#actually this was something that drove me crazy about the live action finale
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Actually wait relating to this, for dives they take alone when they return to the present, what time do they return to?
Something something cat box
Something something quantum superposition
Something something only by Lu Guang observing the past change when Cheng Xiaoshi dives into it can the present change
#link click#the show seems to posit that however long they’re in the past is however long they’re gone from the present#that’s fine for pair dives since lg is observing the present#but I think when cxs was diving by himself in the S1 finale he was disappearing from the present for as long as he was gone#actually this was something that drove me crazy about the live action finale#when Dr He had to wait for the present to change#that made sense while CXS was still in the past after he’d left#but the moment CXS left the present should have immediately reflected the changed past#because there was no one meddling in it anymore#what do you mean you still have to wait for it to be 6:27 in the past sir?#I know the live action operates on different rules but this is fun for me to think about in both versions haha
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Why TOTK Ganondorf is the best Ganondorf in the series
This became a bit of an essay by accident hehe
Goes without saying: HUGE MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE FINAL BOSS AND ENTIRE STORY!!! All the gifs used are my own, and even though they're a bit crunchy, feel free to use them as you wish!
Anyways, starting at the start.
The Character
I'm not exactly a long time Zelda fan (botw was my first proper zelda game), and therefore didn’t know that much about Ganondorf before I saw him in the trailer and decided to research the lore like a crazy person. Based off of that, I think that Wind Waker Ganondorf is the best by far.
He had such an interesting aura to him- less like a power hungry madman and more like a wise old king who was also very evil, and his motivation made it difficult to see him as a true villain. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. His whole plan revolved around the fact that the Gerudo people, his people, were left to suffer in the desert while the rest of Hyrule prospered, and he decided to take action. At least, that's what I remember. Please correct me if I have that messed up!!
Anyways, I think that motivation is what makes WW G-man cool- he's a total asshole, yes, but he has this kind of twisted honour that almost makes you feel bad for him. And this brings me to my one little gripe about TOTK Ganondorf- he doesn’t really seem to have a motivation? At least, not that I heard of. So in that sense, he doesn’t really feel as driven as WW Ganon. We never learn WHY he wanted to rule over Hyrule, he kinda just did. He wanted power, that much was obvious, but that was it. On the other hand though, it’s always fun to have a villain who’s evil for the sake of being evil, and it didn’t detract at all from his presence in the game.
And boy, is he a PRESENCE. Some of his lines are incredibly cold- "I will rule. That is what a king must do" WITH THE ORGAN IN THE BACKGROUND AND HIS DEMON KING TITLE ON THE SCREEN, or "Do not look away, you witness a king's revival" (the line that drove the whole community insane for a little while- if you know you know) as he draws his sword with all the confidence of a centuries old evil incarnate.
Even better- "I will be taking far more than your arm this time", as if Ganondorf, through the Calamity, hasn't taken away everything Link knew and loved already. This dude is crazy.
(And a little bonus that I found out about right before posting this- apparently in the Japanese version, he does have a very clear motive? But it was lost in translation? I need to research that a bit more though. If you know anything about that, do tell!!)
Now, with that out of the way...
The Build Up
Thematically, I think that the build up to his fight is pretty awesome, even compared to the other three G's. If you did the entire story (geoglyphs included) beforehand, then you know that this dude:
a) straight up killed someone with his bare hands (he wasn't holding the knife when he killed Sonia, so I kind of just assumed he broke her spine or something)
b) is so powerful that 7 of the strongest warriors in Hyrule WITH secret stones couldn't defeat him, and was only taken down by sealing his power away- which is still only a temporary solution
c) lived on after reawakening despite being an actual emaciated corpse
d) was so busted that even in (kind of) death, the essence of his power (the malice) that leaked out of his seal was strong enough on its own to completely DECIMATE Hyrule
So yeah, I was a little scared on my way down because I knew this guy was going to kick my ass (spoiler alert: he did).
The little gauntlet of monsters to fight as you descend was pretty sick, and serves as a fairly good warmup for the army later on. The silver lynel totally caught me off guard though. As you get closer to the lowest point in Hyrule, you end up amassing some of the most powerful weapons imaginable thanks to all the silver enemies, which got me feeling so goddamn strong! That's important later.
And eventually, getting to the Forgotten Foundation and realising that I was back in the prologue area as that scary music started back up sent chills down my spine.
And the music. THE MUSIC.
Give this a listen (youtube because soundcloud links are jank, sorry)- skip to about 2:00 because that's the bit I'm talking about!
As you get deeper and deeper, the music gets more and more intense- and if there’s one thing I absolutely adore about TOTK, it’s the dynamic music throughout (see example: THE DUNGEON THEMES). The use of music that changes as you go- and this is by far the best example.
At first, you don’t really notice it while you’re preoccupied. You’re more focused on weapons and monsters and all that mess. But the first time I really noticed it was, as I said, when I realised I was in the prologue. The cut up voice clips and the drone in the background are a little creepy, and remind you of what happened the last time you tried to fight this guy,
Then, it starts to develop once you walk past the mural. There’s the choral singing, the drone in the background picks up into something with more melody, and the entire run up to the boss is completely enemy free- it gives you time to let the circumstances sink in as the music swells and you approach the heart of the depths. Also, the music builds as you get deeper and deeper, which from what I know is a subversion from the usual "music building as you climb his tower" or whatever he's in normally. Very nice.
Idk about you guys, but I slow walked down there for the DRAMATIC EFFECT.
At about 3 minutes into the video is how it sounds when you dive into the imprisoning chamber, where it all started (and I'll talk more about the parallels between this and the prologue another time... THE TORCH AUGHHSYWJHFH) and keep trucking on through the gloom, the horror movie piano kicking in as you walk through the final tunnel and stand on the precipice overlooking the dark, unknown pit below...
And jump.
Then the track finally reaches its climax as everything starts to overlap, the bells and organ (i think thats what it is?) screaming at you in the background as you fall, making the song feel like an epic of vengeance. There's so much dread, and an underlying ominous/threatening feeling that encapsulates the fact that Ganondorf is the embodiment of an ancient evil, one that has tormented Hyrule for centuries- but at the same time, there's an element of finality and inevitability, because you're going to put that evil down, and make up for all the grief and the death and loss that constantly follows in his wake.
I mean, just listen to the last 30 seconds or so of that track and tell me you don't feel excited. In awe. Because I deadass teleported back up to the mural just to hear it again.
I think I got a little carried away there, but moving on to the bit you probably came here for…
The Fight
Phase one - The Demon King's Army
Remember how I mentioned that the earlier monsters and busted weapons make you feel powerful? This is basically that x10.
The whole sequence feels very epic, ESPECIALLY after the build up, and with the appearance of the Sages mirroring the attack of the Champions from BOTW, it almost feels like victory is assured already as you cut down hordes of monsters with practically no effort, all while the strings in the background kick in and get more intense with every wave.
This serves to make you feel even more like God- taking out waves and waves of fairly tough enemies made me feel like I was on top, like nothing could stand in my way. It's pretty cool, a good way of integrating the monster army you keep seeing in the cutscenes, and manages to keep the energy from the descent going pretty well, while also being a casual reminder that this Ganondorf bloke can summon world ending horrors at will. ESPECIALLY when the dungeon bosses come back to life and force the Sages to stay behind.
Phase two - The Menace Unleashed
Once again, the music goes absolutely crazy. The first phase feels intense, but still like the fight is only just beginning. Just an ambient drone, near silent as he approaches, picking up as you start to duel. No one is here to help- no Sages, no Zelda- just Link and Ganondorf, a rematch that's been in the making since 2006.
If the army battle makes you feel powerful, then the first few seconds of this fight are what takes that power away- because this guy is a total damage sponge and moved a lot faster than I could predict. Additionally, you can't fast travel outside to heal gloom hearts if you have medallions set up (i thought i was so smart for that too), so if you used all of your sunny food during the army, you're doomed.
Most of his attacks in this phase are fairly simple, with only one or two for each weapon he can wield (and tbh the switching weapons really threw me the first time), but like I said, he goes pretty fast. Therefore, if you're like me and can't differentiate some of his tells, you're also going to lose a lot of hearts very fast. And did I mention he gives you gloom hearts instead of normal damage? Again, no sunny food = death of the instant kind.
On top of the general stress of trying to get the timing down, there were a couple of moments in this phase alone that had me yelling something along the lines of "WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT"- one of which being some of the tricks he pulls under certain conditions. For example; a standard looking sword attack where he swings once, then as you lower your shield to get a hit in, as you naturally would, he swings at you again. He also kicks you if you hang too close, and fires off some of his gloom attacks faster if you're trying to attack him as he charges. It makes him feel more like an actual person you're fighting, and stops you from hanging close and swinging wildly the whole time.
(i was going to make this a video, but tumblr only lets you add one. anyways, see what i said about him swinging again if you lower the shield?)
As well as that, he taunts and mocks you when you get hit- make any misstep or stumble into an attack, and he'll laugh and insult your skill while he casually walks up to you like the absolute gigachad he is. It's not like the Twilight Princess walk where it feels a bit slow- this walk made me feel THREATENED. Circling in the opposite direction when he circled me with the spear made me feel like a pro swordsman. On one hand, I thought the taunting was super cool as a mechanic! On the other hand it made me want to kill him even harder.
And the other moment that made my jaw drop? This guy. Can DODGE your regular attacks AND FLURRY RUSH. And by flurry rush I mean take a really tough/fast swing at you. BUT STILL.
For as long as I can remember, the perfect dodge and flurry rush have given Link an unfair edge over most enemies and bosses- it's an opening to deal mass damage with no counters. It’s made link OP against everything the game throws at him- up until right now. This highlights the fact that Ganondorf is no pushover- him and Link are evenly matched, and you’ll need some actual consistent skill to take him out. The good news is that your own flurries are still pretty powerful, and 5 or 6 are enough to start the next phase.
As the fight progresses and his health starts to go down, the music starts to build up more (at about 1:25 in the video above)- the barely present drums starting to speed up and get louder, accompanied by sporadic piano, more choral snippets, and an ominous undertone as their duel grows more intense, eventually building to a climax and slowing down a tad (2:45) as he activates his secret stone and transforms, beginning the third phase.
Phase three and four - Master of the Secret Stone
Well this one was certainly something. Once again I jumped out of my seat and YELLED when his health bar started to refill past the normal amount, all the way off of my screen. It just didn’t stop. There are no words to describe the primal fear of realising how insanely busted this dude was. I tried to get it on the gif up there, but that made the video too long to convert :(
The music here is my favourite bit of the whole phase- as you face down the powered up Ganondorf and his phantoms, you hear the familiar but melancholy motif of BOTW/Dark Beast playing around the same time the Sages show up once again to deal with said phantoms (at about 3:22). For a second it's just that- melancholy, encapsulating the same kind of hopelessness that followed Calamity Ganon 100 years ago. But at the same time, as your squad comes to assist, you're reminded of the Champions and their aid, and suddenly it feels like you could still turn the tides of this seemingly impossible battle. Just like you did with the Calamity.
Yes it was cool, and yes I nearly cried.
The phantoms were actually the worst for a minute or so- it takes a while for the all of the Sages to appear and lighten the burden, meaning that you end up needing to take on 2-5 of these guys at once as well as the real deal. This got me killed more times than I'd like to admit. Once all the Sages arrive, the arena becomes a complete warzone with everyone duking it out at once, the real Ganondorf’s attacks start to get faster and harder hitting, and he starts to dodge and rush you more often- even dodging more of your attacks and forcing you to flurry him, so if you don’t have your timing down, this is awful. Not to mention, it's very easy to lock on to the wrong Ganon, which makes it harder to block the real attacks with a shield.
And also, this is the point where he starts destroying literally all of your shields in just a few hits, meaning that if you can't dodge or parry, then it's only so long until you're left defenceless.
Aside from that, this phase plays out like the Phantom Ganon fight in the Castle until you get his health bar down about halfway, when he recalls the phantoms and biden blasts the Sages away, beckoning Link forwards and starting phase four, which is basically phase two again but insane.
This is where the fight- for me, at least- became incredibly difficult, since Ganondorf not only dodges your regular attacks, but also dodges your flurry rushes and counters with his own EVERY SINGLE TIME, forcing you to flurry rush again to hit him. Not only does this require perfect timing, but is also the only way to damage him for the remainder of this fight (unless you cheese it with arrows or sneak in some hits in while he's switching weapons- but the latter is dangerous since he still attacks faster when you're close).
A little video to emphasise the flurry rush thing; the timing for that second dodge had to be dead on. What you can't hear is me yelling something along the lines of "GOD, FINALLY" after dying to this phase many times and mashing the y button like my life depended on it. LOOK HOW FAST THAT MF IS ON THE SECOND ATTACK
The soundtrack becomes super crazy again, this time using the motif of Calamity Ganon/the Blights (starts at 5:00, and you can also hear it in the video above) and bringing back that sense of hopelessness again- but this time with with a strong side of excitement since you're now in the final stretch of the fight. Because the Blights were supposed to be the equal match for each Champion, this bit of the theme makes it feel like Ganondorf is an equal match to Link- which I know I've said already, but that's kind of the thing that's blown me away the most about the whole battle.
It's the fact that you can't just wail on him and spam flurry rushes without him countering you in some way- which in this case mostly consists of him dodging you and attacking back at an insane speed. This isn't like Calamity Ganon where you just hit and dodge for five minutes, this is an actual proper swordfight, and exactly what I'd been hoping for from the final boss!
Additionally, the Blight/Calamity motif (well, more like entire theme) represents his ties to Calamity Ganon, the force of nature that took Link 2 tries to beat (with death included), and it's use in this part of the battle tells you that right now, Ganondorf possesses the same level of destructive power as that thing- and he's sure as hell going to make sure you know that.
As well as the whole "dodging the flurry rush and forcing you to pull it off twice" thing, he also pulls out a few more projectile based attacks. These aren't too bad (WE GET THE RETURN OF ARCANE PING PONG FROM OOT), but he usually follows them up with a quick swing, making them a distraction that takes a while to get used to.
And finally, as a last little surprise, getting hit by any of his gloom projectiles in this phase takes away one of your maximum hearts. PERMANENTLY. Not like the gloom hearts, where you can get them back and then heal. Nope. That shit is gone gone.
Once you finally whittle down his ridiculous health bar, we launch into the customary "massive beast" style phase as he straight up just rips the secret stone out of his head and eats it, giving up his mind, body and soul for the sake of defeating Link, becoming a Dragon and escaping through the top of the arena.
Phase five - Draconified Demon King
So like I said above, the Demon Dragon is basically Dark Beast 2, except it's so much cooler! The cutscene does a great job of highlighting the insane size of this guy- it's like 3x the size of the already massive elemental dragons and emerges from the depths in a way that eerily resembles the Calamity, right down to the glowing yellow eyes. And yeah, that's probably the point, but it's still cool.
Luckily for Link, Zelda/the Light Dragon swoops in and rescues him from the jaws of death (literally), taking him high up into the air so he can attack from above. It's an absolute spectacle, and the epic style remix of the game's main theme that plays makes it even better, instilling the same level of awe that Dark Beast does- at least for me.
Just like DB, the fight has you up against a massive malice/gloom infused monster (the dragon, in this case), getting close and attacking it's weak points and then finishing it off by destroying the secret stone on it's head. There's a lot of downtime, which is kind of to be expected with this style of fight, but I honestly don't mind because these colossal battles are supposed to feel less like a Dark Souls boss and more like a victory lap- like a "you're Link, the legendary hero, slaying this massive beast in the name of Hyrule" kind of thing.
My personal favourite bit of this whole phase is the fact that when you dive down to the Dragon's weak points, Zelda dives down next to you to get underneath and catch you afterwards. So sick. I also really like the use of skydiving! It pairs super well with the music and made me think of that final trailer we got in April- like THIS is the epicness we were promised.
(and also dodging the fireballs was way more fun than slowly sidestepping a laser. sorry dark beast, but i gotta say it </3)
Final thoughts
I'm gonna be honest: I kind of forgot to compare his fight to the other 3 mainline ones, but doing that now would make this way too long! I just love the TOTK fight so much and needed to get it out.
While I'd still say that each Ganondorf (in the mainline games) has their own unique trait that makes them cool: OOT Ganondorf is the original, and the most cunning, WW Ganondorf has the best character and TP Ganondorf is the most evil by a mile- TOTK Ganondorf feels like a combination of those best traits (minus the characterisation) paired with the greatest final boss I've ever seen in a Zelda game, which makes him the best for me.
The first phase in particular was my favourite- wayyyyy back in April when I saw big G in the trailer, my first thought was "oh man i hope we get an actual sword fight boss instead of calamity ganon 2.0" AND MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED!!!
Ganondorf literally just rolled up, delivered some cold lines, and then kicked my ass with his cool sword. Many times. And I think that's exactly the kind of boss fight he deserves. I'm just so happy that it feels like we're in an actual duel, mano a mano, instead of just being able to chance a win like with Calamity.
thank you for reading my zelda obsessed rambles! i just beat the boss last night and have been working on this on and off all day, so any reblogs or shares would be massively appreciated <3
#totk spoilers#totk ganondorf#totk thoughts#tears of the kingdom#long post#i'm not joking this is a whole essay#i'm just so goddamn happy that we got a GOOD final boss in comparison to calamity ganon#don't get me wrong i love botw#but calamity ganon was just so shit. it was basically another blight#dark beast was cool though. i'll die on that hill#certified millaney moment
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❥Drama Talk
Only Friends episode 7
Okay, I just want to start this out by saying that I’m glad Sand followed Ray despite their fight. I know something is bound to happen strictly because Ray took off drunk driving.
I know Sand is trying to put on face and be angry with Ray for his stupid actions, but you can tell that Sand is actually very thankful that nothing serious happened to Ray other than some mild injuries. I hope Ray sees how much Sand actually cares about him though like this boy needs some loving. They both do!
The way Ray looks at Sand when he calls himself Ray’s emergency staff though?! It’s like Ray is starting to see that Sand might actually be someone very precious in his life that he can’t afford to lose. I mean, I feel like Ray always felt that Sand was special to him but now he’s really seeing just how special he is to his life.
I don’t like how Ray’s father is acting in this situation, like I understand that this isn’t the first time Ray has done something like this but shouldn’t a father just be relieved that his son is still alive? If Ray were my son, I’d just be thankful he survived. Like, I would be angry that he drove drunk and that his drinking is really out of hand but like, it’s clear that he needs help more than lectures.
Man this whole group is just full of liars and cheaters who don’t care if they end up hurting their friends in order to get what they want.
I do feel bad for Nick though, he genuinely loves Boston and thought he could play into the game in order to get Boston to officially be his only to be hurt in the end. I mean we all saw it coming considering how Boston is but I was kind of hoping that Boston would eventually fall for Nick back and just be with him exclusively.
Honestly, I don’t think Top is as bad as I initially thought. He does actually seem really hurt by the fact that Mew found out about him and Boston. I will say though that Top is an idiot - like why would you believe Boston when you know what kind of person he is? I know it’s easier to believe someone you’ve known longer rather than someone you know is more trustworthy but like come on! Even my cat can see that Boston is just out to make sure everyone’s lives are as miserable as his.
The way Sand and Ray look at each other though!!!!! Like guys, your eyes don’t lie! You both may act like nothing is changing between the two of you but your eyes say something completely different. Also the fact that Ray didn’t deny it when Sand said that he was becoming more addicted to him than he was with alcohol?! Come on! SAND’S SMIlE THOUGH!!!!
I know exactly how Mew feels right now too - being cheated on or anything under that umbrella truly hurts more than just being a simple one night stand. You really do feel like you were just tricked into loving someone that you can’t trust ever loved you back.
I love that Mew and Ray are finally seeing how much off an asshole Boston truly is. Like they’re finally realizing that Boston really can’t think about anyone other than himself - even though I think Boston may actually be sorry for what he did, he just can’t admit when he’s wrong for some reason that we don’t know just yet.
Okay, Nick is angry right now about the fact that Boston wants nothing to do with him because of the audio clip but like he knows he wasn’t truly happy in the situation with Boston. He’s just settling for being a side piece for Boston because he’s blinded by love. But can we just talk about how Sand admitted that he understands how he feels? It’s just shy from a confession about his feelings for Ray.
Oh… I don’t know how I feel about Mew going dark. Though I feel like this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this - like it’s just not believable that someone who was once so kind and innocent can truly go dark so quickly and without like any remorse for the others that are about to get involved. Also, this whole finding Gap situation just to get back at Boston? It’s like crazy to me to think that he could just do this so easily.
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Look… I know it’s not easy to get over the first person you fall in love with but come on! Also, I feel like Mew is only leaning towards Ray now because he’s heart broken and he sees the logic in dating his best friend; Ray has been in love with him for years and in his mind he thinks that no one will ever love him as much as Ray has - especially since the only other person that told him that they loved him, hurt him so badly.
Not only is Mew going to end up hurting Ray by doing this but he’ll end up losing him too once Ray realizes that he never truly wanted to be with him but just wanted the love Ray was willing to give him.
And of course then there’s Sand who ONCE AGAIN is forced to have his heart ripped out of his chest right after he was starting to open up more about his feelings for Ray, even going as far as almost telling Nick who was making him feel the same way he was feeling.
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It’s been quite a few weeks.
Tomorrow it’s back to the vets with the black shiny one. I’ve been too scared to pen anything for fear of jinxing myself!
(flashback to 2 weeks ago)
One of the joys of a remote position is getting to hang out with SBO all day. The downside is when he’s not well. A day spent watching him with what seemed like asthma? Snorting, retching, choking for breath, then with a shake and a tail wag back to himself again.
I live in mortal fear of being perceived as fussy and high maintenance so refrained from a panicked call to the vet to get him seen to immediately (if not sooner!).
He seemed to settle and we had a quiet night.
SBO was that all encompassing and highly descriptive condition called “flat”! He seemed a little rattley, in the chest or the throat. I snuck out for a run, leaving him rattling in my office. I did try to call his usual vet and was on hold for several hours.
