#toga doesnt die
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moondaepuppy · 1 year ago
Debut or die au set in an ancient civilisation where moondae is the heir but is trying to get his amiable distant relative chungwoo to inherit instead
Moondae (after another foiled attempt at tricking chungwoo into overthrowing him): He's too nice, he would never challenge me... Am I going to have to fake my death? *Sigh* call the madman
*cheongryeo enters*
Moondae: Madman, if I needed to kill someone in a way that is convincing yet leaves no body, how would I do this?
Cheongryeo: well, from my experience-
Later, as Moondae is going over his plan:
Lee Sejin, his advisor: Pardon me, your highness, but perhaps if you simply talked to this chungwoo you could persuade him to take the position?
Moondae: ...well, alright.
Moondae: .... And that's why I would be a terrible leader. So don't you agree you should be the heir?
Chungwoo: I'm flattered, truly, your highness, but I think by saying all of this you've demonstrated why you would make a good leader after all.
Moondae: f*ck.
Moondae (begging): Just take the empire. please.
Moondae's failed plans include:
-Trying to use Raebin to threaten chungwoo (but chungwoo sees past his thug appearance.)
- Trying to act like a tyrant, but ultimately he's too kind-hearted to do anything cruel.
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bbluefllame · 6 months ago
hcs on how I think mha characters sleep
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contains: pure silly stupidness
characters: tomura shigaraki, touya todoroki, keigo takami, izuku midoriya, toga himiko, plus one katsuki hc😭
note: LISTEN GANG I WAS SLEEPY BUT I COULDNT SKEEP SO I WAS LIKE OH EM GEE!!! keigo's went out of hand 😔😔😔
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tomura shigaraki
- he usually sleeps in his normal attire, he has no energy to get up and change
- sleeps 4 hrs MAX
- his thumbs are always I mean always are covered by the rest of his fingers tightly, he probably decays mattresses every couple of months by accident
- either super light sleeper or super heavy no in-between, probably doesn't even sleep most of the time
- there's no pre-sleep routine. mf just plops down into the bed and blacks out OR he sleeps in his gaming chair😭
- if you're sleeping next to him, he would make sure he's facing the opposite side with his hands dangling at the edge of the bed just to make sure nothing happens to you.
- one thing that makes him black out is playing with his hair, like blackout like snore mimimimi type shit
- he's so still in his sleep, barely moves to the point you might think he's dead if he wasn't breathing‼️
- Overall he'd be a pretty good person to sleep next to (if he even sleeps) just make sure he doesn't have nightmares or everything is done and dusted (literally)
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touya todoroki
- he either sleeps naked or something that can't snag on the staples/ irritate his scars (probably naked bcs have you seen his room?? ITS EMPTY EMPTY THERES NOTHING BESIDES HIS USUAL CLOTHES)
- I give him 5-6 hrs maybe then he wakes up but on nights where he's in too much pain, he takes a shit ton of painkillers and tries to sleep just to wake up 2 hrs later
-biggest snorer out there, complete opposite of tomura. esp w those lungs of his omg.
- you could be sleeping and BOOM 🚉 SNOREEEEEE HONKKKK you need earplugs with him, then he wakes up and goes "I don't snore, fuck you mean??"
- he tosses and turns 24/7 also he will 100% steal the blanket and kick you off, at this point it'd be more comfortable to sleep on the ground than to sleep next to him
- yk those videos where it's like someone tweaking while sleeping, like they roll around steal blankets and kick and stuff and do the craziest shit, yeah that's touya
- idk if he has a pre sleep routine I'm leaning towards it depends? he usually just makes sure his scars are clean so he doesn't get an infection and yk die!
- I conclude, a horrible person to sleep next to. Would much rather kms than tolerate a night of his torture!
