#advanced directive
melonkittii · 2 days
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im replaying the sumeru quest on my second account and i can physically feel the worms crawling back into my head
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trans-axolotl · 10 days
Bazelon Center (one of the few anti-institutionalization law centers that does Olmstead litigation) giving an award to a zionist politician (John Fetterman) is so fucking enraging and also really showcases how the nonprofit disability world is actually exploitative and dangerous in so many ways.
if you also feel pissed off that a "mental health law advocacy" group that supposedly cares about civil rights for disabled people is honoring a genocidal politician this Tuesday, feel free to comment on their instagram and also email [email protected] and let them know how you feel!
Sample email script:
"I am deeply disappointed/enraged/heartbroken/etc about your choice to honor Senator John Fetterman with the 2024 Congressional Champion award. Fetterman's has publicly refused to call for a ceasefire and continues to support the ongoing genocide, frequently making racist and inflammatory public comments. As an organization that claims to value civil rights and equality for all disabled people, it is shameful that you refuse to act in solidarity with disabled Palestinians, instead choosing to award a politician who is celebrating genocide. I demand that you retract the award from Fetterman and do not honor a genocidal politician this Tuesday."
If you can, changing up the wording to make it your own would be best.
Key points for commenting/emailing:
Express your rage/sadness that they are honoring John Fetterman.
Explain that Fetterman openly supports genocide.
Demand that they retract the award.
as mad/disabled/mentally ill people, we have a responsibility to call out our community organizations when they do bullshit like this and to actively act in solidarity!
please share, comment, and email!
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bestanimal · 21 hours
Final Stats:
The top phyla have been ranked thusly, listed here from highest ranking to lowest:
🪲 Arthropoda ~ 2,002
🐠 Chordata ~ 1,780
🐌 Mollusca ~ 1,687
🪸 Cnidaria ~ 1,307
🫓 Platyhelminthes ~ 1,217
🔫 Onychophora ~ 1,180
🔬 Tardigrada ~ 1,101
🌈 Ctenophora ~ 1,013
⭐️ Echinodermata ~ 947
🪱 Annelida ~ 681
🧽 Porifera ~ 535
👥 Bryozoa ~ 331
⚪️ Placozoa ~ 328
⛱ Brachiopoda ~ 303
⚙️ Rotifera ~ 298
🍆 Priapulida ~ 216
🧲 Phoronida ~ 178
🌍 Nematoda ~ 169
🐉 Kinorhyncha ~ 169
🌰 Hemichordata ~ 169
🎉 Loricifera ~ 147
🎗 Nemertea ~ 138
❄️ Micrognathozoa ~ 124
🧪 Xenacoelomorpha ~ 123
🍴 Entoprocta ~ 111
👛 Cycliophora ~ 110
🦷 Gnathostomulida ~ 100
🏹 Chaetognatha ~ 83
🧶 Gastrotricha ~ 82
🐙🔍 Dicyemida ~ 19
🦪🔍 Orthonectida ~ 12
🐴✂️ Nematomorpha ~ -37
The top 3 phyla are Arthropoda, Chordata, and Mollusca!
This means Arthropoda, Chordata, and Mollusca will be moving on to Round 2, and broken up by Class (or some other phylogenetic equivalent).
But that’s not all!
After Round 2, we will have an extra Round 2.5, featuring every other phylum that received over 1,000 points! This will give some of the more highly ranked phyla a second chance to move on, and make Round 3 a little more interesting.
Round 2.5 will include Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Tardigrada, and Ctenophora.
(Unfortunately, I can’t include Onychophora as it only contains 2 families without class or order ranking, so I will have to preemptively move them forward to Round 4 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
To give myself enough time to queue up polls, Round 2 will begin November 1st.
See you then!
