#african snake
djwaglmuffin · 1 year
20 years, fellow millennials. TWENTY YEARS.
Think I just ruined everyone's week.
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African Egg Eating Snake
Adults can be housed in a 20 gallon tank or 24 x 18 x 12 in minimum with more length than height
You can house multiple together, but adjust enclosure size and monitor their behavior
Substrates can be aspen shavings, coconut fiber, etc.
They need enrichment and hides like caves(one on cool and one on warm), flower pots, thick branches, fake or live plants, moss, hollow logs, driftwood, etc.
There should also be some higher up enrichment for climbing
The cool side can be about 75-80 degrees F and the warm side can be 90 degrees F
UVB not needed, but day and night cycle is
40-60% humidity 
A water dish that’s large enough for them to soak in should be present and changed every other day/whenever dirty
Spot clean daily and completely disinfect every month
Diet/Feeding habits:
They do not eat rodents or insects, they instead eat eggs
They can eat small chicken, finch, quail, and canary eggs depending on the snake’s size
The eggs should only be a big larger than the snake’s thickest part
They need to eat fresh eggs, not ones that are old and have semi-hard embryos
Refrigerate the eggs until eating time, then let them go to room temperature
They eat by swallowing the egg whole, then spitting back up the shell in which you discard. 
Set the egg around the enclosure for them to find and eat. They typically eat once a week if they are juveniles, but it can sometimes go to every 2 weeks for adults. Just monitor their eating habits and check everyday
Age identification:
Average lifespan is 10-15 years
They reach maturity in 2-3 years
Physical traits:
Morphs exist, but most are a grey-brown in color that are sometimes broken up by white, yellow, or black spots or stripes. Their belly scales are white
They have keeled scales
Females tend to be larger than males
Average adult size is 2-3 feet long
They have small and more round heads than most snakes
They do not have teeth, but they do a small tooth like structure in the back of their throat to crack eggs
No details of breeding, but females can lay 6-25 eggs per clutch
If they feel threatened they will rub their scales together to create a hissing sound
They do tend to be skittish at first, but will calm down
They tend to wrap around arms and hands
Health concerns:
Stuck shed can result in dead tissue, but can be helped with right humidity and soaks
Mites are small snakes parasites and see a vet
Scale rot and respiratory infections result from wrong humidity, temperatures, and improper care
Metabolic bone disease results from not enough calcium in their diet
Let them adjust at least a week in their enclosure before handling
Wash hands before and after handling
They do tolerate and sometimes love handling
Support their entire body while handling, so they feel secure
Scoop them from their bellies as to not mimic predators
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thevillain-s · 4 months
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HOODOO: “If freedom don’t ring, these “roots” gonna sing!!!!”
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sequinedrhinestones · 2 months
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MICHAEL JACKSON // (01/∞) The Greatest Night in Pop
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markscherz · 9 months
Why are lizards and salamanders so similar in shape?
That’s just what peak performance looks like
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kpceramics · 3 months
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A variety of lil guys
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nemfrog · 8 months
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"Some poisonous snakes of Africa." Poisonous snakes of the world. 1968.
Internet Archive
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dummy-dot-exe · 6 months
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けものフレンズより  アフリカニシキヘビ (ベリーダンサー風) by 三ッ葉 稔@kachoufuugetu4
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kivespussirotta · 2 months
Absolutely obsessed with this pic of my snake
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bitch cant look straight
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snototter · 1 year
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A juvenile Southern African rock python (Python natalensis) in South Africa
by Bernard Dupont
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bjekkergauken · 1 year
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Lion king: north africa DLC
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akm87 · 2 years
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dougdimmadodo · 24 days
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Fast Fauna Facts #20 - Calabar Ground Boa (Calabaria reinhardtii)
Family: Boa Family (Boidae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern
In what seems to be a defensive adaptation, the tail of the Calabar Ground Boa is almost identical in size, shape and colour to its head - when cornered it will hide its true head beneath the folds of its body and raise or wiggle its tail tip in an effort to encourage predators to target this relatively unimportant part of its body as opposed to the more vulnerable face. Native to western Africa members of this species mostly inhabit dense forests and spend most of their lives underground or buried in leaf litter, with their rounded heads and small, smooth scales making them well-suited to moving through burrows. While they are capable of forcing their way through loose soil Calabar Ground Boas can't actually dig, and as such they typically rest in the abandoned burrows of other animals: as they specialise in hunting small burrowing mammals (subduing prey either through constriction or by pressing them against the walls of tunnels) it is not unheard of for them to invade a burrow, swallow the inhabitants and take up residence in the newly abandoned hole.
*Note - the individual pictured above is hiding its head against the ground, showing the "fake head" on it's tail in action.
Image Source: Here
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kabretoss · 7 months
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The child grows!
Chester's up to about 25 grams, a proper chonker. (Hestia's hit 700 grams, on the other hand, but she's got that ball python booty.) I love this little udon.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
Round 2: Take a Bow
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Eastern Coral Snake vs African Forest Elephant
Arena: Tropical forest
Remember, it's not a popularity contest- it's a fight to the death!
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 months
Cw: Yes, more snake-
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More- simply because my mom and I were holding them in the natural light, so their frickin iridescence was off the charts, and you can see their brown eyes now, too -v-
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