#afterwards the dog is still in the room (but out of sight) for the remainder of the scene
chimchiri · 1 month
You know, I still adore horror movies. I've mellowed out a lot over the years (used to watch a lot more disturbing horror movies when I was younger) but I still adore them.
That said. I now finally, finally get why people look up warnings and use doesthedogdie.com. Rationally, I understood it before. But now I can relate.
Because dear lord, I would have LOVED to know about that scene in "The Lobster". I am convinced that if the doesthedogdie.com hadn't existed before, this movie would single-handedly be the reason why this website would be created.
For anyone unfamiliar: doesthedogdie.com is a website where you can check for different triggers in movies. Initially it started with dog death (as the name implies) but there are also many other triggers you can check for (e.g. different forms of abuse, abandoment, violence etc). There are no images and the questions are answered by the community in text form. Sometimes people leave timestamps which is nice as well.
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smmahamazing · 4 years
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It’s finally here! Inuparents Day 2021!!!
Today is the day for us to celebrate the ship that brought us our precious dog boy! Keep an eye out for some extra special soft art to go with the fic, commissioned from the fabulous and talented @heavenin--hell !!!
Will also shortly be available on FFN and AO3. Check out the Inuparents 2021 Collection or the Inuparents 2021 Tumblr for lots of amazing fics and art!
SUMMARY: Toga’s been having a rough day,and who else could make it all better than his mate and pup?
The hallway was silent save for the clacking of heeled boots. They echoed off the windows, muffled only slightly by the tapestries that hung along the walls. The servants knew better than to be found in the path of the angered general; by now, they had a foolproof system that warned anyone in the area to steer clear. Not that many servants could be found in this area of the castle. Toga only trusted a handful of servants to work in the areas around his mates abode.
Toga balled his fisted hands even tighter, tiny droplets of blood dotting the floor as he pressed on. He was close to losing his control, and all he wanted was to bask in the warmth and love of his mate and pup.
Once again, he was forced to listen to the vitriol from another courtier about how Toga was "defiling the very nature of our people" by taking a human mate and siring a "half breed". Toga wasn't sure how many courtiers he had to threaten to get them to back off, but so far the number was rising with no end in sight.
Toga let out a deep, throaty growl at the thought of their hatred towards his mate and pup. Did they forget who he was? Toga was Lord of the Western lands, the great dog demon general. He had the power to slay a hundred demons in one fell swoop. He held life and death in each of his hands. Who were they to condemn him for his choice of mate?
It wasn't as if mating with Izayoi had been much of a choice for him anyway. Toga had known the moment he had laid eyes on Izayoi that they were meant for each other. She smelled like a field of flowers basking in the sun on a warm spring day, and it called to the youkai in him. When he was angry or upset, only her soothing touch could calm him. She always knew the right things to say, or even when she didn't need to say anything at all. She was beautiful and graceful - learnt from being born a princess - yet determined and outspoken in ways a princess should never be. She was a woman unlike Toga had ever seen, and she was irrevocably his.
'When did this hallway become so long?' Toga was growing more and more impatient with how long it was taking him to reach her, and began sprinting the rest of the way down the hall. He finally made it to the door at the end of the hallway to enter a small courtyard. It was smaller than the courtyard that was tended to by Inukimi's servants, but it was an exceedingly beautiful space. It was like stepping into another world, vibrant hues of an abundance of all different kinds of flowers intermingling with the evergreen foliage, giving off a wonderful floral scent to the air, even for Toga's more sensitive nose. Placed sporadically around the courtyard to take advantage of the exquisite views were several benches to sit at. Toga barely gave the courtyard a second glance as he continued to sprint to the other side. His destination was a well kept fence marked by a set of tall, immaculately kept rose bushes.
It wasn't ideal to house Izayoi so far from the rest of the castle, but ever since the birth of their son, Inuyasha, Toga had become paranoid at the thought of someone sneaking into her room for any number of unsavory activities. Toga had his best and most trusted men keep an eye on the area, and he could easily sniff out if anyone had been around who shouldn't have been - a task that had been much more difficult in the middle of a bustling castle. Toga would do whatever it took to keep Izayoi safe; he had already used Tenseiga on her once, so he could not depend on its help again. He had almost lost her and their unborn pup almost a year ago because of that snake of a human, Takemaru, not to mention his own life as well.
Beyond the rose guarded fence was a well kept trail that led to a decently sized building. It was nestled beside a looming cherry blossom tree, and one could see the edges of a koi pond in the back. It was far smaller than any of the living quarters that Izayoi was used to, growing up as a hime, but she had reassured him time and time again that the space was perfect for their little family.
He had to swallow the lump in his throat at the thought of his 'little family'. Who would have thought this voracious little human woman could turn the fearsome Inu no Taisho into such a sap?
Toga walked up to the shoji screen and opened it, stepping through to the main room. Toga barely gave the empty foyer any thought as he made his way to the main bedroom off to the right. Another shoji door shoved to the side and he was finally treated to the sight he had been craving the most.
There, lying on a plush tatami mat, was the most beautiful sight in the world - Izayoi, propped up on a plush bed of fluffy pillows with their pup swaddled at her breast. Kiyo, Izayoi's only maid servant, was in the process of throwing a large, soft blanket over the bottom half of his mate's body.
Izayoi looked up towards him as soon as the shoji door opened, a sleepy smile growing on her face at the sight of her husband. As soon as the blanket was secured over Izayoi, Kiyo turned toward him and reverently bowed. 
"Toga-sama," she greeted him.
"Bring us a dinner tray in about an hour, you may be dismissed afterwards. I will attend to all of Izayoi's needs for the remainder of the night," he stated softly. Kiyo bowed to him once again and once to Izayoi, a soft smile on her face as she gazed for a moment on his pup, and quietly passed by.
Toga stayed where he was at the door until he could no longer clearly hear the soft padding of Kiyo's footsteps as she traveled back to the main castle. Keeping her left hand holding Inuyasha up to her breast, she reached out to Toga with her right. He longed to rush to her side, to feel the warmth of her body beside his, but despite his insistence to rush to her room, he took his time to reach her.
Izayoi watched as he meticulously started taking off every individual piece of armor, slowly lowering them to the floor so it didn't startle the pup. Izayoi didn't look irritated in the slightest by the lazy way he undressed; she loved it, in fact. He never took his heated gaze off her as each piece fell, and it never failed to give her goosebumps.
As soon as he was down to just his kosode and hakama, he knelt down beside her and clasped her hand in his. Izayoi giggled as Toga nuzzled his nose against her cheek as his own chest rumbled in satisfaction at the soft tinkling of her laugh. She turned her head to meet him face to face and placed a tender kiss at the corner of his mouth. Toga removed his hand from hers to cup her jaw and deepen their kiss.
Toga would never get enough of her. The way she inhaled as she opened her mouth for him, and sighed deeply, a slight whimper in her voice as her tongue would carefully glide against his fangs. She was so soft and so warm. She tasted sweet and fruity. If he wasn't careful with his little human mate, he could just devour her.
Their kiss was cut short, however, when Izayoi let out a yelp, accidentally pulling at some of his hair from where she had been lightly gripping at the nape of his neck. It had taken a bit of control for Toga to not bite down on her tongue due to the unexpected sharp pain that now bristled at the base of his head.
"Ahh, be careful little one!" Izayoi lightly scolded the infant feeding at her breast. Inuyasha had taken too hard a bite as he drank his mother's milk, scratching the side of her breast with his newly formed - and very sharp - nails. They were not quite long enough to be labeled as 'claws' yet, but they were still sharp enough to tear lightly through human skin.
Inuyasha immediately tried to grab onto Izayoi's breast as soon as her hand let go of his little arm. Toga reached out, offering his own hand to the tiny hanyou, which could more than withstand Inuyasha's baby claws.
Toga squinted his eyes down at his son suspiciously. Inuyasha's gaze never left Toga's as he continued to suckle at Izayoi's breast.
All inuyoukai pups were extremely territorial towards their mothers. Even Sesshomaru had been known to growl at Toga whenever he vied for Kimi's attention - although the stubborn boy would never admit to it. It seemed that fact could also be said of hanyou pups. Toga could practically see the smirk on Inuyasha's face, satisfied that Izayoi was now fussing with him instead of with Toga.
'The brat,' he thought, although it came with no heat behind it. Toga's eyes softened, staring at his youngest son. A warm smile adorned Inuyasha's face as he ate, loving the attention he was receiving from both his parents. His little hand squeezing just a tad tighter around Toga's finger.
It was obvious the pup felt completely safe in the moment, knowing even at such a young age that his parents were there to protect him.
How long would this sense of safety last? At what age will he have to get in the habit of looking over his shoulder at all times? Why must such an innocent life have to have to grow up with such worries? The earlier events of the day began to seep back into Toga's mind, furrowing up his brow at the thought of the other council members and their vitriol.
"What is wrong, my love?," Izayoi asked, sweeping her free hand across his bangs in a loving manner.
"It is quite amazing," he started, not quite ready to answer her question just yet. "For something so small, so delicate, he is already so strong." Toga tried to pull his finger away, but Inuyasha kept a firm grip, unwilling to part with it yet.
"Well, he takes after his father," Izayoi said with a bright smile on her face. Toga did not respond to her, although the small smile didn't leave his face despite the slightly increased furrowing of his brows. Izayoi knew this look; he often came home like this whenever he was forced to fight against his council, usually because of her and their son.
"What did they say this time?" She asked. A part of her didn't want to hear about all the awful things they were saying about their son - she didn't quite care about whatever they thought about her, she was stronger than they all gave her credit for - but she knew there was real fear for the future of the little boy in her arms.
"It doesn't matter."
"Their opinions may not matter, but you shouldn't keep it all to yourself." She lightly gripped his chin in her hand and turned his face to look at her. "We are a team, anata. Do not keep this to yourself"
Toga leaned in towards her neck and inhaled, letting out a deep sigh as he touched his forehead to hers, basking in the warmth she emitted. Her stubbornness, despite opening one of the things he loved about her, was also one of the things he sometimes hated about her, especially when it was up against himself. He wanted to keep them separated from all the hate and viciousness he experienced almost every day. But as he slowly opened his eyes to see the hardened look in her own, he knew there was no keeping anything from her.
For a human, she really knew how to tear down all his walls.
"I don't understand them,"
"Understand who? The council?"
"Them. Everyone. They all believe they have the right to judge who I love, or the children I help bear. How can they look this little one in the eyes and think him an abomination?"
While he was talking, Inuyasha had switched breasts and was now facing away from him, giving Toga a view of his tiny ears. They quirked slightly as Toga talked, trying to pick out his every word. Honestly, they were the cutest things he had ever seen, and they never failed to put a smile on Toga's face. He caressed the back of one of Inuyasha's ears with his knuckle - noting how soft the fur was - making Inuyasha give out a light sigh of contentment as he continued to eat.
"People often fear or hate what they cannot explain," Izayoi said.
"But these are not people, they're youkai - "
"Who also has the tendency to do the same," she interrupted. "You know, you youkai are not all that different from us."
Toga had to stifle a huff at her statement. There were many differences between humans and youkai. From their anatomy to their culture and their social hierarchy. Hell, even their mating rituals were different - Toga had been saddened to find out he could not bind his youki to Izayoi, no matter how hard he tried.
But he didn't want to start an argument about it. He understood where her thoughts were coming from. Youkai would hate him because of the human blood that flowed in his veins, and humans would fear him for the youkai attributes he would possess. Both sides were unable to see past the traits they deemed unworthy or tainted. For all their differences, it was something they could agree on, and the thought made Toga chuckle a bit.
"I suppose you could be right, my little rabbit."
"Of course I'm right, anata," Izayoi replied with a smile on her face. She regarded her husband as he continued to watch Inuyasha, softly stroking his ears or running his hand through his little tuft of white hair. The actions were light, but Izayoi could still see the hardness in his eyes, most likely replaying everything he was forced to listen to today.
Izayoi knew they couldn't just ignore the threats, but she wouldn't let the opinions of others control how they lived. They would teach their son about the necessity of staying vigilant and how to protect himself when his parents couldn't, but they would also teach him how to laugh, and to love with all his heart. They would show the world just how special their family was.
They would have to tread carefully, but if they did it right, they could completely change the dynamic between human and youkai relationships.
"Don't let them get to you Toga. Let's just enjoy the night,"
It was like any other night they spent together. They laid together on the futon, one wriggling child in between them as they made idle chatter about everything and nothing all at once. Kiyo came in to bring them supper, and after Toga had made sure that his mate had eaten her fill, Izayoi and Inuyasha fell into an easy slumber as Toga watched over the pair.
The future he was working toward would not come easy, and there would be many obstacles put forth to hinder him, but in that moment Toga promised both his mate and his pup that he would do whatever it took to bring them a lifetime of happiness.
One changed mind at a time.
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griffin-wood · 3 years
arms open
pairing: kent zarneki x f!button (maia wiseman)
game: mindblind
summary: a scenario based on this ask. titled based on the song - 'arms open' by the script.
tw: minor mentions of death and gunshots.
Death. People said it was inevitable, they said it can’t be avoided – because, it is true everybody is going to die someday. Yet, the remainder of those who have left before us, somehow gave an unfamiliar ache – as we longed for their presence, as we grieved for the time that was missed, the words that were left unsaid, as the memories in our conscious were the only reminder of how they impact us that has grace upon the earth.
