adeity-studies · 4 years
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I know there are probably a million posts out there already on how to survive online school because miss rona just won’t quit, but I always found those lists to be quite sparse and repetitive after a while. So here I am, with a whole new list of tips & tricks to help y’all out after not doing so hot last quarter but still scraping by.
I think one of the most important aspects to succeeding in online school/coursework is to have the correct study space/setup. Obviously, this is a very personal experience for everyone, but I’ve listed a couple of general tips that y’all can use and refine to suit your own tastes/aesthetics. Here they are:
This is one of the more important points, since school is online, making sure all your technology is up and running is paramount.
Most courses release syllabi before the course starts, read this THOROUGHLY and take note of any technical specifications they may have (e.x. requiring webcams, certain browser extensions, software, etc.)
Troubleshoot any wifi/bandwidth issues (ESPECIALLY if your professor requires you to have your camera on during class, that’ll eat up your internet speed)
Check your internet speed if you anticipate any issues will arise – just Google “Internet Speed Test”
Low-cost internet for students:
Guide to Internet Service During Covid-19
XFINITY Student Deals
Comcast Internet Essentials
Find someplace quiet to study
If you’re someone who needs music to focus this is your time to SHINE – make any playlists, etc. in advance so you don’t waste 90% of your time trying to decide what song to play next
Again, read the syllabi so you know what you should have in terms of course materials (txtbooks, etc.) beforehand 
Now is a good time to focus on developing your time-management skills- start by creating a schedule and trying to stick to it. Try out whatever planning/time-management apps you’d like to your hearts content, and be sure to set time aside for self-care (this is an overused term, but I mean it, digital fatigue is real)
Planning/time management tools: 
Toggl - time management app
Pomodoro Timer - stay focused on 25 min. cycles
Forest, Stay Focused - app that forces you to stop checking your phone
Bullet Journals - planning tool
Planners - planning tool
Asana - project management software
My classes are usually 3-4 hours long per day, with 2-3 hours of homework and staring at my screen/lecture recordings/online textbook on top of that. Meaning, I sit in the same spot for hours on end, in the same position. It’s super uncomfortable after a while, gets monotonous, and also makes me want to procrastinate because of the amount of discomfort I now associate w/studying. 
Here’s a list of tools/products that I’ve invested in this past quarter to make my workspace much more comfortable, inviting, and productive to both my mental and physical health. 
Blue light blocking glasses - to reduce eyestrain while using devices 
Adjustable bamboo book/laptop stand - (pictured below!) helps with neck/back posture, so you aren’t looking down at your screen and straining your neck all of the time
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Tools/products (cont.): 
Universal stylus - I have a touchscreen laptop so I sometimes use this to annotate pdfs/draw in OneNote to show my work during university office hours
Soy candle - Life is stressful, having a candle makes me feel better for some reason 
Gratitude journal - It’s easy to feel helpless when you’re stuck inside, watching the world go through riots, protests, violence, all while facing a pandemic
That’s all I have for now! I hope everyone reading this has a good day, and take it easy!! 
|| Follow my studygram at adeitystudies || 
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friedesgreatscythe · 7 years
adeity-studies replied to your post: really digging how this wrestling stream i tune...
thats a Big Mood
it’s the BIGGEST of moods(TM)!!
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studylustre · 7 years
do u like monsta x?
i do!!
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stvdybuddies · 7 years
ahh i keep on forgetting to tell u that i appreciate the new icon so much ahhh its so cute ily
aww thank you so much
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borderlinesyberian · 7 years
u gotta do part two of the long night or i will b sorely disappointed (it's so good im SHOOK)
I- well, then. I’m not sure if I should feel intimidated or amused by this message, not to sound rude. I already had plans in mind from the beginning to type a Part II, but I’m currently working on another short story that I should finish within the next few days (no promises). 
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ssehuns · 7 years
can we talk abt how amazing ur music blog is i just came across it today and its AMAZING I LOVE
ydghsvaskndsgbhjsdbh want to know what that means? click the link because what she said will shock you
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studyingbookworm · 4 years
I was tagged by @memoirs-of-a-future-lawyer to name 7 comfort films and tag 7 people
1. The Harry Potter series
2. Beauty and the Beast (the animated version)
3. Jumanji (1996)
4. 3 Idiots
5. Notting hill
6. Interstellar
7. Baby’s Day Out
Tagging: @geeksmashh @eintsein @quilavastudy @athenastudying @lawtales @thelawstudentlife @adeity-studies
Thanks for the tag!
