#ag doll restoration
the-tallest01 · 11 months
How I Restored my AG doll Lindseys Matted Wig :D
So if you’re my mutual and don’t care ab AG dolls, carry on. I’m mainly posting this to document my own experience restoring Lindsey ✨
Anyway, I recently got a Lindsey doll that had the original box, and tags, and the only damage was her wig and loose limbs. So I really lucked out, I payed about 100$ for her. (She had her original meet outfit and barrette!)
I’m just going to show y’all how i fixed her wig first :)
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This was her wig before, it was very matted, frizzy and I couldn't even get my fingers to run through it.
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For about two hours, I sat down and combed her hair layer by layer with a mix of 1cup water, and 1 tablespoon fabric softener. Then I curled it with my fingers and let air dry with pins. I also did a small snip of some ends that were too far gone.
it looks SOOOO much better now and is perfectly soft. All I have to do next to fully restore her is tighten her limbs, and re-do the flocking on her shoes. (Which are notorious for flaking.)
She will be for display only lol
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mintyscuriocabinet · 3 months
Forbidden soup
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idledoll · 2 months
I did a bit of restoring on my #34, Renata, this week. I've been wanting to do a boil wash on her since I got her, but a boil wash is a bit beyond my normal capabilities, so I had to wait for a good day (and a cool day, because this summer has been hot as hell).
Her hair was extremely crunchy, dull, and split at the ends, all the usual things that go wrong when doll hair is damaged.
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So I did the whole boiling process and then I set the ends of her hair into curlers so that I'd get the nice curling-under action that her hair was originally supposed to have.
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I wasn't sure the curlers would work, since I've never tried it before. When I first put them in, I had this sinking feeling they might be too big and the result would look ridiculous, but then the next day--
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The curlers came out and the results were exactly what I wanted! Her hair looks so much better. Every time I saw another picture of a 34, I was always jealous of how nice their hair looked -- I don't think I'll have that issue anymore!
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posing-in-a-dollroom · 11 months
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annies-dollies · 1 year
Doll 1: Henri Arthur
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This is my first doll, he was an early edition Felicity (with the soft ginger lashes) but I’d gotten the doll second hand and the original owner had cut the hair when she was a child.
This doll was gifted to me when I was either 13 or 14 and this old friend went everywhere with me. Now, I’ve cut the hair further to a more masculine hairstyle and decided he was a boy.
He looks like me at a glance but mostly cause all redheads are deemed to look alike and I’m obviously related to every redhead on earth, so yeah I look just like him /s
But in all seriousness, being my first doll and looking similar to me, he is a mini me. But he isn’t to be the only one hopefully. He is a reflection of the vintage enthusiast part of me. I collect and restore vintage clothes at times and he wears mini versions of the vintage clothes I own.
He’s the first doll I ever operated on. I had to restring his legs only like 80 times. I had to mend a hole on his torso side opposite of the tag side. I also had to sew one of his leg sockets back in place as it had started to detach from the fabric of the torso.
He’s also the first doll I ever gave a tiny plastic heart. I started this when I first got him, after the first repair. So he’s got a red plastic heart shoved down into the cotton inside his torso that’s been there since I was a child when I first put it there.
This tradition continues and now every doll who passes into my ownership gets a little plastic heart. I thought it to be a cute little idea.
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lovedrac · 10 months
🦢 Restoring Kaya, Pt. 2 🦢
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Here she is, all cleaned up and (mostly, kinda) repaired! ☺️
I used a Magic Eraser to clean off all the dust on her body. I also used shampoo/conditioner in her hair to clean it out- and BOY, did it need it, it had plumes of dust literally coming out when I was tying it back 🥲 I also used some buffer sheets I had bought on Amazon to repair her scratches and scuffs, it was about $6 before shipping.
Repair notes under the cut!
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First of all, unless you’ve got some time, I HIGHLY recommend NOT taking Kaya’s braids out unless you have a situation like mine. Kaya had been sitting in storage for about 10 years; I knew she was very dirty and needed the clean. But BOY was her hair hard to wrestle with! It looks good in the photos, but that was after about an hour of brushing and washing. Be very careful and make sure to brush bottom to top.
(She looks so cute in this photo though!!)
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First time without braids ever!!! It looked pretty but it was a mess waiting to happen 🥲 The moment I started combing it became a frizzy, knotted mess.
Second, unfortunately I’ll need to still work on her because I buffed a bit too hard on her cheek and now she’s missing her face paint (seen above). Something I was worried about and unfortunately it came true 😭 I’ll have to repaint her cheek carefully. If you use buffer sheets, use them as gentle as possible. I used multiple different grains of buffer sheets and didn’t press hard but still ended up making her slightly shiny and rubbing paint off. I’ll come back to this.
But otherwise, I am glad she’s clean and her hair came out pretty good too! This took about 2 1/2 hours to do. I also am relieved those large scuffs on her calf and arm came out easily with the Magic Eraser. I’m going to take her braids out so her hair can relax; it’s obvious it needs it.
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thelonesomediaries · 10 months
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Some bonus photos I took during Tags’ spa day. She’s got that newer rock hard vinyl that could knock someone out so I had to dip her limbs in boiling water to soften them to get the parts out/in. While her cloth body washed and dried I read regional Night Before Christmas books. I highly recommend the Cajun one.
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cosmicbucky · 11 months
summary: the story of you and bucky as told through different dates
pairing: bucky barnes x female reader
word count: 3274
warnings: fluff, allusions to mature themes, brief swearing, implication of major death (i'm sorry in advance)
a/n: this is a rewrite of one of my old fics that i deleted lol - (time travelling)
《《《《 ♡ 》》》》
《《April 17th》》
You finished curling the last strand of hair, pinning it all neatly in place before staring at your reflection. You analyzed every inch of your face, scrutinizing each choice - was the lipstick the right shade? Were your cheeks too pink? Was your hair proper enough?
“Well, are you ready? It’s been ages!” you heard through the door, your best friend’s voice pulling you from your trance. 
You cleared your throat, dabbing your hands along your hair to press down any flyaways. “Coming!”
You pulled open the door, coming face to face with her as she leaned against the wall opposite you. She grinned, eyeing you up and down as you ran your hands along your dress, absently wondering if it was the right choice. 
She whistled playfully, chuckling softly. “Don’t you clean up well! This boy won’t know what hit him.”
You smiled confidently, your worries momentarily disappearing. “Thanks, sugar.”
A few beats of silence passed before a light knock came from the door of your tiny apartment. You gave your friend a pointed look, the nerves flooding back in an instant.
She smiled reassuringly at you, lightly shoving you down the hall. “Don’t be nervous. He’s a great guy, and he practically begged for a date with you,” she reminded you, hot on your heels.
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you entered the living room. “Okay. You’re right. I got this.”
Confidence restored within you, you walked over and opened the door, grinning at the sight.
“Well, don’t you look beautiful,” he greeted with a smile, eyes quickly trailing over you. “As always,” he added with a wink. 
