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yogadaily · 2 years ago
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(via #derkulinarikerwien #yoga | Beautiful yoga poses, Yoga motivation, Yoga life || Curated with love by yogadaily)     
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rntozen · 11 months ago
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Flying Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Galavasana) – It’s Time To … https://rntozen.com/blog/yoga/flying-pigeon-pose/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=RN+To+Zen+Social+Media&utm_campaign=RN+To+Zen+Posts
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norayogini · 5 years ago
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👉🏻 why do you, or you don't, practice Yoga? . In a word? Endorphins! Vinyasa yoga, like all types of physical activity, involves the release of these lovely hormones, that make you feel good! Moreover, the slow beginning, the active central part, and the final relaxation, are the three essential part of any good exercise, with a good teacher. . . . This is an #advancedyogapose, so be careful if you want to practice it. #balletleggings and #zentop in #rosedust by @moonchildyogawear 🌈Use the code MOONCHILDNORA to get a discount.🦄 #loveandalliscoming #letgoandgrow #backbendlove #moonchildambassador #moonchild #igyogacommunity #igyogalovers #acceptfear #expectnothing #pinchamayurasana (at Mantua, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-mTQWI8gs/?igshid=1wjbkctqvo7g2
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casrianda · 7 years ago
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Today’s theme is tropical. I’m not sure if I’ll feel like coloring this one later, so it may not feel on-theme. #tropical #yoga #mermaycatadu #mermay2018 #mermay #mermaid #seahorse #drawingchallenge #yoga #advancedyogapose
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pintudass · 7 years ago
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BHUJANGASANA (boo-jahn-GAHS-uh-nuh) — is an energizing backbend and essential element of the sequence of yoga postures performed in Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) and Padma Sadhana. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, Bhujang, meaning ‘serpent,’ and asana, meaning ‘pose.’ Cobra Pose is best known for its ability to increase flexibility of the spine while opening the chest. According to traditional yogic texts, this pose heals the body of disease and awakens Kundalini, the divine cosmic energy that fosters self-realization. • • • #bhujangasana #cobrapose by @pintudass #pintudassyoga #yogateacher #hathayoga #advancedyogaposes #yogaschool #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #yogainrishikesh #yogainspiration #yogaphotography #morningyoga #divinity #yogateacherinrishikesh (at Triveni Ghat Rishikesh त्रिवेणी घाट ऋषिकेश) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnanu9uh4DV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l9bnp83jn1nd
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yogaswingpro-blog · 5 years ago
Yoga Poses by Anatomy
What most people don’t realize is that each exercise has a particular yoga poses benefit along with it. For example, if you want to build your abs or if you want to tighten your thighs. Both require a different set of exercises and sequences to be followed.
Well, if you are looking for an overall exercise for your body. Then you could follow any 5 on a daily basis yoga poses. But if you have a goal or a purpose in mind to build in those arm muscles or ease your back tension. Then it is imperative to do yoga poses postures as per the body anatomy. Yes, you heard that right! Presenting to you some of the best yoga poses to strengthen your abs and if you practice them regularly, it could do wonders.
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xochitlgarland1 · 6 years ago
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Yoga Techniques And Strategies For Advanced Yoga Poses #AdvancedYogaPoses https://ift.tt/2YJVmxw
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wyayoga · 7 years ago
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Yoga is not 99% practice and 1 % theory. Back to basics and try to understand behind the time. It’s 50 % Practice and 50% theory. #mindfulness #mindandbody #balance #loveyoga #yogalifestyle #wyayogateachers #wyayoga #wyathailand #wyacertified #wyayogateacher #200hrytt #200hrsyogateachertraining #adinathyogaashram #300hrsyttc #300hrsyogattc #300hrsyogateachertraining #300hrsyogateacherstraining #advancedyogaposes #backbends #yogawithgurudharm #gurudharm #masterdharm (at Chiang Rai, Thailand)
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norayogini · 5 years ago
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👉🏻 what are you listening to, now? . I'm curious! And although my musical tastes vary in time, the love for alternative metal and Gothic music, and #rockmusic never left me. I am listening to "Blind and frozen" by Beast in Black. I swear, they are brilliant! . This is an #advancedyogapose, so be careful if you want to practice it. #balletleggings and #zentop in #forestgreen by @moonchildyogawear ▶️ code MOONCHILDNORA to get a discount.◀️ #loveandalliscoming #letgoandgrow #backbendlove #moonchildambassador #moonchild #igyogacommunity #igyogalovers #acceptfear #expectnothing #listentoyourbody #listentorockmusic (at Piazza Cavour, Rimini) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Jis6-ozYS/?igshid=g32jhbeypj1j