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keigo takami
- this bitch has 2 options, blackout the second he gets home in his hero attire, or if it's a day where he has to recover from an injury or something, these specific navy blue sweatpants and a black t-shirt
- depends on the day he's sleeping either 3 hrs or 9 hrs
- he doesn't snore but he talks in his sleep about the weirdest shit ever "noooo pls don't put me in the airfryer" he 100% has the weirdest fucking dreams to ever exist
- he never sleeps on his back, literally always on his stomach so his wings don't get in the way
- also on the topic of his wings, during said weird dreams if he's running away or something they start flapping and shit😭 it'd be so annoying to sleep next to him
- he sleepwalks 100% you look at that face and tell me he DOESNT?? he's a really light sleeper as well esp for nights where he might be called in
- definitely has a pre sleep routine (if he doesn't immediately blackout) ESP if you're living tg oh em gee, he'd have a longer skincare routine than you (tbf the skincare routine is kind of obligation from him to appeal to the civilians nd shit)
- he'd have a headband on his head pushing his hair back, washing his face, using a toner etcetera, and then going "baaaaaabeeee where'd you put my cosrx snail mucin, I know you used it" and he'd be all sassy and shit (twink cough cough sorry)
- if he's having a calm day, he's being the clingiest cutest little shit, you wanna go to eat? "nooo 5 minutes" . You wanna go to the bathroom? "Ugh be quick" while he's guarding the door waiting to tackle you and drag you back to bed. He's such a little (loving) shit
- he just lays there on top of you not willing to let go with a serene expression on his face, those days are rare though (fuck the commission 😠)
- random but he has some of the worst bed head you could ever see
- overall, kind of annoying to sleep next to (funny as well) but for him, who wouldn't tolerate it 🙏🏼
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izuku midoriya
- before OFA bro used to get no sleep he'd have the most fucked up sleep schedule to ever exist ‼️‼️ like during weekends no sleep at all just staying up analyzing new heroes
- w OFA he's sleeping healthily or too much with the amount of energy he uses ESP in the first seasons when he breaks his bones a shit ton
- HIS SLEEP WEAR LMAOAOA funniest thing I've seen i don't have to say anything abt it 😭 a fucking shirt w " t-shirt" on it or sumn
- doesn't snore but moves a lot, and not even kicking?? just flipping side to side or clutching the blanket like he's a woman clutching her purse in the 1800s (no one's taking it from you calm down lil bro)
- occasionally he might talk but it's like 2 words then he flips to the other side
- no pre-sleep routine but that's bc he doesn't need one, his pre-sleep routine is studying or training, BUT bro has to be like wrapping his arms and hands at night or something bcs he's in pain (his arms are fucked up there's no way he doesn't have chronic pain)
- if you're forced to sleep next to each other (insert ur own fanfic idea of why) he would be so tense he'd have his hands by his side tryna not sleep so he doesn't annoy you, at this point, you'd be annoyed by how tense he is
- he's not a bad person to sleep next to tbf, just like he might be kinda annoying that's it
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Toga Himiko
- she has pink pj's and everything she's such a cutie (some have blood on them but whoops accident!)
- she sleeps with plushies (her room is adorable. search it up pleek‼️), changes the plushie every night so "every single one of them feels loved"
- she sleeps pretty healthily although on the low side 6-7 hrs prolly, she's told by compress "You're a growing girl, you need your sleep" or something similar when she wakes up too early
- she's more giggles in her sleep rather than anything, maybe whispers a name then goes teehehehe, she's pretty calm in her sleep honestly
- she has a pre-sleep routine and it's adorable, if it's in the broke era she steals face masks (specifically hello kitty ones), moisturizers, toners, face washes and skips back to the base with a smile on her face
- has 100% forced a couple of the league members to use the face masks
- has music blasting (for some reason I see her playing like a g6 and bopping her head while putting stuff on) at 10 pm, she 100% has been forced to turn it off bcs it woke everyone up
- she's such a cuddly person as well but in the best way possible, before sleeping though 100% there's gonna be gossiping or just yapping tg
overall my favorite !! silliest girl to ever exist I luv her
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bonus katsuki
- bro sleeps like a Victorian child dying from the plague, waiting for a true loves kiss type shit you'd see him and go "wtf okay disney princess😟"
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jorblesandco · 4 months ago
Bunny commentary
Bunny only became a full-on asshole after he was excluded and figured out they killed a guy - obvious
Bunny and Henry matching glasses,,,,, besties
TSH is written after Bunny's murder and richard's characterization of him is most likely an attempt at justification
of the greek class, the only one outsiders seem to like Is bunny (and richard but he was an outsider first so he doesn't count as much)
the dog (the greyhound charles rescued) liked Bunny and went on his sunday hikes with him and richard,
he is extremely fond of henry and it shows when he talks about him - perhaps henry is his only real friend in the greek class, the others tolerated for the benefit of henry, and their friendship seems to be that of familiar bickering but obviously takes a turn after bunny is excluded and finds out he(and co) murdered a guy in the woods
one thing i am desperate to know is whether it was henry or bunny who laughed at the end of chapter two . it could be either because it haunts him . but also it could be henry because richard (and francis, for that matter) are both at one point haunted by henry after his death . and bunny was the only person who could make henry laugh . which one of them laughed . maybe both? why does it haunt richard .
bunny writing richard an awkward apology and wrapping it around a paperback of poems and a box of junior mints,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :(
Bunny woke everybody in the country house up at like 5 in the morning the first time it snowed by running around and jumping on their beds screaming "first snow! first snow!"
