#affordable fitness trackers
techtoio · 3 months
The Complete Guide to Wearable Tech: Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers
Wearables have changed the way we interact with digital space. Today, smartwatches and activity trackers have grown into indispensable assistants in matters of health management, communication, and productivity boost. And now, this all-in guide helps you to learn everything about new devices to make a competent choice regarding the one to use. Read to continue...
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gptechguide9790 · 4 months
Vivo Watch GT With Up to 21 Days Battery Life, e-SIM Support Launched: Price, Specifications
Vivo Watch GT With Up to 21 Days Battery Life, e-SIM Support Launched: Price, Specifications Discover the latest in wearable technology with the launch of the Vivo Watch GT, boasting e-SIM support and an impressive 21-day battery life. Dive into its specifications and pricing details here HIGHLIGHTS Enjoy up to 21 days of battery life, offering unparalleled convenience and reliability for…
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lifewithlr · 1 year
Goodmans Bluetooth fitness tracker
Track your sleep , steps , heart rate and more with this fitness tracker from B&M only £20
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wyattjohnston · 2 months
stay forever - jake debrusk
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summary: the real reason jake was scratched against l.a. on october 21.
word count: 2.9k
note: have been absolutely fascinated by him pulling a tyler seguin for 9 months and started this fic back in october...
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An emptiness overwhelmed Juliet’s house as it always did when her parents had returned back to Connecticut. It was a purchase she regularly regretted—three bedrooms more than one person needed and more living spaces than she could ever fill—but people had gotten to her with their constant comments about needing to grow up. Needing to prepare for a family.
She hoped that her future husband would appreciate its location on the Pacific Coast Highway because that wasn’t something she regretted.
For the time being, she owned a very unnecessarily large house which she only lived in part time when her filming schedule allowed. She spent a lot of time on her own waiting for company to arrive.
Juliet’s company for the evening was someone she didn’t see very often at all—mostly when he was in California for work, or when she visited her parents—but someone she always wanted to see more often than she could.
She sat down at her kitchen bar, a poorly made cocktail sitting in front of her, and her feet swinging around the base of the chair as she waited for Jake to arrive at her door. By the time the GPS tracker was outside her house, her drink was empty, and she was filled with nervous excitement. She waited by the intercom, no longer embarrassed to open the gate the second he pressed the buzzer, and then opened the front door to wait for him to walk up her driveway.
“That drive feels longer every time,” Juliet told him, reaching for his belt buckle as soon as he was in reach so that she could tug him closer until they were chest-to-chest.
With the door closed and the car disappearing out of the gate, he nodded, saying, “I think I learnt the entire history of the Pacific Coast Highway.”
“I can send a car to pick you up,” she reminded him as she did every time he was in California.
“But how would I know that The Beach Boys released a song about it in 2012? Or the Australian pop punk band who mentioned it in one of their songs? Or—”
“I get it,” Juliet cut him off, still leading him through the house with her hands on his belt. “You like facts about the Highway. Music about the Highway, specifically.”
Before he could get any more words out, Juliet pressed her mouth to his, still keeping him close with her hands on his belt.
They had the whole afternoon together—the whole night—which was a luxury that they were rarely afforded, and Juliet was overwhelmed by all the things they could do together. As was usually the case when near Jake, she never got any further than an arm’s length away.
The Pacific Ocean stretched out beyond Juliet’s balcony as they sat and watched the waves roll onto the shore beneath them. Being cuddled up under the warm afternoon sun was more than she could ask for. She fit so naturally in the space between Jake’s legs, her back pressed against his chest and his fingers hiding underneath the hem of her cropped shirt and across her rib cage.
There wasn’t much to talk about that they hadn’t already spoken about in their daily phone calls or their frequent texts, but the silence wasn’t so bad. Just being with each other, in each other’s space, pressed up against each other on her surprisingly comfortable outdoor couch was enough. Juliet caught him just smiling at her on more than one occasion. It was nice to just see him in person rather than on a phone screen.
The sun had sunk below the horizon, leaving behind the pink sky Juliet so adored about Malibu. She looked over her shoulder at Jake and melted into the instantaneous kiss.
“Do you want dinner? Abbey made you the chicken one you said you liked last time. The one that fit with your nutrition plan?”
Jake’s forehead came to rest against the back of hers. He asked, “You remembered that?”
“I wrote it down and you hadn’t said your plan had changed. I hoped.”
Her fingers started to tap against her ribs.
“God, I need her to be in Boston to be my chef.”
“I can ask her if she wants to,” Juliet said without hesitation.
“Do you come with her?” he asked, his mouth pressed against the back of Juliet’s neck. “Because the only person I want to move to Boston is you.”
Juliet hummed. She didn’t want to rehash the conversation they’d had all summer, not on their first night together since he left for training camp. She’d thought about moving back to New England, about being closer to her parents and her sister, about being closer to Jake. Her house might have been too large for just her, but it was a better alternative than uprooting herself for a relationship where they hadn’t even said they love each other after nearly twelve months.
Her sister’s commentary about them being unable to say the L word because they spent too much time apart always fell on deaf ears.
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“Jake—Jake,” Juliet panicked, shaking his shoulder viciously. “Jake. Your alarm didn’t go off.”
He woke all at once, a violent flail sending his limbs in all directions as he sat up. His first instinct was to reach for his phone on the bedside table; his phone that wasn’t there.
Typically, on the rare occasions when they woke up in the same bed, Juliet was wrapped up in his arms before she’d even woken up and before either of them even thought about getting out of bed there was slow, lazy, but oh-so-good, morning sex and a healthy amount of cuddling.
That morning, though, she watched him launch out of bed so quickly he nearly tripped over the top sheet he didn’t take time to remove. She couldn’t fault him.
She tried not to follow him around the bedroom too closely as he dressed, nor throughout the rest of the house, but she found herself picking up things that fell out of his overnight bag and slotting them back in gingerly.
It was the lack of speaking that was the most unnerving. Jake wasn’t a typically angry person, in fact Juliet couldn’t recall a time where she’d seen him mad, but the heavy footsteps and the tension in everything he did made her hesitant to speak.
On the kitchen counter downstairs, next to an empty bottle of red, was Jake’s phone which he swiped off the counter with such fervour that it crashed to the floor, causing Juliet to recoil. Jake didn’t seem to notice.