Flatter still? And yes, I still hesitated. I have this stupid idea that if I don’t know what the problem is, it’s not actually real!! Meanwhile I conjured up every case I’d seen during my time as a vet nurse from heart failure, to heart worm, to cancer!!!
Flat. With those staring, dull eyes that I know so well. They scream pain. He started to pace and stare blankly at the wall. He’d then lie down, then get up and sway. He’d stare vacantly into space, then lie down. I googled the Emergency Vet number.
When he started to drool, I rang the vet and drove him into the city. Three and half hours waiting (I didn’t have the heart to demand action sooner, I’ve been on the other side of that desk and know that role only too well!)
And finally I was sitting in a consult room with a shaking, drooling and no so shiny black one. And I admit I had to stop myself from giggling! Yes, anxiety, no lunch probably didn’t help but the vet in front of me looked like a crazy scientist! She had a full clear plastic face guard covering a medical face mask that had been securely sealed to her face with elastoplast. Wild, frizzy hair sprang out from around the elastic of face mask and face guard. Added to this was the fact that she set up a small desk fan at head height about 30cm from her head which only made her crazy hair dance and flip and flop and tangle even more. Teeheeee!!
Garbed in a flapping oversized scrubs top she finally turned to me, peered intently at the drooping black one and very kindly enquired, “So, what’s up with the lovely lad.” She’s lucky I didn’t burst into tears all over her, then and there!!
Half hour later we’d established there was swelling in his throat and intense pain in his jaw.
The vet had also clearly fallen in love with my pliant and acquiescent Loki. How could you not, when he sat there quietly, a gentle rhythmic thud of his tail as she poked and prodded him. When she poked a particularly sensitive part even when he whimpered he’d then wag twice as hard to apologise for such in gentleman like behaviour.
Eventually I was sent away with instructions to get to my local vet first thing for an exploratory look under anaesthetic the next morning. She dosed him good with pain relief and I left with a rapidly developing space cadet, happily ensconced in la-la land!
Needless to say, not much sleep was had Sunday night.
Was on the doorstep of a new vet (I still haven’t been able to get through to his old vet , how busy is busy??)
They admitted him, and he trotted off with the nurse, tail wagging! The rest of the day was an exercise in futile business.
At the end of all this? Biopsies were taken, there’s something there, but we don’t know what. And tomorrow is test results day.
I often talk to my sister about our perchance to think the worst in medical situations (people for her, animals for me). We’ve figured out, working in emergency departments mean you only see the worst of the worst cases, so it skews your perception!
I am SURE things will be fine. They will be fine because they have to be fine. He has to be fine because losing another dog is not something I am ready to go through. I tried so hard not to let him wriggle and wag his way into my heart and my life. I didn’t want a dog. I wasn’t ready for a dog. And yet, here we are.
He will be fine because he has to be fine.

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["At the end of August in 1981, I found myself in a small town in Arkansas, where I knew no Lesbians other than my new lover, Lynn. I wanted it that way. We were living in hiding from my armed and vengeful ex-lover who had abused me for four years and had threatened both of us with deadly harm. This was five years before the publication of Kerry Lobel's ground-breaking book, Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering. I knew I had been battered, but I did not understand how deeply I had been injured.
I only knew that I seemed to have saved my life at the cost of my sanity. I jumped at loud and not-so-loud noises. A frown from a stranger could reduce me to tears. I was afraid to bathe if I was alone in the apartment. I relived every word of every fight in relentless flashbacks. I had blocked much of the unbearable pain of the previous four years out of my consciousness at the time, in order to cope with immediate danger. Now that I was "safe" it all came flooding back. To escape, I watched TV compulsively, avoiding anything violent—nature shows were my favorites—and I read science fiction. Having lost faith in women as well as men, I was a serious candidate for a species-change operation.
Luckily, at some point in that bleak winter, I read a magazine article on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam Vets, and I recognized all my symptoms. I had a name for my suffering, and 1 knew I was not "crazy." I'd felt so much guilt and anger towards myself for not being okay, that is, my old self, since I was "free." Now I knew healing would take time and effort, and I gave myself permission to not be normal right away. Also, seeing how much my condition resembled that of war survivors helped break down some of my denial about the hell I'd been through.
Still, I had no guidance on how to recover from PTSD. I followed only the dimmest instincts. First, I began to read accounts by survivors of any serious trauma. These people became my invisible support group. I found myself drawn especially to stories of political prisoners and concentration camp survivors. Although my experience was not like theirs, these were the people I felt would understand how my will had been sapped and my strengths twisted, how the smallest acts of resistance and mere endurance had needed all my wits and courage. Bruno Bettleheim in his chapters called "Behavior in Extreme Situations" (The Informed Heart) finally answered the question I'd put to myself every 44 hour since my escape: "How could I have been so stupid?" He made me realize that under abuse, especially the combination of intermittent threats, unpredictable violence and constant psychological torture, everyone responds differently, but everyone changes fundamentally, and everyone has their breaking point.
One day as I sat reading at the kitchen table, I looked out the window at the small yard beside our duplex apartment, and I began to imagine growing a garden there in the spring. It seemed like a highly improbable idea: the area was very small, steep, bare of everything but gray shale and orange clay, and the house shaded it part of the day. But the notion of a garden took root strongly. For the first time in several years I had something pleasant to anticipate.
I wrangled my landlady's permission to put in a garden. Then I mailed off postcards for seed catalogs. I persuaded an acquaintance who owned a truck to bring me a load of cedar slabs discarded by a local sawmill, and I used these to construct two frames, about four feet by six feet, and two even smaller ones, just three feet by four feet. By this time Lynn and I had saved enough money to buy a very old VW bug, so we drove to a nearby creekbank and filled bushel baskets with rich bottom dirt, which we dumped into the frames to make raised beds about four inches deep.
To supplement the tiny growing space, Lynn scavenged large cans from the cafeteria of the hospital where she worked. I painted them a hopeful green, filled them with soil and placed them along the sidewalk below our porch. Old-timey "Corn-row Beans," originally bred to tolerate the shade of cornfields, grew up strings tied to the roof and bore prolifically.
I didn't have much money from my SSI income to spend on garden gadgets, so I made do. I wove a trellis for my peas from six-pack rings liberated from a liquor store trash bin. (I can testify that this plastic never biodegrades—the pea fence survives to this day.) I got some more bushel baskets from the local grocery, painted them with non-toxic preservative and lined them with garbage bags after snipping a few drainage holes in the bottom. Placed around a small stone patio above the garden, these became containers for large plants.
The garden rewarded me before the first mouthful of early spinach was harvested. It moved me out of the gloomy apartment and into the sunshine, watering can in hand. It motivated me to interact with people and to occasionally risk asking for help. I found out they would usually say yes. My attention was now focused on the future, not the bitter, unchangeable past. At night when the flashbacks threatened to roll, when I dreaded the dreams I might have, I put myself to sleep with 45 detailed plans of my next crop rotation. I found out I could learn a major new skill, a little at a time. I could do things right, even come up with ingenious solutions to seemingly impossible difficulties. And when I did things wrong, plants were most often forgiving. The plants themselves were a tremendous source of inspiration. Talk about survivors! They defied every book written about their needs, often thriving with too little sun, too little water, and too little soil. At the end of a year, I could easily stick my shovel in the dirt up to the hilt, where only four inches of top soil had previously existed; compost and the action of the roots had created friable loam out of shale and clay.
When I experienced failure with gardening, it was never the kind of disaster I'd grown to associate with mistakes. We didn't go hungry, because other crops outstripped our expectations. My lover didn't beat or berate me, but sympathized and helped. The garden was important to us economically, because we'd both lost almost everything we owned in our escape. Luckily, in southern Arkansas, it's possible to garden yearround. The garden gave me precious, desperately needed tastes of success. Disabled, unemployed, I still felt like an important contributor to the household. I even had food to give away sometimes, and that was a delicious feeling.
Gardening was not the only factor in my recovery, but it was an important one. I didn't grow up with abuse, but battering and similar traumas can expand minutes into hours, years into decades, until four years feel like most of a lifetime. At the end of a year and a half of gardening, I no longer felt as if I'd spent the majority of my life in a battering situation. Healing had acquired a new definition for me: I didn't insist on having the old me back; I'd mourned her long and well. I accepted the fact that some injuries are too severe to be made whole, that I might never be the same again. But I began to actually like and trust the me I am now, scars and all. As my garden taught me, I must make do with what I am. I have discovered that my flaws are not fatal and my successes are greater than I'd hoped for. So far I have not gone hungry, and I even have something to offer."]
Amy Edgington, Gaining Ground, from Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions In Gardening, Herbooks, 1994
#amy edgington#lesbian literature#terra preta#cw abuse#you are a goddamn tree stump with leaves sprouting out
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Things Change-1 (Duskwood x Reader)

Things Change-1
Things Change-2
Things Change-3
Things Change-4
Things Change-5
Things change, people change, everything changes eventually. Maybe it’s the result of one lousy mistake, maybe it’s because someone else decided to finally act, or maybe it’s the cursed fate on your life that just reels you right back. Hard to say in the end, especially when you’re pulled into a chaotic who dunnit between a group of strangers, their even stranger town, a psycho hiding behind a legend, and an awkward yet charismatic hacker. It’s like something out of a thriller film, something that sounds so impossible...
Yet here I find myself caught in this dangerous web, playing this twisted game. Questioning my every move...myself even. Wondering if there’s something I’m missing, if my memory isn’t as reliable as I thought it was or if there’s a secret about me that I don’t even know. Unsure whether I’m trusting the right people, if I’m letting them in all too quickly, especially him.
But if anything, uncertain what awaits me...or anyone for that matter next? Pondering if we’re the next one to go. Or if fate has some other end for us?
So many thoughts ran through her head, unsure what to do or even think of it. All these sleepless nights, all these days fueled solely on coffee and energy drinks and yet (Y/n) still wondered how much it got her.
Even as she gazed at her little evidence board, all the little connections, all the little clues, everything they’ve found up till this point pinned to this board of hers and yet it didn’t seem they were any closer to finding Hannah or the person behind this. And he just seemed to getting braver and braver with each passing second.
Those supposed empty threats now escalating into actual actions. Jessy seemed to be the first victim (assuming what happened to Dan was a mere accident), that image of her laying helpless on the ground still burned in (Y/n)’s mind. And she damn well knew things would only get worse from here.
She could only imagine what else he might do. That very though just drove her crazy.
“Come on (Y/n), think. What the hell are you missing?” (Y/n) pondered aloud, it was just like when she actually sat down and wrote the stories that roamed her mind. Just waiting to bleed out onto the paper, sure these events were inspiring her to pound out a book right here and now but she restrained herself from writing too much. Allowing only bits and nothing more, after all lives were at stake and this little investigation of hers required her full attention. Especially with Jake being rather disposed at the moment. “What’s the thing that’ll bring all this together? What’s his motive? Why Hannah? Why me? How am I the key to all of this?”
Even as questions swarmed her mind, desperate for any answer that’ll appear from the blue, nothing came. Buried memories she wished to resurface never would, no matter how much (Y/n) tried to unveil them.
“Fucking hell!” Papers went flying in her already messy study, scattering everywhere as an idea came to mind. A stupid idea yet the only one she could think of.
(Y/n) already knew Duskwood was only a couple hours from her and it’s not like the idea hadn’t crossed her mind before. She had it all planned out. She had the entire act she’d put on stained in her memory. Even what she would do in Duskwood without anyone ever knowing it was her.
(Y/n) just never thought it would come to pass, not like this at least. In her mind it would simply be a surprise to all her newly found friends after everything eventually passed. But now..it seemed like the only option.
After all, things change, sometimes without even knowing how much or how quickly they do.
Sighing, (Y/n) felt Jax brush her against her hand, worried that something was wrong; knocking her away from her thoughts. (Y/n) smiled at her lab, petting him to soothe his uneasy heart while solidifying what she had to do.
Even if she were to regret it later, (Y/n) knew the deed had to be done.
It had to be done, else she wasn’t sure how much longer she could sit back in the comfort of her home while all of them were thrown to the wolves.
And for now it’ll just be her little secret, among the many others she kept locked up.
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Analysis of Kite's conflicting moralities, relationship with death, and the toll reincarnation may take on one's psyche
So, today I decided to compile all the thoughts I have had about Kite's interesting worldview since the first time I saw him into one post, mostly for my own sake, really. If you're familiar with the few posts I've made, you know it's gonna be a mess, but hopefully a comprehensible mess.
A heads up, this is going to be spoiler-heavy, and very much deal with subjects of death and dying as a whole. Also, some of these conclusions are drawn from my own experiences and close brushes with death, I'm not going to go into much detail but it might get personal and definitely dark. I'm not even sure if I can call this a meta-analysis, and I'm obviously no expert, so mayhaps take all of this with a grain of salt.
Been getting into drawing lately, and during the more simple and mindless part of the painstaking process of dotting every single star in this, I let my thoughts wander through the latest part of the fic I'm writing, and I got a better grasp on what exactly made Kite such an elusive character to me.
I'm not quite sure why I got so attached to Kite. Perhaps it was the air of tragedy surrounding him, how despite his sordid past he remained still open and gentle even if outlined by a healthy dose of cynicism.
But sometimes, I think it's the fact that he is so paradoxical. He's brave, yet fears death to such a degree that creates a whole Nen ability around it, is a pacifist yet will not hesitate to spill blood for his own sake or someone else's. Despite the many ultimatums and warnings of 'I will not protect you', he gave his arm and then his life to save Gon and Killua. He approaches each hunt and battle with a clear plan of action in mind, but his Hatsu takes the form of a roulette that gives him random weapons which are never what he wants, but what he seems to need for that exact situation, which he cannot dispel without using. When he draws a weapon, the decision is locked in and his or his opponent's fate is sealed. That's why each time he dubbs his weapon a bad roll. Every time he has to gamble, he sees himself as having run out of luck. When it comes to having to choose between himself and somebody else...well, there had never been a choice. In fact his aversion to using it may feed into its sheer power that we, unfortunately, saw too little of.
Let's go over his very first appearance when he saves Gon from the mother Foxbear.
It's not hard to see the strain searching for Ging has put on him; he's rash, prone to anger and punching a child for daring to get into trouble. In his mind, he's failing at his most important task, has not yet earned the right to call himself a hunter despite being in possession of his very own hunter license.
After killing the mother Foxbear and raging about having done so, he says this interesting line:

So yes, he finds killing for any reason rather irksome as most would do, yet I think something deeper caused him to absolutely lose it in this scene:
He had not been aware of Gon's identity, and despite being an animal lover and a naturalist, he made a choice to save the human instead of allowing nature to run its course. In fact, he says: 'No beast that harms a human must be allowed to live.'
How does one weight one life against another? How is the worth of it determined? The value of life... an impossible choice he's faced with and a choice which he seems to regret to some degree.
The Foxbear cub.

Here, he's speaking from experience, a tangible loss he has felt himself, and a hard and bitter life he does not want to impose on the cub.
His backstory is exclusive to the 2011 anime adaptation but there are hints alluding to it in the manga, for example, the fact that he does not seem to know his birthplace, or:

The choice of words is chilling.
Reading between the lines, one could draw the conclusion that he is an orphan. Something supporting this hypothesis is how he visibly deflates after Gon tells him his parents have (presumably) died.
So we see he is willing to go against his own moral code of not killing as to not doom another living being to the life he led, a lonely, hopeless existence that could barely be called one. He saw it best to put down the cub rather than leave it to die a painful, slow death.
The reason Kite himself isn't as cynical and cold-hearted as one would be after witnessing cruelty in its rawest form is those small crumbs of human kindness which he may have found in Ging.
It was not only a chance at an honorable life being Ging's apprentice gave him, but it also 'saved' him from being broken and twisted into what he hated and worst of all, death.
If we take that one minute of backstory as canon to his character-which I find myself inclined to do- these quirks of his make much more sense. He lived on the run. He lived on the knife's edge between giving up or pushing forwards. He lived as so a wrong move could be the difference between survival and the end.
Between rock and a hard place creates a mentality of black and white, absolute good or extreme evil, this or that. Except in reality, it's much harder than that. Deciding who to save and who to strike down is a heavy burden to bear.
It's almost easy to see how struggling to keep surviving could lend itself to a crippling fear of death and subsequently developing a Nen ability which once more goes against his own moral code in order to give himself a second chance...yet something about it strikes me as unlikely when I look at it this way.
Living life knowing it could end at any moment has the opposite effect, at least for me it did. One comes to accept that it is fleeting and while not eager to let it go, when death eventually and inevitably does come, there is no fighting it.
Especially when there is no hope that tomorrow will be a better day than this one.
Frequent near-death experiences numb one's fear in a way, even if it drives them to take precautions that render it unlikely to happen again and results in c-PTSD, but still, it does. It sparks a certain nihilistic view of 'if it all can end so easily, then what's the point of it all?'
Unless there are things to live for, a sure promise of a better future, and Ging gave Kite that. When he faced the threat of losing his second chance at life:

Really, what else could lead someone to develop the ability of 'the hell I'm going to die like this'?
I think a separate event, an even more brutal near-death experience that almost cost him his life as the hunter he so strived to be set him off to develop the secret roll of Crazy Slots, what I call Roll No.0, Ars moriendi. Unlike other weapons, it cannot come up in random and is directly summoned by him, or better said, summon by his overwhelming will to keep going and hopelessness of fighting a losing battle. I don't believe roll No.3 was the weapon that allowed him to reincarnate. I've named that one Wand of Fortune, a sort of armor instead of an offensive weapon since I find it hard to believe Kite, a Conjurer, would not focus on defences as well, and I will go into both mechanisms of these weapons hopefully in his backstory.
Despite knowing this battle to be a pointless one and being acutely aware of his soon to be demise, he did not immediately draw Ars moriendi, no, he stayed back and fought for the sake of the boys, kept Neferpitou occupied until they could reach safety. We can see evidence of this in the aftermath of the battle that seemed to have gone on until dawn, a torn apart landscape only signaling a fraction of the devastation that was Kite's power unleashed. It still wasn't enough.
In the anime sub I watched, when Gon apologizes to Ging about Kite's death, Ging said a sentence that infuriated me, because it belittled the utter suffering of the NGL trio.
"He would not die in your place." (No screenshot, sorry)
And I remember practically shouting at the screen, screaming 'how could you possibly say that? Of course he did. He absolutely did die in their place. How could you not know your own apprentice? Why-'
It was only last night that it hit me why Ging would say that.
Once upon a time, maybe Kite would not have given his life for anybody under any circumstances, even if he had a way out of it all. He would still need to die to come back to life.
His Thanatophobia could be attributed to the (possibly untreated) PTSD of the near-death experience in his later life, being so certain of dying that finding himself alive afterwards drove him to never want to go through that again. He quieted his fear by creating a sort of a loophole, that even if he lost the battle he would remain. Ging remembered that, but as evidence shows, something changed. Maybe he healed a bit, perhaps growing up dulled his fear to a certain degree, but eventually when it came down to his life or another's, he didn't choose himself.
Now, I can hear you saying 'but he didn't die, so what are you going on about??' And so I reply: Yes, he is alive, but he did die. He experienced that painful, horrible moment of staring death in the eyes and thinking 'This is it, this is the end', went through the actual process of having his soul removed from his body. And that moment stretches into infinity, ten lifetimes condensed into the mere seconds before oblivion.
Dying isn't so hard if one stays dead.
It's not so easy to open one's eyes and find oneself alive again after that, no matter how much that is the heart's desire. It's difficult, nigh-impossible to reconcile with life and walk amongst the living when everything had been so final, when death had been accepted to its fullest.
So Kite awakens, the twin of Meruem and back from the dead, his mind and identity both intact and fractured. In that he is Kite is no mistaking, yet he is not the same gentle pacifist whose first reaction upon sensing a monster's aura was to shield two kids from it at the cost of his arm.
I don't think many of you are familiar with Zoroastrian ideology, but Togashi is known for loving his religious imagery, and it's not only Christianism he derives inspiration from (evidence of which can be seen all over Kite's character and resurrection).
In Zurvanism-a branch of Zoroastrianism- there is talk of the twin spirits: Ahura Mazda -epitome of all that is good- and Ahriman -epitome of all that is evil-, the parent god Zurvin decides that the firstborn may rule in order to bring "heaven, hell, and everything in between."
Upon becoming aware of this fact, Ahriman forcibly tears through the womb to emerge first. Sounding familiar yet?
Zurvan relents to this turn of events only on one condition: Ahriman is given kingship for 9000 years, and then Ahura Mazda may rule for eternity.
Meruem ruled for 40 days, his death leaving the throne vacant for ant Kite, wearing a dead girl's face and seeming to be brewing some nefarious plan. No more is there any sign of that unrelenting pacifism and the sanctity of life he held so high, losing his own may have only served to show him how meaningless the pain and suffering he went through had been, dying only to be reborn as a member of the species that killed him. It may be that he has no desire to rule over the remaining Chimera ants or create an army of his own-
Yet I dread to think what a broken mind possessing limitless power might do to the world.
And that's it. If you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you found it interesting, stay tuned, as I think a lot and I will make it your problem.
#Cw: talks of death and PTSD#When I say I unknowingly projected onto him#I can't tell if writing this was cathartic or torturous#and I gave myself heart palpitations so this is enough for today#And yes I refer to ant Kite by he/him pronouns because misgendering him on the account of his body being afab is just ignorant#even if I think skrunkly's genderqueer af and actually wouldn't mind she/her#still i wanna push the trans ant kite agenda#So yes this is how I unknowingly picked up Kite as a coping mechanism even if out attitudes towards death are practically opposites#don't mind your grandpa trauma dumping#What I'm saying is get ant Kite therapy before he sinks the world#I love reimagining Kite as a villain and I don't know why#Kite hxh#hxh kite#kite hunter x hunter#kaito hxh#hxh#hunter x hunter#meta analysis#theories#fic rambles#Icarus waffles#Kitkat#gon freccs#Ging freecss
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This took me so long to get done and I wish I could tell you why but I got nothing. So uh here and Please let me know how it was! I might do more stuff like this because I enjoyed writing it.
