#actually if they reveal that she is in fact NOT getting a skin i may be ok about it
anonymocha · 6 months
for 1.8 i am manifesting Kaalaa Baunaa, Eternity, or Baby Blue garments please come to me please please plea
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venjras · 1 month
not my usual cup of tea but here we are. sfw, mention of cheating,
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his gaze was always on you. whenever you were in the same room, even from opposite sides, his attentive eyes did not miss even the smallest of your movements.
funny considering the fact that he had a girlfriend. you had met him when they were already a couple, you had heard from megumi that they weren’t going to last long. opposite characters, in the worst possible combination ever, the only great thing was sex and as an answer that was already enough. probably the pressure from the parents had something to do with it too, hers was a powerful family that would benefit their business immensely. since one day it would become his.
anyway, now you were at the fushiguro house, you were there for a group assignment, the house was empty except for you and that raven head immersed in books. a small snort escaped your lips, continuing to write down the results of the research you two had taken the last two hours. you were sure that your head would end up exploding keeping up like this.
“toruuuuu, i don’t want to stay here. let’s go home, my parents are waiting us for dinner.” fuck, no. that high-pitched voice was capable of piercing your eardrums like nothing. a roll of eyes and the kitchen door swinging open revealing their figures behind it. gojo and his bimbo girlfriend who was clinging to his arm, almost as if she were an extension of him and depended on it to survive. now the idea of ​​going back to your house was even more inviting. he went to ruffle his younger cousin’s hair, who muttered something inaudible in response. “you’re such a nerd, at this rate you’ll become a book yourself.” he added with a laugh, then pointed his gaze at you from under the thick sunglasses he always wore. time to realize it and the girl was already pulling him by the arm, muttering as if she were a child extremely in need of attention.
breathe, breathe, breathe.
“do you still keep the chemistry book in your room? we might need it for a more in-depth study of the last part.” you don’t even bother waiting for an answer, leaving the room, which had become too narrow by now, and heading upstairs. running away was your only chance, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten out alive. there was something that was digging under your skin every time you met them, you still had to figure out what, but when you thought you were getting the solution it was as if your mind refused to process it. now you were safe, in megumi’s room looking for a book that you remembered perfectly well that he had forgotten at school, the perfect excuse to waste more time looking for it.
“running away won’t get you anywhere, you know that right sweetheart?” the deep voice echoed in your ears, hitting straight to your head. straightening your back and continuing to search on the desk, moving various papers. “it will definitely take me away from the beautiful voice of your girlfriend who, in my personal opinion, isn’t particularly pleasant.” the answer was immediate, spontaneous, perhaps too much so. seeing out of the corner of your eyes that a sly smile was making its way onto his lips. “actually, if you allow me, I’d go down and save gumi before his eardrums shatter in a million pieces.”
you go to the door but his figure doesn’t move, taking up the entire frame and preventing you from passing. now you were face to face, the perfect moment to realize how he had abandoned his glasses and now his crystalline eyes were fixed on you only. bad, bad idea. you try to pass through the small gap on the right but he promptly covers it with his long torso, making your eyebrows gather. “may i?” you move closer but nothing, he doesn’t show any signs of moving back, on the contrary. he crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking at you amused. “and what if i don’t want to?” he tilted his head to the side, clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. you could do nothing but sigh, placing a hand on his chest, trying to move him but instead feeling only the mass of muscles stiffen. marble, that's what it could be compared to. this must have been the result of who knows how much training.
hold your thoughts, hold your thoughts.
“i want a kiss.” he said it so calmly that you almost had a fit, you must have heard wrong and your expression clearly betrayed your confusion. you saw him lower himself to your height, remaining just a few centimeters from your face, you felt his breath on your cheek. “i want a really nice kiss and after that i’ll move." this time the words reached your ears clearly, there was no possible misunderstanding.
and everything happened too quickly to even realize. his breathing getting closer and closer, the bodies that seemed to attract each other like magnets, he finally detached from the doorframe and obviously you saw an opportunity and took it. you took advantage and moved him enough to have a space to pass, exiting the room and with your foot on the first step. “you can do much better than that, toru.” you said that name purposely with the cadence of his girlfriend, shooting him a wink and rejoining the two in the living room.
the cheating trope had never been your favorite anyway.
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maybe i’ll do a part two, i don’t know yet.
©️ venjras.
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
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It’s not what you know, it’s who you know -
Hello lovelies! So this is my first “Reader POV” story. And my first Alexia Putellas story. But you can find me on ao3! Muffinpink02 With my other stories.
Summary - Your best friend has invited you to be a plus one for an award show for women’s sports. You don’t have a clue about sport, so when a certain blonde comes and flirts with you, you can’t help but flirt back. But can she keep your attention?
Sorry if I haven’t posted this right, first time on here.
Warnings : SMUT, 18+ fingering, strap, orgasm denial, cunnilingus, restraint and more. 12k +words
You were running late as usual.
Well, it was only by 5 minutes, not too late for your standard, but you knew Daisy would already know that. You were always late. It wasn’t like she cared, she was your best friend, she might tease you about your horrendous time keeping but she loved you, she wouldn’t hold it against you.
Finally, you arrived at your guys favourite pub. You hurried in to see your childhood best friend sitting by the window, drinking her classic red, and what looked like your go to choice of drink sitting on a beer mat in front of her. You smiled as you approached her, it had been a month since you last saw each other. She’d been soo busy with work lately, you was aware she was working on something big with her current clients, you wasn’t sure on who they were but it was some kind of trophy. Or was it a statue?
“Daisy!” You shouted.
She looked up from her phone, a huge smile on her face. “Well, well. Look who’s nearly on time, this is early for you!” Daisy laughed as she grabbed you in for a hug.
“Don’t jinx it!” You laughed as you sat down. You grabbed the drink in front of you. “Ahh you’re an angel. Thank you, D.”
“You’re welcome. So, tell me how’s life? What have I missed?”
You caught up on everything, you finally learned that it was an award that Daisy had been working on, something to do with women’s sport, football to be precise. You could tell from the way she spoke about it that she was excited and proud of herself, and you loved to see it, you were always her biggest cheerleader.
“So it’s being awarded next week, and I get to bring a plus one.” She eyed you up excitedly.
“I’m there. What’s the dress code?” You asked.
“Yay! Brilliant! So it’s fancy but not fancy there will be free drinks, food and a lot of fit athletes. Definitely ones you would love.”
“Sorry? Am I just a big old tart? I’m there to support you…but I mean if there will be fit girls then it’s a win, win.” You smiled at her playfully.
Daisy rolled her eyes and laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Ohh and a car will pick us up, so come to mine before and we can have some pre drinks.”
“Perfect. Tell me a time and I’ll be there. And I’ll be on time. I promise.” You winked.
You indeed kept your promise. It may have been the first time ever in your grown up life that you were actually on time, 6 minutes early in fact. You knocked on Daisy’s door and of course the pure shock on her face was worth it.
“No. You’re on time? You’re early? What?” She opened her door wider to let you in.
You walked in, a smug smile on your face. “Yeah, but don’t get used to it.”
Daisy laughed as she followed you into the kitchen, grabbing you both drinks for tonight.
“I love what you’re wearing, D.”
She poured you both Prosecco, handing you your glass. “Thank you. I normally hate dressing up like this but I actually like this dress. Let me see yours in person, it looked so nice in the picture.”
You took your jacket off, revealing a simple but chic, black cami mini dress, that showed off your curves just perfectly. The chest was low-cut, displaying a healthy amount of your breast, but not enough for it to look tacky. It had an open slit to the side of your thigh, exposing some skin, but enough to look sexy. And if you were going to toot your own horn, yeah, you would say you looked good tonight.
“Yes. I love this! I won’t be surprised if you get one of the athletes trying to talk to you. You look fucking hot!” Daisy smiled.
“Pshh I wish. But here’s hoping.” You raised your glass as you took sip. “Anyways, I’m there for you, not the girls.”
In all honesty, you wasn’t too sure on what tonight was about, you knew the award was made by Daisy but you didn’t know what it was for exactly. Well that was a lie, you knew it was for women’s sports and their achievements, but that was about it. You didn’t know what sport it was for, well again you knew Daisy’s award was for football. Was there other sports there? Maybe? You just knew Daisy was there and a woman footballer was receiving it. For her achievements? Yeah, that’s sounds right. Either way you were there to support her, and that was something you knew you could do.
The car arrived, Daisy explained there would be a few faces you might recognise, well, not the sport faces, because you had no clue when it came to sport. You didn’t watch it, you didn’t know about it, you wasn’t into it. It just wasn’t your thing. The car pulled up to the event, there was loads of people walking into a fancy looking building, paparazzi was outside taking pictures of who you assumed was the star athletes.
You and Daisy walked quickly through the crowd, she wasn’t one for pictures and fuss. Even if this was one of her biggest events she had worked on, she didn’t care for it. You both had your VIP lanyards around your neck, the bouncers allowed you entry into the main area. You both got a drink and spoke to some of Daisys colleagues, some you had even met before.
Daisy was being pulled from pillar to post, you didn’t realise just how important the award was. The footballer who was receiving it must have been a big deal as her name was constantly being mentioned. Journalist was asking Daisy ‘how she felt about tonight?’ And ‘how she designed the award?’ ‘what her inspiration was for it?’ You loved watching her finally being recognised for her talent but it did mean you were left a lot, not that you minded. You walked around the room looking at displays of other awards, and the displays of other athletes that was being awarded.
As much as you tried your best to look interested, you had to have a quick glance at your phone, you know, you could be getting an important email from work. You scrolled over your insta feed, but that was just as boring, but a video of a cat playing the piano caught your attention. You didn’t feel the presence of person next you until she spoke.
“You look as bored as I feel.”
You jumped slightly at the new voice in your ear, you looked up to see a blonde woman now standing next you, she was looking at the award you had been standing next to for the better half of ten minutes.
She continued. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” That’s when you noticed a thick Spanish accent on her.
“No, you’re okay. I was just looking at work emails.”
That’s when you really looked at the stranger, she had beautiful hazel eyes, her dark eye shadow making them pop. Her smile was painted red, with full lips. She was wearing a black fitted suit, with a low cut travelling down her chest making it look like she had nothing on underneath. Her blonde hair was parted and down. She was just a bit taller than you, making you look up at her. Basically she was fit as fuck.
“Ahh sí, work emails.”
A mischievous smile spread across her face telling you she knew you wasn’t looking at no work email. She probably saw how engulfed you were at the stupid cat video. She glanced over you quickly, making you almost feel like you were revealing a body part that you didn’t know was out.
“Are you here for work?” She asked.
“Oh, erm no, I’m here with a friend.”
Her eyebrows raised, she took a quick glance around the room. “A friend? Why are they not with you?”
“She’s working, I’m here for support. Her cheerleader on the sideline.” You smiled.
“Ahh, I see. A cheerleader, where are your, how do you say? Pom poms?” She smiled playfully at you.
“Left them at home, didn’t want to upstage her.” You smiled back, taking a drink from your glass.
She laughed at your joke, the sound of her laugh made your stomach flutter.
“It’s a shame, I think it would have made tonight a bit more fun, no?” Her smile was playful as she winked at you.
You had only been talking no more than 5 minutes and you wanted to know everything about this woman. She took a sip from her own glass, taking a confident look down your body, her eyes lingering at your chest, but unlike a man it didn’t feel creepy. It was definitely wanted. You felt your cheeks burning up at the intense way she looked over you. It almost felt like she was undressing you with her hazel eyes.
Before you did willingly undress for the gorgeous women in front of you, you thought you should at least ask a question.
“Are you here for work?”
She smiled, she took another glance over you then around the room. “Sí, for work. But I got distracted.” This time her hazel eyes lingered on your mouth.
Did it send a cold shiver up your now hot body? Yes. But she didn’t need to know that.
“Hmm, you’re not very good at your job if you can be so easily distracted.” You said teasingly. You did your own eyeing up this time, you let your eyes roam her neck line that went down her chest. Her suit made her look powerful and in charge of any situation she was in. And by the looks on her face she was more than happy.
“Hmm, I don’t normally get distracted. But sometimes it’s hard not to be. Especially when I have someone like you I can talk to.”
This woman was oozing confidence, it was almost intimidating, but the playful smile on her face made you want to kiss it off.
“So, you could say I’ve already made your night more fun? Since you were soo bored.”
She laughed again. God, that sexy laugh of hers was so captivating. She stepped a little closer into your space. “Sí, I’m definitely enjoying myself now.”
Fuck, she was honestly the most gorgeous woman you had ever laid your eyes on. She took another glance over your body for good measure. You could have sworn your saw her pupils grow.
You was about to ask for her name, but another women’s voice came in to pop your bubble.
“Ale, et necessiten per a una entrevista ràpida.”
Your GCSE Spanish wasn’t able to translate what she said.
“Estic venint.” The blonde smiled at her Spanish friend. You didn’t think she could be any sexier until you heard her speak in her mother tongue. She looked at you, clearly seeing your confused but turned on expression.
“I have to go, you’ll be at the after party sí?”
You felt giddy, the women clearly wanted to know you as much as you did her.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Might bring my pompoms.” You winked.
Her head tilted back as she laughed. “I can’t wait. Adéu, nena bonica.” She looked over you once more as she walked away with the other Spanish lady. You watched them walk out of them room, into the unknown.
You wasn’t sure what she said but you definitely liked it. You suddenly felt sad at the loss of the mystery woman. You looked around the room for Daisy, she was already looking at you from across the room, a massive smile on her face. She waved for you to come over.
You made your trip over to her, the smile on her face only got wider. You spoke before she could. “Sorry, got completely distracted. How’s it all going?”
Daisy looked at you, a weird expression on her face. “No, you’re good, was you having fun with your new friend?” She looked giddy.
“Erm, yeah I mean she was fucking hot. Did you see her?”
“Yeah, I saw. I didn’t want to interrupt.” She smiled, but her smile was weird. “Did you get her name?”
“No. I think her friend said it, but it was quick Spanish. Are we going to the drinks after?” You asked.
Daisy laughed, almost in disbelief. What was so funny?
“Yeah, we are. Did your friend ask if you were going?”
You smiled, almost bashful. “She did, but I’m here for you, an-“
Daisy put her hand up to your face, stopping you mid sentence. “Please understand I would never get in the way of you having a good time.” She chuckled. “I’ve watched you turn down plenty of girls on our nights out, just because it was our girls night.” She stopped to take a drink from her own glass. “Please don’t worry about me, have fun and don’t miss the opportunity with your new…friend.”
You smiled, you loved your friendship with Daisy it really was rare to have someone like her in your life.
“Thanks, D. Anyways, tell me the goss, whats happening?”
About 40 minutes later you sat down for the award show, you were next to Daisy, only two rows away from the front. She was right about seeing faces you recognised from the telly, but you had only been looking for one face in particular. You had seen her just before taking your seats, she had her Spanish friend following her around, that now come to think of it looked more like an assistant. And you would know, it was also your job.
The lights dimmed and a brunette woman came on stage, you assumed she was an athlete from her body alone. The voice over then came into action.
Voice over - Please welcome your host tonight, England’s Lioness, Lucy Bronze.
The whole room clapped and cheered, she must have been someone big, you knew the lionesses were for women’s football, and maybe if you thought hard enough you had seen Lucy Bronze in the news when they won the…..World cup? Or was it Championship? It was something big.
Awards were passed out and speeches were made. They showed clips of women and girls in different sports, and the challenges they faced around the world just to play sport. It made you realise how little you knew about the topic as a whole and women in sports, it actually made you a little embarrassed.
It was near the end of the show, Lucy came back on stage. “This next award is dedicated to one of the biggest names, in not only women’s football but footballs itself. She even rivals myself with her long list of achievements.” The audience laughed at that. “Please can you give a hand to my friend and my capitana, Alexia Putellas.”
You nudged Daisy. “This is your award!” You clapped even louder, she smiled at you, but once again her smile was weird, maybe she was excited? Or nervous? You clapped and watched the screen begin to play, like it did for each winer of the night, showing a short film of their story in their sport. It was actually a lot more interesting than you would have thought.
The short film started with a ball at a pair of legs, the ball was kicked straight into the back of a goal net, then it panned back to the women who kicked it. Your jaw opened comically, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
You felt Daisy laughing quietly next to you, you looked over at her, shock clear on your face. Was this a joke? You had been flirting with one of the greatest women’s football players? And she was flirting with you?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered harshly.
Daisy laughed even harder, you looked back at the screen, even though you wanted answers, you wanted to watch the movie of the women who had been eye fucking you. And once again you was impressed, the women had done so much in her career.
When the film was over, Lucy walked back to the podium, Daisy’s award now in front of her. Even though she mugged you off and didn’t tell you about Alexia you grabbed her hand and smiled at her, you were so proud of your best friend and her work.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Alexia Putellas.” The audience clapped louder than before. That’s when you saw her, she walked on stage, she hugged Lucy for a few seconds. She picked up her award and smiled.
“Thank you, thank you everyone. This award means a lot to me. It’s not just myself that wins this but all the women in my life that have helped me get to where I am today. So this is for them, thank you for being in my corner and being my cheerleader. Gràcies, thank you.”
You couldn’t stop the stupid smile on your face, did she really just say that? Maybe you were over thinking it, maybe she had already planned to say it and it was just coincidence? Maybe.
The audience clapped and whistled, including yourself. You grabbed Daisy for a hug, her art now belonged to one of the greatest football players in women’s football. Pshh, look at you, already learning a thing or two.
The awards came to an end, you and Daisy made your way to the other room for the after party. It was a bar with a dance floor, but it was dark like a night club, but still had an alogant bar vibe to it. You made your way to a table, as more people started to make their way in.
You sat down, Daisy was standing. “I’ll grab drinks, the usual?”