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norayogini · 5 years ago
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I'm in my bed right now, watching Netflix, with a hot water bag on my belly. Yep, period! What a pain in the *as! . This photo was taken a couple of days ago, when I was feelong a little better 🤣 Wearing @aloyoga Yogamat by @liforme . #loveandalliscoming #letgoandgrow #backbendlove #igyogacommunity #igyogalovers #acceptfear #expectnothing #kingpigeonpose #ekapadarajakapotasana #advancedyogapose (at Mantua, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ftU81oAbI/?igshid=15xxrfrdzd5a6
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norayogini · 6 years ago
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They might tell you that life is beautiful That it's a game, and they are winning That they are right, always will be . It's not that way. Life is a struggle, and sometimes you have to fight to stay alive. Not the strongest one survives, not the smartest. The luckiest. . It's a period of shifting and changing for me. And maybe, I'll have to fight to survive. We'll see if I'm lucky or not. . . . Outfit by @vayumudra use ✨ norayogini15 ✨ for a discount. Mat by @asanamat.it #vayumudratribe #ekapadarajakapotasana #kingpigeon #advancedyogapose #imlucky #bluemonday #yogafun #igyogacommunity #igyogafamily #worldofyoga #loveandalliscoming #becomewhoyouare #practicenotperfection #acceptfear https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1DCbNFUy3/?igshid=10351cv3flft5
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yogaswingpro-blog · 5 years ago
Yoga Poses by Anatomy
What most people don’t realize is that each exercise has a particular yoga poses benefit along with it. For example, if you want to build your abs or if you want to tighten your thighs. Both require a different set of exercises and sequences to be followed.
Well, if you are looking for an overall exercise for your body. Then you could follow any 5 on a daily basis yoga poses. But if you have a goal or a purpose in mind to build in those arm muscles or ease your back tension. Then it is imperative to do yoga poses postures as per the body anatomy. Yes, you heard that right! Presenting to you some of the best yoga poses to strengthen your abs and if you practice them regularly, it could do wonders.
1.   Boat Pose or Paripurna Navasana
While sitting on the floor with your legs straight, press your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, fingers highlighting the feet, and fortify the arms. Lift through the highest point of the sternum and recline marginally. As you do this ensure your back doesn’t adjust keep on extending the front of your middle between the pubis and top sternum. Sit on the “tripod” of your two sitting bones and tailbone.
Breathe out and twist your knees, at that point lift your feet off the floor yoga poses. So the thighs are calculated around 45-50 degrees comparative with the floor. Protract your tailbone into the floor and lift your pubis toward your navel.
Stretch your arms close by the legs, corresponding to one another and the floor. Spread the shoulder bones over your back and reach out through the fingers. While the lower tummy ought to be firm, it shouldn’t get hard and thick. Attempt to keep the lower stomach moderately level. Press the leaders of the thigh bones toward the floor to help grapple. The posture and lift the top sternum. Inhale without any problem.
From the outset remain in the posture for 10-20 seconds. Bit by bit increment the stay to one by one minute. Discharge the legs with an exhalation and sit upright on an inward breath.
NOTE: In case you have asthma, diarrhea, heart problem, menstruation, headache, pregnancy etc. You need to be extra cautious and take advice from a professional trainer.
what is yoga swing?
How to install yoga hammock at home
Aerial hammock beginner the best guidance
Debunking Myths About Anti gravity yoga
Air yoga swing- ‘It’s better late than never’
Yoga Swing set- your friend with multiple benefits
Aerial yoga hammock kit The world of zero Gravity
8 Mistakes Avoid While Doing Aerial Yoga hammock
Allow Aerial Yoga pose To Change your Body
The Art of Mastering Aerial yoga swing set
1.  Bridge Pose or Setup Bandhu Sarvanganasana
Lie your back on the floor, and if possible, place a thick blanket under your shoulders to support your neck. Twist your knees and set your feet on the floor, heels as near to the sitting bones as possible.
Breathe out and, squeezing your internal feet and arms effectively into the floor. Push your tailbone upward toward the pubis, firming the rear end, and lift the bum off the floor. So, Keep your thighs and inward feet equal. Catch the hands beneath your pelvis and stretch out through the arms to assist you with remaining on the highest points of your shoulders.
