#after spinning 360 degrees in the air
zackcollins · 1 year
360 No-Scope moment
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kazxraval · 3 months
Downtown Seattle @emreakbar
Kaz was the first to break the eerie silence. "Said we'd need this, yeah." When they'd first entered the skyscraper, Kaz had found a pair of bolt cutters. He kept them handy as they took what felt like an endless flight of stairs up. They might need to cut a lock away. They might need an extra weapon.
As it turned out, around the 20-something floor they were greeted with a double set of chained and locked doors. Kaz handed his torch to Emre. "Hold the light for me?," he whispered with a quick smile. "Someone doesn't want us to go in there." After a heavy snip, Kaz twisted the sliced lock away.
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While the floor had been mostly clearly out, a few lonely looking cubicle dividers stood in the middle of the space. A copier on the floor, its insides exploded as it laid in a pool of its own paper. The main objective was to get a decent vantage point of the city from one of the windows. This floor was lined with them, which allowed for an almost 360 degree view of the city.
But before he made it to one of those windows, Kaz detoured into a glass enclosed office. Again, mostly empty. He set the bolt cutters on a bare desk and dropped into an expensive looking leather seat behind it. "This reminds me. I've had a question for you, for awhile. What's gobby mean?"
Moments later, Kaz paused a spin in the chair and sat up taller. "Em. You hear that?" A faint noise. Maybe a rush of air from a broken window a few floors up. Or a... squeal? Who knew what kind of wildlife had invaded and proliferated the building.
Out of the two, Kaz had the better set of ears, but Emre's sense of surroundings (and danger) was far superior. "Should we... think we should get to the window and then haul ass outta here?
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pin-crusher2000 · 6 months
Earth-66: Mortal Kombat (intros, outros, fatalities)
FireWing (Jake Grayson)
Intro: runs towards camera & does a cartwheel, when his hand is on the floor, he pushes off the floor & goes into the air & does a superhero landing. He pulls out his custom made escrima sticks & twirls it.
Pre-fight (shown in MK1 2023): after being hit back by an opponent, he does a backflip & lands like Spider-Man & whips out his escrima sticks & light it up with his starbolts.
Outro: he charges his sticks with starbolt energy & puts the tips against each other & unleashed it creating a blue Nightwing logo.
Star Slicer: Jake powers up his escrima sticks to create energy blades, he first chop off his opponents hands & then their stomachs, having their intestines fall out, & then chop off their head sending it into the air. When the head is falling down closer to the body, Jake then downward slashes the head & the body in half.
StarStinker: Jake powers up his escrima sticks with starbolts, turns around butt first towards the opponent, puts the sticks near his behind & creates a flamethrower using his farts setting the opponent on fire. He then smiles, fans the air around his nose & says: ewww! Who cut the cheese?
NightStar (Mar’i Grayson)
Intro: two starbolts are shot onto the ground & mar’i appears twirling into view with hair on fire. (Starfire’s intro from injustice 2)
Pre-fight: she powers up with a purple aura with her hair glowing purple & creates two starbolts & then pounds her fists together to create a small shockwave.
Outro: mar’i walks like a supermodel down a runway, twirls, & flies into the air with a smile on her face.
Star Barrage: mar’i charges her starbolts in her hand & blasts the opponent; both arms & chest revealing their heart beating. The opponent falls to their knees & mar’i blasts their head off.
The Flying Grayson: using her starbolts, mar’i launches herself high into the air, & while coming down, she does a quadruple somersault & lands on the opponent shoulders (powerbomb wrestling position) & stabs the opponents face with a starbolt energy blade. Then she does a hurricanrana, ripping the head off with the spine attached.
ThunderHeart (Irey West)
Intro: she appears onto the screen using her super speed & takes off her hood. She then says: “can’t catch me!” And spits a raspberry. (The flash intro from injustice)
Prefight: she vibrates & gets into a battle position.
Outro: she gets into a running position & runs towards the camera, an electric heart appears behind her.
Spin around: Irey appears behind the opponent using the speed force (how flash appears as an opponent in injustice 2) & kicks the opponent between the legs causing them to fall onto their knees. She then holds onto the opponent’s head & using her super speed, runs a circle around them twisting their head 360 degrees.
Around the world: Irey appears behind the opponent & gives them a wedgie, dropping them to their knees. She then runs around the world & infinite mass punches her opponent in the face causing it to fly. (The flash’s special move in injustice 1)
Surge (Jai West)
Intro: runs into frame, create lightning between his hands & shoots it short range.
Prematch: rubs hands together using super speed to create lightning & claps his hands together to create a thunderclap; causing a shockwave.
Outro: creates an electric ball in one of his hand & dashes towards the camera hands pointing out. (Think of chidori from naruto)
Power Clap: Jai rubs his hands together to create lighting & shoots it towards the opponents chest creating a hole. The opponent falls to their knees & Jai then does a thunderclap between the opponent’s head, causing it to explode. Jai says: “and you get a thunderclap!”
Surge Shock: Jai appears behind the opponent & put his electric hands on his opponent’s butt & shocks them; burning the opponent. Jai then fans the area near his nose & says: something stinks.
Red Cat (Lian Harper)
Intro: Lian zip lines down towards the camera & does a roll with her arrow onto her bow ready to fire. (Green arrows intro from injustice 1)
Prefight: Lian spins her bow while reaching for an arrow, & gets ready to use it. (Putting arrow next to bow to launch it.)
Outro: throws an apple into the air & shoots an arrow into it.
Nuke Arrow: Lian shoots a boxing glove arrow into the opponent’s crotch, causing them to fall onto their knees. She then shoots two regular arrows into the opponent’s eyes & shoots an arrow with a nuke symbol at them; a far away view shows a nuclear explosion.
Choke-and-arrow: Lian shoots two arrows at the opponent’s feet, causing them to be stuck, she then flips over them with the bow & breaks their neck with it. (The string)
WonderBoy (Robert Long)
Intro: comes into view dragging his sword onto the ground creating sparks, he then raises the sword in front of him.
Prefight: he stops himself with the sword & then swings it a few times. After the second swing, the sword catches fire & Robert slams it onto the ground, causing a burst of fire to come out.
Outro: runs at the camera & leaps towards it ready to downward slash it.
Lasso of Death: Robert throws & wraps the opponent with rope & jumps into the air, he then spins the opponent in a circle & slams the opponent into the ground causing them to explode. (Wonder Woman fatality from the MK vs DC game)
Power of the gods: Robert gains red bright hair & uppercuts the opponent into the air with fire hands (god of war mode) & then gains light blue hair & slams his opponent into the ground with water “whips” around their legs (god of Sea) finally he gains dark blue hair & shocks the opponent to death. (god of thunder)
Kid Tempest (Cerdian)
Intro: jumps out of a “puddle” & superhero lands with trident in hand.
Prefight: uses the trident to stop himself, spins the trident around in a circle & slams the tip (not the sharp ends) onto the ground.
Outro: shoots out purple lasers from his eyes to the ground & at the camera, after a “blink” it shows Cerdian holding the trident with both hands with it sideways & purple flames around him.
Shark Bait: Cerdian stabs the opponent in the stomach & lifts him up, a shark comes out of nowhere & starts eating the opponent. (Aquaman’s special move from injustice 1)
Arts of Atlantis: Cerdian shoots a beam of water at the opponents face, causing the skin to rip off showing the skull. He then creates an energy blast made of fire & punches through the opponent & lifts them up. Finally, he shoots purple lasers from his eyes at the head causing it to explode.
SunSlinger (Jon Kent)
Intro: superhero lands on the ground, adjust his cowboy hat, & gets into a battle stance.
Prefight: twists his revolvers in a circle & stops with the barrels pointed at his opponent.
Outro: puts guns in gun holster & fly’s towards the camera with a smile on his face.
Solar Bullet: Jon fires two non-lethal solar rounds into the opponent’s knees causing them to fall, Jon transforms into his Super Solar mode & charges a heat vision laser from his eyes & blasted the opponents head off.
Super Pound: Jon pounds his opponent into the ground & super kicks his opponents head off. (Superman’s heroic brutality from MKvsDC)
Robin V (Damian Wayne)
Intro: runs into view, does an upside down front flip & lands unleashing his sword. (Intro from injustice 2)
Prefight: uses his sword to stop himself & then put the blade in front of him. (Finishing intro from injustice 2)
Outro: his sword glows green & a flaming green demon head floats behind him as he poses.
Demonized Assassin: his sword slashes from his injustice 2 special move but with a green glow but he chops the opponent’s head off.
