#after 50K
hopefullydreaming · 10 months
anyway yes ik green light updates are sporadic but uh i just won nanowrimo with another project that’s been rattling around in my brain for the last two years and finally had the momentum and clarity I’ve been needing so??? it is still a slay on the writing train i will hop onto the other track eventually
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Hello Jon, apologies for the notes, but I wanted to make sure your post was seen by the masses, so I thought it best to invoke ‘this post has 10k notes to me’
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destielgaysex · 5 months
and there is no moving on from destiel. by the way
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morganbritton132 · 1 month
I don’t know if I saw someone say it on here or on Twitter but a while back I saw a post about Steve going to Tommy’s after Starcourt because his house is a place that feels safe.
And I love it. I want to read a fic about it.
I also want to add: he takes Robin with him.
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420pogpills · 1 year
do you ever just finish reading one of those fics that have you staring at the ceiling in silence because you can't comprehend that you got to read something that is nothing short of a masterpiece and FOR FREE ??? god bless you writers you truly make the world a better place
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stars-and-branches · 2 months
I'm reading DC comics which is fantastic except that I keep reading the Joker's lines in Dr. Doofenshmirtz's voice. I'm not getting out of this one alive lads
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
After I Met You by Amandyalmonds
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After I Met You
by Amandyalmonds (@amodwithoutamark)
M, WIP, 78k, Wangxian
Summary: "They’re not going to go through with the marriage proposal though, right?” Jiang Cheng reasoned. “You’re ours. And surely the Lan sect wouldn’t want a huli jing, let alone the famed Hanguang-jun.” “Exactly," Wei Wuxian said with a grin. "The Lans are too stuck up to know how to handle someone like me, and they won’t risk forcing their precious Hanguang-jun into such a marriage.” Or, after the end of the war, Wei Wuxian is offered as the last known huli jing to marry into the Lan royal family. The only problem is that Wei Wuxian has never met the man he's marrying, and he's not sure he'll survive in a palace with over three-thousand rules. Kay's comments: An arranged marriage story between Dragonji and Foxxian that doesn't hold back on the knives at all! Really going for the Wei Wuxian whump in this one and the miscommunications also keep on happening, it's the most delightful angst! Also definitely a story for those who crave some protective brother Jiang Cheng content. There's also been hints about things that have happened in the past and I'm so curious to see how it all plays out! Excerpt: Hanguang-jun probably wasn’t happy about bedding a huli jing, so he might not mind if Wei Wuxian kept himself somewhat covered. Or perhaps Wei Wuxian could have Hanguang-jun take him from the front, keeping his back pressed against the bed— “Wei Wuxian?” Wei Wuxian flinched at the sound of Hanguang-jun’s voice. It was now or never. Deciding to try his luck in keeping his inner robes on, Wei Wuxian steeled himself and stepped around the screen, letting out a playful laugh. “Impatient, aren’t we?” Wei Wuxian quipped, then promptly choked on his own words. Because Hanguang-jun stood near the bed, watching him with the slightest crease in his brow. Fully clothed. In sleeping robes.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, shapeshifters, dragon lan wangji, fox wei wuxian, emperor lan xichen, prince lan wangji, royalty, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, protective wen qing, protective jiang cheng, good sibling jiang cheng, abusive yu ziyuan, dysfunctional jiang family, autistic lan wangji, arranged marriage
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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cuubism · 4 months
Last line tag game
Tagged by @five-and-dimes and @teejaystumbles :)
On vacation I've been slowly working and pondering on Deja vu Deja connu and In Waking Dreams, I really need to update both of these long fics.
From In Waking Dreams:
"My dreamer," his husband murmured as they swayed together, his voice again that low rumble Hob knew so well.
Hob kissed his cheek, then pulled away to study him, bracing him by the arms. Dream looked much the same as he'd done when they'd collapsed into Hob's bed, except that he'd robed himself in his own colors again, his long black cloak and draping fabrics. He looked wan and tired still, though some vitality seemed to have come back to him from simply being in the dream world. Hob would have to find him some food. Dream-food, or whatever.
Before he could say so, Dream leaned in to kiss him. It was a deep kiss of passion and impulse, and Hob staggered under the weight of it before catching himself and keeping them both upright. He laughed against Dream's lips, full of so much relief he couldn't breathe.