Lift your posterior until the thighs are about corresponding to the floor. Keep your knees straightforwardly over the heels, yet push them forward, away from the hips. And extend the tailbone toward the backs of the knees. Lift the pubis toward the navel.
Remain in the posture somewhere in the range of 30 seconds to 1 moment. Discharge with an exhalation, rolling the spine gradually down onto the floor. Do not give any jerks.
NOTE: In case you have neck injury etc you need to be extra cautious and try and avoid this asana or take advice from a professional trainer.
1.  Crane yoga Poses or Baksana
Squat down in Tadasana with your feet inward and a couple of inches separated. In case it is not possible to keep your heels on the floor. Give it support on a thick blanket cover. Separate your knees more extensive than your hips and lean the middle forward, between the internal thighs. Stretch your arms forward at that point twist your elbows, place your hands on the floor and the backs of the upper arms against the shins.
Cuddle your inward thighs against the sides of your middle, and your shins into your armpits. And slide the upper arms down as low onto the shins as could be expected under the circumstances. Lift up onto the bundles of your feet and lean forward much progressively. Taking the heaviness of your middle onto the backs of the upper arms. To assist yourself with doing this, keep your tailbone as near your heels as could reasonably be expected.
With an exhalation, lean forward much more onto the backs of your upper arms, to where the wads of your feet leave the floor. Presently your middle and legs are adjusted on the backs upper arms.
In the event that you are all set further, crush the legs against the back of your arms, press the hands immovably to the floor and fix the elbows. But, Seen from the side the arms are calculated marginally forward comparative with the floor. The internal knees ought to be stuck to the external arms, high up close to the armpits. Keep the head in an impartial situation with your eyes taking a gander at the floor, or lift the head somewhat, without compressing the rear of the neck, and look forward.
So, Remain in the posture somewhere in the range of 20 seconds to 1 moment. To discharge, breathe out and gradually bring down your feet to the floor, once more into a squat.
NOTE: In case you have had a recent surgery or carpal tunnel syndrome etc you need to be extra cautious and take advice from a professional trainer.
Just by spending 10-15 minutes per day and then you can move on to practice aerial swing yoga poses and buy the best hammock available from Yoga Swing Pro ™. Following a set of fixed routines every day while yoga poses can bring vast changes to your body’s flexibility and strength and surprisingly, you can see them yourself with every wider stretch while doing a particular asana. In the end, you would eventually master the art of being happy at the end of the day.
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yogaswingpro-blog · 5 years ago
Yoga Poses by Anatomy
What most people don’t realize is that each exercise has a particular yoga poses benefit along with it. For example, if you want to build your abs or if you want to tighten your thighs. Both require a different set of exercises and sequences to be followed.
Well, if you are looking for an overall exercise for your body. Then you could follow any 5 on a daily basis yoga poses. But if you have a goal or a purpose in mind to build in those arm muscles or ease your back tension. Then it is imperative to do yoga poses postures as per the body anatomy. Yes, you heard that right! Presenting to you some of the best yoga poses to strengthen your abs and if you practice them regularly, it could do wonders.
1.   Boat Pose or Paripurna Navasana
While sitting on the floor with your legs straight, press your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, fingers highlighting the feet, and fortify the arms. Lift through the highest point of the sternum and recline marginally. As you do this ensure your back doesn’t adjust keep on extending the front of your middle between the pubis and top sternum. Sit on the “tripod” of your two sitting bones and tailbone.
Breathe out and twist your knees, at that point lift your feet off the floor yoga poses. So the thighs are calculated around 45-50 degrees comparative with the floor. Protract your tailbone into the floor and lift your pubis toward your navel.
Stretch your arms close by the legs, corresponding to one another and the floor. Spread the shoulder bones over your back and reach out through the fingers. While the lower tummy ought to be firm, it shouldn’t get hard and thick. Attempt to keep the lower stomach moderately level. Press the leaders of the thigh bones toward the floor to help grapple. The posture and lift the top sternum. Inhale without any problem.
From the outset remain in the posture for 10-20 seconds. Bit by bit increment the stay to one by one minute. Discharge the legs with an exhalation and sit upright on an inward breath.
NOTE: In case you have asthma, diarrhea, heart problem, menstruation, headache, pregnancy etc. You need to be extra cautious and take advice from a professional trainer.
what is yoga swing?