“Thank you, James,” you said with a giggle, heat rising in your already pink cheeks as you took in his appearance; a well fitted suit, new looking shoes, slicked back hair. He really is as dashing as everyone says. “You look quite lovely yourself.”
He smiled and laughed, holding his hand out for you to take. “I told you. Call me Bucky.”
《《June 22nd》》
“Do you wanna go for a walk?” Bucky asked, sprawled out on the floor of his bedroom as you took up his bed.
You blinked up at the ceiling in shock before craning your neck to look down at him. “A walk? Buck, it’s a million degrees outside!” you said incredulously.
You were currently stuck in one of the worst heat waves to hit the city in years, and no matter how little you had on (in the privacy of yours or Bucky’s bedroom, of course) your skin still felt like it was melting off. Especially considering the activities that always resulted from the two of you wearing next to nothing; though, how could you ever complain about that?
Bucky sighed dramatically, groaning as he sat up. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But I’m going stir-crazy here and I figured me, you, and Stevie could go get some ice cream.”
You opened your mouth to say no, but you were met with puppy dogs that you can never say no to- and he knew it. 
“Alright,” you agreed, sitting up to get dressed. “You owe me one,” you teased, slipping on your blouse. 
“Anything for you, doll,” he agreed, smiling brightly. He jumped up and threw his clothes on in a matter of seconds, running to his door. “Steve, get your punk ass up! We’re going to get ice cream!” he called down the hall.
It was silent for a moment, before footsteps were heard puttering about in the room beside you. “Okay!” came his reply, muffled through the wall.
You giggled quietly and finished dressing, taking Bucky’s hand and heading to the living room where Steve was already waiting. 
The three of you strolled down the sunny street, Steve a few paces behind as you and Bucky chatted about how quiet it was with everyone hiding away inside. Steve never paid any mind to the fact that he was constantly a tagalong - you were always kind to him, and if he was being honest, he enjoyed watching the happiness that radiated from you and Bucky.
After a few agonizingly hot minutes, you all arrived at the parlour, quickly entering and placing an order as Bucky paid for everything.
“Thanks, Buck,” Steve mumbled through a mouth full of ice cream, trying to eat it all before it was lost to the sun.
“Yes, thank you, honey,” you agreed, giving him a sweet kiss that tasted like vanilla and strawberries.
He smiled into the kiss, chasing your lips before grinning at you and Steve. “Any time.”
《《October 3rd》》
“You are such a jerk!” you yelled at Bucky, huffing in exasperation.
“Oh, come on! It’s not my fault I’m better than you,” he argued back.
You glared at him for a moment before turning back to your pad of paper. “Stop sinking my stupid ships,” you mumbled angrily, marking another X on the page.
Bucky only laughed at you, shaking his head. “Come on, love. We can quit playing if you want.”
You scoffed. “I don’t need your pity. We’ll finish this.”
He laughed at you once more, and as you watched his eyes crinkle and face glow, you suddenly weren’t mad that he was winning any more. You were simply just happy to have this ridiculous man in your life.
“Alright, you sulk. Take your shot, let’s go. Try harder this time,” he teased, smirking at you.
You narrowed your eyes at him and set your shoulders, confidently declaring your next move. 
He studied his page for a moment before he slumped his shoulders, tossing his pencil onto the table. “Well,” he declared. “I’ll be damned”
“No way,” you doubted, a grin working its way onto your face.
He smiled at you, shrugging his shoulders. “You win, baby.”
You squealed gleefully, throwing your hands up in victory as you rambled on about being better than him.
Bucky stayed where he was, watching you in pure delight, amazed at how the littlest things can make you so happy.
After a few moments you settled down, turning your gaze back to him. “Maybe next time,” you said sympathetically, unable to keep the grin off your face.
Shaking his head with a laugh, he leaned over the table and gave you an affectionate kiss. “Maybe next time,” he agreed with a soft smile.
As he left to get you both a drink, you began putting away the game and couldn’t help but laugh as you took his sheet.
“Hey, don’t look at that!” you heard him say as he returned to the room, rushing to set the drinks down and take it from you.
“I barely sunk any ships, Buck,” you concluded, trying to take the sheet back.
“I know,” he agreed with a nod, tossing the paper into the box as he sat back down.
You chuckled and followed suit, sitting down in your previous spot on the floor. “You didn’t need to let me win, James.”
“I know,” he agreed again, continuing to put the game away.
“So then why did you?” you asked curiously, crossing your arms over the table as you studied his face.
He smiled softly, giving you a half shrug. “You get happy when you win,” he said simply, as if it was obvious.
You opened your mouth to reply, though before you could he continued speaking. “And you know, given that I’m in love with you and everything, there isn’t anything I want more than for you to be happy.”
“What?” you breathed out, stunned by his words; it was the first time he ever said them to you.
“What?” he asked, feigning obliviousness.
“What did you just say?” you asked quietly.
“I want you to be happy,” he said, taking a sip from his glass. 
“Before that,” you corrected, shaking your head. 
“You get happy when you win?” he asked, doing his best to fight off the giggles building in his chest. 
“Right in the middle,” you said, your lips twitching with the first signs of a smile. 
“Oh,” he said, pretending to only just now realize what you meant. “You mean when I said I was in love with you,” he said casually.
You smiled like a fool as he repeated the words, gazing softly at him. “I’m sorry, I still didn’t catch that. One more time?”
He beamed, reaching over to grab your waist and slide you closer to him. “I-” he began, placing a kiss on your nose. “Love-” he continued, pecking the apple of your cheek. “You,” he finished with one last kiss to your other cheek. 
“I love you, too,” you admitted through a fit of giggles, the smiles never leaving either of your faces as he captured your lips with his.
《《March 10th》》
“Bucky,” you whispered into the room, nudging the man sleeping beside you.
“Hm,” he hummed in response, tightening his grip on your waist as he pulled you closer.
“Guess what?" you urged, nudging him lightly once more. 
He sighed and rolled onto his back, keeping his hold of you. “What?” he asked gruffly, wiping sleep from his eyes. 
“It’s your birthday,” you sing-songed, giggling happily as you pecked his cheek. 
He groaned and turned his head towards you. “You woke me up for that?” he asked in annoyance, though the ghost of a smile was on his lips.
“Yes!” you exclaimed. “It’s a special day!”
Bucky simply scoffed, closing his eyes as he shook his head. “I have had many birthdays, doll. It isn’t a special day.”
You playfully slapped his arm, chuckling softly. “Not for you, silly. For me!”
Fully awake now, Bucky sat up. “Okay, I’m lost. Why is my birthday a special day for you… and not me?”
Grinning, you sat up as well. “Because, today is the day that I get to cater to the man who constantly caters to me,” you explained eagerly.
“And he doesn’t get to argue about it!” you quickly added when he opened his mouth to respond.
“Fine,” he sighed. “Then you don’t get to argue about this,” he said before he threw you back down on the bed, kissing every inch of your bare skin that he could find as you squealed in delight. 