Standing in just the shirt she’d managed to throw on, Juliet kept her distance as Jake scooped up his phone and ordered an Uber. If Juliet were to be petty, she’d have mentioned that if he’d let her organise a car then none of this would have happened. Except, she wasn’t petty, nor was she interested in stoking fires, so she stretched out the bottom of her shirt as she nervously wrung it through her hands.
The silence remained until Jake looked like he was readying to leave, standing up from where he’d been leaning across the island and texting furiously. He didn’t look away from the screen.
“I’ll see you after the game,” Juliet said, tentative to break the silence but not at all wanting to let him leave without saying anything at all.
Jake scoffed, “I’m not gonna play so don’t even bother.”
Juliet stepped towards him, the space reducing to only a couple of paces, reaching out to him with her eyebrows pulling together. She asked, soft, scared, “What? Why? Are you injured?”
“I’m late, Juliet,” he snapped, still not looking up from his phone. “They’re not gonna let me play.”
“Oh, well, I’ll still come,” Juliet said, harried. While she was relieved that he wasn’t keeping injuries from her, her brain was reeling to create a solution. “Maybe I can talk to somebody and tell them I had an emergency—”
“Don’t do that. Whatever you fucking do, do not do that.”
“Okay… I don’t have to do that.”
Jake used the buzzer to open the gate to let the Uber driver in and Juliet’s eyes began to well up with tears as she heard it get closer to the house. Their perfect night shattering before her eyes was creating a tightness in her chest she hadn’t felt in years.
She reached out to him, despite him being too far away, and asked, desperately, “I’ll see you after the game, though?”
“Sure, whatever you want, Juliet.”
He didn’t respond, only pulled open the front door as the Uber stopped in front of it.
Juliet, panicked and incapable of thinking anything else, ran to him and gripped the loose sleeve of Jake’s hoodie and said, “I love you.”
He didn’t so much as look at her before he shrugged her off, got into the Uber and closed the door, his phone immediately pressed to his ear.
It wasn’t the confession she’d imagined, that was for sure.
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Juliet had considered cancelling her car and watching the game from her couch. Through the entire process of getting ready—which was getting longer and longer every day as the comments she was seeing got worse and worse with every second she aged—she stared at her phone for any sign of Jake. Whether he was going to beg her to show up or tell her to not come at all, she wanted something. She got nothing.
Sitting at her kitchen island, staring at the ugly painting her agent had bought her to congratulate her on an Oscar nomination the year prior, she didn’t think she’d ever felt more pathetic—and losing that Best Actress Oscar when it was universally agreed that she would win was the previous champion for that category.
With the car arriving shortly to pick her up, Juliet knew she had made an unconscious decision to go to the game. She had her jersey across her lap, the 74 hidden, and was the least excited she’d ever been for a hockey game.
As with every public appearance, Juliet made sure she was at least able to fake a smile before she got out of the car. Oliver, her driver, was her greatest confidant and the best secret keeper she knew. He’d seen her in some truly horrible states and, while it may have just been the ironclad NDA, not even her agent or PR manager had heard about the worst breakdowns. She was hugely grateful for him and the minor adjustments he suggested to make her seem realistically happy.
It was always a while before she was noticed at games; most people weren’t in the target demographic for her movies, and those that were weren’t expecting her to be there, so she was able to walk the concourse, get a beer and sit down before the whispers and photos started. She wasn’t hidden with centre-ice, bench-side seats and it was only a matter of time before the camera operators found her—she stood out enough being the only yellow jersey in a sea of black without being famous.
She shouldn’t have gone alone was her main takeaway before the first period even started. She’d never had the problem before, but never before had she felt a dull ache in her chest and never before had she so desperately wanted a buffer.
It wasn’t until the beginning of the second, when LA scored their first goal, that Juliet’s face was plastered across the screens. It was, at least, a good enough reason for being caught looking as miserable as she felt. She smiled, nonetheless, throwing her hands up into the air as if to ask what can you do and also to show everyone that she was wearing what she deemed to be the correct jersey. Even if they booed her for it.
The texts that started coming through weren’t a surprise. It wasn’t unheard of that someone she knew was also at the game, though they were much more likely to be rooting for the Kings and in a box where they wouldn’t be bothered.
Juliet made a point to not pull out her phone until intermission because too many people had opinions on her not paying attention when she was out anywhere, and she didn’t need to give them anymore ammo. So, she waited until she was standing in line for another beer before she pulled it out of her pocket. Most of the texts she ignored because they were from people she never really spoke to asking her to get drinks after the game, one was from her sister with a tweet mentioning her being at the game which she reacted to with a thumbs down, and, finally, one from Jake.
He had been scratched, just as he said he would be, and the text was almost definitely sent at the exact time she was shown on the screen.
Thanks for still coming. Will you hang around after?
She sent back a text and closed her phone, ready to order another beer and ignore her phone for the final period.
Do you want me to?
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Yes. Course I do.
It was something. That’s what Juliet was forcing herself to think, anyway.
Juliet didn’t need much to get past security; not when someone had come for her. It meant that, despite Jake’s disinterest in her being there that morning he hadn’t gone to the trouble of calling off her escort.
Her way down to the locker rooms was filled with people stopping her for photos. It wasn’t like her to deny people, and she hadn’t any other time she’d been caught at a hockey game, but she had somewhere to be and when she didn’t know exactly what was waiting for her.
There was no Family Room for her to wait in, unless she wanted to crash the Kings’ room uninvited and face more questions than she’d already been hounded with that night, so she bravely stood in the hallway unaccompanied as she waited for the coach to address the team and for Jake to be free enough to come and meet her. The few very confused Kings staff and partners she passed were to be expected, at least.
Juliet was ready to open up her burner account and search her own name in Twitter—she was already in a bad enough mood that any comments she read about her cellulite or the confusion about her cellulite when she was allegedly too skinny after her last role couldn’t do any further damage—when the visitor’s locker room door opened with a groan. Jake had the decency to look sheepish, repentant, when he stepped out. He didn’t look at anybody but Juliet as he crossed the hall to meet her.
“Thank you,” he said, his voice low and shy. “For still coming. I don’t think I would have if I was you.”
“I nearly didn’t,” she admitted, trying to act cool when she knew that she could only look as desperate as she felt. “You really hurt me, Jake.”
“Yeah, I—I know, Juliet. I shouldn’t have taken any of that out on you.”