he is a good artist . mentioned that he drew himself and henry as little cartoons in roman togas with their matching eyeglasses on a postcard he sent to richard
look . i am just saying that if i found out my friends murdered somebody and they didnt even bother to tell me i probably wouldve blackmailed them too . not bunny's fault they all went along with it . of course i have a better personality than bunny but that is neither here nor there
finding quite a bit of evidence that bunny's parents were neglectful while still keeping up their rich happy family persona . bunny not reading until he was 10 is one of them, but that could also be the dyslexia, but also if his parents put in any effort apart from sending him off to learning disability schools i am fairly certain bunny would've been reading sooner . this is because i did not have a proper reading level until i was about 7/8 maybe even 9 either and it was largely because my parents weren't reading with me . that age is when i switched schools and they started teaching me phonics
he was wearing hand me down almost threadbare too short tweed most of the time . "…the shapeless, tweedy rags he generally wore…"
bunny only knows one card game (go fish)
bunnys reaction to finding out his best friend 1.) called him an annoying rabbit in his diary and 2.) murdered a man was mostly reasonable . he was angry at being excluded , angry that henry, his Best Friend, didn't tell him about it . really i think if henry had just told bunny about it this might have been avoided . all he wanted was to be included . i mean they were Best Friends . henry makes a point of saying "i know him better than you" to richard when relating what went down in italy . francis says he's known about this since november but that's not true because he didn't think they had actually murdered a guy until late in the italy trip, probably sometime in late january or february, whenever it is that henry came home early .
incredibly funny to me that he ry and bunny, best friends, are the ones who die . they are the ones who consistently haunt Richard's narrative . richard says he doesnt think about bunny that much but then why did you write a 600 page memoir about him and the aftereffects of his death then huh????? henry and bunny wear matching glasses in the underworld .
he was possibly in love with henry (and obviously hated the fact as he was extremely homophobic) because how else would you explain your best friend blowing up at you throwing chairs etc and then climbing into Your bed and crying himself to sleep
he treated henry (outside of the outbursts) "with deference" aka polite submission according to our notably unobservant narrator richard . very interesting . but i guess imagine you find out your best friend in the world murdered a guy and then didn't even tell you about it . i suppose that warrants deference of a sort . but he was horrible on a daily basis to the rest of them
btw how much of Bunny's behavior was over-exaggerated??? this is written After the murder, how much is Richard exaggerating in order to justify to himself the murder of his friend. richard says "even today i cannot muster anything resembling anger for bunny". richard narrowing in on and exaggerating Bunny's jerkishness and bigotry to the point that the behavior was in and of itself unforgivable in order to justify Bunny's murder to himself is such a Richard move. unreliable narrator at his finest
"how quickly he fell; how soon it was over" . he didn't deserve that . he didn't deserve for it to be henry, his best friend, to ultimately push him over the edge and watch as he fell
bunny is objectively a not great person but . again Richards unreliable narration makes me question How bad especially bc they all genuinely cared for and mostly liked bunny. none of them are Good really. but richard "if theres one thing im good at its lying" papen is telling us bunny sucks . also judy thinks bunny is hilarious. hates henry though. i trust her judgement more than the greek class
bunny sees little trinkets around says is anybody gonna take that doesn't wait for an answer and swipes it for himself . "these he hid around his room in jumbled little nests" as he should tbh
bunny was their tie to reality i think . he made that comment about "common crackers more like" when julian was talking about tribute . he didn't take the bacchanal too seriously . everything he did connected them to the reality of it .
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angy-grrr · 9 months ago
I watched a little short video about how to know whether you want to be like someone else, or be with that person, as a 🍒🍇🍓🍎🍉🍑🍉 person. “imagine you get instantly everything they have that you admire/like about them, but that person disappears completely from your life. You cant interact with them ever again. How are you feeling about it?” its not that it makes you happy that they are not part of your life, or that missing them means you are in love -what matters is, does it make you happier to have those things and traits yourself even when missing the other person?
I think its relevant for togachako -Himiko hates parts of herself and really admires Ochako… but she also cant nor wants to live in a world where she, in particular, doesnt exists. Even if that means stopping the whole plan, what looked like her road to achieve happiness. Ochako also admires Himiko, and she hates parts of herself, or at least compares herself and feels insecure very easily, and i cant help but wonder if she also prefers Himiko over the traits she envies. She was really sad and dare i say desperate to stop her, as there was a high possibility of her being hurt/die. I want to know how shes doing, where is she. I dont want to believe Ochako was happy leaving her behind just bc “she got to save her in the end”; thats not what those chapters told the audience. The story they tell is Uraraka feels pain over Toga dying and feeling hurt, it would make me sad to see her not even grieving or, even worse, completely happy bc a guy saved the say.
And really, isn’t this relevant for bkdk too? Chapter 424 gave us a good look into it from Katsuki’s perspective I think -he has shown how he can do the saving, the helping others with a smile, yet he cried over the idea of not being able to be with Izuku forever even if it was at a distance. Midoriya… I want to know what he thinks and feels. He is too cryptic aaaaghghg.
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siflshonen · 7 months ago
Hi there! I stumbled across your mha deep dives and I just wanted to say thank you, it really helped me understand mha a little better!
It’s frustrating being in the western fandom because a lot of the specifically Japanese ideas are unknown to a lot of the Western audience. And i get it, as a westerner myself I had very little idea as to any sort of Important Context that would be clear to Japanese readers. So I really appreciate that you took the time to even try to explain it!
