#actually i changed my mind i will tag it
yantao-enthusiast · 10 months
I totally get what you’re saying re Maroon, but I just think that Taylor has made such a point about connecting it to Red— both with the overwhelming red imagery that connects to how she initially described loving him in the song Red and the fact that she wore the Red album ring in the mmwm video revealing Maroon— that it has to be her looking back now on what initially inspired that album. The “real fucking legacy” line imo is very directed at Jake, who has talked extensively in interviews about how he’s very concerned with the legacy he’ll leave behind (I would imagine that’s also something he brought up while they were dating, since it seems very important to him).
He also very infamously had a roommate while they were dating (there was a lot of speculation about him and his roommate potentially being more than friends at the time), so the “your roommate’s cheap ass screw top rosé” line definitely fits. I also believe he was living in New York at the time but I may be mistaken on that— I do know that the first time they were spotted together was at the filming of an SNL episode in New York and the infamous photos of him and Taylor out together with Taylor’s arm around his shoulder were taken in New York, where they also spent Thanksgiving together. They clearly spent a lot of time in New York while they were dating, so the “dancing in New York” line fits with him as well.
And according to songs on Red, they went off and on again for a while after the initial end of the relationship— it’s what’s described in WANEGBT, in ATW10 she talks about how he “never called it what it was / til we were dead and gone and buried / check the pulse and come back swearing it’s the same / after three months in the grave” aka that they broke up then got back together three months later with a much less cohesive/healthy dynamic, The Last Time describes a relationship that keeps ending then starting over again because they keep coming back to it despite promising that this would be the last time, etc. I think Maroon is describing one of those times where they came back to it even though in retrospect they both should have known better. Overall I just think it fits Jake a lot better than it fits Harry— that’s just my opinion though.
But I totally agree on Question being about Harry — she literally samples OOTW at the beginning of it as an indicator (which imo is also what she was doing with the red imagery in Maroon and dropping “at nineteen” in WCS— she made a point of including these very clear obvious references to her previous work to indicate what she was looking back on/re-examining in these songs)
i don't know if you're the same anon that also gave me a long ask also kinda related to taylor but either way damn guess i'm just the kind of wrong that evokes the need to write scholarly argumentative essays (lighthearted LOL) i gotta say i do appreciate being told these things especially with all this evidence despite my jest!!
also yeah i was thinking "if it is about harry, what is the point about all the dark red imagery...." like ten minutes after making that post lmao.... sometimes i do just be talking out my own ass and someone needs to set me straight! and with all the things you mentioned with her being in new york with jake and all the back and forth in their relationship also mentioned in red... some could say i'm impressionable (or maybe i just have the ability to listen and have an open mind) but yeah after reading that i would say you're right that it's much more likely it is about jake lol also... the braincells were not clicking At All, they were having wine and harry was literally like 18 when they were dating.... (i know underage drinking is a thing but still much less likely)
and yes!!! i do love how midnights looks back on all these things in her life, not just in her recent life, sharing more perspective on these relationships. and another thing about question (in my opinion) is how a lot of the 1989 vault tracks give off midnights vibes!! like especially question easily could've been a 1989 vault track, which tracks even more with the fact that it's about harry. but that's just like a vibe thing, nothing really solid !! (watch this be another horrible take askjdkdsfh)
anyways thanks again!!! tbh i always love receiving asks even if they're just a couple hundred words (rightfully) telling me why i'm wrong AHAHA
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feelo-fick · 4 months
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request doodles on stream in a server :D
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remxedmoon · 2 months
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HAPPY (kinda late oops) BIRTHDAY MIWA!!!!!!!! ignore the other two LOOK AT HER!!!! IT’S MIRABELLE MSUNDAY!!!!
greyscale versions + my very normal color ramblings below!
ok full disclosure i already had this post drafted before realizing that mira’s birthday was coming up. i kinda debated just posting the mira doodles on their own but!!! i want to talk about my craft/general color headcanons still. and the mira art is part of that!! so be warned. also, this is going to reference my post about my craft headcanons a lot so like. read that if you so desire.
i personally think that mira’s healing craft is some form of creative craft, since the game describes her holding her palms up when she uses it (iirc anyways). this doesn’t really have an effect on anything, but it’s why i decided to color it yellow!
