#afts edit
laz-262 · 1 month
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child of the stars
[Image description: Gravity Falls fanart. Bill floats in front of the massive Axolotl, who smiles at him, and asks: "are you happy?" End ID.]
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chaoticlandworlder · 2 months
Legit so disgusting how so many ppl are jumping at the chance to criticise Max. In the past few days, I've seen so many social media comments calling him names like 'brat', 'manchild', 'immature' etc. + belittling his racing skills.
So many ppl are also completely spinning their own narrative, acting as if Max is the only driver to ever be heated up during a high-adrenaline race. According to them, Schumi, Senna, Lewis etc. have never lost their cool and always take the blame for every single incident. (Note: this is NOT a hate post ok- any driver examples I use is just to show the hypocrisy of these ppl. I mentioned these drivers cuz it's based off genuine comments I saw.)
First of all, Max had every reason to be upset during the race. The major Hungary updates RBR had been hinting at for weeks underwhelmed (don't give me the 'it's still fast anyway'- this is F1. Every driver and team expects their car to be the fastest, not just fast. If you don't understand that, you don't get the point of F1- an engineering competition. Also RBR has been struggling with the same kerbs issue since 2022.), with Max struggling with various issues during the race.
Additionally, the strategy was not great; Max gave the 1st pitstop decision a pass, but then they repeated it for the 2nd pitstop. RBR was hoping that the tyre delta would salvage the race but c'mon, Christian Horner admitted after the race that they got the data wrong and miscalculated how fast they needed to gap the others cars per lap to overtake. From Max's pov, RBR repeated the mistake of the 1st pitstop, allowing him to be undercut again, by both Lewis and Charles, dropping him back to 5th when he started 3rd, on a track known to be hard to overtake. Furthermore, this race was more a race of undercutting than actual on-track overtakes; one prominent example that showed the power of the undercut in this race was Lando, who was stuck behind Oscar for the vast majority of the race. Yet once they undercut Oscar, Lando ended up 3s+ ahead of Oscar, with the gap increasing to ~5s+ as the laps went on, with Oscar unable to catch up. To make matters worse, Max had told the team that undercutting was impt BEFORE the race. Finally, I love GP (Max's race engineer) but honestly they were just antagonising each other during the race. The most obvious example was the sarcastic remark of 'some gentle introduction' after Max did a fast outlap so that he could catch Charles and Lewis, which just made Max even more frustrated. After which, there was literally radio silence for 15 mins, no communication of modes, gaps etc. Max himself mentioned after the race that it did not help that instead of being a calming presence, they (presumably RBR, including GP) did not listen to him and even argued with him. So this mixture of the team not listening to him, repeating the same mistake twice, underwhelming upgrades and poor communication on the radio contributed to Max frustrations in the car. (Oh but according to crofty (sky sports) it's cuz Max did not get his beauty sleep despite Max having followed his standard sleep schedule. Because sleep outranks good strategy and the best car in F1. 🤡 Kids these days and their simracing.)
Could Max have been more polite? Ideally, ig. But GP too was confrontational when he should have been trying to resolve the issues with Max. Was Max wrong in terms of calling out the strat? No. Also, it's so easy for ppl to judge, lazing on their couch. This is a high adrenaline sport for goodness sake, with millions of dollars on the line and millions of people watching their every move. Randos get pissed off at a slow moving vehicle on a normal road; imagine how it would be to be a racing driver going at ~200mph, with the expectations of the team, fans etc. weighing down on you.
Some are arguing that Red Bull generally does well so Max has no right to be upset. Lol. Idk how ppl don't get it into their heads that this is a SPORT. In every sport, any top performing athelete and team knows that every single match/race/point etc matters. You're not there to say "Oh we've won in the past so let's just throw away some games". You're always there to deliver your best. With this kinda logic, Lewis should also have no right to be upset/disappointed with Mercedes cuz didn't they deliver him a championship winning car for years? Idk lmao this particular line of logic is so weird.
I've also seen so many people saying things along the lines of "Max always complains", "Max can't win without the car"- a really weird one considering one only has to look at the recent races to debunk that, "Max blames everything on the team" etc. Be so fr literally every driver 'complains'. A notable case was Austria 2023, where Toto had to come on the race to tell Lewis to 'just drive the car' because he kept going on about it in multiple races last year. Most of the time they're just giving feedback. When they're genuinely 'complaining', it's often cuz they've been screwed over by their own team. See some cases just in this race alone: Alex on the indecisive tyre choice by Williams, Daniel on the screwed up strat by by VCARB. Max wasn't even wrong about the strat. The comment that 'Max blames everything on the team/ When everything goes well it's him, when it doesn't it's the team' is so laughable because if there is one driver on the grid that is consistent in thanking his team and rarely himself, it's Max. You literally just have to see the previous race, Silverstone 2024 where he could've easily said him making all the right calls to pit was essential to getting P2 in the end. Instead, he gave the credit to the team. He's also quick to apologise when he's in the wrong. See Spa quali 2023 after his outburst in Q2. Or when he bought ice cream for GP a few years back to apologise. Also idk where ppl get the idea Max treats his team like shit? Time and time again, people who worked with him have mentioned how they love working with him. For this particular weekend, he literally treated the team to dinner the night before the race but these ppl will never talk about that. What's said on the radio is in the heat of the moment, which ALL the drivers have done. And Max wasn't wrong either; maybe ideally he would have conveyed it nicer, but again, they're all pumped up on adrenaline.