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noodledesk · 7 years
cashmere & halo! i hope you have a great day lovely
cashmere: do you scare easily?
hm!!!! for horror thing yes i thikn so.... i am a Chicken... but i like reading scary stories and watching buzzfeed unsolved
halo: what is your star sign?
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adeity-studies · 6 years
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[006/100 days of productivity] my chem midterm got cancelled because of the icy roads in Seattle! currently working on my chem hw for next week in advance, especially because I start working tomorrow and will soon be extremely busy :') here's to good things happening in February insta: adeitystudies (taken from my insta)
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silent-studies · 6 years
How To Do Well In AP Classes!
Ok so since lots of people are going back to school soon I thought I’d create this list on what to do in order to do well in your AP classes!
- Take. Notes.
I know this sounds simple and obvious, but I cannot tell you how much this helps when it comes to AP classes. I know tons of people who (including myself at one point) didn’t take notes for these classes and ended up doing terribly on tests and almost ended up failing. Take notes on what the teacher is saying in class: they know what they’re talking about and have probably been doing this for years. Also, take notes from your textbook! Your textbook is like the main source of information that you need in order to pass the class and the AP Exam! This also brings me to my next point, which is...
Once again, this seems pretty obvious, but I know tons of people who decided to not read their textbook and just skimmed it to look for answers that they needed. I also know some people who didn’t bother to open their textbook at all. Almost all of them ended up getting a 1 or a 2 on the AP Exam and were barely able to pass the class.
Also, take notes from your textbook. I know I said this earlier but let me tell you, this is soooo important. If you take notes when reading your textbook, it helps you retain information easily. Also, personally, it keeps me from falling asleep when I’m reading something boring in my textbook because it keeps the mind active.
- If your teacher gives you key concepts to study...USE THEM
I cannot stress this enough. Key concepts are your best friend. My AP World History teacher last year gave these to our class every time we learned about a new time period and let me tell you, they helped me so much. They are what allowed me to get a 4 on my AP World History Exam.
Also, don’t just skim the key concepts, actually study them. What I usually did last year was that I would take each concept (i.e. Religion and culture spread throughout Eurasia via the Silk Road) and would elaborate on it and give examples (i.e what religions, what was the result of the spreading of religion, etc).
- If you can afford it, purchase an AP prep book!
This is completely optional. In fact, I didn’t use prep books at all last year and I did just fine. However, I did buy a couple for the 2018-19 school year. I do recommend getting a prep book because not only do they have information similar to that in your textbook (and it is also thoroughly explained so it’s easy to understand), but it also comes with practice tests and tips on how to prepare for the AP Exam. Once again, this is completely optional and you can get by just fine without one, but I do recommend it.
- Ask questions!
I do understand that this is very difficult for some people...especially those dealing with social anxiety (I have social anxiety as well, so I completely understand how one can find it difficult to ask questions in class). However, I eventually came to realize that you aren’t gonna die if you ask a question. The teacher will probably be more than happy to help you. I mean, it’s a teacher’s job to help you understand material. Also, your fellow classmates aren’t gonna think that you’re stupid because you didn’t understand whatever it is you’re learning. In fact, chances are that at least one of them has the exact same question as you. So please, ask questions. If you still feel uncomfortable about it, ask the teacher after class or during lunch! I promise that you’ll be a lot better off if you do this.
(Also, another tip: if you do this, you’re most likely gonna get some participation points as a result. Therefore, this will not only help you in understanding concepts, but it will help you out with the participation part of your grade as well!)
This is probably one of the more important things to understand on this list. Please. Do not do this. You will end up forgetting half of the things you studied during your cramming sessions. Instead, start preparing for the exam a few months in advance. I’m not saying dedicate 100% of your time to this, but when the exam is about 3 months away, start taking about 30min out of your day just to review. As the exam gets closer, take more and more time out of your day to study. Also, the last week before your exam should not be used for studying. Only for reviewing concepts. So yeah, don’t cram. That’s probably the worst thing you can do to prepare yourself for the exam.
- And, last but not least, do your homework!!!