The reminders of death; the sudden heartache. The lingering effects afterward become a topic that has been occupied in the head of Maia Wiseman. It was one of those days she dreaded for him, as she glances upon Kent who’s eyes remain on the road. The drive isn’t too long, apparently, they were taking their time today. His expression remains natural, somehow today was just another normal day as always. Maia nods silently at his expression before her hand found his giving it a squeeze as they arrived at Aeon.
They parted ways, as Maia kisses him lightly on the cheek before they went to their separate ways. Their paths to be crossed seems unlikely, yet his figure can be seen from afar – as he listens intently to what Glitch is saying. His head tilted to the side, meeting her eyes from the other side of the room. She plastered a convincing smile, as it is a reminder that she is there. He nods – returning the smile as they parted ways once again.
The day was long, as he remains calm. He was okay, he is still okay. He reminds himself – it's just another day, everything will be okay, and… he will be okay. The day followed by a peaceful evening; as peaceful as it could be with Maia leaning on his side, eyes focused on the movie they decided to tune, with Annie and Cass seated on their laps, growls escaped from them both as Kent chuckles at the sight of it. Somehow, in a single moment – his chest ache, a painful feeling begins to stir as the unexpected tears began to well up in his eyes. With a deep breath, he pushed it all away – hides it from the audience; hiding it from Maia. It was a talent, he has been an expert on for years.
He excuses himself, “I’ll get us some blankets from the back.” As he noted, the slight shiver from Maia herself – as she nods to him. He leaves the room immediately, as Maia notes his fast pace as worry wells in her stomach, with Annie and Cass following her gaze where Kent was a few moments ago. She shakes her head with an attempt to focus on the movie once again, as both of the dogs snuggle along her side, as the worry in her didn’t subside.
Kent moves away from the room – away from them. He could feel his knees beginning to give out. He mentally scolded himself, giving himself self-affirmations knowing he is not a crier, he was trained to not become one. Once upon a time, he remembers he was quite a crier himself – but, as the years goes by; the tears become numb. It numbs him from the inside, as he kept on repeating to himself;
He is okay, he will be okay – he has always been okay.
The room around him was a medium-sized room – nothing has changed except the contents inside which was very different from the days where his grandparents inherited the home. It was different, a good type of different as Maia’s clothes - a few of her clothes from Nick’s place can be seen hung neatly beside his. He began his search for the blanket, in hopes of keeping his feelings intact – yet, a sight of something familiar made his heart screams – a chill run down his spine.
He never noticed it before, he wasn’t aware of the presence of it – yet, it made so much sense. It was his grandparents house after all, he was bound to bump into the trinkets of his past. The past still gave an ache that he managed to hide for the last few years. His gaze stops at the part of the closet where it's hidden, it was his parent’s trinkets from the past, mostly his mother’s before he stops at a familiar sight. A picture to be exact, particularly of Maria Santos-Zarneki, holding little Kent in her arms with a wide smile on both of their faces. He doesn’t remember the events of that particular day, as the ache in his chest makes its return. Spreading, numbing him slowly – as he held onto the memory. He lets out a curse, as he tries to regain the strength, to peel his eyes away from the picture – meeting a stack of blankets which is his original intention. He pushed away from the emotions once again, he doesn’t want to feel it – Kent Zarneki is not weak, he…
The memory plays in his mind again, he remembered – how wide his smile was once upon a time. He remembered a memory, a smile – her smile, her voice as she sang a lullaby. The one that he sang for Annie and Cass before he hums it slowly. His eyes were shut, as he was transported into the memory, meeting his mother’s eyes – and the voice that assures him; he isn’t weak as he cries, the one who reminds him that she would always be there with him. And, the painful smiles were formed upon the familiarity – as he listens to the voice. It was a distant memory, as it dated more than a decade ago yet it was crystal clear.
He opens his eyes again, somehow a part of him is searching for her; the tip of his nose reddening – as the tears he fought brims at the edge of his eyes. He was in a daze, somehow a part of himself wished the memory came true. He wanted to see her again, as his body began to slide in defeat sinking himself into the wooden floors of the closet, a silent thud follows. He knew he can’t see her again, yet he wanted nothing more than that – his heart began to shatter.
The tears weren’t under his control anymore, as he tried his hardest to stop them. He has been holding it in – yet, the dam breaks. He wasn’t okay anymore, as he cradled his knees close. His breathing becomes shallow as the air was denied from his lungs.
It’s unreal how one’s life could change in a split second, as he remembers the unfaithful day. How his mother was controlled – and that gunshot, which has been haunting him ever since. A part of him was – is angry and filled with rage as he wants nothing more than to avenge the person who did it; yet there was the other half of him – who silently cries himself to sleep, wanting nothing more than to see her again. How much he longed to hug his mother again – and to hear her voice again. He grew up thinking he will be okay, that he will recover from his mother’s death that took a piece of him. However, at this moment - He knew, he is not okay as the sob that escaped him, signaling everything he needs to know.
Moments passed and it did not stop. The tears kept on flowing, sticking on his eyelashes, followed by the tightness in his throat. Nothing works, as the dam keeps on flowing as it keeps ongoing. It did not stop.
Maia counted the moments since he left the room, a worried expression strikes upon her as she stood up from the couch. She carefully steps away from the room – with silent steps, as Annie and Cass are both sound asleep on the couch. She shuts the movie, before turning on the night light as the skies become darker than before.
Her feet dragged her forward, as he heard a muffled sound came from the room. A flash of panic began to fill inside of her, as she leaped into the room. The sobs were heard, as her gray eyes met with him. In a blink of an eye, she rushed her way to him – her arms were wrapped around him, around his body, as she pulled him closer to her chest as more sobs escaped him, it was one of the sounds she never wished to hear. As she held onto him, she knows how much he did not deserve this pain – and with the knowledge in her mind that he is one of the strongest person she ever knows. She recalls the story Nick told her once upon a time along with her attempts of cyberstalking him from before and shivers – he has been very strong; he has been very brave as well.
He tried to hide this part of himself from her, he doesn’t want to make her worry but he can’t do it anymore. He couldn’t keep the façade up anymore. He tries his hardest to forget, yet every memory from his childhood began to reappear, all of it breaking him piece by piece, as he cried louder against her chest. He is a complete mess which is the opposite of what she has seen him every day. He has always been calm, cool, and collected, but life has other plans for this particular day. Maia knows upon this day, there were glances from the day before – he noticed the way she checks on him every hour. A part of him feels ugly, disgusted at himself wishing he could disappear at this very second. He wished to jump into a void to be with his mother, to hug her – and he wanted her to tell him that everything will be alright and leave the ache behind just for that one particular moment. Yet, the feel of her lips on top of his head pulls him back to life. He didn’t want to leave her behind. He didn’t want to leave the people who have been there for her – including her.
Maia kissed the top of his head, as she holds him; the sight of his vulnerability made her heartache. The tears began to well up in her eyes as well on seeing him as fragile as a house of cards. She tried to keep herself together, yet she has lost the battle of tears within seconds.
“It’s okay Kenzie, I’m here for you.” She said as laughter erupts from her mouth with the familiar nickname for him as she rubs his back while her arm is securely holding him. There was a sense of déjà vu in her voice to Kent, the sentence he has heard before – years before. The words that helped him survive his nights away from nightmares ;
‘It’s okay, the monsters aren’t going to catch you Kent. I’m always here for you baby.”
His mother’s voice rang in his ears, which initiates another round of tears for him – as Maia rubs his back, again and again, she didn’t stop. “Let it go Kenzie, it’s okay…I’m here with you.” He leans into the comfort of her words, and her touch, every inch of his body needed the support that she gladly give to him. Every part of him feels guilty as Maia holds him in her arms. She held him with much strength and protection in her embrace.
It reminded him of his mother’s embrace, a strong embrace with a slice of comfort. He pulls away for a moment, as Maia looks at him with a smile on her face with the tears which is also flowing on her face. Her hands wiped the tears on his cheek, as his words escaped his lips.
“Please…don’t leave me.” It was above a whisper, and below a scream. In some way, it's equivalent to a prayer of some sort – a wish that one would make during a shooting star. It tasted bitter on his lips, as he pleads silently to her. He has lost his mother before – he can’t lose her as well.
The request feels overwhelming on his tongue, yet she smiles at the request – as he pleads once again. “Please..” Her nods become resolute, her arms were around him once again; holding him as he cries once more into her shirt. She didn’t mind, as she whispers into his ear and promises. She knows even as the world ends, she never wanted to leave his side. He has been there for her countless times, she recalls all the time he has held her during her darkest moments – and now, it's her turn and nobody could stop her from protecting him.
“I won’t leave you, I promise.” She is known as one who keeps her promises, and she won’t leave. She never will leave him, as she assures him – wiping the tears away in a routine manner.
Maia rubs his back once again, before pulling him up with her as he stands beside her. She guides him out of the room, towards the bed a few inches away. She pulls the blanket over, as he gets himself comfortable. Maia follows suit, as she lays beside him holding him as he buried his head under the crook of her neck. She kisses on top of his forehead, before their hands finding one another in the dark with a hold that is similar to a knot. A fear in him surfaced that when he wakes up – she will disappear from his life forever, as his mother did.
But, she is there…
She will always be there. As he slowly falls into slumber – the sobs began to subside. She whispers the three words into his ears, kissing his head once more, before falling into the deep slumber alongside him. And, when he wakes up tomorrow - he knows…he knows that she will be there with her arms open for him as he did for her.
a/n: i got pretty emo writing this, heck - i hope it doesn't seem to be ooc! If I do, I apologize since I haven't wrote anything in a while, plus...its quite.. a personal piece in a way. Credits also goes to@natesquill for this idea and our brainstorming session which often make us sob lol! . enjoy! <3
tags: @takemyopenheart , @wayhavenots , @homeformyheart , @mevnraels , @natesquill , @rosygray
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
My Blood (Traitor!DenkixReader Songfic)
I promise I am working on chapter 2 of PLMTY and all the asks, but this sunk into my head while I was listening to music, and I am a slave to my muse. I hope you all enjoy! 
This is a songfic for My Blood- twenty one pilots
So many things had changed. You had grown up with Denki. The two of you had been thick as thieves since your quirks appeared. It was like destiny that you and Denki were placed in the same class. He had been having trouble controlling his quirk the first few weeks, stray sparks zapping from him to the closest ground- usually another kid. You had been upset at your lack of a quirk and stayed as far from him as you could. It was the kind of open spite that only children could get away with him. Then a flash of lightning had struck you, arching from Denki’s open hand. Teachers and their aides had rushed to your side, but you were unharmed. In fact, you felt more alive than you had in your previous five years of existence. Your quirk had finally revealed itself, storing Denki’s excess energy easily. The next few weeks found the two of you hand-in-hand. You greedily ate up all the electricity Denki gave off, feeling a little more energized each time. It was only after a few weeks that you noticed yourself feeling off. Turns out you couldn’t just store energy infinitely, it still needed a release. That was a lesson you and Denki had learned-painfully.
You were closer to Denki than any family. What the two of you had ran deeper than siblings, friends, even lovers. There was nothing you didn’t understand about him, except why he had been acting so strangely the last couple of months. The two of you had agreed not to pursue UA, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to be a hero. But Denki had suddenly changed his mind, and wherever one of you went, the other followed. He had acted as if he hadn’t even met you before, but he was the same Denki you knew when he snuck into your room at night. Even now, you watch him flirt shamelessly and short himself out- something you knew he hadn’t done since you were children. You trusted him implicitly, there must have been a reason why he was doing all of this.
At least one thing hadn’t changed. His door was never closed to you. The two of you often snuck into each other's dorms, sharing in the quiet that only people who have spent their lives together could achieve. You weren’t planning on staying tonight, your day clothes still on. It had become second-nature to slip past every person in the halls. It wasn’t until you were reaching for the handle of his door that you noticed something was wrong. There was no one in the halls and Denki’s door was open.
You quickly slipped in, shutting the door behind you. Denki quickly spun to face you, sprawled over a large bag on the floor. The panic in his eyes was something you weren’t used to seeing. After noticing it was only you, he quickly turned back to his bag, shoving whatever he could get his hands on into the straining material.
“Denki, what are you doing?” You barely spoke, afraid of startling him or setting off whatever had Denki in such a panic.
“I-I need to go, they found me out. I’m s-sorry, I should have told you. Out of all people, I should have told you.” He didn’t turn to meet your eye, but you could see the shaking of his shoulders. You knelt next to him, trying to meet his eye. Instead of answers, he simply held you a cheap phone. You quickly looked through the messages on the screen. Correspondences between your closest friend and the League. There had been whispers of a traitor, but you had never given them a second thought. All the changes in Denki suddenly made sense, applying for the hero course, pretending not to know you, pretending to be weaker than you knew he was. “They know, I need to go.” He zipped up his bag, static flickering between his fingers and the metal of the zipper.
With hardly a glance in his eyes, you knew. You took his free hand in yours, the familiar tingle of his electricity coursing through your veins.
When everyone you thought you knew Deserts your fight, I'll go with you You're facin' down a dark hall I'll grab my light and go with you
The two of you had climbed off of the balcony, not trusting the front doors. The deep dark of the moonless night hid you as you ran hand-in-hand through the thick underbrush surrounding the back of the UA campus. The branches scratched at your exposed legs, but you didn’t slow down. Denki was feeding you energy the whole time, preparing for an inevitable face-off. You allowed yourself to feel hopeful at the sight of the wall. Denki separated from you, tossing his bag over the high wall. The hero courses were good for preparing you for things like this, at least. The two of you dusted your hands with the dry dirt, hoping to get a better grip on the virtually sheer wall. You would miss Sero in moments like these. There wasn’t even a moment to get up the wall before you heard them surrounding you.