The door opened again, the agonising groan rattling whatever small amount of composure Juliet had been able to pull together, and she looked down at her feet.
Jake closed the gap between them, making room for the wave of people to exit the locker room, and Juliet put hand on his chest to steady herself at the unexpected movement—she hadn’t realised how good it would feel to touch him and felt herself lean ever closer.
“Do you have to stick around? Or can we go somewhere a little less noisy?”
“I have to get on the bus, Jules,” he said, his head lowering. He put his hand over hers on her chest to keep her close. “I want to go back to Malibu. I don’t want to sleep by myself in a hotel room when you’re in the same city…”
Juliet sighed. “But you had one chance.”
He started to look around and Juliet knew he was looking for somewhere more private for them. He opted for slightly around a corner, not quiet by any means but at least out of the thoroughfare. Juliet was long past being caught in a compromising position with anybody—and, truth be told, any positions she’d been caught in were hardly scandalous and all with serious partners—so she wasn’t worried about effectively being boxed in against the wall, with Jake leaning down to talk to her.
“God, I’m sorry,” he whispered. “None of it was your fault; you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I love you and I treated you like shit.”
She tilted her chin down and looked up at him sheepishly through her eyelashes as she asked, “You love me?”
Jake’s laugh was abrupt and aborted just as suddenly as it started, the realisation that it was not the right time was clear on his face. “Well, yeah. Yes, Juliet. I don’t think that should be the thing that gets me over the line, though.”
“I’m still really mad at you,” Juliet said, even as she slipped her arms around his waist. “But I think I’m just going to enjoy you while I have you.”
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Juliet was delighted to share a photo sent to her by her sister of her and Jake leaving Honda Center hand-in-hand, mostly so she could caption it ‘I want to be @/taylorswift when I grow up’.
She was even more delighted when less than ten minutes later she opened up Jake’s story to see that he’d reposted it with a caption that just said ‘same’.
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imongkoneho · 1 year
𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋| 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐧.
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Let us forget all the menacing things that Yujiro has done, and give him a sprinkle of humanity. The relationship with him in this is either romantic or platonic, you pick, reader. Cuz idgaf <33 🥰
Life hasn't been that fair to me. They hit me with the worst luck possible and give me a chance, then hitting me again. My father wanted a son, a strong, brave one but he received a daughter. Of course, he disliked that. So, he would force me to do 'boyish stuff' such as: Basketball, football and more 'boyish' activities.
At the age of 20, he forced me to go to the army and train there. He was...proud, swaying pictures at peoples face of me in my uniform, saluting.
After training, i then decided it was enough and wanted to lead my own life, of course my father was upset, but i couldn't care less. At 24, i left the army and moved to Tokyo, Japan.
I was jobless and was staying at an apartment which was small but comfortable and had everything i needed. Japan is a unique country...i would say. '5 death row convicts escaped and are on their way to Tokyo, Japan.' the lady on the TV said, showing pictures and info.
"...Did God send me here to die?" I mumbled and opened my laptop, deciding to look for a job, while listening to the news. Japan is a unique country..they have 'Yujiro Hanma, the strongest and most feared man alive'. "Strongest? Well he definitely looks strong alright." I looked at pictures of the man.
He looked Intimidating, large and muscular. On one of his pictures, he had an ear to ear smile, i blinked. "...he looks like it." I scroll more. "...5 death row convicts...another death row convict...dead person... boxing match gone wrong...death row convict escap- ugh, since when did the world become so messed up!?"
"Yujiro Hanma looking for a... bodyguard? Why would he need a bodyguard...oh." The pay was BIG, so big that i can buy this whole building. Mr. Hanma looks like he could kill. Why would he want a bodyguard anyways?
I hesitate and ponder my decisions for a minute, glancing at the pay every now and then. I groan and slap my cheeks. I need money. And so, i contact the number.
A few seconds passed by. He picked up! "...Hello?" "A woman huh?" Yujiro spoke, amused. "...uhm, yeah. I would like to-" "Do you know how to fight?" "..yes." "You're hired." "O-oh?....Is the pay really for real?" "It's a fair pay. Your are protecting the strongest man in earth."
It has been a few months since you have been a bodyguard for The strongest man...creature on earth. It has been... exhausting. This man is literally a child inside a monster like mans body.
I think this man doesn't know what a bodyguard is, because he would make me fold his clothes, buy him food and throwing the money at me, orders me to threaten the president to do whatever.
But, the pay was large and made me live so much better than the time i lived with my father. I could afford more better clothes, food and make my apartment not look like a dump.
I had many experiences with this man, i wonder what his son is like.
I stared at the tracker on my phone, Yujiro has a phone (which he barely use) where i downloaded a tracking app in it. 'Yujiro is in a motel again.' I thought, 'he's probably banging another girl. Damn. How does he even fit?' i shake my head, removing the thought out of my head.
I walk in and used the elevator, making my way on the floor where his room is. 'Room 23...24...25, okay.' i stood there, looking at my phone, gazing at the time.
'11:56' it read. 1...2...3. A woman came running out, crying while struggling to wear her heels. She looked at me for a second and ran away, sobbing.
Yujiro came out, half naked. "Your lunch." I faked a smile, due to my tiredness. "What happened?" I pointed with my thumb to the girl running away.
"She was too noisy. She sounds like a chew toy." He said harshly, taking the paper bag from my hand. "...of course, it's a normal human reaction." I mumbled.
"I'm not eating here, let's go." Yujiro said walking away, leaving the room open. "..sure." I quickly entered the room and saw the woman's earrings, along with a few pieces of jewelry that Yujiro left behind.
"Mr. Hanma isn't that bad after all." I hummed in delight, stealing the shiny jewels.
I sat in my apartments rug, laptop in my lap, with Yujiro doing exercising stuff in the corner, breaking the wooden floor, leaving foot marks on it.
"You have a Gmail? I didn't know.." "Yeah. The government made it for me." He grunts, as he exercised. I made a disgusted sound as sweat rolled off his body. I scrolled through his Gmail "..You don't read your emails." "It's a waste of time."
Looking at the time, I notice that the news is on and reached for the remote, turning the TV on. On the news, the news reporter explained the prisoners who escaped.
I glanced at the man, feeling his murderous aura. His smile, amused. "You going to do something about it?" "Maybe." I hummed in response.