Extra Awards:
Phylum Porifera
~ had the highest percentage of likes at 50.8%
Phylum Placozoa
~ had the highest amount of neutral votes at 295
Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Platyhelminthes
~ had the most votes at 620
~ had the highest amount of loves at 245
~ had the highest amount of likes at 204
Phylum Gastrotricha
~ had the lowest amount of favorites at 2
~ had the lowest percentage of favorites at 0.7%
Phylum Mollusca
~ had 0 dislikes
~ had the third most reblogs at 86
Phylum Entoprocta
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Phoronida
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Orthonectida
~ had the lowest amount of likes at 20
~ had the least notes at 17
~ had the least reblogs at 6
Phylum Dicyemida
~ had the least votes at 158
~ had the lowest amount of loves at 4
~ had the lowest percentage of loves at 2.5%
~ had the highest percentage of neutral votes at 67.9%
Phylum Micrognathozoa
~ was our first single species to be ranked
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Rotifera
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Nematomorpha
~ had the highest amount of dislikes at 74
~ had the highest percentage of dislikes at 30.1%
~ had the highest percentage of hates at 11.4%
~ was the only phylum with a negative ranking
Phylum Onychophora
~ had the most notes at 310
~ had the most reblogs at 115 (though a lot of them happened after the poll closed)
Phylum Arthropoda
~ was the only phylum to get over 2,000 points
~ had the second most reblogs at 101
~ had 0 hates
Phylum Echinodermata
~ had the highest percentage of loves at 52.8%
~ was the only phylum to not receive any dislikes or hates
Phylum Chordata
~ had the highest amount of favorites at 334
~ had the highest percentage of favorites at 71.5%
~ had the lowest percentage of likes at 4.9%
~ had the lowest percentage of neutral votes at 0.6%
~ had the highest amount of hates at 37
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lestats-ovaries · 1 year
been thinking about how ambrosius is largely shown commanding and acting as a leader to the knights for most of the movie, especially in the movie's climax. I also keep thinking about how he graduated at the same time as bal, and the time jump between then and the rest of the plot can't be longer than a few months.
all this to say that chances are, ambrosius was immediately forced into a position of leadership on account of his lineage, which puts his internal rant to the director in a whole new light
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
I've been reading a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories lately, by a lot of different authors, and I've noticed an interesting trend. Not something that happens all the time by any means, but something that's more likely to happen in one over the other.
Magic fixes problems while science causes problems.
And it makes sense that it would be that way, because magic is something that we don't really have, and we can only imagine what we would do with it if we did. Magic is just altering reality in ways that logically shouldn't happen, given our current understanding of physics. If we could change reality with a snap of our fingers, oh man we would do so much good with it.
But science. We've seen what science can do. And before it can achieve the lofty goals that it sets out to do, it goes through any number of failures and setbacks. We've seen the mistakes. We've suffered through them. Then in fiction, we extrapolate what could happen with advancements that we haven't quite reached yet.
With science fiction, we tell cautionary tales of a that future could be. With fantasy, we tell fairy tales of a past that never was.
Not every time. But often enough to notice.
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
Gameboy and GBA Games are officially coming to Nintendo Switch Online!
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During the Nintendo Direct, they announced that Gameboy and Gameboy Advance games will be available today for Nintendo Switch Online. The games available today are:
Game Boy
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Super Mario Land 2
Gargoyle’s Quest
Game and Watch Gallery 3
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Wario Land 3
Kirby’s Dream Land
Game Boy Advance
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
WarioWare Inc
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Zelda: Minish Cap
The following games will be added at a future date:
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noirve · 1 month
love how armand was all "like someone got sick on the canvas?" about a modern artwork yet his own plays at that time were completely niche and experimental and just straight-up absurd
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scalierpepper · 4 months
hi friends! i would love your thoughts and ideas abt something if you are willing:
imagine you are harrowhark nonagesimus and have abruptly remembered your cavalier was not ortus nigenad and was in fact gideon nav. all your memories of her come flooding back. what moments or details of gideon flash through your mind at this point?
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Hua Gongzi ‖ First Apperance
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coffinup · 3 months
I know I’m a bit late, but I wanted to say HAPPY PRIDE!
The deathcare profession is becoming a lot more diverse as more and more young people come into it, and it’a great to see. I personally work with several fellow lgbtqia+ people at my funeral home and it’s such a nice feeling of solidarity in an industry that is historically white, male and cisgendered.
Along with the progress though, I also think it’s very important to talk about what everyone can do to help protect themselves and their identities when their time comes.
I think of a case years back of a trans woman whose hair was cut and who was put in a suit by her family’s request for her visitation, because she’d passed away in an accident, and her parents were her next of kin, they completely disregarded and disrespected her identity after she died.
If you are a queer person, especially someone who identifies with a different gender than you were assigned at birth, and don’t feel comfortable with the idea of your family being in charge of your end of life care or funeral arrangements, there are a couple of things you can do:
-Fill out an Advance Directive. This is sometimes called a Durable Power of Attorney or a Living Will. This dictates that, should you be incapable of making your own medical decisions due to coma, illness, injury, etc, the person you ASSIGN is in charge of those decisions.
-Sign a Designee form. This is crucial if you want to designate a specific person to make decisions about your body disposition and funeral care. POWER OF ATTORNEY ENDS AT DEATH. Your power of attorney will NOT be able to make post-death decisions on your behalf. You need a Designee form for that!
Both of these forms can assign any willing person that you chose to be in charge of these decisions. This person does not have to be related to you, they could be a friend, roommate, non-married partner, metamore, in-law, whoever you feel the most comfortable with, and who is willing to sign the form.
