charmingbrute · 2 years
duty support.
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Can be Warrior, White Mage or Dragoon depending on the desired role.
More aggressive than Venat. Rarely uses healing spells, if at all. Doesn't even have a raise spell.
Has access to True Reraise, which is always cast at the start of the battle. It automatically revives a KOd party member to full health. Only casts it once and never again.
Has access to True Aethershield, a party-wide damage reduction spell. Only uses it when he, himself, is low on health.
Will only use True Benediction on a party member with a single digit health.
Constantly uses True Glare and complains when he has to stop to keep party members alive.
Very clutch healer.
His limit break 2 across all roles is VROTOKTONOS. He summons a divine chariot and runs the enemy over.
His class changes to Orogene.
He never says a word. In this state, he's focused on killing everything and killing them fast.
Doesn't use mitigations in favor of destructive offensive power and unstoppable sustain.
Will get hit by every single avoidable mechanic, but miraculously survives anyway.
Has access to Adamastos, which is the equivalent of Holmgang.
Just... doesn't die even with 11 vul stacks.
His class changes to Serpenteer.
Draconic design is instead replaced with serpents and vultures.
Has access to Oplokharis, which is the equivalent of Dragon Sight. He always gives it to the worst performing party member.
His spear is accompanied by a shield. As such, is always confident and will pull ahead of the tank.
Always greeds, but knows how to use his mitigations well. You don't even have to heal him.
We can't have you pouting, can we? (True Aethershield)
Just once and only once. (True Reraise)
Even you should know when to surrender. (True Glare)
Let's tickle you a wee bit. (Serpent Strike, offensive gap closer, equivalent of Seraph Strike)
You are a bore. Understand this. (True Assize)
It's not for you. It's for me. (Decisive Dervish, party-wide damage buff)
Oh? You still live? (True Benediction)
CASTING LIMIT BREAK 1 (BIG SHOT): Fleeing's not an option! CASTING LIMIT BREAK 2 (VROTOKTONOS): Come measure the height of your folly! BATTLE:
Adorable, you are.
Now where are you going?
Oh, please...
I can endure far more.
Such woe betides us.
What will you all do without me, really?
I... cannot afford to... idle.
Ah? Eheheheh...
Can you truly not make do without me?
I vow to fall again to give you aught to do.
Fine. I'll be more serious this time.
Hark, feeble light. Indeed, I am Azem of the Convocation of Fourteen. Upon my back I carry the hopes of this Star and its people. I shall have proof that you are fit to bear the weight of such name.
Take up your blade, warrior, and raise them high! For you fight me now not just for yourself, but for all those who have gone before us, for all those who will come after.
We stand at the precipice of a great and terrible fate, a fate that will shape the very fabric of time to come. You must hear the song. You must think the measures. You must feel the agony. Show me that you are one of me!
I am a seer, a bringer of the word of the heavens. Our fate rests in your hands, that we might not but fight with all the strength and all the courage that we owe.
Know you of the nothingness which approaches? That it seeks to swallow us whole and plunge us into perpetual gloom? But we are not lost, not yet. For you are here, are you not?
Do not fear, for should you win this, I shall be with you. I shall fortify your heart. I shall fortify your soul.
I bear witness to the light within you, the fire of righteousness that burns bright and hot. And with this fire, we shall vanquish the darkness and reclaim what will always belong to you and I.
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amo17art · 1 year
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Been a long time since I last updated my Tumblr page. Hope everyone's been doing well! Thought I'd share my latest personal project. This illustration series is called "Hybrid" and features my mascot, Adamasto, in his hybrid form taking on a team of assassins. Hunting around for some online courses so I can improve my illustration skills. Please enjoy these rough drawings!
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thecollectibles · 6 years
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Faces - portrait series by AdamaSto
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movie-titlecards · 5 years
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The Dragonphoenix Chronicles: Indomitable (2013)
My rating: 4/10
In a distant land of magic, demons and eyeshadow heavier than some neutron stars, one man broods a lot and murders a whole bunch of people for honor, and stuff.
So yeah, it's your basic no-budget, "Hey this LARP was really good, we should make a movie" type deal. Not entirely awful, but fairly generic and not terribly exciting to watch.
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too-jung-for-you · 8 years
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Find the photo. Find the artist.
I love digital artists, and I love how this photo makes you want to write the character. The subtle colors in the background, the texture, the grittiness of the photo then her smooth, sharp cheekbones. Absolutely gorgeous! Hats off, AdamaStro.