The door bell rang and it caught my attention. I stood up and walked to the door and opened it. "[Y/N]." "Father?" "Come home. Enough with this silly nonsense of yours, you can't live without me, look at this shithole you're living in!"
"...This shit hole, is my home. I'm more happier here than living in yours." I replied, eye twitching in annoyance. He came all the way here just to control you again? He could've asked how you've been doing all these years, like a good father would.
"That is no way of talking to your father! Come. Home. [Y/N], whether you like it or not, You still have my last name." "Fuck your last name!" I pull my hand away from him when he grabbed it, looking at him with disbelief and tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
He was much more stronger. I couldn't run away.
Then, he froze. His face turning into anger to fear, his eyes widening and his hands slowly quivering. He backed away, "W-w-who the fuck are you..?" "Who are you?" A voice from behind me spoke, his voice deep and menacing, almost like he wanted to kill my Father.
I gazed at my back, to see Yujiro. He had his hands crossed, with an eating-shitting grin. I can feel his aura, an aura that can kill. His eyes looked like it was glowing, his grin getting wider, more threatening. 
My father was a soldier too, he was pretty strong, a large man with muscles, littered with scars all over his body. He scared people with his looks. But this time, he was scared. Maybe scared isn't the right word. Petrified, he was petrified.
Even if they were the same height, it was obvious whos much more stronger. "F-fuck." He backed away like a scared puppy and ran. "Such a shame. He ran away already." He said amused, keeping his grin.
"Pussy." He said, walking away while scratching the inside of his ear with his pinky. I blinked. Did he just.. protect me from my father?
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Why do I keep watching animes with dead fandoms?
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threepandas · 3 months
Sun Burnt: Part 2
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Sixteen grand, only half my go bags, and about three blocks of Mafia Land on fire.
That was my fucking legacy now. I was the crazy fuck that DICK PUNCHED the Dread God of hitmen everywhere. The nightmare that lesser men fear. The blood soaked luxury few can afford! Oh god. I just punch the greatest hitman on THE PLANET in the DICK.
I can't believe I fucking FORGOT that panic and impossibly fast reaction times were a BAD IDEA. God DAMN it! No wonder everyone thinks Lightnings are morons! That was the DUMBEST SHIT I'VE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! Oh god. Oh god! I'm gonna die so slow. He's gonna drag it out! What do I DO!?
He didn't even collapse! Just hissed in through his teeth and TANKED it!
Thank god for Tazer training.
But also like!? Ha ha!!! OH GOD IM SO DEAD. I just pissed off EVERYBODY, didn't I? I can never come back! I had to have hit like... fifteen DIFFERENT SETS back there! And Colonello will be out for my BLOOD. Fuck, I wanna LIVE!
Boats. I gotta steal one of the boats!
And thank god? I DO. The island is in chaos, thanks to the fires. I dump the boats number of trackers overboard. Sure, I have to take a knife to a few fancy ass walls. But it's WORTH it.
I got a fancy ass little yacht! Perfect. It's fast, it's liveable, I can DISAPPEAR out to sea. He'll NEVER fi-!
Cool metal smoothly, cruely, presses againt the back of my head to crush my hope, just as it begins to form. The cologne is unmistakable. I can not tell you, how in God's name I missed it. The barrel of a gun pressed close, like a lover's hand, in unspoken threat.
"Bella~" purrs an amused voice from behind me. It sound like a threat. "Quite the trouble maker, aren't you? Such... CHAOS~♡ But, really? Did you HONESTLY think you could run? We're not done yet."
.....m...maybe I could swim.
I break out into a cold sweat, too aware yet completely frozen. The stairs to the deck are too far away. Fuck. I... I could MAYBE make it? Or.. or punch out a wall? Right into the water? I try to keep my breathing even. It doesn't work. I know, because Death made a man? Who stands behind me? Hums in amusement. His gun pressing tighter against my skin.
"I wouldn't, bella fulminea. I am nothing if not a gentleman, but if you keep fighting me? Well... it is a long boat ride. I'll have to find SOME way to immobilize you long enough for us to have a little chat. And an excuse to have my Flames inside you? You'd be surprised the damage one can do without lasting effects, when they know HOW too."
"And make no mistake. I DO know how to hurt you."
"So let's behave ourselves, hmm? Have a seat."
I... I had a seat. Very comfy. Didn't feel like crying in the SLIGHTEST ha ha, WHAAAT? Don't be silly! This is FINE! We're all friends here! R..Right?
The slow grin I got was NOT reassuring.
He stood there, above me, gun casually pointed at my head, as he examined me. Taking his time. As though decadently savoring the moment. Enjoying my tensed muscles. The way my Flames crackled and arced across my skin. My eyes dilated in fear. The resonance that filled the cabin.
His eyes weren't dark anymore. And that... God, that was the worst part. They had lit up. I'd HEARD about the phenomenon, but never thought I ever actually SEE it. 'Cause who could actually be that batshit powerful? What realistic person would ever be so fucking STRONG?
It was like looking into molten gold. Liquid Sun Flames. I could almost SEE the flicker and burn. I could DEFINITELY feel the Flames filling the room. It was like being crammed in a box with a tiger that barely fit to begin with. Shoved RIGHT up against its face. All I could do was hope it was friendly. Preferably ignored me.
But he wasn't.
No, he wanted to TALK.
Had finally, thankfully, put the gun away. Stepped closer to grab my face and tilt it up. Angle it this way and that. Memorizing my features. Shit. My thoughts must have been obvious on my face, because his smirk widened. His grip got tighter.
"Do you know, little lightning, how long I've waited? How many DECADES I've made do? I don't care if you're not a Sky. You could be another sun as far as I'm concerned. It is the fact that your Flames SING to mine. Crave a place with mine. THAT is why you will never escape me."
I didn't even know if I WANTED a Set. Yeah, it sounded cool. The companionship, the understanding and stuff. Like... like soulmates. Literal platonic but could be not if you wanted Soulmates. Yours forever. Best friends and balm to all wounds. But? But! If THIS was what was in store for me?!
Ha ha, NOPE!
I may not have be interested in being some meat shield for some entitled, cloying, grabby-flamed Sky BRAT, but that didn't mean I wanted a living DREAD GOD! R... RIGHT?! I just wanted, you know, substance! Mutual understanding and a mature outlook on life. Competence. Maybe some one... who thinks... I'm...funny...
Ooooooh no.
Oh no no NO!
"REBORN! Did you KIDNAP a random thief?!"