“Baby, I need to get up,” you told him once your laughter died down a little.
He hummed against your neck, nipping at your skin. “You tellin’ me you’d rather leave than enjoy what I’m about to do to you? You know what? Don’t answer that. I’m the birthday boy, so I choose. You stay”
“Okay, but that means I can’t bake your cake,” you said with a giggle.
His movements stilled and he looked up at you with raised eyebrows. “Cake?” he asked. “Why didn’t you say that sooner?”
Leaping off the bed, he ran to the kitchen and left you to trail after him a moment later. You stood in the doorway, watching in amusement as he scurried about, opening and closing nearly all the cabinets. Yet, he wasn’t taking anything out.
“Buck?” you asked, wondering what he was doing,
He turned to you, an embarrassed smile on his face. “I have no idea how to bake a cake,” he confessed.
You laughed, pushing yourself off the frame and heading over to him.
“Well, let me teach you,” you offered, giving him a chaste kiss before grabbing your recipe cards. 
He watched in awe as you fished out the right card to give him before collecting the ingredients you picked up the day before. He listened eagerly, doing what you said with so much concentration you had to continuously kiss away the scrunch between his brows. 
Everything went well, and Bucky placed the pan in the oven with a proud smile before taking you in his arms.
“You know, maybe today is a special day for me after all,” he declared, placing a lingering kiss on your forehead. 
“Because you learned how to bake a cake?” you asked curiously, chuckling as you rested your head on his chest. 
He laughed, the vibrations beneath your head making you smile. “Because I learned how to bake a cake,” he confirmed, kissing the crown of your head. 
Though really, it was because today was the day he realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you - not that he’d tell you that. Not yet, anyway. 
After a few minutes, he pulled away with a small sigh. “Come on, let’s clean up.”
“Oh, I can do it, honey,” you said. “You go clean yourself up, you have icing on your face.”
“I do?” he asked, bringing up a hand to wipe at his face. 
“Yeah, right- there,” you said, smearing a blob of icing on his cheek. 
“You did not,” he said with a gasp, staring at you in shock. 
“Oh, I did,” you gloated, grinning mischievously. 
“You’ll regret that,” was the only warning he gave you before retaliating. 
Before you knew it, the kitchen was in even more ruin and you were sprawled out on the floor in a fit of laughter. 
You turned your head towards Bucky, taking his hand in yours. “Happy birthday, my love,” you said softly, a chuckle still in your voice. 
“May I unwrap my present now, please?” he asked, a smirk dancing across his face. 
“Only since you asked so nicely,” you teased, letting him gather you in his arms so he could finish what he started in the bedroom.
《《August 6th》》
“Game night?” Bucky asked from where he lay underneath you, gently toying with your hair.
The two of you were lounging lazily on the couch, boredom seeping into your bones.
“Game night,” you agreed, shifting so you could both sit up.
Bucky stood with a groan and made his way towards the door. “Wanna start setting up? I’ll go grab everything from the kitchen.”
“Of course,” you nodded, heading over and grabbing a few boxes from the shelf.
You placed them on the table, tossing the thickest pillows you two had on the floor before plopping down. You grabbed the box of battleship, smiling at the memory of how Bucky told you he loved you for the very first time. Your heart nearly leapt out of your throat as you emptied the contents and a ring twirled across the table.
“Bucky?” you called out, watching as it spun and spun before falling still.
When you realized you haven’t heard anything from him you called out again, standing up. “James-” you began, stopping short when you saw him behind you, down on one knee.
“Out of all the things I have done in my life… loving you, and being loved by you, has been my greatest success,” he started, your heart swelling at the way his voice trembled ever so slightly. “The moment I first saw you was the moment I believed angels were real, because how could you possibly be anything else? I still can’t believe you didn’t laugh in my face when I introduced myself - someone like you, actually giving me the time of day. I must have been the luckiest guy in the universe, and I still am, because you have shown me such happiness that I didn’t even know was possible, and cared for me in a way that I didn’t think anyone would. I have never been so sure of anything like the way I’m sure about us. So here I am, asking you, the love of my life, to be with me forever. So, how ‘bout it, angel? Will you marry me?”
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t answer. You could only stand there, nodding your head as you wiped at the tears streaming down your face before you threw yourself at him, tackling him to the floor in a flurry of cries and kisses.
“Does this mean yes?” Bucky asked nervously, his hands coming up to cup your face. 
“It means yes,” you told him. “Definitely yes.”
He let out a breath neither of you knew he was holding and kissed you one more time, pouring all the emotions and feelings he possibly could into it. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” he said urgently, scrambling over to the table. “May I?” he asked, holding his hand out to you. 
You grinned and giggled uncontrollably as you placed your hand in his, letting him slip the pretty ring onto your finger. 
《《January 11th》》
“Today’s the day,” Steve said, walking up behind Bucky and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Today’s the day,” Bucky repeated solemnly, turning to give his friend a half smile. 
Steve dropped his hand, placing himself in front of Bucky and brushing nonexistent fluff off his shoulders. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know how the hell to do this, Stevie,” admitted Bucky, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Steve nodded understandingly, taking a deep breath. “You remember how much you love her. How when you first saw her, you punched me - thanks for that, by the way - and you said ‘Stevie, you see that dame over there? I’m gonna marry her one day’. And you remember how you made that outrageous proclamation true.”
“That was pretty outrageous, wasn’t it?” replied Bucky, a laugh finally escaping him as he recalled the day.
Steve smiled in relief at the sound. “It really was, Buck. But your crazy ass was right. Like always.”
Bucky remained silent for a moment, the ghost of a smile on his face. “I had no idea someone could be so beautiful. I still can’t believe that someone like her could love me.”
“Me either,” Steve joked, playfully smacking Bucky’s arm.
Bucky looked at him, face stoic, before he let out a laugh. “Fuck you, Steve,” he said, shaking his head. He quickly fell silent again, as if he suddenly remembered where he was and why he was here. “God I miss her, Stevie.”
“I know, Buck. I do, too,” was the only thing Steve knew to say, a sad smile on his face. 
Bucky shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself not to cry. “I don’t think I’ll ever be as happy as I was when I was with her - and I’m okay with that. I can’t - I mean she was it, you know? And those memories of her, of us… of how she loved me, how she made me feel… it’s what gets me through every day now.”
“They’re good memories,” Steve confirmed sincerely, chuckling softly. “Really was an epic love, huh?”
“Absolute love of my life,” Bucky easily agreed. “All I can hope for is that she’s waiting for me when I can finally meet her again; she always was my angel.”
“She will be,” consoled Steve as he placed a bouquet by the headstone. “She was crazy about you.”
Bucky hummed, sitting down and setting his own flowers against the marble - a bouquet of all your favourites. “I think I’ll stay here a while, Stevie. Tell her about all the things she’s missed. Want to help?”
“Of course, Bucky. I would love to,” Steve said honestly, sitting down beside his friend.
