#affordable homes Jamaica
jamaicahomescom · 1 month
What Are the Homes Like in Jamaica? A Journey from the UK to Island Elegance
When I was a young boy growing up in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s, the houses around me were uniform and uninspired. Rows of terraced houses stretched endlessly, their brick facades blending into one another like a monotonous sea of grey. The architecture was functional, designed to provide shelter rather than to inspire wonder or joy. It wasn’t until I first set foot in Jamaica that I truly…
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fatehbaz · 1 year
The SAWP is a temporary labour program that brings foreign workers to Canada for periods between six weeks and eight months annually [...], paving the way for the recruitment of Jamaican workers as well as workers from other Caribbean countries like Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados [beginning] in 1968. [...] The SAWP has been a resounding success for Canadian growers because offshore indentured workers enable agribusiness to expand and secure large profits. Being indentured means that migrant farm workers are bound to specific employers by contractual agreements [...]. First, they are legally prevented from unionizing. [...] Additionally, because they are bound to specific employers, they must ensure that the employer is happy with them [...]. For instance, migrant farm workers are forced to agree to growers’ requests for long working hours, labour through the weekend, suppress complaints and avoid conflicts, if they want to stay out of “trouble” [...]. In “Canada’s Creeping Economic Apartheid”, Grace Galabuzi shows that the Canadian Government’s immigration policy is, in reality, a labour market immigration policy [...].
[Text by: Julie Ann McCausland. "Racial Capitalism, Slavery, Labour Regimes and Exploitation in the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program". Caribbean Quilt Volume 5. 2020. Paragraph contractions added by me.]
A big finding that came out of the oral history interviews was a much richer tapestry of worker protest than has previously been documented. Speaking with workers – including former workers back in their home countries of Jamaica and Barbados – allowed me to hear the types of stories that often don’t make it into archives or newspapers. Interviewees told me stories about wildcat strikes, about negotiating conditions with employers, and also about protesting their home governments’ role in organizing the migrant labour program. [...] [T]hings did not have to be this way; our current world was anything but inevitable. [...] [But] economic forces transformed tobacco farming (and agriculture writ large), [...] leaving mega-operations in their wake. [...] [L]arge operations could afford [...] bringing in foreign guestworkers. The attraction of foreign workers was not due to labour shortages, but instead in their much higher degree of exploitability, given the strict nature of their contracts and the economic compulsion under which they pursued overseas migrant labour. [...] Ontario’s tobacco belt (located in between Hamilton and London, on the north shore of Lake Erie), was from the 1920s to 1980s one the most profitable sectors in Canadian agriculture and the epicentre of migrant labour in the country [...]. In most years, upwards of 25,000 workers were needed to bring in the crop. [...]
[The words of Edward Dunsworth. Text is a transcript of Dunsworth's responses in an interview conducted and transcribed by Andria Caputo. 'Faculty Publication Spotlight: Ed Dunsworth's "Harvesting Labour"'. Published online at McGill Faculty of Arts. 15 December 2022. At: mcgill.ca/arts/article/faculty-publication-spotlight-ed-dunsworths-harvesting-labour. Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
Jamaican agricultural workers say they face conditions akin to “systematic slavery” on Canadian farms, as they call on Jamaica to address systemic problems in a decades-old, migrant labour programme in Canada. In a letter sent to Jamaica’s minister of labour and social security earlier this month [August 2022], workers [...] said they have been “treated like mules” on two farms in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. [...] The workers [...] are employed under [...] (SAWP), which allows Canadian employers to hire temporary migrant workers from Mexico and 11 countries in the Caribbean [...]. “We work for eight months on minimum wage and can’t survive for the four months back home. The SAWP is exploitation at a seismic level. Employers treat us like we don’t have any feelings, like we’re not human beings. We are robots to them. They don’t care about us.” Between 50,000 and 60,000 foreign agricultural labourers come to Canada each year on temporary permits [...]. Canada exported more than $63.3bn ($82.2bn Canadian) in agriculture and food products in 2021 – making it the fifth-largest exporter of agri-food in the world. [...]
[Text by: Jillian Kestler-D'Amours. "Jamaican farmworkers decry ‘seismic-level exploitation’ in Canada". Al Jazeera (English). 24 August 2022.]
In my home country, St. Lucia, we believe in a fair day’s pay [...]. In Canada, we give more than a fair day’s work, but we do not get a fair day’s pay. [...] I worked in a greenhouse in [...] Ontario, growing and harvesting tomatoes and organic sweet peppers for eight months of the year, from 2012 to 2015. [...] In the bunkhouse where I lived, there were typically eight workers per room. Newly constructed bunkhouses typically have up to fourteen people per room. [...] I also received calls from workers (especially Jamaicans) who were either forbidden – or strongly discouraged – from leaving the farm property. This outrageous overreach of employer control meant that workers had difficulty sending money home, or buying necessary items [...]. [O]n a lot of farms, [...] workers’ movement and activity is policed by their employers. The government knows about this yet fails to act.
[Text are the words of Gabriel Allahdua. Text from a transcript of an interview conducted by Edward Dunworth. '“Canada’s Dirty Secret”: An Interview with Gabriel Allahdua about migrant farm workers’ pandemic experience'. Published by Syndemic Magazine, Issue 2: Labour in a Treacherous Time. 8 March 2022. Some paragraph contractions added by me.]
The CSAWP is structured in such a way as to exclude racialized working class others from citizen-track entry into the country while demarcating them to a non-immigrant status as temporary, foreign and unfree labourers. The CSAWP is [...] a relic of Canada’s racist and colonial past, one that continues unimpeded in the present age [...]. [T]he Canadian state has offered a concession to the agricultural economic sector in the way of an ambiguous legal entity through which foreign agricultural workers are legally disenfranchised and legally denied citizenship rights.
