#adorable princess who i am very fond of
maxsix · 4 months
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starshipdecay · 2 months
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Toon Zelda redesigns! I've never been fond of the Toon Zelda design, and these girls deserve some individuality. Design notes and rambles below the cut :D
(time to turn the proper grammar off i aint capitalizing all this. warning: i am verbose)
first up, tmc zelda!
shes the one most like toon zelda, since i felt like the vibes fit the *most* (though not a lot). also, with her place on the timeline, i could justify a lot of bits, like the wings and the cape
the cape! obvs it comes from the toon zelda base design, but also it involves skyloftian fashion! i take the timeline as a challenge, and i once saw a take somewhere that the skyloftians all wear their family crests (most often birds lol) on their person. zelda here (and link too) do just that, wearing their family crests on little caplets. on the back is, of course the royal crest
i went very cutesy princess for her. tmc has such a *whimsical* vibe that i feel is very. muted? by the fact its stuck with the toon style. so i wanted to put in that vibe here. also her sprites make it look like her skirt is super poofy, so how could i not?
curly hair: i wanted something interesting, and most zeldas have straight hair. so! adds to the cuteness
i didnt draw it so well but she (and link) both have very sleepy expressions. zelda especially just has a sleepy expression in her sprite, its quite adorable.
shes not as decked out as other princesses, cuz i see tmc taking place before the royal family really starts to get *royal* as we see it. shes still of course got a tiara and some embroidery tho.
Tetra! her base design isnt all that changed from the original. her name is a fun hc of mine tho. i think "von Hyrule" sounds better as a surname than just "hyrule". shes not zelda, but shes still a descendant.
(WW) princess z (as i call her)
I went more oot zelda vibes for her, since she would be closer, temporally, to oot. i also went very warm, since ive never seen the flood as a *warm* endeavor.
shes got the shoulder danglies, as most zeldas have shoulder armor of some kind. the danglies instead of actual armor are supposed to kind of evoke a royal sea captain kind of vibe.
shes ghostly, with a fish-eyed stare. shes been dead and gone for a long time. shes also a bit taller and a few years older than tetra (as of ww). shes just some spectre the king saw in tetra, not at all a close match
tetra, being smaller than princess z, doesnt fit into the clothes. the dress is too big for her (as is in canon gd that skirt is WAY too long for her), the coat is baggy. the role of a princess *literally* does not fit her.
the ribbons! theyre my replacement for the wings, and they represent the wind in the game! since its represented by white lines, the ribbons are a perfect symbolic match. (also, a note, tetras hair is shorter and coarser than princess z's)
i mostly bullshitted the blue panel but the vague idea i gave it was 'a hope for the triforce to give good fortunes to the people' (pictured as dots, mostly behind her arms)
Pirate Queen Tetra
ph! about a year has passed, and tetra has really grown into her own! as well as literally grown!
shes still tetra, pirate and captain, but shes incorporated that royal heritage into her identity: quite literally! she made piecemeal of the original outfit (what was left of it anyway after the fight), and added bits and pieces to her new life.
she also takes full advantage of said heritage to call herself pirate queen. its great for branding. whos gonna say she CANT go by pirate queen?
the seagull feather is from Aryll. only crew member tetra wears a trinket from (who can say no to that ball of sunshine! certainly not tetra)
not many notes. yall can see whats there. (also she still wears her hair in a bun, its just in a low bun (you can almost see it) when she wears her hat)
st zelda!
first note is: shes not a princess! shes an heiress of the company tetra had made and left behind. hence her title of Lady zelda. ("new hyrule" rly just like-- the ending of ww was *literally* that hyrule is dead and thats okay. how did they miss that :sob emoji:) also calling her Lady Zelda fits with the train vibes
shes in a 1880s style bustle dress because 1) i am OBSESSED with bustle dresses. i love them. so much. 2) the more historical vibe works really well with trains! also a lot of the other outfits in the game have late victorian vibes, so shes certainly not out of place.
her hat (and gloves): any proper lady has a hat on when going about town, however, when she gets body snatched, she pulled out her hatpin to use (ineffectively) as a weapon (she IS tetras great-great-granddaughter), causing her to lose her hat *and* hairdo.
shes still got the hatpin in her ghost form, too. she uses it to threaten people for funsies
Ribbons! on the topic of hairdo, her ribbons! visually tying her to tetras design, the ribbons here instead take on the image of train tracks, with her pin (on the left side) evoking a train engine. the pin also makes her look rich and girly. when her hair comes undone, this makes the ribbons all loose, like how the train tracks disappear in game. (the hat also kinda connects her to tetra)
thanks for reading :D i hope you liked reading this as much as i liked typing it
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hwashotcheeto · 4 months
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Here's the Prince!Seonghwa drabble I thought about. @malldreamprincess princess made this moodboard for me without asking, so she's amazing, everyone say thank you to her. 💜
Prince!Seonghwa x gn!reader
WC: 922
All fluff, very fluffy, rot your teeth like cotton candy fluffy.
Tag List: @cherrycel @mxnsxngie @malldreamprincess @asjkdk
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You were sitting in the rose gardens, admiring the many different manicured bushes, counting the blooms on each one. Before you moved to the Palace of Wonderland, you’d never known how many colors roses could be. You’d seen red, white, and pink, sure, but here, there was blue, and purple. 
“You spend a lot of time here,” a voice behind you observed. 
You turned your head to see him. Your betrothed. The man you were going to be married to in just two months. 
The crown prince of Wonderland, Park Seonghwa. Your future husband. 
You fought your father on being married off to a man for the sake of an alliance. You hated it, you didn’t want your life to be a bargaining chip. 
And then you met the man you’d be married to. You met Seonghwa, and he was everything anyone could want. 
Romantic, kind, sweet, gentle, gorgeous, loving, and so much more. 
He made sure you were comfortable with anything he did. He held you when you were scared. He defended you from others in the palace. He made the effort to learn who you were and what you liked. 
He told you the night you met: “I’ll always be your husband before I am your king. And I’ll do my best to be the best one I can be for you.” 
You vowed the same to him. To be the best spouse you could be. Every kind gesture, you returned it. You learned about him as he learned about you. 
You wanted to marry this man. And he wanted to marry you. 
“I like roses,” you responded, turning more towards him, coming back to reality. 
Seonghwa smiled as he walked up to you, his back perfectly straight, as always. He sat next to you on the little stone bench as he looked at the roses as well. 
“They are quite beautiful, aren’t they?” He reached out and held one of the blooms in his hand. You watched his slim, delicate hands cradle the delicate flower in his palm as he admired it’s deep red coloring. 
“They are. They’re my favorite.” 
Seonghwa looked at you, and every time you looked at him, you fell deeper into his dark eyes. He looked at you with a fondness you’d never been familiar with. And he made sure you felt it every time his eyes met yours. 
He nodded as he let go of the rose, turning back to you. You did the same. 
“I have something I wanted to give to you,” Seonghwa said softly. He held out his hand for you to take, which you easily did. His hand closed around yours, and it felt like a key sliding into it’s lock. 
He reached back into his pocket and retrieved a small, black, velvet box. With his one hand, he managed to open the box, and revealed a gorgeous diamond ring. A silver band with a diamond on the top, with smaller red rubies around it. 
A diamond, for you, and rubies, for his kingdom’s colors. 
Seonghwa couldn’t stop smiling as he pulled the ring from the box. “I know royals don’t have proposals, but I could not stop thinking about this moment.” He looked up at you as he held the ring, the biggest smile you’d ever seen on anyone, his eyes sparkling with delight. 
It was taking everything in you to not burst into tears on the spot. Despite the tears, you were smiling as well. Your heart ached with a love you’d never felt before. An adoration, a desire saved for someone like him. 
For someone as special as he was. 
“Would you marry me, my dear?” He asked you, moving closer, squeezing your hand. He lowered his voice as he leaned closer to you. “Would you spend the rest of your life with me, and make me the happiest man on Earth?” 
You nodded as the tears spilled down your cheeks, not trusting yourself to speak. You felt weak, but not in a negative way. Your whole body felt the love you had for him. 
You were convinced that you were in love with the prince. You were marrying this prince not because you had to, but because you loved him. And he loved you just as much. 
Seonghwa slid the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly. 
He reached up and held your face in his hands, wiping away your tears. You gratefully leaned into his warm, soft touch as he cradled you like you were the most precious jewel in the world. To Seonghwa, you were. 
“I’ll take care of you,” he whispered, wiping away another tear. “I’ll be the best husband I can be.” 
“I know,” you whispered back, reaching up to lay your hands on his. “I’ll do the same for you.” 
“I know.” He smiled as he repeated your words, but tears began to well in his own eyes. His eyes sparkled even more than normal. 
You let go of his hands and threw your arms around him, hugging him as tightly as you could manage. Seonghwa did the same, holding you tightly against his chest. The squeeze made you feel safe. You knew you’d always be safe in Seonghwa’s arms. 
There were no words exchanged. There didn’t need to be. 
This is what life would be for years. Loving embraces. Endless kisses. Bottomless adoration. Singing each other’s praises until the end of your days. 
Being entirely, selfishly, hopelessly devoted to each other. 
You couldn’t think of anything better.
Neither could Seonghwa.
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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janovavalen · 11 hours
his beauty .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗ aegon ii targaryen x fem!targaryen reader
summary: the houses grace has fallen victim to her uncle; the one who’s shunned and discriminated along the house, only for her to feel the same, leaving them to fix and ruin each other.
warnings: cursing, drinking (drunk aegon obvi), casual targaryen incest, hidden love, slight angst and very slight smut (not even smut fr)
words; 6.8k
based on this request
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at the mid of day, the two houses; green and black, decided it was high time for them to all get together and celebrate the marriage of dameon and rhaenyra. her father; viserys, wanted him to be home with her either way without simply asking her to be with them all.
her family; y/n daughter of rhaenyra and daemon, jacaerys, and lucerys had all come together in unison. standing in the throne room next to his slightly shorter brother and his younger sister who paid absolutely no mind the what was going on around her.
his mother and father standing beside one another with his mothers hands in front of her and his father looking joyfully around and waiting.
‘oh Gods, how much longer shall this go on? my legs are tired and i am hungry’ aegon groaned while his mother shot a sharp look at him and aemond rolling his eyes and looking down and over at helaena who look only briefly then back at her own world.
‘shouldn’t be much longer, aegon. they aren’t that far from us anyway’ his father mumbled, not really wanting to reply but not wanting to leave a open space with his sons rudeness to fill the room.
aegon only agreed to coming mainly because his niece: y/n, would be accompanying the family. he and y/n were the only two in the family who got along without a fuss. he found it harder to grow fond of his nephews; her brothers.
nothing wrong with them apart from the obvious factor that they were basterds along the family, their dark hair and eyes that didn’t match anyone’s. y/n however took apart from her mother and grandmother; his fathers late wife.
her hair long and white, eyes light blue. her nose sharp, and face defined. even as a babe they were unable to tell who’d she’d came out of; rhaenyra her mother or her grandmother who’d already passed years before.
just as aegon started to wonder how she’d look, not at the age of fifteen , himself nineteen, the doors opened to show the family wearing black; dressed formally.
aegon couldn’t help but looks around only to see who’d he been looking for, y/n walking hand in hand with her mother who’d also held hands with her younger son lucaerys.
he almost felt his heart racing at the sight of her a bit taller, almost shoulder to shoulder with her mother but not quit. she was visibly taller than her younger brother. daemon walking not too far behind, right behind y/n actually.
‘my daughter has arrived!’ his father yelled happily, he began to struggle but still made his way over to meet rhaenyra half way who smiled warmly and hugged her father—‘and my granddaughter y/n’ he sighed, looking down at her while holding his hands over her slightly chubby cheeks, she still had yet to fill her face, but she still showed signs of maturity.
‘hello grandfather’ she spoke, her voice soft and almost fragile. from what he was told; she was anything but, she put a face for the audience and showed herself only for her family, she was labeled among the family but admired and favored among the people.
a beauty, a treasure, a true princess, she would be called throughout the streets, house and sometimes the maids. aegon never paid close attention to when they would whisper and gossip about himself but he always paid attention to every detail about her.
he noticed how her hair was curly and perfectly laid out behind her back, some strands of hair breaking free and tossed over her head.
‘what a beautiful face she has’ he heard a maid gasp while the other next to her agreed immediately with a nod and an adoring smile. aegon of course agreed.