Thuds up on the deck. A roaring voice sounding vaguely hysterical. A god like Cloud kicking the door to the lower levels clear off it's hinges. Vongola. Oh thank MERCIFUL FUCK. I risk a glance across the table. His face has frozen in it's pleasantly smiling mask. Pissed at being interrupted. Again.
His eyes say "don't you do it. Don't even DARE.
My eyes shoot from him to the Cloud slowly walking down the steps. Followed by the rest of the Tenth generation of the Vongola Familgia. The clear exit they've left open behind them. Back to him. His gaze now promising to break both my legs.
.....he'll have to fucking catch me first.
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
I ADORE Avery and personally love the “trapped songbird” idea for him being a yandere!
He gets you a phone, but it’s controlled by him, he’s got a tracker on it, and everything. Sometimes he checks the tracker during work and just watches you scamper around school. He expects one good morning text and one good night text, and a call every day! If you forget he’s racing over to “check on you” and make sure you’re “okay”. Really he just fucks you in the back if his car, and tells you to not worry him like that!
He all but destroyés your entire wardrobe so HE can buy you those clothes! You’re only allowed to use things that he’s bought. Big weird provider complex, make up? He paid for. Bus pass? He got it for you. Soap? He’s got the best ones just for you! Probably pays some guys to rough you up so he can be your knight in shining armor and just “happens” to be passing by and saves you!
He probably starts paying Bailey to let you stay at Avery’s penthouse! He chains your leg to the bed, you can reach the bathroom, by yourself, but you need Avery to bring you to the kitchen or living room, where he just rechains you again. If you misbehave, he locks EVERYTHING! Including the bathroom! He watches you like a hawk, not even letting you use the toilet without him staring down his nose at you. Good luck gaining his trust back!
Obviously the parties are still a thing, but he never lets you out of his sight, his hand is on you at all times, pinching and squeezing if you misbehave. Probably starts getting interested in the more underground parties, and eventually Briar gets Avery to bring you on stage where Avery can fuck you for everyone to see him lay his claim.
dude the gold gilded cage is one of my favorite tropes and Avery fits it so well!!!
I know that you have already laid it out so well but I want to add to this so bad!!!
avery has a shock collar that secures it to your thigh before parties so it's a "hidden" security measure to keep you in line and make sure you don't tell anyone about your situation. If necessary he can also turn it up to dangerous levels if you decide to use this party as an escape. not that he takes his hands off you often.
Avery is always putting out subtle threats to you and he not only brings you to brairs to show you off but he has brair tell you about the underground brothel. Avery makes sure he goes into sickening detail. because if you are ungrateful for Avery's company he’ll threaten to send you to brair. (it's not like he really would be much too attached for that but the threat is vivid and worrying)
the more you misbehave the more nessessities he takes from you. first, it's clothes. he likes it when he gets the privilege of punishing you like this. it's like a fun game at this level. taking away your room privileges is still fun. he loves it when you have to beg for things. like moving from one room to the next just because you have to use the bathroom or shower or get food. you have to beg Avery for those things. when it gets to the point where Avery has to take away your food though he's not as excited. he doesn't want to punish you like this but you keep nothing off. or attacking him. he just needs to break you a bit. just give in. Any punishments further than that you're getting bones broken. and Harper is getting a hefty bribe to come to Avery's home and fix you up. Avery doesn't have a light hand and the bruises and breaks hurt for weeks. he always says sorry afterward and kisses your wounds. but you know if you resist him he's willing to break more of you.
He's paying Bailey almost double what Brair would for you and he keeps you at his home he even tells you how much you're worth he rubs your face in it. you have a price on you. a price that he can afford. and you should thank him every chance you get because if Avery didn't have you where would you be?
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charlemane · 1 year
i'm participating in a research study and, in order to provide the science overlords with more data, recently got a popular "fitness tracker" device and its attendant app. one of the things i do with this app is log the food i eat, while the device uses mysterious "calculations" behind the scenes to conjure a number for how many calories i burn.
if the amount of calories logged is less than the amount of calories "burned," the app calls this state of affairs "under budget." if the amount of calories logged is greater than the amount of calories "burned," this is referred to as "over budget."
and that's just so fundamentally and completely bass ackwards that it makes me want to SCREAM. leave aside for a moment the utility and health of counting calories at all (that's a whole other conversation; i personally am only doing this to give the nerds more numbers to crunch) and this still just... isn't correct. it's the opposite. calories are not something you have to "budget." calories ARE your budget. calories do not "cost" physical activity; physical activity costs calories.
food is how your body can afford to keep itself running. food funds everything you do. spending more calories than you put in is not "staying under budget." it's putting yourself in the red.
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flightsgoogle · 3 months
Travel Tech: Gadgets and Apps That Will Change the Way You Travel in 2024
Traveling in 2024 is set to be a tech-savvy adventure like never before. With cutting-edge gadgets and innovative apps, your journeys will be more seamless, enjoyable, and efficient. Here’s a look at some of the latest travel technologies that are transforming the way we explore the world.
Smart Luggage Smart luggage has evolved significantly, offering features like GPS tracking, built-in power banks, and biometric locks. Brands like Away and Samsonite are leading the charge with luggage that not only keeps your belongings safe but also charges your devices on the go.
Top Features: GPS Tracking: Never lose your luggage again with real-time location tracking. Biometric Locks: Secure your belongings with fingerprint recognition. Built-in Scales: Avoid overweight fees by weighing your luggage with integrated scales.
AI-Powered Travel Apps Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing travel planning. Apps like Cheap Flights for android and Cheap Flights pro for ios use AI to predict the best times to book flights and hotels, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars.
Must-Have website: CheapFlights365: Predicts future flight and hotel prices with 95% accuracy. TripIt: Organizes your travel plans in one place, giving you a master itinerary. PackPoint: Helps you pack by creating a customized packing list based on your destination and travel plans.
Virtual Reality (VR) Tours Before you even leave home, VR can give you a taste of your destination. Apps like Google Earth VR and Expedia VR offer immersive virtual tours, helping you decide where to go and what to see.
VR Highlights: Google Earth VR: Explore any city or landmark in the world from your living room. Expedia VR: Experience hotel rooms and tourist attractions virtually before booking.
Portable Language Translators Language barriers are a thing of the past with portable translators like Pocketalk and Travis Touch Go. These devices offer real-time translation in dozens of languages, ensuring smooth communication wherever you are.
