ladyspeechsankofa · 5 years
Message! Sometimes you got to toot your own horn to remember who the fuck you are after life or mercury in retrograde just got done beating your ass... Repeat after me: I’m worthy as fuck. I’m intelligent as fuck. I’m magic as fuck. I’m fine as fuck. I’m creative as fuck. I’m dope as fuck. I’m beautiful as fuck. I’m divine as fuck. I’m strong as fuck. I’m abundant as fuck. I’m genuine as fuck. I’m enough as fuck. I AM enough as fuck. I Am enough. I AM. #Message #LadySpeech #AsFuck #MotivationalCoach #MotivationalSpeaker #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #LadySpeechSankofa #Enough #Mantra #Affirmation #WiseWords #AffirmYoSelf #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #AuntieSpeechSays #FavoriteAUNTIE #CaptainSpeech #RepeatAfterMe #TootTootBeepBeep #TootYourOwnHorn #Affirmations #PositiveEnergy #PositiveSelfTalk https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwcyjOgoBD/?igshid=1saoex3v5lnd8
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michaelseklund-blog · 6 years
Make a deal with yourself and STOP. One must stop and slow down once in a while and take stock. Look around. What do you see? Stop pointing your finger at others and start pointing it at yourself. Is the direction you are going in still the right choice and direction you desire? After everything you have learned and after everything you have experienced, ask yourself: WHO AM I TODAY? Are you the same person you were a decade ago? A year ago? Even a month ago? Do you have the same desires, the same loves? The same dreams? How can anyone know unless you stop and ask yourself these questions? Only YOU will know. It is a choice and a risk to understand oneself. To be honest with oneself is to be vulnerable with oneself. It may be hard on your ego. It may open yourself to pain. Or it may not. How can one know unless they STOP and ask themselves these important questions? I will reassess my life. I will reevaluate my desires, my wants, my dreams and even those I surround myself with. I will plan a new course of action that mirrors with WHO I AM TODAY. I am committed to self discovery and self knowledge. I am dedicated to growing, evolving, building, and destroying the parts of myself that I need and no longer need to better know myself. WHO I AM today? 🤔🐺 #selfmotivation #hollowmoonaffirmations #backfromthedead #reassessmentparty #whoamitoday #behonestwithself #redesigninglife #stopandtakenotice #lookaroundyou #fresheyeschallenge #justyou #memyselfanditime #badwolf #awolnation #changeyourworld #affirmyoself
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#Repost @ladyspeech with @repostapp ・・・ Because sometime we need to remind ourselves of somethings... #RepeatAfterMe I'm beautiful as fuck! I'm powerful as fuck! I'm magic as fuck! I'm divine as fuck! I'm dope as fuck!!! #LadySpeech #Magic #Message #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #AuntieSpeechSays #SayItWithYoChest #Medicine #LoveNotes #MedicineNotes #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #Motivation #Mood #HoodWitch #UrbanWitchDoctor #BlackGirlMagic #BlackMagicWoman ##AffirmYoSelf #AffrimTheWorld #LoveYoSelf #LoveTheWorld #Affirmations #YeahISaidIt #AndIMeanIt #RealTalk #QuoteMe #YouDope #WeAllDope
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ladyspeechsankofa · 5 years
Message! Just in case you forgot to affirm yourself today... You beautiful as fuck! Inside out. Upside down From your mind to your behind... YOU beautiful as FUCK!!! You are a gift to your village, to your community to your family. To the people you give your love to... You. Are. A. Gift. You are a perfectly flawed HOT goddamn mess! And simultaneously a masterpiece in constant creation. You are wonderfully uniquely, and powerfully YOU. And that my friend is your superpower #LadySpeech #LadySpeechSankofa #WiseWords #AffirmYoSelf #Affirmations #Beautiful #SelfLove #WiseWords #MotivationalSpeaker #MotivationalCoach #YeahISaidIt #Message #HotMess #WorkOfArt #Flawed #SuperPower https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-8uo8hbAI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ey9tud7comcy
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ladyspeechsankofa · 6 years
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Brag Post!!!!! Because sometimes you have to toot your own horn and acknowledge your awesomeness!!!! Use this thread to affirm something dope about you. Finish this sentence: I’m fucking amazing because... #BragPost #AffirmYoSelf #FinishThisSentence #amazing #PositiveVibesOnly https://www.instagram.com/p/BowwdYcjlnO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=110y4dm0uzkmu
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ladyspeechsankofa · 6 years
#Mantra #RepeatAfterMe #LadySpeech #LadySpeechSankofa Because sometimes you got to affirm some shit and speak some blessings in ya life. Axè Axè! Amen! ometeotl! Blessed Be! All UP in the magical mutha fucka!!! #NoFilter #Smile #Axe #AMEN #Affirmations #ToBlessedToBeStressed #HighestGood #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #Aho #BlessedBe #AffirmYoSelf #IDontGiveAFuck #IGiveAllTheFucks #IDoWhatIWant #ILoveYou #MotivationalCoach #Motivation
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ladyspeechsankofa · 4 years
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Repeat After Me: I am my own sacred space. I am my own holy temple. I am blessed. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. -LadySpeech #LadySpeech #LadySpeechSankofa #RepeatAfterMe #Affirmations #SacredSpace #Holy #FavoriteAuntie #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #AuntieSpeechSays #Blessed #Beautiful #Bountiful #MotivationalCoach #MotivationalDominatrix #MotivationalSpeaker #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #AffirmYoSelf https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJYYoUg4U1/?igshid=1w1zgyhfqj0ft