‘well let’s not hold any more time, come! i have a day planned for you all, and something special for you, y/n.’ he let her grab his hand as the two walked off, alicent looking at her kids as a way of saying let’s go, which they were quick to follow, aemond walking next to aegon and helaena a bit off but next to her mother who’d slowed down her walking speed to match hers.
aegon watched as y/n and his father talked, she’d laugh loudly and lean into him as he smiled warmly along with rhaenyra who’d watched her the whole time, she’d occasionally look back to her other sons who walked a bit ahead of aegon and aemond.
‘they’re growing fine’ rhaenyra commented, talking about her younger brothers.
‘ah, yes. the tow doing well, aemond is a very well swordsman, taking after his father’ he jokes leaving rhaenyra to smile—‘helaena, bless her heart, very good at knitting however, makes fine pieces.’ he told as rhaenyra turned to look at the bunch along with y/n, aegon couldn’t help but make eye contact with her as she smiled at him, he free hand lifting to wave at him.
he didn’t know why or what possessed him to do so, but he gave a hidden wave back, rhaenyra unnoticed, but y/n grew warm at him doing so and turned her head immediately.
he felt himself smile and cleared his throat to fix his stature.
he noticed when his father got to talking about him however, was when it was whispers and mumbled, rhaenyra nodding and not paying any mind but his mother turned to him in distaste. he wanted so badly to throw himself from the open window next to the bunch or even drown himself in wine, he hopped he’d get to at least pleasure himself in that.
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sitting in the upper parts of a stone balcony, they all observed and watched the dewling going on below, crowds cheering and clapping for the people in battle with each other, and the family above sitting and watching.
aegon gotten lucky and had a cup filled to the brim with wine, he sipped it every now and again, on a regular—he’d rather down the whole cup and get more, but something in him made him want to hold some sort of decency in front of y/n who sat right next to him. her hands held one another as she almost looked like a statue in a garden.
she looked starlight forward and watched the dewl, her eyes following the people as they crossed and hit each other. did she like the fighting? did she like chaos? did she like the noise and angry men as they threw cups of wine and whatever they had in their hands out of anger when someone, they bet on lost.
he wondered to himself. his eyes moving up and down her body while he watched. the real show seemed to be next to him.
‘are you having fun?’ he heard. looking up to see y/n looking over at him with full eyes of wonder, he cleared his throat and set the cup down next to him, not without gulping some down of course .
‘yes of course, are you not?’ he asked her back, she smiled and shook her head slightly. he was a bit shocked of her giving him honestly but he was happy she didn’t feel the need to lie.
‘i’d much rather be in it, i wonder how it is, how it feels. have you dewled before?’ he was shocked, she’d want to fight with a man? and most likely her life on the line?
‘i have not, why would you want to be in it? i heard women often don’t like things like this?’ he wondered, looking at her as she hummed.
‘hm, i don’t know. it looks fun, right?’ she asked while looking at him once more then back at the fight below. he hummed back to agree but knew he’d agree with anything she said.
‘i could help you have more fun, would you want that?’ he leaned into her so he was closer, smelling the bath soap and perfumes she had still tangled in her hair and skin. she turned to him immediately, their noses almost touching each other as she looked into his eyes.
smiling she went to speak back into his ear—‘how about you leave first and i’ll follow’ she mumbled, making sure her mother and father didn’t hear. he smiled daringly and cleared his throat.
her voice ringing through his head and bouncing off the walls of his mind, a slight chill and tingly running through his body.
‘father; i wish to go to the library, i have things to attend’ he asked but somewhat stated. his father and rhaenyra looked at him as she looked at their father, he nodded with a dismissive hand and his mother scoffed—‘what things? you have nothing to do—‘
‘let him go, alicent. if the boy doesn’t wish to stay then he shouldn’t’ he mumbled to his mother who looked at him one last time before turning back to the entertainment. he felt risky and let his hand entangle itself with some of y/n’s hair before he walked past her.
she smiled and cleared her throat waiting for a bit before asking—‘may i find something to eat? i haven’t eaten since we left—‘
‘oh, my dear, i can have something brought to you—layla!—‘
‘no no, grandfather, i can find something it’s alright, mother?’ rhaenyra looked at her daughter a bit worried to let her leave but mumbled—‘very well, be back soon, don’t eat too much, dinner will be ready’ y/n smiled and kissed her mothers cheek along with her fathers who smiled, going over to her grandfather and giving him a kiss as well and as for alicent a bow.
the bunch watched as she left and sighed—‘she is your mothers image, and your daughter.’ viserys mumbled to rhaenyra who smiled and nodded in agreement.
‘yes, i’ve been told by many that she might even be my sister rather than my daughter’ she smiled while her father laughed—‘i can see the confusion, and her hair—‘
‘i know, it’s beautiful’ rhaenyra said. they were both gushing about how perfect she was and how much she will and is loved amongst the world, the beauty and grace lifted many.
alicent however, grumbled every time she heard her husband gush over a daughter that isn’t his, she wondered why he couldn’t say things like that for his own daughter or better yet his sons.
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as aegon walked and looked behind him every now and again, he opened the great doors to the library, a table set in the middle of the stone flooring room and books filling the walls. aegon never liked reading, he found it time consuming and a waste of his precious time when he would rather be out and about living how he wanted instead of being forced to please the court and his parents.
the soft sounds of his shoes echoing through the room. where was she? did she set him up to look like an idiot? why was he so quick to go with her word and fail to think of his own actions?
just as he started to doubt her was when he’d heard the door open, turning quickly to see y/n. her hand on the door and the other by her side.
‘sorry for the wait; i had to stop by the kitchen, make the lie believable,’ she joked while looking around in awe.
‘so this is your library’ she gasped, he smiled at her wide eyes—‘yes, not much to gape over’ she shook her head and made sure the door fully shut behind him—‘what were you thinking of fun always? it’s hard to entertain me, i must warn you. the wet nurses say i didn’t smile until the age of five.’ she told him with a warm smile of her own.
he believed what she had to say without a second thought, imagining her as a babe, straight face and eyes wide.
‘i could only imagine, i heard i didn’t stop crying and begging for attention’ walking over to her as she opened a few books and put them back on the shelves.
‘i believe it’ he snorted as he gasped, his jaw dropped while she laughed, leaning into his chest and inhaling deeply for the air she’d lost while laughing—‘i jest!’ she prompted, walking to the other side only for him to follow.
‘what is your fascination with books anyway? most your age take favor in dresses and hair i hear?’ besides his sister who took favor in bugs and her time alone.
‘mm, i enjoy that too, what makes you think otherwise?’ she wonders, the book in the hand now on the table.
‘just a little ago you mentioned how you liked the fighting, most don’t take favor in that.’ aegon commented and recollected. y/n shrugged and smiled.
‘i enjoy things that catch my attention. most of my favors come from my father, he taught me things. things some girls my age wouldn’t enjoy…how could i not?’ she looked at him as if she were questioning him.
he shook his head a bit, lost in her lips…plump and red. she smiled and looked down at the floor before speaking—‘i have an idea of fun, since you don’t.’ she joked as he turned an eyebrow out of curiosity and followed as she led him out of the room.
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being led down to the outside of the house, his hand in hers that gotten entangled with hers back in the halls, apparently he was walking too slow and she wanted him to catch up so she took his hand in her own.
her skin was soft and warm to the touch, the warmth complimented his cold ones.
seeing the dragons as they stretched their necks and roared he stumbled back a bit—‘wait, we aren’t possibly riding them are we?’ he mumbled as she looked at him her eyes wide—‘of course we are! or is that too much for a fair prince as yourself?’ she walked almost chest to chest with him as he scoffed.
of course it was! at the moment anyway, he didn’t have a problem with them only that he’d never ridden one for himself, he had one himself but he barely knew it nore did anything with it, he didn’t have the time or interest either.
‘of course not, why would it be? dragon back riding is popular throughout the family anyway’ he said as she pulled him to her dragon. it looks deadly, big for its age, he wondered how much bigger it would get.
it’s scales white and spikes sharp, it almost matched herself.
‘this is smaug, he is sweet, don’t worry about him too much it would hurt your pretty head’ she jokes once again—‘i should say that to you’ he mumbled.
she smiled before barking a loud laugh, her dragon shaking its head as it prepared itself for her to mount him—‘come along prince aegon!’ she yelled, looking at the dragon as it squinted its eyes at him.
‘i don’t think smaug likes me very much princess!’ he yelled back as she stroked the dragon's neck—‘don’t be shy, he doesn’t bite unless told!’ she yelled back.
the height of the two now great, causing them not to hear each other if they spoke regularly.
aegon silently gulped before walking to the side of her dragon, it was still before it suddenly jumped at him with a snap of its jaw making him yelp, she laughed heartily as her dragon seemed to do the same.
‘he jests! come on now!’ he couldn’t believe he’d just done that.
finally getting to the back of y/n who smiled, her hair not tied back so it would be out of her hair—‘are you ready my prince?’ she asked with a hint of something he couldn’t recognize in her voice—‘only if you my princess’ grinning to her while his eyes trained to her lips and to her eyes, she grinned and turned around.
‘sōvēs!’ she shouted and just on command her dragon lifted, its wings flapping loudly and slowly around the two, his hand gripped each side of her waist as she paid no mind, his chest close to her back.
‘let’s not go far yes? we have to attend dinner soon!’ she yelled while he nodded, the two high in the air and his house looking like nothing but a small smudge surrounded by water, the foggy clouds all around consuming his sight.
the didn’t fail to notice the way she’d let go of the holsters that she was once holding—‘shouldn’t you be holding them?’ he wondered, his voice a bit quiet since he’d placed his head next to hers, close to her ear.
‘no, not now anyway, we’re mearley gliding along the sky, do you take hold of yours?’ she asked; turning her head a bit so that their eyes matched one another and her nose almost touching his, he was beyond tempted to close the space between them. her lips almost close to his but…he couldn’t.
‘no i don’t! why would you think that?’ he mumbled, he didn’t cent ride his dragon.
‘you wouldn’t know then’ she teased, turning back around as the two focused on the picture in front of them, his eyes making their way to her every now and again
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as the two did their finish with dragon back riding, y/n kai fed gracefully and cleaned her clothes, patting them down and turning around to do the same for aegon who let her touch him, his chest and face and hair, making his hair calm from its once wild state from the wind.
‘let’s hurry, we mustn’t be late, anything will make my mother worry’ she spoke while turning and walking quickly, her hands fixing her hair and face.
‘yes, let us hurry then.’ he mumbled. wishing they had more time to spend with just each other. he loved her company and wished to have more of it.
the two of them making way inside and closing the door, she breathed heavily and soon calmly, her once rushed state appearing as though she was calm the whole time. her hair in the back however—‘wait’ he rushed.
reaching for her hand and causing her to turn around as she looked between his eyes—‘what?’she mumbled.
turning her around so that he could comb his fingers through her hair and tame it, she smiled to herself before he mumbled—‘okay’.
turning she looked between his eyes once more, her hand finding way to his own hair to fix it once more, their close proximity intoxicated his sense. he could practically taste her on his tongue.
she leaned in a bit closer causing his heart to speed up, he could have sworn he’d die right here in from of her. she let her lips slowly part and lean in, him meeting her half way. inhaling sharply as he kissing her with urgency.
her hands hand the side of his neck as he heard her hum. pulling apart and making sure not to get carried away, she shuddered a breath before smiling—‘i’ll go first, you follow soon.’ she instructed. he nodded in a daze, still lost at the thought of his lips on hers.
her half slipping from him and walking away. her appearance causing his father and her mother to sigh with relief.
‘darling girl, where have you been? we’ve looked all over’ she rushed, her hands on the side of her daughters face who shrugged and held her hands over her moms.
‘i was in the chambers, i ate too much and had to sleep’ she shrugged while her mother hummed and smiled, leaning in and kiss her cheek only to get a faint scent—‘oh dragon back?’ she mumbled leaving her daughter to only look to the side and smile.
rhaenyra turned to her father who smiled and grabbed ahold of y/n’s arm—‘come, you shall sit here’ he instructed, she did as told and occasionally looked to where aegon was only for him to make his appearance—‘aegon!’ his mother yelled.
walking over to him, her hand made its way to his bicep, gripping it—‘what have you been doing? drinking i hope not—‘ she harshly asked.