The two of them sat there, sharing stories about the world they live in now, and how much things have changed since the three of you first met. Bucky knew you would love it, and it kills him that he can’t share it with you. That he can’t share the rest of his life with you like he was supposed to.
He sat there with his best friend and the ghost of his best girl, his heart aching and a piece of his soul missing. 
He sat there, with the years 1919-1987 staring back at him.
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girlsdressingrooms · 7 months
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Iris Barrel Apfel, Decorator and Fashion Stylist
(August 29, 1921 – March 1, 2024) 
Ms. Apfel was one of the most vivacious personalities in the worlds of fashion, textiles, and interior design, she has cultivated a personal style that is both witty and exuberantly idiosyncratic.
Her originality was typically revealed in her mixing of high and low fashions—Dior haute couture with flea market finds, nineteenth-century ecclesiastical vestments with Dolce & Gabbana lizard trousers.
With remarkable panache and discernment, she combines colors, textures, and patterns without regard to period, provenance, and, ultimately, aesthetic conventions. Paradoxically, her richly layered combinations—even at their most extreme and baroque—project a boldly graphic modernity.
Iris Barrel was born on Aug. 29, 1921, in Astoria, Queens, the only child of Samuel Barrel, who owned a glass and mirror business, and his Russian-born wife, Sadye, who owned a fashion boutique.
She studied art history at New York University, then qualified to teach and did so briefly in Wisconsin before fleeing back to New York to work on Women's Wear Daily, and for interior designer Elinor Johnson, decorating apartments for resale and honing her talent for sourcing rare items before opening her own design firm. She was also an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman.
As a distinguished collector and authority on antique fabrics, Iris Apfel has consulted on numerous restoration projects that include work at the White House that spanned nine presidencies from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton.
Along with her husband, Carl, she founded Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company and ran it until they retired in 1992. The Apfels specialized in the reproduction of fabrics from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and traveled to Europe twice a year in search of textiles they could not source in the United States.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute assembled 82 ensembles and 300 accessories from her personal collection in 2005 in a show about her called “Rara Avis”.
Almost overnight, Ms. Apfel became an international celebrity of pop fashion.
Ms. Apfel was seen in a television commercial for the French car DS 3, became the face of the Australian fashion brand Blue Illusion, and began a collaboration with the start-up WiseWear. A year later, Mattel created a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll in her image. Last year, she appeared in a beauty campaign for makeup with Ciaté London.
Six years after the Met show she started her fashion line "Rara Avis" with the Home Shopping Network.
She was cover girl of Dazed and Confused, among many other publications, window display artist at Bergdorf Goodman, designer and design consultant, then signed to IMG in 2019 as a model at age 97.
Ms. Iris Apfel became a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in its Division of Textiles and Apparel, teaching about imagination, craft and tangible pleasures in a world of images.
 In 2018, she published “Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon,” an autobiographical collection of musings, anecdotes and observations on life and style. 
Ms. Apfel’s apartments in New York and Palm Beach were full of furnishings and tchotchkes that might have come from a Luis Buñuel film: porcelain cats, plush toys, statuary, ornate vases, gilt mirrors, fake fruit, stuffed parrots, paintings by Velázquez and Jean-Baptiste Greuze, a mannequin on an ostrich.
The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History in Boynton Beach, Florida, is designing a building that will house a dedicated gallery of Ms. Apfel's clothes, accessories, and furnishings.
Ms. Apfel’s work had a universal quality, It’s was a trend.
Rest in Power !
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The cave-houses of Lodosa
In Lodosa (Nafarroa) from the beginning of the 19th century to the 60s of the last century, there were more than two hundred cave-houses, and the dozens of villagers that lived in them were the poorest of the poor. In many villages of the region it was common to live in caves dug in the sandstone.
"We had candles and chandeliers. The mattress was made of corn leaves. Those were other times. We used to go to the Ebro to look for water, and then to the spring, one clay jar on the head and the other on the lap." Mari Carmen Molinet Martinez (Lodosa, Nafarroa, 1943) lived in a cave until the age of 8. "There are six of us, and the three oldest were born in the cave. I am the oldest. I've known two caves; the first had a cold room. The second one was on the way to Calvary, it was more humble. I think we went there because the rent was cheaper. Those were tough times. My friends were poor, but we were poorer; I never had a doll that was mine. We used to play jacks and hopscotch."
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War made everything even more cruel. After Iruña, ​​Lodosa was the town in Nafarroa that suffered the most deaths after the military coup of 1936. Florencio Duque Campo (Lodosa, 1937) was in his mother's womb when his father was shot. "My mother didn't even know she was pregnant. Father was taken one night, to Zaragoza. It was October, and I was born in May. They threw him in a mass grave. They brought 37 boxes to the town, but we don't know if dad's bones are in any."
The cave where Duque used to live is one of the 4 or 5 that have been restored. He agrees with melancholy that the years he lived there, even if cruel, were also happy, because childhood always finds a place for joy: at night, millions of stars appeared - "not one more could fit" - but it was still compatible with hunger. "We had nothing, not even a crumb of bread. We ate grass, like sheep. Mallow, corn, carrots… If we saw an apple on the ground, all the children would run to get it…».
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Duque's cave was bought by his parents, when they got married in 1928, and his father gradually expanded it. As soon as children were born, they dug the bedrooms needed. They all had the same structure, simple and humble. The cold room is a unique characteristic of the Lodosa caves. The sky can be seen through the hole made above the ground. In Duque's words, when walking through the field, all the children knew where the cooler was for each cave: "No one fell into the hole. We were always running."
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In 1961, the city council issued a decree warning of the dangers of living in caves. About eighty people lived in them at the time. The municipality built cheap houses for them, and over the years many caves collapsed, or were closed. Historian Kristina Pozo has been doing guided tours and says with a smile that even if the lifestyle was difficult, those who lived in the caves remember those times with tenderness. "When they moved to the town center, many, many people went to see the cave every day, they loved their cave that much."
On Saturday [Sept 28 2024] the people of Lodosa will remember this lifestyle, as they have organized conferences to discover the heritage of the caves: the cave-houses will be open and the citizens will sit on reed chairs, in the doorways, and remember crafts, songs and games just like in the past.
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aislingsurrow · 4 months
So I got tagged by @archaiclumina AND @ubejamjar AND @sparrowsong-7 to do this like (checks wrist) two months ago and I finally!!! Got it done!! So please enjoy, Aisling Facts!
Since this is also so late I'm not sure who was tagged and who wasn't... I'm gonna make ONE guess! @mist-touched, if you didn't get tagged before, get tagged now!
And if you're reading and haven't been tagged yet, now you are.
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Name: Aisling Surrow
Nicknames: Often called “Lyn”, “Aisie”, or “little dream” by her father. Her mother will go on and on with such things as “sweet (including both ‘y’ and ‘ie’ and ‘pie’ variations), darling, sugar (and other saccharine additives), pet, dumpling (and a shelf of other baked goods), poppet, pumpkin (and a variety other vegetables), doll, baby, my girl” among others!