You smiled up at her. “Please, D.”
She walked over to the bar that was already busy, you looked around the room, trying to not make it too obvious but you were looking for a certain Spaniard. After a few minutes of looking you glanced over your phone, you looked on insta to see if your new friend had an account, your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw she had 3.3 million followers. You really had to get into the world of women’s sport a bit more.
You scrolled looking at her posts, you may have lingered on one or two bikini posts, until someone sat across from you.
“Now, tell me why a pretty girl like you is sitting here all alone and not on the dance floor.” Her Irish accent was clear as day. She had a cheeky face. Like Alexia, her eyes roamed over your body, her eyes were full of mischief. Alexia’s eyes undressed you slowly, but these eyes were fucking you hard from behind, not that you minded.
“I’m waiting for my friend to come back. So no dancing for me.” You smiled. She wasn’t rude or annoying but for some reason you didn’t want Alexia to see you speaking with her. Or maybe you did?
“Oh, she won’t mind if I keep her seat warm for her then.” This girl was very cheeky, you would have loved it any other night, a girl like her would be easily going home with you, but you wasn’t going to full into her charm. She continued.
“I’m guessing you’re not here for the sports, I would definitely remember your face.”
You laughed. “No, not here for the sports, I’m supporting my friend.”
She nodded as she drank her bottle of beer. “Right, gotcha, gotcha.”
“Are you here for the sports?” You asked.
The Irish girl chuckled while she wiped her nose. “I am here for the sport, yeah. I’m a footballer, I play for Arsenal.”
Another football player? Was you their type or something?
“Ohh, sorry. I’m so bad with sports, I don’t have a clue who anyone is.”
She really laughed at that, taking another drink of her beer. “That’s no bother. Are you having a good time? These tings can be awfully boring.”
“I am, it’s not been too bad, meeting new people is always fun.”
She looked at you then, like Alexia she was confident but the mischievousness gave her a cockiness to her, in a sexy way, and if it wasn’t for your new friend you would fall right into her Irish charm, but the Spanish had got a hard hold of your attention.
“Yeah, well I’m having more fun now I’m talking to you.” She smirked at you.
But before you could say anything else a hand landed on your shoulder. You both looked up to see the star of the show.
“Hola, noia bonica. Where are your pom-poms?” She smiled down at you, once again her smile making your insides do somersaults.
You laughed out loud. “Sorry, I must have left them again.” She smiled at the sound of your laugh. She looked over at the Irish girl, who was watching the two of you interact.
“Sorry, I’m not interrupting anything am I? It’s Katie, isn’t it?” The Spaniard smiled down at the girl across from you, you could see the challenge in Alexia’s eyes, waiting for her to say otherwise.
“Yeah, Katie, that’s right. No, you’re grand. Was just getting to know your friend here. She was sat all alone, you don’t want that now, do ya?” She stood up. “But you’re here now. So I’ll let you get back to it.”
“Okay, it was nice to meet you, Katie.” The Spaniard smiled.
“And you Alexia, but it was really nice to meet you.” Katie nodded her head towards you. “Hopefully I can talk to you a little more later.” She smirked at you. “I can’t help it when I see a pretty girl, ya see.” She smirked at Alexia this time, almost like a warning. You felt like you were in the middle of an old western stand off between two cow girls. Was it hot? Fuck yeah! Two gorgeous girls fighting over you, what could be better than that?
You felt the hand on your shoulder tighten slightly. You heard Alexia hum, and smile politely but you could tell from her eyes she wasn’t really smiling. The Irish girl walked away, she winked at you before she disappeared into the crowd. You exhaled the breath you was holding in, looking up at Alexia who also looked a little calmer.
“May I sit?” Alexia motioned to the now vacant chair.
“Please do.”
She sat down, moving the chair a little closer to you.
“I guess congratulations are in order.” You said.
Alexia looked at you, a playful smile crossed her face, her serious demeanour from a few seconds ago completely gone. “Gràcias.”
“I have to say I was a little bit shocked when I saw you pop up on the screen.”
“Ahh yes, did you enjoy it?” She smiled at you almost hopeful.
“Yeah, it was alright.” You looked around pretending to not be fazed. A playful smile on your face.
She laughed, her head tilted back. “You loved it, don’t lie.” She nudged your knee with her own. She continued. “Where is this friend of yours? I’m starting to believe you don’t have any.”
You chuckled. “She’s at the bar, trying to get us a drink, but it’s a bit busy.” You glanced over at the bar.
Alexia looked over and tutted. “Well, if you’d like you and your friend could join me? I have a table, with table service.”
“Well aren’t you generous.” You teased.
“What can I say? I’m a generous girl. I like to give.” She bit her lip at her last words, and my god you nearly melted on the chair.
“Or are you just trying to hide me from a certain Irish girl?” Your smile was playful but also suggestive.
She shock her head, laughing at you. “What? No, I would never! But if it helps to not have all these girls after you, then sí.” She looked at you, almost like she was cautious of what she said.
But she had nothing to worry about, you liked it, you liked the thought of this gorgeous girl not wanting to share you with anyone, and she didn’t even know you.
You leaned in closer to her, you could smell her perfume. “Don’t worry, you have my attention. I’m yours, for now.”
Even in the dark lighting you could see your words had an effect on her, a devilish smirk appeared on her lips. “Mine? I like that.”
Your eyes glistened with mischief, you looked at the blonde’s hazel eyes, she looked like she wanted to take you where you sat.
“I thought you might.” You leaned in closer.
“Merda. You’re naughty. I also like that.” She bit her lip once more, her eyes didn’t move from your lips.
But your bubble was popped again, but this time it was Daisy with your drinks.
“Ahem. Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt.”
You both pulled away. And Daisy said you were bad with your timing, though you could tell by her face she didn’t mean to.
“Alexia, this is Da-“
“Hola Daisy! This is your friend?” Alexia looked between you.
“Hey Alexia, I’ve been wanting to say hi, but I saw you was busy most of the night.” Daisy handed you your drink.
“No, don’t apologise, I’m sorry I haven’t seen you! You’re the one who made my favourite award!” Alexia stood to hug Daisy. It made sense that they had met each other already, Daisy had told you at the pub that the footballer had requested for her specifically to make her award.
Daisy smiled. “I see you’ve met my plus one. I hope she’s keeping herself out of trouble.”
“Erm, I’m not trouble at all, it’s called being fun.” Your smile was playful.
“Sí, she’s no trouble. She’s been the most entertaining part of the event.”
That made you smile, and even Daisy too.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Your best friend laughed.
“I was just saying you two should come sit at my table, I have table service. I don’t want you to be up and down for drinks.”
“Ahh, how sweet of you. Thank you Ale.” Daisy said.
“It’s no problem, come let’s go. My tables just up here.”
Daisy spotted the table and walked, Alexia put her hand out for you to take. And you did, gladly. Her hands were large and strong. She pulled you up easily, she gestured for you to walk in front of her, and of course you made sure to sway your hips as you walked, clearly it’s what she wanted.
You got to the table, there was a few women already there all in their own conversations, One was Lucy, the presenter from earlier, who was in a deep conversation with another brunette woman, who had beautiful doe like eyes. Alexia introduced you all, she explained, that they were her team mates for Barcelona.
“Hey guys, big fan!” Daisy smiled, you could see even in the dark room her cheeks were slightly red.
But before you could sit down someone was shouting for Daisy. “Daisy! Daisy! I have Claude asking for you!”
Daisy turned around to see one of her work colleagues, panic on her face. “The Claude?”
“Yes! Come on.” Her colleague looked panicked but excited.
Daisy looked over at you, a slight panic of what to do.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t want to leave it’s ju-.”
You put your hand up to stop her. “Don’t even finish that line, go and do what you need to do, Daisy. I’m absolutely fine. Go graft girl.”
Alexia then jumped in. “Don’t worry, I’ll look after her Daisy, I promise.”
Your best friend smiled, and squeezed your hand. “Okay, I might be gone a while, if you decide to leave just text me, and please, please tell me you’re home.” She leaned in closer. “Or someone’s going else’s home.” She winked at you, thinking no one heard but by Alexia’s smile she definitely heard.
She continued. “Ale, thank you again for the invitation. We’ll keep in touch, and please look after this one.”
Alexia put her arm around your waist. “I will, don’t worry.”
Daisy gave you a quick hug. “Thank you for coming tonight, have fun and be safe.” Before you could reply she ran over to her colleague, who looked liked they were about to pass out.
You looked over at Alexia, she was pouring two glasses of champagne. She handed you one, making sure to let her fingers linger. She held up her drink for a toast. “To keeping out of trouble.”
You laughed loudly, you clinked your glass and drank the bubbly drink.
You couldn’t help but notice how fucking hot every one of the teammates were, how had you not got into women’s football before? You may have caught a few eyes raking over you, and Alexia definitely did to, if sitting between you and her team mates was anything to go by.
She leaned in close like she did before. “So, how do I still not know the name of the girl that’s distracted me from work?” She purred.
“Hmm, I think your mind was in other places before asking.” You teased and took a swig of your drink.
“You’re right, how rude of me. Let’s start again. I’m Alexia.” She put her hand out for you to take.
You took her hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you Alexia. My names, Y/N.”
She raised your hand to her lips, she kissed the back of your hand, her eyes locked with yours as she did. Fuck, she was smooth.
She repeated your name softly. “I like that name, I like the way it sounds.”
“I like the way it rolls off your tongue.” You were being bold.
She chuckled. “I can do a lot with my tongue.” But she was bolder.
And yeah, your pussy woke up from that.
You spent the next half an hour in your own bubble once again. You both flirted hard but she also asked what you did for work, she explained some bits of her football career that you had seen on her short film. You noticed though she wanted to talk more about you and your life, you didn’t mind, she probably was bored of having to talk about herself tonight.
Even though you were both close to taking off each other’s clothes, you wanted to know more about the Spaniard. She wasn’t like many girls you spoke to, she was confident, charming and witty, but there was also a sense of vulnerability. Though right now her body language was screaming to have you closer. Those same eyes that was undressing you earlier was full of desire, it was almost like she could see exactly how you looked while she fucked you. And you definitely wanted that to be a reality.
But that dahm bubble was popped again.
Alexia’s assistant had appeared, wincing a smile at you both. “Ale, perdó. Algunes preguntes ràpides per a la premsa anglesa.”
Alexia nodded. “Sorry, I just have to do this, I won’t be too long. You’ll be ok, sí?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be okay. You assured her.
She clearly didn’t want to leave you, all of the girls were now on the dance floor, so you’d be alone, clearly not what she wanted.
“Really, go. I’ll stay out of trouble.” You smiled playfully at her.
“Hmm, why do I not believe you.” She chuckled as she slowly walked away.
You watched as she went with her assistant. You went on your phone and sipped on your drink. But just like Alexia had worried you wasn’t alone for long.
“Hola, may I join you?”
You looked up to see another stunning woman, her arms were covered in tattoos, causing your eyes to roam her body. Something she didn’t miss from the smile on her face.
“Oh yeah, sure.”
“Are you here with someone?” She picked up the bottle from the bucket on the table and poured herself a glass, but not without topping up your own glass. You watched as her tattooed fingers wrapped around yours. You had to admit the Spanish girls had such confidence when it came to flirting.
“I’m here with my friend, she’s about but not sure where.” You smiled.
“Ah, just friend? That’s why she doesn’t mind leaving you.”
You were confused. “What do you mean?”
She sat down next to you, right where Alexia sat. “Well, she’s your friend, she doesn’t mind if you talk with others, sí? Because if you were more then my friend, I wouldn’t leave you alone, not with all these girls here.”
“Ohh I see, but what if I have a girlfriend at home?” You challenged playfully.
She drank her drink and shrugged. “She’s at home.” She smiled wickedly at you.
Fuck. These girls were keeping you on your toes.
“My names Mapi.” She put her hand out to shake yours, and as you went to take it a perfect pair of red lips printed on your skin caught yours and Mapi’s eyes.
“Ahh, I’m not the first to talk to you tonight.” She smirked.
You didn’t even realise Alexia had left lipstick on your skin, it sent shivers up your spine, it made you feel like she had already made a statement to mark you as hers.
“I’m Y/N. You’re not the first. ” You smiled.
She continued. “So, your friend. Is she a footballer?” Just like Alexia and Katie, Mapi roamed her eyes up your body, taking in your curves. She smiled as she caught your eyes.
Of course you didn’t mind, if you were going to have anyone look at you in that way you wanted the likes of these girls looking at you. The women’s gaze was the only gaze you wanted. Like Katie, there was no question that you would have had Mapi in your bed tonight. But unfortunately for her you had your eyes set on another Spaniard. Even if she was making it a little difficult for you.
“No, she’s not an athlete, she designed one of the awards.” You took a sip of your drink.
She nodded her head. “Ohh I see, that’s cool.”
“I’m guessing you’re a footballer?” You had a feeling you knew what she was going to say.
She leaned back, displaying a hard six pack, she put her arm over the back of your seat, making her look even more attractive.
“Sí I play for Barcelona. Do you watch football?”
You had to hold back your laugh, of course she played for Barcelona. “I don’t, but I think after tonight I will.”
She laughed, she sat even closer to you, her woody perfume took over your senses. She whispered in your ear. “If you want I can be your first taster.”
Wow, football girls were officially your new type, but before you could respond and politely decline, you heard a voice.
“És clar que hauria de ser tu, Mapi.”
Mapi backed up from you instantly on hearing her captain’s voice. “Què? ella està amb tu?”
Alexia smiled at you. “Sí, però gràcies per fer-li companyia.”
Mapi moved even further from you, putting her her hands up in defence. It might be silly but it was hot to see Alexia once again being jealous over a girl talking to you.
“Ho sento. Ella està calenta. Què puc dir?”
Mapi stood up this time, she drank her drink and looked over at you smirking.
“This is why you shouldn’t be left alone, girls like me come along. Have a good night, noia sexy.”
You chuckled. “It was nice to meet you, Mapi.”
The Spaniard walked closer to Alexia. “Déu meu, tens molta sort. Ella és molt calenta.”
Alexia smiled devilishly at you, her eyes staring straight into yours, it sent a shiver down your spine. It might have been the first time she intimidated you, not that you hated it.
Mapi smiled one last time at you before heading back into the dance floor. Leaving the two of you alone.
Alexia walked over to you, like a lion to its kill. She sat down where Mapi sat. “I leave you for five minutes and you already have another girl on you. You definitely can’t stay out of trouble.” She purred.
“Sorry, it must be a footballer thing.” You teased.
“You’ve had six girls after you, and that’s just from the ones that I know about. Including myself.” She almost sounded annoyed.
“Six?” You questioned.
“Sí, I had three other girls ask about you. But I said you were with me.”
You raised your eyebrows at the blonde, if there was one thing that turned you on about a girl, it was their possessiveness, to a degree of course. But with Alexia it felt like you were in control, she was the one fighting for you and she didn’t even know your last name, you could easily leave tonight without saying another word to her.
Not that you were ever going to do that.
She continued. “Sorry, if it’s too much, you did say you were mine tonight, no?” She smirked at you, she knew you were loving this, she could read you like an open book.
You leaned into her ear, your lips grazed her skin just slightly. “Prove it. Make me yours.”
You almost thought you had said the wrong thing then. Alexia stared at you with a look you couldn’t put your finger on, until she leaned over to your face, her lips inches from yours.
“You might regret that.”
Even the butterflies in your stomach were turned on at this point, this woman was the definition of all your sex dreams. You could feel your body needing her, and she could feel it to.
She continued. “I have a driver outside.”
You didn’t need to hear anything else, you stood up looking at Alexia, she didn’t miss a beat. She grabbed your hand and headed straight to the exit. Within minutes you were in the back of a fancy blacked out Mercedes.
“Can we go to my hotel please.”
“Yes, Ms Putellas.” The driver replied. A blacked out window glided up between you and the driver, giving you and Alexia privacy.
You looked over at the blonde, her hungry eyes were already scanning your body, you had a feeling this girl was going to wreck you. Her eyes caught you own, a devious smile crept on her lips, making your pussy flutter.
“So, you’re all mine?”
“All yours.”
Her lips were on yours in seconds, the kiss was rough and messy, you tried to dominate the kiss but you didn’t try too hard. Not when Alexia was kissing you the way she was, she licked her tongue over your lips, wanting entry and you gave it to her easily.
And wow she could kiss, it might sound silly but her kisses felt different to an English girl, it was like her tongue had more control over its movements. Though, you had heard before that Spanish girls were one of the best for giving head, it was something to do with their tongues, the way they moved it when they spoke. Maybe you’d be able to put it to the test.
You groaned in pleasure as she kissed you deeper, her hands snaked into your hair, pulling you impossibly closer. You pulled back for air, but she only pulled you back again, wanting your mouth on hers. You could tell she was as desperate for you as you was her, she let out a small moan as you pressed your tongue into her mouth.
Her red lipstick had all but disappeared by the time you got to her hotel.
You hadn’t realised how nice of a hotel it was when you entered. Her room was over looking the Thames and most of London’s skyline, making the room glow from the city’s lights.
You walked towards the window looking over the city, it was always one of your favourite views at night. Other than a naked woman in your bed.
That’s when you felt the Spaniard move your hair gently to one side, her hot lips pressed against the back of your neck. She hummed into you, making your skin cover in goosebumps. She smiled into the kiss, she obviously felt what she was doing to you. You whimpered as she kept her mouth working on you, her hands gripping your waist.
You were on cloud nine, Alexia’s mouth and body pressed up against you like this made the city lights look blurry. She moved your body around to face her, she leaned closer into you, her hazel eyes roamed your face, landing on your lips. Even in the dark her eyes glowed like gold, her eyes reminded you of a cat hunting at night. The atmosphere changed from fast and quick to soft and sensual.
