#add that to my skillset
wanderedaway · 1 year
So no one was going to tell me that you can't just lift the hood up after you pull the latch inside the car? 🥲 (And don't get me started on closing the hood. 'Cause apparently there's a specific way to do that, too.)
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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The tiles are no longer white, and the bathroom looks compressed and scintillated; hotspots of light blare in seething oranges, corners buzz in deep purples, noises manifest in confusing patterns that obscure other patterns. It hurts. The tiles aren’t white anymore. Nothing is quiet. The colors pour in. Shigeo is tired of color.
another scene from rainspeak ! suffered a bit with the colors but i don't ,, Hate this, so up it goes <3
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*posts this and runs away. i trip and fall into an open manhole, dying instantly*
#incoherent noises etc etc gotta say the line: Theyre In My Brain#fuck dude they sure are!!! they sure are.#oh my god when did it become seven. i forgot to sleep again. gonna make a breakfast taco instead#but yeah uhhhhh come get some laughingstock crumbs#pspspsps cmon take the morsel#tumblr is pigeons to me <3#scribble salad#welcome home#laughingstock#yassified howdy <3#can yall tell i never practice drawing kissing. like never. ever. lmfao#its never been part of my skillset but by Fuck i might buckle down and add it#ive just never had to learn!!!#for my entire life ive drawn primarily dragons - i actively avoided people!#and dragons dont have the facial anatomy to kiss 'traditionally'#so i simply never practiced or even attempted#i only started seriously drawing people a couple years ago#and scribbling characters making out is very far from my top priorities in Learning#even though i taught myself how to draw. hm. other things. somewhat.#my priorities are a mystery even to myself#Anyway anyway im tired and rambling and that taco is calling to me like the sweetest siren#and babey im ready to Drown#agh no wait im not done yet#puppets are honestly really difficult in this aspect#like??? their faces are so flat??? their noses are Strange? how push together????#dont get me started on the intricacies of perspective and im not sure how to tilt their heads properly yet#so for now Cringe!!! Cringe Alert!!!! Cringe on Main!!!!#sometimes i need to remind myself that it doesnt matter if i dislike pretty much everything i scribble. someone will dig it.
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humdrummoloch · 2 months
How do I put what's in my head onto the page? Is it always hard?
If you're asking me how to make the writing live up to the fantasy, just remember: writing isn't a transcription service, it's an art form.
Writing isn't thinking, but between you and me, thinking isn't that great anyways. It's like singing in the shower. Thinking needs to be translated through a skill like writing before it'll make a good scene.
Creation is choices and actions, not recreation. Let me give you an example: I crocheted my dog recently, and I didn't aim to perfectly recreate my dog in tiny crochet form. Instead, while I crocheted, I converted her into a small character with plushie proportions. She had all her recognisable features and was a pretty good crochet dog, checked all the boxes, Dad was happy. But the little crochet dog didn't look exactly how the subject did, sat there wagging on the rug. That's because I wasn't trying to copy her. I was trying to crochet her. In the same way, I don't transcribe my daydreams, I convert them into writing form, and that's 90% less frustrating and 100% more possible.
As for whether writing remains hard forever, yes and no. Writing becomes easier with practice the same way anything does, but it gets harder as you naturally challenge yourself to write better, like a bodybuilder increasing the weights. But if you stop expecting writing to come out 'correctly' and instead lose yourself in the process, you won't feel the dead ends, you'll be too busy finding solutions and thinking on your feet -- you'll be in the zone.
I just wish I knew how to do that on command!
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suntails · 6 months
I just wanted to say that I utterly adored your pmv!! The way each picture went so well with the words and flowed with the dynamics of the song *chefs kiss* I always thought of myself as a Silver lover but you’ve blown me out of the water!