‘no, i was in the library—‘
‘they checked and you weren’t, you reek of dragon, where were you?’ she asked lowkey once more, he looked up and looked back and over to y/n who bit her bottom lip—‘alone…i was alone mother.’ he mumbled. she grumbled before letting go of him.
‘go sit.’ she instructed leaving him to do as told. he sat across from y/n who smiled at him with pity.
he wished she didn’t hear what she said, or he’d be entirely embarrassed.
‘now that we were back together; let’s eat.’ viserys told them all with a smile as daemon sat next to rhaenyra, y/n in the middle of her brothers. aegon; next to his mother,his siblings next to him in order.
he sneakily grabbed a cup of wine and drank some of it as y/n supper her juice.
they talked amongst themselves, only for aegon to grow confident. his leg lifted and licked y/n’s who looked up immediately and jumped a bit but grinned—she did the same as he laughed.
the town of them laughing and growing a bit of attention from her brothers—‘what are you doing?’ jacaerys mumbled, looking at her as she cleared her throat.
‘nothing brother’ she mumbled. aemond however seemed to know but chose not to comment, he’d rather not start any unwanted and unnecessary attention.
the dinner went on longer than usual, but it was worth his time when y/n would look at him and smile.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🗡️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
later in his chambers, he sat in his bed with his new bed clothes on, his hair slightly damp from the bath he took a bit ago.
laying in bed to remember what happened earlier and who was there with him, he felt his body grow warm, shifting over to one side of him and the other he was restless.
the memory of her lips on his, the slight pudge to her waist that was squeezed between his fingers and through her dress. his chest became hollow as it grew and shrunk. his heart racing.
he let his hand gradually lift from where it was and slowly making its way down his chest, teasing himself to move further down, and down.
finely where he needed it—his hand slipped through the pants and only his warmth. it in pain, and throbbing.
making a small noise as he strayed to work itself—the thought of y/n on his mind, her eyes, full and wonder and life. her cheeks, plush and chubby, her lips, plump and warm. her taste, sweet and savory. his mouth opened in pleasure as he felt himself getting closer only to hear a knock.
jumping up and whipping his hand on his sheets, upset with the release he begged for now gone—‘yes? how is it?’ he grumbled—‘y/n’ the voice spoke. his eyes wide, he got up and ran over to the door.
opening it in a hurry to see y/n in her nightgown, with her hair done and curly, set back behind her shoulders—‘what are you doing here—come in, hurry’ he ushered her, grabbing her with the opposite hand he’d previously used.
‘i couldn’t sleep, and i wondered if you’d want to talk more? i enjoy your presence and…if not that okay—‘
‘no ko, stay, please. i’m okay with it. i enjoy yours as well’ he muttered. trying to keep it quiet. she smiled sweetly while looking up at him through her thick lashes. she looks beautiful. the look of ready for bed making him feel something, the pain making its way down to his core—but ignoring it as much as he could, he couldn’t do that with her. not now, possibly never. he’d ruin her and the future she had…the future without him.
his heart stinging him with the thought of her being with another and not him.
‘what is it you wish is talk about princess?’ he muttered as he watched her walk over to a chair next to the fire that was cracking in the open space.
‘anything, about you.’ she muttered. he felt his breath hitch as she turned to him, her open shoulder glistening in the warm light next to her—‘what about me?’
he muttered as she shrugged, sitting down and ushering him over with a finger. he followed immediately, sitting in the chair across from her.
‘anything, what is it you enjoy, dislike?’ she asked. her leg crossing one another. he couldn’t believe who he was talking to especially for her age, pure fifteen, and speaking as though she was as old as her mother.
‘i enjoy everything, drinking, sleeping—‘
‘sex?’ she muttered, he looked up immediately and felt his ears ringing, the growing foggy and core warm.
she smiled and laughed a bit—‘the maids, have been warning me of you, saying your unpure and could ruin anything you touch…i beg to differ’ she revealed.
he cleared his throat at knowing his maids have caught him in the act more than once, especially with another, he tried to hide it but they always saw and found out. knowing he couldn’t change what they said he rolled his eyes and focused on the fire, embarrassed.
‘believe what you want…i’m not perfect. not like i’m supposed to be.’ he muttered. she felt her smile drop while looking at him and she felt a sort of ping in her heart.
‘how do you feel about that?’ she wondered. aegon turned to look at her as she sat across from him, not too far. he shrugged and slapped a fake smile on his face—‘i don’t care…can’t do anything about it anyway.’
she rolled her eyes and got up, moving over to him so that her stomach met his face, he turned and looked up at her through his eyelashes—‘you don’t have to feel anything about what they say. what matters is what you think of you, aegon.’ she told. her voice was low, and stern.
he wondered if she heard something about herself, he felt his chin quiver as she let him lean his head against her stomach, he hand combing through his hair—‘it’s okay.’ she whispered.
this is all he wanted, from his mother. reassurance, and love, and affection. his arms making way up to her back and holding her body close to his face as he breathed in her scent. she let him pull apart to look up at her as she blinking slowly.
the urge running over her as she leaned down and took his lips in hers in a hurry causing him to follow, the urgency in which making it sloppy but the kiss addictive. slightly moaning in her mouth as she swallowed his sounds, he and her shared the harsh kiss of desperation.
the kiss hitting her core harder making her make a noise in his mouth, his eyebrows frowning, standing up with his body pressed against hers, he held the back of her head as his other hand held the side of her face.
she let her hand expire his chest and toned stomach causing him to pull apart—‘no, stop…’ he whispered, she frowned and kissing him once more leaving him to do the same with addiction, forcing himself to pull apart—‘y/n—‘
‘why not?’
‘we cannot, your pure, young, untuned…i cannot ruin you—‘
‘i am not young, you cannot, you won’t, please aegon—‘ he struggled to stay away, his hands gravitated to her as if she were the only thing in distance, to him he was, he felt how her body pressed against his, her growing breasts fleshed against his chest, groaning he missing her harder until he shook his head.
he couldn’t do this to her, he wouldn’t, he himself the beast, out to kill, ruin and consume all things beautiful and pure. stopping her by placing his hands on both sides of his face, she whined a bit and half his hands—‘aegon…’
‘leave now, before i make a terrible mistake.’
‘you won’t, in asking you—i need you—‘
‘no, y/n. leave now…please, please, leave now.’ he begged. she looked at him without anger but hesitated to leave, biting her swelling lips as he watched her leave silently. his heart racing, and aching.
he knew he’d done the right thing. and he hated himself for it.
that following day, they were set to leave back home; aegon however, didn’t show up for goodbyes. y/n, hunted by this, and the memory of the night before.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🗡️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
years later, in the bed of his room aegon now taller and a bit more fit, his hair short to his shoulders. his body bare from the night before with a random who’d left that same night.
groaning as he turned around and slept peacefully, his mother barging into his room with her gown and presence done—‘aegon…aegon!’ she yelled, he groaned and turned with a fuss—‘what is it?’ he muttered.
she scoffed and spoke—‘we have guest, you are to be ready. now.’ she sternly told him. groaning again while he sat up, she watched as he held his white sheet in front of his naked body, cringing.
‘okay, who is it?’ he asked about the people who’d be showing up so he knew if he needed to be sober or not—‘rhaenyra and her family, hurry, your father said they should be here soon.’ she muttered, making her way out only for him to hear the key words rhaenyra and her family, meaning rhaenyra and her daughter, shooting up to call the maids to get him ready.
was she really going to be there? y/n, seeing her for the first time in years. how would she think of him now? remembering the night he made her leave his chambers. sad and alone. and not saying goodbye to her.
he felt his heart racing with worry. the maids getting him ready by combing out his tangled hair.
making his way down to the main room where his brother, now taller than him and a eyepatch on his face, his hair sleek and long beside his wife, helaena who touched and played with her fingers. people; guards and maids, arranged in their spots, his grandfather and mother standing side by side.
‘i figured you’d want to be here…’ his brother muttered while aegon rolled his eyes at his brother—‘and of course you are, always aiming to please’ he rolled his eyes while aemond ignored him, his straight back turned to the doors.
the doors soon, opening quickly as the people spoke to announce their arrival, rhaenyra and daemon standing next to each other as their children followed—y/n, behind her mother.
and Gods, did she look magnificent. her hair straight and long, braided and some out. her clothes black and matching her mothers, her brothers with their dark brown hair and red mixed with black outsides.
daemon wore black as well with his hair out, on the sides of his head. aegon couldn’t help but let his gaze set focus on y/n who paid him no mind, his heart rate picking up and hurting him almost, he almost forgot what it felt to see it. to even be in the same room as her.
‘alicent, where is my father?’ rhaenyra muttered while she got closer to him, the very visible stench in front of her, filled with child.
‘he is in his chambers, he’d been finding it more difficult to rise, i urge you to let him rest.’ she told them, her authority falling through her voice.
aegon blocked out half of what was being said, his focus on y/n who turned to look him up and down before she faced forward once more. his heart dropped. did what they share years ago mean nothing, did the whole feelings be one sided?
he felt embarrassed, like an idiot, ignored by the one person he couldn’t stand it from. his hands clutched around one another while he felt his face grow red.
he watched as they walked away and past them, y/n keeping her face forward and not meeting his eyes of which he desperately wanted them too.
‘looks as though your disappointment is prominent, who were you expecting? a whore?’ his brother muttered before walking away with his wife and mother. aegon bit his lip and cleared his throat before walking away with him.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🗡️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
his mind had been filled with the way y/n had grown physically; and apparently mentally about the way she ignored his very being. did the decision he made years ago affect how she feels for him today?
his heart was aching and he needed to talk to her, he needed to hear her, feel her, taste her.
sitting at the dinner table as they all ate and laughed, he felt his eyes training against y/n whose lips were unmoving, only to open and close when she ate. she seemed to lose the smile she wore years ago.
her eyes lidded a bit as if the life it was filled with had died. she drank slowly and cleared her throat—‘i will go to my chambers mother.’ he muttered as rhaenyra nodded and kissed her cheek, y/n doing the same. as she dusted off her outside had stood to leave.
be said some bullshit lie to his mother about how he’d felt ill and left without hearing her protest. going down the hall to see it was empty and turning to the other to see y/n walking into her chambers he walked quick, looking behind him to make sure nobody saw—knocking on the door—‘y/n?’ he muttered, his head a bit fuzzy with the wine he’d drank but not enough to stop him from thinning completely.
‘who is it?’ she asked through the door—‘aegon…’ he mumbled. the door opened in a hurry as she looked at him.
he felt stupid, helpless and embarrassed. standing in front of her door as if he were a beggar asking for food. in a sense he was a beggar, begging for her attention.
‘what is it—‘
‘please, let me talk to you…please.’ he muttered as she looked down and peeked her head out to then pull him in and shirt the door quietly.
looking around at the room she’d had he tried not to think of the fact this was his old room, where’d they’d kissed.
‘speak…’ she muttered , her distance far from him as he awkwardly touching his hands and picked at his skin.
‘i…you, look beautiful.’ he told her dumbly, a small smile set on his lips. she couldn’t help but feel her heart skip and race a bit while her eyebrows lifted.
‘thank you. you; betterment.’ she told him, giving him a small smile to himself. he felt his heart skip at this but knew it didn’t match the one tara ago.
‘i want to, apologize —‘
‘don’t, i don't need it—‘
‘but i need to, i want to. please…’ he begged her to hear him, she looked him up and down at his new form and folded her arms—‘okay…’ she muttered.
looking at the chairs next to the fire, he pointed—‘please, let’s sit?’ he asked her she sighed and followed him, sitting in the chair she sat in years ago, her legs crossed over one another as he sat in the one across.
‘i just, i’m so sorry. those years ago. then i forced you to leave, believe me i wanted the same, i craved your touch, your heart…but i couldn’t, i couldn’t ruin you. for your future, your legacy—‘
‘but you wouldn’t have…aegon. i came to you, i asked you, i neeed you. and when you pushed me away…i didn’t know how to feel, i didn’t know if it were one sided or not—‘
‘it was not, it is not!’ he corrected, feeling so far from her, he got up and kneeled in front of her, she looked down at him with sorrow as she felt bad for his current state, his eyes glazed over with tears and desperate for her to understand.