“Can I get you anything? A drink? Tea?” She smiled.
“No thanks, just want you.”
She hummed. “What do you want from me?”
“To fuck me. Do what you want with me.”
“Merda.” She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She must have liked what you said as you were suddenly being picked up like a rag doll, like you was nothing. Your legs wrapped around her waist as she walked you to the bedroom. Your back hit the wooden door as you entered her room, she was on your neck with her sweet mouth, kissing you, her hips pressing you hard against the door.
“What can’t I do?” She whispered.
“I’ll tell you if it’s too much.” You rasped
“Any safe words?” She kissed your lips.
“Red, yellow and green?”
“Sí.” She husked.
“Same for you?”
“Sí, the same for me.”
You were thrown on the bed, your back hitting the mattress, once again you couldn’t believe the strength of the girl in front of you. She climbed on top of you, her lips attacking your neck, she had already worked out it was your sweet spot, making you moan as her lips sucked and licked on your skin. She was definitely making a mark, and normally you wouldn’t have it, you wouldn’t walk around with a love bite on show, but with Alexia you wanted it. You wanted to look in the mirror and remember it was her that gave it to you. That claimed you.
Her hand stroked up your thigh, pushing the slit of your dress up, inching higher to where you needed her. You were wet, you could feel your thong becoming drenched, you could feel your skin sticking to the thin fabric. Her hips pushed into you, she was clearly finding her self composure hard to control. Her fingers traced over your sensitive skin, between your thighs, teasing you, maybe even teasing herself.
“Please.” You whispered.
“Please what?” She smiled as she kissed down your chest.
“Please, I need you.”
“Hmm, you need me?” She purred.
“Yes.” Your voice was desperate.
“How much?” She started to move your straps of your dress down your shoulders, revealing your black laced bra.
“Since I saw you.” Your voice almost broken as she attached her lips to the top of your breast.
“Hmm, that’s a long time. You must be desperate?”
“I a- am. Fuck!” Your voice strained as she attached her mouth to your perked nipple. You didn’t even notice she had opened your bra, she had taken advantage of the front clasp. Thank god for front clasps.
Her mouth was perfect, she sucked and bit on your nipple, making you groan, your hand tangled in her blonde hair. She bit at your flesh, then sucked again to soothe the pleasurable pain. The noise you let out was loud, she smiled up at you, clearly enjoying her view.
“You’re loud. I like that.”
You couldn’t form words, you groaned and tugged gently at her hair as she moved to your other nipple. One of her hands were still in between yours thighs, slowly tracing her fingers up and down your sensitive skin. She was driving you mad, and she knew it. Her hips relentlessly pushed into your core, making you moan again and again.
“Please, Alexia.” You felt like you could have cried, you were that desperate. Your pussy was aching, needing something. Needing her.
You felt her chuckle into your skin, her fingers finally, but just barely touched the fabric over your pussy.
“Merda, estàs molt mullat.” She rasped.
You didn’t have a clue what she was saying but fuck, did it make you wet. She could be calling you every name under the sun and you didn’t care. As long as she was saying it.
“Is this all for me?” She began to sit up.
“Yes.” You nodded your head, you couldn’t help but wonder how desperate you must have looked. “All for you.”
“You really are trouble, aren’t you?”
“Only if you want me to be.” God this girl was making you a mess, you was putty in her hand and she hadn’t even touched you.
She watched you as she started to remove her jacket, her smile never leaving her face. You sat up at the end of the bed, you helped pull the arms down, and you were right, she was completely naked underneath. All night she had been walking around with nothing on, she clearly had a lot of trust in the jacket.
Her full breast was now on show, you let out an appreciative sigh. She was fucking gorgeous. You kissed her tight stomach, you watched as her muscles flexed from your mouth. Her hands stroked into your hair, sending a shiver down your spine. You kissed and licked at her beautiful olive skin, kissing up to the line of where her trousers sat. You looked up at her, bitting your lip asking for permission.
She nodded, watching you like a hawk. You popped open the button and slowly pulled her zip down, revealing more skin, and the start of her red laced thongs. Before you could pull her trousers down she cupped your chin, making you face her. She gently ran her thumb over your bottom lip.
“You’re so beautiful. So many girls wanted you tonight, so many eyes were on you. But you chose to be with me. I am very lucky.”
You felt yourself blush, one minute she had you begging to be fucked, now she had you going red and shy.
“You had eyes on you too, I saw the way people looked at you.”
She smiled then, but it wasn’t her normal smile you had seen all night, it almost looked a little sad. But you didn’t have time to question it, she shuffled out of her trousers letting them hit the floor. She stood you up, pulling your dress over your head, you were both now only in your underwear.
You moved your mouth to her breast, and sucked on her sensitive nipple. You heard her suck in a breath, her hands going straight to your hair. You gave her breast the attention that they deserved, sucking, biting and kissing on the blushed coloured flesh. She groaned softly, her eyes were closed enjoying the sensation of your mouth. You let go of the flesh with a loud popping sound. Letting your lips rub against her.
She opened her eyes, the golden hazel colour you had seen earlier had now nearly disappeared. She pushed you on the bed once more. Your thongs were being pulled down your thighs, you both saw the wetness attached to the fabric, the smile on her face turned devilish.
“You’re mine, sí?”
“Yes. All yours.”
She climbed on top of you, peppering kisses down your body, it felt like she kissed every possible bit of flesh on your body. Then she was in between your legs. Her teeth sunk into your thighs, making you whimper. She soothed the red mark with her tongue, kissing and licking.
Then finally, her tongue licked through your very wet folds. You wasn’t sure who groaned louder. Her tongue licked through you again, and again and again, until she was in a rhythm. What you heard about Spanish girls was right, it was a whole different sensation. She dipped her tongue into your cunt, making you groan, your hands grabbed her head, pushing her deeper as she fucked you with her tongue.
“Alexiaaa! Fuck!”
She glided her tongue up to your clit, wrapping her full lips around your bundle of nerves. And fuck, you were already close. But who could blame you? She’d worked your body up to the point of tears. She sucked and licked at your sensitive flesh, your hands were still in her hair, moving her how you wanted her. Not that you needed to do much, she knew what she was doing, her mouth was perfect. Your eyes closed as you started feeling your orgasm approaching, your stomach tightening, feeling the warmth glide over your body.
“I’m close, please don’t stop.”
But she did. She moved her mouth away from you, you could see your juices all over her chin and lips, she looked breathtaking.
“Nooo! I was so cl-.”
Then you felt her fingers at your entrance. She thrusted two fingers into you, cutting off your words. You let out a deep throaty moan, as her thick fingers began to thrust into you.
“Not until I say you can.”
Fuck, she really was the girl of your dreams.
You nodded, wanting to be good for her. You couldn’t help but find it a little worrying at how easy it was for Alexia to see right though you. How easy she could get you begging, denying your orgasm, leaving marks all over your body and you had only met her a couple of hours ago. And you thought you were in control?
“Bona noia.” She whispered.
She began to thrust deeper, her fingers pushing against your soft flesh, pushing your body to control what it desperately needed. You couldn’t stop the moans slipping out of your mouth, her fingers were talented, just like her mouth. You watched her strong arm flex at her movements.
“You will take my dick. Sí?”
She had a strap? This girl was made in heaven.
“Yes, yes.” You cried.
“Good. You want to come like this?”
“Your mouth and fingers. Please!.” You begged.
She chuckled deeply. She leaned back down and attached her lips to your clit again, making you scream. She hummed against your core, your hand tangled in her hair as you felt your climax approaching. You looked down to see those golden hazel eyes staring at you. You pushed your hips into her mouth, grinding her tongue on your swollen clit. Her fingers were relentless, your thighs started to shake, your fingers pulled at her hair, pushing her closer to your sex. You came hard, Alexia’s name rolling off your tongue as your body shuddered.
She stayed there, well she had to, you didn’t let her go. You thrusted your hips, taking every bit of her tongue. She lapped up your ever flowing juices, slurping and swallowing, making you gasp and whimper. You finally let go of her hair, but she didn’t move, she traced her tongue all over your pussy, kissing and sucking. Her strong hands kept your hips down, not able to move.
“Ale… fuck. Alexia, baby, please.” You gently gasped.
She didn’t move, she was in her own world, tasting you, eating your cunt like it was her last meal. You groaned gently, letting her take what she wanted from you. You could feel another orgasm already building back up. She finally stopped, she must have felt your body tensing, she wasn’t going to let you come again that quickly.
“You taste so good baby.”
She kissed your thighs as she climbed up to your face, kissing you gently. You groaned at tasting yourself on her tongue, her smile once again making your stomach flutter.
Alexia jumped off the bed, you tried to catch your breath as you watched her rummage around in her suitcase. You pushed yourself on your elbows, watching the Spaniard attaching her harness, a 7 inch dildo sat between her strong thighs.
“So, do you always carry your harness around?” You teased.
She chuckled. “Sí, it’s my travel harness.”
You laughed loud, this girl was ridiculous.
She continued. “Are you complaining? I can take this off?”
You shock your head, eyes wide. “No. Sorry.”
She smirked, she turned back around in her suit case and pulled out a black tie.
“I think I might have to tie you up, you’ve been trouble all night.”
You nodded, you put your hands in front of you for her to tie. You could feel your pussy throbbing again. She stepped in front of you, her dick inches from your body.
“Uh-ah, hands behind your back baby.” Her tone was soft.
You stood up, turning around to allow her to tie your wrist. She ever so gently bounded your hands together, it was tight, you couldn’t get I out of it if even if you tried. Your breathing picked up, you could feel your legs shaken in anticipation.
She moved your hair to the side like she did before, her lips gently kissed up your neck, her mouth was close to your ear.
“If it’s too much, tell me baby. I’ll stop straight away. Okay?”
You nodded. “Okay, thank you. I’m green.”
She continued to kiss your neck, her hands snaked up to your breast squeezing gently. You groaned from her touch, as her large hands roamed your breast.
“M'encanten els sorolls que fas.” She whispered.
“Fuck, Ale.”
“Yes, baby?” Her lips were hot on your skin driving you mad.
“I love it when you speak to me like that.”
“In Catalan? You like it?” She purred.
“Yes.” Your hips moved backwards.
She chuckled at your lack of patience. “Ets la meva bona noia.”
You groaned again, your hips pushed back, hitting her dick on your arse.
“Get on your knees and show me what your pretty mouth can do.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You turned around to stand in front of her and dropped to your knees, you took the tip of her dick in your mouth and sucked.
Her hands were in your hair instantly. You pushed your mouth further on the length of her dick, swallowing her inch by inch. You pulled back to catch your breath, you could feel yourself becoming wet all over again. You looked up at the Spaniard, she looked as wrecked as you felt, you could see was clenching her jaw, her eyes were full of lust.
“You look so good.” She whispered.
You took a deep breath as you took her back into your mouth. She groaned looking down at you, she watched your mouth take her more than half way. She gently pushed your head to take more of her, but you began to choke. You pulled back again, tears began to prick at your face.
“Take a deep breath baby, relax your throat.” She stroked your cheek, she looked deep in your eyes, almost lovingly. You would have laughed if her dick wasn’t shoved in your mouth, the girl could switch up her tone so easily.
You nodded, you took another deep breath and slowly took her in again, you felt her hand at the back of your head, guiding you further down her dick. You got past the halfway point, you could feel the tip of her dick touching the back of your tongue. A single tear fell from your eye as you pushed yourself. Her hand was still on your head, she pushed her dick slowly but firmly into the back of your throat, your nose just touching her stomach.
“That’s it baby, just like that. You’re doing so good.” She rasped.
You pulled back slightly, then slowly took her back in your throat, her hands tightening in your hair. Spit started to drip from your mouth, as you kept sucking on her dick. She started to gently move her hips in time with your movements, pushing herself further down your throat. It made you gag, but she kept her hand on your head.
“Breathe, baby. Breathe. You’re doing so good.”
And you did, you calmed your breathing and pushed on her dick. A few more tears trickled down your cheeks. She thrusted her hips again, slowly and gently, never taking her eyes off of you.
“You look so beautiful on your knees for me. If only all those girls could see you now, taking me like this.” She groaned.
You moaned at her words, you loved a girl that spoke to you during sex, it turned you on to no end. And her accent only made it that much hotter. Your pussy was throbbing, aching to be touched again, but you wanted so badly to please Alexia.
Her hips started to pick up pace, her thick dick sliding in and out of your throat. You could hear her breathing becoming shallow. She easily took control over your movements, not that you had any real choice, your hands tied behind your back put you under her complete control. And you loved it.
“Tal qual, Tal qual. Sí.” She groaned. “So good.”
Your wet slurping noise filled the room, spit dribbled down your mouth and on to the floor. The strap was hitting Alexia perfectly on her clit, she had been turned on as much as you so she wasn’t far from her own orgasm.
“Merdaa. Your mouth is perfect. Just take a little more baby.”
And you did, Alexia fucked your throat until her legs started to tremble. Her moaning got louder, you could tell she found that sweet spot as her hips thrusted faster, You pushed yourself as hard as you could, as she used your mouth to reach her own orgasm. She was mumbling a mixture of Catalan and English as she was tipping over the edge.
“Estic venint! I’m coming!” She pushed your head down the whole length of her dick as she came. Your nose was pressed against her hard stomach as she rutted against the base of her strap.
“Merda, merda.” She whispered, she pulled your head back gently, just as you began to choke.
“Oh Déu meu, I can’t feel my legs, you were so good baby. Are you okay?” She rasped, her hands stroked your face so gently. You breathed hard, trying to catch your breath, tears streaming down your face as you coughed.
“Y-yeah. I’m good.” You panted. Smiling up at the blonde.
“You were so good for me. Come.” She picked you up to your feet easily. She kissed your swollen lips gently. “Colour?”
“Green.” You husked.
“Okay, are your arms okay?” She wiped away your tears, smiling at you.
You nodded. “Yeah.” You felt your stomach flutter.
“Good, I want to fuck you from behind, like this. Is that oka-“
“Yes, yes. It’s okay. Please. Do it, please.” Fuck, she had officially wrecked you.
Alexia’s eyebrows raised in shock, she started to smirk. “She’s still desperate, that’s okay. I’ll fix that.”
She turned you around facing the bed, you felt her hand gently push your body down to lay. Your arms were still tied behind your back, once again you were under Alexia’s control. You couldn’t believe tonight had turned into this, you had only gone to out support your best friend and now was about to be railed by the girl of your dreams. Best. Night. Ever.
She moved your body to how she wanted you. The side of your face was pressed into the mattress, and your arse was in the air, you were lined up perfectly to her dick. She stroked her hand down your back, looking at the beautiful site in front of her. She could see you was dripping. Your thighs were wet.
“You are perfect.” She stroked her fingers through your folds, making you whimper.
She didn’t want to wait around anymore, she’d pictured you in many different ways tonight, and finally she was living her dreams.
She pushed the head of her dick slowly into you, and it was thick. Her hands grabbed hold of your waist, you both gasped as she pushed the rest of herself inside, making you stretch. She began to roll her hips, already loving the small noises you were making for her. In this position she had full control over you. And like the submissive little bitch that you were, you loved it.
“Fuck, you take me so well. Look at you. You’re mine, Sí?”
“Yes!” You cried.
Her hips began to thrust at a hard pace, making you cry out. Her hips were strong, the noises of her skin slapping your skin was erotic. The room was drowning in your whimpers and moans as the Spaniard fucked you like she owned you. And that’s exactly what she was doing, you’d told her you was hers tonight, she was fucking you like you was hers.
“You’re mine? Tell me.” She demanded.
“Y-yes. I’m y-yours. Yours.” You struggled to speak.
Your mumbles were incoherent, you were seeing stars as her hips kept up a relentless pace. You wasn’t going to come like this, you could feel your orgasm teetering but you needed your clit to be touched.
“Alexia, please. Touch me.”
“Not yet baby, we come together.” She panted out.
You wanted to argue but you were scared she would deny your orgasm completely. So you kept quite and took what she gave you, it wasn’t like you wasn’t loving her fucking you like this. However, you didn’t take in to consideration the stamina this girl possessed. You had been with many different types of girls, but never a footballer, not a professional athlete. And my god she made your body work. She had you going like this for another 20 minutes.
And those 20 minutes were heaven and hell. Your body was going limp, sweat ran down your back as she thrusted into you. You felt her strong hand squeezeyour arse cheeks, guiding you up and down on her dick, moving you around like her own personal sex toy. Your clit was crying out to be touched. But, finally, by the sounds of her breathing and moaning she sounded close herself. Her nails dug into your skin as she pushed herself against the strap, the pressure was just right as she rubbed her clit against the base, causing her to go deeper inside your core.
“Take it baby, take it.” She groaned.
Your eyes rolled at the back of your head. She moved her fingers on to your clit, she hardly needed to touch you before your body started to jerk. Her fingers rubbed beautifully at your bundle of nerves, making you plead for her to not stop.
“I love the way you beg. It drives me crazy. Come for me, you’ve been so good.” Alexia panted.
An animalistic cry escaped your mouth as your orgasm hit you. Your pussy pulsated hard around her dick, and Alexia didn’t stop, she thrusted her hips deep, pulling your tight walls, making you almost pass out. And she was right behind you, her orgasm took over her body, she leaned forward, grabbing the back of your neck, pushing your face into the mattress. Her hips roughly doubled down her pace. The air in your lungs was being forced out from her sheer strength.
A deep, rumble like moan escaped her lips, as she came. Her hips slowed down to a stop. She gently pulled out of you, you cried out as you felt the warmth of her body leaving you.
“You’re so perfect. Merda.”