Surrounded and up against a wall I'll shred 'em all and go with you When choices end, you must defend I'll grab my bat and go with you
With Denki’s hand in yours, it was easy for the both of you to let go. All of his stored electricity raced out from you as he directed his towards the encroaching heroes. It wasn’t enough to keep them down, but it gave the two of you time to scramble over the walls. The shock of your legs hitting pavement wasn’t enough to deter you as you heard the howling of Hound Dog behind you. Denki laced his fingers with yours, pulling you ever forward. You don’t know how long the two of you had run, slipping into alleyways and wishing you could just jump on a train. The dawn light was starting to light the city on fire, showing the disrepair of the buildings around you. You felt the telltale jitters of your overload creeping up your neck, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of Denki.
Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run
The two of you tumbled through a door in a decaying old house. After the two of you caught your breath, Denki explained it was a safe house. The house fell into an awkward silence, something that was rare between you two.
“They were after you. Just before our middle school exams, I saw them following you home. I tried to fight them off…” You saw the tears collected in his eyes, only highlighted by the red sun rising. “They were looking for stockpile quirks. I couldn’t let them take you.” You could only nod, you would have done the same for him. His burner phone chirped in his hand, and he quickly opened the text. With a sharp curse, Denki vaulted the phone into the wall, shattering the screen.
“What’s wrong?”
“We’re not valuable enough to save.” That’s when you heard the howl outside. Shivers rand up your spine. Denki’s hand felt warm and heavy in your grip. The voices of your class- former classmates- could be heard bickering outside. You wrapped Denki in your arms, letting his power flow through you. With a gentle peck on his cheek, you released him.
If there comes a day People posted up at the end of your driveway They're callin' for your head and they're callin' for your name I'll bomb down on 'em, I'm comin' through Do they know I was grown with you? If they're here to smoke, know I'll go with you Just keep it outside, keep it outside, yeah
You emerged from the shack alone. The faces of all the people you had grown close to over the past year stared back at you, a cornucopia of emotions. Bakugou looked angered and betrayed, Midoriya pleading. Most looked confused. You and Denki had hidden your relationship this whole time, they were unsure of why you were here. They wouldn’t be for much longer. The electricity stored in your veins ached, and you didn’t stop its release.
If you find yourself in a lion's den I'll jump right in and pull my pin And go with you
It didn’t take all of them out, you knew it wouldn’t. You were ready for Bakugou’s attack, absorbing it and sending it right back. The two of you had been regular sparring partners after all. The fatigue of using your quirk so close to capacity was wearing on you, but you needed to give Denki more time to flee. Luckily for you, only Bakugou and Midoriya had been expecting your attack. The remainder were unmoving but alive. Even now, you couldn’t cross that line. You ducked under a kick from Midoriya, knowing that even at your peak you could hardly handle an ounce of his energy. You embraced the empowered jab from Bakugou, absorbing his explosion but not the rib-shattering force of his blow. You were down to a knee now, hopefully, long enough for Denki to run.
Electricity sparked around you as you tried to force air into your lungs. Even after all this time, Denki could still surprise you. With the surprise hit on Bakugou and Midoriya, he had enough time to yank you off the ground. Your shoulder felt uncomfortable and stiff afterward, but you still ran. He gave you a nervous grin, pulling you around a corner. An inconspicuous black car sat at the end of the alley, idling. He wasted no time pulling you through the car door. The wheels squealed as the car left the alley. Dabi sat in the passenger’s seat, indifference radiating through his face.
I'll go with you, I'll go with you I'll go with you, I'll go with you (you don't need to run) I'll go with you, I'll go with you (you don't need to run) My blood, I'll go with you, yeah
Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run
You don't need to run, you don't need to run You don't need to run, you don't need to run
Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood
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bnhaimaginables · 4 years
Hawks with a Blasian s/o (+ Christmas, cause why not)
(I was raised by my dad's family, Black side. And my mom's side is Cambodian. So this is where I'm coming from)
Hes excited to learn about your black heritage
He claims to have the Asian perspective on things on lock
But school him anyways (even if your Japanese)
Once he gets it through his skull that all Asians aren't the same, he's more prone to listen and ask questions
But he reaaaally wants to learn about black history
So you teach him
He gets kinda upset about the whole slavery thing.
You let him know the world is still trying to change
And he understands that, but still tho.
This mans is good for nothing.
He doesn't quite understand your need for certain hair shampoos and conditioners
And he doesn't understand the switch, you go through because of your hair
"Baby... why is all this shampoo in here?"
"Im trying some new ones out."
He starts to bring home new shampoos and conditioners for you
When you find one you really like (and that works) he buys that specific one
And if he can't find it nearby, he orders it offline
Dancing. On God, he comes to you, with his phone, showing you those dumbass tic toks , asking if you know how to do the dance
After him bothering you for about 15 to 20 minutes, you say yes.
Then it's another 20 minutes of "teach me. Babe. Teach me, please!"
You give in, after seeing his wings fluff up(he only does this to get what he wants)
So here you are, in yalls living room, trying to teach this dude, these dances
Its definitely a sight to watch him try and keep his wings from flapping too much, cause he's excited
Once he can get his wings calmed down, he's surprisingly a fast learner.
He's perfected these moves alone
So when you see him on tv, after an easy win or on an interview, he's doing one of them
You insisted that he take a break from hero work to visit your families in America.
He actually convinced the other hero's and his sidekicks, that this was important for you guys future.
So December, you guys flew out.
(My dads family lives in Mississippi and my moms family lives in Minnesota.)
He was in for like 3 or 4 different culture shocks
(In Mississippi)
The people stared at you both wherever you went
Keigo figured they were just staring because he was the No 2 hero from Japan
Then someone made a remark about you.
Feathers be damned, HANDS were about to be thrown.
You had to calm him down, before the police where called
You guys finally make it to your grandparents home
Your family was very welcoming and warm to him
The first day was... docile.
Your family was eager for him to talk about himself
They wanted to know about the berdman that stole your heart
From his poor childhood to his burnt face, Keigo was happy to talk about everything
He even did some cool tricks with his feathers, to crack everybody up
The second day was more eventful for him
He was surprised at how much louder everyone was
Talkin shit, and making jokes at one another
Even you, his sweet little Raven, was being loud
He watched with wide eyes and a smile
He was waved over by your grandad
Your uncle, tried to roast Keigo about his face (friendly)
Your brother (or sister or whoever) instigated, "oooo he goin in!"
Keigo clapped back, about how fat your uncle was
After that, nobody was safe
Everybody caught some flames, even the dog
When dinner was done, everybody sat down to eat.
Keigo was a bit hesitant to eat.
He had heard of soul food, but never HAD soul food
You had never cooked for him, you guys usually got take out
He took a bite of fried chicken, he was hooked.
After that, he started to pile he plate, he wanted to taste everything
He cleared his plate 4 times
And even ate some dessert
Afterwards, your grandmother pulled him to the side, and reassured him that he was approved of
He came back to you, feathers all fluffed and happy
Then you guys made your way to where your mother's family lived.
Flying up there was fine, when you landed your aunt was there to pick you guys up.
Straight you your grandmother's house.
Keigo noticed how much quieter you were, but didn't say anything about it
He assumed you were just tired.
When you guys got to your grandmothers house, all of your cousins, aunts and uncles were there
Unlike your dad's family, they knew EXACTLY who Keigo was
They had been tabs on Japan. (Weebs)
The elders kept feeling on him (idk if anybody else's family does this, but the elders do this to see how much you've grown, mostly they feel up your arms)
They were careful of his wings, only asking him about them
Keigo enjoyed the attention, again
You kept mostly to yourself
Only giving your family a smile and a quick answer when the spoke to you
When Keigo was able to break away from your family, he pulled you outside
"Baby, are you ok?" He was worried
You explained to him that you felt uncomfortable and awkward around them.
You told him it was because when your dads family moved you went with them.
You never visited them after that, until you where almost an adult
Keigo nodded, he really didn't understand, but he felt bad that he was taking their attention from you
"Keigo, its fine. Your the number 2 hero, from Japan. Half of them want to go there anyway. Your more than welcome to their attention." You reassured him.
Didn't matter, he still felt bad.
So for the remainder of the trip, he stayed attached to your hip
He followed you everywhere, except the bathroom (maybe)
He took the time to make sure you weren't overwhelmed by everyone
And when the food came out, again, he was a glutton
For the most part, he just got asked lots of questions about Japan. (Culture and what not)
And what were the perks of being No 2
When you guys flew back home, Keigo made sure to pamper you
And him?
Oh. He's already planned another trip to go back
He loved it!
He never experienced Christmas like that.
(This is what my Christmas has been like the past 4 years. So enjoy the personal experience no one asked for!)
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cottontail20 · 4 years
In Happy Times, Our Love Does Grow, Chapter 47: Clicking Into Place
Summary: Wanda spends the remainder of Mother's Day with Vision and Viv.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20601530/chapters/57793168#workskin
"I made something for you" said Viv, quite shy, while Wanda still held her close. "Daddy said he left it with your mail?"
Though she hadn't thought much of it at the time, the visitor in the lobby suddenly made sense.
"I will find it when I go home, Fata Dulce. I promise."
Vision was on his way back to them by then, hot dogs in hand, but watching the two of them together, Viv gazing at Wanda with a rather adoring expression, Wanda tenderly stroking Viv's hair, he felt as though he was about to intrude on something special. Like something had clicked into place for 'his girls' that hadn't before. He paused, hovering a short distance away, until Wanda spotted him, a smile breaking out over her face.
"Grabiti-va, Vizh" She called, her green eyes sparkling. "We're hungry."
"Yeah, Daddy. Ga..gr.." Viv frowned, not quite able to get her tongue around the words.
"Gra-bi-ti, va" Wanda repeated, slower, sounding out the words for Viv's benefit. "It means 'Hurry up' in Sokovian."
"Oh.. Grabiti-va!" Viv tried again, grinning. "That means hurry up, Daddy!"
"Okay" Vision chuckled. "I'm hurrying." He came to sit beside them, handing each of them their food.
Viv turned to look at Wanda again.
"Can you teach me more 'kovian words?" She asked, taking a bite of her hot dog.
"Of course" Wanda replied It seemed natural somehow, wanting to teach her things.
"Yay!" Viv bounced happily.
Wanda laughed, kissing the top of the little girl's head. She noticed Vision gazing at her, his own hot dog frozen halfway to his mouth. He seemed rather entranced, although she could not fathom why.
"You okay, Vizh?"
"Hmm?" Vision blinked, snapping out of his trance. "Oh yes, I'm fine. I was just.." He paused, not sure what to say, only knowing that seeing her with Viv warmed his heart. He leaned over to capture her lips in a brief but loving kiss.
"Mmm.." Wanda couldn't help melting a little at his kiss. "What was that for?"
"I love you" Vision replied. "Is that reason enough?"
"I suppose so" Wanda smiled, but blushed, this being the first time Vision had expressed his feelings for her with Viv present. "And I suppose.. Si eu te iubesc. That means I love you too."
Viv giggled, and both Wanda and Vision thought it was one of the most wonderful sounds in the world. --
They spent a pleasant afternoon in the park together, before heading home. For some reason, it never occurred to Vision to ask if Wanda wanted to be dropped off at her apartment, and it never occurred to Wanda to ask him to.
They played one of Viv's favourite board games. Ate dinner and watched a movie together, Viv curled in Wanda's lap, Vision's arm around Wanda, her head resting against his shoulder. Stealing kisses when Viv wasn't looking.
Later, Wanda helped tuck Viv into bed. Sat with her until she fell asleep, and for quite a while afterwards, watching over her. Pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead as she moved to leave the room, her heart warmed when the little girl smiled in her sleep.
Wanda didn't want to leave, at all, but now she found that her heart was suddenly at war with the responsible part of her brain. The part telling her that she probably shouldn't stay the night, because she had to work Tomorrow.
"Well, I'll be up and about quite early Tomorrow, getting Viv ready for School" Vision told her, after she had pointed out her dilemma. "I'm sure we'd be able to get you home with enough time to get ready for work. Of course, If you really would rather just go home I can call you a ca.. mmm.."
Wanda cut him off with a kiss. It seemed that Today was a day for letting her heart win.
"I'll stay." --
It was only after she'd agreed to stay the night that Wanda remembered that she didn't have any sleepwear with her. Vision had politely lent her one of his old shirts. The material smelled faintly of Vision, which she liked, and it fit loosely, but not too loose, on Wanda's frame, long enough to cover everything that needed to be covered, although she was not all that concerned with hiding herself from him. She was comfortable with Vision.
The night was relatively warm, so Vision had chosen to go without a shirt. This didn't bother Wanda. She'd seen him without his shirt a number of times now, run her hands over his toned chest in her bolder moments.
As Vision had been preparing for bed, about to slip in beside her, she caught sight of the tattoo on his back, the small letters making up Vin's name, and swallowed a sudden lump in her throat. It was strange, to feel grief for a child whom you had never met, and never would. If he was anything like his sister, she was sure Vin would have been wonderful, had he lived. Even so, Wanda thought that, maybe, she was grieving not so much for Vin himself, but for Vision and what he had lost.