Demon Goal: Damian chops off his opponents hands & kicks them in the crotch, causing them to fall to their knees, he then slices the head off, put the head in his hands & kicks it like a soccer ball with a whistle noise in the background.
WonderLad (Hunter Trevor)
Intro: walk towards the camera bashing his sword against his shield. (Wonder Woman intro from injustice 2)
Prefight: stops himself with his sword & raises it towards opponent.
Outro: takes out lasso, twirls it around his head & throws it towards the camera.
Lasso Of Snap: Hunter wraps his opponent with his lasso around their body, he then wraps it around his opponent’s neck & pulls snapping their neck.
Ares Wrath’s: Hunter gains red aura, hair, & eyes & shoots a fireball at the opponent, knocking them flat on their back. Hunter then raises his hand to have hundreds of arrows rain down onto the opponent.
AquaBoy (Arthur Curry Jr.)
Intro: walks into frame picking up a trident that has electricity around it when it got picked up & does a battle pose.
Prefight: raises trident in the air, & lightning comes down to strike it, & gets into a battle position.
Outro: Arthur spins a water ball around him & throws it towards the camera.
Thunder Trident: Arthur stabs the opponent in the chest with his trident & shoots out electricity causing the opponent to explode.
Reverse Waterboard: Arthur, using his water powers, takes water out of the opponent’s mouth until blood starts coming out & then the opponent’s intestines comes out of their mouth. (A more “kid friendly” version of what Mera did to Steppenwolf in Zack Snyder’s Justice League)
HawkBoy (Hector Hall)
Intro: flys on screen & slides to stop, he then whips out his mace & spins it.
Prefight: swings mace a few times & puts it over his shoulders with a smirk.
Outro: flys into the air & towards the camera with his mace above him ready to downward smash the camera with an angry look on his face.
Savage Beast: Hector kicks his opponent in the crotch, causing them to fall to their knees, & then starts smashing the opponent that covers the screen/camera in blood. ( kinda like jokers x-ray move in MK11)
Hawk God: the area goes black & the camera shows the opponent, a giant hawk appears behind them & starts eating the opponent.
Green Canary (Connor Lance Queen)
Intro: runs towards the camera & then slides plus does a 360 spin.
Prefight: Canary Cries into the air & gets into a battle pose.
Outro: Shrieks a canary cry at the camera.
Loud Death: Connor shoots two arrows into his opponent’s feet & then canary cries at the opponent; slowing losing their skin, organs, & body parts.
Boxing Glove Arrow: Connor shoots two arrows at the opponent’s knees, causing them to fall forwards, he then shoots a boxing glove arrow at the opponent’s face causing it to fly & fall backwards.
PhantomWing (Chris Kent)
Intro: glides into frame with dark wings & aura surrounding him.
Prefight: charges up a blue & black (dark) aura around him & does a “pump up” move setting it “flying” (think of the pump up moves in the dbz budokai tenkaichi games)
Outro: a dark aura surrounds Chris, he flys into the air & unleashes it with glowing blue eyes & a dark blue dragon behind him.
Dark Shadows: Chris creates two “shadow-whips”from his hands & rips his opponent’s arms off & then their head.
Nightwing: Chris summons the Nightwing entity (a blue & black dragon with deep glowing blue eyes) & have it eats the opponent. (Liu kangs fatality from MK2 & MK9)
StarChild (Otho-Ra)
Intro: walks intro frame dragging a blue energy sword on the ground & thusts it towards the camera.
Prefight: swings the sword a few times & holds it with both hands.
Outro: shoots blue heat vision on the ground & slowly towards the camera creating a white flash, it then goes to show Otho & the background surround by blue fire & shows her holding her blue sword (holds it in a similar pose when she saw a future of herself where she stays at Warworld in the annual action comic 2023)
Star-Protector: Otho slashes the opponent’s midsection & then summons a blue S shield made of blue energy & flys towards the opponent splitting them in half & set the organs flying.
Star-Slash: Otho kicks the opponent in the crotch, causing them to fall to their knees & then chops the head leaving the energy sword stuck in the skull.
Red Son (Osul-Ra)
Intro: a red energy battle axe is slammed into the ground, & Osul walks into frame, picks it up, & places it on his shoulders.
Prefight: he spins it & slams it into the ground causing rocks & dust to fly in the air, he raises it up & gets into a battle position.
Outro: Osul walks a few steps, he raises the axe in the air (the camera shifts facing him) & shouts: “Fight Master!” With a grin & giggles.
Look out below!: Osul kicks the opponent in the gut, sending them on their back, & jumps & throws the battle axe at the opponent, he lands & scapes the opponent with the axe cutting them down. (Shao Khan’s fatality from MK2023)
Crimson Axe: Osul fires a red energy beam from his hand into the opponent’s chest & stomach area, the heart appears & the opponent drops to their knees, & then Osul slams his axe into the opponent’s skull leaving it there.
Red Bird (Mara Al Ghul)
Intro: walks into frame, takes out dagger & gets into a battle position.
Prefight: unleashes a dark red aura around her.
Outro: walks towards camera with a dark red aura around her, a dark red energy demon face appears behind her.
Demon Fist: Mara charges an energy fist & punches through an opponent’s chest ripping out their heart & squeezes it.
Demon Slicer: Mara takes out her dagger, covered in dark red energy & slashes at the opponent; arms, legs, head & body.
Animal Girl (Maxine Baker)
Intro: walks into frame with a red panther walking besides her.
Prefight: stops herself with giant energy claws & roars at the opponent. (There is a panther roar “overlapping”)
Outro: Maxine creates red wings & floats in the air.
Avatar of The Red: Maxine rhino charges at the opponent sending them on their back & she summons a panther to maul the opponent.
Into the Red: the “entrance” to the red itself appears & swallows the opponent whole, & the terrifying creatures there starts attacking the opponent.
Beacon (Kathy Branden)
Intro: floats into frame with purple forcefields in her hands.
Prefight: surrounds herself in a purple force field & unleashed it causing a shockwave.
Outro: she turns around butt facing the camera, kisses her hand & pats her butt. XD I’m kidding: she floats up in the air with a twirl & unleashed a purple shockwave.
Sonic Boom: Kathy lifts up the opponent using telekinesis & shoots out a telekinetic blast from her hand causing the opponent’s spine & organs come out their back.
Purple-field: she creates a purple forcefield around her opponent & crushes them.
AnimalLad (Clifford Baker)
Intro: walks into frame with a red wolf besides him.
Prefight: roars at the opponent with a wolf bark overlapping.
Outro: screams into the air, the camera flies into the air & it shows a red wolf howling at the moon. (Nightwolf’s Outro from MK11)
Hunting Wolf: Cliff summons a red energy wolf & mauls the opponent.
Savage Red: Cliff transforms into his Savage Red mode & starts tearing up the opponent, ripping out their organs & crushing their head.
Valor (Conner Kent)
Intro: arrives vile skateboard & does a heel flip & stops.
Prefight: his sunglasses break after being pushed back, he shouts either: Shit! or fuck! He eyes then gets red with heat vision.
Outro: he reaches behind him & grabs another pair of glasses & puts it on using his middle finger.
Tactile telekinesis: Connor puts his hands on the ground, setting off a shockwave underneath the opponent setting them flying in the air. Conner then jumps towards the opponent & puts his hands on them & does a shockwave attack sending the opponent towards the ground exploding in pieces.
Super Radical: Conner takes a skateboard & beats the opponent to death with it. A camera cut shows Conner doing a kick flip over the opponent (right above the opponent , he lifts his pink & index fingers to the camera) & lands.
Crowly (Colin Wilkes)
Intro: a wall is seen when suddenly, somebody leaves a brass knuckle mark into it revealing the name abuse or a Batman symbol in it. The camera cuts to Colin turning to the opponent.
Prefight: Colin grows big & roars into the air, & then shrinks back down.
Outro: Colin grows big, walks towards the camera & fists bumps himself before posing to punch the camera.
Bane of my existence: Colin grows big & grabs the opponent & raises them over his head, & then slams them over his knee twice, the second time breaks them completely & their intestines comes out. Colin then throws them to the floor.
Boxer Bird: Colin (small with muscles) tackles the opponent & sits on top of them. He then rapidly punches them causing blood to cover him & the screen.
FlameBird (Suren Darga)
Intro: flys in frame with fire wings.
Prefight: surrounds himself with a fire aura & summons a fireball to blow out with his breath.
Outro: surrounds himself with fire & then creates a massive energy avatar made out of fire. (Think of susanno from naruto or the blue Superman avatar from recent action comics with metallo).
FlameBird: summons a giant bird made of fire & it pecks at the opponent.
Fire Fist Suren: Suren charges a fist made with fire & punches through the opponent, he then sets the opponent ablaze.
