standup for chip & contactless
Square Reader for chip payments & contactless
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If you run a location-based business like a boutique clothing store or coffee shop, Square’s register and standup terminal are the best options. The Square Reader of magstripe gives you the option of turning your phone into a POS system to accept payments on the go. 
Square’s POS system also handles credit card processing effortlessly. Thus, you don’t need third-party integrations to accept or process payments. 
Regardless of your business type, the versatility of Square POS system makes it the popular choice for most small businesses. Besides, Square’s pricing is straightforward and transparent. 
Square’s free iPad POS is free to use, only charging you 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction. And this is your only cost, regardless of how many sales you process. For larger businesses, pricing starts at $60/month plus the transaction fee. 
There are no hidden charges whatsoever with Square. 
If your business processes over $250,000 per annum and your average order size exceeds $15, you can request a custom solution from Square. 
Other pros you get with the Square POS system are robust reporting, real-time analytics, and 24/7 customer support. You can also view, manage, update, and track your inventory with Square. 
With the Square POS system, you can create and manage your customers’ profiles more effectively from one dashboard. 
Square has a few cons. 
For non-card transactions, they charge 2.75% and some features needed by mid-sized businesses cost a little more. Finally, this system’s security protocols, which protect against fraudulent payments, place accounts on hold for large volume transactions. 
After reviewing dozens of the best POS systems, Square is our overall best today. 
Square comes highly recommended for small business owners of all types and even mid-sized and large businesses. 
2. Shopify POS Review – The Best For eCommerce Retail Integrations
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Popularly known as an ecommerce company, Shopify also offers a retail POS system with excellent ecommerce integrations. 
If you already run a Shopify store or plan to expand your retail business online, Shopify’s POS system is a great option.  
With Shopify’s POS system, you get a branded online store and can sell through online channels, including eBay, Instagram, and Amazon. Whether in-store or across these online channels, the Shopify POS system lets you manage your sales in one place. 
It’s much easier that way, as you won’t need to invest in separate solutions.
Sales, employee, and inventory management are some of the core features you get with the Shopify POS system. In short, the system updates your in-store and online inventory in real-time. Added to this, it comes with exceptional sales analytics with the option to offer discount codes. 
Need to manage your business on the go? No problem. Shopify’s POS system comes with a mobile app.
The robust in-store and online integration available with the Shopify POS system gives your customers a seamless checkout experience. And the convenience to replace or return a purchased item in your local store.
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The system comes as a free inclusion in your Shopify monthly plans, which starts at $29 $29/month for the basic plan. 
Unfortunately, this base plan doesn’t give you advanced reports and other needed features like in-store payments. You’ll need the $79/month plan to process in-store payments at 1-5 locations or the $299/month plan for up to eight locations. 
Per in-person transactions, charges are 2.7%, 2.5%, and 2.4% for the three plans, respectively. 
On all plans, you get a 14-day free trial and 24/7 live support via phone, email, or live chat. The system’s easy setup is another you’ll love about Shopify POS.
Shopify POS isn’t for you if you have dozens of in-store locations. Other cons include the system’s exclusive focus on ecommerce and retail and the extra charges you must pay if you’re not using Shopify’s payment processors.
However, if you’re already selling online with Shopify or want an easy setup for a few retail locations, Shopify POS is a no-brainer. 
We recommend Shopify POS if you want to launch a new ecommerce store or in the market for a new POS system. 
3. Vend POS Review – The Best For Multi Fashion, Sports, or Homeware Stores
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You can personalize the Ven POS system to suit your unique needs. It’s also a perfect solution if you have multiple physical stores. 
Vend is among the best iPad POS systems currently on the market. You can also use it on your PC and Mac. Vend POS system offers data entry options, using mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard. 
It integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party applications, giving you access to loads of additional features. For instance, you can connect third-party payment processors offered by PayPal, Square POS, Shopify POS, and others. 
Vend’s ecommerce integrations make it super easy to sell across your physical store, mobile, and digital channels. Its robust sales analytics, inventory, and customer profiles management capabilities are excellent. Additionally, you can process split and contactless transactions and gift cards. 