With that being said, I’ve been wondering how you viewed the end of mha, and how the villains were treated. Do you think they could have been saved (or even Should have)? Could they have been redeemed? It’s so depressing for the big three (Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga) to have been teased as being able to be saved, then in the end they all just,,,die.
How do you view Izuku losing OfA? Personally, I would have thought that if he didn’t keep the power he would have become the First Quirkless Pro Hero, (there are so, SO many fanfics exploring that!), but in canon he just,,,gives up? I suppose in the collectivist view, of course he would give up. But that feels so,,,empty from a western perspective. I suppose I answered my own question of why couldn’t he be a quirkless hero lol.
I suppose I’m truly wondering how the ending of mha was supposed to be recieved, with all the cultural knowledge and everything.
I am so sorry this feels so long and disjointed, and feel free to ignore this if it doesnt make sense! (Or if you don’t have any answers, sorry for putting all this on you)
I don’t have a super well-researched and cited answer, but I can follow my heart on this one.
The only villain I’m truly sad about is Himiko, though even in that case I appreciate that she went with dignity, she went with reciprocated love, and she died as she did because it was HER choice. While I would have preferred to keep Shigaraki alive, I can’t say I miss him all that much. And besides, he regained himself and his autonomy at the end and played a part in the destruction of the thing that held him down and even the thing on which his father’s cruel house was ACTUALLY built: All for One and his meddling.
Touya’s story is tragic, but his death and the way in which it will happen is a mercy. I think it’s great when other folks imagine new endings to suit what they like, but I don’t entertain other viewpoints about his on-the-page fate.
In any case, all three of their “hearts”, if you will, were actually saved in the way most important to them. And they even got to stick it to society by refusing to give up what they wanted and be integrated into it. Death is a pretty clean and irrevocable way to separate oneself from a society, and it is an effective way to haunt the minds and hearts of those who witness those deaths and have to understand that that the person who died hated so much the idea of joining society that much.
That isn’t exactly Toya, Himiko, or Shigaraki’s character motive, but I feel like it’s worth pointing out that other cultures can view death as a kind of revenge instead of someone just trying to make the pain of existing stop. Anyway.
I kinda figured that Izuku becoming a teacher was meant to be him accepting his place in the world and indeed accepting reality now that his dream was over, which is seen as a mark of maturity to just get on with what he’s given. That Kacchan specifically spearheaded the development of his suit and was the one to hold out his hand isn’t just a character moment to show how Katsuki intends to continue to atone, I don’t think. I think it’s also because:
A) Katsuki is Izuku’s link to and representation of the quirked world, and specifically the quirked world of Heroes. He always has been, as he’s the person “closer to [Izuku] than All Might.” As long as he exists, Izuku is tethered to that world somehow and has a way to enter/re-enter it somehow.
B) Relatedly, I interpret Katsuki as an embodiment of individual will and individual’s heart’s desire continuing to remain true in the face of the collective (even after he begins to accept and work with the collective), so it makes sense that he’s the one to pursue and nurture Izuku’s “selfish” and outlandish dream of being a superhero even while Izuku himself falls in line. Put another way, Katsuki is, in many ways, an embodiment of Izuku’s heart’s desire - mostly because the two of them have the same heart’s desire.
Though, speaking as a Westerner as well, Izuku’s choices at the end of the manga don’t sit well with me, either, but this is just as much part of why I’m too much of a westerner to completely see eye-to-eye with Izuku throughout the story as it is a comment on the ending.
Most of all, I think it’s ridiculous that Hawks didn’t get Izuku’s Hero suit funded/in development the minute he took the position at the SPC, or that whatever was left of the Hero system before that happened didn’t already have it in the works. It strikes me as EXTREMELY weird.
I have other thoughts about Izuku and Katsuki’s ending, but they’re mostly reflections about other shonen manga past than anything meaningful to say here.
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marunalu · 1 year ago
The leaks are real but something just feels off about the chapter itself. While we’ve seen in a previous flashback(forgot which one), that Overhaul was very likely to be one of the orphan children prior to joining the Yakuza, it’s just the overall flow of the chapter just makes it seem unsatisfying and resulting in plot holes. Like AFO considered training teenagers to be his double but it seems rather forced to ask Kotaro to have another child and Hana doesn’t seem to reached double digits. Or copying the Overhaul Quirk and making decay out of it would mean that Afo and Garaki could’ve fixed the former’s issues unless Touya destroyed it by accident. And then there’s the situation where technically, only Bakugo won while every other student didn’t achieve their goals(Shoto, Ochaco and Izuku) and that chapter 420 is going to match a certain someone’s birthday.
It actually would make sense though to have the side characters beat AFO but having the other fights not mentioned yet be done off screen is still unsatisfying.
We know that in real life, Hori has health issues due to working with Shonen Jump and having the Dragon Ball creator die last month is very likely to make things more somber. I’m not going to be surprised if he had someone else draw some pages(unless the change in artstyle somehow is a plot point).