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callioclops · 9 months
Been thinking a lot about accessibility options in fighting games recently, specifically the balancing issues that arise with simplified control schemes. I want to go over a few examples and talk about the problems they come with.
So just to elaborate on what I mean by simplified control schemes, fighting games since their inception have used motion based inputs for special moves. What this means is doing a motion on the control stick, then pressing a button. Common motions include quarter-circles and holding back for a short period before flicking forward, but some more complex ones also appear like 360 degree spins and also the dreaded "pretzel motion" from King of Fighters. Simplified control schemes take these and instead assign special moves to holding a direction and then pressing a dedicated special move button.
I'm not here to argue about how these simplified control schemes are for accessibility, becuase they are fantastic and I don't think there's really a debate to be made in that regard. It allows for people who can't perform the inputs for any number of reasons to still be able to enjoy fighting games, and the more people that are able to do that the better as far as I'm concerned. Hell, it's even opened up more character options for me, since I've never been able to do 360 inputs no matter how hard I try which had locked me out of several characters entirely. While I'm on this brief tangent about accessibility though I would like to give a special shoutout to Street Fighter 6, which not only has this simplified control scheme but also a blind option that gives all kind of audio cues to tell you distance from your opponent, what side you're on etc. I've watched a blind man win tournament sets of SF6 and I think that's beautiful.
With that out of the way, the main thing I want to talk about is the balancing issue that comes with these simplified control schemes. Moves are inherently balanced around their motion. Bigger and more complicated motions will take more time to do and leave you more vulnerable. Take the classic shoryuken input for example. This input is typically used on moves that have some sort of invincibility at the start, and are effective at hitting the opponent out of the air. The motion in question is forward, then down, then down and forward. The entire time you're doing this you are vulnerable, as most fighting games require you to hold back to block, so if you're too slow you can get punished. Sometimes it's better to use a faster, but less effective anti-air option as a result of the input. With simplified controls though, the direction used is forward. Still not blocking, but probably only for a frame or two before the move comes out. This problem only gets exasperated as you take a look at the grapplers, who most commonly have big and arduous inputs. Simplified inputs are inherently better, so there has to be a balancing factor added to them. Here's a few ways people have done it:
Damage Reduction:
This is a simple one, and by far the most common. As a trade-off for easier inputs, you have a percentage damage reduction on all of your special moves. Street Fighter 6 is one example, giving a 10% damage penalty to simple inputs, and in the other direction Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising gives a 10% damage bonus if you use to motion input. This is more noticeable than you might initially think, and can definitely be the difference between a win or a loss.
Resource Expenditure:
As far as I'm aware this method is exclusive to DNF Duel. DNF is built primarily around simplified inputs, so instead of a penalty on those it gives a bonus to motion inputs. This bonus being that your MP - the resource needed to use your special moves - begins regenerating sooner after executing the move. This is relatively low impact until you get to the higher levels of play. I personally love to lab combo routes, and have come across several instances where a motion input is required otherwise I run out of MP. If you couldn't use motion inputs, this would lead to slightly unoptimized combos, missing a small amount of damage here and there (I would lose about 30 damage in a 500 damage combo, so fully optimized I'd guess at this being about equivalent to 6% damage reduction). Obviously this method is contingent on having a resource to use for simple inputs in your fighting game. Street Fighter 6 couldn't do this unless they tied it to the drive gauge, which would be a terrible idea.
Don't have motion inputs:
This is the strategy taken by the upcoming Project L, where they've simply done away with motion inputs all together. And I think this is where I was leading to with this particular tangent, because there is no way to perfectly balance a game with both motion inputs and simple inputs. If you want to have motion inputs in your game I think it's correct to have simple inputs as well, not just from an inclusivity standpoint but also a commercial one as well. but that will always come with a necessary nerf to the effectiveness of those simple inputs. If you don't want motion inputs, you can balance around simple inputs freely. If one button dragon punches are the norm, how do we make that not broken? Whether you think the answer is implementing dashes or air-blocking or what have you, it's a question that can actually be answered when only simple inputs exist. Trying to balance around single button DPs is a fool's errand when a large portion of your player base will prefer using motion inputs, because it will just make theirs feel even worse by comparison.
TL;DR, I'm glad simple inputs are a thing because more people get to experience fighting games, but at the same time when used in tandem with motion inputs there will always be an issue with balancing the two control schemes against each other.
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holly-natnicole · 3 months
Rokku fighting Naruto then Sasuke right before the Chūnin Exams begin and Team Kakashi Trio (a.k.a. Neo-Sannin Trio, but they're not at that level yet) meeting Maito Gai (Part 1)
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[Image Description: a Japanese comicbook page in digital form. It's from 'Naruto' (1999).
The first panel shows the heads of Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Uzumaki Naruto. Sasuke says via a speech bubble "You want to fight me... here and now?" whilst Sakura is saying: "But that's..."
The second panel shows Rī Rokku's head & hand as he looks down at someone off-panel while holding onto a railing or a balcony with his hand and saying: "Yes!"
The third panel from above shows Rokku in mid-air due to somersaulting off the balcony or whatever he had been standing on before. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are looking up at him.
The fourth panel shows Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto from behind as they stand somewhat near a long set of stairs.
On the left of the third panel and the fourth panel, a squatting Rokku is over both instead of being inside a comicbook panel. He's scowling and had just landed onto the wooden floor of the spacious room.]
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Rokku: "My name is Rock Lee."
(Side Note: That's his American English translation name. His original name is 李 六九 in Kanji & リー ロック which in Romaji are Rī Rokku.)
Rokku: "Among sticklers, etiquette requires one to introduce oneself before asking for the name of another ...Uchiha Sasuke."
Sasuke: ")Huh... So you knew who I was all along."
Rokku: *takes some type of martial arts stance* "I'm calling you out! I want to test the effectiveness of my techniques against the last surviving member of your legendary clan. Besides..."
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Sasuke: "So you're challenging me, even knowing my lineage? In other words, you're a fool. So, dog-brow... Do you really want to learn what it means to be an Uchiha?"
Rokku: "Absolutely!!" I can hardly wait I'm going toe-to-toe with the cream of the rookie crop, first time out! Now you'll get the proof you require, Master Gai!
Naruto: "Hold it!!"
(Side Note: Sasuke, it's rude to nickname someone based on their appearance when you haven't been given permission to do so.)
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Naruto: "Let me handle dog-brow. He'll be toast. Just give me five minutes."
Rokku: "I have no interest in fighting you. Only Uchiha."
Naruto: *dashes towards the older, a few inches taller ninja* "Story of my freakin' life!! 'Sasuke, this!' and 'Sasuke, that!' 'til I could just puke!"
(Side Note: Naruto, I hope you learn humility someday. No-one owes you their attention and there's nothing gross 'bout other ninja wanting to challenge Sasuke instead of you. Also, you shouldn't be using the rude nickname for a random stranger. Honestly, I hope you 2 kids learn manners some day...)
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Rokku: *is in a fighting stance and has an intense facial expression*
Rokku: *suddenly kicks with 1 leg before Naruto's fist can reach the 13- or 14-year-old*
Naruto: *barely sees the kick coming and tries to dodge it, but isn't fast enough; it connects with his stomach*
Rokku: *looks down at Naruto who has 1 hand on the floor*
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Rokku: *spins fast a full 360 degrees before Naruto's foot can kick the older shinobi's head*
Rokku: *left foot connects with Naruto's back* "Gale Force Technique!!"
Naruto: "AUGH!!"
Rokku: *spins fast another full 360 degrees, sending Naruto tumbling along the floor with loud thumps*
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Rokku: *stands up straight* "Mark my words... None of you will beat me."
Sasuke: *frowns*
Sakura worriedly: "He's pretty tough after all. Amazing!"
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netherzon · 2 years
Timbits Disappearing Act
Whelp, recently I mentioned an old fanfiction I read awhile ago that had an idea I liked, but a plot that I didn’t really, so here’s my take on it I guess?
Inspired by this post, although it ended up more like Canada is still just invisible. Its in the tags on that post that I mentioned the other fic
Also sorry about the ending, I couldn’t think of anything more satisfying than whatever people imagine Alfred had to do to earn the timbit’s forgiveness.
Very few nations knew this about him, but Canada loved donuts. Almost as much as he loved maple syrup. If he had to choose, he’d probably rank donuts in third place. First place would be maple syrup, obviously. Second place would be maple donuts.
He never tried to hide this fact, but almost nobody knew because most of the nations couldn’t really see him. 