You felt her untie your hands, she helped you guide them forward, knowing they would be a little stiff now. You moaned from the ache in your muscles, you could just about move your arms. Your wrists were red, that was definitely going to leave a mark for a while. Another mark to remember her by. You felt her guide you on your back, it nearly took your breath away how fucking good she looked, her face was flushed, her hair a little bit of a mess and her smile was dopey.
“You okay? What’s your colour?”
“I’m green, green everywhere.” You laughed quietly. “Your colour?” Even though she was mostly the one in control you still wanted to make sure she was okay.
She smiled, she looked surprised to be asked. “I’m green, thank you, cariño. I’m going to run a bath.” She was gone all of a sudden. It made you suddenly realise you were in Alexia’s room, in her space, in her way. You felt a little dazed, you stood up on shaky legs, you were looking around for your clothes, trying to get out of the girls way.
Alexia came back into the room, she watched you a little confused. “What are you doing?”
You jumped, suddenly feeling a lot more shy. “Oh sorry, I don’t want to be in your way.”
She stepped closed to you. A serious expression on her face. “I don’t want you to leave. You can if you want to. But I want you to stay, relax your body in the bath, you will be sore.” She smirked.
You felt a little calmer, her eyes were watching you for any indication of what you were thinking. She must have realised you were overthinking it all. She continued. “Please, I don’t fuck girls and kick them out. Let me look after you.” She kissed the back of your hands, never taking her eyes off of you.
You nodded, your hands crept up her neck, pulling her closer towards you. She closed the gap with her lips attached to your own. It was slow and sensual, it was what you needed after the sex you just had. She picked you up, again the strength of this girl was unbelievable. She walked you to the bathroom, putting you on the cabinet side, you squealed from the cold service on your cheeks.
“Sorry baby.” She genuinely looked sorry.
“No it’s okay. I can take it.”
That made her smile. “Hmm, I saw from tonight that you can take a lot.” She purred in your ear.
She had made you a bubble bath, you felt almost a little embarrassed at how you felt earlier, trying to rush out. Though sometimes being fucked from an inch of your life could bring up emotions like that, that’s clearly why she was doing this for you. She understood.
She helped you get in, it was perfect. You laid back and relaxed, allowing the hot water to relax your muscles. She left you to be alone for about 10 minutes, until you needed her again. It scared you, you were feeling a little too attached to a girl you hadn’t even known a day.
She came in, a beautiful smile on her face, she looked a little tired. It made you think about her leaving for tomorrow. Would you ever see her again? She stroked your hair back behind your ear. Kissing your forehead. She helped you out of the bath, and into the room, she helped you to dry your body, her lips kissing your back. Making you gasp. She laid you on the bed, sleep was taking over your body, you then heard what sounded like a shower and then sleep took you for the night.
You woke the next morning to a hot kisses on your back, you almost forgot where you were until you could hear Alexia hum against your skin. Her lips were all over your back, making you moan, it was the best kind of way to wake up, well, that was until she guided you on your back.
“Good morning. I hope you don’t mind but, I really want to taste you.”
She stared up at you as she kissed your stomach. Your sleepy daze hadn’t left you yet, your arms ached from last night. But my god there was no way you’d say no to this.
You nodded your head. “Please.” Your morning voice was rougher then normal, you was desperate for this women all over again.
She was between your legs in seconds, she was just as desperate as you, she sucked and licked on your clit until you came twice for her. Your tired hips gently fucked her face, your hands twisted in her hair, pushing her head against you as you came on her tongue. You felt her moan, as she swallowed your juices. Now that was a way to wake up.
You looked down at her beautiful morning face, her eyes were still sleepy, her smile was a little dazed. God this girl was beautiful.
“Let me please.” You whispered. You hadn’t got to taste the gorgeous woman in front of you yet, it felt criminal that you hadn’t had your mouth on her.
You could see even in her sleepy haze that she wanted it too but that vulnerable side you saw last night had creeped back up. She climbed up your body and laid next to you, for the first time she looked nervous, you wanted to make sure she knew she was wanted.
“You look so beautiful, Ale.” You kissed her lips gently.
You kissed her neck, sucking on parts of her skin that made her squirm. The roles seemed to have reversed this morning, she was the one submitting to you, her whimpers and moans made your head spin. You lowered yourself between her legs, she was dripping.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, Ale. All for me?” She nodded, her lips between her teeth. “Sí.”
You didn’t wait around, you dipped your tongue through her velvety folds, her juices covered your tongue as you finally got to taste her. You had wondered what she tasted like the majority of the night, wondered what she would sound like while you sucked on her clit. And it was better than anything you could have imagined. She was perfect, she was your new favourite flavour.
You lapped up at her wet cunt, stroking and gliding your tongue through her sensitive flesh. Making sure to miss her clit, you just wanted to stay there all day, listen to her make those sweet noises. It was the first time you were really getting to hear her, she’d only grunted and moaned last night, but now you got to really hear her. You were shocked at how delicate she sounded, how desperate she was, the sounds you were dragging out of her made your head spin. It was a complete 360 from her confident, dominant self. Maybe that’s why she looked so nervous.
You felt her fingers glide into your hair, pulling at your scalp.
“Please stop teasing. Please.”
You stopped your movements. “What was that baby?”
She whined. “Please, I need you.”
“You need me?” You quickly licked her clit. Her body jolted, her body was more wound up than you thought.
“Sí. I need you.”
Another lick. She gasped.
“Hmm, are you mine?”
“Sí. I’m yours. Please.”
Well, that was easier than you would have liked. So you kissed her clit, wanting to tease her. She cried out, she pulled your hair to try and get you where she needed you, and you didn’t want to tease her no more, not when she looked close to tears.
You wrapped your lips around her bundle of nerves and sucked. Her back arched of the mattress as she fucked your face, her hands pulled your closer to her sex. Once again you were under her control, but you really didn’t mind, as long as she came in your mouth that’s all you cared about.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Her legs were shaken, her high pitched whines became loud, you was certain the people either side of you could hear her.
“Merda!” She pushed your head down, keeping you where she needed you as she came in your mouth. Her juices gushed in your mouth, her hands in your hair didn’t allow you to move. You swallowed every drop as she snaked her hips slowly, feeling your skilful tongue. She breathed hard as she let go, you looked up to see her chest rising and falling. She felt like she had been to heaven and back.
“Wow, I don’t know if I known English anymore.” She chuckled, her hand over her face. You could see her cheeks were flushed.
You crawled up to her face, kissing her deeply, she moaned as both your flavours blended in your tongues. You spent another half an hour cuddled up in her sheets, you traced your fingers on her tattoos, you wondered what they stood for. Your bubble of bliss was interrupted when her phone alarm went off.
She groaned, turning off the noise. You suddenly felt dread, you knew what that meant. You had to leave, and get on with your life and she went back to Barcelona. You felt like you were loosing something you never even had. Someone you met less then 24 hours ago who suddenly felt like someone whose side you never wanted to leave.
“I have to get ready for my flight.” She sounded sad, maybe even angry. She turned around and kissed your cheek. You both got ready to leave. It was quiet between you, the atmosphere had changed from fast and hungry to, silent and sad.
Suddenly she was behind you, her warm body pressed against your back. She whispered in your ear. “Would you visit?”
“In Barcelona? Yes.” You whispered back.
She pulled you closer, her lips back on your neck.
“You promise?”
“You’re mine?”
“Fuck, yes.”
She had you pressed up against the wall, her fingers pressed against your clit, as she gave you your third orgasm of the morning. You told her you was hers throughout.
She arranged for a taxi to pick you up. You were in your dress from the night before, you clearly looked like were doing the walk of shame. She pulled out a thick cream Nike jumper from her suitcase and started to pull it over your head. Your senses were surrounded by her smell. It made you feel warm and soft inside. Fuck.
She walked down with you to the taxi, you felt a mix of emotions, you wanted nothing more than to stay with this girl, but you were from two different worlds. You didn’t regret last night but the feelings that had come with it were maddening, you’d been with girls like this before, but there was something different about Alexia. And she felt it to.
She pulled you in for hug, she kissed your lips with so much passion, you could feel the emotion behind it. She pulled back, holding your face in her large hands. She looked you in your eyes, her hazel orbs searched your face.
“My cheerleader.” She chuckled.
You laughed out loud, making the Spaniard smile. Fuck this was hard. She pulled the hoody over your head and pressed another kiss to your mouth.
“Goodbye, cariño.”
“Bye, Alexia.”
She watched you get in the back of the cab, and closed the door behind you. The car started to pull away, you watched as she stood there, watching you drive away. She stayed until you turned the corner.
And she was gone.
I hope you liked it, I very much enjoyed writing it. I’ve used Google for the translation, so apologies for anything being wrong! This a one shot for now, but will add to it later.
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verysanebsdfan · 3 months
So I'm not sure if you still write for killua or ciel or tokito😭 but if you do could you do some headcanoes of how they would be with a reader fem If possible that basically acts like a doll looks like a doll and basically is a doll but where also kinda creepy like we talk about disturbing things all with a smile on our face
Another one with all 3 is that reader is very VERY clingy like she loves to hug, cling,and talk to the 3 she's always around them and usually talks to them and is always seen with them !!
(sorry if it's to many)
It is no problem whatsoever>_< TY SM FOR REQUESTING AS WELL! i hope it will be to your liking :3
Also i still do write for them but i dont think i will do for too long :(( im getting old...(for them)
tw: u say disturbing things, gore mentioned (sorta i think?), Muichiro one is angsty because i felt evil, spoilers for demon slayer manga ahead!!
our!Ciel Phantomhive, Tokito Muichiro, Killua Zoldyck (separate) x doll-like!reader
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Ciel Phantomhive:
One thing would be the engagement with Lizzy, so for the sake of this, lets say it was canceled for....reasons
Neither of you really remember how you exactly met and got close, or what got Ciel so captivated. It may be the way you dress, always in a pretty dress, which contrasts with your beautiful skin, or maybe the way you walk, talk...he is just down bad.
After you got closer, Ciel let you be more clingy, but when he needs space, you need to respect that, or he will have Sebastian take you away (carefully to not hurt you)
After some time, Ciel actually confesses, and you get engaged cuz....it is still 19th century so...
Now, you basically live there and the servants LOVE you. When Finny is doing his work in the garden, and you sit there and have a tea with Ciel, you look like a pretty painting >_< Thats what he says at least (everyone agrees tho)
When you got to know the...darker side of Ciels business, and all the stuff he does as the queens watchdog, well...you revealed your darker side too i guess
Whenever he tells you about all he did, you always say really disturbing things, and not only him, but also Sebastian loves that >_<
"Hmm *head tilt* I think you should have slowly removed his finger nails, toe nails, and then move onto the fingers...keep them alive tho....then peel off their skin and rub salt into it- ah but thats just an idea!! (*✧×✧*)"
(˘ŏ_ŏ) "what did you just say (name)?"
Once Lizzy came over for whatever reason she had, and dressed you up, telling you that you look like a doll, no! even better!
Now imagine Ciel coming from wherever he was, and seeing you, his beautiful finacé getting dressed up as a doll, while staring into the space.
However you quickly notice him and attempt to kill him- urm hug him and start talking about your day
Overally really good, has his moments but Sebastian always helps him get better so he doesnt hurt you, emotionally i mean. After all, with him by your side, nothing can happen...
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Tokito Muichiro:
Being a demon slayer is never easy, but when having someone you love by your side, it seems much easier!
When he met you on one of his missions, he thought you were a demon! There was no way a human can be this pretty, and creepy at the same time.
The way you look...empty, without soul, is really weird. The way you move, almost doll like. Thats it! You're a doll!...No that isnt right...no matter
You slay the demon, and then go eat together, because food is superior.
And then again. and again. again.
Until he developed feelings for you.
He didnt really tell you, but there were signs, you unfortunately never noticed them.
When you hug him, he blushes, and when you talk and yap about your day, he makes sure to keep every detail in mind, so he can write it up later.
He has a WHOLE NOTEBOOK dedicated to facts about you, so he doesnt forget.
His favourite part of his notebook are your quotes.
"Hey...Mui...after we kill Muzan, lets live a quiet life, together, okay?"
*to a demon* "if i didnt need to cut your head quickly, i would torture you, slowly, painfully...and then, id leave you exposed to the sun...so you can have a taste of what normal humans see. And then we will go to eat, right Mui?"
"Muii! This dango matches your eyes! LOOK LOOK!"
Down bad.
(i dont rlly remember this 100% cuz i read it some time ago, srry about that) When the last mission came, and you were fighting in the Infinity Castle, you didnt see himget hurt so bad, however, on command, you were directed to the chamber. You saw a horrific scene, what most concerned you however, was bleeding Muichiro. On the floor. Hurt.
You run up to him and take him in your arms, then start crying, and succesfully breaking your doll look.
"(Name)...please...I- i love you"
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Killua Zoldyck:
Okay sooo, you two met at the Hunter Exam, in the first phase lets say
Somehow, you caught his interest, not only you are absolutely gorgeous, but youre also drinking Tonpas juice?! No ordinary girl.
He would observe you during the first phase, seeing the elegant way you run, barely tired...and then, Gon would befriend you, and then Killua! so you would be friends >_< (thank you Gon ily)
You would stick by the main group as in any average killua x reader fanfictions >_<
In the third phase, when it was your turn to fight, it took a real turn.
First, Killua wanted to go fight the big, dangerous looking guy instead of you, but when you refused, he hoped you have some tricks up your sleeve.
"Oh That must be a joke, they sent a little girl against me!" the man would say "how about a death match then?"
uh oh-
"hm...i would love that, but if i were to kill you, i dont think i could stop myself from torturing you, but that would take time, and we've been here for some time...hmmm whatever....I accept!" Ready, set, go! *and he is dead*
Kill is down bad now. What was that?! there was no blood at al, no scream, nothing. Just a loud thud. were you also an assassin?
Who knows.
After that, he knows not to mess with you, and not worry...and also, have you seen how you looked?! Great heavens...
So after a lot of bonding (over choco-robots) you were close...and he liked you, especially after you said his mom is probably a robot becuse WHAT.
You talk shit about his family.
Idk probably confesses before you go to the castle wher Meruem was yk? And brushes it off, i mean, there are worse things happening...
After all the blood shed and pain, and suffering, you meet him and Alluka (my babyyy)
Alluka would 100% love you!! So everything is good...sort of...right? RIGHT? Wrong, his mom doesnt like you but who cares about herrr...
Gon is your biggest shipper :3
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) - u have choco robots :3?
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hello!! May I request a monster high x Fem!reader, who's a new student. She ran into some students, and she looks like a human, so everyone thought she was a normie, but she turns out to be a monster with powers. She can turn into a human form or a monster form, so shes still the same person, but she can change her looks, she can change her looks to a human or her monster form.
But she's also
When everyone though she was a normie some actually though she was the best looking normie they've seen before, but obviously chosenot to say and wouldn't admit it. But when they found out she was a monster, (half monster half normie) when she turns into her monster form she's even more beautiful🥹💕
Everyone's jaw would probably drop🤭
Monster high x beautiful half normie and half monster Fem!reader.
Can it be a oneshot please?🥺 If you want it to be a headcannon or something, that's also fine, but can you also include the characters such as the Frankie and the ghouls, and the guys too, like heath, Holt and etc in the oneshot/headcanon.
Sorry this looks long, it's probably cause of how much I wrote-
Anyways thanks and have a good day/night!!
Monster High Request:
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Human Form: When the two of you first met, it was when you and your human friends were trying to save their monster friend Holt. The two of you got along really well and shared similar ideas when it came to saving their friend.
When her eyes landed on your form, her heart stopped unlike the way it usually does and now butterflies were in her stomach making her feet heavier than before. You were like a god/goddess in her eyes and she didn't know what to do. When you felt eyes on your back, you turned meeting her gaze which led to her blushing profusely and popping her hand off to cover her face.
Monster Form: You tried your hardest to hide your monster form, afraid of what everyone might have thought but it was bound to be revealed sooner or later. You slipped up one day when transforming late at night and assuming everyone was sleeping, but a photo was taken and soon spreaded around about your true identity.
When she saw the picture a clear confusion was on their face, but then admiration and adoration took over and their heart began beating faster. Frankle thinks both of your forms are super cool and they're fine with you being in either one. They make sure to help figure out who took your picture and spreaded it, refusing to stand this hatred against you and your monster identity.
Human Form: You met the vampire from Frankie who introduced you to their friends wanting all of you to get along and become great friends as well. At first, you were afraid, never having met a vampire before, but when you got to know the pink vampire your fear faded away. You got along with her well and always had sleepovers together, laughing and enjoying your time with each other.
It was hard for her since she thought her feelings were for Clawd, but when the two of you began hanging out more and more new found feelings began to form. She's gone through the pros and cons of dating both of you, but everything seemed evened out besides the fact that you're a human…
Monster form: She saw the photo and didn't believe it, unsure if the photo was even real, totally believing that you were full human without a single scent of monster in you. Her skin grew darker with a blush when seeing your gorgeous looks on your monster form as well making her choice now even more difficult.
Human Form: When the two of you met, it was strange. The two of you didn't talk much besides when one of the others were around and helped start the conversations. The two of you were basically mutals that had the same friends.
You weren't that close with her until the group went to Paris and she had you model one of her outfits. In the moment, when she saw your form in one of her outsides shining in the moonlight, her mind went blank with only you in her thoughts. She couldn't help but think how good you looked with the moon shining onto your skin and the outfit that fit your body perfectly, hitting everything correctly just like how she had planned.
Monster Form: When her eyes landed on the picture, the same thing from Paris occurred with your mind going blank and only you in her thoughts. She then felt anger knowing someone took your picture without your permission and revealed your secret that was clearly hidden for a reason. She was quick to come and comfort you making sure that everything was alright. (She won't admit it, but she also went to see your monster form in person and you looked even more exquisite in person)
Human Form: You met the werewolf from his sister and his crush, which wasn't a great idea because now he was facing one of the greatest choices of his life. For the past month, he's been seeing Draculaura, but when you showed up his heart and mind haven't been the same and he liked it. His feelings for the vampire were still there but he now also had feelings for you as well.