Vision deserved a son. He was a good Father, a good man, the kind of man who would raise other good men, if given the chance. And Wanda, on the rare occasions when she had thought seriously about such things, about what it might be like to be a Mother.. she had always imagined herself with sons. Viv, of course, had changed things quite a lot, but the original thoughts still remained. And so, she made up her mind to ask Vision something. A question she wouldn't have asked a few weeks ago, maybe not even that Morning, but something inside her had clicked. Besides, it was a question everyone needed to ask when they felt a relationship was getting serious, right?
"Vizh.." She curled close as he'd slid into bed beside her, wrapping her arms around him, feeling his breath catch as her fingers delicately traced the three small letters on his back. "Do you.. have you ever thought about having more children?"
"Hmm.." Vision thought for a moment, seeming surprised by her question, and yet not all that surprised at all. "Well, I know Vivian would love a little brother or sister, and I suppose it would be nice, having more.. Why do you ask? Would you like children of your own one day?.. You would make quite a wonderful Mother."
"Thank you" Wanda blushed. "I haven't really thought about it much.. but you're right, it could be nice. Not right now, maybe not even anytime soon, but.."
"Someday" Vision finished for her.
"Yes.." Wanda smiled softly, curling even closer and letting herself drift to sleep. "Someday.." --
When Vision dropped her back at her apartment early the following Morning, Wanda made a beeline for her mail slot, ditching a stack of junk mail before retrieving a folded piece of paper tucked inside. On the paper was a drawing, of herself, Vision and Viv, with a few love hearts scrawled about for decoration.
It was not exactly a card, bearing no written message, yet somehow Wanda knew it was intended as a Mother's Day gift. She smiled, a skip in her step as she headed up to the apartment. She propped up Viv's drawing beside the framed photograph Vision had gifted her, so she could still see it as she got ready for work.
Wanda still didn't think she was good enough for them, but she would never stop trying to be.
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dansnaturepictures · 5 years
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22/12/19-Out the back and Lakeside late on 
Today we did not do a regular in the car birdwatching/wildlife/photography trip as we had my sister and her partner round to have our main Christmas dinner this year. As I awaited this in the morning I was thrilled to see it looking quite sunny out the back, even if it did rain a little early afternoon. All of this presented some great bright sky photo opportunities and I took the first two in this photoset of a bright sky and a rainbow. Its the fourth rainbow I have seen in a week with two I photographed last Sunday at Weston Shore and Titchfield Canal Path and one seen from work Friday I think it was. A great thing to witness as always. 
I didn’t photograph any today but in the morning and during the meal I continued to be amazed by the amount of and variety of birds we are getting feeding in the garden nowadays. There just always seems to be something feeding there now! After my debut Great Tit sighting in this garden yesterday my Mum rushed up to my room earlier to say she’d seen some Long-tailed Tits in a bird I had not seen in a garden before but I just missed them. Before the meal though a Magpie came into next door briefly and hovered near the garden and I saw it come whilst the festivities were ongoing one I do not often see in the garden. Its always great seeing a common bird that you don’t really see in the garden come in it gives you a great bit of excitement for the bird. 
Afterwards we did take the dogs for a walk over Lakeside for a dog walk as it got dark. I took the third and fourth pictures in this photoset during it. So I’m back to work tomorrow and Tuesday, then its the bank holidays, back in Friday, then another weekend then just two days 30th and 31st and I am on leave until 8th January to start up my new bird year list and celebrate my birthday too. The posts on here and Twitter will keep on coming with my concluding 10 Wildlife/Photography highlights of 2019 blogs on Christmas Eve about my Cornwall holiday and Boxing Day about my annual Richmond and Bushy Park visit this year. Over the festive days I will tweet on Dans_Pictures my second of two Christmas edits over the festive days too. Then with me doing some already on low photo yielding days this December from 27th the remainder of my 11 tweets with four of my favourite pictures in certain categories this year will happen (Intended now to be 2 on the 27th and 28th, 1 on 29th and 2 on 30th with 7 still to post). On New Year’s Eve I’ll have my one picture I was proud to take each month of 2019, New Year edit of a picture of mine this year and first and last bird and photo tweet. This is all on top of anything I see and photograph in our trips over the next few weeks I shall not say too much yet but the main present I am expecting will have a huge impact on my hobby, I shall definitely try and have a go at the Wildlife Trust’s #12DaysWild challenge as I did do #7DaysOfWildChristmas last year a nice more bitesize version of the brilliant #30DaysWild campaign in June for me as mine is always likely to be watching wildlife every day. I hope you all have a wonderful festive period and thanks for all your support for all my posts throughout December! 
Wildlife Sightings Summary for all of today: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, Mallard, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Starling, Pied Wagtail, Collared Dove, Magpie, Jackdaw and I heard Song Thrush. 
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hookaroo · 6 years
Vocivore, Ltd. (21 of ?)
Also on FFN and AO3 (ListerofTardis)
Tagging @ouatwinterwhump, @killian-whump, @sancocnutclub, @killianjonesownsmyheart1, and @courtorderedcake <3
***THE MOST WONDERFUL COVER ART BY @cocohook38 HERE!!!!!******
***Chapter 12 animation and art that will absolutely astound you!!!**********
5 weeks ago...
“So… we’re really doing this?”
Emma and Killian were both red-eyed and exhausted, having spent most of the night fleshing out their plot and the remainder in the grip of anxious nightmares that weren’t fully driven away by the morning sun. Fresh off of an emotional farewell to their achingly oblivious daughter, it was no wonder that they battled second thoughts now.
Leaning against a tree trunk, his shirt unbuttoned down to the navel, Killian fidgeted with his hook. “I don’t see that we’ve many alternatives. The monster must be stopped; this may be our only chance. Even the bloody Crocodile thinks so.”
“You know we’re desperate when we start turning to him for opinions,” sighed Emma. Killian could only roll his eyes in agreement.
“Believe me, Swan; I’m well aware.”
“This is such an idiotic plan,” she groaned. “They’re all gonna kill us when they find out.”
“Well, by that time, the abductions will have stopped, so they’ll be obligated to thank us while killing us. There’s that, at least.” Killian smirked suggestively. “And if I’m going to be sharing the proverbial dog house with someone, I’m most pleased that it will be with you.”
Emma gave him an assessing once-over. “There’s generally not a lot of room in those things. Do you really think we could still…”
“Oh, most assuredly. Limited space is no obstacle for the determined. And you, lass, are the most determined of them all.”
Drawing closer, Emma ran her hand up his exposed chest hair, grinning. “Damn right.”
She tugged briefly and Killian pounced, trapping her in a tight embrace and locking his lips over hers. She pushed back, inching him backwards until he was sandwiched between her and the tree. They shared the kiss of the desperate, knowing it may be one of their last in a very long time.
Annoyingly, Rumplestiltskin popped up nearby only seconds--minutes?--into the kiss. He cleared his throat to announce his presence, but neither Killian nor Emma would allow him to dictate the length of their contact. And when they did break apart, it was only by inches. Face to face, they soaked in each other’s gazes, communicating wordlessly their love, their fears and promises. Emma broke the silence first.
“In case we don’t get another minute alone before you… go… just... I wanted to say…” Her voice wavered and she trailed off. Killian reached up to wipe away a tear from her cheek, and she leaned into the touch, sniffling. “Sorry. I… I don’t know if I can go through with this.”
“It’s okay, love,” he murmured, continuing to caress her face. He fixed her with his most earnest expression as he offered the words of encouragement that, in all honesty, he needed as much as she did. “I have faith in you, Emma. You can. And if you can… then so can I.”
She still looked stricken, devastated at the thought of what lay ahead. But somehow, she managed to compose herself, gathering the determined courage that Killian so loved in her, focusing on the practical, the present moment, what her husband needed from her right now. What she could give him… while he was there in front of her. Finally, after one more shaky, centering breath, Emma echoed the words she’d said to Henry all those years ago.
“I’ll miss the hell out of you.”
The corners of Killian’s mouth twitched and he gave thanks for her presence, both now and in the days to come. He may not always be in receipt of such direct support from her, but he knew he would never stop sensing her well-wishes, no matter what happened. “Likewise. But with any luck, we’ll immediately hear something useful, and you can come rescue me within the day.”
“You won’t be hearing anything unless we get this done,” Rumple broke in, and both Killian and Emma rolled their eyes in irritation.
“Would it kill you to wait a few minutes, Gold?” Emma growled.
“Not me. I could probably endure a moment more of your PDA. Not sure the same could be said of the Vocivore’s current victims, though. I can’t imagine they’d be thrilled about your groping each other while they're having their brains shriveled.”
As intentionally inflammatory as his statements were, they did bear a kernel of truth, and reluctantly, the couple pulled apart. Emma pivoted to face Rumple as she took Killian’s hand. Finally tearing his eyes from his wife’s face, Killian shot a cold look at his former foe. He caught sight of a plastic contraption, shaped like a pistol but bigger and with a longer barrel. Rumple held it up obligingly, and Killian raised a defiant eyebrow.
“That’s it, then?”
He managed to sound casual, scornful even, but his finely honed self-preservation instincts were jolting a warning: do not let that bastard anywhere near you with that bloody thing!
Rumple was wearing a bland smile. “As I mentioned, just a little something I picked up on my travels. May I?”
Killian nodded permission, trying to regain control of his pounding heart. Emma squeezed his hand in reassurance.
“It’s normally used to implant tracking devices in wild beasts, I’m told. I made some… slight modifications, to suit our needs.” He held up a small metallic shape, similar to a medicine capsule but thicker and longer, with sharply tapered ends. “Your transmitter. It has a battery life of 2 weeks but can recharge itself using the electrical energy of your body cells.”
“I’m not convinced you’ve handled it enough, Crocodile; why don’t you go ahead and give it a lick, for good measure?”
Rumple sneered. “Listen to that; the pirate’s up to speed on his germ theory.” He opened a hidden chamber in the back of the device and dropped the transmitter into the slot. After sliding the tiny door closed with a click, he waved his hand over the whole implant gun, presumably sterilizing the transmitter within. “Satisfied?”
Killian glared at the gun, not saying anything. But Emma cocked her head.
“Why not just use magic to implant it, too?”
Killian half expected the imp to say, Where would be the fun in that? Instead, Rumple explained,
“If this monster truly can influence magic, we wouldn't want him to be able to sense its presence, now would we? Magical insertion leaves a trace, no matter how carefully done. Best not take the chance.”
“More importantly, Swan, the number of times I've had his hand inside of me is more than enough for three lifetimes.”
Emma snorted a laugh, running her fingers along his arm soothingly. “What about healing it afterward? Wouldn’t that leave a trace as well?”
“It may, but the Vocivore won’t be able to discern what’s been magically healed. For all it knows, the pirate is simply clumsy and prone to injuring himself.” Rumple flashed a nasty grin. “Now then. Do you need to be sitting down for this? Wouldn't want you to pass out on me.”
“Just get on with it, Crocodile.”
The Dark One hefted the implant gun, pulled back on some sort of spring mechanism, and then waved vaguely toward Killian’s shoulder. “If you would be so kind…”
With a short-tempered huff, Killian disengaged his hand from Emma’s grip and pushed aside the gaping collar of his shirt to expose his left chest and shoulder. He patiently held the fabric in place in order to give a clear field for the procedure. Rumple produced an alcohol wipe out of thin air and scrubbed roughly at a patch of skin just below the collarbone as a wary Killian watched for any sign of duplicity. Using one hand to stretch the skin taut, Rumple positioned the gun at an angle, its specially-designed guard at the tip of the barrel guiding him as to the proper placement.
Killian wasn’t expecting a warning, and he didn’t get one either. A loud snap preceded what felt like a very hard and focused punch to the area, then a sharp, hot lance of pain immediately followed. It spread into a bright throb as startled nerves scrambled to react. A tightening of his jaw and a slow breath were Killian’s only concession to the discomfort; he certainly didn’t want to give Rumplestiltskin the satisfaction of a wince, not if he could help it.
The absurd image of a cartoon he’d watched with Hope flashed into his mind: a dog is guarding a sleeping bear and keeps injuring himself, but in order to avoid waking the bear, he runs miles away before letting loose with a torrent of reactionary howls. Not that this relatively minor pain merited such an extreme response… but Killian was grateful for the brief distraction all the same.
Rumple pulled the gun away and exposed a dark hole with a diameter somewhat larger than a pencil. A faint, diagonal purple line tapered in the direction of the shoulder joint. Milliseconds later, blood welled from the puncture and dripped down Killian’s chest. The first of many droplets to be shed, came the morbid thought unbidden. Emma spread her fingers, obviously intent on healing the small wound, but the Dark One stopped her.
“I wouldn’t. Not yet.”
Gingerly, Killian pressed a finger over the hole and raised an annoyed eyebrow. With strained patience, Rumple explained,
“We haven't tested it yet. We need to make sure no… adjustments are necessary.”
As Killian massaged the ache, he could feel an irritating shift of the foreign object embedded in his flesh. Emma lowered her hand, impatient.
“Okay… ready when you are.”
Rumple stepped back calmly, addressing Killian with his usual aloofness. “We’ll need to travel to a distance equivalent to that which separates Storybrooke and the monster’s lair, to be sure we can hear clearly through the transmitter. So keep talking, Captain. Impress us with your… nautical knowledge, or something.”
