lord-of-fidgets · 2 years
I'm fuming
I had to fight transphobia and ableism in one night
But even ableism from other autistic people
That one hurt even more
Like why can't you also fellow autistics listen to those of us autistics with learning/intellectual disabilities
Especially when you try to "reclaim' the r slur.
I try not to hate but I have hatred for anyone who uses the R slur
Sick sick sick of it
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xqueerneurosisx · 3 years
Idk where in the world this got lost, and I have a sneaky suspicion that some people are once a-fucking-gain falling into the “adhd is not as serious of a disorder,” bullshit for it, so I’m gonna make a little reminder here, ‘kay?
Reminder that hyperfixation and special interest mean the same fucking thing.
This term was proposed, because those without autism, but still neurodivergent, who have the same experiences as a special interest were asked not to use the term by the autistic community, as it is a very important term to us, and we have had the language we use for our own community taken from us too much to even count.
Now let’s zoom in on allistic neurodivergent people who have the same experiences as a special interest, and what that means, shall we?
Hyperfixation is not inherently for a shorter period of time than a special interest. Both of these things can last from days to years, AND both can be as short as for a few hours too. There’s lots of diverse variation.
It is not inherently less intense of an interest. Just like special interest, a hyperfixation is always more intense than “just a hobby/a passing interest/dabbling.”
It’s not ADHD specific, and was never coined to be. Hyperfixation is an umbrella term.
It is not a hyperfocus. That’s a different term entirely. The coiner called a special interest for ADHDers a hyperfocus to begin with, but it’s usually just been called obsession. Hyperfocus actually IS by origin/nature/definition/and everything else inherently shorter and less intense than a hyperfixation. Hyperfocus is task based, and one who goes into a hyperfocus can do so on said task that is not even remotely related to their hyperfixation.
All neurodivergent people who experience Hyperfixation can(and some already do) have more than one at the same time. Yes, this includes autistic people. We can have more than one special interest at any given point.
The main experience that makes hyperfixation the same thing as special interest, is: being entirely barred from access to engaging with these intense subjects of interest will always cause mental distress. If it doesn’t then that’s not a hyperfixation or a special interest either.
Both Special Interests and Hyperfixations can seem to be “entirely and suddenly dropped,” but that’s not exactly what is actually happening. This only means that something else has captured the intense interest of the neurodivergent person with these experiences. It doesn’t necessarily mean the “dropped,” one was actually forgotten, or even dropped at all. In fact, some will come back to being that same intensely interested in that seemingly forgotten subject later on, again and again.
This post is not about who ~is allowed or not~ to use what word. You can refuse to believe someone does or doesn’t experience something all you want, but you have no place here to speculate about that on this post.
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FREE Webinar: Learn-at-Home Tips from Students with Learning Differences Making it Work
Apr 16, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
There will be a free webinar tomorrow with advice on how to manage online classes with learning differences.
If you register, you’ll get a link to a recording even if you can’t attend at that time.
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maidsuokasenpai · 6 years
Any1 know why it looks like my post is by someone else?
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I don’t wanna blame the other person I just wanna know why
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xxschoolnewspaperxx · 7 years
Original comic by @hashtagld Dubbed by ME!
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theredhairing40 · 7 years
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Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are not mutually exclusive from anything. AP students can have learning disabilities. Developmentally disabled people can have learning disabilities that are unrelated to being DD. Girls, boys, and nonbinary kids and adults can have learning disabilities with no difference based on gender. Autistic people can have learning disabilities that are unrelated to being autistic. People with mental, personality, mood, neurological, and/or physiological disorders can have learning disabilities. You can be learning disabled and never know until you're an adult. You can be learning disabled and be diagnosed since elementary school. Learning disabilities fall into their own category of disability and need to be treated as such. It's an invisible disability that to this day is still treated as "laziness" at best and the R-word at worst. It strongly affects us mentally and socially, because so much of self-esteem and self-worth is tied to academic performance. Anyone with a learning disability should be able to get assistance. No more "You're not disabled, you're passing all your classes" or "You don't need accommodation, you need to work harder" or even "Your child is developmentally disabled, accommodating for a learning disability would be redundant." Enough, enough, ENOUGH.