The core members of the Scions will casually call her “Ais” (pronounced like “Ash”), and in greeting some of the more military-mind may shout, “Hey, A!” to get her attention. 
After seeing her once again in Il Mehg, Urianger said she was “a vision”, “his vision” in fact…  And found himself unable to stop…
When Estinien first called her “my esk” or “my escape”, it was ironic- a way to mock what Nidhogg thought and said of her. It stopped being ironic rather quickly.
Age: 26 (ARR) 29-30 (Endwalker)
Nameday: The same day as the Seventh Umbral Calamity (And so the date is a little…  fuzzy meta-wise…)
Race: Half Lalafell, Half Hyur
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual, with a preference for tall.
Profession: When not the Warrior of Light, Aisling is trained in the skills of an innkeeper, and is more than capable of manning the shop for as long as she needs. These skills in business serve and are supported by the assignments and work she does for the Arcanists’ Guild. 
She contracts with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn as an Adventurer, doing investigations, deliveries, escorts, and other odd jobs on Vylbrand. The Sleepy Surrow Burrow also provides discounts to any Scion who rents a room during their visits…
When the Warrior of Light- well, she does all that and saves the world!
Physical Aspects
Hair: Naturally curly and thick like her father. Unlike him, she keeps it long. She uses simple tricks of aether to dye the tips a pink similar to her eyes, and will also ‘change’ the length if she is feeling adventurous. This change is more glamor than anything else and eventually reverts back to her usual hair. 
Eyes: A deep pink, and naturally fluorescent thanks to a natural quirk in her aetheric balance. Her eyes are also sensitive to light. 
After the events of Shadowbringers her eyes will lose color the more heavily an area’s aethetic balance shifts towards Light. When a natural balance is restored, or she leaves the Light infected area, color will return to her eyes. 
Skin: Naturally sort of ruddy, but will eventually tan if in the sun long enough. She has freckles on her face that, like her eyes, glow because of an aethertic quirk. 
Tattoos/Scars: She once had scars on her fingers due to slipped hooks and botched knife cuts, but they were wiped away when she grabbed Nidhogg’s eye as it clung to an infected Estinien. While she was able to pull the eye out, she did so bare-handed, and won burn scars that now cover her palms and fingers. 
A rough, gouged hole around her heart from her first bout with Zenos in Rhalhgar’s Reach. His katana nearly went through her, but a desperate barrier at the last moment protected her from being skewered.
Lines and cracks on the back of her neck that trace down her spine, from when the Light nearly burst from her body after defeating Innocence. When she asked Urianger to describe the scars afterwards, he said they were “akin to the remnants of wounds from those stricken by lightning.”
Parents: Aisling’s mother is Cecelia Surrow, oldest of three, and the inheritor and keeper of the Sleepy Surrow Burrow, a long-running family business in Aleport. When she was still learning the ropes of the trade, the devilishly handsome Edvard Volf caught her eye. It took her many a year to woo him and win him, and even longer to get him to settle down into the life of a sailor and innkeeper, rather than be a pirate. 
Many could describe Cecelia as overwrought, but Aisling calls her mother colorful and full of life. She’s a loquacious, eager, and overly earnest woman always looking for an opportunity to do or experience something interesting. While she’s quick to seek a deal and haggles vociferously, she has a keen sense of fairness that cannot be denied. She, like her daughter, has expensive taste- much to the chagrin of her husband. 
Edvard took his wife’s name when they married because Cecelia had the legacy to steward- he didn’t mind. At the time, he was not someone concerned with planning for the future or what his last name was on some legal ledger. He is an intense and silent man, saying little, and oftentimes what he says sounds more… sinister than he intends. Much of his language is still mired in his old pirate career. It’s not that he has bad intentions- only that the life is hard to leave behind. He deeply loves his family and what they have in Aleport, and in the new lens of domesticity his intensity and silence can come off as dreamy and thoughtful; a nature he shares with his daughter.
Siblings: Aisling is an only child. “Though not for lack of trying!” her mother often bemoaned when Aisling was in her teens. 
Grandparents: Edvard’s parents are not in the picture anymore, a fact he doesn’t often speak about to anyone outside his family. Cecelia’s parents are alive and have retired to Costa Del Sol, living out their twilight years in the sun and surf. 
In-laws and Other: Two uncles and one aunt on her mother’s side- no known aunts or uncles on her father’s side. 
After developing a relationship with Estinien, she can’t help but consider all dragons her family and in-laws, in a sense. She often thinks of Midgardsormer as a grandfather- and will call him so to his face quite boldly. He… doesn’t seem to mind it?
Pets: Her trusty carbuncle, Carby, who began its life as a mote of light she practiced summoning as a child. Since then, she has developed its form and concept, each iteration still her delightful Carby. 
The Sleepy Surrow Burrow has two main mousers (that is, cats that live and work within the inn catching vermin). Arturio is a luxurious ragdoll with one eye; which he lost when he picked a fight with a giant rat on his own. It was after this incident that they adopted their next mouser- a raggedy tabby kitten named Anne. While the start was rough, Anne and Arturio are now thick as thieves… which makes sense, as they love to find ways to steal treats and fresh cream from the larder. 
The Sleepy Surrow Burrow also has a small colony of cats that live around it, taking advantage of the many customers, the many pests, and the too-giving nature of Cecelia and Aisling. They just can’t help leaving out some scraps for the poor, sweet things. There are many cats in the colony, including a cat with one ear named after the Gridanian painter, Vangaux. 
Abilities: Aisling is a capable sailor, fisher, and navigator- readily able to hop aboard any vessel and serve as a rigger, midshipwoman, or surgeon. She is also a whiz at math- quickly able to make complex calculations and estimates in her head, which serves her well when figuring out headings and trajectories. It also helps in her work as an Arcanist- the balances and formulae necessary for the job are no sweat for her. 
She has also always been talented in minor aetherical manipulation. Briefly changing the color of something, the size or shape- small illusions that return to normal not too long after- summoning motes of spirit and light, little drawings made real. Her sense serves her well in any job that requires she deeply connect to aether, its balance, and cast spells and magic.
Aisling is the frequent haver of visions and dreams, and while she has not considered such a thing a ‘skill’ as much, her visions have come to be things to decipher, things that guide her decision making. Interpreting them is a skill in itself...
Hobbies: When not engaged in the equally important businesses of innkeeping and world saving, Aisling takes joy in a variety of hobbies. These include reading stories and myths (adventure, tragedy, and romance stand amongst her favorites), cooking up new and old dishes, singing and dancing with her mother and father and friends, fishing off Brewer’s Beacon (her favorite spot), playing various games of chance and skill (including poker, tarot, various dice games, blackjack, and Triple Triad), and wandering through Eorzea to find places to be and things to do.
Most Positive Trait: A deep and abiding curiosity for people and the world. She is always eager to listen and observe, and finds it easy to find a niche and make a home anywhere.
Most Negative Trait: A kind of apathy- because of her dreams and visions, things can feel inevitable to her… and sometimes she can treat them that way, which can bring a lack of empathy. 