‘no, y/n i have never felt this way, i will never fill this way unless with you…you, are the one thing i can feel around, you…are everything. years back—i knew i wanted you but i couldn’t have you. you are pure, and perfect. carved for the world to admire and witness, the life you need, and the life you deserve. apart from me who will ruin and destroy you, i cannot give you what you need—‘
‘all i wanted was your love…you, aegon, are all i need, all i want—‘ before she could get anything else out he leaned up and pressed his lips along hers, his kiss desperate and hungry, hers following in sync.
the tow of them kissed each other harder and harder, the years of longing for each other hurtling towards the kiss and the love they shared for each other shared.
her hand held his that rested on the sides of her now shaped and defined face, he moved his hands pulled her up but her waist, walking her over to the bed. sitting on it as she climbed onto his lap, the two of them kissing each other and y/n moving her waist along his, causing him to groan.
the more they kissed the more they craved, and she knew she had to wait—pulling apart to rest her head against his, their noses touching, he smiled warmly as she did the same.
she pressed her hands on his chest and pushed him back a bit, slowly laying down on his back as she laid on his front body, her arms crossed and folded along his chest.
the two studied their new bodies as they admired one another’s face—‘i am to marry.’ she muttered in a bit or sadness.
he felt his heart ping—‘to whom?’ he asked. gods, he hated this feeling; the feeling of helplessness. she would marry someone who wasn’t him—now of age, he wished he’d be able to be some sort of interest to her mother.
‘i don’t know. mother and father have been looking, for the perfect man…’ she looked between his eyes with longing. he looked at her as well before she pushed herself up and pressed her lips along his once more.
humming into her mouth as he thought of something he pulled apart—‘marry me…’ he muttered. she opened her eyes and looked at him with wide eyes—‘us?’
‘why not? i am to marry soon, you are now, us marrying one another will bring out houses together, us, growing together, to have babes—heirs to the throne, you queen, me—‘
‘my king’ she smiled as her lips hovered over his, kissing him once more with amazement at the new thought of him as her husband.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🗡️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
the next day, aegon told y/n she’d talk to her mother. she said it would be preferable over her father, if he talked to him, he’d die.
knocking on her chambers she spoke—‘come in’. walking in to see rhaenyra, his older sister standing at the table, her hand on her stomach—‘oh, aegon.’ she stood straighter, a part of her expecting her daughter.
‘yes, i’ve come to speak with you, on important matters.’ he was beyond scared right now. she was a bit worried, siting down at the chair near the table as he followed.
‘yes what is it?’ looking at him in the eyes, he found it intriguing that her and y/n shared the same stern expression and voice.
‘i am to marry soon…’ he muttered
‘so is y/n—‘
‘wed her to me…please.’ he asked, begging. he could tell she was scared—‘what?’ she asked.
‘wed her to me, and i will give her everything she needs, everything she deserves and desires, i will give you heirs to the throne and i will stay out of your way…just. please, i love her.’ he begged and explained. rhaenyra, fiddled with her fingers at the thought but tried to think and push aside what she’d heard about him.
humming she looked at the floor then up—‘okay…’ she muttered he thought he heard her wrong.
‘i’m sorry?—‘
‘you shall marry her, and you will do nothing to hurt her. if i hear or see anything, i will have you killed and eaten by the dragons—‘
‘i understand, i understand. thank you—thank you sister—rhaenyra.’ be corrected as she threatened him but sat straight.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🗡️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
walking to the chambers y/n stayed in her immediately went into her arms and kissed her deeply—‘did she say yes? huh?’ she asked urgently, he nodded as she smiled widely, kissing him deeply once more.
the two stayed tangled in one another.
their wedding not to long after the betrothal, and they were successful in having four children, three boys and one girl.
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starillusion13 · 9 months
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To read pt.1 click here
Pairing: Prince!Seonghwa x f!reader x Prince!Hongjoong
Genre: Royal, Fantasy, Angst, Yandere
Warnings: smut, raw penetration(don't dare to do it unnecessarily), fingering, hints of nightmares, weird dreams, gaslighting(?), just hints of pregnancy. So, it’s about a Lie or Truth?
W.C: 4.2k
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
Many have requested to do the second part on this so here it is as promised with some soft and spicy insert. I hope you would enjoy it and reviews are always appreciated.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from: @warpedspirit (the first part ---> here)
“Wake up princess…”
“Do you want to sleep more?”
You snuggled into the soft blankets wrapped around your body and nodded sleepily letting out chuckles from both the males, sitting on the either side of the bed beside your head and peaking down adoringly at you. The elder brother patted your head, fingers slowly brushing the hairs and the younger one playing with your fingers. You could feel their eyes on you and the tickling sensation from their touch made you to giggle. You were feeling so much important and loved by your two best friends. For a moment, you were enjoying the time with them but as soon as the memories flashed back from last day, you jerked off from their touch. Sleepy eyes were then wide open startling the two men. Hurriedly, you tried to get off the bed and run away from them but the elder one’s fast reflex made you stop.
“What happened Y/N? Why are you scared?”
“Seon-Seonghwa…leave my hand…please let me go…I need to go.”
“What are you saying? Where do you need to go?”
You were trying to get your hands away from his grip but his hold was strong enough for you to fight against him. The same way he was holding you that time when you both met for the first time in that backyard but that time your eyes were shining bright with happiness and then now, your eyes filled with tears with fear. You recalled how they keeping you there against your will away from your fiancé. You needed to get away from that place as soon as possible before they could act more maniacally. Atleast, you should find the queen and then you could hope for some help or you could explain yourself to her.
“I need to go to Haechan. He is probable worried for me. Whatever you are doing is wrong Hwa.”
“Haechan…he…Y/N you-“
“Hogjoong! Calm down.”
Seonghwa with pity in his eyes pulled you towards the edge of the bed even though you were struggling to break apart from him, adorably cupping your face, his fingers brushing your cheeks, eyes precisely reading your current state and somehow for a few moments, you felt to be the most precious thing in that kingdom because of the fondness he was holding in his eyes while looking at you. Your reflection seemed to be a star inside his eyes. But this is so wrong, you have a fiancé.
“You are again having those weird dreams and thinking about running away from your home to this unknown person. Y/N….”
Tears falling from his eyes and a frown appeared on your face as to what was the reason for which he was crying. Was he putting up an act to make you stay with him?
“Why…why are you crying?”
Hongjoong made his towards both of you with a neutral expression and you were quite not sure of his mood or what he was thinking while approaching you but the way he came near you and gentle hands patted your head before resting them on your lower back.
“The reason is very clear, precious. He is crying for you. It’s not usual for someone to have their partner speaking delusional stuffs often after waking up from sleep.”, He said.
“Huh?” Hearing him, you turned back to Seonghwa.
“You are again under the effect. I guess you should take the medicine today.”
“What are you even saying, Seonghwa? What medicine?”
“Y/N, my precious, my princess. Since the day we came back from that other kingdom, you are acting weird as if imagining stuffs and blabbering nonsense while asleep. You started having nightmares and whenever these stuffs occur, you feel scared of me. Of us. I need to sue all the people in that kingdom for whatever and whoever has done this to you.”
Hongjoong added to his brother’s words, “It hurts to see you like this.” He turned you around and staring deeply right into you, into your eyes. “It cause our heart to ache to see our precious love so broken everytime whenever those black magic affects you. We should not have taken you there in the first place. It’s our fault, I’m so sorry.”
“Y/N, he is right. We are really sorry. I’m sorry too for causing you this.”
Both of them having tears in their eyes and somehow, you were feeling pity for them. Were you causing them trouble? How? You could clearly remember that how you came to the kingdom last day to meet your father and then you met the queen who was so excited to have you after so long time after your disappearance from the kingdom suddenly, you told her about your engagement. Then you were in the court room where you saw your father with the other generals and ministers and then when Queen introduced you to rest of the others present there and you met Hongjoong and Seonghwa, who could not recognise you first but eventually were so excited to meet their childhood bestfriend.
You were glad that when your father shouted on you, they sent him off and then when you three reunited happily but when you brought up the topic of your engagement, their demeanour suddenly changed and started acting like some possessive jerks and as far as you could remember, they kissed you against your will and then you were drugged.
“You are telling lies. Nothing like this happened. I can still clearly remember what had happened last day. You are keeping me here against my will, you even kissed me when I had told you how I am engaged.”
“Y/N. You are engaged.” Hongjoong smiled sadly and folded his hands above his chest.
Before you could speak, your eyes fell on the mirror showing you your dress. That dress was not what you wore last day. You were a simple village girl gown but now you were covered in yellow sleeping gown with royal embroideries. Your hairs were all open, falling and covering your neck and shoulders. They both reading your reactions with curious eyes and trying to stay as much close to you in that moment.
“I’m engaged… to…”
“To us.” Hwa snacked his arms from your back and made eye contact in the mirror. The mirror reflecting the royalty visions and the empowerment. You had only one thought that all these were not yours. You didn’t belong there.
“Who changed my clothes?” You asked him slowly.
“Changed? You as per daily routine, you wore this last night from one of your gown collections.”
“I…I did not…something is not right. Yesterday I came to this palace for the first time in so many years after I last visited and then…”
Hongjoong stood beside you, glancing at his brother for once and then tugging your hairs behind while both of them having soft smiles on their face, “then you met the queen and your father who is like the one to be punished for insulting you in front of us. You apparently met us while Queen introduced you to us and we were so happy to have you but suddenly you told us that you were engaged and we lost our mind.”
“Is that the thing you wanted to say?” Hwa asked you while putting his chin on top of your head.
“Yes yes yes. That’s the thing. How come you know? Joong Hwa, please I will forget whatever happened yesterday but please let me go.”
“Y/N. He knows that only because that is the story you always tell us after waking up from your sleep whenever you have these sudden visions in your sleep or maybe nightmares.”
“Yes precious. Hwa and I feel so upset while dealing with you in such state but you know, we need to be strong as we are engaged and we can’t just ignore you like you are nothing and let go of you. If you don’t trust us then let me call some maids. Wait.”
Hongjoong made his way out of the room leaving you both behind. Seonghwa turned you around and smiling at you and little you managed to smile back to him in response. Seeing this, he held your head to bring you closer and planted a soft and slow kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes feeling his warm lips on your skin and a wave of comfort spread over body but still a pinch of weariness was still there.
Suddenly, you heard a lot of footsteps nearing you and on turning around, you could see few maids and soldiers were standing with a bowing posture in front of Hongjoong and a wild rage in his eyes reflecting while staring at them but the eyes became soft while he looked at you.
Clearing his throat, he spoke loudly as to keep himself audible to everyone present inside that huge room of yours, well their kingdom as how could you just say it yours, “My precious princess of this palace. The Future Queen of the kingdom wants to know about herself. I would appreciate if you all just greet your princess with honour and show her some love and respect.”
“What’s happening, Hwa?”
They all turned towards you and Hwa and bowed together. The in charge of the maids stepped forward and bowed down before speaking up.
“Princess Y/N, your honour, we are glad to have you with us since the day you were announced as the future queen of this kingdom and got engaged with our both of the princes. We are so sorry for us to be here right now when you are so vulnerable but we always want to show our love, respect and kindness to the most wonderful soul in this kingdom. For the upcoming ball night, you are getting married to them and we would be honoured to be living under your ruling hand. Thank you, princess Y/N to have us here and we will do our best to prepare for the most awaited upcoming celebration.”
With the end of her statement, she smiled and bowed down before retreating her steps to join the rest of them.
 You were still confused with her words and the squeeze in your hand from the elder prince, assuring you to take everything slowly and not to force yourself to fit the puzzle. You looked at Hongjoong across the room who was already staring at you, he mouthed slowly ‘Do you want to hear anything more?’ You quickly denied with aggressive shaking of your head and turning to Seonghwa, you asked him to tell others to leave the room. The soldiers and maids were then quickly dismissed from the scenario and you zoned out to your thinking about the situation unfolding in front.
You wanted to believe that they were telling you the truth and all those were your imaginations but somehow deep inside you, a feeling of uneasiness striking your every nerve as to why you were imagining a stranger as to be your fiancé and the day you met these two princes and they kept you here was replaying in your head and it felt so real. Who was Haechan? Was he just a part of your imagination? Or might be someone important whom you can’t and keep imagining him? Were you really engaged to both the princes? You casted a glance to both of them and they were discussing something between them. Your knees felt weak with all these overthinking and you sat on the edge of the bed, clutching the bedsheets tightly into your fist. You didn’t want to face your father but for then you wanted to ask him whether everyone around you was faking things or you were really the princess. But did you think your father would appreciate your presence and help you out to solve that problem?