[Text by: Adam Perry. "Barely legal: Racism and migrant farm labour in the context of Canadian multiculturalism". Citizenship Studies, 16:2, 189-201. 2012.]
Other publications:
Smith. 'Troubling “project Canada”: the Caribbean and the making of “unfree migrant labour”’. Canadian Journal of Latin American Studies Volume 40, number 2. 2015.
Choudry and Thomas. "Labour struggles for workplace justice: migrant and immigrant worker organizing in Canada". Journal of Industrial Relations Volume 55, number 2. 2013.
Harsha Walia. "Transient servitude: migrant labour in Canada and the apartheid of citizenship". Race & Class 52, number 1. 2010.
Beckford. "The experiences of Caribbean migrant farmworkers in Ontario, Canada". Social and Economic Studies Volume 65, number 1. 2016.
Edward Dunsworth. Harvesting Labour: Tobacco and the Global Making of Canada’s Agricultural Workforce (2022).
Edward Dunsworth. “‘Me a free man’: resistance and racialisation in the Canada-Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program,” Oral History Volume 49, number 1. Spring 2021.
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petewentzisblack1312 · 5 months
for the record. by the way. do not ask me any difficult questions until i return home on the 21st if you absolutely must. im in jamaica preparing to bury my grandfather who i could never afford to meet and the woman holding his body tried to extort us with him as collateral. leave me out of it.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 days
Downsides on living in a 3rd world country
So anyone who reads my blog probably knows I am from Jamaica, although I live in the US now after going to college here. And as messed up as the US is a lot of times, I am so grateful to be here. Make no mistake: Jamaica will always be my home and I love the country so much but honestly, I never want to go back.
I feel like a big issue (depending on how you see it) is how people back home handle medical problems. For example, since coming to the US I have learnt about so many freaking allergies and food intolerances! Someone told me they were allergic to carrots and my mind exploded! I even learned fairly recently that light and water allergies are a thing 🤯.
But back home, if a kid does not want certain food because they don't like it or it upsets them, the parents are like "well you better eat it or you go hungry". Especially in my parents' generation. When meals were provided, no one really gave any consideration to allergies. If there was an event, there was no effort to make sure there was a vegetarian or vegan alternative (not that I cared much since I 100% love meat and dairy lol). I think the same attitude also applies to pain. If you have some kind of chronic pain, it's just something you need to toughen up and deal with and move on.
Thank God I never had allergies and I hope it stays that way. But I even think about my tendencies. Like I hate the sound of loud chewing. I can't stand it. I remember the first time it really bothered me. Back then, we ate dinner around the table and we were eating boiled food and stewed chicken. I was a little girl, less than 10 for sure, but I remember how overwhelmed and distressed I was at the table as I heard my family eating. It got so bad that I crushed the food to mush in my hands. My parents were mad (understandable since we couldn't afford to waste food like that) and sent me to a long timeout upstairs in the bedroom.
And it never got better.
Thankfully, we stopped eating around the table at some point. And if I could, I would listen to loud music while I ate my dinner around my family to block out the noise. Or I would retreat to a different room to eat if I wanted to eat in peace. I am lucky that most of my friends and extended family don't chew loudly but I try my best to tolerate the few that do when I am forced to be in their presence during a meal even though I am literally dying inside.
I thought I was just sensitive. When I feebly tried to bring it up to my mom during Christmas, she never treated it with any weight.
It wasn't until I mentioned my issue to a college friend that she said I may have misophonia. And it's like everything made sense. I don't know if I truly have it or not but it fits so well that I felt like I might cry. But a normie Jamaican might just say I am being extra and making a big deal out of nothing.
There are way worse struggles of living in a developing 3rd world country, don't get me wrong. But I am bringing up this because I have a family member living with me for at least a year and his eating sounds are driving me crazy and I don't know how much longer I can bear this in what used to be my quiet, safe space. This is just a way to build up some courage so I can talk to him about it. I know he won't be mad about it but it just feels so awkward.
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lindsaywesker · 10 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Throwback Thursday.  On this page, TT is all about memories triggered by words.  So, what memory is triggered by the word ‘FATHER-IN-LAW’? 
Unfortunately, I lost my father-in-law on Tuesday.  I’ve been to Jamaica three times.  Two funerals and one wedding.  We’ll be going back to Jamaica soon for another funeral.  Sounds like a Hugh Grant film!  Three funerals and a wedding!  We’ll shed a few tears, I’m sure, but The Trouble’s family are boss, so we’ll have a few laughs … and probably a few drinks too!    
I’ve got two abiding memories of my father-in-law.  Mr. Patterson didn’t want his only children (two girls) moving out to live with their boyfriends, so he allowed the boyfriends to move into HIS house.  That way, he knew exactly where his daughters were.  So, the old man let me live in The Trouble’s bedroom until we could afford our first flat.  He didn’t give me ‘the talk’.  In fact, he didn’t say a thing.  He didn’t really know me but he knew his girls well, and he knew they wouldn’t be entertaining just anybody.  He trusted their judgement, so he figured I was a good investment.
My second significant memory of him was during lockdown.  He was stuck here in England because he couldn’t get a flight back to Jamaica.  So, there we were: the four of us, locked down in the house.  The old man used to call Jamaica frequently and tell anyone that would listen that he was anxious to get ‘home’ but, secretly, I think he enjoyed his time with us.  The Trouble liked having him around because he was builder, so he could do odd jobs, and I liked having around because he was a good cook!  He used to make me Saturday Soup sometimes twice a week, he would make me oxtail and butter beans and, because I’m spoilt rotten, he would make me Guinness Punch as well.  Me and my belly will miss him.
So, on this Throwback Thursday, what memories does the word ‘FATHER-IN-LAW’ trigger for you?
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?)  I love you all.