The Fairy Gala scenes were probably my favorite, just Silver being proud and everyone moving to catch him 🤧 AND THAT BACKGROUND AT THE END WAS SO SPOT ON!! Amazing job and I can’t wait to see what you do next!
i want to say that TRULY this means a lot, thank you!!!! <3 i've drawn silver over 270 times by now and my love for him is as strong as ever, it was such an honor to concentrate my efforts into such a big project just for him!! silver nation may be small but goddammit i will be DAMNED if i don't give 150% and weaponize my art for good!!
HIS PRIDE!!!! his pride at carrying forward the wish lilia repeats each and every year, for harmony and peace,,, the fact that he made PROGRESS and his method of being upfront and sincere with the fae was what saved the group, like im WEEPING. the way everyone has his back and supports him shown in the readiness to run catch him as he falls asleep IM SICK!!!!! and YES THANK U!!! backgrounds im realizing are prob my specialty and fav thing to draw at this point so im glad u like ^_^
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zephhhhh · 8 months
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not my usual kinda post but i did draw it so,, ts4 tess tattoos
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chiarrara · 9 months
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
Please I started training today for a scrum master certification and in one of the videos the narrator pronounced "finite" as "finn-it."
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ct-hardcase · 2 years
re: the last post tho, I will say that in an era where very many non-math and science-y skills are rapidly getting eaten by advancements in technology/some fields realizing that they don't need to give a shit about those skillsets to sell product, I can see why there's a bit of insecurity re: sucking at math, science, etc. I don't think the solution is to constantly emphasize how much you suck at those things (which is something I need to work on) but I do keenly understand why the insecurity is there
[d*nt rb]
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spiria · 5 months
i am straight up almost tempted to learn how to make stardew mods specifically so i can make a dumb self indulgent immersive wedding mod ok. im just obsessed with fancy weddings and goddammit i wanna have a fancy wedding in my silly farming game
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terminallyworkingonit · 5 months
How did I get to a point where I’m dead-serious about to start modding Google Docs?
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caifanes · 1 year
honestly the changes to senku’s design are almost imperceptible apart from the cape, i think the strands of his bangs are thicker? they cover more of his face. i guess this is to make him look more mature (whatever you can get without completely changing his hairstyle)
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but gen lost his bangs very gradually, in his introduction his hair is longer and covers most of his forehead then in his redesign the black hair framing his face is very short and he doesn’t have his scar so his appearance is softer. his neck is also less covered.
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liketolaugh-writes · 2 months
Bruce looking past the fact that (recently adopted) Danny is a powerhouse and recognizing that he has other skills also. <3
Danny is a STEM kid and just as brilliant as his sister, you cannot convince me otherwise
Danny gave Bruce the handwritten list of powers in the morning. Bruce stared at it over his cup of coffee, then gave Danny a flat, somewhat disbelieving look. Danny shrugged sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he said, perching on one of the stools. “I can point out the ones I don’t use if you just want to work on the ones I do. At least I have an idea of what needs improving with those.” Alfred gave him a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon and French toast, and Danny smiled at him. “Thanks, Alfred.”
“We’ll have to prioritize your training,” Bruce allowed after a moment, frowning down at the paper. Dick leaned over to look and whistled. “But all of these will be addressed eventually. You should have at least a moderate grasp of every tool at your disposal.” He looked up. “You intended to work in the lab today, correct?”
Danny nodded, playing with a strip of bacon. “I’ll probably spend most of today making a big batch of phaseproof coating,” he said. “Then I can experiment with mixing it with paint and maybe coat some of your spare weapons in it? That should work for the bo staff and escrima sticks, maybe a set of brass knuckles. But I’ll need to make a different solution for the edged weapons.” His mind wandered, thinking of how he could adapt what he knew of the Bats’ gear to work against ghosts.
“Who’re the brass knuckles for?” Dick asked, raising an eyebrow at Danny. Danny flushed and shrugged.
“Batman,” he said. “You don’t really use a weapon, right?” Bruce grunted. “But phaseproof cloth isn’t something my parents ever really figured out. I can work on it, maybe, but I thought brass knuckles would be an okay compromise for now.”