Once again, pretty simple and obvious, I know. However, you can’t forget that homework is also a part of your grade! Even if you get A’s on all of your tests, you’ll most likely get a low B or even a C in the class if you don’t do your homework. Also, homework can help you prepare for tests throughout the school year. So, please, do your homework.
- Resources to help you through your AP classes (none of these are mine!)
Ultimate Tips Masterpost by @alistudys
How to Schedule Your Study Time by @grxeek
Study Tips by @adeity-studies
#1 Tip for AP Classes by @probablyshouldbestudyingblr
AP Class Advice by @doinbetter
Chemistry Resources by @study-well
APUSH Tips by @studycheer
AP Bio Masterpost by @tbhstudying
How to Study Biology by @premedtomd (tag didn’t work for some reason so I made a link that goes to their tumblr)
AP Psych Masterpost by @studywitheva
Stuff You MUST Know for AP Calc BC by @apollojusticeforall
Study Tips for the Procrastinator by @hap-hazard
How to Study for AP Physics by @365text
AP Physics Tips by @sootudying
How to Annotate Books by @wandering-writing
AP English Language Study Guide by @acedemic
How to get a 5 in AP World History by @misandeistudies
AP World History Guide by @whenstudyblooms
How to Prepare for Your AP Exam(s) by @loafofmilkbread
AP Exam Test Strategies by @whenstudyblooms
How I Turned My Grades Around by @haylstudies
Revision Methods That Actually Work by @alimastudies
How to Avoid Burnout by @neuroticmedblr
10 Ways to Improve Time Management Skills by @b-uwu-ng
Quickfire Study Tips by @annabaestudying
Studying with ADHD by @glowsoleil
Study Break Ideas by @gomedorgohome
Study Music Masterpost by @inactivegardenum
Little Ways to Relax During Exam Season by @lawblrworld
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foreign-studies · 7 years
Answer 8 - Tag 8
tagged by @studyblrisms, thanks hun ♡
last movie watched: The Space Between Us
last song listened to: The Louvre - Lorde
last book read: Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
last thing eaten: Popcorn
if you could be anywhere rn, where would you be: Probably backpacking through europe or in a costume design class in los angeles
time travel destination: anywhere in the future
fictional character to keep you company for a day: Christina Yang / Jake Peralta / Fitz
tag: @quotesandstuff22 @adeity-studies @studyaesthetick @pther   @studypetals @unique-tiny-gelatin-legume @studyaesthetick @ka-koala
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ssehuns · 7 years
Answer 8, Tag 8
I was tagged by @the-jordyn-rhees @hittingthebooks @adeity-studies @littlestudyblrblog @artstdy @meg-is-studying and some other people (I think) so thank you!!!
Last movie i watched: Wonder Woman
Last song i listened to: Writer in the Dark by Lorde (!!!!!!)
Last book i read: The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
Last thing i ate: ice cream
If i could be anywhere right now, where would i be: where I am right now (in bed)
Where would i time travel to: sometime during my retirement
Fictional character i would want to hang out with for a day: Adam Parrish or Wylan Van Eck
I tag: anybody who wants to do it and hasn’t been tagged yet!
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studyingchemeng · 4 years
First of all thank you guys so much for 400 followers , I never thought  anyone would be interested!
Thank you to  @melody-studyblr ,@teapenguin ,@someacademic  @i-am-a-maladaptive-daydreamer and @zuleymx so much for tagging me!
Name: Nikoleta
Sexuality: Straight 
Gender: Female
Hogwarts House: Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw idk
Time: 10:38pm
Cats or Dogs?: I like cats, but honestly who can say no to a cute puppy!!
Favorite Animal: For some reason I like bears!
Dream Job: When I was little I really wanted to become a writer…I  have not totally given up on that dream but I am studying to become a chemical engineer so further than that I really don’t know yet. I would really love to do research, but also skincare fascinates me so maybe something that combines both?
When I made this blog: During quarantine, in March I think..
Reasons for my url: I am studying for ChemE so it is pretty self-explanatory
Tag: @justyearabroadthings, @imymessydesk @adeity-studies, @olaystud, @brainy-anxious,@seeker-of-peace , @ehsans-ted-talk  and anyone else who would like to join in! 
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adeity-studies · 6 years
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23.02.19 // home for the weekend! studying for a chem and math midterm on Tuesday and Wednesday,, I'm going to have a really busy week but it'll be worth it in the end !!
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