The pair of magic users vanished in an abrupt swirl of smoke, leaving Killian alone among the trees. With a roguish smirk that was entirely wasted on the empty forest, he began to speak.
“It’s a damn shame, the fate of the Wish Realm’s Dark One. That can’t have been a pleasant way to go. Still, one could make a very strong argument for why he deserved it.” He allowed a pair of heartbeats to elapse, then added, “Swan, I’m not entirely sure I haven’t gotten the tales mixed up with all the time that’s gone by. If I remember correctly, both Crocodiles had their own brand of suffering to endure, but was it this version or the other who--”
As anticipated, Emma winked back into existence just in front of him, her arms crossed and a look of staged exasperation on her face. “You know you can’t get into that, right? He can’t know that stuff until he experiences it for himself.”
Killian winked at her. “Oh, but darling, wouldn’t it be loads more fun to give him just a hint of what awaits him in his future?”
“You wanna risk changing something, go right ahead.” She reached forward and gently pulled his hand away from the irritated flesh of his shoulder. “He needs you to stop rubbing at it. It’s making it hard to do the sound check.”
Ignoring the small amount of blood dribbling from the puncture, Killian scoffed.
“What’s that, love? I’m making what hard by rubbing?”
Emma simply rolled her eyes and poofed back to wherever Rumple was. Killian took a moment’s pleasure in imagining the sour frown that had hopefully crossed the Dark One’s face as he listened; otherwise, what was the point of winding him up? Sighing, Killian tucked his thumb into his belt and then, in the driest monotone he could summon, he began to list crew and cargo capacities for every type of ship in the Royal Navy.
His two companions were back in short order; without the threat of punishment hanging over their heads for failing to learn all of the details, they must have found the trivia to be mind-numbingly boring. Killian raised an eyebrow at his wife.
She answered by resting her hand over the streak of blood near his collarbone. As she sealed the break in the skin--this time without the protests of a disinterested Rumple--she confirmed,
“It seems to be working. For the next five minutes, I could tell you how many standard-sized crates fit in the hold of a schooner. Just don’t ask me after ten.”
The majority of the pain had vanished with the puncture wound, and no visible trace remained to mark the presence of the implant. But Killian could still feel a strange hardness within his shoulder, the smallest hint of inflammation where tissues were compressed by the new metallic structure trapped inside.
“I may have failed to mention: it won’t transmit across realms,” the Dark One pointed out. “So best not fall through any portals along the way.”
Emma adjusted her husband’s shirt, not bothering to do up any buttons, and Killian’s own emotions were reflected in her eyes. In a way, the success of Rumple’s device felt like some kind of death knell. One final obstacle to the plan surmounted; they were out of practicality-based excuses, and it was now down to courage alone.
Going for nonchalant--Rumple was watching, after all--Killian caught Emma’s hand and gave it a brief squeeze.
“Well then, love. I’ll see you back in Storybrooke.”
She mimicked his act. “Yep. Sheriff station, right?”
He pulled her close for one more quick embrace. Then Emma produced her magic bean, tossed it toward an empty patch of forest floor, and disappeared through the resulting portal without looking back.
Perhaps she feared, as he did, that any hesitation would cause their tenuous resolve to come crumbling down around their ears.
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faucetcup2 · 4 years
<h1>5 Ways To Ease Your Pet Dog Into Pet Boarding.</h1>
Pet Dog Sitting.
Leading 5 Boarding Options For Your Family Pet.
Think About A Cat Caretaker.
Welcome To The Cats Hotel.
With A Range Of Holiday Accommodation We Can Provide For Specific Pet Cats, Or Tiny Households.
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Catteries additionally are available in 2 forms - breeding catteries as well as boarding catteries. In a boarding cattery, pet cats will certainly be boarded for the duration of their lives with a skilled team. When you reach the cattery, ask whether or not the animal shelters have sufficient space for the cattery, as well as if it is possible to obtain the cattery to transfer you to a better area. If it's not feasible to transfer, the sanctuary needs to be able to arrange this with the cattery.The cat's medical requirements will be analyzed by the personnel at the sanctuary. https://leighton-buzzard.cattery365.co.uk/ will certainly take into consideration the cat's age and health, as well as any recognized health problems or conditions.
But if they spend their lives in captivity, it comes to be more difficult to develop this connection. Many animal sanctuaries will certainly euthanize roaming felines on sight because of the fact that they can not care for them effectively.
Cat boarding is additionally described as pet dog boarding and is typically a practical choice for individuals who have little pets, such as kittens or birds. One advantage to boarding your cat in a boarding center is that there are much more centers to select from.
Pet Dog Sitting.
Things to Take Into Consideration Before Mosting Likely To Boarding Facilities For Your CatCat boarding is a hassle-free service that gives your family pets with a safe and relaxing place to remain while you are at work or vacationing. Most of the times, you will locate that many cat owners do not wish to leave their pet dogs alone in the house in the evening. By providing your pet dogs with a safe, personal place to live throughout this moment of the day, you are providing a fantastic opportunity to get the remainder they need when they are far from your house. A lot of boarding centers will provide you with every little thing you require to ensure your feline remains as secure as feasible.
The majority of cat boarding centers are spick-and-span, as well as pet cats really feel comfy and also safe there. The atmosphere must contribute to a cat's all-natural instincts, such as resting, playing and lounging.
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When they are cared for appropriately, these cats will certainly make good pet dogs. They will not bite people or pets as well as they will certainly not get involved in battles with other animals. These are some of the main reasons that lots of people have actually turned to taking on pet cats over adopting pets. Embracing a CatA cat cattery is a center where stray or abandoned pet cats are housed.
They are permitted to stroll freely as well as to investigate all kinds of objects, people, animals and areas. Type catteries on the various other hand, are huge areas where lots of cats reside in cages or big cages with hundreds of various other cats.The purpose of a cat cattery is to offer great care for these domesticated felines. There are several things that a cattery will certainly do for the felines like providing food, a bed as well as some grooming. If a cat is not obtaining appropriate treatment after that he can become ill or he may even assault people.
Top 5 Boarding Options For Your Animal.
Cats require their own space due to the fact that they are territorial animals. A number of these facilities use modern devices, and also the facilities themselves have all the facilities that you would certainly expect of a vet workplace. The team is very caring, and also they are educated to care for the pets.
Every one of these activities need to be executed by another person in the cat hotel. Some of these people may even decide to simply allow the pets sleep at night and afterwards bring them back out once more the next day. Although this may feel like a terrific suggestion theoretically, it is still a good concept to bring the pet in for a checkup every two to three days.
These catteries can be found in any area of Australia as well as they are prominent tourist attractions. Lots of people see catteries simply to see the cats and also see exactly how they act in their cage.Most cat owners maintain a couple of pet cats in their house so they will concern the cattery. Pet cats that are maintained a cattery have a tendency to behave better than those that are left alone.
Considering that boarding felines is a popular suggestion nowadays, you can expect the centers to be bigger and also a lot more extensive than what is offered in a residence. Since most boarding facilities have a smaller number of spaces, you should be able to discover a wonderful silent room that will match the needs of your cat. You might likewise intend to take into consideration the availability of toys and products, which is normally offered by the boarding facility. When you are boarding a pet, you must remember to bear in mind of all the facilities and activities that the boarding center offers to make sure that you will know exactly what you will certainly need when you bring your kitty house.
Consider A Cat Sitter.
A cat that gets plenty of exercise and attention will stay happier for longer time periods. Many cat boarding centers will supply a friendly, thoughtful staff that will certainly aid the cat to get used to his new surroundings. Sometimes, the personnel can also assist the cat discover brand-new techniques and also develop a new individuality.
Welcome To The Cats Hotel.
They normally supply some basic centers like food, water, and also shelter. There are lots of aspects to be taken into consideration before selecting to take on a cat from a cattery.First of all, you need to take into consideration the type of cat you wish to embrace from the cattery. If you plan to adopt a full-blooded cat, you will need to discover a dog breeder near you. If you desire a domestic cat, you can usually find one by browsing the papers and also on the web.
This consists of pet cats who have actually been involved in a mishap, or pet cats that require to be treated for some clinical problem. The sanctuary will certainly frequently provide info on exactly how to take on these felines. Numerous sanctuaries additionally call for the proprietor of a cat to be a local of that particular sanctuary before she or he can take on a cat there.
With A Series Of Lodging We Can Provide For Private Cats, Or Little Families.
Catteries also are available in different kinds - reproducing and also boarding catteries. Some catteries also supply a dog-friendly setting for the cat population.
When you are taking your pet with you, keep in mind that it is best to stay clear of boarding feline's who have behavior issues or have had negative experiences with their previous caretakers. Embracing a Cat From a CatteryA cattery is a center where pet cats are maintained for individual factors and not as animals.
Before deciding, you should always research all the alternatives available. The sanctuary staff will be able to answer your concerns and also give you even more information on a specific sort of sanctuary. Catteries usually are available in two types - boarding and reproducing catteries. Boarding catteries are places where cats are enabled to stroll as well as play around.
cattery bedford have a waiting list of felines that need to be cared for. It is elective that a cat owner take on a cat in the house, if he does not want to. In this situation, the cat proprietor needs to search the regional newspaper or the internet for neighborhood catteries that approve strays or take on animals. Some individuals have a cat that they do not want it to be in their house since they assume that it is not good to have a pet that can get on people. This is among the reasons why cat owners do not take on a cat or take on stray pet cats.
This can trigger stress and anxiety, which might lead to urination around your home or, even worse, leaving home entirely.
The appropriate boarding solution for your cat will mostly depend on your location as well as your individual choice.
Asking liable buddies or family members to look after your cat in your very own home causes the least disruption and is a low-cost choice.
One more thing to consider is that if your neighbor is just contacting briefly, they might miss indicators of your cat ending up being weak.
Many pet boarding company offer additional services in addition to the regular pet dog care needed.
However, some felines will get lonely if left in your house with just a brief visit one or two times a day.
Boarding catteries house cats that are being took care of by their owners or various other liable events. This can consist of stray cats and also others who may not be in the most effective of health.While some cat catteries are run by volunteers and also have a board which helps to keep track of stray pet cats, others are operated by sanctuaries.
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This is a terrific means for your feline to bond with his new family, and it is a wonderful means to educate him exactly how to take care of himself without having to worry about food, litter boxes, scraping as well as leaping all over. If you have actually ever questioned what a cattery truly entails, then you will certainly require to continue reading as this write-up information exactly how they function and also what it takes to end up being a cattery owner. If you are unsure what a cattery is, it is a kind of shelter for pet cats which exists throughout the USA. A catcattery is typically made use of for the purpose of real estate stray or disregarded pet cats that are seeking to make a new house. Catteries likewise come in two kinds - personal boarding cattery and also public housing catterys.Private Catterys can vary from one person to the next yet typically require some kind of monetary contribution.
A cat cattery can be found in 2 kinds reproducing as well as boarding catteries. Reproducing catteries residence only felines that are either expecting or will be quickly. They additionally house cats that have actually been separated from their previous owners for a variety of years, or that have actually been adopted by their proprietors and also are being took care of by them.
Normally a cattery has dog breeders offered to help prospective pet owners. When searching for cattery, it is excellent to examine the online reputation of the cattery. It is an excellent concept to check out client reviews concerning the cattery you prepare to adopt a cat from.The following thing to consider when selecting a cattery to take on a cat from is to examine if the cat you wish to embrace is made sterile or not.
This will provide the family pet a chance to have its eyes cleaned as well as its nails cut. This also gives the owners the opportunity to look into any type of health issues that might create due to the stress of the atmosphere. Preferably, it would certainly be best to hire someone that has substantial experience taking care of pet cats in a cat hotel. Why Cat Boarding Is So Crucial For Your FelineThere are various advantages of feline boarding, and also it's a wonderful concept for those that love pets as well as want to maintain them far from all that mess. Cat boarding is a fantastic way to help your feline close friend get used to his brand-new residence.
The pet cats that are in sanctuaries are generally spayed/neutered as well as microchipped, as well as a lot of catteries are humane. Many catteries likewise have a waiting listing of cats that require to be checked on frequently.
C Urious To Know What Several Of Our Homesitters Rose To During Lock
Using a Cat Hotel For Your CatA cat hotel or cattery is a home that you can bring your cat to be kept momentarily while not really being taken care of in your home. A stay in a cat hotel may make your cat better took care of while you go to job. There are many reasons for utilizing a hotel over a home, but the main objective of the place ought to be to keep your cat from making a browse through to your residence when you are away. Felines that are kept in a hotel typically wind up enjoying along with being well taken care of.Cats are not extremely comfortable when they are remaining with other cats.
You must always inspect the vet's credentials before you embrace any type of animal. Also check find more info , as some sanctuaries work with unskilled and also inexperienced personnel. If you are unsure about the wellness of the pet you want to take on, you can refer them to one more shelter or the authorities accountable of animal well-being. In a lot of states, animal well-being officers are responsible for imposing animal sanctuaries as well as making certain they are complying with correct procedures.
They will attempt to establish their very own region as well as will certainly even assault other pet cats. It is required that a cat is permitted to live at home, as well as is allowed to belong of its very own, so that it is not disrupted by various other cats and also can obtain some privacy. This is why cat hotels are commonly used.There is always the question of what kind of environment the cat gets when remaining in a hotel.
