#after gotham finale
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
Wait did Loki already know about Dick and Jason and all that because he did research /before/ Peter got sent there on not just he was there without telling Peter? And that's why he ended up in that universe specifically cuz he had family there? Or I did I misread something?
oh no Loki is fully lying out of his ass right now. but really he's not lying, it's more like he's not telling the full truth ? idk how much I can really tell you guys cuz I don't want to spoil it... alright, so i can't tell y'all what he was doing specifically but i can tell y'all his general plan and some character insight
i'm feeling in a slightly spoilery mood so!!! if you don't want to know anything about what Loki is up to, don't continue reading! but be aware that at this point in time, there are some things that we just won't know about Loki in the fic itself that i'll talk about here!
before all of this he had absolutely no intentions of teaming up with Peter, he was just exploiting a weakness and trying to get Peter out of the way (this is the same as to what he did with Thor). he knows that Tony would be distracted, and in their efforts to find Peter they would probably be stressed out and their forces would thin because finding usually involves splitting up. they would also have to deal with Mysterio and Ohnn (....and a secret third character 👀). it would give him plenty of opportunity to go in and try and pick them off one by one. except it's not working on the Avengers side. we'll get more to this later 😁
after his first meeting with Peter, Loki figured that Peter would probably be a good place to get some intel if he needed it, because Peter trusted him and was not aware about Loki and his past with the Avengers (or at least not fully aware). the more that he learned about the Bats and Peter's relation to them, as well as learning about Peter, the more he figured it wouldn't hurt to have Peter on his side. he thought that he could twist Peter into believing the Avengers weren't coming. his plans have been shifting around, meeting his needs since the beginning. he's been standing off to the side and pushing the characters around trying to figure out what they will and won't do, like he's observing a game and they have no idea he's moving pieces around when they weren't looking.
however this plan was going to take a lot more time... and Klarion summoning Thor ruined it completely. he had to speed up the process and make his offer quite literally months before he thought he would. so in a way, we can thank Klarion for derailing Loki's plot
Loki had no idea what would happen when he directed Ohnn and Mysterio towards Peter. he knew that Ohnn had been traveling between worlds for a couple of months, but he had no idea if Peter would even survive going to this other universe. he also had no idea about Peter's relation to the Bats until he started digging around for his new plan (Plan: Exploit Peter's Love for his Parents). the thing is, is that his plan would have failed no matter what, because Loki failed to see that Peter's adopted family cares deeply about him, and this bond means just as much as any blood ties he could have. his own insecurities about his standing within his own family got to him. when he was digging around in Peter's life he saw that Peter's foster experience had failed. and he might, maybe, just a little bit... feel bad that the family that was going to adopt Peter were killed because of what happened in the Battle of New York.
so: while he has been very intentionally manipulating Peter... he was thinking of Peter's best interest after a certain point. instead of him not caring what happened to him as long as he was out of the way, Loki did start preparing to make sure that Peter could stay in this world and that he would be taken care of. because i don't believe Loki is an evil person, and even now he's just a little silly. he might have been a little bit crazy with Thor, but to be fair, every other time Loki had a plan and he wasn't crazy enough, Thor came out of it. I feel like they have different standards than what we would as humans. because if you have a sibling then I feel like you'll understand me here... me and my brother used to fight a lot and while we never actually chased each other with knives, we did chase each other with other weapons (whatever wouldn't actually kill but was within our reach) and I think this is their version of that. like me and my brother are super close now but when we were kids we tried to kill each other a lot lmfao. so Thor will probably forgive Loki because that's his brother. (and I'm pretty sure that Loki was under some form of manipulation by Thanos during the Battle of Manhattan/New York??? correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's the case Peter would eventually see that Loki isn't an evil person.) Loki is very chaotic neutral in my eyes, leaning towards evil or good depending on the day. so he's gonna get his ass kicked for trying to take over the world, but like, that's just his enrichment... you gotta let him try every few months/once a year or you're not doing enough to entertain and care for your sneaky God Alien Guy
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mysecretwindowuniverse · 1 year ago
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Nygmobblepot Text Meme
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Just another dp x dc idea. I think #6
Im just imagining Danny whose been up for the last week collecting his rouges extremely sleep deprived. He is dropping them off in the ghost zone far away from his parents portal cause he doesn’t want to deal with them.
He debated just leaving them in the thermos but decided against it cause it was bulging at this point.
Skulker makes an appearance as he’s releasing them. Wanting of course his pelt on his wall. Danny doesn’t even notice getting body slammed into a natural portal.