As for the incident, it wasn't even that bad? It looked bad cuz the wheels touched, making Max's car fly up + cuz it was btwn Max and Lewis, certain 'fans' immediately jumped into their hate frenzy. Idk I find it so weird that people keep harping on about it when Lewis said immediately after the race that it was a racing incident. (Those clowns trying to liken Max to Alonso in Austria 2024 need to rewatch the collisions instead of looking at static pictures is all I can say lol cuz Alonso's was straight up a T-bone while Max-Lewis was a wheel bang.) And anyway, ALL drivers get into incidents no matter their accomplishments (Lewis in Monza 2023, Charles hitting Lando in fp this year, Carlos-Oscar in Miami 2024 etc.). The narrative that Max gets into incidents more than the other drivers is just untrue. In fact, this brings me to my next point. The moment Max is half of any incident, regardless of whether he is at fault, so many scumbags immediately completely trash him like a bunch of rabid dogs. For example, Max-George last year at Las Vegas 2023, where Max was not at fault at ALL; George even admitted he wasn't looking in his mirrors. Or Lap 1 Turn 1 of that same race, where ppl to this day are shitting on Max for 'pushing' Charles off-track- when there was literally an oil spill on his grid spot before the race, making that side slippery despite efforts to clean it up, with others like Alonso and Carlos spinning at the same point Max 'pushed' Charles. His onboard then even showed he tried to steer in but the car didn't budge. Besides, he got a penalty that slowed him down a lot (when Lap 1 Turn 1 incidents don't usually get a penalty- idk how ppl can think the FIA favours him lmfao- and no matter what the haters who prob didn't even watch the race said; serving the penalty in the pitstop dropped Max much further back than just swapping positions would have) AND he apologised to Charles right after the race (but noooo he never takes the blame).
The hate ppl have for Max (and tbh, some other drivers) is honestly quite alarming and weird. Like, these grownass ppl are hating on a 26 year old at the top of his game lol. It doesn't help that the media (especially the British media) feeds, if not started, this hatred frenzy. Just see Austria this year, where the media and 'fans' completely blew the incident between Max and Lando out of the water, only for multiple current and ex F1 drivers to call them out on their bs lmao. Again, for Austria 2024, Lando and Max spoke after the race too. But it doesn't fit their narrative so these ppl will never bother to mention this.
Slight tangent but for ppl who try to justify it by saying 'oh it's how it is cuz Max is dominating'- I understand where yall are coming from (see Seb 2013 lol), but the hatred for Max is particulary overwhelming because there are much more fans now, mainly due to DTS and consequently, F1 becoming popular/more popular on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter etc. As such, Max is arguably facing higher levels of vitrol, since DTS didn't exactly favour him (understatement of the year lol) and many fans who 'watch' F1 through social media just jump on the hate bandwagon without actually watching races/fact-checking. This is worsened by how the media (mainly the Brit media) jumps at every opportunity to put Max down. Sky Sports in particular, being the main broadcast for most fans, often feeds this hate (esp if David Croft or Ted Kravitz is speaking). Finally, all this is only worsened by how social media allows this hate to circulate much more quickly and widely.
lol sry for the rant but gosh it gets tiring seeing the toxicity of so many F1 'fans'.
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helcef · 5 months
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Thank you for 1k followers!!
Reached a milestone recently which is more reason for me to draw my favourite blorbo logan walker
But really thanks to everyone who’s liked my art, I read all the tags everyday like the morning paper. Some of u r rlly funny (in the good way) I’ll get to asks soon! <33
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pzyii · 5 months
Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms
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virsancte · 1 year
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i spotted dante autonomously playing the piano out of nowhere and he stopped as SOON as i locked onto him to take a screenshot... he's such a hater
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moth-tea-merchant · 1 year
Ended off the night by finishing the captions for one of tomorrows isolated lines. Got a clean/clear recording of the jade brotherhood miner in 'Luxon Terminus Fort' who fell victim to the haze. Listening over it with the knowledge that haze can give people vivid hallucinations, makes this NPC's lines hit so much harder. (Tho the way they are delivered already makes them hit hard)
I'll be releasing it proceeded by some light hearted Rama lines. Accompanying the audio will be a list of content warnings above. I look forward to peoples reactions and thoughts on it in the morning.
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sonoda-oomers · 2 years
downloaded a relatively recent edit on f2nd for soshite kimi wa tsuki ni natta and the mikumei hugging started like 5 seconds in. sega can’t keep us down
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boytearscore · 1 month
i dare you to try. — chris sturniolo.