Regardless of the platform you run Vend on, you get a cross-platform consistency that looks the same. However, the Vend POS system doesn’t come with any hardware, but it makes up for this with its software simplicity and extensive integration options. 
Pricing for Vend’s POS system starts at $99/month when paid annually for the Lite plan with a monthly turnover limit of $20,000. The Pro plan is $129/month if you pay yearly. 
All plans come with one register. If you want additional registers, it costs $49 per month. Large retailers can request an Enterprise plan, which comes with a dedicated account officer. 
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Vend POS’s biggest con is its slow processing speed. Others are that you can only use Google Chrome to run this system, and it’s not suited for food trucks, bars, or restaurant businesses.
However, we recommend the Vend POS system if you have multiple retail outlets such as fashion boutiques, sports, homeware, or outdoor stores, or the likes and need a solution with extensive integration options. 
4. Toast POS Review — The Best For Restaurant and Food Businesses
The brains behind the Toast POS system built the platform with food and beverage vendors and their customers in mind. So, if you own a restaurant, bar, or food truck business, Toast POS has features tailored to your needs. 
The system’s integrated CRM software builds an inventory of your loyal customers. It also allows you to craft messages and run automatic promotions that keep customers happy so that you can score a backlog of customers returning to your food business.
Toast POS is one of the few systems with excellent Android capabilities. 
And this is more suited to restaurants due to the affordability and flexibility of the Android infrastructure, which has faster software updates than the iPad.
Whether you’re a full-service or quick-service food business, the Toast POS system works well for both. You even have options to customize the system for large food chains, pizzerias, or bars.
As a Toast user, you can access its community of like-minded business owners to get or share best practices in your industry.
Overall, Toast POS gives you a holistic restaurant management system, complete with back-office and front-end processes. It enhances staff productivity, improves customer service via its food-focused CRM features, which also comes with detailed analytics and sales reports.  
You can easily customize or split menu items and bills among your customers. Taking orders on the fly or sending alerts to customers when their orders are ready are some mouth-watering pros. This makes The Toast POS system a no-brainer for food businesses. 
Pricing for the Toast POS system starts at $69/month per terminal, with no trials. It’s hardware prices starts at $999, and there’s no financing option available. Toast POS has a flat processing fee, and there are no hidden fees.  
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A drawback of the Toast POS system is that it is currently only available for Android users. But, this isn’t a problem, considering Android devices are cheaper than iPads. 
Toast POS system is the overwhelming recommendation if you own a food or restaurant of any kind. Its features are tailor-made for such businesses. 
5. ERPLY POS Review – The Best For Small Franchises
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ERPLY POS system is the go-to platform if you own a franchise business. It runs well on Android and iPad tablets and is also accessible on other devices via a browser. 
ERPLY POS is one of the few cloud-hybrid systems that is hardware agnostic, and this makes it a favorite for small and large franchise retailers. This robust build allows you to centralize your inventory across stores and manage employees by giving them varying access to the platform. 
You get CRM tools and the ability to handle sensitive data with the ERPLY POS system. Besides this, you have other strong franchise-specific features like sales tracking, barcode scanners, and full-scale inventory management across all plans. 
Pricing for the ERPLY POS system starts at $39, but you don’t get inventory controls on this basic plan. If you want that, consider its higher-tier plans, which are upwards of $69. 
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A known con of the ERPLY POS system is that it is tricky to master. Secondly, there’s limited customer support. 
However, ERPLY’s versatile interface and free trial, which allows you to take it for a spin, are strong reasons to consider this POS system. And if you own a franchise business, it comes highly recommended due to its features explicitly designed for such retailers.  
The best POS system is subjective. Different business types have different needs, and a POS system that works for one business may not work well for your own. 
It’s best to understand your business needs first. 
We reviewed dozens of the top POS systems on the market to identify the ones most suited for the different types of small businesses. 
We’ve provided you with the best POS for retail, food, ecommerce, franchise, and fashion retail businesses. We also highlighted our recommended overall best. 
You won’t regret choosing from any of the above options. 
The post Best POS Systems appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/best-pos-systems/ via https://neilpatel.com
See the original post, Best POS Systems that is shared from https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home/best-pos-systems via https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home
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shadowthehedgehog01 · 7 years
The Ambush
This story was made by @the-universal-fates Go check her out! shes amazing! this story really encompasses how these characters are!