One second he’s in the ghost zone the next a coffee shop on a broken table with a robot ghost trying to kill him. Danny just grabs some guys coffee it was just pure shots of expresso. Good he needed the caffeine to deal with this bs.
He doesn’t acknowledge he stole someone’s coffee or the broken table.
He soups skulker and goes back through the portal before it closes again ignoring the confused looks. He just wanted to go to bed.
Tim drake was confused and mad. Someone stole his coffee and now he had to deal with an unknown potential threat.
Stealing his coffee is what made it personal
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hypewinter · 2 years ago
Danny decides he's done as a hero but not done saving people so he decides to become a doctor. Years later when he starts his residency, he ends up becoming close friends with Dr. Bruce Wayne.
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heyitstaytay21 · 8 months ago
Me: it's my brother's birthday and the fourth of July, I'm going to take a break from writing and enjoy my time with him.
Also me: *becomes so consumed by an idea for a future chapter that I need to type it up in the notes app on my phone in between rounds of Mario party*
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azuree1733 · 1 year ago
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zer0expektation · 2 years ago
I will never ever get over Oswald calling Martin "my boy" when he has to say goodbye they deserved better good god
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officialkatekane · 5 months ago
L’shana tova u’metukah! LOL! -BTW
L’shana tova u’metukah Bruce!
Hope you're doing well!
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detectiveliz · 10 months ago
Sorry for vanishing
Im 21 now
Here’s a blinky
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Ok bye
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livinces · 12 days ago
A playlist for you & your sugar daddy to run amok in Gotham City to. 💋
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pocketramblr · 7 months ago
crisis 2.0 my b
#Alexander Luthot Earth Three was right there was something horribly wrong with reality and i have to fix it by hand#b- Bruce was on a roof in Gotham arguing with Jason when Blüdhaven got nuked#ic- Bruce was in New York unraveling the crisis plan when Blüdhaven got nuked#ic- Bruce met Dick outside Blüdhaven after the nuking and both were fine#nw- Bruce dug Dick out of the rubble in Blüdhaven and brought him back to treat him#r- Tim was in Blüdhaven and running around with the military at the time of the bombing#and then was distracted from that when Cassie picked him up to meet a beaten up Connor and break into LexCorp to help#yj- Tim was at the tower getting beaten up by Jason twelve hours before crisis started#vanished somewhere to fight robots in the morning#but was found by Cassie in time to intervene in the Connor injuring fight and treat him there#yj- Jason was beating up Tim at the Tower twelve hours before crisis#b- Jason was busy with his joker torturing plans twelve hours before crisis#everyone is at minimum two places at the same time#sometimes three#AND MY HANDS HAVE TO BE THE GIANT GOLDEN LEX HANDS PICKING AND CHOOSING WHAT DETAILS TO MASH TOGETHER#you know what#i get it#i get why after all of this#after the crazy end of the world crisis#Jason watched the rest of his family leave on a cruise to finally relax#and was like 'yeah i think I'm gonna dress up like dickie and run around nyc being annoying more#*now#:3c'#because yeah man#at this point#what else do you do
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bamboozled-distress · 1 year ago
shoutout to dick and Barbara for choosing their original costumes for the sole purpose of taking the piss at Batman and to just absolutely enrage their father and sticking to their shit ass costumes for years on end because no matter what happens they are committed to the fucking bit.
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 1 month ago
My ideal Jason story that one day I would like to properly make is one where hes a ghost hero. I mostly imagine it as Jaybin but honestly could be super fun with older Jason too
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 10 months ago
On the subject of gotham county line and batman noel and so on and so forth it’s pretty frustrating (from a watsonian pov) that anytime Bruce hallucinates Jason being loving/ caring/helpful/compassionate towards him it’s always as robin and never as his current self
#it's ironic because Jason as robin never got the chance to become as obedient & devoted (malleable) to Bruce as he currently is#which is a result of being abused/manipulated for a more prolonged period of time#“maybe if I try harder and do it right this time he'll finally see the truth”#classic abuse tactic#no matter how well the victim fits the mold set by the abuser they’ll never acknowledge it#rather if they see you trying they’ll push harder and tell you you’re not perfect#the small shreds of affection here and there are important for motivating the victim to keep trying#kelseethe#Jason initiating the hug in rhato 27 after Bruce insinuated that those beatings will be a regular occurence bc he deems it a necessity#continuing to support Bruce even after Ethiopia and sticking around to help get Damian back#eagerly cooperating with Bruce + co in event leviathan then getting surprise pikachu faced/hurt after being betrayed#making a conscious decision to comfort Bruce in gotham war after Bruce fucked him up and left him behind#having undying conern for Bruce's wellbeing while Bruce regularly endangers his life#ex. Bruce's weird habit of committing vehicular assault on Jason whenever they're on the road demonstrated both in tfz and gotham war#point being: Jason was much more psychologically fit to be defiant towards Bruce when he was robin compared to now#he's more of a “good son”™ now than he was as robin Bruce is just too used to thinking whatever he wants and never being satisfied#the only times Jason got mad/upset at Bruce during one issue and continued to stay mad until the next#other than lost days and utrh was batman 410-411 and early in aditf before Bruce helps Jason find Sheila#so much worse has happened since then and all that just magically became water under the bridge off-panel
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prlssprfctn · 29 days ago
Robin!Jason, who constantly references different books at random times by quoting them and joking about characters, except Bruce doesn't have much time to read everything that Jason goes through. Of course, he understands some nods towards classics, but Jason is an avid reader, so it is hard to keep up with him sometimes. Jason tries to drag him to watch some movie adaptations, but he falls asleep in the very beginning of it.