Isn’t MHA Izuku’s retelling of the events to someone? Overhaul or Eri are likely to be the Macguffins to give Izuku his arms back given what we’ve seen with Eri earlier so we’re going to have some chapters of celebration of the “win” and a small epilogue.
At least we have fan fiction since it’s very likely that people will ignore the ending.
Yeah this chapter feels soooo off! And dont let me start talking about all the plot holes and how a single chapter managed to destroy over the years built up plotpoints. Like you said WHY would afo and garaki not use the overhaul copy on afo to heal him ESPICIALLY because afo told garaki once "then hurry up and fix me doctor" after garaki mentioned that they havent found a fitting regeneration quirk yet and you are telling me THEY WOULDNT USE THE OVERHAUL COPY TO ARCHIVE THAT??? It was made clear afo wanted to get back to full health but he doesnt use the quirk that could fix him in ONE MINUTE??? Or an other plot hole: afo somehow (dont show just tell) managed to convince the shimuras to have an other child because he considered hana to old to get manipulated DESPITE that he owns orphanages full of children older then or around hanas age even TEENAGE touya and chisaki he considered as fitting vessels if tomura shouldnt work out but HANA was to old??? This is literally retconning what was already confirmed as facts!
And about bakugou: well he is horis golden child so OF COURSE only he is allowed to win since his character is all about winning. And unlike izuku, ochako and shoto he had ZERO emotional connection to afo. No deep. No feelings. Just to give bakugoubitch a win by giving the bad guy the final killing blow, immediately praised for doing so as if afo wasnt already half dead and severly weakend by dotzens of other heroes before who did so much more but BAKUGOU gets the praise (to be fair he did say it was a group effort but he still was the one who was praised first as if he did it all alone)! The ironic thing is bakugou did exactly what he always does: winning by killing. How ironic. Just a few chapters before we got afos backstory which revealed he was a victim of society too but I guess simply killing these kind of people changes everything to the better. Their society will not change. There will just show up an other afo or tomura at one point. Bakugou was allowed to beat and kill the main villain he had no relationship with but izuku, ochako and shoto are not allowed to safe their villain counterparts they actually have a relationship with. I mean its very possible that toga is alive because she is nowhere to be found, but touya even if he survives made clear he will never forgive his family and most likely ending terrible disabled (except if deux ex machine eri will be used here as well) and izuku who FINALLY was able to reach tomura has to watch how he gets destroyed by afo. The leaks say afo completly destroyed tomuras mind so that means he is pretty much dead and only his body remains which is now in afos full control. No final confrontation between afo and yoichi. Nope yoichi is just gone and afo doesnt even look that pissed off about it.
There are fights completly left out. We dont really see any of the other students fight, we just get told they won. We dont see the confrontation between aizawa, mic and kurogiri and just need to accept they eventually reached him and if anything we will only get a small flashback of the events. Its so disappointing and lame. It feels like as if hori just wants to end the manga as fast as possible so he uses his beloved "tell dont show" way of writing.
About horis health issues. I get that. As a huge bleach fan I was so dissapointed how rushed the last arc of bleach was but I was able to understand why. Kubo had health issues too and was forced by shonen jump to end the manga in 10 chapters. No one was more pissed off about that but kubo and if he had been healthy bleach would have lasted at least for an other year. But with hori it feels different. It feels like as if he really just wants to end the whole thing because he lost his interest. The last few arcs have been not really well written. I dont know if akira toriyamas sudden death plays a role in this disaster of a chapter. I get that it was a shock for the manga world. I get that mangakas loved the guy. But maybe instead of rushing the plot and retconning already built plot points hori should just have taken a long break to get himself together if it really affected him that much AND to get rest. Toriyama still lives through his work and will inspire many new mangakas for the comming 50 years or more.
By the way Im not worried about izukus arms at all. Its obvious eri will get used as the deux ex machine to restore them. If its not her then overhaul but Im pretty positiv she will heal izuku. The thing is even if izuku gets finally his confrontation with afo its clear he will win and afo will die.... again. Wow, how creativ. The only thing I hope is that if dfo is canon then izuku will somehow reach afo to get at least a little bit of emotion in that fight and will convince him to let tomura go if there is still a chance to safe him. Im still to 100% sure dfo is canon by the way but I dont think it will have an statisfying outcome and will be rushed as hell.
All in all this was a very dissapointing outcome. I know the manga is not over yet so hori could still surprise us, but I dont have much hope left for a good and well written ending of the story. I really need to stop praising hori when he writes a REALLY good chapter like the one before, because everytime I do that the very next chapter is a pile of shit!