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summary: you finally decided to join a car video with the triplets after years of them trying to convince you to, but when the topic “who’s more stubborn, you or chris?” is brought up, things take a peculiar turn in which chris is sure he can be the first guy you beg for, so you dare him to try.
warnings: fem!dom, chris!dom, smut, teasing, foreplay, swearing, choking, orgasm denial, size kink, bdsm.
author’s note: this one is for my chris girlies, initially i wanted to make it oneshot, but i love to tease you guys so it will be divided in two short parts, the second one will be released tonight so don’t worry and just enjoy!
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝟷/𝟸)
everything started after you filmed a video with the sturniolo triplets, you’ve been friends with them for a while and after much pleading, you finally agreed to be a guest.
it was the talk nonsense and just hope it’s funny type of shit, so you didn’t freak out too much about it.
all went smoothly, you were having fun and laughing hard every five minutes, but then they changed the topic to who’s more stubborn, chris or you.
suddenly you both were arguing about it, leaving a nick and a matt almost dying from laughing.
“bro, you’re basically a child!” you point at chris’ face and roll your eyes. “remember when we all told you to NOT drink too many energy drinks, so you inhaled fucking four and almost died with a heart attack?”
nick nods and matt is just out of breath, staring at both of you. chris crosses his arms, preparing his comeback and squinting his eyes at you.
“why is this relevant?” he asks, raising a brow. “you’re the one who refuses to drink water because ‘it tastes bad’, you’re just dehydrated, dude! drink water, it’s not that hard.”
as the back and forth argument continued, nick just looks at the camera and says:
“point proved.” he laughs and then grabs his phone. “i wonder if one of you would actually admit you’re wrong one day.”
you two look at nick, and matt agrees. “yeah, besides being stubborn, you two are also too proud.”
“none of those things are true.” you yell at matt, but your voice is shaken from laughing so they all laugh too. “i just like to stand my ground, and this little boy right here wouldn’t convince me to do shit even if his life depended on it.”
chris was dumbfounded with so many insults, but what got to him was “little boy” and the fact that you underestimated him. he was indeed too proud, but he was very confident as well, and never really had to work hard to get what he wants when it comes to his needs, so that made him hungry for proving you wrong.
unfourtunately for him, you were just exaclty the same, but worse.
he looks at nick, and then at the camera, a smirk forming on the corner of his lips.
“make sure to edit this part out of the video.” he says, and the three of you just stare at him with big question mark faces, then his eyes turned to you, he had a determined expression and that just made your curiosity grow bigger within every second.
“you can say all you want…” he starts, the smirk turning into an evil smile. “but i’m sure i can make you beg.”
there was silent, an exchange of look between you four and then the loud noises of laughter.
“beg you to do what, chris?” you ask him. “the only thing i’d beg you to do is shut the fuck up.” you leaned against the car sit, since you both were next to each other, all he did was incline his face closer to you.
“to be submissive for the first time with a guy.” he whisper into your ear, making sure nick and matt hear it too. they both are in shock, amused and extremely invested and you… well, that did not surprised you, to be honest. you always tell the triplets about your love life, how you deal with guys and so did they. there was definitely similarities between you and chris. such as, never dating, never being clingy and most importantly, always being on the dominant side.
you grin at him with arms crossed, faces still close because he didn’t back off after saying it.
“i dare you to try.” you reply with a firm tone and he chuckles while nick and matt are losing it in the back seat.
“holy shit…” nick murmured with his hand over his mouth, eyes paying attention to every detail of your mannerism to see any kind of resistance or fear on you, but he got nothing.
“so...” you finally break the silence, checking your lipgloss in the rear mirror and then turning to chris. “what do i get if you fail?”
he thinks for a while and bite his lips, trying to think of something that wouldn’t risk his social life or reputation. he knew you and your thoughts, nothing too good would come out of your mouth if you choose.
“if i fail, which i won’t…” he begins and you give him an eye roll. “i’ll listen to every command of yours, not complaining or being stubborn, and the hardest part…” he says, sighing. he can’t believe he’s about to say that. “i’ll admit i’m wrong.”
you think for a moment, plotting the most unspeakable things inside your head. there’s no reason to not agree since you know you won’t lose.
“you got yourself a deal, little boy.” you tell him, shaking his hand.
“what the fuck?” matt yells and all of you laugh, continuing the video until later that night.
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its-your-mind · 2 years
Help I’m late to the party re: cryptic Rusty Quill Magnus Archives news and don’t know how to catch up!
You have come to the right place! Here I will summarize The Bullshit™️ with time stamps where able. I will also update this post when new things come to light.
Let’s go one day at a time!
10 October
Rusty Quill Twitter and Instagrams post UNPROMPTED, UNEXPLAINED eyes
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On the same day, RQ patrons got a code in the weekly Patreon round up
12 October
RQ Twitter posts a tweet with an image of a cassette tape with the same code as had been given to the patrons: U3RhdGVtZW50IFJlbWFpbnMK
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Using base64, the code comes out to “Statement Remains”
The RQ insta also posted this image to their story:
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Which, if you take the image as binary code, comes out to “Are you still listening?”
A new code was also posted to RQ patrons, and will be added here if/when it is publicly released.