“Is this real?”
The two princes stopped their conversation and looked at you. They shared a knowing look with each other and then when Hongjoong approached you, grinning adorably at you. He sat beside you and gave you a warm hug and that time, it was enough to soothe you.
“Hongjoong, I’m scared. These all are confusing to me, I want to forget it please. Do something and make me forget it. I feel like losing my mind and I belong to somewhere else even when everyone around me is trying their best to cope up with my mental health. I am being a burden to both of you like this. Even when I want to believe those are my imaginations but somewhere it feels like the reality and you…you are lying.”
“It’s okay Y/n. There is nothing for which you need to be afraid of and thinking so hard. We are here for you and we can overcome this together.”
Hwa kneeled down in front of you and placed his hands on tops of your yours, resting on your lap. He smiled up to you and then again, a little smile appeared on your face as well.
“You have to trust us. We are not lying, Y/N. We can’t lie to you and also you can’t be a burden to us. I hope we can arrange for some things which can help you to forget this forever and we won’t be in this situation again.”
“Is it possible?”
“Of course, it is my precious.”
Turning your face around by your chin, Hongjoong said “You are always so vulnerable at these times and we take care of you by being with you the whole day to get off your mind from this as much as possible. Do you want to know?”
You nodded quickly on his words and he casted a glance to Seonghwa who nodded in response to which the younger prince smirked.
Hongjoong pulled you closer earning a surprise gasp from you, making you sit on his lap. Your wide eyes asking a lot of things but his hands just rubbed up and down on your back relaxing your tensed self. “Don’t be surprise like this.” He chuckled.
“You have to trust us. Okay?”
Holding your chin up, staring straight at you, “Do you trust us?”
“I do.”
With that, his lips crashed on you and you closed your eyes. Lost in the moment, the memories of those story flashing back at you. That hungry kiss of his is nowhere similar to the now gentle kiss of his lips when moving on yours. He was your fiancé and the affectionate and love was all radiating from the heat of the kiss. The vibration of his groan when you pulled his hairs echoing in your mind. The moment with him with your bodies so close and his lips dancing with yours. You were so lost in the moment that you didn’t notice how Seonghwa was admiring your every little sounds you were making and your movements under the touch of his brother. He tapped on your hand to gain your attention and then when you both broke apart from the kiss to look back at the person who just called you. You were gasping for air and Hongjoong was still in the dazed state similarly as you but you chuckled when Seonghwa offered his hand to pull you towards him.
“Why are you smiling, love?”
“It’s so weird that few moments back I was struggling to get away from here and now here I am accepting your hand so eagerly.”
“Its okay though, that’s usual to feel scared after having those dreams that feels so real and I’m glad that you are fighting against the odd very well. We are proud of you. Can we?”
“You don’t have to ask, Hwa. I’m already having so much on my mind and please help me to get off from all these but don’t push me off my limits, please.”
“Just two, okay? Can you handle it?”
You nodded in response and then when he quickly attached his lips with yours. His kiss was lot more rough than his brother’s as if he was fighting against his will not to suck your whole life out of you. The way his hands holding your hairs tightly in his fist and other wandering around your body, you felt like melting under his touch. Teeth clashing with each other and saliva sliding down your lips was earning groans from both the princes.
With slow steps, he made you step back towards the bed and when the back of your knees hit the bed, you fall down on the bed with him on top of you. You moaned when you felt his hands on your chest, squeezing slightly and his lips still attached to yours. You felt him pulling your dress down your shoulders to expose your shoulders and collarbones more. Tongue sliding from your lips, licked down to your throat and neck, teeth hovering over the skin of your shoulders and finally he kissed on the collarbone. The moans from you were ringing in his ears and pushing his inner beast to just rip off your clothes that moment but he didn’t want to scare you off so he managed to put up a gentle smile and moved down to your legs to lift your gown. Meanwhile, Hongjoong attached his lips again and you willingly accepted it. He pulled you upwards to give Seonghwa more space between your legs. Removing every clothing from your woman hood, Seonghwa pressed his palm over your heat and you gasped in the mouth of Hongjoong.
“You are being so good for us, precious. Everything is gonna be okay. Just trust us and only us.”
In a daze, you broke the kiss to look down at him and nodded eagerly to which he chuckled. Your one hand entangled in Hongjoong’s hair and other grabbing the sheets tightly. At this point, you have forgotten every doubt, every reason of your fears and the situation of the outside world is just an abandon stuff to you. You no longer wanted to step outside to clarify your thoughts but just wanting to feel them.
Seonghwa inserted his finger slowly and your eyes twitching and face scrunching up with the effect. Their eyes watching how you were falling apart second by second and swearing, they were feeling so many things to do with you right that moment. Slow but painful rubs were making on your bud and a jolt of waves of pleasure ran down your body making you moan out his name and after abusing it for few more times, he pushed himself inside you also filling up your ears with praises. You didn’t realize when he got rid of his extra accessories and clothing.
“Yes, take it like a good princess. My precious doing so well for us. So good.”
You trusted them and they told you that that was the way they kept your mind off from those situations everytime when you were vulnerable but somehow the feeling of him buried inside you and pleasure spreading all over your body making the tits hard under the hold of Hongjoong and Seonghwa endearingly looking down at you while a bundle of knots building inside you. Their equal attention and touches with lots of praises nearing you to your climax and when he started to hit your sweet spot, you lost your mind and started blabbering nonsense. His hands pushed your gown more up to your stomach and rubbing the thighs softly before gripping the hips tighter. With increasing of his pace, you could feel him getting to his high soon as well and then when you screamed out his name when you both came together.
Heavy breathings and sweats mixing with each other when he rested his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and kissing there. Your hands patted his head and other one intertwined with Hongjoong.
“Yes, my love? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No…no…but why did I feel like that it is my first time doing this?”
“Hm…you always feel like this. Maybe everytime when we express our love like this with each other, we find ourselves falling in love all over again and everything seems to start from the beginning but gradually, we will feel that we belong to each other and everything will be fine.”
You hummed and he get off from you just to rest himself sideways beside you and peeking down at your half eyes closed state. Hongjoong got on the bed mimicking his brother’s previous position and his every lingering touch was sending warm waves of pleasure. Your fingers and toes curled when you felt his lips leaving feather kisses on your thighs and inner thighs. Seonghwa placed a kiss on your forehead and you looked towards him with hooded eyes. Your attention averted towards Hongjoong between your legs, smiling down at you.
“My precious princess. Are you ready for me? You are already so good for us. I know you will be okay. Trust us.”
TRUST THEM. They were repeating these words over and over again. You knew they didn’t want you to feel burden and you being a precious gem to them. They couldn’t lie to you as why would they when you were engaged with them. Then why were all those scenes from the story keep flashing to you and you felt like having a separate life out of the palace. A life which was calling you back to it’s embrace. Also, your soul felt like missing out someone so important to it, as if someone waiting for you to engulf you in his arms and give you the comfort of home. Haechan. Why were you still thinking of him? He was just a character from your imagination.
Your thoughts broke when Hongjoong pushed himself deep into you and start thrusting with an annoyed expression, as if he could read that you were again thinking all those scenarios. But as soon as he made an eye contact with you, his demeanour changed quickly, the rage in his eyes became soft just like someone threw some ice-cubes on the burning fire. His thrusts were rough and uneven as if he was waiting to have you under him, whimpering and moaning out his name like that. To break you down with himself buried deep inside you was his only thoughts running through his mind. Your sounds and wiggling movements under him, making his dick twitch inside you and your walls clenched around him.
“Yes, precious. Just like that. You feel so good. You are doing so good.”
With the praises and uneven thrusts hitting your g-spot pushed you towards your high and with a final thrust, the coil inside you broke loose. He was riding out his high and your bud felt stimulated with the movement and you whined to it. Hongjoong pulled himself out and placed him on your other side. Your mind was clouded with everything happened right that moment but you could feel two pairs of eyes staring down at you. You somehow managed to look back at them.
“I want to forget those fake scenarios for forever but… but I can’t take my mind of it. I feel like having a different world out there. A different life. But don’t know why. I want to trust you. I trust you but still somewhere there still linger some doubts.”
“Precious Y/N…Everything needs time and we will overcome this together. You will be a great queen and a great mom.”
“Yes Joong, she would be the best mom to our children and the great Queen of this kingdom.”
Hwa placed his hands over your tummy and rubbed soothing circles over your dress messily folded upon. You could remember how they released themselves inside you and still could feel their cums inside you.
“The baby that will be growing inside you will be ours. You are our precious. Take rest, Y/N. We can figure out things later.”
Humming to him, you snuggled into the sheets and fell into slumber.
The two princes stared at you for a while before sharing looks with each other. Having a conversation with just eyes, they smirked and watched how your chest moving up and down with your silent breathes. Hands placed each on top of their own on your belly.
“let’s prepare for the most awaited day for our precious.”
Was it really a dream? Or were they faking everything? It’s not true. Right? They were your childhood best friends and soon to be your husbands. You were just overthinking and doubting them. You needed to apologize them later for worrying them and causing them so much trouble.
“Did you find her?”
“No, prince Haechan. We couldn’t find her anywhere but some villagers told us that they have last seen her in the nearby kingdom.”
“Which kingdom?”
hala hala hala hala halaziaaaaaaaa......
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123
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masonmiamor · 2 years
Three words…
Summary: Mason sees you before leaving on WC duty and says the long awaited three words.
Mason swallowed hard, seeing your figure walking out his bathroom. Your jeans are tight around your hips and ass, and his adored black Nike hoodie around you, your makeup is simply done, and with a slick bun on top. He followed his eyes on you as you were folding and putting away clothing into the dresser. Always wanting to help even if it was the little things.
He couldn’t begin to think how much he would miss this while he would be away. Waking up tangled in his sheets, seeing your early smile and how you blush, hiding yourself in the crook of his neck, when he notices. Sitting down in his lap while drinking coffee in the morning, or the small gentle kisses when preparing breakfast.
Midday after cleaning, sitting down, and watching Disney movies while bickering about which one is better. Then, have a snack before deciding what to make for dinner. You hadn’t yet moved in, but spending this much time with him, being this comfortable, made him want to ask in a heartbeat.
There would be times when you would be reading a book, a wine glass in your other hand, watching how you would attentively read and take sips, in your own little world, to escape reality. He knew he loved you when you came over for the first time and took care of him when he felt a bit under the weather. Making sure he would be eating correctly and his fever and cough weren't out of control. Despite him being sick, you shared your first kiss, him whispering along your lips.
“Be mine Y/n… I can’t get enough of you, and how lucky I am to have you…”
Mason knew of your last relationship, how afraid you were to fall in love, just to be treated like a plate for a second table. Afraid that you would overtalk, or express and then make them feel bored. The past was always been patient and caring, but not getting the same energy back. Them making you feel useless or pathetic at what you do, them thinking always so low of you, despite all in the end you just wanted to be cared for and loved.
Mason knew exactly how to make you happy, the small cuddles on your back, gifting you flowers anytime he came over, and making sure you had your favorite salty and sweet snack. You were unsure in the beginning, but the small kisses along your knuckles drew you in more. His brown eyes lured you into a world you never expected. But in the end, you couldn’t refuse this person who was meant for you.
Mason was very fond of you especially around his family, sharing the smallest jokes around them warmed his heart. His sister and you instantly grew very close, bonding over girly stuff. Both of you sharing whispers and giggles with his mom, meant so much more. Seeing the sight, knowing you have the courage and respect, he couldn’t be more thankful. His adored niece is already calling you “Auntie Y/n” while forcing you to make princess-shaped cookies.
Your first argument was heartbreaking, you distanced yourself, shut him out, making him suffer as you weren’t around anymore. You remember feeling hopeless when he wasn’t in shape for his match with Chelsea. Both of you cried in each other's arms after he finally came over apologizing for being a dick, promising not to repeat the mistake, and rather communicate.
The little notes left in his car, training bag, microwave, bedroom mirror, and even on his coffee machine, reminding him of how strong and handsome he is. His teammates teased him, but them being happy as they could see he had found the one.