Monster Form: You had shown him and when you did his eyes widened instantly seeing your glowing complexion and soon the air felt like it was taken out of him. You made him nervous and he didn't know what to do, making things even worse for his relationship as you also started getting closer with the vampire. He knew deep down that he had to do the right thing, but something else held him down.
Human Form: You met him when trying to save his counterpart from the other humans who thought all monsters were bad, which wasn't true at all. You were shocked when seeing him going through the same thing you were. When attending monster high, the first thing you did was look for him and show him your form wanting to show him that having two sides wasn't always bad.
Monster Form: When he saw that you were just like him, his heart fluttered knowing he wasn't alone in this world of being human and monster. You became great friends with him spending most of your time at monster high with him talking about the strange things the two of you have done with your abilities. When news about your transromation became known, he stood up for you making sure no one treated you the way they treated him for being human and monster.
A/n - Sorry I couldn't do all of the characters. this was already over two pages and would have been more. If you want I can do a part 2 with more characters :)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
Molly loses her shit when seventeen year old criminal!Weasley accidentally reveals a tattoo inspired by Lestrange!OC!Daughter on his arm Sirius loves it though
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something like this ^ found it on Reddit lmao but it's kind of cool
I fucking love it!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Molly would be absolutely horrified, like she’s the type to desperately try to wash/rub it off not wanting to believe whatsoever that it is in deed very real and very permanent.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the issue, Lestrange!Daughter!OC absolutely adores it!. She would be so overjoyed that her darling has gotten something so permanently etched onto his skin that resembles her, something that’ll remind him of her forever. She views this as his way of showing that he belongs to her, now her only thing is coming up with the perfect way to do the same. Let’s be honest, she’d very well just carve his name into her skin herself but she knows he’d fret too much over that but she may just end up getting the Reader’s name tattooed on her, somewhere everyone can see it.
And she’ll show it off any given chance she can, purposely only choosing to wear outfits that show it off or accentuate it more.
Sirius would actually really like it. He thinks it subtly suits Lestrange!Daughter perfectly as well. Not to mention I think Bellatrix would adore it as well. Besides, the fact that Criminal!Weasley!Reader even went as far as getting something regarding her daughter tattooed on him to begin with, let alone something that resembled her so closely like that, certainly earns him some brownie points with her.
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aggro-my-beloved · 16 days
Trash Polka (AsherxBabe)
note: this hasn’t been fully looked over/edited so if you notice my mistakes just pretend you don’t. k thx.
summary: *doodles that a person draws on themselves will appear on their soulmate’s skin* [babe is tired of wearing hoodies in summer, and leggings in the spring. but their soulmate seems too caught up in his career to mind leaving little notes and drawings on their skin, rather than revealing himself. babe DOESN’T take matters into their own hands, but they soon won’t be covered by a mod-podge of their soulmate’s scribbles. one can hope, at least.]
pairing(s): AsherxBabe (romantic), AsherxDavid (platonic)
warning(s): none
word count: 1.4k
estimated reading time: 7 mins
taglist: @ther3alsweetheart @darlin-collins @professionallyyappinabtangst @elles-roses @ashertickler mwah
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“GLOVES AGAIN? IT’S A HUNDRED degrees outside.” Katherine quips from her desk. As usual, Babe’s morning is all swearing and stumbles through the office building as they don a more than modest collection of clothing.
“I think it’s a hundred and one, actually.” Vinny chortles from his cubicle. Since turning down his invitation to be his plus one at the office holiday party the year prior, he’s been more prone to poke fun at them. Babe illustrates the smirk tugging at his lips and fantasizes ripping it clean off his visage while preparing for another busy morning. Bag strap on the back of their chair. The largest iced coffee Starbucks could provide them on the ceramic coaster gifted by Katherine, which reads some motivational slogan Babe would be caught dead uttering in any unironic fashion.
“I still don’t know how you manage to work like that.” Their colleague’s tone is the perfect balance of judgment and concern; a siren song can draw the most taboo answers from anyone she crosses paths with. Babe is aware of this, and yet they still respond. Katherine is approachable, but isn’t as prone to flapping her lips compared to others who lurk in the office.
“I told you before, Kat, I get cold easily. Low iron, and stuff.” Babe clears their throat and wiggles their chair closer to the computer before them. A few minutes pass, and they flicker their eyes between the two cubicles on either side of them, harboring a yapping Vinny on his phone, and Katherine engrossed in her bookkeeping tasks. Babe’s movement is subtle as they sink lower in their chair, and stretch their arms beneath their desktop to flick on the fan to its highest setting. Another glance back and forth. More nonsense gabs from Vinny. Even more sounds of filing papers from Katherine. They are sandwiched in a personal hell, but the heavy dress pants and turtleneck strangling their figure may be to blame for that.
Relieving wool gloves from their hands has grown to be an orgasmic experience for Babe. One of the few things they miss about working remotely is the pleasure of joining video meetings half-naked, and feel content with the fact that their colleagues are none the wiser about what their lower half is lacking. In this office full of prying eyes and passive-aggressive chatter, though, the simple act of baring their hands fills them with equal amounts of pleasure and shame of a lambasted stripper.
Babe’s eyes cascade over the swoops and strikes of black ink on skin, written in their spoken language but still holding no significant meaning—the lines embedded in their palm act as lines on ruled paper.
Sm Tourn @ Davey’s Fri 8
Buy milk, almost out
For whatever reason, the person who left these notes for themself also found it apropos to doodle a smiley face below the crease of their thumb. Babe stiffens at the tickling sensation on their opposite hand and draws their attention toward the writing slowly appearing on it. It’s messier than chicken scratch with some typos, like every other message this person leaves for them to discover, but Babe’s witnessed these messages long enough to decode them, or at the very least, try to.
The first time their parents discovered the writing on their skin, it couldn’t have come at a worse time. They were freshly tween, overflowing with naivety and curiosity, and they assumed their anonymous messenger was too. Babe’s father clocked them at the dinner table and demanded they show him their hand, where a “naughty” word written in bold lettering was spelled out on four out of five of their knuckles. Any excuse Babe mustered in that moment would have been a lie because they were still clueless as to how random notes appeared on their skin, or who the person writing them was.
They chalked it off as a word they heard from their classmates, but it didn’t satisfy their parents in the slightest. Babe missed a whole week's worth of Pokémon and Spongebob on the family television and held that grudge for as long as they could remember. But with no face or name to target their anger towards, they learned that stewing was pointless. Soapy water was the obvious solution in Babe’s mind. Just scrub hard enough and there would be no proof, right? Wrong. Whatever mystical power is embedded in this ink, or Babe’s skin, allows it to last twenty-four hours when fighting against soap, stain sticks, or even concealer. From that point on, Babe wrestled themselves into floor-length bottoms and long-sleeves up until high school graduation.
They’ve struggled falling asleep at night, trying to view this anomaly as a “gift”. Nobody else they’ve come across has poorly drawn Star Trek characters or names of midwest emo bands littering their epidermis like a composition notebook. Not to mention the person distributing these excerpts of their life–who are they? Do they know they’re capable of something like this? Do they even know Babe exists, and ponders the consequences of this condition in their life, and cries at the reminder that they can never purchase that crop top on sale or be stared at walking down the beach with a sweatshirt on?
Babe is broken out of their spiraling thoughts by Madelyn’s request to fetch the mail from the lobby. They didn’t catch the particular reason, but their ears perked up at the words “big check we need to run.” Babe feels invisible strings urging their eyes to roll and fights them, seizing the pair of gloves and bustling towards the nearest elevator. Once upon a time, Babe would take any excuse to waltz down the seventeen flights of stairs to dilly dally. But that was before their thoughts became consumed with dying of heat stroke between concrete walls and cotton layers.
Babe finds solace in the empty elevator, and decides to savor the feeling of bare hands in every way imaginable by cracking their knuckles, reaching them up to the fluorescent lights of the lift and drenching their skin in the gleam. In seconds, they become clenched fists, clammy and unresponsive at the sound of quickly approaching steps and voice growing in volume.
“Look, I know I left the stove on. I’m sorry, buddy. It was just a little flare up...” In a panic, Babe reaches forward to jab the button to close the doors, and halts at the sight of their hand, covered in more scribbles than before. They reduce themself into the corner, hastily cloaking their hands with the gloves. Amidst putting on the second one, the voice introduces its body in the picture as it squeezes through the elevator doors right before they shut. His phone is situated between his ear and shoulder, as he shuffles through the large stack of paperwork between his hands.
His hands…
Look just like…
“Bye buddy, love you!” His blonde hair swishes against his forehead as he cranes his neck down to end the call. “He’s really trying to turn me into that guy who’s being super loud on their phone in the elevator.” While pocketing his phone, Babe’s eyes follow his hands, scribbled in black. He retrieves a pen from behind his ear, uncaps it with his mouth and lets the ballpoint make contact with his skin before he begins writing. Babe feels the familiar tickle, but is too in shock to respond. Halfway through his latest entry, he shakes the pen violently with a grunt. “Damn, this thing’s getting low on ink.”
Through his peripheral vision, the blonde peeks over at the second set of hands in the elevator, and notices some writing peeking out from the half-worn glove overtaking Babe’s left hand. “Another avid notetaker, I see. My friends can’t stand it when I write on my skin. They say it's a one way trip to ink poisoning. But it’s saving the trees, right?” Again, the nervous chuckle floats through the space, and then awkward silence. Babe’s lips remain parted in awe, too caught up in the current revelation to grab hold of anything as the elevator’s motor stutters and comes to a sudden halt. Before they could tumble to the floor, his coated hands caught them amidst their teetering. Blue eyes pooling with an intimidating level of concern, stare them down.
“Aw man, I think the elevator got stuck. Hey, are you alright?” The eyes flicker down, and the man appears to harbor the same revelation as Babe when he further inspects the writing on their hand. At least, they thought…
“No way! You like Star Trek too?”
soulmate september schedule | main masterlist | abt author
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melinoelliones · 1 year
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You and Abby were never the closest, if anything Mel made you despise the girl, so how did you end up in her bed?
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Warnings: Fingering, cursing, praise, enemies to lovers if you squint, pussy eating, cum eating!! fem reader
1.5k words
This was so rushed, please forgive me Abby lovers, I am one of you I promise, I will do better next time!!!! I have many more Abby pieces comin.
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“Well would you look at that, your underwear is soaked yet you said you hate me”? The girl chuckled, never taking her eyes off of you as you scowled. “You think you’re funny?”, “Not really, but I do think I know a girl begging for my touch when I see one”
You and Abby were never the closest to each other, you met through Manny but only really had very surface level conversations. Yet here you were, in the room they shared down to your intimates with her while Manny left to grab food, who would’ve guessed.
“You can just give in you know”, “I bet that's what you’d want” you spat, her eyebrows rising in shock as a smirk emerged on her face, “Spicy one aren’t ya, I like that, but let’s see how long it lasts huh?”.
Before you could even get a word out she was already on top of you, her knee between your legs, pressing ever so softly on your sensitive core resulting in a small moan from you. 
“Oh, you like that?” Abby teased, shifting her weight onto that knee to help soothe the ache, your eyes avoiding hers. “Oh c’mon, no need to be so shy” she cooed, your face heating up as hers moved closer.
“Who said I’m shy?” you stuttered, your cheeks heating up slightly, “hmm I don’t know, the fact that you can’t even look me in the eye says enough dontcha think?”. Abby always had that effect on you, you always tried to brush it off but yet it always came back, she made you overly nervous but you always found yourself gravitating to her, even if Mel warned you about her.
Before you could even think of a rebuttal Abby shifted back to sit on her knees, her happy trail on display as your eyes wandered her body. All she had on was a pair of boxer shorts and a sports bra but fuck she looked so good, almost effortlessly. “Like what you see?”, “Oh, shut up” you sighed sarcastically, rolling your eyes as she smoothed back her signature braid before placing herself between your thighs, her knee still wet from your underwear.
“Abby I~” “Don’t worry, I’m here” she reassured, trailing sweet kisses along your inner thighs, nibbling down on your pillowy skin as it melted at her touch. She knew it was your first time, you guys had discussed it while Manny was there, that may or may not have been the reason why he suddenly was ‘so hungry’ and ‘needed to go get everyone food’.
You felt as her kisses inched closer and closer to the source of the burning heat between your legs, your heartbeat fastening with every passing second before you felt her fingers tug at the fabric covering you. “Let's take these off, is that okay?” she asked, wanting to make sure you were still up to this. 
She observed you hesitate slightly before nodding, it wasn't as if you didn’t want this, it was actually quite the opposite but the nerves were still there. “Just like that?” she smiled sincerely, entangling damp thin fabric around her fingers, sliding them off to reveal the sopping messing before her, it almost glistening as she took a breath.
“Fuuck, well would you look at that” she groaned, shaking the smirk off her face as she dived right in, coating your slick folds in her saliva before placing her soft lips around your clit, the warmth from them sending the softest of shivers down your body. 
Abby lapped her tongue around your throbbing bud, sucking on it every so often as to never neglect it, “I~It feels so good” you moaned, earning yourself a chuckle from her against your skin. “Oh I bet it does” she grumbled against you, pulling away to look at your heated face.
“You’re basically dripping” the girl grinned, using her forefingers to part your lips as she took in the sight of your precum leak out from you, her eyebrows furrowing in desire as she took in the sight before her. She wanted nothing more than to absolutely devour you whole, tongue fuck you till your body had nothing else to give, but maybe not for your first time.
“I’ll take it slow okay?” she glowed, slipping a single digit into you with no effort, your body taking her so well. She took her time with you, slowly gliding it in and out of you, “Abby please” you whined wanting more.
“Please what? C’mon you got it, tell me what you want” she looked up at you, she wanted to hear you say it, say how much you want her to fuck you with more fingers, one was never enough was it. “I can’t help you if you don’t”. 
Swallowing your pride you spoke up, “P~Please, Abby I need more”, “as you wish princess” she teased, wasting no time in sliding another finger in, bringing another whine from you to the surface, turning her on even more. She loved the sound of your needy voice asking her for anything, she knew that took a lot.
Your body attempted to toss and turn as while filled you with her fingers, she was knuckles deep as her tips grazed your sweet spot. Holding your hips with her spare hand you cried, “Abby I’m so c~cl” “hang on for me” she cut you off, not wanting you to cum like this.
“What are yo~ fuuuck fuck” you mewled, rolling your head back into the pillow as she latched herself back onto your swollen clit, flicking the tip of her tongue against it before suckling on it. The girl was almost as heated as you at this point, her eyes half lidded while taking care of you.
Abby chuckled to herself as she felt your hands against her head, pulling her into you as close as you could, at this point you were desperate for her to help you reach the end. “Aha, easy tiger” she growled, the vibrations of her words helping you edge closer and closer.
Your body was at its limit, your hips rolling against the girls fingers as she fastened the pace of her fingers, practically pounding at your sweet spot as you choked out pure curses and whimpers, “go on, I know you wanna” she murmured between breaths, knowing exactly what you needed.
As if on cue you came, the burn in your stomach cooling itself off little by little as you painted her fingers white with your release. “Atta girl” she praised you, slowing down the pace of her fingers just enough to let you ride out your orgasm, also not wanting to let any of your arousal seep out.
Abby rose to her knees as she watched your body relaxed below her, your eyes full of nothing but lust and high as they met hers, you were just perfect. “Well would you look at that”, she announced, burrowing her digits in your sensitive cunt one last time to catch every last drop of you, rising them up to show you before sucking you off them. She was now hooked on the taste of you, even if it was the first time, not that you’d want any other conclusion of course. 
As you attempted to sit up your thighs trembled, knocking you back down sharply. “Easy there, I got you” she cooed, helping you back against the headboard whilst settling beside you, pulling the covers over the both of you as you thanked her.
“I think it’s only right that you get a taste too” Abby smirked, pulling your face towards her till your lips met. With your pride already down the drain you took the first move, slipping your tongue into hers, she was not expecting for you to take that leap. A moan from you rolled into her mouth whilst as she deepened the kiss, not wanting to let you to have all the fun, the flavour of you coming from her mouth sending you into overdrive.
As the kiss started to heaten up you both jumped, the noise of the door unlocking snapping the two of you out of the trance, a trail of saliva still connecting you to as she pulled back. Shouting emerged as you heard the door open and close, “Aye sorry I took so long, I couldn’t cut in line this tim~” Manny cut himself off, his eyes darting straight to the soiled underwear on the floor, then to the both of you huddled under Abby’s sheets.
“Am I interrupting somethin~” “no you’re fine we were just er, chilling” the girl protested however Manny was no idiot, “right….. Well, foods on the counter” he laughed, backing away to the kitchen. “Just to let you know, you’re a bad fuckin liar” he jested, plopping himself on his bed with no care in the world.
Abby had no intention of letting him get in the way of what you guys were doing, the curtain on her bedframe had more than one use and she intended to show you, the night was only just beginning.
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Fuck It Friday!
I was meant to post chapter 2 of With you I'm Home today but alas, life got in the way. In the meantime, enjoy Eddie delivering a baby!!
Tagged by @daffi-990, go check out their Fuck It Friday RIGHT NOW for Buck and May's first meeting!