EDIT: There were strings of text added to the episode description of Goodbye for Now in the TMA feed, which when translated through Base32 and then Base64 read: "this one was an accident. sorry -_-"
Amazing, 11/10 work, RQ
(ty to @official-infinitea for the update on the pod description codes!)
EDIT: also on-going is like… every person associated with RQ being VERY MEAN and dropping hints that we’re all gonna lose our shit whenever whatever this is drops
13 October
Apparently the Patreon code from yesterday led people wildly off-course, because they gave another hint today to solve it. Again, going to keep the specifics of that off this post bc patreon, but know that in the end, it leads to the same place as what is below.
Also, Fay Roberts, who played Daisy Tonner in TMA, tweeted
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The QR code translates to: WHR'TS ECAHXJ TCLKHX U AC JV Y
It was solved the rough four layers of translation and encryption, to read: “your guess is as good as mine.” Thank you, Mx. Roberts. Where would we be without your clues leading us.
The RQ Twitter and Instagram also posted
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New episode:
I'll let you listen to that one on your own 😉
Code in the description is
Which translates via ascii to
"Statement Remains. Are you still listening?
Join us, Thirtieth October, lets talk about it."
4pm BST tweet:
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Using a polybus code box, the numbers translate to:
The Magnus Archives Two
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sayruq · 1 year
Here's more of what's been happening on the ground. (Once again I'm not an expert in war).
Palestinian fighters are still waging war on the state of Israel
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It is clear that Hamas and other groups have access to anti aircraft weaponry and long range missiles, partly from looting Israeli bases but partly from (and this is unconfirmed) from the Russia-Ukraine war. It's not unexpected for weapons to end up smuggled into other countries during a war.
On the other hand, Israel went from swearing it would invade Gaza on the ground to doing just about anything but that
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It's understandable why Israel would hesitate even with its 300,000 strong army
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IDF is made up of mostly conscripted soldiers who normally act as civilians once they've served their 2.5 year mandatory conscription. Not only that, IDF acts more like a police force than an army. Its soldiers simply don't have the training or mentality to fight militia groups in their home turf.
America itself doubts its capabilities no matter how it words it. This is a country that has yet to win against a guerilla army so it has experience when it comes to this
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Edit 2: above Hamas states the obvious
In my previous post I highlighted how disorganised the Israel military was in response to Operation Flood Al Aqsa.
This hasn't changed in the days. Israel is behaving more like a cornered animal lashing out than the so called 'strongest army in the Middle East.'
It has been dropping bombs on Syria, Lebanon and Egypt aimlessly, more out of anger than calculated strategy
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Its efforts to pushing back against the Palestinian militia isn't going well either
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in addition to naked, barbaric cruelty towards Gaza because it is not producing results elsewhere
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The tweet below is important as Russia is an Israeli ally. The Israeli right wing has been very favourable towards Putin, even willing to disagree with the US and EU policies on Russia. However Israel repeatedly bombing Syria is quickly souring Russia on the country. While Putin doesn't want to go against Israel at this point, he has become increasingly critical of the country in the past couple of days.
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Saudi went from making a half-hearted 'both sides need to stop statements to cutting ties with Israel (ties Israel and America have worked very hard to form) to outrightly condemning Israel's treatment of the people of Gaza.
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Naturally, with all of this happening, Israel has responded, not with ceasing the bombardment of Gaza, but by killing and assaulting journalists covering the genocide.
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so that it could committ war crimes without it being documented and seen by the world. War crimes such as announcing that they'd bomb a hospital in Gaza and giving doctors and nurses just hours to evacuate their patients.
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This, btw, is part of the reason they cut electricity so that Palestinians can't post their own genocide on social media. Israel brutality is costing them allies but they have no intention of stopping.
Despite all of this, there has been a great deal of support for Palestinians globally
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In short, this war is not going the way Israel thought it would. They didn't crush Hamas and the other Palestinian military groups immediately after the battle of Re'im. In fact, they're still struggling against those groups right now. They've been humiliated in front of the world after being revealed to be paper tigers and as such, they're going after Palestinian civilians in increasingly horrific ways.
The Palestinian resistance is still optimistic and they're still carrying out their plan. There's still hope for a future without apartheid.
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vixstarria · 11 months
My Fanfiction Master List
All fics can also be found on my AO3.
The following have accidentally turned into a series, although each can be read as a standalone.
Mostly Astarion x female Tav / reader, with appearances from other companions.
To summarise: a take on Astarion's relationship progression with a hectic, unhinged bardlock Tav. Mostly humour and banter, fluff with light angst. And then there's the smut.
Ongoing series
Bloodbang Chronicles - post-game continuation of my bardlock series (see below), Astarion x f!OC - Astarion and Asmodea are running a cabaret. Shit goes down, hilarity ensues. The horrors persist, but so do they.
