#adam du mortain/f!detective
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dwead-piwate-meggers · 2 years ago
It Seems Like I Should Say, "As Long As This Is Love"
Chapter 5 (1, 2, 3, 4)
Fed up with dealing with her feelings alone, Charlotte begins to write some letters. She doesn’t send them. She can’t send them. But at least she can pretend to tell him how she feels. Spoilers for Book 3.
Adam du Mortain x f!detective rating: t warnings: none Read Chapter 5 on Ao3
tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn
The Warehouse
Written on Agency Letterhead
Here we are again. Penning the things I can’t (won’t) say to your face. I suppose I should be flattered that you seem to believe that I’m fearless. Are you so wrapped up in yourself that you can’t sense it? Or do I hide it so well that even a vampire can’t tell?
I’m not fearless, Adam. I wish I was. Christ, do I wish I was. It might make all of this easier. I'm not though. I'm scared. So scared. Of so many things. Of being the source of all this trouble for my home. Of watching you and Morgan and Nate and Farah put yourselves on the line for me, again and again. Of having to spend the rest of my life running and fighting just to be free. Life expectancy keeps creeping up - I could live well past 80. I’ve got a lot of fight in me (you know that). I don’t know if I have another 50 years of it.
The day’s going to come that I’m too tired to run or fight anymore. I’m scared of… of being taken again. Of being someone else’s experiment. Of being a tool, a battery. Being used to commit who knows what monstrosities. Of… of all… of that.
And I’m scared of loving you.
I have… Historically, the people I have loved lie to me and leave me. Overtly or by omission, through death or abandonment, I’m lied to and left.
I don’t know if you’ve ever lied to me. I'd like to think you haven’t, that you wouldn’t. But you've hidden things, haven’t you? Sometimes it’s been because of orders. (And we can debate the morality of that another time.) Sometimes, though, sometimes it hasn’t. (I don’t mean your family. That’s personal. That was your right to keep to yourself.) DMB? Trappers? There wasn’t really a reason not to explain those to me, not when I had clearance (I had clearance, didn’t I?) but you wanted to keep that information from me anyway. And maybe that’s not the same as an outright lie, but damn if secrets don’t feel close.
As for death or abandonment…well. Given your functional immortality, I’ve got a feeling for which of the two options is more likely. We sort of live there, don’t we?
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calnexin · 8 months ago
drawing request! wayhaven!alina...perhaps book 4 if you've played...
wayhaven Alina.. that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time
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nreads · 5 months ago
Mishka had an old ask where MC jokingly proposes to N after seeing the warehouse library. Based on that, I thought about an A-mancing detective who is also a bibliophile revealing that they had the same impulse:
MC: You know, N, I nearly asked you to marry me after seeing the warehouse library.
N, smiling: Is that so?
MC: Yes, almost dropped down on one knee and everything.
N laughs and is about to say something before they are interrupted by A
A, shoulders tense, trying to keep their voice casual: You are aware, Agent, that several books in that library are my contribution?
All eyes snap to A. A shifts in their seat, regretting saying anything.
MC, pressing their lips together to suppress a smile, their voice full of amusement anyway: Do you want me to propose to you?
A, with tight voice: Of course not.
MC, F, and M laugh, and even N has to hide a grin, and A's shoulders just keep getting more tense.
F whispers to M: They realise they aren't even in a relationship, right? And they're joking about proposing?
M : They're idiots.
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mnasthaii · 2 years ago
see now the theme of soulmates is sprinkled throughout the romances of wayhaven chronicles. the detective can help control m’s pheromones and touch them without causing them pain (something no one else has been able to do), n states that they knew from the moment they met the detective that they were meant for each other, f (who feels like they don't belong anywhere) finds a home in the detective, and a’s shell that they have built up starts to disappear which has been something no one was able to do before (not even unit bravo). furthermore, the temptation of the detective's blood represents their connection to their love interest: they have special blood and vampires drink blood, showing that the detective contains something that the love interest needs to live (both metaphorically and physically). therefore, the detective has an intrinsic and unexplainable connection to their love interest that indicates that they were made for each other since the detective gives them something they have been lacking.
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agentark · 2 years ago
something I really love is how all the LIs pet names for the detective are like....
sweetheart (utter adoration disguised as snark)
my soul, literal light and love of my life
......Valued Associate.
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blinkvlink · 2 years ago
things i predict will happen in the upcoming books
• the detective will be cage-gassed. (it's physical also i doubt that it's magic so it would work on them)
• Tina/Verda will get kidnapped if they know.