And then Jason dies.
Bruce goes through all his library obsessively to the point he remembers the page of every little bookmark Jason left, and he knows his little notes on the margins by the heart. He watches movie adaptations, too, even though Jason only ever watched it to hate on them. He finds new books, books he thinks Jason would like if he was alive, and reads them, imagining what kind of analysis would Jason finalise by the end of it; his opinion not always matches with Jason's, but that doesn't matter. Bruce just likes to imagine.
Years pass, and Jason returns to Gotham. Not as a boy Bruce missed so much. Or, at least, he thinks so.
But then Jason does some bitter, irritated reference, comparing them to characters of one of the books he had on his shelf, and Bruce catches himself thinking... well, they still think similarly, but the conclusion they drew had always differed from each other. It is a different situation, of course, but... but maybe he could try to make this work.
Because, if anything, Bruce is tired of imagining. Especially, not when he finally has a chance to get everything back.
On the next day after their fight, someone sends Jason a copy of a new book from his favourite author - the one that he still hadn't read - his old set of colourful bookmarks, and a little note.
Let me know what you think.
Bruce gets the book back in a week, full of frantic notes, a bunch of bookmarks, and a short note explaining what each colour means (a mystery he didn't resolve years ago, after he passed away).
And, oh, God. He completely forgot how fast Jason read sometimes.
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DPXDC prompt. Field trip.
Some people would call gothamites petty, but given that most of the USA population treated them as scum, they believed that their behavior was justified.
They didn't like tourists, to put it mildly. Therefore, after learning that in their city were people on a field trip from Amity Park who could not leave Gotham for several days due to weekly escape from Arkham, the news channel immediately decided that a short interview from the guests would definitely amuse the locals. The reaction of outsiders never ceases to be ridiculous.
Reporter: ~Good afternoon~ Gotham News! May I ask you to share what you liked most about our wonderful city?
Mr. Lancer*still in a cold sweat and looks at every passerby as a potential villain*: Uh, no, me..It's so unexpected. Well, first of all, people here are very…
Danny *is high after the tasting samples Dr. Crane gave him for free and is extremely eager to share his happiness with others*,* picks a microphone*.
Danny: Gotham is the best city in the world! Like seriously, damn, I'd like to die here. Although there are constant shootings somewhere, half the time people don't even shoot at me! I haven't been this relaxed since middle school! And in the evenings, there is often such a pleasant scent of fear and despair on the streets. This fear toxin of yours is a real miracle! It's sooo good!
Sam *decides to take the initiative in her own hands before Fenton says too much*: Personally, I am very pleased with the number of green spaces you have in your city. It's nice to see that here eco-activists are really being listened to. Also, the fact that most restaurants have a thoughtful menu for vegetarians left a very pleasant impression.
Dash in his favorite T-shirt "it's not gay if he's dead": Four words. Hips of Red Hood. The fact that it is not marked in the guidebook as the main attraction of the Crime Alley is a real crime. This dude clearly never skips leg days. My respect.
Tucker: What can I say? The speed of internet here, even during villains attacks, is absolutely  unbelievable. I don't want to leave this place.
Jazz: I love Gotham! Finally, I was able to buy all the works published by Dr. Harleen Quinzel. *girl picks up an impressive stack of books* For some reason, they are not available online.
The camera points at a red-haired guy with a twitching eye.
Wes: I'm 85% sure Bruce Wayne is Batman. I have a proof and I am ready to provide it.
A girl with a "Good Guess" pin from Riddler enters and takes camera away from conspiracy theorist.
Star: Sorry, he slipped out at night and went to look for problems. Again. Don't pay any attention to him. He's always like this when he drinks more than two energy drinks in a row.
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