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sallysgrancanwrite · 2 years
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Chapter Twenty-Five
Chloe went to sleep thinking how different her life was about to be and Beth thought about how different things would be without Chloe around all the time. The wedding was two days away and Chloe was having second thoughts. She couldn’t talk to Beth, she would tell her to call it off, she hated Michael. She would talk to Edith when she got home. She finally went to sleep about 3AM. When the sun came up she wasn’t ready to be up, so she pulled the drapes tightly shut and went back to bed. Beth woke her at 9:00.
“Hey sleepy head, we have to eat something and get checked out today. Time to get up.”
“Uhhhh, already? Alright I’m going.” Chloe replied.
“Yeah I see that, only at the speed of a turtle walking through peanut butter,” they both laughed and Chloe sat up.
She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. Put on just a bit of makeup, mostly eyeliner and blush with a little lip gloss. Then she gathered up the last of her stuff and put it in her makeup bag and put it in the suitcase. She was now ready. She got out of the bathroom and Beth had ordered them breakfast.
“Oh great, breakfast, I’m starving!” said Chloe.
“The last time we order room service, this time anyway, I’ll make sure we do this again.” She said.
“Are you ready to go back to work after having so much time off helping me with the wedding and being in the wedding?” Chloe asked Beth.
“It will be hard but yeah, I miss everyone and my routine. You know just normal life again.” Beth said.
“Are you excited about Jamaica for your honeymoon?” Beth asked Chloe.
“Oh gosh yes! I’ve never hardly been outside this little bitty town or county so it will be amazing! I’ll send pics to you!” Chloe exclaimed.
There was a knock at the door. Beth answered and saw it was the Porter coming for their bags.
“Can you go ahead a take those and we’ll be right down?” Chloe said.
Chloe looked at Beth and told her;
“Thank you for the most incredible weekend away. I know you saved and sacrificed a lot to do this for me and I’m so grateful. I don’t know how I’ll ever pay you back. I love you.” Chloe said.
“Now stop that, you’ll make my makeup run,” she chuckled. “I enjoyed the weekend and I don’t expect too be paid back. It was my pleasure to be able to do it for you. I love ya to. I suppose we better get going to they will think we are refusing to leave the room.” Beth said laughing.
They left the room, went and paid they hotel bill and waited for the car to be brought around. Sure was nice being pampered Chloe thought. Chloe drove this time letting Beth sit and read. She usually read in the car. As they were driving Chloe pulled something out of her pocket. It was a ring box. She handed it to Beth.
“Go ahead open it. “She said.
Beth untied the ribbon and opened the box.
“Chloe! You didn’t!” Beth exclaimed
“When we were looking at gifts for everyone I saw you eyeing that ring but I knew you couldn’t afford it. It’s my way of saying thank you.”
Beth stared at it. It was a tanzanite stone with 3 diamonds on each side. It was so shiny and it sparkled in the sunlight.
“Well, try it on to see if it fits.” Chloe said.
Beth put it on and it was a bit large.
“That’s okay. Mr Holmes at the jewelry store can size it for you. We’ll drop it off when we get in town.” Chloe said.
“Thanks Chloe,” Beth beamed at her ring,
The closer they got to home the more Chloe wanted to run back to the resort. What was going on? Was it what Hope had told her about her getting abused or was it just wedding jitters? She almost felt sick. How was she going to keep this from Michael?
“Beth, do you think I should tell Michael about Hope coning up here?”
“That’s the worst thing you can do! He’ll go nuts and you know it. We don’t know if she was telling the truth and maybe he would go after her. It’s better to leave well enough alone. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“Okay, maybe you’re right. No need to stir up a hornets nest I guess.”
They reached home around 4:00 that evening simply because they drug out the vacation a bit longer and hit some small antique shops along the way and stopped for lunch. When they got back into Maple Falls the first thing they did was drop off Beth’s ring at the jewelry store to be sized correctly. Then they headed home. When Chloe felt torn about seeing Michael. She wished Hope had never found her at the hotel. Now her head is full of nonsense. They grabbed their bags and the gifts and went inside.
“It was getting late. We were so worried when you weren’t home at noon like you said.” Edith said ringing her hands like she always did when she was uptight about something.
“I should have called, I’m sorry. We went to some antique shops on the way home. I didn’t mean to worry you.” said Chloe
“Nor did I.” said Beth.
They put their bags as down and they hugged both Edith and Bob.
“And I was just started to enjoy the peace and quiet around here.” Bob said laughing.
Edith smacked him in the back of the head with a couch pillow.
“Oh you, just be nice now.” Edith said
Bob gave Edith a kiss and said;
“There’s your smack back you beautiful old woman.”
“Oh you’re such an old fart, but thank you for the compliment dear,” Edith said.
The girls enjoyed listening to these two when they went on like this. They figured it was their way of showing love. Didn’t matter why, it was fun to watch.
There was a knock at the door. It was Michael. He had a bouquet of red roses for Chloe. The card said I missed you.
“These are beautiful Michael but you didn’t need to.”said Chloe.
“It’s the southern gentleman in me. I wanted to welcome the love of my life home.“ He kissed her. “I missed ya honey.”
“Beth and I are also in the giving mood. We bought each of you a gift while we were away. Edith here’s yours. You open yours first.” Chloe said.
Both of the girls were hoping she would like the bracelet. Edith unwrapped the paper and untied the box and opened it. She was stunned.
“You girls, it’s beautiful but you probably spent to much on me. But I love it. Oh look it has my initial on it,” she beamed with joy. “It’s simple and I like that.” She thanked them both and hugged them.
“Go ahead and let Bob open his next,” said Michael. “I can wait.” So Beth gave Bob his gift.
“We’ll it sure is darn heavy. Y’all gave me rocks didn’t ya?”
They all laughed and told him to just open it for heavens sake. He ripped it open finally and his face lit up.