You are NEVER too young to have these forms. If you are a young person, re-visit them every couple years and make sure the other person on them is still willing to be your POA/Designee. You can re-do these forms as many times as you need. In most states they should also be FREE and require only a notary public and witnesses!
Forms should be available on your state’s .gov websites!
I wish all of you a peaceful and happy pride season, and as always,
Memento Mori
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mering · 11 months
even the dogs!
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galmiahthepigeon · 5 months
Massive protest in Buenos Aires against severe budget cuts for free public universities. People sing "And now you see, and now you see, those who don't jump voted for Milei".
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stoovrs · 3 months
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cinnamonest · 1 year
I just realized that I forgot to send what I wrote to the translator, so I'm writing again .I really like the ideas of a dear with such poor eyesightthat she can hardly see beyond a couple of centimeters . This is very convenient for Yandere, because if she behaves badly, they just need to take off their glasses. + makes an escape attempt very difficult Sorry to write this again 😭
You're fine! I actually know like a very small amount of Russian so I was like trying to challenge myself to read without using Google and managed to recognize a few words which was fun 🤭
And that's literally me, I remember the first time I went to the eye doctor as a teen and tested my sight he was literally so baffled he outright asked me "how have you gotten by this long like this" 💀💀
Obviously the worst would be either Kaeya or Childe because they find your impairment very cute and will make your life all the worse for it. Taking your glasses away is not even so much as a means of control for Childe, he just genuinely finds it funny and endearing to watch you struggle. It's just one of many things he does to mess with you, along with putting things you need way out of your reach and hiding your stuff and making you do favors or say sweet (and embarrassing) things to him to get it back. Because it's less a control thing and more pure amusement, though, he's more likely to occasionally relent and give it back to you when you need it.
For Kaeya its both control and amusement, so the same is not true — in fact, he most likely outright throws them away for good. Anything you really need that your natural vision prevents, he can just do for you, and now you'll be forced to ask nicely. But he absolutely will do little things to mess with you.
Diluc just decides you've seen enough for one lifetime. Off they go. You wake up one day and they're not where you set them down and he just shrugs off any accusations from you, but doesn't deny them. It's actually a part of his borderline obsessive fixation with moulding you the perfect wife-y version of you he's constructed in his head. That version of you has no need for them. What do you need good vision for? Seeing things?? Looking at other people?? Navigating the world outside? None of these are approved activities. You don't really need great vision for cooking and cleaning and laying on your back with open legs and other more suitable things. You'll adjust just fine.
If you're farsighted and really want to read a book (which, as long as it's approved reading material, is fine, ideal even as it's a sedentary activity), you may ask very nicely and you may temporarily have them back. You can, however, "negotiate" with him by making it backfire on him, such as "accidentally" getting juice confused with rat poison you give to him. Do this sort of thing enough times and he may relent to let you have them a little bit more often... but still only with permission.
Albedo is actually similar to Childe and Kaeya in that he finds it amusing. He's just not as outwardly teasing about it, rather, he tends to quietly observe with a faint smirk watching you struggle. Him taking them away shouldn't really come as a surprise though, seeing as he's the worst candidate for limiting your capabilities in general. Like, having your glasses taken away actually kind of pales in comparison to being rendered permanently lame or having your entire body temporarily paralyzed when you're being mean to him. He already takes every conceivable opportunity to render you as helpless and dependent as possible, this is just another aspect of that, and the primary reason for doing so. Doesn't mean he doesn't also find it cute, though. He's just not going to outwardly say anything to belittle you about it... unless you're being bad, in which case, a few dry-humored jabs might be warranted.
But most surprisingly, Baizhu of all people has the audacity to use it to his advantage. Total betrayal from someone you would have thought understood Universal Glasses-Haver Solidarity. But perhaps that is why he does it, he knows just how inconvenient and limiting it can be, thereby viewing it as a fairly strong leverage in his favor. Besides, you did earn it when you tried to poison him. Have fun reading labels on the medicinal jars on high shelves now.
Should you ever bring up the inherent hypocrisy of keeping you deprived, he merely says it was a necessary act for your own well-being and his alike. He has a tendency to bounce back and forth between how strict he is — he has a soft spot for you and wants to be lenient and trusting, but his self-awareness of his own physical condition and potential weaknesses make him paranoid enough that once he's decided on something like that, he likely won't go back on the decision.
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aliusfrater · 3 months
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sam breaking the fourth wall by making direct eye contact with the camera while investigating glimpses of his and dean's real life, which he perceives through his dreams while zacharaiah has trapped them in a version of reality that exists for the purpose of manipulation vs the concept that sam is the one who ultimately comes up with the plan that diverts the apocalypse
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