“Good thinking,” Dick praised with a smile. “It’ll be easy to add to the utility belt too. Should we ghostproof my main set or a spare?”
“The main, I think, if you’re okay with it,” Danny said, tilting his head thoughtfully. “You probably won’t even notice. But the edged weapons should all be spares. Ecto-treated metal tends to glow.”
“Not great for stealth,” Dick nodded. “Whatever you think is best, baby spook. We have the resources.”
“You’re hyper-specialized,” Bruce noted without inflection, sipping from his coffee. Danny winced.
“Sorry,” he muttered. It was easy to forget that all this was pretty useless outside of Amity Park. Bruce shook his head.
“It’s not a problem. But we’ll need to diversify your skillset. Your talent for chemistry and engineering should expand beyond ectoscience alone.” He studied Danny contemplatively. “Higher education might be beneficial, perhaps a PhD.”
Danny’s eyes went wide. “What? I’m barely passing high school!”
“I had Casper High send over your transcripts,” Bruce said. Danny flinched. “You had a B+ average in middle school, with a particular bent for math and science. You also participated in several advanced extracurriculars, including a junior astronaut program, space camp, and competitive robotics. Further, you clearly have a comprehensive understanding of your parents’ work, which eludes both the Justice League engineers and JL Dark. You had these talents prior to acquiring your powers, and it would be a waste to discard them in favor of your raw combat ability.”
Danny stared at Bruce, open-mouthed and speechless. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d considered even the possibility that he could have a future outside of his hero career.
“…Do you think I could do that and be a superhero?” he managed after a minute, quieter than he’d meant to.
Bruce nodded sharply. “Most Justice League heroes maintain a career outside of heroics,” he reminded Danny, without even sounding like he thought Danny was an idiot for asking. “Aside from myself, there is also a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, a museum curator, a forensic scientist, and a fighter pilot.”
Danny had known that on some level, but it had always seemed unreal. Practically a myth. “When am I going back to school?” he asked, hardly able to believe that he was suddenly looking forward to it.
“At the beginning of next semester,” Bruce said. “Your parents’ trial should be completed by then. I assume you don’t want to be announced publicly until that happens.” Danny shook his head fervently. “You may need to complete some make-up classes online, but we can discuss that next week.”
“Thanks,” Danny said sincerely. He was talking about a lot more than his re-enrollment.
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simsinlowspace · 8 months
Mt. Komorebi - 4t2 Conversion of Kiwisim4's Paintings
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I'm almost done with that large conversion set I've been working on, but in the meantime I wanted to share this lovely artwork with y'all!
I stumbled onto these paintings yesterday and knew I had to have them, so I did a quick conversion while I drank my coffee this morning. I tried to add subsets to the mesh but the texture would have required remapping and that's just not in my skillset yet.
Anyway, the original artwork is by @e-aplouf​ and was made into TS4 art by @kiwisim4. There are twelve paintings total, just one frame color (I don't use dark frames nearly as often as light ones and it didn't seem worth the duplicate textures):
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A numbered swatch is included so you can easily keep just what you like.
DOWNLOAD (SFS) Paintings are ~2MB
Lots of love, Spacey
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twola · 7 months
might i add damsel in distress with reader never having seen arthur angry before and certainly never seeing him beat the shit out of anyone but witnessing it for the first time when he saves her 🤭
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
You slide down the back wall of the saloon, wild eyed and terrified at the scene unfolding before you. The neckline of your blouse had been torn, buttons askew and your curve of your breast barely hidden by your chemise. The curls you had pinned your hair up into fell limply and messily over your shoulders.
You could tell a bruise was going to form where he had hit you across the face when you tried to push him away. You barely got a scream out before he slammed you back against the wooden wall, one arm pinned across your collarbones and the other one moving to hike up your skirts - evidently this man hadn’t taken kindly to your flattery trying to empty his pockets. The arm against your collarbone moved south and the tearing of your pretty blouse echoed in the night, while the man’s dirty, rough hand brushed against the inside of your knee.