Warnings: swearing, mutual voyeurism, masturbation
It was funny really. How innocent everyone thought her to be. How sweet and demure she was believed to be. How naive he thought she was. It was hilarious just how oblivious he assumed she was to his old habit when in reality it was the reverse.
She was a number of things. Smart, kind, a total whore for his undivided attention, but never has she been innocent or naive. It was evident in her favorite pass time of frustrating the living hell out of her perpetually angry neighbor. Her neighbor who just couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
He always had hard time with that, ever since high school. It was something she didn’t realize she would miss so much when they graduated. She had grown so used to his intense gaze that it had felt wrong to not be watched by him.
So imagine her absolute elation when she discovered that not only was her new home close to his, but that his bedroom window looked into hers. More importantly, that she had a full unobstructed view of him sitting on his bed, his hungry eyes scanning over her as she stripped down. He must have missed her just as badly to just assume that she wasn’t able to see him. She figured he must’ve forgotten that her quirk granted her super vision. His room being pitch black didn’t mean much when she could see him crystal clearly regardless.
She was beyond thrilled with this. He still wanted her. Still lusted for her. She sighed dreamily, she was so happy. So happy in fact, that she wanted to give him a special treat. She bit her lip, pressing her thighs together at the thoughts that ran through her mind. She’s never gone this far for him before, really she just pranced around her room in various states of undress, but her body ached for this. Besides he really did deserve something really special for waiting this long for her.
She had to start slow though. Get him all riled up and wanting more of her. She faced her mirror to examine her own form, thrilled to feel the set of burning red eyes set fire to her body. She wondered how much hotter that gaze would be if she was face to face with him.
If he was sitting on her bed watching her innocently fussing with her hair, before turning this and that way to admire her own ample curves. If he’d watch patiently until she was ready to give him her attention or if he would wrap his arms around her thick waist and demand she stop teasing while her hands ran up her thighs, over her hips and stomach before resting over his arms.
How gentle would he be?
How rough?
Would he praise her?
Tease and toy with her?
Would he take her right there against the mirror or lay her down on the bed?
The possibilities were exciting her more than she had thought they would. She ran her fingers along her clothed sex, shuddering at her own sensitivity and biting her lip. She had wanted to tease him just a little bit longer, but she just couldn’t hold out anymore. She had to rush this game a little bit and take care of this quickly developing neediness now.
If only she could have heard the noise he made when she laid on her bed, sliding her panties over those plush thighs of hers. It was somewhere between a chocked moan and startled gasp. Something he thanked every possible deity in existence that she couldn’t hear.
He got over his shock quickly, to preoccupied with the sight of that cute little slut spreading herself open. He never thought he’d get a chance to see her like this. Hell, he didn’t even think he would ever get another chance to watch her walk around in those skimpy things she called underwear. A good eyeful of her greedy, pretty little cunt wasn’t something he ever thought he’d be blessed enough to get the privilege of seeing. Even if it was from a distance, even if she wasn’t aware of it, he wouldn’t take this opportunity she was presenting him for granted.
He groaned lowly, palming himself while she put on her little show for him. He wasn’t going to let this chance slip away from him. He was going to hold out as long as he could and take his time, really enjoy this. After all this time he deserved to indulge in this didn’t he?
He’s never even considered another woman other than her. He was completely faithful and loyal to her even if she didn’t know it yet. He’d tell her that someday, maybe someday soon, but for now he’ll just indulge in the way she played with herself. The thought of her possibly getting off to him exciting him further. If only he knew.
“K-Katsuki mm… fuck” she whined, spreading her legs wide, refusing to hide anything from his lustful gaze. He deserved this. He deserved all of her and maybe someday she’d work up the courage to give herself to him properly. For now though, knowing he was just the next building over watching her get herself off would have to do.
She gave a breathy moan, pumping her fingers in and out of herself. She loved this. Loved how it felt to have his eyes all over her again. She couldn’t help but wonder how his hands would feel though.
She shudder at the thought. Lifting her other hand to her chest, pinching and rolling her nipple in between her fingers and closing her eyes.“Katsu” she whined , wishing he was the one working her clit instead. Rubbing and massaging the bundle of nerves occasionally giving it a pinch before sliding his fingers into her sopping cunt.
She could practically here the way he would groan, praising her body and telling her how badly he needed her while he made her come undone with just his fingers.
“What a dirty little slut you are” she moaned, closing her eyes and imagining him with her, growling against her neck as he spoke. She could almost feel him over her, just barely able to imagine his calloused fingers rubbing against her inner walls as he continued to speak “Hiding such a cute little pussy from me for so long, making me wait for you like this”.
She let her thoughts snap back from her fantasy at the realization that he was in fact still waiting for her while she focused just a little too much on herself. This was meant to be a gift for him after all.
She should at least make sure he was enjoying himself shouldn’t she?
She chanced a look at him, hoping he wouldn’t realize she was aware of his actions. If he found out like this she would never live it down.
Her breath hitched at the sight of him tugging off his clothes. The fact that he had so much restraint to just sit there and watch her was somehow more attractive than if he had been getting himself off to her. Something about it made her feel so wanted. Like even without being aware of it he had put her needs first.
Maybe it was just her lust talking or maybe it was the fact that he had never been the patient type, but it drove her crazy regardless.
The sight of his cock once he finally got his damn pants off only confirmed what she already knew. She needed him so badly but for now “F-fuck… Katsu” for now this had to do.
Her breath came out in stutters pants, slowly pumping two of her fingers in and out of herself. She kept her eyes on him, focused how his hand worked himself and wishing she was the one getting him off herself.
She did her best to commit his actions to memory. Hoping to learn how to make him feel good watching him pump himself. Slow and firm strokes that slowly built in speed similar to her own fingers that delved into her.
A loud moan lift her when she realized that he had to be mimicking her tempo. Was he trying to keep with her? Was he imagining that he was the one fucking her? God what she’d give to know for certain. To know what he was thinking, what exactly his moving lips were saying.
"Damn Princess…" he groaned watching her bring her other hand up to play with her chest “You’re so fucking gorgeous”. He began picking up his pace, intently watching her eyes screwing shut and adding a third finger to fuck herself with.
What a sensitive little slut he fell for. So pretty with her desperate face and shaky legs. He wondered how much she could handle. If she could take it once he got his hands on her and just how damn beautiful she’d look coming undone up close.
He wanted know everything and just imagining that cute little pussy of hers clenching and twitching around him wasn’t enough anymore. He needed more.
He needed to actually feel her. Watch her whole body bounce with every buck of his hips. Hear her pretty little moans and listen to the way his name fell from her lips.
He could almost hear when he focused. “K-Katsuki, Katsu please. I’m gonna- ahah!“ his hips snapped up, thrusting himself into his hand frantically. He threw his head back, letting himself get caught up in his fantasies of her with his eyes shuts tight. Trying to imagine fucking her instead of his own hand.
He laid back, imagining how her tight, wet warmth would feel around his cock. Her adorable incoherent babbling where the only sense she made was his name and desperate love yous. Another moan left his lips, the muscles in his thighs tensing. He sighed and swore under his breath stroking himself hard.
He so close, he didn’t even care that he’d get off before she could finish for him. He just needed his release. “F-fuck, damn (Yn)” he groaned thrusting into his hand and moving his free hand to his balls, rolling and massaging them.
He spared her one last look before spiraling off the edge. The sight of body locked in her own orgasm pushing him into his own.
#bakugou katsuki x reader smut#katsuki bakugou x reader smut#katsuki x reader smut#bakugou x reader smut#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou x reader
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The Dragon (Din Djarin x reader)
gif credits @bestintheparsec
Connection series Pt. 13
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, canon typical violence/death, angst, mentions of death, chapter 2 spoilers
Word count: over 11.0 K
Summary: Having to kill a Krayt Dragon comes with many concerns and worries for you about Din and your future with him.
Notes: I FINALLY finished it! I am so sorry for such a long wait but last week was really quite the shit show for me so I didn’t have much time to write. I really hope you like this chapter and let me know what you think!
Previous Part ____ Next Part
“I think he might kill you.”
“He will be fine.”
“I don’t know. I mean, you did just volunteer his village to be appetizers for a Krayt Dragon.”
Din looked over at you, his helmet tilting. “We will be fine.”
You rolled your eyes. Din was always so sure and confident. It was one of the many characteristics you admired about the man. You wished you had the ability to conjure up such confidence in yourself and your plans. You didn’t know how he always did it (or how they somehow always worked out), but it was admirable and impressive. But he seemed to be taking it a step too far this time. It wasn’t that you weren’t confident in his abilities or sure that he was extremely capable. You knew he was stronger. Stronger than anybody else you knew. If anybody could do it, it could be him. But your fear was that this was simply impossible. The dragon seemed like too big of a task, especially for a group so small (and especially when said group hadn’t even agreed to the plan yet). At this point, you had watched this beast eat creatures larger than you and Din in one go like it hadn’t even noticed they were there. And you didn’t want to see the man you cared about so much because dinner for it. “This is too big.”
“We will get help.” Din calmly said, his voice holding no tinge of worry or fear. Sometimes it drove you crazy, his inability to express fear. You didn’t necessarily think he never felt it. Actually you know he had before, though it was always in very specific situations. But when it came to hunting or taking down something about a thousand times bigger than him, he didn’t seem to be scared. It was like it was second nature and you understood that on some level it was. Except this wasn’t a normal bounty or some group of scoundrels attacking him and the kid. This was a dragon. That ate people. And destroyed everything in its path. And the fact that that didn’t seem to scare him at all was mind boggling to you.
“What if Vanth’s village doesn’t volunteer? Are you going to keep being stubborn and insist on killing it yourself?” You retorted. You didn’t often get upset with Din. Getting mad at him honestly seemed hard to do with his patient and sure nature. Sure, there were little quirks that annoyed you but nothing that made you snap back and get mad. But right now your own fear was brewing inside of you more and more, eating you from the inside and peaking through in the way you spoke to Din. Seeing how large this dragon was truly supposed to be and hearing only bits and pieces of the Tuskens plans instilled no confidence in you. If anything, it only left you feeling hopeless. Din on the other hand seemed ready to go.
“I am not being stubborn.” Din quietly said, his helmet looking around as the village people made their way into the cantina in town. It had already seemed like such a long day but it was probably only noon, if that. You had only spoken to the Tuskens about a course of action for a little while because it seemed pretty clear: kill the dragon. The problem was that killing it required a lot of manpower and weapons. And those were two things Tuskens didn’t have much of and you and Din couldn’t supply. Vanth on the other hand could so Din had volunteered The marhsals town without asking for much permission. After a bickering match between the two, the three of you made your way back to the town to give them the game plan. But as you looked at the people funneling into the small building, all giving you weary eyes, you felt no reassurance that they would be willing to help. Or if their help would prove to be useful at all even if they gave it.
You looked back at Din, whose helmet was tilted down at you. The child was sat between you two, looking at the people passing by who gave him confused looks. “You are being stubborn. I respect your Creed and I don’t care about your helmet or how you live or anything but... do we really need this random armor so badly?”
Din froze, looking at you straight on and you suddenly felt ashamed, your cheeks flushing even darker than they already had been from the heat. You had always been extremely careful about what you said regarding his Creed and his way of life. You never wanting to offend him or make him think you cared about trivial things that would betray his loyalties to being a Mandalorian. You understood some people liked to live a certain way or had to. This was Din and you could accept all his little quirks with relatively no problem. But this seemed outrageous to you. It wasn’t like the armor would lead you directly to a Mandalorian. It would just sit on the ship, an empty shell, and you guys would once again have to start over and try to find a Mandalorian to help. Nearly dying for this seemed like a bizarre concept to you. But it didn’t to Din, and you knew it. If there was one thing he might of been more dedicated to than you and the child, it very possibly could of been his Creed. And if it said that Vanth couldn’t wear the armor because he wasn’t a Mandalorian, then he was going to get back the armor no matter what.
“You know what, forget I said that.” you mumbled, bringing your face to look down at your shoes instead of the intense gaze of the Mandalorian standing in front of you. “Let’s just get this over with.”
You expected Din to walk away, get started on explaining what had to go down with the people waiting in the cantina. But instead he remained stood in front of you, not moving an inch. “I won’t let anything hurt you two.”
You looked up at him and felt your heart soften. He didn’t even have to say it. You knew that was true, beyond any shadow of a doubt. He’d kill whatever he had to to keep you guys safe. But it wasn’t you or even the child that you were worried about. It was Din. You knew he would insist on being hands on with this and it made sense, considering his strength and abilities. But you couldn’t stop imaging him getting swallowed hole by this creature and everything being for nothing. “I’m not worried about us. I am worried about you.”
Din paused, looking back at you as if he had been frozen into a state of shock. Din wasn’t used to people being worried about him. He had never had someone who wanted him to be safe and to make it to bed every night in one piece. Someone who watched out for him. Someone who would hurt even more than he would if something happened to him. You understood that to some extent, having been alone for many years now with no one who really cared about your wellbeing. But this had been Din’s whole life and it took some adjusting to get used to that. To wrap his mind around what seemed to be such an incomprehensible thought to him, there mere idea of something caring about him being so bizarre.
Din finally cleared his throat and looked down at you. “I will do my best. It will be fine.”
You noted the way he didn’t make a false promise. Didn’t say nothing would happen to him or there was no risk or you were worrying about nothing. Din wasn’t the kind to do that and you were certainly not the type of woman to dumbly believe him if he had. But it still made your shoulders sag and your whole body curve into yourself. He was a noble man and while you knew he was doing this for the armor, he was also doing it being he was selfless. He saw a town that needed help and knew he could do something about it, or certainly as hell try his best to. And he wasn’t going to walk away because of the potential consequences that could result from doing the right thing.
“What do I do if something happens?” You barely were able to get the words out but Din heard them. He rested a hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly but you kept your eyes trained on the ground as you tried to hold back your emotions.
“You will get the kid to a Jedi.”
You rolled your eyes and finally looked up at him. He shifted lightly, taking note of your reaction but not sure what he said wrong. You pulled away slightly and looked at him as plainly as you could. “Of course I will do that. I mean what will I do?”
You hated to sound so dependent, no needy. You had never been like that before. You had spent your whole life trying to become more independent and find yourself. But now you had found yourself and a part of you was in Din. And if anything happened to that part, you were afraid you would just lose yourself entirely. And that terrified you.
Before Din had the chance to respond, Vanth popped up in between the both of you. You looked over at him and took note of his nervous expression. He had expressed plenty how he didn’t have high hopes for a good response from his people, given their deep hatred for the Tuskens. And you saw that concern deeply etched into his face. “This isn’t going to work.”
“It will be fine.” Din said, repeating the very words he had said to you multiple times. But Vanth seemed to also take no comfort in them.
“They attacked us less than a year ago. Killed half a dozen of us by the mining camp. I’d say I took down about twice as many Tuskens.” Vanth said, looking at him incredulously. You wanted to side with Din, but you also found yourself hesitant to believe this town of people would push aside all the tension and hatred for the Tuskens and work side by side with them.
“The town respects you. My guess is, they’ll listen to reason.” Din explained.
Vanth lolled his head over to you and gave you a questioning look. “What do you think?”
You shrugged slightly and saw worry flash in his eyes at your significantly less confident response. “I mean, you’ve got to try at the very least. What is the worse that will happen?”
“I get run out of my own town and then they all get eaten by a dragon.” Vanth said plainly.
You shook your head and twisted your face up. “Well, that is pretty shit so let’s make sure your town agrees to this.”
“Great.” Vanth muttered as he turned, heading into the cantina.
Din turned to you, helmet tilted like he was belittling you and you scoffed. “What? We aren’t wrong!”
Din sighed and followed the marshal into the cantina. You grabbed the child and followed behind. Once you entered the building, you found yourself a little shocked. This was the most people you had seen in this town so far and you definitely hadn’t seen people meeting up to hang out or converse. The town had seemed completely dead, almost void of life. But now the room was full of a small group of people but instead of looking joyful to see their neighbors and get a drink, they all looked contemplative and concerned. You could practically feel the unease and tension in the room as they all gave their marshal and the strange Mandalorian weary looks. They also talked amongst themselves and you picked up bits and pieces of some conversations, hearing the word Mandalorian and dragon thrown around a couple of times. A few stray eyes even landed on you, gesturing their heads to where you and the kid stood before talking to the person beside.
Vanth and Din stood in front of the bar, looking over the crowd of people as their murmuring began to simmer into silence. You took a seat at the bar, holding the child tightly against you as the people looked at you three with expectant looks.
Vanth broke the silence and gestured a hand over to Din. “This here is a Mandalorian. You know what that means?”
The bartender earlier was the first to speak up. “Well, we’ve heard the stories.”
Vanth nodded before continuing on. “Then you know how good they are at killing. Now, this one’s got a problem. I got a suit o’ salvaged armor and the Mandalorian creed says it’s his to take.”
The people broke out into a small burst of murmuring, discontent looks and panicked voices filling the room. Vanth nodded, as if he himself was saddened by the idea of giving up the armor, but he began speaking again, capturing the attention of the room. “But I’ve got a problem, too. A Krayt Dragon has been peeling off our pack animals, and sometimes, taking our mining haul with it. It’s just a matter of time before it grows tired of Banthas and goes after a couple of you townsfolk, or even, so help us, the school.”
The muttering became a little louder as fear filled the people, all concerned at the prospect of the creature that terrorized them doing even worse and possibly attacking their families and children. You saw some disapprovingly shake their heads and for the smallest second, you felt hope. You saw the desperation in their faces, their fear and anguish. They wanted to get rid of this dragon. No, needed to. You just hoped they were not stubborn enough to refuse the assistance of the Tuskens who were also their sworn enemies.
“As much as I’ve grown fond of the armor, I’m even more fond of this town.” You looked over at Vanth and you felt the authentic concern for his people. You could say what you wanted about the man but it was undeniable that he cared for his town and his people. It may of been small, but it was his to protect and serve. That loyalty was something you could admire and you imagined that same loyalty was what made all these people listen to him so intently with such trust and reliance. “The Mandalorian is willing to help us slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armor to its ancestral owners.”
People in the crowd began to nod, the bartender chipping in again with a “Well, that settles it.” You felt yourself begin to smile softly but you held back, knowing the worst part of this agreement was yet to come and could very likely make all the people storm out.
“There’s more.” Vanth spoke out, causing the people’s smiles to drop as they took in his change in demeanor. “We can’t take on the Krayt alone. And the Sand People are willing to help.”
There it was. Immediately, you saw the enraged looks strike on all their faces, looking up at the three of you angrily. A few even began to rise from their seats, shouting out words of hate and disbelief. The agreement that had been there mere seconds ago had dissipated entirely.
“They raid our mines!” one man yelled.
“They’re monsters!” The bartender shouted in agreement.
Din turned to look at you for a moment and you gave him a small shrug. You didn’t mean to be cocky but “I told you so” was written all over your face, along with a solemn look. If these people refused to help, Din would insist on doing this with just himself and the Tuskens and Maker knows what would happen then. He turned away from you and you both looked over to Vanth, who looked defeated.
“I’ve seen the size of that thing, it will swallow your entire town when the fancy hits it. You’re lucky Mos Pelgo isn’t a sand field already.” Din spoke out. You raised an eyebrow slightly, feeling a little shocked. You don’t think you’d ever seen Din speak to such a large group of people but hearing him talk to them all was fitting. He naturally took command of all of their attention, his deep voice causing all the others to fade away slowly as they turned to look at him curiously. He exuded the same confidence that had frustrated you earlier, but was now serving a better purpose for the townspeople.
“I know these people. They are brutal. But so is the Dune Sea. They’ve survived for thousands of years in these sands and they know the Krayt Dragon better than anyone here. They are raiders, it’s true. But they also keep their word.” He continued, giving a small pause as the room looked up at him with speculation and interest. “We have struck a deal. If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until one of you breaks the peace.”
You waited for the yelling and shouting to resume, for people to begin walking out of the building. But instead the townspeople looked at each other, contemplating their fate and whether to trust this plan, strumming their fingers along the tables as their eyebrows furrowed. Slowly, a few people began to nod and the rest slowly and somewhat reluctantly joined in solemn agreement. You swore you saw Vanth let out a big sigh of relief as he looked over at Din in gratitude. Din began to back up from the center of the room, making his way over to you as Vanth took center stage and began to lay out the plan in more detail.
“You did well. Like really well.” You whispered to Din as he looked down at you and the child sat in your lap, who cooed at him with big eyes.
“You sound shocked.” Din said and you chuckled.
“I admit I wasn’t the most confident that they’d be willing to help.” you admitted and Din nodded.
“They are desperate. They need this more than we do.”
You nodded in agreement, looking up at him. You wanted to grab his hand that had made it’s way to rest on the bar’s counter but you refrained from doing so, not wanting to engage that way publicly. “Mando?”
“Do you really think this is going to work?”
Din looked up from the child and aimed his visor at you. “Yeah. Now that they are joining forces, I think it will work.”
You looked up as all the people began to rise from their seats and funnel out of the building, all looking a little more hopeful than before but still somewhat worried or frustrated with the conditions they had agreed to. Vanth made his way to you two and let out a big sigh.
“You okay?” you asked and Vanth gave you a grunt.
“I need a drink.” he said and you gave a small chuckle. You handed the child to Din, who looked up at him happily as he was taken into his arms, and reached over the counter to grab a bottle of spotchka.
You handed it to the marshal, going to look for a cup next but finding yourself amused when he just brought the bottle right to his lips and drank straight from it. He eventually lowered the glass and let out another sigh, but you think this one was from relief. “That’s better.”
“What are they doing?” Din asked, his mind seeming to be solely focused on the mission ahead.
“Gonna start gathering supplies before the Tuskens show up.” He paused and looked over at Din. “I really hope you know what you are doing.”
“Tuskens are the experts here.” Din responded.
Vanth grimaced. “That makes me feel better.”
He placed the bottle back down on the counter and you and Din followed him to the entryway. Sure enough, the people had been quick to work and were grabbing crates and boxes from a shed. Vanth didn’t look over at the two of you but spoke once again. “Think it’ll work?”
“It better. Joining forces is their only hope.” Din responded.