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
Hey I’m allistic and I just wanted to know if you feel comfortable outlining some of the ways allistic adhd ppl over talk autistic ppl (so I can avoid that). There is overlap in within the neurodivergent community but I don’t want to silence my friends and peers
Well, I can't and won't try to speak for every other autistic out there, but I can try to respond from my point of view ( I hope this comes out well ) :
As one sight puts it "People who have traits that stretch across both autism and ADHD diagnoses often face more serious challenges than those with either diagnosis alone- they can have greater impairments in adaptive functioning ( a term that refers to self-care and daily living skills, and more "severe" social/cognitive 'issues'"
According to the CDC, 14% of people with ADHD also have Autism- those with both - again - are more likely to have learning and social imparimetns and difficulties.
ADHD and autism are related BUT they are not the same. I say all this as a preface -
I'm not saying allistic ADHD people don't struggle at all, but bare with me -
It seems like the best way I can tell differences is 'degrees' - sure people with ADHD may struggle with social issues but if it is nigh impossible to communicate effectively and hold up friendships/any social relationship you start going into Autism territory. People with ADHD may have sensory issues, yes, but if you aren't completely overwhelemed to the point you cannot talk adn you withdraw completely into yourself or meltdown/shutdown then you can't honesly relate to an autistic person's point of view and daily living.
Yes, ADHD has a major impact on one's life - but not to the likeness and perhaps even degree to autism does. I don't believe in pitting each other against one another as we are one neurodiverse family - but more and more I see people with ADHD either claiming to be autistic ( which, ok - not touching that part just yet ) or claiming autistic traits to be ADHD ones. ( Much like those claiming raptor hands as an ADHD thing when it is very traditionally and perhaps diagnoistically an autistic thing ).
Or if an autisitic only group is specifically speaking about autism and autistic experiences - often we have allistic ADHD people butting in like "I DON'T HAVE AUTISM BUT---". Those shouldn't happen. If it is an autistic only space/post, then it is an autistic only. I don't care if we are neurodiverse cousins or whatnot - allistic adhd people have no right to barge into autistic spaces and pretend to understand everything we go through, to the degree we go through it.
There is overlap. They are also different things. Very different. I have an allistic ADHD friend - there is a distinct, obvious difference between us. ( I have adhd, autism and learnign disabilities and was in special ed ).
Claiming words like "special interest" which is an autsitic only phrase, and using it interchangably with "hyperfixation" is something i see often and it ( maybe im one of onnly a few bothered with this one ) upsets me.
you can be allistic ADHD and have sensory problems, etc, but from what i see we autistic people still experience this world very very differently and allistic adhd people butting into autsitic only spaces by claiming autistic platforms by over-speaking us, stealign our terms, etc, is disrespectful.
And yes a few people with ADHD may very well just be undiagnosed as an autistic person as well. I'm not talking about those cases.
But it seems like adhd people have become too comfortable with the fact there is overlap between adhd adn autism that they forget there are major differences - there are several circle charts on pintrest and tumblr and the internet that show it better than I can word and explain in.
I guess i could just say it as "Stay in your lane".
One thing that also gets me, personally, is ADHD people not realizing that yes you expereience similar things to what we Autistics do - but just because you can relate does not mean you are autistic. I don't wanna come across as gate-keepy and I hope i'M explaining this right. If I mis-answered you, please let me know. Communication is very hard for me even though I can type well.