How to install yoga hammock at home
Aerial hammock beginner the best guidance
Debunking Myths About Anti gravity yoga
Air yoga swing- ‘It’s better late than never’
Yoga Swing set- your friend with multiple benefits
Aerial yoga hammock kit The world of zero Gravity
8 Mistakes Avoid While Doing Aerial Yoga hammock
Allow Aerial Yoga pose To Change your Body
The Art of Mastering Aerial yoga swing set
1.  Bridge Pose or Setup Bandhu Sarvanganasana
Lie your back on the floor, and if possible, place a thick blanket under your shoulders to support your neck. Twist your knees and set your feet on the floor, heels as near to the sitting bones as possible.
Breathe out and, squeezing your internal feet and arms effectively into the floor. Push your tailbone upward toward the pubis, firming the rear end, and lift the bum off the floor. So, Keep your thighs and inward feet equal. Catch the hands beneath your pelvis and stretch out through the arms to assist you with remaining on the highest points of your shoulders.
Lift your posterior until the thighs are about corresponding to the floor. Keep your knees straightforwardly over the heels, yet push them forward, away from the hips. And extend the tailbone toward the backs of the knees. Lift the pubis toward the navel.
Remain in the posture somewhere in the range of 30 seconds to 1 moment. Discharge with an exhalation, rolling the spine gradually down onto the floor. Do not give any jerks.
NOTE: In case you have neck injury etc you need to be extra cautious and try and avoid this asana or take advice from a professional trainer.
1.  Crane yoga Poses or Baksana
Squat down in Tadasana with your feet inward and a couple of inches separated. In case it is not possible to keep your heels on the floor. Give it support on a thick blanket cover. Separate your knees more extensive than your hips and lean the middle forward, between the internal thighs. Stretch your arms forward at that point twist your elbows, place your hands on the floor and the backs of the upper arms against the shins.
Cuddle your inward thighs against the sides of your middle, and your shins into your armpits. And slide the upper arms down as low onto the shins as could be expected under the circumstances. Lift up onto the bundles of your feet and lean forward much progressively. Taking the heaviness of your middle onto the backs of the upper arms. To assist yourself with doing this, keep your tailbone as near your heels as could reasonably be expected.
With an exhalation, lean forward much more onto the backs of your upper arms, to where the wads of your feet leave the floor. Presently your middle and legs are adjusted on the backs upper arms.
In the event that you are all set further, crush the legs against the back of your arms, press the hands immovably to the floor and fix the elbows. But, Seen from the side the arms are calculated marginally forward comparative with the floor. The internal knees ought to be stuck to the external arms, high up close to the armpits. Keep the head in an impartial situation with your eyes taking a gander at the floor, or lift the head somewhat, without compressing the rear of the neck, and look forward.
So, Remain in the posture somewhere in the range of 20 seconds to 1 moment. To discharge, breathe out and gradually bring down your feet to the floor, once more into a squat.
NOTE: In case you have had a recent surgery or carpal tunnel syndrome etc you need to be extra cautious and take advice from a professional trainer.
Just by spending 10-15 minutes per day and then you can move on to practice aerial swing yoga poses and buy the best hammock available from Yoga Swing Pro ™. Following a set of fixed routines every day while yoga poses can bring vast changes to your body’s flexibility and strength and surprisingly, you can see them yourself with every wider stretch while doing a particular asana. In the end, you would eventually master the art of being happy at the end of the day.
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norayogini · 6 years ago
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Have you already bought #christmas gifts? 🤪 . It feels like the perfect weather for blankets, a #pretzel and some @vayumudra 😍 and I take it to suggest you boys and men, if you haven't thought about a gift for your girlfriend, mom, fiancee, aunt, sister... Let them experience the buttery soft @vayumudra clothes! Trust me, they will thank you forever! And if you use the code "norayogini15" you'll get 15% off 🤫 They are made in heaven, and packed in Sweden. Once you put them on, they will adapt skin-like to the curves of your body, and you wish you never take them off! Actually, they are perfect underwear for winter 😉 If you order now they'll arrive in no time, with a key chain and a cloth bag to reuse. DM me for feedback or instructions! . ATTENTION: @vayumudra causes addiction, use the code "norayogini15" to avoid any drooling! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #advancedyogapose #yogapost #igyogafamily #ig_italy #igyogalove #yogachallenge #yogapose #forwardfold #gowiththeflaw #practice #practicenotperfection #loveandalliscoming #lovelyfit #vayumudrayogis #vayumudratribe #vayumudra (presso Mantua, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqZgWzdgMDH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fcibgmjks7wj
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