“It is.” you agreed and Vanth nodded, lifting himself off the frame of the entry and walking onto the deck, watching as people began to lift what looked like explosives from some of the crates.
You began to hear mumbling amongst the people as all their heads whipped to look to their left. You eyes followed up to find a single file line of Tuskens beginning to make their way into the town, all sat upon Banthas. They eventually made their way in and all froze, looking into the faces of the fearful townspeople.
“Well, boys. I believe it is show time.” You muttered and Vanth gave out a grunt.
“I believe it is.” He agreed. You gave him a small pat on the back as the three of you made your way towards the two groups of people. You had initially thought one of you would have to step in but to your surprise, the Tuskens began to jump off their Banthas, reaching over to begin helping the people of Mos Pelgo unload their cargo. You looked over at Din in shock but he only watched the interactions, the child joining in and looking at the Banthas with much interest. You couldn’t see his face, but you swore you could feel a confident smile radiating off him in waves.
The people were hesitant at first and while they still gave the Tuskens curious and questioning gazes, the two groups began to fall in a rhythm as they began to hand each other the white canisters to store on the side of the Banthas. You even walked over, joining and trying to instill some confidence in the people as you smiled up at the Tuskens, who merely nodded to you in acknowledgement. You bent down and began helping a woman who lived in town with handing some of the white explosives to a Tusken. The woman gave you a small look but nodded as she accepted your help, seeming to not have a problem with you but rather the Tuskens who she kept giving the side eye to.
You both worked in silence until she began to speak. “You help come up with this stupid idea?”
You let out a small chuckle at the inflection of her voice and the way she raised an eyebrow at you dubiously. “I admit I wasn’t the biggest fan of this plan initially.”
“Why? Cause it’s going to get us all killed?” She asked roughly.
You looked up at her. Her face was twisted into some kind of inexplicable emotion, seeming to encompass a wide range of emotions, some of which you couldn’t pinpoint. But the one thing that seemed to stand out to you was the smallest sliver of hope you could see in her eyes. You didn’t think she was asking this to be argumentative or wanting to start a confrontation. As far as she knew, she saw you with the Mandalorian and Vanth and figured you knew what was happening and the likelihood of this going well. She was looking for something to hold on to, someone to confirm that this plan wasn’t a death sentence. You guessed you had given Din the same look earlier. And while his answer itself hadn’t been very reassuring, his confidence as he spoke to the people had been. He believed in this plan and you knew that he thought that if everyone could work together, this was possible. And even though you were scared, you knew Din. And if he trusted it, you had to.
So you gave the woman a confident nod that probably eerily matched the one Din always gave you, even offering up a small smile. “As long as we work together, we are fine. We need to just push aside our differences and find some peace.”
“Differences?” She snorted. She looked away from the Tusken and whispered to you. “They kill our people.”
“And they look at you as people who stole their land and water. To them, you are just as great of a threat.” You reasoned. A hint of realization seemed to flash across her face. “Not everything is so black and white.”
The woman nodded and gave you a mysterious look. “You always this smart?”
You let out a chuckle. “Oh, Maker, no. I am a dumb ass most of the time.”
The joke seemed to get rid of any tension there had been, her laughter joining in with yours as her eyes crinkled up. You found yourself enjoying the moment but it was cut off as shouting rang out.
“What, are you trying to blow the whole place up? What? Is that what you want?” you heard a townsperson yelling and your head whipped up to find a man staring up at a Tusken who seemed to take each word as a personal insult (even though he couldn’t even understand the language).
“Oh, shit...” you mumbled and the woman looked over at you.
“What were you saying about peace?” she sarcastically said to you and you gave her a small smirk, enjoying her joking nature.
You made your way to the two right as Vanth pushed past the Tusken who looked ready to fight. “Take it easy. It was an accident, okay?” the marshal said, but neither of the two looked convinced.
“What do you want to do?!” The man shouted back, anger flashing in his eyes.
You watched Din begin to near the situation, studying the situation.
“It was an accident!” Vanth repeated sternly. The townsperson seemed to back down, but a weary look now hit all the townspeople at the first hint of confrontation.
The two got back to work, along with the rest of the people. Vanth looked up at Din and scoffed. “It’s gonna be great.” he sarcastically muttered.
You wouldn’t say things were going great so far, but they seemed to be going smoothly at the very least. Everybody had reached the cave, standing a far distance back from it but beginning to prepare for the battle to come as they unpacked all their supplies from the Banthas. Some people looked prepared for battle with determined looks. Others look not quite so convinced and pretty hesitant. You were stood next to the woman you had been talking to earlier, whose named you learned was Jo, and she gave you a critical look. “That is where that thing lives?”
“Yup.” you replied.
“Great. This should be a piece of cake. We won’t die at all.” she muttered.
Jo and you watched as a single Tusken approached the cave very slowly, down on the knees and pressing his hand into the sand. He looked like he was intently listening and the townspeople and other Tuskens fell silent as they watched him intently. Cobb and Din stood a few feet ahead, speaking to themselves and you nearly let out a chuckle at the sight. Just yesterday Din had been exchanging short, curt words with the man but now upon first glance, they looked like two pals just having a chat with each other.
“That Mandalorian a friend of yours?” Jo asked, making you tear you eyes away to look at her.
“Something like that.” you let out until you remembered the discussion you had had with Din just the night before. “Partners, actually.”
You couldn’t help the small quirk of your lips, causing you to have a lopsided smile that made Jo give you a smirk of her own. She didn’t address the word you had used, seeming to understand. “What about the small green thing?”
You looked over at the child, who was sat in the pouch on Din’s side with his small wrinkled head poking out, eyes looking into the cave with equal parts wonder and fear. “That is his kid.”
Jo raised her eyebrow. “Does he look like that thing under all that metal?”
You let out a chuckle, having remembered how you had asked him a similar question shortly after you two met. “Maker, I hope not.” you joked.
Jo let out a chuckle, shaking her head at you. Both of you turned to look to the side as you watched Din approach, hearing the kid’s cooing as his eyes landed on you. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Jo said before walking off to help the others.
Din stopped a couple feet in front of you and you stepped forward, grabbing the child and holding him in your arms. He gave a small, soft sigh as he cuddled into you. Normally when you two were on the ship, you would spent a majority of the day playing with him and holding him. But with how busy it had been the last few days, it hadn’t given you a lot of time with the small child and you could tell he had noticed. “Aw, poor baby. Not getting enough attention, are you?” you cooed softly to the child.
One of his ears perked up as he seemed to let out a small noise in response, grabbing at your hair with one of his small, stubby hands like he loved to do so often. “I think the kid likes the attention being on him.” you said to Din who shook his head in agreement.
“Yeah, he does.” Din said and you let out a small chuckle. “You made a friend?”
You looked up at Din, who’s helmet was aimed towards Jo and gave a shrug. “I like her. She is convinced we are gonna die, but otherwise she has a very cheery disposition.” You sarcastically joked. “How about you and Vanth? I’m pretty sure you guys are going to start making friendship bracelets for each other any second.”
Din aimed his helmet back on you, tilting it slightly and you couldn’t help but to chuckle at his reaction. “I don’t know about that, sweet one.”
“Well if you do, I will only be slightly jealous.” You teased and Din finally let out a small chuckle. You looked over his shoulder, seeing the townspeople and Tuskens working together in a rushed but organized manner, handing each other supplies and putting Banthas in their places. “What is the plan?”
“The only weak spot of this thing is it’s belly.”
“So we have to blow it up from below?” you asked.
“Exactly.” Din confirmed.
“And we do that by?”
“We bury the explosives in the sand, wake it up, and then...” Din trailed off and you gave a grunt.
“I’m not going to like this part, am I?”
Din gave you a small nod of the helmet. “No. But we’ve got to get it angry and make it charge at us.”
Your jaw dropped only slightly as you look up at him in bewilderment. “That sounds like the dumbest thing I’ve heard. We’ve seen that thing when it’s not even pissed but just hungry!”
“We just need to get the stomach above the explosives and hit the detonator. We don’t even have to be that close.” Din reasoned.
“I’m pretty sure being anywhere near this thing is too close.” You countered. You attention was broken from a loud sound and you looked over to find people wheeling out what looked like giant crossbows, aiming the massive arrows right at the mouth of the cave. You saw Jo and a few other towns people digging holes and dropping the white explosives into them, setting them up and powering the detonators for use.
Before you had the chance to go on, Vanth walked up to the two of you. “You catching her up with the plan?” Vanth asked Din.
“Oh, you mean the suicide mission?” you interrupted, sarcastically directing your question at Vanth who let out a small sigh and gave you an unconvincing smile.
“It’s our best bet. And I’m just trusting your partner here to not get us killed.” Vanth replied.
“We will be fine.” Din said once again, a hint of exasperation in his tone from repeating the same phrase for what must of been the hundredth time that day.
“Let me get this straight.” You started. “We have explosives, a few crossbows, a handful of Banthas, some Tuskens who have never successfully defeated one of these things, and some townspeople, who no offense, but have very limited experience and no clue what they are doing?”
“And a Mandalorian.” Vanth finished, a grin now gracing his features as he found amusement in your tone.
You gave a small chuckle, not being able to help yourself with the outrageousness of the situation. “Well then, boys, this sounds like a great way to spend the day.”
As you finished your sentence, Jo walked up the the three of you. She held a detonator out to Cobb, giving him a hesitant smile. “Careful, Marshal.”
Vanth grabbed the button from her hand and gave her a small nod. “Thank you, Jo. And you stay safe, hun.”
Jo gave a nod before walking off, giving you one last small smile before she joined the other townspeople. Before you had the chance to ask what was next, you joined everybody in watching three Tusken Raiders steadily make their way towards the cave. You felt a chill run down your spine as you watched the scene. Next to the entrance of the cave, the Raiders looked minuscule. Like flecks of sand. Which meant nothing good as for the size of the creature within it.
You held your breath as they all paused at the mouth of it. A moment of heavy silence rang throughout the area, everybody including Tusken and townspeople alike staring at the scene with a burning curiosity and trembling fear. The three held their hands up to their mouths and loudly yelled in their language, in hopes to wake the creature up. Part of you hoped it would be a deep sleeper and not rise from its slumber, but a growl was emitted from within the cave that sounded more menacing than you could of even imagined. You winced as everybody seemed to freeze up with the deep rumble of the sound. While you remained frozen in your spot, the three Tuskens began to run away from the cave as soon as they were aware they had awoken the creature.
You squinted your eyes, waiting to see the dragon peak through. You almost worried for a moment it was going to stay in the cave until the enormous head of it popped out of the sand, the force of it sending a rumble through the ground that shook your legs. You watched with wide eyes as the crossbow-like devices began to shoot at the beast but in comparison to it, they looked like tooth picks rather than huge arrows. The creature seemed to not even notice them as they hit against his thick hide, not even when a few metal ones pierced into his head. His sights seemed to only be set upon the creatures who had dared awake him.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as one of them tripped and stumbled, falling behind the other two who continued to run away. “No!” you yelled out but your voice seemed to drown out with the sound of the Tuskens yelling and the dragon.
The dragon crashed down onto the Tusken that had fallen, swallowing him whole as he sank back into the sand. You watched as he began to slither back. “What the hell?” you muttered.
Din seemed equally as frustrated as you, watching the scene through a spyglass. “Dank farrik. It’s going back in.”
You looked over at Cobb, hoping perhaps they had a plan for this but a terror-stricken look was the only thing you found, his face paled in horror. He didn’t even look over at you, merely staring at the creature who had eaten a man like it was nothing.
Some of the Raiders held onto the ropes of the few arrows that had managed to puncture the beast, but it seemed to be no use as they were dragged along the sand like little play things. A few Tuskens ran after the ones being dragged as townspeople shot at the dragon, though you assumed most of them knew it was a fruitless effort. Nothing seemed to have an effect on this dragon like everyone had hoped and it hadn’t even made it to the explosives.
If you couldn’t even get it to where it was supposed to go, how the hell were you supposed to kill it?
“It’s retreating.” Din said.
You let out a loud curse, shaking your head in frustration. “Dammit! This thing is smarter than we thought.”
“I’m going to hit it.” Vanth said and you both looked over to see him looking down at the detonator in his hands.
“No. Wait, we only have one shot. We’ve got to get it out.” Din explained. Part of you wanted Vanth to just blow the sucker up, but you also didn’t want to pull the trigger too early. If the weak spot was only in one place, you couldn’t risk wasting all the explosives preemptively.
The Tuskens and people didn’t give up though. If anything, they seemed to grow more determined. Perhaps they knew this was their one chance or maybe adrenaline was simply coursing through their systems. But they all joined together to throw grenades at the creature and shoot at it, their primary goal to make it come out of its cave more and get it in the perfect spot.
And luckily, it seemed to be working. The only downside was it pissed off the dragon who now was heading right towards the people, letting out loud screeches that made your ears ring. It opened its jaw wide, preparing to swallow the people whole who began to run away, a few brave ones still throwing things at it in an attempt to get it further out.
The dragon just barely missed the people, it’s teeth and head crashing into sand again. “Now?” you asked Din, yelling over the noise of the dragon wreaking havoc.
“Not yet. It’s gotta come out further.”
Cobb seemed to hold on even tighter to the detonator as he watched more Tuskens shoot hooks into its head, grabbing on to them and trying to pull it further. This time, the Krayt took notice and threw its head back, causing the brave Raiders who had held onto the rope to be catapulted into the sky. You winced at the sight, thinking it couldn’t get worse. Until it began spitting.
You narrowed your eyes, wishing you had a spyglass like Din had as you looked at the scene. It took a moment but you realized it wasn’t just saliva, but rather some venom that seemed to be killing people upon immediate impact. Your eyebrows shot up the top of your head as you looked over at Din and yelled. “No one mentioned venom!”
He totally ignored you, keeping his eye looking through the spyglass held in his hand. He watched the creature slam its head into the sand again and began yelling. “Almost, almost. Now!”
Vanth immediately clicked the button and instantly a huge explosion rang out. The loudest roar yet was released and seemed to echoed as sand splattered everywhere, the people closest to the creature ducking from the flying debris. You narrowed your eyes as you looked into the explosion. The creature led out a pained roar as it sunk back into the sand and you felt any bit of hope from earlier dissipate.
The people and Tuskens began to step forward and investigate the area where the Krayt dragon had once been but you were already shaking your head in disappointment.
“I don’t think it’s dead.” Vanth said cautiously.
“It’s not. It’s still alive. Dank farrik!” you shouted, feeling every hair on your body stand up as your nerves tore through you.
You didn’t have a moment to properly ask Din what was next when another rumble rang out and your heat dropped into your chest. “They need to move back!”
Instead, everyone looked up at the cliff above the cave, where the sound was coming from. In a matter of seconds, the Krayt dragon smashed out of the rock and looked as angry as ever, spraying it’s venom from a much more effective angle that lead to more devastation that you had hoped for.
“It’s picking us off like womp rats! Let’s get after it.” Vanth yelled out, grabbing his rifle and putting his helmet on his head.
You looked at the two and realized what the plan was immediately. “Dammit, don’t you two dare-“
Before you even had the chance to finish, the two men were shooting in the sky with their jet packs. The child and you both watched from your spot on the ground as they landed on a ledge and you let out a curse. “Oh, your dad is totally buying me a fucking jet pack.”
You didn’t mean to curse with the kid so nearby but anger was the way your fear was coming out. But not even using your upset to try to mask the fear that struck through you as watch the two men shoot at the dragon with the rifle seemed to work. Your voice trembled and your hands shook. All you were able to do was grab a rifle but you were no help from here. If anything, you might just screw up whatever mad plan Din had if you shot at it.
On the other hand, you couldn’t just watch. You stared in shock as the two men continued shooting until the head of the dragon finally whipped towards them. You winced and looked away, not wanting to see what would happen. “Maker, Force, whatever is out there: please don’t let him die. I haven’t even told the idiot I love him.”
You hadn’t realized you were saying the words out loud until the kid cooed up at you, as if agreeing with your plea. You were about to console the kid when you saw the two flying back to the ground out of the corner of your eye.
“Stay here, kid!” You yelled, running full speed to the area where they had landed, rifle tightly gripped in your hand. The Dragon was slinking back, away from the gun shots, but you thought at that point all of you were aware that this wasn’t the end of the terror this monster would impose.
As soon as you made it to the men, Din whipped his helmet over at you. “Get away!” he yelled at you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to not let him notice the way your legs wobbled and your worry could be seen in your eyes. “Screw off! I promise to protect you, idiot. Can’t let you get eaten by a damn dragon!”
Din didn’t have a chance to argue further when the three of you heard a rumble behind you. You all turned around to find the dragon had once again emerged and was steadily making its way to you three and the rest of the people left.
“There he is.” Din said and you couldn’t help but to think ‘no shit’.
You looked over at Din, waiting to see what he had planned as the dragon continued to quickly tear through the Tuskens and towns people in its way. You caught the way his helmet looked over at a Bantha a few feet away and you looked over at it, instantly seeing what caught his attention.
“Mando, what are you doing?”
He looked back at you quickly. “I’ve got an idea. Get its attention.”
Your eyes widened slightly and you tried your best to sternly look at him. “What is the plan?!”
Din paid no attention to your question. Vanth went along immediately, shooting off a back rocket that landed right into the beasts head and causing an explosion. The pained roar it let out was so loud it made your ears ring but you paid no mind, lifting your rifle and shooting at its head, trying your best to help.
“We’ve got its attention. Now what?” Vanth asked as the creatures head turned to look directly at the three of you. You sucked in a deep breath as it’s eyes seemed to burn into you like the venom in its mouth. Oh, shit. You were going to die.
“You still have that detonator?” Din asked.
Vanth tossed it to Din. “Take it.”
You looked at Din. “What’s the plan?”
Din froze for just a second, almost so quickly that most wouldn’t notice it but you did. Noticed the way his helmet looked straight into you like his eyes were burning a whole into your chest. You felt your whole chest squeeze tight. “You’re gonna take care of the child.”
You couldn’t help the way your eyes seemed to instantly start to water, your hands balling into fists. You told him. You knew it. He was going to get himself killed for a set of armor. For a damn town that you hadn’t even heard of until a few days ago. You wanted to damn his honorable courage and his need to help others. You wanted to slam your fists into him and drag him away from this whole scene, pretend like it had never even happened.
But you knew Din too well. And that was never going to happen. It was part of the reason you loved him but it was also the reason why you knew it would always be a risk that you’d lose him. Whether it was to be a good man, for his Creed, or for you and the kid. This was the kind of man he was.
And you knew it. But it still didn’t ease the pain you felt.
“Dammit, Mando! You are going to get yourself killed!” you yelled, now registering a tear running down your cheek.
Din looked away, as if he couldn’t handle seeing you. Vanth grabbed onto your arm and began pulling you back. “What’s the plan?” he asked.
“Grab her!” Din demanded.
You tried to pull away but Vanths arms wrapped around you, pulling him tight against his chest. You tried to tug away but you don’t know if he was too strong or your pain was making you weaker, but it was a fruitless effort.
“What’s the plan?” Vanth repeated, holding onto you tight. You looked at Din with wide eyes. You needed the answer. You needed to know he had a plan, one that was reasonable or at the very least possible. You couldn’t have him going in with no course of action and a death wish. But your heart plummeted at his answer.
“I don’t know, but wish me luck.”
You grunted and tried to tear away again, but with no result. “MANDO, NO!”
You didn’t have the chance to see his reaction before he slammed the butt end of his rifle into Vanths jet pack. The man instantly clutched onto you tighter than you had ever been held before, both of you lifting up instantly as you began to soar into the sky and away from Din.
You tried to find him but your eyes were now full of watery tears and you were slamming back too quickly so everything was just a frenzy of sights. It wasn’t until you both slammed into the ground far away from where you had once been that you desperately dragged yourself away from Cobb and crawled onto your knees.
Your eyes instantly landed onto Din. Your mouth went completely dry and you felt your breath being sucked into your body as you found him right next to the Banth, whose explosives were being activated. The dragon headed straight for the two and you let out a strangled scream. “He is gonna kill him! STOP!”
But it was no use. Din probably couldn’t hear you and even if he did, it wouldn’t stop him. Vanth crawled up the you and grabbed onto you. You didn’t know if he was trying to hold you back or if he was simply steadying himself, but you felt yourself drop into him like your body had stopped working.
You wanted to look away. You probably should have in all honestly. You probably should of found the child and covered his eyes, shielded him from the travesty you were all witness to. But you couldn’t tear them away from Din, watching the man standing there and not moving or making any effort to run.
Time seemed to go in slow motion and you didn’t know what was happening. You felt like you were outside of your body as you finally watched the Dragon reach them and swallow the Bantha and Din whole, like it didn’t care that it had taken what had become your whole world.
You couldn’t even hear the scream you let out, or feel the way your body fell into the sand. You couldn’t feel Vanth slip his helmet off and hold onto you. Didn’t see the way the dragon slipped back into the sand. Didn’t hear the silence that fell over what had been a war zone, all the Tuskens and townspeople that remained watching in shock at what had happened. Didn’t see the Tuskens that approached where the monster had slithered back into the sand and taken Din with it. Couldn’t hear or see the way the child whined in his pouch, not even realizing that the only father he had was gone.
All you felt was a piercing pain. A familiar one. The same one you felt the night your family died. The same one you swore to never feel again, even if that meant never caring for a person again because the pain was too much and it would consume you completely the next time. You had let yourself feel with Din and he was gone. Just like everyone you cared about.
You didn’t even hear the rumble and almost didn’t even see the way the Dragons head had poked back out of the sand. Once your brain registered what you were seeing, you broke even more. Din had killed himself and it hadn’t even worked.
You saw the creature open its mouth and prepared for it to swallow more innocent people whole. Then you realized it wasn’t going to swallow something. Something was coming back up.
You lifted yourself onto your knees and Vanth pulled back. “Holy shit.” he muttered.
Your brain could barely process it. It seemed so fast. Din was flying out of the creatures mouth and within a few seconds after that, an explosion set off within the creature that sent out a huge shockwave, knocking both you and Vanth back onto your behinds.
You pulled yourself up as quickly as you could and watched Din land on the ground and turn to look at the creature he had slayed, his armor dripping in the venom.