“Mase?” his attention adverts to you, where he flushes when you walk towards him. He sits on the edge of the bed, looking up and smiling when you rub your hands along his cheeks and then place a small kiss on his forehead. A small yet intimate gesture he adores. “You okay? You seem off?”
He nods then pats his lap for you to sit, which you do, wrapping your arm around his shoulder, your thumb softly rubbing his clothing. “What are you gonna do when I’m gone?”. You laughed at his concerned tone, “You make it seem like you're dying or leaving me forever,” you joked, “Since you’re asking, probably do some uni work, go workout, visit your family and mine as well, laundry, finally finished my DIY bookcase, when I get lonely in my flat come here, just to be closer to you…” you whispered.
Mason hummed, pleased with your answer, “Why do you ask?” you said wondering where the question popped all of the sudden. He sighed, he didn’t want to go, not without saying those three words, or yet, leave you in general. “Just wondering…” you rolled your eyes at his dismissive tone.
“Just tell me-”
“I love you Y/n,” he blurted out, looking up to see how your jaw hit the floor, surprised in a way. He panicked when you didn't say anything, starting to regret and become disappointed in himself, but when he saw your cheeky smile he chuckled, letting out a pant of air. “You love me?” you couldn't help but ask. “I love you, you're the best thing that has happened to me…” he leaned his forehead onto yours.
“I love you, Mason Mount, from the moon and back.”
“You love me?” he teased, smirking when you realized what he was doing. “Sometimes,” he gasped pretending to be hurt, tickling your sides, his heart warming at the sound of your giggle, and pleading to stop. “I'm going to miss you so much when you're gone,” you confessed stroking his hair back, trying your best to not cry. “But I'm so proud of you, always. Your childhood dream becoming true and doing it with the people that mean a lot to you,”
“Just hearing your support means so much. I have to admit, since it is just us two, I'm a tad bit nervous and scared… I haven't had the best start at Chelsea, and all of this is just hitting differently,” Mason revealed. “Southgate picked you because you know how to leave your mark in the England squad, he knows you have the talent and a huge passion for what you do. You’re one of a kind, not something anyone should take for granted,” you encouraged. “He knows you have the strong mindset to play in this World Cup,” you added.
He kissed your lips, deepening it more when he pulled your head closer with his left hand. Your hand rested on his bicep as you continued to kiss, and it remained there when you pulled away for air. “Make all of us proud and bring it home!” you cheered, he chuckled at your cheery tone, placing a couple of kisses along your neck and cheek.
“God, I love you Y/n, so damn much.”
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lesbiandanhowell · 3 months
Sam reacts to: Dan and Phil Get a Dog, Change Careers and Buy a House
- I literally got the notif AGAIN while on the call with my mum, their timing is horrendous.
- Ohhh the pessimistic yapping IMMEDIATLY is so very Dan, I missed his stupid face.
- Their description of the game gives so much insight into how they view life and it is amazing, like Dan the 'capitalism ruins everything and life sucks' while Phil is very happy go lucky.
- Not NordVPN? I am surprised how they are able to pull such competitive sponsors for one channel.
- Phil using Dan's number for stuff where he might have to talk to people is SO VERY ME, I too use my friends numbers, often.
- Why is the fantasy Castle trans friendly how why is this gender
- "Coworkers to lovers" I am not saying anything but you know I am thinking it...
- "Or maybe its a pink he" "What's their name?" FUCKED ME UP because the gender talk in these videos is beyond anything any other videos have ever given us.
- Pink Pantheress is s good taste choice thank you Dan.
- Dan is so fucking sassy and upset with Phil doing better it is adorable. (Phil wasn't even doing better, Dan was just being dramatic as always)
- "Did he ever fight? No I think he just looked pretty on a horse" the whole rant tho >>>>>
- "#NotMyKing" speaks for itself
- Dan is being so passive aggressive despite winning, like he was leading all three categories and had more money and yet he was being whiny.
- "Would you ever go on a cruise?" "I feel like if we'd..." there is no world in which Dan goes on vacation without Phil, got it.
- "Stop nippeling" PLEASE LORD SHUT UP
- They are so fond of each other it makes them look ridiculous.
Appreciate the new video but I don't want more, I want more It Takes Two PLEASE because it was the best series and they had so much fun and we had so much fun and they can be married to each other in that one. Thanks.
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yandere-fics · 5 months
Sir Raphael
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♡ "Forgive me Dear Sunflower, you leave me speechless every time I see you." ♡
She's a worshipping yandere, you are the best thing to happen to her and a beast like her is truly unworthy of such a soothing presence in her life, that doesn't mean she will let you go however, while she acknowledges she has spilled too much blood to be worthy of standing near you, she is also quite jealous and very willing to spill again. Not to mention if she is a pest in your presence, anyone else is an insect who must be crushed. If she feels you drifting she will manipulate the court in any way she needs to, in order to bring who back towards her.
♡ "Call me Raffie, Dear Sunflower. It would be disgrace to have you refer to me formally." ♡
Her name is Raphael and she doesn't come from any noble family despite having been on the council of royal advisors for the last three generations. If you must refer to her formally then calling her Sir will make her blush and sputter.
♡ "I've been alive the last two centuries Dearest Sunflower, it's a tad hard to speak in definitives, especially when you ask such a question so close to my face." ♡
She's 210, she was there for the succession war but did not get involved, mostly because no one asked for her aid. No one in the kingdom even asks why she's still around anymore, she's just assumed as an average part of life. She roughly stopped aging at 31.
♡ "I have a fondness for the company of women, sadly none till you have been able to meet my... taste." ♡
She's a lesbian and everyone she's dated has had gross blood.
♡ "I'm one of the Crown Princess's closest advisors on the council, at times when she is away she expects me to know what she would like done." ♡
To be exact she is the lead advisor, she has seen how previous kings have fallen flat and makes sure Theanna has as much knowledge as she possibly can to avoid their fates.
♡ "I enjoy a nice stroll in the evening hours, perhaps a walk in the gardens when the Princess feels generous enough to allow me a stroll, sadly those strolls mean nothing if I don't have a companion with me, how about we remedy this issue?" ♡
She can walk in the sunlight however it weakens her and she feels faint and must feast afterwards to recuperate.
♡ "I despise those who would dare to not know where their place is, it irks me truly when those flies approach My Dearest Sunflower." ♡\
She also doesn't like parties very much because too many people try to suck up to her and her darling to get favors.
♡ "I'm particularly good at sniffing out which members of our court might cause extra... issues. Would you like me to tell you everyone who it would behoove you not to cohort yourself with?" ♡
She's skilled at reading people which is how she managed to come from nothing and attain such a high position amongst the kings for two centuries. She also has a very good nose and can tell who has good blood without ever biting or spilling their blood.
♡ "It truly is magnificent that I am able to be at your side, I adore you more than it is possible for you to know, you need not reciprocate, it is more than enough to be at your side Sunflower." ♡
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mermaidchan05 · 5 months
Arcana Headcanon: M6's favorite Disney Princesses
(Because I just discovered that Dorian naturally got this very wrong and I am irritated about it. Put under the cut because explaining my thoughts got long.)
Muriel- Snow White
Actually canon as declared by the OG devs. And this fits really well! Friend to All Animals, hiding out in the woods thanks to a vain villain... absolutely works.
Asra- Jasmine
This enby is streetwise, constantly outwits his enemies instead of defeating them with brute strength, has a truly kind heart despite rumors that surround the persona he presents to others (diamond in the rough, anyone?), loves going out to see the world, has plenty of magical companions... yeah, Asra is absolutely Aladdin. So how can his favorite princess be anyone but Jasmine? (Also you cannot tell me that Asra hasn't canonically pulled the "do you trust me?" bit at one point. Or that he never wanted to take his Apprentice on a magic carpet ride).
(I saw a comment on the original about relating to Mulan as a nonbinary person, and I love that! So valid! This headcanon is not meant to counter or to dismiss this in any way. I can absolutely see Asra loving the movie and appreciating Mulan as a character as well. But I cannot see her being his favorite Disney princess. More details later as well lol)
Julian - Rapunzel
Same logic as Asra. This man is Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert. Plus he'd love Rapunzel's sunny energy, and he'd be intrigued by the healing powers (not to mention the fascinating origin behind them). Plus he will absolutely serenade his love with "I See the Light."
Nadia - Merida
Nadia would be a fan of Megara, but Megara is NOT a Disney Princess.
This one was admittedly a bit tougher to pick. My first instinct went to Tiana, since Nadia would relate to her drive and the character arc of balancing work and love. Second thought was Aurora, as Nadia has often felt like the "cursed princess" archetype herself, but that could also make her hate the character, sooo...
Anyway, I settled on Merida since she's headstrong, independent, capable, and hey, Nadia can connect to the family drama. (Plus we all know she has a certain fondness for fiery redheads.)
Lucio - Mulan
Lucio's the kind of guy who would buy into all those bad faith Disney takes that led to the dumb changes they made in the live action remakes. But even if it was just at the surface level of "badass warrior who basically blows up the bad guy in the end," Lucio would love Mulan.
(And I can see Asra finding out that Lucio's favorite princess was Mulan and then changing his own favorite out of spite.)
Portia - Ariel or Moana
This is the only one that I agree with. Portia would adore Ariel. But I can see her loving Moana, too. A strong warrior in her own right who does everything for her family, goes on epic sailing adventures, has TWO cute animal companions, AND has a friendship with the ocean that basically ends up as water magic? Plus she would cry over the "I know who you are" scene at the end.
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Keith and Allura are still my favorite bestie pair.
Mkay, hi! This post is kinda sorta in continuation to another post I wrote.
You don't really have to read the other one to understand this, but it's a similar idea.
Big thanks to @haunted-glassesgurl who gave me the idea for this, go check out her account, she writes thing occasionally.
Waiiiit. Our convo was kinda long. Am I gonna be here for like forever?
Keith is in Allura's room yet again, this time with the princess sitting elegantly in front of him while he paints her.
For some reason, no matter where she is, the light always seems to hit her just right, and she always looks so effortlessly perfect. It makes her the perfect painting subject, her surreal beauty is quite literally alien to Keith.
But he knows that she's also caring and funny. It's hard to take someone seriously when you've watched the them snort like a pig because she was trying not to choke on food goo while watching Keith do a handstand on top of a ten foot tall bookshelf while singing House of Memories at the top of his lungs. It's a long story.
Anyway, he finishes and shows her his latest work. He's painted things for her dozens of times, and she always looks amazed.
She stands abruptly after glancing at the portrait for a couple seconds. Keith does not fall of the bed in surprise, shut up Allura.
"Keith Kogane of planet Earth, I name you the Official Royal Painter."
She says it with a teasing glint in her eye, but Keith looks shocked anyway.
"Really?" His eyes are starry with disbelief and happiness.
Of course, Allura had not been serious when she said that, but she had forgotten that Keith is a very angsty socially deprived child, and therefore cannot tell when someone is joking.
But how can Allura admit that to Keith when he looks like this? It's not possible! His way-to-adorable-for-his-own-good-kitten-puppy-eyes are on full force.
So now, when Keith is super stressed, he drags Allura into one of their rooms and just paints her for hours. She isn't exactly fond of sitting still for that long, but anything is better than seeing her best friend overwork himself to the point at which he regularly has to spend his nights in a healing pod in order to function.
And, sure, to anyone else it would seem like Keith is a creepy stalker who has nothing better to do than make artworks of Allura and stash them all over his room, but who cares? It's not like anyone will be snooping in there.
Lance realizes too late that he shouldn't be snooping in Keith's room.
It's not his fault! Keith had left the door to his room open for once, and how can anyone resist taking a peek in their crush's room?
So, really, Lance blames Keith entirely for his heart shattering into a million pieces.
He had decided to take a look in Keith's closet and see if the guy actually owns anything other than that stupidly short jacket. (How does it even provide Keith with warmth? It covers like 25% of his chest. Is he just a natural furnace??? Does he even take it off when he sleeps or is he just that committed to wearing overly cropped clothing and messing with Lance's weak heart?)
What he finds is painting after painting of Allura. Sure, she's pretty, but this is like an obnoxious amount of portraits.
Before, Lance had hoped and wished and thought that maybe, just maybe Keith might return Lance's feelings.
But now there is no doubt, Keith has a crush on Allura.
Keith can't deal with this right now.
He has already had a stressful week, and now his crush is aggressively flirting with his friend.