Masterlist | chapter 1 of 12 (so far) - start here
One-shot series:
Fluff etc
In chronological order, as they would take place in-game:
Where my nice, simple plan fell apart - scenes of Astarion x Tav relationship progression in Act 1 generally
Another Gift - Tav tries to comfort or distract a brooding Astarion, reflections on vampirism / Astarion's past
Mark me as yours (Astarion POV) - takes place the morning after 'Missionary with the lights off' (filed below under smut) - a day of pining in camp in the life of Astarion
Down by the river (alternating POV) - 18+, takes place immediately after 'Mark me as yours' - Astarion and Tav spend a night by the river, away from camp
Something real (Astarion POV) - An evening in camp, Astarion and Tav are finally alone
Are you mine? (Astaion POV) - just flirty pillow talk and comfort
Gentle Warding Bond - short & sweet, Astarion finds the "true love's caress" and "true love's embrace" rings in the Shadow-Cursed lands and makes a decision
Admit that you love me - Act 2, Gale fucks around and finds out, Lae'zel becomes poetic and Astarion most certainly does not tell you that he loves you
Confession (Astarion POV) - title self-explanatory, love confession, tooth-rotting sweetness
The Morning After - short fic, follow-up to 'Confession', morning in camp - banter, humour, etc
Intimacy - Astarion's struggle with sex and intimacy, includes some fairly softcore smut
Communication - It has been nice, but it's time Tav and Astarion actually figured out what it is they're doing and what comes next
A night at the inn (part 1) - the gang gets a chance to let loose for a while. Humour, banter, and a lead-up to something smutty to come [Parts 2 & 3 under smut]
Also part of series.
Missionary with the lights off - Uh. Some really mindblowing sex here. No, really. Porn with plot, fluff to smut
Seeing stars - Astarion is jealous. What's more, he's eager to prove that no one could possibly compete with him.
A remedy for sleeplessness - porn no plot, Tav can't sleep and Astarion takes matters into his own hands
What do you want to do with it? - porn no plot, dirty talk, 'use your words', oral sex (male receiving) (kinda)
A night at the inn (part 2) - porn, Astarion x Halsin x F!Tav/Reader, dirty talk, oral sex, PIV and more
A night at the inn (part 3) - continuation of porn, Astarion x Halsin x F!Tav/Reader, vampire bites as an aphrodisiac edition
Sweat - porn with plot. Astarion, Halsin and Tav become a triad after the fall of the Netherbrain. This is a story of how it begins, progresses, and eventually ends. [Most recently posted oneshot]
The Sheath of Frontiers - Wyll's never been with a man. Astarion and Tav decide this must be rectified. (and yes that was an anal pun)
Challenges, shorts and misc
'Erotic Misadventures' - my entry for the BG3 April Foolishness challenge: 'write something spicy that uses the worst possible terms for body parts, sex acts'. Reader beware.
Apples - Very important questions are asked and answered about vampires, their warped sense of taste, and pussy
Untitled - Ask reply HC, Astarion accidentally attacks Tav during a nightmare
A cut - Tav accidentally cuts themselves, and Astarion scampers over like a cat to a can of tuna
Untitled - Ask reply, bonus scene following Seeing Stars - jealous giddy Astarion enacts revenge on Wyll after his failed awkward dance seduction attempt
'Gentle Warding Bond' should rightfully be here also, but it's too relevant to the 'plot' if you can call it that
Asmodea - my OC bardlock headcanons etc
(the lady in all the above fics)
Some screenshots, also here and here
Asmodea x Astarion kinky NSFW alphabet
OC Questionnaire
OC more in-depth questionnaire
Another 'get to know your Tav' post
OC songs and outfits
Why my Tav fell for Astarion
Why Astarion fell for my Tav
OC (i.e. Asmodea's, not mine) MBTI results for shits and giggles
Wow the tumblr search function really sucks, can't find jack shit through it. Anyway.
P.S. I am a whore for comments, and nothing sparks joy and feeds further inspiration quite like a simple "HHHNNNNNG ASFKJAGJLKSJF" in comments or reblog tags. And no fic is too old to receive comments on - they are ALWAYS a joy.
P.P.S Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to be added to a taglist. :) And if so, do let me know if there are any categories you would prefer to be excluded from.
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chaoticlandworlder · 5 months
Lando was playing 4D chess- sacrificed his luck in the sprint for miracles in the race
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sl-ut · 1 year
sweet cliches
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pairing: college!abby anderson x fem!reader
description: y/n thinks that abby may have trapped her in the friendzone, and begins to fear that it is far too late to escape.
warnings: VERY QUICKLY AND NOT VERY WELL EDITED, light smut, anxiety, fear of unrequited feelings, reader is a needy hoe, abby is a dommy mommy, swearing
words: 2.1K
date posted: 03/08/23
more college!abby
In general, Y/n was very secure within herself. Of course, she had experienced her fair share of insecurities and would certainly like to change a few things about herself, but wasn’t that the case with all girls in their early-to-mid twenties? She didn’t think herself to be anything special; not the smartest, funniest, or prettiest girl around, but she also didn’t think that any of those things might have made her blind to the fact that her own feelings could have potentially been unrequited. Until she met Abby. 