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ladyspeechsankofa · 6 years
Just in case know one has taken the the time to tell you today... #AuntieSpeechSays #YouAreMagic #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #LadySpeech #LadySpeechSankofa #AffirmYoSelf #BathroomShenanigans #MirrorMirror #MirrorMagic #LoveNotes #Affirmation #YouAreWorthy #Affirmations #YouAreAGift #DryEraseMarker #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #Reminders
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
Today edition of #OperationPublicBathroomAffirmation with yo favorite Goddess Speech... Fat does NOT equal ugly. Skinny does NOT equal healthy. YOU are a work of art! YOU are a work in progress. #LadySpeech #MirrorMagic #Message #Reminders #Denver #WomensBathroom #Affirmation #DryEraseMarker #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #LoveYourSelf #LoveTheWorld #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall #effyourbeautystandards #Fat #Healthy #TheBodyIsNotAnApology #PSA #Skinny #WorkOfArt #SpreadLove #SpiritualGangsta #soldieroflove
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
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Dear new and some old social media friends, Things I am NOT HERE FOR.... K 1. Talking shit about yourself. 2. Bad mouthing yourself. 3. Over aggressive self-deprecation. 4. Self disrespect. I am ALL THE WAY HERE FOR... 1. Calling EGO out in healthy ways that grow ourselves. 2. Naming all the places where we need to heal. 3. Naming the places where we can improve who we are. A few things... -if you are publicly self hating I will unfriend you. -talk shit about yourself and I will remove you from my world. - disrespect yourself and I will let you go. These are some of my rules for engaging me. Follow these rules or leave my fucking positive glitter filled world. Love and Live LadySpeech #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #LoveYoSelf #LoveTheWorld #PositiveEnergy #SelfLove #Rules #LadySpeech
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
Stop talking shit about yourself. You are a masterpiece in motion. A beautiful work in progress.  - LadySpeech Today's edition of #OperationPublicBathroomAffirmation with yo favorite Auntie Captain Goddess Speech. It's been awhile.... Sometimes I use public bathrooms too pee and take a shit. Most times I use public bathrooms to write love notes to humanity. #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #Affirmation #HealYoSelf #HealYoAncestors #HealTheWorld #LoveYourSelf #LoveTheWorld #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall #Ladyspeech #LadySpeechsankofa #Denver #TakinAShit #Bathroom #Colorado #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #Love #DryEraseMarker #IDoWhatIWant #operationpublicbathroomaffirmation
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
Hitting up basement bathrooms in my beloved 5 points with pro black messages because gentrification sucks. Today's #OperationPublicBathroomAffrimation with LadySpeech statement is inspired by Marcus Garvey. Black is beautiful. Always has been. Always will be. The Black Woman is God. ALWAYS has been. ALWAYS WILL BE. #MarcusGarvey #TheBlackWomanIsGod #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #BlackGirlMagic #FlexinMyMelanin #ProBlack #BlackLove #ThisSkinIsNotABadgeOfShame #LoveYoSelf #LoveTheWorld #LadySpeech #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #AuntieSpeechSays #Denver #Points #BlackDenver #ColoradoBlackGirlProblems #MirrorMagic #SpiritualGangsta #soldieroflove #Message #BlackGirlMagic
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
I love it when my water compliments me. YOU have a beautiful smile. I have a beautiful smile. #Truth #Affirmation #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #LoveYourSelf #LoveTheWorld #WaterIsLife #LadySpeech #ComplimentaryWater #Smile #ILoveYou
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
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Today's #OperationPublicBathroomAffirmation with you favorite Auntie Captain Goddess Speech brought to you in honor of THE BLACK WOMAN. Respect The Black Woman. PROTECT The Black Woman. #LadySpeech #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #Affirmations #TheBlackWomanIsGod #Denver #WomensBathroom #Respect #BlackGirlMagic #BlackMagicWoman #ProtectTheBlackWoman #RespectTheBlackWoman #DryEraseMarker
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
Every time you speak ill of yourself you disrespect your ancestors. Shower yourself with self love and self care. God didn't make no mistakes (when you were crafted and created) In the name of #operationpublicbathroomaffirmation #LadySpeech #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #LoveYoSelf #LoveTheWorld #Message #HealYoSelf #HealTheWorld #MirrorMagic #SpiritualGangsta #SoldierOfLove #SpreadLove #Affirmations #SelfCare #SelfLove #Ancestors #ShitAuntieSpeechSays #AuntieSpeechSays #UnisexBathroom
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years
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Today's #operationpublicbathroomaffirmation with LadySpeech California edition. Real men cry when they need to express pain. Because tears heal. Dear men, use your male privilege to Interrupt misogyny and misogynoir. #LadySpeech #AffirmYoSelf #AffirmTheWorld #LoveYoSelf #LoveTheWorld #MirrorMirrorOnTheWall #bathroom #SpiritualGangsta #soldieroflove #Men #AllMen #MirrorMagic #Tears #Healing #MalePrivilege #California #Misogyny #Misogynoir #HealYoSelf #HealTheWorld (at Philz Coffee)
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