It was just so much easier in their dreams. It didn't feel uncertain or new here, like it did when they were awake. This was just coming home again to the one he knew and loved so deeply.
This fic is so hard to wrap up, so many emotional threads I wove 😂
Tagging @beatnikfreakiswriting @hardly-an-escape @valeriianz :)
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taygetuspositive · 1 year
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local serial killer has difficulties reintegrating into civil society
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
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I saw it and I had to
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nightfayre · 1 year
i’m crying, throwing up, so incredibly proud of myself for finishing a fic i’ve been working on for ~20 days, non-stop. i seriously think it might be one of my best works
i’m so, so excited to share it with you all <3
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
"we're together again, but can we ever repair what we used to have?"
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kirbytober day 7: sunshine/headcanon
the headcanon: sailor dee and bandana dee are siblings! sailor is bandee's big sister, and although they were young, they loved each other very dearly and took care of each other as much as they could. however, thanks to dedede stealing all the food, sailor decided to spontaneously join the meta-knights in order to protect her brother and fight for a better ruler. bandee, heartbroken, flees to castle dedede for shelter. cue ROMK, where bandee has to see his big sister ready to invade the one place that took him in after she left. they've made amends after meta knight was unbanished from dreamland, but they both know they'll never be as close as they once were.
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losersimonriley · 2 months
.sundowning first draft is done.
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kikathedemon · 2 months
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tranakin-skywalker · 9 months
Anakin has never dealt well with stillness. He exists in perpetual movement, energy burning and bursting inside him like a reactor core. “Always on the move,” Obi-Wan used to say about him during his apprenticeship. He never once asked about the burn scar in the middle of Anakin’s back. It’s less a single scar and more a collection of years, layered one over the other until all the nerves around them had died. More than a decade later and there is still a spot the size of his hand in the middle of his back where he can’t feel anything. He’d been young when he learned that an electric prod switched to its lowest setting and pressed against skin would cause third degree burns if left there long enough. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out the best way to keep the prod off his back was to look busy. Stillness is anathema to everything in Anakin’s nature. He can’t remember how many times he’s been told off for his inability to sit still. The need to move, to go. Be anywhere but here. His teachers used to hate it. Something about the night always makes it worse. There is the dark, and the stillness, all other life succumbing to the nocturnal draw of sleep- leaving Anakin alone with only himself. It’s not so bad when he’s awake still because of some project, one day without sleep, two, three, it doesn’t matter. He has something to do, something to busy himself with. Usually something important. He can exist like that just fine. It’s when the nightmares drag him awake into the darkness- still much too early to begin the day but entirely incapable of falling back to sleep. When all he is left with is the confines of his chambers and the stink of fear-sweat and his own mind trying to cannibalize itself. Nightmares always somehow seemed to make the restlessness worse.  Maybe it’s the shot of adrenaline straight to his brain more potent than any stim he’s taken- triggering his body into thinking he’s about to die. Root deep fear of a mind that can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what it has conjured by its own imagination. Only it’s not always in his head. Sometimes- his nightmares come true. Sometimes he feels like he’s being eaten alive.  In the past Anakin would sneak down to the salles to practice katas until sweat rained down off his skin like Naboo waterfalls and his night-terrors were half faded memories- or he’d steal away to the underlevels of Coruscant and race until mortality seems a foreign concept, flying fast enough that for a moment it feels like he can outrun the death on his heels. Neither is a viable option to him now. Not injured on a star destroyer, barely able to move on his own. But there is something else that might calm the shaking and the fear-sweat soaking through his night clothes. It’s been years since he was a slave-child kept awake by the terror of his own future- but old habits are hard to kill. He doesn’t remember how young he was when he discovered a good way to spend sleepless nights was elbow deep in machinery, hours passed repairing whatever he could reach until the skin of his bare hands split open and wept with blisters. Old enough to realize that he was safe as long as he was useful. That’s not saying much, though. One of his first memories is watching a man being blown up from the inside out. On Tatooine, a child’s first lesson is to learn that they are replaceable, and their second is to learn now not to be.
i swear this fic is just 80% depressing introspection about Anakin's shitty life
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strike-another-match · 4 months
applied to a senior position even though im a mid at best just to feel something...
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