(also i ended up making mira’s scissors craft a lot more orange than i initially planned but that’s ok!!! i think both of her crafts would be pretty Orange. just thought i’d mention that since it’s a bit different from my first post)
i already explained sif’s craft in my last post so now i get to talk about the change god!!!!!! this is like. probably the most out there in terms of my color headcanons? but i have a reason for that. since the change god is, well, a deity, i thought it would be fitting for their design to match the colors of the 3 craft types (red, blue, and yellow)! this was a little hard to work around given that i also try to give my vaugarde designs warmer color palettes, but i think it worked out!
i also gave them a few slightly different palettes, since i think it’ll make sense for the change god’s colors to be variable. they never look the same, so why would their palette look the same? + i’m indecisive and liked all of these palettes lol
sorry for the ramble! i really like talking about character design and i’m not. very succinct. thanks for reading all this (if you did, perfectly fine if you didn’t!), here’s the greyscale versions as promised!!!
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mycofaerie · 1 year
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they are so <3
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tiffanyachings · 1 year
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it would have been very beautiful. camilla would have had to cook (horrible bone soup)
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moesoup · 1 year
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visdev sketches for a project
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always thought it would be
but it’s gonna be no illusion
Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always dreamt about it
but it’s gonna be really happenin’ to ya
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s4ndg3m · 4 months
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hear me out on scag x split guys. they both start with "s" it's practically canon.
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kirby-the-gorb · 16 hours
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waroferas · 12 days
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okay. what if kitties?
thinking abt doing this for other eras/games. bc it's ridiculously fun for meeeee
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socialbunny · 1 year
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 Skip has always found a way to work through his problems and turn them around with relative ease, but the sudden death of his wife, Brandi, has brought his mostly carefreeness towards his children  to a stand-still. With two freshly traumatized children and a newborn under his belt, can Skip juggle turning his shitty ass life around for his family, or will he crumble under the weight of his past mistakes?
Darleen hasn’t been the same since her husband, Darren, died, though she’d be quick to argue with you if you said anything of the sort. She’s FINE! She misses her husband, undoubtedly, but she’s not going to let that very, very, very tiny thing wreck her whole life, and she’s not going to let people give her grief about ANYTHING. Sure, she got fired from her job a few months back and hasn’t made any strides to find a new one, and she’s losing touch with her son as she goes and squanders all her responsibilities by partying and drinking on par with younger years, aaaaaaaaaaaaand the almost obsessive idealistic crush she’s developed on her neighbor is clouding the second half of her judgment, but she’s bounced back from worse and knows everything’s going to come up Darleen :) …………. hopefully
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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silverthelovebug · 1 month
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Brooklyn and Ben definitely convinced Yaz to start smoking with them. Brooklyn pulls Yaz aside and is like “Bro. I think you would benefit from a bit of weed”. and Yaz is mad sus. she couldn't smoke in hs bc of track and just never got into it. but Brooklyn has her hit a joint and Yaz is like “Wow… I love… not being anxious for like five seconds ….”
(Sammy does the minimum dosage on edibles)
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ckret2 · 2 days
You're the only one on this site who draws Scalene and Euclid with only one eye, lol. In most of the fanarts I've seen, they have two eyes and are very different physically from Bill.What do you think they look like, canonically speaking? Do you think they have only one eye or two?
I think they have one eye. There's no good reason for them to have two?
The only reason the headcanon exists is because somebody arbitrarily decided Bill's mom singing a lullaby about his "strange eye" meant "his eye is strange because there's only one of them!!!!"
rather than
because it can canonically see into a higher dimension.
If he had one eye less than is normal for his species, his mom wouldn't be singing a song about his "strange" eye, she'd be singing about his missing eye.