He had theorized before about why that is. He used to think maybe it was because he wasn’t likable enough, but he’s pretty much as likable as a nation can be, and nothing changed. Then he thought maybe he wasn’t exciting enough, but even inventing a sport where people tied knives to their feet and tackled each other on purpose hadn’t changed anything. That’s when he started thinking: maybe it wasn’t him exactly, maybe it was circumstance.
There were so many nations. Very few of them ever actually got to talk during a world meeting. Dialogue was not split evenly. It was a competitive environment, and while Canada wasn’t bothered by competition per se, having a say during the global meetings wasn’t usually something he was motivated to do.
He was cozy where he was. He used to be a bit resentful of his brother, how people just seemed to pay attention to him naturally. Alfred just always seemed to have the spotlight. Over time though...
he learned to appreciate the benefits of near invisibility.
Alfred’s attention moves back to the front of the room, where Austria had been giving his presentation. Matthew takes the opportunity to lean over and grab another timbit from the box his brother stole from him.
Austria was glaring up at Alfred from his spot by the podium, “How many times do we have to tell you not to bring food to meetings?”
“Well, it worked after four, but this is the nineteenth time your askin me that, so my bet is on a number higher than nineteen,” Alfred says with a winning smile. 
Multiple sighs and groans echoed around the room.
“Huh,” Matthew mutters around a mouthful of donut, “even Austria is getting on your ass about it now. You really should stop eating at meetings, Alfred.”
Alfred’s smile doesn’t slip an inch as he spins in his chair to flip Matthew the bird, and Matthew laughs in response.
Across the room, England frowned, “what kind of maths is that supposed to be? If it's the nineteenth time, then it didn’t work after the fourth.”
Alfred continues his chair spin till he’s gone 360 degrees around to point back at Arthur, “Yeah, except for it did! I haven’t brought any food to a meeting since the fourth time y’all told me not to!”
“America, you have two boxes of…,” Germany frowned, “What do you call those again?”
“Munchkins,” Alfred answers automatically, glancing innocently over at Matthew, “they’re from Dunkin.”
Matthew sucks in a breath and almost chokes. Alfred scoots over to pat him hard on the back, but keeps his eyes on Germany. Matthew tries to glare at his brother anyway. Hopefully he got his point across without words. If my windpipe wasn’t full of delicious TIMBITS right now, you’d be in so much pain. 
“Right,” Germany says, clearly confused to see Alfred waving his hand in the air strangely, “whatever they are, you have two boxes of them. Sitting right in front of you.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t bring those,” Alfred replies simply.
Matthew, recovered from what would have been one of his most embarrassing deaths yet (even if it was only Alfred who noticed), decides to enact his revenge. First though, he’ll grab another handful of timbits.
“Then who did?” Arthur asks.
Alfred points directly at Matthew, his finger almost poking his brother’s nose. His brother, who is frozen with one hand deep in the box of timbits, right in front of everyone at the meeting. 
“Canada,” Alfred says.
There was a moment of silence, and the whole room seemed to pause. Everyone was looking in Matthew’s direction. He could feel himself starting to blush with embarrassment. Alfred looks pleasantly surprised; he hadn’t been expecting that to work either, but it would be nice to not be the only one in trouble for once. Figures the first time Alfred rats me out suddenly everyone can see-
“Who?” he hears.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” Alfred cries, throwing up his hands.
Matthew releases a breath, half relief and half disappointment. He grabs both boxes of timbits and slides them back towards his seat.
“Canada!” Alfred says again, still pointing, “Right there! The nation of Canada? My brother?”
Everyone just looked confused. 
“The one covered in donut crumbs!” Alfred continues. This makes Matthew glance down at his suit. There were a couple pieces of glaze sticking to his tie, but it wasn’t that bad.
“He brings donuts to every meeting! Every time I get yelled at for having donuts, Canada is the one who brought them. He’s practically addicted!”
Austria is rubbing his temples, “None of this is even important,” he snaps, “I do not care where the doughnuts originally came from. The problem is I can’t even hear myself think over the sound of you chewing.”
Alfred sighs, exasperated, and reaches towards Matthew and the two boxes of timbits, “It's not my fault you have super hearing, Beethoven.” Matthew scoots away, clutching the boxes close to his chest.
Austria’s face flushes, “Beethoven was deaf,” he scoffs, “and German.”
Alfred is looking solely at Matthew though, “bro, you cannot be serious.”
Matthew shakes his head solemnly, “you disrespected my timbits, bro. Disrespect the timbits, and you lose timbits privileges.”
“Wha-, so you’re really not gonna share anymore?” Alfred asks, incredulously.
“You know why it has to be this way,” Matthew says in the most serious voice he has.
“Aw c’mon, Matt, they’re not that different.”
Matthew narrows his eyes with actual irritation. “Go on, dig the hole deeper, I’ll wait.”
Alfred does the smart thing and pauses to consider the options. Insist on being right (because he is) but also end up arguing with Matthew and no donuts, or talk him into sharing...
Alfred puts on what he calls his ‘straight-talkin face’. “Alright, what do ya want for ‘em?”
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alertfacts · 24 days
What Do Jumping Spiders Eat? Insects, Prey, and More!
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Jumping spiders—these tiny, agile acrobats of the arachnid world—are nothing short of fascinating! With their keen eyesight, quick reflexes, and vibrant personalities, they capture the curiosity of nature enthusiasts and casual observers alike. But have you ever wondered, what do jumping spiders eat? This question might seem straightforward, but when you dive deeper into the world of these little hunters, you’ll discover a surprising variety in their diet. Let’s explore the culinary world of jumping spiders and uncover the secrets of their eating habits.
The Unique Hunting Style of Jumping Spiders
Jumping spiders don’t rely on webs to catch their food like many of their arachnid relatives. Instead, they’re active hunters, leaping onto their prey with precision and speed. Their incredible eyesight, which includes four pairs of eyes, allows them to track movements with astonishing accuracy. It’s no wonder these spiders can hunt such a wide range of prey! But before we get into the specifics of what jumping spiders eat, let’s take a closer look at how they hunt.
A Sight to Behold: The Vision of Jumping Spiders
If you’ve ever had the chance to observe a jumping spider up close, you’ve probably noticed their large, forward-facing eyes. These spiders have the best vision among all arachnids, thanks to their two large primary eyes that offer a focused view of their surroundings. The additional smaller eyes give them a nearly 360-degree field of vision, making it almost impossible for prey to escape their notice. This exceptional vision is a crucial part of their hunting strategy, as it allows them to stalk and pounce on their prey with pinpoint accuracy.
The Leap of Faith: How Jumping Spiders Attack
When a jumping spider spots its next meal, it doesn’t waste any time. Instead of spinning a web and waiting, it locks onto its target, carefully calculating the distance and angle of its jump. Then, with a burst of energy, it leaps through the air, sometimes covering many times its body length, to land directly on its unsuspecting victim. It’s a deadly combination of stealth and speed that few prey animals can escape.
What Do Jumping Spiders Eat? A Varied Menu
So, what exactly do these agile hunters eat? The diet of jumping spiders is surprisingly diverse, and it varies depending on the species, habitat, and availability of prey. Here’s a breakdown of some of their favorite foods:
1. Insects and Arthropods: The Staples
The primary diet of most jumping spiders consists of insects and other arthropods. They’ll feast on a wide variety of small critters, including:
Flies: These buzzing insects are a common target for jumping spiders. With their quick reflexes, spiders can catch flies mid-flight, making them a staple in their diet.
Moths: Attracted by light, moths often fall prey to jumping spiders that hunt during the evening hours.
Crickets and Grasshoppers: While these insects are a bit larger, some species of jumping spiders have no problem taking them down, especially if they’re young or injured.
Beetles: The hard exoskeleton of beetles doesn’t deter jumping spiders. They’ll go after smaller species or young beetles that are easier to subdue.
2. Other Spiders: Cannibalistic Tendencies
Interestingly, jumping spiders aren’t shy about hunting and eating other spiders, including those of their own species. This behavior is more common when food is scarce, but some jumping spiders have developed a taste for their fellow arachnids. They’ll carefully approach another spider, avoiding its web, and strike when the moment is right.
3. Pollinators: Nectar and Pollen as Snacks
While it might surprise you, some species of jumping spiders have been observed feeding on nectar and pollen from flowers. Although they’re primarily carnivorous, these spiders won’t pass up a sugary snack if it’s available. This behavior is more common in tropical regions where flowers are abundant, and it adds a unique twist to their diet.
4. Eggs: The Next Generation's Meal
Jumping spiders are opportunistic feeders, and they won’t hesitate to consume insect eggs if they come across them. These tiny, protein-rich packages are easy pickings for a hungry spider, and they provide a quick and nutritious meal.