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green5ea · 6 years
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sunshineandsisyphus · 4 years
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Ares | ‘Áρης
Enualios (the warlike) | Gunaikothoinas (the god feasted by women) | Stratios (the warlike) | Adamastos (indestructible) | Alkimos (brave) | Alloprosallos (neutral, leaning first one side then the other) | Polemoklonos (raising the clamor of combat) | Brotoktonos (the slayer of men)
God of
War | War averted | Battlelust | Courage | Civil order | Rebellion | Sack of cities | Defense of cities | Banditry | Rage | Controlling anger | Manliness | Strength | Endurance
Patron of
Foot soldiers | Warriors | Those slain in battle | Police forces | Armed guards | Brigands | City Defenders
Zeus and Hera (Parents)
Eris, Hebe (Sisters)
Hephaestus (Half-brother - Hera)
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, Hermes, Persephone, Heracles, the Graces, the Muses (Half-siblings - Zeus)
Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia (Children - Aphrodite)
The Amazons (Children - Harmonia)
Hippolyte, Antiope, Penthesileia (Children - Otrere)
Diomedes (Child - Kyrene or Asterie)
Romulus and Remus (Children - Ilia)
Agraulos (Athenian princess)
Phylonome, Aerope, Atalante (Arkadian princesses)
Ilia (Latium princess)
Sterope, Harpina, Triteia, Kyrene, Asterie, Teirene, Harmonia (nymphs)
Otrere (Queen of the Amazons)
Attendants and Retinue
Peaked warrior’s helm | Shield | Spear | Sheathed sword
Day of the week
Red | Purple
Mature, bearded warrior armed for battle | naked, beardless youth with helm and spear
Sacred animals
Serpent | Vulture | Barn owl | Eagle-owl | Woodpecker | Dragon
Spear | Chariot | Armor
Sites of worship
Aitolia | Thesprotia | Phlegyantis | Edonia | Bistonia | Thrake | Lakedaimonia
Festival at Geronthrae (men explore sacred grove) | Festival at Tegea (women’s feast)
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dummy-kanji · 4 years
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by  AdamaSto
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growingwitchling · 4 years
A collection of epithets (because I can't remember them yet)
- Adamastos (ἀδάμαστος "the untamed one") - Adesius (his name in Latium; expressive of the grace) - Aidelos (ἀίδηλος "the invisible one") - Agelastu (from his melancholy countenance) - Agesander ("he who carries away all") - Agesilaus ("he who attracts all people to his empire") - Agetes/Hegetes (assigned to him by Pindar, "one who conducts") - Aidoneos (probably derived from Hades' having been sometimes confounded with a king of this name among the Molossi, whose daughter Persephone, Theseus and Pirithous attempted to carry off) - Ameilichos (ἀμείλιχος "the harsh one") - Apotropos (ἀπότροπος "the one who's turned away"/"the averted one") - Axiocersus ("the shorn god"; from the mysteries of the Cabiri where he was represented as without hair)
- Chthonius ("of the earth or underworld") - Clymenus ("notorious")
- Euboulos/Eubuleus ("good counsel"/"well-intentioned") - Euclius ("glorious" or "renowned")
- Hennichos (ἔννυχος "of the night"/"the night one") - Hesperos Theos ("god of death & darkness")
- Iao (his name at Clares, a town of Ionia) - Iphthimos (ἴφθιμος "celebrated/renowned for his power")
- Krateros (κρατερός "the powerful one") - Kyanochaites (κυανοχαίτης "the black-haired one"; the blackness mentioned is metallic, like raven feathers)
- Melas (μέλας "the black one") - Moiragetes (his name as guide of the Fates)
- Ophieus (his name as the blind god among the Messenians: it was derived from their dedicating certain Augurs to him, whom they deprived of sight at the moment of their birth)
- Pelorios (πελώριος "the dreadful one") - Phonios (φόνιος "the murderous one"/"the dreadful one") - Plouton (from Πλοῦτος; "the rich one") - Polydegmon ("who receives many")
- Stygeros (Stygis) (στυγερός "the Stygian", from Styx, the chthonian river; means "terrible" or "terrifying")
- Zeus Katachthonios ("subterranean Zeus")
There are more epithets of Hades, especially in Latin/Etruscan, but I personally won't be using those, so I did not look them up.
Sources under the cut!
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hades: Homer Ilias 9, 158 Homer Ilias 9, 158 Homer Odyssee 10, 534; 11, 47 Homer Ilias 5, 395 Homer Ilias 13.415 Odyssee 11, 277 Homer Ilias 8, 368 Sophokles Aias 608 Sophokles König Ödipus 30 Homerischer Hymnus 2, 348 Sophokles Die Trachinierinnen 500 Sophokles Ödipus auf Kolonos 1688 Bailly, s.v. Πλούτων. http://go.galegroup.com/ Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 806, note. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir (1922) in Loeb Classical Library, Volume 145. Schmitz, Leonhard (1867). "Agesander (1)". In Smith, William (ed.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 68. Liddell, Henry; Scott, Robert (1996). A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. s.v. ISBN 0-19-864226-1. Callimachus, Hymn. in Pallad. 130, with Friedrich Spanheim's note Hesychius of Alexandria s.v. Aeschyl. ap. Athen. iii. p. 99 Nicander, ap. Athen. xv. p. 684 http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0058%3Aalphabetic+letter%3D*z%3Aentry+group%3D1%3Aentry%3D*zeu%2Fs in: An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott.
Brown, Robert (1844). "The Religion of Zoroaster Considered In Connection With Archaic Monotheism". Archive.org. Retrieved 3 September 2017.