“Well, would ya looky here Edith! I got my own whiskey decanter. And by George it’s got my initials on it. I don’t have to pour from a bottle, I’m rich now,” he laughed. “I love it and the glasses. This weekend we can all play cards and use them,” he said proudly.
Then Chloe had to give Michael his gift and she wasn’t sure he would like it. She handed the small box to him and bit her lip.
“Chloe stop biting your lip please it doesn’t look good and I don’t like it.” Michael scolded her. She quickly quit.
He opened his gift and read the back of it.
“Michael, you are the love of my life, my soulmate, forever Chloe .”
“I have never had a pocket watch but it’s very dressy looking. I love it darling. Thank you very much.” He said.
Edith jumped in, “I hate to break all this up but y’all are getting married in two days. There is stuff to do. So we need to get busy.” She said.
“Not another word, I’m on my way and will give you ladies time to do lady things.” He kissed Chloe goodbye and left.
They sat and figured last minute menus with the catering crew. As well as seating arrangements. The ladies were busy ironing all the table cloths and napkins. Bob and some friends were pitting up streamers for the dance and balloons in different shades of purple. By this time it was late and no one had eaten and they were tired. Then Bob walked in with bags from the diner.
“Miss Amy at the diner had the cook make up some burgers and fries for us. She knew we were working on all late tonight.” Bob said setting down the bags,. Boy it smelled good.
They were all so tired that they ate in complete silence. All Chloe could think about was her bed. When they were done eating Beth and Chloe cleaned up the bags and then they all went to bed. Tomorrow will be an even busier day I’m sure.
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occult-roommates · 2 years
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Run for your life
Content warning for gun violence and suicide, viewer’s discretion is advised.
Back in high school, Akva was a track star, and a gold winning one at that. She originally wanted to be a swimmer, but by virtue of being a mermaid, regular swim teams could not hire her, and her school did not offer one for mermaids. In fact, it is not that unusual for sport teams to straight up refuse any occults, but hey, she did make it on the track team so...
In her area of town, there was a large community of Carribean immigrants, so most of her friends were, well, Carribeans. She herself was born to Guyanese parents, Jay’s dad is Trinidadian, while the Crosdale sisters were originally from Jamaica. Then there was a guy who was on the male side of the track team, Khaled Bassil. This one was actually of Lebanese descent instead, but they were rocking with Khaled cause Khaled was rocking with them. They all had such a strong friendship, it seemed like only death could separate them.
Then, Akva befriended another boy from the track team, named Marco Goodman. On their first day of their senior year, he asked Akva if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She wasn’t that interested, for some reason guys were never her thing, but she was so afraid of graduating high school without ever having a boyfriend, she said yes. Quickly, she realized she actually kinda hate him, mostly because he was not living up to his surname of Goodman. After barely a month of dating, she called it quit.
Akva will never forget the following Friday, the very last of September. One evening after school, for Khaled birthday actually, he invited them to a secret little party in a wooden area in Newcrest, a suburban area south of San Myshuno. That is uh...well literally just because that is where he lived, simple as that. However, you know who else heard of this? Marco. 
And so, while they were having fun, he showed up...with a gun.
The four teenagers ran for their life, I mean, good news two of them were runner. Ironically, Jay and June not being runners might have helped them, as once they reached a river, These two decided to risk it all and cross it. Jay being a merman did mean he had an advantage here, while June jumped on his back. Meanwhile Akva and Khaled turned right. Obviously, Marco decided to follow them instead of jumping in the cold water, especially since his main target was Akva anyway.
That’s when a bullet hit Khaled, then another one, and another one. Eventually, he collapsed, as Akva got shot in the shin. Marco walked towards them, it was game over...Until a miracle happened. A poor group of hikers who had heard the gunshots saw that, which seemed to have make Marco snapped back to reality. He ran away into the wood.
Akva and Khaled were rushed to hospital, while Jay and June were found an hour later, after having made their way out of the wood. At least they were physically uninjured. Akva’s leg was salvaged in the sense she didn’t need an amputation, but her running career had been cut in its track. Swimming was also never going to be easy again, as her tail healed in an odd angle, which would recquire an extra surgery to fix, as if her family could afford that. In fact, getting a scholarship by being in the track team was pretty much her only hope to afford going to college, so if she can’t anymore well...
At least, she lived. As much as the doctors tried to save his life, Khaled ultimately passed away in the early morning of October 1st, 2016. He turned 18, only to die a few hours later...
Speaking of death, Marco was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, a few hours after Khaled died. Nobody know if it had always been his ultimate plan, of if he had came back to his sense, realized what he had done and didn’t want to face the consequence.
Once Akva was well enough to make it back home, she sat down in front of her family’s apartment, unable to believe it happened to her. At least, it can’t get any worse than that? Right?
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kamia04 · 2 years
Chapter 13 Fieldwork
Today I will be discussing my mother and her Immigration journey. Some of Her sisters were in America before she came here so she wanted to join them because they had been here for quite some time and said they would not be coming back and she missed them dearly. In 1990 When she came here on a visit she was living with her sisters and was working as a nanny and then began working at a daycare center the same as her sister. She went home and decided to go back and forth working here because she had my older brother in 1989 and didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to make money here to help support him. It was easy for people from other countries to get jobs back then and people who employed you would often wait for you to come back from your country when you were here on visits. She also wanted to use her visa because at that time if it wasn’t used it could get taken. She also wanted to see America for herself because she heard great things from her sisters and others who had visited. She Felt that America is a beautiful country and realized that the cost of living is more affordable than Jamaica and she wanted her kids to have a better life and more opportunities. Although it was hard to leave the rest of her family that did not want to leave Jamaica she decided to make that sacrifice still for her family and her future. She officially decided to live here when she got the hang of things and got her own apartment and that is when she went back to Jamaica to get my oldest brother and my father so they could be a family here in america and expand the family.