The sun was finally cresting over the dense forest canopy that had for so long selfishly soaked up its rays as the dawn crept forward. All the small creatures on the ground of the forest stirred up, finally being awoken by the heat coming through the tops of the trees, but there were those who had woken up hours before this beautiful crest and they ran through the floor of the forest as if running for their lives. Fallen leaves floated up seconds after their feet touched the ground, their speed too much for even the sharpest of eyes, but their steps were silent. As if never truly touching the ground, nothing could be heard of the crinkling leaves or precarious dead tree limbs. The beings seemed to be apparitions, but their silence was halted by a deep voice, commanding the other of the pair to shoot. From there would come the whizzing of an arrow into the trunk of a large oak that had upon it paint that formed a red and white bullseye. It landed inches from the center which made the one firing the arrow groan in discontent at their shot. From the shadows that were still cast from the trees came a man, no older than 25, with a crossbow in one hand and a quiver of arrows. The crossbow was meticulously made to the form of the man so that it hugged him and provided the best shot. The wood was a sturdy oak base with a hand twirled wire of wool and other fibers to shoot the arrow itself. Nothing on the weapon seemed unprofessional as if made by a master and by a master it was.
The man pulled out the shot and placed it right back into his quiver, thinking and going over his angle to try and piece together what happened to throw off his shot. Not wanting to frustrate himself any further, he placed his weapon and shots down before putting on a hair band to keep his silver hair out of his face. He was exhausted from the sprint the two of them had just accomplished and was more interested in breakfast that was, no doubt, finished by now. The crossbow was slung over his right shoulder and the quiver over his left. This bow was not his just yet, still being a prototype his master was developing for when he finally earned his weapon, but he loved it all the same. “Enough daydreaming, let’s get back home, alright?” that same deep, commanding voice spoke up from behind the man to reveal another male that looked nothing like the one wielding the weapon. His age showed in lines around his eyes and scars that littered both his arms and chest which was revealed with a deep cut tunic. His skin was a sickly pale which matched the ghostly white hair that flowed down to his waist. The one bit of color that stood out was his eyes which held an unnatural crimson color. Everything that radiated off of this man spoke of some unnatural force, but the other was not dissuaded from the aura surrounding him, “The biscuits and sausages should be done cooking by now if my watch is still running correctly.” He stated and walked over while pulling out a golden pocket watch. With a chuckle, the one wielding the bow looked to the watch, “I have no idea how you are able to read that thing, Sorin. School never taught me how to read those things, I just look at my phone and get it instantly,” his voices was bubbly and more lighthearted than the one called Sorin. Sorin gave a light laugh to that and ruffled the man’s hair, “Oh Jace, I suppose there are still some things I have yet to teach you that you are in desperate need of learning.” His mannerisms were that of a world long forgotten, but he held the same jovial tone that Jace did as they teased each other. The two of them walked back to their home that lay in the center of the woods with stomachs ready to be filled with the promised meal. Sorin was not hungry for the same as Jace though. He was hungry for a meal he had in the fridge that would quench his hunger for blood. Sorin was a millennia old vampire who had been gifted with incredible power that was sought after by his own kind. This want for his power had driven him to find a home within the depths of woods that could hide him from the outside world. That hadn’t stopped him from becoming alone and a recluse as on his many travels across the world, he came across Jace. Unlike him, Jace was a normal human who, despite his hair, was normal in every way on the surface level. Underneath his unsuspecting look lay a plethora of psychic powers that Sorin had been able to see firsthand when the two first met. He had become interested in the boy and when he found that his mother couldn’t care for him and his new powers, Sorin had offered to take the boy under his wing to not only train him, but help his mother. As well as taking Jace under his wing, he helped his mother out financially and the two of them had been together ever since. It had been 6 years ago today that he had finally brought Jace over and Sorin was training him as much as the boy could handle. He had grown leagues since then, almost making Sorin feel envy towards how the child could master skills faster than he when he was that young. Jaces’ psychic powers were never, and still being, the easiest to manage and train, but the boy could fight hand to hand, shoot a crossbow and use a sword, so not all was lost with his investment in the boy. His thoughts halted on the progress