Sorry, if I sound so aggressive and harsh by the way, but this chapter really pissed me off. The ONLY thing I liked about it is the fact that its to 100% confirmed that afo can change his appearance which is a huge win for dfo. Also sorry for the rant and for possible gramatic errors but I wrote this whole thing in a hurry and most likely left a few dotzen things out that pissed me off. 😅
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baejax-the-great · 1 year ago
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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vriska · 2 years ago
i dunno if it makes sense narratively, characters do worse things to themselves than what has happened to himiko this arc and yet she just. dies. what
well the idea is that Toga can't exactly exist freely how she wants to in this society nor can she just stand by and let Ochako die because even an easier world to live in is meaningless without her
So it makes sense rather than be captured and force to live as a villain by society's standards (because obviously you can't just undo everything she's done at this point even tho i fully support her getting off scott free, i accept her for who she is, the atrocities are a part of her and i've decided they're funny) she'll give her life so that Ochako will survive
Ochako for the first time made her realize she could do more than just take blood, she made the selfish Himiko Toga act selflessly!! the only way I see out of this that other people have brought up is maybe having Hawks be the one to save Himiko's life after what he's taken from her and you know maybe he could use his influence to absolve Himiko of some of her crimes if he doesn't die saving her but idk, Horikoshi rly needs to follow through with society itself needing to change and adapt so that the league of villains doesnt happen again, all of them were failed by those around them, they weren't inherently evil people at all
Himiko Toga does deserve a world that's easier for her to live in and Ochako deserves to be the one who saves everyone, her quirk is not meant for hurting people and her losing Toga after all this would just feel so so bad but I literally don't trust hori cos like, its the GUYS who survive the insane shit, but Midnight, the USA lady, and even Lady Nagant were killed by shit other heroes would've survived easily
in conclusion no matter what its clear Himiko was deeply in love with Ochako and Ochako loved her back and it was the love of another girl that 'saved' Himiko
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damn so it is really actually for real over now. kind of hard to let go of it but i guess we have years of anime spin off material left. they are going to naruto the last and boruto the fuck out of this.
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man it was hard as fuck to dodge spoilers for this chapter. spoilers under read more in case YOU havent read it
I really like how the ending ties back into the original pitch of a deku without powers, though I'm kind of mixed on the method for that being SUPER EXPENSIVE IRON MAN ARMOR and not his own ingenuity. but its still cool. this is overall actually pretty close to what i wanted out of the ending, mostly in that it shows a world that is mostly "post-hero" and gets into what that means and what it looks like. I like that a world without the same problems has come out of this and was really concerened they wouldnt commit to showing it. i like all the glimpses into where everyone is now and i kinda wish we saw more, but also im sure spin off media is gonna show us a lot more of that anyway. seeing how much deku has matured is good too. Even through just these little glimpses we get he feels different.
For the record I think endeavour plotline was handled pretty much perfectly too, they hit that conclusion out of the park
I think the weakest part of the ending is how they handled toga and shigaraki towards the end, could of done with a stronger conclusion there. the ideas they were about did get a conclusion, but i think it could of done with more time so it doesnt seem like they just kinda die suddenly. shigarakis talk with deku as he passed away felt too sudden and rushed, but they do at least show that the problem that created him has been addressed.
I do also still think bakugo surviving was a mistake, even more seeing the full ending. It would of added just the right amount of bittersweet to seeing the world change, and his "death" was his best moment as a character
Anyway this whole ending makes me certain we are getting some kind of NARUTO THE LAST style post movie ending, because horikoshi has given toei a ton of marketing hooks for that and the series is still selling loads of merch, so i think its basically inevitable.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 months ago
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mha-quotes-and-such · 2 years ago
Okay, the Pokémon AU is great and it deserves some more thoughts! So...
Which team do you think the League would be on? Team Rocket? Team Aqua? Team Magma? Team Plasma? Other? Are they actually from different teams and butt heads when they meet?
(And Bakugou as the protagonist would get SO PISSED when his quests got sidetracked by Team Whatever and their shenanigans)
The villain lover in me is LIVING for this ask. I’m so tempted to just say all of them as Team Star because they’re almost entirely young folks who hate the system and want a community who cares for them but I had to give it more thought than that
One of the ones I would put in Team Star would be Magne. Her entire reason for becoming a criminal was so that she could live her own life the way she wanted to, free of societal pressures. I think she’d really dig Star’s pro-community anti-society thing, especially where they have a heavy influence on accepting and lifting up outcasts. I think Toga and Twice would likely fit for similar reasons, since they both turned to crime/the league in part because they were outcasts. It’s obvious one of the things that they both want most is to be loved not in spite of their flaws but because of them, and I think Team Star would really appeal to them due to their sense of community and unconditional acceptance
Mr Compress I would put in the Aether Foundation. Theyre professional, a little flashy, and their goal is to help Pokemon, but they do it in a less-than-legal way. Both their appearance and goals align with Compress's, where he and his great-great grandfather aim to help the general population the Aether Foundation aim to help Pokemon. I considered making him Team Flare but I think their whole "blow up the planet" gig was a little too aggressive for Compress
Kurogiri is Macro Cosmo. I know their status as villains is super highly disputed and theyre typically not considered villains but hear me out. Most Macro Cosmo employees are just that. Employees. It can be assumed that they didnt exactly sign up for a villainous organization, they just ended up a part of it. Thats exactly what happened to Kurogiri; he never wanted to be a villain, but now its just a part of his job
Shigaraki and Dabi would both be Team Skull. Theyre similar to Magne, Twice, and Toga in the sense that society doesnt appeal to them, and theyre outcasts who wanted to rebel. The reason I went with Team Skull however is that Team Star feels a bit... too friendly? Theyre both pretty cold, and dont want much to do with a team. Team Skull feels a little less found family and a little more "group who support each other for a common goal" which I think would appeal to them more (not that they wouldnt just become a found family later on anyway)
Spinner is Team Yell because he too spends every waking moment stanning someone more well-known than him, to the point of being a criminal
Giran is Team Rocket because money defies all moral expectations
(Oh Bakugou would HATE these guys. He would either have to be completely inconvenienced (typical "you will die if you dont help" type shit) or be offered WILD compensation for his time. At some point it would become personal tho and he'd be annoyed with them and enjoy beating them for fun)
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eternalera · 5 months ago
hi Pup!!
