#again he's mainly there to tag along with other characters
Based on these first few episodes, it does seems like Min is going to take the place of Thom and Juilin in Mat's story from The Dragon Reborn. Looking back on her role in The Great Hunt, this is probably a much better use of her then basically being the Ringo of the Wonder Girls.
I suspect the show will go even further and have Min replace Juilin altogether during Elayne and Nynaeve's misadventures in The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven. If the intention is to go full polycule later on then it makes sense to have Elayne and Min spend more time together than they do in the books. It would also work as a good parallel to have them growing closer on one side of the world and Rand and Aviendha on the other before mixing things up by then reuniting Rand with Min and Elayne with Aviendha.
And it's not like it's really essential she be sent back to the White Tower for the coup. Her sole contribution to that plotline is to help Siuan and Leane escape and you could easily just give that role to someone else like Laras. That whole storyline can work without Min so better to put her somewhere that will have more impact for her character later on.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
But... We Lost...
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SUMMARY: After many games, you went to see another NRC basketball game. And this was very important. The finals! Against RSA! You, along with the other students, are there, cheering them on. But... the villains always lose in the end... They were all so angry and you went to comfort your crush.
CHARACTERS: Basketball Club 🏀 (Ace, Floyd & Jamil)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader, Kiss, Comfort
WORD COUNT: An average of 560 words per character.
COMMENTS: If you're interested, I've also written a version where the reader is already in a relationship with one of them and appears in the game dressed in cheerleading attire. It was a request.
👉 Cheering for Him
I hope you enjoy 😉
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CONTEXT: After many games, you went to see another NRC basketball game. And this was very important. The finals! Against Royal Sword Academy! You, along with the other students, are there, cheering them on. The game was extremely close. Everyone could feel the tension and anxiety in the air. And in the final moment, with our hearts in our hands, and like in any D. movie... the villains lose.
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You saw Ace suffering during the game. He wanted to win so badly. After all, it was the final and you were watching. And worse, rooting for him.
As soon as they lost, he turned his back on the audience where you were. And you saw him put his hands on his head and wave his arms in frustration. You see him walk angrily towards the players' entrance/exit. Then you see Jamil stopping him and talking to him. Then the two return to the field. Each shaken in their own way. They already lost, the school couldn't afford a reputation of being bad-losers too.
After the players have retired to the changing rooms, you went outside. You go to a place where you knew the players would pass by.
It was already dark, but you still managed to see him leave alone, without his basketball clothes on and his sports bag hanging over his shoulder. He seems to have seen you from afar too, but then he looked away as if he hadn't seen you and started walking another path, as if he were avoiding you.
You run to him and reach him in a place where the two of you are completely alone. You call his name, he stops
"What?" he says as he turns sharply back to you. “We lost. I know. I don't need your pity, kay?”
You say you don't feel sorry for him. That you're also upset that they lost. That your school lost. But just as you don't feel sorry for them, you don't blame them either. You saw how he and the others were doing their best. How important this game was. And that's why, as his friend, you just want to support him. Maybe even share your frustrations.
“Thanks. But I'm fine. I just want to go to my dorm. Kay?” He tells you. You say that you understand and that if he wanted you could talk tomorrow, or not. just hang out maybe?
He turns and starts walking again, walking away from you. Until he slows down and stops again. He turns around and sees that you didn't go anywhere, that you just stood there. He sighs and walks back to you.
He doesn't say anything, just drops the bag on the floor as he walks over and hugs you. “I'm sorry.” he says in a slightly pouty voice. “I didn't want you to see me lose.” You tell him that it doesn't matter, that you've seen him win so many times. And, mainly, that you've already seen him score and point at you as if he dedicated that to you. And as you showed how happy you were whenever he did that, you heard him mumble something like he was flattered by that.
“Dummy” You hear him murmur. You reply with "You too" and say NRC is going to kick RSA’s butts next time, both with hope and with a little desire for revenge in your voice.
And while you show this slight resentment towards RSA, he pulls away a little and kisses you. Like a thank you for being by my side kiss.
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To make matters worse, Floyd had been kicked out of the game earlier. He was getting so frustrated that they were losing the game that he ended up committing several fouls. And as soon as he saw that NRC had lost, he simply left the field.
Jamil sees him leaving and no one having the courage to stop him. Then he seems to look for someone in the audience and you realize he was looking for you when he spots you and starts running towards you. He perches on the bars and asks you to come closer to him.
He asks you to see if you can calm Floyd down, because they still need to do that thing of saying goodbye to the opponents saying it was a good game. They already lost, the school couldn't afford a reputation of being bad-losers too. And he tells you to look for him on the terrace.
You hurriedly leave and go to the terrace. You find Floyd lying on the floor with his hands behind his head, looking up at the dark sky. You walk calmly until your feet are behind his head. He doesn't move. As if you didn't bother him in the slightest.
“Floyd?” you say cautiously “hum... they still need you to finish the game. You know, the... hum... Good Game thing.”
“I don't want to.” he replied in a monotone.
“I know.” You sigh and kneel down next to him. “Is there anything I can do? You just need to say goodbye to the other players and then you can leave.”
“You can stop annoying me.” he gives you one of those serious, scary looks of his before turning around with his back to you.
You remain silent for a moment, thinking carefully about what to say and what words to use. “How about a deal? I'll leave you alone if you go back and close the game.”
“That's not what I want.” He says, still facing away from you.
“Then, what do you want?”
He lifts his torso and sits down “I wanted to win!” he turns back to you, with his scary face, taller than you. “I wish I had stayed until the end of the game. And I wanted you to see me finish RSA off. If I go back down there, I'm going to squeeze them one by one. Is that what you want?”
You explode saying you just want him to get it over with. You just want him to end that game, vent his frustrations as he sees fit later, and preferably with people other than RSA students. And that you just want to be able to know how to help him. Sometimes it's frustrating just wanting to help him, but having to walk on eggshells to avoid the risk of unintentionally irritating him.
He sees you getting all upset with him in silence and kind of surprised. And that makes him... laugh? And... hug you? “I like seeing you this upset. It's kinda cute.” and then he whispers in your ear: “and hot~” He breaks the hug, and you're all flattered, which makes him laugh again.
“HA HA HA! Well, you did it. I'm back in the good mood. I will end this game. But I want to see you later, do you hear?” He kisses you. And before getting up he says, with your faces very close to each other, and a big smirk on his face: "You better be waiting for me when I get out, Koebi-chan~”
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Jamil is not the type to show his feelings a lot. Especially in these situations, he will hide them perfectly. Then you see him acting like everything is fine. You see him calming down some of his teammates like Ace and Floyd and ending the game with good terms with RSA.
Or at least that's what it appears. Keeping his feelings to himself the way he does, especially these kinds of feelings, is not good for him. That's why you are a little worried.
You wait for him at the exit. It's already night, but you see him leaving alone. He has his hood on, but you'd recognize him no matter what. You run to him and call him. He looks up at you, almost surprised.
“Hi, (Y/N).” he had that light, polite smile he wears regularly. “I hope I didn't disappoint you too much with our defeat. I'm sorry.”
You say you're not disappointed. Of course you're upset that they lost, but not because of them. It happens. But, knowing Jamil, he's probably more upset than you. So you ask him to go with you to a more secluded place. You say you know he's upset and he's just hiding it like he always does. And remembering that Kalim will most likely talk to him about the game when he returns to Scarabia, perhaps it would be better to release his frustrations now.
He remains silent for a moment, as if trying to find a way to say that everything was okay. But you're right. And he trusts you. So, little by little, he explodes.
He starts by saying that of course he is upset, they lost, and worse, against RSA. Then he starts to compare the training they had, how tough they were, compared to what he knew the RSA training was like, as if they were training for a children's game and still won. But the worst of all was when he had to say goodbye to them and the RSA team captain said that "he was glad everyone had fun. After all, the important thing is not winning, but team spirit and bla bla bla..." Do you have any idea how difficult it was to calm down the other NRC players? Make sure Floyd didn't break anyone's bones? Jamil almost punched the wall while venting.
You didn't interfere while he vented, you just listened to him. When he finishes and begins to calm down by taking deep breaths, you speak again. You say that you are also upset, that you really wanted them to win because you saw them playing and they deserved to win. You are frustrated along with them. And then you ask if Jamil feels a little better.
He takes a deep breath "Yes. I'm sorry you saw this, but you were the one who asked." His back was to you. And you say you don't regret it. You never regret it when he's real with you, even if it's showing how frustrated he is.
He turns to you. “Well, in that case, you don't deserve to only see my true side when I'm angry.” There was a smirk on his lips, but his eyes were more tender. He gets closer to you and gently holds you by the waist. He kisses your cheek. “Thank you, I needed that.” And if you allow it, he will kiss your lips afterwards.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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hiddenonyx · 2 months
Obey Me! Beach Day Headcanons
a/n: oops I fell off the face of the earth. I'm slowly working on stuff, trying to clean what shit I had started, before I work on other stuff, but here's a little something that I threw together. *this is mostly unedited so apologizes
Prompt: what each cast member does during a day trip to Diavolo's beach.
Lucifer - reclines on a sun-lounger in the shade with a tropical (alcoholic) drink and either reads, or sleeps. He was told to relax so he is - and he's not responsible for anything his brothers do, nor will he fix any problems that they inevitably cause.
Mammon - goes swimming and does a little bit of diving. Often gets roped into doing something on the beach - such as building sand castles, burying people, or some sport - or helping Asmo take photos.
Levi - either buries himself in the sand or goes swimming. If he decides to be buried, he's going to take a long nap - making up for all his lost sleep from late gaming nights and early mornings for conventions. If he's swimming, he's probably trying to spook people (mainly Mammon) by pulling at their legs.
Satan - likes to look for tide pools and see if he can't name everything in them, or he walks the shore line during low tide to see what turns up. He also tends to be the one asked to identify any weird creature anyone else finds. If he's not poking around tide pools, he's reading in the shade with a nice, easy drink.
Asmo - takes pictures. He takes pictures of everything - himself, his brothers outfits, food, drinks, the environment, you name it, he's probably already taken a photo of it. When he's forced to put the camera down, Asmo enjoys building sand castles or sitting on the shore line and letting the waves gently wash up against him.
Beel - does a bit of everything, almost. Tags along for swimming, and him and Belphie often accompany Satan on his walks to the tide pools. Beel also enjoys helping Asmo build sand castles and doesn't mind simply relaxing in the shade either. He's the one who offers to take care of Luke so Simeon can finally go drink relax.
Belphie - just sleep. Picks a nice shady hammock not far from where everyone is and just passes out. Though he is willing to be woken up for a poke around tide pools and the shoreline at low tide.
Diavolo - is very much like Beel, and does a bit of everything, though he does prefer activities involving water. Probably accidentally start a water fight, and then while he's dripping wet, go hug Lucifer who protests immensely because he didn't want to get wet at all.
Barbatos - stays exclusively in the shade. While he might be an aquatic demon, Barbatos is more used to the icy black depths of almost arctic water than warm tropical water. Man is sweating and counting down the minutes till they go home (there's still 5 hours to go). Despite being in the shade and wearing (and reapplying) the most sunscreen ends up being incredibly tan or sunburnt afterwards.
Simeon - supervises Luke for the most part. Helps him build sand castles, and holds his hand when the big waves come to the shore while they're walking. Picks up a few shells for Luke too , and when someone else (Beel) offers to take care of Luke so Simeon can relax a bit, he drinks almost as much liquor as Lucifer does.
Luke - is so excited that he doesn't even care if he's showing it. Tries everything minus actually swimming in the ocean (everyone agreed that that activity was probably a little too much and too dangerous for Luke). Even lets himself be buried in the sand. Ends up a little tan and maybe with a light sun burn, but can't wait to go again.
Solomon -ends up also in the shade, probably next to Barbatos so that they can be grumpy together. Didn't even bring anything to do because he knows he's going to sweat too much to really tinker on anything. Futility applies sunscreen knowing damn well he's going to walk away sunburnt regardless.
The Master List
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vamph00n · 6 months
idea, but idk if you take ideas
reader gets turned on by hoon’s vampire like features, and convinces him to rp as one while they’re fucking
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tags: femreader, vampire kink, mentions of the twilight movies, hoon is jealous obv.