of Jace to see the home he had built himself from the ground up. A joy always came over him when he witnessed the Victorian-esque mansion that boasted nearly 15 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms, a training hall, full kitchen, large dining room, library to hold nearly 10,000 books and two living rooms. He had gone overboard when making the home, but at the time of him making it, it was his dream and he would do anything to make it a reality. As Sorin looked over to Jace, he could see the same amazement over the sight as when he was first brought over. The memories of the boy brought him joy and seeing the wonder that stuck throughout trials and tribulations made him feel a sort of pride. “Gawking is a punishable offense in some countries. I advise you to avert your gaze away from my property before I punish you,” Sorin teased as he got to the front door and opened it for the both of them. The smell of biscuits and sausages would fill their lungs instantly, making Jaces’ stomach growl louder than it already had. He would laugh a bit before placing the weapons near the door and taking off his shoes as were the rituals Sorin had in place. Sorin took off his shoes as well, but he didn’t have any weapons on him today so he didn’t shed anything else from his person, “Today went well, don’t you think? You kept up with my pace very nicely compared to yesterday and your shot almost hit bullseye, much better than yesterday. Tomorrow we will be doing some sword strikes, so prepare for that accordingly, please,” Sorin told Jace as they both walked to the kitchen. Jace seemed uninterested in the training schedule since it had never really changed since his arrival, but Sorin continually reminded him as if he couldn’t remember basic details. That and he dislikes the sword training as it involved a lot of stationary movements and he was more of a free spirit with how he fought. It may have been his unnatural powers, or just the way he was raised, but Jace hated being grounded and tried to avoid such as much as possible. The crossbow was his favorite weapon so far and he would rather something light and mobile than Sorins’ preferred longsword. The two of them were on opposite sides when it came to training and what should be focused on, but the only thing they could get along over was food. Sorin was just as much of a glutton that Jace was which made for some great discussions and wonderful times exploring together even when one party doesn’t want to be there. Even with their personal differences and their biological differences, the two of them could be considered friends with how well they knew each other. As the two moved silently of each other, Jace would bring out the tray of food not with his hands, but mentally as he enveloped the tray in a blue aura. His psychic powers were specialized in telekinesis and he would use it as much as possible for household chores both back homme and here with Sorin which Sorin disliked, but never made a big fuss over. He saw it as lazy, but it was helping Jace, so he didn’t much care. The man took a bit of the food in one of his hands before eating them happily, “Oh this batch is really good today! I didn’t think these would be as good as the other brand that we buy, but they’re really good,” Jace put the tray down and pull out the sausages in the microwave that had been cooked earlier and had been put on a plate. Sorin took a few of the sausages, not wanting to be rude, before going to the fridge and pulling out his bag of blood. This one was an O positive so it would be a nice treat for him today since that blood was the sweetest to him. The two got their food ready and went to the table to eat in peace before going back to training which would last for another 4 hours before they would stop again. This had been lengthened significantly since Jaces’ first training sessions all those years ago. Sorin watched Jace eat for a bit before he spoke up, “How about we go to the river after the second session? I know you’ve wanted to go there for a while, but we’ve been busy for a while so I suppose we could have a fun day there.” This made Jace light up in joy. It was one of the few times he would show those childish eyes to Sorin and that made it worth going to the river which Sorin didn’t quite care for at all. Sorin thought of what the session would consist of after the breakfast and what areas he would want to help fix at the moment. His crossbow skills are getting better but they really need work. His psychic powers need even more help though so I should focus on that before anything else. It’ll wear him out so that may be good for the river excursion we’ll have today, Sorin thought this to himself as he took a big sip of the blood, even having it drip down his mouth a bit with how much he drank. Jace chuckled at that, “Messy, messy,” he pointed out the blood, handing Sorin a napkin which he took and cleaned himself with. Jace chuckled and continued to eat his breakfast, happy to have a normal meal with him. These moments just reminded him of his old home and his mother and their meals they would have once in a while. Him and his mother never had too much time together, but those moments they did have was the best of his life. He missed his mother on these perfect mornings and days him and Sorin had, but she was never more than a phone call away, so as always, he would call her before starting their training. They then ate their meals in silence for a good 10 more minutes before Jace went to stand to begin to clean the dishes, but was stopped by Sorin. This was uncharacteristic for the vampire, so Jace stopped in his place to see what was going on. Sorin grumbled to himself about something Jace couldn’t hear quite well. The silver haired man stood up and went towards the front door, picking up his weapon from a hidden crawl space he had built for easy attacking. It was not only his trusted sword but as well his personal crossbow with shots at the ready. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t good, but Jace was silently ordered to stay behind, which angered him a small bit, but not enough to protest. If Sorin was getting out his weapon for a fight, it was going to be big and he had no business slowing his mentor down. “I’ll be back in a minute. Do not go out no matter what. I smell some unwanted guests and they won’t be as merciful to humans as I have been to you.” Jace would then know instantly what was out there; vampires. Sorin had a bad history with others of his kind and was being hunted by them as far as Jace knew. The two never had to deal with them before which had been good for them both to get some training done, but Sorin new the time would come where they would come back and had taught Jace what to do in case of an event like this. Sorin walked out those doors and left Jace to hide in his room and lock the doors tight until he heard the safe word being called from downstairs. His heart was racing, the unknown enemies getting to him without him even seeing their faces or knowing their power. Sorin had put the fear into him well enough that he wouldn’t be dumb enough to go and look for the vampires and get himself killed. The images of those beasts that Sorin described raced through his mind which only worsened what his mind was conjuring up at the moment. As he sat at his desk and looked outside from his large window, he could hear the cries of those Sorin were killing from below. The screeches bore into his head like nails going down a chalkboard, bringing about a nasty headache that made him hold his head in pain. It surprised him how Sorin could deal with the screams of those feral beasts down below, but he remembered that Sorin had been fighting against them for nearly thousands of years. Sorin had trained to kill his own kind so this was nothing to him, but it did make him feel sort of saddened at the fact he had to kill those who could be his kin. He took a deep breath and looked around to his room, heading towards his king sized bed which lay next to the other window which was circular instead of rectangular like the other. He hoped there that he wouldn’t have to hear those screams anymore. Jace lay down and looked up to the old world styled roof and architecture he was confined to at this moment. It was almost claustrophobic in the room, but it was welcome and comforting in this stressful moment. He could barely remember his modern home with how long he had been here, but it had been perfect for Jace so far so he didn’t get an urge to go back to that place. As his pure green eyes begun to close and he begun to drift into a nice slumber, the feeling of cold swept over his lips and before his eyes could be opened, that same feeling came over his eyelids, shutting them. He begun to panic and tried to flail around, but found his chest and legs to be pinned to the bed while, what he could tell now to be two hands, kept their grip over his mouth and eyes. He knew what this was and knew that somehow, these beasts had gotten past Sorin to get into the house. They had targeted him. He was trapped beneath this being and shuddered as he could feel their breath brush past his ear, whispering, “Stay calm little one, it’ll be over in a second. I just want to try some of that sweet blood Sorin has been keeping from us all this time.” His mind begun to race with what this vampire was going to do to him. Jace knew from Sorin that if a vampire sucked the blood from their victim though a bite, there was a chance for them to become a vampire as well, or even worse, a belonging which meant that Jace would become a human slave! He mustered up as much strength as he could find and pushed the vampire off with not only his muscles, but as well, his powers. He took a deep breath, cowering to the corner of his bed as he screamed for Sorin. He could’ve fought back, gotten the dagger he hid under his pillow, but the shock of the surprise attack left Jace almost immobile. He needed his vampire protector to save him from the beast before him. To his relief, Sorin wasn’t too far away. To his displeasure, Sorin had crashed right through the window beside him, making Jace curse. The vampire was easily taken care of by the much stronger Sorin so now Jace had to only worry about the glass covering his bed. “Really, douchebag? Right next to me?!” Jace snapped. “Pfft, it was either there or your desk.” Sorin huffed. “I would’ve rather that! This is my bed, where I sleep!” “I don’t very much care for your attitude young man, you’re grounded.” “Grounded?!” Before Sorin could respond, he moved out of the way from a flaming arrow that whirred into the room. It had been aimed for his chest which made Sorin chuckle at the brashness of the archer, “Oh that’s precious. Now, you stay here and arm yourself damnit. I’ll be done with this soon enough and we’ll get along with your punishment,” Sorin gave a wink and jumped out of the window. As he did, Jace couldn’t help but notice something was shining from below in the bushes. It certainly wasn’t from where the arrow came from, so it made him wonder. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on though, “Sorin wait!” Jace called fruitlessly as Sorin had just jumped from the second story window to an ambush. From where Jace saw the flash, a shotgun blast ripped through Sorins clothes, getting a few fragments lodged into his chest, but not enough to actually hurt him. That’s when the second shotgun blast came from the bottom floor, hitting Sorin much closer than the first back and causing more carnage than before. The vampire landed on his knees, in pain from the shots, but not out for the count. He looked to the ground before standing up and moving to the left, setting off another shot gun blast to his side. This had all been a trap, he should have known! The vampires would’ve never sent forth the few beasts he killed, but Sorin had become cocky and fell right into a trap they had to have been setting up as soon as Sorin left the house, maybe even earlier with the intricacy it showed. He now had multiple shells in his body and he had to stay focused to not get another round, but as he moved his foot centimeters forward, the archer sent forth another arrow, this one hitting him square in the shoulder area. Specifically, a tendon which helped moving his left arm was hit, tearing it and rendering the arm immobile. A roar of pain left his lips as he not only had shotgun shells in his body, but as well a razor sharp arrow in his arm. The trees shook with his cry and the vampires only got rowdier with his agony. Sorin knew this would be it, not only was he stuck and pumped with lead, but he was as well disabled. Sorin collapsed to his knees and tried to stop the bleeding as much as possible. He was bleeding profusely and now he couldn’t see straight. He was swaying slowly and his vision blurring; Sorin was a sitting duck, waiting for that killing blow or the inevitable kidnapping from his father. The vampires moved forward, smelling his blood which was flowing freely through his open wounds. They were ready to strike him for the killing blow, but stopped as they heard a call from above. “Sorin!!” Sorin groggily looked up to see Jace coming from the second story window with a piece of wood at his feet. The boy was enveloped in his blue aura as he came to Sorins’ side to protect him. The now weakened vampire couldn’t argue before he fell onto his side, passing out from the blood loss and pain. Jace knew he was outmatched and had to do something to save Sorins’ life. Quickly, he reached to Sorins side, pulling out the crossbow he knew Sorin had on him and begun firing at the vampires. The first few shots didn’t hit which brought forth more arrows at him which he deflected with a barrier he had up. He was shaking from fear as he was shot up. He didn’t have his confidence, nor his teacher to guide him through this situation, but as he looked to the pool of blood spreading out on the ground, Jace took a deep breath and steadied his weapon. He raised his crossbow and took a shot, hitting a vampire who screamed in pain. His focus went to another glint in the forest, hitting a second vampire in the forehead. As if he was an expert marksman, Jace begun to shoot at the hidden vampires that had not come forward. This set off the vampires and they began to scatter, fearing for their safety. They didn’t go far though as a force brought them back to the slaughter which Jace obliged with killing them one by one with his crossbow. More and more of the vampires fell to the ground and Jace continued to shoot until he ran out of arrows. Once that happened, the vampires took this to their advantage and lunged right at him. There was a hoard of 15 vampires coming at the man, but he didn’t back down from his place and instead cocked back the string without a shot loaded. From the place of the shot came a pointed stick from the ground in an aura of blue which he shot easily. Jace got one through its eye and the stick didn’t stop. His psychic power kept the momentum going and it went through the rest of the vampires as if they were just butter. Their corpses fell to the ground, limp and dead from being pierced in the head, but Jace wasn’t done with his stick. He shot it into the forest where he assumed the force was that brought the lesser vampires to him. The stick stopped and after hearing a menacing laugh, a dark aura lifted from the area and Jace knew that they were safe from whomever the being was. Blood still rained from the dead vampire corpses, getting all over Sorin and Jace which made him groan in disgust. Jace shook this thought away as he focused on the dying vampire beside him. The crossbow fell from his hands and he went to Sorins side, making tourniquets to slow the bleeding. “Oh man Sorin, if you were awake