Colors: Purple, pinks, and blues- preferably pastels.
Smells: The salt spray. Fresh canvas sails. Bread proofing and in the oven. Rosemary and myrrh. Lavender and spice.
Textures: Cold, glinting jewels. Smooth, sun-kissed wood. Hempen rope. Clean cotton sheets. Soft grass to lay on.
Drinks: Mango lassi. Mama’s eggnog (with a kick!) Chocolate milk. Spicy Bloody Marys. 
Other Details
Smokes: Sometimes Aisling will share a pipe with her father, though it’s not often. 
Drinks: Aisling isn’t shy around alcohol and is happy to be part of the party- she even has expensive taste when it comes to her wines and brandy…
Drugs: She’s got that Primal dank, man. She’s got that shit that causes Rejoinings. It’ll make you nine thirteenths of a soul, motherfucker. 
Mount Issuance: Aisiling has a proper certification for her Company Chocobo, affectionately named Omelette- as for the rest of the creatures and contraptions she rides… Gods only know how she got THEM…
Been Arrested: If you don’t count her brief imprisonments as part of her Warrior of Light journey, Aisling has never been arrested! Though as a wandering child in Limsa Lominsa, she did often get scolded by Maelstrom soldiers who found her where she shouldn’t be.
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idledoll · 1 year
I re-wigged Kit this week! She's a first edition, which means she has the common defects that Transition Era dolls tend to have. Namely, dull frizzy hair and greyish/greenish skin. I can't do much about the latter without basically getting an entirely new doll, but at least I could give her a nice new wig.
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Here's her old hair. It doesn't look terrible in photos, but it definitely looks dull and fried and just plain crispy in person. It didn't have the right shape to it anymore either.
The re-wigging itself was...kinda complicated actually. The donor head Kit whose wig I took was really stuck on there. At one point, I look down and realized I'd left streaks of blood all over that Kit's face because I hadn't realized I'd scraped the fuck out of my thumb lmao. BUT with some elbow grease and the application of some hot water to loosen the glue, I finally de-wigged both girls and swapped the wigs.
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Here's Kit with her new hair! Her last wig was so dull, I keep thinking she looks wrong because I'm not used to her new hair color yet. There are some flyaways I'll take care of eventually but even with that she looks so much better -- she has an actual bob again!
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posing-in-a-dollroom · 10 months
Brother poll to my previous one
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annies-dollies · 1 year
I changed the name of my first doll (again) I didn’t feel like Henri really fit so now his name is Arthur
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lailoken · 2 years
"The Swedish language contains many words specific to the practice of folk magic, for which there are no precise English equivalents. These terms can be literally rendered into conventional English, but a great deal of the cultural basis of the tradition is lost by doing so. Just as African American hoodoo practitioners speak in their own culturally-mediated dialect when they use words like fixed, dressed, goofered, jinxed, and tricked, so do Swedish trolldom practitioners have a culture-specific context for words like förgjord, tyda, gnidträd, tomte, and makt. Because literal translations do not convey these magical meanings, Swedish words are retained throughout this book, resulting in an intentionally "Swede-lish" text similar to the spoken English of old-time Swedish-Americans.
• Älvaeld (elf-fire): Skin diseases and rashes said to be caused by älvor burning a person. See also Älvablåst.
• Älvablåst (wind from the elves): Skin rashes and diseases said to be caused by älvor blowing on a person. See also Älvaeld.
• Älvakvarn, älvkvarnar (elven quern, elven mills): Huge blocks of stone into which small pits have been carved. These have been in use as sacrificial spots from the Stone Age up until modern days. The most common sacrifice is a doll. The small pits are usually anointed with butter before anything is placed in them. In Sweden prior to the mid-1800s it was recorded that when times were hard and the crops failed people used to have sex on these stones and leave the semen in the pits as a sacrifice.
• Alver, alv, älvor (elf): A spiritual ancestor; also a species of small nature spirit almost identical to the fairies of the British Isles, if those were also considered to be ancestral spirits. Alver make their homes in ancient Scandinavian burial mounds. The smallest of them are amused by playing with young children and are reputed to suck their blood.
• Ångerstål (steel of regret): A murder weapon or a sharp metal tool that has accidentally broken. It is generally used to make magical tools but also occurs in spells for protection.
• Aning (hunches, suspicions): Vague feelings of spiritual distress, often associated with worry or nervousness. A tyda of the inner senses.
• Återställa (recovering, restoring): Bringing an item that has been förgjord (destroyed) back to normal. See also Bota.
• Besvärja (to speak about something): The recitation of troll formulas, also the process of conjuring spirits.
• Besvärjelseformen, maning (the incantation formula; exhortation, command, conjuration): An adjuration at the end of a troll formula.
• Bjära, bese (carrier spirit): A spirit in the form of a ball or a doll.
• Bot, bota (cure, healing or curing): The process of restoring something that has been förgjord (destroyed). See also Återställa.
• Brännvin (burnt wine): Clear, strong grain or potato vodka; it is used as a scrying medium in some forms of spådom.
• Cyprianus (Saint Cyprian book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Djävulen (the Devil): Other names for him are Den Onde, Fan, Pocker, Skam, Hin Håle, Gamle Erik, and Hornpelle.
• Döva (to deafen, to make still): A method used to render weapons harmless, to quell love, to make something numb and still.
• Drömsyner (dream visions): Dreaming true does not only refer to sleeping visions; in trolldom, daydreams or vakendrömmar (waking dreams) are also considered to be tydor of the inner senses.
• Dyfvelsträck (devil's dung): Ferula asafoetida; devil's dung is a common English name given to this foul-smelling plant.
• Fassna (stuck): A condition in which something is magically fastened to a person; usually considered a harmful situation.
• Fegljus (death light): A very small light appearing close to a person who is about to die. A tyda of the inner senses.
• Femudd, femhörning (pentagram star drawn in one stroke): A sign of protection used to bind spirits; symbol of the Virgin Mary.
• Flygrönn (flying rowan): A rowan tree that has grown in another tree and never touched ground.
• Förgjord (un-made, destroyed): Unable to function; bewitched; rendered useless due to curses, hostile trolldom, the evil eye, or spiritual attack. Restoration is via Återställa or Bota. See also Skämma.
• Förtrollad (enchanted, en-trolled): Often used as a synonym to Förgjord (destroyed), it can also mean enchanted in general.
• Fylgia (monitors): Personal guardian spirits. See also Vard.
• Gand (airborne spell): A spell cast into air and sent a great distance.
• Gast (ghost): A visible spirit of the dead; it may occur as a prefix in the names of negative conditions like gastkramad (squeezed by a ghost).
• Gnideld (rubbing fire): See Vrideld.
• Gnidträd (rubbing tree): A tree with two branches or trunks that rub against one another. Such a tree makes a squeaking sound when the wind blows, and is therefore also known as a knarrträd (creaking tree).
• Göra före (to do before): To place something in another's future.