*not proofread will do later
wc: 1,2k
smut tags under the cut
i added my own lil spin on it annonie~ mainly cause i’ve been rewatching twilight rndjsoskdndknsla
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smut tags: biting kink, implications of sex, dirty talk, chest groping, etc
he doesn’t know how many times you watched those stupid twilight movies. all he knew is that you fawned over some guy in those films with the most victorian name ever. he wasn’t your type and sunghoon was sure of it, why would he be your type when he; your boyfriend, was right there? nah, he didn’t like that you thought of any other men than him. even if he was fictional.
you had all the books too, along with whatever smutty literature he saw on that well dusted shelf in your house. you lived in those dirty fantasies when he was right there. the way you’d kick your feet and giggle while watching those movies. it really pissed him off, it was all imaginary, pretend. it was stupid for him to be so jealous, but god there was one thing he hated the most about your little hyper fixation…
well, the thing is sunghoon doesn’t want to come off as a pissy bitch. he’ll happily go along with whatever endeavors you put him through. it’s just when you make him watch the same few movies with you again, he felt his ego shrink every passing second spent staring at robert pattinson play a vampire. especially when your comments consisted of comparisons between him and edward whats-his-face’s character.
“look at him hoon, he’s like all sparkly in the sun, n’ he has like this mad gaze.” Your eyes pan over to your boyfriend, watching him stare at the tv blankly, in a boredom induced daze.
he’s tuning out what you’re saying, because well, it makes him feel somewhat inadequate. it’s so rare for him to feel this way. he’s so self assured, maybe even a little egotistical sometimes. how can he not be? you yourself loaded up his little brain with compliments and ideas. saying how he’s the man of your fucking dreams, or the way your body contorted in different ways, becoming helpless when he did so little as touching you. hell yeah, you made him feel so damn special.
with his brows furrowed at the screen, he sees your odd stare from the corner of his eye. why do anything to reassure you of what you were thinking in that moment? he knows you, he can practically read your mind. before diverting your attention back to the screen a scoff leaves your mouth. call him petty or whatever you want, he just wants to get through watching this god forsaken movie for the millionth time without his brain frying.
sunghoon is so ridged. his arms are crossed, and he’s like, all stiff. whatever, you can deal with it. although it’s frustrating that he’s so oblivious.
you find yourself scooting closer, leaning and commenting on the movie. with each sentence you say, you can feel his dreary attitude loom over. it’s given, you’ve forced him to death watch your silly little movies to the point where he himself can recite each word.
“he’s like, —i don’t know. like can you imagine? getting puncture wounds, and hickeys at the same—“
that’s where sunghoon draws the line.
“can you shut up?”
dang. he was livid. you have right to your own thoughts but to think like that? when he’s right there? when he can well rip off your panties and fuck you the way this guy can’t because it’s all speculative? all you had to do was let him, just ask and he’ll deliver. you know it.
but then again, you boyfriend is as dense as concrete and dumb as bricks sometimes. guess you’d have to give him a nudge, a hint too probably.
“i mean, can you imagine what’s it like to be a vampire?”
you’ve practically told him what you wanted, and he still has that red cloudy look of jealousy with somewhat of a frown on his face and his overgrown bangs shading his eyes. if he wasn’t upset, you’d tell him how cute he looks right now. how dumb he is, is also what you’d tell him. then again you weren’t exactly being straightforward.
with your question slipping in one ear and out the other, he just tunes you out. yeah it’s pathetic he feels so strongly about something so meaningless, could he help it though? he was insane about you.
your eyes darken as you grab the remote, and thank goodness you turned it off. sunghoon finds you sliding on of your legs over his thighs as you take a seat. you gaze into his eyes, he looks annoyed. he’s suppressing the urge to just fuck the stupid crush you had on that twilight vampire out of you. it makes you laugh at how blind he is. nevermind, you probably had to spell it out for him.
“you can do that. you can bite me here, and here-“
you drag your two fingers indicating where he could, and his breath hitches. it’s like all his senses are tingly, and piercing. his ears are ringing, with the rush of adrenaline and the newfound excitement he had. just hearing you describe what you wanted him to do.
you saw his jaw hang slack, as you merely told him what you wanted. tracing your fingers down your abdomen and to your thighs, you tap on the fleshy inner part.
“you can bite here too.”
his hands grab your hips, he gets it now. he slides a hand up your shirt holding your chest. your mind drives him crazy. his touch sends shivers down your spine.
“here too?” he asks asks, so politely.
it makes you heat up, and become more wet than your imagination allowed. when you thought of him like the cold blooded undead he resembled so much, it made you infatuated with the idea of it. the idea of him. how could he not see it? when you drew comparisons that surely pointed towards his own features that you loved so much.
his pretty skin glows in the dim light of your living room unlike of that portrayed in the movie. he’s real, and right here.
“didn’t you ever think, perhaps..” you say it so sweetly as you feel his hand roam around your body.
before you can finish your sentence, your breath is cut short. your back is now against the cushions of the couch, and his arms trap you beneath him. sunghoon wonders how he got so lucky, to have someone like you to show him all the ways he can make you wet. your so sick and twisted, not for your little fantasy you wanted him to indulge in, but the fact you didn’t just tell him straight up. he ought to punish you.
he’ll let it slide though. partially because he feels his cock twitch restrained by his pants, and because he’s so willing to do what you ask of him. he knows this is the just the beginning, and honestly he’ll have fun woh it. so with his lips ghosting your neck, and his hot breath up against your ear he asks you a question.
“tell me what else you want me to do as your vampire. sweetheart”
copyright @vamph00n 2024
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chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
I see you have requested hc requests for a pair of outsiders characters. Dally and Darry please?
Thanks so much for the request :D Dally and Darry it is!
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Warnings: Spoilers, Angst towards the end
When Dally first showed up in Tulsa as a scraggly little 13 ¾ year old, Mr. Curtis told Mrs. Curtis and Darry to look out for him. So Darry tried his best to take him under his wing. Dally actually warmed up to him though it took a while. He saw him as an older brother of his own. But he never admitted that out loud since that almost always ended badly for the “older brother” of the situation.
They drifted from each other for some time though because Darry thought Dallas was becoming a bad influence on his brothers. Mainly the time when Dally fell back into the hood he was in New York. So Darry would try his best to keep Pony and Soda away from him (much to Soda’s sadness). After a couple arguments with Dally, Darry told Mrs. Curtis about his concerns. And she changed his point of view on Dally and just about every hood on the east side. It made him realize that Dally was a scared kid who had to toughen up or die. So Darry started to go a little easier on him.
Darry is actually one of the few Dally trusts. They butt heads from time to time but they also know they can lean on each other if really needed. 
Dally tries his best to help out Darry from time to time. The problem is that Dally isn’t exactly the most responsible person. Like he’ll offer to let Pony tag along with him and Johnny so Darry can get some time to do whatever, but that does mean Pony may or may not know how to gamble. Dally’s trying his best, guys.
Darry is one of the few to have heard about Dally’s siblings back in New York. Dallas hasn’t gone into a bunch of detail but most of the gang doesn’t even know Dally had a family. So for example, one afternoon Dally was just hanging out while Darry was sorting through Pony’s report cards and Dally just kinda laughed to himself, “You know, you remind me a lot of Henry.” “Who?” “Oh, nobody… He was my brother, he uh, he tried his best to get us all through schoolin’. But I neva cared much for it.”
One night while the gang was all hanging out, Dally overheard Darry talking to Two-Bit about Paul. Darry just says something like, “I miss him sometimes, but he’s not the same person anymore. I’ve heard some of the nasty stuff he’s said about me and my bro-“ That’s all it took for Dally to go storming out of the house to find Tim and his gang. Paul left his party to discover his brand new wheels missing from his car. Darry woke up in the morning to discover some real nice tires on him and Soda’s car. Dally was honestly ready to just steal Paul’s car altogether but Tim convinced him otherwise.
Before Dally really became a part of the gang, Darry wanted to help him out to find somebody who just matched his vibes. He knew Tim from random parties and from Two-Bit so he was just like “Maybe they’ll get along!”. So he took Dally for a walk and told him about this guy he thinks Dally will like and Dallas was just like “One second.” and pickpocketed a guy who walked by. That guy immediately turned around and started cursing him out and causing a fight to break out between them. Darry just stood there because “Aw crap, that’s Tim!” Darry very much believed he just gave Dally his first enemy. But after fighting they complemented each other’s fighting style and started talking. Darry left them to it and walked off.
Someone in Tim’s gang taught Dally how to drive. Darry heard Dally was learning and was like “Ok! How about you show me what you know!” Dally took hold of that wheel and Darry mentally noted to never drive with him again. Dally has since gotten a bit better but also hasn’t exactly made major improvement.
Darry tried to pick him up before Dally got similar in height to him. Dally immediately started squirming and cursing like an angry chihuahua.
Dally followed Darry and Two-Bit around a lot when he first became a part of the gang. Sure he really connected with Johnny, but it took him a bit. Steve, Soda, and Johnny were a trio that had grown up together and same with Darry and Two-Bit. So Dally was kinda the weird middle ground between them both friend and age wise. Darry and Two were always welcome to have him around but Dally still tried to keep up that cool guy persona. So on the days Darry didn’t have practice, him and Two-Bit would be walking around, chatting and laughing together. Then Dallas would be trailing a couple feet behind them, hands stuffed in his leather jacket just kinda walking along with them.
When Dally died that was the first time in a while since Darry has felt pure rage. Everything in him wanted to throw everything he had at the cops, but he knew that wouldn’t do any good. Instead he had to see Dallas lying cold on the ground. And not in a peaceful way or anything. It tore Darry apart inside to see this kid like this. This kid he has looked out for since he came to Tulsa. This kid his brother had brought into the gang. This kid who followed him and his best friend around for the first couple months. This kid who dealt with so much pain and hurt yet hid it away from his surface, keeping up with his persona. His persona that so desperately wanted to be older than he actually was, the version who could take all that has hit him. And now Darry watches as they drag a white sheet over the body and haul him away. 
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w0rmm1lk · 9 months
Heeeyyy you take requests right??
Bakugou x reader who’s Aizawa’s daughter where it’s reader’s birthday and Bakugou is planning this big surprise for them?? I think it would be super cute loll
character: Katsuki Bakugo(romantic), Shota Aizawa(Platonic)
reader: Aizawa Fem!child
Summary: bakugo wants to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday— but needs some help. Unfortunately Mina’s help wasn’t enough and he would need to specifically ask aizawa.
warnings: possible ooc, swearing,
other: established relationship, reader is in 1A, takes place during first year.
(I kinda failed at this one I’m so sorry— getting use to writing Fem!reader)
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You and bakugo had been dating for about 4 months at this point. It wasn’t that long of a time yet bakugo had already met your parents. Well— that was mainly due to your father being both of your teachers.
bakugo knew your birthday was coming up soon. He would never admit to it but he had multiple reminders on his phone so he wouldn’t forget. It was your first birthday you would spend together while dating… despite that he wanted it to be a birthday for you to remember.
unfortunately for him, you can’t plan a big birthday for someone without help.
“Hey bakugo— what’s with all the staring? It’s kinda creeping me out-“ Denki speaking snapped bakugo out of his thoughts. He sent a glare in his direction. “Shut the hell up dunce face.”
“oooo~ thinkings about Y/N~~?” Minas voice broke through as she sat at the lunch table next to the two. “Tch- as if.” Mina laughed slightly at his response. “On the topic of Y/N, you get her anything for her birthday yet?” Bakugo seemed to freeze up at the question.
“oh my god have you actually not bought anything yet-? That seems weirdly unlike you!” “shut up I- I just want to make sure I buy the right thing.”
“Hmmm~? Then why don’t we help you out later then!” Mine suggested slightly leaning over the table, you could see her eyes sparkle.
“in your dreams! I can do it on my own.” He rolled his eyes, his arms crossed as he was slouched in his seat.
“cmon~~! Just let us tag along!” Mina was leaning so far over the table so her face was right up infront of bakugo. “Cmon man! You should totally let us come with!”
bakugo flinched slightly, he hasn’t even noticed kirishima had sat down beside him. “Ugh fine-! Just shut up already will ya?”
the “searching for a gift for Y/N” didn’t take long to turn into “Mina drags everyone through every store in the damn mall”
the results were— disappointing to say the least.
“ooo-! Let’s get her this necklace!”
“How much money do you think we have?!”
“this shirt is pretty cute-!”
“I’ve seen five seperate people wearing that on the way here- no way.”
“we could just go with the classic chocolates.”
“that’s too basic!”
and so on.
“Damnit— there’s nothing good enough in this shit hole.”
Denki turned to bakugo. “I mean— can we just ask her close friends what she wants? Maybe to get some ideas-?”
“dumbass— we are her close friends. Who the hell are we supposed to ask if none of us have any good ideas?!”
“I mean we could always ask—“
“don’t you dare.”
“cmon man! It’s not like we have much of a choice!”
and this is how bakugo found himself standing outside of the 1A classroom after school had ended. If none of Y/N’s closest friends knew what to buy her— then the next best person to ask was… her dad.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. He was met with silence. He rolled his eyes not bothering to knock again as he walked right in.
of course he was met with a yellow sleeping bag on the floor fully zipped up. He let out an annoyed sigh about to leave before he heard the zipper come undone. he looked back to see the sleeping bag nowhere to be found and I aizawa standing in its place.