“Okay, Amber, I know it hurts but on your next contraction I’m going to need you to give me the biggest push you’ve ever done,” Eddie instructs. “Cam, if you want to watch baby come out, now’s your chance, man.” Cam gulps, looking a little pale, and shakes his head. “Y-ya know, I think I-I’m good here, thanks” he stammers, and Amber rolls her eyes. “He threw up when our oldest was born and fainted at the second. Pathetic” Eddie snorts, as if he wasn’t a second away from doing the same thing at Christopher’s birth. “Hey, it happens.” It strikes Eddie how odd it is that he’s having a very casual conversation with someone while they have a face sticking out between their legs. The baby’s face, thankfully, isn’t getting any more purple, and Eddie briefly remembers that babies won’t actually take their first breath until their bodies have passed entirely through the birth canal, something about the pressure of their chest suddenly being decompressed being enough to draw their lungs open and for them to take their first breath. A quick glance at Chimney reveals that the man is ready to receive the baby, a towel draped over his arms. Hen’s breath hisses as she inhales sharply as Amber clamps down on her hand once more, the contraction building and building. Eddie wraps both hands around the baby’s head and neck, careful not to occlude the air way. “Push, Amber, push! That’s it!” he encourages as he applies a small amount of traction, the baby’s neck lengthening until the first shoulder pops free and then, suddenly, the rest of the baby follows in a slippery rush that’s got Eddie scrambling to support the body before the baby goes flopping onto the floor. “It’s a girl!” He’s holding the baby up, unable to tear his eyes away from the small, almost too small, slimy, and yet perfect human being in his arms, starting at her in amazement before remembering that skin to skin is key just after birth. Lion king moment over, he moves towards the expectant mother. Eddie’s dimly aware of the fact that he can’t hear any screaming as he lifts the baby up onto Amber’s chest. “Eddie?” Bobby’s voice is low, almost a warning, and Eddie knows, he knows he’s gotta do something, and fast. “Yeah, Cap, I know” He grabs a towel and scoots up so he’s at Amber’s side. He hasn’t even had time to inspect for damage… down there, but right now he’s got other priorities. Amber grabs his arm as he reaches over with a towel, covering the baby and begins to rub her back thoroughly. “I-is everything okay? Why isn’t she crying?” “Baby’s a little early and sometimes they need a little help breathing.” Eddie turns to Hen when it becomes apparent that this baby is going to need more than stimulation to get her breathing, his voice low and urgent. “Hen, I need you to clamp the cord and cut it, I’ve got to get her to Chim”. Hen nods resolutely and does as he said, placing two clamps about 2 inches above the start of the cord, and cuts into it with the scissors. It’s tough, almost chewy, and takes a couple of attempts before the cord is cut and Eddie swiftly brings the baby into his arms. “Chim, you ready for me?” Chimney already has the small mask out and the high flow oxygen set up. “Yes sir.” It’s been 40 seconds since the baby was born and she still hasn’t taken a breath. Eddie lays the baby out on the towels in front of Chimney and immediately focuses himself on resuscitation, leaving Bobby and Hen to reassure the parents. “Starting rescue breaths” Chimney announces, and he covers the baby’s face with the mask. Eddie holds her head stead, ensuring her airway is open, and Chimney administers the breaths. “Good chest rise” Eddie notes. “Keep going.” The tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Eddie can vaguely hear Bobby and Hen talking with Amber and Cam in the background, their voices low and reassuring as they explain what’s going on. Eddie forces himself not to look over, not to see Amber and Cam’s terrified faces as he and Chimney encourage their daughter to life. “Come on, baby, breathe for me” he murmurs.
No pressure tagging @hippolotamus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @malewifediaz @watchyourbuck @callmenewbie @cal-daisies-and-briars @disasterbuckdiaz @jesuisici33 @weewootruck @eddie---diaz @fruitandbubbles @fortheloveofbuddie @rainbow-nerdss @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings @fionaswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
mean!dom!lottienat x bratty reader with aftercare, you can choose the plot!!
A/N: dear anon, this is definitely not what you asked for im sorry, don't come at me, or at least not ONLY at me because in fact, this is a collab with @lottienatswife:) go follow her lolllll, craziest collab ever. We are not smut writers and this is personally my first smut ever lol, we just decided to have fun with it!!!
Also this is pretty long :)
hope you'll enjoy either way :) (Marina if you see this go away this is not for you, this post is Marina DNI)
TW: smut, lots weird stuff, quirky seggs, tentacles are mentioned, dildo attacks girl's face, toys and ropes :)
Night at Lottie's
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“Where are you parents again? On a business trip” Nat asked from Lottie’s bed, Wannabe by the Spice Girls played in the bedroom, Natalie didn’t exactly enjoy that but whatever made her princess happy.
“They are at a funeral actually” Lottie answered from her spot in a rocking chair near the bed, lately she has been getting into reading, the current book she’s reading? Poems of Sappho, she told you and Nat multiple times that she would’ve loved to join a book club, if only those were real…
Nat frowned but before she could say anything Lottie continued “Uncle Joe passed away last night”.
After her affirmation Nat moved from the bed and got closer to Lottie, placing a hand on her knee “I’m so sorry Lottie…was it a peaceful death at least?”
“He was actually eaten alive by a dolphin-” Lottie couldn’t even finish her sentence, suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open, you were running for no apparent reason, maybe the writers just need a narrative expedient to make you end up sprawled on the bed…or maybe not…who knows? I definitely don’t.
Either way, Nat’s backpack, which was conventionally thrown on the floor, made you trip and not so gracefully fall on the bed, face planted in the mattress, bum in the air, emitting a little groan.
“Eager aren’t you?” Nat exclaims and without missing a bit she gets closer to you and just like you landed on the bed her hand lands on your ass, giving it a smack.
Lottie gasps still sitting comfortably on her chair, looking intensively at your interaction with Natalie “Little sapphics” she whispers with a hint of amusement.
“Hey!” you yell at the contact of Nat’s palm with your skin, but Nat doesn’t really seem to care since she has her hands already placed on your hips, flipping you around and manhandling you until your back was against the headboard, her body straddling yours and keeping your hands in hers. And even though you felt like a barbie being tossed around by a three year old kid you actually didn’t mind at all, and while you and Nat were clearly having the time of your life Lottie opened a package of organic rice cakes and munched on it while watching attentively “It’s just like national geographic” she mumbled to herself while chewing.
Nat leaned in for a kiss and who were you to comply after all, and as the smooching got more and more heated your bodies grew sweatier and sweatier, especially your hands, making Nat falter, causing your foreheads to collide in a painful crash.
*some time later*
As Natalie straddled you, with her hands on the wooden headboard this time, Lottie, finally may I add, got up from the rocking chair placing her rice cakes on in and walking to the bed sitting down on it next to Nat who was already aiming at your shirt pulling it off with ease, revealing your bra. Natalie shifts over to look for something in the drawer, rummaging through it and pulling out a quite peculiar object out of it.
“Is it a unicorn horn?” Lottie wonders as soon as she looks at it
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dildo Lottie” you said, still laying under Natalie, your affirmation made Lottie’s eyes squint “Then why is it rainbow?”
“I don’t know maybe it’s gay” you shrugged as Natalie kissed your neck not really caring about whatever conversation was going on between the two of you, raging hormones they say.
Slowly realising the destination of the gay allegated sparkly rainbow toy Lottie’s eyes widened  "NAT! NO.... IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH!!" Lottie yanks it out of Nat's hand, and gets out her purple- "it's not purple its heliotrope, damn I’ve told this to the production so many times and nobody listens"... heliotrope dildo... it was bigger than the rainbow one “It kinda reminds me of an octopus” you said as you looked down at the thing “Did you know that one of the tentacles of an octopus is actually it’s dick?”
“Not now Lottie please” Nat brushed her off as she started undoing your pants, pulling them off she smirked at the sight of your undies...Peppa Pig printed underwear was really something...Natalie bit her lip she took off her own pants, as did Lottie. Nat was wearing her super special underwear, pink Hello kitty underwear, Lottie on the other end showed off her spiderman (writers care to specify it’s PS game spiderman) panties.
"So…my little gold digger…” 
“Lottie, leave the dirty talk to me please-”
“SHUT UP...can I tie you up??" You look at Lottie... and shake your head, you already knew what was going to happen, she did it all the time, and you needed money for that one dinosaur pillow. As expected Lottie groaned and pulled out  her wallet which was conventionally already on the bed "I'll pay you"
 "deal..!" You happily take the money shoving it inside Nat’s bra “Keep it safe baby” you gave her breasts a pat pat “Since when are my knockers a piggy bank” she mumbled but neither you or Lottie paid too much attention to that.
Lottie had already taken out the purple…no wait…heliotrope ropes she kept stored in a small box and tied your wrists up to the bedpost. So now that you’re stuck like a worm on a hook Nat and Lottie exchange a knowing look, as Natalie adjusts a harness to her hips
“Kinda looks like a bricklayer's belt”
“Shut up” 
Then she immediately pulls off your panties and once they are discarded she lays her chin on the mattress to see your core "....mmph…" Nat hums in satisfaction once she sees the faucet was left running “While Lottie’s parents cry at the funeral I make this pussy cry” 
Suddenly Lottie shoves Nat away, taking her turn to stare at you. Determined, Nat pushed Lottie down the bed, gracefully slapping her face with the glittery gay dildo, and just like that, after she regained her spot on top of you, the object found its home…once again.
After a couple of small thrusts Natalie really started going at it and you started moaning, in that exact moment, jealousy creeped inside Lottie and once again Nat was shoved away, this time ruthlessly shoved down the bed and onto the floor. Taking Nat’s out of you so she could insert the heliotrope toy. Your faucet kept running, until it broke and Lottie cheered, she broke it first.. and Natalie groaned still on the floor, annoyed.
Lottie carefully unties your wrists, placing little kisses on the small bruises the ropes caused.  "You want shoulder rubs?" Lottie asked, while pulling you on her chest to let you rest your back against her breasts "What about pussy rubs?" Nat smirked.
Before you could answer, Lottie shoved a rice cake in your mouth as Nat just groaned, unbuckling her harness and throwing it aside. 
Lottie pampered you with little kisses on the top of your head while she rubbed both your shoulders and neck, slowly, Nat crawled back on the bed, giving a kiss to both you and Lottie, hugging the two of you and laying her head on your shoulder.
*later that night*
“Y/N? Are you still awake?”
 "I never got to fiddle with your riddle”
“Technically you-”
If you've reached the end, here's your throphy 🏆
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
would there be any way the staff!reader could stay overnight in the gallery safely? without being turned into an art piece so everyone doesnt have to worry about losing them? maybe this reader, somehow hired to take care of and maintain everyone in the gallery, doesn't really have anywhere to go home to...?
honestly? i'd feel very protected if i had to sleep in an art gallery full of art + director that love and cherish me. after i get used to them being alive first–
BTW i hope you are safe, happy, stress-free, are eating well and drinking lots of water! have an amazing day whether you choose to answer this or not!! :D
Well, as long as you manage to make it clear that you'll never leave them, the gallery won't have to resort to turning you into a painting. I imagine living there would be the best way to do so actually. The topic will most likely come up again as you age or if you get seriously injured, but for the time they would be content with the arrangement and (somehow) work together to make sure you're given the same care that you've given them.
"Is Y/n comfortable?"
The question's accompanied by light snickering as the hands at work complete their mission. You wrestle against your binds, but their softness and the persisting presence of hands pinning to the mat as well as combing through your hair makes you still. You accept defeat physically - but you're not down for the count yet.
"Scavenger, I really appreciate your effort, but I need to check on the other floors before I get some rest."
The Scavenger only laughs more, yet there's a notable difference to its tone. While clocking out for the night and tending to the rest of your duties off-shift, you were ambushed by the painting and dragged back to the storage closet you slept in. Your own bedding had already been laid out; added onto by the various blankets, foods, and other comforts they had stolen for you. The Scavenger used said blankets to swaddle you in and has been trying for the past half hour to get you to fall asleep. It hushes you with a finger to your lips.
"Shhhh. Quiet. There are new rules to follow. New rules to keep Y/n safe. Once their shift is over, it's our turn to take care of them. Might get sick otherwise."
The Scavenger runs its blackened fingers across the dark circles under your eyes to prove their point. As you prepare your rebuttal, the storage room door opens. Your stomach drops seeing who walks in.
The Lady in White. Red clings to the tails of her dress like haunts of her crimes and a knife welt in her hand. Crimson decorates the blade, but it's not blood. On further investigation, its revealed to the remaining skin of the item resting on the plate in her opposite hand. Her face scrunches up in disgust as she looks at all the processed foods around you.
"Please, stop feeding my darling garbage. I've left them in your company because I believe its for the best for us all, but I am not afraid to cut you all down if I must."
She places a plate of apple slices on the floor. "The Rose has been growing these for you. It's not much, but its food. If I had the right ingredients, I'm sure I can make a proper dish with them. Use this to buy them for me, and whatever else you may need."
She sets a wallet beside the plate. At least she tried to scrape off the blood the time. As soon as she takes her leave, another member of the gallery enters the room. Two in fact. The Painter, and a newer addition to the team, Soleil. The living clock had a habit of leaving its parts about for you to find, but seemed to be in working condition as it cocks its head at you quizzically. Its companion stares down the halls with a worried expression; shocked when they look over at you.
"Oh, dear. You're still awake, Poppy? That's no good- no good at all. I came all the way from my workshop to capture your-... I mean, check on you before the Angel stopped by to play guard."
"I told you they'd be up. They're always up at this hour no matter how often I tell them the time."
"Quiet, you overgrown alarm clock. We need to let them get their rest."
Then wh..y aren't you?
Soleil jumps at the new voice, while The Painter merely slacks their shoulders. No hope in getting that perfect picture now. The Faceless Angel stands behind the duo. They have gotten better with speech since they first lost their face. Slurred, their deep and raspy voice is much clearer now with only the smallest hiccups when they speak for long. Singing and talk to you while you winded down for the night help their progress immensely. In their hands, they hold a bright pink rose which yips in excitement the closer it gets to you. The angel puts it next to your bed and takes a seat; acting as your guardian angel for now, and as long as you will allow.
With your alarm clock, guardian, and two slightly bothersome, but still caring paintings - your eyes start to grow heavy. You don't remember when you start to dose off, or how long you actually slept, but the time on Soleil's open chest reads 4am when you're woken by a gentle shake.
"Hey, Y/n. Sorry for waking you, but I lost my house keys. Can I sleep next to you?"
You mumble a reply your coworker takes as a yes. Anri snuggles up beside you, careful not to touch you aside from placing a hand over your arm. You'd save wondering how they got their hands on a new uniform in the morning.
With the gallery's residents returned back to place, the director shuts the storage room door with a prayer of pleasant dreams. It feels so good to know that you're home.
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s3 episode 12 thoughts
ha! a post at a different time than usual! you didn’t see this coming, did you? well i like to keep you guessing
do you hate bugs? if so, this may not be the episode for you!
(based on the poll i have running, i’m going to try putting a “read more” thingy on this post. please let me know if this enhances your experience. what a cruel thing to only think of 3 seasons in…)
disclaimer on the formatting of this blog aside, let us jump in, straight from the moments right before i clicked the play button.
okay, so last episode will be a hard act to follow, given that it was my new favorite episode. BUT i think i’ve seen that this episode is a fan favorite?? i think?? so we shall see…
trying to go in with no expectations at all. not even one. just let the story take me where it goes.
but i thought i did see something about this episode referring to a mulder ex?? not sure i can deal with that again at this point in my life. not after phoebe. still haunted by that arthur conan doyle thing.
it's bug time in massachusetts. learn some bug facts with this kindly looking fellow. 
i love academics who are really into things like bugs. i love when they love funny creatures. WAIT HE STEPPED ON IT!! that was cruel??? maybe he is not a kindly fellow after all…
okay, i THOUGHT this dude was teaching a class on science, but he’s an exterminator... LMAOOOOOO they got me with that gag
so he’s putting down a new pesticide to kill the cockroaches. always risky business, those pesticides.
he sprayed the bug with the stuff and then stomped on it and it seems like he started choking?? is he messing with some dangerous poison here??? pesticides scare me…. 
the bugs are pouring out of surfaces and onto him and it is making my skin craaaaawl!!!
oh, a cricket now graces our screen! a pleasant creature. on mulder’s windshield? he went up to massachusetts for the weekend! but not for family reasons. for alien reasons.
scully is cleaning her gun and talking to him on the phone while he looks up at the sky. it’s quite charming <3
“look scully, i know it’s not your inclination, but did you ever look up into the night sky and feel certain that not only was something up there, but it was looking down on you at the exact same moment, and was just as curious about you as you are about it?” <- ohhhh he’s waxing poetic. ohhh what does the massachusetts bring out in this man?
scully is going on about how she thinks the real fascinating truth is that life exists here on this planet at all, and uses the word “anti-darwinian”… and he asks what she is wearing??? she laughs at this 
(i actually really liked her little monologue here and would copy it down, but i want to see what happens next)
he references planet of the apes and they both understand it, which means they have both seen a movie that i have not. sad!
a bright light shines on him and he says he has to go, so he hangs up. way to freak her out!
it’s a cop. he asks what mulder is doing. “just sitting, thinking” LMAOOOO they hate to see a man who ponders
the cop asks for his ID after implying he is on drugs, and then is gagged when he pulls out his FBI badge. and then all of a sudden he’s a “sir”... okay. only getting respect AFTER the occupation reveal. not the most morally outstanding thing...
the cop asks why he has his windshield wipers on and he’s like oh, just knocking a bug off, and the officer reaches for his gun??? and asks if the bugs he is referring to were cockroaches. he’s like… maybe? or maybe a beetle?? “i’m not really good with bugs” LMAOOO
then the cop leaves when he says there is a roach attack. oh?
scully is trying to just enjoy a meal and some tv when he calls and says that she needs to get up here because “it appears that cockroaches are mortally attacking people”, to which she replies “i’m not going to ask you if you just said what i think you just said, because i know it’s what you just said”, which would also be my response to this information!
