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"Teacher👨🏫 is like a Bridge🌉 who allows🙌 to connect♾️ their Students🧘♀️ from Impossible🙅♂️ to Possible🤸♀️"
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BHUJANGASANA (boo-jahn-GAHS-uh-nuh) — is an energizing backbend and essential element of the sequence of yoga postures performed in Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) and Padma Sadhana. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words, Bhujang, meaning ‘serpent,’ and asana, meaning ‘pose.’ Cobra Pose is best known for its ability to increase flexibility of the spine while opening the chest. According to traditional yogic texts, this pose heals the body of disease and awakens Kundalini, the divine cosmic energy that fosters self-realization. • • • #bhujangasana #cobrapose by @pintudass #pintudassyoga #yogateacher #hathayoga #advancedyogaposes #yogaschool #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #yogainrishikesh #yogainspiration #yogaphotography #morningyoga #divinity #yogateacherinrishikesh (at Triveni Ghat Rishikesh त्रिवेणी घाट ऋषिकेश) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnanu9uh4DV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l9bnp83jn1nd
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Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is held in the foothills of the Himalayas in Rishikesh at the bank of river Ganga. Contact us to book:- 8868095873, 8868095878.
#200hourttc #200houryogateachertrainingcourse #yogattcinrishikesh #yogacourseinrishikesh #yogateacherinrishikesh #yogaclassinrishikesh
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