“what do you need?” Aizawa spoke in his normal monotone yet mildly annoyed voice. “I— I need help with something.”
Aizawa raised an eyebrow, it was unlike bakugo to go to someone for help, especially his teacher. This caused aizawa a small bit of worry but he didn’t show it.
“…with?” Bakugo looked away slightly as if embarrassed to say the next words. “It’s- about Y/N” he could feel aizawa gaze peircing through his skull. Aizawa eyes were glowing a bright red as his hair floated slightly.
“did something happen to her?” Despite asking a question it sounded more like a demand. “No! I just- i Need help with… something….” Aizawa softened his gaze, his hair and eyes returning to normal.
“do you know what kind of things… she likes…?”
“you’ve been dating for how long and you don’t even know what she likes?”
“no-! I- that’s not what I meant! Tch. I mean like— more personal things!”
Bakugo let out an annoyed sigh rolling his eyes. “I don’t even know why I bothered aski—“ “wait.” Bakugo turned back to aizawa. “I have a few things that may be useful.
needless to say— you got basically everything that you could even think of wanting on your birthday, it was a little concerning since you weren’t aware how bakugo learned about all the specific items you wanted, but— you were still happy.
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(I am so sorry the end was kinda shit— im so fucking tired lmao)
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yan!HOTD AU (Velaryon, Hightowers, Targaryens) Part 1: 
Note-This is a rewrite, also the relationship mostly focused now is on Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Viserys. The other families will be more focused in later parts. 
Tags: Some canon scenes of violence (tourney), this is mainly platonic but romantic pairings will come later, scene by scene in ep1, family fluff, character death, child!reader/adopted!reader, cringe writing 
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The clouds seem close enough to touch. Wind blows harshly against your face, almost blurring your vision. Yet it feels all the more exhilarating. Suddenly diving into the air, you shriek in excitement, reaching your hands to grab the saddles all too tightly as the hands around your waist do the same.
Your sister, Rhaenyra, can be heard giggling. Her dragon, Syrax, roars as it soars through the sky. The clouds begin to clear and king’s landing comes to view once again. Overlooking the red keep from above. The birds scatter in all different directions. Then the dragon keep is in your line of sight. 
Syrax comes to land. The dragon keepers surround her, shouting commands in high valyrian. Rhaenyra moves from behind you. Her feet landing on the ground. You follow her. Jumping down, almost tumbling if not for her grabbing you. Your ears are filled with Syrax’s purring, and before the two of you leave, you both pet her. Watching as she follows the dragon keepers. 
Your sister’s hand finds yours, both walking to the carriage. Alicent greets you there, a reliving smile on her face. “Don’t tell mother,” Rhaenyra told the two of you during the ride. You simply nod as you observe the passersby through the windows. 
The three of you walk across the castle halls and up the stairs. Arms all linked together. A common sight at court. It still takes you by surprise when the servants or the lords stop and bow when greeting you. You’re not sure if you will ever get used to it, but Rhaenyra and Alicent assure you otherwise. 
You find yourself at the chambers of your mother. The smoke permeates the air with servants at every corner. Your mother, the queen, is seen laid back, fanning herself. It’s when she notices you and Rhaenyra, does she try to sit up. And by the tone of her voice when she addresses you both-you know what it means. You’re in trouble. Still, you approach and kiss her on the cheek. “You smell like dragon,” she says, eyes narrowing on Rhaenyra.
As expected, you were given a lecture. A lecture that didn’t last long. And the topic was soon changed. A topic your sister didn’t like all too well. Not long before, your sister went to leave. “Go take a bath as well,” your mother tells you, “you too stink of dragon.” 
You shake your head, “I don’t want to leave you.” Despite all her best efforts, you can sense how this all pains her. Memories of your previous brothers’and sisters running through your head. In response, she smiles.. Hand reaching to cradle your cheek. “I will be fine sweet girl, now go along.” Hesitantly, you obey.
Alicent and Rhaenyra each take your hand. You look at the queen one last time. Whose smile never withers. A feeling of ease washes over you, returning her smile. 
Dragon stench is hard to wash off. You still reek of it even after spending much time in the bath, using every available scent imaginable. The one that managed to at least help cover the stench was the one gifted to you by Uncle Corlys. It’s from Essos, quite rare. Aunt Rhaenys told you of it. After the bath, you walk around the hallways in search of Alicent. Until your ears perk up at a familiar sound. 
As you sneak around the corner, your footsteps become quieter. Eyes fixed on the tall figure’s back. Uncle Daemon. As you move on tiptoe, your feet inched closer and closer with each step. You squeal, “Uncle Daemon!” as you leap, embracing him from behind. He doesn’t seem surprised, as if he heard you coming from a long way away.
With a smile reserved just for you, he turns to face you. You grin at the name he gave you. Little Dragon. And then your eyes catch the sight of something. The moment you instinctively reach for the shiny object he has clutched in his hands, he lifts his hand up. It’s a necklace. 
“Do you know what this is.” You shake your head. Daemon can see how eager you are to hold it in your hands and chuckles at your impatience. It is made of Valyrian steel. Your uncle tells you. Eyes widening at the dangling metal. It’s like dark sister. Eyes shifting to the sword fastened to his hip. 
He finally places the necklace around your neck. Rhaenyra also has one. At the mention of your sister, you wave him goodbye. Not even waiting for him to speak as you are running through the hallways. Being able to finally breathe when the weirwood tree is in view. There was your sister and Alicent lying on the grass. Why did it take you so long, Rhaenyra asks. Simply by displaying your necklace to her, she immediately understands and eagerly displays her own.
Alicent tries to have you recite your lessons, but it’s all the more difficult with Rhaenyra there. Rhaenyra has her head on Alicent’s lap and you copy her. The two of you exchange looks and you can’t help but smile every time you do so. But it does make Alicent more frustrated, more so when the conversation shifts. 
The mention of your mother makes you frown. You remembered the last baby. They came much earlier than they should. Your father never made you see them. But they all spoke of how it came out, the bloodied and horrible state they were in. 
Your mother mourned them, and with every child’s death. There were three sides pulling at you: your mother, your father, your sister. You didn’t know how to ease their grief, so you just let them hold you close. Soon, you were brought back to reality by Alicent moving from under you. The grass gently pressed against the back of your head. 
It didn’t take you long to get back to your feet and move over to Rhaenyra, watching her tear the page from the book. Alicent scolds her, and once again when she curses, she doesn’t want you to hear such things. But uncle Daemon says it all the time along with other words. You told her. Alicent’s stunned face and Rhaenyra’s amused smile greeted you. 
Late at night, you hear a knock. The door opens and when you see who it is; you run to his arms. As he pats you on the head, your father-Viserys can’t help but chuckle. One cannot fault your excitement, as you haven’t seen him all day. Your father told you he needed to see you before he heads to sleep; he sorely missed you.
He helps you to the bed. Climbing into the mattress and lying on the pillow as he tucks you in. His lips lightly touch your forehead as he bids you goodnight. When your father turns to leave, you had to ask of your mother and he assures you she will be fine before closing the door.
As soon as you got dressed after waking up, you went to see your mother. Only a few days from now, labor will begin. She told you. You were giddy with excitement. With an ear pressed to the now-moving belly from their kicks. You hoped it was a girl. You and Rhaenyra have already decided on the name-Visenya. But once more, your time was shortened as your mother needed her rest.
After saying goodbye to your mother, you moved through the hallways and overheard the nobles passing you, mentioning your uncle. That and a watch of some sort. Daemon was frequently uttered on their lips. As Alicent would say, always getting in trouble. 
It ought to have been a coincidence you passing the council chamber. Hearing the hushed voices from behind the doors, you paused. The guards behind you halt in response. The doors suddenly swing wide open, revealing your uncle. Wearing his bronze armor with a gold cloak draped over his side. The splatters of blood on his armor and face are what caught your attention.
Upon seeing you, his expression slightly softened. Behind, the doors are shut. Looking up at him-you ask him what happened. “Just a little trouble.” Was all you got before he patted you on the head-heading to leave. You could only watch as he disappeared further into the distance. 
Time seemed to be passing by too quickly. Given that today is the Tournament.
Everyone was here. Commoners and nobles alike. Each and every face, including yours, is beaming. Sitting right next to Alicent, the empty seat on the other side designated for your sister who has not yet arrived. As you wait for the game to begin, you look around the royal box.
In no time at all, you’ve caught your father’s eye, tilting his head with a large smile on his face, and you eagerly return it. The eyes of Rhaenys and Corlys have been fixed on you as well. Their smiles too greet you. The same can’t be said for Alicent, who appears tense, but seeing your smile helps ease her.
Finally, the king begins talking. To which you then catch a glimpse of her. Rhaenyra. Bending down and moving quickly to her seat, yet still causing a slight distraction. Then, in his speech, your father declares that the queen’s labor has at last started. A thought that made you feel both excited and uneasy. Yet your smile never wavers.
Then, just as quickly as it started, a trumpet sound reached your ears. Signaling the matches has begun. Finding your attention solely on the scene in front of you. As the men charge at one another, their lances collide with one another’s shields.
Your heart slightly races when one of them lands on the ground, wincing at the thought of the pain that must follow, all the broken bones. In spite of this, the crowd cheers at every clash and every fall. Amidst this, Rhaenyra and Alicent are speaking to one another. More than once, the word cole can be heard. 
As if in response to the mention of his name. A knight comes into focus, and you are certain that throughout all of your lessons with the septa, you have never seen a sigil quite like that. Silently, you follow the conversation between Rhaenyra and Alicent. Throughout the entire thing, you could not take your eyes off the mystery knight who seemed to prevail over every opponent. This time it was lord Baratheon.  
When the drums are heard and the cheering gets louder. You know who will come next. Daemon. You and Rhaenyra exchange a brief look of excitement. With his lance in hand and black armor, Daemon approaches. He almost looks like a dragon. When Daemon picks an opponent. The lance points to the man wearing the Hightower sigil. Your attention turned to Otto, who was slightly shaking his head in annoyance.
You hold your breath as you tensely watch the two rush toward one another. The lance nearly knocks Daemon off his horse when it collides with his shield. However, the second time, Daemon emerged victorious. His lance moved down to the horse’s legs and sent it tumbling down, with Otto’s son being flung from the horse. His helmet knocked off right before his face collided with the ground. Along the court, you gasp in shock. Casting a quick glance at Alicent, who appears anxious at her brother’s state. 
Your uncle approaches the royal box. Rhaenyra ascends, and you follow her. “Nicely done uncle,” she muses. “Thank you princess”. His lance then gestures in Alicent’s direction, asking for her favor. 
The moment you turn to return to your seat. Otto is seen whispering something to your father, who appears to be cornered at what he just heard. Growing nervous when the king hurriedly leaves his set and follows Otto out. But when you hear another man fall off his horse, your focus is drawn back to the scene.
Then it happens. The man on the ground yelled furiously as he reached for his weapon, lunging at the other man on his horse, knocking him to the ground. The man who had just been knocked down did not have time to react before the metal slammed into his face.
You thought that Daemon’s doing to Otto’s son was the worst of today. But the scene in front of you was even more horrifying. What were once lances charging at one another are now swords clashing and fists pounding. Bloodshed after bloodshed.
Your hands clutched Rhaenyra’s without realizing, and she placed her other hand over yours. “Look away,” she tells you, and you do. Yet the metallic sounds of the swords clashing into one another are still heard. With every strike, the crowd is a mix of cheers and gasps of horror. 
It’s the match between Daemon and the mystery knight that makes you look again. Still holding hands with Rhaenyra, utterly terrified of the outcome. When Daemon was thrown off his horse, you felt like you could breathe again. Any feelings of relief, however, are dashed when Daemon cries out for his sword. As you watch them battle it out on the ground, your hold on Rhaenyra becomes tighter.
Daemon’s victory brings back the feeling of relief. His arms are open wide to the cheering crowd as he soaked in the praise. You were about to start cheering before he was abruptly knocked to the ground. A sudden rush of dread is felt-believing this may be the end. 
Until he yields. 
All three of you are heading to the rail with Rhaenyra’s hand in Alicent’s and her other hand never leaving yours. Watching as the mystery knight finally reveals his face. He is Dornish. The knight walks over to Rhaenyra-asking for her favor. Your sister throws him the flower crown and he catches it. 
When Otto entered view, the joyous moment was long gone. The lord and ladies begin to slowly stand while whispering to others nearby, and everyone follows to leave, even Leanor and Laena. You and Rhaenyra exchange a knowing look. And one of fear. She’s the one who reaches for your hand this time.
The queen is dead and the baby that followed. 