If the cat has actually been turned away due to being ill, after that the proprietors might be able to obtain an exception. Numerous sanctuaries do not desire the public to have accessibility to a specific type of animal.
This may be due to a proprietor moving right into a brand-new house, taking a trip, for one reason or another, while home building and construction, taking place trip, or just being away from residence. The fact is that a cat can live for a period of time in a hotel and also be great afterwards. Since felines tend to be hyper as well as interested, they can easily come to be bored and inflamed if they are not maintained active. For that reason, it is necessary that they have routine workout, such as playing in the fenced backyard, being trained on just how to use the litter box or other locations in the area as well as being mingled.
This aids them get over the dullness related to living in a cage. Taking on From a CatteryA cattery is an animal shelter where animals are set up for fostering by owners who can not keep them since they can not pay for the treatment and maintenance.
The only genuine way to understand is to head to one and also see for yourself. You will certainly understand from experience if it will certainly be an appropriate environment for your cat or not. Numerous cat owners will not reconsider prior to leaving their felines in a hotel. Nonetheless, others have actually attempted to keep their pet cats in your home and not succeeded. A cattery is a sort of shelter where roaming cats are housed for their own wellness, safety and security, and also comfort.
A cat that has been sterilized is much less likely to have any unwanted habits such as biting, urinating or attacking other animals. Felines are understood to be friendly animals, as well as a cattery can supply a terrific opportunity to engage with various other pet cats and also canines. However, the very best method to obtain familiarized with other family pets is to adopt one that you recognize as well as like.
Before making a decision to embrace a cat from a cattery, consider all the pros and cons and consider whether the cattery supplies the best treatment feasible for the cat. See to it that the cattery fulfills all the needs to ensure the safety and security of the cat and also the people that involve stay in the cattery. If you can not manage to embrace a cat from a cattery, you may think about adopting a cat from an animal sanctuary or another type of fostering. Things To Learn About a Cat HotelA cat hotel, additionally called a cat boarding facility, is a facility that you can take the cat of your choice to be permanently housed.
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To avoid being billed with pet ruthlessness, it is essential to adopt just felines from a sanctuary or other animal rescue facility. Many individuals choose to adopt pet cats since they have no other choice but to cope with felines in their houses. Pet cats make fantastic pets because they can live outdoors and also eat outdoors. But if you have a family members with kids, they may not want to allow their brand-new cat rest in the same bed with them.
Handle With Treatment.
If you are incapable to discover a cat that they can deal with, they can show another cat.Although cats who stay in kennels are divided from the outdoors, they still need some sort of excitement to keep them occupied. Therefore, many proprietors enable their animals to visit the park, go to the canine park, play in the park, or simply hang out outside. A cat hotel supplies the perfect atmosphere for your cat to appreciate this type of task because it gives them with lots of areas to play as well as areas where they can rest. A cat hotel is additionally helpful for older felines since they obtain the workout they require. Cats that live in a kennel will learn that playing outside is much more comfortable than investing long periods of time inside your home.
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texting-an-alien · 8 years
The Welders: Chapter One
Chapter One: Boys are Sensitive Too
A/N: I’ve wanted to share this for a while, I’ve been working on it for ages. I hope you enjoy. I was actually really encouraged to post this and start writing more after @the-solar-surfer_surfer drew the main character and my OC, so thank you! FEEDBACK IS ENCOURAGED
It was musty.
Most attics typically were but this one definitely won the “#1 musty, dusty, gross, hack your lungs out from coughing because you can’t breath without dirt going down your throat” award. Unfortunately, it was for a school extra-credit assignment in a class I had been failing since third grade.
I was pretty sure I had found 3 spiders, 20 dead flies, one old moth bit wedding dress, and a mouse trap that explained the current stench in the cramped room. But of course there was no box of photos. The supposed photos were of my long dead family members for my doomed assignment in history.
“Get to know your family, Amy." Mr. Gilbert said.
“You’ll learn so much," he said.
The only thing I was learning was that grandmothers don’t always keep tidy houses. Sure the downstairs had floral wallpaper and embroidered pillows with inspirational quotes, but it was like all the dust had hibernated from downstairs to the attic… which didn’t help my allergies.
1 hour and a hundred sneezes later, I was down the ladder sitting on the stiff couch surrounded by said pillows with one, musty, dusty cardboard box full of photo albums and something that would rattle every time you took a step.
My grandmother sat next to me, her wrinkled frail hands clasped in her lap.
Unlike her attic, my grandmother was the stereotypical, rosey cheek, wrinkles as deep as the grand canyon grandmother. Her pale skin stretched across her face and she was quite short, with a slight curve to her back so she waddled around like the hunchback of Notre Dame. She had tight grey ringlets that, unlike the other seniors of Yachats, Oregon, she refused to dye purple or blonde. Her nails were always a gut wrenching “Rose Blush” red and the only thing in her wardrobe was polyester pastel dresses in every shade of pink and yellow.
“I never realized the attic actually contained stuff," I said as I pulled apart the criss-crossed cardboard flaps.
“Where do you think we put the rest of your crap when you moved in?” a voice said from the kitchen and I immediately placed it with my year older cousin, Patrick.
“Well sorry I never thought of climbing through a bunch of cobwebs in my freetime," I replied sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He fully appeared from around the corner of the kitchen, a half-eaten banana in his hand.
My cousin was like the brother I never had nor had I ever wanted. He had short, blonde, curly hair that took 3 different brands of combs to tame. He was much taller than my grandmother and I, and acted as if everything was made of glass. “The gentle giant." seemed appropriate. He was currently wearing his black button up shirt for his catering job and his favorite pair of hotdog boxers.
“Well maybe if you didn’t spend so much time in your roo-” he started.
“Hush now, I’m learning," I interrupted and returned back to the box. I heard him move behind me and lean over my shoulder.
“You know all that stuff Mr. Gilbert says is crap so the board doesn’t get suspicious and find the bottle of Jack in his classroom," he whispered low enough that my grandmother wouldn’t hear. I smirked and waved him away. He chuckled, took another bite and went back to the kitchen.
Back in the box, there were two photo albums and polaroid pictures crammed around in the empty space. My grandmother's face lit up at the sight of the pictures and fondly stroked each one like it was a living thing.
I picked up a picture of a small boy sitting in a pile of snow. He was wearing a red fleece hat and a puffy blue snow jacket. He was squinting into the camera, his cheeks red from the cold.
“That there is Patrick when he was about 5. Boy did he love that hat," my grandmother smiled, looking over my shoulder to see the photo.
“I heard my name," Patrick said and reappeared from the kitchen, the banana gone.
I held up the picture and looked over my shoulder and said, “Awe, Patrick remember when you were cute? What happened?”
He glared at me and snatched the picture from me. He studied his 5 year old self. He cocked his head then said, “What are you talking about? I’m still extremely handsome."
“Maybe if you wish really hard it will come true. Or at least you will know how to dress," I mumbled that last bit as I snatched the picture away. He looked down at his shirt and hot dog boxers, before narrowing his eyes at me.
“Shut up. I have to leave at 3:30. I’ve got time," he frowned and walked up-stairs.
Patrick and I always bickered. It drove my grandmother insane but at the end of the day he was the one helping with my homework because he had already gone through all the classes or trying to slip me a test from last year. I never accepted of course… okay once.
My grandmother and I sorted through pictures for nearly an hour. We chatted about baby pictures and prom photos.
“And this is of your mother," My grandmother said, turning the page in one of the photo albums. I had moved closer to her and now looking at the picture, I felt too close.
My breath hitched in my throat as I saw my mother in her prom dress. I heard Patrick freeze on the bottom of the stairs. The entire room went silent and I couldn’t take my eyes off my mother.
“I’m sorry darling," My grandmother said, trying to flip the page.
“No, no. It’s okay. This is the kind of stuff Mr. Gilbert wants me to know about. He wants a report on the entire family, including mom."
The truth was I didn’t want to know more about my mom. I already knew everything. She had never had a lot of money, she worked two jobs and was still home every night to make me mac & cheese. She was kind and gentle, if she had the chance she took me to every county fair. Her porcelain face was worn from no sleep all the time and her hair had been cut short because she never had anytime to brush it. And she had died 5 years ago from a hit and run.
I had been living with my grandmother for about 6 years. I say 6 because my mother and I had moved in 7 months before the accident. Afterwards my grandmother legally adopted me. At the court the issue of my father came up, which I wish to no longer speak about for the remainder of this story. The courts offer about my father was turned down and I had been with my grandmother since.
Patrick was here because his parents had kicked him out when they found out he was dating a boy. The boy then broke it off, but my aunt and uncle refused to let him back in the house. He had been here since he was 12 which meant he had been here 4 years and counting. Honestly, my grandmother had already disowned her daughter and the anger only strengthened when Patrick was kicked out of the house.
But it was nice here. Patrick and I went to the same high-school so I always had someone to sit by on the bus. He was like and older brother to me. My grandmother was soft spoken and continued to take pity on us even after Patrick had broken nearly every window in the house and I had brought the police to the house… twice.
Innocent shoplifting. Okay I was 13 and it was a pair of sunglasses and some chapstick.
Still, we had 3 meals everyday and tea before bed. It was one of the many odd things my grandmother required us to do after dinner. It supposedly cleansed the soul and we were shunned if we missed it.
“Your mom was a good woman, more a mom to me than that other woman," Patrick said and fake shuddered. “Alright, I’m going. I should be back by dinner."
“Bye darling," My grandmother said as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He patted me on the shoulder before suddenly remembering something and running back up the stairs.
I moved back to the box and moved a few rolls of film out of the way, revealing the source of the rattling noise.
It was a brown wood box, the size of a generous jewelry box. As I removed it from the cardboard box and set on my lap, I heard my grandmother go still. I paid no attention and opened the box. Inside was a strange assortment of items.
There was a small glass case with a white butterfly pinned to a piece of cardboard, a broken ballerina that could have fit in a music box, a locket with a clip of black hair, a glass or crystal orb, and you guessed it- more dust.
“What is this a time capsule? You know you’re supposed to bury these right?” I joked and dug through a few things. I pulled the crystal orb out of the box and examined it in the light coming from the window. It distorted everything on the other side, like you were looking into fun house mirror. It was about the size baseball and it cas cold, clear, and heavy.
“Not exactly," My grandmother and I looked to her, expecting a sad smile and wise story. Oddly enough, her face was grim and serious.
Patrick appeared behind her, staring at the orb in my hands. He had only barely put on his backpack and it dangled on his shoulder. I glanced back and forth, between my two very eerie relatives before quickly putting the ball back in the case and slamming it shut.
“I’m guessing it’s not a good memory?” I said and they seemed to come out of a trance, their eyes snapping up to me. “Assuming it is a memory box," I continued.
“Of course it’s a memory box dear, what else would it be?” My grandmother said and Patrick’s grip tightened on his brack pack strap. He looked angry, but not at me.
“Because if it's something else…” I trailed off and glanced back to the box, slightly opening it.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just a glass ball, an over-sized marble," Patrick said angrily. He was staring at the back of my grandmothers curly gray head. He seemed to be more focused on the galls orb than anything else in the box, he was clarifying that the ball was nothing even though I hadn’t specified anything.
I put my arms up in defense and set the box on the floor. I looked away but from the corner of my eye I could see Patrick still glaring at my grandmother. He has never looked at her this way, it was considered impolite and he was always kind to her.
“Whatever I have to go," Patrick said, and quickly left the living room. The door slammed with such a terrifyingly angry force that multiple hanging pictures rattled from their places on the walls.
I didn’t bring the small memory box back up. Not when I sealed it back in it’s cardboard tomb. Not even when it was 5 minutes to tea and Patrick still wasn’t home even though he got off of work three hours ago. My grandmother and I sat on the couch, she already adorned her blue bathrobe and I was wearing my Harvard sweatshirt.
“Was it about his family?” I asked finally, breaking the obnoxiously thick silence. Setting the steaming cup of orange and cinnamon tea on the coffee table. “Like a family heirloom or something?”
“Something like that. Patrick is very sensitive. You having nothing to worry about Amethyst," My grandmother replied.
I suppose this is the moment when I should mention my full name. Amethyst Cecilia Preston was not the name I wanted. Even though I have a feeling my mother gave it to me as a very deep meaningful soulful label, I also had a feeling it was a joke that she was playing even from beyond the grave. It sounded like some 50s pin-up girl that had only signed up for the posters because Victoria’s Secret hadn’t been founded yet.
As soon as those words left my grandmother's mouth, the term “speak of the devil and he shall appear." became very useful.
Patrick burst through the door, once again slamming the door and rattling the pictures on the walls. He quickly ran to the kitchen, poured himself a cup, and sat down across from us in the over stuffed floral pattern chair, his coat still on. My grandmother and I were still so shocked about his dramatic entrance that it took awhile for her to say something.
“You’re late for tea," My grandmother mumbled and took a sip of tea, not making eye contact with him.
“Right sorry, Annaleise showed up late. You know how she is," he chuckled, mimicking my grandmother and casually sipping the tea as if his tantrum hadn’t happened before.
“3 hours late," I mumbled into my glass and Patrick shot me a glare.
It fell into an awkward silence which usually didn’t happen. Usually it was Patrick not shutting up about some boy from school or my grandmother asking if I had found a guy yet in which case the answer was always no. I wasn’t used to a guardian encouraging me to date.
“Come now Amy, there is always a guy for every socially awkward, friendless 15 year old," Patrick has said one night.
He wasn’t saying anything now.
