#after shutdown
artcalledtheewhip · 2 months
Not a noodle
Love a Ramen
Raw mein
So I veined
In my body from hear to brain
Synapses connecting together
Meant for sumthyng more
Suicidal For Life
The street ST
Was written upon!
Let cool before tha bite
We gather and you say nothing for the sakes of all in much so smooch Mac more
Bring the ammo too kill for fall
Heat energy dividing plans
M E under our noses felt tectonics brought in by the boned syneregized weather
All feelings caught or without
None moving with gun shots
Let cool before tha bite
Play it it was it is safe
No backer’s kept his back safe
They never ever really moved
Like directed
Watch again
Imposter poser rumpt trumpty
My universe loves suicidal tendencies
Sue a cycle of tender loves
Deep fried
Let cool before tha bite
No yellow and black
Bee colors or hive
Shape up your skin
Before diabetes
Lost ear folds
Give U S close up for an examination
So former ducked head
So former ducked head
Dunce liked balance took over
My men on top of me
Rally tall with fist
Obliged obligations obligatory
Sitting Ass’s
Under direct gunfire
Staged hoaxed dump a rumpt y and the trunks
Political wharf and snares
This is my golf course!
Summed up to all worthless others!
You must be a Republican
And your toucan is still supposed stoopid
In my head & opinion
Racked up bored out pinions
Haven’t had a something since 2020
Covid dropped out my loves
The country fell closed
My loves torn away
So former ducked head
Let cool before tha bite
Aim son’s
Play some more
Golf rival impact clash battle
My fore look up to not hit on head
My scores beyond compare
Easy for the
Sousing elegantly
Soldiers never took you, anywhere
Not allowed to charge the
After Covid deaths
Play son, disregard a country
Other feasibly devised grabbed that money
They took that message
Vocals grabbing all sorry asses
Elephant ized against
Chuckle me up some
Duck ex former
Ear bits
No ear worm controlling the me
Over played hip hop add some
Scratching replaying to dubstep
To fornication and simple sinking
That whole boat down under
Lest attached in surrounding waters
Can you intake it without
A filter
The glitter was sitting shooting in the time frame
All others
“Let Trump take it”
The four leafed we hold
All funny by the bystanders
Easy sitting on asses
Elephants directing
Add a special episode
Watch closely!
Meant four some thing more
Meant fore sum things momentum
Keep running, after the time spent
It’s not a relay
You be in on your own
Blood orange
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fagbearentertainment · 4 months
Me when my autism is an actual disability and not just quirky and weird sometimes disorder
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atwas-gaming · 8 months
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barmy-demon · 2 months
Thinking about Jonny and the Aurora getting along in there own way again
Jonny calling Aurora names like hunk of junk
Aurora shutting Jonny in doors
Jonny shooting at weak points like cameras
Aurora simply responding with the closes noise a starship can to a laugh
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pekodaiz · 5 months
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DIE BRU DIE thank u jean ilysm
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angeltannis · 1 year
Gearbox going out of business before releasing Borderlands 4 honestly Would be pretty funny. Like wow, how are they gonna tie up all these huge plot threads about Lilith’s disappearance, Maya’s prophecy about new types of siren powers manifesting, the Guardians gaining sentience, the mysterious War from TPS, Ava leading the Crimson Raiders, and the fact that there’s a sentient space rock with the power to both create and destroy all life in the universe according to its whims floating around? Well, you see- [the smoke clears to reveal Randy Pitchfork lying completely dead on the pavement]
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creatrixanimi · 4 months
I dont think i ever posted my feelings on the new rvb season here. This will be kinda ramble-y because its been a few days. So I thought it was ok while watching but i feel like thinking about it for any amount of time kinda makes it seem worse and worse. Short review is: i wish they didnt just rehash the recollection arc but worse. I know why they decided to do it because in theory tucker getting meta-fied is kinda compelling but in practice it really did just turn into the recollection arc but somehow everyone was even less competent than they were then? (simmons and grif did NOT suck this much ass at fighting during the recollection arc. them getting beat up over and over in the same way wasted SO much time where story could have gone). Wash also kinda didnt do anything besides jump off a cliff for comedic effect? lmao? Theres a lot more i could say about how all the characters besides caboose were utilized in extremely inefficient ways but ill just leave it at that. If you go in "no thoughts, head empty" the season was fun to watch, especially the very beginning but it kinda went nowhere and everyone was kinda wasted because of the lack of time both for production and the short runtime. A very "you tried". I respect the effort but am sad that it didnt turn out to be a miraculous hit. Oh well we still have all the past seasons to rewatch so i guess its not the end of the world. PS before i forget: Caboose was very good he carried the season 100% he's always the mvp. love him.
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sunnyxjarrus · 2 months
Anyone else hate when people say if you didn’t do it you wouldn’t act guilty
like no I just feel very surrounded and trapped in this situation and that nothing I say will be right
or is this just me
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green-tea-lemonade · 8 months
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And there she stood. It seems the stars had been kind enough to at least give her the decency of a normal appearance. She stood there, her tail gently swaying as he walked in her direction. She smiled, the stars in her form glowing a little brighter at the sight of him. He never realized how much he had missed seeing it. Seeing her. If not for the current state of things, it was as though the incident had never happened at all. It had though, and her eyes were the proof.
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skeletonmancer · 1 year
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gale looking utterly enamoured by tav, food for the soul
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demonlineswhore · 1 month
A Channie big hug would be great rn tbh
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
back on my qbad is autistic bullshit
dont think about how crushing this loss of routine is, in an already hellish place that never makes sense, dont think about qbad dealing with the Change and the Loss and not being able to identify the tangle of feelings.
when he does try to talk with people, when he's forced to, its almost instant shutdown. i think qbad is more of a shutdown autist than a meltdown one, doesnt mean he doesnt have meltdowns, shutdowns are just more common. going nonverbal, shaking, rocking, seeking comfort but not having forever there. turning to etoiles or bagi or foolish even.
i think he'd pull on his hair and bite his hand to self soothe and whoever's with him would have to call foolish because he's the only one who can wrench bad's teeth from his skin.
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nightyraven-art · 2 months
I'm just a little guys, why my minds wants me to do anything and I barely slept today.
Tell me, mind? How can I pop in many art ideas in an hour? I get it some are fast but me? Its been 3 days that I haven't sleep.
My mind can't stop even if I'm tired
Like please please let me rest, I'm a walking zombie
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autisticlegolas · 1 month
autism is fun when you watch things, start to see patterns and catalogue them on spreadsheets. less fun when you have more frequent meltdowns and you start to speak the way you think and people think you’re rude bc you don’t have the energy to compensate for people’s misinterpretation before saying anything like you’ve always done
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darlinghousehold · 1 month
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We can help each other, I think!
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I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the Golden Globes but the nominees are so white. Again. The fact that they nominated the fucking Eras tour over Blue Beetle makes me mad.
Check it out so obviously my first thought was uhh literally why did the Eras Tour movie even got nominated for a Golden Globe like if we allow the premise that industry awards are meant to recognize artistic achievement then truly wtf made them nominate it. And I don’t mean any disrespect towards Swift in this convo because she obviously works hard but the tour was basically her putting on a few different pretty dresses and strutting around a stage re-singing her old stuff… right?
Then the brilliant idea struck me that I should maybe check the category that Swift was nominated for, and yall I know I shouldn’t have been surprised but they literally added a capitalism category for the 2024 Globes:
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At least they’re not hiding it lmao. It’s straight up just about the money /shrug emoji
mod dyr
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