Abby had been on her radar for around a year before they had even formally met. Y/n was fortunate enough to have had an in with a few of the girls on the cheer team, making the cut with the kind of ease that freshman were scarcely offered. For anyone around campus, it was impossible to not not know Abby’s name and face at the very least–as the school’s star athlete, she was plastered on posters, billboards, and the school’s Instagram for everyone to see, though it was even more impossible for those who were involved in the athletics department to ignore her six-foot tall frame as she barrelled down the lacrosse field, expertly weaving through the opposing team’s defence and hurling the ball into the net with frightening strength. 
It had only taken half a practice for Y/n to be completely enamoured with the upperclassman. She spent the following weeks discreetly finding out little things about her; she was from Salt Lake City, she was in her junior year of Biology with a minor in Classic Lit, and kept to herself more than Y/n would have expected from someone so popular–this, she had determined from the fact that she had only been able to find out very general details about her even from Mel and Nora, who both ran in the same friend group as Abby. 
Nora had quickly taken a liking to Y/n, referring to her almost exclusively as my freshie around their teammates. Y/n honestly did like Nora, and had become somewhat friends with her before she even laid eyes on Abby, but she couldn’t help but wish that she would introduce the two without having to ask her. Hell, she didn’t even know for sure if Abby even liked girls, especially because the only previous relationship she had heard about was with a man. She also didn’t want to let on to Nora that she was interested in her friend in fear of making her believe that she was using her in any way. So, after a long internal debate, she decided that she was going to stick it out until fate came into play. 
The moment finally came early on during Y/n’s sophomore year. A few of Nora’s friends were hosting a party to celebrate the start of the lacrosse season, and of course she would extend the invitation to her own teammates. Y/n hadn’t even expected to see Abby that night, considering that she rarely made appearances at any big parties that Y/n had been to, but the moment that Nora had waved her over to join them on the couch, she couldn’t help but pray that she wouldn’t somehow embarrass herself in front of the intimidating blonde. 
As it would turn out, Abby’s head had begun to spin the moment that Nora had introduced them, her stormy blue eyes following the outline of her back as their mutual friend dragged her away and into the crowd of the make-shift dance floor. The day that she walked into the coffee shop and noticed who was standing in front of her, her heart almost beat out of her chest. She had stood there for a few moments, figuring out how exactly she would approach her without coming off as a creep–though Y/n probably would have folded no matter how she did it. Then, after the brief, but very enlightening conversation, Abby couldn’t wait any longer and asked Nora for her number.
Fast forward two weeks, there was hardly a moment where they weren’t either hanging out, texting, or Facetiming one another. Y/n was initially feeling very certain that Abby was at the very least wanting to hook up with her; when they were together, she was constantly making up excuses to have an arm around her shoulders or a hand on her leg, and when they were apart, she was quick to text back and was always interested in what Y/n had to say. All of the signs were there, but why wasn’t Abby making a move? In other situations, Y/n would have had no issue taking the bull by the horns, but she couldn’t help but fear that Abby might have been looking for nothing more than a friend. 
But how could she only view her as a friend when she treats her like so much more? At parties, her eyes were constantly scanning the crowd for her, pushing her way through the crowd in an instant the moment that she lays her eyes on her figure. When they were together, she treated her like she was the only person in the world that mattered, and always seemed to treat her differently than she would treat her other friends. They had to be something more by this point, but she just couldn’t figure out why she was so hesitant to make a move. 
Even now, as she was tucked into her side in the comfort of Abby’s apartment, the older girl’s arm curled around her shoulders securely as she watched the television screen intently, Y/n was entirely too self conscious of the fact that this was certainly not something that platonic friends would do. She couldn’t help but watch Abby out of the corner of her eye, catching every flicker of emotion that crossed her features. The film had been on for almost an hour and a half by this point, and it was quite possibly the most boring, uneventful movie she had ever seen. 
“Something on my face, pretty?”
Y/n’s cheeks warmed with embarrassment, obviously having been caught staring despite her every effort of discretion. She shook her head quickly, turning her gaze back to the film on the screen to avoid the sky blue hues of Abby’s eyes. The bulge of her bicep clenched behind her head, nudging her to face her once again. 
“No,” she muttered, “Just thinkin’.”
“Thinking about…” Abby prompted, raising her brows with a sly smirk appearing on her perfectly pink lips. 
“Things,” Y/n shrugged, “Papers, practice,” she hesitated before adding, “You.”
She shrugged again, “We’re hanging out right now, of course I’m thinking about you.”
Abby was silent for a moment, “Wanna know what I’m thinking about?”
“Eating raw meat and lifting ridiculously heavy objects?” Y/n chucking, trying to diffuse the growing tension.
“Close, but not quite.” Abby snorted, “I’m thinking about how awful this movie is.”
“Really? You’re the one who put it on.”
“Yeah, well I wasn’t expecting to actually watch it.”
A lump lodged itself into Y/n’s throat at that, leaving her entirely unsure of how to respond. 
“I was thinking about you, too, but not just because we’re hanging out. I was thinking about how pretty you look, how good you smell, how much I wanna kiss you right now.” 
The words flew out of her before she even had a chance to process them. 
“Then why don’t you?”