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allcnaprograms · 2 days
Open Your Future: Free CNA Programs in NYC!
**Title: Unlock ‌Your‍ Future:​ Free CNA Programs in ​NYC!**
Are‍ you looking⁣ to kickstart‌ a rewarding career in ‌healthcare without breaking the bank? Pursuing ‌a career as a Certified Nursing ‍Assistant (CNA) can​ be ⁤a fulfilling and financially ⁤stable option. Fortunately, there are free CNA programs ⁢available in New York City to help you‌ achieve⁣ your goals. ‌In this ⁢article, we will explore how you can unlock your future by taking advantage of these programs.
**Benefits of Becoming a ⁤CNA:**
Before diving ⁢into the details of free CNA programs‌ in ​NYC, let’s⁤ first ⁣discuss the benefits of becoming a CNA:
– ‍Job stability: With ⁣an aging population ‌and increasing demand for ‍healthcare services, CNAs are in high demand. – Rewarding work: As a CNA,⁤ you will⁤ have the opportunity to ‍make a real⁣ difference in the‌ lives of patients. – Affordable training: Many free CNA programs offer​ a cost-effective way to receive the‌ necessary training.
**Free CNA Programs in NYC:**
Several organizations ⁢in New York City⁤ offer free CNA programs, including:
1. ⁢**New York ⁣Health Care ​Training Center** – Location: 33-10 Queens Boulevard, Long Island ⁤City, NY 11101 ⁤ ‍ – Program Details: This program offers free ⁢CNA training ⁣with⁣ job placement assistance upon⁤ completion.
2. **All American Training Center** – Location: 110- 20 Jamaica Ave, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 – Program ⁤Details: All American Training⁢ Center provides free CNA training with flexible scheduling options.
3. **New Age Training** ​- Location: 145 W 30th​ St, New‌ York, NY 10001 -‌ Program Details: New Age ‌Training offers free CNA training for eligible ⁤candidates.
**Practical​ Tips for Applying to​ Free⁢ CNA Programs:**
– Research multiple programs to find the best fit‍ for your ⁤schedule and‍ career goals. – Prepare a standout resume ​and cover letter to showcase your ⁢commitment to becoming a ⁤CNA. – Attend information sessions ⁤or open houses to learn more about the ‌program and meet instructors.
**Case Study:**
Sarah, a recent high school graduate, was eager​ to start​ a ​career ⁣in healthcare but couldn’t afford the cost​ of CNA training. After researching ‌free programs in NYC, she applied to the New York‍ Health‍ Care Training Center. With their help, ⁤she completed the program ​and secured a job at ⁤a local nursing home.
Don’t let financial barriers hold you back from ⁤pursuing a career as a Certified Nursing⁢ Assistant. By taking advantage of​ free CNA ⁢programs in⁣ NYC, you can unlock your future and‍ embark on a ⁢fulfilling ‌and stable ⁢career in healthcare. Start ⁤your journey​ today⁢ and make a⁣ difference in the lives of others‍ as a CNA!
Remember, the⁤ key to ⁣success is to take⁣ action. Research and‌ apply ⁤to ⁤free CNA programs in NYC and take the first step towards a ‍brighter future. Good ​luck on your journey!
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jamaicahomescom · 3 months
The Future of Real Estate in Jamaica: Projections from 2024 to 2050
As we gaze into the future, the Jamaican real estate market is set to undergo a profound transformation, guided by strategic investments, urban development, and an ever-growing tourism industry. The journey from 2024 to 2050 promises remarkable growth, innovation, and challenges. With market value projected to surpass US$130 billion by 2034, the landscape of real estate in Jamaica is poised for a…
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landandbuildings · 9 days
Queens Homes for Sale: A Prime Opportunity in New York's Vibrant Borough
If you're looking for a diverse, thriving community in New York, Queens is an excellent choice. With an array of attractive neighborhoods and properties, it's no wonder the demand for Queens homes for sale is constantly rising. From historic homes to modern developments, this borough offers a unique mix of living spaces that cater to various tastes and budgets. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, finding a house in Queens, New York can be a rewarding experience.
One of the many advantages of searching for house in queens new york is the variety of neighborhoods. Queens boasts areas such as Forest Hills, Astoria, and Flushing, each with its distinct charm and community vibe. Forest Hills, for instance, is known for its tree-lined streets and Tudor-style houses, offering a suburban feel within the city. On the other hand, Astoria is a cultural hub with an exciting mix of restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues. Flushing, a fast-growing community, combines both residential and commercial spaces, making it ideal for those seeking a balance between work and home life.
The real estate market in Queens offers a wide selection of property types. From single-family homes to multi-unit dwellings, there is a house for sale in Queens to suit every buyer. Many of the homes in Queens feature architectural details that reflect the borough's rich history, with pre-war buildings being particularly popular. However, new construction homes are also on the rise, especially in developing areas where modern amenities meet urban convenience.
What makes Queens truly unique is its affordability compared to other parts of New York City. While Manhattan and Brooklyn have seen property prices soar, Queens remains relatively more accessible for buyers. This affordability, combined with the excellent transportation links to Manhattan, makes it an ideal location for those working in the city but wanting more space and a quieter environment.
In addition to affordability, Queens offers a high quality of life. Many of the Queens homes for sale are located near parks, excellent schools, and bustling shopping districts. The borough is also known for its diversity, with people from various cultural backgrounds calling Queens their home. This mix of cultures contributes to a vibrant community where residents can enjoy a wide range of cuisines, festivals, and local events. For families, this cultural richness, along with the borough's excellent educational institutions, makes Queens an appealing place to settle.
For investors, Queens presents a solid opportunity. The continuous development in certain areas, such as Long Island City and Jamaica, has made the borough attractive for both residential and commercial investments. These developments have contributed to a steady appreciation in property values, making now an excellent time to explore the Queens houses for sale NY.