Allura just laughs it off every time, but to Keith, it just drives the knife further into his tragic, gay heart every time Lance says something cheesy or winks in Allura's direction.
Why are all the best people so painfully STRAIGHT?
Keith can't decide if he wants to punch or kiss Lance's stupid face.
At this point, it shouldn't bother Keith. He's watched the energetic boy flirt with absolutely anything, (seriously. Keith once walked in on Lance practicing puck-up lines on a trash can with a sharpied face and bikini on it) but for some reason, he can't stop feeling his feelings.
So now, instead of being mature about this, he's ignoring Lance. Shiro keeps looking at him and shaking his head every fifteen seconds, but if Lance is gonna be an unintentional douchebag, then Keith is allowed to be petty.
Their old rivalry is back, an Keith can't help the tightening in his gut when he realizes that he and Lance are drifting apart once again.
Allura is very close to strangling someone.
Honestly! Keith and Lance both clearly like each other, and yet they’re both set on restarting this silly rivalry of theirs.
If Lance says ‘Keith and Lance neck and neck’ one more time, Allura will have his neck.
She’s tried being subtle. She has dropped so many hints that everyone on the ship has figured those two out by now.
And now she’s done. Those idiots are going to kiss each other, and they are going to enjoy it, because Allura has put way to much effort into them.
After dinner that night, Allura grabs Lance by the collar and drags him onto a deserted hallway.
He yelps and complains until he meets her icy glare.
Allura has never shut someone up so quick, and it satisfies her greatly.
“Listen up Lonce. Not only have been flirting with me shamelessly for months, but you’re also failing to see what’s right in front of you. I don’t know about you, but the look Keith gives you every time you dismiss him breaks my heart. So, if you don’t fancy being ejected into space right now, you will go confess to that boy and kiss him like you mean it.”
Lance blinks at her in shock before responding.
“But- the paintings! And he’s in your room a-all the time!” he splutters.
Allura drags her perfectly manicured hand down her face with a groan.
“Well excuse me for being a good subject for his art. If you haven’t noticed, we’re friends, and that’s it. Now shut your trap and go find him.”
The next day, Allura almost combusts when the pair walks into the kitchen bickering. That is, until she notices their find smiles and tangled fingers.
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kinnbig · 1 year
aaaaaa, i want to hear all your armtankhun headcanons, please! for... um, scientific research? :D
oh I am DELIGHTED by this ask thank you sm I love nothing more than to talk about armtankhun
I love love love the idea that Arm has been in love with Tankhun for years, but he'd never say it - he'd never want to overstep or make Tankhun uncomfortable and he knows it's not his place. I think maybe also part of him assumes Tankhun knows - but Tankhun does not know
and Arm's been around working for Khun for a very long time and he's just incredibly fond of him and his quirks and is very fiercely protective over him
I think Arm is one of the few people who really sees how smart and observant Tankhun is. Arm is also very observant and I love the idea that they gossip together about everything going on with the family and the bodyguards
and Tankhun develops these feelings for Arm but also he has a very complicated relationship with love and sex and attraction because of the kidnapping and his trauma, so it takes him a while to understand that that's what he's feeling
especially because I think he'd probably spent a long time trying to come to terms with the idea that sex and romantic love just weren't things that were ever going to happen to him. he could never have casual sex, because he couldn't ever be that vulnerable in front of a stranger, but also he doesn't have opportunities to meet people the way other people do.
and so Tankhun desperately craves love and romance and sex and he reads romance novels watches romantic dramas and he yearns for something he doesn't think he'll ever get to have.
and then he realises he's fallen for Arm, who is steady and sensible and gentle but also funny and mischievous and badass, and he just thinks there's no way. Arm's seen Tankhun at his worst; at his most dramatic, at his most out of control, at his most self-destructive; and Tankhun doesn't think anyone who has seen that side of him so intimately could ever love him or want him - not the way he so wants Arm to love and want him.
but he's wrong!
because Arm thinks Tankhun is smart and brave and strong and hilarious and sexy and he loves the way that he is
I think they balance each other out in a lot of ways, but they're also much more similar than people would expect at first glance. they have the same sense of humour and tactical way of thinking and protectiveness over the people they care about.
I just think they adore each other and it's beautiful
some established-relationship headcanons lol -
Tankhun bedazzles Arm a mug with pink rhinestones. Arm treasures it and drinks his coffee out of it every day. none of the other bodyguards would ever dare to comment on it. (this one is from the genius mind of my wifey @aikinn and i'm obsessed with it)
they're literally such menaces they love to gossip and chat shit and giggle and meddle.
Tankhun is a pillow princess, which service top (and occasional vers) Arm thinks is the hottest thing ever. Tankhun likes to boss Arm around in bed and conveniently, Arm really enjoys Tankhun bossing him around.
they keep their relationship secret for a while - except Pol finds out early-on because he walks in on them and is scarred for life
(ALSO I can't talk about armtankhun headcanons without mentioning THE armtankhun fanfic - The Artistic Merits and Goals of Pornography by filigreesails / @thewholedamnboulangerie on ao3, which is just. absolutely perfect and a much better introduction to armtankhun than I could ever hope to give)
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yen-sids-tournament · 5 months
Roger and Anita v Ray and Evangeline/The Blue Fairy
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Propaganda submitted:
Roger and Anita 101 Dalmations
~First of all, the meet cute is ADORABLE (doubly so bc it was the dog matchmaking for his owner). They are so sweet and cute together. Roger is a goofy musical man who waltzes his wife around and is very fond of his little family. Anita is a bit bland but she's also very supportive of her husband and plays along with his goofs and has fun with it! They're just really cute. ~Cutest Disney couple ! ~their dogs’ love is the focus of the movie but they’re really sweet too, especially the meet cute
Ray and Evangeline/The Blue Fairy The Princess and the Frog/Pinocchio
I am McFreaking convinced that Evangeline is actually the Blue Fairy-- they're the same freaking star, both blue, both are the centerpiece of wishes in both stories. The Blue Fairy is an immortal being that can take the shape of anything, is it really that farfetched she can take the shape of a firefly? And also, when Ray dies and becomes the star right next to her, she also becomes the Second Star to the Right like in Peter Pan (though the time periods are different). Iconic, truly iconic.
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always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
So because I want to record my progression of where I am in the story, I'm posting my impressions of the units so far. (Disclaimer: I haven't read many of the stories, and about half the knowledge I have is from osmosis and spoilers. The other half is actually reading wiki entries and the actual stories. So if these takes are inaccurate, that is probably the point XD)
Without further ado....
fine - unit of 2 rich kids who are sort of trying to be slightly less evil but kind of still are evil, one (1) theatre kid who is just there for the ride and his crush, and a butler with the face of an angel and the threatening aura of a ezekiel-accurate angel in disguise. Also another impression I had of it was one chronically ill idol stan with three of his idol crushes. But they're solid, if slightly flowery; not exactly my style but their songs are good.
Trickstar - literally my sons. Traumatised idiots who choose to continue to see the bright side with a slice of anarchy. They're all so dumb. Their leader looks straight laced but is more insane than his co-leader who is perpetually wearing the ^u^ expression (except when trauma slapped). The other two members are a camera-phobic gamer boy who is also a model and a guy who exudes reliability and sanity but is also kind of an insane workaholic with inferiority issues. I'm adopting them all and their songs are like…both generic but SO sincere you can't hate it.
Ryuseitai - Me when first meeting them: Awww! A power ranger themed unit! So cute! Me, after hearing stuff about the two senior members' lore and how they recruited their youngsters: (clutching my heart, trying not to sob/lose my mind) Aww! A power ranger themed unit! S-so cute! I would die for literally all of them…WHY. Such silly happy sincere tunes sung by such silly, devastating characters??? Found family, to me
Alkaloid - everyone here believes they are holding everyone else back with their psychological problems (Mayoi), disability problems (Tatsumi), ability problems (Aira), or culture shock problems (Hiiro). And yet they're the unit whose songs have mostly all been ones I absolutely loved. Which means the assembly machine factory idols Eichi's got going on are working and idk how I feel about that
Eden - A bunch of guys with severe family issues who probably have never read the bible (well, maybe Nagisa has). So, like, tw inaccurate depictions of the bible? Anyway, deranged quartet of a softie obsessed with cool rocks but really he has sort of a god complex, a guy with a perpetual :D who is as smart as he thinks he is but is also kind of oblivious to all of his other skills and flaws (and thus is a combo of terrifying snake and kind of someone you're sort of humouring because he's funny), a spoiled princess who might have a bit of a savior complex, and a dude who kinda just got swept along for the ride but is actually really fond of them. And it shows in their music.
Valkyrie - Just….theatre kids, who put the drama in dramatic and the intense in intensity (that's definitely not how the expression is used). They also have a very strange thing going on even though they're trying to be healthier, but I'm too afraid to ask. Unfortunately, though, they have some killer compositions and so many references to Classics and Things, not to mention their songs are genuinely good for those who want that quick theatrical vibe
2wink - Adorable twins that I was lured into thinking were the normal mischief twin duo trope but what in the actual ensemble were the writers DOING? They deserve at least half the cw/tw tags. Also, one of them is kinda like Trickstar (just wants to make things brighter) while the other one has schemes and will not hesitate to destroy you while giggling, yes. All that angst but they have such cheery tunes. Like, boys please….
Crazy:B - I mean, with a name like that….listen. You think it's the guy with the metabolism-related medical condition who has a dad implied to be accused of cannibalism and his freeloader who is a literal prince but also constantly broke that would be the most insane. But, no, we also have a fifteen year old assassin who has definitely killed and a guy who is literally both committing identity theft AND helping in witness protection. But, yes, their songs are fun, as is their dynamic. Also…Amagi brothers. Ough.
Undead - This is just…four urban fantasy love interests thrown into a unit. I'm not exactly sure what urban fantasy race Adonis and Kaoru are (though sometimes I'm inclined to think adonis is the protagonist who just kinda got swept along for the ride except he does have the vibe sometimes (aka casually kidnapping HiMERU)) but a vampire and werewolf are very obviously there. Really do love their rock and roll style, like come on (though I sometimes do think it'd be cool if they let Rei's love for jazz into their songs)
Ra*bits - Look. I love them. It really is just a single dad with one of the most messed up backstories doing his best. But like, also, leave them alone please?? The writers really just made them the damsel in distress character that makes Subaru go "oh, I have to take this revolution stuff seriously" and that's not even mentioning all the other stuff they seem to go through??? Like they do not belong in whatever genre Enstars is going for but they make it work but….let them rest. Songs not my style but they fit their vibe of "smile and spread joy" which works cause I do feel joy. Like Trickstar without the revolutionary goals.
Akatsuki - TBH, I'm still kind of wondering why these three (a warrior, a mangaka, and a tailor who used to be a delinquent) are still idols. I mean, they do have talent and traditional aesthetic is fire, and they're definitely sort of found family, but why still idols guys? That said, again, songs not my style but they definitely capture their aesthetic and vibe and that's always cool to me. Also, one of the members was raised in a Buddhist temple and helped with funerals, and I do not know enough about Buddhism enough to say if they portray a Buddhist accurately but given how they portray everyone else's quirks, it probably still has a giant dose of deranged on it.
Knights - HAHAHAHAHA. They're all insane. But they have talent and earned their place in the big three. But that does not make them less insane. That's all because I will go a bit barmy if I think about them too much. Silly, insane knights who enjoy hobbies like kidnapping (affectionate) and dancing/singing (will kill you in a duel)
Switch - Look….at heart, I can't hate these fantasy game isekai themed group. I enjoy their music because I do like the electropop remix/edm thing they have going on. And it DOES kill me that the only two 3-people units (Akatsuki and Switch) both have the dynamic of "a couple of parents and their beloved and most treasured cinnamon roll of a chaotic son." But like Valkyrie, I don't know what's going on with the senior members and am too afraid to ask, especially since they seem fine with it while their son with synesthesia cheers them on.
MaM - He is literally a cowboy. I - is there a thing with Japan and cowboys? And did someone at the writer's table see that samurai, Victorian thief, cowboys, and pirates post? Because somehow, the only member of this unit is all of them. A very stark contrast against his weirdly cheerleader/mom friend songs. I know he has mommy issues (mafia thing, I think) but.....son, are you okay?