Cold winds blow harshly on your face, making you shiver. Trying your best to hold back the tears. Crying is a weakness your septa told you. You must not let others see your weakness. You stay close to Viserys, whose eyes hardly strayed from the ground. Holding hands with Rhaenyra.
Daemon comes up to you two. Your sister reluctantly releases your hand as she takes a step forward. When your sister shouts the command, you are unable to look at the burned body and inch closer to the person who is closest to you, Daemon, whose hands end up on your shoulders.
Shortly after the body was burned. You found yourself seated on the bench. Laenor and Laena come up to you. Laena sits beside you and Laenor moves to your side, each taking your hand. It was a quiet moment that meant the world to you. 
Not long after, Rhaenys comes into view with Corlys by her side. As they take you into their arms, you feel the tears you’ve been holding back for so long start to fall down your cheeks. Corlys reaches out to wipe your tears. Just as you’re about to return to your chambers, Rhaenys gives you one last piece of advice. Be strong.
Late at night in your chambers. The pillows beneath you are sodden from all the tears. Hearing the door open, you quickly close your eyes, assuming it might be your father. However, as you sense their hasty approach to your bed, and them slipping under the covers. You realize it's Rhaenyra.
Your back faces her and your hand rests on the arm that she has just wrapped around you. There was a period of silence, before the muffled sounds of crying is heard. Feeling her clutch you together, your tears start to run down your cheeks once again. Alone in the chambers and away from everyone allows the two of you to grieve your mother’s passing. 
The following day, Daemon visits you in your chambers. He was oddly surrounded by guards. "The king has given me one last chance to say goodbye." And you are left feeling hurt as he must bid farewell. 
He gives you one final embrace. Whispering so the guards won't hear him. Promising to take you with him one day. He gestures to the necklace. Daemon demands you to keep it, and you nod in response. As he leaves. Your hand that grips his slides away. At the balcony, you watch as Caraxes takes off from the king's landing. 
You hoped that it would just be one of those instances where your father would change his mind and bring him back. But Rhaenyra's visit that day persuaded you otherwise. All she said to you—apparently still in shock and trying to process what had just happened—was, "He made me heir."
Alicent is now in the chambers with you. Watching as she aids Rhaenyra in getting dressed. Placing the headpiece on her head. It was you who handed her the necklace; it feels heavy in your hands. As you place it around her neck, she waits patiently, kneeling to your level. Before she leaves, Rhaenyra gives you and Alicent one final embrace.
You are far away from everyone else-standing close to the king. As you witness, every house swore allegiance to your sister. Noticing the recognizable faces in the crowd. Before Rhaenyra turns to face the king and the rest of the court, you and she exchange a look. One that gives her the confidence to stand tall.
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shockingsour · 1 year
random miguel thingy
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(left picture source)
miguel o'hara x male reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship, slightly hangry miguel, confused spider-teens(miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie), hobie being hobie
Warnings/notes: this is like my first actual fic... i'm not really a writer so sorry if it’s not good ( ; ω ; ) it might be out of character
It is no secret to any Spider in the Spider Society that you and Miguel are in a relationship, even if you aren’t very loud about it. The other Spiders just know better than to ask much about it, mainly because Miguel can be intimidating as hell as the leader and protector of the “Arachno-Humanoid Poly-Multiverse”. 
The two of you are rarely ever separated at headquarters, so when Miles, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr entered Miguel’s “office” looking for you and you weren’t present, they figured something was off. You were much easier to get along with than Miguel, and you kept him calmer. They often would talk to him when you were around so you could interfere if he ever started getting too frustrated with them. 
The four Spiders just stood there glancing at one another for a while, not exactly sure what to do. Miguel was up on his platform, his muscular back facing them. He was surveying and swiping through glowing orange screens that displayed different universes and saved memories. They assumed he was ignoring their presence until he mumbled something to LYLA and the floating platform began to descend, slowly… as it always did. Miguel sure loved being dramatic. Once he was finally at ground level with the teens, he turned around, placed his hands on his hips, and walked over to them.
Hobie is the first one to break the slightly uncomfortable silence, as he’s the only one of the four younger Spiders not terrified of Miguel. “‘Ey, bossman. Where’s your boyfriend at?” He asks nonchalantly, his hands in his pockets. He looks around as if checking to see if you’re hiding somewhere. Miguel raises an eyebrow.
“Him and I are no longer dating. Do you need something?” Miguel replies, sounding annoyed. The teens stare at him with widened eyes. That was definitely not the answer that they were expecting. Miles, Gwen, and Pavitr all start talking at the same time.
“Why? That doesn’t make any sense!”
“Wait, what? Did something happen?”
“But you two are perfect for each other!”
No response from Miguel, although the corner of his lips twitch upwards for a second at Pavitr’s words. The change in expression is so subtle that they all miss it. He continues to stare down at them and sighs. 
“Do you need something?” He repeats, seeming more irritated. The teens all glance at each other, worried they did something wrong to upset him. Gwen opens her mouth to respond but stops when everyone senses someone coming behind them. 
You swing into Miguel’s “office”, carrying what looks like a bag of food. All eyes are now on you. You gracefully land right next to Miguel and hand him the takeout bag, which he gratefully accepts. “Thank you, mi vida.” He whispers before partially lifting your mask and quickly kissing your cheek, making you smile. He then walks away to place the bag on the platform. This interaction between the two of you only makes the younger Spiders even more lost. You fully remove your mask and turn your attention to the teens.
“Hey, everyone!” You greet them, smiling and giving a small wave. You notice their puzzled faces. “Everything alright? Miguel wasn’t getting hangry on you, was he?” You ask, half joking. The teens look at each other again as he returns to your side. That must have been the reason why he seemed annoyed earlier… but that didn’t explain what he said.
“He told us you guys split up.” Gwen blurted out, looking back and forth between you and Miguel. You furrow your brow in confusion and look at him. He sees your expression and his eyes slightly widen.
“No, I didn’t say we broke up. I told them we were no longer dating.” He quickly explains, as if trying to reassure you. Hobie's eyebrow raises and realizes what he’s implying. However, the other Spiders still don’t catch on. 
“That’s basically the same thing!” Miles argues, Pavitr and Gwen nodding their heads in agreement. You cover your mouth and try your best not to laugh. Your attempt fails and they notice. “Hey, what’s so funny…?” Miles questions.
“Miguel, that’s a horrible way of telling them we’re married.” You say, staring at your husband. He just gives you a small, sheepish smile. The others look at you two in disbelief for a few seconds. They start questioning you, suspicious that you’re pulling some kind of prank on them. You chuckle before gently grabbing Miguel’s hand. “Show them.” You request, holding out his hand for the other Spiders to see.
Miguel then disintegrates the glove on his left hand, revealing a silver wedding band on his ring finger. “I would show you mine as well, but I’d have to take off my whole suit.” You add. The teens all lean forward and gawk at the ring, too flabbergasted to say anything for a while. 
“You’re terrible at communication, mate. But it’s a very nice ring.” Hobie finally comments, pulling away and nodding his head. Pavitr gushes over the fact that you two are husbands and brings up his lovely girlfriend, Gayatri. He starts daydreaming out loud about the day they get married. 
Eventually the teens calm down, and they stop staring at the band on Miguel’s finger. However, they are left astonished one last time when they look up and see the genuine grin on your husband’s face as he stares at his ring.
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alieinthemorning · 1 year
Hello! May I send a request for Twisted Wonderland?
Leona and Malleus specifically, reacting to a Gender Neutral Reader with the power of a empathic healer, meaning they can heal people by taking their injuries and placing them on themselves? They used this power very often due to them hating to see people hurt when they can help?
Thank you!
For Thee, Not for Me [Leona Kingscholar || Malleus Draconia]
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Content: Blood and Injury, Reader has a Unique Magic | Signature Spells, Strong Language, Inappropriate Use of Unique Magic | Signature Spells, Can Be Read as Platonic or Romantic, Angst 
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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You liked Magishift. It was a fast-paced game that if you weren’t paying close attention to, you'd miss a play that would have the disc in the other team’s possession. You liked it so much that you usually sat in for the Magishift club’s practice. 
Well, that wasn’t the full truth. The reason why you sat in on so many practices, mainly the practice matches, was because you were their self-imposed medic. Most of the time you dealt with injuries that could be resolved with a med-kit, other times you needed to use healing magics.
Then there were days like these,
“Worry not, there’s nothing for you to abide by. Leave all your worries to me. For Me, Not Thee.”
You didn’t even flinch as the deep gash along Epel’s forehead (and other more minor injuries) transferred from him to you. Instead, you immediately placed a hand to your temple, the ever so familiar tingle thrumming against your skin.  
You turned to the student who had caused the injury. “I would say be more careful, but that was obviously on purpose.” Your tone was flat, and your eyes were somewhat narrowed. 
You weren’t really mad, mainly disappointed. You hated when they got like this, when one of them felt like another was doing better, so they needed to sabotage in order to feel better about themselves. 
His lips curled back, obviously surprised that you had the audacity to call him out on his shit. “What the fuck do you know—”
“More than you, obviously.” Leona cut him off as he approached. “If you can’t keep your shit together, then you can go. Don’t need no pussy-footed fuckers on the team.” Despite the vulgarity of his words, his look was something else entirely. Full authority, no room for negotiation. 
That student has lost his position on the team. 
You sighed internally, knowing that this would cause more problems for you in the long run. 
Then, after checking on you and Epel (and making sure Epel thanked you), Leona had practice continue as normal. While you just sat there healing your head wound. Once practice was over, you were escorted back to your dorm by Ruggie. You also found yourself in his company for the next two weeks.
You had to continuously bite your cheek to keep yourself from blurting out your appreciation, not only for him, but his Dorm Leader. 
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On the days without Magshift practice, you found yourself under a large tree watching Sebek and Silver spar with their batons. You found their dedication to their Lord admirable, that even in a school of adolescents that held no worthy flame to the Prince of Briar Valley that they would so diligently practice the sword. 
However, yet again, you had another reason for watching them so closely.  
Because no matter how quick and calculated their strikes may be, accidents are always along the horizon. 
He didn’t make a sound, just dropped to one knee as he clutched his side. You were at his side in mere moments. 
“Worry not, there’s nothing for you to abide by. Leave all your worries to me. For Me, Not Thee.”
This time you did flinch as the injury transferred. You weren’t fully healed from Epel’s injury, alongside others, and taking a new, serious one so soon really affected you. You slammed your eyes shut and clapped a hand over your mouth, bile threatening its way up your throat. Thankfully, with a pair of hands to steady your swaying body and another to rub soothing circles along your back, you were able to weather that storm. 
However, even though you had begun the healing process, you had found yourself in a bit of a bind.
“Ah. I’ll have to ask a favor of the two of you.” You hated to do this, but you knew that you were in bad condition. “Could you help me back to my dorm?”
“Of course.” Silver said as he helped you to your feet, then slung your arm over his shoulders. 
Sebek was hovering at your other side, biting his lip harshly.
You smiled, “If you keep biting your lip like that, I’ll have to take that injury too, you know.” He stopped, but he was still frowning deeply. 
Out of all the people who hated when you used your Unique Magic like this, Sebek was one of your most vocal. So this blunder must really be hurting him. 
You frowned as well.
Oh, if only you could take away negative emotions as well. 
The return to your room was quiet and filled with plenty of quick glances. The long stares had died down after your second year. You had been dubbed “Healer” by your peers, and even the freshmen knew of you. Someone to go to if you were in danger. 
Once they had made sure you were fine and settled, they set to leave.
Or rather, Silver did. Sebek lingered at your bedside, working at his lower lip again. You sent Silver off, then waited for Sebek. 
He didn’t have much to say. “You cannot keep pushing yourself like this.” His voice was soft, yet firm. “When you fall, who attends to you?” 
You smiled, but didn’t respond. He had heard your answer before.
“As long as everyone else is safe” then I don’t matter.
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You should have seen this coming. You knew that despite your new-found companionship, that there would always be someone lurking in the shadows. 
So when the sudden shove at your back forced you forward, you were only mildly surprised. 
Your brain had already begun listing all the injuries you could get from being pushed down the stairs, reacting immediately when one of many was obtained. 
You didn’t scream, just grunted as you tumbled to the landing, biting your lip as the splitting headache made its way between your eyes. 
The both of you were quiet. You focused on healing and him focused on your silent, unmoving body. Then there was a flash of green, a short shriek then nothing again because you had passed out at that point.
Although, one last thought you had before you relinquish your consciousness was: 
“I’m gonna punch the shit outta that fucker once I’m in the clear.”
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World traveled fast at Night Raven College. Especially when he was hidden in what he would consider to be plain sight. And regardless of whispers, his ears were sharper than most. 
