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peachphernalia · 5 months ago
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jupiterrrrrrr . & slandering the name of my good friend sunny sunnydayaoe who had a very rasti-coded reaction
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sunnydayaoe · 4 months ago
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guys being a bit silly
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at1ias · 2 months ago
Part- uhm... uh..? I think 4..? Oh well. Part 4. I haven't forgotten about any of yawls, my mind {< hehe pun} just works in weird ways and only lets me do things at random @peachphernalia - I drew them all. Might color them later-
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btw Blue if you see this you scare and confuse me /j ^^
I hope I tagged this correctly
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hvpo-archive · 4 months ago
updated pinned !
What is this?: A blog where we [@sunnydayaoe @solkipp @peachphernalia ] archive all the things related to our shared CCCC AUs. We are also open to answering questions about them here!
What's High Voltage?: This is our first swap AU of CCCC, Mind takes Soul's place, Soul takes Heart's place, and Heart takes Mind's place.
What’s Polar Orbit?: Another swap-adjacent AU, with some other twists and turns this time. Heart takes Soul’s place, Mind takes Heart’s place, and Soul takes Mind’s place. Soon to be represented through an askblog game. Stay tuned !
High Voltage
Polar Orbit
Tag directory below cut !
The tags we'll use are:
"#High Voltage HMS" & “#Polar Orbit HMS” <- Posts pertaining to each AU respectively
"#High Voltage: Troubleshooting" <- Earlier timeline of HV where the coup succeeds
"#HV!Mind" "#HV!Heart" "#HV!Soul" "#HV!Whole" & “#PO!Heart” “#PO!Mind” “#PO!Soul” “#PO!Whole” <- Guy tags
"#Circuit" "#Signal" "#Terminal" "#The Machine" & “#Jupiter” “#Kallichore” “#Adrasteia” “#The Ribcage” <- Guys but again
"#Art" <- All art we do !
"#Fanart"<- Fan art! [oh em gee !!!]
"#Asks" <- Any asks we get !
"#Textposts" <- Any talking we do, with or without ask prompt :-]
"#SunnydayAOE" "#Peachphernalia" & "#Solkipp" <- which one of posted/made it [when we reblog art not made by us, we will use the username of the person who did]
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freshvanillapng · 2 years ago
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new primal seven designs for their new arc! cant wait to see them kill a whole bunch of people to stop the world ending
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rosyarrogant · 2 years ago
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some ocs heads. more to come!
commissions are open!
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years ago
Ok, so after much thinking through about wanting to make some little changes around one of my concepts, I’ve decided to scrap the idea of having one of the Brothers be raised alone while the Other Siblings stay in their Cage into The Three Boys actually be raised together.
So here are my personal designs for the Caretakers (the ones who raised Zeus/Jupiter in the Myths).
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(I’ve decided to make the Kouretes and the Daktyloi Satyrs/Fauns considering that they were describe being Forest Spirits. The Kouretes are Satyrs while the Daktyloi are Fauns. I also gave them Names, though for the names for the Daktyloi and one of the Kouretes are actually named after some characters from William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”).
So here’s a New Concept; After when Zeus and Jupiter rescued their own Brothers from a Young Age thanks to their own Mothers by their help, the Boys managed to escape out of their own Dads’ clutches as they travel through the Seas and ended up in the Island of Crete. 
The Boys were basically separate feet apart away so they just didn’t know that they were on the same situation thanks to their own Fathers who betrayed their Families.
The Young Greek Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades) were lost in the Island of Crete as they had no where to go but suddenly they were first found by a Goat. At first they were scared because they didn’t know which animal it was since they’ve never seen a Goat before, Zeus try to tame it (without the Animal knowing what was going on) until later on, Amalthea decides to raise the Young Gods with the help of the Kouretes as Poseidon and his Brothers grew up with a New Family after when Zeus quickly freed his Young Siblings at a Younger Age.
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The Young Roman Big Three (Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto) were in the same situation as their own Greek Counterparts as they were lost in Crete too, but they endlessly stumble across upon some Nymphs and Fauns as the Creatures of the Forest saw the Poor Helpless Boys as they took them in. The Daktyloi on the Other Hand were more like Teachers/Uncles to the Young Roman Gods while Two of the Nymphs were their Step-Moms.
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The Greek Brothers were raised by the Goat (Amalthea) while The Roman Bros were raised by the Two Nymphs (Adrasteia and Ida). Needless to say, they were far apart met they would eventually met each other again as Adults in the Future.
The Brothers really love their own Foster Mothers very much but Poseidon and Jupiter were more into their own Biological Mothers than their Foster Moms but regardless, Neptune on the Other Hand still loved his own Biological Mother but  he also adored his own caretakers who looked after Him and his Brothers.
Although Poseidon did appreciated Amalthea like if she was his Actual Mother (Rhea) but still misses her no matter the cost.
I got the idea inspired by @violetrose-art and @sp00kies​, even though this may be 100% inaccurate to the Mythos, I actually the idea where the Siblings grow up together with their own Foster Parents.
King Neptune and King Poseidon (c) Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon 
SB Depictions of Greco-Roman Mythological Figures (c) Me
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wyrmwinds · 2 months ago
It almost certainly does not line up with SE's intended portrayal of Azem but I think my azem having such heavy mental health issues adds to the narrative re: "Perfect" ancient society vs the sundered. Emet going Amaurot was PERFECT we had NO PROBLEMS WHATSOVER and YOU wol will NEVER be as great as your original unsundered self.
And then her azem was actually suffering from heavy depression BECAUSE of amaurotine society's high expectations and conformity, while Ava is better off because depression sundered + more importantly did not grow up in that kind of environment. Emet in his rose-tinted glasses forgot about how troubled Azem was and how they had a falling-out over this.
Ancient society was never perfect and it's not that Emet never came across these problems, it's that in his yearning for the past he glossed over them because the societal structure benefited him
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ecstasydesign · 3 months ago
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peachphernalia · 4 months ago
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sorry for continuing the soul rasti awesome lesbians bit it will happen again . kicks rock
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sunnydayaoe · 4 months ago
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Guys being freaks for REALL . polar orbit :]
[Don't tag as ship please :)]
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valkyries-things · 4 months ago
“She was originally a Phrygian mountain goddess, probably associated with Cybele, was later a Cretan nymph, and daughter of Melisseus, who was charged by Rhea with nurturing the infant Zeus in secret, to protect him from his father Cronus. By at latest the fifth century BC, she became identified with Nemesis, the goddess of divine retribution.”
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writing-and-roses · 2 years ago
Decided my last post was too self-deprecating and so here’s a snippet of the current chapter I’m writing.
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thecabinsixwitch · 11 months ago
Hi 😄, can you do a Adrestia cabin moodboard pretty please?
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ethereal-eudaemonia · 1 year ago
sys culture isss… watching one of your headmates front and then disappear for the next five months. where the fuck do they go??
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years ago
Just Some Little New Headcanon Lore for Neptune's Family.
Growing Up with Two Families in Mount Othrys and the Mortal Realms.
Happy Mother's Day BTW.
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Also A Little Bonus;
Mother and Son Moment.
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Fully Grown King Neptune with his Mother, Roman Titaness Lady Ops (inspired by the Dream Scene in "Bambi 2").
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