“Well," I suddenly exclaimed causing my grandmother to jump. “I am going to go to bed, there is only so much awkward family time that I can take."
My grandmother sat down her cup and looked up at me with a look that I couldn’t quite describe before saying, “Oh alright then, goodnight dear."
“Goodnight Amy," Patrick said and gave me the fakest, cheesiest, “I’m-actually-a-secret-murderer” smile that I have ever seen- and I have known him for most of my life. I looked back at him and crinkled my nose (he was giving me the shivers).
I slowly walked backwards up the stairs, Patrick's maniac eyes following me the entire time until my door clicked shut. I turned around, taking in the darkened room before sitting on my bed.
Most 15 year old girls have pretty much figured out what they like and have stuck with it. Decorating their rooms with boy bands and filling their closest with ungodly clothes that would make Lady Gaga weep. Unlike the other girls, my room was littered with Van Gogh posters and journals that I never actually wrote in. My duvet didn’t match my curtains or pillows causing my grandmother to go crazy. Other than that, it was pretty normal. I had a closet, a bookshelf, a bed, and a window. Basic human habitat.
I was about to actually consider going to sleep when I heard bickering from downstairs. I kneeled down and put my ear to the vent that fortunately lead into the living room like in all the spy movies that just happened to have vent that lead directly to where you needed to go.
“...was gone! We can’t have that here!” Obviously Patrick.
“Do you know how difficult, not just physically but mentally, it is to get rid of an ampoule!? It’s not that simple. That was her entire life Patrick. Even Barney had trouble getting rid of his wife's!” Now it was my grandmothers turn.
I quickly made a mental note to look up what the heck an “ampoule” was.
“We can’t have a spare rolling around here, literally! It’s dangerous for everyone," Patrick said.
“Why because Amy is just going to go and take a over sized marble and-” her last few words were cut off by the tea kettle whistling. There was shuffling and I quickly opened my door and sat at the top of the stairs hoping I could hear everything.
“I’m thinking we should tell Amy," Patrick said, slightly quieter.
“Patrick don’t you dare bring that girl into this, like you said, it’s dangerous," My grandmother said from the kitchen.
“It would be more dangerous if we didn’t tell her," he replied.
“You will not tell Amy a thing. Have you not been listening to yourself? You’re shouting at me while you want to tell her everything about… well everything!”
“You kept the ampoule here! Where she could find it and now that she has she’s not going to give it up. How many times did she ask about it while I was gone?”
“Her mind was probably screaming about it the entire time. grams she will not give up we have to tell her something."
“I will not tell you again Patrick Preston, you do not tell Amethyst anything about the ampoule and if you do…”
“Fine! Whatever. She’s going to find out and when she does don’t go looking to me or Barney for help."
There was a grunt, shuffling, more movement before I heard the first step creak. I quickly jumped up and ran to my room. I tried to close the door a quietly as possible, something I had learned from Patrick himself, and dove under my covers.
My door swung open, the light from the hallway bleeding into my dark room. Through my squinted eyes I could make out the outline of Patrick’s body, he was still wearing his coat. I tried to slow my breathing as he came and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Amethyst, you came up here like 7 minutes ago, there is no way you went to bed. Not without contemplating the meaning of life and that usually takes 10 minutes," he chuckled and I opened one eye. He looked down at me and smiled.
“I’m sorry if I upset you earlier," I whispered and sat up, my back against the metal bar headboard behind me.
“You sound so formal," he joked but then turned serious. “You didn’t."
I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah because disappearing for three hours screams ‘I’m not upset’."
“Just some family past I thought was over and done with," Patrick informed me, resting his hand on my knee.
“Okay first of all, the knee thing is freaking creepy. Second, you and grandma aren’t good at whispering. And third, you gonna tell me or not?” I said, moving my knee away from him. He smiled again and I couldn’t help but smile back.
It was like his smile was infectious. He didn’t have perfect teeth, not even close. His two front teeth had a large white spot from heaven knows what and his bottom front teeth had slightly twisted behind each other. But when he smiled you knew whatever on earth he was looking at was worth smiling for.
“How much did you hear?” He asked
“Enough that I want to know more," I replied.
"Grams will kill me.”
“I heard you downstairs. You want to tell me even though grandma is against it. I, on the other hand, am all for it."
“Well are you gonna tell me?”
He seemed almost convinced. I was using his own words against him, another thing I had learned from one of our pointless arguments in the past. He pursed his lips, looked everywhere but my eyes, and wouldn’t stop picking at his fingernails.
“Patrick please? I bet it would look great on my history essay," I pleaded, my voice sounding way to desperate at the end.
“Well if, and I mean if, I was to tell you, you couldn’t put it in your essay. Or tell anyone," he said, sounding suddenly deadly serious.
Now this was getting mysterious.
“I swear on my life. Now spill," I said and crossed my heart with my finger, sitting up straighter to get the juicy details on our crazy family.
As those few final words left my mouth, footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. We both glanced at the door and I prayed Patrick would just hurry up and tell me. Judging from my grandmother’s tone of voice from their argument, if she found out Patrick had even agreed to tell me, he would probably be dead.
“Better yet I can show you," he said hurriedly, already getting off my bed. “Tomorrow if I can get off in time. Chances are Julia won’t show up by 4:30 like she’s scheduled for."
Good to know the only thing standing in between me and my dark family secrets was the 18 year old newbie.
“Why not just tell me?” I asked.
“Later," he hissed, kissed my forehead, then ran to the door and closed it as carefully as possible, mimicking my actions from about 2 minutes ago. The door clicked close as the side of my grandmother's face appeared around the corner. Their two voices were once again muffled but a few words slipped.
“What… in there?” my grandmother whispered.
“...night," Patrick replied.
“Don’t… her." The floor creaked implying my grandmother stepped forward.
“...swear… won’t."  I could imagine Patrick putting up his arms in defense, backing away. There was three creaks, a click, six more creaks then another click- both had gone to their rooms.
I layed on my back, staring up at the slightly twirling black and white light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. I nearly considered slipping out of bed and down stairs to get my phone that I had stupidly left charging in the kitchen to look up the world “ampoule” when sleep betrayed me and I was plagued with dreams about a ginormous crystal ball hunting me down like a bad remake of Indiana Jones.
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disrepairhouse · 4 years
::Return - Chapter 14
“Zero’s gonna kill us both because of you,” Itara warned, crossing her arms and glaring up at the lying reploid.  “Also, he wasn’t babysitting me because I’m not a baby!  I’m older than I look!”  Just because all these robots were built taller than her didn’t mean they got to call her a kid!  She was a perfectly average height for a mobian!  Sort of.  Okay, she was a little small for a mobian, but that didn’t matter.
“I’m not afraid of Zero,” Dynamo repeated, checking over the bars holding the tiny hedgehog girl hostage.
“You honestly should be.  Even I’m a little afraid of him.  But more importantly, I thought you said you were a hunter?!  You lied to me!”
“I did, and quite frankly it was a little too easy,” he stated, kneeling down in front of her to talk with her at eye-level, “I’m not a hunter and I never have been.  I work for someone else who has a very personal grudge against Zero.  Call me an opportunist, but you literally walked right into my hands.”
“Who do you work for?”
“I’m not telling you.”
With a heavy sigh, she dropped her head forward against the notebook in her lap.  This was stupid.  Was it safer to wait?  Or should she use her powers and escape?  Dynamo had no idea who or what she was, obviously, so maybe it was better not to reveal anything.  But as she flipped to the next page of her notebook to see if there were any notes, she realized it was the next section of blacked out pages.  Her last notes were at the bottom of the current page, there was little space left for future notes.
So whatever was going to happen was coming soon?  Was it today?  Did it happen during this upcoming fight?  A frustrated growl escaped at all the unending, unanswered questions, grabbing Dynamo’s attention again.  She didn’t notice, however, as she reached up to grab her ears, growing ever angrier about her blocked and off-kilter powers.  What use were they?  She just wanted to go home and return to a normal life!  She wanted RK and Metal and Kipper, she wanted to go back to school, she wanted Solaris to vanish from her life completely!  She didn’t want to be in this world, she didn’t want to be in the past or the future, she didn’t want the timelines to reset again. She just wanted a normal life!
“H-Hey.”  She barely even registered Dynamo’s suddenly strained voice.  “What are you doing?”
When she finally looked up again through tear-filled eyes, she realized the metal bars around her were red-hot and her ears were stinging from being stabbed with her crystals again.  She panicked, realizing she’d let her power show again… but then it fizzled out.  She was too tired to panic.  Her body temperature heated up further and her crystals covered the remainder of her spines, her ears flicking wildly once her nails retracted from them.  Metal was going to be mad at her for that when she got back, but if this world wanted to test her, fine.
“What the hell was that?” Dynamo demanded, backing up but keeping his eyes trained on her.
Itara only stared up at him and slipped her notebook back into her bag.  Well, if the secret was out anyway.  “X warned you that you didn’t know what you were dealing with, didn’t he?” she questioned, pulling the strange gem out of her bag.  She touched the power in it again and summoned two full-sized crystal Biters while she stood up and let the metal cage melt around her, the molten liquid running down the back of her crystallized spines.  Dynamo backed up further, panicked and called for backup on his comm unit before pointing his buster arm at her.
“Now, you just stay right where you are,” he threatened, though seemed unsure about firing.  His delay would be his downfall.
“This is your fault for lying to me,” Itara growled, “I just wanted to go back to Headquarters.  I just wanted to focus on studying this stupid gem so I could go home. But you lied to me!  Just like him!  This is your fault!”
The Biters rushed the reploid that was now backed into a corner, though he had no hesitation about shooting the strange purple, crystalline dogs and shattered them easily.  But he saw no relief in the shattered remains as they quickly and easily melted into an ethereal black goo before reforming into a much larger Biter and jumped at the reploid again.  The massive purple dog-creature swiped at the cornered reploid, though only managed to clip his side as he dove away, firing again immediately upon landing.  Itara watched from the center of the room with a wide-eyed madness, her eyes switching to the molten red, glowing furiously.  As soon as one Biter fell, another took its place, forming from the shadows and shattered remains of the last, tossing the lying reploid around the room.
No matter how many times he shot or escaped, no matter how many attempts he made to reach the center of the room or even shoot the creator of the beasts, Dynamo only faced bigger and more violent creatures as the room around them heated up.  The steel beams around what looked to be an unfinished construction zone slacked under the raging inferno while piles of wooden boards burst into flame.  But as three giant, snapping Biters cornered him again and pinned him down, two of the three were struck down, leaving only the one crushing him into the dirt and the maddened child at the center to be whisked up by a frantic X.
“Hey, hey!  Calm down, we’re here!”  X called as Zero did away with the final Biter and took its place keeping Dynamo down, scowling down at him, his saber remaining pointed.  It took several minutes of hushing and reassurance, but X eventually brought Itara back to her senses and drew her attention to him. Her eyes returned to normal first, the temperature dropping along with them.  “There, there we go, it’s alright.  We’ll handle it from here, alright?”  Before even he realized what was happening, the tiny hedgehog girl burst into tears and clung onto him, causing him to shoot a deadly glare back at Dynamo, who only stared on in a combination of baffled confusion and silent relief.  If only for the fact that they likely just saved him from his own hostage.
“What the hell is that thing?” he stammered, though didn’t dare move under risk of being impaled by the expectedly furious Zero.
“That thing is none of your concern and you’re lucky you aren’t melted scraps right now,” Zero hissed.
“I warned you, Dynamo,” X sighed once he had Itara calmed down enough that her bawls turned into quiet sniffles.  He turned his attention back to the quieting hedgehog to ensure she wasn’t harmed but once he was sure she would be okay, he set her back down to turn his focus back to Dynamo.  With the cause of her current frustration under the sharp eyes of X and Zero, Itara grabbed her backpack and moved to a far corner of the half-finished room to calm herself down more.  Or rather, she wanted to try and put the fires she started out before they spread. The steel beams would cool on their own eventually, but the fires on the wood planks that were lying around would only spread with all the sawdust covering everything.
However, as she summoned Biters to help stamp the fires out, a colossal shadow suddenly shifted over her and a rush of wind and fabric whipped over her, not only spreading the fires again, but ripped the gem from her hand and knocked her clean off her feet.  The summoned Biter shrank in size and Itara immediately pushed herself back to her feet to frantically search for the lost gem.  When she saw no sign of it on the ground, she looked up to see the source of the massive shadow slowly come into sight.
Floating well above her, with a long, tattered, billowing red cape whipping angrily around its towering, bulky body, were the glowing furious eyes from her vision – and her missing gem in its clenched grip. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared, wide-eyed up at the ghastly figure, though it all but ignored her despite having stolen her gem.  Instead, its sights were set far behind her.  At the otherwise still unaware X and Zero.
Was this… Sigma?
Fear spread through every inch of her body, but as the figure continued to stare above her, its vicious grin set solely on X and Zero, the fear dissipated.  He stole her only way home and had the audacity to ignore her?  The crippling fear turned to burning rage as the widened eyes turned to a dark scowl, the whites of her eyes shifting as her arms burst into flames again.
“Give me that back.”  Her demand was barely a whisper over the noise from the battle behind her.  The towering figure moved forward, likely to face X and Zero, but only got so far before two small crystalline biters moved in front of him, melted together, and burst into flame to dive directly into him.  Finally, he looked down at the tiny hedgehog scowling furiously up at him. “Give me that back.”  However, her demand only got her shot at instead of a response, but the resulting explosion finally drew X and Zero’s attention.