• N will go into the berserk state and hurt detective (im willing to bet my money on that this is book 5 stuff)
• A and M relationship inevitably begins at the end of book 4
• The mayor learns/ already knows the stunt Rebecca has been pulling (Book 4 since Sera has been saying he will have an intense role in book 4)
• Douglas will go rogue if you are hard on him enough
• Aunt big baddie reveal either at the end of book 4 or in the middle of book 5
• book 6 has no direct villain and is more so focused on picking up the pieces of whatever the fuck is gonna happen in book 5
• murphy will come back by attacking the detective if he escaped in the first book
• book 7 is like an endgame event where everyone the detective won over as allies (maa-luse, sin etc) comes back to fight the supernatural rogues.
• rook will make an appearence one way or another.
• rebecca will not die but will get very hurt (book 5)
• F will get kidnapped in book 5 (there is this ask where someone asks sera what would each UB member would tell to past version of themselves about their romance with the detective and F says 'They came for you')
• Drinking the detective's blood thing will happen as a last resort after the LI takes a mortal wound from the aunt big baddie. (book 5)
• If your relationship with bobby is good, A's route will use this factor the most and the detective will have the choice to get closer with Bobby while A foams at the mouth in the background.
• M's crystal is going to be broken by a villain (maybe book 5) and theu will go delulu for a while as they regain their memories.
• Douglas will hurt the mayor bad in an argument they have if he is a supernatura
• If Auntie exists, her name will be either choosable or just the whitest name you can imagine
• ending of the LT (who you will be sticking permanently with will be at the end of book 4 OR towards the end of book 5
•In book 5, LT, A's and M's routes will take a back seat when it comes to angst while F and N's will get worse.
• Alima (the girl thats in love with M) will come up to the detective and be like 'leave them while you can before they hurt you' ORRR 'whats so special about you? why didn't they want me but they want you?' OR BOTH before M shows up and goes 'go the fuck away' and has a fight with her.
• A's love confession will be right before the offical relationship starts. So like they will go 'I LOVE YOU!!!' and then, like maybe a few chapters later or right after it will be offical
this is it for now. i will add as i come up with more.
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0-jloves-0-blog · 2 years ago
Per usual when i reread book 1 it's so insane to me that UB is old as hell but was so childish when they were introduced to the detective. Like am i the youngest one here or are yall?😭 and rebecca was just standing there letting it happen. Like these are the people who yall chose to represent the agency😭lmao.
They was just rude, bitter, and nasty at THEY BIG AGE COLLASAL AGE.
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itsmistyeyedbi · 15 days ago
I've been tagged by @wayhavenots to make so couples for Valentine's Day! (f/f, m/f) I'm a little late, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Zuri kinda romances...all of ub lol. But I made the two pairings that have been on my mind the most rn:
Farah x Zuri and Adam x Zuri (Also, bonus couple! Rebecca x Rook!)
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I can't think of anyone who hasn't been tagged already, so if you see this and you haven't done it, do it (no pressure of course)!
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royaltyontuesdays · 1 year ago
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Agent du Mortain you are fooling no one.
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zennyshoneybunch · 8 months ago
Adam du Mortain x F!Detective
Disclamer: These characters do not belong to me, they belong to The Wayhaven Chronicles, an amazing interactive fiction game from #seraphinitegames. If you don't know it yet and enjoy well-written romance games, I advise you to take a look.
This is just a drabble of an idea that popped into my head during lunch time. Fluff. May contain personality/traits spoilers if you haven't read Adam's route yet.
Wordcount: 866
After everything that's happened you'd think staying in the same room as Adam would have little effect on you by now. But that is not the case. As we wait in silence for the rest of the team to join us I wonder if my living room has become even smaller since the last time I sat here. The tension and heat in the air is sizzling, merely from being in the same confined space together.
I steal a glance at Adam, standing with his muscular back to me, arms crossed as he looks intently out the window. I could never understand what he finds that is so appealing outside or if he's just always in surveillance mode. For a moment I think I caught his eyes in the glass’s reflection, but I am probably just hallucinating at this point. 
I force my eyes away from the man that owns my heart and my every thought to look back at the folder in front of me. Stifling a sigh I reach for the pen, when I catch movement from the corner of my eye, a shadow crawling on my coffee table, creeping closer and closer. I slowly look at my side and there it is. Its eight furry legs carry it a few inches closer yet before stopping, as if taunting me. 
My body paralyzes for a moment, my mind freezing at the mere sight of the horrible threat, before my legs are forced into action by springing me up and away from the table. 