He didn’t even wait for them to leave before he emerged from his resting place and set out to find you. His pace quickened as more and more information slipped from loose lips. You had healed two major injuries within the past week, which meant you weren’t in the best shape. But what was worse, is that you were shoved down a flight of stairs.
By one of his own.
He was going to hold him, but not until after he checked on you.
“Why are you here.” He snarled upon arrival. 
Of all the people who could have been at your bedside, this was the one he was least expecting. 
The Horned-Bastard himself, Malleus fucking Draconia.
The lizard-fucker turned to face him, head slightly tilted to the side with a small grin. “Fixing another one of your messes, it seems.” 
Leona growled, taking a threatening step forward. Malleus’ grin grew wider. 
“If either of you start, I swear I will never heal you again.” You croaked from the bed, forcing yourself upright. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…” Leona groaned, wiping a hand down his face. He crossed the room, ignoring the horned-bastard. “Didn’t even lay hands on’em, and you’re already thinking about healing—you’re the one in bed, dumbass.” 
You sniffled. “It’s just a White Cold.” He rolled his eyes. Of course, you would get sick from over healing yourself. “I’ve already taken the medicine for it, so I should be fine in a day or two.” You smiled at him—the both of them. “Thanks for checking in on me, though.”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes again, just turned his back on you. “Why do I even bother…”
“Oh, if you’re gonna go now, can I ask you to do me a favor, Leona?” His ears perked up at that, you rarely asked for anything. “Could you handle the one from before? The pussy-footed fucker?”
“Snrk!” He slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh. He was not expecting you to say that. Once he regained himself, he answered. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about that. I was already headed that way.” As much as he disliked leaving you with Draconia, he had to make sure business was handled. 
And the business was handled well. 
A hand on the back of the neck. Magic cracking down the back.
“I am hunger. I am thirst. I am what robs you of tomorrow. King’s Roar.” 
“One wrong step, and I’ll put your remains in an hourglass.” Was the only thing he said to him before he let the pussy-footed fucker loose.
Someone removed themselves from the shadows with a sigh. “I’m sure you’re gonna ask me to keep an eye on him, right?”
“No. I want you to keep an eye on the Healer. Make friends.” He rolled his shoulders. “I’ll make sure to compensate you.” 
“Oh? Shishishi…aye, aye, sir!” Ruggie gave him a two finger salute before making his exit. 
Leona sighed. “I’m tired…”
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Request complete! Thank you for requesting!
This was actually really fun to write, especially since I pushed myself to write at least 1,000 words. Well I actually wrote 1.5K!
Also please note that I call Spell Drive "Magishift" and I literally refuse to call it anything else.
This also very quickly became a Leona-centric thing (and also Sebek??? he had his little moment) instead of Leona and Malleus, but hey he at least showed up lmao.
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist[Leona] | Masterlist[Malleus]
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
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Playing Princess Peach: Showtime got me the Mario brainvurms again so I wanna ramble a bit: As much as I adore and put a lot of stock into Wario and Waluigi's dynamic (and as much as Waluigi's my favorite character), I actually don't think Waluigi should be in the Wario games. Particularly Ware, but that also goes for Land in case that ever comes back from the grave. And it's not because of anything wrong or lacking with Waluigi as a character, quite the opposite: I think a lot of what defines him, what makes him interesting in different ways than Wario, actually makes him a terrible fit for Wario's narrative real state. Not an issue when they're together filling in a necessary dynamic in Mario territory, but it gets trickier when Wario's supposed to be the lead in an actual story.
In regards to Land, the central appeal of Wario Land is in the fact that you can play as Wario. I'd said as much before that, generally speaking, where as Mario is altered to fit his games, Wario's games are built to fit him. As much as WL did to flesh out Wario as a character, the core concept for Wario Land 1, and every subsequent game, comes back to the idea that you are playing a bigger, nastier Mario, who can't run as fast or jump as high, but is stronger and full of stranger surprises, so he engages with different kinds of obstacle courses and yyou have to figure out what he can and can't do to solve them. Every alteration made to the Wario Land series over the years, not just in relation to the Super Mario Land platformers it spun out of, was built around turning Wario's existing traits into gameplay mechanics.
He is a bully and a brute and thus you shoulder bash your way through problems, his propensity for comedic slapstick turned into full blown immortality and the source of his power-ups, he is far more interested in sniffing for gold than actually saving anyone so his adventures are less linear, your endgoal is to get the biggest treasures possible, his thieving bastard explorer nature eventually allowed for a timed Indiana Jones boulder escape at every level, Shake It lets you literally shake down enemies for cash, etc. The one time they took the opposite route and really altered Wario to fit a pre-ordained gimmick was in Master of Disguise, and soundtrack aside there's some good reasons why that one's so unpopular it's not even considered a Wario Land game.
All of these are traits that are built to fit Wario, and mainly Wario, and you could argue that these by extension apply to Waluigi because of his traits that overlap with Wario's, and for sure the spin-offs demonstrate that Waluigi does tag along on Wario's treasure hunts sometimes, but if we concede this and add Waluigi as a Player 2, then: A: What is so great and unique about Wario, if other characters can also do all the absurd things he does? And B: What is so great and weird about Waluigi, if all he's doing is just the stuff Wario already does?
The Mario platformers don't really have this issue with Luigi not just because Luigi as the Player 2 is grandfathered in, but because mechanically speaking Luigi isn't very different from Mario, and because the gameplay mechanics for Mario platformers are nowhere near as specialized as Wario's is. Everybody runs and jumps and collects power-ups and does the same things Mario does, that's why the Toads and the princesses can jump in on it just fine. Wario sharing the glory of being Wario is just not what Wario does, and it's Waluigi's thing even less. With everyman all-ages Mario, everyone's invited to join in the fun, but when the whole point is you reveling in "you get to play as Wario!", WHERE BEING BAD IS GOOD AND GREED IS GOOD HEHEHEHEHEH, you really lose a lot of the appeal turning it into "you get to play as Wario, and another guy (or even more) who can also do the things Wario does, turns out Wario's willing to share I guess". Even working in a different set of paths and solutions per level so Wario and Waluigi could solve problems differently would just be splitting levels by half of the work and half of the fun.
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For comparison's sake, Pizza Tower has a second playable character in the form of The Noise, a rival who is opposite to Peppino personality-wise. Despite having more or less the same proportions (and in prior builds playing identically to Peppino), in order to accomodate his personality that is also his main selling point, he plays in a different manner through levels that weren't designed around him (not different enough that it excludes co-op though), and so he actually breaks the game, and that is in fact worked into everything he does: Pretty much the main running gag through The Noise Update is that he is brazenly cheating and easily clearing through the things Peppino worked so hard to beat "fairly", and that he is a piece of shit with no emotional stakes in what he's doing, turning every hardship or battle into a joke.
Pizza Tower is just as much built around Peppino's character as Wario Land is (which is part of why the game became faster and more stressful, and thus played increasingly less and less like Wario Land over every subsequent build up until release), and it was only ever going to accomodate the Noise's personality by either designing new levels (and thus a new game) around him, or going all the way on him breaking the existing ones and occupying an opposite role to Peppino's, which fits him. Again, you could argue this dirty cheater angle fits Waluigi. The problem is, again, redundancy, and it not fitting Wario Land. Gameplay-wise, Wario is already breaking and even cheating through levels to clear them, he is already flipping the middle finger to traditional Mario-style platforming the way The Noise is doing to Peppino's playstyle. And story-wise, Wario doesn't let himself be outdone, he is not getting upstaged from his own adventures. Peppino doesn't WANT to be in his own adventures, that's why the game plays him for pathos and The Noise gets played for pure satire. They get to do completely different things in a way I'm not sure you could do with Wario and Waluigi without significantly overhauling the way Wario Land works, and at that point, why bother.
That being said, I definitely do want there to be a way Wario and Waluigi could star in a platformer together, it would be a dream for me. But I don't think that's going to work for Wario Land, and not doing Wario Land runs the risk of doing Master of Disguise again so, it'd take a lot of work. I want to say there is at least a possibility of making it work, which is definitely not an argument I'd make for Waluigi joining the WarioWare cast.
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The thing about how WarioWare's cast works, and how it manages to keep Wario recognizably Wario even in a drastically different role than the one he occupies in Mario spin-offs and Wario Land alike, is a very simple but effective dynamic: Wario is the boss, and everyone else is your friend/co-worker. Wario is the ringmaster, and the circus freaks need your help to keep the show afloat. Wario is Michael Scott/J Jonah Jameson, and you're in the Dunder Mifflin/Daily Bugle trenches with everyone else.
All of the WarioWare characters are lovable weirdos, it comes with the question of "what kind of person would not just be friends with, but willingly work for Wario?". They are weird, they are dorks, they are (mostly) nice, they (mostly) get along, but above all, they are accomodating. Of their weirdness, of your weirdness, even of their boss' weirdness. Their goal is to guide you through the challenges and fun and encourage you to succeed. They do all the hard work in making these games fun to play. They are directly, proportionately opposite to how much of an dynamic jerk Wario is, and that's why Wario gets to keep on doing Wario things.
He gets to cause problems and lead the gang into trouble, he gets be mean, he gets to hijack proceedings and directly insult and mess with the player, he gets to be the villain, he gets to be the butt of the joke, he gets to crash and fail. The Ware crew gets to be people you come to know and relate to and love, while he gets to be the GOTTA WIIIIN guy. It's a fine balance and a very good deal on their end.
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It also has no room whatsoever for Waluigi, anti-social party crasher conniving drama queen extraordinaire, in anything other than a cameo or a one-off antagonistic competition with them. He isn't going to take Wario, or anyone's place, and his dynamic with Wario in the spin-offs just doesn't translate to Wario's role in WarioWare. And he belongs even less in the WarioWare crew (especially with characters like Jimmy T and Crygor, who have significant overlapping traits with Waluigi already), he is just not made for playing nice with others like that. It's not that he can't, his player interactions can be remarkably non-antagonistic and chill even, but it's not his thing.
He is Waluigi, as they reiterate in every bio, he is dastardly and mean and also a tryhard loser who "thinks" he's Luigi's rival more so than he actually is, and who doesn't seem to get along with anyone other than Wario, in fact he barely plays nice with Wario a lot of the time, they're partners in crime first and foremost and are depicting bickering over spoils when they work together. He'd just break the balance that makes this cast dynamic work so well without offering anything in return, and would be worse off for it. If anything Waluigi should be the last person to work for WarioWare, it has nothing to do with what he's about and the dude knows firsthand how little Wario intends to pay anyone ever. You could get stuff out of playing him as a rival trying to muscle in their gigs, or beat Jimmy T on the dance floor, and even that's stretching a bit.
I think the biggest problem comes down to the fact that the main thing with Waluigi, much like Wario, IS his outsized personality and the role it offers him, and with how Wario's games are precision-built around him and him alone as the center, putting Waluigi in those is dooming him to get sucked into Wario's orbit in roles that just don't work for him and dillute the chief appeal of putting Waluigi in stuff. Even if he's already secondary to Wario in the spin-offs, in there they fill in a niche together, two halves of one idiot, Camelot's favorite boys and all that, that you can't carry over when Wario has bigger things to do than just play along and be a nuisance to Mario.
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I was very happy with Princess Peach: Showtime in part because of how committed it was to the idea of putting Peach and Peach alone in the spotlight, with NO Mario elements whatsoever tagging along for the ride. There is not a single trace of Mario or Bowser anywhere, the Toads leave at the opening cutscene and don't come back until the post-credits when their only role is to give her crown back. The game is just Peach going on adventures, righting wrongs and trying new personas and putting on a show with the people she's saving.
It's short, sweet, it's kind of a baby game and it has to be for the target audience, and it doesn't seem to be super popular in general but I'm glad it sold well, I'd like for Nintendo to make more games like it. It got me to like Peach more than I ever have before, and it got me feeling very good about the fact that this exists at all. Seems like there really has been a creative renaissance for Mario over the past years. Not that I ever expect it to happen anymore, but I always dreamed of Waluigi getting to have something like this, although I'll say that Peach's was a very long time coming (especially given the failure of Super Princess Peach) and I'm glad this premise was made with her. I never thought it'd happen and that makes the former dream seem, y'know, a little less impossible. Maybe.
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Semi-unrelated but I am also extremely glad that Madame Grape exists, definitely a character I'd like to see return to occupy a position akin to King Boo or just go-karting with the others. And by no means was this intentional, but I definitely get a kick out of the fact that the villain in Showtime is an overlooked purple-clad drama queen who creates and leads a group literally called "Sour Grapes", who wants to claim her role in a world of happy shining people who don't APPRECIATE her work unless she makes them, who wants to plaster her face and name and colors everywhere, and who is incredibly invested in making Peach her nemesis and foil, even though this story was supposed to be about Peach taking a break for a change and Grape is very far from being the worst thing Peach has to deal with on a regular basis. Just reminded me of another guy who tried to hypnotize "the rhythmless masses" with sweet dance moves once.