“Tch.  You just won’t stay dead, will you?”
Sigma’s corrupted laughter echoed through the construction site, but Dynamo’s attempt to use the distraction to his benefit got him a kick to the back form Zero, who pinned him again.
“F-IGH-T ME, X!”
X scowled and readied his buster while Zero kept Dynamo down. Itara, however, pulled herself back to her feet and dusted herself off, checking that she didn’t lose anything else before looking to the battle.  She wasn’t going to be ignored that easily.  However, before any of them could make any further moves, the entire area glitched and Itara and Zero both recognized the sudden wave of unease that came afterwards.  Physics seemed to all but break down, the ground softened, the buildings wavered and shifted, and the night sky turned jet black, blotting the moonlight out entirely. The world grew dark and all sources of light vanished.  The soft glow of X and Zero’s armor lit up first, followed soon after by the burning light of Itara’s fires and eyes.  Finally, far above them, the sharp bluish-white of Sigma’s eyes and the crackling red of the gem cast a violent glare around the otherwise jet-black surroundings.
Sigma’s laugh filled the stale air but as he shifted and revealed more of his ragged, massive body, they realized he was hardly more than an internal skeletal structure, though massive in size.  The gem was embedded within his forehead.
 Enormous lasers shook the ground they ran across.
Lumbering balls of sludge lobbed strange, electrified balls off the invisible walls.
Strange, glitching, glowing red boxes covered the sky that absorbed everything they touched.
X and Zero were run ragged, both trying to avoid the almost otherworldly attacks and fight Sigma at the same time.  Though they landed as many hits as they took, the onslaught was never-ending.  Zero focused on keeping the balls of sludge at bay while X focused his attacks on Sigma, himself, but every time they gained an edge, Sigma would fire another of his world-shattering lasers and force them further away to avoid total destruction.  It was quickly becoming a battle of attrition.
And Itara realized it all too easily.
She’d kept as much distance between herself and the battle as possible, realizing she would only get in the way without the gem’s power, but her outside view gave her the perspective necessary to realize what was going on.  She needed to find a way to give X and Zero the edge.  Without getting in the way.  But what could she do?
Her face scrunched up in agitation at the red blocks floating around the area.  She recognized those blocks.  At least, as far as having seen them before.  She still couldn’t answer what they actually were.  A stray electrified ball bounced her way, knocking her off her feet again, but didn’t seem to zap her the same as when they touched X or Zero. Why?  It couldn’t just be a robot thing, she could see the sparking energy bouncing off it, like Metal’s short.  Robot or not, that should shock her.
Filled with curiosity and desperation, she edged closer to the battle, though had to move back immediately again as another laser tore through the area.  Once the coast was clear again, she inched forward and waited for another of the sludge balls to appear before shuffling behind it and pressing a flaming hand to it.   The sludge burst into flame and screeched out of existence, but Itara’s brow furrowed in confusion.  She hadn’t actually felt anything there.  She could see it.  She could feel the laser shaking the ground.  See the blacked-out sky.  X and Zero were clearly taking damage from landed hits.  The ball knocked her over before.  So, what was going on?
The mental debate distracted her from her surroundings long enough for another laser to fire off unnoticed and it wasn’t until Zero knocked her out of the way with a swift kick to the back, sending her face-first into the dirt, that she zoned back in again.  “Ow!  Hey! That hurt!”
“Then pay attention and stay out of the way, idiot!”
“There’s something off!”
“No kidding!”
Itara’s cheeks puffed at the response.  She didn’t need his sass right now.  But they didn’t have time to argue, either.  Once she pushed herself back to her feet, wincing at her scuffed and now bleeding knees, she turned back towards Sigma and the gem. What was the gem’s power, exactly?  Could she take control of it back from Sigma?  It activated on touch, if she could get within reach of it, who could control it better?  She had an idea.
“Zero, I need your help,” she called back over to him as he rolled out of the way of another attack.
“You need some kind of help,” he growled.
“Less sass, more action!”
“Now is not the time, you two,” X snapped, firing another shot.
Zero growled under his breath, slicing through another sludge ball before running over to Itara, “Fine, what do you want?  Make it quick.”
“Can you throw me?”
His face went blank for a split second before it scrunched back up in confusion, “What?”
“Throw me.  At Sigma. At the gem, specifically.  Its touch activated.”  She didn’t think she needed to explain further and, as it turned out, she was right as Zero picked up on her meaning quickly enough.  He gave a brief look of disbelief, but after a silent debate of her determination, he finally sighed and reached down to pick her up.  “Just please don’t throw me into a laser, that’s all I ask.  I can’t redirect my rolls like Sonic.”
“I won’t but you’d better be right about this,” Zero grumbled.
“Won’t know for sure ‘til we try.”
There was only a brief moment of hesitation before Zero nodded and took a couple steps back to get his aim right, though had to jump out of the way of another electrical snap in the process.  He couldn’t waste time worrying about how idiotic this plan was, without him keeping the sludge at bay, X was quickly getting overrun.  With a final calculation and a quick balling up from Itara, he flung the tiny ball of a hedgehog towards the gem embedded in Sigma’s forehead and swung around to slice through another sludge ball.  The tiny ball of fur flew over the incoming attacks and had a near-miss with an electrified ball, but with a light thud, the spin smacked dead-center on the gem.  Itara immediately uncurled to dig her crystallized claws around it to remain in place, as it hadn’t knocked it out completely like she’d been hoping. The effect of both her and Sigma being in direct contact caused an immediate reaction as the gem sparked and flashed violently, struggling between the two energies.
Sigma’s attacks stopped short, the sludge vanished as the covering darkness flashed back and forth.  The giant robotic body wailed and screeched and bucked about wildly in its attempt to throw the intrusion off, but the more he swung around, the deeper Itara sunk her claws in to stay on.  The back and forth loosened the gem further and before either realized, it came loose and sent Itara crashing back to the ground, though she quickly balled back up and landed again with a sliding stop – that just as quickly turned into her stumbling back and falling.  But as Sigma’s screech echoed around the flashing, wavering field, and X and Zero rushed to her side, Itara pushed herself back to her feet with a grin, her eyes glowing red and green again.
“I win,” she hissed, holding the gem in her claws out as the crystals ran further up her arms and spines, “This power is mine.” Her flames erupted once more as her body fully crystallized.  The red blocks around the sky turned to swirling purple masses and a burst of energy exploded around them, nearly knocking X and Zero back.  The swirling purple masses grew and merged above the raging remains of Sigma until they consumed him, snapping and crackling until he was no more before vanishing with them.
However, the air around where Sigma and the masses met continued to crackle until a different kind of swirling mass formed.  It was small at first, but grew until it filled the size of the now missing Sigma.  Itara stared at it for several minutes as her crystals retreated to her hands and the tips of her spines again.  She stepped forward towards the portal but was stopped by X before she could get far.
“What was that?” he demanded.  Itara couldn’t tell if he was angry or concerned.
“A portion of my father’s power,” she answered as matter-of-factly as possible.
Before he could ask for further clarification, the comm unit sparked to life with Alia’s frantic calls, “X!  Zero!  Are you there?!  What’s going on?!  Where are you?!”
X didn’t take his eyes off Itara but reached down and responded, “We’re here, Alia.  We found Dynamo.  …and Sigma.” He finally looked around at the destroyed construction site, Dynamo nowhere to be seen, “They’ve… vanished.” He looked down at Itara again, “I want an explanation once we get back to base.”
Itara’s eyes had moved back to the swirling portal behind her but returned when he spoke up again.  She only shook her head and pointed, saying nothing.  He looked back with uncertainty, studying the portal, and realized her meaning easily enough.  Zero walked over before long, also picking up her meaning, and sighed, “Finally.” Itara only stared, she was still in shock, but X frowned heavily.
“Where did you send Sigma?  And Dynamo?”
“I did nothing to Dynamo.  I imagine he took off when Sigma had control of the gem.  As for Sigma, though, I don’t know for sure.  I may have sent him to the past but I may also have sent him to the future.  I don’t know.”
“How do you not know?” X questioned, growing frustrated. When Itara gave him a dejected look, however, his tone softened again, “Look, I just need to know if he’s going to be a danger again soon.”
Itara looked down in thought, wondering about it, “Probably not.  If he’s in the future, he can’t do anything until he reappears at that point.  If he’s in the past, well… you’ve already defeated him several times in the past.  He… doesn’t look like he’s in great shape.  I imagine that won’t change much.”  She looked towards the portal again, “I don’t know how long that’ll stay open….”
There was silence for a moment before X finally sighed and relinquished.  “Alright, alright.”  He seemed to debate something before nodding and turning back to Zero, “I want you to go with her.”
“I want you to go with her, Zero.”
“Wait, what?!” Itara jumped, staring up at him in shock and horror, “I- he- but-?!”  That was a terrible idea!  “X, I think your circuits got fried in that fight.  You’re not making any sense.”
“We should head back to base,” Zero added and moved to lead X back to headquarters, but the blue bot stood firm and shook his head.
“I have not fried any circuits.  I’ve thought about this.  I want to help save her world as much I do ours but I can’t do it, myself. There’s no one I’d trust more to handle this than you, Zero.”
“You realize she has her own heroes back in her world,” Zero ventured, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Yeah and there’s no guarantee I can get Zero back a second time!  If I solve this energy problem, it’ll probably sever the link between our worlds!” Itara panicked.  That was one concern, of course, the main one, even, but she also didn’t know how much she wanted to deal with Zero any more.  He was back where he belonged, she kept her promise.  She didn’t want to chance anything further.  “I can handle this on my own!”
X shook his head again, “No, I don’t think so.  I think your theory that our worlds have been connected before was right and if that’s the case, there’s a good chance it can happen again.  I believe Zero will come back again once he’s helped save both our worlds.”  Itara sputtered for a response while Zero did similar in silence, both searching for a way to talk X out of such an idea. However, before either came to any conclusion, X leaned forward and whispered to Zero, “besides, having seen the kid fight now, someone more skilled needs to be with her.  Just in case that portal doesn’t lead her back home. I don’t want her stranded in yet another unfamiliar place on her own.  I doubt she’d make it far.”
“Hey.  I heard that,” Itara growled, her ears flattening against her head as she turned red in the face.
X gave a sheepish laugh and stood up straight again, looking to the portal, “You should head out sooner rather than later.  Like you said, there’s no telling how long that’ll stay open and we’re counting on you to save both our worlds now.”
Itara flushed up but Zero went into silent consideration, his brows furrowing in frustration after a minute.  Finally, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “If that’s what you think is best, X.”  Itara turned a baffled expression up to him now, but X only smiled softly and nodded.
“This concerns our world as much as it does hers and there’s no one I trust more than you to get a job done, Zero.  And I’ll be waiting for your return, like always.” The two locked eyes for a long moment before Zero grunted in annoyance and turned away, which got a small laugh from X before he turned to Itara and explained, “I’m expecting great things from you, too, Itara.”  Her face only burned brighter as she stammered some vague semblance of a response. “And promise me you’ll find a way to send Zero back after it’s all taken care of.”
The tiny hedgehog’s spines stood on end as she sputtered for a response, eventually letting the steam out of her ears and calming herself down enough to talk again, “I… but…”  She looked towards the portal and Zero, then back at X, giving him a determined nod of confirmation, “I’ll make sure he gets home again.”
“Good.  Then off with you both.  Do you have everything you need?”
Itara gave a quick look around for her backpack.  She stuffed the strange gem back into it, checked for her notebook, made sure Kipper and her spare clothes were still there, then zipped it up and walked to the portal to inspect it.  “If this leads home, first we find RK and Metal and get an update.  We’ll need to figure out how long we’ve been gone first, then depending on the state of the world, find Shadow and explain the gem to him.  Then we can discuss a plan with everyone moving forward,” she instructed Zero as they studied the portal while X watched and waited behind them.
She glanced up at him and studied the look on his face before looking at the portal again.  She was silently actually grateful for his presence to a degree, considering she really didn’t know anything for sure about the portal, but she wouldn’t say as much.  Instead, she reached up to grab his hand, catching him off-guard as he immediately ripped it away and threw a confused scowl down at her.  “I don’t want us to be separated, that’s all,” she huffed, “would you rather I be on your back?  Or do you want to get lost in time and space?  I can’t get you home if you’re in another dimension or timeline, after all.”
With a great amount of displeasure at the mere idea, Zero slowly put his hand back down within her reach again, scowling when she took hold of it.  “Just don’t get used to it.”
“Trust me, I won’t,” Itara sighed and moved towards the portal, throwing a quick wave back to X before being thrown through the whips and streams of time and dimensions again.  She almost immediately nearly lost her grip on Zero’s hand, but he tightened his own before she did, though she had little time to process it as she had to try and make sense of the flow around them again.  Moving through time was one thing, she had hundreds of years of practice to learn to control time travel.  Moving through alternate timelines was more difficult, but manageable. Moving between dimensions was something else entirely.  There were infinitely more energies to contend with, alternate timelines of both worlds, different points, fluxes, static events, her own energies, the Gods’ energies.  She had little control over their travel through the dimensions and more or less let the streams carry them where they would.  But the gem had a much stronger reaction to the portal than she did and seemed to be guiding them back entirely on its own.  However it got in Zero’s world, it wanted to go home.
Itara thought she did, too.
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