• Hambel, hamn (one's appearance): This refers to the physical appearance as a shroud around the spirit or vålne.
• Hård (hard): The result of a spell to make oneself invulnerable.
• Håg (hag): In English, a hag is a witch who rides people or animals at night, but in trolldom, the håg of a person consists of their desire and mind. To change someone's mind is called hågvända (turning the håg).
• Hågvända (turning the håg): See Håg.
• Ingivelse (spirit-sent impulse): An impulse to act that has been sent by a person's vard or fylgia (guardian spirits) or by other benevolent spirits. As tydor of the inner senses, ingivelser can occur suddenly, without conscious thought or action.
• Jätta (threaten) - Jätta för ont (threaten for evil): To threaten with a curse, which is regarded as a method of cursing a person in itself.
• Jordfast sten (earthbound rock): A rock too large to lift from the soil.
• Kasta ut (cast out): To remove evil by throwing it out, usually at a crossroads or cemetery. Other than speaking a troll formula, the work is silent, and it is not mentioned to others until one night's sleep has passed.
• Klok, kloke (clever): Wise and intelligent; in a magical context it also means well-versed in trolldom.
• Knarrträd, knarrtall, knarrgran (creaking tree, creaking pine, creaking fir): See Gnidträd.
• Kusad (quelled): This dialect term derives from a synonym for trolldom - kuschleri - and means quelled or quenched by trolldom.
• Likfassna (corpse stuck): A negative condition in which the spirit of a dead person is afflicting a living person. See also Likkrosa.
• Likkrosa (corpse crushed): The negative condition of being held down by a spirit of the dead. See also Likfassna.
• Lövjeri (leaf-craft): The use of herbs to cure and remove evil.
• Makt (power): Might, power, and force, in a magical sense.
• Maktstjäla (to steal power) - Maktstulen (robbed of power): The act of stealing another's magical power and the condition of one whose power has been stolen. See also Modstjäla.
• Maning (exhortation): See Besvärjelseformen.
• Mara (night-gaunt): A spirit who torments people at night or in their dreams. The same root appears as "mare" in the English word nightmare.
• Mäta, mätning (measure, measuring): A category of spells using measured strings and tied knots. Magical measuring can be traced back
• Modstjäla (to steal courage) - Modstulen (robbed of courage): Stealing one's courage is a sorcerous act. The term also describes one who suffers from depression or feels low in spirits. See also Maktstjäla.
• Motskott (countershot): A counter-remedy against trollskott.
• Näcken (Nix): A naked spiritual being who resides in streams, rivers, or lakes. He is a shape-shifter and he drowns people, but he also teaches magic and music. In Scandinavia there is only one Nix, who can appear in any body of water, but among the Germans and English, there are many nixes, and the females are called nixies.
• Namnlösa fingret (the nameless finger): The ring finger on the left hand; it is believed to have a direct link to the heart and therefore to a person's power, might, courage, and håg, which reside in the heart.
• Natur (nature): A person's sexuality and capability for procreation.
• Nedsätta (to reduce, to set down) - sätta ned (to put down): The magical destruction of a person's love life or chances to get married. The term may also refer to the destruction of other areas of a person's life.
• Nisse (brownie): See Tomte.
• Ofärdsspådom (oppressive divination): The act of predicting or foretelling harmful events in the future. See Spå.
• Offring (sacrifice, offering): To cure problems through sacrifice, to appease elves, or to offer a spirit something and get something in return.
• Rå, rådare (spiritual ruler): Spirits who act as caretakers and guardians. of a place. They are named after the locations where they reside, such as skogsrå (forest rå), sjörå (lake rå), havsrå (sea rå), bergrå (mountain rå) gruvrå (mining rå), skatters rå (treasure rå), vägrå (road rå), kyrkogårdsrå (cemetery rå), and kyrkrå (church rå). See also Tomte.
• Runa, runor, runkafle (rune, runes, a stick carved with runes): The letters of the Old Norse alphabet are called runes. The same word also refers to charms written in runes or other alphabetic or non-alphabetic characters. To rune can also mean to cast a spell. See also Trollformel.
• Sänningar (sendings): This refers to things by magic or cast upon someone from a distance.
• Sedel (ticket): A slip of paper used for written runes and talismans.
• Sejd, seiðr (sorcery): Used in the Nordic sagas to signify trolldom, this obsolete word has recently been revived by adherents of Asatru.
• Signeri (signs, symbols, marks): To read or speak troll formulas aloud or silently, or to sign or mark something with the cross. The latter may be done "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" or silently. See also Välsigna.
• Skämma (shame, taint), skämd (having been shamed): A magical method to render someone powerless and cursed. See also Förgjord.
• Skärsel (garden riddle, flour sifter): A divinatory method using a sieve, sifter, or riddle.
• Smörjning (anointing): The use of ointments to cure and remove evil.
• Solv (string heddle eyes of a loom): There is a very old belief that the world and all the events in it were created by weavers. Therefore, string healds or heddle eyes that are cut off the heddle frame of a loom are magically dangerous because they are outside the world of the weavers. It should be noted that to cut these from the loom can be regarded as a transgressive act.
• Söm (horseshoe nail): a square iron horseshoe nail.
• Sortebog (black arts book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Spå (to predict, to foretell), spådom (divination): The art of foretelling the future, also used as a general synonym for trolldom. The word spå survives in the Scottish term spaewife, meaning a fortune-telling woman. See also Ofärdsspådom and Tyda.
• Spiritus, spertus (spirit): A spirit, often kept in a box, bottle, or pouch.
• Ställa (to stall, to stand still): The method of making a thief or anyone else stand still and be unable to move from a location. It can also be used to stop game animals from moving, when hunting.
• Stämma (to staunch, to summon, to command): This word meansvto staunch, as in staunching blood, but also to summon people or animals to a place. In the old days, the stämning was announced in the powerful trinity of bedpost, threshold, and ting or court. When someone was stämd to the ting, the messenger first read the summons by the bedpost of the person being called, then a second time at his threshold, and finally at the ting.
• Skogsfru (female forest guardian spirit): Rådare means caretaker or guardian spirit. In the case of the forests, the guardians are usually described as female and may go by names such as the Skogsfru (Forest. Lady) or Skogsrå (Rå of the forest).
• Stöpa (steeping, melting, reshaping): The method of pouring melted lead, tin, wax, or a similar melted liquid into a container of water while holding the water over a person, to cure and remove evil. Stöpa is used for divinatory purposes as well, in which case the various forms and shapes made by the coagulated material are read as signs.
• Svartebog (black book): See Svartkonstbok.
• Svartkonstbok (black arts book): A grimoire or book of sorcery. Other names for this type of book are svartebog (black book), sortebog (black book in Danish), and Cyprianus (a book attributed to Saint Cyprian, the patron saint of occultists and necromancers).
• Svärdsbrev (sword-letter): A written talisman carried on the person for protection from harm. See also Trollbrev.