Translation Devices: Pocketalk: Translates 82 languages with two-way voice translation. Travis Touch Go: Supports over 100 languages and can be used offline.
Wearable Tech Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, is more travel-friendly than ever. Devices like the Apple Watch Ultra and Fitbit Charge 5 not only track your fitness but also provide navigation, weather updates, and even emergency assistance.
Wearable Benefits: Apple Watch Ultra: Offers GPS, cellular connectivity, and fall detection. Fitbit Charge 5: Tracks your health metrics and provides stress management tools.
E-SIM Cards E-SIM cards are making connectivity abroad easier and more affordable. With apps like Airalo and GigSky, you can purchase and activate data plans for your destination without needing a physical SIM card.
Connectivity Solutions: Airalo: Buy eSIMs for over 190 countries directly from your phone. GigSky: Offers global data plans without the need for a local SIM card.
Solar-Powered Chargers Eco-friendly and efficient, solar-powered chargers like Anker PowerPort Solar allow you to keep your devices charged using the power of the sun. Perfect for camping or traveling to remote areas.
Top Picks: Anker PowerPort Solar: Lightweight, foldable, and capable of charging two devices simultaneously. Goal Zero Nomad 7: Durable and compact, ideal for outdoor adventures. Conclusion The travel tech landscape in 2024 is brimming with innovations designed to make your trips smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. From smart luggage and AI-powered apps to VR tours and portable translators, these gadgets and tools are set to revolutionize your travel experience. So gear up, tech out, and get ready to explore the world like never before!
What travel tech are you most excited to try in 2024? Let us know in the comments!
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Two women are suing Apple over its AirTags, claiming the trackers made it easier for them to be stalked and harassed. 
The women filed a class-action lawsuit Monday in the U.S. Northern District Court of California and said Apple has not done enough to protect the product from being used illicitly. 
Apple introduced AirTags in 2021. They retail for $29 and work by connecting to iPhones and iPads via Bluetooth. They have been billed as a close-range alternative to the company's built-in Find My technology, which provides an approximate location.
"What separates the AirTag from any competitor product is its unparalleled accuracy, ease of use (it fits seamlessly into Apple's existing suite of products), and affordability," the lawsuit says. "With a price point of just $29, it has become the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers."
One plaintiff alleges after divorcing her ex-husband, he left an AirTag in her child's backpack. She attempted to disable it, but found another one soon after, she said in the lawsuit.
The other plaintiff, identified as Lauren Hughes, said after ending a three-month relationship with a man, he began calling her from blocked numbers, created fake profiles to follow her social media accounts and left threatening voicemails.
Hughes says she was living in a hotel while planning to move from her apartment for her safety. When she arrived at her hotel, she received an alert that an AirTag was near her. She later located it in the wheel well of one of her back tires. Once Hughes moved to her new neighborhood, the man posted a picture of a taco truck in her vicinity with "#airt2.0," the complaint says. 
Apple does send users an alert if an unfamiliar AirTag is located near them. But the notification is not immediate and is only available on devices with iOS software version 14.5 or later, which excludes some older Apple devices. The consequences could be fatal, the complaint alleges. 
Soon after the AirTag launched, domestic abuse advocates and technology specialists warned Apple the product could easily be compromised, according to the complaint.
"AirTag was designed to help people locate their personal belongings, not to track people or another person's property, and we condemn in the strongest possible terms any malicious use of our products," Apple said in February. 
The women are seeking a trial with a jury and no monetary damages.
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net-craft · 7 months
What to Expect from a Mobile App Development Platform: Navigating the Scottsdale Tech Oasis
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Sunsational skies, vibrant cacti, and the heart of Arizona’s booming tech scene – Scottsdale, Arizona, isn’t just a desert jewel; it’s a launchpad for your mobile app aspirations. But with a plethora of Mobile App Development platforms vying for your attention, navigating the tech oasis can feel like scaling Camelback Mountain without a Camel. Fear not, intrepid apppreneurs! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose the perfect platform and transform your Scottsdale dream into a pocket-sized reality.
So, what exactly is a Mobile App Development Platform?
Imagine a one-stop shop for your app creation journey. A platform that not only provides the tools to build your app but also guides you through every step, from initial brainstorming to sparkling app store debut. That’s the magic of a mobile app development platform – a Scottsdale sherpa leading you through the tech terrain.
What should you expect from your Scottsdale app development platform?
1. A Symphony of Tools:
Drag-and-drop simplicity: Forget mountains of code; platforms like Thunkable or Appy Pie let you visually design your app using intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces. Think building blocks for your app, minus the construction dust.
Pre-built functionalities: No need to reinvent the wheel. Platforms offer a library of pre-built features like maps, social media integrations, and e-commerce modules, saving you time and resources.
Native app magic: Some platforms like BuildFire and AppSheet specialize in generating native apps for both iOS and Android, ensuring your app feels at home on any device.
2. A Budget-Friendly Oasis:
Let’s face it, budgets matter. Scottsdale platforms like GoodBarber and Adalo offer affordable subscription plans to suit your pocket, making app development accessible even for bootstrapping startups.
3. No Coding Required (Maybe):
Worried about coding jargon and cryptic syntax? Some platforms cater to non-technical users, allowing you to build basic apps without writing a single line of code. However, learning basic coding skills can unlock greater customization and flexibility in the long run.
4. A Knowledge Oasis:
Learning resources, tutorials, and helpful communities are your desert guides. Platforms often provide extensive documentation, video tutorials, and even active forums where you can connect with fellow app creators and seek advice.
5. Beyond the Build:
The journey doesn’t end at launch. Platforms offer app analytics tools to track user engagement, identify improvement areas, and optimize your app for success. Think of it as your personal Scottsdale app performance tracker.
Affordable Mobile App Development Company in Scottsdale:
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – cost. While platforms offer budget-friendly solutions, remember, app development services from an experienced company like Net-Craft.com can provide invaluable expertise and customization, especially for complex projects. We offer bespoke app development solutions, catering to your specific needs and ensuring your app stands out from the crowd.
Choosing the Right Platform:
There’s no one-size-fits-all platform. Consider your technical skills, budget, app complexity, and desired functionalities when making your choice. Research, compare features, and even try out free trials to find the platform that resonates with your Scottsdale app vision.