5. Small Vertebrates: A Rare Delicacy
While it’s rare, some larger species of jumping spiders have been known to tackle small vertebrates like lizards or frogs. This is not a common occurrence, but it highlights the impressive hunting capabilities of these tiny predators. When prey is scarce, jumping spiders may take on a more ambitious meal.
The Role of Habitat in Their Diet
The environment in which a jumping spider lives plays a significant role in determining what it eats. Spiders that live in forests, for example, have access to a wide variety of insects and other arthropods, while those in arid regions might focus more on insects that are adapted to the dry climate. Similarly, urban-dwelling jumping spiders might feast on houseflies, cockroaches, and other pests commonly found in human habitations.
Adapting to the Urban Jungle
In cities, jumping spiders often find themselves in close proximity to humans. This has led them to adapt their diet to include pests like cockroaches and houseflies, which are abundant in urban environments. These spiders help control the population of these insects, making them an essential part of the urban ecosystem.
Forest and Grassland Hunters
In more natural settings, jumping spiders have a broader menu to choose from. Forest-dwelling species might go after a wide range of insects, from ants and beetles to butterflies and moths. In grasslands, they might focus more on crickets, grasshoppers, and other ground-dwelling insects. The diversity of their diet in these environments is a testament to their adaptability as hunters.
Seasonal Changes in Diet
The diet of a jumping spider can also change with the seasons. During the warmer months, when insects are plentiful, they might stick to their favorite prey like flies and beetles. However, as the weather cools and insect populations decline, jumping spiders might become more opportunistic, going after whatever prey they can find. In some cases, they might even enter a state of torpor, slowing down their metabolism and reducing their need for food until conditions improve.
Winter Survival Strategies
In colder climates, some jumping spiders have developed fascinating strategies for surviving the winter months. While many insects die off or go into hibernation, these spiders might seek shelter in crevices or under bark, where they can remain relatively safe from the cold. They’ll hunt less frequently during this time, conserving energy and relying on any fat reserves they’ve built up during the warmer months. In some cases, they might even consume stored food, such as prey they've cached away for later.
Adapting to Food Scarcity
When food is scarce, jumping spiders have shown an impressive ability to adapt. They might expand their diet to include less-preferred prey or even scavenge on dead insects. Their opportunistic nature allows them to survive in environments where other predators might struggle.
The Impact of Jumping Spiders on Their Ecosystem
Jumping spiders play a crucial role in their ecosystems, acting as both predator and prey. By consuming a wide variety of insects and other arthropods, they help control pest populations and maintain a balance within their habitats. However, they’re also an important food source for larger predators, including birds, lizards, and other spiders.
Pest Control Heroes
One of the most significant contributions of jumping spiders is their role in controlling pest populations. In agricultural settings, for example, these spiders can help keep crop-damaging insects in check, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. In urban areas, they help manage populations of houseflies, cockroaches, and other pests, making them a valuable ally in pest control.
A Delicate Balance in Nature
While jumping spiders are effective hunters, they’re also part of a larger food web. Birds, lizards, and other predators rely on them as a food source, making them an essential link in the chain of life. This balance ensures that no single species dominates the ecosystem, allowing for a diverse and healthy environment.
Why Should We Care About What Jumping Spiders Eat?
Understanding what jumping spiders eat gives us insight into their behavior, ecology, and the role they play in our world. These tiny predators are more than just fascinating creatures to observe—they’re an integral part of the ecosystems they inhabit. By learning more about their diet and hunting habits, we can better appreciate the complexity of nature and the delicate balance that sustains it.
Promoting Biodiversity
Jumping spiders contribute to the biodiversity of their habitats by keeping insect populations in check and providing food for other animals. Protecting these spiders and their habitats is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Encouraging Natural Pest Control
By encouraging the presence of jumping spiders in gardens, farms, and urban areas, we can reduce the need for chemical pesticides. These spiders are natural pest controllers, and their presence can help keep harmful insect populations under control.
So, what do jumping spiders eat? The answer is as diverse as the spiders themselves. From insects and arthropods to other spiders and even small vertebrates, these agile hunters have a varied and adaptable diet. Their role in controlling pest populations and maintaining the balance of their ecosystems makes them an essential part of the natural world. By understanding their diet and behavior, we can better appreciate the intricate web of life that connects all living things.
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brandonwaratah01 · 5 months
♥️ Ceramic Art - 2025 💚
- B r a n d o n W a r a t a h 0 1 -
“ I am hoping to make, create and do many ceramic creativity to hopefully sell depending on stock levels in the year 2025 onwards. If it happens, I’d prefer to have it done and ready by December, 2025 into January, 2026. There are experienced pottery tutors / teachers that have verbally stated the same / similar stated idea(s) at different conversations for me to have their idea(s) and pursue whenever ready. I’d want models to pose with my ceramic art. Family members could be best suited at this creative phase. I have to decide on a Professional Photographer(s) that is affordable whilst portraying my creativity in the purest clarity of lighting and vibrant colours in subtle saturation. Exhibitions to show my creative abilities. It would be such an opportunity to share, show and sell the creations to be made, created and done. There is a whole world in relation to pottery art and Ceramic forms such as the historical period, techniques to create particular design forms and the continuous or evolving designs. Admission pass’ into an Exhibition to Local and Global deliveries. I’d like to politely request that potential customers to patiently wait if orders pass my threshold. Inhale a deep breath of air to resume making the ceramic items. I love pottery art. I am re-emphasising this passion, love and ambition that exists in my heart beats and mind with blossoming ideas. The venco pottery wheel spins like a ballerina after clay sits in the centre. 360 degrees in either way. Ideas to be visible in my own portfolio to show to trusted friends and investors. Learn whilst making it all happen.”
♥️ - B r a n d o n v.p N g u y e n - 💚
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samuraidad4 · 6 months
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Issue 1
The Testing
Mist hung thick around the jungle as Daniel walked cautiously toward the strange feeling that seemed to call him.  He entered a clearing to view a massive jaguar that sat upon a raised dais made of stone.  Adjacent to the jaguar seated upon another smaller stone platform sat Ocelot’s mentor that he knew only as Xichan (whom Ocelot calls Zee for short).  Daniel was dressed in his makeshift costume that was essentially yellow sweats that he had painted spots onto and a domino mask acquired from a costume store.  The jaguar laughed which sounded like an undulating roar which shook the trees all around and it said, “Really, Xichan, this is the best you do?!  Very well, manling, step forward so I can take a look at you.”  Daniel was shaking now as he walked forward into the clearing before the jaguar.  He realized he was inside of a ring outlined in a bold red color and torches lit suddenly.  The jaguar studied Daniel for what seemed like an eternity and finally exhaled loudly and declared, “Very well, I see the mark of ocelot upon you for which I was not consulted.  But, I Ek Balam will still judge you to see if you are worthy.  You will battle 3 of my followers at once.  If you defeat them I will give you my blessing to be an bearer of the ocelot mark.  If you are defeated you will not.  It’s that simple.”  He then turned to the large ocelot and said, “Have you anything to say, Xichan?”.  Xichan’s eyes gleamed brightly with an emerald light and he seemed to smile and said, “Only that my charge is more than meets the eye as you will soon see.  He will not be defeated.”  At that Ek Balam turned to Daniel and said, “Are you ready, manling?”
Daniel simply nodded, still overwhelmed and unsure that any of this was real.  Out of the jungle appeared three human warriors dressed in what looked like ancient mesoamerican garb.  Each of them wielded a large war club as they each took positions surrounding Daniel.  Each warrior had numerous tattoos on their bodies which Daniel could feel the magic emanating from them.  He breathed in trying to calm himself when the Jaguar suddenly bellowed, “Begin!!”.