A moment of silence passed, and Y/n was beginning to wonder if she had crossed a boundary. Perhaps there was a reason as to why she hadn’t made a move yet, something of good reason that prevented her from doing so. Then the moment was over, and the distance between their lips had closed.
Abby’s lips were softer than she had imagined, though she should have suspected as much considering that the woman was virtually inseparable from her chapstick, and they tasted faintly of some kind of melon and perhaps a touch of mint. Her movements were gentle, tentative and curious as she explored the opposing side of the boundary that she had finally crossed. Y/n finally responded, lips pursing against hers and moulding to her every movement. She was pliant to her desires, following Abby’s lead as she curved the large expanse of her palm around the base of her skull.
It was slow, but a silent understanding passed between the two women throughout the interaction. A small whine vibrated from Y/n’s throat, her body melting against Abby’s chest as she tugged her closer and into her lap, fingers sliding down to curl around her clothed thighs. Y/n’s chest heaved, leaning impossibly closer as she tucked one hand into the loose blonde strands at the nape of Abby’s neck, the other sliding down her front to feel the rigid expanse of her abs beneath the cotton of her t-shirt. 
“Mmm,” Abby mumbled against her lips, “Can’t believe I waited this long.”
Y/n ignored her, pressing her lips tighter against hers in desperation. She was almost embarrassed at how needy she had become so easily, completely malleable to Abby’s every will and growing even more desperate as Abby continued to babble on, instead turning her attention to kiss, bite, and suck at the pale skin of her muscular neck. 
“Didn’t wanna make you think I just wanted a hookup,” Abby muttered out, shuddering as Y/n’s teeth raked against her throat. “Hey, hey, you listening?” she pulled her back to look into her eyes, almost moaning at the sight of her hooded eyes, lips swollen and glistening with spit, “Jesus, you look so beautiful right now.”
Y/n whimpered, “Abs, please.”
“Listen,” Abby shook her head, cupping her cheek affectionately, “I like you. A lot. I didn’t wanna rush things, so don’t take this as a quick fling.”
Y/n nodded, pushing closer into Abby’s palm, “I won’t. Thought you were gonna friendzone me.”
“Me? Friendzone you?” Abby laughed, “Baby, how stupid do you think I am?”
Y/n shifted in her lap, “Abby, please. I don’t–I’m not trying to–I need–”
“Tell me what you need, baby.”
She could burst into tears at any moment, “You.”
The next ten minutes passed in a blur of movement and a flurry of discarded clothing, Y/n finding herself pressed into Abby’s sheets in nothing but her baby pink thong, the hulking figure of the lacrosse captain crouched over her having stripped down to her own boyshorts. 
“Who knew you would be such a needy little thing, huh?” Abby smirked down at her, fingers pinching at the hardened nipples of the girl that she’d been so patient to have. She chuckled as Y/n began to babble almost incoherently, “You need somethin’? Why don’t you just ask?”
“I need you, Abs,” she whined, pulling at her with all of the strength that she could muster to feel her lips against her once again. 
“Ah, ah,” the blonde tutted, “Gotta be more specific, pretty girl. What do you need?”
Y/n writhed beneath her, “Please touch me, please.”
“Well,” she grinned, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Abby kissed her lips quickly, chuckling as she chased after her with a whine of annoyance. The blonde pressed a trail of kisses down her body, taking special care to show some love to her breasts before moving even further south. 
“This what you need, baby?” Abby asked, hot breath fanning over her covered mound. “You want me to kiss your pretty little pussy?”
Y/n whined again and nodded anxiously as she wiggled her hips closer to her face. 
Abby leaned forward, leaving a long, soft kiss on her covered clit, basking in the mewling that she received in response, hooking a finger into the waistband of her panties and turning her gaze back up to the frazzled features of the girl below her before tugging them down to her ankles and diving face first into her.
“How’s this for being friendzoned?”
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userpeggycarter · 2 years
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people thirsting afte Namor
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever + letterboxd, Namor edition.
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soumarhea · 1 month
Planes: Fire & Rescue featurettes!
I know Dipper's and the smokejumper's are bonus content of the physical release, and I've seen Dipper's on YouTube, but not the rest. After @valkyrieres posted Blade's here, it sent me on a quest to hunt for all of them, everything. I'm surprised I actually managed too. (All thanks to this post actually.)
I uploaded them on YouTube but unlisted, because I don't know if Disney is okay with me just posting it raw on public (or if they care at all) and I'd rather play it safe. Anyone else who have ideas on how to share this more publicly, I'm open to suggestions. So anyway,
Dipper: Just no taildraggers.
Dusty: *was a taildragger
Me: huh???
The ending took me by surprise. Leadbottom catfishing Dipper while using Siddeley's picture. Wow. (May or may not be Siddeley, but it's the same model, so...)
Cad Spinner
This one is for you @cadfreakingspinner! And since this is Cad we're talking about,
CW: Flashing images and bright colors!!
Also, pray for Pulaski and André, and the poor vehicle who have to edit this for Cad. They don't get paid enough for this shit. In fact, I don't think they get paid at all.
Blade Ranger
Fellow Blade simps gather 'round! Let see his majestic aft flying into the rescue.