Ultimately, buying a house in Queens, New York is about more than just finding a place to live; it’s about becoming part of a dynamic and diverse community. Whether you're drawn to the borough’s rich cultural fabric, its affordability, or its proximity to Manhattan, Queens offers something for everyone. With a wide range of house for sale Queens listings available, there’s never been a better time to explore what this vibrant borough has to offer.
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jamaicamovers · 11 days
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🚚 Local Moving Made Easy with Jamaica Movers Queens NYC LLC! 🏡
Moving around Queens, NYC? We know how stressful it can be to pack up your entire life and relocate. But it doesn’t have to be that way! At Jamaica Movers Queens NYC LLC, we specialize in taking the stress out of your move with our professional local moving services.
Whether you’re moving down the street, across town, or to a new borough, we’ve got your back! Our team of skilled movers knows Queens like the back of their hand and will ensure your belongings are carefully transported, no matter the distance.
Why trust us with your move?
Experience & Care: We treat your items like our own, ensuring everything arrives safely.
Fast & Efficient: Our local knowledge means quicker routes, fewer delays, and a smooth move!
Customized Services: Need help with packing or fragile items? We offer tailored services to fit your specific needs.
Affordable Pricing: Moving shouldn’t break the bank! We offer transparent pricing with zero hidden fees.
From packing to unpacking, we’re with you every step of the way to make sure your moving day is stress-free and enjoyable. You can sit back, relax, and leave the heavy lifting to us!
🏠 Address: 177-14 Wexford Ter Ste 12, Queens, NY 11432, United States 📞 Call us now: (347) 519-6167 🌟 "Your Move, Our Priority!" 🌟
🔗Learn More: www.jamaicamoversqueens.com / https://links.jamaicamoversqueens.com
Let us take care of your move so you can focus on settling into your new home. Contact Jamaica Movers Queens NYC LLC today and experience a smooth, efficient, and worry-free local move!
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hooplaa-events · 23 days
Crafting Your Dream Destination Wedding with Hooplaa Events
Planning a wedding is a beautiful journey, filled with excitement, dreams, and countless details to consider. For couples who envision their big day as an extraordinary experience in a breathtaking location, a destination wedding offers the perfect blend of adventure and romance. At Hooplaa Events, we specialize in creating unforgettable destination weddings that capture the essence of your love story. With our expertise, the wedding of your dreams can become a reality, no matter where you want to say, "I do."
The Allure of Destination Weddings
A destination wedding is not just an event; it's a unique experience that combines the beauty of a travel adventure with the joy of celebrating your love. Imagine exchanging vows on a pristine beach, in a historic castle, or surrounded by lush vineyards. The possibilities are endless, and Hooplaa Events is here to guide you through every step of planning your destination marriage.
Choosing the right location is one of the most exciting parts of planning a destination wedding. From the sun-soaked beaches of the Caribbean to the majestic mountains of Europe, the world is full of stunning destination wedding places. Whether you're dreaming of an intimate ceremony or a grand celebration, Hooplaa Events offers a variety of destination wedding packages tailored to suit your needs and budget.
Top Destination Wedding Locations
When it comes to choosing the perfect location for your destination wedding, the options are truly endless. Some of the best destination wedding locations include:
The Caribbean: Known for its turquoise waters and white sandy beaches, the Caribbean is a popular choice for couples seeking a tropical paradise. Islands like Jamaica, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic are among the best places for destination weddings, offering a mix of luxury resorts and serene beachfront settings.
Italy: For those dreaming of a romantic European wedding, Italy is an ideal destination. From the rolling hills of Tuscany to the historic charm of Rome and the picturesque Amalfi Coast, Italy offers some of the best destination wedding spots. Hooplaa Events can help you navigate the many options to find the perfect setting for your wedding.
India: A destination Indian wedding is a magical affair, filled with vibrant colors, rich traditions, and stunning venues. Whether you choose the palaces of Rajasthan, the backwaters of Kerala, or the beaches of Goa, Hooplaa Events can create a wedding that reflects the cultural richness and beauty of India.
Mexico: Mexico is another popular destination for weddings, offering a mix of beachside resorts, historic haciendas, and charming colonial towns. From Cancun to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is home to some of the best destination wedding locations in the world.
Greece: With its stunning landscapes and rich history, Greece is a top choice for couples seeking a Mediterranean destination wedding. The islands of Santorini and Mykonos are particularly popular, offering breathtaking views and luxurious venues.
Hawaii: For couples looking for a U.S. destination that feels like a world away, Hawaii offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. The islands of Maui, Oahu, and Kauai are some of the best places for destination weddings in Hawaii, providing a backdrop of lush landscapes and pristine beaches.
Affordable Destination Weddings
Contrary to popular belief, a destination wedding doesn't have to break the bank. At Hooplaa Events, we believe that every couple deserves their dream wedding, regardless of budget. That's why we offer a range of affordable destination wedding packages designed to suit various financial needs without compromising on quality or experience.
Our team of experienced planners will work with you to find the best destination wedding spots that fit within your budget. Whether you're looking for an intimate ceremony on a secluded beach or a grand celebration in a historic castle, Hooplaa Events can make it happen at a price that works for you.
Destination Wedding Costs and Prices
Understanding the costs involved in planning a destination wedding is crucial to ensuring that your big day goes off without a hitch. At Hooplaa Events, we provide transparent pricing and detailed estimates to help you plan your wedding with confidence. Destination wedding costs can vary depending on factors such as location, guest count, and the type of wedding package you choose.
For example, a destination wedding in the Caribbean may be more affordable than one in Europe, depending on the specific venue and services required. The overall destination wedding prices can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands, depending on your vision and preferences. Our goal is to help you achieve your dream wedding while staying within your budget.