right now, you’d definitely take back that grounding you gave me. I killed all those guys like they were nothing,” Jace tried to lighten the mood as he brought Sorin into his room and got him onto his bed. He went to the kitchen and brought back some blood packs and was shocked to see Sorin up and trying to get out of bed. “No, no, no! You’re wounded and I’ve brought you some food to help you out, okay? Stay in bed and let me take care of you, you old man,” he laughed and pushed a weak Sorin back onto the bed. With a groan, he followed the orders of Jace and he took the bags to drink. His hands were shaking, but Sorin was able to drink from the bags on his own. Jace sat beside the bed and went to speak, but was cut off by Sorin in-between his drinking. “I saw what you did back there, Jace. I can’t believe you’ve come this far and did so well without my help. I was scared you wouldn’t be able to stand up to him and I was worried that I failed you,” Sorin explained, “That was my father back there… He’s been after me for so long and today, he could’ve gotten me this time if not for you protecting me. I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I’m thankful. Thank you, Jace. Even though I never act like it, I’ve always been proud of you, and now, I’m even more proud than I’ve ever been.” The old stone face of Sorin broke out into a smile as he looked to Jace. Jace couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Sorin had never said he was proud of him, or even smiled in such a soft way towards Jace. He thought that Sorin was poisoned or he was finally losing his mind after all these years! He was going to speak again, but as before, the vampire interrupted with his own words, “I took you from your life and now that you’ve seen my life and what my father will do to me, I don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing you to stay with me. I knew this would be dangerous to you, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be this bad, that I would be so careless with your safety. Now, I guess, I’m saying that I’m sorry for putting you into this situation, Jace. Could you ever forgive me for what I’ve done?” Sorin looked to Jace with his soft, crimson eyes. Jace really hadn’t expected all of this from Sorin! Not only was he thanking him, but he was as well saying he was sorry and showed some sort of remorse for his mistake. Jace almost didn’t know what to do, but he took a deep breath and gave a big smile, “You’re welcome and no, I’m not going to leave you Sorin. Yes, this was all very unexpected and yes, I really didn’t appreciate you just running out into the heat of battle without looking for some type traps, but, and it’s a big but, I can’t just leave you. Sorin, you’ve given me so much and I am so grateful for everything you’ve done for me in the time I’ve been here. I’m mastering my powers and I totally dominated with the crossbow! More than anything, this is my home now and I don’t think I could ever go back to my boring old life where no one understood me and I was at the tail end of every bullies attacks. You’re like a big brother to me and especially now, in your time of need, I would never leave you and go back,” Jace smiled and put a hand on Sorins’ shoulder, having the others’ much bigger hand come over it. The two looked to each other with understanding gazes before Sorin went back to healing himself up with the bag of blood. Jace would go back outside to get the crossbow and collect all the arrows that were salvageable from his initial firing of the weapon. The ones in the vampires were a lost cause so he gathered what he could. In his clean up, he went back to his room and begun to clean it up as well and put a board over the hole in his window. There wasn’t much to pick up from there but some broken wood and glass so he was quick in all of his cleaning. Jace just continued to think of what happened and what Sorin had said to him only moments ago. Contrary to what he thought when he first arrived and what everyone else thought of vampires, Sorin was a great guy and cared deeply about him and that made his heart beat a bit faster. Here, he had found his place in the world and had found a home within the most unconventional places and it was everything he could have ever dreamt of when he was a little boy. That blue aura followed him around as he moved items around in the house and worked while Sorin was in his room, healing up and getting some much needed rest from his harrowing ordeal. The vampire wouldn’t have it any other way as well. His choices all those years ago had given him something he couldn’t ever regret, a boy who grew leagues more than he could have ever dreamt of in his wildest dreams, a boy who had taken on 15 vampires and won without a scratch. Sorin closed his eyes as he finished his last blood bag and begun to fall into a deep sleep to allow his body to naturally heal. The two of them had been brought together by a strange magic and now they were inseparable. A last chuckle came from his lips as he thought to himself, It’s like the start to some shitty young adults novel about some stupid vampire and his human friend. I’ll have to look it up tomorrow, before falling asleep finally.  
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