Nothing in canon backs up the idea that they have multiple eyes. And there were pleeenty of opportunities for Mr. All-Seeing Eye With The Strange Eye to demonstrate that he was raised thinking having one eye is abnormal. Or, hell, for him to mention when he talks about his mutation that it was rare to have one eye! Instead, the one time he ever canonically talks about humans having two eyes, what does he call it? "Deluxe."
You don't look at something you were raised to think is a standard feature and call it "deluxe."
The headcanon doesn't exist because anything in the lore around Bill implies having one eye is abnormal for his species; it exists because some human reader defaulted to assuming ~naturally~ having one eye must be considered "strange." Even for an alien species. For... some reason.
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drolaticdaydreams · 9 months
i love the part in adolescence of utena when prince dios is referred to as the lord of the flies because YEA it means he's been dead this whole time YEA it foreshadows him later being named after the devil but ALSO he's now isolated a bunch of emotionally repressed kids in a place with very little adult surveillance and is making them fight each other to the death for control over their lives and i didn't read lord of the flies three times in a row not to zero in on that
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goldkirk · 29 days
hey this isn’t aimed at anyone in particular but I’m saying it for the record here: if I tell you no, please stop messaging me about fundraisers and mutual aid.
I get enough messages that it’s impossible for me to keep up without devoting at least half an hour each day, when I’m not even on tumblr that long most days. Me having a boundary about this isn’t a moral failing, it’s a lifeboat for me on my own blog.
In my personal life I’m already advocating and donating literally as much as I can spare. This is not me not caring, it’s just me not willing to interact with that on the one place I go online to not interact with irl news and world events for the most part.
I cannot be upset all the time. I cannot be upset everywhere. I cannot use all my emotional and mental energy fielding my own upset from ongoing events. My options are to hold boundaries about this or stop coming online at all.
I’m all for sharing information and signal boosting to reasonable extents, but the scale of it this year is so large and so enduring that it is literally not possible to for me to participate on every account I have. I’ve previously shared links to Gaza eSIM donations and a major hub of verified Go Fund Mes here and elsewhere online. We, the online humans, know how to look those things up ourselves by now. There are many, many people choosing to do advocacy work, and right now, I can’t be one of them.
If you’re extremely upset when I tell you I can’t share/donate right now about a Gaza family or personal fundraiser you ask me to share here, just unfollow and block me. That’s what those buttons are for. Protect your own emotions and energy and get me off your feed instead of staying upset and continuing to engage with online people or content that upsets you.
Please don’t send repeated angry messages based on manufactured purity politics and moral outrage into my messages and inbox when I exercise the right to run my own blog.
#and on that note#I also think some people need to sit down and ask themselves#if their old end times anxieties and fears and preparations and word spreading#haven’t filtered straight into a new non religious end of society and end of modern world order anxiety that they’re pushing on other peopl#even if it is the end times#you cannot change that by beating your own anxieties into other people’s heads#people can care MORE when they are GIVEN ROOM TO BREATHE#first rule of sustainable activism is you can’t do it constantly and you can’t push it on people constantly#you have to pace it and you have have have have HAVE to play long games#short term activism burns you out and if it leads to full despair from burnout it can get you killed via depression#it’s not a joke#there’s a reason your elders have books and community lore about healthy activism even in times of crisis#they lived it. they learned from it. learn from them.#spend your time doing things that can make real impacts.#do little things online but unless you’re an actual information hub you shouldn’t be posting constantly about it#people won’t even want to follow you anymore eventually because that’s not why they followed you#and then you have no audience for your important message anyway.#I know this. I learned it myself on other accounts.#please. stop. harassing me.#how is harassing me going to make me MORE willing to change my mind and post? just because you demanded it?#I am an autonomous person#this is my ONE curated space on the website#you have a multitude of tags and other users#don’t waste energy on a person who already told you no. let’s call that activism rule number two#spend your energy where it’s not likely to be wasted#you’re needed for a long haul#act like it 😭#and stop spamming me 😭#hey little star whatcha gonna queue?
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