Destination Wedding Planner: Your Key to a Stress-Free Wedding
Planning a destination wedding can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to coordinating the details from afar. That's where a professional destination wedding planner comes in. At Hooplaa Events, our team of expert planners is dedicated to making your wedding planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible.
From selecting the perfect destination wedding places to coordinating with local vendors and handling all the logistics, our planners will take care of every detail so you can focus on enjoying your special day. Whether you're planning a destination wedding near me or a far-off adventure, having a knowledgeable and experienced planner by your side can make all the difference.
Popular Destination Wedding Trends
As destination weddings continue to grow in popularity, several trends have emerged that couples are embracing for their big day. Some of the most popular destination wedding trends include:
Intimate Celebrations: Many couples are opting for smaller, more intimate weddings with close family and friends. This allows for a more personalized experience and can often lead to more affordable destination weddings.
Eco-Friendly Weddings: With an increasing focus on sustainability, more couples are choosing eco-friendly options for their destination weddings. From using locally sourced flowers and food to selecting venues that prioritize environmental conservation, these weddings are as kind to the planet as they are beautiful.
Cultural Fusion Weddings: For couples with diverse cultural backgrounds, destination weddings offer the perfect opportunity to blend traditions and create a unique celebration. Whether it's incorporating elements from both cultures into the ceremony or hosting events in multiple locations, these weddings are a beautiful representation of love and unity.
Extended Celebrations: Destination weddings often turn into extended celebrations, with couples hosting multiple events over several days. From welcome parties to post-wedding brunches, these multi-day celebrations allow couples to spend more time with their loved ones and create lasting memories.
Finding the Best Destination Wedding Locations Near You
If you're considering a destination wedding but want to stay closer to home, there are plenty of stunning locations right here in the United States. Whether you're looking for beachside venues, mountain retreats, or historic estates, Hooplaa Events can help you find the best destination wedding locations near me.
Some popular options include the beaches of Florida, the vineyards of California, and the mountains of Colorado. These locations offer the perfect blend of natural beauty and convenience, making them ideal for couples who want a destination wedding without the hassle of international travel.
Let Hooplaa Events Create Your Dream Destination Wedding
At Hooplaa Events, we understand that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. That's why we're committed to helping you create a destination wedding that reflects your unique style, personality, and love story. Whether you're dreaming of a tropical beach wedding, a romantic European escape, or a cultural celebration in India, our team of expert planners is here to make your vision a reality.
With our extensive knowledge of the best destination wedding locations and our dedication to providing exceptional service, Hooplaa Events is your trusted partner in planning the wedding of your dreams. Let us help you create a celebration that you and your guests will remember for a lifetime.
Website: https://hooplaaevents.com/
Mobile: +919119591573
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vonzuuseo · 26 days
Discover the Best Food Delivery Experience with Vonzuu in the Caribbean
Are you craving delicious food delivered right to your doorstep? Look no further than Vonzuu Online Food Delivery, the leading food delivery service across the Caribbean. Whether you're in Aruba, St. Vincent, or any other beautiful Caribbean island, Vonzuu makes it easy to enjoy your favorite meals from top restaurants without leaving home.
Vonzuu - Food Delivery in Aruba
In Aruba, Vonzuu stands out as the go-to service for food delivery. Offering a variety of options, from local delights to international cuisine, Vonzuu - Food Delivery in Aruba ensures that you never have to compromise on taste or convenience. Simply browse through the app, choose your favorite dish, and have it delivered in no time.
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Online Food Delivery in the Caribbean
The Caribbean is known for its rich culinary heritage, and Vonzuu is proud to bring this diversity to your table. With Online Food Delivery in the Caribbean, you can explore a wide range of dishes from different islands, all with a few taps on your smartphone. Whether you're on vacation or a local resident, Vonzuu makes dining a breeze.
Delicious Food Delivery in St. Vincent
If you're in St. Vincent, Vonzuu offers the most Delicious Food Delivery in St. Vincent. From fresh seafood to hearty meals, Vonzuu connects you with the best restaurants in the area, ensuring that every meal is a delight. Whether it's lunch, dinner, or a late-night snack, Vonzuu has got you covered.
The Best Food Delivery Service in the Caribbean
Vonzuu isn't just another food delivery app—it's the best food delivery service in the Caribbean. With its user-friendly interface, wide selection of restaurants, and fast delivery times, Vonzuu makes ordering food online easy and enjoyable. No matter where you are in the Caribbean, Vonzuu is your reliable partner for all your food delivery needs.
Convenient Food Delivery in St. Lucia and Antigua
For those in St. Lucia and Antigua, Vonzuu offers unmatched convenience. Food Delivery in St. Lucia and Order Food Online in Antigua have never been easier. Whether you're craving local specialties or international favorites, Vonzuu connects you with top restaurants in your area, making sure you get your meals quickly and efficiently.
Best Food Delivery in Guadeloupe, Caribbean
In Guadeloupe, Vonzuu shines as the Best Food Delivery in Guadeloupe, Caribbean. With a variety of restaurants offering everything from traditional Caribbean dishes to global cuisine, Vonzuu ensures that your dining experience is always top-notch. Enjoy the convenience of having your favorite meals delivered right to your door.
Food Delivery in Grenada and the Virgin Islands
Vonzuu also excels in Food Delivery Restaurants in Grenada and the Online Food Home Delivery Near Me in Virgin Islands. Whether you're in the mood for something spicy or sweet, Vonzuu's network of restaurant partners guarantees that you'll find exactly what you're craving. Plus, with fast delivery times, you won't have to wait long to enjoy your meal.
Affordable Meal Delivery in Curacao and the Bahamas
Vonzuu understands the importance of affordability, which is why it offers amazing deals like 60% OFF on Food Delivery in the Bahamas. In Curacao, Vonzuu provides the Best Meal Delivery services, ensuring that you get great value for your money. Enjoy delicious food at unbeatable prices, all with the convenience of home delivery.