Mobile app development is a journey. Enjoy the process, embrace the learning curve, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Scottsdale’s tech scene is thriving. Network with other app creators, attend workshops, and tap into the collective Scottsdale tech spirit.
Net-Craft.com is your Scottsdale app development partner. Whether you choose a platform or seek our expertise, we’re here to guide you, every step of the way.
With the right tools, the right mindset, and the right Scottsdale partner, your mobile app dream can blossom from desert seed to Silicon Valley success. So, grab your metaphorical hat and sunscreen, and let’s embark on this exhilarating app development adventure together!
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/01/29/what-to-expect-from-a-mobile-app-development-platform-navigating-the-scottsdale-tech-oasis/
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ardentguilt · 8 months
((Man Cole’s supermarkets are even worse now with the dystopian bullshit.
They’ve now added LOCKING shopping carts.
If their shitty often wrong sensors detect ‘unpaid for goods’ the system triggers the locking mechanism in ALL the carts in the store and NOBODY can keep moving their damn cart until staff sort shit out.
Just another reason to NOT shop there.
These corporate greed motherfuckers say these measures are to ‘combat rising instances of shoplifting’ but refuse to own up to LITERALLY PRICE GOUGING during cost of living crisis which anyone with half a brain can see would directly lead to said shoplifting increases because NOBODY CAN FUCKIN AFFORD ESSENTIALS ANYMORE.
They make is damn difficult and inconvenient just to get your groceries without being locked into the store or some shit.
I don’t shop at Cole’s nowdays because of all the bullshit they’ve put in. Woolies has stuff but they’re nowhere near as bad as Cole’s at the moment.
Even so there’s AI cameras in self serve that watch the item bay for anything you don’t scan and throw a fit if they detect anything.
So each time I need groceries I now have to:
Shop at Woolies
Only use a hand basket
Wear a wide brim hat to block the damn cameras from scanning my face at the checkouts
Do not EVER put my packed full basket in the item bay at self serve. Just hold the damn thing the entire time instead making sure I’m keeping it out of the AI cameras line of sight
Pay and pack groceries all while avoiding the AI cameras line of sight and holding the basket
Leave ASAP before some bullshit occurs to fuck everyone over regardless of whether or not you’re lifting any items.
It sucks ASS and is definitely NOT doing my chronic back pain any favours. Or my anxiety. Or my stress levels. I get so fuckin stressed grocery shopping nowdays that my fitness tracker tells me I’ve entered ‘fat burning zone’))
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Trying out OMAD for the first time and it’s been going really well! I only eat dinner since me and hubby always eat dinner together, and I have a new fitness watch that’s literally the most accurate calorie tracker on the market so I know exactly how many calories to eat in that meal to meet my deficit goal for that day. I’ve already lost 2.5lbs in a week. I’m a huge fan of high res because it’s sustainable for me and keeps me from binging, and eating dinner makes sure I have enough energy the next morning for work and getting a workout in. Then I just meet my water intake goal while waiting for hubby to come home to eat together🤍
The watch is called “whoop” and it’s expensive, but so so so so so so worth it. Bc of how accurate it is I know it’s not possible for me to gain since I don’t eat over what I’ve burned for the day. If you can afford it, I definitely recommend it!!
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bizjunket6366 · 2 years
CES 2023: NEW SMARTWATCHES Will Help You Get More Industry
At CES 2023, companies showed off a wide variety of new and exciting wearables. Among the most popular were a next-gen hybrid fitness tracking watch, an augmented reality headset that allows you to view the information in your field of vision, and a smart ring that can control various devices.
Other popular wearables included a bracelet that monitors your heartbeat and a necklace that tracks your steps. There were also a number of new and innovative health-tracking devices, including a contact lens that monitors your blood sugar levels and a smartwatch that can detect a heart attack.
Several companies also unveiled new wearable technology that is not yet available to the public. One such example is a pair of glasses that can be used to control a computer or mobile device. Here are the top 5 best wearable of CES 2023.
1). Citizen Second Generation CZ Smart
At CES 2023, Japanese watchmaker Citizen announced the second generation of their smartwatch, the Citizen CZ Smart. The updated watch now includes a larger display, new sensors, and improved battery life. The watch also runs on Citizen's new operating system, which offers improved performance and a more intuitive interface.
The Citizen CZ Smart is a great option for those looking for a high-quality smartwatch that doesn't break the bank. With its new features and improved design, Smart is sure to be a hit with consumers.
The CZ Smart is the latest smartwatch from designer watchmaker CZ. This new watch features a sleek, minimalist design and advanced features that make it a clear step above its predecessor. Among its most notable features is its integration with artificial intelligence.
The watch features a Snapdragon Wear 4100 processor, 8GB of internal storage, and a variety of other features. It is a highly advanced watch that allows users to do more than just tell time.
With the CZ Smart, users can track their fitness, monitor their heart rate, and even receive notifications from their smartphones. The CZ Smart is a versatile and powerful smartwatch that is perfect for anyone who wants to stay connected and be more active.
2). Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid Wellness Edition
The Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid Wellness Edition is the latest addition to the company’s smartwatch lineup. This new model adds a number of features geared towards fitness and well-being, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a smartwatch that can help them live healthier lives.
The Gen 6 Hybrid Wellness Edition comes equipped with a heart rate monitor, activity tracker, and sleep tracking. It also features a new Wellness Dashboard that gives users a quick overview of their fitness and sleeps data.
While the Gen 6 Hybrid’s e-ink display is one of its key features, it also helps extend the battery life significantly. Thus, it sports an analog look. The e-ink display is perfect for reading in direct sunlight and offers great contrast. The display is crisp and clear, and the watch's face is easily readable. The watch hands are also visible in direct sunlight.
The e-ink display is not the only feature that helps extend the battery life of the Gen 6 Hybrid. The watch also has an always-on display mode, which means that the watch's face is always visible, even when the watch is not in use.
Also, Read more best premium smartwatches.
3). Moto Watch 100
The Moto Watch 100 is one of the most affordable fitness wearables announced at CES 2023. The device tracks a variety of fitness metrics, including heart rate, steps taken, and calories burned. The device is also water resistant, making it ideal for use during exercise. The Moto Watch 100 is currently available for pre-order and will ship in March 2023.
The Moto watch 100 houses a heart rate sensor for all the biometric tracking, heart rate zone monitoring and activity tracker you need to keep your heart healthy. It's also water-resistant up to 50 meters, so you can wear it in the pool, in the shower, or in the rain.
