lookinghalfacorpse · 4 months
Thinking Affections again, and idk if this counts as a prompt or not, but in itwall you mentioned how cPhil constantly touches cDreams hair to calm him down and is just sth he likes so just that being a their thing they do when cuddling or sth is just phil petting and massaging his head
anything can be a prompt if i brainrot hard enough
/dsmp /rp
Dream wasn't sleeping well.
Sleep was always a fickle, delicate thing with him. There were plenty of nights where his exhaustion would take over and he would sleep soundly, especially early on during his time at the cottage, but there were also long periods where he'd barely sleep at all. He would wake from nightmares and seizures, or he'd simply tremble on his mattress for hours and hours, unable to slow his heartrate from its anxious pace. Em helped him to feel safe those nights, but even she couldn't keep his fears at bay completely. For as loving as the dog was, she couldn't stop someone from coming in the night to drag him back into the hell he escaped from. The hell he planned to return to someday. He laughed, sometimes, at the odd predicament he created for himself.
He procrastinated sleep by reading in the living room.
Techno gave him some shitty novel about an underground culture of elves. It was entertaining enough. He sat on the floor with a dog on his lap, leaning against the couch, and pulled his hair from his face. He had to tilt the book forward so the dim light of the fireplace could illuminate the page.
He heard Philza sit on the couch behind him.
The old man hummed thoughtfully before threading his fingers through Dream's long hair, pushing it behind his ears. "Might be less annoying if I braid it," he offered.
"I'm gonna take it out before bed," Dream replied, "but go ahead."
"It's my pleasure, mate." Phil's voice edged close to a whisper. He began carefully selecting some strands of hair from Dream's hairline and drawing them back, letting his fingertips trail along the boy's scalp. Dream shivered at the touch, feeling his skin erupt into goosebumps. "You should be sleeping," Phil continued.
The offer to braid his hair was a trick from the start; Phil wasn't doing anything that seemed close to a hairstyle. Instead, he rubbed and massaged along Dream's head, sometimes scratching with his fingertips. The book slowly dropped to his lap as he couldn't focus on the words anymore. His eyes fluttered closed.
"In... In the prison," Dream started, "Quackity liked to grab my hair. He'd grab it, like, in the front, and slam my head on the ground."
Phil's fingers trailed softly along the back of his skull. "Dream..."
"Sam hated when he did that. My skull would crack, and it would bleed a lot."
Phil could surely feel the bumps and valleys along his skin. They were hard to miss. He would feel rough scars and some patches of flaky, dry skin. Maybe some sharp lines where a crack healed. Dream's hair has been a source of frustration and humiliation for a long time; he hated that Quackity could feel the thick mats, the tangles, the spots of blood he couldn't wash out.
He felt Phil plant a kiss on the top of his head.
"Join me on the couch?"
Dream would spend the night there, on the couch, lying on top of Philza with his head on the old man's chest, sighing at the sensation of his head being massaged until he fell asleep.
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kiss me like the seas kiss the shore dance with me like the wind does with the leaves hold me like you have no other place to be
— whereshegrows / the lovers
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dreamarchiviste · 28 days
I like to think that as much as they're a confirmed couple in public, they really prefer being more affectionate in private, like the introverts they are (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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"A selfless man will be characterized by patience, restraint and an eagerness to do what is best for the object of his affections." - Voddie Baucham
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cumuluslife · 8 months
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Sweet fragilities . . .
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touhoutunes · 2 years
Title: TIME
Arrangement: GCHM
Vocals: みぃ
Album: Affections
Original: Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea, Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
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pithia · 1 year
As the rolling stone gathers no moss, so the roving heart gathers no affections.
Anna Brownell Jameson
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aximili · 6 months
tbh the fact that cats purr was an unnecessary bonus we don't always acknowledge. they're already cute and baby and little and soft and make silly noises and do funny shit. but they also like to cuddle and make a soothing pleasant noise to indicate they are happy when they cuddle you? huge. huge for the human race.
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shakespearian-love · 3 months
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Dinner Date with you ❦
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qipqirmizi · 29 days
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slap it, mark it, own it.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 10 months
cdoomsdaytrio going to the hot springs to have a relaxing bath and both phil and dream lay on techno chest while closing their eyes and enjoying the warm of the water and techno it's resisting the urge to swim like a fish in circles and starting a water fight
you're onto something here
/dsmp /rp warning for description of torture, burns. seems like an odd trigger warning for the prompt but stick with me. flashbacks in italics.
"You want power so fucking bad, man? You want power?" Quackity's voice waivered as though he was on the edge of laughter. "You know the greatest power of all? It's the power of choice, Dream. The power of choice. I'm ready and willing to offer that to you."
Dream clutched his hand. It was still bleeding-- he's been applying pressure for a long, long time, and it was still bleeding. A large slice opened at the base of his ring finger, splaying open layers of flesh. It might've been to the bone. He noticed Sam watching attentively.