(she has flowers on her glass of water. it’s quite pretty)
anyway. bodies with roaches. (nicki voice) ROACHESSSS!
oh, they’re very scientific up there in this town, all the people who were victims/witnesses were expert scientists... hmm. any roach scientists?
the guy whose house was being exterminated says he sees cockroaches when he closes his eyes, and he can’t sleep!! that is very concerning.
scully says it might be an allergic reaction to roaches that killed this dude, and this seems to please mulder as an answer, or at least bide him enough time to let her stay the night at her place. and when the cop asks who was on the phone, he says “my drug dealer” <- hahahaha get his ass
in this next scene, i at first thought people were doing some science, but it seems these are teenagers that are doing drugs. and whatever it is has a cockroach crawling in it?
he’s scratching and scratching and i literally cannot look. i heard him yell “get them out of me” but i am already light headed and we shall leave it at this.
cut to scully cam. her dog is getting a bath!!! with anti-flea shampoo….. does the creature have bugs or is she just being very cautious? not sure if more bugs would be an auspicious sign. good to see the dog again, i’ve missed him. what a cute little fellow. he whines. 
of course her phone rings when she is covered in soap!!
mulder says she better get up there. the kid is dead. and there were very much drugs at the scene, but mystery drugs.
she says that sometimes people who are high can imagine bugs in their skin- it’s called ekbom’s syndrome. again, love when she knows this stuff. and he says that she is probably right, and she doesn’t really have to come up. “sorry to bother you”, he says, and she says “it’s no bother” into the phone with a smile. 
but the dog!!! he has run away!!! still covered in soap!! naughty little fellow.
back a the scene of the crime. a roach has been caught. mulder somehow squished it. but the exoskeleton was made of metal?? OH! his hand is bleeding!!!
is this some sort of future cockroach that has developed advanced resistance to eradication efforts?? like the darwinian stuff scully was talking about earlier???
he is still bleeding. at the doctor. and the doctor wants to know what the hell is going on. mulder doesn’t know. and the sheriff asks the same thing!!! many are wondering.
doctor goes to the bathroom and a roach approaches. NO NO NO I SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING AND I HATE IT NOOOO. 
“i see the correlation, but just because i work for the federal government doesn’t mean i’m an expert on cockroaches” mulder!!!! what a way to speak of your coworkers! hahaha
oh!! someone has been doing experiments in the town!! this dude says killer bees were an accident, and maybe these cockroaches are something similar- is that true about the bees??? need to fact check. OH MY GOSH IT IS??? what the hell. what a scary world we live in.
so the doctor is dead. he was covered in cockroaches when he was found dead, but now they are gone? except for one on the sink. that one falls down the drain.
back to scully cam. she’s reading truman capote’s breakfast at tiffany’s!!! she picks up the phone with “who died now?” LMAOOO
she says it was probably a brain aneurysm that killed the doctor, and it looks like it was. cutscene to him jumping into the secret area.
scully at home, looking up cockroaches on a… laptop? with her glasses on <3 and eating ice cream right out of the carton. honestly queen shit!!! her hypothesis: new cockroach species…?
“mulder, you’re not thinking about trespassing onto government property again, are you?” she asks, while he is at the door LMAOOOO 
“i know that you’ve done it in the past” <- yeah, he is a repeat offender. her tone here was so funny, too. trying to gently talk him out of it.
“it’s too late, i’m already inside” HAHAHA
(deep resigned scully sigh) “well, what’s going on? what do you see?” this exchange says so much about them <3 if he's gonna get his ass in trouble, he at least better describe to her in great detail what is going on
he is giving her a full walk through of this place, which looks like a normal house except the moving walls. until the roaches burst through.
and someone turns a light on! he says he has to go. see, that is exactly when i would want someone to be on the phone with me, when a mysterious entrance is made.
so we see dr. berenbaum. i guess she was at home alone, but damn, they are really trying to show off her chest.
“what’s a woman like you doing in a place like this?” he asks. gag (and not in the slay kinda way, in the "please stop mulder, you're making me cringe" kinda way)
OHHH scully is still staring at the phone… is she contemplating or did he forget to hang up?? does she have to listen to all of this? another case of her being god's strongest soldier if she has to hear this.
and in the next scene, dr. berenbaum has buttoned her flannel. it is differently buttoned in the next cut.
WAIT. she’s talking about UFOs. she thinks they are really insect swarms. this seems like a trap to lure mulder into some trouble, by getting him distracted...
she’s saying something about loving insects. so now we get a REAL academic who loves bugs!
LMAOOOO the phone rings and he answers it only to say “not now”, ohhh he wants her bad. he says that he finds insects to be very interesting. LMAOOOOOO an absolute LIAR!! just after she said she loves bugs for being honest. mulder is not immune to lying to women to make them like him. a cardinal sin! just be yourself, man!
at a motel room, a cockroach is approaching another guy’s feet. and he’s scratching at himself and i see where it’s going and i’m NOT LOOKING. i can’t bear it. 
mulder waking up. in. a bed? did they hookup??? oh i don't need to imagine that.
no, seems he is by himself, in the motel. which is good. i don't need that kind of energy in my life. 
he opens his eyes and immediately calls scully. who was sleeping with the phone on her pillow to be there if he called again. AWWWW. she is so thoughtful.
she does not seem to be enjoying that the scientist is a woman, and also that her name is bambi, which like. okay, i get that. bambi is kinda wild as a name, lmaooo. she cannot believe it. no offense to any bambis reading this, you are deeply valued. he's babbling about bambi and bugs and her parents were both naturalists, and dude, shut upppp
“scully, can i confess something to you?” he asks
(scully is visibly cringing, with pain in her voice) “yeah sure, okay!” <- LMAOOOO she was prepared for the worst!!! but ready to try and be supportive no matter what!! that is friendship! this moment was sosososososo cute. she was bracing herself for the worst but still trying to be kind. she did NOT wanna hear about his antics with this bambi!! and i do not blame her!!!
he says “i hate insects”, and she tries to comfort him saying lots of people are afraid of them!!! because that is a good friend who sleeps next to the phone waiting for your call, even after you mysteriously hang up on her!!!
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he was terrified of a praying mantis as a child. they look like aliens. he was repulsed by the mysteries of the natural world. we can unpack that at another time.
he says that it “wasn’t a girly scream” that he let out as a child, and she asks if he was sure LMAOOOOO 
she’s so funny i SWEAR. they need to call more late at night/very early in the morning just to make fun of each other but also do their very best to support each other.
but! a loud screaming in the distance. he hangs up the phone again and she rolls her eyes. 
discovery: that the dude seen in the hotel earlier was covered in cockroaches. also, he is dead.
mulder at the scene with his JEANS ON, NO SHIRT, BELT UNBUCKLED????
wait. we need to unpack this. was he SLEEPING in jeans??????? holy fuck... we need to lock this man UP, that is CRAZY!
anyway, the cockroaches that were just on that guy's body are gone. so they just disappeared somehow. not as crazy as a man sleeping in jeans, but it is up there.
she’s getting her stuff to come up there now. and i like that we get to see into her place, her little kitty on the desk, her two giant bookshelves. maybe i tried to pause and read what was on there, any maybe i had no luck!
also, now she’s on the phone with him explaining the mysterious death, and he’s clothed. he must have saw the dead body and realized he had time to change.
mulder seems to think that this dude had a heart attack. and all of scully’s theories have seemed correct. but that doesn’t explain the metal exoskeletons, which he had NOT mentioned before, and leaves her gagged.
“mulder, i’m coming up there” “whatever”, he says, as he sneaks onto the ground, to catch a roach!!! petulant child of a man.
cut to bambi, analyzing the cockroaches. with mulder pressed veeeeery close to her face. and the cockroach is… hung? but they are actually robots??? so this robot cockroach has that as a design. interesting. 
turns out, a guy who makes bug robots lives in town. so mulder is off to visit. and we see a little one walk by!!! about the size of a roomba or small dog. mulder seems enchanted by it, following it in. it's a very cute little guy. i politely request 10 of them.
dr. ivanov is the fellow behind all this. they’re trying to make AI robots by making them bugs. interesting strategy. if only AI was used to make cute little dog-sized robot bugs in our age...
the robots are following mulder about. dr. ivanov says the bug robot likes him!!! aww
the goal of this research is that they want to send the bugs to space!!!! to explore alien civilizations! and that if aliens visit our planet, they will also be robots. if you think otherwise, you have been brainwashed by sci-fi. scalding hot takes coming from dr. ivanov here.
interesting to see two separate takes on what aliens/UFOs actually are in this episode from someone other than mulder.
these roomba or small dog sized bug robots are soooo cute, not at all like those real looking cockroaches.
ugh! i just realized they probably had to get a TON of roaches on set to film all this. and they were probably crawling about…. euGhHhh
he asks dr. ivanov to identify the bug legs. and dr. ivanov looks terrified. he says it is beyond his comprehension...??
and then a cockroach walks across the screen? it looks like it’s walking right on the camera. i had to replay to see if it was supposed to be walking along their faces, but no, it’s completely flat, right on you, the viewer’s screen, which i’m sure made a lot of people jump!!!
the grocery store is being looted for all things, even chocolate and pantyhose. someone crashes a car, and someone else slams into scully, who looks IMMENSELY displeased.
scully just wants a damn map, but one person is saying that roaches are eating people whole, then another person says they’re spreading ebola. the misinformation panic can produce!
she starts yelling in the convenience store, and people mostly calm down. queen of controlling the situation. until someone knocks over some candy that sort of kind of looks like roaches if you squint and the stampede resumes. 
dr. ivanov and mulder are drinking whisky??? okay, boys night i guess. he finds a real looking roach on the way out. and starts talking to it.
he brings it to bambi and she confirms it’s a real cockroach.
scully calls, saying this town is insane. and that she has a lead! the alternative fuel researcher brought various animal dungs in, which could have started an infestation. and she says “maybe you can confirm this with your dr. bambi” and there is a sort of venom in there that has me giggling. get his ass queen.
oh, and now he’s going on about aliens. she says he’s been in this town too long. 
HE BRINGS BAMBI TO THE INVESTIGATION??? he says to wait until it’s safe and he’s worried about the human element. DOES HE MEAN SCULLY?? or the researcher...
so poor bambi is just gonna sit in the car i'm crying
it’s the guy who was saying he was seeing cockroaches in his sleep!! and who found the first body, of the exterminator!!! he’s in there spraying stuff on a cockroach and it doesn’t do anything.
sure enough, cockroaches in his dung samples. mulder goes to touch it when this DUDE SHOOTS AT HIM?? his name is dr. eckerle. he says they’re following him. and that the bugs drive him crazy. 
scully rolls up and says “let me guess- bambi” and bambi says “fox told me to wait out here” FOX?? hearing his real name is always such a jumpscare. she loads her gun and says this is no place for an entomologist. OKAYYYY steal his girl!!!
back in the lab, dr. eckerle has mulder at gunpoint. he’s reciting bug facts to distract him.
mulder tries to explain that dr. eckerle hasn’t gone crazy, but then he brings the gun back up to his chest and asks mulder if he’s a cockroach, so. jury’s out on that one. 
scully in da research facility. she can’t find him. so she rings his phone. and dr. eckerle takes this as a sign that he is a cockroach!! he fires his gun in the facility full of methane gas and they have to run run run!! they make it outside and tell bambi to get down just in time.
agents are covered in exploded dung. deeply unfortunate.
and there had been 4 other fires that night!!! and a whole lot of automobile accidents, assaults, other such panic induced things. but no cockroach problems. 
the episode ends with another planet of the apes quote and bambi hitting it off with dr. ivanov.
scully observes all this and says “smart is sexy” LMAOOOOOOOO 
he doesn’t seem to know what to say to this so he tells her she smells. and she seems taken aback LMAOOO
episode wrap up time. mulder edition. “the development of our cerebral cortex has been the greatest achievement of the evolutionary processes. big deal.” <- okay i’ve said lmao a lot, but that one got a real, genuine laugh out of me. ugh his dumb ass… love him so bad. 
he is typing and typing and we see his fish in the background. also he is eating something. that i really hope has no cockroaches.
he’s going on about the vastness of technology but then has to slap the computer to get it to work LMAOOOO
he’s calling humanity mindless and primitive and BAM cockroach looking thing on whatever it was he was eating. he gets around to smack it. and then he lands a great smack, with an FBI file. i paused in case it had any clues to various mysteries and the file number is “667386”, but i don’t think that’s actually relevant at all
we hear a cockroach chirp as the end credits roll
WELL! that was an interesting episode. it’s interesting how even an episode centering on mysterious cockroach deaths can be made funny. they leaned into the campy elements, which i enjoyed.
things on my mind, in no particular order: scully cleaning her gun while calling mulder, mulder talking in poems while watching the stars, how they quoted planet of the apes at the beginning and then when two other did it it was in an implied romance (hey listen, you can’t stereotype the bond between two academics sharing a niche interest into such basic categories as “romance” or “friendship”, but i call it as the narrative presents itself), doggy bath time, the intimacy of long distance phone calls in pajamas, scully sleeping with the phone on her pillow, scully reading breakfast at tiffany's, this man sleeping in jeans.
it’s always weird watching them flirt with people that aren’t each other. and i know the writers do that on PURPOSE but it’s so weird!! the thing you did to be purposefully weird is working!!! so i was wrong about my initial assumption i had seen based on posts crossing my dash, she was NOT a former romantic partner, but a current love interest that did not seem to really feel the same. she just loves bugs, man. can you blame a woman? is there any greater love than between a woman and her research?
but seeing scully lowkey kinda jealous was also making me laugh. i’m not a believer in the whole “men and women can’t be friends thing”, so i choose to interpret that she wasn’t thinking along those lines at first, but the way she clocked him as down bad for her that fast was soooo funny. the minute that first name came out it was game over. 
(i mean, maybe it could be interpreted less as jealously and more as friendly antagonism, but that wasn’t the vibe i was getting. she wanted the tea. and then cocked her gun in front of said bambi and implied she and her new scientist friend were sexy due to their smarts at the end. always watch your back because scully can and will flex in front of ur girl)
it was nice to have a silly one!!! a good old fashioned silly one. although the body horror really did jumpscare me because i was enjoying the silly and then WOAH. cockroach in the arm. i also just shivered thinking about bugs again. nasty nasty! i’m sorry bambi they are just crawly!!! i appreciate their value to science but i just watched that little critter crawl in an open wound so have some space for my discomfort!
i wonder if in the writer’s room, they allotted how many silly episodes are per season. or arc. i see people referring to “arcs” in my reblogs by specific names; you’ll have to fill me in on that measurement of episodes. because it sounds intriguing. but yeah, sometimes you need a lighter one, and it’s nice to get that. 
need a scully fancam to femininomenon….
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ell-arts · 2 months
hey Ella if Pac man and Cylindria had kids what will their design be and their names?
just curious and I am also a Pac man x cylindria shipper as well and has been my favorite otp since I watched the show
Oooooo I love this question 👀
Dang, if only I had some designs drawn out to show... one day I will!
So, some context first; I've actually already envisioned their kids a long time ago and already had oc's for them. Three, to be exact. They were made several years ago and were only shared in some old friend groups. But since their designs are quite old, I'd like to give them a redesign before I reveal them publically.
So no art to show yet, sadly. But I can share a bit about their names and personalities 👀 They each have nicknames!
Zachary - Named after his grandfather, Zaccy is the firstborn and only son of Pac and Cyli. He is a Yellow One like his dad, but takes after his mom in being smart and witty - definitely to the point of being a smartass, as his sister would tell you. His main hobby is reading books and annoying his sisters, but he also enjoys playing a few rounds of pac-pong with his family. While he does enjoy poking fun at his sisters, he actually sees them as his best friends and would give his life to protect them. He goes by Zac most of the time, but sometimes he is also called Zaccy as a fond nickname - paying homage to when Pac was called Paccy as a child. Appearance: Yellow skin, black hair, pinkish purple eyes. Personality: A goofball and a walking encyclopedia in one package. Witty and sociable, with a bit of a competitive streak.
Ovaline - Pac and Cyli's eldest daughter, who mostly goes by Ova. Unlike her father and brother, and very atypical of Yellow Ones in general, Ova has never really had a big appetite. She loves animals and dreams of becoming a vet one day. She often buds heads with Zac and gets into fights with him, but they always have each other's backs. Ova inherited her grandmother's red hair, and has a tomboyish flare like her mother. Despite this, she is a total daddy's girl. Appearance: Yellow skin, red hair, pink eyes Personality: A bit stubborn and ambitious, but fiercely loyal and valiant. She is a team player through and through.
Sylvaniel - Nicknamed Sylvi, she is the youngest sister and the only one out of her siblings who is pink - in fact, she is the spitting image of her mother. Soft-spoken and introverted, Sylvi is often shy around new people, but turns into a warm and optimistic force once you spend time with her. She often takes the role of peacekeeper between her brother and sister's fighting (but don't be fooled; she's been pulled into their shenanigans on more than one occasion). She was named after a princess from Cyli's favourite book. Appearance: Pink skin, black hair, blue eyes Personality: Though she may be shy and quiet, she is incredibly humble and has an aptitude for cooking. A cinnamon roll with a big heart and a gentle spirit.
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thedevilsinferno · 1 month
Roo is a red herring
I think that Roo isn't the "root of all evil" and she's meant to be a misdirection. When examining Roo's design people think that she has a similar design to evil that we see in episode 1.
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But upon further inspection there are so many differences for example her hair. At first glance Roo's hair is Firey like evil's. But actually, in the drawings Viv made of her it seems as though it's actually a waving motion. Even the hair that is falling out makes a waving motion. Also, if you look closely at the images Roo's hair is glowing. Like if you compare the black part of her hair to the red, you'll notice that it is a lot brighter and even has some white in it. Adding these elements makes her hair look more like good. It even flows on the same side as good.