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foressfaction · 6 months
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Welcome to my silly blog
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Heya. I’m Toby/Tobias some people can call me Twat I guess. I am fond of the nickname TobyTot too it’s cute. I am an adult and make content here for fandoms. At the moment it’s Creepypasta. I am an artist, writer and cosplayer.
You’ll probably see me post my art, writing and cosplays here. I have other socials too I can list below.
- Tiktok: Foressfaction
- Instagram: foressfactionn/hxtchetsout/t0byb0y
I mainly draw and cosplay mainly from the Slenderverse/Creepypasta universe
I post things like my Toby rewrite, silly little one shot stories of ships or scenarios I am fond of.
I am working on a comic called Dystopia. It’s based on mostly slenderverse
I have an Oc I post here often. Here’s some more on him —> Cross-X info sheet
I am THE Toby enthusiast so expect lots of rambles and art of him. He’s the guy ever.
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I’m open for dms and asks if you feel welcome to!
I enjoy the grunge aesthetic and plants, I love many genres of music and art. I do digital art and traditional along with some painting though what I post here will be more digital. I write passionately about my interests and characters. Cats, raccoons and foxes are my current favorite animals. I enjoy orange and green toned things. I like forests and going out into nature when ever I can (and my body let me.) I take photography photos of said forests and trips I take. I enjoy piercings and have a few myself, along with sour flavored things. I absolutely love the smell of lavender and won’t leave the house unless I reak of it (real) I am protective of my friends and partner and will give the world for them. I am not in a relationship at the moment.
I love horror movies, Scream being my favorite franchise, followed closely by Jaws and many many shark films and documentaries. I am a film fanatic and will talk during movie theatres…. I aspire to become a film director and make my own stories and bring them to life via film. I love the ocean and sea creatures. SHARKS. I will ramble about sharks and other interests. I tend to speak a lot on certain topics easily even if it was started over something completely different. I can probably talk for hours on voice calls. I play Genshin sometimes and Roblox mainly at the moment. I own a cat and his name is Mr fuggles and another whose name is Nim Nims. I named them both hop off.
I am neurodivergent and need tone tags, I am diagnosed ADHD and Anxiety disorders so be weary of those things. I am not easily offended or set off unless my friends are hurt. I have (at the moment) undiagnosed Autism. I take that very lightly as again I am not medically recognized due to financial problems but I will state it anyways to let people know it’s a possibility.
My favorite current ships at the moment are (they are links)
- Ticciwork
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Table of contents for my writing and rants (they are links)
Toby Headcanons
Toby Family Headcanons
Friends one shot
Rewrite link on wattpad
Origin of Cross-x on Quotev
Fatal instinct mini fic
Nails mini fic
Unposted headcanons
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avatarl0v3r · 2 years
Hiii can i request Lo’ak being in love with Human fem reader and they share their first kiss but mama Netyiri finds them and forbids them from seeing each other again? But reader almost dies protecting Lo’ak so Netyiri let’s them date each other?
“Na’vi Can’t Be With Humans”
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This is a longer one
Index: the reader and lo’ak have been bestfriends for years and soon grew feelings for each other but Neytiri doesn't want her son to be with a human
warning/notes: cussing, near death experience, somewhat jealous Lo'ak, angst (if you blink you’ll miss it), not proof read, the war between humans and Na’vi is still going on, in the first part Lo’ak and reader are 15, when the year time skip comes read and Lo’ak are 16, Tsireya is one of my favorite characters but for this story she might be a bitch, i picture y/n as black in all my story’s but i don’t mention skin color nor hair type etc but in this her hair is curly (3b-3c)
Na’vi can’t be with humans masterlist
WC: 4,206
Tag list🏷️: @iloveavatar @mashiromochi @nyotamalfoy @debsworld23 @dioriez @nao-cchi @brookesbizzareadvendture @minkyungseokie
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You’ve been on pandora since you could remember you were born here along with Spider, but the difference was you were curious about life on earth both your parents were scientist and worked on making you an avatar to just survive around here and it was fully mature when you were the age of 12 even though you were 15 your parents wanted to run a few tests on it before you used it, so your mother gave you her music player that you could take with you anywhere.
It had many songs on it, and you would listen to it all the time. Lo'ak who was your best friend was interested in the music that would play.
Neytiri wasn't very happy about this let alone the fact Lo'ak was friends with you, but Jake brushed it off for he was also human at one point.
As a human girl you weren't that tall compared to the Na'vi only standing at 5'8 the same height at Tuk which you hated mainly because she was 8 years old, and you were 15 years old.
One morning you woke up and grabbed your music player from off the table and started listening to "kill bill" by SZA sining the song as you got dressed for the day unlike Spider you actually got somewhat dressed you walked out your room with your music player and headed outside saying good morning to your parents who were looking over things with your avatar "Heading out" you say as you walk pass them "Mask" your father yelled "Got it" you said as you grabbed the mask and put it on your face walking out the door.
you seen Spider running past you "Bet ill be you there first" you rolled your eyes "Unlike you im in no rush to get there" you say slightly annoyed he would even talk to you you started to ignore him which made him annoyed and just leave you alone.
Finally, after a few minutes you made it to where the Sully kids were Neteyam looked over and noticed you and smiled and walked up to you and hugged you "Hey Tey" you said smiling Lo'ak looked over hearing your voice and a sight pain hit his heart as he watched you hug Neteyam.
You walked over to him and sat next to him he pouted you rolled your eyes smiling "Oh my what is it this time" you crossed his arms and turned his head away from you kind of like a baby who doesn't get what they wanted "Im offended you hugged Neteyam before me" you looked at him with disbelief and started laughing "This is what its about," you continued to laugh he only glared at you "Lo'ak i apologize i hugged Tey before you even if he greeted me before you" you said sarcastically before hugging him dramatically before jumping up and turning to your group of friends "Who want to go swimming?" Everyone nodded and headed to the river.
it was starting to get late the sun was almost setting and you and kiri were talking on a rock about random things, and laughing while watching everyone play in the water you looked at Kiri and asked her “What would i do if i liked someone…you know more than a friend” she looked at you wide eyed.
Lo’ak had looked over at the sound of your laugh and only heard little bit of the conversation “What would i do if i liked someone… you know more than a friend” he didn’t know why but your words hurt him his energy was off the rest of the day and he just headed back home before it got to late and he didn’t tell you goodbye you weren’t the only on who noticed this Kiri noticed too.
You all went back to the mountains where the Na’vi stayed Kiri told Jake she would be walking you back home since it would eclipse “Bye Lo’ak, bye Neteyam” Neteyam waved bye but Lo’ak just ignored you making you stare at him in confusion.
As you and Kiri walked you were thinking about how Lo’ak was acting “What’s wrong?” you looked at her “I’m just thinking about how Lo’ak was acting back at home” you look away from her and at the path ahead of you both “Well, i mean Lo’ak likes you and we all know that you like him back and maybe he heard some of our conversation and took it as you liked someone else” you looked at her slightly guilty “I hope not…I would feel terrible.”
Kiri and you arrived at your home you turned to her and hugged her “Thanks for the talk love you bye” she smiled “No problem love you too bye” she waved as she walked back towards her home as you shut the door behind you.
Your parents looked at you with warm smiles but their expressions changed after seeing your face your mom was the first to speak “You okay baby?” you nodded and took the mask off hanging it up where it’s meant to and walked to your room.
Your parents were left there confused after a few minutes and getting ready for bed and everything you came back to your room and laid under the blankets just sitting alone with your thoughts until your bedroom door opened and you looked up.
“Oh hi momma” you sat up in your bed your back resting against the head board looking at her “What’s wrong?” “Noth-“ she cut you off before you could finish talking “And don’t say nothing your a shitty lier” you sighed “Tell me what happened”
You told her everything and for a moment it was quiet “Look here’s what i’d tell you to do talk him one on one, no friends, no eavesdroppers, just you and him then tell him about how you feel and shit” you laughed at her words “Maybe” “Love ya” “Love you too” she headed for the door and was about to close it then stopped turning around “Oh yea your avatars almost fully matured” you smiled “Hell yea.”
The next night you told Kiri about your plan and went and found Lo’ak dragging him along with you “Bro hurry up” he laughed at you sprinting ahead of him “Hey! don’t fall your mask might break” he said his voice full of worry as you ran, even if he’s not the one you like he couldn’t bring himself to stop caring for you.
You came to a stop at the top of a tree overlooking some of Pandora “Shit” Lo’ak said as he stopped almost running into you grabbing you by your shoulders to keep you both steady.
You laughed at his face but didn’t ignore the fact his energy was still off your turned away from him and sat down allowing your legs to hang off the tree edge, staring at the world in front of you the world looked as if it was almost fake, it was dark but the bioluminescence forest lit up the night, the moon hung over Pandora like a blanket, you could hear animals running around and making noises, and the air smelled like fresh grass and free soil the smell relaxed you.
You stared at the world in front of you. There was a comfortable silence between the both of you for sometime Lo’ak broke it with his voice to “So why’d you bring me out here” you looked at him having to think of your words “Well i want to tell you something I-“ Lo’ak cut you off “Y/n i’m happy for you really i’m glad you found someone” you looked at him confused “I’m sorry what,” you then started to laugh “your joking right, please tell me your joking.”
You noticed he was being serious, and your laughing stopped as you sighed and looked at him "Lo'ak who do you think i like?" He looked out at Pandora "Neteyam" you burst out laughing "Fuck no i do not like Neteyam" he looked at you shocked "What do you mean" you looked at him "Holy shit Lo’ak your slow are you gonna make me do something to get it threw your head.”
“What-“ before he could finish you kissed him Lo’ak’s eyes widened his heart rate increased he relaxed and melted into the kiss, the two of you broke apart you then hugged him just sitting there looking at pandora.
“Lo’ak” Neytiri was looking for her son because it was past eclipse the sight she saw was one she never wanted to see again her son was kissing the human girl she had never wanted around he eyes widened and she ran over to the two of you ripping you apart she hissed at you causing you to stand up and get as far away as you could “Mo-“ Neytiri looked at her son the anger in her eyes causing his words to get caught in his throat “I don’t want you around my son nor my family do i make myself clear” she said anger lacing her words you only nodded and headed back to your humble abode.
That night you laid in bed you couldn’t tell if you were mad or sad, you really didn’t feel anything besides the tears pooling down your face you were mainly just confused as to how Spider can still hangout with them even with all the shit going on between him and Kiri that’s what you were mad and sad because you no longer could you ended up just watching Nexflix on your tablet since your parents still had a connection from earth you could watch movies here so that what you did.
Lo’ak was angry at dinner Neytiri seemed to think she did a good job as a mother telling Y/n she didn’t want her around her kids she had yet to tell Jake of this Lo’am was to angry to be hungry.
Jake noticed “What’s wrong Lo’ak” all the anger that had built up exploded out of him “Mom told Y/n she doesn’t want her around me or any of us she thinks Y/n’s just like the other people, even though you were a human too the only difference was you went into your avatars body so i don’t fucking understand what the difference is between you and Y/n you had a avatar to put your soul in while Y/n doesn’t THATS the only fucking difference she’s still a human and so is dad with or without his Na’vi body and not even you,” Lo’ak pointed to his mom “can deny that you still choose to save him in his human form so before you say anything about Y/n think about how hypocritical your being!” with that he stood up and stomped out of the hut and grabbed his Ikran and flew away.
Jake looked at Neytiri a anger she’s never seen before in his eyes “Neteyam, Kiri take Tuk outside and do something i need to have a talk with your mother” they nodded and headed outside.
“What’s wrong with you” she looked offended “Me ?! Y/n’s kind killed my father, my sister, ruined my home, her and Lo’ak kissed and you ask me what wrong with me” Jake sighs “Me and her father are close He’s like my brother Y/n is like my niece and for you to just push her away and forbid her from seeing our children is bullshit, Tuk loves her like a sister, you have no right to do that Neytiri.”
Lo’ak flew to the lab you lived at and landed his Ikran and crept to your window he peaked inside the room seeing you laying there watching people moving on your screen he recalled you had called it ‘Netflix’ whatever that is he noticed your tear stained face, your red nose, and puffy eyes as if you’ve been crying your whole life made his ears press flat against his head and his his expression change to that of sadness, sadness because he knew it was his mom who said those hurtful things to you, sadness because he knew he couldn’t disobey his mom and be with a human.
Lo’ak hated that word human what was the point of that word honestly every human he’s seen looked the same besides skin color, hair color, hair texture, and gender but they all had hair, five fingers like himself, without tails, and weren’t blue, Na’vi have the same thing most are blue or some shade of blue, have four fingers, no hair besides their head and ends of their tails.