At that, the world seemed to move in slow motion for Daniel.  The three warriors moved with speed and practiced skill, but he was considerably faster!  Instinct and and new awareness came alive for Daniel as he leapt into the air and aimed a capoeira type spinning kick at the nearest warrior.  The kick connected with the warriors jaw with such force that the warrior spun around in a 360 degree arc and blood plumed into the air from his mouth and he went sprawling onto the ground.  Wow! Daniel was amazed at this as this new beast self seemed to almost be on autopilot and he thought maybe this would go better than he thought.  The other two warriors wasted no time and positioned themselves to strike where Daniel would land one on either side.  But, Daniel sensed the double strike and tumbled safely out of the way as the two clubs swooshed harmlessly through the air.  The warriors growled and ran after him.  The tattoos glowed on one of the warriors skin and seemed to ripple to life in a serpentine fashion.  The warrior was suddenly beside Daniel and struck a savage blow across Daniel’s back as he tried to tumble out of the way again. His back and side seemed to scream in pain!  But, a rage rose up in Daniel which washed away most of the pain.  In a yellow blur, Daniel pounced upon the warrior who had struck him, and grabbing him in one motion, he threw the warrior at the other warrior.  Unfortunately, he misjudged the location of his target and completely missed the other warrior.  The flung warrior flew into a tree and did not get back up.  The first warrior who had been kicked, regained his feet and shook his head to get clarity then ran at Daniel.  Daniel spun out of the way, and punched the warrior at the base of his skull.  The warrior flopped to the ground and did not get up.  The last remaining warrior and Daniel faced each other for a moment as they both walked slowly in a circular motion.  The warriors tattoo suddenly came to life as the other one had and the warrior seemed to appear out of thin air next to Daniel.  The warrior feinted a blow at Daniel’s head which he tried to duck but the warrior struck Daniel behind the knees instead and knocked him to the ground.  Daniel knew he could not take many more blows like this but the wild cat in rolled quickly to his feet.  The warrior yelled a battle cry and charged at him.  Daniel side stepped the warrior and wrenching the club from his hand he drove it into the warrior’s abdomen.  As the warrior doubled over he then struck the warrior with his own club on his temple.  The warrior fell to the ground unconscious as his fellows had done.
Daniel threw the club away in disgust and said to the jaguar, “There! Is that good enough for you?!”.  The jaguar said, “Hold your tongue insolent whelp! You have much to learn!  Your style is quite rough and unhoned.  But, yes, you have managed to defeat my warriors and it appears I must give you my blessing.  So be it! But, do not think I won’t be watching you!”  At this, the mist thickened and thickened until Daniel could neither see, smell or hear the jaguar or the warriors any longer.  But, Xichan appeared out of the mist and said, “Come, Daniel, walk with me.”  Daniel held his side and his limped along side the ocelot.  Xichan looked him up and down and laughed and said, “Well, you did take some blows.  But, fear not, you will heal quickly.  And do not listen to that blow hard Ek Balam.  He is just jealous that I did not choose one of his followers.  But, it is my choice.  And you have proven yourself worthy.  Now, let’s get you home.  And about that costume…I’m sure I can find you something better to wear”.
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fahrni · 1 year
NASCAR - Bristol
BRISTOL, Tenn. — Denny Hamlin landed a knockout punch in the Bass Pro Shops Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway.
Some random observations from a NASCAR noob.
Denny Hamlin looks strong at the right time. He always seems to be fast and has a crazy high racing IQ.
Kyle Larson also looks amazing. He can drive up through anything to get to the front. He’s been first, fourth, and second in the first elimination round of the playoffs. Definitely the strongest of the field at them moment.
Christopher Bell continues to land pole positions and can’t manage to make it to victory lane.
Corey LaJoie finished the second stage in second place and I couldn’t be happier for him! He’s a “middle of the pack” racer and is not supposed to be up in front. He even lead a number of laps. He’s part of a smaller team and is getting better and better each weekend. 👍🏼
Last years Cup Champion, Joey Logano, is out of contention for this years championship after an accident forced him to retire the car.
Bubba Wallace continues to his race craft each and every week and has managed to get into the round of 12. I’m super happy for him and I hope he can make it to at least the round of eight. That would be an amazing accomplishment for 23XI Racing.
I know the Bristol Night Race is very popular but I found it extremely boring. After a couple laps of racing up front it seems like it turns into a single line of cars doing laps. Now, there were times where the racing did get interesting, but overall I found it boring. That’s not typical of a NASCAR race for me.
Bristol is not doing a dirt track next season. That’s too bad. I found that race to be much more exciting. Cars had multiple lines to choose from and the racing was exciting, not to mention Michael McDowell’s two spins that resulted in 360 degree saves. It was an incredible sight to behold.
Kevin Harvick is also out of the playoffs. It’s a real shame as it’s his final season as a driver and he has yet to win a race this year. The man proves his excellent fact crave as a driver every week as the Stuart Haas Racing cars aren’t very competitive, except for Harvick’s. Yes, he’s that good.
It was good to see Dale Earnhardt Jr. in the Xfinity race on Friday night. He drove really well, lead a number of laps, and I have to believe he had a really great chance to win the entire thing but his car caught fire late in the race and he had to retire it. Let’s get that man back in a Cup car a few times a year!
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Favorite livery was Tyler Reddick’s 45.
My picks for the Final Four.
• Kyle Larson - Hendrick Motorsports • Denny Hamlin - Joe Gibbs Racing • Chris Buescher - Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing • Tyler Reddick - 23XI Racing
Champion: Kyle Larson
If it’s not Larson I think it’ll be Denny Hamlin.
Of course I could be full of hot air with that list but I really like it!
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sughoshperur · 1 year
Make your ride perfect for Flyboarding in Goa with Certain Tips, Tricks, and Safety guidelines 
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Unleash Your Inner Maverick on Goa's Waves 
Let's ride high on liquid dreams!
Trade in To-do lists for thrilling water twists!
Picture yourself defying gravity, suspended above the shimmering waters of Goa's pristine coastline. With the thrill of adventure in the air and the ocean as your canvas, flyboarding is your ticket to an adrenaline-pumping experience like no other. Whether you're a first-time flyer or aiming to refine your skills, we've got the ultimate guide to help you make your flyboarding Goa nothing short of perfect. Buckle up, or should we say "strap in," as we delve into the world of soaring heights and aquatic escapades!
Tips For A Seamless Adventure On Flyboard In Goa
Choose a Reputable Operator: Safety comes first! Opt for a licensed and experienced flyboarding operator to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience. Go through various reviews to choose your operator. Flyboarding in Goa price ranges from ₹3000 to ₹4000 per person.
You can select your adventure package by considering the reputation of the operator and the flyboarding Goa price offered.
Dress the Part: Comfort is key. Wear a swimsuit, sunscreen, and appropriate water shoes. Leave the flip-flops behind and get ready to embrace the waves.
Gear Up: Get familiar with the flyboarding equipment and listen closely to the instructor's guidance. The right gear and proper technique make all the difference.
Find Your Balance: Flyboard in Goa is all about balance. Start with small movements and gradually work your way up to more complex manoeuvres. Keep your body relaxed and let the water's push guide you.
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Tricks of the Trade: Elevate Your Flyboarding Skills
The Hovering Hero: Achieve the perfect balance and hover gracefully above the water's surface. Keep your gaze forward, arms relaxed, and trust the equipment to keep you afloat.
The Dolphin Dive: Channel your inner sea creature and dive into the water like a dolphin. Arch your back, use your legs to initiate the dive, and then gracefully rise back to the surface.
The 360 Spin: Embrace your inner acrobat by attempting a 360-degree spin in the air. Use subtle shifts in weight and balance to complete a full rotation, and revel in the rush of the twist.
The Superman Soar: Emulate the iconic superhero as you soar high above the waves. Extend your arms forward, point your toes, and savour the sensation of flight. Let the flyboard in Goa unleash your superpowers!
Safety First: Guidelines for a Secure Flyboarding Goa Adventure 
Listen to the Pros: Pay close attention to your flyboarding instructor's briefing. Follow their guidance for takeoff, landing, and manoeuvring to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride.
Mind the Depth: Stay in areas with appropriate water depth for flyboarding. Avoid shallow waters and areas with obstacles to prevent accidents.
Hydration and Rest: Flying can be physically demanding. Stay hydrated and don't forget to take enough breaks. Your safety and comfort matter most.
Savour the Soar
As the sun sets over the Arabian Sea, your fly boarding goa adventure leaves you with memories etched in the sands of time. The rush of the wind in your hair, the joy of conquering gravity, and the thrill of riding the waves—it's an experience that lingers long after your feet touch the ground.
So, dear adventurer, are you ready to elevate your Goa getaway and add a touch of exhilaration to your travel tale? With these tips, tricks, and safety guidelines in your arsenal, you're primed for the ultimate flyboarding experience. 
Take the plunge, embrace the unknown, and let the waves of Goa carry you to newfound heights. Your flyboarding adventure awaits—let's make it soar! 
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Zion Williamson makes the 'pelicans' fly
Zion Williamson makes the ‘pelicans’ fly
Zion Williamson has rediscovered himself. Last week he closed out the overtime game against the Phoenix Suns with a play he already made in high school. He was 16 years old when a video of him went viral: Zion culminating a counterattack with a dunk after a 360-degree spin in the air. “I have to see the birth certificate. It’s not possible!” commented a comedian. Yes it was. High school’s…
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fanzartfans · 2 years
Should I get a smart designer fan in 2021? Think Smart-Fanzart Fans
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With India’s power usage hitting record levels earlier in January 2021 (185.82 Gigawatts in a single day), it’s time for us to give a re-think about our daily energy consumption, and what we can do to smartly curtail it.