Blade's resigned look of "are you kidding me" after he jinxed it, and Windlifter being petty with that one retardant drop is hilarious.
Can you believe that Pinecone had more voice lines in this shorts than in the entire film?? Me neither.
They definitely edited their own splash art at the end there. Also, they got deployed to… go camping, before they even got deployed to a fire.
Am I disappointed that Windlifter and Cabbie got none? yeah. But I guess we can make the argument that Windlifter got rolled into Blade's, but the fact that Cabbie was barely in the smokejumpers' still bummed me out.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: I made a quiz ‘Which Son Is Your Old Man’, so you can find out once and for all who you would be best suited to!
Warnings: swears, mentions of violence, smoking, drugs
𝐉𝐚𝐱 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
・Yes, he does spend a lot of time doing club business. But it also means he’s home randomly throughout the day. 
・His speciality is making breakfast; eggs, bacon, toast, french toast, waffles etc 
・Yes, he did develop the skill from all the one night stands he’s had...
・But hey, at least now you’re the one that reaps the reward!
・Doesn’t snore in his sleep, but does toss and turn a lot 
・Sometimes he has really really bad nightmares. He doesn’t want to wake you up, so he goes and has a smoke outside
・Really loves chewing on ice cubes. When you get McDonalds, he’ll eat everyone’s ice from their drinks (obviously after their done with it)
・When you’re feeling down; physically or mentally, he’ll read to you. Jax bought you a new edition of your favourite book for your birthday and he’s so used to holding it in his hands by now. 
・Really likes when you light candles when he gets home, he prefers them over the overhead lighting 
・Doesn’t like loud sudden noises - definitely has undiagnosed PTSD. He’s gotten really good at hiding it, but some days - when he has really long showers, you know it’s a bad day 
𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧
・When he isn’t doing things for the club, he loves to work in ‘the shed’. 
・He has a lot of projects going on - making garden beds for Gemma’s events, 
・Opie usually ends up trekking dust, shredded timber and so on throughout the house. You make him have a shower as soon as he’s finished working outside. 
・But you can’t lie, he does create some beautiful things. 
・He made a dining room table - and the detailing was so amazing you nearly teared up
・Opie is great at painting as well, honestly, he’s just good at general renovations. Somehow he knows how to do stuff around the house - unclogging drains, fixing pipes, changing lightbulbs, stopping leaks etc
・Opie’s like your own handy man! 
・Secretly a cat person. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind dogs. They’re great, but cats are so unpredictable - without the risk. He finds them so interesting. 
・Loves Disney movies, especially the cartoon version of Robin Hood. You’ll find him humming the song about Robin and Little John 
・Likes that he towers of you and will put things out of your reach just to rile you up
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝
・Actively cleans up after himself and you. 
・Really likes a clean home, and he’s lived on his own for a long time, so he knows how to run a house
・He also grew up around a lot of women, so he knows how to cook some great meals 
・Chibs was also whipped into shape by these women, so that’s why it’s ingrained in him...
・Knows a lot of Scottish drinking songs, and he always sings them when he’s had a few too much to drink
・And his voice is actually quite lovely 
・He also sings in the shower 
・A loud gruff Scottish man singing in your shower always brightens your day 
・Automatically turns the kettle on when he gets home (and will make tea for two, knowing exactly how you like it)
・Not a lot of random visitors, he likes to keep business and his home life separate. Even though the club is his life, he likes having his own space 
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐰𝐦𝐚𝐧
・Many, many takeout and movie nights
・Especially when he’s been gone on club business
・Does the washing and folding for both your clothes. It was his main job when he lived at home too. 
・Also mows the lawn without a shirt on, so that’s...a fun sight to see (he likes showing off in front of you)
・Loves the movie Avatar; would definitely go into a deep dive of how it all works and how they created it. 
・Would die if you showed interest in it as well. You bought him a book about the characters and he spent a whole afternoon reading it
・Surprises everyone with how much he loves books 
・A man of few words, he actually has really profound things to say. Some of it can be really poetic...
・Likes having his shoulders rubbed, and in return, he massages your feet 
・Is really good at looking after you when you’re sick. He has a lot of homemade recipes; soups, oldwives tricks etc. (Except the term ‘oldwives tricks’ shouldn’t be overlooked. A lot of their 
𝐓𝐢𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
・Rescue dogs galore 
・Tig hates seeing any animal hurt, but he has a special place in his heart for dogs
・Big fucking snorer, and is out as soon as his head hits the pillow
・Hates cooking but doesn’t mind doing the dishes - yeah he’s fucked up that way
・So you handle the food; he’ll get the groceries, but for the love of god he cannot make a proper grown up dish
・In return, he doesn’t mind doing the vaccuuming and mopping (he would so dress up in a maid’s outfit and do it)
・Whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, he goes into the loungeroom to watch cartoons - like popeye
・Cried while watching Titanic btw
・Oh and has a stash of different types of drugs. Nothing too hardcore though. 
・He also makes you have an unregistered firearm so you can protect yourself 
・Also loves comic books. He’s a DC kinda guy...yes, his favourite character is Joker
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