Also there are other creators out there who can better explain things and provide examples case by case whereas I can't without naming names and making this seem like a call-out post and I want to avoid discourse as this blog is a safe spot for me
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
I have to vent - excuse me :
If you use the r slur
I hate you
I really fucking hate you
Period. Don't care.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
At this risk of causing controversy-
I don't care if you're also autistic- if someone ( especially another autistic person - ESPECIALLY if they are an autistic with a Learning/Intellectual disability - ) says don't use the R slur - don't use it.
I don't care if you feel like you can reclaim it; don't try to force other autistics to be "fine" with it if we're not.
I'm so sick of having a percentage of fellow autistics yell at me for asking them not to use the R slur. I'm sorry but some of us have trauma around that word, find it incredibly offensive anyway, and a lot of us with an intellectual/learning disability HATE the r slur even more.
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
For all shades of fuck, I hate the whole "reclaim the r slur!" Discourse. I have intellectual disabilities/learning disabilities and spent time in special Ed myself. I don't police other people ( who even has that energy ?) But for me there is NO reclaiming that for me and stop trying to convince me that it's okay or that I should. it's forever a reminder of me being bullied- including chased down and spit on and blamed for things I didn't do. It's a reminder of the hate and dehumanization.
If you as an autistic person who is also intellectual disabled/learning disabled want to reclaim it - I can't stop you, I'll just block you. But don't you dare try to tell me I should be comfortable hearing it or having others use it around me or to get over supposed "internalized Ableism" when I refuse to reclaim it. Ranks right up there with "lol I'm special" comments when they use the word "special" to hint at being in special Ed and behind in areas.
I hate it. And never want to hear that slur again.
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
🔥My life in a dumpster fire🔥
Well, tonight I have several tasks to do, that need to be done, before morning -
Tomorrow is room inspection and my room isn't clean and I don't have the energy ( the only reason this is even spelled correctly is simply due to auto correct I'm so tired and haven't ate )
Midterm week is here and I do not want to continue school but have to because I don't have the option not to complete it even though I feel drained
I still need to try to see a doctor hopefully soon with the help of @starnovali
Deal with mom and the whole situation there
Deal with the recent lost of my frogs
And I've just been feeling burnt out like I just want to exist - and that's it. Just....float in a space somewhere and just live
I feel done in the sense I've been made to work since I was 15 and I've very obviously struggled in it - especially with the social aspect. But my home isn't the best - my mom is a narcissist and my step dad always backs her up ( and I won't go into detail about the other abusive things they've done either ). So I don't want to live there but at the same time it's a familiar place and I crave familiarity. I also need my own space, period, and have times where I just need to be left alone for weeks even though that conflicts because I will forget to and how to take care of myself.
And it's making my clinical depression get aggravated and worse.
What in the world do I do
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
Tonight on "fml"
Not really. Not completely, anyway. I'm just tired
ADHD brain : *has literally 3 laptops open and running* (for those wondering for some reason people give me their old ass computers. I've named them all. they all have different personalities too.)
Autism: *so tired and stressed my stims are those that are like painful ticks and my echolalia is "Oof" lately. and constantl feeling as if I am on the verge of sensory overload and or a meltdown.*
Executive Dysfunction: *hi yes lets just stare at the homework since dinnertime*
My learning disorders: * but ... those are areas we struggle in even though we try our hardest*
Like the other day I was about ready to burst into tears because jeans. Like it hit me like a train and suddenly they just became "evil" - to be fair the stores didn't help. and the school stress. and i already hate noise but now if someone so much as breathes next to be i want to shrival up and die. i keep forgetting things. and we are supposed to memorize things for acting class. I need to log into my other classes but at this point im sort of afraid to.
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lord-of-fidgets · 3 years
Personal update: and question
I'm behind in school
I'm doubting I can succeed the more I try the more I realize I actually have such a difficult time trying to live on my own.
I forget to do basic hygiene things, how to make and keep appointments and assignments how to clean and stuff
My depression is really kicking me hard again and I wonder if stress induced meltdowns or shutdowns can bring about like fever like feels or something because I feel sick and tired but not like cold sick and tired.
Make sense?
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