The Moto watch 100 starts at $99.99, thereby making health and fitness tracking accessible to a larger audience. The watch tracks heart rate, steps taken, and calories burned, as well as sleep patterns. The watch is water-resistant and has a battery life of up to seven days.
4). Xplora X6Play Child Smartwatch
CES 2023 saw the debut of the Xplora X6Play Smartwatch, a new entry focused on children's safety. The watch features GPS tracking, two-way calling, and a built-in SOS button that can send out an emergency alert to a pre-determined contact list. The watch also has a "listen-in" function that allows parents to remotely eavesdrop on their child's surroundings.
The X6Play is the latest offering from Xplora, a company that specializes in child safety products. With the addition of the X6Play, Xplora now offers a complete line of child safety products that includes GPS trackers, child safety apps, and more.
With Xplora, kids can explore the world around them with a custom-made avatar and a personalized camera feed. The app is designed for kids ages six and up, but it's also great for adults who want to use it as a virtual scavenger hunt game.
Xplora put the focus on fun customizability—not limited features. This way, everyone who uses the app can have a unique experience that's tailored to their interests. And with Xplora's easy-to-use interface, anyone can start playing and exploring right away.
5). Movano Evie Ring
Movano, a startup that's building wearable fitness and health products, is today announcing the launch of its first product specifically designed for women. The product is called Evie and it's a ring that tracks fitness activity, sleep, and reproductive health.
The ring, which is made from titanium and comes in two sizes, is designed to be worn 24/7. It's waterproof and has a battery life of up to 30 days. It's also packed with sensors that track a variety of health metrics, including steps taken, calories burned, heart rate, and skin temperature.
The Evie Ring is a health-tracking ring that aims to make it easier for users to understand and manage their health data. The ring collects a variety of health data points, including heart rate, steps taken, and sleep quality, and condenses them into user-friendly insights in its accompanying app.
The Evie Ring is a helpful tool for people who want to better understand their health data and make informed decisions about their health. The ring is also stylish and discreet, making it a good choice for people who want to wear a health tracker that doesn't sacrifice style.
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Problem is that I feel that Marinette is only major named character that isn't either already a member of cult or considered for membership (through it's probably caused by fact that Writers first made alliance ring to be symbol of membership in "eugenics cult", then for some reason gave it to nearly every named character except Marinette)
THat's not. That's not true at all?
Like yeah the cult members had a hand in making the ring but the Alliance Rings were sold to the public at large and were affordable for any rando to get. All of Paris has the Alliance Rings, Marinette is the one person who didn't get one by her own choice.
They're not connected. And Marinette chose not to have one not because of the cult but because the fitness tracker would give away her identity.
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corporatediwaligifts · 19 hours
Diwali Gift Ideas for Employees: Celebrate with Corporate Diwali Gifts
Diwali, known as the festival of lights, It is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness , fraternity. For businesses, it's also an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation to employees through thoughtful gifts. Corporate Diwali Gifts is dedicated to providing you with the best Diwali gift ideas for employees, ensuring that your team feels valued and festive during this special season.
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Why Gifting Employees During Diwali Matters
Gifting during Diwali is more than just a festive tradition; it’s a strategic gesture that can significantly impact employee morale and corporate culture. Here’s why it’s essential:
Boosts Employee Morale: Thoughtful gifts make employees feel appreciated and valued, boosting their overall job satisfaction and motivation.
Strengthens Team Spirit: Sharing gifts fosters a sense of camaraderie and strengthens relationships within the team.
Reinforces Corporate Culture: Aligning gifts with company values and traditions helps reinforce a positive and inclusive corporate culture.
By choosing the right gifts, you can enhance these benefits and make your employees’ Diwali memorable.
Top Diwali Gift Ideas for Employees
Selecting the perfect Diwali gift involves a balance of thoughtfulness and practicality. Here are some of the best ideas to consider, each available through Corporate Diwali Gifts:
1. Personalized Gifts
Personalized gifts add a special touch and show that you’ve put thought into selecting something unique. Consider options like:
Custom Diaries and Pens: Ideal for professionals who appreciate useful and stylish stationery.
Engraved Items: Personalized trophies, awards, or even tech gadgets can make for memorable keepsakes.
2. Eco-Friendly Gifts
Sustainability is a growing concern, and eco-friendly gifts are a great way to show that your company cares about the environment. Popular choices include:
Reusable Office Supplies: Bamboo pens, eco-friendly notebooks, and reusable water bottles.
Indoor Plants: A green plant for the desk promotes wellness and adds a touch of nature to the workspace.
3. Luxury Gifts
For top performers or senior executives, luxury gifts can be a way to show exceptional appreciation. Options include:
High-End Electronics: Gadgets like smartwatches or premium headphones.
Gourmet Hampers: Deluxe hampers filled with high-quality treats and delicacies.
4. Affordable Yet Impactful Gifts
If you’re working with a tighter budget, there are still plenty of meaningful options:
Gift Vouchers: Offer flexibility with vouchers for popular retail stores or online platforms.
Festive Treats: Diwali sweets, chocolates, or snack packs are always a hit and can be shared with family.
5. Wellness-Themed Gifts
Promote employee well-being with gifts focused on health and relaxation:
Fitness Trackers: Encourage a healthy lifestyle with wearable tech.
Aromatherapy Kits: Include essential oils, candles, or relaxing bath products.
6. Gift Hampers
Gift hampers are a versatile and popular choice for Diwali. Corporate Diwali Gifts can help you create customized hampers that include:
A Mix of Festive Treats: Combine sweets, snacks, and festive decorations.
Personal Care Items: Add high-quality personal care products for a touch of luxury.
Choosing the Right Gift
Selecting the right gift involves considering your employees’ preferences, budget, and cultural sensitivities:
Employee Preferences: Tailor gifts to individual tastes and interests where possible.
Budget: Ensure gifts are within your budget while still being meaningful.
Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of employees who may not celebrate Diwali, and opt for inclusive gifts.
Celebrating Diwali with your employees and choosing Diwali Gift Ideas for Employees through thoughtful gifts from Corporate Diwali Gifts is a wonderful way to express appreciation and enhance workplace morale. By choosing from our wide range of options, you can ensure that each gift resonates personally with your team, making this Diwali a truly special occasion for everyone involved.
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