A small cauldron of boiling water lay directly between him and Quackity.
"So choose. Lose another finger," Quackity continued, "Or dunk the whole hand in this cauldron. Just a preference thing, really, but it's more than I usually offer you."
Dream felt his head spin. The memory of losing his pinkie finger was still fresh, he could still see the dried blood in the crevices of obsidian that Sam missed--
Dream woke. The steam around him caused a moment of panic, but as soon as he recognized the pink fur his head was laying atop, he knew where he was.
"Kinda rude that you still get nightmares at the hot spring," Techno droned.
While he was mining a few months ago, Technoblade stumbled upon an underground hot spring. Dream didn't even know that underground hot springs could exist, let alone that they were safe to bathe in. He heard stories about boiling, acidic lakes on the surface, and he worried that this would be similar. He waited until both Techno and Philza entered the water before he followed suit, but now they were arranged in a comfortable, warm, sweaty pile. Techno was half-floating with his shoulders rested on a rock wall, Phil was settled on his chest, and Dream was tucked somewhere underneath Phil's wing.
Dream didn't remember falling asleep. He stretched his limbs, finding that he was less sore than he normally was. The warm water must have helped. The burn scars that decorated his left hand had faded; the other, more dramatic and miscolored scars were more visible and drowned them out, in a way. He'd forgotten about that day. They all started to blend together after a while.
Philza was curled next to him, skin-to-skin, legs tangled. He must've drawn closer during the nightmare. He felt Phil's thin fingers threading through his hair.
Techno nudged the tip of his snout into the crook of Dream's neck. "You good?"
"I'm good."
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30daysoffire · 1 month
Day 4
August 15, 2024
Dear friend,
Habits seem harder and harder to break. Which makes sense. The older I get, the more I become what I've been. The longer I've been doing the same things again and again and again, the deeper the patterns impress upon my heart. The dirt trails I have walked for three decades are now packed earth, paved road, highways.
But just because it's more difficult doesn't mean I should stop trying. Sin habits are still habits. I do them without thinking; they are so ingrained into my being and my soul. And yet, there's the still, small voice, the itty-bitty truth drowned out by routine... Think. Start thinking.
Think about who you are––beloved, saved, sanctified, adopted, made new.
Think about whose you are––child of the king, purchased and pardoned for a purpose, set apart for infinite glory and joy.
Think about why you continue to be––to glory in and enjoy a good God, to know and be known by Him, to reign with Him and be His bride, His body, His child (metaphors for infinite truths).
Think about where you are headed––eternal joy, seeing Jesus face to face.
Think about how you will get there––by faith... and through many dangers, toils, and snares... and carried along by grace and truth and divine power.
And as you think of these things, your affections might shift, even minutely, off course of where they were pushing your soul. And maybe the fires of lust get swallowed up in greater, stronger, divinely directed conflagrations.
Take some Philippians 4:8 pills and let them shape you a la Romans 12:1-2. Eat that bread of the Word and digest it thoroughly and soak in it (Psalm 1:1-3) and absorb every nutrient you can obtain (Psalm 119:11) and wield it powerfully (Ephesians 6:17) against the lies that have shaped you for years. But do it one day at a time, one step at a time, one leg at a time, one breath at a time (Philippians 3:13-14).
And you'll get there, friend.
And I struggle alongside you. It's tough out here. But we have infinite hope in an infinite Savior.
With affection,
Your brother
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To pretend to possess Truth but not allow it that sovereignty due it is indeed to reject it. Let Truth rule your judgment, will, and affections in all things.
John Maynard
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bug-hearted · 1 month
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bill likes to prank fiddleford sometimes. it gets very funny
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I’m increasingly worried by all the people on my dash calling themselves insane for loving stories in the way humans have loved stories our whole history. “The brain rot is spreading” — you mean you were changed by art? “I’m not normal about this” — you were moved by it? You felt human emotions about it? “I’m about to be so annoying” — you’re going to talk about art? You’re going to be passionate? You’re going to think deeply about it? You’re going to feel love for the work of someone’s soul? You are not a consumer and art is not a product to be casually used! You are a human and stories are the beating heart of our humanity! You must feel everything and you must know that it is normal!
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johnfpederson · 2 months
le drame romantique (68)
at the foot of a hill we rested
unaware of the coming storm
when the love that we had was tested
into pieces our hearts were torn
as an ember is drowned is ashes
so too had our affections waned
it would take some kind of a miracle
to rekindle the flame again
in a tireless search we toiled
'til we turned over every stone
looking only for what we once knew
what was most certainly long gone
were we only fools to think
this could ever be
something more than circumstance
plagued by fantasy?
if i had another chance
with which to contest 
the will of heimarmene
i'd fight 'til the death
we should have stood for each other
we should have risen from out of the rubble
we should have drowned in our colors
we should have been more affectionate lovers
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