We’ve finished season 3 (we had a weekend with absolutely nothing to do lol)
Man, Season 3 had a lot happening
THEY TOOK BOOM BOY. (they got him back but still-)
I’ve developed a new respect for Bakugo, there was definitely lots of character development for him this season
Elsa can use fire and ice at the same time now? (I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw in the provisional licence exam)
Bunny boy has a unique fighting style now :D
Also what is Toga planning to do with his blood? I thought it was for making Nomu’s (I definitely spelt that wrong but you get what I mean) but it seems that those are made by All For One… she can transform into others with their blood but she didn’t get much… hm brain wheels are spinning…
Dabi’s kinda like an evil Endeavour (although the real one’s not that far off tbh)
Also also-
When the Compress villain has people in the beads (not sure if that’s what they actually are or not) what would happen if they shattered? Would the person die or be released? Also what does the person inside the bead experience? Is it just like suddenly being in a new location or like sleeping?
Following up from that, when they were dragging Bakugo through Kurogiri’s portal, why didn’t he try fight back at all? I get that Dabi had a hand on his neck but surely an explosion quirk would give you at least a little bit of fire resistance due to the heat explosions make
Boom Boy is in on the secret o.o
Also no more balloon man :c
Follow up from that- how does All Might eat/drink??? Didn’t he get his lungs wrecked and lose his stomach?
Oh also Kota-
Kota’s cool :)
Almost forgot entirely but is the hero Best Jeanist dead? I’m pretty sure he his but idk for sure
Anyway, that’s the season 3 update :D
I’ve developed a new respect for Bakugo, there was definitely lots of character development for him this season
THIS!! ive seen a lot of bakugo hate and stuff with people saying that he has no character development but that is JUST not true and it gets even better in later seasons where he does get humbled (quite a bit) and its just *chefs kiss* amazing!! of course he's still aggressive and competitive but it morphs from competition out of hate to respect (hopefully that doesnt spoil too much for you and if it does im really sorry-)
Bunny boy has a unique fighting style now :D
YESS!! our little springtrap/bunny boio is now adapting and evolving in this season and quite honestly i could not be more prouder of him and his endeavorsss!!
Dabi’s kinda like an evil Endeavour (although the real one’s not that far off tbh)
omg he totally is!! like basically the only difference is that one wants to do good and while he does try to he ends up becoming a rather shitty father in the process and with dabi its that hes just a villain cause why not yknow?
When the Compress villain has people in the beads (not sure if that’s what they actually are or not) what would happen if they shattered? Would the person die or be released? Also what does the person inside the bead experience? Is it just like suddenly being in a new location or like sleeping?
hmmm that is a good point, although i dont know if they can be shattered, that being said though since his power is compression i do imagine that the bead is sorta like a crystal trapping them once he compresses them so once its broken i think that it would mean that they would be released?? idk man hopefully not killed-
Following up from that, when they were dragging Bakugo through Kurogiri’s portal, why didn’t he try fight back at all? I get that Dabi had a hand on his neck but surely an explosion quirk would give you at least a little bit of fire resistance due to the heat explosions make
okay!! explanation here on dabi's quirk, his quirk is cremation meaning that his fire is hotter than basically anyone elses in the main or side cast (even endeavor) in fact its so hot that it actually tends to burn his own skin (hence the scars). if even he can't handle his own quirk properly bakugo had no chance of fighting against him not to mention the state that deku and the rest of the class were in. fighting back would've put them all in a worse state and in the end some of them might've been killed.
so the reason he told deku to stay back (and didnt fight back himself) was actually because it was really the only option that they had because deku's arms were ruined and well... yeah the rest of the class is NOT beating the LOV. it was the only option that he had if he wanted to stay alive and he wanted the others to stay alive. not to mention that they were most likely all tired from training before so you have to keep that in mind. hopes this helps :D
Follow up from that- how does All Might eat/drink??? Didn’t he get his lungs wrecked and lose his stomach?