Satisfy Your Cravings in Barbados and Martinique
Barbados and Martinique are known for their vibrant food scenes, and Vonzuu makes it easier than ever to enjoy them. Delicious Food Delivery in Barbados and Buy Best Food in Martinique at Best Price are just a few taps away on the Vonzuu app. From casual meals to gourmet experiences, Vonzuu brings the best of the islands to your doorstep.
Fast and Reliable Food Delivery in Jamaica and Trinidad
Whether you're in Jamaica or Trinidad, Vonzuu's Fast Food Delivery Services in Jamaica and Top Home Delivery Restaurants in Trinidad ensure that you get your food hot and fresh, just the way you like it. With a wide selection of restaurants and cuisines, Vonzuu makes dining easy and enjoyable, no matter where you are.
24/7 Food Delivery in Guyana and Beyond
Cravings don't follow a schedule, and neither does Vonzuu. With 24*7 Food Delivery in Guyana, you can order your favorite meals anytime, day or night. Whether it's a midnight snack or an early breakfast, Vonzuu is there to satisfy your hunger around the clock.
Download the Vonzuu App Today
Ready to experience the best food delivery service in the Caribbean? Download the Vonzuu app on Google Play or the App Store today. With Vonzuu, you can enjoy the convenience of online food delivery wherever you are in the Caribbean. Bon appétit!
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vaagaieducare2 · 27 days
Should I go to Jamaica for an MBBS?
Considering MBBS in Jamaica can be a promising option for many students, including those from India. Here are some factors to help you decide if studying medicine in Jamaica is the right choice for you:
Quality of Education: Jamaica offers several reputable institutions where you can pursue MBBS in Jamaica. These programs are often well-regarded for their comprehensive medical training and are designed to prepare students for a successful career in medicine.
Affordability: Compared to many other countries, the cost of MBBS in Jamaica can be relatively lower. This includes both tuition fees and living expenses, making it a cost-effective option for many students.
Recognition and Accreditation: Degrees from Jamaican medical schools are generally recognized globally, including in India. This ensures that you can practice medicine in various countries or continue your medical education if you wish to return home or work internationally.
Language of Instruction: The medium of instruction for MBBS programs in Jamaica is English, which is advantageous for Indian students and other international students. This helps in understanding the coursework and participating effectively in clinical training.
Cultural Experience: Studying MBBS in Jamaica offers a unique cultural experience, with the opportunity to explore the Caribbean lifestyle and environment. This can be a valuable aspect of your educational journey.
Support for Indian Students: Jamaica is welcoming to international students, and there are specific programs tailored to help Indian students adapt to their new academic and living environment.
At Vaagai Educare, we specialize in helping students make informed decisions about studying medicine abroad. If you're considering pursuing an MBBS in Jamaica, our expert consultants can provide detailed information about the best options, assist with the application process, and support you in every step of your journey. We are committed to helping you find the right path to achieve your medical career goals
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farmlinkr1 · 2 months
Produce Wholesale Company in Jamaica: Fresh Produce Exporters
From the rich, aromatic spices to the vibrant, juicy fruits, Jamaica's agricultural industry thrives, supporting both local consumption and export markets. One company standing out in this dynamic landscape is Farmlinkr.com, a produce wholesale company dedicated to connecting buyers with high-quality fresh produce at affordable prices.
With a focus on quality, sustainability, and affordability, the company bridges the gap between local farmers and international markets. Our approach combines traditional farming knowledge with cutting-edge technology to ensure that buyers receive the freshest produce available.
At Farmlinkr.com, quality is paramount. We work closely with a network of trusted farmers who adhere to stringent cultivation practices. From seed selection to harvesting and post-harvest handling, every step is meticulously monitored to ensure that only the best produce reaches the buyers. This commitment to quality meets and often exceeds international standards, making Jamaican produce highly sought after in global markets.
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Buying Fresh Produce conveniently
For buyers seeking fresh produce with convenience, Farmlinkr.com offers several strategies to make the most of their purchasing power without compromising on quality.
One of the most effective ways to buy fresh produce is to buy in bulk. Farmlinkr.com provides seamless deliveries for large orders, making it an ideal option for retailers, restaurants, and other businesses that require substantial quantities of fresh produce. By purchasing in bulk, buyers can get access to the best produce.
Seasonal produce is often more affordable due to the abundance of supply during peak harvest times. Farmlinkr.com offers a wide range of seasonal fruits and vegetables, allowing buyers to take advantage of enjoying the freshest flavors. Please check our Facebook page for further updates.
Understanding that each buyer has unique needs Farmlinkr.com offers customized solutions tailored to specific requirements. Whether it's a small retail outlet looking for a variety of fruits or a large food processing company needing specific vegetables, the company can provide personalized packages that meet the highest quality standards.
We maintain high standards of quality by partnering with trusted local farmers who follow rigorous cultivation and harvesting practices. This unwavering dedication ensures that our customers receive only the best, freshest produce, making healthy eating both effortless and enjoyable.
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For buyers seeking fresh produce, Farmlinkr.com offers maximum value without compromising on quality. Through bulk purchasing, we make it possible to enjoy the best of Jamaica's fresh produce with convenience. As the global demand for fresh, healthy, and sustainably sourced food continues to grow, Farmlinkr.com is poised to play a pivotal role in bringing the flavors of Jamaica to tables around the world.
At Farmlinkr.com, we pride ourselves on offering a wide array of wholesome and nourishing foods, many of which are exotic and classified as superfoods not readily available elsewhere. Convenience is a cornerstone of our service, allowing customers to stay at home and receive fresh deliveries right to their door. We ensure that our produce goes straight from the farm to your table, saving you time while guaranteeing maximum freshness and nutritional value.
For more details, kindly visit our website: https://farmlinkr.com/ Email or call us:  [email protected] / +1 876-298-5052
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