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02511213942 · 26 days ago
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claiming my @aftgtandn canon-divergence fest prompt: what if lola had partially blinded neil?
ao3 | full T&N collection 🔀💚 sorry for posting late after reveals!!! 🙇 no surprises lol these are my guys! thanks SOOO much to the t&n mods for the wonderful event!!!
click for the emotional support drawing i had to make to keep myself from losing it:
actor au lol 🥹
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lynxdoes · 1 month ago
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Someone get our anxiety queen that is Kevin Day a bottle of vodka before he throws up
So excited to finally share this! I participated in this years AFTG Then & Never fest and had the lovely prompt of “what if Kevin is the one who killed Drake”. This fest was AMAZING to be a part of, and I want to thank the mods @aftgtandn for putting together such a wonderful event and bringing the AFTG community together once again to show off all the amazing creators we have!!
Do not repost please, reblogs appreciated
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fireheartaw · 1 month ago
n'oublie pas de vivre • (french): don't forget to live
Jeremy would never judge him. Not for his injuries, or his still broken body, or his past with the Ravens. Not for the times he needs to get away, or the way he might manage the court. Not for what he still owes the world, what it may still want to take away from him. He’s safe here… he’s safe here. Surrounded by a crimson that doesn’t beg him to bleed, bathed in the gold of the sunshine court’s sunny captain. This is home, and Jeremy is the address, and every sun needs a moon to eclipse it.
In which Jean's injuries end his Exy career, but Jeremy still gives him a place on the Sunshine Court.
Written for the @aftgtandn fest!! Thank you so much mods for all of your hard work & such a fun event <3
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allangstnocomfort · 1 month ago
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Better Luck Next Time
Remember that time where Riko killed Aaron instead of Seth?
Yeah…so about that😬
@AFTGtandn #aftgficrecs #aftg
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nyaar0n · 1 month ago
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Prompt: Neil grows up in the nest.
i participated in @aftgtandn ! as soon as i saw the raven neil prompt i had to snatch it immediately >:] thank you to everyone who appreciated & commented on my work!
extra content here:
originally there was supposed to be 3 artworks in total, but i didn't have the time to finish the second WIP
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it was of riko drawing "3" on neil's face, kevin and neil bumping shoulders, and neil saying hi to jean, his partner!
if anyone wants me to finish the 2nd drawing, let me know!
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ashestoashes7 · 1 month ago
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Remember that busboy Neil paid to knock him out?
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liaisun · 1 month ago
what if neil kept the guns after burying mary?
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secrets - damnation - ruin
for @aftgtandn prompt 82 <3
crossposted as "shots fired" on ao3 💥
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whyreme · 1 month ago
◇ Are You Real? ◇
📍Fic Reveal for @aftgtandn 📍
• 6k words
• Andreil
• Angst / Neil is Not Fine
• Canon Divergence: Neil comes back from Evermore and Andrew is Here
Did you guess it was mine?
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If you haven’t yet, you can read it HERE:
For the ones who have read it already, thank you for reading, thank you for all your love, kudos and comments! 💖
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kiwiaok · 1 month ago
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scavenger’s hunt | 10k words | mature
Lola survives and Neil must face her again, this time in court. Despite months of anticipation and meticulous preparation, he still comes up short against Lola's particular brand of cruelty.
hi hello this is my official claiming post plus a lil mood board :)
thank you @aftgtandn for organizing the fest – it was the first time I took part in anything like this and I had a blast!! also the first time I ended up writing more than I expected haha
a huge thank you to everyone who read and commented, the feedback was mind blowing ♡
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kweenkday · 1 month ago
Can FINALLY share my T&N fic with y'all!!!
The Andrew Goes To Baltimore With Neil fic I've been wanting to write forever!
Read HERE.
Once again, thank you to the organizers of @aftgtandn! You're the best!💜
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There was a man in front of Neil—middle-aged, calm, as though the sight before him didn’t affect him at all. He wore gray jeans and a black button-up, sleeves rolled to his elbows. Everything about him looked perfectly put together—except for his bare feet. As if the rough concrete in the basement didn’t bother him. He turned his head to look at him and Andrew froze. Icy blue eyes, cold as stone. Unruly auburn hair. High cheekbones. Familiar hard-set jawline, same ruthless mouth. Recognition hit him like a brick to the face. The man couldn’t be anyone but Neil’s father. The resemblance was too striking. But where Neil’s eyes were warm, this man’s held nothing. Just an unsettling, glacial calm. 
Neil’s father stared down at Andrew, his gaze dissecting him like he was some kind of specimen. Then he looked back down at Neil, his expression barely changing, except for a faint twitch at the corner of his mouth—almost like he was amused by how broken his own son looked.