Lo’ak knew his dad was once human which is why he was angry when his mom yelled at you to never come back, means no more hanging out with him, no more making flower crowns with Tuk or telling her stories, no more making fun of Neteyam with him, no more annoying kiri, nothing at all just how it was before he met you, the thought made his sick to his stomach.
Ears still flat against his head and nervousness flooded his body and mind he hesitantly knocked on your window waiting for you to notice him, when you finally did you’re glum expression changed to one of happiness as you paused your show and climbed across your bed to the window to open it you had no idea why he went to your window when your parents always allow him over no matter the time but still you opened the window and allowed him to clime inside his tail bumping your vines and tabistrys hanging off your wall and ceiling.
“Lo’ak watch the tail” he looked confused then noticed he had pulled down a vine and was now wrapped around his tail you helped him get out of the vine before sitting back down in the bed and covering yourself up allowing your body to claim back its warmth.
Lo’ak sits on the edge of your bed not knowing where to start you just watch him waiting for him to do something as your waiting your mom walks in the room and stops before she’s all the way in “Lo’ak when’d you get here, why didn’t you just use the door?,” she laughs slightly “anyways Y/n your avatar will be read to be taken out next week” she said a large smile on her face and shut the door and walked back down the hall, which made you smile.
Lo’ak looked confused “What’s an avatar?” you laughed slightly “It’s my Na’vi body, that looks like me, it just has some human things to it like you” you said smiling before everything was quiet again.
“I’m sorry” you looked confused “for what?” his ears were now flat against his head while his face showed sadness “My mom…” you smiled sadly at him “It’s okay, you’ve got nothing to do with it, but you shouldn’t come around here anymore since i don’t want you to get into anymore trouble” you weren’t sure if it was possible but his ears laid even flatter against his head sad by what you said but he knew it was true.
“We can watch Netflix, listen to music before you go?” he smiled it made him happy you still wanted him around you just didn’t want to get him in trouble, the two of you cuddled the rest of the night watching a show until it was time for him to leave.
“Bye Lo’ak.”
It had been a year since the last time you or Lo’ak seen each other, you had somewhat gotten over the fact Neytiri had forbid you from seeing Lo’ak and the rest of them, you’ve gotten used to fact Neytiri forbid you from seeing Lo’ak and the rest of them, you’ve gotten used to using your avatar along side your parents, even joining them in the lab and doing experiments which you loved, celebrating your 16th birthday, you missed Lo’ak with your whole soul but what were you to do.
Lo’ak on the other hand hated he hadn’t seen you, his family had to leave to find a place to protect them and the people, him and his family went to the Metkayina a few months before, but then Kiri had a seizure and Jake contacted Norm and Max to come see what was wrong.
“Uncle Norm, uncle Max where are we going?” you asked as you were packing your things “Something happened so hurry and meet us at the helicopter” uncle Max said before him and Norm walked out the lab.
You had gotten the rest of your stuff around and walked out heading for the helicopter. You were interested in knowing where you were going but your uncles would tell you anything, Max was your biological uncle because of your mom while Norm was kinda just a close friend of your dad.
You sat there looking at the landscape in-front of you “Holy shit!” you laughed with a smile your Uncle Max smiled at your reaction “Language” he said “Please you were smiling at me” you said rolling your eyes.
This was your first time seeing the ocean and the animals jumping out of it “This is amazing” you said while smiling.
Soon you had landed when you hopped out many pale-ish blue Na’vi were staring at you whispers coming from each of them things like “Her hairs curly like ours but with more noticeable curls” etc. you get it, you walked past then and seen Jake you ran to him and hugged him he gladly hugged you back “Hey kid” he said laughing you let him go forgetting how tall Na’vi are Max and Norm walked up to him “Where is she?” Jake nodded and led them through the village to their marui your eyes widened at the sight “Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with my friend!” you say to Jake “Take it easy, we don’t know” you sigh “I’ll take some scans” Max and Norm nodded.
You scanned her body “So Jake what happened?” Jake had to recall what happened “The kids said she connected her queue to the tree the Metkayina people have her similar to the tree of souls and she just passed out” you look closely “She had a seizure, but it shows nothing wrong with her, her brain work seems perfect, you can let her do it again” Jakes eyes widened “What never??” you sighed standing up “If she does this again and has a seizure under water, she may not survive this time she was lucky.”
Ronal walks in and looks at you and your uncles “It seems i am not needed here” she turns to walk away Neytiri says something to her before your all kicked out Max and Norm are ready to go as they walk back to the helicopter and seen Neteyam and hugged him smiling “Holy shit- Y/n, i’ve missed you” he said hugging you back disbelief in his voice “i gotta go catch up with my Uncles ill see you later” you jogged off catching up with the two grown men “We aren’t leaving yet, not until i know Kiri is gonna be okay” They looked at each other knowing you weren’t gonna let this one slide “Fine” they both said you put your stuff in the helicopter and grabbed your music player and a hair tie you put your hair into a makeshift bun just so it could hold your curls securely and put the headphones on and walked along the beach.
You thought about life a year ago, how you missed Lo’ak, but now you’ve changed within that year gap of not seeing him, you’ve matured a bit more and acted somewhat differently, you didn’t take that many adventures around Pandora anymore, you worked in the lab with your parents and other scientists, became less naive, became more closed off in a way, kept to yourself, got a hell of a lot stronger, you wondered what Lo’ak would think of you now it was eating you alive thinking of all the possibilities.
What if he found a mate.
What if he doesn’t like the person you’ve become.
What if he forgot about you.
No, Lo’ak couldn’t have forgotten about you, but then again where was he you only seen Neteyam, Lo’ak was no where to be found you sighed and dipped you feet into the water allowing yourself to relax and breath.
Soon your thoughts were interrupted by laughing this caught your attention so you walked over your eyes widened seeing Lo’ak with another girl it kinda hurt you knowing he probably moved on from you, but it hurt knowing he made a friendship like your and his with someone else.
You turned to walk away leaving you in your thoughts once again with tears rolling down your face and your curls sticking to the tear trail, before you were pulled out your thoughts ones again “Hey! who are you come back here!” the person yelled based off the voice it was Lo’aks just slightly deeper.
You started to walk faster your face already cleared of tears your only focus was getting as far away from here as you could.
A hand landed on your shoulder to your shock without thinking you grabbed the arm twisted it and pulled it forward flipping the person onto the ground then landing with a thud you eyes widened “Shit i’m sorry” you say quickly before helping the person up.
“It’s all good” the person said brushing the sand out their hair you were very short compared to the Na’vi in front of you “You sure? I did kinda just flip you onto your back” you nervously laugh the Na’vi looks at you then their eyes widen with shock.
Lo’ak and Tsireya were laughing in the water, oh how he wished he was laughing with Y/n.
Lo’ak longed for Y/n everyday since the last time he saw her but when he started to hang out with tsireya the more he longed.That was until he noticed a small human looking figure walking away from the beach where they were “Lo’ak someone’s watching us” reya pointed to the fleeing figure making Lo’ak go after them and end up where he was now in front of the person that flipped him onto his back.
You stood there not sure if he recognized you, the other Na’vi walks up to Lo’ak and rest her hands on his arms giving you a bitchy look you roll your eyes not caring she was taller than you.
The girl looked at you as she held Lo’ak tightly against her “If you don’t mind we’re hanging out at the moment” you rolled your eyes “Yup, my bad” you said moving your body past Lo’aks.
The pair watched you leave Lo’ak thinking you looked and sounded familiar but he didn’t have much time to think about it since reya pulled him along with her Lo’ak kept watching your figure that was until he heard Tuk scream a name he hasn’t heard in years.
Lo’aks eyes widened and he ripped his arm from reyas “Lo’ak?” she asked confused “Not right now Reya” Lo’ak ran until he caught sight of the you.
“Hey Tuk” you said looking at her “You’ve gotten shorter” Tuk laughed “Oh? maybe it’s because you’ve gotten taller-“ your words were cut off as you hit the ground “I missed you so so much” you looked down it was Lo’ak he had his arms wrapped around your waist while tears streamed down his face “I missed you too Lo’ak” you said kissing the top of his head over and over again.
When Neytiri seen you a Lo’ak hanging out she hated it, Jake on the other hand was happy to see his son so happy.
Tsireya on the other hand was not so much she blamed you for taking Lo’ak away from her even though it had only been a few months she knew she wanted to mate with him, you were extremely nice to her wanting to get to know her after Lo’ak introduced the two of you, when meeting her you could tell she hated you but you stayed being nice no matter what.
You and Lo’ak spent time together all the time from morning to night, when Kiri finally woke up it was time to leave.
Lo’ak greeted you that morning only to find out you had to leave “You leaving already?!” you smiled sadly “Lo’ak you know i can’t stay here even when if wanted to i couldn’t there no place for a human here” you said looking around eyes settling on Tsireya knowing she would be happier if you left “But when would i see you again?!” you smiled sadly “I’m not sure Lo’ak, but i can promise it’ll be very soon.”
You hugged Lo’ak he hugged you back just as tightly his tail wrapping around your human figure, Tsireya felt a growl in her throat as she watched.
You and Lo’ak parted ways once you’re feet hit the helicopter floor but you knew you’d be seeing him sooner than you thought.
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This is gonna have a part two or this is gonna be a hell of a lot longer then it needs to be
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sofasoap · 2 years
Interlude: Here comes the insertion specialist
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Don't give König ANY alcohol.
Warning: M Rated. INNUENDO, INNUENDO!  Alcohol consumption ( be responsible people), swearing, sexual theme. Slight crack fic. English isn’t my first language, there will be a lot of grammatical and tense mistake.
A/N: This is part of the world what I dubbed “ Mini MacTavish Universe”. Inspired by  @saltofmercury ’s “ “The Favorite MacTavish”. Praise her for lending me her character and universe * starry eye *. Go read her brilliant stories!
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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You know König doesn't drink alcohol. No big deal. Each to their own. Maybe he just doesn't like the taste of it. What you didn't realise is he has ZERO tolerance to alcohol.
Kortac was in UK again after a successful joint operation with the SAS. To your surprise, Johnny rang you and ask if you want to travel to  Credenhill  to join the party. "That's rare, usually I have to beg you to let me tag along!"
"... The team was asking for you." " They are asking for their FAVOURITE MacTavish you mean?"
" Jesus Christ, do you want to come or not?"
" Just give me the date and I'll check my shift timetable."
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You were secretly excited you will get to see König again after the chance meeting which turned into, according to Emma, a coffee date. Was that a date? You don't know. Do you like him? Maybe. For the moment you are just enjoying your time texting back and forth. ( or mainly him sending pictures of what his current little carving projects are or interesting things he notice while on mission. It's quite adorable really. )
Dropping off your luggage at the airbnb near the barrack, you make your way towards the bar frequently attended by the team. Walking in, loud noises hits you instantly. The pub was packed full of people, it's a popular spot for the SAS soldiers since the barrack isn't far off. You look around trying to find your brother. Soon enough you spot Ghost's tall figure with Johnny and Gaz playing a round of snooker. You ran up to your brother and tackled him from behind.
"Mini! you made it!" Gaz exclaimed. "What's a gathering without me livening up the atmosphere?" You high fived each other. Johnny turned around and gave you a big hug.
" How was the train ride here?" "Busy. Lucky I booked my ticket as soon as you told me about the gathering." Pointing at Ghost, " Am I allow to greet him? or is the no Ghosting rule still apply?" "What are you planning." he look at you deadpan expression. " Nothing. I am just being friendly." " Why does this sound familiar." You turned and smiled at Ghost, " Hey Simon. "
" ... Hey." " Mini." " Hey Uncle Price!" You left Johnny's embrace and went in for a hug with Price. Why does Ghost look slightly disappointed?
"Who else is here?"
Price pointed towards the table near the bar. "Some of the KorTac members are over there, the rest are scattered around." "OHh I see new people I haven't met." " MINI" Johnny and Simon chimed in same time with warning tone.
" Yes Sir, I know Sir, I will behave Sir.” You gave the boys your best salute and wondered towards the bar to order a beer. While standing at the bar, you see König, per usual, hiding at the edge of the room, trying to make himself invisible with a glass of what looks like a coke in his hand, listening to his teammate's conversation. Doing your best you try to wave to him, he spotted you, his eyes lit up and timidly waved back. Horangi saw the interaction, elbowed König and teased him a little. König duck his head down, blushing. You felt a set of eyes on you, turning around you can see Ghost looking at your direction, eyes narrowed. What's his problem?
Soon you find yourself mixing with the ladies from both teams, gossiping away. They sure have fascinating stories to tell, tales of war to suitors or love interests they meet during their missions.