Fans fall into the category of those electrical appliances that are usually kept on all day(and night). The energy consumption and lack of efficiency of a traditional fan can often be overlooked. 
Luxury designer fans provide the energy efficiency your fan should be operating at, while still maintaining that designer aesthetic you need for your home or office interiors.
So, is getting a luxury designer fan with smart features a good choice in 2021? Fanzart luxury fans are a perfect combination of beauty and brains. The designer looks are complemented by smart functionalities present in our fans such as the 360-degree rotation of our designer pedestal fans, the 3D oscillation present in some of our designer table fans, the eco feature that enables them to adjust their speed based on room temperature, or the Human sensor which allows our unique designer fans to adjust rotation, based on actual human presence.
“So, how much energy does my fan consume”, you ask? Typically, a ceiling fan consumes around 80 Watts of energy. Some older and larger fans can even draw up to 95-110 Watt.  BLDC motors are a relatively new technology that allows for great energy efficiency. (Upto 70% Savings)
To get into this a bit deeper, let’s understand how BLDC motors work, and why having them present in our luxury designer fans makes for a smart choice.
BLDC Motors:
The Brushless DC motor fans from Fanzart consume around 20 – 35 watts of power. The power consumption is reduced by around 70% and hence the BLDC motor fans are energy efficient, whisper-quiet, and remote operated. It’s a smart and sustainable switch from the standard induction-motor consumption present in traditional fans.
A point to consider if you are looking to buy fans in India- An estimate pegs that our country can save 3MWh a day if we all switched to having BLDC Motors in our fans! That’s massive!
Moving on, let’s learn a bit more about what makes the smart features present in our luxury designer fans actually “Smart”.
Human Sensor:
The human sensor recognizes and tracks the presence of people around, to smartly adjust its oscillation to give you an uninterrupted breeze.
Fanzart’s Humanoid is the first fan equipped with the human sensor. Yep, your fan is intelligent enough to know where you and other people in the room are, so move with freedom
Eco Feature:
Regulating your fan’s speed for the perfect comfort is always a hassle. Fanzart’s pedestal collection is equipped with the ECO feature that enables it to smartly adapt its speed based on the room temperature.
3D Oscillation:
Fanzart’s pedestal collection with its unique 3D oscillation feature provides you with an extraordinary breeze. 
These innovative models oscillate horizontally as well as vertically delivering 3-dimensional air-flow.
Remote Control Enabled:
Your fan comes with a dedicated remote-so it’s literally as easy to control as touching a button!
360 Degree Rotation
Our luxury designer fans can spin 360 degrees! This is a smart feature that makes us do a little whirl, and get that consistent breeze experience throughout.
It’s easy to control when your fan would remain on or off. All you have to do is press the timer button on the remote to set the desired time duration. 
Your Fanzart ceiling fan will automatically turn off after the set timer.
Where can I use my smart luxury designer fans?
Literally everywhere. The Fanzart luxury designer smart fans can be used in Bedrooms, Drawing Rooms, Family Rooms, Halls, Home Offices, Study Rooms,TV Rooms and even bathrooms! Some of our 120+ models are the perfect fit for commercial spaces like Offices, Restaurants, Hospitals or even Stadiums!
Our collection of fans with smart features has something for everyone. Have a look at our models below:
What makes the fanzart humanoid ‘human’? Is it the human sensing feature, where it smartly adjusts the fan oscillation according to your presence in the room? Or is it the fact that you can adjust 3 different wind speeds and 4 levels of oscillation at a touch of a button?
The future is now. Experience airflow that senses your presence with the Humanoid.
No matter if it’s your Bedroom, Drawing Room, Family Room, Hall, Home Office, Living Area, Office,Study Room or TV Room, the Humanoid would adjust the air circulation of the space it is in to optimize your breeze experience.
A fan remote allows you to manually adjust up to 4 levels of oscillations i.e, 60, 90, 180, and 360 degrees along with 3 different fan speeds. 
The 3D oscillation in combination with the Air Conditioner can increase the efficiency of the air conditioning in a room by spreading the cool air to a wider area.
 The advent of the Humanoid marks the evolution of smart pedestal fans that can play both functional as well as aesthetic roles in any kind of interior.
The Tron is futuristic in design, standing tall with a sense of elegance in your luxury designer interior space. 
The technology in the Tron is complimented with a sense of aesthetics that’s ahead of its time. If you have watched this movie, you know exactly what we mean. 
This luxury designer fan is offered in a classic modern white or a wooden finish to suit your home or office space.
Hawk Series:
A ‘fan’-favorite, the Hawk series is the must-have for your designer interior space. Its timeless look is complimented with great features such as the 360-degree oscillation and the integrated Eco Feature.  
This enables you to adjusts its speed based on the temperature outside, making the new-edition Hawk a useful and smart addition to your modern home or office. We offer this one-of-a-kind designer fan in a Black Edition as well. 
Our latest twist to the Hawk Series is the launch of the hawk+, which allows you to transform this smart designer fan at your convenience. Just remove the stem to make the minimalist hawk+ drop from 54 inches to 34 inches!
Fancy a fan for your bathroom, walk-in wardrobe or kitchen? Personalize your Chotu the way you would like, this smart fan would serve you that perfect breeze, every time. Heads up- It looks hella cute too!
We all need that one friend sometimes. The Buddy won’t let you down on a hot summer day when you need it the most. Its DC-powered fan is energy-efficient, lightweight, and smart. 
The eco-feature enables this designer fan to adjust its speed as per the room temperature. Its portability makes it a nice little travel buddy.
We are also launching our FanSmart series soon, so stay tuned! These luxury fans would be designed for the future, where IOT and smart homes would be commonplace for us. The future looks exciting!
So for the sake of our future generations, there has never been a better time to switch to the ‘smarter’ ways of living. 
Look no further than your home or luxury designer space to switch to a sustainable lifestyle. Start with your fan and do your bit to save our planet today. If you are looking for designer fans, now is the time to contact Fanzart Fans.
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aoonu · 2 years
2022 Cool Car Accessories for Dodge Vehicles and Ram Trucks
People say that clothes make the man. A good horse with a good saddle, a good car with nice lights. For popular car brands Dodge and Ram, AoonuAuto offers a wide range of amazing custom car accessories rocking in 2022.
"Guts. Glory. Ram." Ram Trucks, stylized as RAM and formerly known as the Ram Truck Division (of Chrysler), was established in a spin-off from Dodge in 2010 using the name of the Ram Pickup line of trucks. Till today, many car owners still have strong feelings for Ram and Dodge cars.
However, there are not many modern auto parts and LED car lights suitable for RAM and Dodge cars. It is gratifying that, despite the changes of the times, some auto parts manufacturers that respect diverse brand visions still integrate modern car accessories with classic feelings and brand slogan, providing RAM and Dodge cars with modern customized auto parts fitting for contemporary aesthetics.
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Introduction to AoonuAuto
Aoonuauto is one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced customized cool parts for automobiles. They offer a wide range of accessories to help car owners personalize their vehicles and make it their own. “Customer First. Every individual is a shining star.” -- It’s their basic concept which AoonuAuto keeps. “We believe that your car should reflect your personality, and our accessories are designed to do just that.” said by Mr. Huang, the CEO of AoonuAuto.
From exterior auto accessories such as splash guards, DRL lights, tail lights, work lights, flip lights to interior car accessories e.g. LED door sills, cup coasters, cup holders, air freshener, LED floor mats, handle bowl lights, door light projectors etc., AoonuAuto continuously develops and manufactures personalized car accessories products to meet the demands of the people in the field of car decoration with the latest technology and materials.
This unique custom auto parts manufacturer that specializes in custom LED lights for car has long earned a solid reputation for providing car owners with unique car parts and accessories that embody their peculiar tastes and amplify the beauty of their automobiles.
Different Types of Custom Car Accessories Offered by AoonuAuto for Dodge and Ram Cars
What will it be after combining the classic and wild style with modern automobile LED lights and accessories? The answer is “Glory and Cool”!
Dodge Logo and Ram Logo LED Car Door Sills and Car Door Projector Lights
Over the years, car door sill plates have transformed into more than simple protective coverings. Illuminated scuff plates help drivers and passengers to see when stepping in and out of the car at night. Making the scuff plate illuminated helps boarding or de-boarding the car easier, when in dark areas. The Illumination light up with car logo the moment car door is opened- adding to the 'wow' factor. With Dodge logo or Ram logo lighting up in different colors, the illuminated scuff plates allow drivers to express their individual styles.