... yeah i have no clue- he is a mystery :P
Almost forgot entirely but is the hero Best Jeanist dead? I’m pretty sure he his but idk for sure
ANYWAYSSSS AAAA im so excited for you to find out everything that happens because all the twists and plots and stuff are just soooo gooddd!!
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ao3feed-erasermic · 1 month ago
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angy-grrr · 8 months ago
okay help im getting nervous dnksndjasndjndkad this week is going to be a long one IM GOING TO FAINT WHILE WAITING FOR THE CHAPTER ADKAJDKAJDK
explanation under the cut? im just venting kind of about the interpretation of Izuku-Shigaraki and Ochako-Himiko as the "same"
People keep saying they should bond like that in chapter 429 because they both are sad over failing in saving their villains, and feel the same way about them, and I just dont know.
Am I really seeing Ochako and Himiko's interactions as more than what was intended?
They are just so different from Izuku's and Shigaraki's; these have a touching moment like when they bumped heads as children, which was so sad and adorable before AFO decided to get involved, but its just... not the same, right? He didnt cry for him, he wasn't sad because he wanted a world with him in it specifically, but because this isnt what he wanted to do. He feels guilt, and has conflictive emotions over being considered an admirable hero when he killed someone; Spinner's eyes, judging and full of hatred for him, flashing in his mind while being told he inspired someone to move. From my point of view it does affect him of course, but its about their society around them -he asks about how things could be different and tries to be responsible, he acts in order to do what he thinks is right.
Ochako's feeling guilty? Is that really what it is? Is that wound a reminder of her own perceived failure as a hero? Im sure she does feel also guilt, but its that it? Himiko motivated her to go against what was considered right in the script of heroes and villains and went out of her way just to tell her "your smile is cute, I rejected you because I didnt understand how you could look so happy and free to do so, and I envy it". Did Deku ever had something like that with Tomura? I can see how he changed him, yeah, but did he even like him? He didnt know him, not like Ochako did with Himiko, right?
This is why he isn't crying over his death, or was desperate over the idea of him ending like that -he tried his best with what he had, and just like he told Ochako maybe a battle was inevitable but he also wanted to reach out to that inner child; he accepts the battle and is willing to attack as we clearly saw, and at the same time he wanted to stop the pain somehow.
Ochako wasn't willing to hurt her, didnt try even if she hurt her or her friends. They both arent killers and prefer to protect the people around them, but Izuku does hurt him multiple times and doesnt doubt about doing it -his regrets come from being too late, so he wonders if there are ways to intervene before and avoid this much pain from forming. Ochako and Himiko do have a feeling of what could have happened if I just met you before, Toga directly wonders about it. Am I reading it wrong if I see them as different? Their relationship is just more personal and emotional to me, so Ochako here is crying and was crying over losing Himiko. When she remembers in that moment the cliff scene and Izuku's words about maybe a battle being inevitable but not ignoring what he saw deep inside him... shes not glad or happy about reaching to Himiko's sadness, because it led to her disappearing and willing to die for her. She starts crying and I just see it as her realizing this doesnt make anything better, she wants her to be alive. She got into her heart, and its not enough if she dies.
She preferred to die, before letting Himiko to sacrifice herself for her.
Are Izuku and Ochako truly feeling the same for the villains? So many people think they share this guilt, and just handle it differently. That this is about failing in saving them, and wanting to be a different type of hero.
Am I just reading it all wrong?
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 2 months ago
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marunalu · 2 years ago
Hope you realize that the story isn't going the realistic route and all the LOV will be saved and rehabilitated so they won't need to hide from people anymore.
Hope you realize that neither you nor I know what hori has planned, because neither of us is a fucking mind reader and it could go any way!
Toga literally just confirmed in this chapter that she isnt sorry about the things she has done to others and will not get herself arrested not even from ochako! She willingly choose death OVER rehabiliation in a hospital, jail or whatever, because she still sees no fault in her actions. She said herself, that she is himiko toga and she will live her life the way she wants to. And she doesnt want to get arrested for her crimes so instead she choose to sacrifice her life for the girl who showed her kindness to get her back.
If you dont feel sorry for your crimes you cant be rehabiliated! And society, even if it changes for the better, will not forgive the lov all their crimes against humanity just like that! No sad backstory is an excuse for togas and rest of the lovs actions! Personally the only lov members I see surviving for sure are mr. Compress and spinner. Im NOT saying toga will surely die, because after the bullshit with bakugou and lady nagant I cant take any "death scene" in this manga serious anymore. All Im saying is IF the lov members will survive I dont believe they can get back living a normal life and being accepted in society after everything they did. Again, the lov members are all MASSMURDERERS and I honestly cant see a way for MASSMURDERERS rehabiliated if they dont feel sorry for their actions! Thats why I said earlier IF the lov members will survive they will live somewhere isolated far away from civilization.
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