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I also want to point out that Roo is more associated with the color white than with red. Her skin's white, she has white irises, she even has white in her hair and even though her eyes on her tongue glow red they are still white eyes. She's more associated with light than darkness. Her eyes on her tongue glow, again her hair glows, and her skin seems to glow a little bit. In fact if you look closely at her hair it’s suppose to be white but the red and black kind of corrupt it.
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Like looking real closely at her hair you’ll see that there are some parts of her hair that seem not completely filled in. This seems to hint that corruption is a theme for Roo. While I don’t think that she’s eve I do still think that evil corrupted her in some way. Another thing I wanna point out is there are like blotches of grey on her skin. You can see it on her face and her arms and in her prototype design she has a more grayish tone in her skin. She honestly looks more corpse like in my opinion. Doesn’t help with the black bags under her eyes.
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Another thing I wanna point out is Viv never said she was a villain. This may not seem like much but Viv is usually very open about that kind of thing I mean she said right off the bat that vox, Velvette and Valentino where going to be big villains of the series. She also said the lute and Adam where villains when they where revealed. When Roo was revealed Viv said she was a looming threat in the distance waiting. She called her a threat but not a villain. The vagueness of her description of Roo may be her way of throwing people off. Now I still firmly believe that Roo is an angel I actually have more insight into that theory in another post. I think instead of being fallen she is an angel that got corrupted by evil and was abandoned by her fellow angels.
Evidence of this theory is her name Roo. Now Roo in that spelling means nothing but if you spell it rue you get the word that means bitterly regret. This makes me think that Roo’s meant to be a character that has a lot of regrets. She always looks tired in her designs probably because Viv puts bags under her eyes. And eye bags on a character usually are a way to show the character is depressed or tortured in some way examples include blue diamond from Steven universe and hunter from the owl house. Now her name could also be using rue as in she’ll make people rue the day. But I digress anyway that’s all for now.
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hand-picked-star · 2 months
The 13th Arshi Anniversary Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the Heart | Chapter 19
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DISCLAIMER: The story is set in the early 20th century. While I have made efforts to capture the essence of the era, there may be inaccuracies as this is a work of fantasy. I do not own the characters Arnav and Khushi, and this story is purely fictional with no relation to any real individuals, living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 19
It continued pouring cats and dogs outside as the day wore on. Arnav had fallen asleep after their conversation and Khushi lay idly in bed, listening to the steady beat of his heart. His sudden neediness was unusual. He had always been intense in bed, but last night and today, there was an edge of desperation to his neediness. She didn't mind, though. She found comfort in the fact that she could be the solace he needed, the anchor he clung to, providing him with the peace he so desperately sought. Yet, she was worried. She wanted to understand what was happening in his beautiful mind, and the glimpses he shared only deepened her concern about the mental turmoil he was enduring.
The clock was about to strike eleven in the morning. He needed to wake up and have something in his stomach. She reached forward and gently cupped his face, her thumb delicately brushing along his lower lip. He moaned softly before finally stirring.
"Arnav, wake up. It's almost noon," she whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"G'mornin'," his scratchy morning voice greeted her. He puckered his lips slightly and kissed the pad of her thumb.
"I am going to make something to eat."
Khushi was famished. She didn't have the energy to prepare a full lunch, so she quickly whipped up some bread and eggs. She stood in front of the stove, wearing his discarded shirt and a salwar she found nearby. The aroma of cooking filled the small kitchen, mingling with the sound of the rain outside. As she worked, she heard the shower turn off.
She placed the skillet on the stove when two strong arms encircled her waist from behind, bringing her flush against his body. She felt a brush of his hand against her shoulder as he pulled her hair back to reveal her neck. Instinctively, she tilted her head to the side to allow him better access and shivered in his arms as the tip of his nose ran along the length of her neck while he inhaled deeply.
“Damn, that smells good,” he whispered into her ear. “And the food doesn’t smell too bad either.”
He pressed his face in her neck, placing kisses that made her toes curl, while his hands slipped under the shirt she was wearing, gliding across her silky skin. He caressed her soft, supple curves, rolling her aching peaks between his fingers.
“You’re insatiable, Mr. Raizada,” she giggled. “I’m trying to cook, don’t distract me.”
“You made me insatiable, Mrs. Raizada. You deprived me for seven days. It felt like seven fucking years.”
“Don’t come near me with your dirty mouth,” she squirmed, trying to get away from him, but his hands had her caged against the kitchen counter.
"You weren't complaining about my dirty mouth last night." Her protests soon turned into giggles when he whispered, "I even heard you call me God."
He could feel her pulse quicken under his lips as he placed open-mouthed kisses along the tender flesh of her neck. Her head rolled backwards, resting on his shoulder as a sweet moan escaped her lips.
"That’s going to leave a mark.”
“Hmm, good, everyone needs to know who you belong to."
"How you want your eggs?" She asked with an egg in her hand when the skillet was ready.
"Two eggs, sunny side up,” She nodded but instinctively gripped the edge of the counter as his hand slid between her legs, over her clothes.
“Shh… start cooking the eggs, Mrs. Raizada. I’m very hungry,” he murmured against her skin. With trembling hands, she cracked the eggshell against the rim of the skillet and carefully dropped the eggs into it, one by one.
Arnav turned her head and pressed his lips against hers, holding her captive in
his arms. Her entire body trembled with desire. When he finally released her lips, she glanced down to see that the eggs were already done, With shaky hands, she grabbed & spatula and flipped the eggs onto a plate.
“Ah, my eggs are ready. Thank you,” he said, placing a kiss on her cheek before taking the plate and heading toward the dining table as if he hadn’t just bulldozed her whole nervous system two seconds ago. Taking a shaky breath, Khushi grabbed the plate of toast and sat beside him at the table, glaring at him the entire way. Noticing her stare, Arnav asked around a bite of toast, “What?”
“ You’ll pay for this.”
“Okay.” He gave her one of those smirks that made her cheeks flare, and she ended up laughing, playfully shoving his shoulder.
After finishing their meal, Khushi settled on the sofa with a book, half lying under a blanket. The warmth from the fireplace provided the much needed comfort against the biting cold. Arnav went outside to gather the mail and then flopped down on the sofa, cradling her feet on his lap as he sorted through the mail.
"Hey, do you want to go to this week's Christmas party?" he said as a particular letter caught his attention.
"Only if you don't work."
"I won't. They're staging a play, Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol. I think you'll like it."
Her eyes lit up, crinkling at the corners. "Okay."
“Oh, look, there’s a letter from India.”
“Really? Let me see it.”
Khushi snatched the letter from him, tore open the envelope, and began reading the contents aloud. Meanwhile, Arnav kept sorting through the other mails.
"Payal bhabi delivered a baby boy!!!" Khushi exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement and joy.
"That's a great news!"
But then a thought struck Khushi, something she hadn't considered yet.
“Amma probably expects me to be pregnant by now.”
“Khushi,” he rolled his eyes, setting aside the mail and focusing on her. “Do you expect to be pregnant by now?”
“How can I? We’ve been careful. I’ve been marking the calendar and counting the dates.”
"We'll only try to have a baby when you want, not when your Amma or society expects it. Only when you want it. Okay?"
"Do you want a baby now?"
"I don't know. I haven't thought about it. Do you?"
"It's really subjective. I want one if you want one. We're in this together, remember."
Khushi bobbed her head absent-mindedly and they resumed their previous tasks.
As Khushi entered the grand hall of the Inner Temple, she marvelled at the festive transformation of the otherwise formal space. Twinkling fairy lights and rich garlands of ivy draped across the walls gave the room a warm, inviting glow. The scent of roasted chestnuts mingled in the air, creating a delightful aroma that heightened her anticipation for the evening ahead.
The large, beautifully decorated Christmas tree stood at the centre of the room, adorned with shimmering ornaments and a golden star perched atop. Guests in elegant evening wear milling around, engaging in lively conversations and laughter. Their faces were illuminated by the soft, flickering light of candles placed in ornate holders on the tables.
Khushi was a vision of elegance and grace in the stunning black velvet saree Arnav had gifted her earlier that evening. The rich, lustrous fabric clung to her figure, catching the light and creating a wonderous glow that drew every eye. The saree's deep, midnight-black hue was highlighted by delicate, intricate embroidery along the borders. She completed her ensemble with a simple pearl necklace which lay perfectly against her collarbone, while her hair cascaded in soft waves over her shoulders. Arnav complemented her look with an impeccably tailored black tuxedo, a crisp white shirt, and a perfectly knotted black bow tie.
The evening was filled with joyful music. A string ensemble played festive carols, their melodies weaving through the crowd and setting a cheerful tone. Khushi found herself drawn to the dance floor, where couples glided gracefully across the gleaming floorboards.
Khushi attention was diverted from the dancefloor when a branch of Arnav's colleagues and their wives came to wish them a merry Christmas, including Lavanya Kashyap. As everyone moved to the dance floor, Khushi noticed Lavanya approach them with an air of arrogance. She saw everything happening in a slow motion and the music faded, a hush fell over her. She watched as Lavanya lightly placed her hand on Arnav’s arm and asked, “Would you care to join me for this dance, Arnav, like last time?”
Despite all the reassurance, her old friend 'Insecurity' reared it's dirty head to have a peek. Khushi pressed it's head down and scolded it to stay away. She saw him shrug away Lavanya's hand. "Please pardon me for my rudeness, Ms. Kashyap, but this year I am saving all of my dances for my wife. If you’ll excuse us."
Arnav whisked her onto the dance floor and adjusted her in his arms. “I don’t know how to dance like this,” she said in a hushed tone.
“Don’t worry, follow my lead,” he said, drawing her closer. "Notice what others are doing, you’ll do great. I don’t know much myself." He kissed her ear shell and whispered, "Just try not to step on my toes.”
They giggled some more as they slowly twirled around the dance floor, their movements becoming more fluid and synchronized with each step.
"You’ve danced like this before?" eyes tinted with colors of possessiveness.
"It's considered improper to decline a dance if someone asks. You need to know some etiquette to get along," he chuckled. "But I never did something, I am doing right now."
"Wishing everyone in the hall would disappear, so I could have my way with you," he whispered against the soft skin behind her ear, earning a deep blush from Khushi.
After the dance, Arnav had to go away as one of his colleagues pulled him aside. He left Khushi by the Christmas tree with a kiss on her head but never let her out of his sight. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Lavanya approaching Khushi and from her body language he could tell Khushi was utterly uncomfortable. He tried to wrap up the issue as quickly as possible. Though he was out of earshot, he kept a close watch on Khushi’s body language, ready to come to her aid if needed.
“You’re looking rather nice today,’” Lavanya said, her eyes hard and boring into Khushi.
Khushi didn’t feel like answering her.
“Oh, Come on, Khushi, you should loosen up a bit. No one is going to steal your husband,” her tone dripping with false sweetness.
Khushi’s eyes narrowed. “Husbands aren’t something you steal, Ms. Kashyap,” she replied coolly.
“You seem very sure of that."
“Why shouldn’t I be? Don’t fool yourself into thinking I’ll fall for your lies,” Khushi shot back, her voice steady.
“Lies? When have I ever lied? It’s not my fault you can’t distinguish between fact and fiction,” Lavanya's tone growing sharper.
“I interpreted it exactly as you intended. Don't play all innocent now." Khuhsi took a deep breath. It's not in her nature to engage in public altercation with anybody. "You played a clever game and I have to give you credit for that. But I am done with you now." Khushi's eyes determined, challenging Lavanya to contradict her.  "It would a be lie if I say It was nice meeting you, Ms. Kashyap. but I can at least wish you a pleasant evening." Khushi turned away to end the conversation and walked off to mingle with other guests.
Arnav saw two women walking away in opposite directions. His eyes followed Lavanya, who was fuming and heading toward the corridor. Rage surged through him—directed both at his wife for still feeling insecure despite their conversation, and at Lavanya for playing such dirty mind games. He had had enough.
"Lavanya, a word"
“Ah, look at Mr. Raizada, rushing over to fight his wife’s battles.”
“I didn’t realize there's a battle going on. What do you think you’ll achieve with all this?”
“Nothing. You stole my peace of mind, so I’m just returning the favor. And by the look of it, it seems like I succeeded, don’t I?” she said with a smug smile.
“You’re a smart woman, Lavanya. These dirty games don’t suit you.”
“The words of morality don’t suit you, Arnav. I considered you my friend, and look what you did to me. You insulted my feelings, rejected me time and again, and didn’t even give me a second chance. So, I’ll do whatever my heart desires.”
“It’s funny how you flaunt the word 'friend' so loosely. You really considered me a friend? It was you who convinced Kamlesh to talk to me about pursuing you, wasn't it? And all of a sudden, everyone in our friend group wanted us to be together. You knew I would reject you if you proposed to me directly."
It was time to let loose of all the restraint and confront Lavanya. The cat was finally out of the bag. If caught red-handed had a face, Lavanya embodied it perfectly. Arnav continued, "That’s why, despite knowing I couldn’t reciprocate your feelings, you had your father propose marriage to me, creating an awkward situation with my mentor. You never thought I’d refuse, did you? Then you spread the rumor of the marriage proposal and tried to manipulate me, fearing damage to your reputation. Is this how you treat your friends?"
“I fell in love with you and I did what I needed to win you." Her voice suddenly  seemed so small and lost.
“It seems you have a twisted view of love in your head, Ms. Kashyap. By all means love can’t be obtained by force. Did you ever realize it's but a shadow and a thought that you love? Anyway, I’m not here to lecture you about love. I’m here to warn you, Lavanya. If you don’t stop playing these dirty tricks against my wife, you’ll have to deal with me from now on. And if I get involved, I promise you, it won’t be pretty."
His gaze tore her to shreds as he drove his point home.
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@featheredclover @arshifiesta @phuljari
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myechoecho · 2 years
Over all, that was a pretty satisfying part 2 of The Glory.
I love, LOVE how the core of Dong Eun’s revenge was just letting everyone destroy themselves. She may have found out details, planned and pushed people in certain directions but ultimately they are the ones who lead to their own ruin. An incomplete list:
Myeong O trying to blackmail them all. Yeon Jin turning on Sa Ra with the tax evasion story to lessen the heat on her and then Sa Ra turning on Yeon Jin with the bullying video. Sa Ra mocking Hye Jeong saying she was the stupid one and they just would have bullied her instead (which let’s be real, they were already doing). Hye Jeong showing the video of a high Sa Ra and Myeong O taking advantage of her. Sa Ra stabbing Hye Jeong with a PENCIL. Hye Joeng easily jumping into Jun Jae’s bed. Jun Jae easily casting her aside. Hye Jeong blinding him.
This doesn’t even take into account the detective, his thugs and Yeon Jin’s mom or the shaman.
Yeon Jin is actually quite intelligent. For the most part, she was able to connect the dots to what Dong Eun was trying to do. Problem is was never really able to do anything about it. Yeon Jin was a bully propped up by others. She’s not able to survive without the support of others. From the scene in prison where she gives the weather, I get the sense that she is the one who is bullied now. Unless she’s doing that by choice which means she’s really lost it.
I wasn’t expecting the Gyeong Ran to be the on who actually did the final blow to Myeong O. I like that Dong Eun protected her and insists it was Yeon Jin who did it. Though honestly there was a high chance he would have died anyway and certainly Yeon Jin was not going to let him live. Considering he sexually assaulted Gyeong Ran, along with the school bullying, I can’t say I blame her when she hit him. She was terrified of him. While Dong Eun didn’t really comfort her, I do like that she encouraged her to break free of the “gym”
I do enjoy the fact that Yeon Jin doesn’t know about Gyeong Ran and now that Dong Eun has implied she doesn’t know something it’s gonna drive her nuts
I wasn’t sure what to expect in part 2 with Do Young, however I am pleased that his focus was always on protecting his child (and himself). Unlike Yeon Jin, who near the end didn’t even notice that Ye Sol was gone. I think he knew he was going to have to cut Yeon Jin out of his life, but he gave her a chance.
I was a little surprised that Do Young was the one to ultimately end Jae Jun, but again, I think it was to protect Ye Sol. Jae Jun was dangerous to Ye Sol. He went to Do Young’s mom, revealed the paternity and asked her to remove her from the family tree so he could then get custody. He went to her soccer practice and says that he’s her dad (though she turned out not to be there). Even to the end he’s angry and belligerent to his captor. He’s a danger to Ye Sol, therefore he needs to be taken care of. I’m on the fence if Dong Eun knows or not.
I am so happy that Hyeon Nam got to be free of her husband. Mostly without getting her hands dirty. She and Dong Eun may have opened a door but he walked straight through. And Yeon Jin’s mom made her choice as well
Speaking of, I am not too sure what evidence Dong Eun had to prove that did she it on purpose but I guess that’s not important. I do love how Yeon Jin’s mom chose to save her own skin (thought it didn’t work) and does not acknowledge Yeon Jin in prison.
I was sad when Hyeon Nam and Dong Eun looked like they were going their separate ways but I adore how happy she was when Dong Eun reached out to her again.
By FAR the weakest aspect of the show was Dong Eun and Yeo Jeong as a “couple”. I just don’t see it. I don’t think they had any romantic chemistry. RIP Dong Eun and Do Young.
Pacing of the last episode felt weird. Though I do like how they are working on Yeo Jeong’s revenge they kinda spent a lot of time on the set up when I we won’t see the pay off.
I do like Dong Eun is doing what she always wanted - studying to be an architect.
Oh, I also love how even though Yeo Jeong offered to heal/treat her scars, Dong Eun has chosen to keep them and starts to cover some of them in tattoos. Specifically, a tattoo of flowers to show how she is now in bloom.
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