Vanth stood up and had a big grin on his face, shaking his head in disbelief as he looked at the Mandalorian. The towns people and Tuskens also let out sounds of joy, whooping and cheering at a victory they thought was impossible.
But you were still feeling the numb aftereffects of the incomprehensible pain that had torn through you. You didn’t smile, only brought yourself up on shaky legs and kept your eyes on Din, as if he would disappear if you looked away.
Vanth began to walk towards the people celebrating and the Mandalorian hero. The townspeople made their way to examine the carcass. But you just turned away and made your way to the child in the sac.
He looked up at you eagerly, also seeming overwhelmed from everything happening. You picked him up and grabbed onto him, holding him tightly to your chest as he made soft noises in response. You closed your eyes and made yourself breathe in and out calmly.
It had been a while and by now the Tuskens were digging in the flesh of the beast and spreading its carcass apart to harvest what they wanted. The Mandalorian made his way towards your direction, holding a large piece of Krayt Dragon meat which the child stared at with much interest. If you were in a better mood like the others were, you would probably have laughed at the childs willingness to eat anything. But you felt like you couldn’t even laugh if you wanted to and turned away, continuing to hold the child tightly.
You heard his footsteps near and heard the slap of the meat as he dropped it onto his speeder. He was only a couple few behind you but you still didn’t turn. You couldn’t look at him yet. You didn’t know what you would do. Instead you avoided his gaze and tucked the child back into his pouch.
“I’m sorry for-“
“Don’t.” you interrupted, hissing the world more harshly than you intended.
You heard Din freeze behind you and you let out a big sigh, finally daring to look at him. He seemed to have wiped most of the venom off his armor but a sticky residue seemed to be left on it that would require further cleaning (something you certainly as hell wouldn’t be doing). His helmet was aimed straight at you and you wanted to tell him to look away, anywhere else. But you just looked right back at him, you jaw set and your eyes looking straight into his visor.
“You... you should of said something.” you finally muttered out. You intended to sound much firmer but your voice croaked out the words.
“I didn’t have time.” Din argued.
“Didn’t have time to tell me you were going to get swallowed by that thing?” Din froze and you rolled your eyes. “I thought you died.”
“I didn’t though.” Din said, sounding confused.
“It doesn’t matter!” you said back, shaking your head in disbelief. “You could have. Hell, I don’t know how you didn’t. I mean, did you even think you were going to make it?”
The silence that followed your question was answer enough and you let out a strangled chuckle, not finding anything funny but your body didn’t seem to know how to react. “Not even a warning, Din. A goodbye. Nothing.”
“I didn’t have time.” he repeated.
“What if that had been it? Last thing you say is wish me luck and then you get swallowed by a creature unnecessarily?!”
“It wasn’t unnecessary. We needed to kill it.” Din seemed to be growing slightly more frustrated but still keeping his cool.
“No, Din. We all could of accepted our losses and turned around.”
“And let that town and those people die?” Din asked.
You froze at the question but quickly regained your composure, blinking away any logic. “They could of moved. Somewhere else. Somewhere that didn’t have a fucking dragon hunting them down.”
“Now they don’t need to move and there is no dragon hunting them. That is good.”
You finally looked away from, wanting to bury your face into your hands. “I can’t do this.”
“Do what?”
You faced your body to look at him. “Is this gonna be your thing? We land somewhere, people need your help, and you put yourself in a situation where you aren’t just risking getting hurt, but risking loosing your life? Because I can’t handle that.”
“I can’t just not help these people.” Din argued. You understood the logic. You supposed if you were in a position like his you probably would have acted similarly. If you’ve got the tools to help others, why not use them? And with his past and everything he had lost, he understood how things could harm people and cause everlasting trauma. So if he could prevent that happening to someone else, why the hell not do it? No matter the risk.
“Why do these people mean more to you than me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. It was a selfish question. Perhaps all you were being was selfish but it seemed like a justifiable question to ask. Because all you worried about was him. Losing him or hurting him or him hurting himself or a million other things that could happen. And he didn’t seem to even think twice about you or what would happen today. Hadn’t even said goodbye, just in case.
Din let out a small sigh and tried to reach a hand out for you but you pulled away. He lowered his helmet before looking back down at you. “They don’t mean more to me.”
“Really? Because you gave me a heart attack today! I thought I lost you. I thought I lost the thing I care about most again.” You could now feel tears begin to leak at the corner of your eyes. You wanted to stop, brush them away, but you couldn’t.
“I’m sorry. I promise I didn’t try.” Din said but you shook your head.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have come back.”
Din froze. “Don’t say that.”
“I can’t have you do this.”
“Then you shouldn’t have agreed to be with me!” Din responded and you looked up in shock, raising an eyebrow.
“What does that mean?”
“You knew what I am. What I did. I am a bounty hunter. I am a Mandalorian. Putting my life at risk is part of the life. You can’t expect me to give that up.”
“You aren’t just a bounty hunter or a Mandalorian anymore! You are a father to this kid now, no matter how much you don’t want to admit it because it scares you.” Din looked down at the kid briefly, who looked up at the two of you in confusion. “And you are a person who... who I love!”
Din froze and you realized it was the first time you had said it out loud. You knew you had loved him for a while. And sure, you two had shown each other your love in various ways. But the words hadn’t actually left either of your mouths. It had seemed to scary to do. But it had happened before you could think about it and it seemed to open a floodgate within you.
“I love you, Din. I love you so much and I care about you so much. I just want you to be safe and I want you to make it to the bed on the Crest with me every night in one piece. I want to know what is happening and I know you aren’t used to it, but we need that communication.” You took in a deep breath before continuing. “I want to have a future with you. I want you to be able to want a future that doesn’t just consist of bounty hunting for the rest of your days until you get killed. I’ve never wanted this with anyone else but I want to settle down with you and get married or something and hell maybe even pop out a few of your kids and get old.
“And maybe it is too early to say this or you don’t want any of that, but I do. That is all I want. All I want is you. And the kid. And fine, you need to be brave and try your best to safe people because you know the world won’t do it because it’s a shitty place. But you need to let me in a little more and let me help or... fuck, I don’t know. Try not to put yourself in situations where you are literally getting swallowed whole!”
You finally finished, not realizing you were panting until a silence filled between you two that made your whole body freeze up. You had just laid a lot on Din. And you were worried it was too much. He was good with you but he still sometimes had a hard time communicating with you properly. It wasn’t his strong suit and a conversation like this was enough that you were worried you had scared him away.
“I love you.”
You felt your chest tighten up. He said it loud and clearly, without any hesitancy. He had said it like he meant it wholeheartedly and had said it plainly, like he often spoke about things that were obvious and completely true.
“Yeah?” you quietly asked and Din nodded.
“I love you, sweet one.” Din paused for a moment before continuing. “I understand what you are saying. I will be more careful and I wasn’t trying to cut you out. Everything today was just... so fast.”
You nodded slowly. “You just... you scared the hell out of me.”
Din finally grabbed onto your arms and you let him. “I’m sorry. I will try to be better about that. I’m still not really used to having somebody around.”
“I know.” you said softly.
You almost thought he was done until he spoke again, much softer and quieter. “I want all of that too.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that broke out onto your face. “Yeah?”
“Yes. It all sounds... great.”
You grinned a little bigger. “It does. But you will have to, y’know, survive in order for it to happen.”
Din nodded. “I will try my best while we get the kid to his kind. And then after that, we can start it.”
“Start what?”
“Our future.”
Your heart melted like mutter and you leaned into his strong grip. “That is... all stuff you want?”
“Nothing sounds better.”
You wanted desperately to rip his helmet off and plant a big kiss on his lips, convey to him physically how you were feeling. But instead you opted for a smile and small nod. “Well then that sounds like a plan.”
“Sorry to interrupt, love birds. But I have something you probably want.” you both looked over at Vanth, who had managed to make his way to the two of you without you noticing. In his hands he held the armor you had both come for in the first place. He gave a small smile of appreciation as he shoved it towards Din, who grabbed it slowly. “It was well-earned.”
“You can say that again.” you sarcastically mumble and Vanth let out a chuckle, nodding his head in agreement.
The Mandalorian reached out a hand and Vanth grasped, shaking it firmly.
They both let go and Vanth turned towards you, giving you a big smile. “It was an absolutely pleasure meeting you.”
You gave him a lopsided grin. “Well, dont I feel special?”
Vanth laughed. “You definitely are. That’s for sure.” he looked over at Din. “You are lucky. Treat her well.”
“I will.” Din said firmly.
“Oh, he definitely will. If he doesn’t I’ll make sure he suffers.” you teased.
Vanth gave you a grin. “I think I’m going to miss your humor.”
“If you need a good joke, bother Jo.”
“I’ll take note of that.” Vanth said before opening his arms out. You gladly gave him a big hug and he patted a hand on your back before pulling away.
“I hope our paths cross again.” he said.
“As do I.” Din said.
“Hopefully under much better circumstances.” you said.
Vanth shook his head in agreement. “Now you can say that again.” The Marshal began to turn around but paused for a moment, pointing the armor. “Oh, and you tell your people I wasn’t the one that broke that.”
The man then walked away, towards his townspeople.
You stood next to Din and watched them all gather together, joyful smiles on their faces. You caught a brief glimpse of Jo who smiled at you, giving a wave which you reciprocated.
“Y’know, I actually like that marshal.” you said.
“Me too.” Din agreed and you smiled.
“Look at you, being a social butterfly.” you teased and Din chuckled.
You both turned at the sound of commotion, all of the Tuskens cheering in joy as they pull what looked like a large pearl out of the dragon. Even a few townspeople joined in on the celebrating, looking at the item. You watched the two groups of people who had once not been able to stand next to each other now communicate in harmony (at least as best as they could with the language barrier).
“You were right.” you finally said.
“About what?” Din asked.
“About helping them. It was the right thing to do.” you admitted.
Din only nodded and turned to look at you. “You ready to head home?”
You smiled softly, yearning for the Crest you now called home and to lay in a bed with Din again. “Yeah. You stink like Krayt dragon innards so you need to shower.” you said with a small grin.
“Shut up and get on the speeder.”
“Can I drive it?” you asked.
You let out a grunt and crawled onto the pack of it, making sure the child was securely attached to the side. “Fine, but you better remember you are getting me one of these.”
“Of course, sweet one.”
“And it better be a good one after what you put me through today.” you joked and Din grunted as he crawled on the speeder after strapping the armor to the back of it.
“Yeah, we will see about that.” he muttered.
You let out a big laugh as you grabbed your arms around his waist and held on as the bike whirred to life. You looked down at the child, who looked eager for the ride to begin. And you thanked whatever was out there for making sure your family made it through the day.
Tag List: @ilikethoseodds @dindaddy @poguesvixen @starspangledwidow @fangirlalexia @the-scandalorian @ka-x-in @keepcalmandblogstuff @the-lady-of-stars @orneryscandalousevil @spaghetti-666 @afootnoteinyourhappiness @the-darkempress @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @dee-vn @eury-dice3 @rb4writers @just-me-and-my-obsessions00 @lxdyred @queen-since-97 @honey-hi @periptill @seninjakitey @guiltyegg @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @altarsw @itsaviicf @greeneyedblondie44 @buffnatalieportman
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The One Where Lindsey *Accidentally*Breaks the Internet (Lindsey Horan x Medic!Reader)
Request: reader is the medic for the thorns and her and lindsey are secretly together and lindsey accidentally lets it slip one day via instagram or something? and the the fans go crazy bc they’ve already been shipping them since lindsey flirts with R every time she can?
Author’s note: So this was super fun to write and there will totally be a sequel like way far down the road. I hope you enjoy it. I should also mention that the reader has an M.D and is the team doctor for the Thorns and the USWNT.
Lindsey Horan was a lot of things. A fantastic soccer player. A loving girlfriend and a woman with a bad habit. She was a tease through and through, loving the effect simple actions could have on both you and the fans. And since quarantine, taking cute photos of you had gotten even easier. Though you hadn’t outright admitted to dating, the fans were nearly certain that the two of you were quarantining together.
Sure they had been suspicious before, with all of your girlfriends flirting during both thorns and national team camp. The middy just couldn’t seem to help herself from distracting you from your medical staff duties, and the fans had noticed. But with Lindsey’s most recent post of you cuddled up with a cup of coffee on her balcony, the Portland skyline in the background, had just about sent them over the edge. It was also the reason for a very excited Somnett’s FaceTime ahead of their scheduled Instagram live.
“So how had quarantining with Y/n been,” Emily asked with a teasing edge to her voice. Lindsey sighed, rolling her eyes and settling back on the couch of your shared apartment. A wide smile broke across her face at the sight of you set up with all your practice medical stuff at the kitchen table, your glasses perched on your nose, a pen tucked behind your ear.
“Good, she’s so fucking adorable,” She said breathlessly, ignoring Emily’s loud cackle of amusement.
“Have you seen the Instagram fans?” Emily asked sobering.
“Yeah, they’ve been going crazy over photos from like 2 years ago,” Lindsey smirked, thinking of her most recent post, and how you had pulled out a photo of you and her in France to one-up her.
“I mean, your girl did a post for Horan hump day…” Sonnett said raising an eyebrow. So maybe both of you sucked at subtlety.
“She also did Tobin Tuesday and Sonnett Sunday,” Lindsey laughed, shaking her head. You may have been on the Medical staff for both the Thorns and the national team, but you minored in photography, and absolutely loved to show your photos off.
“Yeah, but we’re talking about the picture of baby you two. Don’t act like you don’t love to tease them,” Emily snickered, and Lindsey winced slightly. So maybe the photo that she had chosen was from college you on your trip to Paris the week you two met, and maybe in return, you had posted one of her just after you both made the national team in your respective fields.
“I like to tease Y/n, the fans are just a bonus,” Lindsey shrugged, smiling at Emily’s laugh. The two of you were so gooey with your love, hence why the fans were very much onto you.
“Hey babe, can you come help me for a second?” You called out from the table, glancing over the top of your glasses towards your girlfriend.
“Duty calls,” She said in a dramatic voice, moving to hang up the phone.
“Wait, I wanna say hi,” Emily pouted. She knew you could hear her, but she hadn’t actually gotten to see you. You were her best friend and it sucked that she was trapped in Georgia while you and her other best friend got to ham it up together. Lindsey rolled her eyes at the dramatic woman and heaved herself off the couch.
“What’s up, baby?” She asked, setting the phone down on top of one of the many open textbooks so Emily could see you both and wrapped her arm around your shoulders. You sigh, leaning back into her.
“Can you hand me that pack of thread?” You hum, pointing with your forceps hand towards a box on the other side of the table.
“Are you sewing up a chicken?” Emily questioned, her face scrunching in disgust as she took in the scene before her. You were sitting in what the team had deemed your doctor garb (meaning your hair on a bun, glasses perched firmly on your nose, and exams gloves slipped over your hands) with a dismembered chicken in front of you. From the look of the tools on your hands and the half put together chicken, Emily could only assume what you were doing.
“Yeah, I need to practice so I can do one on the fly,” You mumbled, gesturing where you wanted Lindsey to place the new needle and thread pack and puckering your lips to kiss her in thanks.
“Didn’t you do that enough in med school?” Emily teased, her eyes shining. It was rare that the team got to see soft interactions like this between the two of you, and frankly how adorable the two of you were was criminal.
“Hi to you too, Sonnett,” You stuck your tongue out at the woman, finally taking your eyes off your ‘patient’ for the first time. Her cackle brought a smile to your face.
“I’ll just be in the other room. Sonnett and I are about to go live,” Lindsey miles, smoothing back the hair that had fallen in your eyes and kissing your forehead.
“Okie Dokie baby” You smiled up at your girlfriend, pursing your lips for a kiss. She obliged with a giggle. “see you soon, I’ll be watching,” you laughed, wiggling your eyebrows.
“You guys are sickeningly sweet,” Emily made a fake gagging noise that brought your attention back to the offending device.
“Shut up Disani,” Both you and Lindsey snapped together. You loved the woman, but she sure knew how to ruin a moment.
“Come on Linessie, you know that I’m the best cook,” Emily snorted, ignoring the interviewers stupid question in favor of bantering with Lindsey.
“Hey, I’ve gotten way better,” Lindsey huffed, pointing her finger at the blond and refraining from saying that you were most definitely the cook in your relationship.
“Yet you still let Y/n practice her medical skills on your chicken before she cooks it,” Emily rolled her eyes, her hands gesturing wildly at the mention of her most recent phone call with the two of you.
The interviewer froze, her eyes widening. She had been fine with Emily and Lindsey going off the rails a little bit and talking more to each other than answering the questions. The fans loved it and the stories they were telling were gold, but she couldn’t sit back and let this admission slip by. It was the only acknowledgment Lindsey had ever made to your living arrangements, and with the recent string of photos, it may have been the break she was waiting for.
“Wait wait wait, Y/n as in Thorns med staff Y/n, since when were you guys roommates,” The woman interrupted Lindsey midway through her sentence.
“Since we started dating like 3 years ago,” Your girlfriend shrugged offhandedly, returning to her point about her cooking (or lack thereof) ability, leaving the interviewer and a large majority of the fans to sit in shock.
Lindsey paused at the loud pinging of the comment section going crazy. She paused, her eyes drifting towards the rapidly moving comments, smirking when she saw some of the comments from her teammates, and the fans crazy nonsensical comments in return. She winked at the camera, loving that she just broke the internet, and biting her lip unsure of what your reaction would be.
“Nice live stream babe, but I think we need to like to make an official post or something,” You smirked, plopping down in your girlfriend's lap after she ended the stream, poking her dimples, using your thumb to smooth out the worried lines in her forehead.
“I just came out on live stream, and that’s what you say?” Lindsey scoffed, raising her eyebrow at you.
“I mean I love you, and I’m happy we don’t have to hide anymore, but like don’t you think we should tell them we’re engaged?” You asked shrugging, pecking her nose with a smile.
“I think we’ve broken the internet enough for one day,” She rolled her eyes at you, leaning up to peck your lips, tired of your shoty aim.
“The team is going to be pissed when they find out we didn’t tell them you proposed,” You singsonged, laughing lightly. Sure they had posted enough coupily photos of the two of you to last the fans a while, but when they realized you were getting married, it was going to be a media frenzy.
“I’m sure they’ll post enough photos to crash the site,” She laughed, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you closer.
“Well, I know a few other things we can break,” You hummed, nudging her chin with your nose and placing a few kisses on the underside of her jaw.
“Yeah?” She asked, tilting her head to the side to give you more room, moaning lightly when you found the spot you knew drove her wild.
“Hmm, but you better not share this on fucking Instagram live.” You smirked against her skin, teasingly running your teeth along her pulse point, and placing a very wet kiss there.
“I think you put the verb in the wrong place in that sentence-” She breathed out, sighing at the delicious sensations you were sending through her.
“Shut up and take your pants off. I think I need to practice my exam skills” You smirked devilishly at her, and suddenly the team and the fans were the last things on her mind, even though she did just technically break the internet.
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pairing: roommate!mark x roommate!oc
genre: smut | my horrible attempt at crack at the end, i apologize in advance
warnings: language, masturbation (fem. + m.), mentions of nudes, voyeurism, hyuck and y/n getting it on, oral (fem. + m. receiving), fingering, handjob, pretty explicit sex, sub!mark but more like nervous!mark, praise kink, moaning kink (kinda), i feel like i just wrote fucking porn
summary: you keep saying his name as he watches, and he keeps thinking it’s an accident. little does he know that the only accident he created was the one in your pants.
words: 4k


7 May
“Okay, but I don’t fucking understand why I have to do this,” Donghyuck threw up his hands dramatically, earning him odd stares from around the coffee shop. “This is a team effort. So Renjun, you’re coming with me.”
Renjun looked like he was about to slam his head against the wall, and he sighed. Jeno had his head resting against the table, looking at the younger member with a glint of annoyance in his eyes. “Hyuck. We literally asked you to order coffee. It’s not that hard.”
As the two of them started their regular bickering on a Sunday morning, you were sitting at the table behind the three, with Mark and Jaemin straight across from you. You seemed preoccupied with your phone, at least to Mark, who kept giving you glances as you smiled to yourself. “Y/N? Hello...”
You pressed a few more buttons with a shaky hand, loosing your mind a little as you looked up to give Mark a slight smile. Stuffing your phone back into your pocket, you leaned against the table again. As you started your normal conversation with the two of them, you didn’t realize Mark looking down at his phone to see who had texted him. I’m right in front of her, though. Oh, looks like a picture.
Yeah, Mark regretted ever opening that photo on his phone that morning, nearly flashing it to Jaemin in the process. You were sitting in an open legged fashion, red lingerie decorating your skin without much coverage, showing off places of your body that he had never seen exposed before. He could’ve thrown his phone out of his hand at that moment, maybe even out of the window or at Jaemin’s face, but you were still sitting there all innocent in your oversized sweatshirt, talking to the other boy with a small smile ghosting over your face.
He gulped visibly, shoving his phone back into his pocket and attempting to cover his hard on with the end of his own sweatshirt. Why the fuck did she send me that?..

16 May
It was an accident, that’s what you responded too when you had finally opened up your chat with Mark and had seen your own scantily dressed body with your entire heart beating out of your chest. He had promised that he deleted it as soon as he saw it, his face turned a bright color as you asked him quietly in the living room that afternoon. But, it wasn’t really an accident for you.
You wanted Mark to know how fucking wet you were constantly, every time you accidentally peaked into his room while he was changing, or even when he was sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide. He looked so inviting all the time, and you wanted that for yourself. Yet, you could never seem to actually get it. You were going to send your nudes to a group of your friends to ask them if they were good enough for an impression, however you had pressed on the victim’s contact, sending it to the poor boy. The worst part was that Mark seemed so unaffected by the entire issue, just shrugging it off when you apologized and assuring you that it was fine. It silently made you want to throw yourself out the window and fall to your misery, mainly since his entire expression just read a blatant ‘I don’t even care.’