Double Face - Yeah, okay, I love them. They might be the murder unit and I still have no clue to their formation but I love it. Put the Victorian cowboy thief samurai pirate and the child assassin together and you get secret agent type music that sounds like it could be in an old spy flick? How can you not love it?
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chronotsr · 3 months
Pre-G1 Modules, part 2 - Palace of the Vampire Queen and DK1-3
Asterisk 1: The first standalone module, Palace of the Vampire Queen
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(Another proud DND tradition, evil woman with her tits hanging out, representing here. This adventure is by Pete & Judy Kerestan, the operators of Wee Warriors.)
I'm trying really hard to not get TOO bogged down in exterior details to the adventures themselves, but a small preamble about Wee Warriors. Wee Warriors was a little company that was born to publish DND supplements. They were one of many, there were many zines and magazines and fan supplements going around, for example Judge's Guild forms at roughly the same time. They worked with TSR after a while to publish these things, so they were unofficial-but-official in a weird way. Early DND culture functions less like a business and more like a hobby community. Most of the early DND people knew each other in some capacity, it's only when DND got really far away from Lake Geneva that distinct cultures started forming island effect-style.
Good enough, let's keep going.
Our preamble gives us the basic of the adventure, dwarf island harangued by vampire queen, the undead keep abducting people to eat their blood. Conspicuously absent is any kind of information about a suggested level or party size.
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It's cute, right? The styling is so welcome and loving in a way that TSR products will not have for a long, long time.
It's very rote, lots of very basic traps and stocked rooms. Not much to see he--
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T-telepathic kittens that improve your morale? This is one of those moments where you just instantly know. The hobby isn't as different as you might thing. This is the exact sort of adorable shit you'd see on one of those big streamer shows. We all love our cats. They are our strength.
There genuinely isn't much to say about the rest of the module, other than that there is a shocking amount of child murder. There is an evil castle with a vampiress in it and you gotta go whack people til you can claim the reward money. About the most interesting twist you'll find in here is that there's a fakeout queen, and that the genuine queen will immediately take the (unnamed) dwarf princess hostage to secure her escape. I do appreciate that, if you're going to make every room just be a combat encounter with loot in it, the decision to make the key a table with room/creatures/max damage/description is sound. I'm kind of surprised this table-style key never caught on, given the 'doom monster closets' design that typifies a lot of early DND.
I wish that there was a great revelation waiting here for you, that the first non-TSR adventure was a forgotten classic? But it's really not. It's some monster-stocked rooms with the rare trap, and a vague preamble. Temple of the Frog showed a lot more creativity. I am kind of strangely fond of these lovingly inked maps though, it makes me long for hand-inked maps again. The Dungeon Master's Kit product line continues for two more entries (The Dwarven Glory and The Misty Isles) to form a soft trilogy.
Bonus Round: Skimming the rest of the Wee Warriors Dungeon Master's Kits
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So the thing about the DK product line is that it's not very interesting. But since I had to get a copy, I'm making it your problem by talking about them more.
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Everything about this room fascinates me. There is so much going on here that isn't explained. And then you keep going to room F7:
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Again, nothing is fucking explained. The monsters are in conflict because why not? There's actually a great idea in here, (although again, why is child murder so prevalent?)
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There are wisps of interesting narrative here, but all that's actually presented is like…the end-state? "Evil high priest who is abusing a tragedy to push his agenda" is a solid plot point. The idea that returning the treasure can cause conflict is great. But also, holy shit 500k gp diamond. That's enough exp to max your character in one fell swoop???
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Moving onto Misty Isles, this is more of a…. setting than a module per-se. There's some implied plots I suppose. Here's some of the weirdest things:
The leader of the dwarves on one island is implied to be gay, which is a strange decision given how we don't have any other practical information about him, and has melted all his gold into one pile
A profit-prophet who gives oracles for bribes
Many, many dwarf seems to have access to actual modern day machine guns?
A band of monks are looking for a girl stolen by zombies. Why….did they steal her? Why is there hope of rescuing her? They're zombies, they're going to eat her!
I cannot do this justice myself:
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That's….that's a lot. You want to randomly roll for nearly 600 magical objects? Sometimes designers Simply Say Words. The "My PC is the most bestest guy ever and could never be defeated" stories you hear people whinging about take a very different context when you realize there's just, GMs running around handing people literally 600 random magical items. Eventually you're going to roll and get the best items in the game. Note also, literally zero way of detecting any of the traps.
This random paragraph implies the existence of gamemaster-less play, a thing I guess could hypothetically exist with the degree of randomization, but. What?
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Absolute queen shit. You go succubus lady! And the fairytale logic is cute cus, if the party got mad when they found out about this, they could always give her weight from some magic bullshit, like turning her into lead. Oops!
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And it just goes on and on. There's a Cthulhu reference, there's a party of fighters who casually want to rape women (why were 70s gamers like this), the obligatory slavery character, et c. It's not the first setting released for DND, there are multiple people in front of this, I believe Empire of the Petal Throne won overall [fuck MAR Barker, nazi scum], and City State of the Invincible Overlord certainly predates it by a year. In 2024, it's a pretty tedious read. It reads like a list of ideas, because it is. There's some maps, but the maps are very sparse.
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dangermousie · 1 year
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And the winner of oldie but goodie rewatch context (conducted mainly in my head) is 2017 epic romance General and I, one of my Top 20 dramas and one they don’t make like any more. @aysekira​, @tomorrowsdrama​ wanna join?
I adore Wallace Chung and I am very fond of Angelababy (come at me! IDNGAF), their chemistry is fucking insane, it’s a big kingdoms in conflict epic (with one of my favorite antagonists, who goes on an arc from hero to antihero to monster and you get why every step of the way), and this is THE THE THE enemies while lovers romance!
He is the best general of one kingdom, she is loyal to a rival kingdom (and an excellent strategist) and for a decent chunk of the story their courtship involves her trying to murder him or destroy his forces as he swoons harder and she’s turned on. Eventually they throw their lot together and become a super couple. This is grey around the edges the way censors would not allow in 2023. Wallace’s Chu Bei Jie is not just a good warrior; he’s smart but also utterly ruthless; it is his own actions in the beginning that create the very antagonist he must fight at the end. Every royal ruler we meet is various degree of dumb or awful. Chu Bei Jie serves an unworthy king. The king of Ping Ting’s kingdom is a monster etc. The body count is nuts. There is a whole lot of backstabbing and GASP overthrow of dynasties. There is enough kissing and similar to make 2023 censors spit blood. I mean, the drama leaves you in no doubt those two FUCK A LOT AND HAVE A GREAT TIME. Ping Ting is not demure or giggly or naive but ruthless and murdery. He Xia, our antagonist, becomes more and more monstrous as he acquires more power but his choices are to do that or be dead and he is ultimately as sympathetic as tragic as horrific - you watch this shining chevalier fall from grace and by the end being put down is the kindest thing that could happen to him. His romance with Yao Tian, a princess he marries for power but genuinely falls in love with, just not enough to give up his quest, is honestly one of the most tragic things out there. (It’s GMP only if FL was smarter and tougher and still lost.)
Also, and why the caps above, it has literally my fave cdrama kiss scene of all time. Ping Ting has come to find Chu Bei Jie after he narrowly survived a battle and things look grim. Their loyalties are still complicated. But they’d die for each other.
And she starts taking care of his wounds without a word and he is in literal pain but is SO UTTERLY HUNGRY FOR HER!
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These are the first words she says in the entire scene.
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And he just pulls her to him.
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Down goes the bloody towel.
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And then he yanks her onto his lap, and these are the first words he says in the whole scene.
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And he just pounces. These are two people who have previously stabbed each other. And no, I don’t mean a sexy euphemism, I mean with literal swords. Yet here they are.
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And the camera cuts away.
I am sorry, they are from enemy kingdoms, he’s shirtless and bleeding and defeated in battle if I remember correctly, and she’s taking care of his wounds and they are sucking face like they need it for oxygen and they are on furs and like THIS IS MY ID MANIFEST.
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almea · 14 days
I thought the 2.3 story would be longer than it was because of the trailer, but I think it was a good length, especially after the monster that was 2.2.
I fucking CRIED that Dan Heng's dream was just for the five of them to continue travelling on the Express together forever. Between this and his line in 2.2 about his companions being "once-in-a-lifetime treasures" he is truly the softest boy. I read a fic where I think Himeko told Dan Heng that he could travel with the Express for as long as he wanted, and he thought to himself that he wanted to stay forever, but "forever" means something different to him than it does to the others, and that line has lived in my heart ever since and these last two versions have really shown how that author really nailed the part of Dan Heng that loves the crew so much.
I love the jokes about how trigger happy Dan Heng is with the Jade Abacus in 2.2, but I do also think it's very sweet and a little sad because it feels like his desire to keep the crew safe can get very desperate and frantic. It's also feels like the only reason Dan Heng seems so cool and levelheaded all the time is because he usually has to keep March and Stelle from going too crazy, but when they're gone he's just like. No thoughts, head empty, if I get even an inkling that they're in trouble I am going to make the most reckless choices I can in the moment to protect them and it's all anyone can do to try to stop me.
It's so fucking sad???? That no one knows what exactly happened with Gallagher. Like, Siobhan doesn't know what happened to her friend. This is a crime!! I don't know if we're ever going to see him again in the future, but if we do, I will cry. I didn't really have any thoughts about Misha or Gallagher in 2.0 or 2.1, and then 2.2 happened and now I'm in tears every time either of them are mentioned in the story lmao.
Seeing Stelle be an absolute gremlin who's being babysat by March and Dan Heng from Firefly's perspective was such a treat. She's so unhinged and it was like. Ah yes. This is exactly how I act when I'm playing the game. Opening every chest I see, looking for birds, breaking every destructible item. Getting to hear more of Stelle's voice was also a blessing and a gift.
The last cutscene was soooo beautiful. I loved the shots of everyone in Penacony. It just feels like such a nice way to wrap things up.
And the Firefly and Stelle parts, oh my god. Stelle praying for Firefly's to be okay was so cute. I wasn't expecting that and they just hit me with Stelle looking so adorable. And then Firefly princess carrying Stelle?? First with Sam and then without it?? In that moment Firefly really decided she was the hero of the story and Stelle was the heroine. I just love them so much. Seeing them so happy and relieved together made me so happy too.
There is something there about Stelle first entering the dream by falling from the sky and crash landing, and then ending the story flying through the sky and going even higher with Firefly.
And then they go from that to stabbing me in the heart with the final goodbyes in Penacony. I just. I'm so fond of the Penacony Trailblazers and seeing how the crew honours them was so sweet. I love that Razalina was the one writing those messages in the Dreamscape Pass because that means she's kind of been with us since the beginning. I want to believe we'll get to learn more about her one day, maybe in a Penacony Trailblaze Continuance. I saw a theory that she's Black Swan that was pretty compelling, so Black Swan temporarily travelling with the crew has potential.
I can't believe they made Acheron's farewell skippable. I can't believe there was an option to just go back to the train without saying goodbye to her. I picked the second option first because I thought the sentiment of "If that was the first time we met, then the next time we meet will be a reunion" was very sweet, but I went back and picked the first option afterwards because I figured it was going to be an Impact 3rd reference and I wanted to see it even if I wouldn't really Get It. I wasn't expecting the scene to be so much longer and so touching, with not one but two absolutely beautiful CGs of Acheron. And they made it skippable.
All the new visitor unlocks popping up one after the other after finishing the story was so funny. Especially Sparkle because, girl, you just gave everyone a heart attack because of your bomb threat and then you invited yourself onto the train???? And then I read her text messages, cried hysterically, and was like, okay, you can come visit whenever you want.
When Sparkle created the illusions of the Stellaron Hunters in Acheron's trailer, I had the thought that maybe my dumb theory that they were the ones who hired her to come to Penacony had a chance of being true, but I assumed it was Elio who hired her because she had a part in the script, but no! It was Silver Wolf! Silver Wolf, who was just worried about her friend and wanted to take measures to keep her as safe as possible! I always believed Silver Wolf was secretly very soft for the people she loves beneath all her attitude and I was right!
Silver Wolf and Sparkle being gaming friends is so random and I love it. It's this version's "Blade has a driver's license" for me. I can't believe they dropped this lore on me without adding new voice lines for them about each other. I'm holding out hope for the future…
My mono-Quantum team is Qingque, her boss, Silver Wolf, and her gaming buddy. It's so perfect.
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