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Meanwhile, another cool car accessory of the car doors to add glamour is car door lighting projector. The ghost shadow LED car door projector lights shine extraordinarily with Ram and Dodger logo on the ground not only showcasing the car brand but also enhancing safety when the car doors get opened.
Besides, the car door handle bowl lights customized with Ram logo and Dodge logo can also be considered to show your personality but not so outstanding compared with LED car door sills and projector lights.
Ambient Lights and LED Car Floor Mats of Ram Logo
For pickups like Ram 1500 or 2500 and Dodge Charger which look hard and full of muscles, the colorful LED floor mats printed with Ram logo or Dodge logo make them look more gorgeous and graceful on the original basis of tough style. In addition, the interior ambient LED lights kit exude an elegant and romantic atmosphere. It can switch a variety of beautiful colors and modes by remote control to provide 360-degree lighting for the car interior. The LED accent light is soft and will not affect the normal driving. When opening it, drivers and passengers will enjoy a super cozy, elegant and romantic air in a wild and muscular vehicle like Ram 1500, Ram 2500, Dodge Charger etc.
Car accessories for Ram and Dodge vehicles enhancing safety
Daytime running lights (DRL) are automotive lighting devices on the front of motor vehicles that automatically switch on when the engine is running intended to help drivers see the road better and help other drivers see you better. It’s becoming more and more essential for drivers to upgrade the headlights bulbs with DRL lights ensuring more safety on the road.
Splash guards are absolutely essential accessories for Ram pickups and Dodge cars as the flap guards help reduce the amount of dirt and grime that gets on the vehicle and provide an extra layer of protection from scratches especially driving on rough roads or in bad weather.
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Car Gadgets customized with Ram Logo and Dodge Logo
Absolutely, decorating vehicles with LED lights like illuminated car door sills, door projector lights and so on seems the simplest way to change the automotive appearance. Anyway, there are some other special accessories for Ram trucks and Dodge vehicles. LED car emblem, phone holders, cup coasters, air freshener etc. all can be customized with car logo as the customization needs. They’re also some smart gadgets to decorate vehicles and show uniqueness.
Benefits of AoonuAuto Custom Accessories for Cars
AoonuAuto is committed to offer premium custom LED car lights and car accessories. These advanced lights provide many benefits over traditional halogen bulbs, making them the perfect upgrade for vehicles. Here are just a few of the advantages of AoonuAuto custom LED car lights.
Brighter light output. LED bulbs produce a much brighter light than halogen bulbs, giving you better visibility on the road.
Lower power consumption. Car LED lights are more energy-efficient than halogen bulbs, meaning they'll put less strain on your car's electrical system.
Longer lifespan. With proper care, LED bulbs can last up to 50,000 hours - that's 10 times longer than halogen bulbs!
More rugged construction. Car LED bulbs are more resistant to vibration and shock than halogen bulbs, making them ideal for off-road driving.
Safer operation. LED bulbs run cooler than halogen bulbs, reducing the risk of fire in the event of an accident.
If drivers looking for premium custom car accessories for Dodge cars or Ram pickups, AoonuAuto is the place to go. They offer a wide selection of high-quality accessories that are sure to make vehicles stand out from the rest. More important there’s a professional automotive expert team supporting for each individual driver or car enthusiast’s customization demands.
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celebtrust · 2 years
Skate 3 cheats ign
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Place your session marker across the street from the drop so you can get 2 pushes in before you duck down and Ollie into the void. To fulfill his sinister cravings he has sought out one of the most precipitous drops in San Vanelona, and to beat his Challenge you have to navigate it. Like Chris Cole, Ali Boulala gets off on amateur skaters plummeting to their demise. Pro Challenge 6/17 // "Ali Bridge Plunge" Set your Session Marker for only one push, then ease up onto the hubba (oh no, now we're saying it!) with your new trick to beat the Challenge. If you keep accidentally doing other moves instead, like Lasers, try doing the mirror-image of what you've been doing. Practice it a few times just standing still. Your board is going to be doing a 360 degree spin, not you. It's done solely with the RIGHT ANALOG, and you don't have to use the LEFT ANALOG at all to spin in the air. In addition to that "hubba" nonsense, P-Rod wants you to do a "Nollie 360 Flip." This is just an unfortunately-titled Flip trick which you can find in your Trickbook under Advanced Flips. If anything, you should be proud, because it's just a silly name for the short, concrete wall that lines the stairs in this challenge. If words like "hubba" are not in your lexicon, fear not. Paul Rodriguez's infamous challenge has a lot of players scratching their heads, but we suspect the problem has to do more with linguistics than anything else. Use a Nollie 360 Flip to get onto the hubba Pro Challenge 5/17 // "P-Rod Tech to Hubba" You can hit the rail with less speed than you think, provided you crouch early for your Ollie or Flip trick. You only need 3 pushes to get to max speed, after that just coast through the drop onto the middle platform, then do a trick off of that onto the rail. Place a marker across the street from the Challenge area so you can get some speed. That's why Skate's developers came up with Session Markers. Pro Challenge 4/17 // "Cole Gap to Grind"Ĭhris Cole wants to see you splatter, and he'll probably get his wish.
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greysao · 2 years
Ssx tricky eddie showoff
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Ssx tricky eddie showoff full#
Ssx tricky eddie showoff code#
Go to any of the tracks that have either a big jump or a "trick boost." Hit one of these and do either a Misty, Rodeo, Front Flip, or Back Flip. Note: If you do any of those new tricks, it will add to your Tricky meter. When in the air and doing things such as 360s, hold either the, ,, or combos (with only using any of those three buttons) to get different tricks. You will gain an extra 180 without the game calling it a "Late 180". Also, if you are spinning and want to do a Misty 720, do a regular Misty then hold the Analog-stick in the same direction that you are spinning. This helps when you are about to crash a flip. To land flips easier, start a flip as usual then press the Analog-stick the same way that you are flipping to make your boarder rush the flip. It is possible to get four flips in the Pipedream course in the very big halfpipe. Hold the direction you are going to spin or flip before you get off the jump to spin or flip faster. However, you can still complete up to Chapter 5 with the short boards. Some Characters can only complete the Uber tricks with the long board. Use your boost to get air, then complete the Tricky book. To complete your Tricky book easier, unlock the Pipedream stage (by medaling in all Showoff venues) and stay to the left. There is a huge cliff on the first jump of Garibaldi. Most of the rails are high enough to do this from, but for the ones that are not, do a 180 or more. To get more points after you get off a rail, do a Misty, Rodeo, or something along those lines. This can get you up almost any rail, no matter what your speed, and as long as you have some adrenaline. If you are having trouble making it up a curved rail and need some speed, press to activate your adrenaline. Your rider does not have to jump off, spin 90 degrees, and miss the rest of the rail. If your rider is on a rail with your board the long way (which is easier to fall off), you can switch your board sideways by pressing or. Start your flips with the D-Pad, finish them off with the Analog-stick. Your meter will stay full, give you unlimited boost, and enable you to do Uber Tricks without a time limit. Win eight gold medals in world circuit mode.ĭo Uber Tricks until the letters on top of your adrenaline bar (T-R-I-C-K-Y) are filled in red. Win seven gold medals in world circuit mode. Win six gold medals in world circuit mode. Win five gold medals in world circuit mode. Win four gold medals in world circuit mode. Win three gold medals in world circuit mode. Win two gold medals in world circuit mode. To unlock the final chrome costume, complete world circuit mode with a "Master" rank. To earn more costumes, complete all chapters in your trick book. Unlock all of the tricks for a character to get their uberboard, which is their best board. There is also an infinite tricky meter option.
Ssx tricky eddie showoff full#
In this menu, you can turn on two different secret characters with full stats, extra boards and outfits for all of the characters, and extra trick chapters for each character. Go to the main menu, select "Single Event", and go to "Cheats". Then successfully complete the world circuit using the following characters in order: JP, Mac, Psymon, Zoe, Eddie, Mike, Brodi, Kaori, Luther, and Marisol. All the boarders will have full stat points.
Ssx tricky eddie showoff code#
Release + and a sound will confirm correct code entry. Hold + and press x2,, x2,, x2,, x2, at the title screen. He has decks on his back and a vinyl board. Choose any rider at the character selection screen and he will be replaced by Mix Master Mike on the course, with his or her ubers. Note: This code only works for Elise.Īlternately, hold + and press x2,, x2,, x2,, x2, at the title screen. Elise will have the Mallora Board and a blue outfit. Hold + and press, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, at the title screen.
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