But Mark did care. He did care that he couldn’t get the image of you dressing up like that in a room that was right beside his out of his head. He did care that you had placed your phone in a tilted fashion to get that angle of your body, and it drove him crazy. Drove him insane, to be honest, considering you, his very hot roommate, were always right there in his sight. And god he had nothing more in his mind other than for you to sit on his dick.
Though he already was so turned on by the fact that you—existed, the entire memory of you wearing that pretty lace always flowed back to his brain whenever he was doing anything. He might be in the middle of a lecture, taking notes normally and paying attention until he sees your name pop up on his phone. He might be laying on his bed contemplating whether or not he should finish a huge project that he had been assigned weeks ago, until he hears your giggle from outside his room. He might even be in the shower, quietly massaging liquid into his skin until his eyes fell upon your toiletries. Except every time he was in the shower, the blood would flow straight to his dick, and with a little less embarrassment as he fastened his own hand around the appendage. And it felt so good jerking off to the thought of you, and even though he had been a man of his word and had deleted the photo of you, that didn’t stop him from engraving it deep into his mind. Yet it was so wrong, so fucking wrong and he knew that when you would burst into the bathroom while he was having his own fun time and grab something you had forgotten.
Mark had returned from his last class for the day, completely exhausted from the entire day that he had just spent. It was supposed to be just a peek, a peek to see what the noises from inside of your bedroom were, yet it was much more than you just having stubbed your toe as he assumed. You were laying on your bed, legs spread wide with your hand between the sweatshirt that was just too long for him to catch a glimpse past, to see what action was actually happening.
He stifled a gasp in his throat when you arched your back suddenly, your head rolling back on your shoulders as you let out a loud whine. Just your sounds were making him harder by the second, and surely a few seconds later there was a nice familiar tent in his pants, one that he was now groaning over. God, how much he wanted to yank back the troublesome fabric to give him a better view of you, but he didn’t make a move. In fact, he froze at the sound of his name tumbling from your lips without even a gasp of hesitation, his brain going into a malfunctioning mode as you finally removed your hand. Mark could tell from the juices that were practically dripping from your fingers, that you had relieved yourself—and you collapsed down against your bed, your eyes fluttering shut from the feeling.
Oh how much he wanted to open that door just a little more, show you that he had seen all of your sinful actions with his blessed eyes, but he took a step back, groaning softly as he palmed himself over his jeans. He stumbled to his room, slamming the door shut without a second thought, the only thing on his mind being the sound of your voice moaning his name so lewdly. Fuck, he liked it way too much.

24 May
“Fuck, I don’t care!” Your voice was a frustrated one, coming from the living room so loudly as Mark woke up from his midday slumber, having been met with the sound of your voice immediately. “Just do your job and make me fucking cum already!” There was a bright giggle after your words, one that he recognized as his one and only best friend, Lee Donghyuck’s.
“Wow, you’re a demanding one,” he commented, his unusually low voice being cut off to be matched with the sounds of your moans filling the apartment. Mark widened as he realized what was happening, his face turning a nice shade of red as he couldn’t help but prop open the door, looking out from his room to get a good look at what was happening.
Donghyuck was perched between your wide spread legs, his colored hair blocking the most important part of your body in his view. You were still wearing a shirt, but your bra was on the side of the couch you were sitting on, disregarded as he slipped a hand up to your breasts, flicking the nipple over with his thumb as his fingers presumably slid into your hole. Mark couldn’t tell, not from the angle he was seeing you, which was just as frustrating to the fact that he would’ve done absolutely anything to be Donghyuck in that moment, but he also could tell.
Your mouth was slightly parted open, small puffs of breath coming out of you while your fingers pressed into the nape of the other boy’s neck. Mark hadn’t even noticed that Donghyuck had been lapping at your clit until he pulled away, moving his mouth to leave wet kisses all over your inner thighs. You were still writhing above him, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a delicious sound filling the air: a sound that was so fucking filthy, but was making you feel like heaven was on earth.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m so close,” you let out a whine as your hands were now gripping at your shirt, holding onto it so desperately as your eyes squeezed shut, your entire face contorting as the boy between your legs just chuckled, teasing you to follow your words. “Don’t stop—shit, shit, oh fuck—” You looked so ethereal to Mark, your sounds having already caused his dick to be set on fire as it was now being stroked in his hand ever so quietly, just wishing that it was you touching him in the same fashion. “Mark—fuck,” he could’ve sworn that he fucking ascended into the afterlife as his name fell from your lips again, the action only making Donghyuck break out into a soft giggle as he removed his fingers from your pussy, inching them up to pop them in your mouth.
“You’re a dirty girl. Moaning your roommate’s name when he’s right here? Did I not do good enough for your pretty cunt?” Though his words held some truth, Mark had already backed his way into his room again, his ears only registering the way you groaned in annoyance and swore that you wouldn’t suck him off tomorrow if he kept teasing you about Mark. “That’s alright, darling,” his voice was muffled now, the sounds of shuffling and hurried movements filling the room. He assumed that the two of you were dressing. “You know you’ll be stuffed with my cock anyway!”
That last comment had rang through Mark’s brain for the next few minutes, his eyes fluttering shut as the image of you on your knees took up his mind, your eyes that were widening at his length and the pretty lace lingerie that you had worn in that picture decorating your skin perfectly. Your cheeks completely hollowed out with his cock edging down your throat, the gags, the tears, the whines of pleasure. If he came right from that thought, he wouldn’t admit it to anyone.

30 May
Mark was going feral. Yes, feral because his roommate was so fucking hot and he couldn’t even control his carnal instincts right now. You had been driving him mad for the past—literally, it felt like forever in his mind, because every time he had gotten closer and closer to his fantasies, it seemed to be ripped away from him just as fast as he could achieve them. He felt like he was having some kind of weird hormone boost as he paced around his room, feeling the blooming sensation from low in his stomach rising and falling with every single thought going towards you.
Everything about you was inviting: your smile, your touches, your body, your voice. Mark couldn’t really say he was a sex expert, only having had done the deed only twice in his entire existence, but you were making him feel like he was getting more experiences that he even had in the first place. Yet, most of them were unannounced peeks of his naughty eyes.
He knew that every time you sank your fingers deep inside your pussy and allowed those soft walls to clench around them, that you would cry out his name with a type of bubbling noise in your throat. The same cry that made him want to leave everything he was doing at the moment just to fuck you until you were a blabbering mess. Yes, he had so many fantasies about you, so many more than he could ever admit to any of the other boys, and most definitely not you.
But this time it was really an accident.
Mark had a really nice shower, at least it was one that allowed him to take his time and...fulfill his desires. It was late at night, probably past midnight as he finally emerged from the bathroom, walking into the living room at a slow pace. However, when he reached the living room with a hand ruffling at his hair, he froze to the sight he was welcomed with; he would’ve died from embarrassment, he thought later, if that was him in that position. Yet, since it was you, it didn’t even hit him how flustered you were.
Your legs were spread out in the same fashion that they always were, except this time, everything was exposed. The crease of your folds caught his eyes, the arousal dripping from your core staining the neutral color of the couch so beautifully that he could’ve stared at it for hours just knowing it was you that caused it. The tips of your fingers were rubbing at your clit, almost violently from the way you were trying to chase after your high, but Mark could’ve sworn that was probably the most attractive thing he had seen in so long, and he had been secretly watching you for ages, it felt.
“Mark, oh my god,” you kept arching your back, trying to get the release that you knew you needed to get, but it never seemed to come. Your frustration rang through the apartment, bouncing off of the walls as your moved your hand away, both of them now gripping your thighs. “Fuck,” Mark thought you were about to cry from the way you finally opened your eyes, ready to get back to work until they fell on him at the side of the room, watching you intently.
As much as you wanted Mark to throw you against the wall and fuck you until you were begging for him to stop, your eyes still went wide at the sight of him. He looked so fresh in the moment, his hair still dripping slightly of the water he had showered in, his skin glowing and face flushed from how turned on he was getting. A smirk grew from your lips, stretching across your face as you tilted your head at him. He was much more shy than you expected him to be, but that only piqued your curiosity, wanting to push him even further. “Mark?”
He visibly flinched at the sound of his name. “Y-Yeah?”
“How long have you been there?” You noticed his eyes were flitting from between your legs to up to your face, his cheeks deepening in its reddening color as he blinked, not sure how to answer. “Mark—you know it’s rude to stare, hmm?” You couldn’t help but tease the boy a little, but he didn’t even make an effort to look away, even though he mumbled an apology.
“Are you just gonna stand there?” You dipped your fingers back between your folds, gathering the liquid around there with his following eyes, before you held them out for him to get a good look at. “You don’t want a taste?” You edged your fingers past your lips, tasting your own juices while Mark’s own tongue darted out from his mouth, licking his lips like he could taste you. “You’re practically drooling over me already, you don’t want to help? I’ve been on edge for so long...”
He walked over with a stumble, only focusing on how wet your fingers were from barely touching yourself in that moment, but you hoisted your feet up onto the couch, giving him an even better view. He didn’t initiate anything at first, looking into your eyes that were burning into his with a dark color of lust. “Come on, Mark. Touch me.”
He didn’t think you would be this bold, but he dropped to his knees anyway, liking your demanding words with so much fire in his blood. Out of all the ways he imagined pleasuring you, he didn’t think it would happen like this: in the middle of the living room where you had shared hundreds of innocent memories, or in the middle of the night, probably only a few hours until your morning lecture. But his hands barely brushed past your inner thighs, your breath hitching at the touch.
“Mark—” you elongated the sound of his name, whining out to let him know how much you were affected by him. Little did you know that he was being ten times more affected, his dick hardened to the point where he thought he was gonna explode. A digit prodded at your hole, and he looked up at you with caution in his eyes. You nodded reassuringly, guiding his finger into you with ease. A soft groan left your lips, your eyes shutting tightly at the feeling of his warm flesh. “Move, Mark.”
He added another finger without your help, the fulfilling feeling of your core reaching as he filled you up. He was pumping slowly, however, watching your each and every move. You could tell that he was inexperienced, but he seemed to know exactly how he was making you feel as he picked up his pace. Mark’s eyes were now fastened on your pussy, almost drooling at the sight of something so beautiful in his view. “Am I doing good?”
You forced your eyes open to look down at the boy, who was blinking up at you with those huge doe eyes that you swore looked too innocent to be true. “Yes, baby, you’re doing so good. Your fingers fuck me so—well.” He curled the digits, managing to keep your legs apart as you choked on the last word, the sensation basically taking your breath away. The pet name made him shiver, but he liked it, only repeating the motion again and again. “Oh fuck, fuck, ‘m gonna cum, please, fuck—”
Mark trailed his eyes back up to your face, and you honestly looked like you were having the time of your life when you came, soaking his fingers perfectly. You watched as he pulled them out, giving them a look of thought before looking up at you in some kind of anticipation. “Go ahead, baby,” you reached over to smooth a hand down his hair, pulling his wrist closer to his mouth. “I thought you wanted to taste me? Isn’t that what you wanted?” He nodded cautiously, letting you pop his fingers into his mouth and humming at the taste.
Your gaze fluttered down to between his own legs, your eyes falling on the bulge that looked almost painful through his gray sweatpants. Mark’s eyes were closed until he felt your hand lingering on the skin on his neck, and he blinked at the sight of you looking down at him. He was on his knees, peering up at you with a flushed face that made you want to giggle, and you gave him a small smile. “Can you sit down on the couch for me, baby? Hmm?”
The pet name slipped from your mouth so casually that he couldn’t help but gape at you, shuffling up to his feet with his stare fixed on you. You latched your hands onto his shirt, pushing him back against the soft cushions as he widened his eyes at your movements. “You’re such a good boy,” you cooed softly, allowing a hand to lift the hem of his shirt as you watched him flinch. He visibly swelled at your praise, responding with a sharp breath as you lowered the waistband of his pants. You grazed your palm against his boxers, rubbing a thumb against him. “You—like that, hmm?”
You straddled his thighs, leaning down to mouth as his toned stomach, smoothing the skin underneath your fingertips as you pulled down his boxers, letting yourself take a look at him. His dick was already erect and throbbing, basically waiting for you to do something—anything, to relieve the painful pressure. He wasn’t the biggest you had seen, but you could almost swear that it was the prettiest dick you had seen. With a look up at him, you pressed your thumb against the tip, teasing the slit with slow movements.
His body fell under a heat again, allowing him to let out a strangled breath as your hand grasped him from the base. Out of all the times he had caught you, and out of all the hundreds of times you had said his name, this time was best. “Mark,” you rubbed his thigh to gain his attention. “Look at me.” He complied gladly, his eyes fixed on yours as your mouth enclosed the tip of his cock. You sucked him along with your increasing pace of your hand, enjoying how he was falling apart under the tips of your fingers. He looked so ethereal in that moment, at least to you, his head thrown back against the couch. You swirled your tongue around him once more before letting go of him with a pop, a string of saliva falling hot from your mouth as you continued to jerk him off.
“Fuck...” You pulled yourself up with a hand on his arm, smashing your lips against his. It was the first kiss, taking him by surprise as he could barely move them against you. You let your tongue lick at his bottom lip, letting you inch in to suck on his tongue. Mark let out a whine, making you moan at his sounds. “Y/N, I’m c-close.”
You closed your eyes as you trailed your lips down his neck, nipping at the skin to savor to the taste. You could feel him tensing up from below, his body tightening as your let your hand glide over his cock without end. “Cum for me, baby. Make a mess.” His hands finally laid on your hips, pressing into your skin so hard that you were sure it was going to leave nice future bruises.
“Ah, Y/N—” You giggled as Mark struggled to get a hold of his words, mumbling nonsense as cum spurted from his cock, covering your hand with the milky liquid. Some of it spilled onto the dark color of his shirt, decorating him with a muffled moan from him. You made sure to milk him of every last drop, watching in awe to how much he came for you; it even surprised him, considering he had came twice in the shower beforehand, and was able to do so again just to the sight and feel of you.
There was a moment on silence as you rested your head against his chest, moving your hands over his, that were still grasping onto your body. You listened to the racing of his heart, hearing his breaths as he calmed himself down to a normal beat once again. “Wow,” was all he said, the exclamation coming out more as a lost breath rather than a word. “That was—wow.”
You let out another chuckle, peeking up at him. “Wanna join me for a shower?” He pursed his lips, feeling his heart speed up once again at the sight of your huge eyes. Did he just take a shower not even a few minutes earlier? Yes. Was he about to reject the chance to see you fully naked? No. “Mark? What’s wrong?”
“Just give me a moment, bro. You kinda just jerked me off right in front of my face.”
“You did not just call me bro after that!” You said with an incredulous voice, your eyes widening. “Do I look like a bro to you, Mark Lee?! Like you said, I just jerked you off!”
“I’m kidding! Calm down!”
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Hello, Old Friend
Requested by: @nuclearpizza84
Word Count: 2449
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x gn!black!mutant!reader
espèce d'imbécile = idiot in french according to google translate
Warnings: swearing, talks of attempted murder, mention of racial slurs
Charles’ POV
“Who’s the next person on our list?” Erik asked as he sat in one of the chairs, propping his feet up on my desk. I pushed his feet off of my desk then picked up the notebook filled with mutants we could possibly recruit.
“Someone by the name of (Y/N) (Y/LN). They live in Atlanta, Georgia, and as of now it doesn't seem as if they have a job."
"(Y/N)? I used to know someone with that name. Do you have a guess as to what their mutation may be?" Erik sat up straighter in the chair. Oh, now he's interested now that this person has the same name as an old friend of his?
"No I don't, but I guess we shall find out soon. If we want to make it there and back before midday tomorrow, we should leave in the next 30 minutes." Erik nodded and stood up, walking towards the door. "What if this person happens to be your old friend?"
"If this is the same (Y/N) as the one I know, they'll need a lot more convincing than us being in the same boat as them. They're quite stubborn in that way." Erik said as he stopped and turned to face me.
"Like you?" I asked as I titled my head to the side slightly. Erik glared at me before exiting the room, not bothering shutting the door behind him. There was definitely something else going on between Erik and his supposed old friend.
Erik's POV
I stepped out of the car, buttoning up my coat as I took in my surroundings. We had taken a taxi to a small town, not too far from Atlanta. There was a corner store across from us, some restaurants down the street, and a combined book/coffee shop. Of course you would run away here. It's the perfect place to escape from your past.
"Well, it certainly is quite lovely here. According to Cerebro, (Y/N) comes here every other week to get some more books for the orphanage across town. Very nice of them." Charles said as he made his way towards the book/coffee shop. I followed him, taking one last look at the street before stepping inside.
One half of the shop was filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves, all marked with whatever genre of book filled the shelves. If we were to walk about a foot forward, we'd be standing directly in front of the white and grey display case. There was a counter attached where the coffee machine sat. The back of other side of the shop was filled with bean bag chairs and pillows, while the front is where the tables and chairs sat.
"Welcome gentlemen, would you like a cup of- Erik?" A voice said as they came from the back. I turned my attention towards the owner of the voice and smiled.
"Hello, (Y/N). How have you been?"
"Wow, he wasn't lying, he actually has friends. I'm impressed." Charles said with a hint of mockery in his tone.
"Erik, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed to never look for each other again." (Y/N) asked as they walked around the counter to stand in front of us.
"Well that was then, and this is now. We need your help." I said. They haven't changed a bit.
"Oh, I've heard that before. You can fuck off Erik, I'm never helping you again." They said as they glared up at me. You always did look cute when you were upset.
"I don't know what the history between the two of you is, but he's not asking for your help. I am. In return I'm offering to help you control your mutation. If we could sit down I could explain everything further." Charles said as he looked between the two of us.
"Mutation? What are you talking about, I don't have any type of mutation. And who even are you?" (Y/N) asked as they finally turned their attention towards Charles, giving him a once over.
"I'm Charles Xavier. You see, the three of us all have a gene- well, a mutated gene- that gives us specific abilities. I'm a telepath, and Erik can control metal."
"You're crazy. The whole time Erik and I worked together, he never showed signs of having any special 'abilities'. Other than being an asshole." (Y/N)'s lips curled into a slight smirk at the insult.
"It's not my fault you kept getting in the way." I said.
"You pushed me off a fucking train, Erik. I think it's safe to say that that wasn't my fault."
"You're the one who wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. I told you to stay in the train and wait for me, but you just couldn't follow directions."
"So you decided that the safest bet was to push me off a moving train?"
"Erik, you're not helping. (Y/N), I understand that you probably don't trust Erik, but you can trust me. If anything goes wrong, I'll take full responsibility. So what do you say?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, looking between the two of us. I was beginning to think that they'd say no and kick us out, but they finally came to a decision. "Fine, I'll help. As long as Erik doesn't double cross me. Again."
Charles looked at me expectedly, making me roll my eyes. Please, we need all the help we can get. Charles communicated to me telepathically. "Fine, I won't double cross you."
"Excellent! (Y/N,) let's take a taxi to your place so you can gather some of your things. On the way, I can tell you all about my research and what exactly it is we're doing here. I'm sure you'll find it all very interesting." Charles said as he led (Y/N) out of the shop.
"You coming, espèce d'imbécile?" (Y/N) asked as they got in the taxi. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and got in the taxi.
(Y/N)'s POV
Charles had spent both taxi rides and most of the plane ride explaining his findings about mutants. To be honest, I didn't understand most of it, but he seemed excited to share this information with someone new, so I wasn't going to stop him. All I knew was that I had another reason for people to call me a freak. Once the plane landed, Charles drove us to his house- excuse me, I mean mansion. "Well shit. You lived here by yourself?" I asked as I got out of the car.
"Well, not entirely. I have a sister named Raven, you'll meet her soon." Charles said as we walked inside. I can't believe I'm in a fucking mansion. If only my parents could see me now.
"Oh good, you're back! Hello there, I'm Raven." The blond girl said as she smiled brightly and ran over to me and gave me a hug. I was shocked for a second, but I quickly hugged her back. Is this usually how people greet each other?
"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. You're Charles' sister, right?" I asked as she pulled away. She nodded and turned to Charles.
"The boys are sitting in the kitchen. Can you take (Y/N)'s stuff to their room while I introduce them to everyone else?" She asked him. He nodded and grabbed my suitcases, walking somewhere down the hall. She then turned to Erik. "Are the two of you getting along well?"
Erik scoffed. "Me and Charles or me and (Y/N)? Because me and Charles are getting along swimmingly, but (Y/N) is being a bit dramatic if you ask me."
"Says the man who spent 30 minutes crying because he lost track of some stupid guy." I shot back quickly. Erik's jaw clenched as he gave me a once over, then walked in the same direction that Charles went.
"Well that was rude of him. Anyway, come on, let's go meet the rest of the boys." She said as she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the kitchen. One boy was standing in front of the sink with a beer in his hand, another one with glasses sitting at the table with a bunch of files in front of him, and a messy brown haired boy digging through the fridge. "Boys, we have a new friend. Introduce yourselves please."
"Alex." The boy with the beer said.
The boy rummaging through the fridge stood up, holding a bottle of water in one hand and waving at me with the other. "I'm Seth."
"I'm Hank, nice to meet you." He gave me an awkward smile.
"(Y/N), nice to meet you all."
"So, what are your special abilities?" Alex asked as he threw the bottle in the trash.
"Anatomy manipulation. You?" They all looked at me like I was crazy. Did I say something wrong?
"A-Anatomy manipulation? That's a pretty violent thing." Hank said as he pushed his glasses to sit correctly on his nose.
"Yeah, it can get pretty ugly. That's why I don't really like to use them. Hurting people isn't really my style."
"I learned that the hard way." Erik's voice came from behind us. I swear this man gets on my fucking nerves.
"Hey Erik. Did you need something?" Raven asked as she turned around to face him. She is definitely interested in him.
"I would like to speak to (Y/N) in my room."
"Why would I go anywhere with you. You gonna try and kill me again or something?"
"I promised not to, remember? Now come with me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room, closing the door behind us and locking it. First of all, that's creepy. Second of all he could've given me a chance to walk without him dragging me along like I'm some child.
"What do you want, Erik?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I want to apologize. For being an ass. And for anything else I might have done that caused you pain. Will you forgive me?" He said. His words were rushed, he stumbled a little and he seemed out of breath. He must not be used to having to apologize for his actions. Typical.