• Syn (vision), synsk (a visionary): A person who has the ability to see visions (syn) is said to be a synsk or visionary. The word synsk is synonymous with clairvoyant or second-sighted, but in casual conversation, the work synsk is often used to describe those with related abilities who would be known in English as clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant, or just plain psychic. An inherited ability, it is a tyda of the inner senses.
• Ting (legislative assembly, court): The word ting is used in this book to describe these assemblies as they were constituted in the old days in Sweden, before Christianity arrived, circa the 9th century. The tings were often held at crossroads or where three borders crossed.These meeting places were commonly the locations of old burial sites and grave mounds. The spirits of the ancestors took part in the procedures of the ting by determining the outcome of various ordeals set before two opponents in a court proceeding.
• Tomte, nisse, gårdsrå, bol-vatte (brownie, land-spirit, house-elf, house-wight): Tomte is the title for, or position given to, a spirit who takes care of a household. The tomte is responsible for the luck in the house and the work done around the home. Originally a spirit of the dead, in modern times the tomte has been popularized as a cute kind of nature spirit. Other names for this spirit are gårdsrå (rå of a farm), nisse (brownie), or bol-vätte (land-wight).
• Torvigg (the lightning bolt of Thor): This name refers to a flint axe of the kind that was made in the Stone Age and was used for cutting and hunting. In Swedish folklore it was said that these ancient axes appeared when lightning bolts from the Norse thunder god Thor struck the ground and that they were his weapons against evil. The torvigg is highly valued in trolldom. It is used to protect oneself from harm and from sorcery and to prevent one from being overpowered by other people or spirits.
• Tránsjuka (obsessive love-sickness): This condition renders one unable to let go of a lover, either due to mental obsession or because one has been förgjord (destroyed through sorcery).
• Troll (troll, goblin, ogre): A class of ancient magical spirits, their sorcery, and the magic performed with their aid. As a prefix, it may be roughly translated as "magical" but in this book the Swedish word is retained in terms like troll-bundle, troll-letter, and troll formula.
• Trolldom (trolldom): folk magic, the Scandinavian equivalent to the folk magic of other nations, such as sorcery, hexerei, braucherei, brujeria, stregoneria, hechicería, hoodoo, conjure, witchcraft, or rootwork.
• Trollaktig (troll-like): A person who behaves as if he or she is wise or knowledgeable in trolldom; a practitioner; someone who is trollkunnig.
• Trollbrev (troll-letter): The generic name for a written talisman for any purpose. A trollbrev may be rolled up and worn in a cylinder hanging around the neck, sewn into clothes so that the symbol is facing outwards, or carried in the inner pocket of a jacket. In modern times it may be worn in a woman's bra. Sewing a trollbrev not meant for curing into your clothes is pointless unless it is for a single occasion, since the paper disintegrates during laundering. See also Svärdsbrev and Värnebrev.
• Trollformel (troll formula): A spoken spell or incantation, either rhyming or in free verse. The wording of each troll formula is kept as a closely guarded secret that is transmitted only to those who inherit an elder practitioner's power and craft. Teaching a troll formula to a student has traditionally meant that the teacher loses the power to use the formula successfully. This is still true today, although, due to the publication of so many troll formulas in books during the past hundred years, contemporary teachers never need give away the specific incantations that they themselves use; instead they can teach their students alternative versions. This is not difficult, as there are more than 50,000 collected troll formulas in Swedish folklore archives alone, and many thousands more in the archives of Norway, Denmark, and the Swedish-speaking part of Finland. The word runa (rune), meaning a written spell, may be used as a synonym for trollformel.
• Trollhare (troll hare): A hare-spirit that is used to draw material goods to a specific place or to steal milk or butter. See also Trollkatt.
• Trollkatt (troll cat): A cat-spirit that is used to draw material goods to a specific place or to steal milk or butter. See also Trollhare.
• Trollknyte (troll bundle): A magical bundle wrapped in cloth and tied shut; knyte is cognate to the English word knotted. See also Trollpåse.
• Trollkunnig (troll-skilled): A person who is skilled in magic; one who is knowledgeable, well-versed, or cunning in trolldom.
• Trollpåse (troll pouch, troll bag): A small pouch made of cloth or chamois skin in which magical articles are contained. See also Trollknyte.
• Trollskott (troll shot): A magical shot to cause harm. It can be done by humans, various spirits, or even forces of nature.
• Tyda, tydor (omen, meanings): Magical indications, decipherments, readings, interpretations, or visions. The word is cognate to the English tidings, meaning messages. Tydor are messages from the world of spirit.
• Utesittning, utiseita (sitting outside): A vision-quest to awaken trolls.
• Våd-eld (accidental fire): A fire resulting from human carelessness.
• Vålne, vålnad (wraith): The spiritual part of a person that survives the death of the physical body.
• Välsigna (signs or marks for well-being): Blessings. See also Signeri.
• Vard (ward): Personal guardian spirit.
• Värnebrev (shielding letter, guardian letter): A written talisman used to protect the wearer from harm. See also Trollbrev.
• Varsel (warning spirits), varsla (forewarning): Tydor that predict evil or tell of evil at another location are called varsel. A dying person's vard or vålnad may carry the forewarning or a tomte may tell of it.
• Vättar (gnomes): An old word meaning spirits in general or spirits who reside in and are a part of nature and the elements.
• Vigt silver (dedicated silver): A piece of jewelry or a coin that has been worn at a wedding.
• Vite (penalty) - Vita (trolldom): Vite, a court-ordered punishment, gave rise to the words vita (a term describing trolldom as a way to magically mete out justice) and han vitar (he casts a justified curse).
• Vrideld (twisted fire): Fire-drilling with a twisting motion. A wooden pole is held horizontally against a vertical wooden surface such as a door, and twisted until the heat of friction produces fire. This fire is used to drive off evil spirits and to remove curses and the evil eye. Also called Gnideld.
• Wittenberg: A German town in which Scandinavian priests studied theology. It is associated with magic, the Jewish kabbalah, and folkloric legends connected to trolldom, magical words, and black arts books."
Spells and Methods of the Norse Folk Magic Tradition
by Johannes Gårdbäck
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Ivy is the best friend doll with the smallest collection- only three outfits and no play accessories. So yeah, AG really sucks when it comes to Asian rep. Ivy’s New Year outfit makes appearances in both Happy New Year, Julie! and Good Luck, Ivy! The style of dress is called a qipao if you speak Madarin or a cheongsam if you speak Cantonese. The earliest qipao was worn by ruling-class Manchu women during the Qing dynasty as a way of separating themselves from Han commoners.
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The more modern qipao emerged in the 1920s after Imperial China fell, gender roles changed, and the country began to westernize.
(1920 Chinese fashion video restored and colorized with AI)
During this time, the qipao became the go-to dress of women of all social classes all across China and the Chinese diaspora.
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It was favored by Chinese-American film star Anna May Wong
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legendary Hong Kong actress (and I’m pretty sure Ivy’s namesake) Ivy Ling Po:
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and modern Chinese actress and fashion icon Fan Bingbing:
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