Murray, John (1833). A Classical Manual, being a Mythological, Historical and Geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's Aeneid of Virgil with a Copious Index. Albemarle Street, London. pp. 5–6
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chthonius: Pausanias, Description of Greece, 2. 2. 8 (in Corinth), 5. 14. 8 (in Olympia) Hesiod, Theogony, 767 Euripides, Alcestis, 237; Andromache, 544
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hadesdevotee · 5 years
Hades Epithet Poetry
Adamastos - inflexable, unsubdued
Wrath of Hades Adamastos upon the unjust
Be unwavering, unsubdued, and unrequenting.
Wrath of Hades Adamastos burn cold with a
Steel-willed logic, tempered in the flaming river Phlegethon.
Wrath of Hades Adamastos, formidable in battle,
Indestructible Life, None shall cheat death.
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Furutsubaki no Rei (Old tsubaki spirit) by AdamaSto
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Philosopher’s Stone (HP)
Considered to be one of the ultimate goals of Alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone could historically be made by a few methods - all now illegal and lost to time or the workings of Unspeakables and their Fidelius Charms - but in the modern age have been made via the purely chemistry-based Alchemy first epitomised by Nicholas Flamel. Since his development of the original method none have actually succeeded in replicating it, though multiple aspects of the process are known and taught in Alchemy classes around the world, as they are often key parts of other Alchemical processes.
Philosopher’s Stones have a number of properties; they are chrysopoeic (that is, they can turn base metals to gold) and they are essential in the making of the Elixir of Life, being solidified manifestations of what is generally termed “Wild” or “Free” magic - that is, magic that doesn’t abide by the same precise rules as most other magic. Due to this it is capable of healing otherwise fatal wounds, extending life far beyond it’s usual span and even rejuvenating those who use the Elixir of Life enabled by it to seem to lose several years or even decades, depending on the potency of the stone.
All writings indicate that Philosopher’s Stones are white when new-made and can, at this point, only transform base metals to silver, but grow with potency over time as they accumulate more magic from it’s ambient presence in the world. In theory, a Stone could be made with more magic already present in it, but adjusting the recipe to permit this is difficult to do without making the brew too reactive and risking a dangerous magical explosion. Even when making Elixir of Life from a Stone, Flamel’s writings indicate that care must be taken; an Adamastos blade should be used to shave off pieces of stone, and it should be ground carefully before being dissolved into the inert Healing solution required as a base. If the base solution is not inert, or a metal, other stone, or glass tool is used to shave off portions of the stone, it can risk sparking a reaction and setting loose the volatile energy trapped in the Stone.
(Image One, Image Two)
(Read about the Philosopher’s Stone in canon over Here, and in general alchemic theory over Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.)
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amo17art · 2 years
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Adamasto - Target of the Frozen Wilds
Here is the full color illustration! Adamasto in his new Target suit. More winter themed works are coming. I love winter time, just hate driving in the stuff.
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thecollectibles · 7 years
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Art by AdamaSto
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wearepaladin · 6 years
Please don't feel pressured to look for any if you don't have any on hand, but I'm doing some costume design for starfinder, and I'm having a hard time finding good references for military dress uniforms with a good paladin vibe. Do you have anything? (I have been looking through your paladin fashion and sci-fi paladin tags, which have already been a big help)
I have a uniform tag, but I’ll pick out a few specific ones that I think you might like.
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Black Swan by Wan YouMing
This one in particular seemed to fit best with a Sci-Fi fantasy setting like Starfinder.
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The Foxhunter - Special Ops Soldier by Anthony Sixto
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Pavel Zolotarev
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Aldo Vicente
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Gryphon Council Officer by Juan Angel
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Espen Olsen Sætervik
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
batman v furries dawn of furstice
by Adamastos
During his time at Arkham Asylum, Ed comes out as bisexual and genderqueer and starts using he/they/she pronouns (they're fine with being referred to as male though), as well as getting administered a chemical that turns them into a werewolf. Once released, the plot continues from the final episode of Gotham, where Ed is forced to deal with being a werewolf, fighting Jeremiah Valeska (now the Joker, and genderfluid, frequently changing pronouns) and Batman (based more on Robert Pattinson's Batman than the one in Gotham), as well as being in love with Oswald. This is likely full of plot holes, mistakes, and poor writing in general - it was written between 1 and 5am every few nights over several months, by someone with DID, no writing experience since GCSE English around 4 years ago, and no waking memory of reading another work of fiction ever. You have been warned
Words: 19281, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Summer of Smut: 2022 Edition
Fandoms: Gotham (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Jeremiah Valeska, Bruce Wayne, Victor Zsasz
Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, Oswald Cobblepot & Edward Nygma, Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, Jeremiah Valeska & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Cannibalism, Werewolves, Blood, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Blood and Torture, Choking, Murder, Pain, Gay Sex, Edward Nygma is the Riddler, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bottom Oswald Cobblepot, Top Edward Nygma
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41771304
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