I stared at him for a moment, switching my focus between his eyes before speaking. "Well I'm not going to say that I forgive you, but I'm glad that you decided to apologize. What made you want to do that?"
"Charles helped me see something that I couldn't see before. Although there's something I need to do to prove his theory."
"And what's that? Be nice to everyone for a day? Well good luck with that because the day that you're nice to people is the day that hell freezes over."
"Has anyone ever told you that you make things extremely difficult?" Erik asked as he looked down at you. Why did he have to be so tall?
"No, but then again I've never had to work with someone as stubborn as you."
"Oh I'm the stubborn one? Aren't you the one who refused to leave a bar until the bartender apologized for calling you that horrid word? Then when he finally did mutter out a half assed apology, you still wouldn't leave? Or am I just remembering things incorrectly?" Erik stated, his smile growing bigger at each sentence. I chuckled and shook my head.
"You see, that was different. He called us both slurs, and I wasn't just going to let him get away with that. Plus you know you enjoyed it, you sat there laughing the whole time." I said as I poked him in his chest.
"I always did love the way you would stand up for what you thought was right."
"Oh, so you don't hate me? Well there's a shock. You are full of surprises today, aren't you?"
"Why would I hate you? You're the closest thing to a friend I have at the moment."
"If I'm the closest thing you have to a friend, you seriously need to work on your social skills."
"Yeah, Charles said the same thing. Just a lot more complicated, honestly I stopped listening about a minute in. He tends to take the long way of explaining things."
"I think he's just excited to be with other people. He's been alone in this big house with only one other person to talk to. I'd be happy to be around other people too."
"That's fair. So what have you been up to since the last time we talked?" Erik asked as he sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. I sat down and smiled at him.
"You mean since the last time you tried to kill me? Nothing much really. As you see I moved to Atlanta, and I was working at a coffee/book shop. Sometimes I babysit the owner's kids while she goes away for work, and when I'm not at work, I volunteer at the orphanage. Pretty boring stuff if you ask me. How about you? Still chasing after Shaw?" I ask as I look up at him.
"Of course, he has to pay for what he's done. This is the closest I've gotten to catching him."
"I understand. But what are you gonna do once you finally kill him? Are you gonna move away again?"
"No, I don't think I will. I think I might stay here and help Charles with his plan- even though it sounds utterly insane."
"What plan?"
"He wants to turn this place into a school for people like us- his preferred term is mutant. He wants to help other people in the way that we never had help."
"That's actually very kind of him." Charles does seem like the kind of guy to put others before himself.
"Yeah, I guess. You should stay too, you've always been more of a people person than I."
"Maybe I will. It'd give me more time to annoy the hell out of you." I said as I nudged his shoulder. He chuckled and nudged me back.
"It's getting late, you should head to bed. It's been a long day." Erik said as he helped me off the bed.
"Yeah, I am getting pretty tired. Thanks for the trip down memory lane."
"Any time. Goodnight (Y/N)." He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled and waved as I walked away, in search of my new room. Maybe Erik Lehnsherr does have a heart under all those steel walls after all.
#erik lehnsherr x reader#erik lehnsherr#xmen#gn!reader#black!reader#mutant!reader#charles xavier#x men first class#x men universe#x men fanfiction#slight fluff#erik lehnsherr x black!reader#erik lehnsherr x mutant!reader#lokis-reindeer-games
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Queen live at National Bowl in Milton Keynes, UK - June 5, 1982 (Part-1)














It was originally intended for the band to play this concert at Arsenal Stadium in Highbury, but it was moved to Milton Keynes for the same reason the Leeds show wasn't played at the famed Old Trafford. It's also worth noting that the band wanted to play at London's famous Royal Albert Hall as well, but the plan was never orchestrated as there was much fear that the weight of Queen's lighting rig would make the ceiling cave in. An early tour itinerary listed two London shows (June 4 and 5) on the agenda. The Teardrop Explodes were among the bands (the same line-up as last week in Leeds) who opened for Queen at this show. Their guitarist, Julian Cope, stood before about 40 thousand Queen fans and introduced the next song as being probably the best song they had ever heard, prompting someone near the stage to throw a toilet seat at him, which missed (people are known to bring cameras and certain substances to concerts, but toilet seats?). Lemonade bottles were then thrown at the guitarist which he tossed back into the audience. The complete Queen concert was filmed. A shortened video was shown on UK TV on a show called "The Tube" in January 1983 (omitting Action This Day, the bit of Las Palabras de Amor, Back Chat, Get Down Make Love, part of the guitar solo, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Another One Bites The Dust, and Sheer Heart Attack), and on MTV in the US in August 1983 (the latter was a simulcast, with the audio being broadcast on FM radio in stereo, on the west coast, at least). The video was edited by Gavin Taylor, who was later invited by the band to direct the now famous video at Wembley Stadium in 1986. An even shorter version (about 50 minutes long) of the Milton Keynes video was shown on UK TV in 2001 (and many times since). Both the Milton Keynes and Wembley shows would eventually be released on DVD uncut. The 2004 official release of this show (both on CD and DVD) is called "Queen On Fire: Live At The Bowl". The DVD is a beautiful document of Queen's show at the time, packed full of classic Queen moments. There are also extras from 1982 shows in Vienna and Tokyo. After a great version of Play The Game, Freddie essentially apologizes to the audience for much of the latest album's content: "Now most of you know that we've got some new songs out in the last week. For what it's worth we're gonna do a few songs in the funk/black category, whatever you call it. That doesn't mean we've lost our rock and roll feel, okay? I mean it's only a bloody record. People get so excited about these things! We just wanna try out a few songs. This is Staying Power." For some reason part of the speech was removed for the CD release of "Live At The Bowl." Without a doubt this is his definitive live delivery of the song, pulling off all of the stops. Mercury is at his peak tonight. Somebody To Love has been a vocal adventure of Freddie's for the past couple years. His intro is different every night, as is his solo spot towards the end. The version captured here on film is surely one of his best. Before launching into the familiar piano theme, he asks the audience in a moment for the ages, "Are you ready?" And in excitement, "Huh? Are you ready brothers and sisters?" Part way through his vocal exchange with the audience in Now I'm Here, Freddie says, "C'mon, we're gonna make you sing like Aretha Franklin." At the end of the successful duel, he jokingly says, "Right, you can join the band!" The r&b influence is never more evident than it is here, and it makes for a classic version of the song. Brian breaks a string just before his guitar solo in Dragon Attack. While he switches to a Red Special copy, John Deacon gets to play the bass solo as it's heard on the record - the one and only time he has the chance to do it. It's on the fly, and he nails it note for note. "Las Palabras de Amor" was released as a single a few days ago, and Brian plays a small bit of it on his 12-string acoustic before Love Of My Life. He then mentions how the band won't be playing their "song of peace" tonight, as he calls it. This remains the only show where the Hot Space ballad would be referenced. Brian's guitar briefly cuts out during his solo spot, a moment that was edited out of the 1983 TV broadcasts (and slightly edited on the CD release) but seen uncut on the DVD. Brian's guitar tech is seen rushing on and off stage within seconds, having quickly resolved the issue (it was likely a sticky pickup switch). About half way through Sheer Heart Attack, Brian sneaks in the riff from I Go Crazy an octave up, and much faster, to match the tempo of the energetic News Of The World rocker. The song would be dropped from the set after this show, only to emerge again late in the pending North American tour. This would be Morgan Fisher's last show with the band as the touring keyboardist. A number of theories abound about his departure, including butting heads with Mercury's personal manager Paul Prenter or his apparent fear of flying, but it was simply a case of him moving on to other gigs (Fisher confirmed in a 2009 interview that he has never been afraid of airplanes). The CD and DVD releases would be patched up a bit, most notably in the third verse of Fat Bottomed Girls where Freddie's voice cracked badly on "locality," as well as for "now I'm here, now I'm there." Roger's timing with the guitar delays at the end of May's solo spot was bit off at the show, but this is fixed up as well. The sound quality as a whole is much better than the broadcasts, but there are a couple differences in the mix - some of Brian's backing vocals (particularly at the end of Somebody To Love) can be clearly heard in the broadcast mix but were brought down for the official releases, and compression has been added to Roger's snare drum, giving it a much fatter sound compared to Queen Rock Montreal. Brian May and Roger Taylor are interviewed before the show, as shown on the Bowl DVD and the original TV broadcasts. Brian reveals that he really enjoys playing Play The Game. He explains, "You've done your leaping about, and you've made your statement on your entry. And then you can settle down and start really playing something." Roger says his current favourite is Under Pressure. On the day before this show Freddie's boyfriend at the time had bitten him between his thumb and forefinger during a fight, causing it to bleed profusely and require stitches. On the DVD, Freddie is seen tossing the bandage around just before coming on stage. The sixth picture was submitted by Fabio Minero, and the eighth is from Alessio Rizzitelli. The second set was taken by Brenski.
Fan Stories
“At the time, I was living on the Mull Of Kintyre on the West coast of Scotland. I remember being elated at getting tickets for the last gig of the UK tour. I always tried to get 'last night' tickets, because the band were famous for always going a little more 'over the top' on each of their tour's final nights. So, we drove down from Scotland, which took an eternity with fuel and meal stops, and stayed at the in-law's on the south coast of England. The next day we set for the 'new-town' of Milton Keynes, about 100 miles or so, away. We got there quite early before the gates opened and the weather was unsettled, lightly raining for about five minutes nearly every other hour. The support bands for the day were 'Teardrop Explodes', who had a fairly big hit with a song called 'Reward'. I quite liked Julian Cope and his band, but this WAS a rock gig, and the audience weren't generally as receptive to this brass backed 'new romantic' style of music. The customary sea of lemonade bottles headed towards the stage ensued. Now it was over twenty years ago, and the memory starts to fade a bit after a while, so I'm not sure whether 'Heart' were next on, or 'Joan Jett and the Blackhearts'. Either way, both bands played well, and were most enjoyable. Joan Jett had recently had a very big hit with 'I Love Rock'n'Roll' (very recently covered by Britney Spears), and the crowd loved that one. This was prior to 'Heart' having a major hit in the UK, but they were at that time an established and well known band. Looking at the stage, there were these items that looked like little vehicles hanging from the gantry, we later found out that these were individual self contained lighting platforms with a guy sat in each directing three spotlights wherever they were required to do so. The Queen set itself started with an extended backing tape from the intro of Flash Gordon. Most of you will have seen the video of this gig, so I won't labour on about what they played too much. Only that the crowd, as a whole, weren't into the 'Hot Space' numbers that much. Personally, I was watching my favourite band, so I didn't really care what they played, as long as it was theirs. The bits cut out of the video, included an intro to 'Las Palabras De Amor' from Brian, (just before 'Love Of My Life'), though they never actually played the whole song, Brian announced that they were not doing their song of peace tonight. Brian's two-day guitar solo was edited out, as was 'Fat Bottomed Girls', the intro harmonies on this did come across as pretty iffy, and of all songs, they also edited out 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love', much to my disappointment, as I'd heckled Freddie about his ability as a guitarist, and 'stone me', he only went and answered me. Knebworth '86 was a much better show, but I know I'm lucky enough to have had the honour to be able to compare them.” - Steve_C/Kes
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hyung line: they’re rough with you

request: nope
warning: (hooboy) smutsmutsmut, rough sex, dirty talk, degradation
word count: 2.5k
a/n: should i do the maknae line???
read maknae line here
your boyfriend was always so sweet to you.
whether it was in public or behind closed doors.
he was so doting and treated you like royalty, especially during sex.
it was always about you and your pleasure.
but you knew he was holding back on something.
there would be moments where he’d clench his jaw to prevent himself from saying something, or when you could feel his muscles shake as he attempted to slow down his pace without losing complete control.
he wasn’t very good at hiding it.
so you were ready to give him the little push he needed.
“baby, i’m back! sorry for not telling you, but the guys wanted to go get dinner and my phone died—”
you were the one to tell them to take him out for dinner.
you needed time to get ready.
“in here, Channie.” you called from your bedroom.
he obliged, eager to see his beautiful girlfriend and cover you in kisses after a stressful day.
but he definitely wasn’t ready to walk into the trap you set for him.
his breath was knocked out of him at the sight of you on the plush bed on your knees.
and seeing your legs spread wide was such an inviting sight.
you looked so soft for him—
wearing a pair of milky white lingerie and your favorite fluffy socks that you always wore around the house.
Chan didn’t know where to look.
especially with that little white collar around your neck.
“baby, what’re you doing?”
you blushed at his question, suddenly a little unsure of your decision.
“trying to look pretty for you…”
he smiled with a small chuckle, taking the last few steps to stand in front of you. “you always look pretty for me.”
your chest swelled.
“now i want you to make me look messy.”
Chan’s eyes widened slightly at your tone.
you were pouting like a child and it really did something to him.
he didn’t even notice he was lifting his hand to touch the metal piece of the collar that was cold against your skin.
“want me to make you all messy, pretty baby?”
there was a purr to his voice that sent a chill down your spine.
“mhm, i want you so bad, Channie.”
he tisked as his long fingers danced across the soft skin of your throat.
“that won’t do,” he hummed, looping his finger under the thin leather of the collar. “pretty baby needs to be more polite when addressing me, don’t you?”
he suddenly tugged you closer with a surprising amount of force, your face parallel to his chest.
“yes.” you looked up at him with a barely held whimper. “sorry sir.”
he paused.
it would do.
“that’s my good girl.”
he didn’t waste time—he had been waiting for so long to let loose and not hold back.
though he didn’t want to overwhelm you with the full force of his dominance, he had still brought you to tears of ecstasy.
not to mention your newly discovered strength kink—
Chan’s hands gripped your waist, leaving red marks all over your skin as he pounded into you from behind.
you knew the pillow he had your face pressed into was being soaked with tears and drool, and you could honestly care less.
the only thing you could focus on was the tight grip around your hips and the feeling of Chan’s big cock ripping you apart.
he had thrown your pretty bra off to the side, but kept on your underwear so you could feel the lace dig into your skin as he moved it to the side.
with three quick strikes to your already abused ass, Chan released your hips in order to flip you into your back with very little effort.
the action pulled a whiny moan from your lips.
“d’you like being thrown around?” he groaned, stilling his thrusts for a moment to grab a fistful of your hair. “like it when i beat you up babygirl?”
you cried out as he pushed his cock back into you. “yessir—love it so much sir.”
his breaths were heavy in your ear as he occasionally bit at your neck to leave as many marks as he could.
so there were too many to cover up.
“gonna look so pretty—” he dipped his head down to leave some hickies across your chest. “all bruised up for me.”
another sharp slap came down onto your thigh, pulling a broken moan from you.
“please sir.”
“that’s it, so good.” Chan grunted into your mouth as he lifted back up to attack your lips.
your scalp ached with each long, hard thrust—Chan relishing in each little whimper that you released when he tugged harder and harder.
he couldn’t help but think you looked beautiful with all the little red bruises scattered along your neck and chest, and the wetness of your eyes drove him absolutely crazy.
“you wanna cum for me, baby? come on, time to make daddy’s cock all messy.”
Chan smirked as you cried out as your orgasm hit.
he absolutely couldn’t wait for next time.
you had caught bits and pieces of Minho’s true intentions when the two of you made out and cuddled.
the occasional caress of your neck or hard squeeze of your ass.
and holy shit you’d have to be blind not to see the way his hips moved when he danced.
it was sinful—to put it lightly.
but since your relationship was so new, you hadn’t really had sex.
sure there was oral, but you still hadn’t gone all the way.
mostly due to Minho being a gentleman.
but fuck you wanted to do it.
you had been teased for long enough.
so one day when you found yourself in your boyfriend's lap, his hands holding tightly onto your waist, you decided to push on his buttons just a little.
intentionally, you rolled your hips into his, nipping on his lip.
“watch it babe.” he warned.
you snickered, only dragging your ass harder against him, suppressing a moan by biting down on your lip.
he was growing hard.
“why? what’s wrong?” you teased.
Minho groaned as he felt himself twitch in his jeans. “you’re asking for trouble, babe.”
“maybe i want trouble.”
and you honestly weren’t too surprised when he flipped you over onto the couch, nearly ripping your clothes off your body in the middle of the living room.
and the fact that he was fully clothed over you was enough to have you dripping.
but you had actually yelped in surprise when he pulled his cock out from his jeans and brought it down onto your wet pussy in a quick slap.
“you think you deserve this cock?”
he slapped your pussy once again with his dick.
you whined.
“not so mouthy now huh? what happened to that spark?” he smirked at your neediness, another whine leaving your lips.
“i swear to god, Minho.”
his eyebrows raised in fake surprise.
“oh?” he leaned back, taking a moment to run his hand over his hard dick. “what? gonna say something?”
fucking arrogant prick.
why did you love it so much?
“you might want to be a little sweeter to your boyfriend, baby.” he briefly ran the head of his cock against your hole, only to pull back and continue to stroke himself.
you whined, suddenly feeling boneless.
you resolve was gone.
“please, i want your cock so bad.”
he hummed, pumping his dick in his hand as he contemplated your plea’s.
it was torture.
“well, since you asked so nicely.”
and suddenly his dick was slamming into you with surprising accuracy.
you were hardly ready for it.
“ah, fuck. that’s right, you little brat. my dick can shut you right up.”
“shit, Minho—”
“didn’t i tell you—” he slammed into; hard and fast. “to shut up?”
you could’ve sworn you heard the couch slide against the floor.
but then his hand was clamping down on your throat, and you were grabbing onto his wrist on instinct.
surprisingly, he allowed it, only smirking as you whined and cried beneath him.
“this is what happens when you don’t listen. my little brat gets punished.”
he pounded hard into you as his grip tightened on your delicate throat.
it was heavenly.
and hearing his moans and grunts in response to your whines was so worth the bruises you would have in the morning.
you got louder as your high approached.
“you gonna cum? is my cock gonna get you off?”
you rasped against his hand. “y-yes—yes, please.”
“good, now wait until i say so.”
to say that your boyfriend had an oral fixation, would’ve been an understatement.
Changbin loved your lips.
he could spend hours just running his fingers across them at any time of the day.
but you didn’t exactly know the extent of his love for your lips until you had your mouth around him for the first time.
his fingers were threaded in your hair as he lightly guided you up and down on his cock, his head thrown back against the back of his office chair.
he seemed so stressed—getting ready for the comeback and all.
so you had walked into his office to help him de-stress.
how you ended up on your knees—you didn’t know.
“fuck, sweetheart,” Changbin groaned, running one hand through his hair. “your mouth is so good.”
you hummed around him eagerly, looking up at him through your lashes.
he only moaned louder, gripping your hair tighter.
“yes, so fucking wet and hot.”
Changbin wasn’t usually one for dirty talk, but there was no way he could help it with the way you sucked him so well.
his hips bucked up unintentionally as you took him deeper, his eyes squeezing shut and his cheeks heating in embarrassment.
he was acting like an amateur all because of your mouth.
he was quickly preparing to apologize, the words on the tip of his tongue—
but you took him again with no complaints.
the sight nearly had him cumming then and there.
“shit, that’s so—” but he was cut off by his own moan.
you lifted from his cock with a coy lick to the tip, bringing a groan from his lips.
you briefly ran your hands over his filled out biceps and broad shoulders with a smile.
his reactions had you thinking—
“do you want to fuck my mouth, Binnie?”
his heart nearly stopped.
“can i...?”
you licked your lips.
without a verbal response, you took his dick back into your mouth.
but this time you just let it rest on your tongue, looking up at him with wide, expecting eyes.
he was a little hesitant at first, slowly bucking up into your mouth.
but as you took him with more than enough excitement, he finally let go.
and he wasted no time in fisting your hair with both hands and fucking into your mouth.
he quickly decided that he loved to hear you gag on his cock.
“fuck, yes. such a good little mouth for me.” he panted as he held you down around his dick, listening to you choke, before pulling you off for a second to breathe.
the sight of you all fucked out with tears running down your cheeks and your lips covered in spit was downright deadly.
you felt him twitch against your tongue before he pushed you back down.
in all honestly, he was pushing your limits.
but in the best way.
every time he’d hit your throat you couldn’t help but feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
it wasn’t something you expected to like, that was for sure.
but he fisted your hair even harder and bucked his hips uncontrollably—
he couldn’t for the life of him stop, even if he wanted to.
“fuck, sweetheart, i’m gonna cum.” he felt himself choke on his words.
you squeezed his thighs—a sign Changbin took as a good one.
“fuck, you’re gonna let me cum in that sweet mouth of yours then, huh?” he hummed, lowering one hand to brush the stray hair from your face. “that’s good. you’re so fucking good for me.”
Hyunjin was a true romantic at heart.
he loved you to no end and got needy whenever he was too far away from you.
which meant you were in for lots of cuddles when he came back from his tours.
and for the most part, it wouldn’t go past cuddling.
it would stay innocent.
but other times, he’d be a little more needy.
and he’d end up dry humping you in whatever position you were cuddling in, until the two of you came in your pants.
but that was usually the extent of it.
it was only when their tour had lasted longer than usual that you finally discovered the full extent of his need.
you promised him you’d stay up until he got home—but it was already past midnight and you were so tired.
and his flight was being pushed back another hour.
you really didn’t think you’d fall asleep on the couch.
it was a little uncomfortable, so you figured that would be enough to keep you awake.
but the weight of your eyelids had gotten to be too much.
so when Hyunjin entered your apartment to see you curled up on the couch with only a sweater—his sweater—and a pair of royal blue lace underwear,
he didn’t know whether to coo at how adorable you looked or rip the underwear from your body and devour you then and there.
he figured he could do both.
so, with a soft laugh, he scooped you up into his arms and carefully carried you into the bedroom.
unconsciously, you curled into him.
he bit his lip to hold in his coo’s.
he was still dirty from the travel, but he didn’t care—all he wanted was you.
he really missed you.
you didn’t even remember falling asleep.
and suddenly you were being forced awake by an approaching orgasm.
your eyes peaked open, tears already clouding your vision by the time you figured out what was happening.