My father gave me that, echoed in Andrew’s mind with the vivid memory of Neil’s scars under his fingertips. And he had the sudden, sinking feeling that neither of them was going out of this basement tonight. 
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vykio · 1 month ago
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i’ve been feeling smaller for @aftgtandn 2.4k words — Rated T
What if Aaron picked up Neil fro the airport that first day?
Aaron narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Neil, preemptively admonishing when he’d told him, “Don’t do anything stupid in Arizona.”
“I won’t do anything stupid in Arizona,” Neil had promised. Aaron had given him a sidelong glance full of mistrust, but he hadn’t said anything else. Aaron’s intuition hadn’t been wrong—Neil went on to vanish for those fourteen days, leaving all of Aaron’s questions about Arizona, his family, where the hell he was, why why why unanswered.
Neil nearly sighed and just barely resisted. Aaron hadn’t said anything then, and Neil knew he’d have to touch base with him at some point too. They didn’t have many chances to talk between Aaron’s arrival and their picking up Andrew—he’d just hoped he wouldn’t have to contend with both twins in one night.
Huuuuge huge shout out to the mods for hosting this event!!!!
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billdenbrough · 1 month ago
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aftg · aaron & andrew · 14.4k, t. on grief, promises & what it means to be a brother. for @aftgtandn —i’m still here, he thinks. i’m still here, andrew, where are you?
Legally speaking, for a few hours, Aaron Minyard is dead in that car. Luther Hemmick, the next-of-kin to one Tilda Minyard, 35, pronounced dead in a car accident, is contacted by the relevant authorities. He says, Tilda and Aaron had left our house in an emotional state. He says, Aaron was a good boy. He says, What a tragedy. Yeah, Aaron thinks. Real fucking sob story.
Andrew dies in the car crash too. Aaron picks up the pieces.
read on ao3
then & never fest prompt, for animediac: 54. Andrew dies in the car crash with Tilda.
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decaflondonfog · 1 month ago
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depraved heart | kevin/andrew/neil, M, 7k
In a different world, you would have stayed at the table, you would have made small talk. In a different world, you wouldn’t have had the stomach. In a different world, you wouldn’t have pushed Neil aside. In a different world, your hands wouldn’t be bloody. In this world, you’re the first one to make it up the stairs. You do what had to be done.
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to give kevin day a knife and then cover him in blood............. :') loved writing this one even if it made me cry (wymack pov you were an absolute bitch!) and i spent more time studying trial transcripts than i did actually writing.
still. so fun to consider all this! i looooooved this year's @aftgtandn theme because it's SO so so so so fun to see how a tiny little change can have so many consequences on the universe and narrative as we know it.
t&n is a real dream come true and has my entire fucking heart — it's such a warm reminder of how GOOD fandom can be. thank you to everyone who makes that possible, and most of all to my fellow mods and helpers @mostlymaudlin @jaywalkers @rwnjun and @ashestoashes7 <3
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chickenbyday · 1 month ago
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Andreil | 1k | T rating
It's time!! I had so much fun being a part of this event, and I'd like to thank our mods at @aftgtandn for putting it on!! Y'all are awesome sauce <3
I wrote for prompt 208: Andrew doesn’t get to Neil in time and Riko’s racquet comes down onto Andrew’s head instead. Will Andrew survive?
Read here!
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awildtei · 1 month ago
I wrote Bite the hand for @aftgtandn :))) Andrew chokes Kevin when Neil vanishes, only in this version of events no one is around to stop him.
Betrayal that goes both ways, Kandrew metaphorically biting each other's metaphorical hands, complicated feelings about even more complicated relationships, and Andrew's particular brand of morality are the main ingredients ✨
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merceyca · 1 month ago
patient violence
Happy @aftgtandn reveals day!! I wrote some painful heist chaos featuring Andrew keeping his promises, Jean enduring, and Neil’s awful commentary through it all.
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That was Nathaniel’s first thought upon waking. So much pain, everywhere in and on his body. It invaded his lungs when he breathed and chafed his skin when he shifted. He tried to draw back from his own aching body when he caught the sound of a familiar voice.
“I knew you were crazy. I didn’t realize you were suicidal.”
“Move,” another voice commanded, but this one didn’t belong; not in this room, stadium, or state.
“You ought to be the one moving,” Jean said, and Nathaniel heard the fear underlining the threat. “You won’t like what comes next if you are found here.”
“You won’t like what comes next if you don’t step aside, Jean.”
The Foxes. Easthaven. The doctor. Andrew.
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