".... and would you believe, their pick up line was, "“I’ve lost my teddy bear! Can I sleep with you instead?”" You laughed, " Oh gosh, that sounded like me from last time!" " Look, if it comes from you, it sounds cute, but coming from that person??" Nova made a face. " Mini, come on, got any stories to tell? Any strange pick up lines?" " Sadly no. All the boys that wants to approach me been scared off by Johnny." " Pfft, for a casanova like him, it's bit contradicting. no offense Mini."
" None taken Kleo. I know my brother is a manwhore. A gentlemanly manwhore." Everyone burst out laughing. Out of corner of your eyes, you saw König swaying a bit in his seat. No one else seems to notice. His drink nearly finish. Maybe he is tired? All of sudden, he stood up, startling the people around him, and proceed to swagger towards you, full of purpose, you will be lying if it doesn't stir the heat up a little bit down there. Cocking an eyebrow, you turned your chair towards him. Waiting for his next move. Stopping right in front of you, he leans down, hands on both side of you on the table, trapping you. Gosh, he does have beautiful blue eyes, the piercing blue eyes.... wait, is that bit of alcohol you can smell from his breath?
"Hello Schatz." He purred. "Do you know why they call me insertion specialist? because I am VERY GOOD at ramming... " his eyes flickers down towards his crotch, " THINGS... especially into people." The whole pub just went dead silent. Your jaw dropped. Is he trying to flirt with you? Hearing a loud clank noise, your eyes darts towards the snooker table, Johnny had dropped his cue, eyes wide with shock, while Ghost looks like he was about to murder certain someone with veins popping out of his forehead. Gaz was laughing his head off, smacking Price's back, making him choke. " WHO THE FUCK ADDED RUM INTO HIS COKE!!!!"
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Just think of the way König walks at the character intro screen. mmmmm.
lack of sleep does this to you. Oops.
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maochira · 8 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open and I would like to know if you can write paternal headcanons with (noa, lavinho, snuffy and chris) with the reader who is the only girl in blue lock? (does the fem reader have a calm, balanced and analytical personality?) Thank you in advance.
Hi! I only write fem!reader if reader is a lesbian, so...
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, dad!character, something with periods (not reader getting it), I didn't exactly stick to reader's personality like in the request I'm sorry, I got very carried away with this one
Additional characters: non-binary!afab!Kurona and Isagi (Bastard München), transmasc!Chigiri and transmasc!Reo (Manshine City), non-binary!amab!Bachira and Otoya (Barcha), transfem!Aryu and transmasc!Sendou (Ubers)
Dad!Noa + non-binary!Kurona and Isagi
Because Noa and Ego know each other, you got to join Blue Lock right at the start of the second selection. You never bothered to hide the fact that you're a girl. In the beginning, your fellow players were confused but at the end of the day, they really didn't care since all they wanted was to become the best striker. They only saw you as another obstacle to overcome. Because of your gender, they figured you'd be easier to beat than the other guys. But they were very, very wrong.
Nobody expected you to win the second selection, where you ended up in a clearing team with Shidou, Igaguri, Reo and Kurona. You and Kurona became great friends quickly, as the two of you were able to bond by sharing experiences from growing up being treated as a girl, which all of the other boys in Blue Lock could never relate to. And now in the Neo Egoist League, together with Isagi you've become an unstoppable trio that's constantly talked about on social media as "Kaiser's and Ness' biggest rivals."
In the first few weeks of your participation in Blue Lock, Noa was very unsure if he made the right choice by letting you go there. Of course, he gave you the choice, but he had the final say. He was mainly concerned about what Ego's approach to soccer might do to you, and he was worried that that might make you lose your passion for soccer. The moment your father got to see you again in the Neo Egoist League, he realized his worry was unnecessary because your new, egotistical approach to soccer didn't end up changing anything about the you he knew before.
Dad!Chris + transmasc!Chigiri and transmasc!Reo
You came along when your father travelled to Japan, but participating in the Neo Egoist League wasn't your original plan. But during your first conversation with Ego, he mentioned even though you play for a girl's team back at home, he thinks highly of your skills and would like you to participate.
Although, you found yourself regretting that decision very soon. Only being surrounded by boys you didn't know made you uncomfortable. Combined with your rather shy personality, that led to you never talking to anyone outside of soccer training and matches.
Despite Chris' attempts to get you to befriend any of your new teammates, you preferred to stay in your room whenever you could. That changed when one evening, you heard a knock on the door to your room. When you opened it, you were met with Chigiri and Reo awkwardly asking for a pad because Reo got his period. You were confused for a moment before the dots in your head connected and you realized Reo must be assigned female at birth. You didn't waste any time and quickly brought Reo an extra pack of pads. To avoid any uncomfortable silence, Chigiri laughed a bit and mentioned he would have given Reo a pad, but he only had tampons left and Reo was uncomfortable with those.
You started complaining and joking about your period as well, which quickly led to the three of you becoming friends. Even though you were so intimidated by everyone around you when it came to any interactions outside the field, this situation broke the ice and finally made you comfortable with at least two of your teammates.
Dad!Lavinho + non-binary!Bachira and Otoya
Lavinho took you along to Japan without even mentioning the reason. No matter how many times you asked, he would always respond by saying it'll be a surprise.
And a surprise it was. You were overjoyed when you found yourself in the Blue Lock building. You had previously seen the Blue Lock Eleven vs U-20 match and were impressed by their skills.
Unlike your father, you weren't a soccer player. You had always aspired to become a coach, though. Lavinho promised that he would let you take over as a coach in the Neo Egoist League, and that he would simply stay at your side to make sure everything was going alright and occasionally give you advice.
You and Bachira became best friends the moment you looked at each other for the first time. It was like platonic love at first sight. And as Bachira's best friend, you would spend all your free time with them, playing soccer together, despite your miserable skills on the field, and talking about anything on your mind.
Occasionally Otoya would attempt to flirt with you, despite your frequent reminders that you're only into girls. At some point, it became a running joke within the team and everyone would start flirting with Otoya, quoting the exact things he said to you.
Dad!Snuffy + transfem!Aryu and transmasc!Sendou
Being in the Ubers team is like being at a big family reunion. Just without the awkward questions about what you plan to do in your future and everything else relatives like to ask. All the dynamics within the team resemble some sort of typical family stereotype.
The dynamic between you and Aryu is the one of an older sister teaching her younger sister all sorts of things about clothes, make-up and talking about dating. Although, the roles of who's the younger and who's the older one keeps changing all the time. Sometimes it's you giving Aryu dating advice, sometimes it's her teaching you how to use make-up properly. The two of you frequently have what you would call "girls night" and stay up way too long.
Despite Sendou being a little older than you, you've become like an older sister figure to him. Sendou often gets insecure about his body, and you're always there to comfort him. With you and Aryu as the only other girls around, you've become his safe space.
Before coming to Blue Lock, Snuffy was worried about how you might handle the new environment and how it could influence you negatively. But now he's more than happy to see how well you get along with everyone.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
need help for rewrite
so ... im still stuck trying to decide who fits what sage role best, mainly its a tie between purah and monk miz kyoshia for the role of spirit sage, current plan is that the spirit temple is located beneath the forgotten plateau and is accessed via shrine of life/the DLC dungeon from kyoshia but its broken and leads into the temple
purah pro
female character in a mostly male cast in the sages roles
tech enthusiast = tie in with mineru
kinda hinted at in the game to be a sage but then isnt (imo)
possible tie in with josha so she actually gets something to do
possibly fun companion for a dungeon
already gives link his shiekah prosthetic arm and its abilities + upgrades
doesnt seem that spiritual all things considered
what would her ability be?/would a guardian laser fit her??
doesnt seem to have any magical capability without her tech (then again does mineru?)
monk kyoshia pro
hes cool :)
very spiritual
would be a very unexpected choice
located right where the temple starts
can do a guardian laser just like that
having a floaty mummy monk in the sage meeting would be kinda funny
possibly having funny interactions with koga as he/the yiga seem to take after the original shiekah alot before they were split (plus my HC of koga having been a monk from the same time as well ... should they know each other ..??)
he was a DLC character
another male character, making zelda and riju be the only sages
duplicated moveset with koga, what would be the most logical ability to gain from him and in turn whats more iconic for koga? (as in AoC tho non canon koga does a laser thingy too, would be neat to pick that up here, then again kyoshia and koga both teleport like nobodies business)
lore clash bc he should know too much, he could tell everyone whats going on robbing away alot of the mystery (and if not mentioned, is there a good excuse?) plus would render alot of the research into new tech useless bc he might know all of that .. unless being monk doesnt mean also knowing the tech ..
possibly less fun companion for a dungeon
additionally, zelda mainly being the sage of light (perhaps the time thing being just an inate thing the shiekah arm can do bc its a more developed version of the stasis rune) could also mean she could do a laser attack as we see rauru do, then again the moldora attack is not part of the rewrite so if ever used by rauru its when he and ganondorf fight one on one in one of the new memories which brings up the problem of what would be the most logical ability to gain from either, is the teleport the yiga do not a little .. to little impactful for someone like koga? also kyoshia can do the same, again a moveset overlap and .. if it was purah instead, what is her ability (same problem with paya, she doesnt have any ability either .. tho i could imagine giving you a shield like sidon does in canon and change sidon ability to be something healing related bc of mipha?)
if i took kyoshias ability to make clones of himself as an ability (since you dont have the sages running around you in the rewrite) as a distraction tech and battle support, would it fit koga more to have a laser attack or the teleport? i kinda like the idea of giving zelda the laser attack bc she rarely gets an overly offensive role
more thoughts, if it was kyoshia, couldnt he just waltz around with you all the time bc he doesnt have any leadership roles he needs to furfill? or perhaps he cant leave the area of the shrine of life, hes a mummy after all, would that be a good excuse? (thought about impa too bc it would be cool to have an old character kicking ass in the main team, but after giving her role to paya she doesnt have any reason why she wouldnt be able to tag along everywhere too)
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afrogwhocantdraw · 1 month
Giving the Sbg gang Madilyn Mei songs- Ben
Each character has about 2 songs I think fit them best and I'm gonna explain in depth why I chose the songs I did
So starting off with Ben because he's where I started this whole thing, this will have backstory spoilers for him (which I highly doubt anyone hasn't seen before but regardless) I really reccomend listening to the songs first, mainly cause their really good. But this should make sense anyway if you don't really want to
Song 1: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
This one's a pretty self explanatory one, the entire premise of the song fits with Ben, but particularly with his backstory, if there are phrases in quotes and in italics/bold are song lyrics
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The first lyric of the song is
"I must be a sheep in wolfs clothing"
which is exactly what ben was, as it says above, despite Ben's outward appearance seeming intimidating, he is actually quite timid.
Another lyric slightly later on is "If you follow me, I won't know what to do, Planned on following you" Which is something that described Ben almost exactly, as Ashlyn says in episode 27
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Ben doesn't know what to do with himself anymore, so he follows Aiden around to try find out "what to do" as the song says.
"I'll blow your house down, if that's what all the other wolves do" I think this (aswell as kind of relating to the way his house was actually destroyed) is when he begins to pick up street fighting. While he does it out of frustration rather than intentionally copying the people who bullied him (they are the "wolves" in this if you couldn't tell), he eventually did become similar to them.
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"One day my whole brain had fallen out of my pocket now it collects dust on a shelf" I think this bit relates to when Ben loses his voice, because that's the turning point in his life, when he loses the thing most important to him. And after that he follows Aiden around ("now it collects dust on a shelf", he isn't following himself, he goes along with whatever Aiden is doing)
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"I lie awake at night, counting all my old friends as I try to fall asleep, forgot what they,what they,what they look like"
While they weren't his friends, I think this relates to the group of people who bullied him back in sixth or seventh grade, he probably thinks back to that time alot and as seen below (which is probably just because it's Aiden recounting the event but it still counts) they aren't (aside from Shane, who I think is gonna be remembered clearly cause he made the most difference) shown very cleary, you cant tell exactly what they look like aside from their hair.
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Song 2: Cryptid
This one's lyrics don't work as well but it's more about the song itself that I think fits Ben
The song is about (as the name suggests) a cryptid, who isn't seen as scary by others but wants to prove themself because they feel like they don't deserve a name. In the end they choose their own (simple) name which they feel they deserve. I cannot really explain why I connect it with Ben really it just seems to fit with his character.
The only lyrics I think explicitly fit ben are:
"they just laugh it makes me livid"
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"I'm not scary, like I should be" This is the line I think made me make the connection, because of his size, people assume Ben should be scary, when in reality he's actually really sweet and that misconception affects him because that's what causes Shane and his gang to focus on Ben and start trying to recruit him.
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That's all I really have for now! Gonna get started on the next one right away
( @rot-decay-erosion sorry for the tag again, would you like to be tagged in all of these or not?)
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