Hyunjin was staring up at you from between your legs, his full lips wrapped sinfully around your clit.
you could feel him smirk against you as he noticed you looking.
he pulled away from you with a pop.
“look who’s awake.”
“H-Hyunjin, please—” you whined but you were cut off by him suddenly pushing two of his long fingers into you.
“awe,” he cooed as you moaned at the feeling of his fingers hitting all the right places inside of you. “dumb baby can’t talk because of her boyfriends fingers?”
you whimpered, feeling a tear finally drip down your cheek.
he looked sympathetic as you wiggled against his digits, pumping them slowly into you.
“slutty baby,” he bit into your thigh to pull a cry from your lips. “doesn’t know anything else. just here to be my little fuck toy, isn’t that right?”
you nodded without any coaxing from him, and to say he was very pleased would’ve been an understatement.
“wanna be your toy, Jinnie.”
you tugged on the soft fabric of his shirt, threading the material between your fingers.
his fingers sped up at your words, a low groan rising from his chest as he bit your thigh once again—even harder than the last.
desperation looked good on you.
“baby just wants her Hyunjinnie’s fat cock to fill her up until he cums. doesn’t matter how she feels, as long as she gets her Jinnie off, right?”
“yes please.”
he kissed the mark he left on your thigh before pulling his fingers from your core, relishing in the way you cried at the loss.
he shushed you, sliding his wet fingers against your mouth and smiling at the way it made your lips shine—
though he was taken a bit off guard as you took them into your mouth, licking your own juices from his fingers.
“baby’s more of a whore than i thought.” he hummed as he pushed his sweats down his legs and threw his shirt off to be dealt with in the morning.
your face heated at his words, a small whine leaving your throat.
he chuckled, lowering himself down to press a soft kiss against your slick coated lips.
“don’t worry, little slut.” he whispered against your mouth, slowly pushing his long cock into you. “i’m gonna fuck you dumb.”
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sneaking around // rc
warning; language, familial issues (not super), alludes to sex but nothing graphic, soft rafe!!!!
summary; in which y/n routledge and rafe cameron are sneaking around, and john b gets annoyed with his sister’s secrets
word count; 3.1k+

the year had been a rough one for y/n. her dad disappearing was just as hard on her as it was on john b, but they seemed to deal with it in very different ways. john b threw himself into just about anything he could focus on. any task he found that was time consuming and needed a lot of attention, john b immersed himself in it.
y/n was bit simpler than her younger brother. she buried herself in parties, and boys. though, lately it had been the same boy, every time she needed to take the edge off. she’d labeled herself crazy after their first night together, soon changing the title to clinically insane after it had become a routine.
“i’ll see you later, cameron.” she tugged her shorts back up her hips, doing a small hop to get them up all the way.
she had barely looked for her shirt before the boy still laying across his bed grabbed her wrist and tugged her back down. she fell on the bed in front of him, and he moved on top of her quickly.
he pressed his lips firmly against hers, hands gripping her hips tightly while her arms snaked around his neck slowly. she hummed into the kiss but pressed her hands against his shoulders and pushed him softly off of her. he groaned at the gesture, trying to bury his head in her neck to make any move that would get her to stay longer.
“some of us have to work, rich boy.” he groaned again, rolling over onto his back while she pushed herself off of the bed and up on her feet.
“you always leave early because of the stupid wreck.” y/n rolled her eyes at the statement, knowing rafe didn’t understand how much she needed to work.
“easy for you to say, pretty boy. you’ve never had to wait tables to care for yourself, let alone you and your younger brother.” rafe rolled his eyes but let it go, knowing that she got annoyed when he pressed this issue.
“just wish you didn’t have to run off so soon.” she smile at the comment, but he didn’t catch that with her back towards him.
he propped himself up onto his elbows and watched her look around the room for her shirt for a bit, laughing slightly at the struggle she was enduring. she clicked her tongue and raised her eyebrows at him, testing him silently. he held his hands out slightly, not helping her in the slightest.
she nodded slowly, eyes locked on his closet before she grabbed the door handle and walked inside of it for a moment. she looked through the rack slowly, ignoring rafe’s burning gaze on her bare back. she found an old rolling stones shirt, figuring it would be hard for anyone to prove it was rafe’s, and slid it over her torso.
she tucked the front of the shirt into her jean shorts and stepped into her shoes before leaning over the boy and pressed her lips against his quickly. she pulled back up but he whined and pulled her back down, this time leaving a longer kiss against her lips. she laughed when she pulled back again and grabbed the remainder of her things.
her phone started ringing, just before she got out of the house and it made her groan softly. she shot rafe a look and pressed a finger to her lips in a warning, laughing when he mimicked her actions.
“what’s up booker?” her brother groaned at the use of his middle name, knowing that his sister only did it to bother him.
“where the hell are you? i know you work today, but kie said you’re not at the wreck.” y/n rolled her eyes at her brother’s question and sent a short wave to rafe before reaching for the door knob.
“i’m actually on my way to the wreck.” she jogged down the stairs, knowing nobody else was in the cameron household which was one of the reasons she was there in the first place.
“okay, but you’ve been gone for hours, y/n-”
“did you need something, booker, or did you just call to pull my leg?” she rolled her eyes softly as she made the short walk down the street to where her car was parked, not wanting to risk anyone finding y/n routledge’s car at the cameron estate.
“just worried, y/n. didn’t want you running off on another bender-”
“i’m gonna stop you there. i’m clearly sober as can be, though that’s unfortunate for you since you’re getting on my nerves. i’m going to the wreck now, so if you’d like to drive over and lecture me about my whereabouts, you can do so then.” she got into her car and shut the door a little harder than she would’ve normally given her slight agitation towards her brother.
“did you just get into your car? y/n, where the hell-”
“bye booker!” she ended the call quickly, tossing her phone into the passenger seat before groaning softly and driving off.
when she got to the wreck, her brother and his friends were already gathered around a table, which made her laugh softly though she rolled her eyes at them. kie hopped out of the chair she was sat in and skipped over to y/n with a wide smile.
“where have you been?” her question was the same as her brother’s, though it held a lighter tone to it.
“doesn’t matter-”
“that’s not the shirt you were wearing when you left this morning.” john b pointed out quickly, arms crossed his chest as he leaned back in his chair, an annoyed expression on his face.
“you’re very observant, booker. you should’ve gotten a trophy in school for that. teachers get hard ons for attention to detail.” she pointed her finger at her little brother, though all of his friends were gasping and looking at the older sibling with wide eyes.
“y/n routledge, did you get laid?” john b smacked jj quickly, sending him a harsh glare at the question.
“oh my god, by who?” kie squealed excitedly, almost bouncing on her feet in curiosity.
“i knew she got more action than john b.” john b would’ve hit pope for that one just like he did with jj, but luckily for pope, he was out of arms reach.
“alright, alright, settle down. i have to get to work.” y/n rolled her eyes at the questions jj and kie kept firing off and walked towards the kitchen.
kie followed behind her, being the only one of the group allowed back there anyways. she also knew hat y/n would tell her things that she wouldn’t tell any of the boys.
“so, who’s the mystery guy?” kie smirked at y/n, watching her laugh and roll her eyes while she gathered everything she needed for her shift.
“doesn’t matter, kie.” the girl pushed out her bottom lip and attempted to create puppy dog eyes, but y/n waved her off. “nobody knows, kie, so don’t feel so left out.”
“but i want to know!” the girl whined, which made y/n laugh again.
“it’s top secret.” y/n pressed a finger to her lips and winked at kiara who just groaned out loudly while y/n walked out into the dining room to start waiting tables.
y/n’s shift went as smoothly as it could with her brother and his friends sitting in the dining room. she’d pass by every once in a while, having short conversations with them and leaving every time jj tried to dig about her morning.
they eventually left, which made her shift a bit easier, though it made it less enjoyable. though her brother got on her nerves, she couldn’t help but find the group enjoyable to be around.
when she finally got off, she drove back to the chateau and saw kie’s car parked next to the van, which led her to assume they were all inside of the house. she didn’t mind, though it did make it a little harder to sleep at night with the house packed.
she walked in, hearing loud cheers and claps when she walked through the door. she laughed softly, doing a slow turn and a dramatic bow, which made the group erupt in a chorus of laughter.
“how was work?” she rolled her eyes at the question, knowing none of them actually cared about how her shift went.
“work was fine.” she opened the fridge and groaned at the low amount of beer, knowing jj would be begging her for another case soon. though she wasn’t old enough to buy beer, she had friends that were, given that she was older than the group that sat in her living room.
she grabbed a beer can and popped it open before turning back to the group that had gone quiet. all eyes were on her, which made her smile, feigning innocence as she stared at them with a mock confused look.
“tell us who you were with!” jj yelled, his impatience getting the best of him.
“spill the beans!”
“i want to know!”
“yeah, tell us.” she narrowed her eyes at her brother, not understanding why he was pushing this so hard.
“you want me to tell you, booker? you want me to tell you all the juicy details? who i ran off with and what happened? how many times i’ve jumped into bed with this guy, maybe how it felt when he-”
“okay GROSS!” john b yelled loudly, pressing his hands to his ears when his sister started giving too much information.
“suit yourself, dude i wanna hear it.” jj smirked at y/n, who rolled her eyes before laughing when a pillow collided with his face.
her phone buzzed in her pocket, which she knew meant trouble. she contemplated just ignoring it, knowing that it would cause a scene, but it sounded fun, so she answered it.
“hello?” she smiled at the group looking at her with wide eyes.
“you busy?” she let out a soft laugh at the question, watching the group wait for her to say something as they were practically on the edge of their seats.
“i guess you could call it that.” the scoff echoed through the phone, which made her roll her eyes as a reflex.
“well i’m bored, and i figured i could come pick you up, or-”
“that’s not a good idea.” she laughed gently at the thought of rafe coming to pick her up with the peanut gallery in her living room. “i can come meet you somewhere.”
“who are you meeting?” jj yelled, which made her roll her eyes while the other three all gave him small smacks to the chest or arm.
“ah, the chihuahuas are there.” she rolled her eyes at the name and moved into the living room, passing her beer to john b seeing as she would not be finishing it.
“i mean, you could come by and deal with-”
“no no, that’s not a can i want to open tonight, princess.” she rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at her lips at the nickname.
“alright then i’ll meet you-”
“you’re not going anywhere.”
“booker, you can’t stop me from getting into my car and driving somewhere on my own time. i’m two years older than you and-”
“and you’re running off with a stranger!” she let out a loud groan, almost forgetting there were more people in the room and one on the phone.
“he’s not a stranger! god, you’re so fucking dramatic. i’ve been doing this for months, so get your head out of your ass-”
“MONTHS?” john b pushed himself off of the couch and stood in front of his sister, arms stretched out by his sides as he stared at her in anger laced with shock.
“yes, months. we seem to cope with our pain in different ways.” he rolled his eyes, the anger in his chest only building.
“if dad was here-”
“but he’s not! that’s the thing, john, dad isn’t here! he hasn’t been here for months, and i know that fucking sucks for you as much as it does for me, but if you haven’t noticed, you’re not here either. you’re always out on the boat or drowning yourself in anything that takes your full attention and while that’s fine and it works for you, it leaves me in the fucking dark. so i’m sorry that you’re mad that i’ve been seeing someone behind your back, but i have to find a way to not dive off the deep end.”
everyone in the room stared at her, shocked that she had popped off like that. for the most part, she was cool calm and collected. y/n routledge was always the girl that seemed to have her shit together, and when she didn’t she made sure she broke down behind closed doors.
for that moment, she had lost track of what was going on, along with the fact that there were people staring at her and the last person she wanted to hear any of this on the other side of the phone. she cursed under her breath, remembering that rafe was on the phone, and that kie, jj and pope were staring at the siblings that were just previously arguing.
though it didn’t mean much to anyone else, john b had froze the second she called him john. she hadn’t done that in years. it was always booker, or b, or JB, or quite realistically anything under the sun that wasn’t just ‘john’.
“i uh, shit y/n, i didn’t know-”
“i know you didn’t know, booker.” she rolled her eyes and turned back around, taking a few steps towards the counter to grab her keys. “if i wanted you to know, i would’ve told you.”
“so you would’ve just gone off the deep end without saying anything? you would’ve drowned yourself in your shitty coping mechanisms?”
she stood in front of the door, eyes shut gently as she held the still silent phone to her ear. she was breathing through her nose, but her chest was rising and falling heavily.
“i’m fine, booker. don’t wait up.” she kicked the door open, letting it shut behind her on its own.
she made it all the way to her car before she let out a loud groan and looked at the phone, half wishing that he had hung up a long time ago, but of course he hadn’t.
“sorry about that. guess that’s kind of a mood killer.” she mumbled softly into the phone, any thought of having sex completely wiped from her mind.
“who said there had to be a mood?” she smiled softly, leaning her head back against the seat for a moment before turning on her car.
“the usual spot?”
it didn’t take long for her to get there, but she got there first, which was strange. it was a spot right along the line that separated the cut and figure eight. the drive was almost even for both of them, though rafe’s driving usually got him there almost ten minutes before y/n every time.
it was strange, to be there before him, but it was slightly soothing to be there by herself for a moment. though, that moment didn’t last very long. soon after she had propped herself on the hood of her car, the area in front of her lit up from the headlights that pulled in next to her.
she looked over her shoulder, smiling brightly at the boy that stepped out of the truck. he smiled brightly at her and held up a bag in one hand and a cup in the other.
“what is that, cameron?” she pushed herself off of her hood and stood on the ground, watching the boy walk around his car to stand in front of her.
“it’s a box of sugar cookies from that bakery you like over on figure eight, and a white mocha, because i figured you’d have a headache after screaming at your brother.” she rolled her eyes at his last comment, which made him laugh softly, though she soon came back to smiling widely at the boy.
“you know, pretty boy, if i didn’t know any better i’d say you have a thing for a pogue.” he rolled his eyes, given that she always teased the kook king about falling for a pogue.
“just take your cookies and kiss me.” she stood on her toes soon after, wrapping her arms around the boy’s neck and pressing her lips into his.
both of them smiled against each other, though the kiss didn’t last as long as they wanted it to. y/n stood flat on her feet and thanked rafe before taking the cookies and the coffee from him. she shot him a confused look when he made a noise and ran back to his truck.
he opened the passenger side door and leaned into the truck, moving things around before pulling back and shutting the door. he held up a hoodie that she used to joke about stealing all the time.
she gasped softly, jumping softly in place at the sight, which made a laugh bubble from rafe’s throat. y/n put the bag and cup on the hood of her car, being careful to not knock the coffee over when she reached for the hoodie and pulled it over her head.
the familiar scent washed over her and she hummed softly before wrapping her arms around rafe’s abdomen and buried her face in his chest. he laughed softly but wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“i’m sorry you got into a fight with your brother, and i’m really sorry about what the fight was about. i’m sorry if i’m driving a wedge between-”
“don’t even say it.” she whispered softly while shaking her head. “you’re not doing anything wrong, rafe. you’re the only thing that has kept me from spiraling.” she looked up at the boy, her chin pressed to his chest.
“i’m just sorry you feel like that. i know you two used to be closer than anyone else on this entire island and this whole thing with your dad, i don’t know i wish i could help you.” she shook her head softly with a bright smile.
“you do help me.” she whispered softly, lifting herself onto her toes to press her lips against his.
he moved his hands to hold either side of her face, holding her lips against his for a moment before letting her stand flat on her feet again.
“let’s eat cookies.”
#rafe cameron#rafe x reader#rafe#cameron#sarah cameron#the outer banks#outer banks#outer banks netflix#obx#the obx#john b#john b routledge#jj x reader#jj maybank#jj#kie#kiara carrera#pope heyward#pope#drew starkey#chase stokes#rudy pankow
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Warning: Slight angst
Yes, you officially hated Bakugou Katsuki, the man who gave you a promotion, only to make you deal with his nonsense even more. Yep, you did get paid more than before but honestly, no amount of money can amount to the level of pain this man puts you through. Yes, for once, you are not complaining about the piles of paperwork (which surprisingly is less than before). In fact, paperwork was the easiest part of the job. What drove you crazy was dealing with his PR team.
As his assistant, it was your job to make sure that he stayed out of trouble from the media and oh boy, this man was always a pinch close to having a scandal every single day. You wondered how the hell did he even manage to do that? You, in time, realized that this time bomb of a man lived in his own little world where he was the king of everything and everyone (much like his old hero name, king explosion murder, as you found out from an interview with Pro hero Shouto) and he aimed to do whatever he pleased. By whatever, you meant, yelling at random civilians, blasting off reporters if they asked him too much questions, and not to mention, the number of women who claims to have slept with him on social media. Well, he did sleep with them but that was not something good for a Pro Hero’s reputation.
Yep, this man did whatever the hell he wanted to and guess who had to face the consequences of his actions? You. Hell, this man just did not listen! You honestly felt bad about yelling at him about his actions since he decided to just hand the job over to you, when you were clearly not qualified enough. Which is why, you decided to take a different approach towards the entire situation.
You had noticed that there was a small group of people that Bakugou trusted (surprisingly) and while they were near Bakugou since high school, you decided that you needed to earn his respect to exactly that level. Which is why, you planned to ask the grumpy pro hero to have lunch with you every day. Of course, your home cooked meals were far better than the ones sold at the cafeteria. There was no way that he could refuse good food.
“You didn’t season the meat properly and the curry isn’t spicy enough”, he said. ‘Would I lose my job if I punch him right now?’ you wondered. “Well, why don’t you cook me something better then?” you asked instead, not being able to control the glare that came with it. “As if I’m gonna waste my time on something as stupid as that.” He scoffed, drinking his water. “I thought so.” You answered with a victorious smile. That means he surely can’t cook as good as you right? His opinion on your cooking totally didn’t matter in that case. “Hah? Are you fucking challenging me? I’ll show you how cooking is done!” he growled at you, making you chuckle at his outburst.
Yep, you were now gobbling down the food of the extra bento he brought from home. Seems like his cooking was as good as his critiquing. He was at the Gordon Ramsey level. “Now that’s what you call good food.” He commented cockily as he looked at you eating like you were starved for a month. “THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONLY THING I AM GOOD AT!” you exclaimed. “Well, I’m the best at everything!” he announced cockily. “Well, not dealing with people and the media apparently” you grinned at him. “As if those extras even matter.” Bakugou scoffed as he ate his own food.
“Well, why don’t you bring your own food? The cafeteria food sucks ass compared to, well, this gourmet level shit….” You mumbled, stuffing your face with rice. “Tch... Don’t talk with your mouth full, dumbass. And, it’s not like I have the time to cook my fucking lunch. My patrols start at 5 am remember?” Bakugou grumbled, before sticking his chopstick in his mouth. “You really do overwork yourself, Bakugou-san…” you sighed before an idea, or as you liked calling this last minute obviously stupid idea as ‘plan B’, struck your head. “Why don’t you teach me how to cook?” you asked him, looking clearly excited.
You were surprised that you were able to pull that obviously ridiculous plan off. “No!” he answered immediately back then, looking at you as if you just asked him to jump off a roof (though you do agree that asking him to teach you how to cook probably was very close to that). After making your infamous puppy eyes (which never worked but surprisingly did this time) and reminding him about that one time you got completely overworked due to him not noticing that his assistant was not working, he actually agreed to teach you, despite his complains about you being a ‘sneaky bastard’. Which is why, you were now waiting patiently for him to give you a video call, right after work, to teach you how to ‘at least know how to season food like a normal person’.
When he cut the call, you expected to lose your job and never see him again. “Well, maybe it’s not gonna be that bad right?” you wondered. What you did not expect was for him to show up at your apartment within 10 minutes. “How the fuck did you know my address?” was the first thing out of your mouth. “Your resume, dimwit. The bigger question is, how the fuck do you live here?” he asks, looking around at your studio apartment, that was way too small for someone as big as him. “Well, I’m not as big as a fucking tower, am I?” you grumbled, letting him enter the place. “Heh, you’re right about me being as big as a tower, geddit?” Bakugou gave you a smug grin, making you blush furiously. “Oh, shut the fuck up! What the hell are you doing here in the first place?” you asked, trying to hide your blush.
You wondered how the hell this asshole made you blush every single minute as he taunted your shitty chopping board skills, while moving around in the tiny kitchen (which seemed even tinier now), barely having any personal space between the two of you. “I’m gonna show up after work tomorrow too. I can’t teach your clumsy ass in one day…” Bakugou sighed as he wiped his sweaty forehead. “Sure” you answered, glad that the rather handsome man was finally going to leave and you could think about your unexpected feelings more properly.
On the other hand, the angry blond, while he was terribly good at hiding his emotions, couldn’t help but feel a certain way towards his new assistant. It started with seeing you frantically trying to deal with his PR team, juggling his paperwork at the same time, and being so obviously done with his shit, and yet, being nice to him for God knows what reason. It all made him want to make you lose your shit, get angry and demand him to get in line. Hell, you’d probably look hot when you’re angry. The fact that he was completely right was proved when you yelled at him through your phone, since it was just a video call between two acquaintances, instead of him being your boss. He couldn’t help but show up at your house after that, only to have that weird feeling intensify as he saw you being clumsy as hell in that tiny ass apartment. Hell, he might end up buying you a bigger apartment at this rate.
The next day turned into a week and then, a month. Every day, Bakugou would say that he’s not done with teaching you and that he would come back the next day, only to teach you some random very difficult French cooking technique, hoping it was a French ‘something else’. You started spending more time with the grumpy hero at lunch break as you cooked him a decent lunch every day, only to have him grumble about how ‘it could be better’ and yet find no excuse on how it isn’t already perfect. You never argued about it either as it would result in one more day of cooking lessons.
You hated Bakugou Katsuki as he still lived as if he owned this world. You hated that his crazy fangirls would throw themselves at him and he would relish in that. You hated that you had to deal with his PR team thanks to his fuckboy ways, when you clearly hated seeing him with those snobby fangirls. You hated Bakugou Katsuki because you love him, because everybody loves him.
Taglist: @bonbonthedragon @the2ndl
#bakugou katsuki#bnha bakugou#bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader#bakugo fluff#bnha#bnha fanfiction#bnha x reader#bakugo katsuki#bakugou × reader
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