The movement as well as the sound of my fumbling legs scattering me away brings Adam's attention to me. In less than two seconds he's already next to me. Not that it would take him much longer than that to cross from one side to the other of my entire apartment, even if he wasn't a super fast vampire. 
“What is wrong?” 
The obvious concern in his voice, no doubt resulting from what I can only guess is my terrified expression, makes me feel even more pathetic about the whole situation. Nevertheless I point a finger at the disgusting creature. 
“Can you… can you get rid of that, please?”
His eyes follow the direction I'm pointing at, his eyebrows lifting slightly as they land on the goddamn thing. It takes him a beat to react, but clearing his throat he walks up to the table with ease. 
“Should I kill it or set it free outside would suffice?”
My brain immediately screams for the first option, but noticing the tinge of amusement in his voice I settle for the latter. 
“Just get it away from me.”
I can't see the look on his face, but there's the slightest shake on his shoulders before he leans down to scoop the beast from the table’s surface with his bare hands - which I'm not embarrassed to admit drew a gasp from me, goosebumps erupting all over my skin at me mere thought of touching that thing. 
Adam proceeds to move to the window to dispose of it outside. Once he closes the window I realize I was holding my breath and I sigh in relief. Adam keeps staring at me with a strange tightness in his expression, as though he's trying not to smile. 
“What?” I ask, my embarrassment making me sound more defensive than I'd like to admit. 
He shrugs, eyes downcast as he slowly walks closer to me. “Nothing.”
“Well, your face doesn't exactly say ‘nothing’.”
He lets out a breath that sounds a lot like an amused huff before raising his gaze back to me.
“If you must know, I was thinking that you are the bravest, strongest woman I have ever met. And I would never have expected you to be scared of a tiny spider.”
There’s a shadow of a smile on his lips and it only makes me feel more flustered, heat flushing to my cheeks. 
“Hey! First of all, that thing was not tiny in the slightest!” 
My outburst makes his smile grow wider, the breathtakingly cute dimples appearing with the sole purpose of making my mind go blank and my heart race. It still amazes me how one single smile from this man holds this kind of power over me. And now I'm flustered for a whole different reason. 
“And… it's not fear, it's disgust.”, my voice decreases in intensity as I avert my gaze, ending in barely more than a mumble. The lighthearted chuckle brings my attention back to him, his expression is soft and his demeanor relaxed. 
“Well, then I stand and correct it, Detective.” 
The tenderness in his voice and the hidden emotion behind his eyes pull at my heartstrings, bringing back those shreds of hope I am always pushing back. We don't look away from each other, instead we smile as our obvious unspoken feelings hang around us. And it's not until we hear familiar voices growing closer that our bubble bursts and we reluctantly move away, back to our previous spots. But this time, as I look at where Adam stands by the window, I am sure I can see his beautiful green eyes looking back at me through the reflection.
For this man I don't mind being a 🤡
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violetlunette · 9 months ago
So, I recently got back into The Wayhaven Chronicles—A CYOA text adventure story for those not in the know—and was curious about thoughts other people have on some of the major choices.
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neoendydy · 2 years ago
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gremlin activities interrupted by boyfriend Commanding agent almost dying
saving sanja in book2
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avadmortain · 2 years ago
honestly….. when i first read book 3 i truly thought the handler was going to kidnap the RO to fuck with the detective’s head instead of tapeesa/ vieno…… and i TRULY believe that that would have been such a better storyline like flip the script have the detective worry and go insane over the ROs for a change!! & imagine the reunion scenes 👀👀👀👀
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captiveinwayhaven · 2 years ago
I found my stash of screenshots from the last playthrough of twc and I'm screaming again
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wolfbabywitch · 2 years ago
Wayhaven as twilight quotes part 2
F: “Dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go”
N: “I feel very protective of you”
M: “Everything about me invites you in”
A: “Can you at least watch where you walk?”
Tina/Verda: “There’s something... strange about the way you two are together… The way they watch you – it’s so... protective. Like they’re about to throw themselves in front of a bullet to save you or something.”
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blinkvlink · 2 years ago
ok...so...i know this will probably never happen because it's an extremely...chaotic choice BUT!!!! what if the detective was somehow killed (bonus points if it's the aunt/whoever it is related to Rook after they understood the detective will never join them or something idk) and UB resurrected them with magic. imagine the trauma. imagine the angst. imagine how every LI would react to it.
like i said im %99.9 sure this wont happen but that wont stop me from listening to appropiate music and imagining it.
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