You readied your lungs to scream again - but before you can, your attacker was ripped from you and handily thrown across the alley between the two buildings.
As you catch your breath, you clutch at your torn shirt as you take in the scene in front of you. Indeed, your mark was thrown into the dirt by a hulking, shadowy figure that it only takes you a moment to recognize the black gambler's hat and worn leather jacket. It's Arthur, who had come along with the group into town.
Arthur strides with heavy, measured steps over to the crumbled body of the man, reaching down with one hand to grab his collar. He hoists the man partway up, his shoulders lifted off the ground, and slams his other fist across his face. You gasp at the noise the man makes, but Arthur pays no mind.
The outlaw brings his fist across the man’s face again. And again. And again. Blood bursts from his mouth and his nose cracks out of alignment. A tooth falls out of the man’s mouth as he loses consciousness.
You huddle against the wall as you watch Arthur beat this man, blood staining his knunckles as he continually slams his fist into the man’s face. You knew, obviously, that this line of work likely required this kind of skillset from Arthur, but it was a different thing entirely to see it in action. Terrifying actually.
After so many blows you’ve lost count, and are unsure if the man is dead or not, Arthur drops him to the ground, a bloody pulp, as he wipes his knuckles against his pants and turns toward you, completely nonchalant.
Arthur holds his hand out in front of him, offering it to you. You take his hand and allow him to pull you up, stumbling slightly as you try to hold your blouse up to salvage at least a bit of your dignity. Arthur immediately pulls his jacket off and lays it upon your shoulders, winding an arm around you to help you walk toward his horse. You curl into his body, large and warm and strong.
He’s gotten you up to his horse, lifting you as if you were nothing.
You nod, still thunderstruck about what you witnessed before. His hands linger on your hips, one of his thumbs rubbing a comforting circle. How is this man the same brute that beat that other one bloody?
“Sorry you had to see that, I know you ain’t used to seeing it.”
“It- it's okay.” You mumble, pulling his jacket around you tighter, your gaze wrenched away from his, falling upon a bloody spot on the collar of his blue shirt. Your hand unconsciously moves to wipe at it, but his hand catches yours midair.
Your eyes slowly make their way back to his. Arthur’s large, rough hand places yours gently upon your thigh.
"Ain't no need for you to be gettin' any blood on you on my account."
"But it's alright for you to get bloody for me?"
He tilts his head down, his eyes hidden by that hat, and he taps your hip before letting you go. You immediately miss the warmth of his hands on you.
"Always, darlin’. ”
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clonerightsagenda · 4 months
Had a dream that I got hired to deal with a haunting and I was like you know my blog is a bit right, I don't actually believe in ghosts unfortunately, but it turns out the place was actually haunted and the ghost was pretty pissed off at me for sticking my nose into it. So I went ok, they hired me for *my* skillset, so I started looking shit up and eventually found one oldish book on local urban legends speculating that the ghost was a woman who lived on the property when it used to be a low income lodging house who lost a baby and buried it in the yard, so I dug around and found the remains, which were in an area that the place I was hired by (I think it was a branch of NARA? which is weird, why would they need to hire an outside researcher) was planning to build a new addition on. So by the end of the dream I was going 'yeah ok I have two proposals, one you put these remains in a silver box, rebury it, keep on with your construction, and hope that'll do it, OR you add a covered walkway to your building plans, connect the old building to the new building, and have a nice little courtyard area with a plaque where we rebury the remains, maybe that would make her happy' except I was hired to do research at a history and records institution so I couldn't just write that report based on Vibes, so the rest of the dream was consumed with me trying to figure out which local newspapers would help me confirm the ID and make my case better than one speculative sentence in a trashy book. So yeah. Dreamed I was a ghostbuster but the real core of the dream was the challenges of public history when working with regular people who don't make the historical record very often. Wish you well, dead lady. I was really trying to get you that courtyard.
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